ERROR: Couldn't find all Calagator::Sources with 'id': (996336454, {:include=>[:events, :venues]}) (found 1 results, but was looking for 2)
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Hillsdale Library Meeting Room

1525 SW Sunset Boulevard
Portland, OR 97239, us (map)

Future events happening here

  • - No events -

Past events that happened here

  • Tuesday
    Dec 4 2018
    Portland Python Pirates - Computing in Python I: Fundamentals and Procedural Programming Week 4 Review

    Second to the last week folks! This week we will be reviewing Section 2.3: Logical Operators. As always bring your laptops to follow along with some live coding as we run through examples and problem sets.

    It is the 1st Tuesday of the month which means we will be at Hillsdale Library to accommodate all of you west side folks. This one will start 15 minutes earlier than normal due to the fact that they kick us out promptly at 7:45pm.

    Also I posted a poll so you guys can vote on whether you want to combine week 5 and the final or keep them separate. I will reveal the results at the Meetup!

    As always feel free to message me on Slack or with any questions you may have. Until then happy coding!
