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Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 1:05pm.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020 at 1:05pm.
PDX Code Guild May Info Night
PDX Code Guild
2828 SW Corbett Ave #208
United States
Access Notes
We are upstairs and to the right.
Parking is free! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.
PDX Code Guild is hosting an info night for those who are curious or want to learn more about our program. Meet with our director, instructor, graduate or current students to get a better understanding of the program and to have any of your questions answered!
All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served.
For more information please check out our website: www.pdxcodeguild.com
Follow us on social media for any updates: @pdxcodeguild
Flask, data science, django, info night,
javascript, learn, meetup, mentor, open source, programming,
python, r,