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Next two weeks
SundayJan 12 2025PDX Code & Coffee @ Albina Press (On Albina Ave - In the back)
What to Expect:
Please RSVP ahead of time as we only have a limited amount of space.
Code and Coffee is an inclusive, informal co-working session. Drink some coffee, bring your laptop, and have engaging conversations. This is a great opportunity to learn from others, share your knowledge, and possibly collaborate on side projects, online courses, or even your day-to-day work tasks.
Still uncertain? Let's chat on Discord!
The Venue is Albina Press, who is graciously allowing us to host a space. Check them out here: https://tinyurl.com/9vddcj65
Street Parking is available. The 4 Bus takes you from Downtown to the Historic Mississippi Ave & Albina St.
- 10 AM - Arrival: Find a spot in the back.
10:15 AM - Introductions:
- Share your name
- Discuss your current projects or interests. If you don’t have a specific project, share what intrigues you!
- Mention your expertise and how you can assist others.
- Are you job hunting or hiring? Let us know!
- Community events you wanna plug. If none, that's cool too.
- 12:30 PM - Wrapping Up: You can stay longer, but we'll officially be done! After the introduction circle, everything is self-organized. Find a social circle or grab a desk and code.
Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/JbGyY3bKTS If this link is down, visit the main site https://codeandcoffee.org/ click on the Discord button!
Portland Area Robotics Society (PARTS) Monthly Meeting
Join us for our next Portland Area RoboTics Society (PARTS) meeting on January 12th, where longtime robotics enthusiast Dave Shinsel will present the hardware and software design challenges behind his latest ROS-based robot, EB-6. Standing two feet tall, EB-6 is designed to interact with kids using ChatGPT for conversational AI and advanced vision processing.
TuesdayJan 14 20252025 Kickoff: Portland startup community gathering
A gathering designed to help the Portland startup community start 2025 off on the right foot — with the connections people need
When it comes to community, we're only as strong as our weakest connection. That's why we want to start the year off by getting you connected to the Portland startup community or by strengthening those connections you already have.
We're hoping you can join us for a casual gathering of people and organizations from across the startup community.
Meet the folks who are collaborating to pull this whole thing off:
- AI Portland We are a gathering of enthusiasts, professionals, and the AI-curious from all walks of life, committed to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome to explore, learn, and innovate. Whether you're taking your first steps into the world of AI or you're a seasoned professional looking to push the boundaries of what's possible, AI Portland offers a space to collaborate, share knowledge, and drive positive change. Join us in our journey to unlock the potential of AI and discover its impact on our lives, our communities, and the world.
- Better Portland Our network gets you a foot in the door and then some. We connect businesses, non-profits, and organizations into a like-spirited collective with events, content, and a business-meets-social networking kind of culture. Best of all, everyone’s influence and expertise is a shared commodity. Welcome to business done better.
- Built Oregon looks to leverage Oregon’s deep legacy of product craftsmanship and innovation to create broad-based and equitable opportunities for entrepreneurs in consumer products. Ultimately, our vision is a thriving, world-leading consumer products ecosystem across Oregon - One in which we help founders redefine success by placing the highest value on the people in their company and the communities where they reside.
- Latino Founders is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to fostering the growth and success of underserved businesses in the State of Oregon. Our mission is to provide support, resources, and opportunities to empower underrepresented entrepreneurs and contribute to the overall economic development of the State of Oregon.
- Metro Region Innovation Hub Our mission is to foster and grow innovative businesses by providing regional entrepreneurs from all sectors, backgrounds, and business stages with accessible paths to regional resources in networking, coaching, education, and capital access. We open up this accessibility through one-to-one guided navigation of existing regional resources and supporting programs that fill gaps in existing regional resources.
- North Bank Innovations is where big ideas in Southwest Washington stop gathering dust and start shaking things up. We're building a startup scene that’s less about buzzwords and more about real connections, hands-on help, and events that don’t feel like networking marathons. Our goal? To give founders the boost (and occasional reality check) they need to turn bright ideas into businesses that actually move the needle – for them and the local economy. Let’s grow some game-changers and make this region a magnet for innovation, one ambitious startup at a time.
- Oregon Entrepreneurs Network builds and strengthens Oregon and Southwest Washington’s early-stage entrepreneurs through the provision of education, guidance, connections, and financial opportunities, to impel increasing economic impact throughout the region.
- PIE With its origins in a conversation between Wieden+Kennedy, the largest privately held creative advertising agency in the world, and the Portland, Oregon, startup community, the Portland Incubator Experiment — known more commonly as PIE — has become an ongoing experiment designed to enable established organizations — corporations, government, and educational institutions, among others — to more effectively collaborate with startup communities in mutually beneficial ways.
- Prosper Portland We are the economic and urban development agency for the city of Portland. We focus on building an equitable economy by carrying out a comprehensive range of economic development programs that support small business, improve access to workforce training, and create jobs for Portland residents.
- Rose City Techies is founded on non-traditional and creative perspectives, offering a fresh approach to the tech and startup scene. We welcome all tech centric perspectives - UX designers, developers, founders, digital marketers, product managers, graphic designers, students, career switchers, or whatever tech role you’re in! Come join—you can sit with us.
- Silicon Florist For more than 17 years, Rick Turoczy been writing Silicon Florist, a blog designed to capture and document the stories coming out of the Portland, Oregon, startup community. And sometimes, elsewhere — if those stories could have interest to the community.
- TiE Oregon is dedicated to empowering early-stage entrepreneurs with education, mentorship, and access to angel investment. We also offer first-time angel investors a supportive community of seasoned investors and educational workshops to enhance their knowledge. Focused on marginalized populations, we foster a pipeline of inventors, entrepreneurs, and investors creating a continuous ecosystem of support and give-back.
- Vanport Studio We are dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs with innovative resources and a supportive community to build and scale impactful businesses. We champion innovation, inclusivity, and integrity, ensuring each venture we support embodies excellence and impactful collaboration. Our commitment to these principles fosters lasting relationships and drives meaningful change in the communities we serve.
Interested in joining this collaboration? Just let us know! The more the merrier.
Portland Geek Dinner - Tigard! (Padnug)
Be There and Be Square!
Geek and Nerd dinners are a great way to get to know your peers in the industry in an informal setting. We always have great food, beverages, and conversation!
We'll look to the RSVPs on here to guide our reservation. Please let us know you are coming!
====== PADNUG is the developer user group in the Portland, Oregon metro area. We bring together software developers from throughout the area to learn and discuss technologies and techniques for developing on and interacting with Microsoft platforms. We hold monthly meetings featuring amazing presentations on a wide range of topics including Technology Announcements, Architecture, Methodologies, and Developer Experiences.
Join our growing community of developers!
WednesdayJan 15 2025Cocktails + Code (Portland Ruby Brigade)
Come join the most thrilling tech meet up in all of Portland. Chat tech projects or life stuff. Keep an eye out for nerds with name tags.
ThursdayJan 16 2025Beers with Engineers
Details No agenda, no pitch, no bullshit. As always, come geek out, network, and have a good time.
Beers with Engineers is a diverse group of engineers from a variety of fields coming together to share a drink after work, commiserate with like-minded nerds, and learn more about our respective industries.
If it's your first time joining us, welcome! We strive to make our meetup welcoming for both newcomers and returning attendees and inclusive for all current or aspiring engineers, especially those who are often underrepresented in the field.
See you there!
GIT Together
Everyone from seasoned professionals to those just getting started in tech are welcome. Chat with other techies, network, play some pool, have a beer or a meal. You be you. All are welcome.
PDXPUG: What's new in PostgreSQL 17
PostgreSQL 17 was release September 26, 2024.
We will review freely available presentations available on the internet.
Come learn what's new, share experiences, or just meet with local peers! Casual, informal.
BSD Pizza Night
A meeting of folks interested in BSD operating systems and related technologies to get together, eat pizza, drink beer, and talk about what interesting things have been going on.
TuesdayJan 21 2025Portland Geek Dinner - Portland! (Padnug)
Folks, we're heading back to Grand Central! Breakside just has too many other events they are accommodating and as many of you know, last month was CRAZY loud!
Geek and Nerd dinners are a great way to get to know your peers in the industry in an informal setting. We always have great food, beverages, and conversation!
PADNUG is the developer user group in the Portland, Oregon metro area. We bring together software developers from throughout the area to learn and discuss technologies and techniques for developing on and interacting with Microsoft platforms. We hold monthly meetings featuring amazing presentations on a wide range of topics including Technology Announcements, Architecture, Methodologies, and Developer Experiences.
Join our growing community of developers!
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Virtual Event: Nicolas Steenhout – ARIA 101–
The event begins at 6 pm; join early, starting at 5:45 pm for networking.
- 5:45–6:00pm Networking
- 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements
- 6:15–7:00pm Presentation
- 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion
- 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up
About the presenter
Nic Steenhout has been an accessibility trainer and troubleshooter for over 25 years. He’s worked on three continents, collaborating with various organizations, from local governments to large corporations, focusing on web accessibility and digital inclusion. Known for his pragmatic, down-to-Earth approach, Nic helps his clients navigate complex accessibility challenges. When he is not off on a birdwatching adventure, you can find him speaking at events or leading workshops.
Accommodation requests
If you have any accommodation requests, don't hesitate to get in touch with us before the event to discuss.
PDXCPP - Monthly Meetup
We're very excited to welcome you to the Portland C++ User's Group (PDXCPP) meetup! Join us in downtown Portland to hobnob, learn, and share with other Modern C++ enthusiasts! Bring your C++ questions, stories of coding adventure, and tales of debugger derring-do!
This month, we will be meeting at the Lucky Labrador Brewpub on SE Hawthorne.
NOTE: We're not really meant to be a "bar group", as kind as the folks at Lucky Lab have been. We are seeking a suitable small venue space, preferably with whiteboards and projectors. If your company is interested in hosting our group, please contact us!
-- Your PDXCPP Organizers
ThursdayJan 23 2025Open Coworking @ UpStart Collective's NEW WESTSIDE!
The Metro Region Innovation Hub, Portland State University, and the UpStart Collective invite you for an open day of co-working at their new collaborative location at 2130 SW 5th Ave in downtown Portland.
Beginning at 9am you will be able to spend the day working closely with your peers, hearing more about the mission of the Metro Region Innovation Hub, and learn more about the UpStart Collective and its new location there in the building.
::::::No Client Based Service Providers, PLEASE!::::::::
Registration is required and space is limited.
Please take a moment to RSVP here. We will reach out with more instructions closer to the 23rd.
If you have any questions, please email Josh Carter at [email protected]
Demolicious and Metro Region Innovation Hub Launch
JANUARY Demolicious will be at the NEW westside UpStart Collective location!
::::::: Please use the form below to apply to pitch for 2025!:::::::::
Demolicious is back! This monthly pitch event brings together founders and the community to learn about what is being built here and around Portland.
How this all works: If you are a founder, you will apply to pitch here (https://forms.gle/sx81RaT6Nuqj9sWR7). Don't worry. "Apply" simply means you want to pitch, but there's no real competitive process to be accepted. We just want to see what you're working on before we put you in front of a room full of people.
You will be given 3 minutes to pitch at the event.
The audience will be given a number to text and vote for their favorite one. The one with the most votes will go home with the Demolicious Championship belt.
The belt is not for you to keep as you will have to come back and "defend" it. However, you will be allowed to put your startup sticker (if applicable) on the belt for all to see and to live on forever in infamy!
We will post the projects/companies that will be pitching a week prior to the event. Which means you have until then to fill out the form.
Teams Pitching: TBD
Will you be the next founder to pitch!?!
2025 Kick-Off Party: re:Invent Recap, tech talk, & more
Join the Portland ASW User Group's Kick-Off Part at Lucky Labs in NW on Thursday, January 23rd from 6-9 pm.
Location: Private room at Lucky Labs NW! Food: Pizza & Salads provided! Drinks: Drink ticket provided!
Agenda: Networking & Food/Drinks AWS User Group Updates for 2025 w/ Emily Soward, AI Security & Privacy Technology Leader @ AWS re:Invent Recap w/ Andrew Kalik Director, Data Engineering @ NBCUniversal Tech Talk & Group Discussion w/ TBD Next event: Tech Talk?!
We are excited to be back for 2025! If you or someone you know would like to give a tech talk or presentation at any point in the coming year, please reach out to us.
Join our slack channel: https://join.slack.com/t/awsportlandusergroup/shared_invite/zt-2x5s7rxp3-Rizg87INFOQZjZzCZRxlDQ