Viewing 0 current events matching “python” by Date.
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Viewing 1327 past events matching “python” by Date.
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Jul 22, 2008
Python BoF and Django Drinkup! – Jax Bar (CLOSED) Tuesday, July 22, 7pm, Jax Bar: Python BoF and Django Drinkup! Join local and visiting Pythonistas and Djangonauts for a casual meetup on the rooftop patio at Jax. It's easy and free to get to from the Convention Center on the MAX - [1] Jax Bar ( ) is located at 826 SW 2nd Avenue . |
Aug 12, 2008
Portland Pythoneers: bytecode and more – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] Our next meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday 8/12 at 7PM in the lovely, air-conditioned CubeSpace. Up tomorrow is Python bytecode. Michel has volunteered to talk a bit about the structure of Python bytecode and show how it's processed by the interpreter. I'll show a functioning bytecode hack, plucked from my dusty bin of bad ideas. After, we'll retire to the patio at Produce Row for a beer or two on a perfect Portland summer night. Maps &c.: Hope to see you there! -Jason |
Aug 22, 2008
Django Sprint – Vidoop [out of business] We'll be holding a Django development sprint at Vidoop in Portland, Oregon on August 22, 2008 from 9am to 6pm. This sprint will be focused on cleaning up rc1 and getting either an rc2 out or a 1.0 final. More details will be posted here and announced on django-dev as we get closer to the time of the sprint. For a full roadmap see VersionOneRoadmap#schedule. Sponsorship This sprint is sponsored by Vidoop. There will also be a sponsored afterparty. What's a sprint? How do I participate Anybody, anywhere around the world, can participate and contribute. We'll be gathering in person in Portland, but if you can't make it you can also help out in IRC. Attendees If you plan to participate in the sprint, please add your name to the roster. We have space for around 50 attendees, so if things fill up we might have to cap attendance. If you're coming from out of town and need help with travel arrangements please contact michael -dot- richardson -at- vidoop -dot- com. |
Sep 9, 2008
Python: Django on Jython, Eggs – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] Hi everyone, Our September Python meeting is next week and we have a great meeting in store, including a special guest speaker! First up, our own Brett will be show us how to produce Python eggs and publish them to the Python Package Index (aka the Cheeseshop). Then Leo Soto, a Jython GSoC hacker, will be presenting his DjangoCon 2008 talk "Django on Jython". In Leo's own words: "Django is the most popular Python web framework, and have managed to go through the hard steps of making a high quality 1.0 release. The Jython project has awaken on the last years after a dark period, and is in the road of its 2.5 release. This scenario presents the cool opportunity of exploring the use of a modern Python web framework on top of the Java infrastructure. I will talk on how to use Django under Jython, the common pitfalls on this setup, and start some discussion about what can take the Python (and Django) community from the JVM, and what advantages Django development on top of Jython propose for Java projects." Also we'll get some news from DjangoCon (this weekend, 9/6 and 9/7), have some chats, surprise door prizes and maybe more- stay tuned! And after we'll head to either the Green Dragon patio or Produce Row.
Some pre-meeting links: Brett & Eggs: brett at Leo & Django on Jython: See you there! Cheers, Jason |
Oct 4, 2008
Reservation System Code Sprint – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] Starting at the Calagator Documentation Sprint, we will plan out how to build a separate reservation system for Calagator. This will be an entirely new-code project to build a system to maintain reservations for calagator events. Discussion to be had as to whether to store data in calagator and use this as a frontend, store data in the new reservation system and provide an API for Calagator to use to save reservations, or something completely different. This will probably be written in Python+Django. |
Oct 14, 2008
Python: What's new in 2.6 and 3.0 – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] Python 2.6 has been released and 3.0 will be shortly. We'll be celebrating their releases this Tuesday with a D.I.Y. What's New party! The format is simple: pick a change or two from the What's New in Python documentation from 2.6 or 3.0 and tell us about it! You can use the projector if you want, but < 5 minutes. That's easy because most changes are small. Here's an example from 3.0: "Removed <> (use != instead)." So easy! Find some and bring 'em to us. If you get inspired and want to share one of the few larger changes (< 10 min), check the wiki and put your name down. I'll be bringing two growlers of rare and wonderful beer from Bailey's Taproom to get the party started. Bring hardcopy of one or both What's New if you can. And party hats. wiki: maps, rsvp, etc.: Tuesday 10/14 7pm at CubeSpace. See you there! Cheers, Jason |
Jan 13, 2009
Portland Pythoneers January Meetup – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] Join us while we simultaneously pat our heads and rub our Holiday-fortified bellies... oh, and there will also be Pythonic discussion. As usual, there will most likely also be beverage consumption following the meeting, at one of the nearby beverage consumption establishments. Scheduled talks: * Metaclasses (John Melesky) Do you have a particular topic you'd like to talk about this month? We'd love to hear it! Contact one of us organizing types and we'll get it listed here. Join us on our mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Mar 10, 2009
Portland Python User Group Meeting – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] Short intro to PyTyrant/Tokyo Tyrant/Tokyo Cabinet by Michael SchurterPyParsing examples by Brett CarterMachine Learning topics (specifics TBD, John Melesky)The Portland Portland Python User Group meets every second Tuesday at CubeSpace in SE Portland, Oregon. |
Apr 14, 2009
Portland Python User Group – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] When: Tuesday, April 14th 2009, 7pm Where: CubeSpace What: |
May 5, 2009
PDX Django Lunch – Galleria Downtown Shopping Office Plaza UPDATE: djangopony writes: Heading to Portland for a magical django lunch with @igalko and crew. ^_^ -- The weekly lunch for people that work with or just enjoy talking about Django. This week, instead of Deschutes, we're all heading to the food carts at SW 10th Ave & SW Alder St, and then meeting inside the Galleria mall right next door. The entrance is on SW 10th Ave, next to the Made in Oregon store. The mall has tables that are usually empty, so we should have room (hopefully!). Feel free to bring a bag lunch instead, as well. We'll plan to meet at 12:45 inside the Galleria to give time to grab food from a cart. PDX Django: PDX Django IRC: #pdxdjango on |
May 12, 2009
Portland Pythoneers: Distributed Version Control System Showcase – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] Python Meetups > Portland Pythoneers This month: Practical Distributed Version Control Join us for a discussion and presentation on putting DVCS to work. We'll cover Mercurial, git, bzr, darcs, getting started quickly with code hosting services, patch review tools and more! Join us on our mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97214 - USA Tuesday, May 12 at 7:00 PM Photo: Attending: 0 |
May 19, 2009
Django Lunch – Galleria Downtown Shopping Office Plaza Let's meet again and chat about Django and whatever else comes up. Same place as last place -- near the awesome food carts at SW 10th & SW Alder, then we'll meet and eat inside the Galleria, where there are always empty tables. The entrance is on SW 10th Ave, next to the Made in Oregon store. The mall has tables that are usually empty, so we should have room (hopefully!). Feel free to bring a bag lunch instead, as well. PDX Django: PDX Django IRC: #pdxdjango on |
Jun 9, 2009
Portland Pythoneers June Meetup – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] Portland Pythoneers This month's tentative schedule:
If you have something you'd like to share this month, please let us know! Join us on our mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Jun 23, 2009
PDX Django Lunch – O'Bryant Square The "whenever we feel like it" lunch meetup for people that work with Django or just enjoy chatting or learning about it. The meetup is completely informal, with no presentations or speakers. This week the weather should be good, so instead of inside the Galleria we're meeting nearby at O'Bryant Square, on the corner of SW 9th Ave and SW Washington St. Grab food from the carts nearby or bring a bag lunch. See you there! |
Jul 9, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. Planned projects include
You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. PS Its not a Perl only thing. |
Jul 14, 2009
Portland Pythoneers July Meeting – Produce Row Cafe Scratch the formalities this month, Portland. July's meeting will be a social gathering at Produce Row! Let's get together at 7:00pm for food, "beverage" and fun. If you normally can't make it out after the meetings due to time or other constraints, I hope you'll be able to join us this time! :) |
Jul 16, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. Planned projects include
You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or work on your own thing and kibitz with other programmers. We'll have plenty of power strips. We'll be in the back left corner (if you're facing the bar) where the power outlets are. PS Its not a Perl only thing. |
Jul 23, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or work on your own thing and kibitz with other programmers. We'll have plenty of power strips. We'll be in the back left corner (if you're facing the bar) where the power outlets are. PS Its not a Perl only thing. |
Jul 26, 2009
Urban Edibles Development Meeting (Django/python) – Backspace Join us Sunday to continue discussion and work on the new Urban Edibles website. Since our last meeting we have outlined our Django models and started a Mercurial repository on Google Code: Please come if your are interested on collaborating on any level, or join our mailing list: |
Jul 28, 2009
PDX Django Lunch – Deschutes Brewery The "whenever we feel like it" lunch meetup for people that work with Django or just enjoy chatting or learning about it. The meetup is completely informal, with no presentations or speakers. This week the weather is completely insane so meeting outside is totally out of the question, so we're back to our original haunt at the Deschutes Brewery in the Pearl. Since we'll need a table, please RSVP by 10 AM Tuesday on the pdxdjango Google Group or by messaging robotadam on (You can use their web client if you don't have one handy: ). I'll see about getting a table large enough for all of us, but if we get bigger than 8 or so we might have to split up. |
Jul 30, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or work on your own thing and kibitz with other programmers. We'll have plenty of power strips. We'll be in the back left corner (if you're facing the bar) where the power outlets are. PS Its not a Perl only thing. |
Aug 6, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. |
Aug 11, 2009
Portland Pythoneers monthly meeting: Testing in a Python World, etc – Webtrends Python Testing! New Time! New Location! Join us for our inaugural meeting at Webtrends in downtown Portland. On the agenda for August:
Join us on our mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Aug 13, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. |
Aug 20, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. |
Aug 25, 2009
PDX Django – PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment PDX Django (a user group devoted to Django, the Python web framework) is having their first event that doesn't entirely revolve around beer or lunch. We'll have a few presentations and discussions. |
Aug 27, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. |
Sep 3, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. |
Sep 8, 2009
DjangoCon through DoubleTree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Portland - Lloyd Center DjangoCon is a Django conference that aims to bring together the community and provide a wide range of sessions, panels, lightning talks and showcases of Django usage within various businesses. |
Portland Pythoneers monthly meeting – Webtrends Socialize with other Python programming enthusiasts, check out presentations on Pythonic topics, maybe participate in a code sprint or two, possibly work on projects and provide mutual technical support. |
Sep 10, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Do stuff with a computer, while drinking. |
Sep 17, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with your computer amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. |
Sep 24, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun. |
Sep 25, 2009
HacPDX: Portland Haskell Hackathon through Portland State University FAB, Room 86-09 HacPDX is an opportunity to join Portland Haskell hackers in building and improving Hackage libraries and tools. If you've never been, Hackathons are typically not only a good opportunity for experienced devs to work together but also a great way for newcomers to get involved in the community. Visit this website for complete details: |
Oct 1, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun. |
Oct 8, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun. |
Oct 13, 2009
Portland Python User Group – Webtrends The second Tuesday has rolled around again! Tomorrow at 6:30pm John Hampton will be giving us an introduction to Bitten (, a Python framework for collecting metrics that builds on the Trac we all know (and many of us love :)). Adam Lowry has also claimed Michel's Monthly Module for this month, which will be a hashlib&hmac combo presentation. Following the meeting, we'll head out to grab a pint together and discuss all things Pythonic. |
Oct 15, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun. |
Oct 21, 2009
PDX Django – PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment PDX Django (a user group devoted to Django, the Python web framework) is having it's second meeting. The content is still evolving; check the mailing list for updates. |
Oct 22, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun. |
Oct 29, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with your computer amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. |
Nov 5, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. |
Nov 10, 2009
Portland Pythoneers monthly meeting through Webtrends Chris Pitzer has claimed November's Michel's Monthly Module (most likely: subprocess), Brett Carter is putting together a presentation all about Mercurial Queues, then Jason Kirtland will highlight a few of the differences between MQ and Mercurial Patch Branches. Jason also plans to share a quick bonus lightning talk about Emacs, PyFlakes and PEP 8. |
Nov 12, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. |
Nov 14, 2009
Parot Virtual Machine Opcode Testing Hackathon through The Interwebs In preparation for Parrot VM 1.8.0 being released next Tuesday, there is a world-wide testing hackathon this weekend, to improve test coverage of our opcodes, i.e. tests that live in t/op/ in the Parrot repo. For info about how to get Parrot: There is also a Parrot mirror on github: There are many Parrot hackers in Portland, so a group of us may decide to meet at a coffee shop or some other establishment. Follow @parrotvm on Twitter (@parrot on and @dukeleto on Twitter (@leto on for the latest updates. Useful links: |
Nov 18, 2009
PDX Django – PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment PDX Django (a user group devoted to Django, the Python web framework) is having another meeting. This month Joshua Drake will walk us through 10 things you can do to tune PostgreSQL for your web app. Here's his description:
Adam Lowry will warm up with a report about an experiment Brett Carter and I did using SQLAlchemy's connection pool with Django, and how it affects per-request latency. |
Nov 19, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. |
Dec 3, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. |
Dec 10, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. |
Dec 17, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon through Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. for up to the minute shenanigan news |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. |
Jan 7, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 14, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 21, 2010
wsf57get – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Website |
Jan 28, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 31, 2010
Silverlight Hackathon - Install Clinic – Stumptown The Install Clinic has moved to Stumptown Stuart Celarier is running an Install Clinic at Stumptown starting at 10am. After the clinic, it is a short walk to Souk where we'll be starting the main event at 1pm. The Install Clinic is an opportunity to drop in, grab a cup of coffee, and Prepare Your System for the Hackathon. Depending on what software you have to install, and the speed of your laptop, it can take some time for the installs to run. You might want to do those installations at home, but if you're like me, these things can sometimes get put off to the last minute. Well, here is your formal last minute to get ready. It's also an opportunity to schmooze, and if you get set up early you can help others or even try your hand at some impromptu Silverlight hacking. I am working to get installation media onto CDs or USB drives so we're not all trying to download off the Internets. As with any install, I'd highly recommend that you ensure that your system backup is current and valid before getting started. 'Nuf said. |
Silverlight Hackathon – Silverlight Hackathon - Sunday Jan 31st 1pm-5:55pm Event Sponsors: IT Motives, Get It Right, Souk We've got a great place to hang out, and the Silverlight Hackathon is a go! Meet us downtown at Souk, and we're going to have a great day of working on Silverlight. We've had some great project suggestions, and we'll break down into groups and work on projects that we find fun. Are you new to Silverlight? This is a great chance to get started. We've already had several people offer to help beginners out. RSVPs not necessary Still, if you have 5 seconds, let us know you're coming by clicking on this poll: Hackathon RSVP Poll FAQ/Wiki Want to know how to prepare your system for Silverlight? Want to arrange a project? Go to the Hackathon Wiki Where? Souk downtown (,+Portland,+OR&ie=UTF8&om=1&hq=&hnear=322+NW+6th+Ave,+Portland,+Multnomah,+Oregon+97209&ll=45.525532,-122.676194&spn=0.010809,0.028818&z=16&iwloc=A ). It's super close to all kinds of Bus/Max stops, and there's a easy Smart Park close. Since it's Sunday, I expect there will even be street parking options. Souk's direction page: Public Transportation souk is located on the Max Green Line/Yellow Line (China Town Stop) and the bus route. The nearby streetcar also accesses souk a few blocks away. Consult for more information. By Bike Bike lockers are within a couple blocks, and U bike racks are available on souk's block. By Car Zipcar's closest spot is at Flanders and 4th. The closest garage is on Everett at 5 th one block away. Smartpark has garages within a few blocks at Naito and NW Davis and at Station Place (at the westside foot of the Broadway Bridge). Additionally, there are several outdoor lots within a few blocks of souk. What do I need? A laptop capable of running Dev Studio/Silverlight: What can I do to help? Burn some CD/DVDs. We need SL3 Tools + Blend/Dev Express, SL 4 Tools and Blend/Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. Bring a (labelled) extension cord/power strip Bring a projector (please let us know if you can do this) Portland Silverlight User Group Sponsors Platinum Sponsors: Vertigo Software Location Sponsors: Webtrends |
Feb 4, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 9, 2010
Portland Python User Group February Meetup – Webtrends Portland Python User Group This month: Cool Python Tools
Join us on our mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97204 - USA Tuesday, February 9 at 6:30 PM Photo: |
Feb 11, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 17, 2010
PDX Django February Meeting – PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment Despite missing December and January, February's PDX Django meeting looks like a great one. We have one short and one medium talk scheduled -- if you'd like to do a 5 minute or so talk on a tool, problem, or feature, why not let us know? It's also the day before PyCon starts, so we might just chat about what looks interesting there. The talks:
"Michael is a cofounder at Urban Airship where he spends his day working on a RESTful API to deliver notifications and in-app content to mobile devices. His talk, "RESTful APIs with Django and Piston," pulls from Urban Airship's experience and goes through creating an API in Django with Piston along with pitfalls you may experience along the way. Michael was also the developer behind the massive Django-powered meat conglomerate until it was sold earlier this year. Bac'n did not, sadly, have an API." The meeting will be at 7pm at PIE, 1227 NW Davis St (directly opposite the North Face store -- look for the big brown armchairs in the window. |
Feb 18, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 25, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 4, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 9, 2010
Portland Python User Group March Meetup – Webtrends Portland Python User Group This month: Cool Python Tools
Join us on our mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site Portland, OR 97204 - USA Tuesday, March 9 at 6:30 PM Photo: |
Mar 11, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 17, 2010
PDX Django March Meeting – PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment March's PDX Django meeting will be a bit informal. Adam Lowry will show a little bit of Celery, the distributed task processor, which is used to easily write and run offline tasks to be run outside the web request. In addition there will surely be discussion and beverage. |
Mar 18, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 25, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 1, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 8, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 12, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Apr 13, 2010
Portland Python User Group April Meetup – Webtrends Pythonistas, It's that time again- time for the Portland Python User Group meeting! We have another great set of topics lined up this month:
All this Tuesday, 6:30pm! (Please don't arrive earlier than 6:15.) Connect: * Mailing list: * IRC: #pdxpython on Freenode * Twitter: |
Apr 15, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 19, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Apr 22, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Do stuff with a computer, while drinking. |
Apr 26, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Apr 29, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub !!! TONIGHT WE RAFFLE OFF ONE FREE TICKET TO OPEN SOURCE BRIDGE !!! {small print} you have to be there to collect {/small print} If by some strange chance you have not heard of open source bridge you can get all the info you need, as well as all the confirmed speakers on the website: Other then that, come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 3, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
May 6, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 10, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
May 11, 2010
Python User Group Meeting – Webtrends Pythonistas, Please join us tonight at 6:30pm for May's Portland Python User Group meeting, with pizza provided by VanderHouwen & Associates! Tonight's meeting is in three acts:
Featuring John Melesky presenting profile/cProfile as Michel's Monthly Module, AND several lightning talks on code execution, runtime instrumentation and source code analysis tools. (Kevin's presentation on Meliae, the memory debugging tool, has been delayed.)
Wherein Michel Pelletier will discuss working with Xapian, its Python API, the xodb Python toolkit, indexing and querying, and neat search tricks like term suggestion & faceting.
A predictable conclusion to be sure, but delicious all the same. The fun starts at 6:30. (Please don't arrive earlier than 6:15.) |
May 13, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 17, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
May 19, 2010
PDX Django May Meeting – PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 19th, at the usual place & time: 7pm at PIE (1227 NW Davis St). This week we'll hear from Lennon Day-Reynolds about his in-house model migration library, and from Jeff "rozwell" Kistler about fromagerie [1], his private package index reusable app. In addition, we're putting together a few lightning talks covering some of the things new in Django 1.2 [2]. So far we've got Chris McDonald on what's new in the feed class, myself on the new CSRF protection system, and Dermot Maty on Multi-DB. We've got room for a couple more, so why not add your name to the list? Adam [1] [2] |
May 20, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 24, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
May 27, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 31, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Jun 3, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon [TBD] – Portland Art Museum NOTE: We may end up having this hackathon at Open Source Bridge in it's hacker lounge, in one of the open-to-the-public evening community sessions, or at a pub closer to it. We'll update this when we decide on something. Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. |
Jun 7, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Jun 8, 2010
Portland Python User Group Meeting – Webtrends This month:
Join us! :) |
Jun 10, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 14, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Jun 17, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 21, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Jun 24, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 28, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Jul 1, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 5, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Jul 8, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 12, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Jul 13, 2010
Portland Python User Group Monthly Meetup – Webtrends Michel's Monthly Module: baker (pypi) - Chris McDonald |
Jul 15, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 19, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night - Welcome OSCON! – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. OSCON attendees are encouraged to join us; we're a short walk from the MAX Yellow Line train that runs past the convention center. The Overlook Lucky Lab has many rooms; we meet in the large room with tables in the north-east corner of the building. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Jul 21, 2010
PDX Django/OSCON Python/Django/Emerging Languages Camp/Meetup/BOF/Drinkup – Cloudability It's the third Wednesday of the month, so it's time for PDX Django! It's also OSCON, which means there are lots of visitors. So instead of a normal meeting, we're having a special PDX Django/OSCON Python/Django/Meetup/BOF/Drinkup. Same time and place (mostly) as usual: Wednesday, May 21st, 7 PM 1227 NW Davis St (across from the North Face store, look for the big leather chairs in the window). We'll either be downstairs in PIE, or upstairs in the Urban Airship offices. There will be beverage. Edit: The fine folks from the Emerging Languages Camp will also be joining us! |
Jul 22, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 26, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Jul 29, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 2, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Aug 5, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 9, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Aug 10, 2010
Pythonic Summer Social Hour! – Produce Row Cafe The next PDX Python meeting is just over a week away, and since the Webtrends space is not available the plan is to meet at Produce Row around 6:30pm. The pub is open to all ages until 9pm, so I hope everyone will be able to join us for an evening on their new patio. They've actually redone the entire interior, as well. I went there tonight to make sure they'd be able to accommodate us next week, and it looks awesome! Thanks a ton to everyone who offered to host us this month. I hope we can take a raincheck for the next time we need a place to meet. :) |
Aug 12, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 16, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Aug 19, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 23, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Aug 26, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 30, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Sep 2, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 6, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night - Welcome DjangoCon! – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome, including DjangoCon attendees! The Lucky Lab in North Portland is close to the MAX Yellow line, and several bus lines. |
Sep 7, 2010
DjangoCon through DoubleTree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Portland - Lloyd Center Django is an open source web application framework, written in Python, which follows the model-view-controller architectural pattern. DjangoCon US is the main US event for the Django community to come together. It will primarily consist of two tracks of talks over three days. Additionally there will be room for open sessions, lightning talks sessions, and a development sprint after the conference. |
Sep 9, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 13, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Sep 14, 2010
Portland Python User Group: Dinner Social – Deschutes Brewery End of summer vacations, DjangoCon, back to school, new jobs- most of us seem to have been busy-busy this last month. Our usual "presentations & beer" style meeting didn't come together this time. In its stead, please behold the introduction of the first* PDXPython Dinner Social! Please RSVP and join us at the DESCHUTES BREWERY at 6:30, Tuesday September 14th, where we will enjoy the promise of large tables, a varied menu for the hungry, a wide range of beverages, and spirited discussion of the Pythonic pursuits that are keeping us so busy. I hope to see you all there! |
Sep 16, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 20, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Sep 23, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 27, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Sep 30, 2010
Windows Phone 7 Unleashed - Training and Hackathon – Microsoft Portland Registration Required! It's a BYOL event. Windows Phone 7 is about to be released! Come check out Windows Phone 7 Unleashed for everything you need to know to develop for WP7. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or you’re just starting with .NET development, there’s something in it for you. The first half of this deep dive event is lecture and hands on lab. At the half point mark of the day, you’ll have a solid foundation for building WP7 applications. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 3, 2010
Open Government Hackathon – NedSpace Old Town Join us after CyborgCamp Portland on Sunday, October 3rd, for an 8-hour hackathon to see who can build the best open government application in just one day! Participation is free and open to anyone, we just ask that you register in advance so we know how many individuals or teams we need to accommodate. Schedule
Who should attend?Ruby, Python, PHP, web developers, coders and anyone who has a passion to code, hack or kluge applications that will free (or otherwise enhance) the accessibility and usefulness of government-shared data. Although the sprint takes place On Oct 3rd after CyborgCamp Portland, you don't have to be attending the conference to join us! LocationNedSpace Old Town, 117 NW 5th between Couch and Davis. Backspace is right downstairs, Davis Street Tavern is right next door, there's a parking lot across the street, and it's right on the MAX line. What's going to happen?There will be organizers on-site to help get things rolling. At 5:30pm, each app will be evaluated by the Hackathon Partners and prizes will be awarded to those teams or individuals that develop the best applications in the 8 hour. Participants need not show up right at 8:30am, but those who do will have the most time to code! Hackathon PartnersPartners are companies and organizations that provide tools or services that can enhance open government apps. They're also providing the prizes and will be choosing the winners. |
Oct 4, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Oct 7, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 11, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Oct 12, 2010
Portland Python User Group Monthly Meetup – Webtrends GROUP: Socialize with other Python programming enthusiasts, check out presentations on Pythonic topics, maybe participate in a code sprint or two, possibly work on projects and provide mutual technical support. There are more resources available at the web site: |
Oct 14, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 16, 2010
Pacific Northwest Parrot Developers Gathering/Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Parrot developers have reserved a room for the above times to meet face-to-face to talk about and hack on Parrot Virtual Machine! The first few hours of the meeting will concentrate on people already involved in Parrot, to talk about which goals Parrot wants to achieve and what people will focus on in the future. Some members of the Board of Directors of Parrot Foundation will be present, and hopefully any local developers that are already involved with Parrot in some way. The latter half of the time slot will be focused towards new users and people interested in learning more about Parrot. Some Parrot developers will hack on their Parrot-related projects, while others will work with those who are new to Parrot, to orient them and discuss what roles they can play in the Parrot community and/or what things need hacking on. Hacking and schmoozing will probably continue after 5pm, but that is when our reserved space ends. |
Oct 18, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Oct 21, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 25, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Oct 28, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 1, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Nov 4, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 7, 2010
Civicwebs Hackathon! – Revelation Inc Coders unite! Come hack on community oriented applications, such as the ones listed on the Civicwebs Wiki!. Who should come? Those interested in making awesome, dorky, useful, and experimental technology that benefits those in the neighborhoods around them. Coders, graphic designers, interaction designers, or even activists or community members wanting to offer their input and expertise during the application building phase. If you are coming, please add your project to the wiki ahead of time to get people excited about it!If you can't get in, please call Max at 503 869 3861 |
Nov 8, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Nov 9, 2010
Portland Python User Group Monthly Meetup – Webtrends GROUP: Socialize with other Python programming enthusiasts, check out presentations on Pythonic topics, maybe participate in a code sprint or two, possibly work on projects and provide mutual technical support. More resources are available at the web site: This month: * Michel's Monthly Module (ctypes): Joel Bernstein * Optimizing C Extensions: Case Van Horsen * Extending Python using OCaml: John Melesky * And more! |
Nov 11, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 15, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Nov 18, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 22, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Nov 29, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Dec 2, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 4, 2010
Open Data Day hackathon – raSANTIAGO + Associates LLC (raSA) open data day is an international open data hackathon! everyone is invited! there will be free snacks, drinks and beer courtesy of yolink labs! venue note: please enter the Olympic Mills building on the Stark St side! if you have trouble getting in you can call max at 503 869 3861 want to come? you don't have to be a coder! check out for details From "It’s a gathering of citizens in cities around the world to write applications using open public data to show support for and encourage the adoption open data policies by the world's local, regional and national governments. Learn more about open data. Find out how your local and national government could do more to release open data. Meet & network with tons of cool people in your city and around the world. Voice your opinion & share your ideas with the people and media attending. Find out about apps being created, and get to play around with them as well. Help out with parts of the conceptualization, creation, design, advertisement and testing of apps. Think about how data can help with global development, and even start a project for Apps for Development. Conduct an open tutorial sessions around designing apps like learning how to customize google maps to show the data you want to show. Have lots and lots of fun." follow @maxogden for details! |
Dec 6, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Dec 9, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 13, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Dec 16, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 20, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Dec 23, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 27, 2010
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night - Special After-Christmas Edition – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. Meeting begins at 6:30pm unless you're donpdonp, in which case the meeting begins at 5:00pm. |
Dec 30, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 3, 2011
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night - Munchkin Monday – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. First Monday of each month is Munchkin Monday, where we play the card game Munchkin. The game starts at 7pm, and you're welcome to play, spectate, get work done, or ignore us completely. |
Jan 6, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. PS Its not a Perl only thing. |
Jan 10, 2011
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jan 11, 2011
Portland Python User Group Monthly Meetup – Cloudability Hey Pythoneers, Happy 2011! We're very excited to be kicking off the new year with a PDX Python meeting in a brand new space: Urban Airship's new office at 11th and NW Flanders. Michael Schurter will share a bit about deploying WSGI apps with nginx, and Jason Kirtland will give a presentation on Blinker entitled, "Decouple Your Everything with Publish/Subscribe." Head over at 6:30pm. Urban Airship is at 334 NW 11th Ave, in the Pearl District: The main door will probably be locked, but the back door, which leads directly to the event space, will be propped open. The back door is right around the corner on NW Flanders, next to the loading dock: We'll put up signs, but if you get lost you can call Adam at 503-866-0663. |
Jan 13, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 17, 2011
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jan 20, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 24, 2011
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jan 27, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. Special guest liquid refreshment provider: Emma Email Marketing (We hear they're hiring.) |
Jan 31, 2011
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Feb 3, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 7, 2011
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night - Munchkin Monday 2: Electric Boogaloo – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. First Monday of each month is Munchkin Monday, where we play the card game Munchkin. The game starts at 7pm, and you're welcome to play, spectate, get work done, or ignore us completely. |
Feb 8, 2011
Portland Python User Group Monthly Meetup – Cloudability Website |
Feb 10, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 14, 2011
NoPoCoNi: North Portland Coders Night: V-day (love your code and your beer) – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. Also on twitter |
Feb 17, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 21, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. Also on twitter |
Feb 24, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 26, 2011
Portland Python Sprint – Cloudability The Portland Python Users Group is hosting a sprint February 26 at the headquarters of Urban Airship. The space has room for at least 40 people, but be sure to sign up here! The group plans to spend some time on Fabric's multiprocessing branch, even including a look into a Python 3 port. Eric Holscher, one of the organizers of the sprint, plans to focus on Django features for 1.4, including forms improvements. Flatland and Alfajor will also get some love and might see some Python 3 work as well. Last, but certainly not least, co-organizer Dan Colish plans to hack on PyPy, from 2.7 compatibility to benchmarking and testing on the platform. Join any of them or bring your own projects -- it's a day of hacking, fun, food, and friends. On top of all of the third-party projects, they may spend some time on core development topics such as Python 3 features, doc and code bug fixing, and writing new tests. For those interested in starting on core development, we wrote a guide just for you: Beginners Guide to Python Core Development. If you're interested in joining their sprint, don't forget to sign up. If you have questions, contact Dan and Eric. |
Feb 28, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Mar 3, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 7, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. First Monday of the month is Munchkin Monday, game starts at 7pm. |
Mar 8, 2011
Portland Python User Group Monthly Meetup – Cloudability Lightning Talks! |
Mar 10, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 14, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Mar 17, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 21, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Mar 24, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 28, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Mar 31, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 4, 2011
North Portland Coders Night - Special Lightning Round – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. This week we'll be having a free raffle for a free pass to OSBridge. Show up by 8:30pm to add your name to the hat. |
Apr 7, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 11, 2011
North Portland Coders Night - Special Lightning Round – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Apr 12, 2011
PDX Python Monthly Meeting – Cloudability The monthly Portland Python meetup. Tonight we've got a great meeting planned. Chris Pitzer will show us how he's been Learning Javascript from Python, and Michelle Rowley will be sharing her thoughts about how and why YOU can and should give technical talks in Why You Should Be Up Here. Also, we still don't have a volunteer for Michel's Module of the Month, so if you're up for telling us about your new favorite stdlib module we'd love to hear about it! |
Apr 14, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 18, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Apr 21, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 25, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Apr 28, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 2, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
May 5, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 9, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
May 10, 2011
PDX Python Monthly Meeting – Cloudability The monthly Portland Python meetup. |
May 12, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 16, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
May 19, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 23, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
May 26, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 30, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jun 2, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 6, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jun 9, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 13, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jun 14, 2011
PDX Python Monthly Meeting – Cloudability This evening is a special sneak preview of Open Source Bridge. Michael Schurter: The History of Concurrency Dan Colish: Previously Untitled Meditation on the Zen of Python This month's Michel's Module of the Month will be presented by Michel, but we have no idea what module it will be. I'm holding out for autoGIL. |
Jun 16, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 20, 2011
North Portland Coders Night - Welcome Open Source Bridge! – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Jun 23, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 27, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jun 30, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 4, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jul 7, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 11, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jul 14, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 18, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jul 21, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 25, 2011
North Portland Coders Night - Welcome OSCON! – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Jul 28, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 1, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Aug 4, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 8, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Aug 11, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 15, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Aug 18, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 22, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Aug 25, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 29, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Sep 1, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 5, 2011
North Portland Coders Night - Welcome DjangoCon Attendees! – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! |
Sep 6, 2011
DjangoCon US 2011 through Hilton Portland and Executive Tower DjangoCon US is the premier event for users and developers of the most popular Python web framework in the world. Three days of talks, followed by two (or more!) days of sprinting. What more could a web geek want? |
Sep 8, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 12, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Sep 13, 2011
PDX Python Monthly Meeting – Cloudability Michael Schurter is going to share a delectable demonstration of Delicious Data with mmstats. Chris McDonald will show us how he found a page in his Django site doing 100k queries with a customized django-slow-log. Also: Pizza sponsored by ATSI Group! Please RSVP on Meetup. It helps to have a count so we can order enough pizza. After the meeting we'll head over to Bailey's Taproom to grab a beverage and continue the Pythonic discussions. |
Sep 15, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 19, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Sep 22, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 26, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Sep 29, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 3, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Oct 6, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 10, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Oct 11, 2011
PDX Python Monthly Meeting – Cloudability tl;dr: Python Module Thunderdome, Pythonic Trivia, wear Halloween costume if you like, please RSVP: This Tuesday at 6:30pm at Urban Airship we'll be celebrating October with the Second Annual PDX Python MODULE THUNDERDOOOOOME. We still don't really know what the rules are, but it was fun last year so we're doing it again. :) In the Thunderdome ring so far we have: Nick Wilson, Dan Colish, Chris McDonald and Kyle Jones. Are you up for a round in the dome? Pick a module in stdlib or PyPI and bring a 5 minute Michel's Module of the Month-style presentation to the meeting. All are welcome to compete! If you want to make sure no one else is doing your module, let me know ([email protected] / @pythonchelle) what you're thinking and I'll find out. After the module throw down, Rob Bednark has created a Python-themed trivia game for us to play! *** New this year: The Dome is close-ish to Halloween, and some competitors have talked about dressing up like the module they're representing. Why not? Dressing up is fun, and fun things are fun. (Still not sure if a costume will affect the results.) I am going to wear my Halloween costume, which has nothing to do with Python or modules, but does include some fake blood and a couple props. I might also bring some Halloween candy. Feel free to wear a costume, bring some candy to share, or none of the above, but please do join us! |
Oct 13, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 17, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Oct 20, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 24, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Oct 27, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 31, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Nov 3, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 7, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Nov 10, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. This week we'll have some folks playing with numpy and other big dataset/scientific computation stuff using Python. Ask around when you get here to find the group doing this. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 14, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Nov 17, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 21, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Nov 24, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
Nov 28, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Dec 1, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 5, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Dec 8, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 12, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Dec 15, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 19, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Dec 22, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 26, 2011
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Dec 29, 2011
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 2, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jan 5, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 9, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jan 12, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 16, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jan 19, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 23, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jan 26, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 30, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Feb 2, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code is a quieter less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 9, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 16, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 23, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 25, 2012
PDX ZeroMQ Conference – Collective Agency Downtown A conference for anything and everything ØMQ! |
Mar 1, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
PLUG: OData Open Data and Interoperability – Portland State University FAB, Room 86-09 Open Data and Interoperability by Arlo Belshee Lots of us want to expose our data via RESTful web APIs. We also want to consume data exposed via such APIs. REST + Json works well for this. However, we'd also like to mash up multiple data sources and build higher level tools. For example, it would be nice to create Business Intelligence (BI) tools that can point to any API and start charting the data, or create JavaScript control libraries that can be bound directly to data sources. Unfortunately, that isn't possible with just REST + Json. The problem is that each service is custom. No two services follow exactly the same rules. Sure, everything exposes sets of resources. But how do you get from a resource to its related resources? How do you ask the server to tell you about related resources? What, exactly should the server do when it gets a PATCH verb? Each server interprets these differently, which prevents making general tools. I'm going to talk about the OData protocol. This is an open standard that defines uniform semantics and modeling for RESTful web services. I'll show how this allows general tools to be built, and data from multiple sources to be combined together in interesting ways - without requiring custom code for each server. I'll also show how this enables people working in different languages. A single library can be written for each language which can then support all OData-compliant RESTful web services. Most of the examples will be with open source frameworks and tools, but I'll also show ways that you can use OData to break out data that is trapped in closed-source systems and expose it to the open source ecosystem. Agenda: 7:00 - 7:30 Business We will discuss the status of our ongoing projects including PLUG's monthly Advanced Topics meetings, PLUG's monthly hands on clinics etc. 7:30 - 8:30 Presentation and Questions See above 9:00 - ... Beer The Lucky Lab Northwest Beer Hall 1945 NW Quimby Portland, Oregon |
Mar 5, 2012
North Portland Coders Night - Now monthly, every first Monday! – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room NOTE: Due to limited attendance of the weekly coders night, I'm reducing it to a single monthly event. First Monday was chosen to avoid conflicts with Dorkbot, DevOps, the Functional Programming Study Group, and the Android Developer meetup. Of course, it's a public bar, so everyone's welcome to come on off weeks anyway if they feel like it. Come hang out, drink beer, and write code The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Mar 8, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 15, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 22, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 29, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. This week there will be a OSBridge ticket give away, get here by 8pm to take part. More details: |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 2, 2012
North Portland Coders Night - Now monthly, every first Monday! – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room NOTE: Due to limited attendance of the weekly coders night, I'm reducing it to a single monthly event. First Monday was chosen to avoid conflicts with Dorkbot, DevOps, the Functional Programming Study Group, and the Android Developer meetup. Of course, it's a public bar, so everyone's welcome to come on off weeks anyway if they feel like it. Come hang out, drink beer, and write code The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Apr 5, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 12, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 16, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Apr 19, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 23, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Apr 26, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 3, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 7, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
May 10, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 14, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
May 17, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 21, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
May 24, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 28, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
May 31, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 4, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jun 7, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
PLUG: The Ganeti Virtualization Management System – PSU Maseeh Engineering Building Lance Albertson of the Oregon State University Open Source Lab will give an introduction to the Ganeti Virtualization Management System. Ganeti is a robust cluster virtualization management software tool. It’s built on top of existing virtualization technologies such as Xen and KVM and other Open Source software. Its integration with various technologies such as DRBD and LVM results in a cheaper High Availability infrastructure and linear scaling. This hands-on tutorial will cover a basic overview of Ganeti, the step-by-step install & setup of a single-node and multi-node Ganeti cluster, operating the cluster, and some best practices of Ganeti. Finally, deploying and using a web-based management tool called Ganeti Web Manager. If you want to participate on the hands-on portion of the talk, feel free to clone his vagrant-ganeti repo on github ( prior to the meeting. We'll try and have the box images available on USB drives at the meeting but its always great to have everything setup prior to the meeting and not saturate the wifi. Lance is the Associate Director of Operations for the Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSL) and a Gentoo Linux Developer. He joined the Gentoo Linux project in 2003 and have been involved in managing their infrastructure and maintaining about a dozen or so packages in portage. Lance directs all of the hosting and development activities that the OSL provides for the open source community including projects such as, Drupal, Apache Software Foundation, and many many more. Lance has been at the OSL since 2007. |
Jun 11, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jun 14, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 18, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jun 21, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 25, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jun 28, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
[CANCELED] PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Due to OpenSource Bridge ( this week most of us will be downtown Thursday. Now I will not stop anyone from enjoying a nice beer, just know that there will not likely be a bunch of us around this week. Feel free to venture on over to Bridge , SEPoCoNI ( or just catch up with us next week.
Jun 30, 2012
The Great Salt Sprint – Idealist The Salt Stack team is very pleased to announce the first multi city Salt development sprint. In true Salt fashion we are hosting a distributed sprint. This, thanks to a generous donation from the Linux Fund and the accomidations generosly donated by C7 datacenters in Salt Lake City Utah, in Santa Monica California, and in Portland Oregon. This development sprint is being conducted with the express hope of adding more complete unit and integration test coverage to Salt, but as always, feature additions and bug fixes are welcome! The three cities and location sponsors are, I hope, only the first locations where we can gather Salt developers for this sprint. The goal of Salt Stack is to develop something great, powerful, and open. I hope that this is the first of many multi city sprints that will enable Salt to continue pushing forward and becoming an ever more powerful system. The Sprints will be held all day on the 30th of June. Attendees will get T-shirts and there will be a live video feed from all the cities involved. There will also be food and drink! |
Jul 2, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jul 5, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 9, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jul 10, 2012
PDXPython Monthly Presentation Night – Cloudability This month's meeting will be sponsored by Smarsh! Smarsh has an opening for a Python developer here in town. If you're looking for something new, check out the job posting. Presentations: "Introduction to iterators and decorators" Beginner talk by Wraithan "Collection of Arbitrary Simple Extensions (for C)" Advanced talk by Case Van Horsen Join us afterward at Bailey's to continue the discussion over a beverage. Join us on our mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter |
Jul 12, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 16, 2012
North Portland Coders Night - Welcome OSCON Attendees! – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. In town for OSCON? The north Lucky Lab is just a quick ride away on the MAX Yellow line! |
Jul 18, 2012
School of Data's Data Wrangling Handbook Sprint – Collective Agency Downtown We're sprinting to create a draft of the Data Wrangling Handbook, which is a supporting text for the School of Data. The School of Data will be a place where anyone anywhere can learn how to find, clean, analyze, and communicate with data. If you plan to attend please sign up on the etherpad. The School of Data is a partnership between the Open Knowledge Foundation and Peer 2 Peer University, with the goal of making open data accessible to everyone. |
PDXPython Monthly Hack Night – Cloudability Let's get together and build cool stuff. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6-9pm on third Wednesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. This month, Michelle will give a short beginner's talk at 6:30pm. Afterward, there will be mentors at the ready. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! **Note: Please RSVP if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. :) |
Jul 19, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 23, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jul 26, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 30, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Aug 2, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 6, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Aug 9, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 13, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Aug 14, 2012
PDXPython Monthly Talk Night – Cloudability This event will be sponsored by! have several open positions here in Portland that they'd love to chat with you about. Presentations: Beginner talk by Michelle Rowley (topic TBD) "Intro to Heroku and the 12 Factor App" Advanced talk by guest speaker Kenneth Reitz This presentation will be a brief overview of Heroku's Python support. We'll review how to deploy a Python application to Heroku, as well as some best practices for building scalable web applications. Kenneth Reitz is the product owner of Python at Heroku and a member of the Python Software Foundation. He's the developer behind many Python modules, including Requests, Python HTTP for Humans. Join us afterward at Bailey's to continue the discussion over a beverage. |
Aug 16, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 20, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Aug 23, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 27, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Aug 30, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 3, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Sep 6, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 10, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Sep 11, 2012
PDXPython Monthly Presentation Night – Cloudability This event will be sponsored with pizza by New Relic! New Relic, Inc. is the all-in-one web application performance management provider for the cloud. They have open positions in Portland! Talks (dubbed by Dan Colish the "Flask vs. Werkzeug Death Match." However, n.b. there will be no death involved):
Join us afterward at Bailey's to continue the discussion over a beverage. |
Sep 13, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 17, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Sep 20, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 24, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Sep 25, 2012
PDXPython monthly hack night – Cloudability Let's get together and build cool stuff... and propose talks for PyCon 2013! Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6-9pm on fourth Tuesdays! Talk proposals for PyCon 2013 are due on September 28th - Friday of Hack Night week. Let's put our heads together and get some talks proposed! PDX represent!!! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Note: Please RSVP if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. :) |
Sep 27, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 1, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Oct 4, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 8, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Oct 11, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 15, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see |
Oct 18, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 22, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see |
Oct 23, 2012
PDXPython Monthly Hack Night – Cloudability Let's get together and build cool stuff. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6-9pm on third Wednesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Note: Please RSVP if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. :) |
Oct 25, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 29, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Nov 1, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 8, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 15, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 29, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 3, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Dec 6, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 10, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Dec 13, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 17, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Dec 20, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 24, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Dec 27, 2012
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 31, 2012
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jan 3, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 7, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jan 8, 2013
Python monthly presentation meeting – Cloudability This month's meeting is sponsored by Glider! Glider is a SaaS company that helps teams work together to close contract negotiations quickly. They're venture funded (TechStars, True Ventures) and looking to grow their technical team. Please RSVP if you'd like to partake in the refreshments provided by Glider. Talks:
This talk will include an introduction to Machine Learning for new Pythonistas.
Bring your 5-minute talks to share with the group. Anyone is welcome to give a lightning talk! Sign up at the beginning of the meeting. Join us afterward at Bailey's to continue the discussion over a beverage. Join us on our mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site |
Jan 10, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 14, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jan 17, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 21, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jan 22, 2013
Python Monthly Hack Night – Cloudability Let's get together and build cool stuff. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6-9pm on fourth Tuesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! **Note: Please RSVP if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. :) |
Jan 24, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 28, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jan 31, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 4, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Feb 7, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 11, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Feb 12, 2013
Portland Python User Group Monthly Presentation Night – Cloudability Come join us for Pythonic talks! This month:
Join us afterward at Bailey's to continue the discussion over a beverage. Join us on our mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site |
Feb 13, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House We are trying to setup a semi-regular meetup of SW Portland hackers. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Feb 14, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 18, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Feb 21, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 25, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night! The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Feb 26, 2013
Python Monthly Hack Night – Cloudability Let's get together and build cool stuff. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6-9pm on fourth Tuesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! This month we'll also be trying out a coding exercise known as the randori, which involves learning from your fellow Pythonistas via pair programming and frequent rotation. **Note: Please RSVP if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. :) |
Feb 27, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. It's a new meetup and so far it's just been a couple of us, but we're hoping to grow. Bring a friend. |
Feb 28, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 4, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Mar 6, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. It's a new meetup and so far it's just been a couple of us, but we're hoping to grow. Bring a friend. |
Mar 7, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 11, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Mar 13, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. It's a new meetup and so far it's just been a couple of us, but we're hoping to grow. Bring a friend. |
Mar 14, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 18, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Mar 20, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Mar 21, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 25, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Mar 27, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Mar 28, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
Apr 1, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Apr 3, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Apr 4, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 8, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Apr 10, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Apr 11, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 15, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Apr 17, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Apr 18, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 22, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Apr 24, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Apr 25, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 29, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
May 1, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. I'll be at Railsconf events that evening, so there won't be a sign, but feel free to come anyway. |
May 2, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 6, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
May 8, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
May 9, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 13, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
May 14, 2013
Python Presentation – Cloudability Pythonic talks, OS Bridge raffle, and afterparty at Deschutes! Open Source Bridge is just around the corner, June 18th - 21st here in Portland. As in previous years, a free registration to Open Source Bridge will be raffled this month! We also have a 33% off discount code to share with members at the meeting. This month:
Join us afterward at Deschutes to continue the discussion over a beverage. Do you have something you'd like to share? Join us on our mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
May 15, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
May 16, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 20, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
May 22, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with other participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
May 23, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 27, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
May 28, 2013
Python Hack Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together and build cool stuff. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6-9pm on fourth Tuesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! |
May 30, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 3, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jun 5, 2013
PyLadies PDX presents: Algorithms as Recipes for Computer Programming – In Other Words Feminist Community Center Join us for Algorithms as Recipes for Computer Programming, presented by Rebekah Golden, a local developer at JanRain. Algorithms sometimes intimidate but really they are just recipes for computers to follow to do repetitive tasks. This is a beginner class on recognizing when an algorithm would be useful, basic methods for creating one in Python, and a quick look at algorithms that have been written by others for common tasks. Presentation is in a room without computers but if you bring yours you can build a computer recipe or two yourself. Discussion and repetitive task descriptions welcome. This meeting is open to the public. People of all genders are welcome to attend. |
Jun 6, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 10, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jun 11, 2013
Portland Python Users Group: Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc This is our first time at the new Urban Airship venue and things will work a bit differently. Make sure to RSVP here so you can be easily checked in when you arrive. We'll also have pizza thanks to a generous sponsorship from 52Limited! This month:
Join us afterward to continue the discussion over a beverage. We may go to Bailey's or Deschutes, pending a vote at the end of the meeting. |
Jun 13, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 17, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jun 19, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Jun 24, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jun 25, 2013
Python Hack Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together and build cool stuff. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6-9pm on fourth Tuesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! |
Jun 26, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Jun 27, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 1, 2013
PDX Python Organizing Meeting – PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment The Portland Python community needs you! Do you have ideas for how PDX Python could be even better? Can you spare an hour a week? Join me to learn more about what goes into organizing PDX Python and how you can be involved! |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jul 3, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Jul 8, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jul 9, 2013
PDX Python: Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks! This month: "It's Python Somewhere in the World" Beginner-Intermediate talk about timezones in Python by Jared Morse Would you like to share something this month? Let us know! Join us afterward at Bailey's to continue the discussion over a beverage. Do you have something you'd like to share? Email us. Join us on our mailing list and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! PDX Python on Twitter Portland Python Web Site |
Jul 10, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Jul 11, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 13, 2013
PyLadies Workshop: Intro to Django w/ Kenneth Love – AppFog HQ This workshop is a somewhat dense guided run through the first three chapters of Getting Started with Django, the video web series from Kenneth Love (and funded by the wonderful Python community last year on Kickstarter!). We'll cover creating a project with an eye to maintainability and reusability (are those even words?!), testing that project, and even deploying it to Heroku. Before the event: please do the Django tutorial in your own time to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts. If you would like help and/or would rather do this in a social setting, come to the Saturday Hack Day July 6th! More details forthcoming! NOTES:
Jul 15, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jul 17, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Jul 18, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! PDXNode will be joining us this evening! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 22, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jul 23, 2013
Python Hack Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together and build cool stuff. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6-9pm on fourth Tuesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! |
Jul 24, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Jul 25, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 29, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Jul 31, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Aug 1, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
Aug 5, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Aug 6, 2013
Portland Tableau User Group | Hillsboro | 6 August, 2013 | 5:30 – 222 SE 8th Ave, Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 The Portland Tableau User Group will be meeting next Tuesday, August 6 from 5:30 to 7:00. Russell Christopher from Tableau will be presenting on the new Python Data Extract API. Location: Pacific University 222 SE 8th Ave Creighton Hall, Room 518 Hillsboro, Oregon 97123 MAX: Tuality Hospital/SE 8th Ave MAX Station Parking: Hillsboro Intermodal Transit Facility Agenda:
Join the Portland Tableau User Group |
Aug 7, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, give advice, have fun, etc. |
Aug 8, 2013
Django Meetup & Lightning Talks – New Relic New this month!! Come socialize with your fellow Django developers. Pizza and drinks will start at 6 pm (thanks to New Relic) followed by lighting talks around 6:30 pm. We'll be discussing what's new in Django 1.5 and 1.6, plus whatever you bring to present. 5 - 15 minute lightning talks are welcome, signup at the event. See you there! |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 12, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Aug 13, 2013
PDX Python: Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Aug 14, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Aug 15, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 19, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Aug 21, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Aug 22, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 26, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Aug 27, 2013
Python Hack Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together and build cool stuff. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6-9pm on fourth Tuesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! |
Aug 28, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Aug 29, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 2, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Sep 5, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 9, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Sep 10, 2013
Python Presentation – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Sep 12, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 16, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Sep 19, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 23, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Sep 24, 2013
Python Hack Night **TIME AND LOCATION CHANGE** – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Urban Airship had a conflict with their event space on the day of our hack night this month, so we're joining up with the PDX.rb crew over at CrowdCompass on SE 11th at Division. Please note, their event starts at 7pm instead of our usual 6:30, so grab a bite to eat and saunter over at 7pm. There are some great places to hang out for an hour at 11th and Division so hopefully it'll work out well. Let's get together and build cool stuff. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6-9pm on fourth Tuesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! |
Sep 26, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 29, 2013
MaptimePDX! – Flux - Plastic Fantastics Come join your fellow geo nerds for some map hacking, geographic learning, beer drinking, and conversation having! MaptimePDX is a brand new, map-focused hack and learn event, modeled after the hugely successful weekly San Francisco meetup, MaptimeSF. At our first hack day, we will be working through an exercise to edit and contribute to collaborative geographic datasets using GitHub and There will also be a table for folks to come and hack on and talk about their own projects with others! This inaugural MaptimePDX event is being held in conjunction with WhereCampPDX 6, an unconference for all things geospatial. Beginners especially welcome! Bring a laptop if you can. See you there! |
Sep 30, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Oct 8, 2013
Python Presentation – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Oct 14, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Oct 21, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Oct 22, 2013
Python Hack Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together and build cool stuff. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6-9pm on fourth Tuesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! |
Hack + Help Session – New Relic Bring your projects and your desire to learn! This is the place to get help from a mentor, join a peer study group, find an awesome learning project, and to level-up! We started out in Ruby, but we've been working with JS and Python groups and it's been so awesome, we decided to broaden the field. All languages welcome - check in for updates about featured mentors in different specializations each week we meet. |
Oct 24, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
Oct 26, 2013
Read the Docs Hackathon – Mozilla We will gather and hack on Read the Docs all day. If you've never contributed before, this is a good chance since both of the main maintainers (one of which is the original author) will be there. Read the Docs is written in Python but we could also use front end help in the form of design input and css/javascript. There will be pizza, snacks, drinks and beer provided by Mozilla to fuel folks. If you want to get started ahead of time, the install instructions for the project are available here: |
Oct 28, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Oct 29, 2013
Hack + Help Session – New Relic Bring your projects and your desire to learn! This is the place to get help from a mentor, join a peer study group, find an awesome learning project, and to level-up! We started out in Ruby, but we've been working with JS and Python groups and it's been so awesome, we decided to broaden the field. All languages welcome - check in for updates about featured mentors in different specializations each week we meet. |
Oct 30, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night – NedSpace on 5th Come and learn software development! Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages. Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help! Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Oct 31, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 4, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. |
Nov 7, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night – NedSpace on 5th Come and learn software development! Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages. Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help! Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Nov 11, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Nov 12, 2013
Python Presentation – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month we'll have pizza sponsored by Counsyl! Counsyl is building the technology platform (in Django!) to make genomics useful and accessible to everyone. This month: A Battle of the Ja*sons
Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Hack+Help Session – New Relic Bring your projects and your desire to learn! This is the place to get help from a mentor, join a peer study group, find an awesome learning project, and to level-up! We started out in Ruby, but we've been working with JS and Python groups and it's been so awesome, we decided to broaden the field. All languages welcome - check in for updates about featured mentors in different specializations each week we meet. |
Nov 14, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night - Topic: Interview questions – NedSpace on 5th Topic: Learn what interviewers are looking for, what sorts of questions they ask, and what they are looking for in your responses. This is a topic learning night. Come and learn, ask questions, and become a better software developer. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages. Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help! Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Nov 18, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Nov 19, 2013
Portland Data Science Group – ThinkShout This is the inaugural meeting of The Portland Data Science Group. Portia Burton will give a talk on what is 'data science', and highlight some cool tools and resources to help you get started with data mining, and visualization. The rest of the time will be spent working on projects. |
Nov 21, 2013
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night – NedSpace on 5th Come and learn software development! Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages. Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help! Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Nov 24, 2013
Twitter Hackathon – Pints Brewing On Tuesday we learned about the Twitter REST and Streaming API, why not use that knowledge to build an application? We will spend the afternoon making kick ass apps! Missed the Twitter API presentation? No worries, read through the twitter documentation, and browse through the Mining the Social Web repo for more background. All questions, languages, and levels are welcomed! |
Nov 25, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Nov 26, 2013
Python Hack Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together and build cool stuff. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6-9pm on fourth Tuesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! |
CANCELLED Hack+Help Session CANCELLED – New Relic Just this week - sorry everyone, too many people are out of town for the holidays and I think we all could use a Tuesday off! :) |
Dec 2, 2013
FutureTalk with Jessica McKellar – New Relic How the Internet WorksAn introduction to the Internet's structure and protocols through fun experiments from the Python perspective.We'll use Python libraries like Scapy and Twisted to explore:
By the end of this talk you'll:
This is the second event in a series of free monthly FutureTalks from disruptive Developers, innovative Technologists and world-changing Creatives. Doors open at 5:30p for food and drinks, and the presentation will begin right at 6p. Please RSVP via Eventbrite HERE Jessica McKellar is an entrepreneur, software engineer, and open source developer from Cambridge, MA. She is a Director for the Python Software Foundation and an organizer for the largest Python user group in the world. With that group she runs the Boston Python Workshop -- an introductory programming pipeline that has brought hundreds of women into the local Python community and is being replicated in cities across the US. Jessica is a veteran open source contributor and a maintainer for several open source projects, including OpenHatch and the Twisted event-driven networking engine; she wrote a chapter on Twisted for The Architecture of Open Source Applications Volume II and the second edition of O'Reilly's Twisted Networking Essentials. › FutureTalk is brought to you by New Relic in collaboration with the Portland Incubator Experiment |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Dec 5, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night - Topic TBD – NedSpace on 5th We will have a talk on a topic to be determined. Come and learn software development! Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages. Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help! Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Dec 9, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Dec 10, 2013
Hack+Help Session (Cancelled in favor of Winter Coder Social) – New Relic NOTE: Cancelled in favor of the awesome Winter Code Social. Please go there! It's amazing! ==== Bring your projects and your desire to learn! This is the place to get help from a mentor, join a peer study group, find an awesome learning project, and to level-up! We started out in Ruby, but we've been working with JS and Python groups and it's been so awesome, we decided to broaden the field. All languages welcome - check in for updates about featured mentors in different specializations each week we meet. |
Dec 12, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night – NedSpace on 5th Come and learn software development! Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages. Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help! Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night – NedSpace on 5th Come and learn software development! Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages. Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help! Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Dec 16, 2013
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Dec 19, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night – NedSpace on 5th Come and learn software development! Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages. Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help! Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Dec 23, 2013
North Portland Coders Night CANCELLED – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room NOTE: I'm canceling the meetings on the 23rd and 30th of December. See you January 6th, 2014! Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Dec 30, 2013
North Portland Coders Night CANCELLED – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room NOTE: I'm canceling the meetings on the 23rd and 30th of December. See you January 6th, 2014! Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Jan 2, 2014
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night – NedSpace on 5th Come and learn software development! Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages. Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help! Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Jan 9, 2014
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night – NedSpace on 5th Come and learn software development! Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages. Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help! Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Jan 13, 2014
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Jan 14, 2014
Hack + Help – PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th New to coding, or just want to pick up a new language? Experienced in coding and want to help others learn? Join us at the new, improved, polyglot, inaugural 2014 Hack + Help session! Bring your laptop and desire to learn (and/or teach!). This event was born out of PDX.rb but now regularly has experienced attendees who are willing to help you out with Ruby, JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, and more. |
Jan 15, 2014
PDX Code Guild Meet and Greet Party – NedSpace on 5th Join us for our first meet and greet party of the year! Share a beverage and a snack, meet our instructors and current students. and enter our free drawing for $200 off of the upcoming Junior Developer Bootcamp. Information about the Junior Developer Bootcamp: Starts Jan 28 Python-based Junior Developer is an intense twelve-week, full time, hands-on immersive course that combines individual projects and group study to give you the skills and habits you need to succeed as a junior developer. You will learn core python, how to think like a programmer, and important developer practices like source control, testing, and debugging. Pair programming and group work, as well as personal portfolio projects help round you out as a developer. We'll introduce you to industry leaders and help prepare you to get a job by helping you build your portfolio and helping you with your resume and interviewing skills. For more information visit or call our director, Sher Dover at (541) 602-6215 |
Jan 16, 2014
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night – NedSpace on 5th Come and learn software development! Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages. Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help! Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Jan 20, 2014
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Jan 21, 2014
Hack + Help – Portland Code School New to coding, or just want to pick up a new language? Experienced in coding and want to help others learn? Join us at the new, improved, polyglot 2014 Hack + Help sessions! Bring your laptop and desire to learn (and/or teach!). This event was born out of PDX.rb but now regularly has experienced attendees who are willing to help you out with Ruby, JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, and more. |
Jan 23, 2014
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night – NedSpace on 5th Come and learn software development! Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages. Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help! Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Jan 27, 2014
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Jan 28, 2014
Hack + Help: Learning Cohort Night – PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th About the event: Hack + Help is planning ongoing learning cohorts for those who want to learn a new skill with the increased accountability and mutual support of a class, without all the lectures and cost. The plan is for members to choose a new topic every few months (for example, Python, or Backbone, or databases) and form a cohort that wants to work together to learn more about it. This could be through a MOOC, online tutorials, code challenges, or something else entirely. Learning a new skill in isolation is challenging, so if you have a topic you'd like to learn more about, come meet with us on January 28th to help us build a new cohort! About Hack + Help: New to coding, or just want to pick up a new language? Experienced in coding and want to help others learn? Join us at the new, improved, polyglot, inaugural 2014 Hack + Help session! Bring your laptop and desire to learn (and/or teach!). This event was born out of PDX.rb but now regularly has experienced attendees who are willing to help you out with Ruby, JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, and more. We are in the process of restructuring, so while we get all the official channels set up, feel free to email [email protected] with any questions! |
Feb 3, 2014
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Feb 6, 2014
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Ford Food and Drink (SE 11th and Division) New location: Ford Food & Drink! Since Side Door is closing early starting Feb, we are trying new venues, this week Ford Food & Drink. Update: Due to #snowpocalypse Ford is closing at 8pm tonight Come hang out and write code in a quiet, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
Feb 10, 2014
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Feb 11, 2014
Hack + Help – Epicodus New to coding, or just want to pick up a new language? Experienced in coding and want to help others learn? Come to Hack + Help and bring your desire to learn or teach! If you don't have a laptop, we have plenty of computers you can use. This event was born out of PDX.rb but now regularly has experienced attendees who are willing to help you out with Ruby, JavaScript, Python, HTML/CSS, and more. |
Feb 17, 2014
Monday Python Flying Circus (Python Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th Join us for an evening of Python! Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Share |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Feb 24, 2014
Rentrak Hackathon – Rentrak - Downtown The Rentrak Hackathon is a gathering of laptops and laughter. Classically, we all sit in a square and type words onto a keyboard that then get turned into a "computerized program". It's a good chance to work on your personal projects, learn what your peers are up to (computer-wise), figure out what the best programming language is, and/or say the words "I don't have anything to work on" or "I forgot my laptop". This event is very informal, and there is no specific project we'll be focusing our efforts on. Food and refreshments are served. RSVPing to [email protected] is appreciated, but not required. Come check out Rentrak's new downtown office. Everyone is welcome to join us! |
Monday Python Flying Circus (Python Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th Join us for an evening of Python! Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Share |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Mar 3, 2014
Monday Python Flying Circus (Python Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th Join us for an evening of Python! Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. Special Breakout Session: Python documentation by Steve Holden Steve will present how to look up Python features and techniques both through the Python interpreter and on the web. If there's time he will also talk about news groups and mailing lists. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, build or share. |
Mar 10, 2014
Monday Python Flying Circus (Python Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th Join us for an evening of Python! Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. Special Breakout Session by Alex Chamberlain from Puppet Labs:
Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Share |
Mar 11, 2014
Hack + Help – Epicodus New to coding, or just want to pick up a new language? Experienced in coding and want to help others learn? Come to Hack + Help and bring your desire to learn or teach! If you don't have a laptop, we have plenty of computers you can use. This event was born out of PDX.rb but now regularly has experienced attendees who are willing to help you out with Ruby, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and more. |
Mar 14, 2014
Code + Cocktails – TILT Pearl District Sick of the standard pizza and beer circuit? Try out Code + Cocktails in the Pearl. All languages and skill levels are welcome. Come by to work on your favorite project, or come to meet fellow geeks in PDX. Most importantly enjoy a fine cocktail + killer food. Location: It has plenty of outlets and outstanding wifi. If you can't drink, do not worry they serve ristretto roasters coffee. If you have questions hit up: @chrishough | @kathrynhough |
Mar 17, 2014
Monday Python Flying Circus (Python Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th Join us for an evening of Python! Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Share |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Mar 24, 2014
Rentrak Hackathon – Rentrak - Downtown The Rentrak Hackathon is a gathering of laptops and laughter. Classically, we all sit in a square and type words onto a keyboard that then get turned into a "computerized program". It's a good chance to work on your personal projects, learn what your peers are up to (computer-wise), figure out what the best programming language is, and/or say the words "I don't have anything to work on" or "I forgot my laptop". This event is very informal, and there is no specific project we'll be focusing our efforts on. Food and refreshments are served. RSVPing to [email protected] is appreciated, but not required. Come check out Rentrak's new downtown office. Everyone is welcome to join us! |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Monday Python Flying Circus (Python Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th Join us for an evening of Python! Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Share |
Mar 27, 2014
CodePDX: The ins and outs of learning to code. – Jama South Learning to code can be a daunting journey, and everyone seems to have a different approach. For our first meeting we'll discuss the various methods that have worked in the past for learning. We'll share resources, tips, and experiences and have an open discussion about tech education. This meeting is not an intro to programming, but instead a discussion surrounding methods of learning from a variety of backgrounds. Panel: -Tracy Abrahms, engineer @ Urban Airship -Carl Hall, engineer @ Cloudability -Flora Worley, engineer @ Quick Left Questions? Contact Colby at [email protected]. |
Mar 29, 2014
Flask by Example: A PyCon Tutorial Practice Session – Urban Airship Inc Join us as Miguel Grinberg runs through his PyCon 2014 Tutorial Session: Flask by Example. Refreshments sponsored by, who have launched a new network to help people everywhere connect and take action on any issue that concerns them, locally or globally, online and in person. Help Miguel prepare for PyCon by being an audience member, and providing helpful feedback afterwards. ** While anyone is welcome to attend, please note that this session is an Intermediate-level tutorial. It will be most accessible and useful to those who already know Python fairly well and are looking to learn about the Flask framework. About Flask Flask is a web framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. It is considered a micro-framework, but don't get the "micro" part fool you; Flask can do everything others can do, many times in a simpler, leaner way. In this tutorial session you will follow me as I write a complete web application in front of your eyes using the core framework and a handful of extensions. About this Session Flask is a small and easy to use, yet fully featured open source web framework written in Python. Its code is concise and well written, you can read it all and understand it. In this session you will learn the Flask way by watching me build a complete application in front of your eyes. Session Schedule 12:00pm ... Doors open 12:30pm ... Tutorial begins 2:00pm ... Stretch break 2:20pm ... Session resumes 3:50pm ... Q & A and Feedback 4:30pm ... Session ends Some of the topics included in this tutorial: • Single-file applications • Multi-file structure for larger applications • Templates • Web forms • Databases • User Authentication • Administration Panel • Social features (followers, timeline pages) • Ajax and RESTful APIs • Deployment options In addition to the Flask core modules (Flask itself, Jinja 2 template engine, Werkzeug) you will learn how to use a number of Flask extensions such as: • Flask-WTF for web form handling • Flask-SQLAlchemy for database management • Flask-Login for user authentication • Flask-Bootstrap for CSS styling • Flask-RESTful for APIs |
Mar 31, 2014
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Monday Python Flying Circus (Python Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th Join us for an evening of Python! Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Share. Great study group for people taking Coursera An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python and Programming for Everybody |
Apr 2, 2014
MaptimePDX – Urban Airship Inc We are meeting at Urban Airship this time while Esri gets settled in to their NEW office building (congrats!). We have a couple quick demos and pres-itos lined up so bring your ideas, projects, and apps to share or hack on. |
Apr 7, 2014
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Monday Python Flying Circus (Python Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th Join us for an evening of Python! Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Share |
Apr 9, 2014
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Wednesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Apr 14, 2014
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th Join us for an evening of Peer Mentoring hosted by PDX Code Guild. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Apr 21, 2014
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th Join us for an evening of Peer Mentoring hosted by PDX Code Guild. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Apr 23, 2014
PDX Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Apr 28, 2014
Rentrak Hackathon – Rentrak - Downtown The Rentrak Hackathon is a gathering of laptops and laughter. Classically, we all sit in a square and type words onto a keyboard that then get turned into a "computerized program". It's a good chance to work on your personal projects, learn what your peers are up to (computer-wise), figure out what the best programming language is, and/or say the words "I don't have anything to work on" or "I forgot my laptop". This event is very informal, and there is no specific project we'll be focusing our efforts on. Food and refreshments are served. RSVPing to [email protected] is appreciated, but not required. Come check out Rentrak's new downtown office. Everyone is welcome to join us! |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Monday Python Flying Circus (Python Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th Join us for an evening of Python! Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Share |
May 5, 2014
Monday Python Flying Circus (Python Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th Join us for an evening of Python! Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Share |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
May 7, 2014
Portland Novice Programmers Meetup (First One!) – Galois, Inc RSVP on the site. Please and thank you! Be at the door by 5:30pm. Message me on Skype: tylerzika if you are running behind so we can buzz you in. Small presentation on the meetup idea and values at 5:45pm by Tyler Zika. Socialize, forming Master Mind groups, coding, and brainstorming from 6-7pm. Another small presentation. Topic and speaker TBA for remainder of meetup. Happy Coding! |
May 12, 2014
FutureTalk with Selena Deckelmann – New Relic What Beginners Teach UsCheck out our pre-event Q&A with Selena on the New Relic blog. Open source as an idea has won. Linux dominates developer servers, open source tools are ubiquitous and being an open source developer rocks. And yet, we talk frequently about how to find new contributors, how to increase the number of people who participate and share code with us, how to improve the skills of the junior developers and hire them as fast as we can. Selena has spent a considerable amount of time teaching absolute beginners how to program in Python, how to use the command-line and how to use revision control. These beginners succeed and fail in open source in both familiar and surprising ways. In this talk, she will share lessons from their experiences to help us create a more inclusive and welcoming future for open source software. Further, she will provide insights into the code review process, and how learning how to give code review (not just receive code review) is critical to becoming an expert developer. This is the 7th event in a series of free monthly FutureTalks from disruptive Developers, innovative Technologists and world-changing Creatives. Networking begins at 5:30, with free food and drinks. The presentation will begin right at 6p. Please RSVP via Eventbrite HERE Selena is a major contributor to PostgreSQL and a data architect at Mozilla. She's been involved with free and open source software since 1995 and began running conferences for PostgreSQL in 2007. She founded Open Source Bridge, Postgres Open and speaks internationally about open source, databases and community. She is an advisor to the Ada Initiative, an organization dedicated to increasing the participation of women in open source and technology communities. You can find her on Twitter @selenamarie and on her blog at › FutureTalk is brought to you by New Relic in collaboration with TAO |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! We have moved to a way cooler location! See Venue Details and save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
May 19, 2014
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! We have moved to a way cooler location! See Venue Details and save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
May 22, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 26, 2014
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! We have moved to a way cooler location! See Venue Details and save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
May 28, 2014
PDX Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
May 29, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 2, 2014
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! We have moved to a way cooler location! See Venue Details and save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Jun 5, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 11, 2014
PDX Code Guild Spring Happy Hour – PDX Code Guild Party with us in our new location! RSVP Here: Join us for the fist Meet and Greet Party in our new location! Share beverages and some snacks, meet our staff, grads and current students. Enter our free drawing for $200 off of the upcoming Junior Developer Bootcamp. Connect with the community. Have a ball! |
Jun 12, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 16, 2014
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! We have moved to a way cooler location! See Venue Details and save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Jun 23, 2014
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! We have moved to a way cooler location! See Venue Details and save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Jun 25, 2014
PDX Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
And pizza sponsored by Cinder Solutions Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Jun 30, 2014
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! We have moved to a way cooler location! See Venue Details and save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Jul 7, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild This week, we are excited to welcome Alex Chamberlain, Senior Software Quality Assurance Engineer at Puppet Labs, who will give a talk titled " "Programming Jobs in the Real World"--how domain knowledge can help you get a job programming outside the tech industry" We will also have plenty of room for the usual peer mentoring. Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Jul 14, 2014
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Jul 16, 2014
Building Simulation Optimization – Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center) ***Registration required, lunch provided: July 16th Simulation Forum Building Simulation Optimization for Climatic Passive Heating and Cooling Design: Advanced Materials, Workflows, and Tools Jeremiah Crossett, Senior Analyst, Phase Change Energy Solutions Inc. and Founder of NRGSIM Inc. and Eric Youngson, President and Founder of Succession Ecological Services (SES) Modern low energy buildings require innovative strategies that maintain occupant comfort while reducing energy consumption through the use of passive systems and sophisticated materials. Historically, building design has focused on active systems that increase complexity, drive costs higher, and result in environmental degradation. This presentation focuses on early load reduction that allows for smaller, more efficient mechanical systems through the optimization of building envelope design. Through the use of Pareto front analysis, designs are able to achieve optimal combinations of window, insulation, and phase change material (PCM) to achieve a desired balance between energy performance and cost objectives for various climate zones. New tools developed in part by the presenters will be demonstrated using the jE+ EA cloud optimization Energy Plus shell, the "Eppy" Python scripting package, and a custom version of Energy Plus with enhanced PCM features. In addition, a brief demonstration of the NRGSIM web based energy modeling application will be provided. |
Jul 21, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – OScon Oregon Convention Center This week we are taking a field trip to OScon! On Monday at 6:00 pm, our usual meeting time, Let's meet at the OSCON Elements Attendee Party. We'll meet at the entrance at 6:00pm. If you come late and want to join us, text Sheri (541) 602-6215 to find out where we are inside the party. If you come early, be sure to check out the OSCON Elements Attendee Party. a discount code for a free expo pass has been posted on twitter - CODE: EXPOFREE register here: |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Jul 23, 2014
PDX Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Jul 28, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Aug 4, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Aug 11, 2014
Fun And Games In Python through Periscope Books & Tutoring The dominant programming language in research laboratories is also quite handy for writing games. It's easy to learn and will help you develop good programming habits. Python is a highly structured object oriented programing language which is used in everything from web sites such as Gmail and YouTube to robots, medical equipment, scientific instruments, 3D animation software...and of course GAMES. One week won't make you an expert, but with the provided text book (yours to keep) and on-line resources, you can continue to progress on your own. No programming experience required.
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Aug 18, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Aug 25, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
North Portland Coders Night – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! It is highly suggested that you bring a laptop and a project to work on. Maybe we'll be in the middle room, maybe in the back room, just keep walking until you see a table full of laptops. By attending, you agree to comply with the Code of Conduct. |
Aug 27, 2014
PDX Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Sep 1, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Sep 8, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Sep 15, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Sep 22, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Sep 24, 2014
PDX Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
And pizza from Building Energy! Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Sep 29, 2014
All levels Python, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, CSS, Jquery and Djano peer mentoring – PDX Code Guild Bring your laptop, your questions and/or knowledge to share. Once most everyone has arrived, we do introductions where each attendee tells what they are working on, what languages they can help with and what they want help with. It's a friendly and chill group. |
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Oct 6, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Tonight we have a guest speaker: Grant Holly presents Classy Programming in Python and Javacsipt A cross sectional look at classes and inheritance in Python and Javascript. Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Oct 9, 2014
Party with PDX Code Guild – PDX Code Guild The best kind of party happens when you, members of the Portland tech community, advisors, staff, graduates, students, a delta blues musician, a photo booth, food and drinks are all together at PDX Code Guild. RSVP Here: Let's make it happen. Join us! After a long year of hard work and help from the Portland Tech Community, we have completed our beta testing of our bootcamp and have obtained a career school license! Join us for drinks, hors d'oeuvres, delta blues & slide guitar from Adam Scramstad, student project demos, and a photo booth. If you've been curious about our bootcamp, this will be a fun way to fine out more. PDX Code Guild staff, instructors, students, advisors and graduates will be here to share beverages and answer any questions. |
Oct 13, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Tonight we have a guest speaker: Neil Raja Presents: Free as in Free Beer Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Nov 3, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Nov 6, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 10, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Nov 13, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 17, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Nov 20, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 24, 2014
Rentrak Hackathon – Rentrak - Downtown The Rentrak Hackathon is a gathering of laptops and laughter. Classically, we all sit in a square and type words onto a keyboard that then get turned into a "computerized program". It's a good chance to work on your personal projects, learn what your peers are up to (computer-wise), figure out what the best programming language is, and/or say the words "I don't have anything to work on" or "I forgot my laptop". This event is very informal, and there is no specific project we'll be focusing our efforts on. Food and refreshments are served. RSVPing to [email protected] is appreciated, but not required. Come check out Rentrak's new downtown office. Everyone is welcome to join us! |
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Dec 1, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Dec 4, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 8, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Dec 11, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 15, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Dec 18, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 22, 2014
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Jan 8, 2015
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 14, 2015
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Wednesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Jan 26, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We have a special guest speaker tonight! K. Lars Lohn will rehearse his presentation, "The Well Tempered API", that he'll be giving at the Python Conference in Nashville in two weeks. About the beginner-friendly presentation: "Why does 400 year old music still work? Do programmers have something to learn from the world of music? At the PyTennessee conference in February of 2015, I will give my answers to these questions in a multimedia presentation that includes Remedial Music Theory for Programmers, Thoughts and Examples of API design and, of course, a Bassoon." Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. After the rehearsal we'lll do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Jan 28, 2015
PDX Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Feb 2, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 This week is Startup Week, and we're adding to the fun by hosting a party. We'll set up a sanctuary in the classroom for Monday Python where we'll do the usual, and we'll also have food, drinks, student demos, and light live music. Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Startup Week - PDX Code Guild Open House Party – PDX Code Guild Join PDX Code Guild for Startup Week Open House Party! We’ll have refreshments, live acoustic blues, student demos, and hacking. 2626 SW Corbett Ave Portland OR 97201 (next door to the Portland State University Business Accelerator) PDX Code Guild harnesses the power of code to empower career-seekers, entrepreneurs and startups through a trio of services that include bootcamps for career-seekers and startup founders and a consulting team that turns ideas into exceptional software. PDX Code Guild Bootcamps are immersive hands-on developer training programs. Students build their portfolio and receive individualized attention. Small class sizes and intensive instruction ensure students get the maximum results in the shortest amount of time. PDX Code Guild serves the Portland Tech community by: Providing technical skills training to help fill the need for talent in Portland's growing tech industry. Empowering entrepreneurs with technical leadership skills so they can be more successful at launching a startup, and making founding a tech startup available to a more diverse group. Providing high-quality, low-cost software development for startups, non-profits & small businesses. Keep this number in case you need directions: (541) 602-6215 |
Feb 9, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Feb 11, 2015
Meet the Google Cloud Developer Advocates Team – Hotel Lucia What do you get when you combine a group of engineers obsessed about cutting edge technology and add a hint ton of geek? A bunch of tech enthusiasts that make up the Cloud Developer Advocates Team at Google We love helping make all of you as successful as possible as you build apps that take full advantage of everything that Google Cloud Platform has to offer. We like talking to you, but even more than that, we like to listen to your feedback. We want to be your voice to the Google Cloud Platform product and engineering teams and use what we hear to help create the best possible developer experience. Our team will be in Portland and we'd love to meet you all in person. So don’t be shy--come say hi! The event will be focused on providing many opportunities to meet and greet the Google Cloud DAs and talk to them face-to-face in a social atmosphere. We will offer "topic tables" where people can just meet and discuss topics of interest to them. Tentative topics (feel free to email and suggest your own!): - Google App Engine - Google Compute Engine - Google Cloud for Go - Google Cloud for Node.js - Google Cloud for Python - Google Cloud for Java - Cloud Mobile - Big Data - Docker and Containers And we will have hors d'ouvres and refreshments, of course! |
Feb 12, 2015
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Wednesdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Feb 16, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Feb 23, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Feb 26, 2015
PDX Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
And Pizza thanks to Peak Hosting Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Mar 2, 2015
Beginner Friendly Intro to Programming – PDX Code Guild Learn the basics of programming in a collaborative, creative and friendly environment. You will learn how to write fun, simple programs in Python, one of the most popular, useful, and easiest to learn programming languages. Class meets 5:30pm - 8:30pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, March 2nd-March 12th. This class is great for anyone who: * Wants to be prepared to take a bootcamp * Wonders if programming is for them * Works around programming and wants a basic understanding * Wants to try their hand at programming To register call Sheri (541) 602-6215 or go to |
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Mar 9, 2015
Coder Bootcamp Open House - PDX Code Guild – PDX Code Guild Considering a career in technology? Come check out PDX Code Guild, meet instructors and staff, tour the school, and ask questions about the bootcamps. Chat about programming languages, how to learn code, what the industry is like and more. Drop in any time between 4:00pm and 6:00pm. Free parking, close to public transit, bicycle friendly. Bring a laptop and stay after for Monday Python. Light refreshments |
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Mar 12, 2015
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Mar 16, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Mar 19, 2015
OpenStack Jumpstart - OSNW User Group – Puppet Getting up to speed in OpenStack can be challenging. Whether you're just getting involved or trying to find the deepest details on a given project, where to start is not obvious. Vern Hart (Director of Delivery at Solinea) will cover the landscape of training options available, as well providing a roundup of the best sources of OpenStack information out there. He'll also give some guidance on interacting with the community and how best to leverage the knowledge of the thousands of brilliant developers available via mailing list or IRC. Vern Hart is the Director of Delivery at Solinea. He is a proven consultant specializing in open infrastructure and helping customers adopting new infrastructure architectures and solutions. Vern has over 20 years of systems administration experience. Prior to Solinea, He was CTO at three separate companies including his own which eventually merged with their largest competitor. Most recently Vern was Director of Support Operations and Training at Morphlabs where he was instrumental in the migration of Morphlabs onto OpenStack from Eucalyptus. He has proven success in both systems development and engineering roles. Dinner & drinks provided. Please note our gracious hosts code of conduct: |
Mar 23, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Mar 26, 2015
PDX Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
And pizza thanks to Simple! Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Mar 30, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Apr 6, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) through PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Apr 9, 2015
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Apr 13, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Apr 14, 2015
I want to work for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (powered by free pizza) – Forge Portland - 1410 SW Morrison Street, Suite 850 Career journey leading up to Director of Customer Support @ Puppet LabsPlease Join us at our next meetup where Claire Hernandez will share her career journey leading up to this role at Puppet (through a series of practical Q&As). We will then do in-depth research on what Puppet is all about... their clients, competition, products, value proposition etc. |
Apr 20, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Apr 23, 2015
PDX Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Apr 27, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
May 4, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
May 11, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
May 14, 2015
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
May 18, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
May 19, 2015
Engibeering – TILT Pearl District This group is intended to bring people together who are working in the burgeoning PDX tech scene to casually discuss anything tech related over beers (or any other beverage of choice). Let's get together, drink some beer and discuss technology! |
May 21, 2015
RefreshPDX - Hello Web App: Learn How to Build a Web App with Python Django – Idealist Join us for an afternoon workshop on 21 May 2015... Have you ever wanted to build something from scratch that other people could use? There are tons of tutorials and instructions for writing your first website using HTML and CSS, but building something that interacts with the user — a full, complete web application — might feel unachievable and out of reach. Not so! This workshop will walk you through creating a basic web app using Python and Django, from ideation to deployment. Set up your first web product with a database, registration and login forms, and perhaps get on the path to a fun side-project or future startup. Tailored for designers and non-programmers and taught by a designer. What We'll Cover Installation of Python Django, and deploying your local web app. Setting up static files and templates to make it look like a real website. Creating a database schema. Setting up registration, login, and password recovery pages. Deployment on Heroku (if time allows). Who Should Attend This workshop is for those who are comfortable with HTML CSS and want to learn how to build a web app with Django. What You Should Know Experience with HTML and CSS is highly recommended. Very basic knowledge of programming concepts encouraged (variables/loops/etc — easy resources will be given before the workshop). What to Bring A laptop with your favorite text editor. If possible, a Mac or Linux system. What to Expect A half-day of workshop learning! Coffee, Tea, and Snacks are provided by Refresh Portland! A copy (digital or physical) of Tracy's new book for each attendee! Other things that warrant an exclamation mark! The workshop will begin at 1pm and end at 5pm. After the workshop is over, everyone who wants to join us will head to a nearby establishment for drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) on Refresh Portland. About Tracy Osborn Tracy Osborn is a designer, developer, and entreprenerd living in the Bay Area of California. She's the author of Hello Web App, teaching beginner web app development. Building websites since she was twelve, she always felt an affinity to computers, the internet, and what it brings us. Tracy graduated with a BFA in Art Design with a concentration in Graphic Design from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, and worked as a web designer for five years before teaching herself programming and launching her first startup, WeddingLovely. She's also an avid outdoorswoman and would love to go on a hike with you. The Venue, Idealist Thanks to Idealist for hosting us this month! Idealist is located at 209 SW Oak, Suite 101, Portland, OR, 97204. Come on in the front door and go straight back, then left to the meeting room. |
May 25, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
May 28, 2015
PDX Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
For those who don't know, a lightning talk is a very short presentation, about 5 minutes in length. You can talk about anything Python related like a project you're working on, a library that you find interesting, or a resource that you think is helpful. If you want to give a talk but don't know how, we have a guide: Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Jun 1, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Jun 3, 2015
(Sp)Indie Game Development Night – Spin Laundry Keep those clothes clean and the candle lit at both ends while making your indie video game. Approach however. All programming experience levels welcome. No programming experience is fine too. Make your art or get familiar with an IDE. |
Jun 8, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Jun 9, 2015
I want to work for Thetus Corp (powered by FREE PIZZA) – Forge Portland - 1410 SW Morrison Street, Suite 850 We are thrilled to welcome our special guest speaker Derek Blum, Director of Product Management at Thetus Corp. Derek will share her career journey leading up to this position at Thetus (through a series of practical Q&As). We will then do in-depth research on what Thetus Corp is all about... their clients, competition, products, value proposition and much, much more! The experience and value you will get from this meetup is going to be unlike any other you ever saw... You have my personal guarantee! Oh, as always, this meetup is POWERED BY FREE PIZZA :) |
Jun 22, 2015
Monday Python (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of programming! Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover Python, Django, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML and More. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. |
Jun 25, 2015
Portland Python Presentation & Project Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. Frustrate Them For a Lifetime by Erin Call This month we'll be trying a new format! We'll start with a presentation by Erin Call on why mentorship is so important to our community as a whole, and her own experiences mentoring up and coming developers with an open source project she developed. After the presentation ends we’ll ask to audience what projects they’re working on, and what they need help with. Then we’ll break into groups. You can work individually, with others, ask for help, offer to help, or just chat with other pythonistas. Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Jul 9, 2015
(Sp)Indie Game Development Night – Spin Laundry Making video games. Getting clean. Living the dream. |
Jul 23, 2015
Portland Python Presentation & Project Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month: OSCON at Portland Python! Plate Spinning: Modern concurrency in Python by Luciano Ramalho Followed by Project Night. Pizza from CinderStaffing Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Aug 27, 2015
Portland Python Presentation – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
And pizza thanks to Rentrak! After there should be time to chat, ask each other questions, and maybe even get a little bit of coding done. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Sep 10, 2015
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! If you don't have a project, don't worry! This month Hobson will be leading some coding exercises. Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Sep 24, 2015
аренда авто саратов – Urban Airship Inc Hello! аренда авто саратов , |
Sep 26, 2015
Flask by Example: A PyCon Tutorial Practice Session – Urban Airship Inc Join us as Miguel Grinberg runs through his PyCon 2014 Tutorial Session: Flask by Example. Refreshments sponsored by, who have launched a new network to help people everywhere connect and take action on any issue that concerns them, locally or globally, online and in person. Help Miguel prepare for PyCon by being an audience member, and providing helpful feedback afterwards. ** While anyone is welcome to attend, please note that this session is an Intermediate-level tutorial. It will be most accessible and useful to those who already know Python fairly well and are looking to learn about the Flask framework. About Flask Flask is a web framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. It is considered a micro-framework, but don't get the "micro" part fool you; Flask can do everything others can do, many times in a simpler, leaner way. In this tutorial session you will follow me as I write a complete web application in front of your eyes using the core framework and a handful of extensions. About this Session Flask is a small and easy to use, yet fully featured open source web framework written in Python. Its code is concise and well written, you can read it all and understand it. In this session you will learn the Flask way by watching me build a complete application in front of your eyes. Session Schedule 12:00pm ... Doors open 12:30pm ... Tutorial begins 2:00pm ... Stretch break 2:20pm ... Session resumes 3:50pm ... Q & A and Feedback 4:30pm ... Session ends Some of the topics included in this tutorial: • Single-file applications • Multi-file structure for larger applications • Templates • Web forms • Databases • User Authentication • Administration Panel • Social features (followers, timeline pages) • Ajax and RESTful APIs • Deployment options In addition to the Flask core modules (Flask itself, Jinja 2 template engine, Werkzeug) you will learn how to use a number of Flask extensions such as: • Flask-WTF for web form handling • Flask-SQLAlchemy for database management • Flask-Login for user authentication • Flask-Bootstrap for CSS styling • Flask-RESTful for APIs |
Oct 8, 2015
How to go from Airport Baggage Agent to Professional Developer in Weeks (Not Years) – Code Fellows How will you change your career through Code Fellows? Come hear from US Navy veteran Ron Floyd, who went from airport baggage agent to professional web developer with a Code Fellows bootcamp. You'll get to talk to Ron about his career switch and find out how you can do the same. RSVP here: |
Oct 10, 2015
PyDX Community Python Conference through White Stag Block (University of Oregon) Join your friends in the Cascadia Python community for two days of learning and connection. Meet new people and learn about the interesting Pythonic work being done around here. Make the Pacific Northwest an even better place to be a Python programmer. Keynotes, fantastic speakers, and price of ticket includes a BoF dinner on Saturday. Tickets available through the PyDX website! And can be bought at the door. Check out the schedule too. |
Oct 22, 2015
Portland Python Presentation – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
After there should be time to chat, ask each other questions, and maybe even get a little bit of coding done. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Nov 12, 2015
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! If you don't have a project, don't worry! This month Hobson will be leading some coding exercises. Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Jan 14, 2016
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Jan 28, 2016
Portland Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
Creating user-friendly command line tools in Python. Command line tools need not be arcane incantations that requires you to memorize volumes of man pages. After there should be time to chat, and ask each other questions. Pizza thanks to Erickson Information Systems RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Feb 11, 2016
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Feb 25, 2016
Portland Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
Error handling is hard. Regardless of the approach you take, it usually means littering your application with checks and validations that greatly reduce code readability. In this talk, I'm going to show you how to prevent error handling from making a mess of your code. After there should be time to chat, and ask each other questions. We would like thank this month's sponsor, SDVI Corporation, for providing pizza. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Mar 10, 2016
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Mar 24, 2016
Portland Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
After there should be time to chat, and ask each other questions. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Apr 14, 2016
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Urban Airship Inc Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Apr 20, 2016
Refresh Portland—Jane Austen on Python: Tips from an English Major on Writing Better Code – FINE With two English degrees, Lacey Williams Henschel has identified some concrete ways having a Lit background makes for a better developer. This talk discusses how developers can take lessons from literature to write more readable code, make better tests, and create more usable websites. We’ll compare Two Scoops of Django to Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style, that familiar Freshman Comp text, exploring how they are more alike than they are different. We’ll discuss the importance of readability, creating a “story arc” in your tests through good user stories, how variables names have characterization, and the importance of whitespace and good formatting to everyone. We’ll also compare PEP8, the Python style guide, to the MLA Handbook; there’s a reason both disciplines have a style guide! |
Apr 28, 2016
Portland Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
We would like thank this month's sponsor, Exxeno, for providing pizza. After there should be time to chat, and ask each other questions. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Apr 29, 2016
PDX Code Guild Spring Graduation Demo & Reception – PDX Code Guild It's time to celebrate with PDX Code Guild Graduates Check out the skills they've accomplished in just three months This is a great time to check out new talent, see what our students learn, and support the graduating students Please join us 1:30 - 2:15 Meet and Greet Snacks and Sodas 2:15 - 3:30 Student Demos with Q & A 3:30 - 4:30 Happy Hour Hors d'oeuvres & beverages |
May 26, 2016
Portland Python Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
We would like thank this month's sponsor, CloudBolt Softwre, for providing pizza. After there should be time to chat, and ask each other questions. RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
May 28, 2016
PyCon 2016 through Oregon Convention Center PyCon is the largest annual gathering for the community using and developing the open-source Python programming language. PyCon is organized by the Python community for the community. We try to keep registration far cheaper than most comparable technology conferences, to make PyCon accessible to the widest group possible. PyCon is a diverse conference dedicated to providing an enjoyable experience to everyone. Our code of conduct is intended to help everyone maintain the PyCon spirit. We thank all attendees and staff for observing it. |
Jun 4, 2016
Alexa Skill Building 101 – Taborspace On Saturday June 4th we bring you the first ever + Amazon Alexa workshop! Liz Myers, who is a Developer Evangelist at Amazon, will be teaching Alexa Skill Building 101 starting at noon. In this talk, intended for software and hardware developers interested in voice control, home automation, and personal assistant technology, we will walk through the development of a new Alexa skill and incorporate it into a consumer-facing device. The talk will be followed by lunch and an afternoon of hacking. Finish off the day with dinner and incredible prizes sponsored by Amazon. Alexa is the speech and personal assistant technology behind Amazon Echo. Today you can use Alexa to listen to music, play games, check traffic and weather, control your household devices such as Philips Hue and Belkin WeMo, and lots more. Alexa offers a full-featured set of APIs and SDKs that you can use to teach her new skills and add her into devices and applications of your own. Worried that your just a beginner and not much of a coder? Don t be! This Hackathon will be suitable for beginners and pros alike. We have examples and tutorials that will get you up to speed with creating your own amazing voice activated Alexa “Skills” for the Echo – come learn and make new nerdy coder friends! Any experience with JavasScript or Python will be a plus but we have a repository of examples you can simply modify to make your own publishable Alexa Skill. Drop in, bring your laptops, your friends, and plenty of time to hack some uber code and hear what Echo has to say. |
Jun 23, 2016
Portland Python & PyLadies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
There should be time for lightning talks after the presentation. If you have something you want to share, come prepared to give a 5 minute talk. If you've never given a talk before, don't worry we have a guide Need inspiration for a lightning talk? We'd love more talks about testing. How do you use testing in your work? Do you have a favorite tool that you can talk about for 5 minutes, like pytest, or hypothesis? Thank you Simple for providing Pizza this month! RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Jul 14, 2016
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Simple New Location
Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Aug 25, 2016
Portland Python & PyLadies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
This will be a short talk, so there will be plenty of time for lightning talks. If you've never given a talk before, don't worry we have a guide Thank you Simple for providing Pizza this month! RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Sep 1, 2016
PDX Code Guild's Third Anniversary Party – PDX Code Guild Come celebrate PDX Code Guild's third anniversary Sept. 1st with food, beer, live music, and great company! Also enjoy four short presentations from recent graduates showing off their final projects! Details & RSVP: We hope to see you there! |
Sep 22, 2016
Portland Python & PyLadies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for Pythonic talks!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
This will be a short talk, so there will be plenty of time for lightning talks. If you've never given a talk before, don't worry we have a guide Pizza thanks to O'Reilly Media! RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Oct 1, 2016
PyDX Community Python Conference through White Stag Block (University of Oregon) Join your friends in the Cascadia Python community for two days of learning and connection. Meet new people and learn about the interesting Pythonic work being done around here. Make the Pacific Northwest an even better place to be a Python programmer. Keynotes, fantastic speakers, and price of ticket includes a BoF dinner on Saturday. Tickets available through the PyDX website! And can be bought at the door. Check out the schedule too. |
Oct 13, 2016
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Simple Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Oct 20, 2016
Beers with Engineers – 10 Barrel A monthly gathering for Portland area tech junkies. More specifically, those focused on data, emerging technology, and general IT topics. Industry vets, IT pros, nerds, geeks, tech philosoraptors, whatever.... Whether 5 or 50 this is an awesome opportunity to get together and talk shop, learn from peers, or just have some beers and a good time. No management, No selling, No recruiting, No problems. Talking to people about your product(s) or career networking is fine but people "leeching" on the attendance isn't cool so don't do it. Industry folks with expense cards typically cover festivities but this isn't a "sponsored" event and we don't intend to turn BwE into "powerpoint parties". Venue will be dynamic alternating between locations and if group size demands we'll book a location to support. If you're new to the group or haven't been out in a while we're a pretty dynamic crowd and always have a lot of fun. |
Oct 27, 2016
Portland Python & PyLadies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – Urban Airship Inc Come join us for out last Presentation Night of 2016!All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
There should be time for lightning talks after the presentation. If you have something you want to share, come prepared to give a 5 minute talk. If you've never given a talk before, don't worry we have a guide Thank you, Talentpair for providing pizza! RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Nov 10, 2016
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Simple Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Dec 2, 2016
Learn to Code Friday – PDX Code Guild 6:00 - 6:30 Mix & Mingle
6:30 Intros 6:45 Beginner Tutorials
7:30-9:00 Mentor assisted study session |
Dec 8, 2016
CANCELED PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Simple CANCELEDThis meeting has been canceled due to expected snowy conditions. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Dec 12, 2016
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild Tonight's presentation is by Kieran Prasch, "Regular Expressions are Awesome." The Regular expressions mini-language is terse yet power-packed! Take a guided tour of the language from basic syntax to practical usage in code and enhance your ability to use regex to acomplish everyday tasks. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.
This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. More Directions below. slides are here |
Dec 23, 2016
Learn to Code Friday – PDX Code Guild 6:00 - 6:30 Mix & Mingle Help will be available for those needing help getting started or moving ahead learning to code. 6:30 Intros 6:45 Beginner Tutorials We will rotate each week between: 1. Setting up your environment 2. Getting started learning Python 3. Getting started with HTML and CSS 4. Getting started with JavaScript This week we will be learning JavaScript! 7:30-9:00 Mentor assisted study session Help will be available for beginning Python, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. |
Jan 6, 2017
Learn to Code Friday – PDX Code Guild 6:00 - 6:30 Mix & Mingle Help will be available for those needing help getting started or moving ahead learning to code. 6:30 Intros 6:45 Beginner Tutorials We will rotate each week between: 1. Setting up your environment 2. Getting started learning Python 3. Getting started with HTML and CSS 4. Getting started with JavaScript 7:30-9:00 Mentor assisted study session Help will be available for beginning Python, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. |
Jan 9, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. More Directions below. |
Jan 12, 2017
CANCELED: PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Simple CANCELED DUE TO SNOWLet's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Jan 13, 2017
Learn to Code Friday – PDX Code Guild 6:00 - 6:30 Mix & Mingle Help will be available for those needing help getting started or moving ahead learning to code. 6:30 Intros 6:45 Beginner Tutorials We will rotate each week between: 1. Setting up your environment 2. Getting started learning Python 3. Getting started with HTML and CSS 4. Getting started with JavaScript 7:30-9:00 Mentor assisted study session Help will be available for beginning Python, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. |
Jan 16, 2017
***CANCELED*** Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jan 20, 2017
Learn to Code Friday – PDX Code Guild 6:00 - 6:30 Mix & Mingle Help will be available for those needing help getting started or moving ahead learning to code. 6:30 Intros 6:45 Beginner Tutorials We will rotate each week between: 1. Setting up your environment 2. Getting started learning Python 3. Getting started with HTML and CSS 4. Getting started with JavaScript 7:30-9:00 Mentor assisted study session Help will be available for beginning Python, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. |
Jan 23, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jan 26, 2017
Code Oregon - Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: GitHub Workshop The Tech Academy Join us at The Tech Academy for the next installment of Code Oregon Careers.
We will be going over the very basics of GitHub and how you can use it to help you stand out in the market place. Both new and experienced users of GitHub will benefit from this presentation. You do not need prior experience with GitHub to attend. We will be providing pizza and beverages, so please RSVP to help us plan and prepare accordingly. Schedule: • 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Meet and greet (networking + Pizza and beverages) • 6:30 p.m. Overview of Code Oregon Careers • 6:35 p.m. Presentation on the basics of GitHub and how to maximize it to help you stand out in the job market. • 8:00 p.m. Q & A |
Portland Python & PyLadies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – New Relic Happy new year, we've moved to New Relic!Come join us for Pythonic TalksAll levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
There should be time for lightning talks after the presentation. If you have something you want to share, come prepared to give a 5 minute talk. If you've never given a talk before, don't worry we have a guide Thank you, comScore for providing pizza! RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Jan 27, 2017
Learn to Code Friday – PDX Code Guild 6:00 - 6:30 Mix & Mingle Help will be available for those needing help getting started or moving ahead learning to code. 6:30 Intros 6:45 Beginner Tutorials We will rotate each week between: 1. Setting up your environment 2. Getting started learning Python 3. Getting started with HTML and CSS 4. Getting started with JavaScript 7:30-9:00 Mentor assisted study session Help will be available for beginning Python, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. |
Jan 28, 2017
AR + VR Project Showcases @ WSU Vancouver – WSU Vancouver Campus Our first Networking Night of 2017 is a Saturday dedicated to AR and VR Project Showcases at the Creative Media & Digital Culture Center (CMDC) at Washington State University in Vancouver (WSUV).
The Creative Media & Digital Culture (CMDC) program teaches students to conceptualize applications of digital technologies and to think critically about digital media and the ways humans interact and engage with them. On Jan. 28th, CMDC alumnae and current students will be showcasing AR, VR, 2D & 3D animations, websites, and a transmedia educational game environment that have been created for their own research or local community and cultural organizations. Experience and learn further about the creative and critical approaches CMDC students have used when working with digital technology. Saturday's Program 1:00pm – 1:30pm – Doors Open Presenters CMDC alumnae and current students. Join us for project showcases featuring AR, VR, 2D & 3D animations, websites, and a transmedia educational game environment. About the Venue This is the first event we are organizing in the state of Washington. The event will be held on the beautiful campus of WSU Vancouver and we hope you will make the trip. Who Should Attend? Anyone is welcome to attend, as long as you support our mission and agree to follow our Code of Conduct. About the CMDC The Creative Media & Digital Culture (CMDC) program offers a major and a formal minor leading to the Bachelor of Arts Degree (B.A.) in Digital Technology and Culture (DTC) at Washington State University Vancouver. It teaches students to conceptualize, in both research and practice, applications of digital technologies and to think critically about digital media and the ways humans interact and engage with them. The CMDC program focuses on six areas of study within the field of digital media: 1) web & mobile design & development, 2) 2 & 3D animation for simulation and visualization, 3) digital publishing, 4) physical computing, 5) social media / SEO for digital marketing, and most recently 6) game studies & design. With over 250 students in the CMDC, it is now recognized as one of five Signature Programs on the WSUV campus. |
Jan 30, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
10th Annual Winter Coders' Social – Simple Potluck and game night for Portland Coders of all flavors. Register at eventbrite: |
Feb 2, 2017
Portland Data Science Group - Intro to NLP [NLP Series, #1] – This will be the first event in a series we're doing on Natural Language Processing. It will be a highly accessible workshop covering the concepts of n-grams and bag-of-words. We will work within the Python Notebook (Jupyter).
Allen Grimm will be presenting content / guiding the workshop. With years of experience in modeling and predicting user behavior, he has recently begun several NLP projects and is looking forward to sharing the first steps of his journey. Contact him through: GitHub, LinkedIn, Twitter, Event Structure:
• 7:00 - Assistance with Jupyter installation and a mini-course in using the notebook will begin at 7. • 7:20 - The NLP content will begin. • 8:00 - Networking. • 8:30 - We'll head to The Upper Lip, where we dig deep into data science topics over a beer |
Feb 6, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Feb 9, 2017
Frontend Peer Mentoring – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of frontend programming! Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and more. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 pm and invite attendees to ask and answer questions and help each other with programming issues. |
Feb 13, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Feb 16, 2017
Frontend Peer Mentoring – PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of frontend programming! Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541) 602-6215 Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and more. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 pm and invite attendees to ask and answer questions and help each other with programming issues. |
Feb 20, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Feb 23, 2017
Portland Python & PyLadies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – New Relic Come join us for Pythonic TalksAll levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month:
A lightning talk is a short talk (5ish minutes long) about anything python related. If you're working on something cool, fell in love with a library, or just want to share your passion for load testing, come prepared to give a lightning talk. If you've never given one before, don't worry we have a guide! guide Thank you, Simple for providing pizza! RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Feb 27, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Mar 6, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Women Who Code Portland - Algorithms Study Night – Come join us for the first ever Algorithms Study Night March 6th at Code Fellows! We will be working on two problems, an easier starter problem, and then a more complicated one. Any and all skill levels are welcome. At the beginning of the meetup, we will post the questions on the slack channel, and after the meetup, we will post some of the solutions. Use our Slack Invite form if you would like to join Women Who Code, Portland Slack.
This event will repeat first Monday of each month. {short} Code of Conduct Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form. About Women Who Code Portland Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events. |
Mar 7, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Web Security at Mozilla Mozilla is partnering up with Women Who Code Portland to host us during their Developer Roadshow series. The goal is to introduce technologies for the web that make it work. The night's program includes two talks on Web Security at Mozilla.
Program 6:00 - 6:30 - Doors Open Speakers Selena Deckelmann, head of Security Engineering for Firefox, will present a brief overview of her team's work and do a deep dive into recent work on integrating Tor patches into Firefox. Through a collaboration with Tor Project engineers and a team of Mozilla engineers spread around the globe, we've integrated 100+ patches into Firefox, and are working on many more. These patches are privacy-enhancing on multiple fronts, using features only available in Firefox. Michael Van Kleeck, Mozilla's Enterprise Solutions Architect, will talk about Mozilla's Identity and Access Management project, which is enabling Mozilla staff to seamlessly collaborate with community volunteers while at the same time keeping Mozilla and its mission safe. Using this as an example, Michael will introduce some of the technologies used, such as OIDC, OAuth 2.0, SAML, and LDAP. {short} Code of Conduct Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form. About Women Who Code Portland Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events. |
Mar 8, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ Simple: International Women's Day – Join us on March 8th as we celebrate International Women's Day at Simple.
6:00pm - 6:30pm – Doors Open + Networking Panelists TBA About Simple Simple offers online banking with superhuman customer service and tools to help you easily budget and save, right inside your account. Who Should Attend? Anyone is welcome to attend, as long as you support our mission and agree to follow our Code of Conduct. {short} Code of Conduct Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form. |
Mar 9, 2017
Autodesk hits Hedron Makerspace - What's new in Fusion 360 API and CAD/CAM Scripting – Hedron Makerspace Interested in Design and Robotics? Want to learn more about 3D modeling, CNC wood carving, 3D printing, laser engraving, or welding? Hedron is thrilled to host a few software gurus at Autodesk in March's meetup. Come out and get a download from one of the best in his field, Brian Ekins. Brian will talk about how coding is related to CAD, 3D modeling, and machining. Below is the transcript written by Mike Aubrey from the Fusion 360 Meetup group. "Let's meetup Thursday March 9th, 6:30 PM at Hedron Makerspace. To kick things off, Jesse with Hedron will be showing off the space...[]...we’ll be featuring local fusion user (and Autodesk API guru) Brian Ekins and his super fun Fusion scripts that let you do interesting things in CAM that are otherwise difficult. Then, we’ve got Keqing Song with the Fusion product team on-deck to finish out the evening with a whole lot of what’s up and coming in Fusion. See you soon! Bring your laptop. Bring your appetite - we’ve got the food. Bring your curiosity. Whether you’re looking to explore the neighborhood, see an interesting Fusion project, or get glimpse of what’s coming in the future come join us Thursday March 9th at Hedron Makerspace!." RSVP @ |
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Simple Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Mar 13, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Mar 20, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Mar 23, 2017
Portland Python & PyLadies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – New Relic Come join us for Pythonic TalksAll levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month is a Pycon Sneak Peek:
Thank you emma for sponsoring pizza! Are you working on something cool and want to share it with your peers? Did you recently discovered a great new Library and think everyone should know about it? Fill out our form so that we can schedule you! RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Mar 27, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Mar 30, 2017
#FullStackPDX : Code Critique – Sign up for meetup required. |
Apr 3, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Apr 8, 2017
Hack Oregon Spring Buildathon – Hidden Venue Spring Buildathon!Guidelines for Guest ContributorsWhat is it?Believe it or not, Hack Oregon actually doesn’t really do a lot of Hackathons. We form specialized teams to build software and open data stories for important themes in Oregon, and work and iterate incrementally over months to create a product. The "Buildathon" is the one day where we open up our project teams for guest and current contributors that want to be part of the magic and build something amazing, but might not have the time to participate in our months-long project season. What’s the goal?The Buildathon is a production sprint. We’ve laid the groundwork to do research, visualizations, and data storytelling quickly, and we need your help to bring our projects to the next level. We’ll get to work shoring up and finalizing our projects with some cross-team and outsider help. We’re going to use our lifelines and help each other close those blocked github issues and fine-tune designs. Be prepared to make friends and be an instant part of our Hack Oregon family! How can I get involved?By joining our sprint, you’ll be placed with a team that needs extra hands on deck in your particular skill set. We’re working toward our public demo day at OMSI on May 1st, where you can proudly present alongside your team. Perks:
Submit your information here and we’ll reach out to match you with a team and link to reserve your ticket. Below you’ll find a list of skills and roles we’re looking for at the Buildathon, along with this year’s five project themes. Technical skills we’re looking for the Buildathon:
Project TeamsBudgetMVP: We’re highlighting the City of Portland’s budget data in a neutral manner so that users can quickly and efficiently understand its components, view basic spending trends and dive deeper into bureau-level budgets. Stretch Goals: We’ll organize more sophisticated granular views, and applied analysis of deltas and outcomes of programs. TransportationMVP: We’re creating a new system organize and model the efficiency of road construction and capital infrastructure planning. Stretch goals: Expand into usage and impact of Portland’s biking and transit ecosystem through the lense of multi-modal transportation patterns. Emergency ResponseMVP: We are collaborating with Portland Fire and Rescue to take data relating to their emergency calls and build interesting dashboards, visualizations, and simulations. Stretch goals: Understand more about how emergency response patterns vary by unique aspects of neighborhood demographics. HousingMVP: We’re exploring how the city and its neighborhoods have changed over time, from the perspective of 12 representative households. Stretch Goals: We’ll work with raw data from the voter registration to explore change of address as a vector, which may indicate displacement trends. HomelessnessMVP: We’re expanding the perception around the definitions of homelessness in Portland and the moment in time where people experience homelessness. Stretch goals: Capture a fuller picture of children in Multnomah County who hang in the balance food security and housing security. |
Apr 10, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Apr 12, 2017
#FullStackPDX : Code Critique – Sign up for meetup required. |
Apr 13, 2017
PDX Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Simple Let's get together to build cool stuff and study Python.Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-8:30pm on second Thursdays! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! Please RSVP at our Meetup page if you're planning to come. Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Apr 17, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Apr 24, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Apr 27, 2017
Portland Python & PyLadies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – New Relic NOTICE This month we'll be on the 5th floor. Come join us for Pythonic TalksAll levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced. This month is a Pycon Sneak Peek:
Thank you SDVI for sponsoring pizza! Are you working on something cool and want to share it with your peers? Did you recently discovered a great new Library and think everyone should know about it? Fill out our form so that we can schedule you! RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
May 1, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
May 4, 2017
Intro to Deep Learning (in Clojure and Python) – Puppet Deep learning (DL) has become an important topic in the AI and machine learning world. New advances in algorithms, hardware and software have made it a critical part of self driving cars, language translation, image understanding, medical analysis, and many other fields. Though DL systems are commonly written in Python (wrapping C/C++ libraries) we want to explore options available to Clojure developers. We'll have a 2 part meeting with myself (Julio) and JR leading extended lightning-talk style presentations. First, Julio will guide us through a discussion on: • the basics of deep learning and the common tools and libraries • Java and Clojure options (DeepLearning4J and Cortex) and when they may be applicable. In the second part JR will discuss his experiences while taking a deep learning for self driving cars course. JR Says: Neural networks are just plain spooky. In just the past few years, they've gotten so good at classifying images (is this a cat or a dog? is this tissue cancerous or non-cancerous?) that they're often better at their task than humans are. In this talk, you'll see how to use a neural network - the same one used by, a real-life self-driving car company - to drive a simulated car better than JR can. |
#FullStackPDX : Code Critique – Sign up for meetup required. |
May 8, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
May 10, 2017
I want to work for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ meetup – Forge Portland Join our very special meetup session this Wednesday, May 10th 6:00pm to 8:30pm at Forge Portland. Our special guests this month are Scott Judkins, CEO of PayTrace and Trevor Redfern, CTO of PayTrace! PayTace is a super unique “remote-first” company. They are based out of Spokane, WA but most of the technology and business development staff members are based all over WA, OR and Idaho! Over the years, they built a very robust remote-first culture and have been thriving the last couple years. The company is growing at 35% per year and adding a lot of new tech staff (developers, QA and infrastructure folks). PayTrace has also built an intentional culture and goes to great lengths to nourish their values and build a great team-oriented workplace. They currently use the following technologies: Ubuntu, python, ruby, Ruby-on-rails, PostgresSQL, SQL Alchemy etc. If you are looking to learn about a fast growing technology company that thrives on remote teams in the open-source world, you should definitely join!! |
May 11, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ Second Story - "Make It Happen: Improvising, Collaborating, Prototyping" –
On Thursday, May 11th, Second Story will host Women Who Code Portland’s monthly Networking Night in their new design studio.
The theme for the night is Make It Happen: Improvising, Collaborating, Prototyping. The format of the night is an “around the world”; after the welcome, we will break into 3 smaller groups and each smaller group will attend every session offered. The night will be centered around how the team at Second Story works collaboratively, how they create prototypes that help them push the boundaries, and the leadership styles that make it all possible. We hope you’ll join us. Second Story is absolutely thrilled to host us in their new studio! Program 6:00 - 6:30pm – Doors Open + Networking 6:30 - 7:40pm – Welcome + Around the World Sessions 7:40 - 8:00pm – Networking Session #1 - Improvising To Become Better Collaborators Second Story is a highly collaborative studio making work that none of them could possibly produce on their own. Needless to say they have to be excellent listeners and collaborators. So that means they have to practice. Laura Allcorn, Creative Lead and Sr. Experience Designer, will lead a brief improvisation workshop that helps you brush up on our listening and collaboration skills. If the thought of this makes you nervous, please know this isn’t a performance and trying to be funny will be frowned upon. Session #2 - Getting Real Fast Prototyping is a necessity at Second Story. Their project teams will share how they prototype and why they do it. You’ll get a behind the scenes look at examples from projects with major museums and brands. Along the way they’ll share key learnings and show you how they evolved the experiences created. Session #3 - Exposing Unconscious Bias Kelsey Snook, Creative Director, will facilitate a discussion about women in leadership roles. She will share the Second Story approach to tackling unconscious bias with their Make Some Room campaign, an effort to increase inclusivity in the tech and creative fields. About Second Story Second Story is a network of experiential design studios working across the cultural and brand landscapes to elevate the art of storytelling. They build stories you can step inside of. For more info: About Women Who Code Portland Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events. {short} Code of Conduct Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form. |
May 15, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
May 17, 2017
CNPDX and OpenStack May: Kubernetes + Openstack – New Relic Red Hat's Ben Kero will be talking about deploying a Kubernetes cluster on your own OpenStack cloud or a public cloud, then using OpenStack's load balancer resources to handle your app's ingress traffic. Given time and inclination he might also talk about creating an OpenStack-Kubernetes sandwich (Tur-cloud-en). Please RSVP through Meetup so that we can get a headcount for refreshments. If you hate meetup and want to RSVP anyway, then email |
May 22, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
May 25, 2017
Portland Python & PyLadies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – New Relic Come join us for Pythonic TalksAll levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced.
Thank you Pacific NW Software Quality Conference for sponsoring pizza! Are you working on something cool and want to share it with your peers? Did you recently discovered a great new Library and think everyone should know about it? Fill out our form so that we can schedule you! RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
May 29, 2017
Canceled tonight for the holiday! Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jun 3, 2017
CascadiaRConf – OHSU Collaborative Life Sciences Building Cascadia R Conference is an R conference serving the Cascadia-ish region (Oregon/Washington/BC). This is the first time this event has happened! Talk submissions are now closed but tickets are on sale: See the website for more information. |
Jun 7, 2017
PDX Deep Learning - Peer mentoring: Lessons 1 and 9 – PDX Code Guild This week we'll do Lesson 1 and Lesson 9. Pick which everyone you are comfortable with (or both) and work through the material and then come out and share your experiences and help others. For extra credit there are lots of variations you can implement as well as re-implement the code in pure TensorFlow and/or PyTorch. |
Jun 8, 2017
#FullStackPDX : Code Critique – Sign up for meetup required. |
Jun 11, 2017
Portland Data Science Group - Data Science Fundamentals and Hack Day – Come join us every Sunday at the Tech Academy. This is an interactive discussion group, with digital projector and whiteboard. Anybody can jump up, give their opinion or ask a question. We cover from fundamentals to advance. Everyone is a teacher and student.
Jun 12, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - 3rd Anniversary Celebration @ New Relic – Please RSVP on Eventbrite:
We are so thrilled to announce that on June 12th, we will be celebrating our 3rd Anniversary at New Relic! We are so thrilled to announce that on Monday, June 12th, we will be celebrating our 3rd Anniversary at New Relic! This is going to be a great event, as we are celebrating 3 years in Portland, 2000+ members, 200+ events, 10+ leaders, and so many wonderful memories! Thank you to New Relic, InVision, Nike, and Hackbright Academy for sponsoring. The theme for the night is "Rising Up in Engineering Leadership" and we have four distinguished speakers speaking about their careers and how to succeed and thrive in the tech industry as a woman. Our Panelists: • April Leonard - Engineering Manager, New Relic • Dana Lawson - VP of Engineering at InVisionApp Inc • Meena Arunachalam - Principal Engineer, Intel • Sue Hayes - Sr. Director, Commerce Core Platform Engineering at Nike • Moderator: Vaidehi Joshi - Staff Engineer at Tilde, Inc Giveaways + Food As a thank you to our wonderful members, we will have awesome giveaways for the first 100 people, so be sure to arrive on time! InVision and Nike have sponsored Women Who Code Portland coffee mugs and t-shirts and we will be serving food, drinks, and cupcakes, courtesy of New Relic and Hackbright Academy. Program 5:30-6:00 - Doors open & Networking Speaker Bios: Dana Lawson is the Vice President of Engineering at InVision, where she is responsible for leading the platform engineering group, covering DevOps, site reliability, and data services. She has nearly 20 years of experience as a systems engineer and has technical skills spanning multiple disciplines. Throughout her career, Dana has led many different teams and worn many hats, from an individual contributor creating mobile applications to leading multiple teams that managed large scale backend big data and infrastructure. With a background in fine arts, she brings her creative vision to the engineering team at InVision, where technology meets design. April Leonard is a Portland native and longtime Java engineer, who recently dabbled in Ruby, JavaScript, and Kotlin. She has experience building many enterprise applications including an adaptive test engine and a custom shopping cart servicing millions of customers. She delights in solving problems, finding efficiencies, and learning new things and is enjoying her new role as a Software Engineering Manager. Her favorites things are laughing, outdoor activities, gardening, and spending time with her family. Meena Arunachalam is a Principal Engineer in Systems Technologies and Optimizations in Software Services Group at Intel Corporation and she leads system-level performance and power analyses in Machine Learning/Deep Learning and High Performance Computing segments for Xeon, Xeon Phi and FPGA products and architectures. Her areas of expertise are workload optimization, cache and memory hierarchies, and characterization, architectures and projections modeling and energy efficiency benchmarking. Meena joined Intel as a college graduate 18 years ago. She holds a Ph.D in Computer Science. She is a passionate advocate and mentor for women and underrepresented minorities in the areas of Science and Engineering both in industry and academia. She was the WIN (Women in Intel) Conference Chair in 2015 and is the Mentorship Committee Chair of the Women in Big Data West Coast Region. Sue Hayes is currently a Senior Director in the Nike Digital Engineering organization, responsible for the development of the Commerce Core capabilities that power Nike’s eCommerce stack and the brick-and-mortar stores. She has been with Nike for 20 years and she has managed software development teams across Nike’s enterprise. Sue graduated from Carroll University with Bachelor of Science degrees in Mathematics and Psychology and she earned an MBA from the University of Colorado. As a person with a lifelong passion for running, the offer to become a technology leader at Nike was a perfect fit! Our moderator, Vaidehi Joshi, is a Staff Engineer at Tilde, where she works on Skylight. She enjoys building and breaking code, but loves creating empathetic engineering teams a whole lot more. In her spare time, she runs basecs, a weekly writing series that explores the fundamentals of computer science. Sponsors + Sponsor Tables New Relic - New Relic's digital intelligence platform lets developers, ops, and tech teams measure and monitor the performance of their applications and infrastructure. InVision - The world's best companies use InVision to design the products you love. Nike - Experience sports, training, shopping and everything else that's new at Nike from any country in the world. Hackbright Academy - Hackbright Academy is the leading software engineering school for women founded in San Francisco in 2012. Our sponsors will have a booth during the events, where you can speak to representatives from those companies. {short} Code of Conduct Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form. About Women Who Code Portland Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events. |
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jun 14, 2017
Programming with Python – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us to learn Python at Free Geek! Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects. No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program! |
Jun 19, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jun 22, 2017
Portland Python & PyLadies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – New Relic Come join us for Pythonic TalksAll levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced.
Thank you PNSQC for sponsoring Pizza for the second month in a row! Are you working on something cool and want to share it with your peers? Did you recently discovered a great new Library and think everyone should know about it? Fill out our form so that we can schedule you! RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Jun 26, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jun 28, 2017
Programming with Python – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us to learn Python at Free Geek! Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects. No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program! |
Deep Learning Peer mentoring: Lessons 2 and 10 – PDX Code Guild This week we'll do Lesson 2 and Lesson 10. Pick which everyone you are comfortable with (or both) and work through the material and then come out and share your experiences and help others. For extra credit there are lots of variations you can implement as well as re-implement the code in pure TensorFlow and/or PyTorch. |
Jul 1, 2017
Programming with JavaScript – Free Geek Learn the core concepts of programming using the JavaScript programming language! By the end of this class, you will understand key concepts in programming, what JavaScript is and how it is used, and where to go to learn more about JavaScript. |
WiPy Python Hardware Device Demo – Hillsboro Public Library Hello from Garrett Broughton. Michael Wild is sharing his WiPy Python hardware device this week. Find out more about it here: If time permits, we'll also cover the beginning of our group Kaggle competition. |
Jul 8, 2017
Machine Learning Titanic – Hillsboro Public Library Do you want to learn machine learning? The best place to start is creating a predictive model for the Titanic. Join us as a team as we work on it together. We'll kick it off with the basics reviewing the dataset, using Python and Juypter. We'll talk about different models we can use. We'll spend a few sessions together to prepare us to submit on Kaggle. Join us for the fun! |
Jul 10, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jul 12, 2017
Deep Learning Peer mentoring: Lessons 3 and 11 – PDX Code Guild This week we'll do Lesson 3 and Lesson 11. Pick which everyone you are comfortable with (or both) and work through the material and then come out and share your experiences and help others. For extra credit there are lots of variations you can implement as well as re-implement the code in pure TensorFlow and/or PyTorch. |
Jul 13, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ Wieden+Kennedy - Intro to VR & Wearable Tech – RSVP through Eventbrite here:
Our July Networking Night will be hosted by the W+K Lodge, a design engineering group that exists to shake up the way creativity works with technology at Wieden+Kennedy. This month's theme is Intro to VR & Wearable Tech and we have a fantastic program lined up! We are thrilled to invite you to a fun evening of virtual reality experiences, wearable tech, and food + drinks! There will be a series of workshops including an Intro to VR Development, a Live Art Demo of Google’s Tilt Brush app, and a Build Your Own LED Bracelet Wearable. And if you like donuts, there will also be a Donut Photo booth! Agenda
6:00 - 6:10pm: Intro from Women Who Code + from Wieden+Kennedy 6:10 - 6:30pm: Welcome from Lodge Women Engineers + Lodge demos 6:30 - 7:30pm: 3 Workshops 1. Intro to VR Workshop - A guided workshop on how to build your first very own VR app. The tutorial will be documented on video so that attendees can re-watch at home. A learning package will be prepared for attendees, where they can download online and get started. 2. No Paper - A demo room of painting in VR using Tilt Brush 3. How to make your own LED jewelry & Soft Circuits - We will have a station where you can make your own LED bracelets and how to sew your own soft circuits 7:30 - 8:00pm: More Networking + Closing Remarks About W+K Lodge W+K Lodge is a design engineering group that exists to shake up the way creativity works with technology. It is a team of curious-minded experts in machine learning, interaction design, real-time graphics and other emergent parts of tech. The Lodge was founded by independent, privately held global creative company Wieden+Kennedy. They help their clients thrive in a meaningful impact on the future for the future, evolve organizations in a rapid product and support people by uncovering latent needs, behaviors and brands, and interactive experiences that transform the future, evolve organizations and grow. Read more here. They are a team of 25 designers, engineers and strategists who work on projects ranging from mobile apps, VR, platforms, installations, robotics, fabrication, electronics and more. About Women Who Code Portland Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events. {short} Code of Conduct Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form. |
#FullStackPDX : Code Critique – Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members. Join us for something different. Join us to learn. Let’s have fun building our dreams. Register for our events and buy your ticket on |
Jul 17, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jul 22, 2017
Open Ideas in Data Science – Hillsboro Public Library Do you want to learn Python Pandas and Machine Learning? Check out our group. We're just getting started with the Titanic competition. Find out you can solve a real world Kaggle problem with Python and Machine Learning. At the end of the session, we'll brainstorm a new hot topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Jul 26, 2017
Deep Learning Peer mentoring: Lessons 4 and 12 – PDX Code Guild This week we'll do Lesson 4 and Lesson 12. Pick which everyone you are comfortable with (or both) and work through the material and then come out and share your experiences and help others. For extra credit there are lots of variations you can implement as well as re-implement the code in pure TensorFlow and/or PyTorch. |
Jul 27, 2017
Code For Good through Reed College Code for Good is a new annual event based in Portland where Python programmers from all over the globe get together for a long weekend to build projects that help our communities. In 2017 the event will take place in Portland, OR, at Reed College. Participants stay in on-site dorms; hacking and socializing takes place in communal areas. Join us this year just for the fun of giving back! Attendees will split into teams and work on projects for organizations like Free Geek, Sisters of the Road Cafe, and Know Your City. Registration is $150 and scholarships are available. We provide housing, food, and evening activities. While we are focusing on Python, we'd love for Javascript folks and people with design or UX skills too! We're open to all skill levels. Code For Good is a registered non-profit and all sales go 100% to running the event. |
Portland Python & PyLadies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – New Relic Come join us for Pythonic TalksAll levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced.
Thank you PNSQC for sponsoring Pizza for the third month in a row! Are you working on something cool and want to share it with your peers? Did you recently discovered a great new Library and think everyone should know about it? Fill out our form so that we can schedule you! RSVP at Meetup Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Aug 2, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - DevOps Study Night: Intro to Docker – Vevo DevOps Study Night to learn about Docker
Agenda: A quick introduction to Docker, which might be helpful if you’re wondering what Docker is and why it’s garnered so much attention. Hands on lab Please note that the venue has changed. This month we will be at vevo ( Thank You vevo!!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Want to join our Slack team? Fill out this form to request an invite to Women Who Code Slack team: ( Dev Ops Study Nights go on every 1st Wednesday of the month. Our Github repository for links to resources: ( It's pretty bare right now but we hope to be adding stuff to it in the coming months. By coming to the DevOps Study Night, you are agreeing to follow our Code of Conduct ( (aka be a good human). |
Portland Data Science Group - Job Search Skills/Advice by HR/Recruiters – Hillsdale Public Library Come join us for a panel discussion with Larry Gonzales, an internal recruiter from Intel, and others, in the Hillsdale Library Meeting Room. It is a large room with a capacity of upto 46 people.
The host and panel will discuss what recruiters look for for data-driven positions, from your Resume, Linkedin profile, Kaggle, Github accounts, etc. Lots of tips and advice from the "inside". Questions will then be opened to the attendees. |
Aug 3, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Workshop: Intro to the Command Line ThinkShout, Inc. This workshop is the first in our four part "Beginner's Guide to Open Source" series.
This workshop is for people who are completely new to the Command Line. We are going to cover the basic commands and concepts with exercises. This workshop is designed for MacOS and Linux users. All of the commands should work with Windows PowerShell as well. Please ensure that your Windows machine has the latest version of PowerShell.
Key Takeaways: • Understanding of bash and PowerShell. • Ability to use basic command line prompts. Program 5:30-6:00 - Doors open Who Should Attend? Anyone is welcome to attend, as long as you support our mission and agree to follow our Code of Conduct. {short} Code of Conduct Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form. |
Portland Data Science Group - Designing Intelligence – Automation is the future of computing and conversational interfaces are the future of human-computer interactions. However, creating these systems requires us to reverse engineer some of the most fundamental aspects of life, which can be difficult and overwhelming — especially if you don’t know where to start.
Guest Speaker Joe Toscano will be presenting - @realjoet. Formerly an Experience Designer for R/GA, Joe worked as a consultant for Google, where he and his team oversaw the Google product ecosystem and helped Google take products to market. This meant he and his team had to understand how each product strategically fit within the Google ecosystem now, how each product would evolve, over time, and how the decisions being made by individual teams would affect Google’s larger business goals, as a whole. Understanding this allowed him and his team to be confident that the decisions they were making would strategically move Google’s business forward. Joe has since left his job at R/GA to pursue writing his book, Designing Intelligence. The book is being written to help people understand the current state of automation, where it's been and where it's going, how to design products that will thrive in the age of automation, and what role we, as technical talent, play in creating an inclusive future through automation. He hopes to help create ethical automation designers who not only understand best practices of making these systems but also understand the impact they'll be making on the world, through automation. Note the earlier-than-normal start time of 6p. |
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild Office Hours – PDX Code Guild Weekly office hours! Meet with the Founder of PDX Code Guild; bring questions about learning to code, changing careers, coder bootcamps, or chat about technology, hiking, and Portland. Open to the public. |
Aug 5, 2017
Data Science Python Machine Learning – Hillsboro Public Library Do you want to learn Python and Machine Learning? Check out our group. We're getting started with the Titanic competition. Find out you can solve a real world Kaggle Titanic problem with Python and Machine Learning. At the end of the session, we'll brainstorm a new hot topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! This week we'll be presenting Random Forest on the Titanic data set. |
Open Ideas in Science - Open Ideas in Science – Hillsboro Library Do you want to learn Python and Machine Learning? Check out our group. We're getting started with the Titanic competition. Find out you can solve a real world Kaggle Titanic problem with Python and Machine Learning.
At the end of the session, we'll brainstorm a new hot topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! Here's our agenda We've located at the Hillsboro Public Library. We'll be meeting in Conference room A, on the second floor. |
Aug 6, 2017
Portland Data Science Group - Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals - Machine Learning Basics – 11:00 - noon : Instruction ,
Come join us every Sunday morning at the Tech Academy.This is an interactive and immersive instructor lead meeting. This week we will cover the basic foundations of preparing datasets, simple and multiple linear regression, decision trees, ensemble methods and confusion matrices. We use a digital project and whiteboard. The course is given at a comfortable pace, so that any attendee can interrupt and ask a question. No question is too small or wrong. We ask all the attendees to be patient so that everyone attending learns at the same pace so that all attendees are at the same level at the end of the hour. Attendees are encouraged to stay for our following event Hack Days, which is a open discussion, projects and socializing for beginners to advance. |
Aug 7, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Women Who Code Portland - Algorithms Study Night – Come join us for Algorithms Study Night at Code Fellows! We will be working on two problems, an easier starter problem, and then a more complicated one. Any and all skill levels are welcome. At the beginning of the meetup, we will post the questions on the slack channel, and after the meetup, we will post some of the solutions. Use our Slack Invite form if you would like to join Women Who Code, Portland Slack.
This event will repeat first Monday of each month. {short} Code of Conduct Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form. About Women Who Code Portland Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events. |
Aug 9, 2017
Intro to Deep Learning for CoreML w/ Julio Barros and Ryan Arana – Plus QA This is a joint meetup with the CocoaHeads (iPhone) meetup. We are going to explore a machine learning framework, Core ML, that Apple announced for the next version of iOS. |
Aug 10, 2017
#FullStackPDX : Code Critique – Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members. Join us for something different. Join us to learn. Let’s have fun building our dreams. Register for our events and buy your ticket on |
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Maximizing Your LinkedIn The Tech Academy Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub.
Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search. This installment on Thursday, August 10 at 6.p.m. will cover: Maximizing LinkedIn for your job search Food & Beverages: The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. Schedule: • 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation • 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements • 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Soft Skills interview mini-workshop for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop, practice soft skill interviewing Resources for Tech Job Seekers: WorkSource Oregon (A Code Oregon partner) has developed a helpful resource for software developers called Portland Tech Jobs to help job seekers in the tech industry. |
Aug 14, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Aug 16, 2017
Python Open Questions – Free Geek Get help with your Python projects from a friendly and knowledgeable tutor in this drop-in session. Bring anything from introductory questions to advanced projects. Registration is not required. |
Aug 21, 2017
Edit - Cancelled for Eclipse - See you next Week! Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Aug 28, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Aug 30, 2017
Python Open Questions – Free Geek Get help with your Python projects from a friendly and knowledgeable tutor in this drop-in session. Bring anything from introductory questions to advanced projects. Registration is not required. |
Sep 11, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Sep 19, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Sep 21, 2017
#FullStackPDX : Critique – Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members. Join us for something different. Join us to learn. Let’s have fun building our dreams. Register for our events and buy your ticket on |
Sep 25, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Sep 26, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ AWS Portland – ***** NOTE: Please RSVP on Eventbrite. Everyone will need to be registered on Eventbrite to attend the attend. *****
Women Who Code Portland is thrilled to announce that our September Networking Night is being hosted by AWS Elemental, at their new office in downtown Portland! AWS Elemental is an Amazon Web Services company that combines deep video expertise with the power and scale of the cloud to provide nimble, flexible software-based video processing and delivery solutions. The event will be focused around the theme: Customer Obsession - The Art of Working Backwards. Speakers will demonstrate how they use their company's leadership principle, “Customer Obsession,” with their internal customers: their employees. This month, we are featuring a tech talk from AWS Training and Certification, a demo from AWS Elemental and two distinguished Amazonians sharing their experiences at the company. Agenda 5:30 – 6:15 - Doors Open + Networking 6:15 – 6:30 - Intro from Women Who Code & AWS Elemental 6:30 - 6:45 - Demo from AWS Elemental 6:45 - 7:00 - Tech Talk from AWS Training and Certification 7:00 - 7:20 - Two distinguished Amazonians will speak about their experience at Amazon with Q&A from attendees 8:20 – 8:30 - More Networking + Closing Remarks About AWS Elemental AWS Elemental solutions give video providers the power to quickly, easily and economically deploy and scale workflows and focus on what matters: transforming ideas into compelling content that captivates viewers. About AWS In 2006, Amazon Web Services (AWS) began offering IT infrastructure services to businesses in the form of web services -- now commonly known as cloud computing. Today, Amazon Web Services provides a highly reliable, scalable, low-cost infrastructure platform in the cloud that powers hundreds of thousands of businesses in 190 countries around the world. With data center locations in the U.S., Europe, Brazil, Singapore, Japan, and Australia, customers across all industries are taking advantage of agile, low cost, flexible and secure AWS technology platform. About Women Who Code Portland Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events. Our {short} Code of Conduct Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form. |
Sep 27, 2017
Peer mentoring and Coursera course discussion PDX Code Guild Lets get together to discuss all aspects of deep learning and any questions you may have on the Fast.AI or Andrew Ng's coursera course. All levels of experience are welcome. We rarely have presentations, though we may someone lead a discussion. Bring your questions, projects and ideas, basic or advanced, and we'll try to help. |
Oct 2, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 7, 2017
Data Science Python Machine Learning Open Ideas in Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Data Scientists, Do you want to learn more about Tableau? How about Support Vector Machine Machine Learning? At the end of our session, we'll brainstorm a new interesting topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! Presenter Topic Time Everyone Introductions 1:00 - 1:10 PM Justin Tableau 1:10 - 1:25 PM Everyone Q&A 1:25 - 1:30 PM Ernest Support Vector Machine 1:30 - 1:45 PM Everyone Q&A 1:45 - 1:50 PM Everyone Brainstorm & Vote Topics 1:50 - 2:00 PM |
Oct 9, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 11, 2017
Hacktoberfest PDX – New Relic If you're looking for a way to contribute to open source, but maybe you aren't sure how to get started, then this is the meetup for you! We'll go over finding ways to contribute to open source, and getting you from 0 to 4 by the end of the month! Finish 4 pull requests and you'll get a t-shirt via Hacktoberfest! Hacktoberfest is open to everyone in our global community! Pull requests can be made in any GitHub-hosted repositories/projects. You can sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31. Rules To get a shirt, you must make four pull requests between October 1–31 in any timezone. Pull requests can be to any public repo on GitHub, not just the ones we’ve highlighted. The pull request must contain commits you made yourself. Pull requests reported by maintainers as spam or that are automated will be marked as invalid and won’t count towards the shirt. |
Oct 14, 2017
Django Girls PDX – NXT Industries Lab Django girls a workshop aimed at total beginners, that helps attendees built a blog using Python and Django in order to learn about web development. Open to women and non-binary people :) Apply Today! |
Python Machine Learning and Data Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Dear Scientists, Do you enjoy learning and sharing knowledge to help people solve problems? Check out this video to see what we're about. Do you want to learn machine learning? We'll have two lightning talks and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote for a new interesting topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! Presenter Topic Time Everyone Introductions 1:00 - 1:10 PM Ernest Support Vector Machine 1:10 - 1:25 PM Everyone Q&A 1:25 - 1:30 PM Garrett Python Data Analysis 1:30 - 1:45 PM Everyone Q&A 1:45 - 1:50 PM Everyone Brainstorm & Vote Topics 1:50 - 2:00 PM |
Oct 16, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 19, 2017
#FullStackPDX : October : Critique – Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members. Join us for something different. Join us to learn. Let’s have fun building our dreams. Register for our events and buy your ticket on |
Oct 23, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 25, 2017
Women Who Code PDX - JavaScript Study Night – Metal Toad Women Who Code Portland var studyNight = {
when: '5:30-8pm, on the 4th Wednesday each month', where: 'Metal Toad', who: 'Anyone so long as you agree to follow our Code of Conduct.', attendees: [] } studyNight.attendees.push('you'); Translation: Come study at JavaScript Study Night! Bring a project, a problem to debug, or follow along with a walkthrough. You can also take a look at our github repository for links to other exercises and resources: By coming to JS Study Night, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct. {short} Code of Conduct |
Oct 26, 2017
Programming with JavaScript – Free Geek Learn the core concepts of programming using the JavaScript programming language! By the end of this class, you will understand key concepts in programming, what JavaScript is and how it is used, and where to go to learn more about JavaScript. |
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Soft Skills Interviewing 10/26 The Tech Academy Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub.
Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search. This installment on Thursday, October 26 at 6.p.m. will cover: Preparing for Soft Skill Interviews Food & Beverages: The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. Schedule: • 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation • 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements • 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing Resources for Tech Job Seekers: David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment. |
Oct 28, 2017
Data Lakes and Architect Mock Interview – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Do you enjoy learning and sharing knowledge to help people solve problems? Check out this video to see what we're about. Do you want to learn about Data Lakes? How about experience an architect mock interview. We'll have two lightning talks and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote for a new interesting topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Stay tuned for topics. It will be posted a week prior to the session. Join the fun! |
Oct 30, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Nov 4, 2017
Ideas in Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Dear Learners, Do you enjoy learning and sharing knowledge to help people solve problems? Check out this video to see what we're about. Do you want to learn about UAV drones? What is a memory leak? We'll have two lightning talks and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote for a new interesting topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Nov 6, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Algorithms Study Night – Alchemy Code Lab Come join us for Algorithms Study Night at Code Fellows! We will be working on two problems, an easier starter problem, and then a more complicated one. Any and all skill levels are welcome. At the beginning of the meetup, we will post the questions on the slack channel, and after the meetup, we will post some of the solutions. Use our Slack Invite form if you would like to join Women Who Code, Portland Slack.
This event will repeat first Monday of each month. {short} Code of Conduct Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form. About Women Who Code Portland Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events. |
Nov 8, 2017
Ensemble methods, Peer mentoring and Coursera course discussion – Lets get together to discuss all aspects of deep learning. In particular, this week I'm interested in learning more about ensemble methods for deep learning. If you get a chance and are so inclined check out The Relative Performance of Ensemble Methods with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification Also, bring any questions you may have on the Fast.AI or Andrew Ng's coursera course. All levels of experience are welcome. We rarely have presentations, though we may someone leads a discussion. Bring your questions, projects and ideas, basic or advanced, and we'll try to help. Don't forget the #deep-learning channel in the PDX Startups slack which you can join at |
Nov 9, 2017
Programming with JavaScript – Free Geek Learn the core concepts of programming using the JavaScript programming language! By the end of this class, you will understand key concepts in programming, what JavaScript is and how it is used, and where to go to learn more about JavaScript. |
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Maximizing Your GitHub 11/9 The Tech Academy Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub.
Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search. This installment on Thursday, November9 at 6.p.m. will cover: Maximizing Your GitHub for the Job Search Food & Beverages: The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. Schedule: • 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation • 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements • 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing Resources for Tech Job Seekers: David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment. |
Nov 11, 2017
Ideas in Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Do you want to learn about the recent neutron star collision that created light, gravitational waves, and gold? Do you enjoy learning and sharing knowledge to help people solve problems? Check out this video to see what we're about. We'll have two lightning talks and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote for a new interesting topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Stay tuned for topics. It will be posted a week prior to the session. Join the fun! |
Nov 16, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ CDK Global CDK Global, Inc This month's networking night is a partnership between ChickTech and Women Who Code - we're delighted to bring our two communities together.
Our November Networking Night will be hosted by CDK Global, the largest global provider of integrated IT and digital marketing solutions to the automotive retail industry. This month's theme is Growing Technically and Professionally, and we have a fantastic speaker panel lined up! We are thrilled to invite you to a fun evening of talks from experienced technical women, networking, and food + drinks. This month, we are featuring a five talks from five CDK software engineers, each of whom have diverse background and different seniority levels. Together, the engineers will create a framework for becoming a stronger technical team member, from breaking into the industry to developing a more advanced skill set on the job. Come enjoy conversations, Q&A session and the company of fellow software engineers. Agenda Speakers and Topics: Danielle Hubbard (Software Engineer III): Angular Debugging Carrie Eremenis (Software Engineer IV): #TheirCDKSummer Claire Mears (Software Engineer I): Growing as a New Team Member Shivani Wanjara (Software Engineer II): Culture and Diversity at CDK Mahija Daliparthi (Software Engineer I): Starting your Career as a Software Engineer
About ChickTech About Women Who Code Portland {short} Code of Conduct |
Nov 18, 2017
Ideas in Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Do you want to learn about idea generation? We're going to talk about key points in preparing a disclosure for a patent filing. Do you enjoy learning and sharing knowledge to help people solve problems? Check out this video to see what we're about. We'll have two lightning talks and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote for a new interesting topic for the following week presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Stay tuned for topics. It will be posted a week prior to the session. Join the fun! |
Nov 20, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) through PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Nov 22, 2017
#FullStackPDX : November : Critique : Happy Thanksgiving – Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members. Join us for something different. Join us to learn. Let’s have fun building our dreams. Register for our events and buy your ticket on |
Nov 27, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Nov 29, 2017
Portland Deep Learning: AutoML, Peer mentoring and Alpha Go discussion – - Conference Room 200 Lets get together to discuss all aspects of deep learning. In particular, this week I'm interested in learning more about AutoML (learning to learn). If you get a chance and are so inclined check out Using Machine Learning to Explore Neural Network Architecture and Google Vizier: A Service for Black-Box Optimization. Our own Sylvain Payot will lead a short talk titled: AlphaGo: How DeepMind put an end to 2,500 years of human mastery The game of Go has long been viewed as the most challenging of classic games for artificial intelligence combining an enormous search space and a challenging evaluation of board positions and moves. In this talk, we walk you through the strategy adopted by Google DeepMind to develop the program AlphaGo, building on state of the art reinforcement learning and deep learning techniques to defeat some of the world’s greatest Go champions in 2016. And finally, bring any questions you may have on the Fast.AI or Andrew Ng's coursera course. |
Nov 30, 2017
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Preparing for Technical Interview The Tech Academy Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub.
Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search. This installment on Thursday, November 30 at 6.p.m. will cover: Preparing and tips for the Technical Interview Food & Beverages: The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. Schedule: • 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation • 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements • 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing Resources for Tech Job Seekers: David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment. |
Dec 2, 2017
Ideas in Science – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Do you enjoy learning and sharing knowledge to help people solve problems? Do you want to learn about API's? We'll have two lightning talks and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote for a new interesting topic for ideas on upcoming presentation. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Dec 4, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Dec 5, 2017
Programming with JavaScript – Free Geek Learn the core concepts of programming using the JavaScript programming language! By the end of this class, you will understand key concepts in programming, what JavaScript is and how it is used, and where to go to learn more about JavaScript. |
Dec 7, 2017
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Maximizing Your LinkedIn 12/7 The Tech Academy Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub.
Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search. This installment on Thursday, December 7 at 6.p.m. will cover: Maximizing LinkedIn for your job search Food & Beverages: The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. Schedule: • 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation • 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements • 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Soft Skills interview mini-workshop for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop, practice soft skill interviewing Resources for Tech Job Seekers: David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment. |
Dec 11, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Dec 13, 2017
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Level 2. Perfect if you know a few basics but want more in-depth study! Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us to learn Python at Free Geek! Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects. No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program! |
Dec 14, 2017
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Soft Skills Interviewing 12/14 The Tech Academy Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub.
Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search. This installment on Thursday, December 14 at 6.p.m. will cover: Preparing for Soft Skill Interviews Food & Beverages: The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. Schedule: • 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation • 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements • 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing Resources for Tech Job Seekers: David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment. |
Dec 18, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Dec 21, 2017
#FullstackPDX : December : Annual Charity Drive : Merry Christmas – Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members. Join us for something different. Join us to learn. Let’s have fun building our dreams. Register for our events and buy your ticket on |
Dec 23, 2017
Ideas in Science & Tech – Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue North Operating Center Do you know how Computer Vision works? How about Machine Learning or Neural Networks? Check out my video lesson. If you want to learn more, join us on Saturday We'll have a thirty-minute talk and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote for a new interesting topic for ideas on upcoming presentations. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Dec 27, 2017
Programming with Python 1 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us to learn Python at Free Geek! Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects. No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program! |
Dec 28, 2017
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Maximizing Your GitHub 12/28 The Tech Academy Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub.
Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search. This installment on Thursday, December 28 at 6.p.m. will cover: Maximizing Your GitHub for the Job Search Food & Beverages: The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. Schedule: • 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation • 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements • 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing Resources for Tech Job Seekers: David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment. |
Jan 8, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jan 10, 2018
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Level 2. Perfect if you know a few basics but want more in-depth study! Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us to learn Python at Free Geek! Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects. No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program! |
Jan 11, 2018
Beginning Programming with JavaScript – Free Geek Learn the core concepts of programming using the JavaScript programming language! By the end of this class, you will understand key concepts in programming, what JavaScript is and how it is used, and where to go to learn more about JavaScript. |
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Preparing for Technical Interview The Tech Academy Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub.
Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search. This installment on Thursday, January 11 at 6.p.m. will cover: Preparing and tips for the Technical Interview Food & Beverages: The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. Schedule: • 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation • 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements • 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing Resources for Tech Job Seekers: David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment. |
Jan 13, 2018
PASCAL Hackerspace - PASCAL Open Day PASCAL Join PASCAL on Saturday the 11th of November for a day of tours, entertainment and dialogue.
Drop on by if you would like to: Basic concessions will also be available! |
Jan 14, 2018
PDX People of Color in Tech - Gathering – We're looking forward to seeing you!
We'll be at PDX Code Guild, on the 2nd floor. Plenty of street parking available. Bring a dish to share! There are microwaves and fridges/freezers if needed. Agenda: 3-3:45 Welcome, introductions, eating, conversation 3:45-4:15 Presentation (and Q&A) from Oz duSoleil: 4:15-5:00 Announcements, more eating and conversation Accessibility notes: There is an elevator in the lobby of the first floor, when entering in the front door on Corbett Ave. Some chairs in the room have arms and others do not. Background noise will likely be low-level, aside from participant volume |
Jan 15, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jan 20, 2018
Bitcoin and Blockchain – TVF&R Station 67 Join us for a presentation and discussion on the technology behind Bitcoin called Blockchain. You can tell us if it's a fraud or the future of global currency. We'll have a thirty-minute talk and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote for a new interesting topic for ideas on upcoming presentations. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Jan 22, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jan 25, 2018
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Maximizing Your LinkedIn 1/25 The Tech Academy Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub.
Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search. This installment on Thursday, January 25 at 6.p.m. will cover: Maximizing LinkedIn for your job search Food & Beverages: The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. Schedule: • 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation • 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements • 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Soft Skills interview mini-workshop for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop, practice soft skill interviewing Resources for Tech Job Seekers: David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment. |
Jan 27, 2018
Introduction to Deep Learning With Tensorflow and Keras – Alchemy Code Lab Introduction to Deep Learning with Tensorflow and KerasDeep Learning (DL) is a fast growing and exciting sub-field of machine learning and AI that has recently made extraordinary advancements in many applications such as image recognition, natural language processing, speech transcription, classification and forecasting. This 2 day introductory course focuses on giving you a firm foundation of deep learning techniques using a combination of presentations and hands-on exercises. The presentations introduce essential background and theory and allow for questions and discussions. And the exercises use Jupyter notebooks with Keras and Tensorflow to show you the essentials of building and training neural nets. Deep learning can transform any industry. This course will help you find creative ways to apply it to yours. You'll learn:
So that you can:
... to get the answers you need for your business and career. You'll get the most out of this course if:
Note: You don't need to be a math wizard - this is a hands on practical class. Though knowing more is always helpful, deep understanding of linear algebra and and calculus are not necessary. We will cover all the math basics necessary to get started in the class. TopicsOver the 2 days we will cover
PreparationIf you'd like to work with software installed on your own laptop we suggest you download and install Conda and use to to install Python3, Numpy, Pandas, Jupyter, Tensorflow and Keras. A docker image with the necessary software pre-installed will also be made available. If you can't install Conda or Docker, let us know when you register and we will strive to provide access to a running Jupyter Notebook instance. Also, feel free to bring a CSV of a data set you are interested in exploring and a description of what you'd like to predict. ScheduleSaturday Jan 27 and Feb 3rd, 9AM - 1PM Alchemy Code Lab 30 NW 10th Ave Portland, OR 97209 More information and future classesFor more information and information on future classes please contact Julio and sign up for announcements at |
Jan 29, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Feb 5, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Feb 8, 2018
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Soft Skills Interviewing 2/8 – The Tech Academy Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub.
Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search. This installment on Thursday, February 8 at 6.p.m. will cover: Preparing for Soft Skill Interviews Food & Beverages: The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. Schedule: • 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation • 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements • 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing Resources for Tech Job Seekers: David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment. |
Feb 12, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Feb 15, 2018
#FullStackPDX : February : Critique : 2018 KICK OFF – Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members. Join us for something different. Join us to learn. Let’s have fun building our dreams. Register for our events and buy your ticket on |
Feb 19, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Feb 21, 2018
Programming with Python 1 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us to learn Python at Free Geek! Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects. No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program! |
Feb 22, 2018
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Maximizing Your GitHub 8/22 The Tech Academy Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub.
Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search. This installment on Thursday, February 22 at 6.p.m. will cover: Maximizing Your GitHub for the Job Search Food & Beverages: The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. Schedule: • 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation • 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements • 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing Resources for Tech Job Seekers: David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment. |
PDX Python and Pyladies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – New Relic Come join us for Pythonic talks! This month, we're proud to present talks covering both advanced and beginner-friendly topics. Thanks to our speakers Emily Cain and Allan Feldman! Emily Cain Purrsistent Debugging One of the most important skills for a software developer is debugging. How do we approach debugging? What tools do we learn? What skills are involved, and what habits do we pick up as we learn them? How do we teach and communicate about these skills? In this talk, programmer, writer, and technology educator Emily Cain will explore these issues. Beginners will learn about key tools like PDB and the browser's debugger, as well as learning to inspect code and function outputs to look for patterns. Meanwhile, more advanced coders will learn techniques for understanding and discussing these skills, and gain a better perspective on how to help their more junior colleagues advance beyond the "Googling StackOverflow" stage of debugging. And everyone will get to look at adorable pictures of a particularly dedicated cat as she "debugs" her way into an infinite supply of snacks. Allan Feldman Reference cycles: what are they, how to detect them, and how to fix them Let's talk about garbage! Ever had a long-running Python process whose memory usage seemed to grow over time? In this talk, Allan Feldman, Senior Software Engineer at New Relic, dives into Python internals to show how reference cycles can happen, how to find them in your code, and how to fix a cycle once found. You'll never look at garbage the same way again! We'll also open things up for some 3-5 minute Lightning Talks afterward. Are you working on something cool or did you discover a new tool or package? Get up and talk about it! Submit proposals for talks here: All speakers and attendees must follow our code of conduct: Join us after the meetup at Bailey's taproom at 213 SW Broadway to continue the discussion over a beverage. |
Feb 24, 2018
Python Tricks – TVF&R Station 67 Chris Knorowski & Isil Berkun will be presenting on Python tricks and what it takes to be a Data Scientist. We'll have a 30-minute demo and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote on new interesting topic ideas for upcoming presentations. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Feb 26, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Mar 3, 2018
Python Tricks – TVF&R Station 67 Hello everyone! We have an update to our schedule. We had to switch our presenters the past two weeks. Chris Knorowski has been rescheduled for this week. Chris from will be presenting on Python tricks. He is asking if you have any special requests??? Comment on the meetup or email us and he'll research it ahead of time. We'll have a 30-minute demo and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote on new interesting topic ideas for upcoming presentations. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Mar 5, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Mar 7, 2018
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Level 2. Perfect if you know a few basics but want more in-depth study! Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us to learn Python at Free Geek! Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects. No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program! |
Mar 12, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Mar 14, 2018
TensorFlow Northwest User Group – Vacasa Inference, Deep Neural Nets, Hyper-Parameters, Sign Language and Visual Insights Welcome to TensorFlow Northwest. It was exciting to have so many of you come out during February’s snow-mageddon. This month, we prepared a balanced agenda to have new contents, and to incrementally build on what you’ve learned. On the other hand, we built the labs in a way that will allow those who couldn’t beat the storm to catch up quickly. Al Kari will begin with an introduction and a technology update, then he moves on to cover a key topic in TensorFlow: Saving your models so you can use them to classify new data. The discussion will cover best practices and techniques to use your trained models for inference and transfer learning. Al is Manceps’ Co-founder and CEO ( where he helps enterprise clients with their Digital Transformation and intelligent computing roadmaps. Next, Andrew Ferlitsch will take you on a code-along adventure via Colaboratory- An Introduction to Constructing Neural Networks and Hyper-parameter Tuning. You’ve kicked the tires with 5 digits hand signs last month. Now, we progressively build layers of a neural network for the larger dataset of the American Sign Language hand gestures including all the letters of the alphabet. We will cover a fully connected neural network, proceed to a deep neural network, and then add dropout layers to tackle overfitting. Then we wrap up with the fundamentals of hyper-parameter tuning. The lab requires a laptop with a modern browser and will be at a modest pace to provide sufficient opportunity to ask questions and share insights. As Chief Data Scientist at Manceps, Andrew works on solving a diverse set of problems using Deep Learning and advanced analytics. Finally, David Molina will demystify Neural Networks once and for all, visually! What does bias do in a Neural Network? Why are weights important? What happens when we select a high learning rate? How do we know how many inputs to select? How many hidden layers a model needs in order to predict accurately? How does a Neural Network work? These are questions we ask when we begin studying Machine Learning as we encounter our first Neural Network. David will explore visually what’s behind the code, and what happens inside a Neural Network when it runs. David is an Industrial Engineer with five years corporate experience in building databases, managing and analyzing large data sets, and optimizing systems and processes. He is currently studying Machine Learning and consulting for companies in his native country of Colombia. REMEMBER to bring your laptop Pizza and drinks sponsored by Intel. Links to the labs will be posted shortly. Hope you have a great time learning and networking. |
Mar 17, 2018
Python Computer Vision and how it can be used for autonomous cars and drones. – TVF&R Station 67 Ever wonder how autonomous cars or drones use computers for autopilot? Did you know Python is very powerful when it comes to detecting objects in an image? Imagine what it can do with a video? There is a tremendous amount of data in the video. Garrett will show an example program that can detect an object in your own webcam. There are a few steps in the process. First, you have to gather negative files you want to use as background images. Second, you will create positive images by superimposing the image you want to detect. Last you will train a cascade file for your Python program to detect. I'll show you the three functions and how to run the training model. Plus demonstrate the live version of image detection. I have so much to cover in such a limited amount of time. I'm sure you'll learn and enjoy the topic. We'll have the 30-minute demo and at the end of our session, we'll brainstorm and vote on new interesting topic ideas for upcoming presentations. The winning idea will get the innovator of the week. Join the fun! |
Mar 19, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Mar 21, 2018
Programming with Python 1 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us to learn Python at Free Geek! Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects. No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program! |
Mar 22, 2018
#FullStackPDX : March : Critique – Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members. Join us for something different. Join us to learn. Let’s have fun building our dreams. Register for our events and buy your ticket on |
Mar 23, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - IoT Hackathon 2018 through Puppet Our IoT Hackathon is coming back the weekend of March 23-25, 2018! For the full event description is available on Eventbrite.
This event is geared towards women but we also welcome everyone who supports our mission of inspiring women to excel in technology careers. The goal of the hackathon is to gain new programming skills, have fun, and work in teams to build sustainability solutions. This year's theme is Sustainable Futures. We welcome your expertise at this event, whether you are a developer, designer, product manager, project manager, data scientist, business analyst, or marketing professional. You will be working in teams of 4-6 to come up with the next great IoT solution. This hackathon is geared towards all skill levels. If this is your first hackathon, you will fit right in! If you are a seasoned professional ready to lead a dedicated team, this event is also for you! The event cost is $25 for all hackathon participants and they include food throughout the weekend, WWCode swag, giveaways, and prizes for the winners. We have scholarships available for anyone who is a student, under-employed, or in need of financial assistance. Please visit the full event post on Eventbrite for more information. |
Mar 26, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Apr 2, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Apr 9, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Apr 16, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Apr 18, 2018
Programming with Python 1 – Free Geek Register via Eventbrite: Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us to learn Python at Free Geek! Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects. No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program! |
TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018 - Recap – Vacasa If you didn't make it to the TFDevSummit then you're in luck: We will bring the summit to you! A whole day of updates will be summarized for you in this session, where you get to hear what is available right now and where the technology is going next. We are super excited to hold this joint event with the Portland Deep Learning group. In this interactive session, @alkari and @juliobarros will cover major topics and facilitate an open discussion on the latest features available in the framework. For a bonus, @bhlmn will introduce Convolutional Neural Networks use cases in meteorology; Weather nerdery is a common phenomenon, and armed with a fresh PhD in the field, Bryan will get you thinking about CNN's potentials in Meteorology, now and in the future. Come prepared for a dialogue and bring your questions, ideas and suggestions. There will be a quiz! Don't miss this event. |
Apr 19, 2018
#FullStackPDX : April : Critique – Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members. Join us for something different. Join us to learn. Let’s have fun building our dreams. Register for our events and buy your ticket on |
Apr 23, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Apr 28, 2018
Python Seaborn Anyone? Want to Learn out to Plot like a Master Data Scientist? – TVF&R Station 67 This is a improvement session from Matplotlib. Seaborn is a powerful tools for plotting data used by Data Scientist. Join Ph.D. Ernest Bonat and Garrett Broughton as we share our knowledge on the extremely awesome Python library. Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Free Knowledge Mission is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. Join us at TVF&R Station 67 in Beaverton every Saturday at 11 AM for Music/Art and 1 PM for Science/Tech. |
Apr 30, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
May 2, 2018
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 2 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. If you can type, you can program! |
May 7, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
May 16, 2018
Programming with Python 1 – Free Geek Register via Eventbrite: Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us to learn Python at Free Geek! Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects. No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program! |
May 23, 2018
Django Girls Portland Workshop – OpenHaus Portland Django Girls PDX, its a free one day workshop aimed at Women and Non-Binary Folk, to introduce them to code via Django and python in a friendly environment. *SPACE IS LIMITED SO PLEASE APPLY TODAY:** *APPLICATIONS CLOSE 05/23/2018** |
May 27, 2018
ML4ALL through The Bossanova Ballroom ML4ALL is a two day conference focusing on machine learning, to be held in Portland, Oregon on May 27-29, 2018. The goal of the ML4ALL Conference is to make applied machine learning accessible to the average software developer or enthusiast. We believe that machine learning should be viewed as a core competency for software developers, and will be a pervasive and essential aspect of almost all human-computer interaction in the near future. The ML4ALL community wishes democratize machine learning, highlighting smaller and more mundane use cases, bringing the technology out of the ivory towers of top tier tech companies and universities, and into the hands of everyday developers. |
May 29, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys with Crystal Martin – Online Webinar Women Who Code Portland and LaunchCode are thrilled to present a cross-country online series focused on women in tech exchanging stories, building connections, and supporting each other in their careers. The series will be called "Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys" and it will take place the last Tuesday of the month.
Each session will feature a conversation with a woman in a senior tech role. Our speakers will talk openly about their current role, their journey, and what their day-to-day work lives are like. We will alternate speakers from the Portland and St Louis communities. Link to join the Zoom event: SCHEDULE 4:00 – 4:05 PM – Intro from Women Who Code Portland and LaunchCode OUR SPEAKER Crystal is a Salesforce Development Consultant at Slalom, a Co-Organizer of Strange Loop Conference, and diversity in tech/business advocate. As a Detroit Public Schools graduate, Crystal is passionate about equal access to education at all levels. She came to St. Louis as a 2010 Teach For America Corps Member and taught middle school math in St. Louis Public Schools for four years. After her time in the classroom, she wanted to explore a career that would allow her to bring together her love for creativity, science, and community and technology was just that! Crystal likes to call herself a “developing developer”, she’s a lifetime learner and is currently digging into JavaScript and Salesforce and fighting the patriarchy and imposter syndrome one key stroke at a time. She holds a B.S. in Nutritional Sciences from Michigan State University and an M.Ed. in Secondary Education from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, which goes to show, college degrees matter, but they really don’t. {short} CODE OF CONDUCT By dialing in to this event, you agree to our Code of Conduct. Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. |
May 30, 2018
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Level 2. Perfect if you know a few basics but want more in-depth study! Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us to learn Python at Free Geek! Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects. No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program! |
May 31, 2018
#FullStackPDX : May : Critique – Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members. Join us for something different. Join us to learn. Let’s have fun building our dreams. Register for our events and buy your ticket on |
Jun 4, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Free Intro to Programming through PDX Code Guild June 4, 2018 - June 15, 2018 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Jump-start your programming education with this fast-paced intro course. With interactive lectures and hands-on Python labs, you will gain the basic tools and skills, giving you a solid foundation for further learning. This class covers setting up your environment, all of the programming data types, functional programming, and more! Intro classes are free, with no prerequisites. To enroll, email [email protected] a request to be put on the class roster. |
Jun 6, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - DevOps Study Night: Scripting & Automation – Vevo Welcome to our DevOps Study Night!
This month's theme: Scripting and Automation Throughout 2018, the WWC PDX study nights will weave through an introductory overview of systems administration. This month, we'll take a look at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), two of the main providers of cloud infrastructure services. The DevOps Study Nights occur on the first Wednesday of each month. Come prepared with: For the demo/workshop, we'll be working in Google Cloud Platform, so you'll want to sign up for an account (it's free!): HAVE YOU JOINED OUR SLACK COMMUNITY? Fill out this form to request an invite: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GITHUB Our Github repository for links to resources: . It's lightweight right now but we will add to it in the coming months. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- By coming to the DevOps Study Night, you are agreeing to follow our Code of Conduct: (aka be a good human). {SHORT} CODE OF CONDUCT Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form ( |
Jun 11, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jun 13, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - JavaScript Study Night – Act-On Software var studyNight = {
what: 'A night for studying JavaScript and all its wonders. Come work on a project, do some exercises or tutorials, pair program, or absorb by osmosis.', when: '5:30-8pm, on the 2nd Wednesday each month', where: 'Act On Software', who: 'Anyone so long as you agree to follow our Code of Conduct.', attendees: [] }; studyNight.attendees.push('you'); ---------------------------------------------------------- Translation: Come study at JavaScript Study Night! Bring a project, a problem to debug, or follow along with a walkthrough. You can also take a look at our github repository for links to other exercises and resources: Thanks to Act-On for sponsoring and hosting us! Act-On Software is a marketing automation software company that empowers marketers to do the best work of their careers. Their company headquarters is located in Portland, OR, in the Bank of America building. They are currently hiring for several engineering and customer support (tiers 1, 2, and 3) roles. Please visit their careers page for more information on their open positions: ---------------------------------------------------------- By coming to JS Study Night, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( {short} Code of Conduct |
Jun 18, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - 4th Anniversary Celebration – On Monday, June 18th, Women Who Code Portland will be celebrating 4 years in Portland! 🥂 Join us for our 4th Anniversary Celebration, an evening of networking, great talks, giveaways, and delicious food and drinks, hosted by New Relic.
The theme and the speakers will be announced in the next few weeks leading up to the event! Stay tuned! For security reasons, all attendees are required to RSVP on Eventbrite: PROGRAM 5:30 - 6:00 - Doors open & Networking Activity GIVEAWAYS + PRIZES As a thank you to our wonderful members, we will have an awesome Women Who Code t-shirt to give away to our first 100 attendees and we will be raffling conference tickets and other cool prizes to all attendees. CODE OF CONDUCT Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form ( ABOUT WOMEN WHO CODE PORTLAND Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events. For security reasons, all attendees are required to RSVP on Eventbrite: |
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jun 21, 2018
#FullStackPDX : June : Critique – WeWork Custom House Just like fight club, if this is your first night attending, you have to present. Discussing your startup, recent project, code reviews, business ideas, etc. are all applicable. There is not a required length of time to present. This can be a live prototype or even a set of powerpoint slides. You do not have to know how to code to present your dream, and we are HERE TO HELP you. Presentations are meant to be collaborative, not the traditional meetup style where a presenter talks like a teacher for a very long time and saves questions for the end. We use a timer and the group dynamic works to collaboratively prevent cross talk and side conversations. So bring your computer, fun spirit and desire to learn, and let's have fun. Signups through are required and seats are limited, so buy your tickets early because we usually sell out. We are self funded, and 100% of the revenue received is put back into the meetup costs. We will have top shelf pizza from Crown PDX ( so come HUNGRY for dinner!! Doors open at 6pm and we kick off on time. We start consuming the pizza at 6pm as well. After the concert of presentations we will walk over to Bailey's Taproom ( to continue the evening. Location: WeWork Customs House : Room 1C : When you check in ask for CP Handheld, they are our sponsor. The room is right to the left as you walk in. |
Jun 25, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jun 27, 2018
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 2 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. If you can type, you can program! |
Jul 2, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jul 9, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
OpenStack Birthday Social & Move to Open Infrstructure – Intel Corporation, JFCC Auditorium Calling all passionate OpenStack'ers! This event is not to be missed! As the industry and OpenStack Foundation moves to embrace Open Infrastructure, we are kicking off this meetup just in time to celebrate OpenStack's 8th birthday to reinvigorate interest and bring together passionate community of developers and users in and around Portland. We will be having a fun filled evening with diverse community covering following topics: - Introduction & move towards Open Infrastructure - Lightening talks by attendees of OpenStack summit at Vancouver BC - Talks on Edge Stacks Like to be a presenter? Send out a note on the topic you would like to present along with a brief bio of yourself. Agenda is open to include: - Talks on any of the OpenStack projects, usage models, deployment, CI/CD, integration or simply experiences with OpenStack. - We are broadening the scope this time to include talk on Edge stacks like StarlingX, Akraino, etc. Check out meetup page periodically for an update agenda RSVP to be on the notification list. |
Jul 11, 2018
Programming with Python 3 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 3 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. In this class you will learn the basics of Object Oriented Programming with Python. Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism and other scary sounding terms will be demystified! Recommended Prerequisites: Programming with Python 1 and Programming with Python 2 |
Jul 16, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jul 18, 2018
Rejected Oscon Talks : Charity Drive and Critique : A collaboration between #FullStackPDX and the neo4j Team! – WeWork Custom House This month we have lined up a super special event!!!!! ———————————————————————— When the neo4j team reached out to us to setup an event during OSCON we jumped all over this. Not only will we be having the presentations you are all used to, but we will be welcoming a number of talks that did not make the cut for the OSCON conference. On top of this, 100% of the ticket proceeds will be donated to Planned Parenthood Just like fight club, if this is your first night attending, you have to present. We have all heard the pitch before, and we make no exceptions to this rule. Since this meetup is in the larger space we will have a projector you can hook up to, or just use the sound of your voice. What should you present? Well, we do not spec that. Discussing your startup, recent project, code reviews, business ideas, etc. are all applicable. There is not a required length of time to present. This can be a live prototype or even a set of powerpoint slides. You do not have to know how to code to present your dream, and we are HERE TO HELP you. Presentations are meant to be collaborative, not the traditional meetup style where a presenter talks like a teacher for a very long time and saves questions for the end. We use a timer and the group dynamic works to collaboratively prevent cross talk and side conversations. So bring your fun spirit, desire to learn, passion to help others, and let's have fun. ———————————————————————— Signups through are required and seats are limited, so buy your tickets early because we usually sell out. We are self funded, and 100% of the revenue received is put back into the meetup costs. We will have top shelf pizza from Crown PDX ( so come HUNGRY for dinner!! Doors open at 6pm and we kick off on time. We start consuming the pizza at 6pm as well. After the concert of presentations we will walk over to Bailey's Taproom ( to continue the evening. ———————————————————————— Location: WeWork Customs House : Community : When you check in ask for CP Handheld, they are our sponsor. The room is right to the left as you walk in. |
Jul 23, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jul 26, 2018
Python for Good – PDX Code Guild Python for Good is an annual event based out of the Portland area where Python programmers from all over the globe get together for a long weekend to build projects that help our communities. In 2018 the event will take place in Portland, OR, at the PDX Code Guild. Join us this year just for the fun of giving back! Website: To Register: Python for Good 2018 Join us on Slack before, during, and after the event for announcements and making friends. Thursday July 26th Arrive before 5:00 pm — most of the organizing team is planning on arriving at 10:00 am but feel free to beat us there! Before 5:00 meet in room 208. 5:00 pm - Event kickoff and announcements 5:30 pm - Team pitches, team assignments 6:30 pm - Dinner, initial team discussion, setting up environments, cloning down repos, etc. 8:30 pm or earlier if teams have everything ready to go for Friday - Board games, computer games, socializing, and other random fun. Friday July 27th 9:00 am - Work on projects 12:00 pm - Lunch 1:00 pm - Work on projects 5:00 pm - Dinner 6:30pm - Werewolf, board games, socializing, fun! Saturday July 28th 9:00 am - Work on projects 12:00 pm - Lunch 1:00 pm - Work on projects 5:00 pm - Dinner 6:30 - More games, socializing and fun! Sunday July 29th 9:00 am - Work on projects 12:00 pm - Lunch 1:00 pm - Demos (if your project isn’t finished, demo what you can!) Location PDX Code Guild 2828 SW Corbett Ave. #208 Portland, OR 97201 What to Bring Bring yourself, your laptop, a power source, and your favorite board games. Maybe some sunscreen if the weather’s nice. If you anticipate skipping group meals, bring some munchies. |
Jul 27, 2018
Python for Good – PDX Code Guild Python for Good is an annual event based out of the Portland area where Python programmers from all over the globe get together for a long weekend to build projects that help our communities. In 2018 the event will take place in Portland, OR, at the PDX Code Guild. Join us this year just for the fun of giving back! Website: To Register: Python for Good 2018 Join us on Slack before, during, and after the event for announcements and making friends. Thursday July 26th Arrive before 5:00 pm — most of the organizing team is planning on arriving at 10:00 am but feel free to beat us there! Before 5:00 meet in room 208. 5:00 pm - Event kickoff and announcements 5:30 pm - Team pitches, team assignments 6:30 pm - Dinner, initial team discussion, setting up environments, cloning down repos, etc. 8:30 pm or earlier if teams have everything ready to go for Friday - Board games, computer games, socializing, and other random fun. Friday July 27th 9:00 am - Work on projects 12:00 pm - Lunch 1:00 pm - Work on projects 5:00 pm - Dinner 6:30pm - Werewolf, board games, socializing, fun! Saturday July 28th 9:00 am - Work on projects 12:00 pm - Lunch 1:00 pm - Work on projects 5:00 pm - Dinner 6:30 - More games, socializing and fun! Sunday July 29th 9:00 am - Work on projects 12:00 pm - Lunch 1:00 pm - Demos (if your project isn’t finished, demo what you can!) Location PDX Code Guild 2828 SW Corbett Ave. #208 Portland, OR 97201 What to Bring Bring yourself, your laptop, a power source, and your favorite board games. Maybe some sunscreen if the weather’s nice. If you anticipate skipping group meals, bring some munchies. |
Jul 28, 2018
Python for Good – PDX Code Guild Python for Good is an annual event based out of the Portland area where Python programmers from all over the globe get together for a long weekend to build projects that help our communities. In 2018 the event will take place in Portland, OR, at the PDX Code Guild. Join us this year just for the fun of giving back! Website: To Register: Python for Good 2018 Join us on Slack before, during, and after the event for announcements and making friends. Thursday July 26th Arrive before 5:00 pm — most of the organizing team is planning on arriving at 10:00 am but feel free to beat us there! Before 5:00 meet in room 208. 5:00 pm - Event kickoff and announcements 5:30 pm - Team pitches, team assignments 6:30 pm - Dinner, initial team discussion, setting up environments, cloning down repos, etc. 8:30 pm or earlier if teams have everything ready to go for Friday - Board games, computer games, socializing, and other random fun. Friday July 27th 9:00 am - Work on projects 12:00 pm - Lunch 1:00 pm - Work on projects 5:00 pm - Dinner 6:30pm - Werewolf, board games, socializing, fun! Saturday July 28th 9:00 am - Work on projects 12:00 pm - Lunch 1:00 pm - Work on projects 5:00 pm - Dinner 6:30 - More games, socializing and fun! Sunday July 29th 9:00 am - Work on projects 12:00 pm - Lunch 1:00 pm - Demos (if your project isn’t finished, demo what you can!) Location PDX Code Guild 2828 SW Corbett Ave. #208 Portland, OR 97201 What to Bring Bring yourself, your laptop, a power source, and your favorite board games. Maybe some sunscreen if the weather’s nice. If you anticipate skipping group meals, bring some munchies. |
Jul 30, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Aug 6, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Aug 8, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - DevOps Study Night: SysAdmin Series August – Vevo Welcome to our DevOps Study Night!
Throughout the year, the WWCode Portland DevOps Study Nights will weave through an introductory overview of systems administration. This month, we will take a look at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), two of the main providers of cloud infrastructure services. The DevOps Study Nights take place on the first Wednesday of each month. This month Stacy will speak and guide us through on high level conversation on Server Security. Come prepared with: For the demo/workshop, we will be working in Google Cloud Platform, so you will want to sign up for an account (it's free!): About our Speaker: She has developed microservices, automation, orchestration and monoliths. She enjoys posing the question "what is devops?" and the ensuing discussion. No two answers are the same. She enjoys reading man pages for fun, singing in the Aurora Chorus, and running about 20 miles a week. Thank you vevo for hosting and sponsoring our DevOps study night. JOIN US - Join our Slack community here: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CODE OF CONDUCT By coming to our DevOps Study Night, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( |
Aug 13, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Aug 16, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ Mozilla: Women in InfoSec – Mozilla *** Please sign up via Eventbrite for this event: ***
Join Women Who Code Portland on Thursday, August 16th for a Networking Night @ Mozilla, with Women in InfoSec as the theme. This event will feature a panel of distinguished and experienced women from the security field. Our panelists will discuss how they initially landed in InfoSec, what the different roles are, and how someone could enter this field. According to the Women's Society of Cyberjutsu (WSC), only 11% of the world's information security workforce are women. With this event, we are aiming to expose more women to the opportunities in InfoSec and hopefully encourage some of our attendees to apply for roles in InfoSec. Our distinguished panel will feature: Joan Pepin - Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Auth0 ⌚️SCHEDULE ⌚️ 5:30 – 6:00 PM – Doors Open + Networking 👩🏽 OUR SPEAKERS 👩🏽 Joan Pepin is the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Auth0. As CISO, Joan is responsible for the holistic security and compliance of Auth0's platform, products, and corporate environment. She brings 20 years of experience to the role, with a career that has spanned a wide variety of industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, defense, ISPs, and MSSPs. LJ Johnson is a well-known security industry leader within the local Portland community. For the past 20 years, LJ has held several roles within Nike’s Information Security organization as well as holding leadership positions in Business Operations, Organizational Change Management, Global Supply Chain, Application Development and eCommerce. Having a holistic background in both business operations and technology delivery has allowed LJ to deliver security solutions and services with real business results. Miki Demeter is a Security Researcher at Intel. Her career has encompassed everything from firmware to the application space. In the last eight years, Miki has focused on security as the Security Champion for the Open Source Technology Center @ Intel. In her current position as a Security Researcher, she works on Secure Development Lifecycle governance and as a Product Security Expert for Open Source Software. Miki strives to instill a security first attitude in products, by working with developers to make informed choices when using Open Source. More information on the speakers is available on the Eventbrite page. 🙅🏼♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼♀️ Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( Please sign up via Eventbrite for this event: |
Aug 18, 2018
Women Who Code Portland Workshop: Data Exploration With Python – Microsoft Pearl Office Women Who Code Portland is hosting a Data Exploration with Python workshop. The goal of this workshop is to provide people with an introduction to learning from data using Python and open source libraries. All levels are welcome. We will go over the basics of Python too. |
Aug 21, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Design + Product Study Night – Lithium Technologies WHAT WE'RE ABOUT:
Hey! This is the Design + Product Study Night. We are folks that work in the product space, want to develop new skills related to product development, or are looking for our first job in product. You don't need to be a product designer or manager, or have any experience to come. Only interest and a willingness to help others is required! GENERAL AGENDA: • 5-10 minute lightning talk PRE-REQS: • Friendliness & empathy GOALS: • Build a richer community around product thinking and product design in Portland. JOIN US: - Meet the rest of our community on Slack: CODE OF CONDUCT By coming to our Design + Product Study Night, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( |
Aug 22, 2018
Programming with Python 3 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 3 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. In this class you will learn the basics of Object Oriented Programming with Python. Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism and other scary sounding terms will be demystified! Recommended Prerequisites: Programming with Python 1 and Programming with Python 2 |
Aug 23, 2018
#FullStackPDX : August : Critique – WeWork Custom House Just like fight club, if this is your first night attending, you have to present. Discussing your startup, recent project, code reviews, business ideas, etc. are all applicable. There is not a required length of time to present. This can be a live prototype or even a set of powerpoint slides. You do not have to know how to code to present your dream, and we are HERE TO HELP you. Presentations are meant to be collaborative, not the traditional meetup style where a presenter talks like a teacher for a very long time and saves questions for the end. We use a timer and the group dynamic works to collaboratively prevent cross talk and side conversations. So bring your computer, fun spirit and desire to learn, and let's have fun. Signups through are required and seats are limited, so buy your tickets early because we usually sell out. We are self funded, and 100% of the revenue received is put back into the meetup costs. We will have top shelf pizza from Crown PDX ( so come HUNGRY for dinner!! Doors open at 6pm and we kick off on time. We start consuming the pizza at 6pm as well. After the concert of presentations we will walk over to Bailey's Taproom ( to continue the evening. Location: WeWork Customs House : Room 1C : When you check in ask for CP Handheld, they are our sponsor. The room is right to the left as you walk in. |
PDX Python and Pyladies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – New Relic This month:
In this talk, Allan, will shed light on the inner workings of asynchronous Python and provide practical examples for when and how to implement it. Don't miss this one!
Helena works on at Cox Automotive on a Data Solutions team building APIs and applications to integrate and analyze subsidiary data (Kelly Blue Book, Manheim, AutoTrader, etc) primarily using Python and AWS. In this talk, Helena will showcase Jupyter Lab, a full service IDE with a full suite of plugins and open source community. Her talk will feature a live demo of Jupyter Lab that folks can download from github afterward. Awesome! Join us afterward at Bailey's Taproom 213 SW Broadway to continue the discussion over a beverage. Do you have something you'd like to share? Submit talk proposals here: PDX Python on Twitter ( All speakers and attendees must follow our code of conduct: |
Aug 28, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys with Ann Wallace – Online Webinar Women Who Code Portland and LaunchCode are thrilled to present a cross-country online series focused on women in tech exchanging stories, building connections, and supporting each other in their careers. The series will be called "Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys" and it will take place the last Tuesday of the month.
Each session will feature a conversation with a woman in a senior tech role. Our speakers will talk openly about their current role, their journey, and what their day-to-day work lives are like. We will alternate speakers from the Portland and St Louis communities. Link to join the Zoom event: ⌚️SCHEDULE ⌚️ 4:00 – 4:05 PM – Intro from Women Who Code Portland and LaunchCode 👩🏽 OUR SPEAKER 👩🏽 Ann Wallace is a Technical Cloud Consultant at Google focusing on kubernetes, security and SRE. Before Google, Ann spent 14 years at Nike in various engineering and architecture roles. CloudNOW named her one of the top 10 Women in Cloud in 2015. When not working, Ann can be found traveling and ultra-trail running. 🙅🏼♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼♀️ By dialing in to this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( |
Sep 15, 2018
OMSI Maker Faire through OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) We'll be at OMSI for Maker Faire the weekend of September 15th and 16th to show our LED Wearables. Come to see us at our booth all weekend or check out our stage presentation Sunday, September 16th at noon. You can get tickets here More about our Meetup Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
Women Who Code Portland - Workshop: Building High-Performance Modern Websites with Gatsby – 111 Women Who Code Portland and Gatsby are partnering up to present a workshop on how to build blazing-fast websites with Gatsby.js. Our instructor for the day will be Jason Lengstorf, a Developer Advocate with Gatsby. The goal of this workshop is to get you started with Gatsby.
Thank you Gatsby and Alchemy Code Lab for helping us organize this event. 💻SET-UP 💻 Attendees will need: Recommended, but not necessary: 📣 ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR 📣 Jason Lengstorf is a developer advocate, occasional designer, and frequent speaker. He’s passionate about building tools, systems, and training materials to create high-performance teams and apps. He later encourages those teams to use their newfound free time to go outside and be people and stuff. He lives in Portland, Oregon. ⌚️SCHEDULE ⌚️ 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM – Doors open 💰COST 💰 The cost of this workshop is $10. This includes the cost of lunch and snacks. If you are a student, under-employed, and/or in need of financial assistance, we a few full scholarships available for this event. Please submit an application here: There are no refunds for this event. 🙅🏼♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼♀️ By dialing in to this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( |
Sep 20, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ Intel: Women Who Open Source – McMenamins' Cornelius Pass Roadhouse ==============================================================
Our September Networking Night will be hosted by the women within the Open Source Technology Center at Intel. The theme of the night is ✨ Women Who Open Source ✨. Join us for lightning talks on Open Source, Artificial Intelligence, Chrome, Data Center and Cloud Environment, and Security, and dinner at McMenamins. Our distinguished speakers are all women from the Intel Open Source Technology Center and they are: ⌚️AGENDA ⌚️ 6:00 - 6:30 PM – Doors Open + Networking 📣 THE TALKS 📣 Kelly Hammond -- What does it mean to be open source, and why should software developers want to work in open source? Kristen Accardi -- Micro-architectural side channel attacks are here to stay. What can we do inside the operating system to defend against them? Margarita Maroto -- Chromebooks have evolved into premium devices with advanced features and high adoption. Monica Ene-Pietrosanu -- Cloud computing, containers, runtime languages, and software orchestration. More information about each talk and speaker is available on the Eventbrite page. 🙅🏼♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼♀️ By attending this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( ============================================================== |
Sep 22, 2018
Knowledge Mavens - Community Event Project (New Church Location) – Portland Community Church Exciting News, we're moving to Portland Community Church!
What a great time for a new location the week after our two-month project preparing for Maker Faire. This week we'll start brainstorming new community events or projects we can work on. Here are a few examples. Bring you're ideas and let's work on a project together. If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom If you want to listen, we're also on Facebook Live Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
PDX People of Color in Tech - ReLAUNCH – 1000 SW Broadway Hi folks! We've been out of commission for a while but we're relaunching! I |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Hacking+PASCAL=Hack2Learn – 226 SE Madison St Hack2Learn is a monthly CTF (capture the flag) meetup hosted at PASCAL in Portland, OR. PASCAL is an organization of equal opportunity hackers, and we will be introducing you to all the various types of challenges that you might face at any level, and at any time in the fields of information security and technology as a whole, for fun or profit.
Questions? email [masked], or leave a comment on the meetup page (though we tend to not check that as often.) |
Sep 24, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Sep 25, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys with Kathi Kellenberger – Online Webinar Women Who Code Portland and LaunchCode are thrilled to present a cross-country online series focused on women in tech exchanging stories, building connections, and supporting each other in their careers. The series will be called "Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys" and it will take place the last Tuesday of the month.
Each session will feature a conversation with a woman in a senior tech role. Our speakers will talk openly about their current role, their journey, and what their day-to-day work lives are like. We will alternate speakers from the Portland and St Louis communities. Link to join the Zoom event: ⌚️SCHEDULE ⌚️ 4:00 – 4:05 PM – Intro from WWCode Portland and LaunchCode 👩🏽 OUR SPEAKER 👩🏽 Kathi Kellenberger has been involved with technology for over twenty years, with most of that time focused on SQL Server and the Microsoft Data Platform. She has written several books, articles and courses on SQL Server topics and loves to present at conferences around the world. She is co-leader of the Women in Technology Virtual Chapter for the PASS organization and an instructor in the LaunchCode CoderGirl program. She is currently editor of Redgate's online technical journal, Simple Talk. 🙅🏼♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼♀️ By dialing in to this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( |
Sep 26, 2018
GeoDev Meetup - Portland, OR – Esri R&D Center The Esri GeoDev Meetup is back again, but this time we're trying something new! We have listened to your feedback and we are introducing themed meetups! Join us on Wednesday, September 26th for a Python-themed meetup. That means the intro, keynote, and lighting talks will all be focused on usages of Python within the context of GIS. Food and beverages will be provided at the meetup. This event is a social gathering for developers to discuss the latest in mapping, geo technology, geo services, web and mobile mapping apps, app design, cloud solutions, map data or anything else related to solving real-world "geo" problems. Developers of all levels of expertise are welcome, from seasoned GIS professionals to those new to geospatial development. Have you built a cool Python app recently that you'd like to show off? Submit a lightning talk! We'd love to see it! |
Sep 27, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Open Source Study Night: Security – Planet Argon Open Source Study Night is specifically designed for people who would like to start contributing to open source, or have open source work that they'd like to do with others.
This month's theme: Security and Open Source. This month's study night will feature a presentation by Michaela "Miki" Demeter, Security Researcher at Intel! When looking at open source packages, how do you decide what to incorporate and what to leave behind? Ultimately, your goal is to minimize your company and your teams' exposure to risk. “Minimizing risk” doesn't mean analyzing every line of code, but does involve evaluating a project's community. Can you trust them to do work at the quality that you can feel comfortable with in your releases? Are they doing proactive security work and fixing bugs quickly? Miki has worked for the Open Source Technology Center at Intel for 5 years, and is an expert on open source communities. You'll walk away with a better understanding of how to choose open source libraries for your projects. Come prepared with: Thanks to our sponsor, Planet Argon, for hosting this event. 🙅🏼♀️ CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼♀️ By attending this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( |
#FullStackPDX : September : Critique – WeWork Custom House Just like fight club, if this is your first night attending, you have to present. Discussing your startup, recent project, code reviews, business ideas, etc. are all applicable. There is not a required length of time to present. This can be a live prototype or even a set of powerpoint slides. You do not have to know how to code to present your dream, and we are HERE TO HELP you. Presentations are meant to be collaborative, not the traditional meetup style where a presenter talks like a teacher for a very long time and saves questions for the end. We use a timer and the group dynamic works to collaboratively prevent cross talk and side conversations. So bring your computer, fun spirit and desire to learn, and let's have fun. Signups through are required and seats are limited, so buy your tickets early because we usually sell out. We are self funded, and 100% of the revenue received is put back into the meetup costs. We will have top shelf pizza from Crown PDX ( so come HUNGRY for dinner!! Doors open at 6pm and we kick off on time. After the concert of presentations we will walk over to Bailey's Taproom ( to continue the evening. Location: WeWork Customs House : Room 1C : When you check in ask for CP Handheld, they are our sponsor. The room is right to the left as you walk in. |
Sep 29, 2018
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at Portland's only non-profit hackerspace are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with MrDe4d, Cylon, Wireglitch and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX this Saturday!
After (and probably during) this presentation, we will, as presenters and attendees, decide on which tool (or framework) to focus on for a new bi-monthly workshop. We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! The future workshop will be scheduled after all Q&A and demos are complete and will take place 2-4 weeks after, at which point we will continue the series until we have completed a thorough review of each tool. |
Oct 1, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Women Who Code Portland - Algorithms Study Night – 111 Come join us for Algorithms Study Night at Alchemy Code Lab! This month we're not going have a topic with specified problems. You can bring a problem to work on, or we can help you find one once you get there. All skill levels are welcome. Please join the join Women Who Code Portland Slack community with this invite form (
This event will repeat the first Monday of each month. {short} Code of Conduct Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form ( About Women Who Code Portland Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events. |
Oct 3, 2018
Programming with Python 3 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 3 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. In this class you will learn the basics of Object Oriented Programming with Python. Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism and other scary sounding terms will be demystified! Recommended Prerequisites: Programming with Python 1 and Programming with Python 2 |
Women Who Code Portland - DevOps Study Night: Security and Compliance – Vevo Welcome to our DevOps Study Night!
Throughout the year, the WWCode Portland DevOps Study Nights will weave through an introductory overview of systems administration. This month, we will take a look at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), two of the main providers of cloud infrastructure services. The DevOps Study Nights take place on the first Wednesday of each month. For October, the topic will be managing security and compliance regulations. Agenda: Thank you vevo for hosting and sponsoring our DevOps study night. JOIN US - Join our Slack community here: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CODE OF CONDUCT By coming to our DevOps Study Night, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( |
Oct 4, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Alexa’s Got Skills: Intro to Voice Technology – Mozilla Women Who Code Portland is pleased to announce an Intro to Voice Technology, in partnership with Women in Voice. This talk & hands-on workshop will be lead by Joan Palmiter Bajorek, the Founder of Women in Voice.
The topics that will be covered during this session are: This talk is for a general audience, but we will also explore technical topics of natural language processing, machine learning, and neural networks. No coding experience required. We will live-stream this event: link TBA. ⌚️SCHEDULE ⌚️ 5:30-5:45 - Arrive, check in, networking 👩🏽 OUR SPEAKER 👩🏽 Joan Palmiter Bajorek is the Founder of Women in Voice ( She is a Speech Technologist and PhD Candidate at the University of Arizona. Exploring speech recognition and virtual reality in educational technology, i.e. Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, she is the Principal Investigator of an international team in collaboration with the startup ImmerseMe. Her research has been published by Cambridge University Press, The Linguist List, The FLT Mag, and Issues and Trends in Educational Technology. As a public speaker, she has recently spoken at VOICE Summit by Amazon Alexa, UX@UA, iSpace Tech Talks, American Association of Applied Linguistics, R-Ladies, Rosetta Stone, Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium, and the podcasts “This Week in Voice,” “The Vocal Fries,” and “Voice & Beyond.” She holds an MA in Linguistics from the University of California, Davis and undergraduate degrees from the University of Washington. 🙅🏼♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼♀️ By attending this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( |
Portland Programmer Network - Frontend Peer Mentoring PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of frontend programming! Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541)[masked]
Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and more. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. |
Oct 6, 2018
PASCAL Hackerspace - 802.11x Total Domination via Warwalking through PASCAL Hackers of the night- unite! There are many cliches revolving around hackers and hacker culture that are, well, true. For example, we are night owls; we thrive in the night and do our best work in the dark. We use caffeine as our main source of energy and Sour Patch Kidz as our main source of nutrition. We wear black hoodies and carry backpacks full of gear as we stalk through night, avoiding the moonlight and sticking to the shadows as we totally, completely, and utterly ravage the city's WiFi!
Speaking of gear, here is a general list of items you will need to participate in this quest for[masked]x Total Domination: an Android phone (rooted or not rooted, with or without Kali installed BUT! You will probably want a rooted Android device because you will need monitor mode. You can skip the rooting and use a Raspberry Pi 3 and ssh into it with a non rooted phone via a terminal app), pretty much any Alpha radio, omni & directional antennae, and an insatiable appetite for learning. If you do not have access to or do not have time to acquire all or some of the gear listed- do not fret. Stay calm, and warwarlk on. Actually, just let us know what you are missing or which item you would like to test out and we will do our best to provide (you can let us know via Meetup, actually, by answering the question when you RSVP..this is one of those rare instances in which the question isn't totally superfluous.) MOAR DETAILS Questions? Find us on Wire Encrypted Messaging app (it's like Slack but encrypted!) and send a connection request to MrDe4d (@mrdead) or Wireglitch (@wireglitch). You can also email us at [masked] or [masked] or [masked]. |
Oct 7, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Cupcakes & Math: Hacktoberfest – Posies Cafe Inspired by Stephanie Hurlburt's cupcakes and math meetup in Seattle, we've started a cupcakes and math club here in PDX.
As a special treat this month, we'll be focusing on submitting PRs for Hacktoberfest, in addition to our usual math discussion! Come celebrate open source and and make your first PRs toward Digital Ocean's hacktoberfest event. Learn more about Hacktoberfest here: Come join us: Commitment: Have fun. There's no need to show up regularly, on time or stay the whole time. It's a chill, "drop in whenever you feel like you need some math in your life" event. What To Bring: Bring a math textbook you want to do problems from (or a laptop with online learning materials). If you don't feel comfortable working with math, that's fine. Bring a program that's giving you trouble, or a computation-related side project. What Will Happen: You'll sharpen your math skills while eating cute pastries next to other ladies doing the same thing. We can work quietly, ask for help from others or talk about a cool thing you just learned. (Copy & Idea Inspiration: Stephanie Hurlburt) 🙅🏼♀️ CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼♀️ By attending this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Event Specific: This is a physical and psychologically safe place. People of all skill levels are welcome, and beginners will be treated with kindness and respect. Anyone who identifies as female or non-binary is welcome; there will be no discrimination, harassment or comments that make others feel unwelcome. If you feel uncomfortable at any point, please email me @ [masked] or pull me aside during the meetup. |
Oct 8, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 10, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - JavaScript Study Night - Vue Basics – Act-On Software JavaScript Study Night is a space and time for all people interested in learning JavaScript to study, practice, and learn! We start with reading through code for about an hour - in pairs, groups, or alone if you prefer. Why? Because reading code is just as important as writing it. Afterwards, you’ll have time to self-study, so bring a project or browse our GitHub repo for exercises, ideas, and resources:
---------------------------------------------------------- Agenda 5:30-5:45 :: arrive, settle in, grab food, mingle ---------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Act-On for sponsoring and hosting us! Act-On Software is a marketing automation software company that empowers marketers to do the best work of their careers. Visit their careers page for more information on current open positions: ---------------------------------------------------------- By coming to our JavaScript, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( |
Oct 11, 2018
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
Oct 13, 2018
PASCAL Hackerspace - PASCAL Open Day – PASCAL Join PASCAL on the second Saturday of the month for a day of tours, entertainment and dialogue.
Drop on by if you would like to: Basic concessions will also be available! |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL Week of October 13th we will be focusing on METASPLOIT! Mooooo.
This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering the Hacker Symposium featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with MrDe4d, Cylon, Wireglitch and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX this Saturday! After (and probably during) this presentation, we will, as presenters and attendees, decide on which tool (or framework) to focus on for this bi-monthly workshop. We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! The future workshop will be scheduled after all Q&A and demos are complete and will take place 2 weeks after, at which point we will continue the series until we have completed a thorough review of each tool. |
Oct 15, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 16, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Design + Product Study Night – Lithium Technologies WHAT WE'RE ABOUT:
Hey! This is the Design + Product Study Night. We are folks that work in the product space, want to develop new skills related to product development, or are looking for our first job in product. You don't need to be a product designer or manager, or have any experience to come. Only interest and a willingness to help others is required! GENERAL AGENDA: • 5-10 minute lightning talk PRE-REQS: • Friendliness & empathy GOALS: • Build a richer community around product thinking and product design in Portland. JOIN US: - Meet the rest of our community on Slack: CODE OF CONDUCT By coming to our Design + Product Study Night, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( |
Oct 18, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Open Source Study Night: Hacktoberfest! – Mozilla Hacktoberfest! Let's celebrate open source over food, drinks, learning, and great company. Commit your first PR to an open source project, or submit new PRs to win prizes.
What's Hacktoberfest? Hacktoberfest — brought to you by DigitalOcean in partnership with GitHub and Twilio — is a month-long celebration of open source software. Maintainers are invited to guide would-be contributors towards issues that will help move the project forward, and contributors get the opportunity to give back to both projects they like, and ones they've just discovered. No contribution is too small—bug fixes and documentation updates are valid ways of participating. Can't make it to this event? Hacktoberfest is virtual and open to participants from around the globe. Connect with other Hacktoberfest participants by using the hashtag, #hacktoberfest. Sign up to participate today: Rules and Prizes First sign up on the Hacktoberfest site. If you open up five pull requests between October 1 and October 31, you'll win a free, limited edition Hacktoberfest T-shirt. (Pull requests do not have to be merged and accepted; as long as they've been opened between the very start of October 1 and the very end of October 31, they count towards a free T-shirt.) We'll also be raffling off prizes to participants at this event - come ready to win swag! Come prepared with: 🙅🏼♀️ CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼♀️ By attending this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( |
Oct 20, 2018
PASCAL Hackerspace - Hacking+PASCAL=Hack2Learn – 226 SE Madison St Hack2Learn is a monthly CTF (capture the flag) meetup hosted at PASCAL in Portland, OR. PASCAL is an organization of equal opportunity hackers, and we will be introducing you to all the various types of challenges that you might face at any level, and at any time in the fields of information security and technology as a whole, for fun or profit.
Questions? Send an email to [masked], or leave a comment on the meetup page (though we tend to not check that as often.) |
Oct 22, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 25, 2018
#FullStackPDX : October : Critique – WeWork Custom House Just like fight club, if this is your first night attending, you have to present. Discussing your startup, recent project, code reviews, business ideas, etc. are all applicable. There is not a required length of time to present. This can be a live prototype or even a set of powerpoint slides. You do not have to know how to code to present your dream, and we are HERE TO HELP you. Presentations are meant to be collaborative, not the traditional meetup style where a presenter talks like a teacher for a very long time and saves questions for the end. We use a timer and the group dynamic works to collaboratively prevent cross talk and side conversations. So bring your computer, fun spirit and desire to learn, and let's have fun. Signups through are required and seats are limited, so buy your tickets early because we usually sell out. We are self funded, and 100% of the revenue received is put back into the meetup costs. We will have top shelf pizza from Crown PDX ( so come HUNGRY for dinner!! Doors open at 6pm and we kick off on time. After the concert of presentations we will walk over to Bailey's Taproom ( to continue the evening. Location: WeWork Customs House : Room 1C : When you check in ask for CP Handheld, they are our sponsor. The room is right to the left as you walk in. |
PDX Python and Pyladies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – New Relic Come join us for Pythonic talks! Thanks to this month's sponsor, CloudBolt Software. This month:
ETL is the process of Extracting data from a source, Transforming it, and Loading it into storage. This process is commonly used to combine multiple data sources into data warehouses. In this talk Sev will give an overview of ETL with processes he designed for creating a data warehouse for medical data. The bulk of this talk will concern how Python and Pytest were used to test the ETL processes. This will include modeling ETL processes as objects, using test fixtures and markers for dynamic test suite generation, making tests extensible through parameterization, creating test data, and advice on navigating the pytest docs. This talk is targeted to intermediate Pythonistas interested in ETL, testing, or data magic. Sev is a software developer and cat dad recently departed from his position at OHSU where he developed data management tools for cancer researchers and clinicians. He is coming soon to Nuna, a healthcare data and analytics startup as a Senior Software Engineer. Looking for a job? Your friends at CloudBolt want your help developing their state of the art Cloud Management software. Built with Django and ranked as the #1 product of its kind, CloudBolt is looking for talented engineers of all kinds in inner SE Portland. To get more information and apply: Join us afterward at Bailey's Taproom 213 SW Broadway to continue the discussion over a beverage. Do you have something you'd like to share? Submit a talk proposal here: All speakers and attendees must follow our code of conduct: Special thanks to New Relic for hosting! |
Oct 27, 2018
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with MrDe4d, Cylon, Wireglitch and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX this Saturday!
After (and probably during) this presentation, we will, as presenters and attendees, decide on which tool (or framework) to focus on for a new bi-monthly workshop. We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! The future workshop will be scheduled after all Q&A and demos are complete and will take place 2-4 weeks after, at which point we will continue the series until we have completed a thorough review of each tool. |
Oct 29, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 30, 2018
Hillsboro Python Machine Learning Meetup – DAT Solutions Presentation and open discussions. “Introducing TensorFlow Probability” by David Molina, Data Scientist Abstract: David will be presenting probabilistic modeling using TensorFlow. If we are classifying several thousands of images it's fine if we have some miss-classification detecting a cat or a dog but if we have our model making important decisions, for example, a miss-classification in a self-driving car or giving a medical diagnostic. Probabilistic programming allows us to deal with real-world uncertainty. Let's explore with TensorFlow probability how we can improve predictions adding randomness into our models. 8.15 pm – 9.00 pm: Coding and learning session. Bring your Python development laptop! |
Oct 31, 2018
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 2 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python. Class covers lists, loops, tuples, dictionaries, and using modules. There are a number of practice exercises. |
Nov 5, 2018
Programmer Peer Mentoring Night PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!
Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Nov 8, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - IoT Series: Circuits 101 – Mozilla Get to grips with the basics of electronics. In this self-guided workshop, you will learn how to use the fundamental building blocks that create circuits, such as leds, jumper wires, bread board, resistors, batteries, switches, buttons, sensors and more!
⌚️SCHEDULE ⌚️ 5:30-5:45 - Arrive, check in, and food 👩🏽 OUR SPEAKERS 👩🏽 Andrew Chalkley (@chalkers) is a Full-Stack Software Architect at eBay, Co-Host of That Maker Show, project lead of thingsSDK and technical writer at He's been dabbling in electronics since 2012, given classes and lectures around the United States including at the Rochester Institute of Technology. David Wang (@planetbeing) is a co-founder of Corellium, a startup working on the virtualization of mobile devices and leveraging that technology for security research. Previously, David has created hardware and software for a home automation hub called Solace. He has also contributed to Homebridge and authored plugins for it. He continues to be a home automation enthusiast, and works to either cajole or reverse engineer every single device in his house into joining a coherent system. 🙅🏼♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼♀️ By attending this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( |
SE Portland Coders Night (SEPoCoNi) – Side Door Alternative to PDX Weekly Hackathon. Come hang out and write code in a quieter, less crowded environment with your fellow nerds. The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome! The place is smaller, so finding the nerd herd shouldn't be too difficult. |
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Frontend Peer Mentoring PDX Code Guild Join us for an evening of frontend programming! Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541)[masked]
Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and more. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor. This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. |
Nov 17, 2018
PASCAL Hackerspace - Hacking $mart Contracts – PASCAL Exciting news, Pascalians! PASCAL Hackerspace will be hosting the world-renowned Dean Pierce for a presentation and workshop on hacking smart contracts!! Come learn about the basic concepts surrounding smart contracts and the latest in keeping them secure!
What to expect during a Dean Pierce presentation: knowledge, verbs, adjectives, human hand gestures, an insider look at how smart contracts are created and how they are manipulated, lulz, and if we are lucky, maybe he will shed some light on how smart contract hacks can be applied to one of PASCAL's favorite pastimes- CTFs (fingers crossed this may be included in the workshop portion.) A bit more about Dean. Dean is an OG Portland hacker and definitely a human. When he isn't making and breaking blockchainz, he's out doing human things such as bipedal walking, eating a food and consuming oxygen. We hope to see you there! |
Nov 19, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Nov 20, 2018
Portland Python Pirates - Computing in Python I: Fundamentals and Procedural Programming Week 2 Review – The Tech Academy This isn't so bad right? This week we will be clarifying all material pertaining to sections 1.3 and 2.1. Bring your laptops and any questions you may have. This will be a debrief on debugging. We will use the white board and some code to review this process.
In addition we will begin to think about is how to style your code. PEP 8 is a style guide which you can read about in the link below. I will do a simple walk through on how to set up your computer to automatically detect if some code you write aligns with these guidelines so you can begin writing proper code from the very beginning. A lot of times there is parking right in front of the building. If this is not the case I recommend trying 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Ave. There are usually spots down that way. Parking isn't free until after 7pm so don't forget to pay! There is also a lot right next door if you don't want to mess with street parking. I look forward to seeing you all for our second review session! PEP 8 Style Guide: |
Nov 26, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Nov 27, 2018
Portland Python Pirates - Computing in Python I: Fundamentals and Procedural Programming Week 3 Review – WeWork Pioneer Place This week the rubber hits the road! We will be reviewing the our first big problem set. Bring your laptops for this one folks. We will be doing white boarding as well as live coding to make sure everyone is feeling good about moving onto week 4. Time permitting I will also demonstrate how to create your own modules that you can import and use locally and/or share online for all to enjoy!
We will be meeting downtown at WeWork in Pioneer Place Mall. Let me know how you like this location and we can consider making this our permanent residence. Bring a photo ID and check in as my guest via the guest registration tablet at the front desk when you arrive. I suggest looking for parking on 1st, 2nd, or 3rd or up near 4th and Main. Parking isn't free until after 7pm so don't forget to pay! If you wanna skip all that I would say park at the Smart Park on 4th. As always feel free to message me on Slack or with any questions you may have. Until then happy coding! |
Nov 29, 2018
#FullStackPDX : November : Critique – WeWork Custom House Just like fight club, if this is your first night attending, you have to present. Discussing your startup, recent project, code reviews, business ideas, etc. are all applicable. There is not a required length of time to present. This can be a live prototype or even a set of powerpoint slides. You do not have to know how to code to present your dream, and we are HERE TO HELP you. Presentations are meant to be collaborative, not the traditional meetup style where a presenter talks like a teacher for a very long time and saves questions for the end. We use a timer and the group dynamic works to collaboratively prevent cross talk and side conversations. So bring your computer, fun spirit and desire to learn, and let's have fun. Signups through are required and seats are limited, so buy your tickets early because we usually sell out. We are self funded, and 100% of the revenue received is put back into the meetup costs. We will have top shelf pizza from Crown PDX ( so come HUNGRY for dinner!! Doors open at 6pm and we kick off on time. After the concert of presentations we will walk over to Bailey's Taproom ( to continue the evening. Location: WeWork Customs House : Room 1C : When you check in ask for CP Handheld, they are our sponsor. The room is right to the left as you walk in. |
Dec 1, 2018
PASCAL Hackerspace - Foundations: SSH Fundamentals – PASCAL SSH is the protocol that makes possible the secure administration of remote Unix-like systems. Any aspiring Linux hacker would do well to understand a little bit about how SSH works, and what it can do.
In this presentation, we're taking you through the basics of the ubiquitous OpenSSH implementation. We're going to cover the SSH client, the server, keys, best practices, and useful features like tunneling. To participate in the interactive portion of the event, bring a laptop that runs MacOS, or Linux either natively or in a virtual machine. As a supplement, we will be distributing digital copies of SSH Mastery by Michael Lucas. Please RSVP if you're coming, and let us know if you can't make it so we can make room for others. |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with MrDe4d, Cylon, Wireglitch and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX this Saturday!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! The future workshop will be scheduled after all Q&A and demos are complete and will take place 2-4 weeks after, at which point we will continue the series until we have completed a thorough review of each tool. |
Dec 3, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Dec 4, 2018
Portland Python Pirates - Computing in Python I: Fundamentals and Procedural Programming Week 4 Review – Hillsdale Library Meeting Room Second to the last week folks! This week we will be reviewing Section 2.3: Logical Operators. As always bring your laptops to follow along with some live coding as we run through examples and problem sets.
It is the 1st Tuesday of the month which means we will be at Hillsdale Library to accommodate all of you west side folks. This one will start 15 minutes earlier than normal due to the fact that they kick us out promptly at 7:45pm. Also I posted a poll so you guys can vote on whether you want to combine week 5 and the final or keep them separate. I will reveal the results at the Meetup! As always feel free to message me on Slack or with any questions you may have. Until then happy coding! |
Dec 10, 2018
Demo Night! Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild During 20 minutes of tonight's meeting, we will see two demos of full-stack python web apps. The demos will take approximately 20 minutes, and there will be an opportunity to ask questions about the code and process of building the apps. Beer, soda, snacks and pizza will be served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Dec 11, 2018
Portland Python Pirates - Computing in Python I: Fundamentals and Procedural Programming Week 5 Review – The Tech Academy Last week we voted to combine week 5 and the final into one week and therefore this will be an extended 2 hour session. We will be reviewing section 2.4: Mathematical Operators as well as tackling questions on the final. As usual you will need a laptop as we will be doing quite a bit of live coding and white boarding.
I am unsure whether the verified final and the free final are the same. I would think they would make them different so if you are verified and have particular questions please be sure to make a note of them as I am on the free track and may not have access to those. The final is basically the same format as the problem sets: about half multiple choice and half coding problems. I encourage you all to complete it as if it were a real test even if you are not verified. You will pass either way and this can give you a great indication of what you need to work on. A lot of times there is parking right in front of the building. If this is not the case I recommend trying 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Ave. There are usually spots down that way. Parking isn't free until after 7pm so don't forget to pay! There is also a lot right next door if you don't want to mess with street parking. Please feel free to message me on Slack or Meetup with any questions you may have. I wish you all the best on the final and I will see you Tuesday. Until then happy coding! * New to our group? Need to join our Slack channel? Looking for free resources? Check out our website @ for all of that and more! |
Dec 12, 2018
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 2 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. If you can type, you can program! |
Dec 15, 2018
Kaggle and Kubernetes topics. You Don't Want To Miss It! – Portland Community Church Join us for two demos on a Kaggle project and Kubernetes. Michael Wild will be sharing how he's delivering all the gifts to the children this holiday season. Garrett Broughton will share his past month deploying Kubernetes. For more information on the Kaggle project visit If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
Dec 17, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
#FullStackPDX : December 2018 Christmas Charity Drive 4 Portland Rescue Mission – WeWork Custom House Just like the last 3 years, our final meetup of the year is always based on a charity drive. This year we have selected the Portland Rescue Mission All ticket proceeds will be donating to this business bringing both value and impact to our local community. Just like fight club, if this is your first night attending, you have to present. Discussing your startup, recent project, code reviews, business ideas, etc. are all applicable. There is not a required length of time to present. This can be a live prototype or even a set of powerpoint slides. You do not have to know how to code to present your dream, and we are HERE TO HELP you. Presentations are meant to be collaborative, not the traditional meetup style where a presenter talks like a teacher for a very long time and saves questions for the end. We use a timer and the group dynamic works to collaboratively prevent cross talk and side conversations. So bring your computer, fun spirit and desire to learn, and let's have fun. Signups through are required and seats are limited, so buy your tickets early because we usually sell out. We are self funded, and 100% of the revenue received is put back into the meetup costs. We will have top shelf pizza from Crown PDX ( so come HUNGRY for dinner!! Doors open at 6pm and we kick off on time. After the concert of presentations we will walk over to Bailey's Taproom ( to continue the evening. Location: WeWork Customs House : Room 1C : When you check in ask for CP Handheld, they are our sponsor. The room is right to the left as you walk in. |
Dec 18, 2018
Portland Python Pirates - Wrap up 2018: Computing in Python I Exam, Pandas & Flask demos – The Tech Academy Join us for the final Meetup of 2018!
This week we will review the Exam to the Computing in Python I: Fundamentals and Procedural Programming course since there wasn't adequate time in the previous Meetup. We will conclude the year with general discussion about Python, tools, and practical applications. In that spirit there will be a demo of Pandas, and, time permitting, Flask as well. A lot of times there is parking right in front of the building. If this is not the case I recommend trying 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Ave. There are usually spots down that way. Parking isn't free until after 7pm so don't forget to pay! There is also a lot right next door if you don't want to mess with street parking. Please feel free to message the group on Slack or Meetup with any questions you may have. We'll see you Tuesday. Until then happy coding! * New to our group? Need to join our Slack channel? Looking for free resources? Check out our website: for all of that and more! |
Dec 22, 2018
Kaggle + Code Challenge – Portland Community Church Join us for a session as Michael Wild shares his Kaggle challenge and Garrett Broughton shares his 20 minute Python app challenge. Would you like to participate in a code challenge? If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
Jan 7, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!
Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jan 11, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Lunch & Learn – Work & Co Starting in 2019, WWCode Portland is partnering with Work & Co to start a new lunchtime event series called “Lunch & Learn.”
We will be meeting in a conference room to eat and learn about what members of our community are working on. We are asking 2-3 members to speak about their work or side projects for 5 minutes, focusing on the stack, tools, frameworks, and libraries used to build that project. No slides necessary. Our speakers will demo the project, dig into the code and design that made it happen, and answer questions about their project. This event will take place from 12-1pm on Friday, Jan. 11th. This is a short event, so please arrive on time! Schedule 12:00-12:20 - Check-in + Grab food Presentations - Project #1: Voice Memos app by Caterina Paun. This React app takes in voice input through speech recognition and uses speech synthesis for voice output. About Women Who Code We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. About our Host Work & Co ( is a technology and design company that creates the digital experiences people love using every day. With 270 people in offices across the United States, Brazil and Europe, Work & Co defines and launches core products for Apple, YouTube, Planned Parenthood, Lyft and more. Code of Conduct WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form: |
Jan 12, 2019
Python, Machine Learning, & Kaggle Competitions – Portland Community Church Are you interested in learning and sharing skills in Python, Machine Learning, or Data Science? We'll be providing a demo of our Kaggle competition each Saturday in January. If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
Jan 14, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!
Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jan 15, 2019
Portland Python Pirates - Computing in Python II: Control Structures Week 2 Review – The Tech Academy This week we dove head first into conditionals. This should feel like a natural progression from the logical operators we had been using before. We are going to try a new format this week where we will do a short recap followed by group collaboration where we will be doing select problems from the problem set. We will use these to drive our discussion of the weeks topics.
This means you do not have to kill yourself to complete the problem sets prior although I encourage you to do so. If you get stumped please feel free to suggest it as one of the problems you would like to go over during our session. A lot of times there is parking right in front of the building. If this is not the case I recommend trying 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Ave. There are usually spots down that way. Parking isn't free until after 7pm so don't forget to pay! There is also a lot right next door if you don't want to mess with street parking. As always feel free to message me or post on Slack if you have any questions. Hope to see you Tuesday! * New to our group? Need to join our Slack channel? Looking for free resources? Check out our website @ for all of that and more! |
Jan 16, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - JavaScript Study Night - Web Speech API – Act-On Software This month's topic will focus around web speech APIs from guest speaker Caterina Paun.
The Web Speech API allows you to incorporate voice within your web apps. With this free API, you can take in voice input through speech recognition and/or you can use speech synthesis to output voice. During this session, we will go over how you can take advantage of this API and build voice applications. Caterina is a developer and designer focusing on voice technologies. She is currently an Instructor at Portland State University and the Senior Director of Women Who Code Portland. Hope to see you there! ------------------------------------------------------- Join Our Movement - Join our Slack community here: About Women Who Code We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. About our Host Act-On Software is a marketing automation software company that empowers marketers to do the best work of their careers. Their company headquarters are located in Portland, OR, in the Bank of America building. They are currently hiring for several engineering and customer support (tiers 1, 2, and 3) roles. Please visit their careers page for more information on their open positions: Code of Conduct WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form: |
Jan 17, 2019
Nike Tech Talk: Elegant Solutions For Everyday Python Problems – Nike Decathlon Club Cafe Join Nina Zakharenko, Senior Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft, for a Nike Tech Talk on Thursday, January 17. Nina will give a talk titled, "Elegant Solutions For Everyday Python Problems." Are you an intermediate Python developer looking to level up? Luckily, Python provides us with a unique set of tools to make our code more elegant and readable by providing language features that make your code more intuitive and cut down on repetition. In this talk, Nina will share practical pythonic solutions for supercharging your code. Enjoy snacks and beverages, as you network with fellow tech enthusiasts before and after the talk. Find out more and RSVP at |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Hack2Learn: Hackers, Assemble! Pt.2 – 226 SE Madison St Hack2Learn: Hackers, Assemble! (Part 2)
Hack2Learn is a bi-monthly CTF (capture the flag) meetup hosted at PASCAL in Portland, OR. PASCAL is an organization of equal opportunity hackers, and we will be introducing you to all the various types of challenges that you might face at any level, and at any time in the fields of information security and technology as a whole, for fun or profit. For the next Hack2Learn workshop (yes, we are finally getting this event rolling again!), we will be taking a crack at Assembly-focused CTF (Capture The Flag) challenges: specifically, the PICOCTF2018 Note: Running Linux is not absolutely necessary when using Cutter. Both Windows and Mac are suitable and Cutter will run fine. Cutter still definitely has a learning curve to it.. fortunately, there is an excellent tutorial/intro on! Questions? Email [masked] or get on the PASCAL Discord and interact with other PDX hackers (ask for invite). |
Jan 19, 2019
100-Day Machine Learning Challenge – Portland Community Church Are you interested in learning and sharing skills in Python, Machine Learning? I'll share the 100-day machine learning challenge. I am also working on a ML Tensorflow project for creating Music and Ar. Here's a short video preview If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
Jan 21, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!
Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jan 23, 2019
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 2 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. If you can type, you can program! |
Jan 24, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - AlgoBytes: Algorithms for Hackers! – PASCAL PASCAL Hackerspace is happy to announce a new bimonthly workshop! One of the core goals of our organization is to provide educational opportunities to people in the information security and technical communities of Portland, and with AlgoBytes we get to do exactly that!
AlgoBytes is an informal workshop series to learn a bit more about the formal foundations of the field of computer science and about core data structures/algorithms frequently used for interviews, whether you've never explored them before or need a refresher. Each 90 minute session we will focus on a different topic, although we may repeat them if there are requests to revisit material. Currently there will be 20-30 minutes of presentation, a walk through of a problem, followed by breaking into small groups to practice. Attending sequential events is probably helpful if the material is new to you, but not required. First Session's Theme: Analysis Foundations What is an algorithm, besides a scary word? Please bring your preferred note-taking device(s) and preferred scratch paper. A laptop with your editor & language of choice may be handy for trying out your solutions- especially important if you are prepping for technical interviews, but is not at all required. The PASCAL board is excited to be hosting this event alongside a very accomplished and brilliant woman in security- Allison Marie Naaktgeboren is a Senior Software Engineer. She has previously written (and regretted) code at Mozilla, Amazon, Cisco, FactSet Research Systems, and the Biorobotics Laboratory in Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Institute. Allison holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Allison is a mentor in the PDXWiT mentorship program, supports the Women Who Code Portland Algorithms track, and mentors high school students in robotics and programming (Go Rebel @lliance!) She is a member of PASCAL & the OWASP Portland chapter. |
Jan 26, 2019
Artificial Intelligence Neural-network Processing Unit HiKey970 – Portland Community Church Are you interested in seeing a demo of an AI NPU demo board? Michael Wild will be sharing his build and how he's using it for AI and Machine Learning. If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Going Commando! – 226 SE Madison St That's right, watch some guy stand up in front of a room of people and go full commando! Whoa, don't get too excited there. I will be wearing clean...ish undergarments. By "going commando", I am referring to conducting any and all of your everyday computing tasks from the command line! Everything from being productive in an office environment to posting the twitters and streamin' the youtubes! Why, you ask? We are all hackers here aren't we? And what hacker doesn't want to look as cool in real life as we do in the movies? So come and enjoy all the typie-typie carpal tunnel goodness!
Joe Cathell (that's Ca-THELL, not cat+hell..even though Joe is something of a crazy cat man) is an infosec professional at the Washington University in St. Louis. When he's not defending our next generation of doctors from Russian hackers (true story, ask him!), he can usually be found at the Arch Reactor Hackerspace. Joe is both a founding member of Arch Reactor and serving as the current president of the board of directors. He is also a co-organizer of the monthly STL2600 and DC314 meetup, as well as a regular presenter. He likes blue raspberry Icees, building robots and competitive butter sculpting. |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
Jan 28, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!
Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jan 29, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Design Study Night: Building Your Portfolio – moovel North America - Portland Welcome to our Design Study Nights! Throughout the year, we will cover various design topics in these events.
In January, our theme for the Design Study Night is: Building Your Portfolio. We will have one speaker describe the process of doing a portfolio redesign and what projects to include. Then, we will have two hiring managers speak about what they are looking for in your portfolios. The Design Study Nights take place on the second Wednesday of every other month. They will alternate with our brand-new CSS Study Nights. Schedule 5:30-5:45 - Check-in + Grab food About Women Who Code We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. About our Host moovel N.A. LLC, a part of moovel Group GmbH, enables seamless multimodal experiences and connected transit commerce through mobile applications. moovel is the leading North American provider of mobile ticketing applications that allow riders to book and pay for public transit tickets via their smartphone. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Daimler AG, moovel’s vision is a world without traffic jams and our mission is to help transform cities by providing sustainable mobility solutions. For more info: Code of Conduct WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form: |
Feb 2, 2019
Python and Machine Learning – Portland Community Church Are you interested in learning Python and Machine Learning? Check us out as I'll share my learnings and most recent projects. If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by a feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
Feb 4, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!
Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Feb 6, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Defensive Security: what can blue do for you? – 226 SE Madison St Some Teams are Red, Others are Blue, I Play Defense, and So Can You!
An endpoint security primer in three (?-ish) parts. Come learn about the other side of the cybersecurity equation: how to raise the bar for attackers trying to pwn your endpoints. This talk series will focus on sane, sensible, and usable defaults; what each operating system can bring to the table; security through proper configuration; and small/medium scale distribution and management. Part 1: We'll start with a broad overview of securing endpoints, the classes of attacks that might be encountered depending on your use cases, and what it means to be "secure." Then, we'll talk about configuring macOS for reasonable security, beginning with the hardware chain of trust, moving through the bootloader and touching on what Apple's hw/sw integration allows for: Activation Locks, MDM/DEP, and Software Recovery. Moving up the stack, we'll discuss the tiers of built-in macOS software security, and if time permits, several third party options to strengthen endpoint options. Part 2: Let's kick off with quick refresher on previous topics, and then dive right in to Windows endpoint security. Because of the diversity of hardware, there will be less low-level focus this session, but BitLocker, TPM, and OPAL will be in the mix. Then, learn why Secure Boot is not a conspiracy, how Hyper-V is bae, why Windows 10 is actually the best thing since... earlier Windows 10 releases!, what Group Policy can do for you, and which version of Windows is the minimum necessary for any kind of sanity. Part 3: In the stolen words of Steve Ballmer, compartmentalize compartmentalize compartmentalize! We'll talk about mitigating inevitable compromise, and then move to Linux security. Coreboot, Heads, and refreshers from PC hardware kick us off, then it's into the wilderness! We'll try and nail down some best practices for the wide and varied world of Linux distros, the security benefits of containers, why Flatpak is awesome, and a quick touch on grsecurity (aka "why we can't have nice things"). If there's time, we'll even try to talk about the security benefits of other nix's like OpenBSD & Qubes. Part 4: This is unwritten, unplanned and unscheduled, but part 4 (and 5, and beyond!) could include topics like: This is intended as a high-level overview to get a baseline for each of the three operating systems; content will change and grow based on feedback and requests. Come help me evolve my endpoint security game, and steer the course for future events! This series is brought to you by PASCAL Hackerspace, and presented by Magneto (the hacker, not the mutant...ok well, he could* be a mutant for all we know...) |
Feb 7, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - AlgoBytes: Algorithms for Hackers! – PASCAL PASCAL Hackerspace is happy to announce a new bimonthly workshop! One of the core goals of our organization is to provide educational opportunities to people in the information security and technical communities of Portland, and with AlgoBytes we get to do exactly that!
AlgoBytes is an informal workshop series to learn a bit more about the formal foundations of the field of computer science and about core data structures/algorithms frequently used for interviews, whether you've never explored them before or need a refresher. Each 90 minute session we will focus on a different topic, although we may repeat them if there are requests to revisit material. Currently there will be 20-30 minutes of presentation, a walk through of a problem, followed by breaking into small groups to practice. Attending sequential events is probably helpful if the material is new to you, but not required. First Session's Theme: Analysis Foundations What is an algorithm, besides a scary word? Please bring your preferred note-taking device(s) and preferred scratch paper. A laptop with your editor & language of choice may be handy for trying out your solutions- especially important if you are prepping for technical interviews, but is not at all required. The PASCAL board is excited to be hosting this event alongside a very accomplished and brilliant woman in security- Allison Marie Naaktgeboren is a Senior Software Engineer. She has previously written (and regretted) code at Mozilla, Amazon, Cisco, FactSet Research Systems, and the Biorobotics Laboratory in Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Institute. Allison holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Allison is a mentor in the PDXWiT mentorship program, supports the Women Who Code Portland Algorithms track, and mentors high school students in robotics and programming (Go Rebel @lliance!) She is a member of PASCAL & the OWASP Portland chapter. |
Feb 9, 2019
CANCELED WEATHER: Time Series Prediction of SNOTEL Data – Portland Community Church Check back for a rescheduled time. Sunil Rao will be presenting his past research on SNOTEL data using the time series prediction. Drought is a serious problem in much of the U.S., with the worst conditions across the southern and western parts of the nation. Much of irrigation and recreation facilities depend on proper forecasting of streamflow. The water supply for irrigation largely comes from rivers and creeks, whose streamflow originates from the springtime melting of winter snow. A water supply forecast is a prediction of streamflow volume that will flow past a point on a stream during a specified season, typically in the spring and summer. One of the primary sources for the data is through NRCS SNOTEL( Snow Telemetry) data (available to public as part of tax dollars at work). In this demo, we showcase one such tool (Timeseries ARIMAX model) to forecast Streamflow volume for Deschutes River Basin, OR and later compare with actual data to see how it performed. If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
Twitter Sentiment Analysis with Python and NLP – Portland Community Church Join us for a demo of extracting Twitter comments using the API and Python Textblob for analysis. If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
PASCAL Hackerspace - PASCAL Open Day – PASCAL Join PASCAL on the second Saturday of the month for a day of tours, entertainment and dialogue.
Drop on by if you would like to: Basic concessions will also be available! |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
Feb 11, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!
Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Feb 16, 2019
Learn the Skills to Become a Junior Python Developer within a Day (online) – Internet/Online (registration required) If you have limited programming experience and want to begin learning the Python programming language fast without leaving your house, then you should not miss out this opportunity. Participating in this event will enable you improving skills from an entry-level programmer to a junior-level just in a day. $85 with online registration |
Women Who Code Portland: Machine Learning Fundamentals 201 – Alchemy Code Lab Please make sure to sign up via Eventbrite for this event: Who Code Portland is holding a Machine Learning Fundamentals workshop. The goal of this workshop is to provide people with an introduction to machine learning using Python and open source libraries. Attendees should be familiar with Jupyter Notebooks, the Pandas library, and also be comfortable with histograms, scatterplots, and boxplots. Our events are geared towards women, but we welcome everyone who supports our mission of inspiring women to excel in technology careers and follows our code of conduct. OUR INSTRUCTORSOzlem SenlikOzlem is a data scientist at Urban Airship where she builds predictive models for digital marketing. She holds a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Duke University and has a background in photonics and microsystems. Lisa OrrLisa works as a data scientist at Urban Airship where she builds predictive models on top of digital engagement data. She has a PhD in Psychology from the University of St. Andrews where she studied gestural communication of bonobos. OUR TA’sAlekhya VemavarapuAlekhya is a member of Enterprise Data Analytics at Nike where she does data engineering & analysis on Asia Pacific region. She holds a Masters degree in Data Sciences from IIIT-H, India and has a background in Computer science. Siggy HindsSiggy is a front end software engineer on the Web team at Urban Airship. She is a recent CS post-bac grad from PSU and also holds a BA in Anthropology from USC. In her free time (between work and being a mom) she studies various programming topics. Dipti MuniDipti is a Senior Data Analyst at Fiserv. She has recently received Database Design & SQL Certificate and has done training in Python for Data Science at Thinkful. She is also an active member at Portland Data Science Group. AGENDA9:30 - 10:15 Section 1: What is machine learning? 10:15 - 10:30 Break 10:30 - 11:10 Section 2: Machine Learning Techniques I 11:10 - 12:00 Section 3: Machine Learning Techniques II 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch 1:00 - 1:30 Lecture: Getting into data science 1:30 - 2:30 Section 4: Model Selection and Evaluation 2:30 - 2:45 Break 2:45 - 4:00 Lab 4: Build ML model predicting breast cancer 4:00 - 4:30 Discussion: Discussion on how to leverage today's work into your own projects *Agenda is subject to changes EVENT COSTThe event cost is $15 for participants and includes lunch. Fee is collected via Meetup. If you are a student, under-employed, or in need of financial assistance, we have full scholarships available for this event. Please submit an application here: There will be no refunds for this event. If you cannot attend, you can email us to transfer the ticket to another attendee, or we can add it to our scholarship pool. CODE OF CONDUCTWomen Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. WWCode's code of conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form. |
Introduction to Programming – Gresham Library Computer Lab With interactive lectures and hands-on Python labs, students will gain the basic tools and skills, giving you a solid foundation for further learning. This class covers setting up your environment, all of the programming data types, functional programming, and more! This is a class for beginners to programming, but students must feel comfortable using a mouse and keyboard and have basic experience using a computer. Presented by PDX Code Guild |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
Feb 18, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!
Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Build2Learn: Build It, And They Will Pwn. – PASCAL Welcome to PASCAL Hackerspace's newest hands-on workshop: Build2Learn!
The general idea of the Build2Learn twice-monthly sessions is to take several categories of tools, analyze their functionality, and re-implement them using your language of choice. The goal is not to present a tutorial. The goal is to have discussion around the the process of breaking the problem down into specific use cases and requirements i.e. tasks that can be more easily implemented. The core goal of programming is problem solving, the aim here is to facilitate and encourage this skill. There will be a focus on performing code review and encouraging people to demo their progress to the group. Session_0 will focus on the following: >Help individuals setup their development environment For more information, please visit- or view the current repository directly on Github here: . The purpose of this repository is to provide a resource for documentation and source code for the Build2Learn session(s) at PASCAL Hackerspace. For questions regarding PASCAL Hackerspace and events hosted there in general, please email [masked]. For questions regarding Build2Learn, please reach out to Randy here on Meetup! He can be found here: |
Feb 21, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - IoT Series: An Approach to Decentralized and Privatized IoT – Mozilla Come learn about Mozilla’s Project Things initiative. It is an open source implementation aimed at promoting a decentralized, and W3C-standardized, Web of Things framework for managing IoT device data. Mozilla’s implementation puts people first, protecting user privacy and security, while promoting industry interoperability.
Schedule 5:30-5:45 - Arrive, check in, and food Objectives Attendees will learn how to set up a private IoT gateway, and how to to program MCU hardware by following an online tutorial, that takes advantage of open source “webthing” libraries. Attendees will be lent a developer board that they can program during the workshop, and continue to learn from later by referring to an online tutorial. Prototyping hardware is generally low cost, and readily available. Prerequisites No prior developer skills are necessary. Bring a laptop (any OS). Ideally pre-install the MicroBlocks application, downloadable here: About our Speaker Kathy Giori is a Senior Staff Evangelist at Mozilla, promoting "Project Things," an open source Web of Things implementation which embodies Mozilla's values around privacy, security, and interoperability. In previous roles at, Qualcomm Atheros, and other startups, she has been promoting the benefits of open hardware and software, and finds that bridging open communities with industry drives faster innovation. She received her bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota, and her master’s in EE from Stanford. About Women Who Code We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. Code of Conduct WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form: an incident report form ( |
PASCAL Hackerspace - AlgoBytes: Algorithms for Hackers! – PASCAL PASCAL Hackerspace is happy to announce a new bimonthly workshop! One of the core goals of our organization is to provide educational opportunities to people in the information security and technical communities of Portland, and with AlgoBytes we get to do exactly that!
AlgoBytes is an informal workshop series to learn a bit more about the formal foundations of the field of computer science and about core data structures/algorithms frequently used for interviews, whether you've never explored them before or need a refresher. Each 90 minute session we will focus on a different topic, although we may repeat them if there are requests to revisit material. Currently there will be 20-30 minutes of presentation, a walk through of a problem, followed by breaking into small groups to practice. Attending sequential events is probably helpful if the material is new to you, but not required. First Session's Theme: Analysis Foundations What is an algorithm, besides a scary word? Please bring your preferred note-taking device(s) and preferred scratch paper. A laptop with your editor & language of choice may be handy for trying out your solutions- especially important if you are prepping for technical interviews, but is not at all required. The PASCAL board is excited to be hosting this event alongside a very accomplished and brilliant woman in security- Allison Marie Naaktgeboren is a Senior Software Engineer. She has previously written (and regretted) code at Mozilla, Amazon, Cisco, FactSet Research Systems, and the Biorobotics Laboratory in Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Institute. Allison holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Allison is a mentor in the PDXWiT mentorship program, supports the Women Who Code Portland Algorithms track, and mentors high school students in robotics and programming (Go Rebel @lliance!) She is a member of PASCAL & the OWASP Portland chapter. |
Feb 23, 2019
Topic Modeling Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation – Portland Community Church Philip Robinson will be presenting research whilst at NASA on Topic Modeling. Topic modeling is the task of taking a collection of objects and establishing a strategy for describing these objects by common categories found across the collection. This is usually an unsupervised activity applied to a document collection and doesn't require topics to be human interpret-able. My talk introduces Latent Dirichlet Allocation, as a topic modeling strategy for a collection of topics, and discusses an implemented prototype system I developed for NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab. For this project, I addressed the "Matchmaker's Problem" in the context of identifying the best employee to solve a mission-critical engineering anomaly in late-stage missions. The long-form presentation can be found here If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
Feb 25, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!
Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Feb 28, 2019
#FullStackPDX : February : Critique – AltSource HQ Tickets can be purchased at |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Hack2Learn: Hackers, Assemble! – 226 SE Madison St Hack2Learn: Hackers, Assemble! (Part 2)
Hack2Learn is a bi-monthly CTF (capture the flag) meetup hosted at PASCAL in Portland, OR. PASCAL is an organization of equal opportunity hackers, and we will be introducing you to all the various types of challenges that you might face at any level, and at any time in the fields of information security and technology as a whole, for fun or profit. For the next few Hack2Learn workshops, we will be taking a crack at Assembly-focused CTF (Capture The Flag) and reversing challenges. MrDe4d will be walking everyone through these challenges, step by step (pun!) so that everyone in attendance will gain theoretical as well as applicable knowledge. Note: Running Linux is not absolutely necessary when using Cutter. Both Windows and Mac are suitable and Cutter will run fine. Cutter still definitely has a learning curve to it.. the tutorial/intro on is recommended. Questions? Email [masked] or get on the PASCAL Discord and interact with other PDX hackers (ask for invite). |
Mar 2, 2019
Grandmaster Chess with Python (AlphaGo...AlphaSchmoe) – Portland Community Church Do you want to become the next Chess Grandmaster? Join us and Michael Wild will share his Python program he built to beat anyone he faces. AlphaGo eat your heart out. If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new projects. The winner wins the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
Mar 6, 2019
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 2 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. If you can type, you can program! |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Defensive Security: what can blue do for you? – 226 SE Madison St Some Teams are Red, Others are Blue, I Play Defense, and So Can You!
An endpoint security primer in three (?-ish) parts. Come learn about the other side of the cybersecurity equation: how to raise the bar for attackers trying to pwn your endpoints. This talk series will focus on sane, sensible, and usable defaults; what each operating system can bring to the table; security through proper configuration; and small/medium scale distribution and management. Part 1: We'll start with a broad overview of securing endpoints, the classes of attacks that might be encountered depending on your use cases, and what it means to be "secure." Then, we'll talk about configuring macOS for reasonable security, beginning with the hardware chain of trust, moving through the bootloader and touching on what Apple's hw/sw integration allows for: Activation Locks, MDM/DEP, and Software Recovery. Moving up the stack, we'll discuss the tiers of built-in macOS software security, and if time permits, several third party options to strengthen endpoint options. Part 2: Let's kick off with quick refresher on previous topics, and then dive right in to Windows endpoint security. Because of the diversity of hardware, there will be less low-level focus this session, but BitLocker, TPM, and OPAL will be in the mix. Then, learn why Secure Boot is not a conspiracy, how Hyper-V is bae, why Windows 10 is actually the best thing since... earlier Windows 10 releases!, what Group Policy can do for you, and which version of Windows is the minimum necessary for any kind of sanity. Part 3: In the stolen words of Steve Ballmer, compartmentalize compartmentalize compartmentalize! We'll talk about mitigating inevitable compromise, and then move to Linux security. Coreboot, Heads, and refreshers from PC hardware kick us off, then it's into the wilderness! We'll try and nail down some best practices for the wide and varied world of Linux distros, the security benefits of containers, why Flatpak is awesome, and a quick touch on grsecurity (aka "why we can't have nice things"). If there's time, we'll even try to talk about the security benefits of other nix's like OpenBSD & Qubes. Part 4: This is unwritten, unplanned and unscheduled, but part 4 (and 5, and beyond!) could include topics like: This is intended as a high-level overview to get a baseline for each of the three operating systems; content will change and grow based on feedback and requests. Come help me evolve my endpoint security game, and steer the course for future events! This series is brought to you by PASCAL Hackerspace, and presented by Magneto (the hacker, not the mutant...ok well, he could* be a mutant for all we know...) |
Mar 9, 2019
Smart Mirror Build with Alexa and Raspberry Pi – Portland Community Church Check out a smart mirror built with a Raspberry Pi connected to Alexa or Google Assistant. It displays weather, news, youtube videos, and LEDs synchronized to the audio. I'll be sharing the build schematics and parts to anyone who wants to build one. If you would like to join the discussion check us out on Zoom Do you want to learn and share your passion in a supportive community? Knowledge Mavens is an ethos of sharing, creativity, and inspiration. Our Meetup provides an opportunity to "Show and Tell" followed by feedback and Q&A. You'll have the opportunity to share with our channels such as Meetup, GitHub, YouTube, and Facebook to connect with more passionate people. The second half of our session we'll collaborate on new topics. The winner wins an award for the most interesting topic and the opportunity to share in an upcoming session. |
PASCAL Hackerspace - PASCAL Open Day – Join PASCAL on the second Saturday of the month for a day of tours, entertainment and dialogue.
Drop on by if you would like to: Basic concessions will also be available! |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
Mar 13, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Waffle 0day Jubilee – PASCAL Waffle 0day is upon us!
Come celebrate the superiority of this human food in all of its square glory. Pancakes? pfft. Crepes? sac de barf. Lefse? lolwut. Waffles are the preferred and unofficial dietary supplement of hackers in the Portland area, and this day is to commemorate our life long dedication to the Square Beyond Compare (huh? what's that? some waffles are round you say? Guess what- they're still comprised of many smaller squares! Deal with it!). Members of PASCAL will be providing waffle noms and beverages, bringing their best batter and facing off with other Titans of the Square in the March edition of Waffle 0day Jubilee! There will also be music or a movie, games and fun/bizarre conversation centering around topics such as "Why Pancakes are the Inferior Multidimensional Array", "Why Crepes Don't Stack Up", and "Why Stack and Array Puns are on the Rise". Be there, or be symmetrically quadrilateral. |
Mar 16, 2019
Learn Python Development Online – Online Description If you have limited programming experience and want to begin learning the Python programming language fast without leaving your house, then you should not miss out this opportunity. Participating in this event will enable you improving skills from an entry-level programmer to a junior-level just in a day. Requirements for participation: a laptop internet access Cost: $85 This workshop is for you if you are unfamiliar with programming and don’t know where to start. need to begin learning the skills to obtain a job as a junior Python developer. want to network with people in the tech industry. At the end of the project-based workshop, you will: establish a strong background in programming. have the ability to develop a medium-level Python project. obtain resume-worthy skills to apply for a Junior Python Developer position. |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
Mar 18, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Build2Learn: Build It, And They Will Pwn. – PASCAL Welcome to PASCAL Hackerspace's newest hands-on workshop: Build2Learn!
The general idea of the Build2Learn twice-monthly sessions is to take several categories of tools, analyze their functionality, and re-implement them using your language of choice. The goal is not to present a tutorial. The goal is to have discussion around the process of breaking the problem down into specific use cases and requirements, i.e. tasks that can be more easily implemented. The core goal of programming is problem solving, the aim here is to facilitate and encourage this skill. There will be a focus on performing code review and encouraging people to demo their progress to the group. Session_0 will focus on the following: >Help individuals set up their development environment For more information, please visit- or view the current repository directly on Github here: . The purpose of this repository is to provide a resource for documentation and source code for the Build2Learn session(s) at PASCAL Hackerspace. For questions regarding PASCAL Hackerspace and events hosted there in general, please email [masked]. For questions regarding Build2Learn, please reach out to Randy here on Meetup! He can be found here: |
Mar 20, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Defensive Security: what can blue do for you? – 226 SE Madison St Some Teams are Red, Others are Blue, I Play Defense, and So Can You!
An endpoint security primer in three (?-ish) parts. Come learn about the other side of the cybersecurity equation: how to raise the bar for attackers trying to pwn your endpoints. This talk series will focus on sane, sensible, and usable defaults; what each operating system can bring to the table; security through proper configuration; and small/medium scale distribution and management. Part 1: We'll start with a broad overview of securing endpoints, the classes of attacks that might be encountered depending on your use cases, and what it means to be "secure." Then, we'll talk about configuring macOS for reasonable security, beginning with the hardware chain of trust, moving through the bootloader and touching on what Apple's hw/sw integration allows for: Activation Locks, MDM/DEP, and Software Recovery. Moving up the stack, we'll discuss the tiers of built-in macOS software security, and if time permits, several third party options to strengthen endpoint options. Part 2: Let's kick off with quick refresher on previous topics, and then dive right in to Windows endpoint security. Because of the diversity of hardware, there will be less low-level focus this session, but BitLocker, TPM, and OPAL will be in the mix. Then, learn why Secure Boot is not a conspiracy, how Hyper-V is bae, why Windows 10 is actually the best thing since... earlier Windows 10 releases!, what Group Policy can do for you, and which version of Windows is the minimum necessary for any kind of sanity. Part 3: In the stolen words of Steve Ballmer, compartmentalize compartmentalize compartmentalize! We'll talk about mitigating inevitable compromise, and then move to Linux security. Coreboot, Heads, and refreshers from PC hardware kick us off, then it's into the wilderness! We'll try and nail down some best practices for the wide and varied world of Linux distros, the security benefits of containers, why Flatpak is awesome, and a quick touch on grsecurity (aka "why we can't have nice things"). If there's time, we'll even try to talk about the security benefits of other nix's like OpenBSD & Qubes. Part 4: This is unwritten, unplanned and unscheduled, but part 4 (and 5, and beyond!) could include topics like: This is intended as a high-level overview to get a baseline for each of the three operating systems; content will change and grow based on feedback and requests. Come help me evolve my endpoint security game, and steer the course for future events! This series is brought to you by PASCAL Hackerspace, and presented by Magneto (the hacker, not the mutant...ok well, he could* be a mutant for all we know...) |
Mar 21, 2019
PDXPUG: March Meetup: Let’s talk databases in python! – PDX Code Guild Speaker: Hannah Stepanek Let’s talk databases in python! What’s an ORM? Is there a way to write database queries so that they are compatible with multiple types of databases? How do you make database changes (such as adding a new table or a new column) safely? What is a connection pool and why is it useful? What are some things that can go wrong when operating at scale? In this talk we’ll take a deep dive into how the python libraries sqlalchemy and alembic make managing production databases simple, efficient, and painless so you can get back to feature development. Hannah has been working in industry for over 6 years as a python software engineer. She currently works at Hypothesis, a web application for annotating web pages and pdfs. In her spare time she enjoys riding her horse Sophie and playing board games. |
PASCAL Hackerspace - AlgoBytes: Rust Edition! – PASCAL One of the core goals of PASCAL is to provide educational opportunities to people in the information security and technical communities of Portland, and with AlgoBytes we get to do exactly that!
AlgoBytes is an informal workshop series to learn a bit more about the formal foundations of the field of computer science and about core data structures/algorithms frequently used for interviews, whether you've never explored them before or need a refresher. This session we have a very talented guest speaker. Talk Abstract: Rust is a new systems programming language, designed to compete with C and C++. Rust ensures memory and thread safety, with minimal (often zero) overhead. Rust brings many modern comforts to systems programming, like dependency management and an extensive public package registry. Mozilla is rewriting portions of its Firefox web browser in Rust to improve its performance and security. In this talk, I'll explain the key design decisions that make Rust interesting, and do some live coding to give a sense of what the language is like to work with. Speaker Bio: Jim Blandy has been a professional programmer for 28 years, working for the Free Software Foundation, Red Hat, and Mozilla. He has been a maintainer of GNU Emacs, GNU Guile, and the GNU Debugger (GDB), and is one of the original designers of the Subversion version control system. He is a co-author of the book Programming Rust from O'Reilly. He is a member of the Developer Tools team at Mozilla. |
Mar 23, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
Mar 25, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Mar 26, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys with Marion Marschalek – Online Webinar Women Who Code Portland and LaunchCode are thrilled to present a cross-country online series focused on women in tech exchanging stories, building connections, and supporting each other in their careers. The series will be called "Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys" and it will take place the fourth Tuesday of the month.
Each session will feature a conversation with a woman in a senior tech role. Our speakers will talk openly about their current role, their journey, and what their day-to-day work lives are like. We will alternate speakers from the Portland and St Louis communities. Link to join the Zoom event: Schedule 4:00 – 4:05 PM – Intros from WWCode Portland and LaunchCode Our Speaker Marion Marschalek is a former Malware Analyst and Reverse Engineer who recently started work at Intel in order to conquer the field of low level security research, where she nowadays spends an unusual amount of time looking at compiler source code. She has spoken at all the conferences and such, and seen all the things, and keeps eagerly seeking more wisdom. She is proud member of the Blackhat review board family, and has been mentioned by Forbes in their 30under30 list for technologists in Europe in 2016. Also, she runs a series of free reverse engineering bootcamps for women titled BlackHoodie, because the world needs more researcherettes. About Women Who Code We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. Code of Conduct WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form: |
Women Who Code Portland - Design Study Night: Design 101 with InVision Studio – moovel North America - Portland Using good design is important when we want to convey our ideas or start building a new product. But it can be difficult to grasp the basics of design and find the right design tool. This workshop walks through basic designing, animating and prototyping tips using InVision Studio ( as our design tool.
Prior to the workshop, please download InVision Studio here: Schedule 5:30-5:45 - Check-in + Grab food About our Speaker Keeley Hammond is a senior software engineer at InVision, and a member of the InVision Studio engineering team. About Women Who Code We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. About our Host moovel N.A. LLC, a part of moovel Group GmbH, enables seamless multimodal experiences and connected transit commerce through mobile applications. moovel is the leading North American provider of mobile ticketing applications that allow riders to book and pay for public transit tickets via their smartphone. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Daimler AG, moovel’s vision is a world without traffic jams and our mission is to help transform cities by providing sustainable mobility solutions. For more info: Code of Conduct WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form: |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Network Forensics: Seek and Pwn – PASCAL PASCAL Hackerspace is proud to announce a new presentation series in which an experienced security researcher, Malcolm, will be guiding us through the intricacies of network forensics!
The class will begin with a basic overview of what networks are; from conversations and snail mail to signal processing and radio operations (including ham radio!), ultimately leading into computer networks. We will review each aspect that comprises a network (paying special attention to protocols), how they function and eventually moving on to how they can be exploited! The focus will predominantly be on TCP/IP and the OSI model computer networks. Layers, abstraction and encapsulation will be covered as well as the various physical and data link layers of each model. Each of the TCP/IP and OSI layers will be explained in detail, with some extra special attention being paid to the Transport Layer and its packets! The end of the presentation will culminate in a hands-on workshop. Attendees will get assistance with installing Wireshark (if you do not already have it)- then proceed with live Network Forensics Seek and Pwn: capture, investigate, analyze! Malcolm is a threat researcher with a major networking and security company, and has been doing networking for way too long. He wants to help other hackers learn the wonderful and weird world of packets, and all the terrible things you can do with them. |
Mar 28, 2019
#FullStackPDX : March : Critique – AltSource HQ Tickets can be purchased at |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Hack2Learn: Hackers, Assemble! – 226 SE Madison St Hack2Learn is a bi-monthly CTF (capture the flag) meetup hosted at PASCAL in Portland, OR. PASCAL is an organization of equal opportunity hackers, and we will be introducing you to various types of reverse engineering and binary challenges that you might face at any level, and at any time in the fields of information security and technology as a whole, for fun or profit.
For the next several Hack2Learn workshops, we will be taking a crack at Assembly-focused CTF (Capture The Flag) and reversing challenges, specifically microcorruption. MrDe4d will start by giving a short presentation on a particular aspect of the theory behind ASM (last time we talked about ISRs in MSP430 MCUs). The goal of the presentation prior to the challenge is to (hopefully) help everyone in attendance to gain theoretical as well as practical knowledge. Questions? Email [masked] or get on the PASCAL Discord and interact with other PDX hackers (ask for invite). |
Mar 30, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
Apr 1, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Build2Learn: Build It, And They Will Pwn. – PASCAL Welcome to PASCAL Hackerspace's newest hands-on workshop: Build2Learn!
The general idea of the Build2Learn twice-monthly sessions is to take several categories of tools, analyze their functionality, and re-implement them using your language of choice. The goal is not to present a tutorial. The goal is to have discussion around the process of breaking the problem down into specific use cases and requirements, i.e. tasks that can be more easily implemented. The core goal of programming is problem solving, the aim here is to facilitate and encourage this skill. There will be a focus on performing code review and encouraging people to demo their progress to the group. Session_0 will focus on the following: >Help individuals set up their development environment For more information, please visit- or view the current repository directly on Github here: . The purpose of this repository is to provide a resource for documentation and source code for the Build2Learn session(s) at PASCAL Hackerspace. For questions regarding PASCAL Hackerspace and events hosted there in general, please email [masked]. For questions regarding Build2Learn, please reach out to Randy here on Meetup! He can be found here: |
Apr 2, 2019
Portland Python Pirates - Web Development Using Javascript and Python Class Kickoff – The Tech Academy Have you wanted to try web development but are unsure about where to start or lacking motivation? Enter the Python Pirates! We are all about working through free classes together to help each other learn and grow into top notch programmers! This week kicks off an introduction to our next free class series. If you have thought about joining the Pyrates now is the time!
This session will be purely informational. There will be a discussion about what you can expect to learn from this series. All skill levels are welcome to join. Prior programming experience in Python will be helpful but any prior programming experience will do. A lot of times there is parking right in front of the building. If this is not the case I recommend trying 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Ave. There are usually spots down that way. Parking isn't free until after 7pm so don't forget to pay! There is also a lot right next door if you don't want to mess with street parking. As always feel free to message me or post on Slack if you have any questions. Hope to see you Tuesday! * New to our group? Need to join our Slack channel? Looking for free resources? Check out our website @ for all of that and more! |
Apr 3, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Security Study Night: Capture the Flag (CTF) 101 – Vevo In 2019, Women Who Code Portland is debuting a new event series focused on learning more about the security field. Welcome to our Security Study Nights!
Our first Security Study Night will be a Capture the Flag (CTF) 101. What is Capture the Flag and why do security professionals play it? The short answer is that it allows them to hone their skills and have fun. There is an entire subculture that exists around CTFs. So if you want to learn how to think like a hacker, adapt your skills and learn on the fly, come to our CTF 101 Study Night to see what it is all about. You will get a chance to capture your first flag. Schedule 6:00-6:15 - Check-in + Grab food About our Speakers Miki Demeter is a Security Researcher at Intel. Stacy Watts is a Senior MSS Platform Engineer at BlueVoyant. About Women Who Code We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. Code of Conduct WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form: MSS Platform Engineer, BlueVoyant |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Defensive Security: what can blue do for you? – 226 SE Madison St Some Teams are Red, Others are Blue, I Play Defense, and So Can You!
An endpoint security primer in three (?-ish) parts. Come learn about the other side of the cybersecurity equation: how to raise the bar for attackers trying to pwn your endpoints. This talk series will focus on sane, sensible, and usable defaults; what each operating system can bring to the table; security through proper configuration; and small/medium scale distribution and management. Part 1: We'll start with a broad overview of securing endpoints, the classes of attacks that might be encountered depending on your use cases, and what it means to be "secure." Then, we'll talk about configuring macOS for reasonable security, beginning with the hardware chain of trust, moving through the bootloader and touching on what Apple's hw/sw integration allows for: Activation Locks, MDM/DEP, and Software Recovery. Moving up the stack, we'll discuss the tiers of built-in macOS software security, and if time permits, several third party options to strengthen endpoint options. Part 2: Let's kick off with quick refresher on previous topics, and then dive right in to Windows endpoint security. Because of the diversity of hardware, there will be less low-level focus this session, but BitLocker, TPM, and OPAL will be in the mix. Then, learn why Secure Boot is not a conspiracy, how Hyper-V is bae, why Windows 10 is actually the best thing since... earlier Windows 10 releases!, what Group Policy can do for you, and which version of Windows is the minimum necessary for any kind of sanity. Part 3: In the stolen words of Steve Ballmer, compartmentalize compartmentalize compartmentalize! We'll talk about mitigating inevitable compromise, and then move to Linux security. Coreboot, Heads, and refreshers from PC hardware kick us off, then it's into the wilderness! We'll try and nail down some best practices for the wide and varied world of Linux distros, the security benefits of containers, why Flatpak is awesome, and a quick touch on grsecurity (aka "why we can't have nice things"). If there's time, we'll even try to talk about the security benefits of other nix's like OpenBSD & Qubes. Part 4: This is unwritten, unplanned and unscheduled, but part 4 (and 5, and beyond!) could include topics like: This is intended as a high-level overview to get a baseline for each of the three operating systems; content will change and grow based on feedback and requests. Come help me evolve my endpoint security game, and steer the course for future events! This series is brought to you by PASCAL Hackerspace, and presented by Magneto (the hacker, not the mutant...ok well, he could* be a mutant for all we know...) |
Apr 4, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - AlgoBytes: Algorithms for Hackers! – PASCAL PASCAL Hackerspace is happy to announce a new bimonthly workshop! One of the core goals of our organization is to provide educational opportunities to people in the information security and technical communities of Portland, and with AlgoBytes we get to do exactly that!
AlgoBytes is an informal workshop series to learn a bit more about the formal foundations of the field of computer science and about core data structures/algorithms frequently used for interviews, whether you've never explored them before or need a refresher. Each 90 minute session we will focus on a different topic, although we may repeat them if there are requests to revisit material. Currently there will be 20-30 minutes of presentation, a walk through of a problem, followed by breaking into small groups to practice. Attending sequential events is probably helpful if the material is new to you, but not required. First Session's Theme: Analysis Foundations What is an algorithm, besides a scary word? Please bring your preferred note-taking device(s) and preferred scratch paper. A laptop with your editor & language of choice may be handy for trying out your solutions- especially important if you are prepping for technical interviews, but is not at all required. The PASCAL board is excited to be hosting this event alongside a very accomplished and brilliant woman in security- Allison Marie Naaktgeboren is a Senior Software Engineer. She has previously written (and regretted) code at Mozilla, Amazon, Cisco, FactSet Research Systems, and the Biorobotics Laboratory in Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Institute. Allison holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Allison is a mentor in the PDXWiT mentorship program, supports the Women Who Code Portland Algorithms track, and mentors high school students in robotics and programming (Go Rebel @lliance!) She is a member of PASCAL & the OWASP Portland chapter. |
Apr 6, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
Apr 8, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Apr 9, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Network Forensics: Seek & Pwn – PASCAL PASCAL Hackerspace is proud to announce a new presentation series in which an experienced security researcher, Malcolm, will be guiding us through the intricacies of network forensics!
Network Forensics Seek and Pwn: capture, investigate, analyze! The class will begin with a basic overview of what networks are; from conversations and snail mail to signal processing and radio operations (including ham radio!), ultimately leading into computer networks. We will review each aspect that comprises a network (paying special attention to protocols), how they function and eventually moving on to how they can be exploited! Each week the focus will shift to suit the attendees needs. For the second edition of Network Pwnage, we will be diving into Layer As usual, there will be a short (30-40 minute) presentation of (I'm going to have to play around a bit to find the right tool set for Malcolm is a threat researcher with a major networking and security company, and has been doing networking for way too long. He wants to help other hackers learn the wonderful and weird world of packets, and all the terrible things you can do with them. |
Portland Python Pirates - Web Development Using Javascript and Python: Git – The Tech Academy Thanks to all who were able to make it out last Tuesday! It was great getting to chat with some of you about your backgrounds and what you are hoping to get from this course. We will do our best to make this as valuable as possible for all of you. No worries if you weren't here on the first day. This next session we will be continuing to get people setup with all of the materials needed to be successful in this course. Bring any technical questions you have and we will make sure that you are good to go.
We will also be beginning our dive into the wonderful world of Git. I know this can be a topic that is difficult for people to ramp up on so if you are struggling know that you are not alone. Ask questions on Slack. Bring your questions to the group. We are are here to help. A lot of times there is parking right in front of the building. If this is not the case I recommend trying 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Ave. There are usually spots down that way. Parking isn't free until after 7pm so don't forget to pay! There is also a lot right next door if you don't want to mess with street parking. As always feel free to message me or post on Slack if you have any questions. Hope to see you Tuesday! * New to our group? Need to join our Slack channel? Looking for free resources? Check out our website @ for all of that and more! |
Apr 11, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Hack2Learn: Hackers, Assemble! – 226 SE Madison St **NOTE**
While we will continue to work on the microcorruption CTF for the next several Hack2Learn workshops, the next meetup we are going to take a side quest and focus on a very special challenge involving hardware. It will be our first crack at embedded device security as a group. For more details- come see PASCAL next Thursday! END NOTE Hack2Learn is a bi-monthly CTF (capture the flag) meetup hosted at PASCAL in Portland, OR. PASCAL is an organization of equal opportunity hackers, and we will be introducing you to various types of reverse engineering and binary challenges that you might face at any level, and at any time in the fields of information security and technology as a whole, for fun or profit. For the next several Hack2Learn workshops, we will be taking a crack at Assembly-focused CTF (Capture The Flag) and reversing challenges, specifically microcorruption. MrDe4d will start by giving a short presentation on a particular aspect of the theory behind ASM (last time we talked about ISRs in MSP430 MCUs). The goal of the presentation prior to the challenge is to (hopefully) help everyone in attendance to gain theoretical as well as practical knowledge. Questions? Email [masked] or get on the PASCAL Discord and interact with other PDX hackers (ask for invite). |
Apr 15, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Build2Learn: Build It, And They Will Pwn. – PASCAL Welcome to PASCAL Hackerspace's newest hands-on workshop: Build2Learn!
The general idea of the Build2Learn twice-monthly sessions is to take several categories of tools, analyze their functionality, and re-implement them using your language of choice. The goal is not to present a tutorial. The goal is to have discussion around the process of breaking the problem down into specific use cases and requirements, i.e. tasks that can be more easily implemented. The core goal of programming is problem solving, the aim here is to facilitate and encourage this skill. There will be a focus on performing code review and encouraging people to demo their progress to the group. Session_0 will focus on the following: >Help individuals set up their development environment For more information, please visit- or view the current repository directly on Github here: . The purpose of this repository is to provide a resource for documentation and source code for the Build2Learn session(s) at PASCAL Hackerspace. For questions regarding PASCAL Hackerspace and events hosted there in general, please email [masked]. For questions regarding Build2Learn, please reach out to Randy here on Meetup! He can be found here: |
Apr 16, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - GNS3: A Primer – PASCAL Have you ever wanted to put together a network mockup? A networking lab? Perhaps you'd like to simply practice networking concepts or learn more about how a specific brand or device functions?
This class will provide an introduction to GNS3, a powerful network emulation platform. Attendees will review the setup/configuration of GNS3 and a couple applications by examinating a simple network example and a cybersecurity example with a Q&A session to wrap it up. |
Apr 17, 2019
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 2 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. If you can type, you can program! |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Defensive Security: what can blue do for you? – 226 SE Madison St Some Teams are Red, Others are Blue, I Play Defense, and So Can You!
An endpoint security primer in three (?-ish) parts. Come learn about the other side of the cybersecurity equation: how to raise the bar for attackers trying to pwn your endpoints. This talk series will focus on sane, sensible, and usable defaults; what each operating system can bring to the table; security through proper configuration; and small/medium scale distribution and management. Part 1: We'll start with a broad overview of securing endpoints, the classes of attacks that might be encountered depending on your use cases, and what it means to be "secure." Then, we'll talk about configuring macOS for reasonable security, beginning with the hardware chain of trust, moving through the bootloader and touching on what Apple's hw/sw integration allows for: Activation Locks, MDM/DEP, and Software Recovery. Moving up the stack, we'll discuss the tiers of built-in macOS software security, and if time permits, several third party options to strengthen endpoint options. Part 2: Let's kick off with quick refresher on previous topics, and then dive right in to Windows endpoint security. Because of the diversity of hardware, there will be less low-level focus this session, but BitLocker, TPM, and OPAL will be in the mix. Then, learn why Secure Boot is not a conspiracy, how Hyper-V is bae, why Windows 10 is actually the best thing since... earlier Windows 10 releases!, what Group Policy can do for you, and which version of Windows is the minimum necessary for any kind of sanity. Part 3: In the stolen words of Steve Ballmer, compartmentalize compartmentalize compartmentalize! We'll talk about mitigating inevitable compromise, and then move to Linux security. Coreboot, Heads, and refreshers from PC hardware kick us off, then it's into the wilderness! We'll try and nail down some best practices for the wide and varied world of Linux distros, the security benefits of containers, why Flatpak is awesome, and a quick touch on grsecurity (aka "why we can't have nice things"). If there's time, we'll even try to talk about the security benefits of other nix's like OpenBSD & Qubes. Part 4: This is unwritten, unplanned and unscheduled, but part 4 (and 5, and beyond!) could include topics like: This is intended as a high-level overview to get a baseline for each of the three operating systems; content will change and grow based on feedback and requests. Come help me evolve my endpoint security game, and steer the course for future events! This series is brought to you by PASCAL Hackerspace, and presented by Magneto (the hacker, not the mutant...ok well, he could* be a mutant for all we know...) |
Apr 18, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - AlgoBytes: Algorithms for Hackers! – PASCAL PASCAL Hackerspace is happy to announce a new bimonthly workshop! One of the core goals of our organization is to provide educational opportunities to people in the information security and technical communities of Portland, and with AlgoBytes we get to do exactly that!
AlgoBytes is an informal workshop series to learn a bit more about the formal foundations of the field of computer science and about core data structures/algorithms frequently used for interviews, whether you've never explored them before or need a refresher. Each 90 minute session we will focus on a different topic, although we may repeat them if there are requests to revisit material. Currently there will be 20-30 minutes of presentation, a walk through of a problem, followed by breaking into small groups to practice. Attending sequential events is probably helpful if the material is new to you, but not required. Theme: Hashes & Hashing. Please bring your preferred note-taking device(s) and preferred scratch paper. A laptop with your editor & language of choice may be handy for trying out your solutions- especially important if you are prepping for technical interviews, but is not at all required. The PASCAL board is excited to be hosting this event alongside a very accomplished and brilliant woman in security- Allison Marie Naaktgeboren is a Senior Software Engineer. She has previously written (and regretted) code at Mozilla, Amazon, Cisco, FactSet Research Systems, and the Biorobotics Laboratory in Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Institute. Allison holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Allison is a mentor in the PDXWiT mentorship program, supports the Women Who Code Portland Algorithms track, and mentors high school students in robotics and programming (Go Rebel @lliance!) She is a member of PASCAL & the OWASP Portland chapter. |
Apr 20, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
Apr 22, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Apr 23, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Network Forensics: Seek & Pwn – PASCAL PASCAL Hackerspace is proud to announce a new presentation series in which an experienced security researcher, Malcolm, will be guiding us through the intricacies of network forensics!
Network Forensics Seek and Pwn: capture, investigate, analyze! The class will begin with a basic overview of what networks are; from conversations and snail mail to signal processing and radio operations (including ham radio!), ultimately leading into computer networks. We will review each aspect that comprises a network (paying special attention to protocols), how they function and eventually moving on to how they can be exploited! Each week the focus will shift to suit the attendees needs. For the second edition of Network Pwnage, we will be diving into Layer As usual, there will be a short (30-40 minute) presentation of (I'm going to have to play around a bit to find the right tool set for Malcolm is a threat researcher with a major networking and security company, and has been doing networking for way too long. He wants to help other hackers learn the wonderful and weird world of packets, and all the terrible things you can do with them. |
Portland Python Pirates - Web Development Using Javascript and Python: Flask Intro – The Tech Academy Join us as we learn to use Python and Flask to add functionality and transform our websites into full web applications.
Until now we have focused on the web technologies required to build a static website. This week we take things up a notch and start applying that hard earned Python knowledge to build interactive and data-driven features. A lot of times there is parking right in front of the building. If this is not the case I recommend trying 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Ave. There are usually spots down that way. Parking isn't free until after 7pm so don't forget to pay! There is also a lot right next door if you don't want to mess with street parking. As always feel free to message me or post on Slack if you have any questions. Hope to see you Tuesday! * New to our group? Need to join our Slack channel? Looking for free resources? Check out our website @ for all of that and more! |
Apr 25, 2019
#FullStackPDX : April : Critique – AltSource HQ Tickets can be purchased at |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Hack2Learn: Hackers, Assemble! – 226 SE Madison St **NOTE**
While we will continue to work on the microcorruption CTF for the next several Hack2Learn workshops, the next meetup we are going to take a side quest and focus on a very special challenge involving hardware. It will be our first crack at embedded device security as a group. For more details- come see PASCAL next Thursday! END NOTE Hack2Learn is a bi-monthly CTF (capture the flag) meetup hosted at PASCAL in Portland, OR. PASCAL is an organization of equal opportunity hackers, and we will be introducing you to various types of reverse engineering and binary challenges that you might face at any level, and at any time in the fields of information security and technology as a whole, for fun or profit. For the next several Hack2Learn workshops, we will be taking a crack at Assembly-focused CTF (Capture The Flag) and reversing challenges, specifically microcorruption. MrDe4d will start by giving a short presentation on a particular aspect of the theory behind ASM (last time we talked about ISRs in MSP430 MCUs). The goal of the presentation prior to the challenge is to (hopefully) help everyone in attendance to gain theoretical as well as practical knowledge. Questions? Email [masked] or get on the PASCAL Discord and interact with other PDX hackers (ask for invite). |
Apr 27, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
Apr 28, 2019
ML4ALL Conference 2019 through The Bossanova Ballroom ML4ALL is a two day conference focusing on machine learning, to be held in Portland, Oregon on April 28-30, 2019. The goal of the ML4ALL Conference is to make applied machine learning accessible to the average software developer or enthusiast. We believe that machine learning should be viewed as a core competency for software developers, and will be a pervasive and essential aspect of almost all human-computer interaction in the near future. The ML4ALL community wishes democratize machine learning, highlighting smaller and more mundane use cases, bringing the technology out of the ivory towers of top tier tech companies and universities, and into the hands of everyday developers. |
Apr 29, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
May 2, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - AlgoBytes: Algorithms for Hackers! – PASCAL Topic: Review of material so far by student request: Big O, arrays, linked lists, hashing and hashes.
PASCAL Hackerspace is happy to announce a new bimonthly workshop! One of the core goals of our organization is to provide educational opportunities to people in the information security and technical communities of Portland, and with AlgoBytes we get to do exactly that! AlgoBytes is an informal workshop series to learn a bit more about the formal foundations of the field of computer science and about core data structures/algorithms frequently used for interviews, whether you've never explored them before or need a refresher. Each 60 minute session we will focus on a different topic, although we may repeat them if there are requests to revisit material. Currently there will be 20-30 minutes of presentation, a walk through of a problem, usually followed by breaking into small groups to practice. Attending sequential events is probably helpful if the material is new to you, but not required. Topics announced about 2 weeks in advance Please bring your preferred note-taking device(s) and preferred scratch paper. A laptop with your editor & language of choice may be handy for trying out your solutions- especially important if you are prepping for technical interviews, but is not at all required. The PASCAL board is excited to be hosting this event alongside a very accomplished and brilliant woman in security- Allison Marie Naaktgeboren is a Senior Software Engineer. She has previously written (and regretted) code at Mozilla, Amazon, Cisco, FactSet Research Systems, and the Biorobotics Laboratory in Carnegie Mellon’s Robotics Institute. Allison holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Allison is a mentor in the PDXWiT mentorship program, supports the Women Who Code Portland Algorithms track, and mentors high school students in robotics and programming (Go Rebel @lliance!) She is a member of PASCAL & the OWASP Portland chapter. |
May 4, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
May 7, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Network Forensics: Seek & Pwn – PASCAL PASCAL Hackerspace is proud to announce a new presentation series in which an experienced security researcher, Malcolm, will be guiding us through the intricacies of network forensics!
Network Forensics Seek and Pwn: capture, investigate, analyze! The class will begin with a basic overview of what networks are; from conversations and snail mail to signal processing and radio operations (including ham radio!), ultimately leading into computer networks. We will review each aspect that comprises a network (paying special attention to protocols), how they function and eventually moving on to how they can be exploited! Each week the focus will shift to suit the attendees needs. For the 4th session of Network Pwnage, we will be diving into Layer 4, TCP/UDP/ICMP. Having gotten this high in the stack, we'll start to do some serious packet capture analysis, so bring a laptop with Wireshark installed. As usual, there will be a short (30-40 minute) presentation of Malcolm is a threat researcher with a major networking and security company, and has been doing networking for way too long. He wants to help other hackers learn the wonderful and weird world of packets, and all the terrible things you can do with them. |
May 8, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - JavaScript Study Night – Act-On Software var studyNight = {
what: 'A night for studying JavaScript and all its wonders. Come work on a project, do some exercises or tutorials, pair program, or absorb by osmosis.', when: '5:30-8pm, on the 2nd Wednesday of each month', where: 'Act-On Software', who: 'Anyone so long as you agree to follow our Code of Conduct.', attendees: [] }; studyNight.attendees.push('you'); ---------------------------------------------------------- Translation: Come study at JavaScript Study Night! Bring a project, a problem to debug, or follow along with a walkthrough. You can also take a look at our github repository for links to other exercises and resources: Thanks to Act-On for sponsoring and hosting us! Act-On Software is a marketing automation software company that empowers marketers to do the best work of their careers. Their company headquarters are located in Portland, OR, in the Bank of America building. They are currently hiring for several engineering and customer support (tiers 1, 2, and 3) roles. Please visit their careers page for more information on their open positions: ---------------------------------------------------------- By coming to JS Study Night, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( |
May 9, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Hack2Learn: Hackers, Assemble! – 226 SE Madison St **NOTE**
While we will continue to work on the microcorruption CTF for the next several Hack2Learn workshops, the next meetup we are going to take a side quest and focus on a very special challenge involving hardware. It will be our first crack at embedded device security as a group. For more details- come see PASCAL next Thursday! For the second part of this hardware challenge, we will be taking an indepth look at the device ROM and MCU. We will be using the MiniPro chip reader, and again working with TTL converters. END NOTE Hack2Learn is a bi-monthly CTF (capture the flag) meetup hosted at PASCAL in Portland, OR. PASCAL is an organization of equal opportunity hackers, and we will be introducing you to various types of reverse engineering and binary challenges that you might face at any level, and at any time in the fields of information security and technology as a whole, for fun or profit. For the next several Hack2Learn workshops, we will be taking a crack at Assembly-focused CTF (Capture The Flag) and reversing challenges, specifically microcorruption. MrDe4d will start by giving a short presentation on a particular aspect of the theory behind ASM (last time we talked about ISRs in MSP430 MCUs). The goal of the presentation prior to the challenge is to (hopefully) help everyone in attendance to gain theoretical as well as practical knowledge. Questions? Email [masked] or get on the PASCAL Discord and interact with other PDX hackers (ask for invite). |
May 11, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - PASCAL Open Day – Join PASCAL on the second Saturday of the month for a day of tours, entertainment and dialogue.
Drop on by if you would like to: Basic concessions will also be available! |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
May 15, 2019
PASCAL Hackerspace - Defensive Security: what can blue do for you? – 226 SE Madison St Come learn about the other side of the cybersecurity equation: how to raise the bar for attackers trying to pwn your endpoints. This talk series will focus on sane, sensible, and usable defaults, security through proper configuration, and small/medium scale distribution and management.
******** DefSec 0x05: Ansible, Part 1 Dive deep into the Dirac Sea...of security automation! Let's talk about Ansible (the RedHat automation/configuration management tool, not the scifi FTL machine). To quote a different introductory course, "Ansible is an automation and configuration management technology used to provision, deploy, and manage compute infrastructure across cloud, virtual, and physical environments." This initial session will focus on: Part 2 of this talk (coming soon!) will focus on a practical application of Ansible, namely deploying the Ubuntu Linux CIS benchmark against multiple virtual machines for hardening purposes. This series is brought to you by PASCAL Hackerspace, and presented by Magneto (the hacker, not the mutant. Probably.) He does security analysis and automation for profit, and systems thinking and other security-related things for fun. Uses obtuse prose. Talks fast and loud. Dreams of eliminating sleep. Protoypes the future. |
May 16, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ Slalom: How to Own Your Professional Development – Slalom Consulting Our May Networking Night will be held at Slalom Consulting! We will be enjoying a lovely view from Slalom's Fox Tower office, and chatting with the women of Slalom about "How to Own Your Professional Development." Please join us for a night of community, networking, and career empowerment!
⌚️AGENDA ⌚️ 👩🏽OUR PANELISTS 👩🏽 Dara Wilson: Data & Analytics Consultant Melissa Miller: Data & Analytics Solution Principal Kristin Flewelling: Salesforce Consultant OUR HOST 🙅🏼♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼♀️ Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( |
May 18, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Software Engineering Interview Preparation – Puppet Please RSVP on Eventbrite:
Women Who Code Portland is hosting a Software Engineering Interview Preparation Workshop. This event is geared towards helping women prepare for technical interviews, but we welcome everyone who supports our mission of inspiring women to excel in technology careers and follows our code of conduct. The goal of the workshop is to provide people with the opportunity to gain experience with a technical interview format. This workshop is broken into two sections: In the morning, we'll cover an introduction to solving algorithms. Participants will have the chance to see common interview algorithms, and approach how to solve them under pressure. In the afternoon, we will break into groups for mock interviews. This will help participants get a feel for what a technical interview might be like. Whiteboarding can be much different than writing on paper, especially in front of others. Participants will have the chance to practice answers to common questions, thinking out loud while solving a problem and practice techniques for how to move forward when stumped. AGENDA 9:30 - Doors Open EVENT COST The event cost is $10 for participants and includes lunch. There will be no refunds for this event. If you cannot attend, you can email us to transfer the ticket to another attendee, or we can add it to our scholarship pool. CODE OF CONDUCT By coming to this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct ( Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form ( Please RSVP on Eventbrite: |
PASCAL Hackerspace - Tools That Pwn: A Hacker Symposium – PASCAL This Saturday at PASCAL we are offering a Hacker Symposium of sorts, featuring a few handy tools of the trade as well as two major frameworks often used in developing exploits and attacking systems or networks. We will be surveying several of the tools that are part of Kali, and easy to install on any Debian derived distro. It seems many folks, sometimes even the professionals already hip deep in the field of tech, are unaware of the power their packages wield! The wild hacker kidz at PASCAL are going to show you how to get started with packaged/pre-loaded tools like Burp Suite, Binwalk, Wireshark, Kismet and will also provide you with an overview of the Metasploit and Volatility frameworks. Come take your first step with Reverse Engineering at PASCAL using Binwalk! Excuse yourself and set up a proxy with Burp Suite! Breath deep and sniff packets with Kismet! Enjoy these puns and more, in person with Cylon and the rest of the misfit hackers of PDX!
We will set aside time to answer questions, and hold demonstrations of each utility discussed. This is all about what YOU want to learn!! Questions? please email Cylon--> [masked]. PASCAL also has a Discord server as means of communication regarding upcoming events, news in infosec and memes (inquire within). |
May 28, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Design Study Night: Design 101 with InVision Studio – moovel North America - Portland Using good design is important when we want to convey our ideas or start building a new product. But it can be difficult to grasp the basics of design and find the right design tool. This workshop walks through basic designing, animating and prototyping tips using InVision Studio ( as our design tool.
Prior to the workshop, please download InVision Studio here: Schedule 5:30-5:45 - Check-in + Grab food About our Speaker Keeley Hammond is a senior software engineer at InVision, and a member of the InVision Studio engineering team. About Women Who Code We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. About our Host moovel N.A. LLC, a part of moovel Group GmbH, enables seamless multimodal experiences and connected transit commerce through mobile applications. moovel is the leading North American provider of mobile ticketing applications that allow riders to book and pay for public transit tickets via their smartphone. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Daimler AG, moovel’s vision is a world without traffic jams and our mission is to help transform cities by providing sustainable mobility solutions. For more info: Code of Conduct WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form: |
May 29, 2019
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 2 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. If you can type, you can program! |
May 30, 2019
#FullStackPDX : May : Critique – AltSource HQ Tickets can be purchased at |
Un-Redacting the Mueller Report and Abstracting the News with NLP @ PDXPython & Pyladies PDX Presentation Night – New Relic Un-Redacting the Mueller Report and Abstracting the News with NLP By Hobson Lane and Al Kari Hobson will show you how to write a python "mad-libber" that can unredact the Mueller Report. The first person to correctly predict the next word better than the About our speakers: Hobson Lane's first Python apps were built with the help of friends at the Portland Python User Group almost a decade ago. Since then he's been using Python for everything from chatbots to building energy consumption forecasting. He's now CTO at Deep Canopy where they build smart cameras for industry. In his spare time Hobson teaches Python and data science on,, and and preaches crackpot ideas for harnessing the pending AI explosion for the greater good. Al Kari is a Google Developer Expert (GDE) in Machine Learning, organizer of the TensorFlow-Northwest meetup group and CEO of Manceps, an engineering company focused on providing intelligent automation solutions to innovative businesses. Join us afterward at Bailey's Upper Lip Upstairs Taproom 213 SW Broadway to continue the discussion over a beverage. Do you have something you'd like to share? PDX Python on Twitter ( Portland Python Web Site ( |
Jun 12, 2019
Programming with Python 3 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 3 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. In this class you will learn the basics of Object Oriented Programming with Python. Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism and other scary sounding terms will be demystified! Recommended Prerequisites: Programming with Python 1 and Programming with Python 2 |
Jun 17, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - 5th Anniversary Celebration: Leading with Intent – New Relic It's hard to believe, but Women Who Code Portland is closing in on five years in Portland. We are so thrilled to celebrate this incredible milestone with you. Join us on Monday, June 17th at New Relic for our 5th Anniversary Celebration, an evening of networking, inspiring speakers, giveaways, and delicious food and drinks.
The theme of the event is "Leading with Intent." It is what we as an organization have aimed to do over the last five years. It's also a theme embodied by our speakers. Our five panelists are all very successful women in engineering, design, and security; and they have also spent their time giving back to others, by creating communities that helped other women and underrepresented minorities enter and stay in the tech industry. Please make sure to RSVP on Eventbrite to help us expedite checkin: Agenda 5:30 - 6:15 - Doors open + Networking Activity Panel Details - Erica Stanley ( - Engineering Manager at Salesloft, Founder of WWCode Atlanta - Steph Nguyen ( - VP of Product & Design at Flashfood, Director of WWCode Toronto - Vaidehi Joshi ( - Engineer at Tilde, Creator of basecs and baseds, co-host of the Base.cs Podcast - Amber Milavec ( - Senior Principal Technical Architect at Nike, creator of We Code Hackathon for Women and Friends - Miki Demeter ( - Security Researcher at Intel, Evangelist with WWCode Portland, Staff for the Diana Initiative, TrevorChat Crisis Counselor - Moderator: Caterina Paun ( - Senior Director and co-founder of WWCode Portland Giveaways + Prizes As a thank you to our wonderful members, we will have a Women Who Code t-shirt as a giveaway to our first 100 attendees and we will be raffling conference tickets for everyone who completes the networking activity. Special Thanks Thank you to our sponsors, New Relic ( and top rated mold removal in toronto for supporting this event and to Mozilla ( for sponsoring videography for the event. Illustrations for the event were create by Ren Stein ( About Women Who Code We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. Code of Conduct WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form: Please make sure to RSVP on Eventbrite to help us expedite checkin: |
Jun 19, 2019
Portland Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Alchemy Code Lab 30 Northwest 10th Avenue Portland, OR 97209 Details Let's get together to build cool stuff! Pythonistas will both be available to lend a hand. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-9pm on third Wednesdays! Special thanks to Alchemy Code Lab for providing the space! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! **Note: Please RSVP if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. :) |
Jun 24, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jun 27, 2019
#FullStackPDX : June : Critique – AltSource HQ Tickets can be purchased at |
Jul 1, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jul 8, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jul 10, 2019
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 2 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. If you can type, you can program! |
Jul 12, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Lunch & Learn – Work & Co Starting in 2019, WWCode Portland is partnering with Work & Co to start a new lunchtime event series called “Lunch & Learn.”
We will be meeting in a conference room to eat and learn about what members of our community are working on. We are asking two members to speak about their work or side projects for 5 minutes, focusing on the stack, tools, frameworks, and libraries used to build that project. No slides necessary. Our speakers will demo the project, dig into the code and design that made it happen, and answer questions about their project. This event will take place from 12-1pm on Friday, April 5th. This is a short event, so please arrive on time! Schedule 12:00-12:20 - Check-in + Grab food Presentations - TBA About Women Who Code We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. About our Host Work & Co ( is a technology and design company that creates the digital experiences people love using every day. With 270 people in offices across the United States, Brazil and Europe, Work & Co defines and launches core products for Apple, YouTube, Planned Parenthood, Lyft and more. Code of Conduct WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form: |
Jul 15, 2019
O'Reilly Open Source Software Conference through Oregon Convention Center The O'Reilly Open Source Software Conference (OSCON) delivers a unique opportunity to dive deep into the technologies behind emerging and innovative open source projects as well as to learn about all the trends shaping software development today—from AI and cloud technology to blockchain and distributed computing. Connect with the open source community in Portland this summer. Meet industry experts and exchange insights with peers at networking events, lunch discussions and more. Check out the program and save 20% on your pass with code CAL20. |
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jul 17, 2019
PDX ML: Open Source AI for Social Good – Wacom PDX ML is excited to partner with IBM's Center for Open Source Data and AI Technologies to host a night of 5-minute lightening talks under the theme, "Open Source AI for Social Good." Maybe you are tired from wandering around OSCON all day, or maybe you're just a local looking for something to do. Join us to learn about what people are doing with AI to help humanity. Schedule: 6:30pm: Networking (Looking for food/beverage sponsor...) 7:10pm: Opening remarks from Karl, Maureen, and Auggy 7:15pm: Lightening talks - How many is up to YOU! We can easily schedule up to 10, based on community lightening talk pitches. Submit ideas now! 8:45pm: Project Ideas. Pitch your Project Ideas to this meetup group 9pm: End Got a lightening talk idea you want to present? Sign up now! Please review the PDX ML Code of Conduct - |
Jul 25, 2019
#FullStackPDX : July : Critique – AltSource HQ Tickets can be purchased at |
Jul 29, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jul 30, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Design Study Night: Craft Your Personal Brand – moovel North America - Portland 🎨 Craft Your Personal Brand
Do you know how to capture the attention of your audience and make yourself stand out from the competition? Whether you are a soloprenuer, moonlighter, or full-time employee, diving into the world of branding can be the key factor that gives you the clarity, focus, confidence, verbal and visual cohesiveness that delivers an unforgettable impact on others. Attend this session with Kate Mueller to discover the process of building your brand along with the best practices for designing and developing your visual identity system. Participants will be guided through a worksheet to jump start their own branding discovery process. ⏰ Agenda 5:30-5:45 - Check-in + Grab food 👩🏽 About our Speaker Kate Mueller is a Portland-based Senior Graphic Designer with 16 years experience in the worlds of marketing and graphic design. She currently works as a Senior Designer at Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. She also helps others define and focus their businesses through her own company, Gilded Branding ( Kate holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design and Advertising from Iowa State University. 👩🏽💻 About Women Who Code We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. Join our Slack community here: 🏢 About our Host moovel North America (becoming REACH NOW), a part of moovel Group, offers cities, public transit agencies and customers seamless access to multimodal transportation options through simple smartphone applications. A pioneer in Mobility-as-a-Service and the leading North American provider of mobile ticketing solutions for public transit, moovel NA (becoming REACH NOW) provides a next-generation mobile platform that streamlines the operations for transit agencies, and simplifies the travel experience for riders. 📃 Code of Conduct WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form: ❓ Event + Venue Q&A Q: Is the space ADA accessible? Q: Will there be gender neutral restrooms? Q: Will there be food and drinks at this event? Q: What is the easiest way to get to the venue? Q: How do I enter the building? |
Aug 6, 2019
Redis Hands-on Developer Workshop (Free) – Hilton Portland Downtown If you want to learn how to scale your web apps with Redis data structures (and modules), join Redis experts for a free (as in beer) full day of tutorials and hands-on. sessions. The workshop will cover a variety of Redis programming topics, including: - An Overview of Redis Data Structures - Handling JSON Data in Redis - Transactions and Pipelining - Designing Robust and Reliable Redis Deployments - Redis Modules such as RediSearch, RedisGraph and RedisJSON At the end of the workshop, you will take away: a working knowledge of Redis data structures and modules. Sample code demonstrating session management, JSON data handling, and the Redis PubSub system. A Continental breakfast and lunch will be provided. For the programming labs, please bring a laptop with Python3, a text editor, and the Python Redis package installed. Register Today! |
Aug 21, 2019
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 2 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. If you can type, you can program! |
Aug 29, 2019
#FullStackPDX : August : Critique – AltSource HQ Tickets can be purchased at |
Sep 9, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Sep 16, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Sep 23, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Sep 26, 2019
#FullStackPDX : September : Critique – AltSource HQ Tickets can be purchased at |
Sep 30, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 4, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - IoT Hackathon 2019 through Zapproved, Inc 🤖 Our IoT Hackathon is back the weekend of Oct. 4 - Oct. 6! This year's theme is Sustainable Homes.
➡️➡️ RSVP on Eventbrite: ⬅️⬅️ This event is geared towards women but we also welcome everyone who supports our mission of inspiring women to excel in technology careers. The goal of the IoT Hackathon is to gain new programming skills, have fun, and work in teams to build sustainable solutions. We welcome your expertise at this event, whether you are a developer, designer, product manager, project manager, data scientist, business analyst, or marketing professional. You will be working in teams of 4-6 to come up with the next great IoT solution. This hackathon is geared towards all skill levels. If this is your first hackathon, you will fit right in! If you are a seasoned professional ready to lead a dedicated team, this event is also for you! We will kick things off with a Sponsors Fair on Friday evening. This will be your opportunity to meet our sponsoring tech companies and learn more about them. We will get started with a welcome and IoT tech talks at 7:30pm, before assigning teams at 9pm. On Sunday, presentations will start at 3:30pm. We will have several mentors available throughout the weekend to answer questions and help you debug. Finally, we will be providing food, drinks, and snacks throughout the event, so please join us! 🎟 Event Cost Early Bird: $20 (ends Sep. 1st) The event cost is for all hackathon participants; price of admission includes one Microsoft Azure Sphere hardware kit per participant, food throughout the weekend, the official long-sleeve shirt, swag, giveaways, and prizes for the winners. ➡️➡️ Buy your ticket(s) on Eventbrite: ⬅️⬅️ ⏰ Agenda Friday 6:00 - Doors Open + Dinner + Sponsors Fair Saturday 9:00 - Doors Open + Coffee + Bagels Sunday [Note: Due to the Portland Marathon, we will have a late start on Sunday. The marathon will shut down multiple roads in downtown Portland on Sunday morning, including some near Zapproved.] 🙌 Sponsors Thank you to Zapproved for hosting this event and to Microsoft Azure Sphere and Intel Open Source for sponsoring. 👩🏽💻 About Women Who Code We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. Join our Slack community here: 📃 Code of Conduct WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at: If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form: |
Oct 7, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
PDX Code Guild October Info Night – PDX Code Guild Please register on eventbrite! PDX Code Guild is hosting an info night for those who are curious or want to learn more about our program. Meet with our director, instructor, graduate or current students to get a better understanding of the program and to have any of your questions answered! All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. For more information please check out our website: Follow us on social media for any updates: @pdxcodeguild |
Oct 9, 2019
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 2 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. If you can type, you can program! |
Oct 14, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 16, 2019
[Programming 101] Nov 5th - Nov 14th – PDX Code Guild Transform Your Career Whether you’re seeking a job in tech or preparing to launch your own business, PDX Code Guild will give you the skills you need to achieve your goals. Creating incredible projects starts with learning the fundamentals of programming languages. By the end of this 2-week course, you’ll be writing your first python programs and have a basic understanding of various data types. This is the perfect opportunity for those preparing to start the Full Stack Bootcamp, or those considering applying for the program. About the Course Location: PDX Code Guild campus: 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, Portland, OR 97201 Start date: October 22nd Cost: $15.00 Class Dates: Tues, Wed, Thurs: October 22nd, 23rd, 24th Mon, Tues, Wed: Oct 28th, 29th, 30th (No class on Thurs 10/31) Time: 6:30-9:30pm What to bring: Bring your laptop pre-loaded with the following programs: Python 3.6 or 3.7 ( Atom ( What to expect in terms of workload: Most students can get everything done in class. There may be a small amount of homework for those newer to the concepts taught, but plenty of support to help you through it! Frequently Asked Questions: Q: Do I need my own laptop? A: Yes, you will need to provide your own laptop. Q: I won't be able to attend all of the classes. Should I still register? A: Since there are only 6 classes, missing one could cause you to get behind in the material. If you have questions about this we’re happy to answer on a case by case basis by emailing [email protected]. Q: The dates offered don’t fit my schedule, will there be more classes offered in the future? A: Yes, we’re regularly posting new class dates. Typically we offer 2 start dates per month. Q: I registered for the class but can’t find the confirmation email. A: Feel free to email [email protected] and we’ll confirm the order came through properly. Contact Info: Please feel free to contact us with questions and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can! Phone: (503) 444-8836 E-mail: [email protected] |
[Programming 101] Nov 3rd - Dec 12th – PDX Code Guild Transform Your Career Whether you’re seeking a job in tech or preparing to launch your own business, PDX Code Guild will give you the skills you need to achieve your goals. Creating incredible projects starts with learning the fundamentals of programming languages. By the end of this 2-week course, you’ll be writing your first python programs and have a basic understanding of various data types. This is the perfect opportunity for those preparing to start the Full Stack Bootcamp, or those considering applying for the program. About the Course Location: PDX Code Guild campus: 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, Portland, OR 97201 Start date: October 22nd Cost: $15.00 Class Dates: Tues, Wed, Thurs: October 22nd, 23rd, 24th Mon, Tues, Wed: Oct 28th, 29th, 30th (No class on Thurs 10/31) Time: 6:30-9:30pm What to bring: Bring your laptop pre-loaded with the following programs: Python 3.6 or 3.7 ( Atom ( What to expect in terms of workload: Most students can get everything done in class. There may be a small amount of homework for those newer to the concepts taught, but plenty of support to help you through it! Frequently Asked Questions: Q: Do I need my own laptop? A: Yes, you will need to provide your own laptop. Q: I won't be able to attend all of the classes. Should I still register? A: Since there are only 6 classes, missing one could cause you to get behind in the material. If you have questions about this we’re happy to answer on a case by case basis by emailing [email protected]. Q: The dates offered don’t fit my schedule, will there be more classes offered in the future? A: Yes, we’re regularly posting new class dates. Typically we offer 2 start dates per month. Q: I registered for the class but can’t find the confirmation email. A: Feel free to email [email protected] and we’ll confirm the order came through properly. Contact Info: Please feel free to contact us with questions and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can! Phone: (503) 444-8836 E-mail: [email protected] |
Oct 19, 2019
Full-Stack Developer - What Should You Know? – Portland Community Church In a world in an ever-changing software development languages, which career path do you choose and how do you stay current on the latest trends? How about becoming a full-stack developer? As a full-stack wizard, you get your hands on many technologies and languages in the front-end, middleware, and backend. In the Meetup, I'll share a plan on how you can get started to become a full-stack developer within a year. I'll cover the basics of HTML5, CSS, React, JavaScript, APIs, Python, and SQL. Everyone is welcome to come share their software development journey. Be inspired! Knowledge Mavens |
Oct 21, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 22, 2019
[Programming 101] Oct 22nd - Oct 30th – PDX Code Guild Transform Your Career Whether you’re seeking a job in tech or preparing to launch your own business, PDX Code Guild will give you the skills you need to achieve your goals. Creating incredible projects starts with learning the fundamentals of programming languages. By the end of this 2-week course, you’ll be writing your first python programs and have a basic understanding of various data types. This is the perfect opportunity for those preparing to start the Full Stack Bootcamp, or those considering applying for the program. About the Course Location: PDX Code Guild campus: 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, Portland, OR 97201 Start date: October 22nd Cost: $15.00 Class Dates: Tues, Wed, Thurs: October 22nd, 23rd, 24th Mon, Tues, Wed: Oct 28th, 29th, 30th (No class on Thurs 10/31) Time: 6:30-9:30pm What to bring: Bring your laptop pre-loaded with the following programs: Python 3.6 or 3.7 ( Atom ( What to expect in terms of workload: Most students can get everything done in class. There may be a small amount of homework for those newer to the concepts taught, but plenty of support to help you through it! Frequently Asked Questions: Q: Do I need my own laptop? A: Yes, you will need to provide your own laptop. Q: I won't be able to attend all of the classes. Should I still register? A: Since there are only 6 classes, missing one could cause you to get behind in the material. If you have questions about this we’re happy to answer on a case by case basis by emailing [email protected]. Q: The dates offered don’t fit my schedule, will there be more classes offered in the future? A: Yes, we’re regularly posting new class dates. Typically we offer 2 start dates per month. Q: I registered for the class but can’t find the confirmation email. A: Feel free to email [email protected] and we’ll confirm the order came through properly. Contact Info: Please feel free to contact us with questions and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can! Phone: (503) 444-8836 E-mail: [email protected] |
Oct 24, 2019
#FullStackPDX : October : Critique – AltSource HQ Tickets can be purchased at |
Oct 28, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Nov 4, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
PDX Code Guild November Info Night – PDX Code Guild PDX Code Guild is hosting an info night for those who are curious or want to learn more about our program. Meet with our director, instructor, graduate or current students to get a better understanding of the program and to have any of your questions answered! All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. For more information please check out our website: Follow us on social media for any updates: @pdxcodeguild |
Nov 5, 2019
Python PDX West (November) – Rohde & Schwarz This month:
- Why the 5th: - Shift to "first Tuesday", so we don't collide with PyData PDX, on "second Tuesday". Food: Rohde & Schwarz sponsoring the venue and the food. Probably pizza. It was really great last time. Want to present? - Contact us through our standard email, found here: - or on twitter, @pythonpdx - or @brianokken Want to help organize? - awesome. same contact |
Nov 13, 2019
PDX Code Guild November Info Night – PDX Code Guild PDX Code Guild is hosting an info night for those who are curious or want to learn more about our program. Meet with our director, instructor, graduate or current students to get a better understanding of the program and to have any of your questions answered! All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. For more information please check out our website: Follow us on social media for any updates: @pdxcodeguild |
Nov 14, 2019
#FullStackPDX : November : Critique – AltSource HQ Tickets can be purchased at |
Nov 18, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Nov 27, 2019
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 2 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. If you can type, you can program! |
Dec 2, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Dec 9, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Dec 12, 2019
#FullStackPDX : December : Critique – AltSource HQ Tickets can be purchased at |
Dec 16, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jan 6, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jan 13, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jan 20, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
PDX Code Guild January Info Night – PDX Code Guild Please register on eventbrite! PDX Code Guild is hosting an info night for those who are curious or want to learn more about our program. Meet with our director, instructor, graduate or current students to get a better understanding of the program and to have any of your questions answered! All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. For more information please check out our website: Follow us on social media for any updates: @pdxcodeguild |
Jan 23, 2020
PDX Python and Pyladies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night – New Relic 111 Southwest 5th Avenue Suite 2700 Portland, OR 97204 Big thanks to Accelebrate ( and New Relic ( for sponsoring us this month! Come join us downtown at New Relic for Pythonic talks! We've got two great talks this month! TALK 1: Python >= Super Glue How Python was used to integrate various hardware and programs into a free and open source music center that can even be run on the Raspberry Pi. By Athan Spathas This talk will discuss the development of the Glass Beatstation, a modular interface for making music on Linux Athan Spathas makes music, is involved with, teaches robotics, and works to support Free / Libre / Open source software: particularly Linux-based music production. He is a self taught Python programmer, it is by far his favorite programming language. TALK 2: What PHP learned from Python By Adam Harvey In 2015, the PHP project released version 7.0 of the PHP language. An advantage PHP had was that Python had gone through a similar process with Python 3 seven years earlier. I’ll discuss the lessons taken from the Python 2-3 transition, and how they were applied. Adam is a software developer who has worked on a number of interesting and occasionally even useful things in his two decade career. These include prototyping the worst mesh network of all time (based on Android phones), discovering how to reliably lock up a Windows computer by writing an in-browser video editor, and (most usefully) removing the original mysql_* API from PHP. Today he works at New Relic on their PHP and C language support. Join us on our mailing list ( and on #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome! |
Jan 27, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Feb 3, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Feb 5, 2020
Student Capstone Demo Day – PDX Code Guild, Mt. Hood Join us for our graduating cohort's presentations of their full-stack web application. ABOUT OUR STUDENT CAPSTONE The Capstone is a full-stack application that touches on every major technology we cover at PDX Code Guild: Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Django. A Capstone provides both a practical application of web development concepts and skills and is the perfect start to a professional development portfolio! Date: February 5, 2020 Time: 12:50 PM - 4:00 PM Location: PDX CODE GUILD, 2828 SW Corbett Ave, Portland, OR 97201 Mt Hood, RM #204 |
Feb 7, 2020
PyCascades through Revolution Hall PyCascades is a three-day, single-track Python conference, with two days of talks and one day for sprints, as well as ample opportunity for networking. This year we're adding Open Spaces. Tickets are currently on sale. PyCascades is organized by members of the Python communities in Vancouver, Seattle, and Portland. We aim to bring together Python users and developers from both the Pacific Northwest and around the world. Check out our speaker lineup: |
Feb 10, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Feb 12, 2020
Programming with Python 2 – Free Geek Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? Join us! This class is part 2 of an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. If you can type, you can program! |
Feb 17, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Feb 24, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Mar 2, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Mar 9, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Mar 16, 2020
REMOTE ONLY! ZOOM LINK TO BE POSTED BEFORE MEETING! Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! REMOTE ONLY! Zoom link: Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Mar 23, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild NOTE - We are conducting the meetup remotely using Zoom and are discontinuing in-person meetings until further notice. Zoom meeting: We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Mar 28, 2020
Python Programming Webinar – Online Python is one of the top trending technology of the era and one of the most preferred programming language by software developers. It has stretched its roots deep down in the corporate industry. Due to this vast inference, new age learners and working professionals are keen to learn this programming language. To curb this, various online python certification courses are available through which one can master python and begin career as a python developer. Python is widely used in core domains like: - Web Development - Data Science - Cyber Security - Machine Learning - Artificial Intelligence So, a person who is expert in python can easily build career in the above mentioned domains. |
Mar 30, 2020
REMOTE: Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – REMOTE - PDX Code Guild While the covid-19 shelter-in-place order is active the meetup will be remote via Zoom. Zoom Meeting ID: 505-404-923 We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome! Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome! This week we will do introductions at 6:00 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Apr 6, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – REMOTE - PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Apr 13, 2020
REMOTE: Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – Zoom Meeting ID: 505-404-923 We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Apr 20, 2020
REMOTE: Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – REMOTE: We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
May 4, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
May 11, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
PDX Code Guild May Info Night – PDX Code Guild PDX Code Guild is hosting an info night for those who are curious or want to learn more about our program. Meet with our director, instructor, graduate or current students to get a better understanding of the program and to have any of your questions answered! All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. For more information please check out our website: Follow us on social media for any updates: @pdxcodeguild |
May 18, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jun 1, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jun 8, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jun 15, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. |
Jun 22, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. |
Jun 29, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. |
Jul 6, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. |
Jul 13, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jul 20, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Jul 27, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Aug 3, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Aug 10, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Aug 17, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Aug 24, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Aug 31, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Sep 14, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Sep 21, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Sep 28, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 5, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 12, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 19, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Oct 26, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Nov 9, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Nov 16, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Nov 21, 2020
Where to Begin with Python? Zoom Link Available on Eventbrite. – Zoom In this session, we'll practice some examples from We'll work on a few problems such as strings, lists, booleans, and loops. Hopefully, these examples will inspire you to continue your journey to learn Python. This session will be on Zoom for an hour. We'll spend most of our time covering examples. Whatever time is left, we'll spend with general Q&A. |
Nov 30, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Dec 5, 2020
Do You Want To Learn Python? Let's Work on HackerRank Problems Together! – Online Discord In this session, we'll practice some coding problems in Python from We'll focus on the section of strings. Hopefully, these examples will inspire you to continue your journey to learn Python. This session will be on Discord for an hour. We'll spend time working on the problems on our own and then covering the solution together. |
Dec 7, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Dec 14, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source) – PDX Code Guild RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link! We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free! Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome. This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects. Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with. This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next. Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. |
Dec 17, 2020
How to Build a Single-Page Todo List with Django and Vue – PDX Code Guild Learn how to build a todo list as a single page application (SPA) from scratch using Django, Vue, Axios, and Bootstrap. No prior knowledge is required, but basic knowledge of these four libraries will help clarify things. Django: Vue: Axios: Bootstrap: (only 3 links allowed in description ;), check out the meetup page for more) Presented by PDX Code Guild Instructor Matthew Cooper |
Feb 19, 2021
PyCascades 2021 through Online, Anywhere Our regional Python conference will be virtual next year! Join Pythonistas from British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and beyond to learn, network, and discuss Python. Subscribe to our newsletter for full updates, follow us on Twitter, and volunteer to help us make this remote conference a great one. This year, we're doing one day of talks on Saturday instead of the usual two, but adding a chaos track of more interactive programs, plus social events on Friday and mentored sprints on Sunday. |
Mar 23, 2021
Python Pyrates Project Investment App Presentation – Online Two months ago, we launched the first cohort of the Python Pirates Project. Four participants were chosen from a pool of applicants and tasked with building a web application that investors could use to track equities of their choosing. The project’s goal was to expose teams to Agile methodology and simulate what it is like to work on a development team. In addition to learning valuable technical skills, participants also experienced pair programming and learned how to submit pull requests, participate in daily standups, and manage their time effectively to ensure their code’s timely delivery. Join us as Matthias, Xuehong, Jessica, and Matt present their finished product. The presentation will include design choices, engineering challenges, and an overview of the code itself. The repo will be available for you to clone so that you can follow along as they introduce you to Pyrate Stocks! |
Apr 12, 2021
Monday Night Python @ PDX Code Guild – PDX Code Guild Python Mentoring Group. All languages and skill levels welcome. Come to work, ask/answer questions, solve problems, and connect. |
Apr 19, 2021
Monday Night Python @ PDX Code Guild – PDX Code Guild Monday Night Python Mentoring. Hang Out. Solve Problems. Connect. All levels of experience (and all languages, despite the event name) are welcome. |
Apr 22, 2021
Remote Tech Talk at the Guild -- Building a SPA with the Vue CLI and Flask – PDX Code Guild In this Tech Talk, we will build a modern, decoupled, full-stack application with Vue and Flask. Starting with the front-end, we'll cover the basics of the Vue CLI using Vuetify and the Vue router to build a single page application. Then, on the back-end, we'll implement an API with Flask to store and retrieve data in a database. Presented by PDX Code Guild Instructor Matthew Cooper |
May 1, 2021
Practice Software Development Interview Questions with LeetCode – Online Discord I have five LeetCode problems we can work on together. I'll explain the problems and then provide some time to solve the problem. If you wish to work on them ahead of them you can find them on the LeetCode. Running Sum of 1d Array Kids with the Greatest Number of Candies Shuffle the Array in Python Number of Good Pairs Design Parking System Join our meeting on this Discord link. |
Nov 6, 2021
Share or Listen to a Code Project Idea – Online Discord Would you like to share your code project or find inspiration from another project? We'll run this meetup with the method. Our community enjoys sharing code projects, however, the topics can be about any project you want to share. If you don't have a project, don't worry, I have a couple of projects to get us started. Stay inspired! Garrett |
May 18, 2022
Whither Conda? A Fireside Chat with Kevin Goldsmith, the CTO of Anaconda – online Do you work in Data and rely on Python and Conda? Join us for a fireside chat with Kevin Goldsmith, CTO of Anaconda. Kevin is a technology vet whose career has included Adobe, Microsoft and Spotify. These days he's leading Anaconda into the next generation of Python data tools. Join us as Kevin shares the roadmap of where Anaconda is going. Bring questions! |
Jun 28, 2022
Free 2-day Data Engineering workshop – Online via Google Meet This free 2-day workshop (June 28 & 29th) is sponsored by Data Stack Academy, and will teach beginner-level Python programming skills. We'll also talk about how and why to start a career in data engineering, and how to learn skills on your own or find a data engineering bootcamp. Please register in advance at |
Jul 7, 2022
Data Engineering Q&A – Online (Portland) Interested in breaking into data engineering? This live Q&A, hosted by Data Stack Academy, will give you the chance to get advice from seasoned senior data engineers, and ask junior data engineers about their experience. Please register in advance at, or see for more details. |
Jul 12, 2022
Free 2-day Data Engineering Workshop – Online via Google Meet This free 2-day workshop (July 12th & 13th) is sponsored by Data Stack Academy, and will teach beginner-level Python programming skills. We'll also talk about how and why to start a career in data engineering, and how to learn skills on your own or find a data engineering bootcamp. Please register in advance at See for more details. |
May 18, 2023
PDXPUG MeetUp: Django and Postgres – PDX Code Guild Getting started with Django is a delight. However, as your application grows, that sqlite database you start with can become a limitation. We are going to look at how to wire up a new Django project to Postgres, and we will talk about some of the neat features in Postgres and Django that you can utilize including JSON, UDFs/procs, and extensions to name a few. Hopefully you can pick a few ideas, or even share your own with the group. This talk is for all levels of experience from “I just heard about Django” to “We run production Django”, from “oh Postgres, that’s the elephant one right?” to “Ask me anything about Postgres”. We will also have zoom link available closer to the presentation date if you want to attend remotely. Sign up on MeetUp for this notification: |
Apr 19, 2024
Revolutionizing Prompt Engineering with Christopher Thompson – The Tech Academy Join us this Friday, April 19th, at 1 pm PST for a technical walkthrough of the DSPY library with Chris Thompson. DSPy is a library released out of Stanford University that aims to completely change the prompting process by treating it less like whack-a-mole and more like training a machine learning model. In this Talk, Christopher will discuss: - Prompt Engineering - OpenAI Functions - Explanation and demonstration of the DSPy library - Q&A Currently, Chris works as a Machine Learning Articecht for Insight, a Fortune 500 solutions integrator helping organizations accelerate their digital journey. Join us Friday, April 19th at 1 pm Pacific Time (2 pm MT, 3 pm CT, 4 pm ET). Register on Meetup: Register on Eventbrite: Networking Opportunity: For those seeking valuable connections, this event is your golden ticket. Engage, learn, and expand your network with like-minded tech enthusiasts. Take this chance to gain insights, ask questions, and connect with like-minded individuals. See you there! |
May 10, 2024
May 10: A Day in the Life of an AI Developer, Hosted by Erik Gross – The Tech Academy The position of “AI Developer” is a relatively new one. And did you know that they spend less than half their time actually working with AI and writing code? So, what do they spend the rest of their time doing? Join The Tech Academy at 5:00 p.m. PST (7 CST / 8 EST) for our live online event entitled “A Day in the Life of an AI Developer“ on May 10 (Friday evening), and gain answers to these questions and more. Erik Gross has been working in tech for decades and at this free workshop, he will “lift the curtain” on the technology sector and AI, and tell you what it’s really like. Register for this special event now! Meetup link: Eventbrite link: Hope to see you there! |
May 25, 2024
May 25: How to Use AI to Learn to Code, Delivered by Erik Gross – The Tech Academy Artificial intelligence is quickly taking over all of our lives. Like any tool, it can be used for construction or destruction – good or evil. On May 25 (Saturday evening) the Co-Founder of The Tech Academy, Erik Gross, will teach students how to leverage AI in order to write and debug effective code. This live online free class will start at 5:00 p.m. PST (7 CST / 8 EST). Learn about useful tools that will help you on your journey as a technology professional! Register your attendance for this powerful and useful workshop now! Meetup link: Eventbrite link: |
May 31, 2024
May 31: Develop a "Connect 4" Game Using Python, With Erik Gross – The Tech Academy Join The Tech Academy as we create the popular and classic game “Connect 4” using Python! In this free live class, Erik Gross (our Co-Founder) will cover the basics of coding for absolute beginners. This online workshop will be hosted through Zoom at 5:00 p.m. PST (7 CST / 8 EST), on May 31 (Friday evening). This free coding class is for people who have never written code before, and in it Mr. Gross will explain every line of code in plain English. All technical terms and concepts will be defined simply. Python is one of the most-used programming languages in the world and you’ll get your feet wet here! Register for this fun and educational intro to coding class for beginners now! Meetup link: Eventbrite link: |
Jun 7, 2024
June 7: How NOT to Get Scammed by AI, from Erik Gross – The Tech Academy Artificial intelligence is growing in use and power every day. And unfortunately, it is increasingly being used to scam users through complex schemes and even hacking. In this free workshop, Erik Gross (Co-Founder of The Tech Academy) will give students tools and resources to protect themselves from AI. He will also show you how to recognize if something was generated by a human or artificial intelligence. Join The Tech Academy on Zoom at 5:00 p.m. PST (7 CST / 8 EST) for this live online event on June 7 (Friday evening). Register for this special and useful event now! Meetup link: Eventbrite link: |
Jun 14, 2024
June 14: Make Your Own Adventure Game in Python, with Erik Gross – The Tech Academy Learn how to create your very own text-based adventure game, similar to the classic game Zork, at this live class delivered by the Co-Founder of The Tech Academy. This online workshop will teach the basics of the popular programming language Python, and you can join us on Zoom at 5:00 p.m. PST (7 CST / 8 EST), on June 14 (Friday evening). This live class is for people who have never written code before, and in it Mr. Gross will explain every line of code in plain English. All technical terms and concepts will be defined simply. Python is one of the most-used programming languages in the world and you’ll get a taste of it here! Confirm your attendance now for this fun and educational Intro to Python coding class! Meetup link: Eventbrite link: |
Jun 21, 2024
June 21: Using ChatGPT and AI to Prepare for Interviews, Hosted by Erik Gross – The Tech Academy Join The Tech Academy on Zoom at 5:00 p.m. PST (7 CST / 8 EST) for our live online event entitled “Using ChatGPT to Prepare for Interviews” on June 21 (Friday evening). The host of this webinar is Erik Gross (our Co-Founder) and he is not only an experienced software developer who has been working in tech for decades, he is an expert in AI and leveraging ChatGPT. At this free workshop, we will cover how to ace interviews with AI. And don’t worry, no cheating is involved! This will be ethical usage of ChatGPT. Register for this valuable, yet free, event now! Meetup link: Eventbrite link: |
Jun 28, 2024
June 28: Let's Make Hangman With Python - Free Coding Class by Erik Gross – The Tech Academy Join The Tech Academy at this free, online intro to coding class, hosted live by Erik Gross (our Co-Founder), where he will show you how to create the game “Hangman” using one of the top programming languages in the world: Python. The class will be held on Zoom on June 28 (Friday evening) starting at 5:00 p.m. PST (7 CST/8 EST). This workshop is for people who have never written code before, and in it, Mr. Gross will explain every line of code in plain English. All technical terms and concepts will be defined simply. Register now for The Tech Academy’s fun, simple and educational Intro to Python coding class! Meetup link: Eventbrite link: |
Jul 12, 2024
July 12: Developing Tic-Tac-Toe Game in Python, Hosted by Erik Gross – The Tech Academy Come join The Tech Academy at this very special free introductory online coding class, delivered by Senior-Level Software Developer, and our Co-Founder (Erik Gross). In it, Erik will show you how to build a “Tic-Tac-Toe” video game using the popular programming language: Python. Attend on Zoom at 5:00 p.m. PST (7 CST / 8 EST), on July 12 (Friday evening). This live Python class is for people who have never written code before, and in it Mr. Gross will explain every line of code in plain English. All technical terms and concepts will be defined simply. Python is one of the most-used programming languages in the world and you’ll get a taste of it here! Confirm your attendance now at this fun and very special Intro to coding class! Meetup link: Eventbrite link: |
Aug 29, 2024
Portland Python User Group meetup – NewRelic RSVP on meetup dot com Event Agenda: There will be a main talk between 30 minutes to 1 hour followed by optional lighting talks. Pizza will be provided by New Relic. Main Talk: Notes from the blue team by Elaine Laguerta Hi! I'm a blue-team security engineer. I try to make it easier for devs to build software while balancing safety and security. In this talk I'll rant about some things I think you should know. What we won't talk about: the OWASP Top 10, how to do SQL injection, which hash functions are the most secure. I'll provide a list of links to answer questions like these! What we will talk about: A basic checklist for secure development, what new devs should learn, how experienced devs can stay up-to-date, and why a healthy team culture should be a core part of your security posture. Lightning Talks: Lightning talks are talks up to 5 minutes in length on any topic that might interest other Python people. |
Feb 8
PyCascades 2025 through Revolution Hall Regional Python-focused conference for the Pacific Northwest. |
Mar 14
March 14: Code Your Own Tic-Tac-Toe Game in Python with Erik Gross – The Tech Academy Step into the world of Python programming with a fun, interactive workshop designed for beginners and coding enthusiasts! On Friday, March 14, 2025, at 5:00 PM PST / 7:00 PM CST / 8:00 PM EST, join Erik Gross, Co-Founder of The Tech Academy, as he guides you through building a classic Tic-Tac-Toe game from scratch. This hands-on session will introduce you to essential programming concepts and game logic while you create your own playable version of Tic-Tac-Toe. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn Python in a creative and engaging way! Spaces are limited, so don’t miss out—register now and bring your coding ideas to life. |