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Revolutionizing Prompt Engineering with Christopher Thompson

The Tech Academy
310 SW 4th Ave Suite 412
Portland, OR 97204, USA (map)

Join us at 1pm PST in our zoom room!



Join us this Friday, April 19th, at 1 pm PST for a technical walkthrough of the DSPY library with Chris Thompson.

DSPy is a library released out of Stanford University that aims to completely change the prompting process by treating it less like whack-a-mole and more like training a machine learning model.

In this Talk, Christopher will discuss: - Prompt Engineering - OpenAI Functions - Explanation and demonstration of the DSPy library - Q&A

Currently, Chris works as a Machine Learning Articecht for Insight, a Fortune 500 solutions integrator helping organizations accelerate their digital journey.

Join us Friday, April 19th at 1 pm Pacific Time (2 pm MT, 3 pm CT, 4 pm ET).

Register on Meetup: https://bit.ly/TechTalk419 Register on Eventbrite: https://bit.ly/TechTalkE419

Networking Opportunity: For those seeking valuable connections, this event is your golden ticket. Engage, learn, and expand your network with like-minded tech enthusiasts.

Take this chance to gain insights, ask questions, and connect with like-minded individuals. See you there!

