Viewing 1 current event matching “portland” by Date.

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Apr 8
Portland startup community gathering

In January, PIE (Portland Incubator Experiment) and a variety of our community partners threw together the beta test for a lowkey networking event for the Portland startup community.

No programming. No activities. Just people meeting people in the community. (We kind of thought of it as one of those "after parties" that take place at a major event — without having the actual major event.)

The result…? 400+ folks showed up. People who have been around forever met new people. People who just moved to town said "This is exactly what I needed." And all in all, a good time was had by all.

So we're doing it again.

We're still deciding on a location, so if you're interested in attending, please RSVP. This will help us figure out a venue big enough that we don't have to turn people away.


Viewing 533 past events matching “portland” by Date.

Sort By: Date Event Name, Location , Default
Feb 22, 2011
PDXTech4Good February Meetup
Mercy Corps Action Center

Be a Beacon of Goodness: How Nonprofits Can Leverage Location-based Services

This month we dive into the growing location-based marketing trend with geo-location tools of Foursquare, Gowalla, Whrrl, Facebook Places, and SCVNGR, and discover how they can be used to spread awareness, fundraise, build community, and engage action.

Explore how Whrrl’s Societies are used to build communities and bring like-minded people together. Use Foursquare’s “Tips” to increase consciousness and fundraise for your cause or organization. Employ supporters into action by creating SCVNGR challenges. Play a game of tag with Facebook Places to spread your message amongst the 600 million plus Facebook users.

Come on in and join the conversation! We'd love to have you.

Mar 5, 2011
PortlandWiki Barnraising
Multnomah County Central Library

An event to celebrate PortlandWiki and Portland, learn about online community-building, gather participation in PortlandWiki, and have fun!

Food and drinks provided.

Mar 21, 2011
PortlandWiki Monday Meets -- Come Hang With Local CivicWiki Geeks
Powell's Technical Books

Tonight's Discussion

User Interface!

How can PortlandWiki present a more inviting user interface?


Rehearse sampling of community-approved hijinks and practical jokes in anticipation of upcoming April Fools Day.

Come enjoy some friendly discussion! We usually have a good time.

Hope to see you this evening!

Mar 23, 2011
Portland WikiWednesday -- Come hang with Portland's wiki geeks.
The MEZZ Espresso Bar

Local MediaWiki & Wikipedia Discussion Groups?

Portland is the "birthplace of wiki"...
...and boasts quite a few wiki enthusiasts, many of whom are regular Wikipedia contributors and/or admins.

Despite such heritage, Portland has yet to establish a local Wikipedia meetup:

About time we do?

Hope to see you this evening!

Mar 28, 2011 Mobile as a Platform for Change

We're pleased to present two speakers this month talking about how mobile technology is being used to collect information, help others, and change the world. RSVP at:

Renny Gleeson, Global Digital Strategies Director for Wieden+Kennedy, will talk about how corporations and their products are being used as platforms for social change. Renny's work with Nokia and other W+K clients has given him a unique vantage point to see how people are using products and infrastructure in ways these companies never imagined.

Marcelino Alvarez, Founder of Uncorked Studios, found himself depressed by the devastation in Japan and frustrated with the U.S. news coverage of the subsequent radiation problems. He wondered if he and his colleagues could do something about it by having providing a way for people on the ground to report radiation levels.

The idea and the sketch that accompanied it spurred a frenetic 48 hours of development resulting in where people can report the radiation levels they are measuring and other sources of radiation information is aggregated.

In the subsequent days, Uncorked Studios has learned many lessons from the differences in the way radiation is measured, where best to get radiation data, and how to help put the radiation levels in perspective.

With collaborators around the world helping them, they are now looking at expanding their efforts with a Kickstarter project to build portable geiger counters that can interface with mobile devices.

Join us for these two unique perspectives on how we can utilize these devices in our pockets to make a difference in the world.

Our Speakers

Marcelino Alvarez, Uncorked Studios

Marcelino left the Miami sun for the Portland rain and joined Wieden+Kenendy, Portland as a Senior Interactive Producer on Nike and EA. After a year, he was promoted to Executive Producer. During his 3.5 years at W+K, he led interactive production on Nike, Old Spice, Electronic Arts and Laika. During that time, he also produced a few select projects, including the iPhone app, the Nike Golf mobile website, and most notably, the Nike Chalkbot.

While at W+K, he and some friends started a creative side project called the Gorlochs. The Gorlochs have made several iPhone apps, including Boombox, Boombox Pro, and Kickball. In January 2010, Marcelino left W+K to pursue Gorlochs as a full-time endeavor. The Gorlochs worked with W+K on several projects, including the Procter & Gamble Winter Olympics interactive installation and the 2010 Nike Chalkbot. In 2011, Marcelino founded Uncorked Studios to work on mobile and web development projects.

Renny Gleeson, Wieden+Kennedy

Renny Gleeson began his career as a game developer, but quickly moved to advertising at Saatchi & Saatchi's digital arm. From there, he crossed over to dEliA*s before he was recruited by the NBA, where he led their marketing team and created online platforms for their major sponsors.

Currently, Renny is the Global Digital Strategies Director for Wieden+Kennedy, a cutting-edge advertising agency handling clients such as Nike, Nokia and Target. He also writes a blog, ouroboros, on new media. Many brands remain cautious about their online presence in the face of alien ad space, but as Renny says, "If you don't play, you're out of the game."

PortlandWiki Monday Meets -- Come Hang With Local CivicWiki Geeks
Powell's Technical Books

Tonight's Discussion

User Interface!

How can PortlandWiki present a more inviting user interface?


Wiki blogs!

Come enjoy some friendly discussion! We usually have a good time.

Hope to see you this evening!

Mar 30, 2011
Portland WikiWednesday -- Come hang with Portland's wiki geeks.
The MEZZ Espresso Bar

Local MediaWiki & Wikipedia Discussion Groups!

Portland is the "birthplace of wiki"...
...and boasts quite a few wiki enthusiasts, many of whom are regular Wikipedia contributors and/or admins.

Because of such heritage, Portland now boasts a local Wikipedia / MediaWiki meetup page:


Hope to see you this evening!

Apr 4, 2011
PortlandWiki Monday Meets -- Come Hang With Local CivicWiki Geeks
Powell's Technical Books

Tonight's Discussion

User Interface!

How can PortlandWiki present a more inviting user interface?


PortlandWiki front page news blurbs! We want your contributions!

Come enjoy the discussion!

We're fun-luvin' geeks who generally have a good time.

Hope to see you this evening!

Apr 19, 2011
Portland Java User Group: Using GWT to write iPhone web apps in Java
Oracle (Downtown Campus)

This month's topic: Using GWT to write iPhone web apps in Java

For the Java coder, GWT is currently as close as it gets to a multi-platform solution for web apps. After a quick GWT review, we will code about in the world of web apps you can run on your desktop and mobile phone, written in Java. This will be a superview presentation touching on GWT, GWT mobile libs and HTML5.

Speaker: Jon Batcheller

Jon is one of the founders of PJUG, writing Java apps since 1995. He has written Java programs for a wide variety of applications from IC Design, circuit board layout, hardware/software co-design, assisted living facilit management, to a POS system for the two bars he owns.

PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't have to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, Trees restaurant in the same building). (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

Apr 21, 2011
SoMe - Social Media Awards
Fez Ballroom

Third annual awards show on April 21 will honor innovative social media projects, apps, agencies and campaigns

April 14, 2011 (Portland, Oregon) – Acclaimed Hollywood actor, producer and director Daniel Baldwin will be emceeing the 2011 SoMe Awards, recognizing the top social media campaigns from 2010 produced regionally and nationally.

Daniel Baldwin, recently relocated to Portland, will bring his wit and humor to the stage, introducing the 2011 SoMe Award winners during a lively ceremony at the Fez Ballroom.

The awards will be presented at The Fez Ballroom in downtown Portland on April 21, 6:00-9:00 p.m. Tickets are $20 in advance and $30 at the door and the price of admission includes appetizers and a beverage. The awards show follows the all-day eMarketing Summit at the Innotech Conference and Summit attendees will automatically receive a ticket to the show.

May 17, 2011
Portland Java User Group: What's inside a JVM?
Oracle (Downtown Campus)

This month's topic: What's inside a JVM?

Are you interested in learning what a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is and what it does for your Java applications? This presentation will provide insight into the inner workings of a Java Virtual Machine and some drill down on what compilers and garbage collectors do, so that you don't have to worry about it while programming your Java application.

In particular, you will learn about common optimizations, well established garbage collection algorithms, and what the current biggest challenge with Java scalability is today.

Speaker: Eva Andreasson

Eva has been involved with Java virtual machine technologies, SOA, Cloud, and other enterprise middleware solutions for the past 10 years. Joined the startup Appeal Virtual Solutions in 2001, as a developer of JRockit JVM, which later was acquired by BEA Systems. Eva holds two patents on Garbage Collection heuristics and algorithms, and pioneered Deterministic Garbage Collection which later became productized through JRockit Real Time.

Eva has worked closely with Sun and Intel on many technical partnerships, as well as various integration projects of JRockit Product Group, Weblogic, and Coherence (post the Oracle acquisition in 2008). Most recently Eva joined Azul Systems in 2009, as the Product Manager for the new Zing Java Platform.

Eva holds a Master of Science from the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, and a B.S with a Minor in Economics from the University of Stockholm.

PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't have to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, Trees restaurant in the same building). (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

Jun 4, 2011
PDX11 Civic Hackathon
PSU Fourth Avenue Building Room FAB 10, Harrison Street Entrance

This hackathon is dedicated to civic projects that folks in the Portland area would like to work on together.

Participation is open to all. Feel free to add your project to our etherpad, and link to a repo.

A short list of projects, bugs to fix or tasks that you'd like to work on would also be helpful.

We've got the confirmation back for the FAB10 classroom for Saturday, June 4 from 8:30AM-5:30PM.

Attendees should be able to enter FAB on Harrison Street (right on the Portland Streetcar line), as the door will be unlocked for the day.

We will have wireless accounts to hand out.

Jun 8, 2011
OEN PubTalk™ - Ask the Attorney

An hour of time with an experienced attorney can sometimes run $400. Join us at OEN's 'Ask the Attorney' PubTalk on June 8th, 2011 and an hour of legal advice will only cost you the price of admission. We have put together a great panel of attorneys representing IP/Start Up, Corporate and Employment issues. Come by and bring those questions you have been dying to ask an attorney, as the event will include insights from our experienced panel, but also look to have an active Q&A element from the audience.

Moderator David Uslan, Perkins & Company

Panel Vicky Ballou, Tonkon Torp - IP Michael Phillips, Davis Wright Tremaine - Corporate Stacy Mark, Ater Wynne - Employment

Pre-Register and Save OEN members can save by pre-registering online. Online registration for this event closes Wednesday, April 13th at 12:00 pm. Please register at the door after that time, no discounts will be applied.

5-Minute Pitch PubTalk is a lively forum where very early-stage entrepreneurs from any industry get a chance to test their company pitch in front of an audience of their peers. Presenters and attendees alike, learn from the challenging questions, which test the presenting entrepreneur’s business model. Companies who would like to apply to present at an upcoming PubTalk can apply here:

Sponsors Ater Wynne Comcast Business Services

Jun 21, 2011
Open Source Bridge 2011
through Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Open Source Bridge is an open source developers conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share their knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen.

Find out more about attending at

Portland Java User Group: Lean Mobile Data and Open Source: Storage, Messaging and Analysis
Oracle (Downtown Campus)

This month's topic: Lean Mobile Data and Open Source: Storage, Messaging and Analysis

This talk will provide a overview of Urban Airship's core data warehouse architecture - a system designed to handle capture, intake and analysis of data for 100s of millions of mobile devices with near real time precision. The talk will touch on Urban Airship's use of HBase, Hadoop Core, ZooKeeper, Kafka as well as home-grown services. Time permitting, the talk will also cover how Urban Airship takes a lean approach to working with volumes of data including the use of ad-hoc tools such as Pig and Cascading as well as how the company leverages the data architecture for fast customer discovery and innovations.

Speaker: Erik Onnen

Erik Onnen is the Hadoop and Analytics Lead at Urban Airship, the Portland-based leader in mobile application engagement services. He has over 10 years in distributed systems experience including the design and implementation of multiple "big data" systems. Erik joined Urban Airship in October of 2010, prior to that he was a Principal Engineer at Jive Software.

PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't have to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, Trees restaurant in the same building). (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

Jul 19, 2011
Portland Java User Group: JSON Libraries
Oracle (Downtown Campus)

This month's topic: Comparing JSON libraries

JSON has become the de-facto data interchange format for Internet web services. We'll examine open source libraries that make it easy for a Java developer to serialize objects to JSON. This presentation will include a discussion of three popular Java libraries (, Jackson, and GSON ) as well as a popular Scala library (lift-json).

Speaker: Sean Sullivan

Sean is a software engineer specializing in web services development, mobile applications, and supply chain management systems. Sean works on e-commerce projects at Gilt Groupe's Portland office. Sean is an Apache Software Foundation committer and has contributed to various open source projects, including the OAuth Java library.

PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't have to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, usually at Tree's restaurant in building lobby. (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

Jul 26, 2011
Connecting to Our Future
Portland City Hall

You're invited to the front lines of Connecting to our Future. Portland is laying seminal ground work for Wireless and Wirelined municipal and regional strategy.

You are welcome to attend the upcoming City Council Work Session on Portland's draft Broadband Strategic Plan, Connecting to our Future on July 26, 2011 at 9:30 am, either:

On site in Council Chambers, City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Avenue, Portland. Live stream on cable CityNet 30

The session will feature, among other presenters: * Anthony Townsend, Institute of the Future and co-author of The Future of Cities, Information and Inclusion * Amber Case, Portland native and Cyborg Anthropologist, TedxWomen presenter, and recent Seed Fund recipient for Geoloqi, who will speak on the Internet of Things

Looking forward to seeing you there for this sauce of the awesome line up!

The session materials packet (including agenda and times of presenters) can be found at

A great Prezi format of the Portland Broadband Strategy Planning and its confluence with global and National Broadband Strategy Planning is posted here:

See also the recent Portland FCC Notice of Inquiry (NOI) on Broadband Acceleration

Aug 3, 2011
OEN Workshop: Valuing Your Startup Company
Lane Powell

As an early stage entrepreneur looking for the first round of funding, one of the most daunting tasks may be determining the valuation of your company. In this workshop, we will cover the basics of valuing a seed or launch stage company, and answer some questions, such as:

* Who sets the valuation - the company or the investor?
* What does pre-money and post-money valuation mean? How do I calculate it?
* How do I value my company if we don’t yet have revenues?
* How do investors determine the valuation?
* How have valuations changed in the economic downturn?

We'll explain the terminology, demystify the math and explain some of the ways that valuation is set during the funding process. There will be plenty of time for Q&A, so come armed with your questions and be ready to participate in a lively discussion about valuing early stage companies.

$30 for OEN Members; $70 for non-members.

Speaker: Naomi Derner

Naomi Derner, CFA is the founder and managing director of Derner Valuation Consulting, where she values securities and intangible assets for companies at all stages of development, from startups to large public companies. Prior to 2008, she was a Vice President in the San Francisco office of Houlihan Lokey Howard and Zukin, where she performed and managed fairness opinions and the valuations of public and private securities as well as intangible assets. Ms. Derner has valuation experience across a wide variety of industries, and possesses specific expertise in technology and life sciences companies at all stages of development.

Prior to joining Houlihan Lokey, Ms. Derner was a senior analyst in the financial valuation services group at Arthur Andersen LLP, where she conducted valuations of public and private securities, closely held companies and intangible assets. Prior to joining Arthur Andersen, Ms. Derner held positions in the equity research department of NationsBanc Montgomery Securities covering financial institutions and in the financial analysis unit at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

Ms. Derner holds the designation of Chartered Financial Analyst and is a candidate member of the American Society of Appraisers. She holds a bachelor’s degree in managerial economics from Carnegie Mellon University and a master’s degree in economics from the University of California Santa Barbara. She is a member of the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network, Software Association of Oregon, and Silicon Valley Fair Value Forum.

To register, visit:

Aug 4, 2011
OEN New Member Orientation - August
Someday Lounge

OEN offers many ways for you to connect with the Portland entrepreneurial community and leverage your contacts to create success for your business. Come to our next event, meet other OEN members, and hear how you can use all of the benefits that are part of OEN membership from a veteran OEN member.

Aug 16, 2011
Portland Java User Group: Apache CXF Web Services
Oracle (Downtown Campus)

This month's topic: Apache CXF Web Services

Apache CXF offers the most flexible support for both REST and SOAP of any Java web services stack, including support for different XML data bindings and JSON output for REST web services.

In this presentation you'll see how to implement and deploy CXF web services, using both Java standards including JAX-RS and JAX-WS and custom CXF extensions. You'll also learn about the different configuration options supported by CXF, including Spring-based, annotation-based, and direct configuration in code, and get an idea of how easily web services projects can be implemented using CXF. Finally, you'll see how CXF fits into the Apache open source SOA infrastructure.

Speaker: Dennis Sosnoski

Dennis Sosnoski ( is an internationally recognized expert on SOA and web services in Java. He's been helping organizations worldwide with their XML and web services projects for the last 12 years.

Dennis is also active in the Java community, as a frequent speaker at users groups and conferences, a writer for IBM developer Works Java and SOA/Web services zones, a committer on both Apache Axis2 and CXF web services projects, and the lead developer of other open source projects including the JiBX XML data binding tool.

PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't have to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, Trees restaurant in the same building). (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

Aug 23, 2011
LANDesk Service Desk Complimentary Lunch 'N' Learn
Standard TV & Appliance

Note: This event is FREE, however space is limited so please RSVP.

Learn how to get the most out of your IT help desk while enjoying a complimentary taco bar by Qdoba!

We will be having lunch with representatives from LANDesk Software who will show us the power of LANDesk Service Desk!

Plus free giveaways courtesy of LANDesk!

RSVP to [email protected] Space is limited so please sign up early.

Questions? Call us at 503-644-3434.

Sep 7, 2011
Business Plan Development Seminar - September
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Need to learn how to develop a solid business plan? This seminar is for you. Join OEN at OTBC to attend the OEN Business Plan Development Seminar. It reviews all components of an effective, compelling business plan. You'll learn from two seasoned OEN experts why certain information is important and how your audience will evaluate what you present. Besides learning what is critical to include in an effective business plan, you'll take away valuable handouts and a listing of key resources.

Registration is required, and space is limited to 15 entrepreneurs.

Presenter: Steve Morris Steve Morris is the Executive Director of OTBC and the Managing Director of He is a veteran of three start-ups, and has more than 25 years of management experience in the software, service, and semiconductor test industries at companies such as Hewlett Packard, Integrated Measurement Systems, Cadence Design Systems, Mentor Graphics, Credence Corporation and Teseda Corporation. He holds a B.A. in mathematics from Reed College and a Masters of Science degree from Carnegie-Mellon University Graduate School of Industrial Administration (now The Tepper School of Business).

When: Wednesday, September 7 Time: 4:00 - 6:15 PM Where: 8305 SW Creekside Place, Suite C, in Beaverton. OR 97008

Link to map:

Items For Purchase

Sep 14, 2011
Council Consideration Portland’s Broadband Strategic Plan: Connecting to our Future
City Hall

Dear Broadband Enthusiast,

Our big day is coming up. Portland City Council will consider adoption of Connecting to our Future: Portland's Broadband Strategic Plan on September 14 @ 2:00 pm. The Plan provides a long-term strategic vision for the role of Broadband infrastructure, devices and services in Portland’s future economy, livability and sustainability.

If you are interested in testifying there will be a sign up sheet outside Council Chambers just prior to the session. Presenters are asked to prepare remarks of 3 minutes or less. Please confirm your attendance and whether you plan to testify by responding to this email. If you have any questions please contact me. Thanks!

Connecting to our Future: Portland's Broadband Strategic Plan September 14 @ 2:00 pm Portland City Hall – Council Chambers 1221 SW 4th Avenue

Mary Beth Henry [email protected] Office of Cable Communications and Franchise Management ( Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission ( Immediate Past President, NATOA ( 1120 SW 5th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204

503 823 5414 landline 503 449 7281 mobile 503 823 5370 fax @ 2:00 pm Council Chambers A G E N D A Introduction Commissioner Saltzman
Overview Brendan Finn
Plan Elements Mary Beth Henry

Representatives of Workgroups: Digital Inclusion Kayse Jama, Executive Director, Center for Intercultural Organizing

Development     Skip Newberry, Mayor’s Office

Education & Miles Ellenby, Director of Pediatric Telemedicine, OHSU

Health    Leslie Riester, CIO, Portland Community College 

Industry Representatives: Mark Farrar, Comcast Chris Denzin, CenturyLink Tom Casey, Integra Telecom Adam Grzybicki, AT&T Wireless Public Testimony Council Q & A

Sep 17, 2011
OEN Members-only Community Service Day
TBD - Portland

Join OEN member companies for a ½ day of riverside restoration projects in partnership with SOLV. Network with your fellow OEN members while enjoying hands-on community service and team building for your employees. This is a great opportunity to build ties with fellow community-minded entrepreneurs.

Date: Saturday, September 17, 2011 Time & Location: TBD Cost: $100

(*Limited to 5 participants per OEN member company & OEN company-level membership required.)

Sep 20, 2011
Portland Java User Group
Oracle (Downtown Campus)

This month's topic: GWT in the Real World - Building Enterprise GWT Applications in Legacy Application Frameworks

This is a discussion on how Nike replaced a legacy JavaScript data grid with a grid written in GWT. Topics covered will include: * Why GWT? * Architectural design considerations * Packaging and deployment * Deploying GWT into a JDK 1.4 container * Browser compatibility issues * Performance, performance, performance - how we made it as fast as possible * Useful tools, libraries, and technologies * Lessons learned

Speaker: Douglas Bullard

Douglas Bullard has been writing Enterprise applications in Java and associated technologies for 15 years. He has spent the last 10 years at Nike working on - Nike's B2B e-commerce site.

PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't have to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, Trees restaurant in the same building). (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

Sep 21, 2011
OEN Tom Holce Entrepreneurship Awards 2011
Hilton Portland and Executive Tower

What does it take to be an OENtrepreneur? An all OENcompassing vision. Unbridled OENthusiasm. Abundant OENergy. And the limitless capacity for starting--and restarting--an unprecedented OENdeavor in the face of daunting odds and seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Join us Wednesday, September 21st at the Hilton Portland Downtown as we recognize this year's winners of the prestigious OEN Tom Holce Entrepreneurship Awards. These men and women are second to none in creating jobs, revitalizing our economy, and OENriching our community. And on top of everything else, it’s just a darn OENjoyable evening.

Registration Fees Earlybird: Until August 15, 2011 Individual seat: $175 Table of 10: $1700

Regular: August 15 – September 21, 2011 Individual seat: $195 Table of 10: $1900

Cancellation Policy: For cancellations before August 19th registrants will receive a refund. Sorry no refunds after that date.


Comcast Business Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt USI

Contact Us Do you have questions about registration or the event? Would you like to become an event sponsor? If so, contact the OEN Staff at [email protected] or via phone at 503-222-2270, and we'll be happy to assist you.

Oct 10, 2011
Stumptown Syndicate Open House
Collective Agency Downtown

The Syndicate has a lot going on this Fall and we want to tell you all about it! Come by Collective Agency on Monday, October 10th from 4-7pm to enjoy some refreshments and hear what we have to say.

We'll do a short presentation around 5:30pm and will cover the following:

  • Our mission, strategic initiatives and how you can help
  • Progress on events like Ignite Portland, BarCamp Portland, Open Source Bridge and others
  • Volunteer needs and opportunities

Board Members will be on hand to answer your questions.

See you there! -Stumptown Syndicate

Self organizing groups for the win!

Oct 14, 2011
Acquia West Officewarming
LeftBank Project

Acquia is opening a Portland office, and to celebrate, we're doing an officewarming in our brand new office in the Leftbank building on Portland's East Side.

We're grabbing a keg, a DJ and raffling off an iPad to those who attend, so come on down!

Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit folks are particularly welcome, our office is at the convergence of the Red, Blue, Yellow and Green lines at the Rose Quarter.

We're also a pretty neat place to work, and we're hiring for Portland positions as well.

Oct 18, 2011
Portland Java User Group: Continuous Integration
Oracle (Downtown Campus)

This month's topic: Continuous Integration in a Java Environment

This is a discussion about being agile with continuous integration (CI) in a Java enterprise. Topics covered will include: * Continuous integration tools * To branch or not to branch? * When to commit * When to build * Self-testing builds * Build storage

Speaker: James Price

James Price joined Clearwater Analytics in November 2004 and has been the Director of Development for over 6 years. James brings more than 13 years of experience in software development, having previously worked at Hewlett Packard and CQG Inc. as a developer and lead architect.

PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't have to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, Trees restaurant in the same building). (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

Oct 26, 2011
OEN New Member Orientation - October 2011
Someday Lounge

OEN offers many ways for you to connect with the Portland entrepreneurial community and leverage your contacts to create success for your business. Come to our next event, meet other OEN members, and hear how you can use all of the benefits that are part of OEN membership from a veteran OEN member.

OEN New Member Orientation
Someday Lounge

OEN offers many ways for you to connect with the Portland entrepreneurial community and leverage your contacts to create success for your business. Come to our next event, meet other OEN members, and hear how you can use all of the benefits that are part of OEN membership from a veteran OEN member.

Nov 10, 2011
New Tech Society Happy Hour!
Thirsty Lion

RSVP here:

Hey Folks!

The group is growing and we're excited for everyone to once again have a chance to connect in person. Join us for the New Tech Society happy hour. It's just around the corner:

Please bring your friends--the more the merrier! Totally low-pressure and casual--be yourself!

We can't say that we are giving away free ipads or iphones, but we are generously gifting a free drink to the first 10 people to arrive.

Looking forward to seeing you!

The NTS Crew

Nov 15, 2011
Portland Java User Group: Portlet Integration with Twilio and PubNub
Oracle (Downtown Campus)

This month's topic: Portlet Integration with Cloud Based Services Twilio and PubNub

We will be discussing 2 open source portlets for Liferay that I recently created which integrates Twilio and PubNub. Twilio provides infrastructure APIs for businesses to build scalable, reliable voice and text messaging apps. PubNub provides eal-time push notification PLUS unique device to device mass broadcasting. We'll look at easy of use of these 2 APIs and the Spring MVC portlets that wrap them.

Led by Chris Buckley, founder of the Portland Liferay User Group, join us to learn:

PubNub - Cloud Service Java API
Twilio - Cloud Service Java API
Wrapping the services with Spring MVC Portlets
Deploying them with Liferay

More information on the portlets and the projects can be found at:

Speaker: Chris Buckley

Chris is co-founder and CEO of Pure Src (pure source), an enterprise portal implementation and development group, and the Portland Liferay User Group Founder. Prior to forming Pure Src, he was senior web architect at Rbx Global a mid-size software engineering firm supporting educational and government agencies. Chris has been actively involved in Open Source development for more than 9 years, committing or contributing to to projects like the Apache UIMA project and Liferay. Chris currently lives in Portland, OR and spends his time playing Soccer and chauffeuring his kids to Soccer and Gymnastics when he’s not programming.

PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't have to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, Trees restaurant in the same building). (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

Dec 20, 2011
Portland Java User Group: Running Apps on the Cloud with Heroku
Oracle (Downtown Campus)

This month's topic: Running Java, Scala, Play!, and Tapestry Apps on the Cloud

Heroku is a Polyglot Cloud Application Platform that supports Java, Scala. This session will teach you how to deploy apps using a "git push". The session will also address the importance of the share-nothing architecture for cloud scalability and alternatives to sticky sessions and session replication.

Speaker: James Ward

James Ward ( is a Principal Developer Evangelist at Heroku. Today he focuses on teaching developers how to deploy Java, Play! and Scala apps to the cloud. James frequently presents at conferences around the world such as JavaOne, Devoxx, and many other Java get-togethers. Along with Bruce Eckel, James co-authored First Steps in Flex. He has also published numerous screencasts, blogs, and technical articles. Starting with Pascal and Assembly in the 80's, James found his passion for writing code. Beginning in the 90's he began doing web development with HTML, Perl/CGI, then Java. After building a Flex and Java based customer service portal in 2004 for Pillar Data Systems he became a Technical Evangelist for Flex at Adobe. You can find him tweeting as @_JamesWard, answering questions on and posting code at

PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't have to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc. (Note: Trees restaurant is now closed, so we will have to go elsewhere!) (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

Jan 19, 2012
New Tech Society Happy Hour
Thirsty Lion

Ever notice how fragmented the Portland tech community is? We did—and we’re doing something about it!

The New Tech Society was founded to bring together a diverse group of individuals; technologists from a variety of disciplines and industries within the Portland community. We meet for one night a month to make new connections, exchange ideas and enjoy each other’s company.

Join us!

PDX-UX User Group January Meeting
Thetus Corporation

January’s meeting will be devoted to UX Wireframing tools.

Damon Eckhoff will be presenting on OmniGraffle Josh Marinacci will be presenting on Leonardo Sketch

We have one more presentation slot available and we’re hoping to find someone who can talk about Axure. If you or someone you know uses this tool and can demo it for 15-20 minutes, please let us know. We’re open to including other tools as well!

Food, Beer and Networking 5:30-6:00 Presentations: 6:00-7:30 or so

pdx-Se: Intro to Test Automation Using Selenium
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

The Portland Oregon Selenium Users Group will be hosting: Intro to Test Automation Using Selenium

Presented by Andy Doan Software Engineer in Test @ Cambia Health Solutions.

In January, We’ll hear from Andy Doan who will give a general overview and demo the suite of Selenium tools.

6:00-6:30 Network/Meet & Greet 6:30-7:30 Presentation


• Flavors of Selenium o Selenium 1/RC o Selenium 2/WebDriver o Selenium IDE

•Why WebDriver?

• How WebDriver Works

• (Demo) Selenium IDE o Record a script o Playback o Export to WebDriver

• (Demo) How to write a test script in Java o Other Languages (c#, ruby)

• What’s next? Advanced Usage and Frameworks o JUnit vs. TestNG o Page Objects o Advanced Frameworks

• What else can Selenium do? Mobile Automation o (Demo) AndriodDriver o IPhoneDriver o NativeDriver

• I have too many tests! Scalability o Grid 2/Selenium Server

• (Demo) Sauce OnDemand

About the Speaker: Andy Doan is a software engineer and has been specializing in test automation frameworks for the past 2 years. He is a recent speaker on test automation at Software Association of Oregon events as well as IBM’s Innovate 2011 conference.

Feb 16, 2012
PDX.UX Group Workshop Meeting
Thetus Corporation

We are going to switch it up this month with PDX-UX's first group workshop. We'll present you with a small UX challenged interface in need of some pretty, some information design and even some data visualization skills. You and your peers will form groups and nosh on some solutions. Bring your brains and a laptop if you have one, and we'll provide the pens, giant pads of paper, food and drinks. We'll also be giving away some free books on data visualization courtesy of O'Reilly Media. Please RSVP at Plancast!

Feb 21, 2012
Portland Java User Group: Giving your Application Thumbs
Thetus Corporation

This month's topic: Giving your Application Thumbs

Mobile phone texting (txting) is now ubiquitous - a comfortable UI to everybody that has a cell phone. With most age groups, the time spent texting far exceeds time making voice calls. Logically, Java developers should be considering txt interfaces to their applications.

We will look at adding mobile txt interfaces to three applications: - A mobile web healthcare application with group push txt notification to other caregivers of an event - An iPad POS web application for ordering from your car via txt from your mobile phone - An installed Swing application to display group txting for public display

Speaker: Jon Batcheller

Jon is the founder of PJUG and Java architect and UI developer for RealPage in Wilsonville, OR. He has been writing in Java since his first taste in version 0.9, 17 years ago! In addition to being a code monkey, Jon is a licensed Veterinarian, owns two bars, is an auctioneer and in his spare time teaches Human Anatomy and Physiology at PCC. Having never missed a JavaOne since their inception in 1996, he hopes to see you there in the Fall!

PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't have to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc. (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

Feb 28, 2012
PDX Erlang
Collective Agency Downtown

First ever meeting for the PDX Erlang user group. We will cover some basic getting-started stuff, then dive in to what I am tentatively calling ErlangGames. This meetup is for people of all experience levels, from no programming experience to curmudgeony basement-dwellers. Our format will be slightly different from what you are use to in a user group, optimized for fun.

Mar 4, 2012
Ubuntu Global Jam
Free Geek

The Ubuntu Global Jam is an incredible opportunity for the Ubuntu community to unite together around the weekend of 2nd - 4th March 2012 to work together to improve Ubuntu. Everyone is able to contribute to the Jam, and everyone is welcome and encouraged to get involved. Curious about how to make a real difference to Ubuntu? This is a great chance to make that difference.

Mar 20, 2012
Portland Java User Group: Giving your Application Thumbs

This month's topic: Deep Dive into Java CIM Client Development with SBLIM

SBLIM is an open source toolkit to simplify CIM/XML development. The presentation covers the basics of CIM and how to use SBLIM to do various common tasks a CIM client would need to do against a CIM Server.

Speaker: Brian Mason Works for NetApp App Aware Group / APBU E-Series Storage 20+ Years in Software Development. Last 10 focusing on Managing hardware devices. MSCS U of IL

PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't have to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc. (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

Mar 22, 2012
New Tech Society - March Happy Hour
Thirsty Lion

The New Tech Society was founded to bring together a diverse group of individuals; technologists from a variety of disciplines and industries within the Portland community. We meet one night each month to make new connections, exchange ideas and enjoy each other's company.

(RSVP here:

If you have a need--be it solving a technical problem, finding a new job, hiring a new employee, promoting a product, service or event, or just making new friends, please join us.

This month, we will be compiling a "haves and wants" matrix, so we can help make meaningful introductions at our event. Feel free to email us about what you have to offer or need to find so we can add it to our list. We'll release it to the group before the happy hour.

Please bring your friends. The vibe is low-key, casual and fun; be yourself. It is our tradition to offer a free drink to the first 10 people to arrive.


See you there! -The NTS Crew

Apr 17, 2012
PDX11 2012 Roundtable #3 - "Strategic Planning for Startups" with Richard Lazar
Perkins Coie (PDX)

PDX11 is proud to welcome Richard Lazar, CEO of RDI Labs and serial entrepreneur to lead Roundtable #3 – Strategic Planning for Startups!

On Tuesday, April 17th from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m, we will hold our third of the 2012 PDX11 Roundtable Series. This session’s topic is “Strategic Planning for Startups” – a firsthand exploration of fundamentally important areas of focus when planning your startup's success . This Roundtable will be hosted by Perkins Coie. Doors will be open at 5:00 p.m. for pre-discussion networking, and we will start promptly at 5:30 p.m.

Areas we’ll be exploring are:

• Great idea . . . but does the product really solve a big enough problem? (the problem/solution dynamic and the size and scope the market opportunity)

• How will the company make money, or not? (business and revenue models; sales and marketing)

• How much operating capital is needed and where should it come from? (fundraising)

• Who will launch the enterprise and how will the pie be divided? (founding and early team)

• What type of entity should be formed? (legal entity type)

• Where is the off-ramp and how does the company get there? (exit strategy)

The Portland startup scene is full of activity, talent, and new concepts – if you’ve got these but need a candid, firsthand roadmap on applying solid strategy to your business idea, this Roundtable’s for you. Refreshments will be served, and there are a limited number of seats. Please RSVP to Tamsen Galloway to reserve a spot at the roundtable. Details will be listed at

About the PDX11 Roundtable Series:

The PDX11 Roundtable Series is an answer to the startup community’s request for a roundtable-style, firsthand interaction with software leaders who have expertise in specific topics. These will be held on a regular basis throughout the year. For more information about the PDX11 Network, please visit

Please RSVP to [email protected] to reserve a spot at the roundtable.

Apr 18, 2012
April Portland SharePoint User Group Meeting
Microsoft Portland Office (Pearl District)

The April Portland SharePoint User Group meeting will be held on Wednesday April 18th, 2012. This month Julia Bertschinger from CSG Pro will speak about out-of-the-box and basic SharePoint Designer workflows. For those of you interested in advanced workflow topics including Visual Studio solutions and custom workflow actions we plan to cover those topics in May.

Please note the parking location and remote attendee option is on the LinkedIn Group Site or the Portland SharePoint User Group Portal.

Lunch will be provided by AvePoint, catered provided by Dinner Spectacular and as in previous months we need to get a headcount of how many folks will attend and want lunches. We’ve set up a survey that allows you to change your response so if you initially plan on attending but something comes up you can re-open the survey and let us know. If you plan to attend please be sure to complete the survey by Monday, March 19th at noon since we have to place the lunch order that afternoon. You can find the survey at . Please be sure to take a minute to fill out the survey so we can have an accurate lunch count and let the parking lot know how many vehicles to expect

Apr 19, 2012
Naked Tech Series | Session 1 - Building Success Into Your Products

Join us this Thursday for the first in a series of panels exposing the realities companies face when working with tech teams, and how to avoid lukewarm developers, contract traps, and product nightmares. We're excited to announce this month's line up of guests to help us kick things off. Be sure to stick around for some great networking afterwards. If you can't join us downtown, jump into the chat room on Livestream during the event for some virtual networking or to ask your questions.

Naked Tech is designed for business leaders, technology professionals and students interested in becoming better prepared to work in and with the tech industry. Help us spread the word about this exciting new series!

Session 1 Featured Guests

-Skip Newberry, President, Software Association of Oregon

-David Childers, Principal, CP Kinder Investments

-Timothy Crippen, Business and Corporate Law, Kivel & Howard

-Eileen Boerger, President, CorSource Technology Group

-Jordan Hamad, CEO, Chairseven Creative Agency

(Free Admission - Please RSVP at

Apr 24, 2012
Collective Agency Downtown

CANCELLED due to geolocation

May 3, 2012
InnoTech Oregon
Oregon Convention Center

Coming May 3rd, the 9th Annual InnoTech Oregon offers a unique opportunity for business and technology leaders to educate themselves about current trends and discover new, successful, innovative best practices. InnoTech focuses on the innovative uses of both mainstream and locally developed technologies to grow and enhance your business operations. More information is available at

InnoTech is also hosting the NW CIO Summit & IT Executive of the Year Awards, NW ISSA Security Conference and the eMarketing Summit. See you there!

Portland's Outlier - Open House
Outlier Solutions, Inc,.

Join Us for The Outlier Open House

You are invited to our open house event celebrating Outlier's expansion into a cool new space. We're also turning 7 years old, so there will be cake!

Drinks, Food, and Fun!

May 15, 2012
Portland Java User Group: Production-Ready Web Services with Dropwizard
Gilt Groupe Portland

This month's topic: Production-Ready Web Services with Dropwizard

Dropwizard is a Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services. The library was developed at Yammer and has been adopted by Simple (formerly BankSimple) and the Gilt Groupe. We will discuss how Gilt is using Dropwizard and why we adopted the library.

Speaker: Sean Sullivan

Sean is a software engineer specializing in e-commerce systems, web services development, and mobile applications. Sean works on back-office applications at the Gilt Groupe and has contributed to various open source projects, including the OAuth Java library and OpenID4Java.

PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)

Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't have to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up!

Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, typically at a nearby location determined ad hoc. (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)

May 17, 2012
PDX.UX May Meeting
Thetus Corporation

We’re back from a quick restructuring period. This month’s meeting we’d like to hear from y’all! We’re looking for three to four presenters who are interested in showcasing their latest project. Show us your work and get feedback and discussion from the audience. Whether it's a design for an upcoming project or a post-mortem on something you've just launched, we’d love to hear from you. As usual we’ll provide snacks, drinks, networking and discussions.

Who: Anyone interested in discussing or showcasing their newest user interface and user experience development and design projects.

When: Thursday, May 17th Snacks, drinks and networking at 5:30 Demos start at 6:00 and will wrap up by 7:00ish

May 19, 2012
SharePoint Saturday Portland - You must register to attend.
Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

SharePoint Saturday is a free educational event focused on Microsoft SharePoint. The event is open to the public and offers something for SharePoint users of all experience levels. SharePoint Saturday is a unique event because it is an event that anyone can attend, and it won’t interfere with your work schedule. Unlike other trade shows and educational events, this event is planned with a community focus: to identify the needs of the local SharePoint community and provide the solutions, you will not get a day of sale pitches. We bring in experts, consultants, and Microsoft MVPs from around the country to share their experiences, tips, and best practices. This is also a great opportunity for you to meet the Portland SharePoint community, ask questions, network, or share your experiences. We hope to have lots of giveaway items as well. Join us!

May 22, 2012
PDX Erlang
Collective Agency Downtown

This meetup is for people of all experience levels, from no programming experience to curmudgeony basement-dwellers. Our format will be slightly different from what you are use to in a user group, optimized for fun. Learn you some Erlang.

Jun 26, 2012
Open Source Bridge 2012
through Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Open Source Bridge is an open source developers conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share their knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen.

Find out more at

Jun 28, 2012
PDX.UX User Group June Meeting
Thetus Corporation

This month we’re discussing the “Value of Bad Ideas.” When we create, we try to do the best work we can. There's not room for failure, but within the messy grey area of the creative process, there's plenty of room for bad ideas. In fact, bad ideas can often lead to the best solutions.

Our speaker, Ben Cerezo, helps make things simple to understand and intuitive for people to use. Ben’s background - From logo and identity development to complex application and web design, Ben has spent nearly ten years designing solutions to a variety of communications and design problems for clients of all sizes. He believes in the power of open collaboration and enjoys working with other designers, development engineers and clients, from discovery and strategy through implementation.

RSVP here:

When: June 28, 2012 Snacks, Beer and Networking 5:30 - 6:00 Presentation and discussion: 6:00-7:30 or so 

Where: 34 NW 1st Avenue, 3rd floor Portland, OR 97209 

Join our google group here -  Don't forget to follow us on twitter - @PDXUX -!/PDXUX

Jul 17, 2012
API Hackday PDX

API Hackday PDX brings developers together for an all-day coding fest focused on building apps and mashups with APIs. Developers of all experience levels can share ideas, collaborate on existing projects, start new ventures, and find out about great tools and new APIs to play with.

Free admission: Lunch, Dinner and post-hack beer included.

Hackers will also hear from some of the country's top API-focused companies on tips, tricks, and tools for building the next big app. At the end of the day, teams and/or individuals get a chance to present their work to a panel of judges and win kickass prizes.

Brought to you by Twilio, SendGrid, Urban Airship, Cloudability & Mashery

Jul 19, 2012

In town for OSCON? Take timeout from the convention center to meetup + drinkup outside on the back deck at Momo's. PDX API Hour with your friends from SendGrid, Urban Airship, Twilio and Mashery lasts from 4:30pm-6:30pm, so you can make sure to get back before the State of the Onion at 7pm!

Getting there: From OSCON convention center, take (free as in beer) MAX rail system Red or Blue line heading west to the Galleria/10th Street station. Momo's is 1/2 block away!

Thetus Corporation Website
Aug 13, 2012
Portland Mayoral Debate: Startups and Technology

Elemental Technologies will host a debate between Portland mayoral candidates Charlie Hales and Jefferson Smith on August 13th at its new offices on SW Broadway in downtown Portland. The candidates will come together to discuss how their leadership can nurture the city’s budding software industry and support the local entrepreneurial ecosystem. Roy Kaufmann, a well-known media professional, will moderate the event.

In addition, the public can submit questions to the forum via Twitter using the hashtag #pdxmayor during the debate. Queries will be submitted to the moderator as the debate occurs -- so don’t hesitate to tune in online and pose your pertinent questions to these two compelling candidates!

Aug 16, 2012
PDX-UX: Avoiding the Spaghetti by Henrik Joreteg
Thetus Corporation


  • Snacks, Beer and Networking 5:30 - 6:00
  • Presentation and discussion: 6:00-7:30 or so 

Join our google group here -  Don't forget to follow us on twitter - @PDXUX -!/PDXUX

Henrik Joreteg – “Avoiding the Spaghetti” Clientside code doesn't have to be an ugly cluttered mess. Building clean, sane, maintainable client-side applications is indeed possible. We'll talk a bit about CommonJS on the client, properly abstracting a model layer, the DOM as a dumb view layer, sharing code between client/ server and other techniques for avoiding insanity like automated static code analysis. 

Henrik is a partner and lead JS developer at &yet (, a boutique web software company in Richland, WA. He's a member of a growing group of javascript developers who are blazing the trail of realtime and single-page web application development and server-side javascript. Let’s put it this way: the dude cannot shut up about node.js, backbone, and 

He is the primary developer for &bang ( and has written a slew of single-page real-time web apps using a number of technologies. He recently spoke at NodeConf and KRTConf and was a technical reviewer for O'Reilly's JavaScript Web Applications. He is the author of the popular open source javascript templating solution, iCanHaz.js and as an early adopter of Backbone.js wrote several definitive blogposts on the subject. 

Sep 20, 2012
Portland Data Viz #7 (NEW DATE)
Esri R&D Center (aka Geoloqi HQ)

It’s time for another Portland Data Visualization Meetup! We’ll have three to four main presentations and networking time.

We usually have some conversation and networking, so feel free to bring business cards and/or let people know if you’re hiring. (If you’d like to sponsor, see the section at the end of this post).

This time, Geoloqi will host us (see below for the address and entrance instructions). For best results, please arrive a little before 6:00 Pm.

---Speakers for Data Viz #7--- Periscopic -- New work by Periscopic.

Noah Iliinsky -- "How we think and talk about design, and how that can be applied to visualization."

Brennan Novak -- Tracking emotions.

Mohamed Alkady – TBD

---Want to Speak?--- We're looking for more speakers! If you'd like to speak, contact me at caseorganic at gmail dot com or simply tweet @caseorganic!

---Who Should Go?--- Portland Data Viz Group is open to everyone interested in or working in the field of data visualization. This means designers, programmers, information architects, data miners, anthropologists, ect. We usually attract around 20-30 people, and you're welcome to bring guests, food and drinks to the event.

---Location and Time--- Thursday, Sept. 20, 2011 from 6:30–8:30pm.

Geoloqi HQ 920 SW 3rd Ave. #400 Portland, OR 97204

---Entrance instructions--- We'll have a number posted on the door so you can get in when you arrive.

---Interested in Sponsoring?--- We welcome food and drink sponsors for our meetings, and if you know someone who might be a good sponsor feel free to contact me at caseorganic at gmail dot com!

---Google Group--- If you're interested in getting updates for for future meetings, simply join the the pdx-visualization Google Group! As the name implies, it is a group for Portland-area people interested in languages and techniques for visualization of data.

Oct 18, 2012
Oregon immersive Education Days 2012
University of Oregon Portland

The Emergent Learning Commons (ELC) and the Applied Research in Virtual Environments for Learning Special Interest Group (ARVEL SIG) of the American Educational Research Association invites you to present your teaching and learning innovations either live, in person or remotely at the Oregon Immersive Education Days (OiED) at The University of Oregon's White Stag Building in Portland OR on October 18, 19, & 20, 2012.

This 4th annual gathering of educators, researchers and developers working in immersive environments and emerging technologies for education in Oregon, the NorthWest Americas, and beyond related to the immersive Education group will feature a series of live, virtual, hands-on presentations, and special events providing attendees with an overview of Immersive Education and how virtual worlds and game-based learning technologies are used in both formal and informal settings to engage learning.

Oct 19, 2012
Oregon immersive Education Days 2012
University of Oregon Portland

The Emergent Learning Commons (ELC) and the Applied Research in Virtual Environments for Learning Special Interest Group (ARVEL SIG) of the American Educational Research Association invites you to present your teaching and learning innovations either live, in person or remotely at the Oregon Immersive Education Days (OiED) at The University of Oregon's White Stag Building in Portland OR on October 18, 19, & 20, 2012.

This 4th annual gathering of educators, researchers and developers working in immersive environments and emerging technologies for education in Oregon, the NorthWest Americas, and beyond related to the immersive Education group will feature a series of live, virtual, hands-on presentations, and special events providing attendees with an overview of Immersive Education and how virtual worlds and game-based learning technologies are used in both formal and informal settings to engage learning.

Oct 20, 2012
Oregon immersive Education Days 2012
University of Oregon Portland

The Emergent Learning Commons (ELC) and the Applied Research in Virtual Environments for Learning Special Interest Group (ARVEL SIG) of the American Educational Research Association invites you to present your teaching and learning innovations either live, in person or remotely at the Oregon Immersive Education Days (OiED) at The University of Oregon's White Stag Building in Portland OR on October 18, 19, & 20, 2012.

This 4th annual gathering of educators, researchers and developers working in immersive environments and emerging technologies for education in Oregon, the NorthWest Americas, and beyond related to the immersive Education group will feature a series of live, virtual, hands-on presentations, and special events providing attendees with an overview of Immersive Education and how virtual worlds and game-based learning technologies are used in both formal and informal settings to engage learning.

Ubuntu 12.10 Release Party
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

Ubuntu Oregon will be holding a 12.10 Release Party at PuppetLabs.

Pizza, Soft Drinks and Beer are also being provided thanks to the folks at PuppetLabs.

Additionally the folks at InkTank will be sponsoring some 12.10 release shirts!

Oct 23, 2012
New Tech Society Happy Hour
Thirsty Lion Pub in Tigard

The New Tech Society was founded in the Fall of 2011 to bring together a diverse group of individuals; technologists from a variety of disciplines and industries within the Portland community. We meet one night each month to make new connections, exchange ideas and enjoy each other’s company.

If you have a need--be it solving a technical issue, finding a new job, hiring a new employee, promoting a product, service or event, or just making new friends, join us.

Please bring your friends. The vibe is low-key, casual and fun; be yourself!

It is our tradition to offer a free drink to the first 10 people to arrive.

RSVP on Linkedin, please.

See you there!

-The NTS Crew

Oct 30, 2012
PDX Erlang
Collective Agency Downtown

This meetup is for people of all experience levels, from no programming experience to curmudgeony basement-dwellers. Our format will be slightly different from what you are use to in a user group, optimized for fun.

Nov 3, 2012
CyborgCamp Portland 2012
Esri R&D Center (aka Geoloqi HQ)

CyborgCamp is an unconference about the future of the relationship between humans and technology. We’ll discuss topics such as social media, design, code, inventions, web 2.0, twitter, the future of communication, cyborg technology, anthropology, psychology, and philosophy.

Three scheduled speakers will give talks on biomedical engineering, cybernetic control systems and the stock market, and quantified self. The rest of the day will be unconference sessions.

Contact @caseorganic for more details and to volunteer, speak or sponsor.

Register at:

Event is $12 to cover breakfast and lunch. Scholarship tickets are available upon request.

Nov 4, 2012
CyborgCamp 2 Track Hackathon - Crisis Commons Data Hackathon and Wearable Computing
Esri R&D Center (aka Geoloqi HQ)

Join us on Sunday, Nov 4th at 10am at Geoloqi HQ for an all-day wearable computing and Crisis Commons Data Hackathon.

More info here:

It’s free! You can participate as an individual or a team. Breakfast and coffee will be available in the morning, and we’ll head to the food carts for lunch. We’ll have a Makey Makey and some Lily Pad Arduinos. The wearable computing hackathon is for those comfortable with soldering and working with electronics. Bring your own equipment for best results.

Don’t have your own equipment? Join the Crisis Commons hackathon. Use various tech such as the Geoloqi SDK and Portland open gov data to build useful apps for emergencies like Hurricane Sandy.

Update: due to demand we opened an additional 20 slots!



Doors open at 10:00am with breakfast and coffee.

Coding will stop at 5:30pm, and teams and individuals will demo their apps.

Cleanup and after-events. Likely at the Lotus.


Geoloqi HQ 920 SW 3rd Ave #400 Portland, OR 97204

--Who Should Attend?-- Hardware hackers, Ruby, Python, PHP, web developers, coders, interaction designers, graphic designers and anyone who has a passion to code, hack or conceptualize applications that will free (or otherwise enhance) the accessibility and usefulness of government-shared data or wearable technology.

Although the sprint takes place on Nov 4th after CyborgCamp Portland, you don’t have to be attending the conference to join us.

Participation is free and open to anyone with an interest in design or coding… we just ask that you register in advance so we know how many we need to accommodate.

Register at:

Nov 7, 2012
Autodesk Hits Portland 2.0
McMenamins Mission Theater & Pub

The event is FREE - Appetizers & Beer Provided

Two of Autodesk's top Application Engineers (Gary Davis & Marcel de Jong) will be showing the latest Autodesk Suites that include: A Virtual Production Workflow in Maya, Motionbuilder and Mudbox 3ds Max interoperability with After Effects Motionbuilder workflow with Kinect for Motion Capture Special presentations of Sketchbook and Smoke for the MAC New Features

Nov 14, 2012
FounderDating November Applications due

Applications due for FounderDating's Portland chapter. This is the second round of applications, so if you were rejected last time, feel free to re-apply.

FounderDating (FD) is an invite-only, online network for entrepreneurs to connect with cofounders. What makes them different?

High Quality - members are carefully screened for quality and readiness (no recruiters, etc.) Applications and members’ identities are confidential, but a few of the folks who are part of the network are former founders or early employees from: stackmob, snapfish, Zynga, Loggly and Gilt just to name a few.

Balanced - 50% engineering & 50% non-engineering

Reach-- FD’s online network allows you to connect with people in your city and beyond to share ideas and begin building something you’re passionate about.

No Idea Necessary - FD is about the people, so you don’t need to have an idea, just be ready to work on a serious side project

Portland Girl Geek Dinners #3

It's no secret there is a depressing lack of women in technology & STEM related careers—even worse is the societal focus on the problem not the solution. The solution is clear: inspire women to pursue their interests in technology and provide a support system with wisdom and encouragement to develop their careers.

Join us for a honest and proactive conversation about all things career; from resume & interview tips to salary neogations to dealing with cultural norms & expectations to unique insight on how we as women can kick ass AND climb the ladder.
Our conversation will be lead by Jenny Walsh, VP Web Services, GigaPan Systems - and Aimee Fahey, Recruiting Consultant & Career Coach -

One of Portland's favorite food trucks will be on site from 5-7pm to purchase your favorite food truck treats before and during the event. Various yummy snacks & beverages will be provided as well.

Attendees are invited to submit questions about technology & STEM careers for a Q&A discussion. Questions can be submitted via Email, Twitter or FB.

HUGE thanks to our friends at Urban Airship for hosting the event. As always men are encouraged to attend.

Nov 17, 2012
Portland Girl Geek Dinners #4
TBD - Portland

Details coming soon! If you'd like to be a sponsor or have an idea for a topic or a speaker please let us! [email protected]

Jan 24, 2013

In an effort to get to know and support developers in the thriving tech communities all over the country, Singly is heading out on the road to throw API happy hours.

This is not about marketing, and it's not about sales. APIs & IPAs is focused on community. We want to support your local tech community, and we want to get to know developers everywhere.

In each city, we're partnering with local companies that strive to build developer communities, as well as non-local developer-centric companies.

All you have to do is show up ready to talk shop – and we'll foot the bill for drinks.

Feb 13, 2013
PDX Data Visualization Meetup

We have 4 speakers lined up for the popular show-n-tell format.

==Kevin Lynagh==

Kevin writes code that makes pictures of data on the Internet. He lives in Portland, Oregon and spends as much time rock climbing as he does in the REPL. WeatherTable is an HTML5 weather app for the iPhone. Kevin will talk about why they decided to build an app in such an established category (hint: visualization) and why they decided to do it using ClojureScript, HTML, and CSS instead of doing a native ObjectiveC app.

==Matthew Lyon==

Matthew is a lead developer and software architect at Portland-based Platform-as-a-Service company AppFog. He was one of the core developers of AppFog's first product, PHP Fog, and led development of AppFog itself. He will be doing a show-and-tell about an instrumentation and visualization system he created to help troubleshoot and improve AppFog's Service Oriented Architecture and worldwide network of public cloud hosting services.

==Ryan Miller==

Ryan is a UI developer with over 10 years of experience with web applications. Ryan specializes in data visualization, which he works on at home when he can't get his fix at work. Ryan will be showing some experiments he's been doing in d3 with local weather data.


Periscopic is a socially-conscious data visualization firm. They will be discussing their latest internal project: U.S. Gun Murders in 2010.

Please see the agenda and RSVP at the Meetup:

Feb 21, 2013
PortlandWiki Revival
Pearl Whole Foods Annex

We're starting up a regular PortlandWiki meetup again, so join us!

Did you know Portland has a city-specific wiki that anyone can contribute to? We want your help and knowledge!

No experience with Wikipedia or any other wiki is necessary to join the meetup, and everyone is welcome.

Feb 27, 2013
Portland Girl Geek Dinners Volunteer meetup
House Happy Office

Portland Girl Geek Dinners is growing and we are looking for more volunteers!

Join us Wednesday, February 27th, 2013 for an informal conversation about how you get involved with PDX GGD in 2013!

We'll meeting from 6pm-8pm, at the HouseHappy office, in the Pearl. Light refreshments will be provided.

For more information contact [email protected]

Mar 7, 2013
OSBridge Proposal Workshop (with PDX Weekly Hackathon)
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Members of the Open Source Bridge planning committee will be on hand to encourage and help people work on their speaker proposal submissions. Come with questions about tracks or previous content and we'll answer them.

Mar 13, 2013
Women supporting Women in Stem
City of Portland Building Auditorium 1120 SW 5th Ave

The City of Portland is hosting a panel to connect women to outside resources to increase support, mentoring, volunteerism, experience and networking of women working technology related jobs through out the metro area.

Panelists include representatives from Chick Tech, PDX Girl Geek Dinners, PDX WiIT & Women in Transportation.

For more information contact Penelope Luedtke 503 823 4001

Mar 14, 2013
PortlandWiki Revival Meetup
Pearl Whole Foods Annex

We're going to be editing and adding to the PortlandWiki, so come on down and join us!

The PortlandWiki contributors need your help documenting more of the unique locales, people, art, businesses, organizations, parks, and any other memorable things you can think of that keep Portland weird.

Mar 18, 2013
PDX Girl Geek Dinner Volunteer Meeting

Portland Girl Geek Dinners is growing and we are looking for more volunteers!

Join us Monday, March 18th, 2013 for an informal conversation about how you get involved with PDX GGD in 2013!

Participation opportunities include but aren't limited to the following areas;

  • Volunteer Speakers
  • Sponsor & Venue Coordination
  • Event Assistance
  • Graphic Design
  • Web Development
  • Community Outreach
  • Legal
  • Accounting
  • Board member participation
  • Blog Submissions and content strategy

Whether you've attended an GGD event before or not, we want your input!

Light refreshments will be provided.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Mar 21, 2013
OSBridge Proposal Workshop 2 (with PDX Weekly Hackathon)
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

We're holding a get together to help people work on their Open Source Bridge speaker proposals. Come join us and we can help answer any questions you have about tracks, past topics, or the conference in general.

Mar 27, 2013
Collective Agency Monthly Open House
Collective Agency Downtown

This Wednesday March 27th, there is an Open House at Collective Agency. Our business is commercial sublease to members for 24/7 access.

Collective Agency is the cooperative/democratic/co-working cozy workplace located in Old Town, Portland.

Our community mission: Come work with passionate commitment in a democratically governed community.

Arrive as early as 9am to work (buzz "200" on the door). At 11:45am we’ll go to the food carts and sit indoors to eat and chat.

Every Wednesday at 2pm members give Lightning Talks, which are 2-4 minutes long and can be about anything the member giving the talk would like to learn about by sharing with people here. (A project they’re working on or anything under the sun that they’d like us to hear about, that they are passionately committed to.)

Stay as late as 5pm. Bring friends and co-workers, and expect to meet friendly people.

Collective Agency

Phone: (503) 517-6900 Fax: (503) 517-6901 Email: [email protected]

322 NW Sixth Ave, Suite 200, Portland Oregon 97209

Apr 14, 2013
OpenShift Origin Community Day sponsored by Red Hat
DoubleTree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Portland - Lloyd Center

OpenShift Origin Community Day & Design Summit Day is coming to Portland on April 14!

Come Meet the OpenShift Origin Makers and come ready to collaborate on building a truly Open Source Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).

Join both Red Hat engineers and OpenShift Origin community members at the first ever OpenShift Origin Community Day.

Here's your chance to take a deep-dive into Red Hat's OpenStack and OpenShift engineering efforts, Hear about DevOps Team's lessons learned including hands-on tutorials on how to deploy OpenShift to OpenStack plus building your own cartridges.

Registration is free!

Apr 18, 2013
PortlandWiki Revival Meetup
Three Friends Coffee House

We're going to be editing and adding to the PortlandWiki, so come on down and join us!

The PortlandWiki contributors need your help documenting more of the unique locales, people, art, businesses, organizations, parks, and any other memorable things you can think of that keep Portland weird.

Apr 26, 2013
TechStars Seattle Happy Hour in PDX
Nike+ Accelerator powered by TechStars

TechStars Seattle is taking a road trip down to the City of Roses to meet and greet with local tech talent + entrepreneurs.

Join us at the amazing Nike+ Accelerator Powered by Techstars office for Happy Hour with various members of the Techstars family.

Drinks and snacks will be provided.

Don't be shy! We're excited to meet you and find out what you're working on!

May 29, 2013
TechTown Portland
Living Room Theaters

Come join us for the unveiling of the TechTown Portland video! This short video highlights 11 of the region's firms. We know Portland is a great place to live, but it’s become a Mecca for Tech and we think others outside Portland should know too. Our firms are growing with the best and brightest in Portland and they are doing quite well. But more talent is needed to support our companies that have developed technologies used the world over. Our artisanal culture extends from arts & crafts, breweries & food to creating what’s next in tech.

This video came together because the video sponsors understand a collective effort to attract more talent to the region benefits everyone.

Appetizers and drinks begin in the lobby at 5:30 and will continue until 8:00 courtesy of Jive Software. All attendees will receive one complementary drink ticket. So arrive early and stay after your showing concludes to mingle with co-workers and others in the industry.

A more detailed schedule is below: 5:30: Lobby opens for food and drink 5:45 – 6:05 First showing of film (Only chance for children to view per theater policy) 6:10 – 6:30 Second showing of film (Press and C-Level Execs ONLY) 6:30 – 7:15 Press Q&A in auditorium with participating companies and agencies 7:20 – 7:40 Third and final showing of the film

Thank you to the firms (Viewpoint Construction, Jama, Simple, Thetus, Urban Airship, Acquia, Elemental Technologies, Act-On, Puppet Labs, The Clymb, and Jive) and agencies (Portland Development Commission, Technology Association of Oregon, Business Oregon, and Greater Portland Inc) that made this video possible.

Jun 18, 2013
Open Source Bridge 2013
through Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Open Source Bridge is an open source developers conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share their knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen.

Find out more at

Jun 26, 2013
Collective Agency Monthly Open House & Potluck
Collective Agency Downtown

Open House at Collective Agency (Wednesday, June 26th)

Wednesday, June 26th, 9am to 5pm, come and work at Collective Agency during our Open House, and join us for a potluck lunch!

Community Mission Statement:

"Collective Agency is a cozy place to work alongside people doing work they’re passionate about and committed to, where 80% of people say hi. Come and work here!"

Schedule (come when you like): • 9am – open • 12pm - potluck lunch here on the sofas (Best to come before lunch--- It’s great if you do bring food, but it’s fine not to, also!) • 2-2:30pm - Lightning Talks (like TED Talks, members talk for 2-8 minutes about something they're passionate about and committed to, whether work or otherwise) • 5pm - end of open house

The open house is for everybody who'd like to work here for the day. Members have 24/7 access, and you can come try us out for a week if you’re considering membership, to get a feel for the place and the people that work here. Visit our website for details on how to become a member.


-- Collective Agency 322 NW Sixth Ave, Suite 200, Portland Oregon 97209 Phone: (503) 517-6900 Fax: (503) 517-6901 Email: [email protected]

Jul 24, 2013
Software as a Service Founders

Do you have a SaaS site that you run? Then you should come to our event! We are entrepreneurs who run and/or manage small software as a service businesses.

Your app can be written in any language we welcome all technical abilities, programming languages, and business stages.

The important thing is that you have passion for technology and are interested in hanging out with other like-minded folk.

We meet on the 4th Wednesday of every month at the Green Dragon in SE Portland.

This is a new group, so volunteers and suggestions are welcome.

Jul 31, 2013
Collective Agency Monthly Open House & Potluck
Collective Agency Downtown

Open House at Collective Agency (Wednesday, July 31st)

Wednesday, July 31st, 9am to 5pm, come and work at Collective Agency during our Open House, and join us for a potluck lunch!

Community Mission Statement:

"Collective Agency is a cozy place to work alongside people doing work they’re passionate about and committed to, where 80% of people say hi. Come and work here!"

Schedule (come when you like): • 9am – open • 12pm - potluck lunch here on the sofas (Best to come before lunch--- It’s great if you do bring food, but it’s fine not to, also!) • 2-2:30pm - Lightning Talks (like TED Talks, members talk for 2-8 minutes about something they're passionate about and committed to, whether work or otherwise) • 5pm - end of open house

The open house is for everybody who'd like to work here for the day. Members have 24/7 access, and you can come try us out for a week if you’re considering membership, to get a feel for the place and the people that work here. Visit our website for details on how to become a member.


-- Collective Agency 322 NW Sixth Ave, Suite 200, Portland Oregon 97209 Phone: (503) 517-6900 Fax: (503) 517-6901 Email: [email protected]

Aug 10, 2013
BPOW!!! Battery Powered Orchestra Workshop
through CymaSpace

Encompassing two days of workshops, performances and culminating in a DIY public jam session, BPOW!!! wants to show Portland that even the simplest circuit configurations can bring forth unprecedented levels of ROCK.

Tickets and details are here:

Website here:

Hope you can make it! :)

Sep 19, 2013
Cityscope presents Detour/Dérive
Dealers Supply Parcel 1 North

Six participants will present their findings from Detour/Dérive, an urban experiment presented by Project Cityscope, the non-profit organization of Works Partnership Architecture. The participants have engaged in separate walks by choosing a bus line to ride and getting off at a stop or stops they find intriguing. The task was to walk, document/record, and reflect within a 24-hour period. The aim of this project is to explore, project, and/or (mis)interpret narratives of the city that do not occur to us as critical to the urban landscape.

Oct 15, 2013
Portland Startup Pitch Bootcamp
PREM Group

Pitching your startup ideas effectively is a crucial skill that will help you acquire financing, customers, partners, and top talent. In just three hours, the Startup Pitch Bootcamp will help you improve your pitching skills and recruit potential co-founders. This intensive, collaborative workshop begins with talks by leading startup Founders designed to help you understand the key ingredients of a successful pitch. Then, you can apply that learning and pitch to both experts and peers to receive constructive feedback in a relaxed setting. Join us for a fun evening!

Register Here:

Oct 17, 2013
Portland Geekwire Founder Hotseat with Adeo Ressi
Internet/Online (registration required)

The Founder Hotseat is a live, interactive webinar designed to give aspiring entrepreneurs blunt and honest feedback on their startup ideas. During this webinar, viewers can pitch their startup ideas to Adeo Ressi, Founder & CEO of the Founder Institute, to receive analysis and feedback. The best pitches will even be invited on screen, to pitch Adeo live, via webcam simulcast. Even if you don't want to pitch, you are invited to RSVP, log on, and watch how an expert startup advisor evaluates new business ideas.

Oct 22, 2013
Portland Founder Institute Information Session
PREM Group

The Founder Institute is the world's largest early-stage accelerator. Join us for a informational event where you can meet the local Directors, ask questions, and learn how you can launch a startup with the Founder Institute's help.

Nov 6, 2013
9Mile Labs (B2B Accelerator) Information Session

Please join us for some drinks and snacks at an Informational session with the partners at 9Mile Labs. We'll discuss the program and will answer any questions. 9Mile Labs is currently accepting applications into the program that starts Jan 15, 2014.

9Mile Labs is a B2B technology accelerator based in the Seattle metro area. We run a 4-month program with a group of 9 startups. During the program, startups receive $35k, access to an impressive set of mentors, free workspace and the opportunity to present to investors at Milestone9, the 9Mile Labs Demo Day.

Nov 7, 2013
9Mile Labs (B2B Accelerator) Information Session
Caffe Umbria

Join us for open coffee, tell us about your entrepreneurial venture and ask us questions about 9Mile Labs. No appointment required...and we'll buy the coffee! 9Mile Labs is currently accepting applications into the program that starts Jan 15, 2014.

9Mile Labs is a B2B technology accelerator based in the Seattle metro area. We run a 4-month program with a group of 9 startups. During the program, startups receive $35k, access to an impressive set of mentors, free workspace and the opportunity to present to investors at Milestone9, the 9Mile Labs Demo Day.

Nov 8, 2013
Portland Silicon Florist Founder Hotseat with Adeo Ressi
Online Webinar

Event name: Silicon Florist Founder Hotseat with Adeo Ressi

Description: Do you have an idea for a startup? Could you use feedback on your ideas from a leading Silicon Valley entrepreneur? Then join us for the Founder Hotseat with Adeo Ressi, the CEO of the Founder Institute. During this webinar, viewers can pitch their startups to Adeo, either through text or on screen in a video conference. Adeo will provide blunt and detailed feedback on the idea, the pitch and the business. Even if you don't want to pitch, you are invited to RSVP, log on, and watch how an expert startup advisor evaluates new business ideas. Date: 2013-11-08, 12:15 PM

Registration: This is an online event, Online location TBA (register to be notified), Submit your pitch at:

Website Link:

Nov 18, 2013
Hacking Social Impact Unconference - Portland
through MercyCorps & Eliot Center

This November, the Social Venture Society will host the second Hacking Social Impact unconference, a collaborative and educational event addressing impact investment and social entrepreneurship. As in 2012, the two-day event will feature hands-on workshop, interactive discussion sessions, and networking.

Participants will not only have the opportunity to bring their ideas to the table, but to engage in direct, powerful and informal discussions on the topics which will shape the socially-driven entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist.

An unconference is a participant-driven meeting, popular among technology and social media-influenced communities, in which information sharing is collaborative and dynamic.

Last year, we had a tremendous experience hosting impact community members and learning with and from folks from Ecotrust, Immix Law, Springboard Innovation, B Labs, Grameen Foundation, Mercy Corps Micro Mentor, p:ear, PSU Impact Entrepreneurs, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Social Venture Partners, Startup America, and many more.

Schedule & Details:

On Monday night (5:30 - 8:00), we will have a kickoff reception at MercyCoprs.

Tuesday will be a full day of sessions, workshops, connecting, discussing, and hacking, held at the Eliot Center from 9:00-5:00.

For more details and updates, visit

Nov 19, 2013
PDXFX November Event: Connected Relationships
Pour Wine Bar & Bistro

The relationships we build with other people are often both the most rewarding and most challenging areas of life – and sometimes, it’s the same relationship that covers both ends of the spectrum! It’s hard trying to figure out how to navigate our relationships when they don’t go smoothly. That’s where Dana Corey, the Modern Relationship Expert, comes in.

Our best relationships become a wellspring of energy that we can tap at any time: to get things done, to heal, or even just to unwind. When we struggle with relationship issues, most of us tend to blame it on our partners. The truth is, having a good relationship is almost never about “fixing” the other person. It’s about you. Who you identify as, what you want, and more than anything, what you’re choosing to do in your life right now.

Join us for this sure to be amazing event. Register here:

Dec 5, 2013
Portland’s New Paid Sick Leave Ordinance | A TAO HR Forum Event

TAO members helping TAO members!

Jackson Lewis attorneys Sarah J. Ryan (current chair of the TAO HR Forum) and Mark Crabtree will present an overview of Portland’s new Paid Sick Leave Ordinance. The presenters will describe upcoming changes that every employer with Portland operations and those with employees who spend occasional time in Portland will need to consider in advance of, and once the new law becomes effective on January 1, 2014.

The overview will include a discussion about best practices for coordinating existing PTO and sick leave policies with the new law, the changing landscape of managing employee attendance and details about the tracking, posting and notice requirements under the new law. Come get your questions answered and ensure your sick leave policy and practices will satisfy the new requirements. Doors will open at 7:30 and the program will begin promptly at 8 a.m. and end by 9 a.m. An additional half hour will be allowed for additional questions and answers. Coffee and snacks will be provided.

Details: When: Thursday, December 5, 2013 Time: 7:30 - 9:30 AM (coffee and snacks will be provided)

Cost: This event is free, courtesy of Jackson Lewis and Webtrends, and a double room has been reserved so you can bring team members. However, pre-registration is required so we can plan for space.

Jan 8, 2014
CHIFOO First Meeting of 2014!
Connective DX Community Room

DIY Storytelling With Video with Julie Yamamoto, CMD Agency

To kick off this year’s series on storytelling, we’ll try on a few constructs for size. In this discussion, we will review a variety of ways to structure narratives, from the common to the complex, paired with examples from our current digital environment. Attendees will have the opportunity to survey different forms of storytelling and determine if some may work for their organizations’ needs. Hands-on talk about how to use video capture equipment and editing for storytelling and capturing user experiences for design, usability, research, social sharing and other needs.

Feb 5, 2014
CHIFOO Meeting, Persona Stories: Weaving Together Qual and Quant for a Richer Picture
Connective DX Community Room

Persona Stories: Weaving Together Qual and Quant for a Richer Picture with Whitney Quesenbery,

Stories have power to add empathy and connection to our work. They can help us learn about people, culture, and context—why, when, and how our products might be used—and share this with a design team. Stories permeate UX techniques from user stories to storyboards. They come to full power when used with personas: the persona provides a fully envisioned lead character for the story, a perspective through which interactions can be explored, and a voice for the emotional reactions to design ideas.

Creating stories for personas is a craft. They are not fiction, but are grounded in the data and user research that informs the persona. They are not fact, but are imagined events, shaped to explore possibilities. They are realistic, but not perhaps real, because they represent not just one individual or event, but something that might happen, and that provides insights into a user experience.

We’ll look at some structures that are helpful in crafting persona stories. And at questions like whether to write in first, second, or third person—and when each is valuable. We’ll create a quick story and share it, showing how impromptu stories can help in design sessions.

Mar 5, 2014
CHIFOO Meeting: Show, Don’t Tell: Storytelling Experience Design in Modern Comics
Connective DX Community Room

Show, Don’t Tell: Storytelling Experience Design in Modern Comics with Mike Lonergan, Intel

Comics are a collaborative storytelling effort—many talented individuals contribute to the success or failure of each comic book, much as a good design team leverages complementary talents in delivering a stunning product. When their talents are combined, the writer (information architect) and artists (visual designers) attract attention and deliver the mood and flow (interaction design) to pull the reader along a highly stylized, deliberate path. Mike will take you on an illuminating journey of discovery, highlighting his favorite design techniques in comics that facilitate not just the mechanics of reading but the pure enjoyment of these colorful stories.

Along the way, you’ll be granted a tour of comic book storytelling techniques that can enrich your design communications such as story boarding, visual cues and iconography and unique ways to show your users the happy path without having to tell them.

Mar 20, 2014
YESpdx | Portland Entrepreneurs Night Out
Doug Fir Lounge

Join YESpdx for our most popular event: Mix & Mingle | Portland Entrepreneurs Night Out. Last time we packed the house, so this time we're getting a larger venue. Join us on March 20th at the Doug Fir and meet fellow entrepreneurs, startup founders and potential collaborators, friends or investors. You never know who you're going to meet at these things, but you're guaranteed to have a good time! RSVP today and PUT IT ON YOUR DAMN CALENDAR because this thing is going to sell out. Sponsors include Oregon Entrepreneurs Network and NedSpace. Free. Ages 21+

YESpdx is a social club for young entrepreneurs in Portland. Our mission is to bring young entrepreneurs and innovators together and to foster collaboration, community and growth.

Mar 21, 2014
Bridging the Digital and Physical Divide
PCC Cascade Campus

Hear Portland’s own Second Story Studio, SapientNitro Matt Arnold and David Waingarten present their approach to creating narrative spaces and interactive digital art.

Apr 1, 2014
iOS Launch Party: Lokani Entertainment
On Deck Sports Bar

After 200,000 organic downloads on Android, Lokani Addicting Space Runner is now coming to iOS.

Founder Clint Bowers is speaking at Innovation In Motion at Puppet Labs 6:00pm - 7:30p on how he was able to create his first app with a marketer's mindset focusing on the goal of getting to data as soon as possible, as affordably as possible.

Join the panel for some very interesting insights then head over with us for some good times!

Innovation in Motion:

iTunes Link:

Apr 2, 2014
CHIFOO Meeting: Ducks, Dolls & Robots: a Genealogy of Socio-Technical Anxieties

Ducks, Dolls & Robots: a Genealogy of Socio-Technical Anxieties with Dr. Genevieve Bell, Intel

The introductions of new technologies are rarely seamless and silent affairs. There are the inevitable boosters and utopian dreamers who will tell us and sell us on the notion that this new technology will change our lives, in both big and small ways: we will be cleaner, safer, happier, more efficient, more productive, and of course, more modern with all that implies. The message here is everything will be different, better. There are also the equally inevitable naysayers and dystopian dreamers who worry along equally familiar but slightly different lines: we will be less social, less secure, more isolated, and more homogenous. The message here is everything will be different, but perhaps not so much better. Of course, running in between these larger conversations are the practicalities of living with new technologies—how much does it cost? where does it live? who should look after it? what will we will do with it? and, in the end, what will we do without it?

Perhaps it is no surprise then that we worry, that new technologies are frequently accompanied by anxiety, and sometimes even fear. In this talk, Genevieve traces the roots of these hopes, fears and anxieties back through our history with machines—Vaucason’s Duck, Edison’s Talking Doll, the tea-cup robots of the Edo-period in Japan, Frankenstein’s monster and Ned Ludd’s polemics are all part of this story. She takes an expansive view, crossing cultures and historical periods, to create a genealogy of our socio-technical anxieties. Ultimately, she suggests a framework for making sense of these anxieties, and in so doing, a new way of thinking about the next generation of technologies we are designing.

Apr 12, 2014
ProductCamp Portland 3.0
Southridge High School, Beaverton

Join us at ProductCamp Portland 3.0, Portland's annual "unconference', now in its third year, where product managers, product marketers and product developers unite.

Why attend?
ProductCamp is a user-driven “unconference” that brings together passionate product managers and marketers who are interested in collaborating to share insights, learning best practices, and networking with other top professionals in the Portland product community. You decide the topics, you pick the agenda, you participate in making this unconference a great learning opportunity.

Ready to participate?
Register for ProductCamp Portland 3.0:

Submit a topic:

Learn more about facilitating a discussion:

We look forward to your participation.

Thanks to our Sponsors!

  • Pragmatic Marketing
  • Jama
  • Rally Software
  • ADP
  • AudaExplore
  • Proficientz
  • PDMA Oregon
  • Pichler Consulting
  • Blackblot
  • SVPG Silicon Valley Product Group
  • Actuation Consulting
  • Brainsnacks Cafe
  • Mironov Consulting
Northwest Regional Women in Computing 2014: Women Pioneering Innovation
DoubleTree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Portland - Lloyd Center

The Northwest Regional Women in Computing (NWrWIC) Celebration focuses on empowering and encouraging women to enter the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields, particularly computer science. The conference brings together students from universities and high schools, with industry leaders from the private and public sectors to engage and inspire the next generation of leaders to play an active role in shaping the future of computing and technology. register here:

Northwest Regional Women in Computing 2014: Women Pioneering Innovation
DoubleTree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Portland - Lloyd Center

The Northwest Regional Women in Computing (NWrWIC) Celebration focuses on empowering and encouraging women to enter the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields, particularly computer science. The conference brings together students from universities and high schools, with industry leaders from the private and public sectors to engage and inspire the next generation of leaders to play an active role in shaping the future of computing and technology.

The 2014 conference is the third annual event. Our mission is to encourage women to pursue and build successful careers in computing and technology by improving their educational experience and engagement with industry leaders. With less than 30% of STEM jobs filled by women, the industry is lacking full representation of the world’s views. This lack of diversity inhibits industry’s innovation potential. Our effort recognizes and empowers women who are part of the computing industry and celebrates all who are supporters of them.

If you are the following, then you would want to come:

  • College professionals
  • industry leaders
  • Job seekers
  • STEM/Technology leaders
  • Thought leaders
  • Professors
  • Teachers
  • High School STEM students (must be accompanied by guardian)

Register for an early bird special until March 12th:

Apr 30, 2014
Animation with 3D Printers
PCC Cascade Moriarty Arts Building Auditorium

Rob Ducey will present the digital design and puppet fabrication process used for Laika’s first three film productions, with many images and examples from ParaNorman. A 3D stop-motion animated comedy horror family film, ParaNorman is the first stop-motion film to use a 3D color printer to create character faces, and the second stop motion film to be shot in 3D! It received nominations for the 2012 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and the BAFTA Award for Best Animated Film.

May 7, 2014
Esri R&D Center Brand New Office Party!
Esri Portland R&D Center

Come Celebrate our new Office!

After Portland startup Geoloqi joined Esri in 2012, our office has grown from 6 to 20 people and our current space didn't fit everyone! This year, we found an awesome new space downtown and moved into a new, permanent location. Now that we're all settled into our new space, we'd love to invite you to join us in celebrating growth, community and all things geo! We'll have Legos, toys, and even a custom-built Settler's of Catan board for you to play! Feel free to bring other board games if you'd like.


RSVP on EventBrite so we can make sure we have enough drinks and light snacks (gluten free) for everyone! We are using Eventbrite to track RSVPs, if you know you are coming please reserve a ticket! In addition to celebrating Esri R&D Center Portland's new office, we will be celebrating Geoloqi's 4th year anniversary, as well as both Amber Case's and Patrick Arlt's birthday!

Who is invited?

The entire Portland tech community is invited, as well as friends and family of the Esri R&D Center team!

We have all of you to thank for helping us get where we are today. Special thanks to TiE, PIE, PSF, PDC for funding us, providing mentorship and being patient with our crazy vision this entire time. It's been 4 years since Geoloqi started, and almost 2 since we've been a part of Esri!

In town for Write the Docs, Monitorama or Webvisions? Feel free to join us as well!

RSVP on Eventbrite.

CHIFOO Meeting: Speaking the Language of Meta-Principles: Consistency, Hierarchy, and Personality
Connective DX Community Room

Speaking the Language of Meta-Principles: Consistency, Hierarchy, and Personality with Deborah Levinson, Nimble Partners

When designing or redesigning an application, Nimble Partners focuses on three core principles: consistency, hierarchy, and personality. We can think of these principles as if they’re part of a language. Consistency and hierarchy are the grammar people learn while using an application: the basic elements that define how a language is spoken. The “words” we speak—that is, the visual design characteristics we choose to convey a message—create an application’s personality. These principles are so fundamental to creating successful interfaces that we call them “meta-principles.” While technology that affects interfaces changes, the underlying meta-principles hold true.

Nimble Partners arrived at these three meta-principles after years of heuristic reviews, usability studies, and informal observation of digital applications. In this talk, Deborah will introduce these principles and show how they apply in examples, including a case study redesign of a web and mobile application to help users track diet and exercise.

Jun 4, 2014
CHIFOO Meeting: Epic FAIL: Takeways from the War Stories Project

Epic FAIL: Takeways from the War Stories Project with Steve Portigal, Portigal Consulting

After nearly two years in gathering War Stories about the unusual, comic, tragic and otherwise astonishing things that happen in fieldwork, Portigal Consulting has amassed a compelling archive about the user research experience. While it’s common for the members of any group to share stories of their adventures, the user research community hasn’t supported this well. For a practice that feels misunderstood by others, there’s pressure to only share successes. Yet the confidence to share the honest and human messiness of this work can help develop the skill and even prestige of the community.

In this presentation, Steve will review some of the stories collected, highlight some of the patterns revealed by the stories, and suggest some of the lessons that we can take away. We’ll also feature live storytelling from a couple of local user researchers, sharing their own War Stories. Meanwhile, we invite you to contribute your own fieldwork War Story (about contextual research only, please) here.

Jun 7, 2014
Hike for Portland
Lower Macleay Park Trailhead

Sometimes hackers gotta hike. Come brave the outside world and talk about open trail data with Code for Portland this Saturday!


We're going on a hike! We'll be taking the Lower Macleay and Wildwood Trails through parts of Forest Park. It's a beautiful but easy route, with a few different stopping points. Feel free to come just to stretch your legs for a bit, or to hike all the way to the Hoyt Arboretum.

We will be testing two different apps built during Code for Portland's recent Civic Hackathon. The first app (built for iOS) helps people find just the right trail based on their needs and interests. The second app helps hikers and trail managers photograph trailheads and document amenities available on site.

When & Where

At 10am, we will be meeting at the Macleay Park Entrance, located at the cul-de-sac dead end of NW Upshur St. The trailhead is an easy walk from the NS streetcar line.

More info about the location and trail can be found here:

We will get going pretty promptly from there. The hike will last any where from 45 minutes to a couple of hours, depending on where you want to stop.


Anybody! Feel free to bring your friends and family. We will have tech folks, outdoorsy folks and representatives from the public land agencies in the group.


Hackathons are great for building prototypes and building community -- but they are just the beginning. This hike is a way to continue the relationships we began at National Day of Civic Hacking, and to test the software that was developed. It's also going to be fun!

Jun 12, 2014
Ziba Panel Series: The Service Economy
Ziba Auditorium

Our economy has become a service economy. The shift away from manufacturing has been happening for some time, but lately the pace of change is increasing. New offerings make it easier and cheaper for individuals to become service providers, and expanding networks are changing the business landscape day by day. The level of coherency consumers demand across an ever-increasing range of digital and analog interactions is on the rise, too. Established businesses complain of being internally siloed, or not nimble enough to keep up; agile startups struggle to escape price wars in commodified industries. The challenge for organizations large and small is actually the same: how do we connect better? How can we mean more?

The answer lies in understanding the nature of change, which our panel will investigate:

--How can businesses learn to identify when change presents opportunity?

--What does it take to continually understand and adapt to changing customers?

--How do businesses know what to change to stay relevant?

Innovation is essential to meeting today’s challenges through new services or reimagining mature offerings. The changes demanded aren’t limited to improving existing service offerings: innovation is the crucial ingredient to keep meeting changing markets and improve bottom lines, online or in person. We hope you’ll join us for our discussion about what it means to keep up (and forge ahead) in the service economy.


Katie Dill, Head of Experience Design Airbnb As the Head of AirBnB's Experience Design, Katie leads the interaction and visual design team defining Airbnb’s digital products and services. She joined AirBnB from Greenstart venture design where, as a Partner and Creative Director, she worked with early stage startups to design their user experience and brand strategy. Katie's expertise includes interaction and industrial design, business strategy and user research.

Cliff Kuang, Senior Editor WIRED Cliff is an articles editor at WIRED, where he oversees design coverage in-print and online. He also oversees WIRED's homepage and its business coverage online. Previously, he was design editor at Fast Company, where he founded its award-winning spin-off site, Co.Design.

Cale Thompson, Creative Director Ziba Design Cale Thompson is a creative director at Ziba, providing relevant and compelling insights that inspire, inform and affect innovative products and services. He leads multidisciplinary teams of designers and researchers to develop innovative new experiences for businesses.

Jun 21, 2014
Wiki Loves Pride (Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon)
Portland State University (PSU) - Smith Memorial Center

Please join us on Saturday, June 21, 2014 from noon–4pm at Smith Memorial Student Union, Room 236 (Portland State University) for an edit-a-thon being hosted as part of Wiki Loves Pride, a global campaign to expand and improve LGBT-related content on Wikipedia. Prior Wikipedia editing is not required; assistance will be available the day of the event. Attendees should bring their own laptops and power cords.

Jun 24, 2014
Open Source Bridge 2014
through Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Open Source Bridge is an open source developers conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share their knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen.

Find out more at

Jun 27, 2014
Inside the Developer's Studio, with special guest Tony Falco
Portland Code School

Starting this month, Portland Code School will host a monthly public event called "Inside the Developer's Studio." Taking a note from the popular, similarly-named TV show (Inside the Actor's Studio), Cris Kelly, Director of PCS, interviews a dev, or someone in Portland's tech scene, to get to know the guest both personally and professionally. Through the interview, we hear their stories and experiences; we learn from their mistakes and successes; and we learn more about ourselves and our community, as we discover how they arrived in Portland's rousing tech arena, and how they're contributing to it.

This month's guest is Tony Falco, CEO and co-founder of Orchestrate. A database veteran and serial entrepreneur, Tony built Orchestrate after noticing hundreds of companies unnecessarily duplicate database infrastructure time and again. Previously, he co-founded Basho Technologies, creators of the NoSQL database Riak, where he served as COO. Prior, he was VP of Product Management and Technical Services at Akamai Technologies, which he helped grow to an annual revenue of over $200 million.

Spread the word! Invite your friends and colleagues! Bring your questions and your lunch into our spacious classroom over Friday's lunch hour, Noon to 1pm. Q&A opportunities at the end of the interview.

Jul 2, 2014
Hack the People Mentor Night - July Meetup is FULL
New Relic

Tonight's Presentation: Evaluating Technologies - FULL

Please RSVP via the group's Meetup page [use the above link] as there are a limited number of particpants.

Welcome members of Hack The People Portland!

We are a group of makers, hackers, coders, programmers, and technologists that want to contribute to the tech community by providing a place to learn from others.

ALL ARE WELCOME, regardless of skill level, gender, ethnicity, religion, or any other demographic category.

Our meetups are intimate events designed to help create relationships between junior and senior people in various tech fields. Hack The People is looking for both mentees and mentors to attend our events. The events will focus around lightning talks about your projects and goals.

Here is what you can expect at this meetup:

  • Refreshments/Pizza

  • Keynote Presenter: David Stocker

  • Lightning Discussion where everyone gets to participate!

  • Drinks at Bailey's

During our lightning discussion, you will get to talk about a project you are working on, a personal goal, social/cultural issues you are experiencing, or other things of importance to you. Everyone in the group will have the opportunity to offer you an insight, a resource, a contact, or other things a good mentor might offer. And you in turn will get to offer assistance to others. Everyone is here to help one another, and ALL skill levels are welcome!

We will meet afterward at Bailey's to network and get to know each other more while enjoying a drink.

Please be punctual as we start on time and move through each portion in a timely manner.

This event has a limited number of seats, so don't miss out and make sure to reserve your spot!

Learn more about us at!

Next Meetup Date: August 6th with Presenter Howard Abrams

Jul 9, 2014
CHIFOO Meeting: Give Dimensions, a Face, and a Beating Heart to Projects Through Storytelling
Connective DX Community Room

Give Dimensions, a Face, and a Beating Heart to Projects Through Storytelling with Leah Noble Davidson,

Since qualitative research, or market research, can largely be spit out by a computer, we’ll take a look at how one can move beyond big data and do what a computer cannot do—go inside the head of a person and learn about their motivations and goals. Humanity’s experience is constantly shifting and so is the motivation behind our fears and goals, and that shift changes how we experience and use things. Story allows one to put a finger on that pulse. Story gets right to the bottom of things, it uncovers how the user will actually use the product in this time/place, how they will experience it in their lives, in their own home/office etc. Story is research above market “fill in the blank” research. It exposes rituals, and when one works to streamline those rituals, innovation enters. Discovering this level of story has another great benefit: it can be used to created scene stealing pitches in front of clients. One can stand in front a user or a client and paint out the story of how this will be a great new part of their lives.

Jul 16, 2014
OR Angel Fund Fast-Pitch Wednesday
Perkins Coie (PDX) / OAF

Fast Pitch Wednesday July 16, 4-6pm, reception following At Oregon Angel Fund / Perkins Coie LLP 1120 NW Couch, 10th floor No fee.

Registration required as space is limited. In the “message” space, please write the name of your (proposed) business:

If you have any questions, please contact Lynn Fletcher: [email protected]

Who should attend? Please come if you are starting a business or thinking about starting a business and would like informal feedback and advice from active members of the Oregon Angel Fund. No business or idea is too early or incomplete for this session.

Learn about the different types of investors and funding that might be available. Find out if you’ve got something that could be fundable by OAF or others. Discover who in town might be candidates to serve as advisors and coaches for your business.

85% of OAF investors have started or run a business at some point in their career and this will be a no-pressure, informal way to get early feedback from these local entrepreneur and tech leaders.

Format: - Beer and wine. - Short OAF overview. - Panel on what OAF and angels look for. - OAF investors meet individually with entrepreneurs at designated stations.
- More beer and wine.

Looking forward to seeing you there. -Eric Rosenfeld

Aug 4, 2014
PDX Women Founders Forum
AJC outdoor gallery space


Hi All -

Are you all ready for summer? Our August event is a summer cocktail party with several opportunities to connect, get to know each other more and catch up. In short, networking at its best.

Success in business depends on the quality and quantity of our relationships. We are most of the time so busy running our businesses, that we don't focus enough energy on the critical aspect of building rapport. With the Women Founders Forum, we intend to create a place to share ideas, learn and grow our businesses. It's a place for building trusted professional relationships to further our business and professional development

VENUE: AJ of AJC Photography ( has kindly offered her outdoor gallery space for our event. The address is 333 NW 9th St., but we'll have the doors open on the 10th avenue side. We'll be in the downstairs gallery space. It's in the same courtyard as Isabel Restaurant and Imelda's shoes, between NW Everett and Flanders. When you arrive you can buzz the concierge to be let in, or just come around to the 10th Avenue side where we'll have the gallery doors open. Event starts at 6pm with networking and goes on until later in the night... We'll conclude the evening with more networking until 9pm.

Don't forget to register at:

Aug 15, 2014
through OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)

TechfestNW is a gathering of leading thinkers, startups and established companies showcasing the Pacific Northwest’s talent and innovation and Portland as a digital and cultural hub. TechfestNW kicked off in 2012 to bring together technology, design, creativity, entrepreneurship, education, career opportunities and talent. It runs in conjunction with MusicfestNW, one of the largest independent music festivals in the United States. According to Fortune magazine, “Tech may have found its next SXSW.”

Held August 15-16, TechfestNW 2014 includes well honed speaker programming, a talent and exhibition fair, and plenty of networking opportunities.

Tickets on sale now $99 for both days. Tickets to TechfestNW talent fair only are $10.

TechFestNW Talent Fair - 20+ PDX Companies Hiring
through OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)

Find Your Next Tech Job at TechfestNW

Looking for a job in tech? The Talent Fair at TFNW is here to help connect you with the right opportunities at the right time.

From August 15-16 at OMSI, come meet, mingle and network with some of the Pacific NW’s best employers.

The following companies will be in attendance and are aggressively hiring in the field of digital craft and looking for qualified candidates: programmers, developers, engineers, coders, brand strategists, and more.

Companies Hiring: Act-On AppNexus Aruba CorSource CrowdCompass Daimler Elemental Idealist iGrafx Incomm Digital Solutions Jama Monsoon Commerce Multnomah County Nike Puppet Labs Simple Smarsh Treehouse Urban Airship

Partners: Code Guild Epicodus OHSU Oregon Tech OSU College of Business Portland Code School PSU School of Engineering

Cost is only $10

Official TechFestNW After Party
through Pure Space 1315 NW Overton St Portland, OR 97209


Join TechFestNW and 800+ attendees and experience Portland’s Silicon Forest at an unforgettable party.

Your ticket includes 2 free cocktails, appetizers, and an all access pass.

Official TechFestNW After Party Featuring PHANTOGRAM


Join TechFestNW and 800+ attendees and experience Portland’s Silicon Forest at an unforgettable party featuring the one and only PHANTOGRAM.

Your ticket includes 2 free cocktails, appetizers, and an all access pass to see PHANTOGRAM perform live before they headline at MusicFestNW the next day.

Aug 22, 2014
Portland F# Meetup
Incomm Digital Solutions

Let's meet up and chat about F# in the web world.

Ryan Riley (@panesofglass) is a proud member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie class of ‘01, a Visual F# MVP, and Engineer for Tachyus, a start-up using F# to profoundly revolutionize the oil & gas industry. He runs the Community for F# virtual user group and serves on the management committee for the Open Web Interface for .NET (OWIN) specification.

F# on the Web

Most people think of F# as good at math or complex problem solving. It is actually a fantastic for a very wide array of tasks, including web programming, which helped the start-up Tachyus go from 0 to production in 12 weeks. In this talk, we'll compare and contrast a web application written in familiar C# patterns with various features provided by F#, including function composition, computation expressions (async), type providers, and active patterns. We'll also cover differences in application design patterns.

Since Ryan is remote, we're going to host this in Google Hangouts, so even if you're not able to physically make it to the hangout, come join us! It is going to be a great time. Looking forward to see everybody there!

Sep 8, 2014
Portland Seed Fund- Pitch for a Beer!
McMennamins Ringler's

Working on a startup? Have an interesting business idea that's going to disrupt the market?

Come enjoy pizza and beer on us and pitch that idea to Portland Seed Fund, a professionally managed early-venture fund with 46 seed and early stage investments.

You'll have two minutes to pitch PSF alumni, fund managers and mentors, with one tough question served up by a panel of Portland Seed Fund portfolio founders. There will also be time for you to learn more about becoming a Portland Seed Fund company from the alumni who've been through it.

Space is limited and exclusive to those pitching; pre-registration required:

When: Monday September 8, 2014

Time: 5:00pm-7:30pm

Where: McMenamins Ringlers Pub (NOT Annex)

1332 W Burnside St, Portland, OR 97209

Questions? Please email us at: [email protected]

Learn more about Portland Seed Fund:

This event is a lot of fun, don't miss it!

Sep 10, 2014
CHIFOO Meeting: Lost But Not Forgotten: The Thanhouser Studio
Connective DX Community Room

Lost But Not Forgetten: The Thanhouser Studio Ned Thanhouser, Thanhouser Films

Film history has forgotten the pioneering productions created by the Thanhouser studio that operated in New Rochelle, New York during the birth of cinema in America. From 1910 to 1917 the Thanhouser studio produced and released more than 1,000 films, of which some 220 have survived. Reconstructing the history of his grandfather’s studio and the stories behind key executives, actors, technicians, directors, and the films they made has been Ned Thanhouser’s focus for more than 25 years. He will share these stories, as well as the challenges posed by decades of changing video technology and the surprising results of making the films available for free online.

About the Speaker Ned Thanhouser (@nthanhou) is the grandson of silent film pioneers Gertrude and Edwin Thanhouser and is president of Thanhouser Company Film Preservation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Since 1986, he has been actively involved in the research, acquisition, preservation and publication of the history, surviving films, and related ephemera from the Thanhouser studio that operated in New Rochelle, NY from 1909 to 1918. He is a member of Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) and the Society of Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS) and has presented and published research papers at the SCMS conferences (2005, 2013), the AMIA Journal The Moving Image (2011), the Women and the Silent Screen conference (2006), and the Domitor conference (2012). He is also co-founder and vice-president of the International Youth Silent Film Festival which organizes competitions for filmmakers age 20 and under to create modern versions of silent films.

Sep 30, 2014
I Have an Idea! Now What?
Tonkon Torp LLP

Join us for a panel discussion with experienced entrepreneurs who have successfully made the transition from great idea to actual company.

Courtney Couch - Co-founder and CEO of Muut, Inc., a discussion platform. Has been building companies and teams from conception to exit for 15 years.

Summer Kramer - Founder and President of SummerSkin, a startup company that sells sun protective clothing. Inspired by her personal experience and pharmaceutical background to develop a fashionable, luxury fabric clothing line that protects skin from UV rays.

Allen Alley - Co-Founder, former CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Pixelworks, a fabless semiconductor company that went public in 2000. Allen has over 30 years of experience with private and public companies, and has worked as both an investor and entrepreneur. Serves on the board of the Technology Association of Oregon.

Tom Kingsley - Co-founder and CEO of CrowdCompass, which makes smartphone apps for conferences. In 2012, the company was purchased by Cvent. Currently advises several startup entities and entrepreneurs regarding development of their business.

AGENDA: 4:00 PM - Registration & Snacks; 4:15 PM - Program; 5:15 PM - Reception; 6:00 PM - Close

Oct 5, 2014
CHIFOO Workshop: Fieldwork 4 Human Computer Interaction (1 of 4)
Connective DX Community Room

Fieldwork for Human Computer Interaction: A 4-Part Workshop on Ethnographically-Informed Fieldwork

Sara Bly and Françoise Brun-Cottan

A growing number of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers and practitioners use the results of fieldwork to guide the design and evaluate the user experience of interactive systems and technologies. Why? Because data about real people in real situations spurs creativity and innovation around practical challenges, resulting in more useful and usable artifacts.

Fieldwork for HCI typically consists of firsthand observations made in the naturally occurring environment of use (as opposed to studies performed in a controlled environment). Many techniques are adapted from anthropology – particularly ethnography.

As the mobile app and manufacturing industries grow in Oregon, UX designers are increasingly recruited from out-of-state. The Computer-Human Interaction Forum of Oregon - CHIFOO - recognizes a local need for more basic training in this area.

Workshop Format This practicum is a new offering by CHIFOO, separate from the popular monthly guest lecture series. Developed with industry experts Sara Bly and Françoise Brun-Cottan, this unique pilot program serves as a first test model for future educational programs by CHIFOO.

To conduct fieldwork well, the researcher needs the knowledge, ability and access to observe the activities and complexities of people within the context of their day-to-day pursuits. This makes it difficult to practice in a classroom-only or online environment. The methodology is best learned by apprenticeship and experience.

Each session builds on the prior one. Participants are expected to attend three private classroom sessions, to complete group assignments in between, and to ‘report out’ on the experience in teams at the last session, an open CHIFOO event. Sessions will be held:

  • Sunday, October 5, 12-4 pm
  • Wednesday, October 15 6-9 pm
  • Wednesday, October 29, 6-9 pm
  • Wednesday, November 12, 6-9 pm

Who Should Participate? The practicum is tailored especially towards locals who seek a better command and understanding of the skills utilized by User Experience Analysts, Design Engineers, and Interaction Designers.

To make the learning experience as rich, collaborative and personalized as possible, the # of participants is capped at 16. Group exercises are designed to be completed in teams of 2-4.

About the Instructors

Dr. Sara Bly – Head Instructor – Sara Bly has been an active researcher and practitioner in qualitative user studies for more than 25 years. Ethnographically-informed fieldwork is a major component of her user experience studies, which focus on understanding the context of an activity as well as the specific user task. During Sara’s tenure at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, she served on multi-disciplinary teams with anthropologists, designers, and computer scientists. Sara has worked in a variety of companies and development teams, and has experience teaching user study techniques for both industry and academia. She holds a PhD in Computer Science from University of California, Davis. Currently Sara Bly lives in Oregon and consults nationally.

Francoise Brun-Cottan, Phd – Instructor - Anthropologist Francoise Brun-Cottan spent over a decade as a Work Place Ethnographer and Interaction Analyst with Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center). Specialties include:

Integration of ethnographic insights with engineering research, product/services development and design to inform innovation. Ethnography - Observation and interviewing, analysis and representations of work practices and user experience. Video ethnography Conversation and Interaction Analysis Work Practice and Participatory Design Studies. Currently Francoise Brun-Cottan consults for libraries, government agencies, large corporations and research agencies.

Clodine Mallinckrodt – Facilitator – From Wall Street to MarCom Way, Clodine Mallinckrodt’s varied background spans the early days of interactive multimedia and distance learning to data security and strategy consulting. Currently, Clodine is Manager of Ambulatory Reporting & Analytics for Providence Health & Services, where she enjoys enabling analyst teams to deliver data visualization and exploration tools to healthcare executives throughout the west. She helped develop new Providence Consumer Segments, is a GE-certified Change Facilitator, and trained in Lean. Based in Portland, OR, Clodine Mallinckrodt is Program Co-Chair for CHIFOO.

Register Online Be an Early Bird! Get the best price by registering before August 20.

Oct 8, 2014
CHIFOO Meeting: Art of Articulation

Art of Articulation with Lee Fain, Electrolux

Products, services and technology have a political gauntlet to conquer before they make their first appearance in the marketplace. Often the first line of defense in a corporate environment is the internal audience and invested key stakeholders.

Developing the solution is not enough. How you communicate the idea is just as important as the solution itself. Communicating your approach at the right time with the right mediums, and using the right level of fidelity to motivate the audience into action is an art. One needs to be an effective persuader. One needs to be a provocateur.

About the Speaker Lee Fain (@houseoffain) leverages the process of design provocation to develop compelling stories of technology while building deeper relationships within 3M’s culture of innovation. He currently leads design-centric initiatives for 3M’s Electronics & Energy Business Group based in Saint Paul, MN. His expertise is in contextualizing material science solutions through the tools of design and articulating big stories of innovation with high fidelity video productions.

Before this role, Lee was a strategic designer within 3M’s Consumer Business Group where he developed product design strategies for brands including Post-it and Scotch. His experience over the past 10 years ranged from website development for the US Air Force in Aviano, Italy to appliance design for General Electric to expanding intellectual property claims on emerging technologies. Most recently his design thinking was highlighted in a book titled: Solving Problems with Design Thinking: Ten Stories of What Works (Columbia University Press).

Lee Fain received a Master of Fine Arts in Industrial Design from the Savannah College of Art and Design and a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from Campbell University in North Carolina. He lives in Saint Paul, Minnesota enjoying its tropical climate with his wife and two children.

Oct 11, 2014
Graphic Portland Festival
Old Church

A community driven competition that challenges participants through the use of Video, Lighting, and Interactive Media to stimulate the creation of spectacular illumination installations.

Oct 15, 2014
CHIFOO Workshop: Fieldwork 4 Human Computer Interaction (2 of 4)
Connective DX Community Room

Fieldwork for Human Computer Interaction: A 4-Part Workshop on Ethnographically-Informed Fieldwork

A growing number of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers and practitioners use the results of fieldwork to guide the design and evaluate the user experience of interactive systems and technologies. Why? Because data about real people in real situations spurs creativity and innovation around practical challenges, resulting in more useful and usable artifacts.

Fieldwork for HCI typically consists of firsthand observations made in the naturally occurring environment of use (as opposed to studies performed in a controlled environment). Many techniques are adapted from anthropology – particularly ethnography.

As the mobile app and manufacturing industries grow in Oregon, UX designers are increasingly recruited from out-of-state. The Computer-Human Interaction Forum of Oregon - CHIFOO - recognizes a local need for more basic training in this area.

Workshop Format This practicum is a new offering by CHIFOO, separate from the popular monthly guest lecture series. Developed with industry experts Sara Bly and Françoise Brun-Cottan, this unique pilot program serves as a first test model for future educational programs by CHIFOO.

To conduct fieldwork well, the researcher needs the knowledge, ability and access to observe the activities and complexities of people within the context of their day-to-day pursuits. This makes it difficult to practice in a classroom-only or online environment. The methodology is best learned by apprenticeship and experience.

Each session builds on the prior one. Participants are expected to attend three private classroom sessions, to complete group assignments in between, and to ‘report out’ on the experience in teams at the last session, an open CHIFOO event. Sessions will be held:

Sunday, October 5, 12-4 pm Wednesday, October 15 6-9 pm Wednesday, October 29, 6-9 pm Wednesday, November 12, 6-9 pm

Who Should Participate? The practicum is tailored especially towards locals who seek a better command and understanding of the skills utilized by User Experience Analysts, Design Engineers, and Interaction Designers.

To make the learning experience as rich, collaborative and personalized as possible, the # of participants is capped at 16. Group exercises are designed to be completed in teams of 2-4.

About the Instructors

Dr. Sara Bly – Head Instructor – Sara Bly has been an active researcher and practitioner in qualitative user studies for more than 25 years. Ethnographically-informed fieldwork is a major component of her user experience studies, which focus on understanding the context of an activity as well as the specific user task. During Sara’s tenure at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, she served on multi-disciplinary teams with anthropologists, designers, and computer scientists. Sara has worked in a variety of companies and development teams, and has experience teaching user study techniques for both industry and academia. She holds a PhD in Computer Science from University of California, Davis. Currently Sara Bly lives in Oregon and consults nationally.

Francoise Brun-Cottan, Phd – Instructor - Anthropologist Francoise Brun-Cottan spent over a decade as a Work Place Ethnographer and Interaction Analyst with Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center). Specialties include:

Integration of ethnographic insights with engineering research, product/services development and design to inform innovation. Ethnography - Observation and interviewing, analysis and representations of work practices and user experience. Video ethnography Conversation and Interaction Analysis Work Practice and Participatory Design Studies. Currently Francoise Brun-Cottan consults for libraries, government agencies, large corporations and research agencies.

Clodine Mallinckrodt – Facilitator – From Wall Street to MarCom Way, Clodine Mallinckrodt’s varied background spans the early days of interactive multimedia and distance learning to data security and strategy consulting. Currently, Clodine is Manager of Ambulatory Reporting & Analytics for Providence Health & Services, where she enjoys enabling analyst teams to deliver data visualization and exploration tools to healthcare executives throughout the west. She helped develop new Providence Consumer Segments, is a GE-certified Change Facilitator, and trained in Lean. Based in Portland, OR, Clodine Mallinckrodt is Program Co-Chair for CHIFOO.

Register Online Be an Early Bird! Get the best price by registering before August 20.

Oct 18, 2014
Portland Open Studios
through All over Portland

Portland Open Studios provides opportunity for everyone to visit artists and see them at work.

Oct 29, 2014
CHIFOO Workshop: Fieldwork 4 Human Computer Interaction (3 of 4)
Connective DX Community Room

Fieldwork for Human Computer Interaction: A 4-Part Workshop on Ethnographically-Informed Fieldwork

Sara Bly and Françoise Brun-Cottan

A growing number of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers and practitioners use the results of fieldwork to guide the design and evaluate the user experience of interactive systems and technologies. Why? Because data about real people in real situations spurs creativity and innovation around practical challenges, resulting in more useful and usable artifacts.

Fieldwork for HCI typically consists of firsthand observations made in the naturally occurring environment of use (as opposed to studies performed in a controlled environment). Many techniques are adapted from anthropology – particularly ethnography.

As the mobile app and manufacturing industries grow in Oregon, UX designers are increasingly recruited from out-of-state. The Computer-Human Interaction Forum of Oregon - CHIFOO - recognizes a local need for more basic training in this area.

Workshop Format This practicum is a new offering by CHIFOO, separate from the popular monthly guest lecture series. Developed with industry experts Sara Bly and Françoise Brun-Cottan, this unique pilot program serves as a first test model for future educational programs by CHIFOO.

To conduct fieldwork well, the researcher needs the knowledge, ability and access to observe the activities and complexities of people within the context of their day-to-day pursuits. This makes it difficult to practice in a classroom-only or online environment. The methodology is best learned by apprenticeship and experience.

Each session builds on the prior one. Participants are expected to attend three private classroom sessions, to complete group assignments in between, and to ‘report out’ on the experience in teams at the last session, an open CHIFOO event. Sessions will be held:

Sunday, October 5, 12-4 pm Wednesday, October 15 6-9 pm Wednesday, October 29, 6-9 pm Wednesday, November 12, 6-9 pm

Who Should Participate? The practicum is tailored especially towards locals who seek a better command and understanding of the skills utilized by User Experience Analysts, Design Engineers, and Interaction Designers.

To make the learning experience as rich, collaborative and personalized as possible, the # of participants is capped at 16. Group exercises are designed to be completed in teams of 2-4.

About the Instructors

Dr. Sara Bly – Head Instructor – Sara Bly has been an active researcher and practitioner in qualitative user studies for more than 25 years. Ethnographically-informed fieldwork is a major component of her user experience studies, which focus on understanding the context of an activity as well as the specific user task. During Sara’s tenure at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, she served on multi-disciplinary teams with anthropologists, designers, and computer scientists. Sara has worked in a variety of companies and development teams, and has experience teaching user study techniques for both industry and academia. She holds a PhD in Computer Science from University of California, Davis. Currently Sara Bly lives in Oregon and consults nationally.

Francoise Brun-Cottan, Phd – Instructor - Anthropologist Francoise Brun-Cottan spent over a decade as a Work Place Ethnographer and Interaction Analyst with Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center). Specialties include:

Integration of ethnographic insights with engineering research, product/services development and design to inform innovation. Ethnography - Observation and interviewing, analysis and representations of work practices and user experience. Video ethnography Conversation and Interaction Analysis Work Practice and Participatory Design Studies. Currently Francoise Brun-Cottan consults for libraries, government agencies, large corporations and research agencies.

Clodine Mallinckrodt – Facilitator – From Wall Street to MarCom Way, Clodine Mallinckrodt’s varied background spans the early days of interactive multimedia and distance learning to data security and strategy consulting. Currently, Clodine is Manager of Ambulatory Reporting & Analytics for Providence Health & Services, where she enjoys enabling analyst teams to deliver data visualization and exploration tools to healthcare executives throughout the west. She helped develop new Providence Consumer Segments, is a GE-certified Change Facilitator, and trained in Lean. Based in Portland, OR, Clodine Mallinckrodt is Program Co-Chair for CHIFOO.

Register Online Be an Early Bird! Get the best price by registering before August 20.

Nov 5, 2014
Website Law Part 3 - Buying or Selling a Website
Tonkon Torp LLP

This session will focus on representations and warranties, assignments of domain names, potential exposure related to open source code in website software, and the IP/website due diligence process.

CHIFOO Meeting: Big Story, Little Story
The Art Institute of Portland - Open Space

Big Story, Little Story with Jason Sack, Wieden+Kennedy

Working the last couple years in a building full of storytellers, Jason Sack has learned how powerful narrative can be in creating great products and experiences. Selling an idea, creating a sense of drama, and maintaining engagement in an experience all stand to benefit from a better understanding of storytelling. Because UX people are uniquely positioned to work across disciplines, we can act as stewards of our stories as well as those of our users. Using examples and anecdotes, Jason will walk through a variety of ways we can bring the larger story to life while reinforcing it down to the smallest interactions.

About the Speaker Jason Sack (@jasonsack) is currently Lead User Experience Designer at the global agency Wieden + Kennedy. He moved to Portland two years ago from the Bay area, where he led design teams at notable Silicon Valley companies such as Adobe and Apple. He has worked with Nike, American Express, 3M, Imation, General Mills, and many more.

Sack began his design career in Minneapolis, where he built the User Experience practice at digital agency space150. He studied at the University of Minnesota and California State University, and has taught interactive design at the Art Institutes International.

Jason is a passionate advocate of human-centered design, and has spoken throughout the country about emotional design, user experience, and innovation. When he’s not working Jason composes music, hacks wireless children’s toys, and writes an occasional post in his blog at

Nov 12, 2014
CHIFOO Workshop: Fieldwork 4 Human Computer Interaction (4 of 4)
Connective DX Community Room

Fieldwork for Human Computer Interaction: A 4-Part Workshop on Ethnographically-Informed Fieldwork

Sara Bly and Françoise Brun-Cottan

A growing number of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers and practitioners use the results of fieldwork to guide the design and evaluate the user experience of interactive systems and technologies. Why? Because data about real people in real situations spurs creativity and innovation around practical challenges, resulting in more useful and usable artifacts.

Fieldwork for HCI typically consists of firsthand observations made in the naturally occurring environment of use (as opposed to studies performed in a controlled environment). Many techniques are adapted from anthropology – particularly ethnography.

As the mobile app and manufacturing industries grow in Oregon, UX designers are increasingly recruited from out-of-state. The Computer-Human Interaction Forum of Oregon - CHIFOO - recognizes a local need for more basic training in this area.

Workshop Format This practicum is a new offering by CHIFOO, separate from the popular monthly guest lecture series. Developed with industry experts Sara Bly and Françoise Brun-Cottan, this unique pilot program serves as a first test model for future educational programs by CHIFOO.

To conduct fieldwork well, the researcher needs the knowledge, ability and access to observe the activities and complexities of people within the context of their day-to-day pursuits. This makes it difficult to practice in a classroom-only or online environment. The methodology is best learned by apprenticeship and experience.

Each session builds on the prior one. Participants are expected to attend three private classroom sessions, to complete group assignments in between, and to ‘report out’ on the experience in teams at the last session, an open CHIFOO event. Sessions will be held:

Sunday, October 5, 12-4 pm Wednesday, October 15 6-9 pm Wednesday, October 29, 6-9 pm Wednesday, November 12, 6-9 pm

Who Should Participate? The practicum is tailored especially towards locals who seek a better command and understanding of the skills utilized by User Experience Analysts, Design Engineers, and Interaction Designers.

To make the learning experience as rich, collaborative and personalized as possible, the # of participants is capped at 16. Group exercises are designed to be completed in teams of 2-4.

About the Instructors

Dr. Sara Bly – Head Instructor – Sara Bly has been an active researcher and practitioner in qualitative user studies for more than 25 years. Ethnographically-informed fieldwork is a major component of her user experience studies, which focus on understanding the context of an activity as well as the specific user task. During Sara’s tenure at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, she served on multi-disciplinary teams with anthropologists, designers, and computer scientists. Sara has worked in a variety of companies and development teams, and has experience teaching user study techniques for both industry and academia. She holds a PhD in Computer Science from University of California, Davis. Currently Sara Bly lives in Oregon and consults nationally.

Francoise Brun-Cottan, Phd – Instructor - Anthropologist Francoise Brun-Cottan spent over a decade as a Work Place Ethnographer and Interaction Analyst with Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center). Specialties include:

Integration of ethnographic insights with engineering research, product/services development and design to inform innovation. Ethnography - Observation and interviewing, analysis and representations of work practices and user experience. Video ethnography Conversation and Interaction Analysis Work Practice and Participatory Design Studies. Currently Francoise Brun-Cottan consults for libraries, government agencies, large corporations and research agencies.

Clodine Mallinckrodt – Facilitator – From Wall Street to MarCom Way, Clodine Mallinckrodt’s varied background spans the early days of interactive multimedia and distance learning to data security and strategy consulting. Currently, Clodine is Manager of Ambulatory Reporting & Analytics for Providence Health & Services, where she enjoys enabling analyst teams to deliver data visualization and exploration tools to healthcare executives throughout the west. She helped develop new Providence Consumer Segments, is a GE-certified Change Facilitator, and trained in Lean. Based in Portland, OR, Clodine Mallinckrodt is Program Co-Chair for CHIFOO.

Register Online Be an Early Bird! Get the best price by registering before August 20.

Nov 13, 2014
Elasticsearch Portlandia Meetup (CANCELLED)
Jama South

This event has been cancelled due to weather.

Come hang out with Steve Mayzak, Director of Solutions Architecture at Elasticsearch and see live demos of newly-released Kibana 4 Beta 1. Food and drink provided.

Dec 8, 2014
SharePoint 2013 End User Training Course
SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for individual contributors or departmental staff in a variety of job roles, such as content author, reviewer, approver, visitor, business users with basic SharePoint skills, and who have the responsibility for managing SharePoint sites as an enabling technology within their workgroups and teams, not necessarily power user or site builder. This course provides a comprehensive SharePoint training that will present students with a ground-up understanding for how to use SharePoint Server 2013 site or sub-sites.

Dec 9, 2014
SharePoint 2013 Power User Training
SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for individual contributors or departmental staff in a variety of job roles, such as content managers, site owners, site administrators, project managers, administrative assistants, functional or operations managers, business users with basic SharePoint skills, and who have the responsibility for managing SharePoint sites as an enabling technology within their work groups and teams, not necessarily technical professionals. This course provides a comprehensive SharePoint training that will present students with a ground-up understanding for how to use, build and manage sites in a SharePoint 2013 environment.

(End time adjusted to keep event from overrunning calendar display)

Portland Elasticsearch Meetup: Jeff Bryner from Mozilla, Kibana 4 and Shield Preview
Jama South

Join us at Jama South for food, drink, and Elasticsearch discussion.

Our Guest Speaker: Jeff Bryner ( @0x7eff ) is a 20+year infosec veteran/addict. Speaker at 3 DEF CONs, 3 Bsides, and 1 RSA (but he didn't mean it), he stands accused of re-writing everything in python, integrating security tools into 3D worlds with kinectasploit and taunting the Demo Gods in every presentation.

His Presentation: Hackers have all the fun. With slick, integrated, real-time, open suites like metasploit, armitage, SET, and lair they quickly seek out targets, share exploits, gain footholds and usually win.

The time has come for defense to get the same capabilities in an open-source platform dedicated to defense and based on modern technology. To this end the operations security group at Mozilla has developed MozDef: The Mozilla Defense Platform to take on traditional SIEM functionality of event management, alerting and correlation and expand the real-time capabilities of the defender into automated defense and shared incident response.

This presentation will cover the MozDef platform, its use of Elasticsearch and it's SIEM capabilities with as much live demo as the gods will allow.

The rest of the Agenda:

We also plan on going deep on Kibana 4, the powerful new version of Kibana that takes advantage of the aggregations API in Elasticsearch. A rewrite from the ground up, visualizations are now powered by D3js and provides an enhances workflow capability allowing you to Discover, Visualize and Dashboard your data for insights.

Shield is right around the corner and we will be giving an intro to it at the meetup. Learn how to enable access control, document level security, SSL and more!

We will also have a few Elasticsearch Solution Architects in town so its a great chance to get your questions answered by people that are in the field every day helping customers succeed with Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (The ELK Stack).

Hope to see you all there!

Dec 12, 2014
Project Management in SharePoint 2013
SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for Project Managers looking to leverage and understand SharePoint 2013 to create and design portals and sites designed to equip them and their team with a platform to manage projects. This course guides them through the various collaboration tools that can be leveraged to define and build reusable templates for Project Sites in SharePoint 2013. This course assumes some prior understanding and experience with SharePoint 2013.

Jan 7, 2015
Code Oregon Meetup
The Gameroom

Gameroom PDX is hosting a meet-up every other Wednesday

Learn to make websites and apps on Treehouse for free by signing up with Code Oregon!

For more information and to register to attend, visit:

If you are not yet a Code Oregon participant, visit to sign up for free and it takes about 30 seconds.

CHIFOO Meeting: Play Matters
Connective DX Community Room

Play Matters with David Galiel, Elbowfish

David will share how emerging developments in HCI are creating virtual civic spaces. Learn how David and Elbowfish succeed in applying game-inspired approaches to improving work, converting customers to fans, and harnessing the power of community.

Jan 21, 2015
Code Oregon Meetup
The Gameroom

Gameroom PDX is hosting a meet-up every other Wednesday

Learn to make websites and apps on Treehouse for free by signing up with Code Oregon!

For more information and to register to attend, visit:

If you are not yet a Code Oregon participant, visit to sign up for free and it takes about 30 seconds.

Jan 29, 2015
Circle Up Networking: Ask less, Give more
Starve Ups Garage (331 NE Hancock Street, Portland)

TED talk + effective networking! Join speaker Yasmin Nguyen as he gives a TED-style talk designed to help you learn how to attract more business, inspire donors, and build avid brand champions who will share your stories over and over by “asking less and giving more.”

Following the talk, attendees will participate in circle up's effective master mind circles which are designed to create authentic business connections. Plus- paleo catering!

Grab your ticket today at:

Yasmin Nguyen is a Portland-based philanthropist, social innovator, and strategic storytelling expert who helps business and nonprofits emotionally connect with their audiences through stories, technology, and partnerships to generates sales, relationships and support. He is the founder of Vibrance Global, Supper for Stars, and Philanthropy Talk, which brings together business, community and nonprofit leaders together to share ideas, insights, and feedback to better serve our community. Bringing together over 18 years in entrepreneurship, communications strategy, online marketing and design, video production, investing, relationship building, and coaching, Yasmin shares a unique perspective that connects the dots between relevant ideas for audiences. His mission is to facilitate more giving in our lives, community and world.

Feb 4, 2015
Code Oregon Meetup
The Gameroom

Gameroom PDX is hosting a meet-up every other Wednesday

Learn to make websites and apps on Treehouse for free by signing up with Code Oregon!

For more information and to register to attend, visit:

If you are not yet a Code Oregon participant, visit to sign up for free and it takes about 30 seconds.

Crowdfunding 101
1422 Southwest 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97201

Want to launch your idea,startup and need the support of your community? Crowdfunding might be the solution. Join us for a discussion around crowdfunding.

Lets explore what crowdfunding is and what it is not. We will explore the good and the bad of crowdfunding.

We ask for a 15$ donation to cover venue and refreshments.

Feb 11, 2015
OEN PubTalk: How to Grow Your Startup by 16,000 Percent in Three Years
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Ever wonder what it takes to make Inc. 5000‘s list of the 10 fastest-growing private companies in America? Cliff Johnson, COO and co-founder of Vacasa, is here to tell you. Of course, there’s no “secret sauce,” but Cliff will share the challenges, successes, and lessons learned in the six years since co-founding this wildly popular vacation rental startup.

Feb 18, 2015
Code Oregon Meetup
The Gameroom

Gameroom PDX is hosting a meet-up every other Wednesday

Learn to make websites and apps on Treehouse for free by signing up with Code Oregon!

For more information and to register to attend, visit:

If you are not yet a Code Oregon participant, visit to sign up for free and it takes about 30 seconds.

Feb 23, 2015
ChickTech Indiegogo Campaign Release Party

Join us at ChickTech to celebrate the release of our Indiegogo Campaign and to participate in spreading the word!

We need your help to make this campaign a success. Join us for some pizza and beer, watch our Indiegogo video, and bring your laptops and smartphones to help us spread the word about this campaign to anyone and everyone.

Crowdfunding 101
Online Webinar

Want to launch your idea, startup and need the support of your community? Crowdfunding might be the solution. Join us for a discussion around crowdfunding.

We will help you find answers to these questions:

  1. Is crowdfunding right for me?
  2. What is the best crowdfunding platform for me?
  3. How do I know what financial goal to set?
  4. Can I run the campaign solo or should I have a team?
  5. What is the small and the big picture of crowdfunding?
  6. What myths of crowdfunding?
  7. What are the top 5 biggest mistakes of a successful crowdfunding campaign?
  8. What are the 3 circles of crowdfunding?

Lets explore what crowdfunding is and what it is not. We will explore the good and the bad of crowdfunding.

Feb 27, 2015
"3 Year Forecast on Technology", a talk by Dr. Brent Wilson.
310 SW 4th Ave Suite 230

Join us this Friday (March 27) at The Tech Academy for a special talk by Dr. Brent Wilson (Professor of Computer Science, George Fox University) for a look into the future of technology.

Mar 4, 2015
Code Oregon Meetup
The Gameroom

Gameroom PDX is hosting a meet-up every other Wednesday

Learn to make websites and apps on Treehouse for free by signing up with Code Oregon!

For more information and to register to attend, visit:

If you are not yet a Code Oregon participant, visit to sign up for free and it takes about 30 seconds.

Mar 5, 2015
ng-conf Extended PDX
through CSG Pro

The biggest Angular conference in the world, ng-conf is taking place in two weeks in Salt Lake City. This year, they're allowing remote locations to live stream and we're opening our office in the Pearl for the full two day event. If you have members of your group that would be interested in attending, tickets are $20 and include full day access both Thursday and Friday, coffee in the am, lunches and a custom conference t-shirt.

Here is the link to our event sign up page:


Alexis Milbourn / Marketing Coordinator

CSG Pro } Serving our clients since 1993 734 NW 14th Ave. Portland, OR 97209 / {503} 445-6306 /

Mar 12, 2015
WORKSHOP – Experience Lab Usability Clinic

The Experience Lab team evaluates the usability of your website, product or prototype and recommend both quick fixes and the next best steps for development.

We address 3-4 projects per clinic, so advance evaluation reservations are recommended.

You can contact us about an upcoming session if you would like us to address your project.

Our Hatch workshops are not confidential: community members are invited to attend the discussions!

This workshop is open to the public. Please RSVP here:

Information Session - Code Fellows: Learn to Code. Get a Job. Guaranteed.
Code Fellows

Come have a beer, meet our staff, chat with alumni, see our new downtown space, and learn about our course offerings. We'll also tell you about our job offer guarantee! Please RSVP here:

Mar 18, 2015
Code Oregon Meetup
The Gameroom

Gameroom PDX is hosting a meet-up every other Wednesday

Learn to make websites and apps on Treehouse for free by signing up with Code Oregon!

For more information and to register to attend, visit:

If you are not yet a Code Oregon participant, visit to sign up for free and it takes about 30 seconds.

Mar 31, 2015
Startup 411 – “How to Start” Workshop
Miller Nash

Got an idea for a startup, but don’t know where to start? This workshop, hosted by OEN and OTBC, will provide an overview of local resources, along with a checklist of steps to take as you build out your plan.

Apr 1, 2015
Code Oregon Meetup
The Gameroom

Gameroom PDX is hosting a meet-up every other Wednesday

Learn to make websites and apps on Treehouse for free by signing up with Code Oregon!

For more information and to register to attend, visit:

If you are not yet a Code Oregon participant, visit to sign up for free and it takes about 30 seconds.

CHIFOO Meeting: If It Isn’t Fun, No One Will Care
The Art Institute of Portland - Open Space

"If It Isn’t Fun, No One Will Care" with Grant Roberts, E-Line Media

Grant will share a variety of game and human-computer interaction design insights from his long career in the video game industry — which has featured Marvel Comics games for kids, free-to-play games for phones, big-budget sequels for the hardcore, and casino games for the bargain bin.

Apr 8, 2015
OEN PubTalk: How to Win Investors and Keep Them Loving You
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

An ideal investor-entrepreneur relationship is not merely transactional. Taking on investors is a long-term commitment that, like any relationship, requires a foundation of communication, trust, and shared values and goals.

So, how do you not only win over investors, but keep them loving you? Join us at our April PubTalk to hear about the love story between Sseko Designs and Skyline Capital.

As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m. The program will kick off around 6:00 p.m. with five-minute pitches from Jennifer Pereau of Rawdacious Desserts and Reggie Senegal of SnapLaces. We’ll then proceed to our panel and will wrap up at 7:00 p.m., including time for audience Q&A.

Cost: $10 for OEN members; $20 for non-members

Register at:

Apr 9, 2015
Code Fellows Info Sesh for Prospective Students, Teachers, Mentors, Guest Speakers!
Code Fellows

Come join us for a beer (or a Coca Cola) and learn all about Portland's newest code school.

This is an info session for prospective students and also for those interested in teaching, mentoring, speaking or leading workshops.

Come see our space, meet our staff and alumni, and ask any questions you may have!

Code Fellows teaches beginning and advanced coding (1-2 years of experience) and has a job offer guarantee for graduates of its Development Accelerator courses: get an offer within 9 months of graduating, or your tuition money back.

RSVP here:

Apr 11, 2015
Cascadia Cypherpunk Convergence
Portland State University

A cypherpunk is someone who uses cryptography and similar methods to achieve societal and political change.

Over the last two decades we have seen the Internet transformed from a tool of emancipation to the most insidious threat to human liberty the world has ever seen. But amidst the seemingly intractable rise of a transnational surveillance society, there is a small spark of hope endowed on us through the power of mathematics. It is possible to formulate a math problem (an algorithm) so difficult that even the mightiest superpower cannot decipher it. It is this fundamental property of our physical universe that provides some measure of hope in what otherwise seems to be very dark times.

Through this conference we hope to increase how networked our movement is and raise public awareness about issues of privacy, technology and social change in the digital age.

Apr 13, 2015
SharePoint 2013 Power User Training
through SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for individual contributors or departmental staff in a variety of job roles, such as content managers, site owners, site administrators, project managers, administrative assistants, functional or operations managers, business users with basic SharePoint skills, and who have the responsibility for managing SharePoint sites as an enabling technology within their work groups and teams, not necessarily technical professionals. This course provides a comprehensive SharePoint training that will present students with a ground-up understanding for how to use, build and manage sites in a SharePoint 2013 environment.

(End time adjusted to keep event from overrunning calendar display)

Apr 18, 2015
Northwest Regional Women in Computing Conference
Intel Hawthorn Farms 3 (HF3) Campus

The Northwest Regional Women in Computing (NWrWIC) Celebration focuses on empowering and encouraging women to enter the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields, particularly computer science. The conference brings together students from universities and high schools, with industry leaders from the private and public sectors to engage and inspire the next generation of leaders to play an active role in shaping the future of computing and technology.

The 2015 conference is the fourth annual event. Our mission is to encourage women to pursue and build successful careers in computing and technology by improving their educational experience and engagement with industry leaders. With less than 30% of STEM jobs filled by women, the industry is lacking full representation of the world’s views. This lack of diversity inhibits industry’s innovation potential. Our effort recognizes and empowers women who are part of the computing industry and celebrates all who are supporters of them.

If you are the following, then you would want to come:

College professionals
industry leaders
Job seekers
STEM/Technology leaders
Thought leaders
High School STEM students (must be accompanied by guardian)

Register for the event at:

Apr 22, 2015
OEN’s Angel Oregon Spring 2015 Showcase
The Sentinel (formerly The Governor Hotel)

OEN’s Angel Oregon Showcase is your opportunity to nurture breakthrough ideas, discover new markets, and make invaluable business connections. Join over 300 investors, entrepreneurs, and business leaders to get a sneak peek at Oregon’s most exciting up-and-coming companies!

This fun, fast-paced event will feature pitches from 12 entrepreneurs, who are doing everything from unobtrusively monitoring the elderly, to redefining the cast iron frying pan, to pairing up college study buddies.

You'll also hear from internationally acclaimed startup guru Ekaterina Walter, who will be delivering the keynote address. At the end of the day, we'll be announcing the winner of OEN's Angel Oregon Spring 2015 Investment Program. You'll get to see which of the three presenting finalists will walk away with the Big Check.

Of course, securing investment is not the only way for an early-stage startup to fundraise—to that end, you'll also hear from Ryan Grepper of the 'Coolest' cooler and other local entrepreneurs who have launched and run massively successful crowdfunding campaigns.

May 5, 2015
Beer and Blog Redux!
Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub

Come hang out with old and new friends alike at a reprise of the event that brought so many of us together! Come to a special Beer and Blog back at the place where it all began: Green Dragon! We'll be out back in the patio area.

Haven't been to a Beer and Blog before? It's easy - if you're part of the Portland tech community (or new the Portland) and would like to meet some new people, come on over! Especially if you like beers and blogs!

Science on Tap - Energy from PDX Compost
Clinton Street Theater

DATE: Tuesday, May 5, 2015

TIME: Doors at 6 p.m. event at 7 p.m.

LOCATION: Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton Street, Portland, Ore.

COST: $8 online advance tickets, $10* suggested cover at the door

FOOD & DRINK: Beer, wine, popcorn, and snacks available. You’re welcome to bring food into the theater with you.


Food scraps comprise almost one-fifth of the amount of material our region sends to landfills every year – enough to fill 5000 long-haul trucks. These food scraps can provide compost, energy and other benefits to communities, but what are the most desirable environmental and economic approaches to dealing with this resource? What impact do food scraps have on the climate, water supplies, energy, and food security?

David Allaway, senior policy analyst with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, will share insights for different ways of dealing with food scraps while reducing what we throw away.

This event is part of Metro’s Let’s Talk Trash series designed to engage you in discussions that help shape how our region manages its waste in the future.

Event Website

Science on Tap is a science lecture series where you can sit back, enjoy a pint, and laugh while you learn. Listen to experts talk about the science in your neighborhood and around the world. You don’t have to be a science geek to have fun—all you need is a thirst for knowledge!

*A note on the suggested cover at the door: Science on Tap is mostly supported by money collected at the door. It is committed to offering educational opportunities to adults who want to learn, so if $10 is a hardship for you, please come anyway and donate what you can.

May 6, 2015
CHIFOO Meeting: Gamers Succeed Where Scientists Don’t- Combining Humans and Computers to Solve Scientific Problems
Connective DX Community Room

“Gamers Succeed Where Scientists Don’t- Combining Humans and Computers to Solve Scientific Problems” with Seth Cooper, Center for Game Science, Northeastern University

Rather than solving problems with a purely computational approach, combining humans and computers can provide a means for solving problems neither could solve alone. Seth will describe the challenges of mapping real-world problems onto games and ways to address these challenges. Further, Seth will discuss other current problem solving game projects and future possibilities.

May 15, 2015
SharePoint 2013 Site Design, Customization & Branding Training
SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This course is the place to learn SharePoint customization, branding and best practices on SharePoint 2013 from industry experts and Microsoft MVPs.

Audience: Administrators, Architects, Developers, Designers and Power Users . All the labs are done using SharePoint and SharePoint Designer 2013.

Duration - 1 Day Offered live ONLINE.


COST • Online: $585.00

Course Outline

Module 1 – SharePoint 2013 Branding What’s New in 2013 Branding

Module 2 – SharePoint 2013 Sites Publishing sites vs. non-publishing sites Solution/Site Templates

Module 3 – Web Designer Galleries – SharePoint Designer 2013 Master Page Page Layout Theme Composed Looks

Module 4 – Look and Feel Design Manager Tree view and Navigation Change the look

Module 5 – SharePoint 2013 Customization Navigation Quick Launch Content Editor Web Part

Module 6 – Responsive Web Design Achieving fluid design with HTML5 Enhancing user interaction with jQuery

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Jun 2, 2015
Science on Tap - Portland Harbor Superfund
Clinton Street Theater

Contamination & the Portland Harbor Superfund: DEQ’s Cleanup Before the Cleanup

LOCATION: Clinton Street Theater, 2522 SE Clinton Street, Portland, Ore.

COST: $8 online advance tickets, $10* suggested cover at the door


With Keith Johnson, DEQ Northwest Region Cleanup Manager, and Alex Liverman, DEQ Portland Harbor Stormwater Coordinator. More details soon!

Science on Tap is a science lecture series where you can sit back, enjoy a pint, and laugh while you learn. Listen to experts talk about the science in your neighborhood and around the world. You don’t have to be a science geek to have fun—all you need is a thirst for knowledge!

*A note on the suggested cover at the door: Science on Tap is mostly supported by money collected at the door. It is committed to offering educational opportunities to adults who want to learn, so if $10 is a hardship for you, please come anyway and donate what you can.

Jun 3, 2015
SharePoint 2013 Development Training
through SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This course is the place to learn development, best practices and business solution building on SharePoint 2013 from industry experts and Microsoft MVPs.

This course is intended for Administrators, Architects, Developers and other IT Professionals. We cover both code (Visual Studio) and no-code (SharePoint Designer) hands-on labs in this course.

Microsoft Certification This course will prepare students for following certifications: 70-488: MCTS: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions 70-489: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Advanced Solutions

Audience: This course is intended for IT Professionals (Administrators, Developers, Architects, Engineering Managers, etc.). Experience building web based applications using HTML, ASP.NET, C# and SQL are beneficial.

  • It is expected that you’re familiar with .Net, HTML, CSS and/or Javascript

Duration: 3 Days Offered live ONLINE or In Our CLASSROOM in Beaverton, Oregon.


COST • Online: $1,585.00 • In Classroom: $1,695.00

Course Outline

Module 1 – Developer Overview New to SharePoint 2013 Updated in SharePoint 2013 Hardware Requirements Software Requirements

Module 2 – Application Development and Tools

Module 3 – App Store Development Build a Simple App in Visual Studio 2012 Deploy New App

Module 4 – SharePoint API Development Server and client side object model JavaScript REST

Module 5 – Developing Remote Event Receivers Create a Remote Event Receiver

Module 6 – Building Workflows Create a Workflow Workflows in Visual Studio

Module 7 – Building Timer Job Create a Timer Job Timer Job in Visual Studio

Module 8 – Developing Web Parts Task 1: Build a Visual Web Part using Visual Studio

Module 9 – Business Connectivity Services Access an External Database using Visual Studio 2012

Module 10 – Client Side and Web Services Application View the site Create a SharePoint Empty Project in Visual Studio Add the Button Code to the Project Deploy the SolutionCreate a New Project and Add a Web Part Add scripting code to access and render SharePoint list data Deploy and test the Web Part

Module 11 – App Development Napa, Visual Studio 2012 Host Web, App Web and Isolated Web Components Authentication and Permissions

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

CHIFOO Meeting: Mental Health & Social Impact Are No Game - Or Are They? (A Two Speaker Event!)
Connective DX Community Room

"Mental Health & Social Impact Are No Game - Or Are They?" with Skyler Corbett, University of Portland Online Learning Development and Yori Kvitchko, SleepNinja Games

CHIFOO 2-for-1! Skyler will cover educational developments in the indie gaming, “You Have Gained A Level - Adding Empathy and Understanding to Online Education”. Yori will be filling in and covering the same topic as Will Lewis. He'll share the pros and cons of applying gameful design to HCI in “Games for Social Good”.

Jun 5, 2015
OEN’s 2015 Entrepreneurial Summit: What’s Your Wilson?

Join us at Castaway on June 5 to hear from 10-15 successful Oregon entrepreneurs about how they persist through hard times. Fuel your own entrepreneurial journey with personal stories of challenge and triumph from Oregon’s Doers and Big Thinkers.

Learn more and register:

Jun 8, 2015
SharePoint Online Development Training
through SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for Developers for SharePoint Online in the Office 365 cloud environment. This one day course defines the development capabilities within SharePoint Online and how various aspects of SharePoint Online can be leveraged for development purposes.

Duration - 2 Days Offered live ONLINE or In Our CLASSROOM in Beaverton, Oregon.


COST • Online: $1185.00 • In Classroom: $1295.00

Course Outline:

Module 1 – Developer Overview New to SharePoint 2013 Updated in SharePoint 2013 Hardware Requirements Software Requirements

Module 2 – Application Development and Tools

Module 3 – SharePoint API Development Client side object model JavaScript REST

Module 4 – Forms InfoPath Form Excel Survey FoSL App Forms (MSAccess)

Module 5 – Developing App Parts Build a Visual Web Part using Visual Studio

Module 6 – Building Workflows Create a Workflow Workflows in Visual Studio

Module 7 – App Store Development Build a Simple App in Visual Studio 2013 Deploy New App

Module 8 – O365 Development Napa, Visual Studio 2013

Module 9 – Mobile App Mobile App Development

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Jun 10, 2015
SharePoint 2013 Power User Training
through SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for individual contributors or departmental staff in a variety of job roles, such as content managers, site owners, site administrators, project managers, administrative assistants, functional or operations managers, business users with basic SharePoint skills, and who have the responsibility for managing SharePoint sites as an enabling technology within their work groups and teams, not necessarily technical professionals. This course provides a comprehensive SharePoint training that will present students with a ground-up understanding for how to use, build and manage sites in a SharePoint 2013 environment.

Duration - 3 Days Offered live ONLINE or In Our CLASSROOM in Beaverton, Oregon.


COST • Online: $1,235.00 • In Classroom: $1,295.00

Course Outline

Day 1 Module 1 – SharePoint 2013, an Introduction What’s New in 2013 User Interface Navigation

Module 2 – My Sites and Social Networking Introduction to MySites, Newsfeeds, One Drive Updating your Social Profile Lab

Module 3 – SharePoint 2013 Sites Introduction to sites, site collections SharePoint Architecture Collaboration, Enterprise and publishing sites Navigation Site Features Site Template Multi-Site Level Recycle Bin Lab

Module 4 – Customizing your SharePoint Site Customizing Themes Defining Layout Navigation Types of Navigation Lab

Module 5 – SharePoint 2013 Lists and Libraries Introduction to Lists and Libraries Columns/Metadata Library Settings List Settings Views Types of Lists Lab

Module 6 – Document Management in SharePoint Managing content Check-in/Check-Out Major and Minor Versioning Content Approval Integration and interface via Office Tools Co-authoring and Office Web Apps Lab

Module 7 – Managing Access / Site Permissions Introduction to Groups and Permission levels Managing User Permissions Create custom Permission Levels Creating Security Groups Managing Group membership Break Permission Inheritance at site, library and item level Lab

Day 2 Module 8 – Introduction to Managed Term Store Term Sets Terms Tags Create managed terms Create Managed Columns Lab

Module 9 – Introduction to Content Types Definition Site Columns Default Content Types and Site Columns Create Content Types Manage and associate Content Types Lab

Module 10 – Web Parts Introduction Types of Web Parts

Module 11 – Creating Custom Pages Introduction to SharePoint page types Organize Web Parts on a Team site home page (wiki page) Adding web parts for existing lists Using the Picture Library and Slideshow to display images Using the Content Query web part to Roll-Up Content Lab

Module 12 – Introduction to Business Intelligence Tools BI Tools Excel Web Part Lab

Day 3 Module 13 – Search and Navigation Search at the Site Collection Level Search Settings at Site level Using the Enterprise Search Center Configure Site Collection to use the Search Center Using the Content Search Web Part Customizing your Search Experience

Module 14 – SharePoint Designer 2013 Introduction to the tool and interface Navigating site elements through designer Creating Site Columns, Content Types and Libraries Lab

Module 15 – Workflows Introduction to Workflows Types of Workflows Out of the box Workflows Implement and define OOB workflows Using the 3-state workflow to manage IT Tickets Custom Workflows Introduction to Actions and Conditions in Designer Creating a custom workflow Lab

Module 16 – InfoPath Business Forms Introduction InfoPath Designer Tool interface Types of Forms in SharePoint Customizing an existing list form Creating an InfoPath Form Library Creating a custom InfoPath Form for use with a Form LibraryCustomizing a Document Information Panel Lab

Module 17 – Governance Governance Overview General Best practices Tips Leveraging what you have learned Labs

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Jun 18, 2015
SharePoint 2013 Business Intelligence and Reporting Training
through SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This SharePoint 2013 training class provides individuals with practical information, exercises and labs that enable them to build reports, dashboards, KPIs, scorecards, charts, power view and power pivot on the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 platform using Dashboard Designer 2013, Excel 2013, Report Builder 3.0 and Visual Studio 2012.

Audience This class is intended for application developers or reporters who use Microsoft SharePoint 2013 in a team-based, medium to large sized development environment. Anyone looking to build reports, dashboard, KPI’s, scorecards, charts, power view, power pivot on the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 platform using Dashboard Designer 2013, Excel 2013, Report Builder 3.0 and Visual Studio 2012.

Goals and Objectives for Attendees Upon Training Completion: Understand the SharePoint Data Source and be able to access it via various protocols. Be able to Work through setting-up a data connection with various options. Ability to Write Excel based reports. Be able to deploy Excel based reports to SharePoint as well as understand Excel web access. Understand how to write Pivot table based report and deploy to it SharePoint. Be able to write Power Pivot based report and deploy it to SharePoint. Ability to write Power View report and deploy it to SharePoint. Understand how to write Dashboard/Scorecards using the Dashboard designer. Ability to access data from PowerPivot or SQL based cube from a custom database. Be able to write SSRS report and deploy them to SharePoint.

Duration - 2 Days Offered live ONLINE or In Our CLASSROOM in Beaverton, Oregon.


COST • Online: $1,185.00 • In Classroom: $1,295.00

Course Outline

Module 1 – Business Intelligence Introduction

Module 2 – Data Connections and Secure Store Service Data Source and Connection Secure Store Service

Module 3 – Excel Services Designing Reports in Excel Reports in SharePoint

Module 4 – Excel with PowerPivot DAX KPIs PowerPivot Management

Module 5 – Reporting Services Report Builder Report Design and Deployment Power View

Module 6 – PerformancePoint Services Dashboard Designer KPIs and KPI details Scorecards Analytical charts Decomposition tree Strategy map

Module 7 – Visio Graphics Service Visio Drawing v/s Web Drawing Data Connections and refresh

Module 8 – Business Data Connectivity Business Data Connectivity Service External List

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Jun 19, 2015
TAO StartUp Roundtable - Non-Members
Technology Association of Oregon

Please register on Eventbrite.

This roundtable is for startup's who are not members of the Technology Association of Oregon. We're looking at ways for TAO to engage in the local startup community and would like to hear why a startup would or would not consider TAO membership.

Attendees will be sent a quick survey about TAO before the round table.

Snacks, coffee, and networking time will be had. You'll also learn about TAO and what we have going on.

If you're a startup we'ed love to have you. For any questions, please email Aaron Epperson at [email protected].

Jun 22, 2015
Project Management in SharePoint 2013
SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for Project Managers looking to leverage and understand SharePoint 2013 to create and design portals and sites designed to equip them and their team with a platform to manage projects. This course guides them through the various collaboration tools that can be leveraged to define and build reusable templates for Project Sites in SharePoint 2013. This course assumes some prior understanding and experience with SharePoint 2013.

Duration - 1 Day Offered live ONLINE.


COST • Online: $435.00

Course Outline:

Module 1- Introduction to SharePoint 2013 Brief Introduction of SharePoint 2013 Project Management

Module 2– Collaboration in SharePoint 2013 Introduction to lists and libraries Collaboration and document management

Module 3 – Project Site in SharePoint 2013 Introduction to Sites Building a new Project Site Site Templates and creating Project Templates

Module 4– Tools for Project Management Project Summary Web part Visual Timeline of the Project’s Tasks Complete Tasks schedule of a Project including sub-tasks Library for storing relevant Project Documents Notebook for quickly capturing and organizing information about the project Shared Calendars for Team Events Site Mailboxes

Module 5– Content Types Leveraging Content Types for Project Management Defining and implementing a standard architecture across projects

Module 6– Leveraging SharePoint Workflows for Project Management Creating custom workflows Project Management scenarios

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Jun 23, 2015
Open Source Bridge 2015
through Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Open Source Bridge is an open source developers' and makers' conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share our knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen.

Find out more at

The call for talks will open in January 2015 and we welcome talks from first-time and experienced speakers!

Jun 26, 2015
SharePoint 2013 Site Design, Customization & Branding Training
SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This course is the place to learn SharePoint customization, branding and best practices on SharePoint 2013 from industry experts and Microsoft MVPs.

Audience: Administrators, Architects, Developers, Designers and Power Users . All the labs are done using SharePoint and SharePoint Designer 2013.

Duration - 1 Day Offered live ONLINE.


COST • Online: $585.00

Course Outline

Module 1 – SharePoint 2013 Branding What’s New in 2013 Branding

Module 2 – SharePoint 2013 Sites Publishing sites vs. non-publishing sites Solution/Site Templates

Module 3 – Web Designer Galleries – SharePoint Designer 2013 Master Page Page Layout Theme Composed Looks

Module 4 – Look and Feel Design Manager Tree view and Navigation Change the look

Module 5 – SharePoint 2013 Customization Navigation Quick Launch Content Editor Web Part

Module 6 – Responsive Web Design Achieving fluid design with HTML5 Enhancing user interaction with jQuery

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Jun 29, 2015
SharePoint 2013 Administrator Training
through SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for SharePoint Power Users who have extensive experience managing SharePoint Sites and Site Collections and working with the various End user based tools such as SharePoint Designer and InfoPath to build custom solutions. This training introduces you to the back end/server side of SharePoint on premise and covers, in detail, the technical architecture and nature of a SharePoint farm. It walks you through setting up, installation and configuration of a full SharePoint 2013 Server farm and then builds on it by presenting the administration, best practices and governance of SharePoint as a Farm administrator.

Microsoft Certification This course will prepare students for following certifications: Exam 70-331: Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Exam 70-332: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013

Audience: This course is intended for Administrators, Architects, Developers and other IT Professionals.

Duration – 3 Days Offered live ONLINE.


COST • Online: $1,485.00

Course Outline:

Day 1 Module 1 – SharePoint Deployment Overview Enterprise Product Architecture Software, Hardware and Virtualization Requirements Enterprise Functional Areas Farm and Service Application Architecture Editions and Licensing

Module 2 – Installation and Configuration Installing Prerequisites Server Farm Installation Web Applications and Site Collection Configuration Configuring Service Applications User Profile Services Search Service Applications Email Configuration Workflow Manager Lab

Module 3 – SharePoint 2013 Deployment Best Practices Information Architecture Service Application Security Web Application, Site Collections, Quotas, and Content Databases

Module 4 – SharePoint Unified Search Configuring Result Sources Search Center Search Navigation Search Refiners Lab

Day 2 Module 5 – Enterprise Metadata Management Managing Metadata Metadata Navigation Metadata Refinement Panel Cross Site Publishing Lab

Module 6 – Introduction to PowerShell Managing content Check-in/Check-Out Major and Minor Versioning Content Approval Integration and interface via Office Tools Co-authoring and Office Web Apps Lab

Module 7 – Managing Access / Site Permissions Introduction to Groups and Permission levels Managing User Permissions Create custom Permission Levels Creating Security Groups Managing Group membership Break Permission Inheritance at site, library and item level Lab

Module 8 – Office Web Apps Prerequisites Office Web Apps Server Creating the Office Web Apps Server Farm Configure Office Web Apps for SharePoint 2013

Day 3 Module 9 – Business Connectivity Services Business Data Catalogue Store Creating External Content Types Permissions and Security Lab

Module 10 – SQL Server Reporting Service Installation Register and Start Create a Reporting Service Application Create a Report

Module 11 – Backup and Restore Backup Architecture and options Recovery Processes Automating Farm Backups using PowerShell and Server Manager Automating SQL Database Backups using PowerShell and Server Manager Lab

Module 12 – Migration SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 In-Place upgrade Database detach/attach upgrade SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 Migration Database detach/Attach upgrade Lab

Module 13 – Governance Project and Operational Management Development and Configuration Infrastructure Operational Concerns Education and Training Navigation, Taxonomy and Search

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Jul 8, 2015
CHIFOO Meeting:’Outside-In’ Engagement: Identity, Transformation, and Agency in Digital Story Based Games
Connective DX Community Room

"’Outside-In’ Engagement: Identity, Transformation, and Agency in Digital Story Based Games” with Josh Tanenbaum, Transformative Play Lab, University of California

Joshua will help us draw on theories of method acting training to investigate how to support the experience of transforming into a character in a digital narrative. Then we'll discuss the relationships between embodied game interfaces, tangible storytelling, game-based-learning, virtual worlds, and nonverbal communication.

Jul 13, 2015
SharePoint 2013 End User Training Course
SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for individual contributors or departmental staff in a variety of job roles, such as content author, reviewer, approver, visitor, business users with basic SharePoint skills and who have the responsibility for managing SharePoint sites as an enabling technology within their workgroups and teams, not necessarily power users or site builders. This course provides a comprehensive SharePoint training that will present students with a ground-up understanding of how to use SharePoint Server 2013 sites or sub-sites.

Duration: 1 Day Offered live ONLINE or In Our CLASSROOM in Beaverton, Oregon.


COST • Online: $435.00 • In Classroom: $485.00

Course Outline

Module 1 – Introduction to SharePoint 2013

Module 2 – SharePoint 2013 Sites Team Site Community Site Blog Site Record Center Site

Module 3 – SharePoint 2013 Libraries Document Library Picture Library Wiki Page Library Form Library

Module 4 – SharePoint 2013 Lists Announcements Links and Promoted Links Calendar Discussion Boards Contacts List Issue Tracking

Module 5 – SharePoint 2013 Search and Navigation Search/Wildcard Filtering Advanced Search

Module 6 – Using SharePoint to Locate and Share Information Share a Team Site Newsfeed Working with My Site

Module 7 – Using Web Apps with Documents Creating New Documents in Word Web App Using SkyDrive Using Version Control Using Content Approval Collaboration using Co-Authoring Check Out and Edit a Document Editing and Co-Authoring an Excel Document Editing and Co-Authoring a Power Point Presentation

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

SharePoint Online Training
through SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for individuals looking to get up to speed on working with SharePoint Online within Office 365. It is geared at people with little or no experience or exposure to SharePoint and is designed to help introduce them to the technology and then walk them through the various facets of it that will empower them to manage and define their content using SharePoint Online. Furthermore, it will empower the user in administering SharePoint Online within Office 365.

In terms of the Feature management and definition, the training is geared towards contributors or departmental staff in a variety of job roles, such as content managers, site owners, site administrators, project managers, administrative assistants, functional or operations managers, business users with basic SharePoint skills, and who have the responsibility for managing SharePoint sites as an enabling technology within their workgroups and teams, not necessarily technical professionals.

This course provides a comprehensive SharePoint training that will present students with a ground-up understanding for how to use, build and manages sites in SharePoint Online the console and Management shell.

Duration - 5 Days Offered live ONLINE or In Our CLASSROOM in Beaverton, Oregon.


COST • Online: $1,185.00 • In Classroom: $1,995.00

Course Outline

Day 1 Module 1 – SharePoint, an Introduction What is SharePoint? User Interface Navigation

Module 2 – My Sites and Social Networking Introduction to MySites, Newsfeeds, One Drive Updating your Social Profile Yammer Lab

Module 3 – SharePoint Lists and Libraries Introduction to Lists and Libraries Working with Lists Working With Libraries

Module 4 – SharePoint Libraries Document Library Picture Library Wiki Pages Library Form Library

Module 5 – SharePoint Lists Announcements Links and Promoted Links Calendar Discussion Boards Contacts Lists Issue Tracking

Module 6 – SharePoint Search & Navigation Search/Wildcard Filtering/Refiners Advanced Search

Module 7 – Working with Documents Creating New Documents in SharePoint Online Via Web Apps Via Office Applications Using One Drive Version Control Co-Authoring

Day 2 Module 8 – Managing SharePoint 2013 Sites Introduction to sites, site collections SharePoint Architecture Collaboration, Enterprise and publishing sites Navigation Site Features Site Templates Multi-Site Level Recycle Bin Lab

Module 9 – Customizing your SharePoint Site Customizing Themes Defining Layout Navigation Types of Navigation Lab

Module 10 – Managing Lists and Libraries Columns/Metadata Library Settings List Settings Views Types of Lists and Libraries Lab

Module 11 – Document Management in SharePoint Managing content Check-in/Check-Out Major and Minor Versioning Content Approval Lab

Module 12 – Managing Access / Site Permissions Introduction to Groups and Permission levels Managing User Permissions Create Custom Permission Levels Creating Security Groups Managing Group Membership Break Permission Inheritance at site, library and item level Lab

Day 3 Module 13 – Introduction to Managed Term Store Term Sets TermsTags Create Managed Terms Create Managed Terms Based Columns Lab

Module 14 – Introduction to Content Types Definition Site Columns Default Content Types and Site Columns Create Content Types Manage and associate Content Types Lab

Module 15 – Web Parts Introduction Types of Web Parts

Module 16 – Creating Custom Pages Introduction to SharePoint page types Organize Web Parts on a Team Site Home Page (wiki page) Adding Web Parts for Existing Lists Using the Picture Library and Slideshow to Display Images Using the Content Query Web Part to Roll-Up Content Lab

Module 17 – Introduction to Business Intelligence Tools BI Tools Excel Web Part Lab

Day 4 Module 18 – Search and Navigation Search at the Site Collection Level Search Settings at Site level Using the Enterprise Search Center Configure Site Collection to Use the Search Center Using the Content Search Web Part Customizing your Search Experience Lab

Module 19 – SharePoint Designer 2013 Introduction to the Tool and Interface Navigating Site Elements Through Designer Creating Site Columns, Content Types and Libraries Lab

Module 20 – Workflows Introduction to Workflows Types of Workflows Out of the Box Workflows Implement and Define OOB Workflows Using the 3-state Workflow to Manage IT Tickets Custom Workflows Introduction to Actions and Conditions in Designer Creating a custom workflow Lab

Module 21 – InfoPath Business Forms Introduction InfoPath Designer Tool Interface Types of Forms in SharePoint Customizing an Existing List Form Creating an InfoPath Form Library Customizing a Document Information Panel Lab

Module 22 – Governance Governance Overview General Best Practices Tips Leveraging What You Have Learned Labs

Day 5 Module 23 – Introduction to Office 365 Design and Architecture Set Up Permissions Lab

Module 24 – Introduction to SharePoint Online Administration SharePoint Online Admin Console Navigating the Interface Lab

Module 25 – Types of SharePoint Site Collections Private Site Collections Public Site Collections

Module 26 – SharePoint Online Settings Tools and Settings for SharePoint Online Creating Site Collections Assigning Storage and Memory

Module 27 – SharePoint Online Management Shell Introduction to the SharePoint Online Management Shell Setup the SharePoint Online Management Shell Windows PowerShell Environment

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Jul 14, 2015
SharePoint 2013 Power User Training
through SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for individual contributors or departmental staff in a variety of job roles, such as content managers, site owners, site administrators, project managers, administrative assistants, functional or operations managers, business users with basic SharePoint skills, and who have the responsibility for managing SharePoint sites as an enabling technology within their work groups and teams, not necessarily technical professionals. This course provides a comprehensive SharePoint training that will present students with a ground-up understanding for how to use, build and manage sites in a SharePoint 2013 environment.

Duration - 3 Days Offered live ONLINE or In Our CLASSROOM in Beaverton, Oregon.


COST • Online: $1,235.00 • In Classroom: $1,295.00

Course Outline

Day 1 Module 1 – SharePoint 2013, an Introduction What’s New in 2013 User Interface Navigation

Module 2 – My Sites and Social Networking Introduction to MySites, Newsfeeds, One Drive Updating your Social Profile Lab

Module 3 – SharePoint 2013 Sites Introduction to sites, site collections SharePoint Architecture Collaboration, Enterprise and publishing sites Navigation Site Features Site Template Multi-Site Level Recycle Bin Lab

Module 4 – Customizing your SharePoint Site Customizing Themes Defining Layout Navigation Types of Navigation Lab

Module 5 – SharePoint 2013 Lists and Libraries Introduction to Lists and Libraries Columns/Metadata Library Settings List Settings Views Types of Lists Lab

Module 6 – Document Management in SharePoint Managing content Check-in/Check-Out Major and Minor Versioning Content Approval Integration and interface via Office Tools Co-authoring and Office Web Apps Lab

Module 7 – Managing Access / Site Permissions Introduction to Groups and Permission levels Managing User Permissions Create custom Permission Levels Creating Security Groups Managing Group membership Break Permission Inheritance at site, library and item level Lab

Day 2 Module 8 – Introduction to Managed Term Store Term Sets Terms Tags Create managed terms Create Managed Columns Lab

Module 9 – Introduction to Content Types Definition Site Columns Default Content Types and Site Columns Create Content Types Manage and associate Content Types Lab

Module 10 – Web Parts Introduction Types of Web Parts

Module 11 – Creating Custom Pages Introduction to SharePoint page types Organize Web Parts on a Team site home page (wiki page) Adding web parts for existing lists Using the Picture Library and Slideshow to display images Using the Content Query web part to Roll-Up Content Lab

Module 12 – Introduction to Business Intelligence Tools BI Tools Excel Web Part Lab

Day 3 Module 13 – Search and Navigation Search at the Site Collection Level Search Settings at Site level Using the Enterprise Search Center Configure Site Collection to use the Search Center Using the Content Search Web Part Customizing your Search Experience

Module 14 – SharePoint Designer 2013 Introduction to the tool and interface Navigating site elements through designer Creating Site Columns, Content Types and Libraries Lab

Module 15 – Workflows Introduction to Workflows Types of Workflows Out of the box Workflows Implement and define OOB workflows Using the 3-state workflow to manage IT Tickets Custom Workflows Introduction to Actions and Conditions in Designer Creating a custom workflow Lab

Module 16 – InfoPath Business Forms Introduction InfoPath Designer Tool interface Types of Forms in SharePoint Customizing an existing list form Creating an InfoPath Form Library Creating a custom InfoPath Form for use with a Form LibraryCustomizing a Document Information Panel Lab

Module 17 – Governance Governance Overview General Best practices Tips Leveraging what you have learned Labs

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Jul 17, 2015
SharePoint Online Administration Training
SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for Administrators for SharePoint Online in the Office 365 Administration Console. This one day course is designed for SharePoint users already familiar with Site Administration and Management. It introduces the user to managing and understanding the Office 365 instance and set up and then trains them on the set up and management capabilities of SharePoint Online and how various aspects of leveraging SharePoint Online via the console and management shell.

Duration - 1 Day Offered live ONLINE or in our CLASSROOM in Beaverton, Oregon.


COST • Online: $435.00 • In Classroom: $485.00

Course Outline:

Module 1 – Introduction to Office 365 Design and Architecture Set up Permissions

Module 2 – Introduction to SharePoint Online Administration SharePoint Online Admin Console Navigating the interface

Module 3 – Types of SharePoint Site Collections Private Site Collections Public Site Collections Lab

Module 4 – SharePoint Online Settings Tools and settings for SharePoint Online Creating Site Collections Assigning Storage and Memory Lab

Module 5 – SharePoint Online Management Shell Introduction to the SharePoint Online management shell Set up the SharePoint Online Management Shell Windows PowerShell environment Lab

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Aug 6, 2015
SharePoint Online Development Training
through SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for Developers for SharePoint Online in the Office 365 cloud environment. This one day course defines the development capabilities within SharePoint Online and how various aspects of SharePoint Online can be leveraged for development purposes.

Duration - 2 Days Offered live ONLINE or In Our CLASSROOM in Beaverton, Oregon.


COST • Online: $1185.00 • In Classroom: $1295.00

Course Outline:

Module 1 – Developer Overview New to SharePoint 2013 Updated in SharePoint 2013 Hardware Requirements Software Requirements

Module 2 – Application Development and Tools

Module 3 – SharePoint API Development Client side object model JavaScript REST

Module 4 – Forms InfoPath Form Excel Survey FoSL App Forms (MSAccess)

Module 5 – Developing App Parts Build a Visual Web Part using Visual Studio

Module 6 – Building Workflows Create a Workflow Workflows in Visual Studio

Module 7 – App Store Development Build a Simple App in Visual Studio 2013 Deploy New App

Module 8 – O365 Development Napa, Visual Studio 2013

Module 9 – Mobile App Mobile App Development

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Aug 10, 2015
Project Management in SharePoint 2013
SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for Project Managers looking to leverage and understand SharePoint 2013 to create and design portals and sites designed to equip them and their team with a platform to manage projects. This course guides them through the various collaboration tools that can be leveraged to define and build reusable templates for Project Sites in SharePoint 2013. This course assumes some prior understanding and experience with SharePoint 2013.

Duration - 1 Day Offered live ONLINE.


COST • Online: $435.00

Course Outline:

Module 1- Introduction to SharePoint 2013 Brief Introduction of SharePoint 2013 Project Management

Module 2– Collaboration in SharePoint 2013 Introduction to lists and libraries Collaboration and document management

Module 3 – Project Site in SharePoint 2013 Introduction to Sites Building a new Project Site Site Templates and creating Project Templates

Module 4– Tools for Project Management Project Summary Web part Visual Timeline of the Project’s Tasks Complete Tasks schedule of a Project including sub-tasks Library for storing relevant Project Documents Notebook for quickly capturing and organizing information about the project Shared Calendars for Team Events Site Mailboxes

Module 5– Content Types Leveraging Content Types for Project Management Defining and implementing a standard architecture across projects

Module 6– Leveraging SharePoint Workflows for Project Management Creating custom workflows Project Management scenarios

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Aug 11, 2015
SharePoint 2013 Administrator Training
through SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for SharePoint Power Users who have extensive experience managing SharePoint Sites and Site Collections and working with the various End user based tools such as SharePoint Designer and InfoPath to build custom solutions. This training introduces you to the back end/server side of SharePoint on premise and covers, in detail, the technical architecture and nature of a SharePoint farm. It walks you through setting up, installation and configuration of a full SharePoint 2013 Server farm and then builds on it by presenting the administration, best practices and governance of SharePoint as a Farm administrator.

Microsoft Certification This course will prepare students for following certifications: Exam 70-331: Core Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Exam 70-332: Advanced Solutions of Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013

Audience: This course is intended for Administrators, Architects, Developers and other IT Professionals.

Duration – 3 Days Offered live ONLINE.


COST • Online: $1,485.00

Course Outline:

Day 1 Module 1 – SharePoint Deployment Overview Enterprise Product Architecture Software, Hardware and Virtualization Requirements Enterprise Functional Areas Farm and Service Application Architecture Editions and Licensing

Module 2 – Installation and Configuration Installing Prerequisites Server Farm Installation Web Applications and Site Collection Configuration Configuring Service Applications User Profile Services Search Service Applications Email Configuration Workflow Manager Lab

Module 3 – SharePoint 2013 Deployment Best Practices Information Architecture Service Application Security Web Application, Site Collections, Quotas, and Content Databases

Module 4 – SharePoint Unified Search Configuring Result Sources Search Center Search Navigation Search Refiners Lab

Day 2 Module 5 – Enterprise Metadata Management Managing Metadata Metadata Navigation Metadata Refinement Panel Cross Site Publishing Lab

Module 6 – Introduction to PowerShell Managing content Check-in/Check-Out Major and Minor Versioning Content Approval Integration and interface via Office Tools Co-authoring and Office Web Apps Lab

Module 7 – Managing Access / Site Permissions Introduction to Groups and Permission levels Managing User Permissions Create custom Permission Levels Creating Security Groups Managing Group membership Break Permission Inheritance at site, library and item level Lab

Module 8 – Office Web Apps Prerequisites Office Web Apps Server Creating the Office Web Apps Server Farm Configure Office Web Apps for SharePoint 2013

Day 3 Module 9 – Business Connectivity Services Business Data Catalogue Store Creating External Content Types Permissions and Security Lab

Module 10 – SQL Server Reporting Service Installation Register and Start Create a Reporting Service Application Create a Report

Module 11 – Backup and Restore Backup Architecture and options Recovery Processes Automating Farm Backups using PowerShell and Server Manager Automating SQL Database Backups using PowerShell and Server Manager Lab

Module 12 – Migration SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 In-Place upgrade Database detach/attach upgrade SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 Migration Database detach/Attach upgrade Lab

Module 13 – Governance Project and Operational Management Development and Configuration Infrastructure Operational Concerns Education and Training Navigation, Taxonomy and Search

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Aug 14, 2015
SharePoint 2013 Site Design, Customization & Branding Training
SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This course is the place to learn SharePoint customization, branding and best practices on SharePoint 2013 from industry experts and Microsoft MVPs.

Audience: Administrators, Architects, Developers, Designers and Power Users . All the labs are done using SharePoint and SharePoint Designer 2013.

Duration - 1 Day Offered live ONLINE.


COST • Online: $585.00

Course Outline

Module 1 – SharePoint 2013 Branding What’s New in 2013 Branding

Module 2 – SharePoint 2013 Sites Publishing sites vs. non-publishing sites Solution/Site Templates

Module 3 – Web Designer Galleries – SharePoint Designer 2013 Master Page Page Layout Theme Composed Looks

Module 4 – Look and Feel Design Manager Tree view and Navigation Change the look

Module 5 – SharePoint 2013 Customization Navigation Quick Launch Content Editor Web Part

Module 6 – Responsive Web Design Achieving fluid design with HTML5 Enhancing user interaction with jQuery

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Aug 19, 2015
SharePoint 2013 Power User Training
through SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This class is designed for individual contributors or departmental staff in a variety of job roles, such as content managers, site owners, site administrators, project managers, administrative assistants, functional or operations managers, business users with basic SharePoint skills, and who have the responsibility for managing SharePoint sites as an enabling technology within their work groups and teams, not necessarily technical professionals. This course provides a comprehensive SharePoint training that will present students with a ground-up understanding for how to use, build and manage sites in a SharePoint 2013 environment.

Duration - 3 Days Offered live ONLINE or In Our CLASSROOM in Beaverton, Oregon.


COST • Online: $1,235.00 • In Classroom: $1,295.00

Course Outline

Day 1 Module 1 – SharePoint 2013, an Introduction What’s New in 2013 User Interface Navigation

Module 2 – My Sites and Social Networking Introduction to MySites, Newsfeeds, One Drive Updating your Social Profile Lab

Module 3 – SharePoint 2013 Sites Introduction to sites, site collections SharePoint Architecture Collaboration, Enterprise and publishing sites Navigation Site Features Site Template Multi-Site Level Recycle Bin Lab

Module 4 – Customizing your SharePoint Site Customizing Themes Defining Layout Navigation Types of Navigation Lab

Module 5 – SharePoint 2013 Lists and Libraries Introduction to Lists and Libraries Columns/Metadata Library Settings List Settings Views Types of Lists Lab

Module 6 – Document Management in SharePoint Managing content Check-in/Check-Out Major and Minor Versioning Content Approval Integration and interface via Office Tools Co-authoring and Office Web Apps Lab

Module 7 – Managing Access / Site Permissions Introduction to Groups and Permission levels Managing User Permissions Create custom Permission Levels Creating Security Groups Managing Group membership Break Permission Inheritance at site, library and item level Lab

Day 2 Module 8 – Introduction to Managed Term Store Term Sets Terms Tags Create managed terms Create Managed Columns Lab

Module 9 – Introduction to Content Types Definition Site Columns Default Content Types and Site Columns Create Content Types Manage and associate Content Types Lab

Module 10 – Web Parts Introduction Types of Web Parts

Module 11 – Creating Custom Pages Introduction to SharePoint page types Organize Web Parts on a Team site home page (wiki page) Adding web parts for existing lists Using the Picture Library and Slideshow to display images Using the Content Query web part to Roll-Up Content Lab

Module 12 – Introduction to Business Intelligence Tools BI Tools Excel Web Part Lab

Day 3 Module 13 – Search and Navigation Search at the Site Collection Level Search Settings at Site level Using the Enterprise Search Center Configure Site Collection to use the Search Center Using the Content Search Web Part Customizing your Search Experience

Module 14 – SharePoint Designer 2013 Introduction to the tool and interface Navigating site elements through designer Creating Site Columns, Content Types and Libraries Lab

Module 15 – Workflows Introduction to Workflows Types of Workflows Out of the box Workflows Implement and define OOB workflows Using the 3-state workflow to manage IT Tickets Custom Workflows Introduction to Actions and Conditions in Designer Creating a custom workflow Lab

Module 16 – InfoPath Business Forms Introduction InfoPath Designer Tool interface Types of Forms in SharePoint Customizing an existing list form Creating an InfoPath Form Library Creating a custom InfoPath Form for use with a Form LibraryCustomizing a Document Information Panel Lab

Module 17 – Governance Governance Overview General Best practices Tips Leveraging what you have learned Labs

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Aug 24, 2015
SharePoint 2013 Development Training
through SharePoint Innovations Headquarters

This course is the place to learn development, best practices and business solution building on SharePoint 2013 from industry experts and Microsoft MVPs.

This course is intended for Administrators, Architects, Developers and other IT Professionals. We cover both code (Visual Studio) and no-code (SharePoint Designer) hands-on labs in this course.

Microsoft Certification This course will prepare students for following certifications: 70-488: MCTS: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Core Solutions 70-489: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Advanced Solutions

Audience: This course is intended for IT Professionals (Administrators, Developers, Architects, Engineering Managers, etc.). Experience building web based applications using HTML, ASP.NET, C# and SQL are beneficial.

  • It is expected that you’re familiar with .Net, HTML, CSS and/or Javascript

Duration: 3 Days Offered live ONLINE or In Our CLASSROOM in Beaverton, Oregon.


COST • Online: $1,585.00 • In Classroom: $1,695.00

Course Outline

Module 1 – Developer Overview New to SharePoint 2013 Updated in SharePoint 2013 Hardware Requirements Software Requirements

Module 2 – Application Development and Tools

Module 3 – App Store Development Build a Simple App in Visual Studio 2012 Deploy New App

Module 4 – SharePoint API Development Server and client side object model JavaScript REST

Module 5 – Developing Remote Event Receivers Create a Remote Event Receiver

Module 6 – Building Workflows Create a Workflow Workflows in Visual Studio

Module 7 – Building Timer Job Create a Timer Job Timer Job in Visual Studio

Module 8 – Developing Web Parts Task 1: Build a Visual Web Part using Visual Studio

Module 9 – Business Connectivity Services Access an External Database using Visual Studio 2012

Module 10 – Client Side and Web Services Application View the site Create a SharePoint Empty Project in Visual Studio Add the Button Code to the Project Deploy the SolutionCreate a New Project and Add a Web Part Add scripting code to access and render SharePoint list data Deploy and test the Web Part

Module 11 – App Development Napa, Visual Studio 2012 Host Web, App Web and Isolated Web Components Authentication and Permissions

QUESTIONS? Email us at [email protected] or visit us online at

Aug 26, 2015
Portland Azure User Group (PAzUG): "Azure Web Apps"
Microsoft Portland Office (Pearl District)

In this session, first we will overview Microsoft Azure and how it fits into PaaS, IaaS and SaaS offerings. Next we will discuss the option of deploying web applications to a PaaS feature named ‘Azure Web Apps’. We will discuss the differences between Azure Cloud Service web applications (web/worker roles) and Web Apps. We will delve in to continuous deployment, diagnostics, monitoring and WebJobs.

This will be presented by Ivan Bondy, Senior Microsoft Consultant and Microsoft Certified Master, and Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer as a Azure Solutions Architect.

Ivan will also be raffling off some high-quality SharePoint books, and there will be some Windows 10 tshirts.

Catering will be provided by Riverbed.

Sep 2, 2015
CHIFOO Meeting: Online Story-Driven Games
Connective DX Community Room

“Online Story-Driven Games” with Rym DeCoster, FIX Flyer, Geek Nights, & Datenighto

Through his geek-focused radio talk show, events and lecturing, Rym has had exposure to and a direct hand in a variety of projects that leverage game-inspired techniques in a computer interface, and will delight us with his stories about how he's observed the unique interaction of gaming and how HCI is maturing.

Sep 16, 2015
"SharePint" happy hour with the Portland SharePoint User Group
On Deck Sports Bar

Join us for happy-hour networking and SharePoint discussions.

This is a great opportunity to bring your SharePoint questions and talk to other users on a 1-on-1 level. People of all experience levels are welcome.

Appetizers, refreshments, swag, and great raffle items will be provided by our sponsors!

Oct 13, 2015
I want to work for IDExperts w/Travis Cannon (Product Manager)
Forge Portland

Can you guess who is our next meetup guest at "I want to work for _ _ _ _ _ _"??? None other than our very good friend Travis Cannon. Yay!

We are thrilled to welcome Travis, who is a Lead Product manager at the fast growing IDExperts.

Travis will share his career journey leading up to this position at IDExperts (through a series of practical Q&As). We will then do in-depth research on what IDExperts is all about... their clients, competition, products, value proposition and much, much more!

The experience and value you will get from this meetup is going to be unlike any other you ever saw... You have my personal guarantee!

Oh, as always, this meetup is POWERED BY FREE PIZZA :)

Nov 14, 2015
SharePoint Saturday Portland - "SharePointlandia!"
Tektronix Bldg 38

This is a free, all-day educational event about Microsoft SharePoint.

We expect a variety of educational SharePoint sessions for:

•End Users

•Power Users

•SharePoint Administrators


•Project Managers


•IT Strategists & Executives

What educational sessions would you like to see at this event? The Portland SharePoint User Group is hosting a survey of those who register, this way we can pick sessions most interesting to you - please take a moment and complete the survey here:

We expect over twenty educational sessions on all aspects of SharePoint, lots of great giveaways, as well as free local beer for those who wish to attend the SharePint event afterwards. There's something for everyone at all experience levels of SharePoint.

SharePoint Saturday is a unique event because it is absolutely free, anyone can attend, it won't interfere with your work schedule, and it's planned with a community focus in mind.

We bring the experts, consultants, and Microsoft MVPs from around the country to share their experiences, tips, and best practices. You won't get a day of sales pitches, instead you will receive training and the opportunity to network with other SharePoint users. Since this is open to anyone, there will be guests from all over the Northwest.

This is a great opportunity for you meet other SharePoint and Microsoft professionals in the Portland community, ask questions, network, and share your experiences.

Stay tuned to the website for more information about speakers/sponsors.​

Nov 18, 2015
Southwest Tech Connect
Jackson Middle School

This is an opportunity for the students, parents and tech community at large to discover the who, what, when, where and how of technology adoption in our public schools. There will be many demonstrations, a raffle and forums for people to share their experience. We need your help pulling this event off.


Volunteer to help with set-up, clean-up, food, etc.


Scott McClain Tech-Connect Co-organizer

Nov 19, 2015
#PDXTech2020: The Future of TechTown Portland
McClenahan Bruer (McBru)

What will it take for Portland to become an international tech hub by the year 2020?

We’d be honored if you would join Kerry McClenahan, CEO of McClenahan Bruer, and Joaquin Lippincott, CEO of Metal Toad, for an evening of futuristic conversation about Portland and its rising position in the tech industry. These two business leaders and tech visionaries will engage in a lively Q&A on such topics as:

Where does Portland stand today in the tech industry? What it will take for Portland to gain a more international leadership role? How can we improve diversity in tech What are some current initiatives to enhance STEM education? What kind of environment do we provide for funding start-ups?

To RSVP, please click this Eventbrite link.

Plan to attend? Great! Bring your own questions and comments for Kerry and Joaquin for a post Q&A discussion. Light snacks and refreshments provided by McBru during and after the event.

Socialize! Follow #PDXTech2020 on Twitter where we’ll broadcast live on Periscope and take questions from viewers.

Jan 6, 2016
CHIFOO Event: Presumptive Design
Connective DX Community Room

CHIFOO presents "Presumptive Design: UX in the Problem Space" with Charles Lambdin, Intel!

In this talk you will learn how Presumptive Design differs from traditional user-centered design, as well as how it welcomes and leverages our irrationality by utilizing failure as the main catalyst for insight.

About the Speaker

Charles Lambdin is a User Experience Researcher at Intel Corporation.

Come join CHIFOO for our first speaker event of 2016's theme "Bounded Irrationality: Supporting Users and Building Communities."

Jan 21, 2016
Framing Business Problems as Data Mining Problems - Portland DAMA Jan 21st
Standard Insurance Center Auditorium

Greetings Fellow Lovers of Data-

Start the year off learning about Data Mining. Join me at DAMA Portland's January chapter meeting to learn how to frame Business Problems as Data Mining problems with Asoka Diggs, a Data Scientist at Intel.

This will be a brief introduction to some of the important concepts that arise in data mining in general and classification analysis in particular. The focus in this presentation will be helping attendees to develop their ability to frame business problems as data mining problems, to understand some of the terminology and mental models prevalent in data mining, and to being able to recognize situations where data mining might apply.

Through a demonstration driven presentation format, attendees will be exposed to a variety of data mining topics. Throughout the demo, attention will be paid to points of intersection with traditional data modeler work products including the data dictionary and dimensional data model. There will also be a variety of links and references for additional study on your own.

Particular topics that will be addressed:

  • Formulating business problems as data mining problems
  • Supervised Learning
  • Classification methods including Decision Tree and Logistic Regression
  • Model Validation
  • No math!


Asoka Diggs is a Data Scientist with Intel Corp. in Hillsboro, OR. He has 15 years of experience in a variety of data management disciplines, including database administration, ER modeling, ETL development, and data architecture. He recently completed his MS Predictive Analytics from Northwestern University and is now a practicing Data Scientist. It turns out that there IS something even more fun than ER modeling, and he now spends his work time practicing his new analytic modeling skills, and teaching others how to participate and contribute to predictive analytic projects.

Register at:

NOTE: DAMA Portland Chapter Meetings have moved to 3rd Thursday for 2016!

  • 8:30 - 9:00 am - Sign In
  • 9:00 - 10:15 am - Presentation
  • 10:15 - 10:30 am - Break, Chapter Announcements
  • 10:30 - 11:30 am - Presentation continued


  • Free: DAMA PDX members and employees of Corporate Members
  • $15 for guests to cover speaker costs and continental breakfast
  • $5 for students with current student ID
  • See our corporate members

About DAMA Portland

The Portland Metro Chapter of the Data Administration Management Association has been serving the Portland data community since 1984. We are a not-for-profit, vendor independent, professional association dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices of enterprise information and data resource management.

Our primary purpose is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing data, information and knowledge resources as key enterprise assets.

Jan 26, 2016
Ladies' Night

We are excited to announce next Tuesday we are having our 5th Ladies' Night. Join us for food, drinks and great conversation with digital start-up ladies at the Chirpify offices.

Please RSVP before the 26th

Hosted and food provided by Chirpify with drinks provided by Jim Beam!

Jan 28, 2016
Camp Optimization Meetup
Baerlic Brewing

What is Camp Optimization? Camp Optimization's mission is simple: provide a casual, fun and informative forum for digital marketers and technologists to share optimization best-practices, challenges and wins.

This month Ryan Campell joins Camp Optimization from Add3 (Add3 is a digital marketing agency that delivers integrated digital marketing campaigns across search, social & display advertising, helping our clients reach their marketing goals) to talk on behalf of pay per click marketing. PPC is one of the most measurable digital marketing channels available.

Come learn actionable strategies and tactics you can implement to take your optimization campaigns to the next level. Ryan has been leading and managing digital marketing campaigns for almost 10 years. He's optimized campaigns as an in house manager and now, at an agency. Ryan has a deep passion for performance based digital marketing and is an expert in paid search, SEO, and paid social media.

We will be meeting at Baerlic Brewing Company for some beer and casual networking. First round of beer is on us!

This event sponsored and hosted by roboboogie.

Who is roboboogie? Roboboogie is a Portland-based customer experience optimization agency partnering closely with brands to improve conversion rates, nurture brand advocacy and increase customer value.

Jan 29, 2016
CHIFOO Event: Presumptive Design Workshop
Connective DX Community Room

CHIFOO presents "Presumptive Design Workshop: Bounded Irrational Design Research Process" with Leo Frishberg, Phase II!

Based on his (and Charles Lambdin's) recently published book, Presumptive Design: Design Provocations for Innovation, Frishberg leads a half day workshop that turns the usual Discover | Define | Design process on its head. Presumptive Design (PrD) begins with the design of an artifact to provoke meaningful interactions and conversations with end-users. PrD is a low-cost method for reducing the risk of inventing the future.

Attendees will learn the theoretical frameworks on which it is based as well as have ample opportunity to practice the method. Topics include: the Owen/Kumar/Sato Design Thinking framework, the five principles of PrD, when it works and when it doesn't and much much more. As an added bonus, all workshop attendees will receive a signed copy of the book.


Early bird - by December 15th Late registration - starts January 15th

About the Speaker

For over 40 years, Leo has a B.A. in Environmental Planning from UCSC and an M.Arch from SCI-ARC. In 1984, Leo began his career as a User Experience Architect. In 2004, Leo began to formalize his approach to design research, a process he calls Presumptive Design.

Come join CHIFOO for our January 29th workshop and our second speaker event for 2016's theme "Bounded Irrationality: Supporting Users and Building Communities" on February 10th!

Feb 1, 2016
Portland Startup Week
through Various

A week chock full of interesting startup events designed to get Portland's founders and entrepreneurs chatting and collaborating.

For more details, visit

Portland Startup Week: Free coworking at DeskHub Portland
through DeskHub Portland

Want to try coworking? DeskHub Portland will be opening its doors to offer free coworking space for the entire week of Portland Startup Week 2016!

Portland Startup Week: Quick Coffee & Then Get Sh#t Done
NedSpace Broadway

Grab some coffee. Drink it black. Coffee is for closers. Find a fellow startup founder who is drinking coffee. Introduce yourself. Know they are a fellow startup founder because they're there at 8:30am in the morning and ready to tackle the week and get shit done.

Portland Startup Week: NXT Loft open house: Coffee, conversation and complimentary headshot
NXT Industries Loft

Join us for an open house at The loft, an NXT co-working community. Start this years startup week with a fresh avatar shot by NXT member and awesome Portland company, We Are PDX. Everyone that joins us will receive a complimentary digital headshot. Owners, Dayna and Cole Reed will be onsite to offer tours and information about how we support Start-Ups and Creative Entrepreneurs and to dialogue with you about what you are working on.

Portland Startup Week: What Fuels Startup Week (and every week)

In the startup world, liquid refreshment is often the fuel that gets us through the day. From a double espresso in the morning, to a pint in the late afternoon, and on to a cocktail in the evening. So as we kickoff Portland Startup Week, join us as we hear from founders and brewmasters of local craft beverage companies as they talk about the business behind the liquids we drink.

Topics to include:

* Challenges and opportunities in the craft beverage world
* The innovation behind creating new products/styles
* The importance of storytelling - from product names to the process behind each
* Lessons learned and advice for the next wave of craft beverage founders/makers 

Moderator: Kirsten Ringen - Community Engagement & Education Manager, Northwest Food Processors Association


* Whitney Burnside - Head Brewer, 10 Barrel Brewing in PDX
* Ted Pappas - Founder, Big Bottom Whiskey
* Aidan Currie - Founder, Swift Cider
* Tressa Yellig - Founder, Salt, Fire & Time  & Broth Bar
* Ian Williams - Founder, Deadstock Coffee

Tastings By:

* Big Bottom Whiskey
* Aria Gin
* 444 Beverages
* Deadstock Coffee
* … and more

Tickets are $24 and include snacks, beverages, and an annual membership to Built Oregon.

(Event is FREE for current Built Oregon members)

Feb 2, 2016
Portland Startup Week: Rethink Diversity w/ Yu
NedSpace Broadway

Startups are hard. You don't have to do it alone. Let's challenge the assumptions of what it means to be a startup founder, a person of color and build a diverse startup ecosystem here in Portland. Redefining diversity to be more inclusive (even including white males, go figure). Come for coffee. Meet other founders. Then get to work. Hosted by Yu Te, founder of MacPCX (and Startup Weekend Organizer) [email protected] or 971-998-9511

Feb 3, 2016
Portland Startup Week: Women Startup Founders
NedSpace Broadway

As Portland's longest running women's weekly startup group approaches our one year anniversary, there is a lot to celebrate. Let's start with you.

Please visit us during Portland Startup Week on Wednesday February 3rd at 7:30am and meet fellow women's startup founders who are working heads down on growing their company and building their product/service in a meaningful way.

The Weekly Founders Roundtable is comprised of Portland women founder who are focused on growing their startup and very focused on revenue, sales and marketing. We are a peer-to-peer support group of amazing women, building incredible things, who want to change the world....and understand that big sales and hockey stick like revenue growth is the way to achieve this. We don't talk, we do. We don't pontificate, we focus on milestones. We don't hyper focus on ideas, we focus on revenue. We make things happen. Our combined group of 10 women founded startups will have collective sales in excess of one million dollars this year.

Please come join us this Wednesday between 7:30am-8:30am and grab a cup of coffee on us. We'd love to hear about the company you've founded and where you're at.

See you here

Lin Carson, founder XFounders, and CEO BAKERpedia

Portland Startup Week: Seven Peaks Ventures office hours

Interested in getting feedback from a VC? Matt Abrams and Steve Barham of Seven Peaks Ventures will be up from Bend to attend Portland Startup Week. And while they're here, they've carved out some time to chat with you.

Matt and Steve will be sitting in the PIE office in CENTRL Office, workspace 202.

To schedule time, either connect with Matt on Portland Startups Slack or show up and wait for a slot to open.

Portland Startup Week: OpenSesame OpenHouse

Did you know that OpenSesame is in Old Town, now? Swing by their open house to meet the crew.

Feb 5, 2016
Portland Startup Week: NXT Lab: Complimentary co-working hours at the Lab
NXT Industries Lab

You've learned a lot and been inspired, now get some work done. Bring you laptop or notepad, we supply Internet, printer, coffee and an environment to enhance productivity. Also available for free trial is 2 hour slots on our cyc wall (advance reservation required - email [email protected]).

Portland Startup Week: Beer and Blog
Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub

Let's get together for old time's sake. Like we used to. In the old days.

NOTE: has offered to buy a beverage for you. But you better get there early.

Feb 8, 2016
Portland Macintosh Users Group General Meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

You’ve been told to backup, backup, backup. Apple promised that Time Machine would take care of all your worries back in Leopard, but is it really taking care of all your backup needs? PMUG members talk all the time about cloning a drive, but what does that mean? And how do you protect yourself if a wolf comes and huffs, puffs, and blows your house down?

Find out about how to do a ‘belt & suspenders’ backup strategy that will protect you as best as possible. And you might even win a copy of a backup program at a raffle.

Come join us at the Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center (Ecotrust Center), 721 NW Ninth Avenue. Question and answer hour starts at 6:30pm, with the main discussion starting around 7:30 pm and ending at 9 pm. This meeting is open to the public.

If you find that you want to divest yourself of your old Apple hardware to make way for something new and shiny then you can bring up to 5 items to swap at the meeting.

Feb 10, 2016
CHIFOO Event: Faulty by Design
Connective DX Community Room

CHIFOO presents "Faulty by Design: A Psychological Examination of User Decision Making" with William Gribbons, PhD, Bentley University!

Our ability to navigate within a product is impacted by the underlying psychology of decision making. Bill presents a variety of design practices that UX designers can use to address complex decisions, facilitating more effective outcomes.

About the Speaker

Bill Gribbons is Director of the graduate Human Factors program at Bentley University, Waltham, Massachusetts.

Come join CHIFOO for our second speaker event for 2016's theme "Bounded Irrationality: Supporting Users and Building Communities".

Feb 18, 2016
Information Quality Scoring (IQ Scoring), Plus Round Robin Databases - DAMA Portland
Standard Insurance Center Auditorium

There is now a second bonus data presentation at this month's Data Management chapter meeting. First, Information Quality (IQ scoring) followed by an Introduction to storing time-series data in Round Robin Databases. Join us for now two presentations designed to make you more productive in your data career.

For more information and to register, visit

Session 1 - Information Quality Scoring

IQScoring is an assessment methodology CQN is using across the company to help communicate the IQ state of key enterprise datasets and applications. It produces a simple metric that is easy to communicate to business stakeholders and management in a consistent way, encouraging IQ conversations where frequently overlooked or excluded. This technique can be a valuable tool in the hands of Data Scientists, Analysts, and Business Decision-Makers.

About the Speaker

Rodney Schackmann joined Intel in 1993, with time in IT and business groups, he joined CQN in 2010 where he is currently a Sr. Staff Information Architect.

He is a frequent presenter at Information / Data Quality and Data Governance related conferences. His history includes software development, management, consulting, mentoring, and strategic technical leadership.

His time at Intel has primarily been focused on Key Information efforts — driving cross-organizational teams to better solutions with higher Information Quality results. Rodney currently runs the enterprise-wide Information Quality program for CQN.

Session 2 - An Introduction to Round Robin Databases

As technology professionals, we see a increasing applications for telemetry, systems monitoring, and real-time trend analysis. In some situations, unbounded storage of collected measurements may be impractical or unnecessary. Round Robin Databases are designed to store and maintain multiple time-series archives at varying resolutions. They employ methods that allow the storage of months or even years of data.

We will explore one such tool, RRDtool, a project started at the Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis. At first, this open source tool helped with collecting and reporting on internet traffic. Since that time, it has inspired many other uses and tools. Our goal is to explore the retention decisions, downsampling of data consistent with it's business value, and how this approach is good for solving a specific class of problems.

About the Speaker

Chris Irvine is currently a Technology Consultant and founder at, specializing in custom workgroup solutions, B2B integration, and performance tuning. He is a computer science graduate of Portland State University with professional experience in software development, system administration, and IT management.

Chris takes pleasure in applying technology to help solve problems for a variety of businesses and non-profits. Recent projects meet the needs of small business, workgroups in large enterprise, and also for government, in many segments and varied platforms.


  • 8:30 - 9:00 am - Sign In
  • 9:00 - 10:15 am - Presentation
  • 10:15 - 10:30 am - Break, Chapter Announcements
  • 10:30 - 11:30 am - Presentation continued

Our chapter meetings have a nominal cost to cover refreshments and speaker expenses.

  • Free for Members!
  • $15 for Non-Members
  • $5 for Students with valid student ID
  • View the list of corporate members at

The Portland Metro Chapter of the Data Administration Management Association has been serving the Portland data community since 1984. We are a not-for-profit, vendor independent, professional association dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices of enterprise information and data resource management.

Our primary purpose is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing data, information and knowledge resources as key enterprise assets.

DAMA-Portland Metro members and attendees enjoy the opportunity to hear industry leading professionals present on relevant topics and the most current technologies and methodologies of the day.

Prior presentations and speakers for this year (2016):

  • January: "Framing Business Problems as Data Mining Problems" with Asoka Diggs (Intel)

Upcoming Presentation & Speakers for 2016:

  • February: "Information Quality (IQ Scoring)" with Rodney Schackmann (Intel) at The Standard
  • March: "Advanced Data Visualization" with Michael Scofield (Loma Linda University) at The Standard
  • April: "The Vital Role Data Managers in E –Discovery and Information Governance" with Mike Hamilton & Nancy Patton (Exterro) at Cambia/Regence
  • May: "Agile Development and Data Management" with Michele Goetz (Forrester Research) at The Standard
Clover Developer Meetup

Clover is the fastest-growing POS platform, and has the largest App Market for small and medium size businesses (SMBs).

At this event, you'll have a chance to:

Check out Clover hardware: Station, Mini, and Mobile

Learn about the Clover platform

Meet the Clover App Market team

Participate in a Q&A panel with Clover Sales Reps

Mar 2, 2016
CHIFOO Event: A Media for a Chorus of Voices
Connective DX Community Room

CHIFOO presents "A Media for a Chorus of Voices" with Ward Cunningham!

Ward talk about the reinventing Wiki and how distributed internet’s idealistic founding with technological innovation has brewed since its inception. While venture money chases unicorns were happy to build trilobites because we’d be happy to inform the future even if we don’t own it.

About the Speaker

Ward Cunningham has worked for and consulted to daring startups and huge corporations. He has served as CTO, Director, Fellow, Principal Engineer and Inventor. He is best known for creating wiki.

Come join CHIFOO for our third speaker event of 2016's theme "Bounded Irrationality: Supporting Users and Building Communities."

Mar 3, 2016
SFWA Pacific Northwest Reading Series -- Portland
Mississippi Pizza

The Pacific Northwest is home to a Tardis-Full of Science Fiction and Fantasy writers, a fact celebrated every quarter with the Pacific Northwest Reading Series. These free quarterly events provide the Northwest Science Fiction and Fantasy community a chance to gather, network and enjoy readings from local and visiting authors in Portland and Seattle.

Each event features three authors who read from their latest work, interpreting and explaining their concepts and vision. In addition, space is provided for networking and conversation. Booksellers will be on hand with fresh copies of the authors’ books for you to buy and get autographed.

Apr 6, 2016
CHIFOO Event: Marketing Isn't Storytelling.
Connective DX Community Room

CHIFOO presents "Marketing Isn't Storytelling. It's world building." with Ian Lurie, Portent

For years, we’ve referred to ‘marketing as storytelling.’ This creates a problem: Storytelling involves a single narrative arc, and our customers don’t want to be dragged into a single arc. They want a space in which they can move about and create their own stories.

Come to this session to hear how playing Dungeons and Dragons teaches great marketing, the basic principles of marketing worldbuilding, and why this may have broader application.

About the Speaker

Ian Lurie is CEO and Founder of Portent, a full-service digital agency he started in 1995.

Come join CHIFOO for our fourth speaker event of 2016's theme "Bounded Irrationality: Supporting Users and Building Communities."

Apr 16, 2016
Oregon Science Startup Forum
Mittleman Jewish Community Center

This is designed as a one-day course in science entrepreneurship for those who do science and wonder about how to turn their science into inventions they can commercialize.

Questions? Contact Jim Tung (chair-elect of the American Chemical Society Portland section) at jimtung -at- gmail/dot/com

Apr 19, 2016
Portland Atlassian User Group Meetup
Jive Software

The Portland, OR Atlassian User Group kicks off on April 19th, and you're invited to come along and take part in shaping our future.

Black Pearl PDM is kindly sponsoring, and will present a training session with tips and tricks for Jira. You will also have the opportunity to vote for topics you'd like to see at future AUGs.

We'll also hear from Amanda "AyBee" Smith, a Training Advocate for Atlassian University with news about how Atlassian University offerings have grown, and the forthcoming certification launch.

Jive Software is our host for this very first meet up, come with ideas for future discussions, presentations and locations.

Come join us for pizza and beer, bring a guest, and meet some new friends.

May 4, 2016
CHIFOO Event: Be Here When
Connective DX Community Room

CHIFOO presents "Be Here When: Faith Based Communities Contemplate Technologies for Themselves" with John D. Smith, Co-Author of Digital Habitats!

Churches and faith-based communities live with many contradictions that are completely irrational depending on where you stand or what hat you wear. Their irrationality challenges our normal thinking about design, technology, and human interaction. To understand what’s going on as a community’s technology steward you need to stand inside and outside, be local and nonlocal, be in the organization and outside, be a newbie and an old-timer, have a short-timer’s view and play the long game, be both geek and technophobe, and observe it all as an actor and as a barefoot ethnographer. Every day.

About the Speaker

John co-authored “Digital Habitats: stewarding technology for communities” with Etienne Wenger and Nancy White. He is a buddhist meditation teacher with a master’s degree in planning and architecture from the University of New Mexico.

Come join CHIFOO for our fifth speaker event of 2016's theme "Bounded Irrationality: Supporting Users and Building Communities."

May 11, 2016
OEN PubTalk: The Daily Juggle – Stories from Mompreneurs
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Spreadsheets and sippy cups, pitches and potties, term sheets and tantrums… managing a startup can be all-consuming, so how the heck do you do it when you also have a family to manage? On the heels of Mother’s Day, hear from moms in the trenches who are learning to master the ‘Daily Juggle.’ They will share their challenges, their victories, and their tips for those who dare to try to ‘have it all.’

May 14, 2016
Code Fellows Code 101
920 SW Third Ave. Floor 2, Portland, OR 97204

Register on EVENTBRITE!! Come learn beginners code.

Thinking about a new career in software development? Start here! This one-day workshop is the perfect place to figure out if it’s for you. You’ll get a sneak peek of what a career in coding involves, plus a taste of the Code Fellows learning experience.

Learn how websites are built and code one yourself using industry-standard tools and professional coding practices.

An hour before the start of the workshop will be dedicated to helping students get their computers set up with the appropriate tools.

May 23, 2016
STEM Coffee Hour
Latte Da

We are happy to announce that we will be holding our second event at Latte Da in downtown Vancouver!

This is an opportunity to meet and engage others who work in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) related fields here in the SW Washington area, so be sure to bring business cards and information on projects you may be working on, opportunities for others in the community, etc.

Those of you wanting something non-caffeinated after work will be glad to know the venue also has beer and wine available.

Looking forward to another hour of networking and supporting local business!

May 24, 2016
Small Business Funding (Lunch+Learn) Seminar for SBIR Grants by Oregon Best

Calling on tech entrepreneurs for a small business funding seminar! Are you looking for funding for your proprietary technology? Please sign up!

Oregon Best funds and supports cleantech startups and we are hosting a series of small business funding seminars for SBIR/ STTR grants.
This is a Lunch + Learn event - sign up here - best $10 you'll ever spend! 12 - 1:30pm Tuesday May 24th.

We will start with a 10 min overview Oregon Best and what we do ( and explain what cleantech is) followed by a 30 min in-depth SBIR/ STTR presentation by expert Leon Wolf.
We will give you an overview of the process, understand eligibility requirements and give free support in applying for grants for appropriate companies.

Many people get confused by the word cleantech. We want to clarify and shed light on the wide range of technologies that fall under this category.

The hope is that more people will: 
a.) see themselves and their tech as possibly falling under the "cleantech" umbrella 
b.) contact us about their technology c.) seek eligibility and support in applying for an SBIR/ STTR grants.

Oregon Best invests at very early "risky" stages - before the technology has been proven.
We then support startups in several ways by: 
a.) Investing between $50k - $250 per startup 
b.) Making Introductions / networking with key partners
c.) Funding interns to work in their company d.) Connecting co's to an experienced CEO or Entrepreneur-In-Residence to help them navigate growth, priorities, business plans, pitches e.) Help with manufacturing / scale up through our partnerships f.) showcasing the company at conferences, trade shows and BESTFEST g.) Support with Government grants SBIR/ STTR

Please register to attend! Lots of great information to learn about and resources to help tech startups.

Jun 8, 2016
OEN PubTalk: What the BLEEP is Lean?
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

You’ve heard of the lean process, but are you fuzzy on the details? Curious if you can apply it to your startup? Although lean is often linked to manufacturing, it’s really about how ideas, people, energy, information, materials, and cash flow through an organization. At our June PubTalk, four panelists from diverse industries will discuss how the lean process has impacted their company culture, including the benefits and potential pitfalls.

Panelists linclude: - Alvin Elbert, A.R.E. Manufacturing - John Grant, Agile Attorney Network - Ken Tomita, Grovemade - Yesenia Gallardo, Poda Foods

CHIFOO Event: Empowering Community Moderators
Connective DX Community Room

CHIFOO presents "Empowering Community Moderators to Make Values-Based Decisions" with Jasen Balmat, OkCupid!

Working in tandem with scripted filtration tools, Moderators act as gate-keepers. Often under-paid and poorly supported, Community Moderators work invisibly at the heart of the social community. Each day, these individuals make thousands of judgement calls on behalf of the community they serve. At their best, Community Moderators provide personal care and an attention to detail which enriches each community member’s experience on an individual level. Their careful decisions contribute to a sense of safety and well-being that is the hallmark of a healthy community.

About the Speaker

Jasen Balmat is a visual artist turned tech-geek who leads the Community Moderation team at OkCupid. He holds BFA from The Savannah College of Art and Design.

Come join CHIFOO for our sixth speaker event of 2016's theme "Bounded Irrationality: Supporting Users and Building Communities."

Jun 15, 2016
Welcome to Silicon Forest!
Schwabe, Williamson, & Wyatt

Passionate About Growing Your Tech Company in Silicon Forest? Join us for a summer party!

Our region’s tech scene has its own identity, proving itself capable of supporting vibrant tech companies, raising real venture capital and asserting its place in today’s economy. It has a history of innovation with some of the large established companies that attracted tech talent in the first place, which has given way to emerging tech startups.

Whether you’re a tech company that helped to plant Silicon Forest’s first seeds, one that has relocated or is establishing new roots by opening an office here, or an emerging tech startup, join us for a summer social to meet tech companies that are choosing to move here and learn why. Connect with the resources available to tech companies here in Oregon. Let’s continue to support, engage and grow our tech community, and have some fun!

Join us on Wednesday, June 15th to meet new tech in town and hear from valuable resources to get you settled.

Jun 21, 2016
Open Source Bridge 2016
through Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Open Source Bridge is an open source developers' and makers' conference, focused on bringing people from a range of technology backgrounds together to share our knowledge and explore what it means to be an open source citizen.

Find out more at

Jun 22, 2016
OEN Entrepreneurial Summit 2016: True Grit – The Power of Perseverance
Pensole Footwear Design Academy

What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur? Innovation, talent, a touch of crazy – all of these are important ingredients. But the least celebrated, and arguably most important, is true grit. On Wednesday, June 22, eight successful local entrepreneurs will their their stories of perseverance, including how they overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles, where they stumbled, and what they learned along the way.

Speakers include: - Monica Enand, Zapproved - Bertony Faustin, Abbey Creek Vineyard & Winery - Cody White, Spaceview - Michael Morrow, Nutcase Helmets - Mindee Hardin, Boogie Wipes - Brian Chaney, Korkers - Janelle Isaacson, Living Room Realty

Jul 13, 2016
CHIFOO Event: Designing for Happiness
Connective DX Community Room

CHIFOO presents "Designing for Happiness" with Pamela Pavliscak, Change Sciences?!

What does it mean to design for happiness? Based on a combination of design research and data science, this session will explore what makes people happiest when they use technology and what we can learn from that to design for positive outcomes.

About the Speaker

Pamela Pavliscak founded Change Sciences. She has a book about designing for happiness coming out in the next year and is a frequent speaker at conferences like SXSW, Collision, Future of Web Design, and Webvisions.

Come join CHIFOO for our seventh speaker event of 2016's theme "Bounded Irrationality: Supporting Users and Building Communities."

Jul 19, 2016
Modern Digital Media Marketing: Adventures in Video
BridgePort Brewery: 1313 NW Marshall St, Portland, OR

Broadcast Commercials, Web Content, Corporate Video, Documentary and Narrative Films Join us on Tuesday, July 19, as Gary Nolton, founding director & D/P at Limbo Films, brings his experiences in broadcast commercials, web content production, corporate video, documentary and narrative films–and some great stories–to AMA PDX’s midsummer luncheon.

Aug 3, 2016
CHIFOO Event: 10th Annual Bowling Party!
AMF Pro 300 Lanes aka Powell Bowl

Come join us for the tenth annual CHI-Bowl and enjoy some indoor sports. Dig out your bowling shirt and come bowl a few games, or just hang out and socialize with your friends and colleagues. Families are welcome, too! And very special prizes will be awarded. You need not bowl to win!

CHIFOO members get in free. Non-members or guests get the full bowling package for just $10, and bring the kids—your entire family can bowl for $20! It’s a heck of a deal.

Don't be a turkey get some turkeys. Don’t forget your socks and lucky bowling ball!

Come join CHIFOO on September 14th for our eighth speaker event next month for 2016's theme "Bounded Irrationality: Supporting Users and Building Communities".

Aug 16, 2016
Ladies' Night 7.0

Get hyped! It's time for another Ladies' Night, v 7.0. Join us at Struck Agency for an evening focused on mentorships, activiities, and general commraderie with other digitally-minded ladies! If you're a designer, architect, researcher, developer, photographer, copywriter, videographer, producer, strategist, or want to be any of these're invited! Food, drinks and great space to enjoy lively conversation provided by Struck.

Sep 14, 2016
I want to work for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (this month is Nike)
Forge Portland

At this unique meetup, "I want to work for _ _ _ _ _ _", each month we introduce a new company through one of their star employees.

For September its going to be Gokul Surya from Nike!

In his own words, here's how Gokul manages his career:

"Continuously iterate to reach the pinnacle” is what comes to my mind whenever I take time to think about the future. I believe that people, processes and perspectives will help me get to where I want to be. Trusting the people, collaborating on developing the processes, and using different perspectives to solve problems along the path to develop a successful organization.

You definitely don't want to miss this :)

CHIFOO Event: Let's Pretend
Connective DX Community Room

CHIFOO presents "Let's Pretend: Using Personas to Play with Personas to Play with Problems" with Carolyn Chandler and Anna van Slee!

To uncover the most common problems, designers must empathize with their users and come to know the spaces and times in which they move. In this interactive presentation, UX guru Carolyn and game designer Anna take personas and other empathy exercises to the next level.

About the Speakers

Carolyn Chandler, Mira Fitness

Carolyn has been working in the field of User Experience Design for over 16 years, and was named one of “Chicago’s Tech 50” by Crain’s Magazine. Now she leads the Experience Design efforts at Mira Fitness, which offers a wellness-focused wearable designed for women.

Anna van Slee, Sideshow Collectibles

Anna is Director of New Brands at Sideshow Collectibles, a production manager who is hands-on with production, particularly in writing/editing, visual design, UX/CX design, brand strategy and content creation.

Together, Anna and Carolyn, coauthored "Adventures in Experience Design" which teaches experience design to beginners with games and activities.

Come join CHIFOO for our eighth speaker event of 2016's theme "Bounded Irrationality: Supporting Users and Building Communities".

Sep 15, 2016
Learn How To Build a Successful Optimization Program
Old Washington High School

Camp Optimization welcomes Tyler Bullen, Optimization Manager at Simple Bank (

Discussion topic: Tools, Talent & Techniques: What it takes to build a successful optimization program.

Get tips from an expert in the trenches at an innovative, design-led company. Tyler will share his knowledge of the tools, roles, skills and techniques you need to build and run successful optimization and segment marketing programs. Simple is revolutionizing the banking industry with innovative technologies, it's impeccable user experience, and expertise in behavioral economics.

What is Camp Optimization? Camp Optimization's mission is simple: provide a casual, fun and informative forum for digital marketers and technologists to share optimization best practices, challenges and wins.

Oct 5, 2016
CHIFOO Event: Designer Myopia
Connective DX Community Room

CHIFOO presents "Designer Myopia" with Rian Van Der Merwe, Wildbit!

The all-too-common phenomenon whereby, despite our best intentions, we sometimes design with a nearsightedness that results in websites and applications that please ourselves and impress our peers but don’t meet user and business goals.

About the Speaker

Rian Van Der Merwe (@RianVDM) designs and builds high quality software that people love to use, and I wrote a book about it called “Making It Right“.

He spent seven years in Silicon Valley and then moved to Portland, OR in April 2014. He has been working as a Product Manager for Wildbit and an independent author, speaker, and product consultant with Elezea.

Come join CHIFOO for our ninth speaker event for 2016's theme "Bounded Irrationality: Supporting Users and Building Communities".

Oct 12, 2016
I want to work for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (this month is InvisionApp)
Forge Portland

We are super-thrilled to welcome our October special guest, Dana Lawson. Dana is the VP of Platform Engineering at InvisionApp. And the cool part is InvisionApp is a very remote-friendly company (more about this at the meetup session). Dana Lawson on LinkedIn: Invision on Twitter:

Dana and I worked together at New Relic for about a year. The first thing anyone notices about Dana is her electrifying energy and her sharp sense of humor. You can tell right away that working with her would be super-fun and you could get lots of things accomplished with little or no stress. Dana’s illustrious career record proves my theory :) Dana had great opportunities to wear many hats throughout her 18 year career in technology.

Earlier this year, Dana wanted to take these lessons learned from being in that crazy world and do it all over again, but better! So when the opportunity came to build out a Platform Engineering organization at InVision she decided to take that chance.

This is just a teaser for all the goodness you can expect at the actual meetup. As always, you have our PERSONAL GUARANTEE that this meetup is the best value for your precious ~2 hours away from friends/family :)

Nov 2, 2016
CHIFOO Event: Bounded Irrationality in Everyday Moments
Connective DX Community Room

CHIFOO presents "Bounded Irrationality in Everyday Moments" with Michelle Kittrell, Cambia Health Solutions!

If we look closely at interactions that frustrate us we can clearly see bounded irrationality at play, disrupting our ‘expected’ path of outcomes. This talk will cover how the dynamic of neuroscience, culture, and personal preferences create “unique” rational experiences.

About the Speaker

Michelle Kittrell is a research analyst at Cambia Health Solutions.

Come join CHIFOO for our tenth and final speaker event for 2016's theme "Bounded Irrationality: Supporting Users and Building Communities".

Nov 9, 2016
Speed Networking!
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Entrepreneurs are often told to “network” their way to investors, mentors, and business partners. But this can be scary if you’re not comfortable, don’t know where to start or what to say. Come get some practice building your social capital game.

Do successful networkers have a secret? Do the top networkers talk differently? Have different body language? Respond in different ways depending on the conversation starter? We want to help you better understand what it means to be a successful networker.


The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections.

For our November PubTalk, we have partnered with a local research team, the Science of People who will be running a little experiment on networking behavior. They will ask you to fill-out a little pre and post survey as your enter and exit the event and will be observing during the event. We will share the results for you in a few months! (If you would like to opt-out, no problem! Just let us know at the door.)

Hashtag: #oenpubtalk

Cost: $10 for OEN members; $20 for non-members. Register at:

I want to work for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (this month is RazorFish)
Forge Portland

For Novembers 'I want to work for_______' meetup we are excited to have with us Brynn Dirksen - Associate Art Director at Razorfish. She specializes in UX design and we look forward to hearing her thoughts and her journey in the digital marketing space.

An excerpt of her journey in her own words - "While I started my career in the design industry working on print projects, after joining Razorfish as an Art Director, I dove deep into the world of digital design. As a digital agency Razorfish has a large UX department, and from the get-go I was interested in this "experience-based” take on design. Razorfish encourages employees to experiment with other disciplines, and when I started exploring, UX opportunities immediately opened up for me. I had always enjoyed visual design but once experience design was thrown into the mix, the design problems I had once found interesting became truly fascinating. Jumping on the chance to expand my skill set lead me from a job I enjoyed, to one that I’m truly passionate about."

Nov 16, 2016
Startup 411 – How to Start Your Startup
OTBC [Old location, do not use!]

Got an idea for a startup, but don’t know where to start? This workshop will provide an overview of local resources, along with a checklist of steps to take as you build out your plan.

This workshop, held jointly by OEN and OTBC, will provide you with:

  • A checklist of where to get started
  • A review of common mistakes entrepreneurs make and how to avoid them
  • An overview of startup funding options (and realities)
  • An overview of resources available to entrepreneurs
  • Answers to some of the basic questions that always come up about protecting your idea, co-founders, etc.

Register here:

Nov 21, 2016
Community Hour[s] - Portland Community Hour[s] at CENTRL Office Eastside
CENTRL Office Eastside

Built Oregon, PIE, and Silicon Florist would like to invite you to Community Hour[s], our ongoing gathering for all the people who make up the entrepreneurial fabric in our community. There is no agenda, panel, or discussion. It’s a time to relax and network with old friends and new connections. 

As much as we all love technology, relationships are built through personal connections and shared stories. So we hope you’ll join us for a few minutes — or a couple of hours.

As always, Community Hour[s] are graciously hosted by CENTRL Office.

See you there!

Nov 22, 2016
Data Privacy PDX - Easy Encryption
Galois Inc

This is the first meeting of the Data Privacy PDX meetup. In this first meeting we will do a presentation called "Encryption Pitfalls for Developers" and will spend time helping attendees set up encrypted email for their email accounts. Snacks and drinks provided. Hosted by Tozny.

Dec 6, 2016
Data Privacy PDX - Privacy-by-Design
Galois Inc

Data Privacy PDX will be presenting on Privacy-by-Design, the movement to integrate privacy into the original design of a product or system. This impacts product development, business planning, and legal, making it a crucial concept to understand for everyone who is concerned with data privacy. Come learn about Privacy-by-Design and how it can impact your projects.

Snacks and drinks will be provided. Hosted by Tozny.

Dec 7, 2016
OEN Startup Resources Tradeshow 2016
Lagunitas Community Room

Did you know that in the Portland metro area alone, there are over 50 organizations dedicated to helping entrepreneurs? But which ones can help YOU?

The Startup Resources Tradeshow 2016, hosted by Oregon Entrepreneurs Network, is the perfect starting point for new entrepreneurs trying to navigate our startup ecosystem. It includes representatives from local organizations, accelerators, incubators, universities, and government programs that provide support, mentorship, and potential funding for entrepreneurs.

Register at:

Dec 19, 2016
PDXWIT Presents Love is Art: What Now?

RSVP here -

PDX Women in Tech is and always will be an inclusive and supportive organization. As a result of the recent Presidential election, many of our members raised their fears and concerns regarding what negative impacts may arise in our communities, cities and nation. We are coming together to create art inspired by inclusion and love, while we discuss what's next, including how we can organize ourselves to provide support for those that need it.

We will kick off the event at 5pm with food and Meg Aul, the PDXWIT Event Activities Director, will begin the art project. Megan Bigelow will lead the discussion beginning at 5:30. Feel free to arrive at anytime.

PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering: educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Jan 5, 2017
PDXWIT Yoga and Mindfulness to Reboot in a High Tech World
Momemtum Studio

RSVP here -

Make 2017 a year to connect with a more vibrant YOU!

You work and live in a busy world which can elevate emotional and physical distress signals in your body and create feelings of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm. This yoga and mindfulness event will give you simple, everyday tools to remain open and receptive to your immediate experience so you feel more calm, organized, and focused in all aspects of your life.

Come prepared to practice a light yoga and meditation session with Kimi Marin to discuss tips on how to stay mindful in your daily life. We'll conclude the workshop with an opportunity to socialize with other women in tech in a relaxing and supportive environment.

PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering: educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Jan 18, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Innovating from Within: Activating Creative Resiliency and Change Agency in Teams
New Relic

Please note that this first meeting will be meeting on the fifth floor!

CHIFOO presents "Innovating from Within: Activating Creative Resiliency and Change Agency in Teams" with Patricia Colley, Creative Catalysts Consulting | Matt Smith, Actor!

How do you drive innovation from within the ranks, when innovation processes aren’t well established, or don’t have a clear executive champion? Join us will we bring you a set of collaborative approaches and techniques you can start using right away to inspire your teams to engage more creatively.

About the Speakers Patricia Colley From an early age, Patricia had a natural sense of wonder about the world, a passion for the craft of creativity, and an affinity for deep collaborative play. This playful mindset and teamwork has lead her to be Lead UX Designer at CDK Global, an improv actor and a consultant with Creative Catalysts.

Matt Smith Matt Smith is a true improv legend. As a founding member of Seattle Improv, Matt has decades of performance, writing and teaching experience. He delivers practical, usable improv-theory based trainings for Agile, team building team building, change management, stress management, conflict resolution, and group creativity.

Come join CHIFOO for our first speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Please Note: This first meeting will be held on the fifth floor of the US Bancorp Building aka "Big Pink".

Feb 1, 2017
PDXWIT Higher Ed & Tech team up to promote diversity and inclusion
Reed College


Colleges and universities in the Portland area are great places to work, and higher education has a lot of jobs in tech and related fields. With over 1500 positions across institutions in the PDX metro area, higher ed offers a wealth of opportunities for folks in tech.

Join PDXWIT and Reed College for a tech networking and learning event. Our focus is on information sharing for women and people of other genders generally underrepresented in the tech field. All allies are welcome and encouraged to attend.

The Reed community supports individuals with identities from across the spectrum. A significant part of that support involves actively combating racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, religious intolerance, ableism, and all forms of oppression and marginalization.

Kristina King and Marianne Colgrove are the organizers for the event, which will feature: - Welcome & Introduction to Reed College Happy hour and networking Lightning round talks, including: Tech opportunities in higher ed (jobs and more) (Marianne Colgrove, Deputy CIO, Reed College) - Teaching (with) technology (Kristin Bott, Associate Director of Instructional Technology Services, Reed College) - How bringing our authentic selves to the workplace is part and parcel of increasing diversity in tech (Kathy Lee, Windows Software Developer) - Servant Leadership in Times of Distress: Cherishing Uncertainty in a Black and White World (Marie Daniels, Owner at Me Out Loud, LLC) - How to network in higher ed (Michelle Valintis, Director of Human Resources, Reed College) - More practice! kick off more networking

The Reed community supports individuals with identities from across the spectrum. A significant part of that support involves actively combating racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, religious intolerance, ableism, and all forms of oppression and marginalization.


-All parking at Reed is free and no permit is required. The closest parking is the West Lot on SE 28th between Woodstock and Steele. Getting to Reed - Kaul is building 23 on this map of campus:

PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering: educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

February 1st, 2017 | Trucking as Part of a Connected World
Daimler Trucks North America

Matt Pfaffenbach, the Director of Telematics at Daimler Trucks North America, will discuss how tractor-trailers are becoming a part of our connected world and the overarching implications this has on transportation as a whole.

“WE’RE MOVING INTO the age of the connected vehicle. And as excited as we might be to have cars that play our ’90s alternative rock Spotify playlists and let us send text messages via voice control, such things are frivolous compared to the safety and efficiency benefits that come when you wire up tractor trailers.” – Wired Magazine

CHIFOO Event: Embrace The Chaos
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Embrace The Chaos: Client Workshops and Getting the Insights You Seek" with Alicia Nagel, Alicia Nagel Creative, LLC!

Engage the client in disruptive and engaging workshops early in website development process to elicit input from key stakeholders who might not otherwise be able to verbalize it. Learn about workshop tools to engage clients to define user personas, develop a wish-list of website features, and define voice for content.

About the Speaker

Alicia (@AliciaNagelCrtv) brings over a decade of experience in marketing strategy and branding. She creates content and makes sure the marketing for her clients is strategically crafted to meet their business goals.

She currently enjoys living in NoPo and takes any chance she can get to visit the many gardens we have within the city.

Come join CHIFOO for our second speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Feb 4, 2017
PDX Women In Tech (PDXWIT) Presents A Woman-focused Code Retreat
The Tech Academy

RSVP - is a self-organized, volunteer-led organization dedicated to enabling software developers to help each other improve their craft and teaming skills. Software developers of all sorts gather with their machines, IDEs and the ready-to-code Conway's Game of Life. A Coderetreat facilitator assists the developers during several 45-minute sessions throughout the day. Tanya Crenshaw and Jean Richardson will be teaming up to facilitate this Coderetreat. Tech Academy is donating space and providing breakfast and lunch for the event.

Come along for a day of codeplay in a supportive environment and help Coderetreat follow the sun during the global celebration of software development!

If you were there in October, we look forward to seeing you again. If you missed that event, grab your laptop, your favorite IDE, and come along. In response to feedback from the last session, we’ll be starting at 9am this time. Yes, we listen.

PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering: educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Feb 6, 2017
Portland Startup Week
through Various

Whether you’re a startup, a company interested in helping startups, or one of the many organizations that support startups in the Rose City, there’s no better way to showcase what you’re doing than Portland Startup Week.

Last year, we had nearly 100 free events taking place during the week. And this year promises to be no different.

Interested in hosting an event during Portland Startup Week? There's still time. Get more information on Portland Startup Week.

Community Hour[s] - Portland Community Hour[s] at CENTRL Office Pearl: Portland Startup Week edition

It's Portland Startup Week! What better time to get the startup community together? 

That's why Built OregonPIE, and Silicon Florist is using Startup Week as an opportunity to kick off a new year of Community Hour[s], our ongoing gatherings for all of the people who make up the entrepreneurial fabric of our community. There is no agenda, panel, or discussion. It’s a time to relax and network with old friends and make new connections with your peers and across industries. 

As much as we all love technology, we realize that community relationships are built through personal connections and shared stories. So we hope you’ll join us for a few minutes — or a couple of hours.

As always, Community Hour[s] are graciously hosted by CENTRL Office.

See you there!

P.S. Don't forget… if you're interested in getting involved in Portland Startup Week, there's still time to host your own event. It's easy. Just pick a time, a topic, and a place and we'll get you added to the list.

Design Week Website Hackathon at FINE

Design Week Portland is launching its full website in mid-February, and we're calling all coders to help get it ready to go live! We'll be launching the schedule, sweeping for content, squashing bugs, cleaning up code, writing tests and maybe even doing some progressive enhancement. Whether you're a junior developer or a seasoned senior, we'd love to have you involved. There will be pizza. There will be beverages. There will be code. Join us at FINE for an evening of hacking.

Coders beware: this seems less like a hackathon and more like a "we said we'd do this but don't have the resources, so come do it for us and we'll take the credit". Don't forget your time is worth $$ and the people putting this on are likely getting free tickets to DWP from your hard work!

Feb 10, 2017
Beer and Blog
Loyal Legion Pub

It's been a great week, but it's time to shut it down. Whether you attended a ton of events or none, please join us for a walk down memory lane with Beer and Blog, the official closing party of Portland Startup Week.

Need more motivation? has offered to buy the first round.

Feb 16, 2017
Agile Data Warehousing, Building a Virtualized ODS” with Kent Graziano - DAMA PDX
Standard Insurance Center Auditorium

Greetings Portland Lovers of Data, join your local Data User Group downtown on Thursday Feb 16th to learn about “Agile Data Warehousing, Building a Virtualized ODS” with Kent Graziano, Senior Technical Evangelist with Snowflake Computing and the author of The Data Warrior blog.

This is our usual monthly Portland Data Management User Group Chapter meeting.

For more information and to register go to: or our new meetup page at: Please register at one of those sites, so that we have a count for our usual continental breakfast. Walk-ins are welcome.

Presentation Summary

In order to meet timelines to fulfill urgent, unmet reporting needs, we built a virtualized Operational Data Store (ODS). This allowed us to deliver new objects, quickly and incrementally, so we could quickly show the business users their data. In order to limit the need for refactoring in later stages of the data warehouse development, we chose to build this virtualization layer on top of a Type 2 persistent staging layer. All of this was done using the free Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler (SDDM) against a MS SQL Server Database.

In this talk, we will show you the architecture for this approach, the rationale, and then some of the tricks used in SDDM to build all the stage tables and views very quickly. In the end you will see actual SQL code for the virtual ODS that you can leverage for your own projects.


• Learn what a Virtual ODS is and how it can help you be Agile

• Learn a data warehouse architecture that can be implemented incrementally and in layers

• How to quickly build pattern based stage tables in SDDM

• How to build complex, pattern based views in SDDM

• Tips on how to use analytic functions to create virtual columns

• See examples of how to embed change data capture into a view-based ELT loading architecture


Kent Graziano is a Senior Technical Evangelist with Snowflake Computing and the author of The Data Warrior blog ( He is a certified Data Vault Master (CDVP2), Oracle ACE Director, former member of the Boulder BI Brain Trust (#BBBT), expert data modeler and architect with over 30 years of experience, including 25 years doing data warehousing with multiple architectures.

Kent is an award winning speaker and author having written numerous articles, and has given hundreds of presentations, nationally and internationally. He is a co-author of four books including The Data Model Resource Book (1st Edition), and Supercharge Your Data Warehouse. His now has several ebooks on Kindle including A Check List for Doing a Data Model Design Reviews and An Introduction to Agile Data Engineering. You can follow Kent on his blog and twitter @kentgraziano.


8:30 - 9:00 am - Sign In
9:00 - 10:15 am - Presentation
10:15 - 10:30 am - Break, Chapter Announcements
10:30 - 11:30 am - Presentation continued
Free for Members and employees of our Corporate Members

There is a nominal charge for non-members to cover refreshments and speaker travel costs: $5 for Students with valid student ID / $15 for General public. See the list of DAMA PDX corporate members at


The Portland Metro Chapter of the Data Administration Management Association has been serving our Portland data community since 1984. We are a not-for-profit, vendor independent, professional association dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices of enterprise information and data resource management.

Our Mission: Deliver thought provoking data-centric presentations to make you more successful in your job.

Feb 28, 2017
PDXWIT Recent changes in US Immigration: A Q&A with immigration lawyers
Planet Argon


Here are a few immigration headlines taken at random from the recent news:

Reuters: Iranian academics scared and stranded by Trump travel ban

New York Times: Immigrants Hide, Fearing Capture on ‘Any Corner’

USA Today: It's a frightening day to be an undocumented immigrant in America
Fox32 Chicago: Immigrants fearing deportation under Trump change routines, won't even go outside
Independent: Donald Trump's new 'Muslim ban' will have 'same outcome' as old one, says senior White House adviser

Bloomberg: Trump’s H-1B Visa Crackdown Threatens Cutting-Edge U.S. Medicine

Washington Post: He yelled ‘Get out of my country,’ witnesses say, and then shot 2 men from India, killing one

Do you have questions about these recent changes on immigration? Are you worried about how these changes can affect you, your family, or other loved ones?

Join us for a discussion with , Lisa Yu and Chanpone Sinlapasai who can address your questions and provide some clarity on the situation.

Come hear from our community member, Shabnam Jahromi, on how the recent immigration changes,specifically the travel ban, have impacted her life and what this means for her future. Shabnam Jahromi is a Technical Account Manager at Jama Software. She was born and raised in Tehran/Iran and moved to the US in 2012 with a student visa. She will share her story on the process she went through to come to the US and how long it took.

Lisa Yu has been practicing immigration law since 1997. She specializes in corporate immigration matters ranging from non-immigrant visas to permanent resident applications (green cards). She has developed a particular expertise in labor certification applications, employment-based immigrant visa petitions and adjustment of status applications.

Chanpone Sinlapasai is a partner at Marandas & Sinlapasai. She focuses on immigration law and specializes in assisting survivors of crime. She strongly believe that victims' right is a human right, regardless of alienage. Her immigration practice also assist clients before the Immigration Court, Board of Immigration Appeals, and U.S. Court of Appeals.

Have questions? Contact Aishwarya @[email protected]

PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Trans and non-binary people are always welcome at our events.

Mar 1, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Inclusion Before Diversity: Creating a Culture of Learning and Encouraging Getting it Wrong
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Inclusion Before Diversity: Creating a Culture of Learning and Encouraging Getting it Wrong" with Ivana McConnell, Senior UI/UX Designer at!

Why tech companies should focus on achieving inclusion first, attending to employees’ specific self-care needs in order to create a platform for diversity to flourish, and better software made. People are chaotic, and product design has to account for them— this is challenging, and often solved by doing research and testing.

About the Speaker Ivana (@IvanaMcConnell) was born in Sarajevo to a civil engineer-turned-translator and a UN Logistics Officer-turned-software engineer. She arrived in Vancouver via Croatia, Scotland, and Toronto, and has previously made a living as a rock climbing instructor and video game tester. These days she’s a senior UX designer at, and is most interested in the intersections of technology, identity, and data.

Come join CHIFOO for our third speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Mar 14, 2017
Growing a Diverse Audience
BridgePort Brew Pub

Are you losing market share by leaving out segments of potential customers and clients? Join Jeff Selby for AMA PDX’s March 14 luncheon as he introduces you to the concept of equity and the use of an equity lens in your work. By learning more about systemic racism, understanding implicit bias, and adopting an equity lens, we can become more inclusive marketers and discover new audiences.

Mar 30, 2017
GameStorm 19
through Red Lion Hotel on the River, Jantzen Beach

The event features a game library with over 1000 titles and enough space for anyone and everyone to play to their heart's content.

Attendees may choose from organized events, open tabletop play, game lab design programming, LARP, tabletop RPG's, LAN games, miniatures, console games, panels and guest activities, and other fun stuff.

Memberships are available in advance via the website or may be purchased at the door. There are no individual event registration fees; admission is all-inclusive.

Apr 5, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Bottom Up Security: Doing Your Part to Secure The Future
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Bottom Up Security: Doing Your Part to Secure The Future" with Chris Berg, Firemaple Industries!

Everyday we hear more about another big hack. First Target, then the DNC, then the NSA. Secure software and infrastructure seems impossible, so what can we do? Come to this session to learn how to make security more accessible by making it part of the software and product development process.

About the Speaker

Christopher Berg (@thechrisberg) is a consultant who has spent over 16 years supporting enterprise and startup software development teams as an engineer, architect, instructor, and advisor. He provides guidance to cross-functional teams to bridge the gap from financial success to mature product with security, architecture, and process improvement instruction and implementation.

Come join CHIFOO for our fourth speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Apr 8, 2017
Northwest Regional Women in Computing Conference
Intel Jones Farm Campus (JFCC Auditorium)

The Northwest Regional Women in Computing (NWrWIC) Celebration focuses on empowering and encouraging women to enter the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields, particularly computer science. The conference brings together students from universities and high schools, with industry leaders from the private and public sectors to engage and inspire the next generation of leaders to play an active role in shaping the future of computing and technology.

The 2017 conference will focus on Internet Security in Our Evolving World. Our mission is to encourage women to pursue and build successful careers in computing and technology by improving their educational experience and engagement with industry leaders. With less than 30% of STEM jobs filled by women, the industry is lacking full representation of the world’s views. This lack of diversity inhibits industry’s innovation potential. Our effort recognizes and empowers women who are part of the computing industry and celebrates all who are supporters of them.

If you are the following, then you would want to come:

College professionals, Industry leaders, Tech job seekers, STEM/Technology leaders, Thought leaders, Professors, Teachers, High School STEM students (must be accompanied by guardian), Register for the event at:,

May 3, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Caring Technologies Designing For Trust And Care
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Caring Technologies Designing For Trust And Care" with Amelia Abreu, UX Night School!

Technology has the potential to shape the way that we give and receive care and the conditions in which the work of care is done. Yet, can we automate the crucial tasks of caring, and is it in our own interest to do so? How can we design services, along with products and systems, to support care?

About the Speaker

Amelia Abreu (@ameliaabreu) is a Portland-based design researcher, writer, and the founder of UX Night School. She's worked with teams at organizations like Nike, Intel, Mozilla and Microsoft, along with agencies, startups, and cultural institutions. She is a frequent conference speaker, the daughter of two schoolteachers, and generally geeky about how people learn (among other things). Her writing on culture and technology has been featured in the New Inquiry, Motherboard, The Hairpin and the BBC.

Come join CHIFOO for our fifth speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

May 6, 2017
Intro to Programming Workshop

Join us at Epicodus for our free Introduction to Programming Workshop on Saturday, May 6, 2017, from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. This workshop is intended for beginners interested in programming. No prior experience is necessary. During our workshop, you'll have the opportunity to meet some of our instructors, get a feel for Epicodus' unique classroom environment and gain a solid understanding of web design and web development. We look forward to seeing you there!

Schedule: Saturday, May 6, 2017 from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

What you'll learn: - Git, HTML and CSS objectives - Basic front-end development - JavaScript and jQuery

What to bring?:

We will provide 27" iMac computers for you to use, but please feel free to bring your laptop if you have one. We will also provide a light lunch.

Please register on Eventbrite so we know how much lunch to order!

May 10, 2017
I want to work for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ meetup
Forge Portland

Join our very special meetup session this Wednesday, May 10th 6:00pm to 8:30pm at Forge Portland. Our special guests this month are Scott Judkins, CEO of PayTrace and Trevor Redfern, CTO of PayTrace! PayTace is a super unique “remote-first” company. They are based out of Spokane, WA but most of the technology and business development staff members are based all over WA, OR and Idaho! Over the years, they built a very robust remote-first culture and have been thriving the last couple years. The company is growing at 35% per year and adding a lot of new tech staff (developers, QA and infrastructure folks). PayTrace has also built an intentional culture and goes to great lengths to nourish their values and build a great team-oriented workplace. They currently use the following technologies: Ubuntu, python, ruby, Ruby-on-rails, PostgresSQL, SQL Alchemy etc.

If you are looking to learn about a fast growing technology company that thrives on remote teams in the open-source world, you should definitely join!!

Jun 7, 2017
CHIFOO Event: How To Get Buy In And Be On The Same Page
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "How To Get Buy In And Be On The Same Page" with Mary Shaw, UX Consultant!

Getting buy-in from project stakeholders is often the most critical piece of the design puzzle. Learn how to successfully collaborate with your stakeholders so everyone is on the same page from the start.

About the Speaker

Mary Shaw (@maryshaw) is a seasoned UX consultant with 20 years of client-facing experience working with Fortune 500 companies, mid-sized businesses and startups. Mary helps clients get more customers and qualified leads by designing digital products that intentionally communicate who the product is for, what they get, and what's next. Mary has worked on a variety of UX design projects for clients including Coca-Cola, Weight Watchers, Unilever, Starbucks, and Conair Corporation.

Come join CHIFOO for our sixth speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Jun 8, 2017
PDX Women In Tech (PDXWIT) CryptoParty
Puppet 308 Southwest 2nd Avenue, 5th Floor, Portland, OR 97204

Please RSVP on Eventbrite

With increased regulations for ISPs to track consumer data and the ever-present possibility for fraud, keeping our internet activity private is more important than ever. CryptoParty is a decentralized movement with events happening all over the world. The goal is to pass on knowledge about protecting yourself in the digital space.

Join Bhavna Soman of Intel, Justin Mitzimberg of Cylance and Information Security professionals from all over Portland as they cover secure browsing, password security and management, two-factor authentication, and setting up VPNs to protect your privacy. They will also be available to discuss any advanced questions or specific issues.

CryptoParties are free and open for everyone, but are especially valuable to ​those without prior knowledge and haven't yet attended one.

To try the tools and apps directly at the CryptoParty, bring your laptop or smartphone.

Puppet Event Code of Conduct:

Purpose: PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Trans and non-binary people are always welcome at our events.

Jun 9, 2017
New Social Entanglements: Mixed Realities Tech Summit
White Stag Block (University of Oregon)

This summit explores the social ramifications, opportunities, and trajectories of these new immersive technologies through the lens of art, research, and design. It brings together artists, technologists, designers, and social thinkers for a day of talks, demonstrations, and experiences. It is intended to break open the conversation and tease out distinctions amongst these various realities and how these intersect and mesh with the body social.


FREE but tickets are limited. Register at Brown Paper Tickets


  • 9:30-10:30a Coffee + pastries + demos
  • 10:30-11:45a session 1
    • Tawny Schlieski - Challenge + Importance of Diversity in VR
    • Stephanie Mendoza - Shapeshifter Culture
    • Donna Davis - Diversity Access Gaps and Benefits for Work
    • Jamie Sherman - VR for diversity: working with NeuroSpeculative AfroFeminism
  • 11:45-1:00p lunch (independent recommend Pine St Mkt - nearby food court)
  • 1:00-2:15p session 2
    • Matt Henderson - VR social experiments and the emerging Metafesto
    • Jeremy Rotsztain - Mantissa: an historic cinema project
    • David Reuter - Site specific VR 3d worlds and headsets
    • Theo Downes-LeGuin - Exhibition design for new technologies
  • 2:30-4:00p session 3
    • Amy Hillman - Creating Shared Holographic Experiences
    • John Sherry - Intel Research on immersive experiences
    • Reese Bowes - Consilience: presence and affordance in art
    • U of O Art and Technology: advanced student projects
  • 4:00-5:30p Demos, hors d'oeuvres, and schmoozing
  • 5:30-6:30p Interactive performance - harmonic laboratory (
Jun 14, 2017
OEN PubTalk: Beyond Angels – Startup Funders Pitch to YOU
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Much ado is made about angel investment and venture capital, but the truth of the matter is that the majority of businesses get their funding elsewhere. Before you start chasing down angel investors, take some time to understand the full funding landscape, from community public offerings to crowdfunding to small business loans.

At our June PubTalk, funders will pitch to YOU to provide an overview of who their target market is and how they stack up to their competition.

The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections. As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza.

Learn more and register:

Jun 15, 2017
React Native Portland Presents
Crowd Compass

Please join us for React Native Portland meetup and presentation nite.

We will have Jamon Holmgren, Founder and COO of Infinite Red ( ) giving a talk about the versatile and powerful CLI tool they have built for React Native - Ignite CLI

According to Jamon, "we love React Native at Infinite Red and we are using it to build real Mobile apps for our clients"

Ignite CLI is a great tool for beginners as well as experts in React Native.

If you are just curious to get started on RN, or you are developing in iOS or Android and want to explore the 'other platform', or have been using RN but just want to expand your knowledge, his talk should have something for everyone.

Infinite Red is also hosting a dedicated conference on React Native, Chain React, right here in Portland July 10th and 11th.

Please join us for the RN Meetup on June 15th, 6pm at CrowdCompass.

There will be free Pizza and Beer!

Jun 21, 2017
OEN Office Hours at CENTRL East

Want to chat with an OEN staff member about how to get started leveraging our network? How to leverage other entrepreneurial resources in Portland and beyond? How to best take advantage of your membership? How to get more involved in OEN?

Make an appointment during our June 21 office hours so you can introduce yourself and chat with us. When you arrive, check in at the front desk and the receptionist will tell you where to go.

Reserve your slot here:

Jun 28, 2017
OEN Workshop: Find Your Fans & Focus – How To Get More Customers and Read Their Minds
Stoel Rives Portland

Are you starting a new business but not sure how to get traction? This workshop is all about defining who exactly your customer is, and emotionally connecting the dots between what you offer and what they need or want. The result? Get more fans, followers, subscribers, and customers.

We’ll teach you a step-by-step, proven framework you will use again and again! (In your customer definition. As you develop your products or services. In your web, blog, and print copy. Basically, everywhere.)

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to:

  • Define exactly who your target customer is (hint: it’s NOT “everyone”)
  • Hone in on what your target customer needs and wants – so you can deliver it
  • Attract, woo + win your target customers, so they want to work with you again and again
  • Learn a step-by-step blueprint that will enable you to pinpoint who you should be selling to, and why they need you.
  • Find the best free, simple, easy-to-use tools to get into the hearts and minds of your target customer
  • Use a simple recipe to describe exactly what you sell, and for whom

Register at:

Jun 29, 2017
OEN 2017 Entrepreneurial Summit: Leap of Faith
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)

Whether it’s the decision to quit your day job and go all in, to make a major pivot, or to take on a new partner, entrepreneurship involves many leaps of faith.

Join us at our 2017 Entrepreneurial Summit to hear stories from successful local entrepreneurs on the leaps of faith they have had to take, and whether success or disaster ensued. This year’s Summit will feature the founders of barre3, Ruby Receptionists, Society Nine, Panacea Valley Gardens, Harper’s Playground, and Sudara. The opening reception includes food, drinks, wine tasting, and networking opportunities.

Cost: Early-bird registration is $45 for OEN members and $75 for non-members.

Register at:

Jul 12, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Storytelling Versus Specifications: The Politics Of Introducing New Design In A Large Organization
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Storytelling Versus Specifications: The Politics Of Introducing New Design In A Large Organization" with Colin Bay, Thug Design | Dwayne King, Pinpoint. | Chris Tobias, Technology Association of Oregon!

Innovation is all the rage today. But how do you actually get your crazy, life changing ideas turned into real products when you work for a large, complex organization? Check out our panel of seasoned troublemakers to learn how you too can become a force for change within a large team and still keep your job.

About the Speakers

Colin Bay, Thug DesignColin Bay, Thug Design

Colin Bay is Chief Research Officer for Thug Design, a user research and design agency in NW Portland. He has been working in user experience since before it was ever called that, from WordPerfect to Intel to Thug, and some companies in between. HThug works chiefly with companies in the Fortune 100, along with a variety of smaller, up-and-coming clients.

Dwayne King, Pinpoint.Dwayne King, Pinpoint.

Dwayne (@dwayne_king) has led strategic teams for over 15 years, always asking them for less; Less complexity, less ego, less whiz-bang, and less copycat thinking. Leaving more room for elegant, useful design and emergent strategies that bring something new into the world.

Chris Tobias, TAO & GE HealthcareChris Tobias, Technology Association of Oregon

Chris currently serves as Lead Systems Integrator for GE Healthcare leading software projects for the Sochi and Rio Olympics, electronic prescribing, patient records and next generation cloud healthcare software. He is also Chairman of the Technology Association of Oregon’s Digital Health Community which hosts Oregon’s largest health technology innovation events and forums.

Come join CHIFOO for our seventh speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Jul 16, 2017
PDXWIT #Action Fighting Hunger in the Park Volunteer Event
O'Bryant Square - 808 SW Stark St 808 Southwest Stark Street Portland, OR 97205

We started PDXWIT #Action in January to give our community the opportunity to make a difference for issues we care about.

For July, we’ve organized a team volunteering event with Hands on Greater Portland’s Potluck in the Park to offer you the opportunity to help fight hunger in Portland. Potluck in the Park has been providing hot meals to hundreds of people in need every Sunday in Portland. They believe access to food is a human right, and volunteers with this organization have worked tirelessly to fulfill this fundamental right. For the past 25 years inspiring volunteers have dedicated their Sunday afternoons to provide healthy meals to anyone that attends the potluck.

Are you interested in helping with the Potluck in the Park food service? Volunteers with #Action will be meeting at 1:50pm on July 16th at the O’Bryant Square corner of SW 9th and SW Washington. If you can commit to helping serve food please RSVP before Friday, July 7th. Volunteers will be contacted via email a few days prior to the event for confirmation of planned attendance.

PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Trans and non-binary people are always welcome at our events.

Jul 20, 2017
React Native Portland - Tips & lessons from building a large scale production app in react native

Let's keep up the momentum built by ChainReact with our next meeting on July 20th (3rd Thursday) at 6pm.

This meetup is being graciously sponsored by Mercari Mercari is a consumer marketplace app which provides a hassle-free and secure way to buy and sell items straight from your mobile device or tablet and has had over 75 million downloads across Japan and the US. They have transitioned their iOS and Android app to React Native.

Bocelli Hu, Head Of Engineering at Mercari, Inc. and two engineers will be giving a talk about their experiences with React Native and will be sharing tips and lessons learnt in building a large scale production app in React Native.


Bocelli Hu, Head Of Engineering

Philip Mok, Frontend Engineer

Tomoaki Imai, Android Engineer

Location [ changed for this month ] Mercari Offices at 110 SW Yamhill St, Portland, OR 97204

6:00pm Networking, pizza and drinks 7:00pm Tech Presentations (about 1 hour) 9:00pm End of the event

Please come and meet and network with other folks in React Native.

FREE PIZZA and BEER provided by Mercari

Jul 25, 2017
WeWork Pioneer Place

What if the person who could further your career was already looking for you? What if a room full of people knew exactly the insight you seeked? What if your knowledge could be someone else’s Eureka moment?

Welcome to Magnet. Where you can let your

It's a laid back networking event, tackling the conundrum: We all love to help, but we hate asking for it.

Aug 2, 2017
CHIFOO Event: CHIFOO Annual Bowling Party
AMF Pro 300 Lanes aka Powell Bowl

CHIFOO presents our Annual Bowling Party!

Come join us for the annual CHI-Bowl and enjoy some indoor sports. Dig out your bowling shirt and come bowl a few games, or just hang out and socialize with your friends and colleagues. Families are welcome, too! And very special prizes will be awarded. You need not bowl to win!

Don't be a turkey get some turkeys. Don’t forget your socks and lucky bowling ball!

Cost CHIFOO members get in free. Non-members or guests get the full bowling package for just $10, and bring the kids—your entire family can bowl for $20! It’s a heck of a deal.

Come join CHIFOO on September 6th for our eighth speaker event next month for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Aug 22, 2017
PDX WIT #Action - Oregon State Legislature Panel
Stoel Rives LLP 760 Southwest 9th Avenue, Portland, OR

Join our Oregon State Representatives and Senators in August for an educational panel on state government. While national legislators grab headlines, state legislators are doing the hard work of local governance.

As we voted in February, many of our key issues like civil rights, women’s health, education, homelessness and transportation are actually most influenced at the state level.

The Oregon State government is at the forefront of policies that impact our daily lives. We’ll discuss how lawmaking is segmented by the national, state, and local level;, how state governments enact policy; how public opinion influences state policy; and how our key issues are playing out at the state level.

Agenda: 5:30pm – Doors Open 6:00pm – Panel Begins 7:00pm - Networking

The following Oregon State Representatives and Senators will be joining us:

Representative Tawna Sanchez (District 43): Rep Sanchez represents North and NE Portland. She’s a Vice-Chair of the Human Services and Housing Committee, a member of the Judiciary Committee, and Joint Ways and Means Subcommittee on Public Safety.

Representative Janelle Bynum (District 51): Rep Bynum represents East Portland, Damascus, Gresham, Boring, North Clackamas, and Happy Valley. She is the Vice Chair for the Committee on Business and Labor and is a member of the Early Childhood and Family Supports and Higher Education and Workforce Development committee.

Senator Chuck Thomsen (District 26): Senator Thompson represents Hood River. He’s the vice chair of Committee On Business and Transportation and is a member of the of Ways and Means and Legislative Policy and Research committees.

Representative Janeen A. Sollman (District 30): Rep. Sollman represents Hillsboro. She is a member of the House Committee On Education and Committee On Higher Education and Workforce Development.

We will lead the panel in a discussion of state government and then open it up to audience questions, so come prepared with any questions.

Aug 30, 2017
OEN Workshop: Startup 411
WeWork Custom House

Got an idea for a startup, but don’t know where to start? We'll help you get unstuck! This workshop will provide an overview of local resources, along with a checklist of steps to take as you build out your plan.

This workshop, held jointly by OEN and OTBC, will provide you with:

  • A checklist of where to get started
  • A review of common mistakes entrepreneurs make and how to avoid them
  • An overview of startup funding options (and realities)
  • An overview of resources available to entrepreneurs
  • Answers to some of the basic questions that always come up about protecting your idea, co-founders, etc.

Learn more and register: Learn more:

Sep 6, 2017
OEN Office Hours at WeWork
WeWork Custom House

Are you an Oregon entrepreneur trying to start or scale a business? Come chat with a staff member from the nonprofit Oregon Entrepreneurs Network about how to get started leveraging our network and resources.

Make an appointment here:

PDX WIT #Action: Learn how you can give back to local education efforts
Puppet 308 Southwest 2nd Avenue Portland, OR 97204

Join PDXWIT for a night of learning and connecting with local education-focused non-profits. One of our top local issues is education, and we want to support local efforts to empower education equity so that all young people have access to educational and employment opportunities and the chance to thrive.

Join us for a conversation around pathways to education and ways you can get involved. The event will feature lightning sessions where attendees can learn about and connect with the efforts of local groups that help young people become tomorrow’s superstars.


5:00 Doors open and welcome

5:30 Lightning talks begin

6:45 Wrap up

7:00 Event ends

Q: What is the parking situation? A: Street Parking Only

Q: Is there secured bike parking? A: No

Q: Should I consider using public transportation? A: Yes! The Max Red and Blue lines run right to the office

Q: Is the office pet friendly? A: Yes!


PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Trans and non-binary people are always welcome at our events.

CHIFOO Event: Launching An Innovation Team
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Launching An Innovation Team" with Erik Goodfriend, Humanity Innovation Labs!

The journey from product ideation to launch is full of challenges. Those challenges need a team able to combine the right resources, tools and insight with product strategy, design thinking, and business model design.

About the Speakers

Erik Goodfriend (@egoodfriend) combines product strategy, design thinking, and business model innovation to help organization’s realize their strategic goals. He leads business and commercialization strategy at Humanity Innovation Labs, developing scalable wearable systems that shift the healthcare paradigm from provider driven to consumer directed. Erik also works as a product development manager at Providence Health Plan, developing insurance products that incentivize positive health decisions by consumers and cost effective care delivery by providers.

Come join CHIFOO for our ninth speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Sep 7, 2017
8th Annual PDX TechCrawl!

Don't miss one of the biggest tech events in Portland on Sept 7th.

For one evening, PDX Tech companies open their offices to (tech) crawlers who eat and drink their way from office to office.

It's a great way to learn about all the awesome work happening from tech companies in Portland, check their offices, learn about their job openings and meet their staff.

Last year over 3000 people joined this event. Don't miss the 8th Annual TechCrawl!

There will be information booths, food, and drink in the street for all to enjoy free of charge!

If you would like to join the crawl and receive a map and access to the buildings, you can register at our registration table for just $5.

Sep 13, 2017
Big Data - What's the Big Idea?
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

You’ve heard of big data. But if you’re like most of us, you’re not sure you totally get it. Join us for our September PubTalk, where panelists will share real-life examples of how businesses are using big data, what insights they are gaining that previous datasets couldn’t reveal, and what potential is still left untapped.

The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections.

Held the second Wednesday of every month, OEN PubTalks are what the name implies — an hour of networking followed by a talk on a specified theme. And yes, they take place at a pub. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m. and the program will begin at 6 p.m.

Our PubTalks usually kick off with a short pitch from an OEN member, followed by audience Q&A. We’ll be serving free appetizers and pizza; beer, wine, or other beverages are available for purchase.

Learn more and register:

Sep 14, 2017
BEST FEST, The Pacific NW's Premier Cleantech Innovation Conference
World Trade Center

Innovations on the frontiers of science and technology can help address the environmental challenges we face. The 2017 BEST FEST will explore how cutting edge innovations in Advanced Manufacturing, Energy, Water, Natural Resources, IoT, Agriculture and Food can make a positive impact on the planet while also growing the Oregon economy. Experts from across industries in Oregon and outside the state along with entrepreneurs and university researchers will expose exciting innovations in an informative and fascinating program.

Now in its ninth year, BEST FEST brings together the doers, thinkers, and innovators working in clean technology across the region. Our signature event – known as the Pacific Northwest’s premier cleantech innovation conference – is about learning, inspiring, networking, sharing ideas, and shaping a better, more sustainable future. BEST FEST convenes a diverse audience of entrepreneurs, investors, partners, corporates, university researchers, students, and scientists – all of whom share the common goal of accelerating solutions to environmental challenges and want to create opportunities to engage.

Early bird tickets on sale now at:

Sep 26, 2017
PDXWIT Mentorship Program Networking Event
New Relic

Please RSVP at Eventbrite

Join us for our next PDXWIT Mentorship Program Networking Event sponsored by New Relic! Whether you're already part of the program or interested to find out more, come celebrate the successes of the program and meet other individuals in the mentorship network.


5:30 Doors open

6:15 Program beings

  • Welcome address by New Relic’s Anne Buckley
  • Special guest from Intel
  • Desiree Sylvester will talk about both a mentor and mentee influenced her career, sticking around for a Q&A
  • Mentorship spotlight on Claire Hernandez and Angela Gaffney, who will discuss how they connected outside of the mentorship program and subsequently joined

7:10 Networking

7:30 Event ends

Are you in the program and can't attend? Don't worry, this event is optional.

Haven't signed up yet? Never fear! You can still sign up and we will try to match you as soon as we have a mentor available.

PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Trans and non-binary people are always welcome at our events.

Sep 28, 2017
How to Scale Up Your Startup

Join us for our Scale Up workshop series to learn how to: tailor your company’s growing operations to a specific business strategy, learn when and how to outsource work, align your product development and business goals, and develop a scalable sales & marketing strategy.

Learn more and register:

Our workshop series consists of three sessions on Sept. 28, Oct. 5, and Oct. 12 focused on operations, product development, and marketing. Each session runs from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and includes lunch.

OEN Workshop: Scaling Operations for Startups

Scaling a startup requires careful attention to the operational details within the company. Experts in finance, human resources, and real estate will equip you with concepts and tools to build and evaluate operations to support your vision. You will learn how to tailor your company’s operational competencies, processes, and assets to a specific business strategy.

Learn more and register:

This session is part of a three-part workshop series, "How to Scale Your Startup," hosted by the nonprofit Oregon Entrepreneurs Network. Register for the entire series here:

Oct 2, 2017
PDX Women in Tech (PDXWIT) Women Veterans in Tech

Description: Are you a woman with current or prior military service? Want to examine how your military experience can help you land a job in today's tech field? Join Portland Women in Tech and Oregon Department of Veterans Affairs to learn about the many opportunities available, find out how you can increase your wage, and how that job you never saw as a tech job can get you in at any level, from the ground up. Don't settle for less than you deserve with your skills. Join us for a night of camaraderie, job-finding, and tools for career advancement. We’ll be hosting a panel featuring women veterans who turned their military skills into tech careers. There will be networking opportunities with managers working for hiring companies, recruiters, and other women veterans.

Meet the panelists:

Dana Lawson, VP of Engineering at InVision
Tiffany Longworth, Products Operations Manager at Puppet
Amber Buckley, Release Manager at InComm Digital
Shannon Langley, State Veterans Program Coordinator with the Oregon Employment Department


5:30 - Networking
6:00 - Panel begins, followed by Q&A
6:30 - More networking time, résumé updating, etc.
7:30 - Event ends

PDXWIT Purpose : PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Trans and non-binary people are always welcome at our events.

Oct 4, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Coding is for Coders: Why Designers Should Learn Business and What You Can Do About It
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Coding is for Coders: Why Designers Should Learn Business and What You Can Do About It" with Patrick Neeman, icertis!

Most designers may have heard something like, "learn to code like your life depends on it.” While empathy for the engineering process is important, and that mythical designer / coder may exist, in general, this advice is misguided. Bad for you, bad for your team, bad for your organization, and most importantly, bad for your career.

In this talk, Patrick will explain why you should not learn to code and instead focus on learning the in’s an out’s of business. He’ll cover:

• Why learning about business is a good idea for any user experience professional

• Why most businesses secretly want designers to learn business

• What aspects of business are important to user experience

• How you can take action to learn it in your organization

• Where you can apply what you have learned to your current job, and your future jobs

About the Speaker

Patrick Neeman (@usabilitycounts) (mostly) in Seattle, Washington. He is currently Sr. Director of User Experience at icertis. He was Director of Product Design at Apptio, and Director of User Experience at Jobvite. After a complete redesign of the application, Jobvite received a Webby award for employment, and the Deloitte What Works award.

Come join CHIFOO for our tenth speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Oct 5, 2017
OEN Workshop: Scaling Product Development for Startups

You’ve turned your idea into a product – now how do you grow your team and deliver that product to the broader market? In this workshop session, we will focus on the unique and practical considerations of scaling product development for the next level.

Learn more and register:

This session is part of a three-part workshop series, "How to Scale Your Startup," hosted by the nonprofit Oregon Entrepreneurs Network. Register for the entire series here:

Oct 11, 2017
Innovations in Healthcare - OEN PubTalk
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Sick of the healthcare status quo? Join us to learn about what’s going on in bioscience and healthcare right here in Portland. Enjoy some pizza, buy a beer, and meet entrepreneurs who are at the front lines of healthcare innovation—from inventing life-saving medical products, to eliminating physician burnout, to improving patient care with customizable software.

The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections. As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m. and the panel discussion will kick off around 6 p.m.

Learn more and register:

Oct 12, 2017
OEN Workshop: Scaling Sales for Startups

Startups face unique challenges when it comes to identifying and developing their growth engines and putting sustainable processes in place. In this workshop session, learn how to create a sales force and develop a selling process and strategy.

Learn more and register:

This session is part of a three-part workshop series, "How to Scale Your Startup," hosted by the nonprofit Oregon Entrepreneurs Network. Register for the entire series here:

Oct 17, 2017
Portland Java User Group (PJUG)
New Relic


  • Discuss how we're planning to help PJUG appeal to a broader more diverse audience.
  • Chris Hansen will present his take-aways from JavaOne last month.
  • Sean Sullivan from will present on web application security and Apache Struts.


In September 2017, Equifax announced a major security breach. The breach may have exposed sensitive data for over 100 million US consumers. The breach was due, in part, to a vulnerability in an older release of Apache Struts 2.x

This talk will examine the vulnerabilities from the Apache Struts framework. We will review the underlying Java code and discuss the fixes that were applied by the Apache Struts team.


Sean Sullivan is a Principal Software Engineer at HBC Digital. Sean has been a member of the HBC/Gilt team since 2011.


Oct 25, 2017
OEN Entrepreneurship Awards
Oregon Convention Center

It’s like the Oscars, but with less glam and more grit. Each fall, over 600 local business leaders converge at OEN’s Tom Holce Entrepreneurship Awards Dinner for Oregon’s largest and most prestigious business networking event.

Join us for our October 25 Awards Dinner to:

  • Meet the movers and shakers in Oregon’s entrepreneurial community.
  • Network with hundreds of business leaders during our opening reception.
  • Help us select this year’s social enterprise Game Changer.
  • Discover up-and-coming entrepreneurs from across the state and across all industries, including the finalists and winners of our Game Changer, Company, Entrepreneurial Achievement, and Wyatt Starnes Awards.
  • Enjoy signature cocktails, local wine, samples from up-and-coming Oregon food & beverage entrepreneurs, and a plated dinner.

Learn more & register:

Nov 9, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Now That’s Risky Business – Selling UX To The Security Techies
1st Floor Conference Room- Big Pink (Us Bancorp Tower), 111 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, OR 97204

CHIFOO presents "Now That’s Risky Business – Selling UX To The Security Techies" with Andrew Sweany, Tripwire!

Software for tech savvy system admins and security analysts doesn’t need to be easy to use, right? Wrong. Providing good software to the folks keeping our data safe is much more important than one click shoe shopping.

About the Speaker

Andrew (@andrewsweany) began as a Human Factors Engineer at Intel in 2000 and since that time has completed countless user research activities on a huge range of products (software, hardware, web/desk, tablet, & mobile) across the entire life cycle (from emerging concepts to well established enterprise and consumer products).

Come join CHIFOO for our eleventh and final speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Nov 14, 2017
PDX Women in Tech (PDXWIT) Building a technology company that lasts in a male-dominated industry

Registration through Eventbrite is required to avoid having to manually check-in at the event

Interested in learning how a woman CEO works to build a company that lasts in a male-dominated industry? This event is for the technical, non-technical, and the curious in learning new insights from a woman entrepreneur in software. She’ll discuss what it takes to lead through real business challenges for over two decades.

PDXWIT is partnering with OpenMake's CEO, Tracy Ragan, for an informational event to share real-life experiences and insights in leading and making a mark in DevOps. "If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.” - Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Register today, you don't want to miss this event!

Agenda: 5:30: Doors 6:00-7:00: Speaking segment 7:00-7:45: Q&A and Networking

PDXWIT Purpose: PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Nov 21, 2017
Portland Java User Group (PJUG)
Oracle (Downtown Campus)

Join Tom Hanley from Skymind for an interactive tour through DeepLearning4j (DL4J), an open source, distributed, deep learning library for Java. This presentation will focus on machine learning basics and showing how to setup a development environment so you can run some of the canonical neurel network applications like image classification and text analysis with DL4J.

To get the most out of this presentation, read through the brief tutorial so you can follow along with coding examples.

Dec 19, 2017
PDX Women in Tech (PDXWIT) Fourth Annual Women + Tech Holiday Party
OMSI 1945 Southeast Water Avenue Portland, OR 97214

Registration through Eventbrite [] is required to avoid having to manually check-in at the event

We are giving away the PDXWIT annual tote to the first 100 people who check-in.

Join us at our Women + Tech Holiday Party, co-organized by PDXWIT and WWC Portland in partnership with Lesbians Who Tech, ChickTech, PyLadies, and Girls Inc. This event is hosted by OMSI and sponsored by Nike, Cambia Health Solutions, the University of Washington Foster School of Business Hybrid MBA, and ClientJoy.

2017 has been a big year for our communities and we are thrilled to come together, for the fourth year, to celebrate the holidays and what we’ve accomplished. In honor of our celebratory theme, PDXWIT and WWC Portland will be recognizing individuals for their great work over the year.

PDXWIT will be honoring two individuals, Best Contributor and Best Speaker. If you or someone you know has has been working hard to make PDXWIT a success or spoken at one of our events, please submit your nominations by November 19th. The Best Contributor award will be selected in advance by a panel and finalists for the Best Speaker Award will perform runoff Lightning Talks at the Holiday Party. The winner will be selected by text-to-vote.

At Women Who Code, we regularly celebrate the achievements of our members through the #ApplaudHer hashtag. We use #ApplaudHer to highlight victories ranging from accepting a new position and receiving a promotion to speaking at a conference and meeting a personal goal. The concept is simple: we believe that recognition can create change and that rewriting public perceptions can transform tech. During the Women + Tech Holiday Party, we will announce our Tech Leadership and Rising Tech Star winners from the many submissions we have received throughout the year.

While the event is primarily intended for networking, we will have a segment to hear from our sponsors and introduce and announce awards.

During the event, we’ll have more to do than free-form networking:

  • an activity table where people can get creative. This is a fantastic way to meet others if large groups are not your thing. If you have trouble finding it, look for Meg Aul, our Event Activities Director.

  • table topics to help break the ice.

  • a section for job seekers and those hiring to ensure people get connected.

Music will be provided by DJ Mienne.

5:30 pm - Doors open

6:00 pm - Introductions + Welcome by Mandy Mock Vice President, Information Technology General Manager, Product Engineering Solutions at Intel

6:15 pm - Lightning Talks by Rose Flores Medlock and Kristy Wolff

6:30 pm - Networking

Mandy J. Mock is a vice president in the Information Technology group and serves as the general manager of product engineering solutions at Intel Corporation.

Event FAQ

Q: Is the space ADA accessible?

A: Yes

Q: What is the parking situation?

A: OMSI has free parking for this event.

Q: Is there secured bike parking?

A: There is variety of bike parking, and it is secure.

Q: Should I consider using public transportation?

A: Public transport is always best, but OMSI has plenty of parking.


PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Jan 10, 2018
CHIFOO Event: Is Design Metrically Opposed?
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Is Design Metrically Opposed?" with Jared Spool, Center Centre & UIE!

The world of metrics and analytics have often been at odds with how designers work. Design is a process where we finely tune our intuition to create great user experiences. Yet, sometimes, what we think is best rivals the metrics. So which do we believe-our gut or the data?

In the world of measures, metrics, and Key Performance Indicators some practices, like the growth hacking approach to increasing Monthly Average Users (MAUs), have hurt the online experience of Instagram and LinkedIn. While alternatives to satisfaction and net promoter score give insight into the design process and help designers have better instincts.

If you’re ready to talk to your teams about what you really need, help management interpret the data, and create analytical experiments that provide design insights, don’t miss this talk.

About the Speaker Jared Spool (@jmspool) is a co-founder of Center Centre and the founder of UIE.

While he led UIE, the industry research firm he started in 1988, the field of UX design emerged and Jared helped define what makes UX designers successful all over the world. In 2016, with Dr. Leslie Jensen-Inman, he opened Center Centre, a new school in Chattanooga, TN to create the next generation of industry-ready UX Designers. They created a revolutionary approach to vocational training, infusing Jared's decades of UX experience with Leslie's mastery of experience-based learning methodologies.

CHIFOO is celebrating its 25th anniversary! Come join CHIFOO for our first speaker event for 2018's theme "Do the Right Thing- HCI Ethics: Where Do We Start".

Jan 16, 2018
PDX Women in Tech (PDXWIT) Winter Volunteer Orientation

Registration through Eventbrite is required to avoid having to manually check-in at the event.

Interested in joining the stellar crew of PDXWIT volunteers? New to volunteering with us? Want to meet other capable, driven women and allies in tech? You'll be in the right place at our winter volunteer orientation. PDXWIT is a 100% volunteer-run organization, which means that volunteers are crucial to the success of our mission. There are plenty of ways to get involved. At the orientation, you'll learn about different volunteer roles, from regular engagements to occasional gigs, get an overview of expectations and processes, have any questions you bring answered, and catch up with other PDXWIT community members. We can't wait to welcome you!


5:30 Doors Open

5:45 Program Begin

Introduce attendees to PDXWIT

Provide overview of:

Volunteer Agreement

Different types of volunteer roles

Example of some of the Regular teams

Review upcoming volunteer needs

7:00 Program Ends

Event FAQ Q: What is the parking situation? A: Off street parking only.

Q: Is there secured bike parking? A: Yes - The host can accommodate bike parking in the basement vault for the hours of the event only, and bikes would be stored at owner’s risk. They ask for advance notice to get an idea of space needed.

Q: Should I consider using public transportation? A: Yes

Purpose PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Portland Java User Group (PJUG)

Join John Blume from Pivotal to learn how existing applications can be modernized for the cloud by employing cloud-ready data management technologies, such as Apache Geode, which was built from the ground up on distributed, horizontally scalable (scale-out), shared-nothing architectural principles. When combined with the power of Spring running on Cloud Foundry, you have a recipe for protecting your existing investment while enabling you to leverage cloud-native design patterns that will move you towards the future.

Jan 19, 2018
ArchaeologyFest Film Series: Best of 2017
through 5th Avenue Cinema

The best archaeology-related films in the world are coming to Portland for two weekends this January and you won’t want to miss it! Grab a friend, bring the family and head down to the Fifth Avenue Cinema for four evenings of fun and entertainment. For the final weekend, Jan 19th and 20th, films included in this mini-festival are the best and brightest from The Archaeology Channel International Film Festival 2017, annually held in Eugene, Oregon. This exciting event is a rare glimpse into international culture, language and heritage and its enriching for people from all walks of life. Films featured in this festival range from places such as India, Malaysia, France and more, so take a break from the rain and the mundane and come on down for some educational and family friendly fun. Tickets are $7 at the door

Feb 7, 2018
PDX Women in Tech (PDXWIT) Why Gender-Inclusive Software Matters to Everyone

Seating is limited, please plan to arrive early to ensure a seat!

We are hosting an event to further the cause of inclusivity, focused on gender. By attending, you’ll earn talking points about why gender-inclusive software matters to your business, to our society, and to everyone. You will leave with an idea of how to achieve it in your own software with a practical and freely available method called GenderMag. We will also discuss ideas about how you can help make software more inclusive to diversity of thought. This event is suitable for anyone who helps shape software (software managers, software developers, UXers, tech CEOs, tech CIOs, ...)

About the speaker: Margaret Burnett is an OSU Distinguished Professor at Oregon State University. She began her career in industry, where she was the first woman software developer ever hired at Procter & Gamble Ivorydale. A few degrees and shattered glass ceilings later, she joined academia, with a research focus on people who are engaged in some form of software development. Burnett is an ACM Distinguished Scientist, a member of the ACM CHI Academy, and an award-winning mentor. She is also on the Academic Alliance Advisory Board of the National Center for Women In Technology (NCWIT).

Recent podcast interview with Burnett:

This is a method for de-marginalizing one aspect of tech.


6:00: Talk
6:30: Q&A
7:15: Networking

Event FAQ:

Q: Will there be gender neutral restrooms?

A: Yes

Q: Is the space ADA accessible?

A: Yes

Q: Where there be food and drink at this event?

A: Yes

Q: What is the parking situation?
A: Paid street parking. Generally, not a problem to find space.

Q: Is there secured bike parking?
A: Yes.

Q: Should I consider using public transportation?
A: We are on Max and Trimet making public transportation an easy option.

Q: I have a pet allergy. Will office pets be present at the host’s space?
A: Office pets *may* be present.

Purpose: PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

CHIFOO Event: Wasted Time Isn’t Time Wasted

CHIFOO presents "Wasted Time Isn’t Time Wasted: Ensuring An Ethical Process" with Corey Pressman, Fiction!

We are at an important juncture in our technologic and social evolution requires focus and acumen and something else: poetry, imagination, and daydreaming.

This talk presents a way for us - the makers and thinkers of the science fiction present - to organize our activities so as to include healthy portions of the arts & humanities, experimentation, and daydreaming. Creating and maintaining a healthy dream/work balance will ensure that our emerging machine environments are centered on us, and not us on them.

About the Speaker Corey Pressman (@cspressman) is a strategist, anthropologist and futurist with over 20 years’ experience providing clarity and direction to clients and partners of all kinds. As VP of Adaptive Strategies at Fiction, he generates, manages and works on projects with large corporations, universities and startups to help them envision and enact human-centered communication and innovation.

CHIFOO is celebrating its 25th anniversary all year long! Come join CHIFOO for our second speaker event for 2018's theme "Do the Right Thing- HCI Ethics: Where Do We Start?".

Feb 10, 2018
Love Letters to Net Neutral Municipal Broadband
Portland City Hall

Roses are red, violets are blue, we need net neutrality and public ownership too! Hope you like typewriters, this month's event will feature a lot of them.

Comcast and other large internet service providers have successfully lobbied to repeal net neutrality, sell information about what you do online, and prevent localities from properly regulating them. Municipal broadband is the last line of defense against internet service provider abuses which threaten freedom of information, digital equality, and democracy itself.

Municipal broadband is something many cities such as Tacoma, WA and Sandy, OR already have. In Portland we have been planning to build a municipal broadband network decades, now that our internet freedoms are under attack, it’s an idea whose time has come.

2:00 pm: Event starts 2:15 pm: Speakers 2:50 pm: Letter typing 3:20 pm: The big secret is revealed! ✨

Feb 20, 2018
OEN PubTalk: Speed Networking!
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Entrepreneurs are often told to “network” their way to investors, mentors, and business partners. But this can be scary if you’re not comfortable, don’t know where to start, or what to say. We’re here to help—our Speed Networking PubTalk is back by popular demand! Join us to practice building your social capital game.

Register now:

Mar 7, 2018
CHIFOO Event: Humanizing Technology For The Betterment All
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Humanizing Technology For The Betterment All" with Elizabeth Bacon, Devise Consulting!

Liz will use the breadth of her professional background and core design practices to expound on the fundamental responsibility we have in HCI fields to humanize technology for the betterment of all. Her deep experience in user research, interaction design, product management as well as entrepreneurship all reflect her passion for solving wicked problems and ensuring that we’re making the world a better place through our work. She will talk about personas, a tool for humanizing “users” and working towards their good at every step of the product/service design and development process. Come and be inspired, while taking away actionable tools that improve everybody’s outcomes.

About The Speaker Elizabeth Bacon (@ebacon)- "I've been practicing at the forefront of the interaction design and product management fields for almost twenty years. My professional endeavors have included in-house roles at St. Jude Medical, Providence Health & Services, Cigna, and most recently as Head of Product at Qantas Assure in Australia."

CHIFOO is celebrating its 25th anniversary all year long! Come join CHIFOO for our third speaker event for 2018's theme "Do the Right Thing- HCI Ethics: Where Do We Start?".

Mar 20, 2018
Portland Java User Group (PJUG)
WeWork Pioneer Place

Service gateways are a great new invention for improving the reliability and management of microservices. They provided nice features, like service monitoring, load balancing, creative routing, canarying, and fault injection. To learn more, join PJUG on Tuesday as Biju Kunjummen, from Pivotal, talks about service gateways, and about Netflix Zuul and the Spring Cloud Gateway in particular.

Please RSVP at


Mar 31, 2018
Music for Municipal Broadband
Portland City Hall

Come show your support for Municipal Broadband in Portland! Help us build visible support for the next step, which is to convince the city council to fund a feasibility study in its upcoming budget! Come learn about what you can do to make a public net neutral broadband service a reality in Portland!

At the rally, you can also enjoy musical performances by musicians who care about net neutrality and municipal broadband! Performing will be: Snailbones Grandfather Plastic Cactus Dim Wit Erika Donocho

Invite your friends! We look forward to seeing you there!

Apr 18, 2018
CHIFOO Event: How to Fight Fascism

CHIFOO presents "How to Fight Fascism" with Mike Monteiro, Mule Design!

All design is political, because all politics are designed. The world is a mess because a certain set of people designed it to be a mess. Now we need a different set of people to design our way out of it. This is not a choice. Regardless of whether this is what we wanted or not fascism is knocking on our front door. This is how we knock back.

About the Speaker Mike Monteiro (@monteiro) is the co-founder and design director of Mule Design. He prefers elegant, simple sites with clear language that serve a real need. He prefers that designers have strong spines. Mike writes and speaks frequently about the craft and business of design.

CHIFOO is celebrating its 25th anniversary all year long! Come join CHIFOO for our fourth speaker event for 2018's theme "Do the Right Thing- HCI Ethics: Where Do We Start?".

Apr 24, 2018
Portland Java User Group (PJUG)
Oracle (Downtown Campus)

Eric Schabell (, an evangelist director from Red Hat, will be presenting a hands-on workshop for OpenShift, JBoss, Ansible, (et al), including several container based java example projects.

Please RSVP at


May 9, 2018
CHIFOO Event: Breaking The Veil Of Research

CHIFOO presents "What Happens When You Break The Veil Of Research?" with Nancy Frishberg, Senior UX Researcher & Coach!

In design education, there is no ethical code that all agree on. What about computer science or any of the other disciplines we may have been trained in? The discussions of ethics and the real-life experiences that followed have informed my understanding of universal access and ethical responsibilities of design. I'll challenge myself to make the connections between these two endeavors (interpreting and design research or human-computer interaction) clear for all.

About the Speaker Nancy Frishberg (@nancyf) has had several careers. The one most familiar to CHIFOO audiences is her work in qualitative research with humans, usually about improving products and services that people use and pay for and the processes that get them to those interactions and purchases. She has worked in tech companies, financial services institutions, and as a consultant to both for-profit and non-profit organizations.

CHIFOO is celebrating its 25th anniversary! Come join CHIFOO for our fifth speaker event for 2018's theme "Do the Right Thing- HCI Ethics: Where Do We Start?".

May 17, 2018
Access to Justice Hackathon: Improving access to justice through technology
through White Stag Building, 70 NW Couch St, Portland, OR 97209

The MBA is partnering with the Technology Association of Oregon to host a hackathon focused on improving access to justice and services for self-represented litigants and the homeless.

WHAT IS A HACKATHON? A hackathon is an event at which a large number of people meet to engage in a collaborative endeavor, splitting into teams and brainstorming new solutions to existing problems.

COLLABORATE AND TAKE ACTION: This is a 2 day event. Will we kick off the event on Thursday May 17th with an introduction to the problems being worked on, networking, and team building. Friday May 18th, teams will work on the solutions to the problems before presenting their solution to a panel of legal and technical judges.

The hackathon will focus on improving accessibility and efficiency for access to homeless shelters and support services, pro bono volunteerism, and the new courthouse. There will be four problems teams can choose to work on:

  1. Working with LASO to identify ways to harness technology to connect lawyers to pro bono opportunities;
  2. Partnering with Transition Projects, Inc. to brainstorm about how an app or website can make it easier for homeless and people in transition can find shelter beds, meals, and other support services;
  3. Working with a representative of the Multnomah County Courts to develop technology that helps self-represented litigants navigate the courthouse and legal system;
  4. Partnering with a representative of the Multnomah County Courts to develop technology to assist those without limited or no financial resources in understanding where they need to be (and when) for court appearances, and assisting those individuals with transportation options and directions.

WHO CAN ATTEND: This event is open to the general public! If you work in legal, are a developer, are a designer, work with the homeless population or have a desire to help, this event is for you! Know someone who is? Share this event with them. Space is limited, so register today.

REGISTER TO PARTICIPATE/ASK QUESTIONS: Register to attend for free. Please send an email to [email protected] to RSVP

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE: Thank you to event sponsors Barran Liebman and University of Oregon. Additional sponsor opportunities available - please see sponsor form for details.

For more information, contact the MBA at 503.222.3275 or [email protected].

Jun 6, 2018
CHIFOO Event: Quantifying Qualitative Decisions
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Quantifying Qualitative Decisions" with Lynn Boyden, USC IT Services!

Lynn has developed an approach that engages the participants in a decision-making process. It helps them prioritize and evaluate the various possibilities, resulting in a quantified outcome. It's quick to set up and execute, and the participatory nature of the process generates buy-in and acceptance of the outcome. Lynn will walk you through the method and show you a few examples. We'll discuss some variations based on your setting and the type of decision you’re making, and then Lynn will field questions from the audience.

About the Speaker Lynn Boyden (@lrb23) trained as a librarian at UCLA and has worked for various agencies, Symantec and Yahoo!. She ran the Los Angeles office of FatDUX, where she numbered UCLA, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the University of Illinois, and KBHome among her clients. She is an information architect in ITS at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, and has taught user experience design in the Master’s degree program in Information Studies at UCLA since 2001.

CHIFOO is celebrating its 25th anniversary all year long! Come join CHIFOO for our sixth speaker event for 2018's theme "Do the Right Thing- HCI Ethics: Where Do We Start?".

Jun 7, 2018
TiE Oregon's Pitch Club Beaverton
Beaverton Chamber of Commerce

Pitch Club is an ongoing monthly series where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch and receive feedback from their peers and TiE Oregon Charter Members including TiE Angels.

Pitch Club is moderated by an experienced entrepreneur, the event creates a dynamic and safe environment for you to receive feedback on your pitch - sales pitch, concept pitch, or investor pitch!

Participants are given the opportunity to role-play being an investor to other entrepreneurs giving them a better understanding of what the investors are looking for.

Jun 26, 2018
Portland Java User Group (PJUG)
WeWork Pioneer Place

In this talk Steve Hall, Principal Engineer Next Generation Systems at Nike, will discuss why typical patterns used in Java EE may not work in microservices. He will show code and test examples using a progressive approach that incorporates Spring Boot, Spring Web Flux, Docker, and Kubernetes.

Please RSVP at


Jul 9, 2018
Bootcamp Prep: Intro to Software Development in JavaScript
through Alchemy Code Lab

This course meets for 5 consecutive evenings of in-person instruction, July 9 - 13, 6-9 PM.

Over the course of a week you'll get familiar with the nuts and bolts of software development -- A great opportunity to see if our coding school is right for you or, if already enrolled with us, it sets the pace for our rigorous Bootcamp! You are sure to learn many skills you can apply even if you don't continue with the course. You will:

​Get your computer’s operating systems set up with VSCode, Terminal, and Git

Complete online introductory coursework, covering JavaScript, HTML & CSS

Say hello and query your instructors and fellow students for help on the class chat channel

Review key concepts, material, and vocabulary from the online work

Share tips, tricks, and shortcuts (your computer is a key developer tool - we’ll show you how to navigate it’s potential like a pro)

Make sure you’re ready to get the most out of Bootcamp, with a solid understanding of GIT & Command Line; the DOM (HTML, CSS, JavaScript); JavaScript variables & control flow; JavaScript functions & objects

To view our complete programming course list, visit our website:

To Prepare for Class:

Please bring your own laptop computer to class with tutorial pre-work completed.

Code of Conduct Policy:

Punctuality, participation in discussions, completion of assignments, and demonstration of professional courtesy to others are required. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of the workshop. Passing requires attendance to the full workshop.

Contact [email protected] for any questions /information/or campus tour. We look forward to meeting you!

Jul 11, 2018
CHIFOO Event: Ethical Dilemmas & Democratized Proliferation Artificial Intelligence

CHIFOO presents "Ethical Dilemmas & The Democratized Proliferation Of The State Of The Art AI" with Tapabrata Ghosh!

This talk will discuss the ethical dilemmas that arise from the economic consequences of extended deployment of artificial intelligence systems. In particular, the prospect of technological unemployment, the issues caused by it and potential solutions will be discussed. The talk will also briefly cover how open source software and decentralized education can be utilized to increase proliferation of state of the art artificial intelligence technology in a democratized manner to developers and others.

About the Speaker Tapabrata Ghosh's(@semiDL) biography will be published shortly.

CHIFOO is celebrating its 25th anniversary! Come join CHIFOO for our seventh speaker event for 2018's theme "Do the Right Thing- HCI Ethics: Where Do We Start?".

Meet Owl's Head - A Digital Agency looking for Jr. Web Developers

Only 1% of online applicants get hired. While up to 85% of jobs are filled from networking

The problem is most people hate networking and connecting to companies meaningfully can be daunting.

We've created an event to help you connect with tech companies who are hiring - anxiety free

Owl's Head will be sharing about their work culture, what it's like to work for them, and taking applications for a Jr. Web Developer. This is not only for Web Developers though! The next jobs they will be looking to fill are an SEO Expert and a Developer.

We will also have food, drinks, and door prizes!

Jul 14, 2018
Robot Film Festival
McMenamins Mission Theater & Pub

The Robot Film Festival (RFF) is an annual celebration of robots on screen and in performance. The event features screenings of invited films and juried selections from open- call submissions, live performances by robot entertainers, and a red-carpet awards ceremony.

The eighth annual Robot Film Festival is themed VINTAGE ARCADE REVIVAL. What would the robots of today look like through the lens of 1980's technoptimists? Enter a technological storytelling time machine, and see the modern world through their eyes.

Event Schedule: 4pm Short Film Screenings 6pm Cocktail Party 8pm Botskers Award Cememony

Over the course of the festivities, attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful Pearl District; savor delicious locally-made food and beverages, appreciate robotic demonstrations and art exhibits, and discuss the richly varied and thematically curated screening sessions.

History: RFF was founded in New York City in 2011 with the mission of spreading positive storytelling about robotics. Since then, the Festival has expanded its influence with events in San Francisco, Pittsburgh, and Los Angeles. The event is produced by an interdisciplinary team of roboticists, filmmakers, and storytellers. Through these traveling screenings and its online video archives, RFF nurtures a community of creatives and engineers who explore, document, and invent the imaginative world of robotics.

Aug 1, 2018
CHIFOO Social: Game Night
Bagdad Theater and Pub

CHIFOO presents Game Night at the Bagdad's Backstage Bar.

It's time for the annual CHIFOO August social and we're mixing it up a bit with Game Night this year. Join us at the Backstage Bar to enjoy food, brews, and gaming fun. We are providing a selection of easy and fun tabletop games and there are pool tables for those who enjoy cue sports. There are even a few group activities planned. As usual, very special prizes will be awarded. You need not play anything to win! So come join us and have some fun.

CHIFOO members get in free. Non-members or guests get the full package for just $10! It’s a heck of a deal.

Aug 23, 2018
PDX Python and Pyladies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night
New Relic

This month:

  • Unlocking the Mysteries of Async by Allan Feldman, Senior Software Engineer at New Relic Allan works on New Relic's Python Agent Team, engineering instrumentation for a wide variety of frameworks and modules.

In this talk, Allan, will shed light on the inner workings of asynchronous Python and provide practical examples for when and how to implement it. Don't miss this one!

  • Jupyter Lab, Not just a Notebook Anymore by Helena Lucia by, Senior Software Engineer for Cox Automotive.

Helena works on at Cox Automotive on a Data Solutions team building APIs and applications to integrate and analyze subsidiary data (Kelly Blue Book, Manheim, AutoTrader, etc) primarily using Python and AWS.

In this talk, Helena will showcase Jupyter Lab, a full service IDE with a full suite of plugins and open source community. Her talk will feature a live demo of Jupyter Lab that folks can download from github afterward. Awesome!

Join us afterward at Bailey's Taproom 213 SW Broadway to continue the discussion over a beverage.

Do you have something you'd like to share? Submit talk proposals here:

PDX Python on Twitter (

All speakers and attendees must follow our code of conduct:

Sep 5, 2018
CHIFOO Panel Discussion Event: Ethics in Augmented And Virtual Reality
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Panel Discussion: Ethics in Augmented And Virtual Reality" Ben Strackany, DevelopmentNow Corey Pressman, Fiction Seth Chaffee, Giant Astronaut Josh Hansen, PixelPool

An educational panel covering ethics in development, design, application, business use, and usability of mixed reality (Augmented and Virtual Reality) technology. Walk away with valuable insight from leaders in the emerging tech space, and learn how to apply this new technology in productive and functional ways for your business.

CHIFOO is celebrating its 25th anniversary all year long! Come join CHIFOO for our eighth speaker event for 2018's theme "Do the Right Thing- HCI Ethics: Where Do We Start?".

Sep 18, 2018
Catalyte in PDX Open House: featuring Mohan Nair, Chief Innovation Officer at Cambia
1800 Southwest 1st Ave, Suite 510 Portland, OR

Catalyte, a company that uses AI to identify anyone with the aptitude, regardless of background, to become a software engineer, invites you to join us on Tuesday, September 18 as we celebrate our office move to downtown Portland.

Enjoy an evening of expert advice from guest speaker Mohan Nair, Chief Innovation Officer at Cambia Health Solutions, learn about our open job opportunities and entry-level software developer training programs, network with the Portland tech community, and soak in as much genius as you can handle.

Sep 27, 2018
Pitch Club Beaverton
Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce

Pitch Club is an ongoing monthly series where entrepreneurs can practice their pitch and receive feedback from their peers and TiE Oregon Charter Members including TiE Angels.

Tom Kingsley, TiE Oregon Charter Member moderated the event and creates a dynamic and safe environment for you to receive feedback on your pitch - sales pitch, concept pitch, or investor pitch!

Participants are given the opportunity to role-play being an investor to other entrepreneurs giving them a better understanding of what the investors are looking for.

Oct 3, 2018
ACT-W Evenings

ACT-W (Advancing the Careers of Tech Women) PDX Evenings are events hosted on the 1st Wednesday of the month intended to bring women and allies in technology together for a night of local inspiration!

Every ACT-W PDX Evening will feature a local leader in the women in tech community and offers the opportunity for you to authentically connect with others in the Portland tech community. This event is hosted in the lobby of CENTRL Office Eastside from 5:30-7:30pm, with the talk beginning at 6:15pm and networking before and after. Drinks and appetizers will be served.

Our October ACT-W PDX Evening will feature Maigen Thomas, Chief Motivational Officer of Empowered Women in Tech and UX Designer for Compli, who will share her personal story of pivoting from being a Flight Attendant to Full Stack Developer to UX Designer. Her talk will focus on actionable ways you can get and stay radically motivated to reach your long term goals.

Please make sure you have read and agree to the ACT-W Code of Conduct! (

CHIFOO Event: Ethics In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence
MODA Tower

CHIFOO presents "Ethics In The Age Of Artificial Intelligence" with Cennydd Bowles, Cennydd Ltd!

We mistakenly believe that technology is neutral; that inert objects cannot have moral characteristics. And so we make embarrassing blunders – racist chatbots, manipulative research, privacy violations – that undermine trust and harm those we should help.

This is a dangerous trajectory. We urgently need a deeper ethical dialogue about emerging technology, and interaction design's role within it. This session, informed by many months of ongoing research, will discuss:

-Why companies make poor ethical decisions, -The development of ethical thinking in other morally-charged disciplines, -Methods of engaging users in the ethics of emerging technology, -Ways for designers to engage positively and affect ethical outcomes, so that design decisions benefit not only ourselves but our wider communities and the world at large.

About The Speaker Cennydd Bowles' (@Cennydd) is a London-based designer and writer with fifteen years of experience advising clients including Twitter, Ford, Cisco, and the BBC. His focus today is the ethics of emerging technology. He has lectured on the topic at Carnegie Mellon University, Google, and New York’s School of Visual Arts, and is a sought-after speaker at technology and design events worldwide. His second book, Future Ethics, has just been published.

CHIFOO is celebrating its 25th anniversary all year long! Come join CHIFOO for our ninth speaker event for 2018's theme "Do the Right Thing- HCI Ethics: Where Do We Start?".

Oct 18, 2018
DAMA PDX: All day training with a top 50 Data Science influencer - Building and Deploying Predictive Models with Dean Abbott - 18Oct2018
Standard Insurance Center Auditorium

Building and Deploying Predictive Models - A full day Data Education and Networking Event coming to Portland October 18th

Join your fellow Lovers of Data for a full day of data education and networking provided by your local Portland DAMA Chapter. The DAMA Portland Chapter Board, in conjunction with our sponsors WhereScape, are proud to welcome back one of our most popular speakers, Dean Abbott of Abbott Analytics. Dean is one of Cognilytica's 50 Data Science Influencers to follow for 2018.

This training is all day in downtown Portland Oregon, with Breakfast and Lunch provided. Dean will present four progressive sessions covering the building and deployment of predictive models. The sessions will include demos, and Dean prefers a largely interactive format allowing plenty of time for Q&A both during the sessions and at the end of the day.

Sponsorship has allowed us to lower the price this year for this all day training to $49 for chapter members and employees of DAMA sponsor companies ($69 general public) . This is an amazing value for your training budget, especially if you are looking for exposure to data science and how to apply predictive modeling to your business use-cases.

Learn more and Register at:

  • Session 1 — Data Science Overview
  • Session 2 — Data Preparation for Data Science
  • Session 3 — Building Predictive Models (Trees, Neural Networks)
  • Session 4 — Deploying Predictive Models and Demos
  • Bonus Session: Q&A Roundtable with Dean

Breakfast, lunch, 4 presentation sessions, networking, vendor booths, and a bonus Q&A session - that's a full day of data training and more.

The Presenter

Dean Abbott has over 21 years of experience applying advanced data mining, data preparation, and data visualization methods in real-world data intensive problems. In addition, Dean has developed and evaluated algorithms for use in commercial data mining and pattern recognition products, including polynomial networks, neural networks, radial basis functions, and clustering algorithms.

Dean is a seasoned instructor, having taught a wide range of data mining tutorials and seminars. He is the instructor of well-regarded data mining courses, explaining concepts in language readily understood by a wide range of audiences, including analytics novices, data analysts, statisticians, and business professionals. Dean has also has taught both applied and hands-on data mining courses for a number of large software vendors.

About DAMA Portland

The Portland Metro Chapter of the Data Administration Management Association has been serving the Portland data community since 1984. We are a not-for-profit, vendor independent, professional association dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices of enterprise information and data resource management.

Our primary purpose is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing data, information and knowledge resources as key enterprise assets.

The DAMA Portland Chapter is dedicated to delivering thought provoking data-centric presentations that will make you more successful in your job. Please join me, the rest of the DAMA board, and other fellow lovers of data at this special data training event in downtown Portland.

Thanks for your support of local Data Education, we look forward to seeing you there!

Oct 25, 2018
PDX Python and Pyladies PDX Present Monthly Presentation Night
New Relic

Come join us for Pythonic talks!

Thanks to this month's sponsor, CloudBolt Software.

This month:

  • ETL testing with Python by Sev Leonard

ETL is the process of Extracting data from a source, Transforming it, and Loading it into storage. This process is commonly used to combine multiple data sources into data warehouses. In this talk Sev will give an overview of ETL with processes he designed for creating a data warehouse for medical data. The bulk of this talk will concern how Python and Pytest were used to test the ETL processes. This will include modeling ETL processes as objects, using test fixtures and markers for dynamic test suite generation, making tests extensible through parameterization, creating test data, and advice on navigating the pytest docs. This talk is targeted to intermediate Pythonistas interested in ETL, testing, or data magic.

Sev is a software developer and cat dad recently departed from his position at OHSU where he developed data management tools for cancer researchers and clinicians. He is coming soon to Nuna, a healthcare data and analytics startup as a Senior Software Engineer.

Looking for a job? Your friends at CloudBolt want your help developing their state of the art Cloud Management software. Built with Django and ranked as the #1 product of its kind, CloudBolt is looking for talented engineers of all kinds in inner SE Portland.

To get more information and apply:

Join us afterward at Bailey's Taproom 213 SW Broadway to continue the discussion over a beverage.

Do you have something you'd like to share? Submit a talk proposal here:

All speakers and attendees must follow our code of conduct:

Special thanks to New Relic for hosting!

Nov 5, 2018
Bottleneck: Getting connected more efficiently
Tilt Eastside

What if once a month, one of us agreed to block a couple of hours for a series of 10 minute meetings with folks who have been trying to get on your calendar?

I know, crazy right? No wait. There’s more. What if this block of meetings occurred at a coffee shop or maybe even a bar?

Still with me? Because here’s where it gets wacky.

What if we all showed up at that same place those meetings were happening? Because we were invited. Not because it was random or something. And we invited other community members to hang out there too, like a happy hour. Then we ask the folks having meetings to do their homework to make the meeting efficient, to show up early for their meeting time, and to stay late so they get to meet more people — and get connected more quickly. It might even be that in the middle of one of our 10 min meetings, we could just point at someone in the crowd and be like “That’s the person you need to talk to, right there.”

In my head, I’ve been calling the “Bottleneck.” Because that’s what I am. And that’s what I’m trying to solve for. And I thought it might be a solution that could work for you. And our community. And I’m down to beta test it as the meeting-haver if a few of you are willing to join me as the happy hour-ers.

Nov 7, 2018
CHIFOO Event: “F.U.” Money, Courage, & Ethics In The Workplace
New Relic

CHIFOO presents ""F#@K You" Money, Courage, & Ethics In The Workplace" with Elena Moon, Osage Orange!

Often defined as the wealth required to burn any bridge, it turns out F.U. money isn't a lifestyle replete with yachts and gold plated toilets. It's having enough money in the bank to be able to speak your mind and, if necessary, the next job. Learn how personal finances play a huge role in silencing us and how financial freedom through living simply can lead to finding courage, agency and voice at work.

About The Speaker Elena Moon (@Elena_Moon) is the founder of Osage Orange, a human-centered design studio. She has been doing a mix of research and design for the last 15 years and particularly enjoys socially and environmentally conscious projects. CHIFOO is celebrating its 25th anniversary all year long! Come join CHIFOO for our tenth speaker event for 2018's theme "Do the Right Thing- HCI Ethics: Where Do We Start?".

Nov 14, 2018
ACT-W Career Advance at iovation

ACT-W (Advancing the Careers of Tech Women) Career Advance is designed to share tangible job search skills for women and allies in technology. We partner with local technology companies to provide interview tips, resume coaching, professional headshot photos and introduce you to hiring managers. Whether you are simply curious about technology careers or looking for a senior role, Career Advance will help you grow your career in an inclusive environment.

Join us on November 14th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm at iovation. iovation develops software to help companies fight fraud and ensure their customers have a seamless experience. They are currently hiring for roles in engineering, information technology, sales, marketing and more. Please join us for an evening to learn more about iovation and to visit many career advancement themed tables that are listed below:

Interview Tips Resume Tips Headshot Photography Service Reliability Engineering Roles Security Analyst Roles Marketing Roles Sales Roles


5:30-6:00 Networking 6:00-6:15 Welcome from ACT-W and Iovation 6:15-7:30 Rotation to different Career Advance tables including: Service Reliability Engineering Roles, Security Analyst Roles, Marketing Roles, Sales Roles, Interview Tips, Resume Tips, Headshot Photography.

Please make sure you have read and agree to the ACT-W Code of Conduct!


Who should attend? People of all genders interested in learning job skills in technology! Men, nonbinary people, trans people, and women are all welcome.

Is the event 21+? No, minors are welcome to attend.

Is the venue ADA accessible? Yes, elevators are located in the lobby.

Are there gender-neutral bathrooms? Yes, they are located in the hallway.

Jan 23, 2019
VENG - Networking for Engineers January Meetup
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Happy 2019, VENG!

We are having a Meetup on Wednesday, January 23rd at the Lucky Labrador Beer Hall in NW Portland. Please join us for some pizza, beer and an informal networking event to kick off the new year! RSVP to the Meetup link above

Agenda: 5:30 – 6:00PM – Please plan to arrive during this time 6:00- 7:15PM – Short announcement and networking 7:15- 7:30PM – Wrap up and depart on your schedule *Pizza and beer will be provided.

Learn what's going on in the Portland job market and connect with other like-minded engineering professionals. Want to share, learn, or give advice on career transitions, the latest technology or engineering issues of the day? Then we hope to see you there!

Cheers, Deb & the VENG Team

Feb 7, 2019
Free Workshop for Startups: Punch Up Your Pitch
US Custom House / WeWork

Are you a founder struggling to explain your startup in a clear and compelling way? Does it take too long for people to “get” what your company is about? Would you like to feel more confident in your pitch?

Get the breakthrough you need to tell a bolder story about your matter how complex your product is. Join me, messaging strategist Emma O’Brien, for a workshop to help clarify and strengthen your startup’s story.

In this small workshop, you’ll learn 3 proven strategies -- illustrated by real-life examples -- to frame your startup in a way that gets people genuinely interested. You’ll be guided through simple exercises to get started, plus the opportunity to get on-the-spot feedback.

Whether you’re just working on an idea or trying to attract investment, this workshop will help you uplevel your messaging, pitch your startup, and allow you to move forward with clarity and conviction.

Mar 5, 2019
SourceCon Portland

All professionals in Recruiting, Talent Acquisition, Sourcing and HR are invited to attend!

Join us to learn and share sourcing and recruiting best practices, tools, and challenges. Leverage the group to socialize challenges and ideas to help advance our skills and profession.

SourceCon Portland - Tuesday, March 5th 2019!

5:00 - 5:30 Meet & Greet

5:30 - 6:30 Guest Speaker: Blake Thiess, Director Talent Acquisition @ Prestige Care

6:30 - 7:00 Q&A, General Announcements

Guest Speaker:

Blake Thiess, Director, Talent Acquisition at Prestige Care

Blake Thiess is a business leader with a focus and specialty in Talent Acquisition/Recruiting and Human Resources. Blake’s focused degree in Human Resource Management, Professional in Human Resources (PHR), and SHRM-CP show his understanding and strong commitment to the field of Human Resources and Talent Acquisition.

Blake has spent the majority of his almost 10 year Talent Acquisition and Human Resources career in the senior living space, notably with Holiday Retirement and most recently with Prestige Care.

Blake is a trusted internal and external consultant on all things recruiting for Prestige Care, and is known for his unmatched energy level and work ethic, ability to build relationships with internal stakeholders and external candidates, happy-go-lucky mindset, innovative orientation, and strong drive for success. He can be found on social media, (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram) using the handle, @BlakeInThePNW

Blake will share several things regarding:

Inbound Recruitment Marketing

Using Text to Engage with Candidates

Sourcing using Images

Grit to Success

Favorite Books

What he is preparing to do in 2020

More information about SourceCon Portland join our Facebook page:

Mar 13, 2019
Faces of Agile: Portland Ignite Agile Event
New Relic

Please RSVP for this event on

Is Agile for just for software development teams? Can it be used in other environments? If so, what forms do they take?

This event explores the different faces of what Agile could be, by asking individuals from non-software development environments to explore how what they do relates to the principles and values behind agile (as described in the Agile Manifesto).

This is an agile-focused ignite-style event with an aim to bring together agile practitioners with all levels of experience to share knowledge and experiences, discover new practices, and to be inspired by each other through speedy ignite talks.


We have a diverse selection speakers including event organizer, comedians, shoemakers, chefs, and more. To get a full list of speakers with names, check out the eventbrite page with the updated speaker list:

Event Schedule

The schedule for the event is as follows:

  • 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Networking hour
  • 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Welcoming talk, ignite presentations
  • 8:00 p.m. - Closing and Networking

Speakers will be presenting using the ignite format. Ignite is a series of speedy presentation. Speakers get 20 slides, which automatically advance every 15 seconds. The result is a fast, fun, and interesting presentation which lasts just 5 minutes.

Mar 14, 2019
PIE Demo Day 2019
Aladdin Theater

It's been a while. But we're prepping a couple of new batches of startups — through both PIE and PIE Shop — who are eager to tell their stories. So we want to make sure that you're there to hear those stories.

We will be holding the next PIE Demo Day on Thursday, March 14, 2019. Because that's Pi Day. And that only makes sense. And we'll be hosting it at our biggest venue yet, the Aladdin Theater in southeast Portland. As always, we'll be livestreaming the event so folks around the world can take part.

So if you're interested in attending, please RSVP at your earliest convenience.

The event is free. Childcare will be provided.

PIE Demo Day 2019 - Livestream

It's been a while. But we're prepping a couple of new batches of startups — through both PIE and PIE Shop — who are eager to tell their stories. So we want to make sure that you're there to hear those stories.

We will be holding the next PIE Demo Day on Thursday, March 14, 2019. Because that's Pi Day. And that only makes sense. And we'll be hosting it at our biggest venue yet, the Aladdin Theater in southeast Portland. As always, we'll be livestreaming the event so folks around the world can take part.

So if you're interested in attending, please RSVP at your earliest convenience.

The event is free. Childcare will be provided.

Mar 27, 2019
RESCHEDULED: pdxFLIT March 2019 - All About CSS

Please see Meetup for event description + RSVP

Apr 15, 2019
City of Portland Privacy and information protection principles
Northwest Academy 1208 SW 13th Ave, 2nd floor Portland, OR

Note: Doors will be monitored for access until 6:20 PM. If you arrive later, please post a note to the meeting page on Meetup, and we'll work to respond and let you in.

Cities around the world are using data to become more efficient and to better meet the needs of their residents. The problem, though, is that as more and more information is gathered, cities may be inadvertently surveilling their populations. Additionally, improper storage and handling of collected data can lead to theft or other losses. The good news is that the City of Portland is working to protect your data and your privacy!

Hector Dominguez, the Open Data Coordinator at Smart City PDX, within Portland's Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, is working with other city groups, and even groups from other cities, to determine the best policies and practices for privacy and data protection in Portland. The result of their work is a set of privacy and information principles to be approved by Portland City Council and then implemented as citywide policy.

In this interactive presentation, Hector will review the privacy and information principles as well as the impacts on both city services and the various communities within the city.

Join us for a great presentation and discussion about privacy in Portland, how the privacy and information principles will affect you, and how you can help! We'll have snacks, and there will be an opportunity for networking afterwards. We hope to see you there!


6:00 PM: Doors

6:10 PM: Introductions

6:15 PM: Presentation

Speaker bio:

Hector Dominguez is the Open Data Coordinator at the City of Portland. In 2009, Portland became the first city in the United States to adopt an Open Data Resolution to encourage the expansion of the technological community by promoting open data and partnerships between City government and the public, private and nonprofit sectors, academia, and labor.

By attending this TA3M meeting, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct:

{short} Code of Conduct Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays is dedicated to providing an informative and positive experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed.

Our events are intended to educate and share information related to technology and activism, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Audio and video recording are not permitted at meetings without prior approval.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Portland's TA3M. Please report any incidents to the event organizer.

May 20, 2019
NewTech PDX - May 20th
Bumped Inc. in the Big Pink! 111 SW 5th Ave, 3rd Floor

Join us for NewTech PDX on the 3rd Monday of (usually) every month. Portland has one of the most vibrant tech communities in the country, and the more we support our tech ecosystem, the more we'll all experience and create together!

Join us to learn about the cool and amazing technologies being developed by Portland companies. Event volunteers are welcome! Let us know if you'd like to volunteer.

Entry to the event is $10 - $20 online, or $25 at the door: Buy Tickets

5:30pm - Doors Open / Buffet / Drinks / Get to know your community
7:00pm - Event Begins!

  • Community Announcements: Events, Jobs, etc. (20 seconds/ea)

  • Pres. #1: Tip McMahon & Flynn McEchron of Rap.Coach

  • Pres. #2: Alex Wick of Cascadia Carbon
  • Pres. #3: Jason Bennett of Unna
  • Pres. #4: Yalda Moshiri and Shahrzad Vossoughi of SaF

8:30pm - After-Party at Yard House

May 22, 2019
Portland JavaScript Admirers

We'll have two JavaScript talks this month —

Jon Washington will be our opening act with a short talk on Bonsai Radio, a "smart playlist" app for Spotify and he created to allow streaming music fans to get under the hood of their own listening habits and organically grow/prune their playlists.

The Big Picture: All About Images in the Browser Micah Miller-Eshleman has a lot of experience with loading, rendering, and manipulating images in the browser. From loading strategies and rendering when dealing with slow connections to creating clever UI-components to use as wrappers, he'll be sharing tips and tricks you won't want to miss.

Battle Royal: Text A Lawyer co-founders pitch each-other in competition. You're invited to be a judge!
Oregon Technology Buisiness Center (OTBC)

Come judge the Text A Lawyer Battle Royal! Katia v. Kevin You decide who pitches in June to the crowd of silicon valley investors!

The Text A Lawyer co-founder team is preparing for an investor demo day event in the bay area in early June. We're looking to discern who should handle pitching and who should handle Q&A. We're planning to record things so we can replay all your helpful feedback (internal use only, promise).

We are going to follow the time format precisely: 10 minutes -- introduction

5 minutes -- Katia will pitch

10 minutes -- Katia's Q/A session

5 minutes -- Kevin will pitch

10 minutes -- Kevin's Q/A session

10 minutes -- Katia and Kevin will leave the room for the judges (you) to deliberate. Yes, we'll leave the recording on so we can listen later but we're hoping you can speak freely an honestly. -- We can take some tough love.

10 minutes -- We'll quickly tally the votes and announce who's doing what in at the demo day next month. Share a drink and snack with us - we'll stay around to chat.

TOTAL: 1 hour of your time means the world to us!

To show our appreciation we'll provide BEER/soda/water and chips/candy/hummus/celery type of refreshments and light snacks. Please email [email protected] to confirm (so we know how much food/drinks to purchase).

Thank you, K2 (Kevin and Katia)

May 23, 2019
May Camp Optimization (Digital Marketing Meet-Up)
Show Bar at Revolution Hall

Topic: The Path to CX Omniscience - The Power (and the Potential Pitfalls) in Predicting User Frustration

Imagine that you could know in real time anytime a user on your site was having a bad experience. Imagine you could know before they have a chance to get frustrated and way before they stop to reach out for help. How would this change your ability to offer support, to understand your product pitfalls and to prioritize the things on your roadmap?

In this month's talk Agata Bugaj, Sr. Director of Product Management at FullStory, will discuss the future of AI in understanding and improving the customer experience, and some of the pitfalls to look out for along the way.

Come network with Portland's top digital marketing, design and optimization professionals at the Show Bar located at Washington High School in Suite 101 on the first floor.

Don't forget to RSVP and spread the word. First round of drinks is on us with an RSVP!

May 25, 2019
Art In The Park - Show'N'Tell
Salmon Street Springs

The sun is shining, and it's time to get outside and paint. Do you need some motivation to share your artwork with the public? How about setting up in the Park and inviting people to encourage you to create? Bring your drawing pads, ipads, paints, and easels; or just come hang out and talk to other talented artists.

I'll be set up on the riverfront near the Salmon Street Springs Fountain in Downtown Portland. Look for Garrett with an iPad at the steps where the Portland Spirit embarks.

Don't forget you are free to wander the Portland Saturday Market. There is plenty of art and food to enjoy!

Jun 19, 2019
Portland Python Monthly Project + Study Night
Alchemy Code Lab 30 Northwest 10th Avenue Portland, OR 97209


Let's get together to build cool stuff!

Pythonistas will both be available to lend a hand.

Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-9pm on third Wednesdays!

Special thanks to Alchemy Code Lab for providing the space!

Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us!

**Note: Please RSVP if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. :)

Jul 17, 2019
Official OSCON After Party, Sponsored by Expensify
Bank of Expensify

Celebrate another successful year at OSCON with Team Expensify!

Expensify is transforming our office into a summer soiree on Wednesday, July 17th from 7:30-11:30 PM — come and say hello, grab some food and drink, catch up with old friends, and enjoy some lawn games in our historic office downtown. All-white attire is encouraged, but not required, to celebrate the sumer.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Jul 25, 2019
July Camp Optimization Meet-Up - Embracing Experimentation Culture
Assembly Lounge Bar

We're partnering with the Technology Association of Oregon for a Digital Experimentation Strategy Hack on Thursday, July 25th, 2019.

Program: 6:00-6:30 PM - Drinks and networking 6:30-7:30 PM - Panel discussion, breakout groups, audience Q&A

Join the Roboboogie team for a discussion around the importance of experimentation within any design process. Grab a beer and gain insights into improved web performance through a unique experimentation-led design process. This month's panel features top Roboboogie talents ranging from Operations, Data Analysis, and Account Strategy. Meet the panel:

Jedidiah Fugle, Chief Operating Officer Andrea Pappoff, Producer Tyler Hudson, Data Analyst We'll see you there!

Aug 3, 2019
Rappel for Her 2019
200 Market Building

Be Bold! Rappel for her: the strong, smart, bold girls in our community on August 2-3rd at 200 Market Street, Portland. Spots are limited. Grab yours today by registering to raise $1,000 for Girls Inc. PNW!

Girls Inc. of the Pacific Northwest inspires girls ages 6-18 to be Strong, Smart, and Bold. Every day, we push our girls out of their comfort zones through our gender-specific and research-based curricula. Now, in honor of the 2,200 girls that we serve annually, we are asking our community to be bold as well by rappelling 17 stories down the 200 Market Street building! The event is 100% safe, and being hosted in partnership with our friends at Over the Edge USA.

Sep 19, 2019
September Camp Optimization Meet-up - What the Hell is a Design Sprint?
Assembly Lounge Bar

What the hell is a Design Sprint?

We live in the age of frameworks and methodologies. Everyone tells you they know the best way to solve problems. They say you should be more Lean or Agile. They tell you all about how they used Design Thinking on Design Thinking. You read all the books, all the articles, but still receive no tactical methods to walk away with.

Silas Sao, Design Director at moovel North America, would like to change that by spending the evening walking through the Design Sprint principles and process. He will demonstrate a tactical method you can use to solve problems or make decisions, and you'll walk away with a better understanding of the most up-to-date Design Sprint process. He will even set you up with a tool you can use right away on your next project or with your next client.

Oct 7, 2019
Marketing Loves Sales
Portland Center Stage at The Armory 128 Northwest 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97209

This year’s Marketing Loves Sales event will focus on the pivotal role Social Media plays for marketing and sales. For the first time, the event will have tracks dedicated to the nuances of social media for each of these teams. From planned marketing programs to social selling, our speaker lineup is packed with industry experts and practitioners who will deliver fresh ideas and innovative case studies.

Join more than 300 sales and marketing and sales professionals for a day focused on upping your social media game!

Oct 29, 2019
Hacktoberfest Acorns PDX
WeWork Power + Light


It's Hacktoberfest 2019! Let's celebrate open source over food, drinks, and great company! Bring your laptop and power cord.


6:00-6:20P - Sign-in and snag food

6:20-7:00P - Intro ceremonies (house rules, code of conduct, FAQ, and more) and sharing open source projects you're working on (keep it short!)

7:00P-9:30P - Let's open some pull requests!

What's Hacktoberfest?

Hacktoberfest — brought to you by DigitalOcean in partnership with DEV — is a month-long celebration of open source software. Maintainers are invited to guide would-be contributors toward issues that will help move the project forward, and contributors get the opportunity to give back to both projects they like and others they've just discovered. No contribution is too small — bug fixes and documentation updates are valid ways of participating.

Can't make it to this event? Hacktoberfest is virtual and open to participants from around the globe. Sign up to participate today at

Apr 2, 2020
DevOps Simulation Workshop
University of Portland (Bethany Campus)

This highly interactive, instructor-led simulation is a high-impact, energetic way to accelerate understanding, involvement, and acceptance of DevOps and Agile, Lean, ITIL® best practice in your organization. It helps accelerate the adoption of DevOps across the enterprise, while successfully turning DevOps opponents into advocates. By helping to clearly communicate the DevOps case for change, it creates shared understanding and commitment towards Development and Operations working together as a high-performing team. This unique experiential learning approach causes breakthrough understanding and transforms learning into an engaging, fun, and memorable shared experience.


The DevOps simulation experience is a role-based workshop, focused on the software development and deployment lifecycle. The simulation is highly realistic, and leverages game dynamics to empower cross-functional teams with a shared vision of successful DevOps practices. Participants from a variety of disciplines are immersed into a simulated environment whereby they are challenged to release new products while internal and external forces continually change. This realistic approach delivers a level of tension and excitement that creates an ‘A-HA!’ moment for all involved.


Accelerated understanding of the benefits of DevOps best practice to large audiences

Rapid familiarization with DevOps terminology and Agile, Lean and ITIL v3 processes

Understanding of how DevOps best practice can facilitate alignment of IT to business objectives

Understanding of DevOps practices that can be executed with immediate effect

Apr 7, 2020
PIE hosts an "ask me anything" on the Portland startup community

Join cofounder and general manager of PIE, Rick Turoczy, for an "ask me anything" session on the Portland startup community. He's looking forward to answering your questions about startups, startup accelerators, and Portland, in general.


Apr 9, 2020
Marketing and Sales Q&A with Kasey Jones of A Better Jones, Our Galaxy

Kasey is a startup growth strategist, community builder, event organizer, and people connecter. She is founder of A Better Jones a demand generation marketing agency that helps startups accelerate growth, sales teams fill pipeline, and leaders expand their influence as industry thought leaders. And co-founder and co-host of The Other Side of Sales, a podcast, Bravado community, and resource on a mission to make B2B sales culture more inclusive by celebrating the stories of underrepresented sales professionals.

Her latest endeavor is Our Galaxy, a community, resource, and coaching platform designed to diversify thought leadership, by helping founders, leaders, and business pros on the rise build authentic personal brands and expand their industry influence.

Apr 13, 2020
Portland startup community Q&A with Stephen Green

Stephen Green is a an economist, speaker, startup advisor and “recovering” venture capitalist. By day he is the director of operations for Pensole, the world’s only footwear design and development school based in Portland, Oregon. He has spent his career helping founders start, grow and prosper. His tireless advocacy for Black & Latinx founders has landed him on stages across the country speaking about the power of entrepreneurship.

One of his projects “PitchBlack” is a national pitch event that connects ecosystems with talented black founders in cities across the country. Since 2015, competitors in the Portland event have gone on to raise over $32MM for their ideas.

He is a husband to a brilliant wife and father to 3 wonderful children. Spreadsheets are his super power and sneakers are his kryptonite.


Apr 14, 2020
Community Management Q&A with Cami Kaos of Automattic

Cami lives, works, and parents in the rainy city of Portland, Oregon. She’s had a love of WordPress and WordCamps since the last century, when she happened to stumble upon the first WordCamp Portland.

Since 2013, she has worked at Automattic, as a community organizer for the WordPress open source project. In that role, she gets to work with WordCamps and their organizers from around the world, every day. She continues to write on an irregular basis at where she explores concepts from the plight of modern parents to mental health to marveling at the seemingly mundane.

Cami is active on a number of social platforms but can be most readily found as @camikaos on Twitter.


Apr 16, 2020
Community Projects in Times of Crisis with Marcelino Alvarez of Fresh Consulting

We all rely on the bonds of our community in order for our businesses to thrive. We seek intros to VCs, backchannels to clients, advice from our peers and mentors. In normal times, these bonds heavily rely on in-person interactions — coffees, lunches, beers, and 1:1's.

Reading body language is a critical component to reinforcement of those bonds. In our most vulnerable moments, we want to ensure that the other party is present, listening, and empathizing. And beyond the 1:1 interactions, in social places like our coffee shops and coworking spaces, we create room for serendipity — that chance encounter that leads to something new and unexpected, whether it's a new business idea or a solution to an existing problem facing a member of our community.

During this pandemic, we've been stripped of the ability to interact as normal. Sure, we have all these video chat tools — but it's not a replacement of our in-person interactions, just a digital proxy. And while those proxies may suffice for our 1:1 meetings, they certainly aren't helping with serendipity.

So how do we form community in a time of crisis? How do we create space for chance? And how can we come together to listen, to engage, to be present, when many of us are already at our wits end staring at a video on a computer screen all day long?

Join us for a mentor Q&A with Marcelino Alvarez, Chief Product Officer at Fresh Consulting. He was formerly CEO of Uncorked Studios, which co-founded Safecast during the 2011 Fukushima earthquake and ensuing nuclear disaster. He'll share perspectives from then and now as he undertakes other efforts to maintain his community and pursue digital serendipity.


Apr 24, 2020
A founder's journey through upticks and downturns: Q&A with Elia Freedman

Please join us with a former founder who has seen the ups and downs of the economy for insights on what to suspect — and some guidance that may help you navigate this new normal.

Elia Freedman was founder and CEO of Infinity Softworks, which he started in 1997 as a senior in college, leveraging both his business training and programming ability. The company has helped more than 20 million professionals and students in real estate, financial services, math and science who use calculation every day to solve problems and generate proposals, both in the field and at their desk.

The company's primary app, PowerOne, has been in existence as apps for iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Palm OS, and Windows computers for more 20 years, Infinity Softworks re-launched PowerOne as a web and mobile service in 2018.

As a founder, Elia weathered both the dotcom bust and the mortgage crisis. Which is sure to inform a unique vantage on our current state of existence within a pandemic ravaged economy.


Apr 28, 2020
Lunch & Learn: Shelly Bell, Black Girl Ventures

PIE is honored to be hosting Shelly Bell for a virtual Lunch & Learn. This is a rare opportunity to grab some time with one of the most impactful people in startups. So please come with questions.

Named as one of Entrepreneur Magazine’s Top 100 Powerful Women in Business, Shelly Bell is a computer scientist, system disruptor and business strategist who moves ideas to profit while empowering people to live to build and foster better relationships. She connects entrepreneurs, investors, and corporations in order to diversify their talent pipeline, increase equity and grow their brands.

Shelly is among the nation's most sought-after transformational speakers in the DC Metro area with features in Forbes, Fast Company, The Washington Business Journal, NewsOne, Entrepreneur Mag, People of Color in Tech and on Politico Live.

Her organization, Black Girl Ventures (BGV) is a culturally converging ecosystem igniting economic security, civic engagement, and hyperlocal infrastructure at the intersection of STEM education and entrepreneurship for Black and Brown woman-identifying founders, funders, and veterans. Since 2016, BGV has funded 41 women, increased access to social capital for 168 program participants and launched their efforts in 10 cities. As a one of 8 Google Gurus across the nation and an Ecosystem Builder, she engages audiences from grassroots to government.

Through Shelly’s Return on Relationship (R.O.R) Method she is teaching intrapreneurs, entrepreneurs, and wantrepreneurs how to hold the ladder for others and/or how to find the person they need to hold the ladder toward moving to the next level of success. She has trained over 5,000 entrepreneurs, held over 300 events for empowering leaders, managed multi-million dollar contracts, and helped to scale over 200 businesses.


Apr 29, 2020
Asking the right questions with Leah Noble Davidson of Because Human

Join PIE as we talk with Leah Noble Davidson, Chief Experience Officer at Because Human.

Leah has consulted within Portland’s startup tech industry for 10 years, working with larger teams from Jive and Puppet to startups like Torch and BeyondPulse.

Having newly ventured into the role of a founder, she’ll be asking questions from the perspective of a female design professional who can speak the language — but is only now really learning how to juggle the risks and rewards firsthand.

Finding answers is one thing. Knowing the questions to ask is entirely another. Leah — a professional asker of questions — will help us hone in on the right questions, provide the necessary reality checks, and share ideas about leveraging the startup community to find the help you need as your startup grows from a concept into being a real business.


Apr 30, 2020
Building a sustainable and resilient company for the 21st century with Kate Ertmann

We're excited to have the chance to sit down with Kate Ertmann for a question and answer session.

Her life's work has been focusing on building from scratch — or rebuilding and reorganizing — the operational infrastructure for sustainable businesses. That includes everything from the elements of a business plan, the importance of Mission and Purpose and Values, the how-to of defining Roles and Responsibilities, and when to hire and how to best structure that management org chart — as well as the finance that runs in parallel with all of that.

Her distinct rallying cry through all of that work is the necessity of embedding equity and inclusion in all processes, procedures, and culture of an organization, and as a guiding principle in all leaders with whom she works — especially when it is "hard" or if there are uncomfortable conversations to be had.

Kate constantly seeks to leverage her privilege and position: applying constant pressure to the systemic structure of 20th century practices so there can be systemic changes that will define 21st century practices.


May 1, 2020
Onboarding employees, remote or otherwise, with Kristen Gallagher of Edify

Ensuring that new employees are properly onboarded can always be a challenge. And in our new all remote, all of the time world, it can be even more difficult. That's why we're excited to get the chance to catch up with PIE alum Kristen Gallagher.

Kristen is the founder and CEO of Edify. She brings over a decade of learning and development and business partnership experience to Edify and has architected and delivered onboarding programs for companies such as AWS Elemental, Puppet, OpenSky Alibaba, Cirium (FlightGlobal), Cloudability, and more. She is a frequent speaker and instructor for O’Reilly, DevOpsDays, and other conferences.

If you have questions about employee onboarding, she has answers. Please join us to get those questions answered.


May 5, 2020
Portland startup community Q&A with Rick Turoczy of PIE, Silicon Florist

Join cofounder and general manager of PIE, Rick Turoczy, for an "ask me anything" session on the Portland startup community. He's looking forward to answering your questions about startups, startup accelerators, and Portland, in general.

A little background on our guest…

Rick Turoczy has worked in, on, and around the Portland, Oregon, startup ecosystem for more than 25 years. Throughout that time, he's worked for venture funded startups, founded failed companies, consulted, mentored, and worked to connect dots within and outside the community.

More than a dozen years ago, he started Silicon Florist, a blog designed to capture what he saw happening in the Portland startup community. That work led to the opportunity to start PIE, the Portland Incubator Experiment, an organization he continues to manage.

At its very most basic, PIE is an ongoing experiment designed to explore ways that established organizations — like corporations, governments, and educational institutions — can effectively collaborate with startup communities in mutually beneficial ways, thereby strengthening the entire ecosystem.

PIE currently exists as an early stage startup accelerator with three separate areas of focus: Software as a Service (in partnership with Puppet), manufactured products (in partnership with Autodesk), and traditional consumer products like food, beverage, and apparel (in partnership with Built Oregon).


May 6, 2020
Consumer products startup ecosystem with Mitch Daugherty

Join us for a conversation with Mitch Daugherty, cofounder and director of Built Oregon, an organization focused on championing the consumer product industry in Oregon.

The greatest joy Mitch has found is meeting with everyone in the statewide ecosystem. Listening to entrepreneurial challenges. Looking for opportunities to connect them to a resource that could help them get one step further down the road. Engaging in conversations about breaking down the silos and echo chambers.

He listened to stories and realized each one formed a piece of this tapestry that makes up Oregon.

As he looked back on his journey, he noticed the common theme in all his adventures and career choices has been the effort to bridge gaps through interaction and dialogue.

He cofounded Built Oregon as a way to build on a simple belief: that stories can raise awareness of companies and regions and help drive economic development.

Throughout that process, he's constantly reminded of what he has learned over his journey: Conversations matter. And the most important conversations take place with those outside of your sphere of influence, and with people who possess opposing views.

The value of a given dialogue hinges on conversations that are inclusive, honest and transparent.


May 7, 2020
Discussing founder mental wealth with Anthony Ware

As part of our celebration of Mental Health Month we'll be spending time with Anthony Ware who champions mental wealth.

Mental wealth is the collection of intentional thoughts, behaviors, and experiences—mental wealth deposits—someone uses to make a positive impact on their mental health. These deposits have a cumulative positive impact, especially during times when you’re challenged with mental illnesses and external events.

Mental wealth deposits include working with a therapist, spending time by large bodies of water to connect with nature, going on a vacation, or making time for friends and family.


May 12, 2020
PIE founder stories: Mat Ellis, Cloudability

Join PIE alum and longtime PIE mentor Mat Ellis, founder of Cloudability, for a conversation about his experience as a founder growing a startup from an idea to a successful exit, all of the lessons learned along the way, effectively engaging with and supporting the Portland startup community, and maybe just maybe, what's next.

According to The Oregonian, "Cloudability was among the most prominent of a generation of startups that emerged in Portland in the aftermath of the Great Recession. It helped clients such as BP, Sony and Siemens manage what they spent hosting their data in third-party data centers.

"Before its sale, Cloudability said it managed more than $9 billion in spending at Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud."

RSVP / Submit questions:

May 13, 2020
Next generation of innovators with Juan Barraza of PSU

Please join PIE for a conversation with Juan Barraza from the Portland State University Center for Entrepreneurship, Invent Oregon (InventOR), and Pitch Latino.

At the PSU Center for Entrepreneurship, Juan works to propel students innovators to solve big problems that benefit our community. Through an exciting learning environment and program of events, students find the creative energy to expand their impact, explore new ideas, and bring their future into focus.

Invent Oregon is an exciting competition for college and university students with ideas for inventions to address today’s most pressing problems.

Inspired by PitchBlack, Pitch Latino is designed to give Latinx startup entrepreneurs a platform to connect with the regions growing startup ecosystem.

RSVP / Submit questions:

May 14, 2020
Establishing healthy habits with Karthy Chandra of Goalden Hour

Join PIE for a conversation with Karthy Chandra, founder of Goalden Hour, for guidance on how to establish and maintain healthy habits and goals, even in the most challenging of times.

Goalden Hour is the first productivity app that connects the realms of task management, scheduling, and self-improvement to encourage you to make goals & habits an integral part of your planning process. We provide meaningful insight into the different areas of life and nudge you to reflect often, build better habits, and discover new ways to grow and improve. Our mission is to help people manage and master their lives.

Interested in learning more? Watch Karthy's presentation from PIE Demo Day 2020

RSVP / Submit questions:

May 15, 2020
PIE founder stories: Julia Niiro, MilkRun

Join us for a conversation with PIE alum and Techstars alum Julia Niiro, founder of MilkRun.

See Julia's story about MilkRun at PIE Demo Day 2019 (, her views on small local farms from TEDxPortland 2019, and the explosive growth MilkRun has seen due to the pandemic shared during Techstars Anywhere Demo Day 2020.

MilkRun works with farmers and producers in Oregon & Southern Washington to break down the access barriers to local food. The national average for how far food travels to get from the farm to your house is 1,500 miles. That’s wild! We’ve cut down our average to 35 miles and have designed a system that leapfrogs the industrialized food system. Less travel = less pollution. More access to food = fresher, healthier foods!

It’s not just about ditching the grocery store lines, it’s about keeping money in the community and supporting local producers. For farmers, we’re able to provide 6-7x what they’d make from a normal grocery store. It should be as easy (if not easier) to buy from local farmers as it is to order a cab or book a stay in someone’s house, right?

90% of the small farms in America right now are at risk of extinction. If mega-industrialized farming becomes our only option for food, we’ll have no more farmer’s markets, no more CSAs, no more farmers who are stewards to the land. Without radical new systems like MilkRun, the only options for food will be from huge corporations pushing profit over people, and we just don’t want to live in that kind of a world. We can do this, together!

RSVP / Submit questions:

May 19, 2020
PIE founder stories: McKenna Dempsey, Kamber

Join PIE for a conversation with McKenna Dempsey, cofounder and CEO of current PIE company Kamber.

At least 20 million teenagers are living with a mental health disorder in the United States and 70% of them aren’t getting the treatment they need. Kamber’s mission is to change that by providing easily accessible tools and resources that empower teens to prioritize their mental health and make space for self acceptance.

By creating a mobile app that provides exercises for difficult moments, coping techniques and education, teens will be equipped with the tools they need to begin managing their mental health and find ways to ground themselves.

For more, see McKenna's presentation from PIE Demo Day 2020 (

RSVP / Submit questions:

May 26, 2020
Ecosystem builders: Anika Horn, Social Venturers

Join PIE for a very special conversation with consummate ecosystem builder Anika Horn of Social Venturers.

Anika Horn is on a mission to support changemakers build purpose-driven careers, organizations and ecosystems without losing themselves

Rooted at the intersection of systems thinking, social impact and storytelling, she helps changemakers lead impact-driven careers and meaningful lives by equipping them with thought-provoking insights, field-tested resources and a strong peer community at Social Venturers. Through her advisory services, Anika works closely with selected purpose-driven entrepreneurs in the areas of strategy, communications, personal and professional growth. She leverages her global network to raise the profile of ecosystem building for social change as a contributing editor for Impact Boom (where she covers Europe and the U.S.) and Ecosystem Builder Hub (where she heads up the national campaign Unsung Ecosystem of Ecosystem Building) as well as co-lead of storytelling at the ESHIP Storytelling Initiative.

Previously, Anika co-founded Unreasonable Lab VA (Virginia’s first mini-accelerator for social entrepreneurs), CO.STARTERS VA (a startup program for idea-stage founders) and Rebelle Con (a boutique conference for entrepreneurial women). At the same time, she worked with high-growth startups at nationally ranked accelerator program Lighthouse Labs and spearheaded the B Corp movement in Virginia as the state’s official B Keeper.

Prior to her work in North America, Anika earned a Bachelor of European Studies and Masters of Sustainability Sciences in Germany, France and Australia where she spent a decade working in journalism, non-profits, government and the private sector.


May 27, 2020
Invest in Yourself: Alchemy Virtual Preview

Invest in Yourself: Alchemy Virtual Preview Wednesday, May 27 12:00pm - 1:00pm Free via Zoom

SIGN UP @ Meetup (

Are you thinking about learning to code, but not sure about where or when? Considering a career transition and want to know more about jobs in tech?

Join the Alchemy Code Lab team for a free virtual preview of our software development training program, plus get information on how to determine the right education investment for your career goals.

  • Learn more about being a Software Developer including starting salaries
  • Find out who hires newly trained software developers in Portland
  • How COVID is impacting the tech industry, including the remote work trend
  • Hear Alchemy grad stories and experience joining a team
  • How Alchemy’s training program is different from most code courses

Additionally, find out about our free, week long, Developer 101 course starting June 8.

Don’t miss this behind the scenes look at tech training at Alchemy Code Lab!

May 29, 2020
Alchemy Virtual Final Presentations / Demo Day & Happy Hour
Zoom, Online Live!

Join Alchemy for the Final Presentations of the Spring Cohort with Happy Hour to follow!

Special PDX Celebrity Guest to join us by Zoom @ 5PM!

Schedule as follows (and you are welcome to join any part or all of it as your schedule allows!!)

2PM - 5PM: See the presentations by our small teams of students who will have completed a FullStack JavaScript App in a one week sprint using React and Redux on the front-end with NodeJS/ExpressJS and MongoDB on the back-end.

5PM - 7PM: Happy Hour! Grab your favorite beverage and cheers to the students who presented. We'll break everyone up into breakout rooms for more intimate conversations and community building!

EVERYONE is welcome! Whether you are interested in taking our program, looking to hire our grads, or part of the tech community, we'd love to have you. It's a great way to meet staff, students, grads and others in the tech community! Email [email protected] for more information or questions.

Zoom Link: Google Calendar Link:

Jun 8, 2020
FREE, 30+ Hour Developer 101 Course @ Alchemy Code Lab (Virtual!)
through Zoom, Online Live!

Are you thinking about your next career? Are you ready for a change? Are you bright, collaborative, and curious?

You just might be a future professional coder! And now, Alchemy is offering a way for you to find out exactly what it takes to be a software developer.


With covid layoffs and an uncertain future, you’re probably trying to figure out what’s next. Tech is hiring and growing, and getting the right training is an excellent investment in your future.

Developer 101 is 30+ hours of interactive training - definitely not a fluff preview or a DIY online course. This is a full week of full throttle developer school with full day sessions and live instructors showing you how it’s done. It'll also prepare you to start Alchemy’s six-month Program in Professional Software Development - as soon as June 22 when the next cohort starts!

When? June 8 - 12, Monday through Friday from 10AM until 5PM daily (some prework is required before starting)

Why? It’s the best way to find out if coding is the career for you and if Alchemy can help you get there.

In just one week, you’ll...

Experience how you can use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to solve problems like a software developer.

Experience Alchemy’s live, interactive, connected online classroom style

Work with senior software developers and code-curious peers

Hear from Alchemy alumni about how their transition to a career in software development has positively impacted their lives

Gain familiarity and comfort with remote work, which is here to stay

Get professional developer grade tools set up on your computer and understand how those tools relate to doing web development

Alchemy Code Lab goes beyond online intro to coding classes to truly prepare you for a career. Our grads can go straight into mid-level developer roles with an average starting salary of $80k - check out our stats!

Now is Your Time!

Space is limited - Sign up for Developer 101 today!

Pacific Northwest Power BI Symposium - June 8, 2020
The MAC, 1849 Salmon Street, Portland, OR

We invite you to come be a part of the premier Pacific Northwest event that brings you closer to business intelligence experts that specialize in our favorite analytics tool, Power BI!

It’s a big year. Join us in 2020 as we build upon our momentum from the last two years to deliver an afternoon full of learning and community building.

Why join? Come learn from the insights from top thought leaders in BI to take your skills to the next level and unlock the power of data to make better business decisions. This is a fantastic networking opportunity to find others in your field to share best practices and keep up with a rapidly evolving technology landscape.

Confirm your seat by registering for a free ticket. We hope to host you! Parking is free.

Have questions or are interested in sponsoring? Contact Greg Petrossian: [email protected]

Check out our sponsorship package here:


2:00 pm

Check-in/Registration Open

2:30 - 2:45 pm

Introduction - Ron Ellis Gaut, CSG Pro/PDX Power BI User Group Leader

2:45 - 3:45 pm

How to Implement Governance in Power BI - Brian Grant, CSG Pro

3:45 - 4:00 pm


4:00 - 5:00 pm

BI Storytelling Framework - Mico Yuk, BI Brainz

5:00 - 5:15 pm


5:15 - 6:15 pm

3 Ways AI is Changing BI - Justyna Lucznik, Microsoft

6:15 - 6:30 pm

Closing Remarks

6:30 - 8:00 pm

Networking Reception


“The NW Power BI Symposium is a fantastic opportunity for business professionals from all industries to learn how Power BI can unleash data-driven insights within their organizations. This event has been invaluable to me as I continue to learn best practices and more sophisticated methods for building high-impact analytics at KEEN Footwear.”

Robert Gillin, Senior Planning Analyst, KEEN, Inc.

“We had analysts across three different teams attend the symposium. Making those connections has really helped break down silos within our own organization and helped build cross-functional teams. We are seeing a great cultural shift and are already looking forward to the next symposium in June.”

Ben Vega, AVP, Data and Reporting Analyst, Frontline Strategy, Umpqua Bank

“Attendees can expect to learn something new and valuable that they will be able to implement right away regardless of their experience with Power BI. The Symposium is a fantastic opportunity to learn about specialized topics in less technical areas, such as Power BI adoption strategies and report design considerations, from local and international experts.”

Stephen Gessling, Business Intelligence Developer, NWEA

Jun 16, 2020
How to create frameworks and strategies for equity within startups

Join PIE for a conversation with PIE alum Quincy Brown about how to create frameworks and strategies for equity within startups.

"As startups we have a chance to lead with equity as we develop our business plans, marketing, customer outreach, and the like," said Quincy. "From my perspective, equity includes including women, BIPOC, youth, elderly, and everyone undeserved by policies and programming."

Quincy is a young, native transportation planner from Portland. He began is transportation planning career volunteering at TriMet working directly with the HR department where he served as a volunteer translator and helped recruit Latinx employees.

Following his degree from Claremont McKenna College, Quincy engaged in post bac work at Berkeley in Sustainability and the Built Environment and City and Regional Planning. He won best research in Human Rights from the Mgrublian Center for Rights and was Claremont McKenna's first Mellon Mays undergraduate fellow, a fellowship for minority students interested in becoming PhD professors.

His research has consistently focused on creating sustainable and equitable planning and programming that support and involve people of color, people with disabilities, and low income residents. In all pursuits, Quincy is passionate about bringing equitable and sustainable practices to everyone regardless age, race, gender, sexuality, or belief.


Jun 25, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Tech for Good in the Age of COVID-19

Zoom Registration [] is required to attend

Join PDXWIT for its first ever noon programming event! Yoonjung Lee will discuss building technology that works for women by identifying and metricizing collaboration processes and building technology that helps people and businesses achieve collective outcomes easily. As Yoonjung said, “Now, more than ever, we need to be building technology that works for real people with real problems.” This means being open to other ways of building technology including "hacking” of existing software and leveraging low-code solutions to make products and platforms more affordable for small businesses.

Agenda: 12:00 p.m. - Webinar open 12:05 p.m. - Introductions and announcements 12:10 p.m. - Presentation begins 12:40 p.m. - Q&A 1:00 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Attendees (1) Manage Go

How to pivot

Feel free to submit (and upvote) questions ahead of time on Crowdcast

Running a startup is hard enough as it is, but with a worldwide pandemic, it became a lot more difficult. And it forced any number of founders and teams to consider pivoting their product and market to survive.

If you're working through similar thoughts with your startup, hearing from folks who have already turned that corner might be helpful. So we're inviting you to join us for a conversation about pivots with Alisia Ford, founder and CEO of PIE and XXcelerate alum Glory Skincare, and Jonathan Minori, founder and Chief Product Officer for PIE and Techstars alum Caravel.

We'll talk through their experiences, their recommendations for founders who are considering a pivot, and how to communicate your intentions and reasoning to your team.

And as always, we'll also spend most of the conversation answering your questions. So if you've got questions or concerns, please share them so that we can get you the information you need.

By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct (

PDXWIT Presents: The Intersectional Roots of Pride

Registration for this event in Zoom required:

Pride is something we do daily as part of our authentic selves. To honor our LGBTQ+ history and acknowledge our current state of affairs regarding racial injustice, let’s get together and hear stories about our community! Call it a protest, call it an uprising, the history of Pride began at Stonewall with three courageous activists, Stormé DeLarverie, Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera.

Join PDXWIT with our virtual host Zapproved to honor our past, acknowledge our present and discuss a better future together!

Local heroes Miki Demeter, Daelyn Moyer and Vernetta Dorsey will be sharing how they are navigating in this new normal.

Hazel Valdez and Crystal Sincoff will be your hosts for the evening, and Monica Enand, CEO from Zapproved, will share thoughts and support of the LGBTQ+ tech community in Portland.

There will also, of course, be time to catch up with old friends and network, as well as learn all about Zapproved, who is making this event possible.

This event will sell out, so RSVP soon!

Agenda: 5:30 p.m. - Webinar open/Networking 5:40 p.m. - Introductions and announcements 5:50 p.m. - Presentation begins 6:45 p.m. - Presentation ends more networking 7:00 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Jun 26, 2020
Alchemy Last Friday Remote Happy Hour
Join us online to meet our staff, students, grads and other Portland professionals

Once a month, we come together as a community to catch up, and this is your chance to see what we're all about! Meet staff, current students, alum and other Portland professionals for a low key event! Everyone welcome!

Join us here on Zoom:

Jun 30, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: How to Study for a Technical Interview

Registration through Zoom] is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Interviewing for a new job can be a stressful proposition. It is hard to know what to expect or how to prepare for it. Each company evaluates its candidates differently. Luckily, some upfront investment and preparation can really go a long way in helping you distinguish yourself from the rest of the candidates. In this virtual seminar led by engineers at Amazon Web Services (AWS), we will cover some common interviewing practices for technical interviews and what you may be able to do to get ready. We plan to cover many beneficial topics:

Morning preparation, attire, mindset Preparation for the non-technical parts How to study for the coding interview How to execute the coding test

Due to the level of interaction required, attendance will be capped at 50.

Agenda: 11:30 a.m. - Doors open 11:35 a.m. - Introductions and announcements 11:40 a.m. - Session begins 1:00 p.m. - Session ends

Purpose: PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Jul 1, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Artificial Intelligence: How to Level Up or Be Automated Out

Zoom registration is required for this event []

We live in a time and place of unparalleled opportunities at the cost of unprecedented uncertainty. The catalyst is rapid acceleration and acceptance of disruptions as a way of life where no industry or individual is immune.

The challenge is future-readiness and a record number of CEOs are being fired after failing to navigate disruption, as reported by CBInsights. The number is the largest wave of departures since the 2007-2008 financial crisis.

Today we see the convergence of exponential technologies that are doubling and recombining like IoT, Robotics, AI, Synthetic Biology, Immersive and Augmented Tech, Big Data, and others. Advances are moving faster than ever before and with each step.

In particular, AI is an exponential technology that touches every industry and every aspect of business and life. It is a foundational technology that is garnering the highest investment funding across fewer rounds and hitting a new high of $26.6 billion in 2019 alone. What does this mean of our human abilities to keep up?

Attendees will learn ways to avoid being automated out and become more future-ready and resilient. Topics covered include:

An expert definition and impact of exponential technologies

The agony of maintaining a competitive edge

Workforce Profiles in Four Possible Future Worlds

A case for the no-collar workforce skills that should be enhanced

Top 5 strategies to navigate your future and remain competitive

Adriana is an ardent observer and arbiter of the effects of disruptive change and new market paradigms with over 3 decades studying behaviors and technology trends. As a market and technology trends expert, strategist, entrepreneur, she has launched dozens of products, led million-dollar initiatives, and drove industry standards. Certifications as a Business, Leadership, Behaviors, and EQ coaching led to the development of solutions for future-readiness and skills to manage disruptions. She’s been quoted or featured in journals such as The Milken Institute Report: ‘Minds-to-Market,’ San Diego Business Journal, and magazines such as PM Networks, PharmaTech Europe, SmallTimes, Hispanic Business, and San Diego Magazine for her work in the nanotechnology sector. Adriana also founded NanoTecNexus (2003-2015), a nonprofit organization to support education for underserved K-12 students in order to inspire and promote careers in science, technology, engineering, and math.

Agenda: 5:30 p.m. - Webinar open 5:35 p.m. - Introductions and announcements 5:45 p.m. - Presentation begins 6:15 p.m. - Q&A 7:00 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Jul 13, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Get Hired Up! Non-Technical Session

Registration through Zoom [INSERT LINK] is required to gain entry to this virtual event

This virtual event is for you to polish up your resume, get tips on your portfolio, talk to a subject matter expert to help you get ready for a new career or job opportunity!

Get Hired Up takes place over two days, July 13th and July 16th. Sessions will be held via a Zoom webinar and Slack. Each event has a specific focus, so be sure to register for the one that most fits your needs. You'll have the opportunity to get your resume reviewed, participate in mock interviews, and ask questions in the main chat room.

Session 1 focuses on non-technical resume review and mock interviews. Be sure to have an electronic copy of your resume easily available so it can be shared with one of our volunteer reviewers.

You can register for one or both sessions. Details on how to register for the Zoom webinar and access the Slack channel will be provided via email after you register.

Agenda: Arrive promptly as we'll start the event on time with introductions and instructions on how the event will work. Then we'll move right into ongoing Q&A sessions while attendees and volunteers meet online.

9:00 a.m. - Webinar Open 9:05 a.m. - Introductions and Announcements 9:15 a.m. - Matches begin and Main Room Q&A 11:00 a.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women. Our events are inclusive.

Jul 16, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Get Hired Up! Technical Session

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

This virtual event is for you to polish up your resume, get tips on your portfolio, talk to a subject matter expert to help you get ready for a new career or job opportunity!

Get Hired Up takes place over two days, July 13th and July 16th. Sessions will be held via a Zoom webinar and Slack. Each event has a specific focus, so be sure to register for the one that most fits your needs. You’ll have the opportunity to get your resume reviewed, participate in mock interviews, and ask questions in the main chat room.

Session 2 focuses on technical resume review and mock interviews. Be sure to have an electronic copy of your resume easily available so it can be shared with one of our volunteer reviewers.

You can register for one or both sessions. Details on how to register for the Zoom webinar and access the Slack channel will be provided via email after you register.

Agenda: Arrive promptly as we’ll start the event on time with introductions and instructions on how the event will work. Then we’ll move right into ongoing Q&A sessions while attendees and volunteers meet online.

2:00 p.m. - Webinar Open 2:05 p.m. - Introductions and Announcements 2:15 p.m. - Matches begin and Main Room Q&A 4:00 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Purpose: PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Jul 21, 2020
Apply to PIE: Question and answer session

Feel free to submit (and upvote) questions ahead of time on Crowdcast

Thinking about applying to PIE? Have questions about the program? Curious as to what an accelerator even does? Wondering if the format is right for you? Cool. Let's talk about that. All of that.

Please join PIE online for a question and answer session to get more information on our programs and the benefits for early stage startups.

Questions about the differences among the programs we offer causing you to second guess whether you should even show up? Well, let's get that one answered first. Yes. The answer is yes. If you're a founder of an early stage startup, you should show up.

And in terms of the differences? PIE is an accelerator designed to support startups building digital products. PIE Shop is an incubator/accelerator designed to support startups manufacturing physical products. PIE Consumer is focused on traditional consumer products like food, beverage, apparel, footwear, beauty, pet products… you get the gist.

By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct (

Jul 22, 2020
PDXWIT + Home Depot QuoteCenter Present: Year of the Pivot

Zoom Registration Required:

2020 seems to be the year of the pivot. Companies are having to redefine the way they do business, many families are having to sort out how to merge their professional and personal worlds, and due to an unprecedented number of layoffs across industries, folks have a unique opportunity to consider moving in a new professional direction.

Join PDXWIT and Home Depot QuoteCenter as we bring together speakers who can talk about the process of pivoting into a new career or a new type of role within tech. We will also hear about current job opportunities from our host for the evening, Quote Center!

Agenda: 5:00 pm - Event starts / Networking / Audience polling 5:10pm - PDXWIT Introduction & Host Welcome (10 minutes) 5:15pm - Lightning talks 5:45pm - Networking 6:15pm - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Jul 27, 2020
The Startup Community Way

Join us as PIE mentor Stephen Green talks with Ian Hathaway, coauthor of The Startup Community Way: Evolving an entrepreneurial ecosystem, the follow up to Startup Communities: Building an entrepreneurial ecosystem in your city by Brad Feld.

If you have questions about startup communities — or what Portland could be doing to become a better startup community — you won't want to miss this conversation.

"The Startup Community Way is an explanatory guide for startup communities. Rooted in the theory of complex systems, this book establishes the systemic properties of entrepreneurial ecosystems and explains why their complex nature leads people to make predictable mistakes. As complex systems, value creation occurs in startup communities primarily through the interaction of the parts—the people, organizations, resources, and conditions involved—not the parts themselves. This continual process of bottom-up interactions unfolds naturally, producing value in novel and unexpected ways. Through these complex, emergent processes, the whole becomes greater and substantially different than what the parts alone could produce.

"Although we are living in a booming age for startups, we need to think about the future. When the boom times slow, what will happen to our startup communities, and how will we ensure that entrepreneurial success is still within reach for everyone? This book provides a framework for answering these questions, looking at startup communities as complex systems that—given the right resources and support—can help entrepreneurs succeed and benefit society as a whole.

"If you have been involved in any way in building a startup community or entrepreneurial ecosystem in your city, The Startup Community Way is key to helping you understand the next phase of your journey."

The book releases on July 28, 2020. Preorder your copy:

Jul 28, 2020
What startups need to know about accessibility

Please join PIE for a conversation with Steve Axthelm, Principal Software Engineer at Puppet, to discuss product accessibility and how that applies to startups and engineering teams.

During this session, we'll cover topics like

  • Why you should care about accessibility
  • The legal history of accessibility
  • Accessibility standards like Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
  • Composing a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)
  • Questions you should ask your developers about accessibility
  • Where to find more information

… plus answering any questions you might have.

PDXWIT Presents: July Virtual Happy Hour

Zoom registration required:

Join us for Virtual Happy Hour hosted by Catalyte on July 28th!

It’s time to come together again… from the comfort of our homes. This month we are partnering with our friends at Catalyte to host a Happy Hour!

Michele Cunningham, Chief Marketing Officer of Catalyte will tell us more about the company and give a lightning talk about the evening’s theme of Leveraging Data for Social Good. The evening will be emceed by PDXWIT Board Member Padmashree Koneti and Executive Director Elizabeth Stock.

We will also have a Virtual Job Seekers Lounge, where attendees looking for career opportunities can connect in real time with recruiters who are hiring! Note that if you want to participate in this feature, we recommend joining PDXWIT slack. We will also have face to face networking at the end of the event for attendees who are interested in participating!

Note there will also be a live ASL interpreter throughout the event.

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 5:15 p.m. - Introductions, Announcements + Lightning Speakers 5:30 p.m. - Recruiter Roll Call 5:45 p.m. - Virtual Job Seekers Section via Slack/Face-to-Face Networking in Breakout Rooms 6:30 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech through mentorship, educational community events and support services for job seekers.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Aug 4, 2020
What startups need to know about accessibility

Please join PIE for a conversation with Steve Axthelm, Principal Software Engineer at Puppet, to discuss product accessibility and how that applies to startups and engineering teams.

During this session, we'll cover topics like

  • Why you should care about accessibility
  • The legal history of accessibility
  • Accessibility standards like Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
  • Composing a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)
  • Questions you should ask your developers about accessibility
  • Where to find more information

… plus answering any questions you might have


Aug 9, 2020
PIE applications close

Thank you for your interest in PIE, an early stage startup accelerator focused on SaaS offerings; PIE Consumer, an accelerator focused on growth stage consumer products; and PIE Shop, an advanced manufacturing and prototyping incubator to support the next generation of product companies. These programs are each designed to connect participants with peers, mentors, investors, and other critical connections, all in an effort to build better founders and to encourage companies to go further and faster than they would be able to go on their own.

Selected startups will join us virtually to work with their peers, PIE alums, and the world-class PIE mentor network. We'll provide you with advice, connections, discounts, support, and other benefits.

Interested? Cool.

Most responses are optional. But more complete applications help us with our decision. All information submitted to PIE via this form will be considered completely confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone outside the PIE selection committee.

If you would prefer to upload a presentation or one pager instead, please visit


Need to think about your answers? We highly recommend that you begin formulating your responses using our cheat sheet

Questions? Contact Marquita Jaramillo, Program Manager, PIE, at [email protected].

Want to stay in the loop?

Aug 12, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: The Biology of Belonging

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join PDXWIT with virtual host, Umpqua Bank and speaker Rajkumari Neogy as we explore the Biology of Belonging!

We all have the need to belong. But what is belonging, really, and is it possible for different people to experience different levels of belonging? Can belonging be situationally based? And what are the simple ways to create a greater sense of belonging for each of us within our organizations?

Come learn the four levels of belonging found within organizations and leave with pro tips on how to create a greater sense of belonging among your co-workers and within your culture.

Agenda: 11:30 a.m. - Webinar Open 11:35 a.m.- PDXWIT Introduction and announcements 11:45 a.m. - Presentation begins 12:30 p.m. - Q&A 1:00 p.m. - Event Ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech through mentorship, educational community events and support services for job seekers.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Aug 18, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: August Virtual Happy Hour

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join us for Virtual Happy Hour hosted by Zapproved on August 18th!

It’s time to come together again… from the comfort of our homes. This month we are partnering with our friends at Zapproved to host a Happy Hour!

Nancy Perez, Site Reliability Engineer with Zapproved, will tell us more about the company as well as let us know about open positions within their organization.

The theme for this event is Combatting Virtual Fatigue and we will hear from lightning speakers Crystal Sincoff and Maria Grzanka on the topic.

We will also have a Virtual Job Seekers Lounge and Recruiter Roll Call, where attendees looking for career opportunities can connect in real time with recruiters who are hiring! Note that if you want to participate in this feature, we recommend joining PDXWIT slack. We will also have face to face networking at the end of the event for anyone who is interested in participating.

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 5:15 p.m. - Introductions, Announcements + Lightning Speakers 5:30 p.m. - Recruiter Roll Call 5:45 p.m. - Virtual Job Seekers Section via Slack/Face-to-Face Networking in breakout rooms 6:30 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Aug 25, 2020
PDXWIT Presents Career Pivots: A Success Story and Lessons Learned
Online (Portland)

Registration through Zoom [] is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Prior to World War II, systems — even complex systems — expected the human to fit or adapt to the machine or system. As systems became more complex, this approach started to fail, causing loss and injuries due to "Human Error." This led to the start of Human-Centered Systems Engineering and Design, by designing machines and complex systems to fit the human, not expecting people to adapt to the needs of systems. This is the story of how Deb Mrazek's career as a Human-Centered Systems Engineer evolved and pivoted, as did the discipline of Human-Centered Systems Engineering and Design. Deb co-founded to help people cultivate the quality, profile, and value of human-centered systems design in their organizations through workshops, embedded consulting, interim leadership, and tailored coaching. She believes that only by bridging the language and thinking of business and design can the true value of design truly be realized.

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Webinar opens 5:05 p.m. - Introductions, announcements 5:15 p.m. - Presentation begins 5:45 p.m. - Q&A 6:00 p.m. - Closing remarks/final takeaways/cta 6:30 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Aug 27, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Pronouns & Gender Identity: Rethinking the Model

ZOOM Registration: is required to gain entry to this event

Join PDXWIT and speaker Naps D’Apice, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Program Manager at Simple Finance, for a conversation surrounding pronoun usage, gender identity and expression, and useful tools. These tools will help you rethink an outdated model, and having healthy, identity-affirming interactions at work and beyond in support of equity, inclusion, and building a world where more people are seen.

Agenda: 5:30 p.m. - Webinar Open 5:35 p.m. - PDXWIT Introduction and announcements 5:45 p.m. - Presentation begins 6:45 p.m. - Q&A and Networking 7:00 p.m. - Event Ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech through mentorship, educational community events and support services for job seekers.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Sep 15, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: September Virtual Happy Hour
Online (Portland)

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join us for Virtual Happy Hour hosted by AltSource on September 15th!

It’s time to come together again… from the comfort of our homes. This month we are partnering with our friends at AltSource to host a Happy Hour. If you’re looking for work or just looking to reconnect with the PDXWIT network, join us!

Karen Cherry, Senior Project Manager of AltSource, will tell us more about the company and let us know about open positions within their organization.

The theme for this event is Pathways to Tech, and we will hear from lightning speakers and industry leaders about their various journeys into the industry.

We will also have a Virtual Job Seekers Lounge and Recruiter Roll Call, where attendees looking for career opportunities can connect in real time with recruiters who are hiring. Note that if you want to participate in this feature, we recommend joining PDXWIT slack. For those of you looking to connect on camera, we will have face to face networking at the end of the event!


5:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 5:05 p.m. - Introductions, Announcements + Lightning Speakers 5:20 p.m. - Recruiter Roll Call 5:45 p.m. - Virtual Job Seekers Section via Slack/Face-to-Face Networking 6:15 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Sep 22, 2020
PDXWIT Presents Product Management Panel: Deliberate stakeholder communication

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join us for a panel discussion on Product Management. Our focus will be deliberate stakeholder communication and why it is more important now than ever before. Meaningfully communicating throughout an organization is at the core of what product managers do and is 100% crucial to the success of a team.

However, having effective conversations to drive progress of a product can be challenging. What are ways you can establish two-way communication with internal and external stakeholders? How do you identify when your communications are failing so you can course-correct? How can you virtually recreate random hallway conversations when you are no longer working from the same physical space? How do you communicate in a matrixed organization when you work with people who are not stakeholders? We’ll cover these topics and more to find compelling communication strategies for you to use at companies of any size. Product managers, those thinking about starting a career in product management, or folks who interface with product managers will all benefit from this discussion.

The panel discussion will feature:

Moderator: Arezou Seifpour, Product Lead at Auxon Panelist: Ariel Aguilar, Senior Product Manager at Nike Panelist: Sadie Dickman, Product Director at Kaplan North America Panelist: Katrina Sperry, Product Manager at Gabbi


12:00 p.m. - PDXWIT and host welcome 12:05 p.m. - Panelist introductions 12:10 p.m. - Panel discussion 12:45 p.m. - Q&A 1:00 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Sep 29, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: How to Study for a Technical Interview

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this event

Interviewing for a new job can be a stressful proposition. It is hard to know what to expect or how to prepare for it. Each company evaluates its candidates differently. Luckily, some upfront investment and preparation can really go a long way in helping you distinguish yourself from the rest of the candidates. In this virtual seminar led by engineers at Amazon Web Services (AWS), we will cover some common interviewing practices for technical interviews and what you may be able to do to get ready. We plan to cover many beneficial topics:

  • Morning preparation, attire, mindset
  • Preparation for the non-technical parts
  • How to study for the coding interview
  • How to execute the coding test

Due to the level of interaction required, attendance will be capped at 50.

Agenda: 11:30 a.m. - Doors open 11:35 a.m. - Introductions and announcements 11:40 a.m. - Session begins 1:00 p.m. - Session ends

Purpose: PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Sep 30, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: BIPOC in Tech: Bridging the Generational Gap
Online (Portland)

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join PDXWIT for an event dedicated to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) currently seeking employment or currently working in technology in the Portland metro area. This is an opportunity to dialogue, network and meet. Facilitator Hazel Valdez of PDXWIT, along with panel speakers from tech organizations throughout Portland, will discuss how they fit into the current workforce as a BIPOC in tech while navigating generational colleagues who are Boomers, Gen-Xers, Millennials or Gen-Zers.

Who should attend? The PDXWIT BIPOC group is a space dedicated to women and non-binary community who identify as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color (BIPOC). Although this event is open and an inclusive space for allies and supportive community, we ask that you please acknowledge before registering for this event that this is a specific space for those for whom the group is dedicated to, first and foremost.

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Doors open/Networking 5:05 p.m. - Announcements and Welcome 5:15 p.m. - Panel Speakers & Discussion 6:00 p.m. - Raffle and Breakouts 6:05 p.m. - Breakout sessions: BIPOC and Ally Workshop 6:30 p.m. - Event Concludes

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Oct 7, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: LGBTQ+ Coming Out Stories
Online (Portland)

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

This year marks the 32nd Anniversary of National Coming Out Day! Join PDXWIT and host Slalom for a night of coming out stories.

After 32 years, National Coming Out Day still continues to raise awareness for folks in the LGBTQ+ community and spread the idea that homophobia thrives in silence. On this day, many of those who identify as LGBTQ+ come out to friends and family about their sexuality. There is power in coming out and living your truth.

On October 11th, 1987 over 500,000 people marched on Washington for Lesbian and Gay rights and we continue to celebrate and fight for rights in the community today. One out of every two Americans has someone close to them who is gay or lesbian. For transgender people, that number is only one in 10. Coming out STILL MATTERS! It takes bravery, and every person that speaks up changes more hearts and minds, and creates new advocates for equality.

A representative from Slalom will talk about their organization and will let us know if they are hiring. Speakers from Portland and beyond will share their coming out story and how being a part of the LGBTQ+ community has changed their lives.

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Doors open 5:05 p.m. - Introductions and announcements 5:15 p.m. - Storytelling begins 6:00 p.m. - Q&A 6:30 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech through mentorship, educational community events and support services for job seekers.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Oct 8, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Working and Parenting in the Face of a Pandemic

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Working parents are facing many unique challenges this year due to the pandemic. Whether it's making impossible decisions related to school, childcare, or having to sacrifice advancing professionally, there is so much going on. In this panel discussion, we will hear from parents with kids young and old as well as company leaders who can speak to what they are doing to lead with empathy and support their employees who are aiming to find balance during this time.

Whether you are a parent yourself, working alongside parents, or a company leader trying to show up for your employees and ensure your business continues to thrive, you don’t want to miss this event.

Moderator: Elizabeth Stock, Executive Director of PDXWIT and mom to Westley and Max

Panelists: Chloe Elliott, Product Manager at Jama Software and mom to Etienne and Leina

Natalie Ruiz, CEO of Answer Connect and mom to Vivian

Padmashree Koneti, Product Leader and mom to Ananya and Hari

Magali Thibault, Android SDET @ eBay and mom to Olivier

Agenda: 11:45 a.m. - Event begins 11:50 a.m. -Host welcome, Introductions and announcements 12:00 p.m. - Panel begins 1:00 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech through mentorship, educational community events and support services for job seekers.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Oct 14, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Get Hired Up! (Session 1)

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

This virtual event is for you to polish up your resume, get tips on your portfolio, talk to a subject matter expert to help you get ready for a new career or job opportunity! You get what you put in, so come prepared to share digital copies of your resume.

Resume review Mock Interviews Portfolio review Q&A with recruiters

Get Hired Up takes place over two days, October 14th and October 15th. Sessions will be held via a Zoom webinar and Slack. Each event has a specific focus, so be sure to register for the one that most fits your needs. You'll have the opportunity to get your resume reviewed, participate in mock interviews, and ask questions in the main chat room.

Session 1 focuses on non-technical resume review and mock interviews. Be sure to have an electronic copy of your resume easily available so it can be shared with one of our volunteer reviewers.

You can register for one or both sessions. Details on how to register for the Zoom webinar and access the Slack channel will be provided via email after you register.

VOLUNTEERS are needed to participate. If you're interested, please select "Volunteer" in the registration process.

Agenda: Arrive promptly as we'll start the event on time with introductions and instructions on how the event will work. Then we'll move right into ongoing Q&A sessions while attendees and volunteers meet online. 11:00 a.m. - Webinar Open 11:05 a.m. - Introductions and Announcements 11:15 a.m. - Matches begin and Main Room Q&A 1:00 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Oct 15, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Get Hired Up! (Session 2)

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Get Hired Up takes place over two days, October 14th and October 15th. Sessions will be held via a Zoom webinar and Slack and will have a specific focus. Each event has a specific focus, so be sure to register for the one that most fits your needs.You'll have the opportunity to get your resume reviewed, participate in mock interviews, and ask questions in the main chat room.

Session 2 focuses on technical resume review and mock interviews. Be sure to have an electronic copy of your resume easily available so it can be shared with one of our volunteer reviewers.

You can register for one or both sessions. Details on how to register for the Zoom webinar and access the Slack channel will be provided via email after you register.

VOLUNTEERS are needed to participate. If you're interested, please select "Volunteer" in the registration process.

Agenda: Arrive promptly as we'll start the event on time with introductions and instructions on how the event will work. Then we'll move right into ongoing Q&A sessions while attendees and volunteers meet online. 11:00 a.m. - Webinar Open 11:05 a.m. - Introductions and Announcements 11:15 a.m. - Matches begin and Main Room Q&A 1:00 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Oct 20, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: October Virtual Happy Hour
Online (Portland)

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join us for Virtual Happy Hour hosted by DAT on October 20th!

It’s time to come together again… from the comfort of our homes. If you’re looking for work or just looking to reconnect with the PDXWIT network, join us!

The theme for this event is “Let’s Get Technical,” and we will hear from lightning speakers Katrina Johnson about AI and Kathy Lee about breaking into Cloud Computing! We will also learn more about our host company DAT when it comes to what their company does and the various positions for which they are hiring.

And of course, we will have our Virtual Job Seekers Lounge and Recruiter Roll Call, where attendees looking for career opportunities can connect in real time with recruiters who are hiring. Note that if you want to participate in this feature, we recommend joining PDXWIT slack before the event.

For those of you looking to connect on camera, we will have face-to-face networking at the end of the event! We will also have ASL interpretation throughout the event.


5:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 5:05 p.m. - Introductions, Announcements + Lightning Speakers 5:20 p.m. - Recruiter Roll Call 5:45 p.m. - Virtual Job Seekers Section via Slack/Face-to-Face Networking 6:15 p.m. - Event ends


PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Oct 28, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Diversity Dinner Discussion (Apply to attend virtually)
Virtual Event

Appllications are now closed.

Join us for a small, informal yet focused discussion where we can share our experiences with diversity in the workplace.

The intimate and safe setting will allow us to discuss tactics, strategies, and support to resolve the issues that arise. This event will be led by Marcus Carter, Crystal Sincoff, Zhou Fang, and Emma Holland.

Our goal is to ensure this event results in a well-represented, honest and impactful conversation about diversity in our industry, so we are asking folks to apply to attend this event by copying and pasting the link noted below and completing the form.

Link to apply:

Applications are due by October 21st and the 10 invitees will be notified by October 26th, 2020, on how to register in Zoom.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Nov 4, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Why Neurodiversity is Essential to our Future

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join PDXWIT, Torri Wright, Founder and CEO at BEHCA and Lori Eberly, LCSW, Author, Founder and Facilitator of Radius ECD as we explore diverse perspectives through the lens of neurodiversity.

Who is to say what specific neurology is going to be ideal at any given moment? Having diverse perspectives and neural-processing opens up pathways for new discoveries and solving complex problems. The barrier is overcoming bias to see past assumptions and appreciate the brain process that may very well solve a critical problem. How can we learn to communicate with one another differently and avoid quick, bias-filled, assumptions that otherwise exclude neurodiverse populations? Following the presentation, we hope to hear from you all on your perspective.

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Webinar open 5:05 p.m. - PDXWIT and Host Introduction 5:15 p.m. - Presentation 6:00 p.m. - Q&A 6:30 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Nov 9, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Pitch Forward: Pitch to investors and take your company forward

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Entrepreneurs, please fill out this form: to tell us about your company. We’ll get in touch with you to review. We have a limit of slots so sign up today!

Join Oregon Venture Fund and PDXWIT for our 2nd annual pitch event.

Calling all entrepreneurs! Are you in the process of growing your business and ready for the next phase of talking with investors? Keep your momentum going by pitching your vision and the progress of your product development and customer discovery. Oregon Venture Fund investors will weigh in with constructive feedback and connections. Ninety percent of OVF investors have started or run a business at some point in their career, and this is a great way to get feedback from these local entrepreneurs and tech leaders.

Agenda: 5:00 PDXWIT and OVF welcome and introductions 5:05 Entrepreneur pitches (5 minutes each + 1 min questions) 6:00 Investors and community connect directly with entrepreneurs 6:30 Event ends

OVF Investors: Please sign up to provide constructive feedback and connections for local entrepreneurs.

Community Members: Come observe these inspiring entrepreneurs as they share their brilliant ideas. Hopefully you will leave inspired to present at the next pitch event!

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Nov 17, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: November Virtual Happy Hour

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Description: PDXWIT is thrilled to be partnering with Simple for a special edition happy hour on November 17th as part of the annual Give!Guide campaign.

This year we get to do it from the comfort of our homes, but we will still raffle off some amazing prizes to folks who donate during the event!

PDXWIT has meant something to all of us over the last year and we are going to hear from community members about how their involvement with the organization has been a buoy during these challenging times.

We will hear from our virtual host, Simple, about the company and share open job opportunities.

As always, we will have our Virtual Job Seekers Lounge where attendees looking for career opportunities can connect in real time with recruiters who are hiring. Note that if you want to participate in this feature, we recommend joining PDXWIT slack before the event.

We will have ASL interpretation throughout the event.

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 5:05 p.m. - Introductions, Announcements + Lightning Speakers 5:20 p.m. - Special Edition Recruiter Roll Call 5:45 p.m. - Virtual Job Seekers Section via Slack/Face-to-Face Networking 6:15 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Nov 19, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Community Talent Show
Online (Portland)

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join PDXWIT, Cambia Health Solutions, and talented folks throughout our community for a night of fun and talent! We can do more than code. We can sing! We can dance! We can tell jokes, read poetry, twirl a baton! And did we mention our extremely talented pets and kids?

Join us for the first ever PDXWIT Talent Show. This is a free event designed to serve as our main fundraiser for PDXWIT’s Give!Guide campaign. For those of you who donate during the event, there will be amazing raffle prizes. Don’t miss this!

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Webinar open 5:05 p.m. - PDXWIT and Host Introduction 5:15 p.m. - Talent Show & Raffle Drawings 6:00 p.m. - Voting and Announcement of Winner 6:15 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Nov 20, 2020
Alchemy Final Presentation/Demo Day & Happy Hour

Check out the final projects of our intensive career track program. Working remote in small teams, students develop a FullStack JavaScript app in a one week sprint using React and Redux on the front-end with NodeJS/ExpressJS and Postgresql on the back-end.

2:00PM - 5:000PM: Presentations!

5:00PM - 7:00PM: Happy Hour! Grab your favorite beverage and cheers to the students who presented. We'll break everyone up into breakout rooms for more intimate conversations and community building!

EVERYONE is welcome! Whether you are interested in taking our program, looking to hire our grads, or part of the tech community, we'd love to have you. It's a great way to meet staff, students, grads and others in the tech community! Email [email protected] for more information or questions.

Dec 8, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Less Talk, More Action: BLM and Beyond
Online (Portland)

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

It's been six months since the wave of tech industry support for Black Lives Matter and pledges to do better. Has anything really changed?

Join Ciara Pressler, founder of Pregame, for a panel discussion on how companies and individual professionals can and should implement their values in business, including diversity & equity and beyond. What are the obstacles to implementing DE&I practices? When are values real versus just PR? What are the small things anyone can do to live their values at work?

Speakers Include: Ciara Pressler, Moderator Stephen Green, Creator of the Do More challenge Marcus Carter, Social Equity Director, Cinder Amanda Oborne, Executive Director, Oregon Entrepreneurs Network

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - PDXWIT & Pregame introduction 5:10 p.m. - Panel + Q & A 6:00 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech. Our events are inclusive.

ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Dec 9, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Experienced Women in Tech - An Interactive Virtual Experience on Self-Exploration and Connection

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Are you a woman with 15 or more years of experience working in technology?

Do you want to spend time with other women in tech who understand your point of view as someone who has been in this industry for a while? PDXWIT’s Experienced Women in Tech events work to foster a community for women like you.

We are excited to take an adventure for our December 9th event. Design Your Next [ ] is an interactive virtual experience focused on self-exploration and connection: the foundation for action. This workshop is an opportunity to tune into YOU, partner with new faces, unlock your superpowers, and consider what’s inside your [ _ ] as we look ahead to 2021. Come to channel your deepest values and enable growth.

NOTE: To complete your registration, please complete a three question survey to help us shape the workshop. This workshop is best experienced with a printed copy of the worksheet we'll use together. We'll email it in advance of the session, but if you do not have easy access to a printer and would like a worksheet mailed to you, please reach out to [email protected]

About The Goodness Collaborative The Goodness Collaborative is a welcoming, safe space for growth and change — a place, platform, and set of experiences where you build confidence and readiness. We meet you where you are and we help you tune in, get unstuck, and take action. When we individually harness the best parts of ourselves and together reimagine all the things, this new world is more than possible.

Agenda: 11:30 a.m. - Meeting open 11:35 a.m. - PDXWIT Introductions, host welcome and announcements 11:45 a.m. - Presentation begins 12:30 p.m. - Breakout Rooms and takeaways 1:00 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Portland Lunch 2.0: Virtually

Remember in the good old days — like way back in 2019 — when we used to get together for events in person? Well, that's not an option these days. But that doesn't mean that we still can't get together for a good old fashioned Portland Lunch 2.0. Virtually.

If you've been looking for the opportunity to reconnect with your peers in the Portland startup community, you're thinking about starting something, or you're new to the area and looking to meet some folks amidst this pandemic weirdness, please join us for a virtual Portland Lunch 2.0.

No agenda. No talks. Just lunch with the community.

And while we'd love to buy lunch for you like we used to, this time, there is no such thing as a free lunch. You'll have to bring your own.

Dec 10, 2020
From Vision to Gameplan, an interactive workshop

Please fill out this form: in order to be considered for this event.

You have a game-changing idea... but do you have a game plan? Ideas are easy, but execution is what makes for a strong, sustainable business. Join Ciara Pressler, founder and head coach at Pregame, for an interactive workshop and conversation about what it takes to go from concept to creation:

  • The difference between a business plan and a game plan
  • The six areas of business for strategic goal setting
  • A self-assessment structure for where and when to take action
  • How to prioritize when you have too many ideas
  • How founders and creators sabotage their growth

This event would be a great opportunity for founders, executives, team leaders, and creators. Space is limited. We want to make sure this workshop is the right match for you, so share a bit about yourself here! If you're in, you'll receive a confirmation email with the workshop access code a few days before the event. If we have a better match for you, we'll be sure to let you know.

Attendees will get a complimentary e-book edition of Ciara's book Game Plan: Achieve Your Goals in Life, Career, and Business.

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and people underrepresented pin tech to join and stay in this industry. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Dec 15, 2020
PDXWIT Presents: Annual Celebration + Awards Ceremony

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Does it seem odd to celebrate 2020? Maybe. It's been a tough year. But it's also been a year of unbelievable growth and engagement for the PDXWIT community and Portland’s technology industry as a whole.

We are looking forward to coming together with our host AT&T to look back on a very strange year. The theme of the event will be Celebrating our Community. In honor of our theme, our conversation starter for the night will be “How do you celebrate your community?”

We will also be hosting our annual Awards Program. Stay tuned for details on how to nominate and vote for Best Contributor and Best Speaker!

We will hear from our virtual host, AT&T, about the company and share open job opportunities.

As always, we will have our Virtual Job Seekers Lounge where attendees looking for career opportunities can connect in real time with recruiters who are hiring. Note that if you want to participate in this feature, we recommend joining PDXWIT slack before the event.

We will have ASL interpretation throughout the event.

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 5:05 p.m. - Introductions, Announcements + Lightning Speakers 5:20 p.m. - Special Edition Recruiter Roll Call 5:45 p.m. - Virtual Job Seekers Section via Slack/Face-to-Face Networking 6:15 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Jan 5, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: Introduction to Data Science

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join PDXWIT and Katrina Johnson for an interactive workshop about Data Science.

This two-day interactive presentation will provide an introduction to data science, with a special focus on understanding the following concepts:

Big data Algorithms Supervised and unsupervised machine learning Artificial intelligence

Key takeaways will also include information on how to access free IT educational opportunities and technology. This is a great opportunity for individuals who are interested in expanding their awareness of Data Science. Space is limited so register now and please note that the sessions will build on one another so attending both sessions is required.

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Meeting open 5:05 p.m. - PDXWIT Introductions 5:15 p.m. - Session begins 6:30 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Jan 13, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: LGBTQ+ in Tech: Digital Health Access for the Community

Zoom registration required for this event. REGISTER using this link: ***

Access to healthcare is tough enough, and for the LGBTQ+ community, it is even harder and more challenging to navigate. We’re excited for you to join PDXWIT, Plume, Euphoria and Included Health for a panel discussion on how technology is bridging some of that gap. Sign up to learn how the LGBTQ+ community can gain access to healthcare resources including gender affirming hormone therapy (GAHT).

Panel Moderator: Hazel Valdez, PDXWIT Operations Manager

Panelists: Soltan Bryce, Head of Growth Plume

Colin Quinn, Cofounder and CEO Included Health

Robbi Katherine Anthony, CEO Euphoria

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Webinar open 5:05 p.m. - PDXWIT and Host Introduction 5:15 p.m. - Panel Discussion 6:00 p.m. - Q&A 6:30 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Jan 21, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: January Virtual Happy (Lunch) Hour

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

It’s a new year, so let's try a new thing! Join us for a special edition Virtual Happy (Lunch) Hour hosted by Kiva on January 21st.

The theme for this event is “The Importance of Research,” and we will hear from lightning speakers Laure Cast and Rihana Mungin about their research projects! We will also learn more about our host company Kiva, including the open positions they have available.

And of course, we will have our Virtual Job Seekers Lounge and Recruiter Roll Call on the schedule, so attendees looking for career opportunities can connect in real time with recruiters who are hiring. Note that if you are a job seeker and want to participate in this feature, we recommend joining PDXWIT slack before the event. If you are hiring and want to participate, contact [email protected] for info.

For those of you looking to connect on camera, we will have face-to-face networking at the end of the event!

We will also have ASL interpretation throughout the event.

Hope to see you there!

Agenda: 12:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 12:03 p.m. - Introductions + Announcements 12:10 p.m. - Lightning Talks + Women in Tech History 12:20 p.m. - Recruiter Roll Call 12:40 p.m. - Virtual Job Seekers Section via Slack/Face-to-Face Networking 1:00 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Feb 8, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: Humanizing Tech LIVE Podcast Recording

Registration through Zoom

Kick off Black Futures && Black History Month by joining Humanizing Tech Podcast hosts Jesselle Hedman and Dawn Mott for a live interview with Rihana Mungin. Mungin has been featured on Nickelodeon (she sent slime to space!) and has collaborated with NASA on numerous life support experiments. She has served on the leadership team at PDXWIT for the last two years while the organization has culturally redefined itself and adapted into an entirely virtual environment. The interview will explore the highs and lows she has experienced in academia while pursuing her Master’s in Mechanical Engineering, including dropping out of college twice (low) to creating synthetic plant roots out of hair weave to send to space for research (high!).

Agenda: 12 p.m. - Event opens / PDXWIT Intro 12:05 p.m. - Interview with Rihana Mungin 12:45 p.m. - Audience Q & A 1 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Feb 17, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: February Virtual Happy Hour

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join us for a special edition Virtual Happy Hour hosted by Cambia Health Solutions and centered on PDXWIT’s theme for the month of February: Black Futures && Black History.

We will have our usual Recruiter Roll Call and Virtual Job Seekers Lounge, but we will also be introduced to some rad organizations in Portland directly supporting and elevating the Black Community. Attendees will learn how they can plug into these organizations and will be invited to join PDXWIT in financially supporting them. Those who donate to these organizations during the event will be entered into a special raffle, and PDXWIT will be matching all funds raised.

All attendees will be entered to win gift certificates to some amazing local Black owned businesses!

And for those of you looking to connect on camera, we will have face-to-face networking at the end of the event!

We will also have ASL interpretation and live closed captioning throughout.

Hope to see you there!

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 5:05 p.m. - Introductions + Announcements 5:10 p.m. - Lightning Talks + Women in Tech History 5:20 p.m. - Recruiter Roll Call 5:40 p.m. - Virtual Job Seekers Section via Slack/Face-to-Face Networking 6:15 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Feb 25, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: BIPOC in Tech: PDX Transplants & Supportive Networks

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join PDXWIT, along with PDX Blacks in Tech and Simple X, for a conversation with several Portland transplants who’ve created supportive spaces. Dianne Jarvis Lumsden, Front End Software Developer at Coinbase and facilitator of PDX Blacks in Tech, and Wilson Kubwayo, founder of Simple X and Adjunct Instructor at Portland Community College, will be taking part.

This honest conversation, facilitated by Krystal Ngene, Community & Corporate Engagement Manager at In4All, will explore the stories of each speakers’ relocation to PDX and the challenges they faced in finding a supportive network. As a result, they are building and nurturing those networks for themselves.

After hearing from the speakers, all attendees will have the option of on camera networking. There will be a dedicated breakout room for BIPOC and a space for white allies to connect.

There will be live ASL and closed captioning throughout the event.

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Webinar open 5:05 p.m. - PDXWIT and Host Introduction 5:15 p.m. - Talk begins 5:45 p.m. - Q&A 6 p.m. - Breakout rooms including dedicated space for BIPOC to connect without white allies present 6:30 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Mar 2, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: Public Speaking: Tips for Empowering Yourself and Others

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Public speaking is one of the most useful tools to have in your arsenal in both your professional and personal life. Being able to speak to people in small or large groups can be daunting, and learning how to gain confidence will make the experience more enjoyable.

Join PDXWIT speaker Sarah Spieglman as she explores ways of empowering your confidence and your voice. Her talk will include tips and more: Keys to organizing your thoughts Tools to develop and present your narrative Ways to explore your passions and use them as your story These public speaking tips and tricks will be helpful for both professional and personal relationships, as well as for formulating a presentation.

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Webinar open 5:05 p.m. - PDXWIT and Host Introduction 5:15 p.m. - Talk begins 6:00 p.m. - Q&A 6:15 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Mar 4, 2021
Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Virtual Happy Hour - 3/4/21

Please join us for Oregon Bioscience Incubator's March Virtual Happy Hour!

Mingle virtually with your fellow biotech and digital health enthusiasts, help build community, and share your ideas on how to further accelerate the growth of these promising sectors in Portland.

These happy hours bring together creative and driven professionals who are passionate about promoting the growth of Portland's Biotech and Digital Health community. This is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with individuals working across these sectors in both academia and industry.

The March Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Happy Hour will focus on OBI's free Advising Program. Hear from OBI Advisors who can assist and advise you and your company.

Want to introduce your startup or idea at our happy hours? We have several speaking opportunities at each of our events. If you would like to speak about your startup or introduce yourself or your idea to the group, please contact us for more information.

Please be aware that the OBI may be taking photographs during this event. We may use these photos in marketing materials and your image may be included.

Space is limited, so register soon!

Big thanks to PhRMA for sponsoring this event.

Mar 10, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: Diversity Dinner Discussion (apply to attend)

Join us for a small, informal yet focused discussion where we can share our experiences with diversity in the workplace.

The intimate and safe setting will allow us to discuss tactics, strategies, and support to resolve the issues that arise. This event will be led by Marcus Carter, Crystal Sincoff, and Zhou Fang.

Our goal is to ensure this event results in a well-represented, honest and impactful conversation about diversity in our industry, so we are asking folks to apply to attend by filling out this brief form

Applications are due by Monday, 3/1/21 and the 10 invitees will be notified by Friday, 3/5/21. A zoom link will be shared with attendees ahead of the event.

Mar 12, 2021
Alchemy Final Presentations/Demo Day & Happy Hour

2:00PM - 5:000PM: See the presentations by our small teams of students who will have completed a FullStack JavaScript App in a one week sprint, working remotely, using React and Redux on the front-end with NodeJS/ExpressJS and PostgreSQL on the back-end.

5:00PM - 7:00PM: Happy Hour! Grab your favorite beverage and cheers to the students who presented. We'll break everyone up into breakout rooms for more intimate conversations and community building!

EVERYONE is welcome! Whether you are interested in taking our program, looking to hire our grads, or part of the tech community, we'd love to have you. It's a great way to meet staff, students, grads and others in the tech community! Email [email protected] for more information or questions.

Add to calendar: Zoom link:

Mar 16, 2021
PDXWIT Presents March Virtual Happy (Lunch) Hour

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this event

It’s time to celebrate Women’s History Month! Join us for a very special edition Virtual Happy (Lunch) Hour hosted by New Relic on March 16th.

This happy hour is dedicated to the launch of the PDXWIT Native Americans In Tech group being led by Erin Grace. Erin will speak on the importance of building community and creating opportunities for Native Americans in the tech industry. We will also learn more about our host company, New Relic, including the open positions they have available.

And of course, we will have our Virtual Job Seekers Lounge and Recruiter Roll Call on the schedule, so attendees looking for career opportunities can connect in real time with recruiters who are hiring. Note that if you are a job seeker and want to participate in this feature, we recommend joining PDXWIT slack before the event. If you are hiring and want to participate, contact [email protected] for info.

For those of you looking to connect on camera, we will have face-to-face networking at the end of the event!

Accessibility Notes: We will also have ASL interpretation and live closed captioning throughout the event. Thank you to our ongoing accessibility sponsor, Autodesk.

Hope to see you there!

Agenda: 12:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 12:05 p.m. - Introductions + Announcements 12:10 p.m. - Lightning Talks + Women in Tech History 12:20 p.m. - Recruiter Roll Call 12:40 p.m. - Virtual Job Seekers Section via Slack/Face-to-Face Networking 1:15 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Mar 23, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: Real Talk: Women at the Top Reveal their Secrets to Success

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Ever wonder what it takes to get to the top as a woman in tech? What are the biggest barriers? What are the secrets to success? How can women help other women advance in their careers?

We need more women in leadership and intersectionality of identities among women. Particularly in tech. So let’s ask the experts.

Join us for an open, honest, and inclusive panel discussion with real women in leadership roles from some of the most recognized tech companies in Portland. We’ll get a chance to ask them tough questions about their journeys to becoming Director, Vice President, and CEO.

Moderator: Asia Kane, Software Engineer at New Relic

Panelists: - Sce Pike, CEO and Founder at IOTAS, Inc - Shannon Hulbert, CEO and Co-Founder at Opus Interactive - Cathy Rotering, Senior Director, Platform Engineering at New Relic - Natalie Ruiz, CEO of Answer Connect

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Event Opens 5:05 p.m. - PDXWIT Introduction & Host Welcome (5 minutes) 5:10 p.m. - Panel Begins 6:00 p.m. - Q & A 6:30 p.m. - Event Ends

Purpose: PDXWIT is building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Mar 25, 2021
Have you heard about this startup…?
Twitter Spaces

I ( have been looking for an excuse to user Twitter Spaces, the audio only Clubhouse competitor. And an idea dawned on my that was basically an audio version of Silicon Florist. What if I held a Spaces event where founders got to pitch their startup or startup concept to an audience?

We've had a number of amazing founders sign up to participate. Now, we need an audience to listen to their pitches. Won't you please join us?

If you’ve got a startup to pitch at a future event — it doesn’t have to be tech — please sign up. We'll ask you to deliver a three minute pitch on your company. And then I may ask you a couple of follow up questions, but we won’t open it up to a full Q&A. So it should be a safe space. That means, even if you haven’t perfected your pitch, it’s a good environment to practice.

Mar 30, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: Get Hired Up!

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

***There are 3 sessions for this event;

Session 1 Non-technical: 3/30/2021 4 PM - 6 PM

Session 2 Technical: 3/31/2021 12pm-2pm

Session 3 Technical and Non-technical: 3/31/2021 3pm-5pm***

Session 1 event description: This virtual event is for you to polish up your resume, get tips on your portfolio, and talk to a subject matter expert to help you get ready for a new career or job opportunity! You get what you put in, so come prepared to share digital copies of your resume. Resume review Mock Interviews Portfolio review Q&A with recruiters

Get Hired Up takes place over two days, March 30 and March 31. Sessions will be held via a Zoom webinar and Slack. Each event has a specific focus, so be sure to register for the one that most fits your needs. You'll have the opportunity to get your resume reviewed, participate in mock interviews, and ask questions in the main chat room.

Session 1 focuses on non-technical resume review and mock interviews. Be sure to have an electronic copy of your resume easily available so it can be shared with one of our volunteer reviewers.

You can register for one or both sessions. Details on how to register for the Zoom webinar and access the Slack channel will be provided via email after you register.

We are looking for volunteers to provide resume reviews and mock interviews. If you are interested, please be sure to select that option when registering.

Agenda: Arrive promptly as we'll start the event on time with introductions and instructions on how the event will work. Then we'll move right into ongoing Q&A sessions while attendees and volunteers meet online. 4:00 PM - Webinar opens 4:05 PM - Introductions and Announcements 4:15 PM - Matches begin and Main Room Q&A 6:00 PM - Event ends

Session 2 event description Get Hired Up takes place over two days, March 30 and March 31. Sessions will be held via a Zoom webinar and Slack and will each have a specific focus. Be sure to register for the one that most fits your needs. You'll have the opportunity to get your resume reviewed, participate in mock interviews, and ask questions in the main chat room.

Session 2 focuses on technical resume review and mock interviews. Be sure to have an electronic copy of your resume easily available so it can be shared with one of our volunteer reviewers.

You can register for one or both sessions. Details on how to register for the Zoom webinar and access the Slack channel will be provided via email after you register.

We are looking for volunteers to provide resume reviews and mock interviews. If you are interested, please be sure to select that option when registering.

Agenda: Arrive promptly as we'll start the event on time with introductions and instructions on how the event will work. Then we'll move right into ongoing Q&A sessions while attendees and volunteers meet online. 12:00 PM - Webinar opens 12:05 PM - Introductions and Announcements 12:15 PM - Matches begin and Main Room Q&A 2:00 PM - Event ends

Session 3 event description Get Hired Up takes place over two days, March 30 and March 31. Sessions will be held via a Zoom webinar and Slack and will have a specific focus. Each event has a specific focus, so be sure to register for the one that most fits your needs.You'll have the opportunity to get your resume reviewed, participate in mock interviews, and ask questions in the main chat room.

Session 3 focuses on both technical and non-technical resume review and mock interviews. Be sure to have an electronic copy of your resume easily available so it can be shared with one of our volunteer reviewers.

You can register for one or both sessions. Details on how to register for the Zoom webinar and access the Slack channel will be provided via email after you register.

We are looking for volunteers to provide resume reviews and mock interviews. If you are interested, please be sure to select that option when registering.

Agenda: Arrive promptly as we'll start the event on time with introductions and instructions on how the event will work. Then we'll move right into ongoing Q&A sessions while attendees and volunteers meet online. 3:00 PM - Webinar opens 3:05 PM - Introductions and Announcements 3:15 PM - Matches begin and Main Room Q&A 5:00 PM - Event ends

Purpose: We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Apr 13, 2021
Portland Java User Group virtual meetup

Portland Java User Group virtual meetup

Topic: Guardrail: State of the Union

Twilio's Guardrail project is a building block for Java and Scala RESTful API's. This talk will summarize recent enhancements to the Guardrail ecosystem. Attend this presentation if you want to learn about Guardrail's design principles, features, and roadmap

Sean Sullivan is a software engineer in Portland Oregon. He works on platform systems at Twilio. He is passionate about Scala, code generators, and automated delivery pipelines. Sean is a frequent speaker at the Portland Java User Group.


Apr 14, 2021
LGBTQ+ in Tech: Changing the World with Tech

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Connection. That’s what we all want, but sometimes, it’s not so easy. Join PDXWIT, host Marmoset and Out in Tech’s Digital Corps team for a panel discussion and find out how building websites globally takes on a bigger and better definition of community and connection.

Out in Tech Digital Corps provides web services to LGBTQ+ activists and social entrepreneurs around the world. Since 2017, they’ve built 150 websites for 150 extraordinary LGBTQ+ grassroots organizations in 60 countries.

Facilitated by Crystal Sincoff, you will hear from Manu Gomez, from the Digital Corps team and a website build volunteer, Alex Hare, about their experiences working with Brown Girl Woke and other non-profit organizations to build their custom sites.

The founder of Brown Girl Woke, Doris Tulafau, will join us from Samoa along with their IT & Website Manager, Robbie Allen, to share what it was like working with the Digital Corp to create their website that is empowering girls to lead the future in the Samoa community.

You will also hear from our host Marmoset and find out if they have open positions.

We look forward to seeing you at this fun-filled, semi-global event and to find out how you can be a part of creating a larger, connected community by using your skills to volunteer with the digital corp team and join the revolution around the world!

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Event opens/networking 5:05 p.m.- Introductions 5:10 p.m. - Panel discussion begins 6:00 p.m. - Q&A 6:30 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: PDXWIT is building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging. Our events are inclusive.

ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Apr 20, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: April Virtual Happy Hour

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join us for a special edition Virtual Happy Hour hosted by Nike and centered around Mentorship. Coaches aren’t just for athletes! A career coach or mentor could help you find clarity on your career trajectory. PDXWIT’s long term and On The Spot Mentor programs will be highlighted, featuring personal stories from our community.

We will have lightning speakers share their experiences of being mentors and being mentored.

We will have our Recruiter Roll Call and Virtual Job Seekers Lounge. And for those of you looking to connect on camera, come together face-to-face (or screen-to-screen) after the presentations for a little dose of community.

We will also have ASL interpretation and live closed captioning throughout.

Hope to see you there!

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 5:05 p.m. - Introductions + Announcements 5:10 p.m. - Lightning Talks 5:20 p.m. - Recruiter Roll Call 5:40 p.m. - Virtual Job Seekers Section via Slack/Face-to-Face Networking 6:15 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling barriers and fueling belonging.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Apr 29, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: How to Study for a Technical Interview

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Interviewing for a new job can be a stressful proposition, so some engineers from Amazon Web Services (AWS) got together to create this training tailored to technical job seekers. In tech, it is hard to know what to expect or how to prepare as each company evaluates its candidates differently. Luckily, some upfront investment and preparation can really go a long way in helping you distinguish yourself from the rest of the candidates. In this virtual seminar we will review some interviewing practices we’ve witnessed through our careers for technical interviews and present helpful tips to prepare. We plan to cover many beneficial topics: Morning preparation, attire, and mindset Non-technical preparation How to study for the coding interview How to execute the coding test Due to the level of interaction required, attendance will be capped at 50.

Agenda: 12:00 p.m. - Event begins 12:08 p.m.- Intros and announcements 12:10 p.m. - Session begins 1:00 p.m. - Event ends

Mission: We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling barriers and fueling belonging. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

May 6, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: Experienced Women in Tech: DIY SOS
Virtual Zoom Webinar

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event This event is geared to provide space for folks in the community to share what they are doing to cope in the time of Covid. We have four topics, and attendees will rotate into separate breakout rooms, ensuring everyone has an opportunity to discuss all four. The facilitator will document the things people are doing in each of the areas, and we'll provide a resource guide after the session for everyone who attends. The topics are:

How to volunteer (in the current times) Emotional support: how to handle grief + coping strategies in general Job discussion: remote work, tips, handling difficulty at work Self-care: how do you re-invigorate yourself?

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Event begins networking 5:05 p.m. - PDXWIT Introduction (5 minutes) 5:15 p.m. - Presentation begins 6:00 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Virtual Happy Hour - 5/6/21

Register in advance through Eventbrite:

Mingle virtually with your fellow biotech and digital health enthusiasts, help build community, and share your ideas on how to further accelerate the growth of these promising sectors in Portland.

These happy hours bring together creative and driven professionals who are passionate about promoting the growth of Portland's Biotech and Digital Health community. This is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with individuals working across these sectors in both academia and industry.

Advanced registration is required through Eventbrite:

Want to introduce your startup or idea at our happy hours? We have several speaking opportunities at each of our events. If you would like to speak about your startup or introduce yourself or your idea to the group, please let us know.

Please be aware that the OBI may be taking photographs during this event. We may use these photos in marketing materials and your image may be included.

Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Happy Hour is a grassroots event organized by the Oregon Bioscience Incubator

Advanced registration required through Eventbrite: and then online Zoom link will be emailed to you.

May 12, 2021
Native Americans in Tech Mixer

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join our Inaugural Native Americans in Tech mixer. We’re creating a decolonized space for Native Americans who work in tech or want to.

This community is exclusively for indigenous people of North America. This group is for folks that have a grounding in their Native American identity. We want to center the experiences of indigenous people that are rooted in their ways, recognizing the varied experiences of indigeneity for those who have had barriers in reclaiming their culture.

This event will feature an overview of the initiative, talks by Native Americans working in tech, and a chance for “face-to-face” networking over Zoom facilitated by Erin Grace (Chetco, Tututni) and Court Morse (Chippewa, Ojibwe, Anishinaabeg).

We will have ASL interpretation and live closed captioning throughout.

Hope to see you there!

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 5:05 p.m. - Introductions + Announcements 5:10 p.m. - Lightning Talks 5:30 p.m. - Networking 6:15 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling barriers and fueling belonging.

May 13, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: Humanizing Tech LIVE Podcast Recording

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join Humanizing Tech Podcast hosts Jesselle Hedman and Anusha Neelam for a LIVE interview with Anna Madill, Founder and CEO of Avenue.

Our hosts will dive in as Anna shares stories about her journey building Avenue into a thriving digital marketing agency as a WoC CEO. We’ll also discuss balancing her passion for her work with becoming a mother. We’ll explore her decision to make Avenue a B-Corp and their commitment to dismantling white supremacy culture and prioritizing worker well-being.

Anna is a proud supporter of BIPOC and AAPI entrepreneurs. She was recognized on the PBJ’s Forty Under 40 Award List for 2017 and the Women of Influence Award List for 2020.

Hosts will ask Anna YOUR questions live, so tune in and be part of our next episode!

Accessibility notes: There will be live closed captioning and ASL throughout the event.

Purpose: We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

May 18, 2021
Special Edition PDXWIT Happy Hour: Celebrating AAPI in Tech

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join us for a special edition Virtual Happy Hour hosted by Autodesk and centered on the Asian American and Pacific Islander experience in tech.

We will have our usual Recruiter Roll Call and Virtual Job Seekers Lounge, but we will also be introduced to APANO, a rad organization in Portland directly supporting and elevating the AAPI Community. Attendees will learn how they can plug in and support their efforts and will be invited to join PDXWIT in financially supporting them. Those who donate to these organizations during the event will be entered into a special raffle, and PDXWIT will be matching all funds raised.

All attendees will be entered to win gift certificates to some amazing local AAPI owned businesses!

And for those of you looking to connect on camera, we will have face-to-face networking at the end of the event!

We will have ASL interpretation and live closed captioning throughout. Hope to see you there!

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 5:05 p.m. - Introductions + Announcements 5:10 p.m. - Guest speakers + Women in Tech History 5:20 p.m. - Recruiter Roll Call 5:40 p.m. - RAFFLE!!! 5:45 p.m. - Virtual Job Seekers Section via Slack/Face-to-Face Networking 6:15 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

May 25, 2021
Portland Lunch 2.0: Virtually

Just because we're still socially distanced doesn't mean we can't connect.

There's no better time to reconnect with folks in the community with whom you've lost touch. And there's no better way to gather with a random smattering of your startup community peers than Portland Lunch 2.0.

No agenda. No talks. Just lunch with your community.

May 26, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: Debunking the Model Minority Myth: A Panel Discussion

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Why are Asians labeled as Model Minorities? Join PDXWIT and our host Avenue Agency for a panel discussion where we’ll debunk the Model Minority Myth, a stereotypical idea that has caused confusion, misunderstanding, and harm to the Asian community for generations. Recent attacks on Asian Americans and Asians have sparked national discussions around Anti-Asian Racism, Asian Hate, and Asian Culture- but why did it take so long to come to light?

Moderated by Padmashree Koneti, this conversation will include panelists Zhou Fang, Hazel Valdez and Deana Solis. Panelists will share their personal and interpersonal experiences as Asian Americans and Asians in Portland and the U.S. Their collective lived experience gives us a glimpse of how communities can rally together and create a united voice that rejects the model minority myth.

We will have ASL interpretation and live closed captioning throughout.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our mission are welcome.

Jun 9, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: Celebrating PRIDE!

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join us during Pride Month for a celebration hosted by Cambia.

It’s PRIDE month! The usual PRIDE parade where folks line the streets and wear our glittered rainbow outfits is not happening for the 2nd year in a row, but that doesn’t mean the celebration has to be put on hold. How are you celebrating PRIDE this month?

Join us as we meet with Queer leaders in tech spaces, creating connections to talk about what they’re doing to celebrate and connect with the community at-large. From driveway dinners to virtual happy hours, the community is built by us, and the pandemic can’t stop our spirit!

Facilitated by Crystal Sincoff and Hazel Valdez, this panel discussion with Denise McCarty from Autodesk, Jennifer Bantelman from Zapproved, and others will share their connections to the queer community in the past, present and future.

Event sponsored by our friends at Cambia.

We will have ASL interpretation and live closed captioning throughout.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our mission are welcome.

Jun 17, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: June Virtual Happy Hour: Intersectionality

Registration through Zoom h is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join us during Pride Month for a special edition Virtual Happy Hour hosted by PixelSpoke.

Our emcee, Hazel Valdez, will help us explore intersectionality, a concept and term first explored by Kimberlé Crenshaw. Intersectionality acknowledges that while some populations share similar experiences of discrimination, harassment, sexism, inequality and oppression on the basis of their sex, race and gender, not all are equally impacted or have equal access to resources, power and privilege.

We will have lightning speakers exploring this theme. As always, we’ll have our Recruiter Roll Call and Virtual Job Seekers Lounge.

And for those of you looking to connect on camera, we will come together face-to-face (or screen-to-screen) after the presentations for a little dose of community.

We will have ASL interpretation and live closed captioning throughout. Contact [email protected] if you have other accessibility needs.

Hope to see you there!

Agenda: 12:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 12:03 p.m. - Introductions + Announcements 12:10 p.m. - Lightning Talks 12:20 p.m. - Recruiter Roll Call 12:40 p.m. - Virtual Job Seekers Section via Slack/Face-to-Face Networking 1:00 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling barriers and fueling belonging.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Jun 22, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: How to Study for a Technical Interview

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Interviewing for a new job can be a stressful proposition, so some engineers from Amazon Web Services (AWS) got together to create this training tailored to technical job seekers. In tech, it is hard to know what to expect or how to prepare as each company evaluates its candidates differently. Luckily, some upfront investment and preparation can really go a long way in helping you distinguish yourself from the rest of the candidates. In this virtual seminar we will review some interviewing practices we’ve witnessed through our careers for technical interviews and present helpful tips to prepare. We plan to cover many beneficial topics: Morning preparation, attire, and mindset Non-technical preparation How to study for the coding interview How to execute the coding test

Due to the level of interaction required, attendance will be capped at 50.

Agenda: 11:30 p.m. - Event begins 11:33 p.m.- Intros and announcements 11:40 p.m. - Session begins 1:00 p.m. - Event ends

Mission: We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling barriers and fueling belonging. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Jun 23, 2021
Portland Lunch 2.0: Virtually

Just because we're still socially distanced doesn't mean we can't connect.

There's no better time to reconnect with folks in the community with whom you've lost touch. And there's no better way to gather with a random smattering of your startup community peers than Portland Lunch 2.0.

No agenda. No talks. Just lunch with your community.

Jun 28, 2021
PIE Demo Day 2021

Please join us online for an all virtual PIE Demo Day, all from the comfort of your Web browser.

You do not need to be an accredited investor to attend. And you don't need to be in Portland, Oregon. Everyone is welcome. It's a community event and all aspects of the virtual demo day are free and open to the public.

If you're interested in participating in PIE Demo Day, there are three ways for you to do so. Each starts at 3:14PM Pacific Time on June 28, 2021:

Follow PIE on Twitter ( Like last year, the PIE Twitter account will serve as the emcee for PIE Demo Day 2021. If you're interested in experiencing the event as we envisioned it, please make sure you're following our Twitter account as we take you through the run of show. Best of all, the event will be captured in a single thread so that you can reference — and share — it later.

Subscribe to PIE on YouTube ( Interested in more of a "choose your own adventure" format? You're in luck, because we'll be uploading all of the demo day presentations to our YouTube channel as a single playlist.

Join the virtual trade show ( Not every founder will be presenting on PIE Demo Day, this year, but you'll still get the opportunity to meet them and hear more about the companies they're creating. Join us for a virtual trade show to hear more from this year's founders.

We look forward to seeing you at PIE Demo Day 2021.

Jun 30, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: June Diversity Discussion

Join us for a small, informal yet focused discussion where we can share our experiences with diversity in the workplace.

Our goal is to create a dedicated space for an honest and impactful conversation exploring our shared experiences as individuals underrepresented in the industry. We are asking folks to apply to attend this event by using this form: underrepresented may mean BIPOC, LGBTQ+, varying physical or cognitive abilities

Applications are due by Wednesday, 6/16/21 and the 10 invitees will be notified by Wednesday, 6/23/21. A zoom link will be shared with attendees ahead of the event.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.*underrepresented may mean BIPOC, LGBTQ+, varying physical or cognitive abilities

Purpose: We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Jul 1, 2021
Thursday Evening Figure Drawing
High Low Art Space

Ongoing weekly drop-in life drawing in SE Portland — Feel free to show up late or leave early

Thursday evenings are shorter poses

Wet and dry media allowed, please be courteous and clean up after yourself

Cash is preferred

Buy in bulk: $45 for 5 sessions, to be attended within two months of purchase

We ask that artists under 18 have parent/guardian permission to attend figure drawing sessions

Show our models your appreciation by tipping — art modeling is hard work!

Jul 7, 2021
Fundamentals of Drawing 7 Week Class
High Low Art Space

Interested in drawing but not sure where to start? This beginner course is designed to give you the tools you need to start drawing confidently.

We’ll begin the course by talking about observing shapes in a still life. Eventually, we’ll work our way towards being able to execute a portrait from a live model

Jul 8, 2021
PDXWIT Community Forum: Returning to in-person

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

We miss you! You miss each other! The PDXWIT crew wants to be intentional as we explore ways to safely come together again.

PDXWIT Executive Director Elizabeth Stock, Operations Manager Dawn Mott, and Community Organizer Mabana Bamba will present some community-sourced ideas on the future structure of in-person events, and open the floor to your comments and concerns through on-camera speaking slots and in-chat commentary.

We are nothing without our community, and we truly value your voice. Our events will continue to be streamed online and contain ways to engage in real time. We value all members of the PDXWIT community and want to provide a comfortable and accessible environment to gather and connect.

Please join us to help determine the future of PDXWIT in-person events 2.0. Help us bring back the magic!

PDXWIT's mission: Building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our mission are welcome.

Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Virtual Happy Hour - 7/8/21

Oregon Bioscience Incubator's July Virtual Happy Hour!

Mingle virtually with your fellow biotech and digital health enthusiasts, help build community, and share your ideas on how to further accelerate the growth of these promising sectors in Portland.

These happy hours bring together creative and driven professionals who are passionate about promoting the growth of Portland's Biotech and Digital Health community. This is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with individuals working across these sectors in both academia and industry.

Want to introduce your startup or idea at one of our upcoming happy hours? We have speaking opportunities at each of our events. If you would like to speak about your startup or introduce yourself or your idea to the group, please contact Rene Miller, Program Manager at OBI, by replying to this email, for more information.

Space is limited, so register soon!

Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Happy Hour is a grassroots event organized by the Oregon Bioscience Incubator.

Jul 14, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: BIPOC in Tech: Reclaiming the Outdoors

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join us for a special summer edition of our BIPOC in Tech event series. We will explore how leveraging technology can help reduce the barriers BIPOC folks face when it comes to the outdoors.

The outdoors can offer a place of peace, joy, or even a simple moment to step away from our computers and unplug. From your window, it can seem so accessible, yet forests, mountain tops, and swimming holes are often lacking diversity. We are here to help change that! Whether it’s for walking around in your neighborhood park, gardening, fishing, hiking, rock climbing, cycling, etc., share your favorite apps or tech that help you get outside, stay safe, and reclaim the spirit of our ancestors.

The presentation portion of this event is open to everyone, but please be aware that the perspectives and needs of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) will be centered. After the presentation portion, white allies in attendance will be asked to leave in order to create dedicated, small breakout spaces for BIPOC attendees.

We will have ASL interpretation and live closed captioning during the event and available for breakout rooms.

Jul 20, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: July Happy (Lunch) Hour

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join PDXWIT and host Viewpoint for a summer lunchtime Happy Hour event. The theme of the evening will be Technology: The First Generation. We will hear from speakers who are the first in their families to explore a career in tech and what that has meant for them as they have moved through their career.

Featured lightning speaker Hanan Alnizami will share her story as an immigrant and first generation woman in tech along with other special guests. As always, we’ll have our Recruiter Roll Call and Virtual Job Seekers Lounge. If you are looking for a job, you don’t want to miss this.

And for those of you looking to connect on camera, we will come together face-to-face (or screen-to-screen) after the presentations for a little dose of community.

We will have ASL interpretation and live closed captioning throughout. Contact [email protected] if you have other accessibility needs.

Hope to see you there!

PDXWIT's mission: Building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our mission are welcome

Jul 28, 2021
Portland Lunch 2.0: Virtually

Things are still slowly getting back to in person, so this month will be virtual, again.

There's no better time to reconnect with folks in the community with whom you've lost touch. And there's no better way to gather with a random smattering of your startup community peers than Portland Lunch 2.0.

No agenda. No talks. Just (virtual) lunch with your community.

Aug 17, 2021
PDXWIT August Virtual Happy Hour: Cybersecurity & Digital Health Check

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join us for our last (for now?) entirely virtual Happy Hour, hosted by our friends at Delap.

Ensuring our data remains safe and secure has never been more critical, especially as working from home does not guarantee the same level of cybersecurity as an office. In fact, between February and May 2020, more than half a million people using video conferencing tools were affected by breaches.”

Diane Bishop from Delap will talk about how critical compliance is for business, while Dwayne Thomas of PDX Blacks in Tech will share stories garnered from his years working as a security engineer.

As always, we will have recruiters looking to connect with you about jobs via our Virtual Job Seekers Lounge. And for those of you looking to connect on camera, we will have face-to-face networking at the end of the event!

We will have ASL interpretation and live closed captioning throughout. Please get in touch with any additional accessibility needs you may have. Hope to see you there!

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 5:05 p.m. - Introductions + Announcements 5:10 p.m. - Guest speakers + Women in Tech History 5:20 p.m. - Recruiter Roll Call 5:45 p.m. - Virtual Job Seekers Section via Slack/Face-to-Face Networking 6:15 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our mission are welcome.

Aug 31, 2021
PDXWIT Presents: Accessibility in Tech: A Panel Discussion Centering People with Disabilities

Registration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event

As tech companies throughout Portland turn their attention towards our post-pandemic world, one thing is clear: for people with disabilities in the workforce, we cannot go back to the way things were before.

In Oregon, 1 in 4 people comprising 31.8% of the local workforce lives with a disability. Still, the barriers for people with disabilities when it comes to hiring, workplace disclosure and accommodations — and thriving within the often-neurotypical cultures of the tech industry — create a challenging landscape to navigate upward growth and mobility.

Join PDXWIT and host Momentive for a panel discussion moderated and led by people living with disabilities in Portland as they provide education, share their experiences, and make recommendations for how tech can become more accessible.

Moderator: Katie Jahangiri (she/her) - Development Director

Panelists: Catherine Cambridge (she/her) - Manager of Legal Operations Miki Demeter (she/her) - Security Researcher Mark Espina (he/him) - Jr Database Developer

We will have ASL interpretation and live closed captioning throughout.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our mission are welcome.

Purpose: We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging.

Sep 9, 2021
Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Virtual Happy Hour - 9/9/21

Mingle virtually with your fellow biotech and digital health enthusiasts, help build community, and share your ideas on how to further accelerate the growth of these promising sectors in Portland.

These happy hours bring together creative and driven professionals who are passionate about promoting the growth of Portland's Biotech and Digital Health community. This is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with individuals working across these sectors in both academia and industry.

Want to introduce your startup or idea at one of our upcoming happy hours? We have speaking opportunities at each of our events. If you would like to speak about your startup or introduce yourself or your idea to the group, please contact Rene Miller, Program Manager at OBI, for more information.

Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Happy Hour is a grassroots event organized by the Oregon Bioscience Incubator.

Register at:

Sep 13, 2021
Protest Apple's Spy-Phone
Apple Pioneer Place

On September 13, people will join distributed protests at Apple stores across the country to demand Apple cancel its plans to install photo and message scanning spyware on its devices.

RSVP to join us for the Portland protest!

Background: On August 5, 2021 Apple announced plans to include new surveillance features in an upcoming iOS update that will scan all photos uploaded to iCloud Photos and all iMessage images sent or received by child accounts. This sort of monitoring is a shocking departure from Apple’s former commitment to privacy and security for its users. Because these scans happen on the devices themselves, they would bypass end-to-end encryption and establish a new precedent for law enforcement to access information on personal devices. Apple is the only major tech company to take this incredibly dangerous step—but once they do, others may be forced to follow.

There is still time to stop this—we need to show massive opposition and demand Apple reverse course and NOT push this update. Join us to protest Apple and stop the spy-phone!

We are committed to upholding public health guidelines related to COVID. Please don't attend if you have any COVID symptoms, and please do wear a mask and practice social distancing.

Oct 7, 2021
Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Virtual Happy Hour - 10/7/21

JOIN US! Register in advance through Eventbrite:

Mingle virtually with your fellow biotech and digital health enthusiasts, help build community, and share your ideas on how to further accelerate the growth of these promising sectors in Portland.

These happy hours bring together creative and driven professionals who are passionate about promoting the growth of Portland's Biotech and Digital Health community. This is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with individuals working across these sectors in both academia and industry.

Register via Eventbrite:

Want to introduce your startup or idea at our happy hours? We have several speaking opportunities at each of our events. If you would like to speak about your startup or introduce yourself or your idea to the group, please let us know.

Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Happy Hour is a grassroots event organized by the Oregon Bioscience Incubator

Advanced registration required through Eventbrite: and the online Zoom link will be emailed to you.

Nov 4, 2021
Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Virtual Happy Hour - 11/4/21

JOIN US! Register in advance through Eventbrite:

Mingle virtually with your fellow biotech and digital health enthusiasts, help build community, and share your ideas on how to further accelerate the growth of these promising sectors in Portland.

These happy hours bring together creative and driven professionals who are passionate about promoting the growth of Portland's Biotech and Digital Health community. This is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with individuals working across these sectors in both academia and industry.

Register via Eventbrite:

Want to introduce your startup or idea at our happy hours? We have several speaking opportunities at each of our events. If you would like to speak about your startup or introduce yourself or your idea to the group, please let us know.

Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Happy Hour is a grassroots event organized by the Oregon Bioscience Incubator

Advanced registration required through Eventbrite: and the online Zoom link will be emailed to you.

Dec 1, 2021
PDXWIT celebrates Kiva Hackathon Winners + Participants

PDXWIT joined Kiva to put on a virtual 6-week hackathon for social good. Over 200 participants came together to create solutions that provide financial access across the globe.

Let’s celebrate the hard work of all our participants and watch the winning hackathon videos!

We will have ASL interpretation and closed captioning throughout. Please get in touch with any additional accessibility needs you may have.

All are welcome. Hope to see you there!

Agenda: 12:00 p.m. - Event opens 12:03 p.m. - Introductions + Announcements 12:10 p.m. - Winning videos 12:45 p.m. - Event ends Purpose:

We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our mission are welcome.

Dec 9, 2021
Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Virtual Happy Hour - 12/9/21

JOIN US! Register in advance through Eventbrite:

Mingle virtually with your fellow biotech and digital health enthusiasts, help build community, and share your ideas on how to further accelerate the growth of these promising sectors in Portland.

These happy hours bring together creative and driven professionals who are passionate about promoting the growth of Portland's Biotech and Digital Health community. This is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with individuals working across these sectors in both academia and industry.

Register via Eventbrite:

Want to introduce your startup or idea at our happy hours? We have several speaking opportunities at each of our events. If you would like to speak about your startup or introduce yourself or your idea to the group, please let us know.

Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Happy Hour is a grassroots event organized by the Oregon Bioscience Incubator. Thank you to our sponsor, Leader Circles!

Advanced registration required through Eventbrite: and the online Zoom link will be emailed to you.

Jan 13, 2022
Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Virtual Happy Hour - 1/13/22

JOIN US! Register in advance through Eventbrite:

Mingle virtually with your fellow biotech and digital health enthusiasts, help build community, and share your ideas on how to further accelerate the growth of these promising sectors in Portland.

These happy hours bring together creative and driven professionals who are passionate about promoting the growth of Portland's Biotech and Digital Health community. This is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with individuals working across these sectors in both academia and industry.

Want to introduce your startup or idea at our happy hours? We have several speaking opportunities at each of our events. If you would like to speak about your startup or introduce yourself or your idea to the group, please let us know.

Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Happy Hour is a grassroots event organized by the Oregon Bioscience Incubator.

Advanced registration required through Eventbrite: and the online Zoom link will be emailed to you.

Jan 26, 2022
Apply to PIE: Question & Answer session

Thinking about applying to PIE ( Have questions about the program? Curious as to what an accelerator even does? Wondering if the format is right for you? Cool. Let's talk about that. All of that.

Please join PIE for a question and answer session to get more information on our programs and the benefits for early stage startups.

Questions about the programs we offer causing you to second guess whether you should even show up? Well, let's get that one answered first. Yes. The answer is yes. If you're the founder of an early stage startup that has a product of some sort, you should show up. Whether you're building a SaaS product, a hardware product, or a typical consumer product, PIE has a program to support you along your journey.

By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct:

Feb 2, 2022
Portland Lunch 2.0: Virtually

There's no better time to reconnect with folks in the community with whom you've lost touch. And there's no better way to gather with a random smattering of your startup community peers than Portland Lunch 2.0. Even if it is virtually.

No agenda. No talks. Just (virtual) lunch with your community.

Sponsored by PIE (

By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct (

Feb 8, 2022
Startup Accelerators 🚀 AMA
Twitter Spaces

Hosted by Rick Turoczy (@turoczy), cofounder and general manager of PIE, who has been working in, on, and around startup accelerators for more than a decade.

Join us for a Twitter Spaces gathering to get your questions answered, to share your experiences from startup accelerators, or to simply try out Twitter Spaces.

Feb 11, 2022
Pitch Oregon

In its 6th year, Pitch Oregon is TiE Oregon’s marquee event, attracting hundreds of entrepreneurs, mentors, and investors each year. New this year, we are welcoming companies from around the Pacific Northwest to apply and applicants will compete for an equitable investment!

Feb 14, 2022
Apply to PIE: Applications open

The PIE application period opens for product-based startups building software (SaaS), hardware, and/or consumer products.

Feb 15, 2022
PIE Applications AMA (Ask Me Anything)

Feel free to submit (and upvote) questions ahead of time on Crowdcast

By the time you attend this session, PIE applications will be open! Have questions about the program? Looking for some guidance on the application itself? Wondering if this mentoring format is right for you? Cool. Let's talk about that. All of that.

Please join PIE for a question and answer session on the application process, our programs, startup accelerators in general, and the potential benefits for early-stage startups.

If you're the founder of an early stage startup that has a product of some sort, you should show up. Whether you're building a SaaS product, a hardware product, or a typical consumer product, PIE has a program to support you along your journey.


By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct (

Feb 16, 2022
Instagram Live: Startup Accelerators 🚀

Hosted by Rick Turoczy (, cofounder and general manager of PIE, who has been working in, on, and around startup accelerators for more than a decade.

Join us for an Instagram Live gathering to get your questions answered, to share your experiences with startup accelerators, or to simply try out Instagram Live.

Feb 18, 2022
Creating a compelling pitch deck

Join Laura Kubisiak for a Lunch & Learn on “Creating a Compelling Pitch Deck”. There will be plenty of time to ask questions throughout the presentation.

Feb 22, 2022
Startup Accelerators 🚀 AMA
Online Discord

Hosted by Rick Turoczy (, cofounder and general manager of PIE, who has been working in, on, and around startup accelerators for more than a decade.

Join us for a gathering on the PIE Discord server to get your questions answered, to share your experiences with startup accelerators, or to simply try out Discord.

Feb 23, 2022
LinkedIn Live: Startup Accelerators AMA

Hosted by Rick Turoczy, cofounder and general manager of PIE, an organization that has been working in, on, and around startup accelerators for more than a dozen years.

Join us for a LinkedIn Live gathering to get your questions answered, to share your experiences with startup accelerators, or to simply connect with other startups and programs in the accelerator community.

Mar 2, 2022
Portland Lunch 2.0: Virtually

There's no better time to reconnect with folks in the community with whom you've lost touch. And there's no better way to gather with a random smattering of your startup community peers than Portland Lunch 2.0. Even if it is virtually.

No agenda. No talks. Just (virtual) lunch with your community.

Sponsored by PIE (

By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct (

Mar 3, 2022
Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Virtual Happy Hour - 3/3/22

JOIN US! Register in advance through Eventbrite:

Mingle virtually with your fellow biotech and digital health enthusiasts, help build community, and share your ideas on how to further accelerate the growth of these promising sectors in Portland.

These happy hours bring together creative and driven professionals who are passionate about promoting the growth of Portland's Biotech and Digital Health community. This is a great opportunity to network and build relationships with individuals working across these sectors in both academia and industry.

Register via Eventbrite:

Want to introduce your startup or idea at our happy hours? We have several speaking opportunities at each of our events. If you would like to speak about your startup or introduce yourself or your idea to the group, please let us know.

Accelerate Biotech & Digital Health Happy Hour is a grassroots event organized by the Oregon Bioscience Incubator.

Mar 13, 2022
Hit submit: Apply to PIE virtual coworking sprint

Have a partially completed application that you can't seem to finalize? Could you use some motivation, accountability, and camaraderie to derail your procrastination? Have a few last-minute questions before you hit "submit"?

Join PIE staff, alums, community members, and other PIE hopefuls for a coworking session focused on getting your PIE application completed and submitted ahead of the deadline (March 14, 2022 at 11:59PM Pacific Time).

Join us Sunday evening (Pacific Time) — the day before applications are due — in the PIE virtual cafe, powered by PIE alum Workfrom. Everyone will be on mute. Cameras are optional.

Mar 14, 2022
Apply to PIE: Applications close
through Online

All applications for PIE are due before the stroke of midnight on Pi Day, March 14, 2022.

Mar 29, 2022
PDXWIT Presents: AAPI in Tech: LFG

Register for the event here:

The long-awaited AAPI in Tech group is kicking off its first official meetup, Let’s F*cking Go!!

AAPI In Tech centers people who identify as part of the Asian, Asian American, Pacific Islander community, while welcoming people who not only consider themselves as allies, but also take action toward supporting their AAPI comrades. During the event, we will learn more about PDXWIT’s AAPI in Tech initiative, hear from host company Avenue Agency, lightning speakers and have the opportunity to connect in breakout rooms.

Agenda: 12:00 p.m. - PDXWIT and host intro 12:10 p.m. - Raffle! 12:15 p.m. - Lightning talks 12:30 p.m. - Networking in breakout rooms 1:00 p.m. - Event ends

More about AAPI in Tech: The group aims to curate a space where AAPI members feel safe and included, so much so that they have the liberty to speak their minds and listen to others with openness. The group is a place where violence of any kind (verbal or/and physical, online or/and in reality) is not tolerated and civil discussions are reinforced.

The group is also an ally to other communities including but not limited to: the Black community, the Latinx community, the LGBTQ+ community, the disability community, the Indigenous and Native American community, the immigrant community, and so on. It is worth noting that many people belong to multiple communities at the same time. While complexity is to be expected while navigating the ever evolving space of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, it is imperative to acknowledge intersectionality and how it can guide our community through conflicts and issues such as anti-Asian crimes, anti-immigrant rhetoric, the land-back movement, etc.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our mission are welcome.

Mar 31, 2022
OTBC: Preparing for Seed Funding

Join us for a free webinar on Thursday, March 31 from 1-2 PM to hear from an experienced Seed Fund Manager, Robert Pease of Cascade Seed Fund, an active Angel Investor Raul Krivoy, and entrepreneur Lauren Schneider who co-founded TrovaTrip and has raised funds to launch her company.

Learn what investors expect from you in the way of a business plan, financials, and market validation. Are there "tips" you can learn about successfully raising money to build your business? What does the current market look like for an entrepreneur to raise money?

Apr 5, 2022
Native Americans in Tech Mixer
Online (Zoom)

Registration through: - After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting.

At our April Native Americans in Tech mixer, we’re creating a decolonized space for Indigenous folks who work in tech or would like to. In the spirit of storytelling, we would like to encourage the community to share some 3 minute talks on recent projects, life events or challenges. This will be an informal, virtual meetup for attendees to nurture existing relationships and build new ones.

This community will center the experiences of Indigenous people of North America. While this group is for folks that have a grounding in their Native American identities, we understand that Indigenous folks exist from all points of the globe and welcome you as well. We recognize the varied experiences of indigeneity for those who have had barriers in reclaiming their culture.

This event will be facilitated by Erin Grace (Chetco, Tututni).

This ongoing series is supported by Tech Town powered by Prosper Portland.

We will have ASL interpretation and live closed captioning throughout.

Hope to see you there!

Agenda: 5:00 p.m. - Zoom Webinar Open/Virtual Networking 5:05 p.m. - Introductions + Announcements 5:10 p.m. - Lightning Talks 5:30 p.m. - Networking 6:15 p.m. - Event ends

Purpose: We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling barriers and fueling belonging.

Learn more about:

Tech Town: Erin Grace:

Apr 13, 2022
PDXWIT Presents: How to Prepare for a Technical Interview

Register for the event here:

ASL provided

Interviewing for a new job can be a stressful proposition. A group of volunteers from Amazon Web Services (AWS, created this training to demystify the interview process. This is tailored to job seekers seeking employment in tech. In this virtual seminar, we will cover good and bad interviewing practices we’ve witnessed through our careers and present helpful tips to prepare for technical interviews. We will also provide resources to practice for your next interview.

During this session, we will: - Prepare you for the interview - Set expectations for the day of the interview - Role-play a mock interview - Provide approaches to navigating the coding test - Share information and resources.

Due to the level of interaction required, attendance will be capped at 50.

Agenda: 12:00 p.m. - Event begins 12:03 p.m. - Intros and announcements 12:10 p.m. - Session begins 1:15 p.m. - Event ends

Mission: We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling barriers and fueling belonging.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.

Apr 19, 2022
PDXWIT Happy Hour: Careers, Talks, Connection

Register for the event here:

Get ready for PDXWIT Happy Hour with event host PixelSpoke!

This month’s Lightning Speakers will explore wellness and mental health as a social justice issue, as well as ways companies can better support their employees’ wellness. We will have ASL interpretation and closed captioning throughout.

Companies with open roles on the PDXWIT job board will share their open positions (local and remote) during our Recruiter Roll Call. You’ll have a chance to chat with them in breakout rooms after the presentation, so bring your questions, your professional statements, and be ready to share your brilliant skills and qualifications.

Please get in touch at [email protected] with any additional accessibility needs you may have.

Hope to see you there!

Join our Slack channel to continue the conversation:

Get in touch: [email protected]


12:00 p.m. - Event opens

12:03 p.m. - Introductions + Announcements

12:10 p.m. - Guest speakers + Women in Tech History

12:35 p.m. - Face-to-face/on-camera networking

1:00 p.m. - Event ends

We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling barriers and fueling belonging.

Apr 21, 2022
PDXWIT Presents: Pathways to Leadership: The Power of Mentorship

Register for this event here:

Two Portland powerhouses are joining forces to humanize tech, create access and connect awesome people! PDXWIT + Cinder presents a panel discussion, moderated by Katy Byrtus, focused on tech leaders who come from backgrounds that have been systematically excluded from positions of power.

We believe anyone who identifies as a leader is a leader. Your title doesn't define you and we will unpack some of these beliefs while discussing how community and mentorship (or lack thereof) have shaped career pathways for leaders.

Our panel will feature professionals with intersecting identities who are changing the industry. We will get real, get vulnerable, and share authentically as we reflect on some difficult questions.

There will be ASL interpretation and closed captioning throughout.

Panelists include:

Cinthia Manuel (she/her), CEO + Founder, Autentica Consulting Himalaya Rao (she/her), GP + Managing Director @ Black Founders Matter Trip Longworth (they/he), Developer Relations @ Garden Hope to see you there and please help us spread the word!

Join PDXWIT's Slack channel to continue the conversation:

Get in touch: [email protected] Agenda:

12:00 p.m. - Event opens 12:03 p.m. - Introductions + Announcements 12:10 p.m. - Leadership Panel 1:00 p.m. - Event ends We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling barriers, and fueling belonging.

We are committed to providing universal access to all of our events. Please contact [email protected] to request any additional accessibility accommodations. If you are having trouble registering for this event please let us know and we will be glad to assist you. At our event, we will automatically provide ASL interpretation, live captioning, and relevant materials in pdf format in advance, and we are helping our presenters be more inclusive in their materials and presentations.

Apr 22, 2022
Accenture x PIE: Conversation on Building your Brand and Strong Teams

Join Accenture as we partner with Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE) for an exciting event for PNW Black Founders. Our event will be centered around a Q&A with panelists specialized in building your brand and strong teams.

Meet our panelists

  • Deesha Dyer: An award-winning strategist, community organizer, and seasoned public speaker with an online community of 38,000 people. For nearly two decades, she has produced social impact campaigns across entertainment, politics, philanthropy, and business, specializing in causes that create tangible change. Her most recent endeavor is Hook & Fasten, a social impact firm that is dedicated to building partnerships between communities and companies around the world.
  • Jason Clark: A Research Scientist by training, Jason pivoted his career 20 years ago to build a career in sales (“origination”). He’s been instrumental in helping small and large companies grow and commercialize new products and solutions across a diverse list of businesses likes Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), Huron, BD, and startups Outcome Health and Cedar. Jason brings a heavy focus and involvement with DE&I, as he is mixed blood Native American (Lenni-Lenape) and has worked for the Senate Committee On Indian Affairs in DC.
  • Veronica Jones: With over 20 years of leadership experience, Veronica has a strong passion for building and leading teams, as well as mentoring and developing talent. As a result-oriented strategist, Veronica has a proven record of successfully enabling collaboration within cross-functional teams through the improvement of organizational processes and strategic development/implementation. Veronica has built the ability to advise and influence peers around her to help them successfully achieve their goals.
  • Sage Salvo: Gil Perkins’ (dba Sage Salvo) start-up, Words Liive, is a futuristic education technology start-up, organized around a ‘Literacy Moonshot’ goal of getting 2/3 of the nation’s children grade literate by 2045. He’s raised and earned over a half million dollars for Words Liive to further develop their technology product The Opus, which is a new Platform as a Service (PaaS) technology which enables on-demand and real-time lesson development and so much more.


Jul 8, 2022
Software Engineering Beyond Bootcamp: Skills for The Real World
The Tech Academy

Another in-person Tech Talk!

Tech Academy graduate, Christopher Carter will be joining us discuss skills beyond coding bootcamps.

Christopher graduated in the summer of 2016 and since then he has gone on to pursue a successful career as a Software Developer. He is currently working as a Senior Software Engineer at Genesis Financial Solutions.

In this Talk, Christopher will discuss:

Teamwork Coordinating development with multiple developers How enterprise architecture is different than software you've written on your own and more.

Join us at our Downtown Portland Location starting at 12:40pm on Friday, July 8th to learn and network!

-- Schedule of Events -- 12:40pm Doors open 12:45pm Food and refreshments 1:00pm Tech Talk starts

RSVP on Meetup: RSVP on Eventbrite:

Can't make it live? We will be posting the recording to our Tech Talks playlist on our YouTube Channel:

Aug 8, 2022
ShotSpotter / acoustic surveillance community teach-in and workshop!

As you've likely seen in local media lately, gun violence in Portland has been on the rise. In response, the City of Portland commissioned a task force to study the issue and recommend actions that city commissioners can take to address the issue and solve the problem (reduce gun violence). After several months of meetings, the Focused Intervention Team / Community Oversight Group (FIT/COG) submitted a recommendation to Mayor Ted Wheeler in favor of adopting ShotSpotter gunshot detection technology.

What is ShotSpotter, and how does it work? Are its results accurate and is the technology effective? Has it been successful in other cities that have implemented it? What are the trade-offs, and would the benefits outweigh the costs — in terms of both financial and negative impacts to the community?

Join us for a two-part event to learn more about ShotSpotter and other gunshot detection systems and forms of acoustic surveillance! Decide for yourself whether this tool might be effective in solving Portland's gun violence problem.

During the event's first half, learn from our panelists how ShotSpotter and other gunshot detection technologies work and how they've performed in other cities.

The second half of the meeting will be a workshop, where you can learn more about what happens with the FIT/COG recommendation. Ways you can provide input into whether ShotSpotter should be installed in Portland.

Bring your questions, and come learn how you can make your voice heard on this issue!

Please RSVP via this Meetup page or by sending an email to [email protected].

Speaker bios:

Aje Amaechi (aka Je) (she/they) is a first-generation Jamaican-American born from Immigrant parents and raised in New Jersey. She has an educational background in the Philosophy of Mind and Critical Race Theory. As a student at Florida State University, she became involved with organizing for farmworker rights, environmental justice, and other causes related to Black and indigenous self-determination. Je currently works at Freedom to Thrive, an organization devoted to abolishing the punishment-based carceral systems through transformative organizing, strategic partnerships and convening shared learning spaces. Her work centers around combating crimmigration– the intersection of criminal justice and immigration enforcement– using a Pro Black, gender-affirming lens.

Sarah T. Hamid (she / her / no preference) leads the policing technology campaign at the Carceral Tech Resistance Network, an archiving and knowledge-sharing network for organizers building community defense against the design, roll-out, and experimentation of carceral technologies. Sarah co-founded the inside/outside research collaboration, the Prison Tech Research Group, sits on the board of the Lucy Parsons Lab in Chicago, and helped create the #8toAbolitioncampaign: a police and prison abolition resource built during the 2020 uprisings against state violence. Follow her work on Twitter at @tsnvaa.

Lia Holland (she/they) is a social artist, writer, and activist in Portland, OR, USA. She currently serves as Director of Campaigns and Communications at national digital rights organization Fight for the Future.

By attending this TA3M meeting, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct:

{short} Code of Conduct Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays is dedicated to providing an informative and positive experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed.

Our events are intended to educate and share information related to technology and activism, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Audio and video recording are not permitted at meetings without prior approval.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Portland's TA3M. Please report any incidents to the event organizer.

Sep 21, 2022
Portland 3D Printing Lab: Social with Show and Tell

Surprise! We're back and going forward monthly!

For our first event, we thought we'd open up the floor. If you have something cool you've been working on and want to share, bring it or share some pictures with us. Let us know if you're planning on bringing anything to make sure we have enough space for it. We'll have approx 10 tables to set up on.

Our friends at Autodesk are graciously hosting us at their office. Come in to the front door on Ankeny, sign in at the front desk, and take the stairs to the second floor. If you need the elevator, ask security to let you up. There is bike parking inside the building on the second floor as well.


6:00 PM: Sharing and Networking 7:00 PM: Welcome, News, Recap on Makerforce by Shashi ~7:30 PM: Community Time 7:45 PM: Networking 8:30 PM: Clean it up!

Oct 12, 2022
PIE Demo Day 2022

PIE Demo Day 2022 will be held as a free virtual tradeshow, enabling community members to meet and visit with a variety of startups from PIE — while having the opportunity to meet other mentors, alums, investors, and supporters of the PIE community.

On October 12 at 3:14PM PDT, we highly encourage you to join these 26 startups from PIE, PIE for Our Neighbors, PIE Shop, and Slice of PIE at the PIE Demo Day virtual tradeshow:

  • BabbleBuy, your small biz activities hub
  • BuildingLens, building management that prioritizes occupant’s health and comfort
  • Buildly, product management for distributed teams
  • Ditto Pigeon, automated, programmable Instagram posts
  • DTocs, a sustainable, earth-friendly choice for disposable tableware
  • Hemingway Designs, (pre-launch) bringing recyclability to disposable insulin pens
  • HotZot, your grandparents didn’t need herbicides to control weeds and neither do you
  • How I Chow, eat the food you love and build the community you crave
  • HUUB, a central hub for economic development and small business
  • Kit Switch, modular interiors to create the homes we need with the buildings we have
  • Kocchi, resilient off-grid communications
  • Missing Middle Housing Fund, doubling Oregon’s housing production
  • Momentum, your productivity coach app that goes everywhere you go
  • NearHear, music discovery for local shows
  • Prestavi, simple process automation for your entire team
  • Radious, find a meeting space or private office right in your neighborhood
  • ReDram Program, convenient kiosks to solve plastic pollution
  • Re-Public, a dashboard for your personal dataverse 
  • Shilling, screen time platform that helps improve financial habits
  • Stumpworx, breathable, adjustable, lightweight, and comfortable prosthetic sockets
  • Teaminal, an agile meeting tool for remote teams
  • Thriving Design, versatile, sturdy DIY plant support systems in a snap
  • Toast Wear, (pre-launch) rethinking the way we stay warm outdoors
  • Tonsil Tech, kiss tonsil stones goodbye
  • UrbanForm, automated zoning technology for better buildings, cities, and environments
  • Width by Height (WxH), simplifying how you decorate your walls

(Additional companies from the various PIE programs may opt to participate in the tradeshow up until the day of the event.)

We look forward to seeing you at PIE Demo Day on October 12!

Oct 17, 2022
Portland Surveillance Technologies Policy
Online event

Last year, the Smart City PDX team and Portland's Office of Equity and Human Rights began work to create a surveillance policy for the City of Portland. They held several events over the course of the year: some were intended to educate the local community about the policy and why one is needed, while others provided an opportunity for community members to give input on what they felt should be included in the surveillance policy. A draft of the proposed legislation is now ready and will be presented to city council later this year:

At this month's meeting, Hector Dominguez, Open Data Coordinator at Smart City PDX, within Portland's Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, will join us to share the details of the proposed policy along with information about how you can still participate in the process.

Come to the meeting, and learn about the plan for surveillance policy in Portland!

Please RSVP via this Meetup page or by sending an email to [email protected].

Speaker bio: Hector Dominguez is the Open Data Coordinator at the City of Portland. In 2009, Portland became the first city in the United States to adopt an Open Data Resolution to encourage the expansion of the technological community by promoting open data and partnerships between City government and the public, private and nonprofit sectors, academia, and labor.

By attending this TA3M meeting, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct:

{short} Code of Conduct Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays is dedicated to providing an informative and positive experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed.

Our events are intended to educate and share information related to technology and activism, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Audio and video recording are not permitted at meetings without prior approval.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Portland's TA3M. Please report any incidents to the event organizer.

Nov 14, 2022
Global Entrepreneurship Week 2022
through Various

200 countries. 40,000 activities. Removing barriers and welcoming all.

This November, Global Entrepreneurship Network will celebrate 15 years of helping millions of people unleash their ideas to start and scale new businesses through Global Entrepreneurship Week.

The campaign began in 2008 with an emphasis on inspiring young people to make their mark and has quickly grown to become a comprehensive effort that engages entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers, researchers, support organizations and others collaborating to advance economic growth and innovation in more than 180+ countries around the world.

Nov 16, 2022
Ask Julie Anything!

Julie Harrelson, Managing Director of the Cascade Seed Fund

Julie has over 30 years of experience as an investor, founder, sales executive and consultant. She launched Cascade Seed Fund with Robert Pease in 2019 after being founder of the five predecessor Cascade Angels Funds. Cascade is the first seed fund in Oregon founded outside the Portland metro area. She has been a seed stage investor since 2013 and founded her first enterprise at age 8.

(A child prodigy indeed!)

Julie was previously a tech executive in multiple companies variously acquired by Earthlink, Time Warner and others. Following an exit from a telecommunications startup, Harrelson worked as a trusted advisor with regional entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 companies, as well as leaders of massive change efforts in healthcare, education and energy before launching Cascade.

Nov 18, 2022
Connecting the dots: A virtual networking event for Black founders

A free, virtual networking opportunity for Black startup founders around the US, organized by Accenture and PIE (

Join Accenture for an exciting networking event for tech founders. Connect with Black founders, investors, and Accenture industry experts from across North America.

Keynote speaker: Dr. Charlton McIlwain

Author of the recent book, Black Software: The Internet & Racial Justice, From the Afronet to Black Lives Matter, Dr. Charlton McIlwain is Vice Provost for Faculty Development & Engagement at New York University, and Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU Steinhardt. He works at the intersections of computing technology, race, inequality, and racial justice activism. He has served as an expert witness in landmark U.S. Federal Court cases on reverse redlining/racial targeting in mortgage lending, and recently testified before the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services about the impacts of automation and artificial intelligence on the financial services sector. He writes regularly for outlets such as The Guardian, Slate's Future Tense, MIT Technology Review and other outlets about the intersection of race and technology. McIlwain is the founder of the Center for Critical Race & Digital Studies, is the President of the Board for Data & Society Research Institute, heads NYU’s Alliance for Public Interest Technology, and is NYU’s Designee to the Public Interest Technology University Network.

Founders attending this event will have the opportunity to...

  • Meet Kathy Ross and Dujon Smith, leads of the Accenture Black Founders Development Program
  • Hear about recent Accenture Ventures start-up investments and our FY23 goals
  • Participate in peer-to-peer networking with founders and investors from across North America

Peer-to-Peer networking hosted on Mixtroz (

Feb 15, 2023
New to Portland Tech Meetup
Good Coffee

New to the city? Looking to network with other local entrepreneurs in the Technology space? Join Oregon Venture Fund at our upcoming coffee meetup and stay connected with the Portland entrepreneur tech community together with Oregon Venture Fund. This is your chance to network and meet.

Feb 25, 2023
Idea-to-Business Lab 2023
through TBD

Applications close January 30, 2023

This two-day event is designed to validate your business idea and gain insight on how to start a business. You will work with seasoned entrepreneurs, investors, and mentors to validate your idea and give you the tools to start your venture.

Who should attend? First-time BIPOC entrepreneurs that have an idea or an early version of a product which highly scalable. The product must have a technology component and be based on Portland, Oregon.

Mar 3, 2023
Portland Open Data Day 2023 Disco Tech
through Portland Building

To the civic tech community, data analysts, open software developers, designers, advocates, community, and local organizations working on data, local residents and all those interested in civic data.

This event is an opportunity to engage with local residents to explore the City’s neighborhood data and other City of Portland open datasets and maps. This Disco Tech will include workshops and tables to help people to learn about data from zero to subject matter experts.

"DiscoTech" is short for "Discovering Technology." It is a term coined by the Detroit Digital Justice Coalition which defines a replicable model for a multimedia, mobile neighborhood workshop fair. DiscoTechs are designed so that participants learn more about the impact and possibilities of technology within our communities.

The purpose of this event is to create a space for local residents and organizations to explore Portland neighborhoods data and other city open datasets. You can explore developing apps or spreadsheets to facilitate data visualization. Or, do your own data exploration and analysis, enhance the city data with other datasets; Or, dig deeper and explore metadata and link information underneath.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn, propose ideas and projects to others, join a team or individually, and develop their own analysis and apps that may contribute to our larger Portland Community. Multicultural, socially responsible, and projects in languages other than English are encouraged.

The Smart City PDX program team members are committed to dismantling barriers derived from systemic discrimination that have reduced the voice of marginal communities in Portland. We base our approach on digital rights and equity principles like Targeted Universalism and the Smart City PDX Priorities Framework to build local policy that promotes equity and fairness.

We want this event to become a collaborative space, rather than something competitive. So, we won’t be offering prizes or awards; however, we will be able to incentivize community participation.

Projects will have the opportunity to be featured in the Smart City PDX site.

Be creative! Learn! Explore!

Mar 6, 2023
Apply to PIE: Q&A

Thinking about applying to PIE? Have questions about the program? Curious as to what a startup accelerator even does? Wondering if the format is right for you? Cool. Let's talk about that. All of that.

Please join PIE for a question and answer session to get more information on our program, startup accelerators in general, and the potential benefits for early-stage startups.


Please feel free to submit questions ahead of time. Even if you cannot attend the event.

By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct

Mar 13, 2023
Apply to PIE: Q&A

Thinking about applying to PIE? Have questions about the program? Curious as to what a startup accelerator even does? Wondering if the format is right for you? Cool. Let's talk about that. All of that.

Please join PIE for a question and answer session to get more information on our program, startup accelerators in general, and the potential benefits for early-stage startups.


By participating in this event, you agree to abide by the PIE Code of Conduct

Apr 5, 2023
Portland Business Advantage Mega Networking
Oregon State Bar

Business Networking that Works!

In the last 12 months, PBA Members:

• Average increase in sales is $70K or more a year. • Closed $3.8 million in business in the previous 12 months. • Received 1,834 referrals from fellow members.

Your first step is to attend the Business Networking Event on April 5. Portland Business Advantage has over 50 members that will refer business to you!

Each year Portland Business Advantage hosts a Business Networking Event to help community members meet new connections and grow their businesses. This event is an excellent way to meet business leaders in the Portland area and gain direct referral partners to grow your business. The benefits of attending are:

• Direct Connections with 55+ Local Business Leaders • Non-member attendees average a $1.2k increase in their business. • High-energy group and supportive professionals • Free Coffee, Muffins, and Laughs (Unlimited)

There are three steps to increased business:

  1. Register – It takes less than two minutes
  2. Attend – make connections; we’ll bring the coffee and fun.
  3. Grow – Engage with 55+ members and watch your business grow.

Register Now! You’ll be happy you did.

Apr 29, 2023
PodConf 2023
Canopy Hotel

PodConf is an intimate event created for independent podcasters. Our goal is to create a space for podcasters to participate, connect and get inspired. We're here to support your podcasting journey, whether your goal is to launch, reboot, or grow your podcast! Join us and other podcasters in this highly interactive event.

Our core goal is simple…to create a space where podcasters can experience participation, connection, and inspiration. These are our 3 core values. Everything we program into our events are designed through this lens.

Dec 21, 2023
2024 Portland startup community

Get ready for 2024! Please join PIE for a look into the year ahead, designed to help you get more engaged and connected with the Portland startup community.

  • Ask questions about the Portland startup community
  • Learn about online resources to connect with folks
  • Save important dates for upcoming events
  • Get insights on groups focused on helping you feel more you connected


Jan 10, 2024
OEN January PubTalk: Founder origin stories

Founders and entrepreneurs possess a lot of the same characteristics like motivation, passion, curiosity and risk-taking that inspire them to start and run a new business. Yet, the pathways to entrepreneurship are wildly different and each faces a diverse set of challenges along the way.

For our first PubTalk of 2024, Oregon Entrepreneurs Network is excited to bring to the stage three winners from the OEN Entrepreneurship Awards to share their own origin stories, the resources, and people who have helped them along the way, what has worked for them, and where they plan on going next.

We welcome entrepreneurs at all stages to join us for this interactive conversation – whether to commiserate and show solidarity with your peers or to find out what it’s like launching and growing a business in our community.

Cost: $15 for OEN members; $25 for non-members

Jan 24, 2024
Portland Podcasters: What every podcaster must know about video and YouTube
Wacom Experience Center

Join our first Portland Podcaster event in 2024!

Paul Riismandel, a member of our local podcast community, will share his recent industry study on the prominence of video in podcasting. Come for a great time of learning, discussion, and connection!

Paul Riismandel is the Chief Insights Officer at Signal Hill Insights, a research firm serving the podcast industry. Paul has been sharing his research on podcast advertising since the dawn of the industry. He joined Midroll Media, one of the first podcast ad companies, in its first year of operation. As Senior Director of Insights at Stitcher, Paul built a podcast ad effectiveness strategy, reporting on hundreds of podcast ad campaigns. Today, Paul leads the development of insights at Signal Hill to drive the podcasting industry forward. Paul can’t get away from audio even in his spare time – he’s a volunteer community radio DJ and an avid vinyl enthusiast.

Jan 26, 2024
Bootstrap Founders Connect

Join us for an interactive group session, to share, learn, and connect with other bootstrap founders around Portland!

At this event, we'll let 2 founders share in-depth something they're working on. So, if you're looking for some group feedback...or just want to showcase your project...come prepared to share! It'll be a great time for questions, discussion, and feedback.

Space is RSVP's are required!

Save time for an optional group lunch after the meetup!

Date: Friday, Jan 26 Time: 10a - 12p Location: Kiln Coworking Space 1120 SE Madison St Portland, OR 97214

Feb 7, 2024
Magnet - A Different Kind Of Networking
UpStart Collective

What if the person who could further your career was already looking for you?

What if a room full of people knew exactly the insight you sought?

What if your knowledge could be someone else’s Eureka moment?

Welcome to Magnet. Where you can let your

Some of the feedback from previous Magnet events: "Genius."


"Brilliantly devised. 10/10."

"Where has this been my whole life?"

"Best Networking Event I've ever been to!"

Here's how it works. At the event, you write down on a sheet of paper something you need help with (aka "your ask") and tape it on the wall, for example:

I need a literary agent.

I need to chat with someone who has started a technology incubator.

I need to connect with someone at GOOD Magazine.

I need to hire a web developer capable of setting up a digital sales platform.

Does anyone have any contacts in Prague?

Does anyone know a good personal trainer?

Does anyone know how I can play a round at Augusta National Golf Club?

It can be anything!

Each sheet will have a unique number associated with it: (1, 2, 3, etc). You’ll have a name tag with that same number.

Everyone’s task will be to look at the board of opportunities and select at least 3 people you’d like to connect with, in whatever capacity.

How do you connect with them? You write your name and "sheet number" on a Post-It note and slap it on their sheet.

Feb 13, 2024
#social_beer February Hangout!
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

Members of the Portland Startups Slack gather in person to do the same thing they do on the Portland Startups Slack. Only in real life.

No agenda. Just an opportunity for folks who regularly collaborate online to meet in person.

Feb 21, 2024
Demolicious - February 2024
UpStart Collective

Demolicious is back! This monthly pitch event brings together founders and the community to learn about what is being built here and around Portland.

How this all works: If you are a founder, you will apply to pitch here: Don't worry. "Apply" simply means you want to pitch, but there's no real competitive process to be accepted. We just want to see what you're working on before we put you in front of a room full of people.

You will be given 3 minutes to pitch at the event.

The audience will be given a number to text and vote for their favorite one. The one with the most votes will go home with the Demolicious Championship belt.

The belt is not for you to keep as you will have to come back and "defend" it. However, you will be allowed to put your startup sticker (if applicable) on the belt for all to see and to live on forever in infamy!

We will post the projects/companies that will be pitching a week prior to the event. Which means you have until then to fill out the form.

Will you be the next founder to pitch!?!

Mar 8, 2024
45 Camp Jumpstart Weekend
through Briq Studio

Gives entrepreneurs a crash course in how to build a ClimateTech* Startup. 45Camp JumpStart provides a concentrated 3-day weekend with training, mentorship and connections to let you explore the idea of building a ClimateTech Startup. You’ll also see examples of VertueLab Entrepreneurs who are making it in ClimateTech. VertueLab is a ClimateTech non-profit that is focused on helping Pacific Northwest ClimateTech entrepreneurs achieve their goals.

Ideas come from anywhere, and individuals with those ideas often don’t have the entrepreneurial awareness, tools, or guidance to get started in their exploration. Also, entrepreneurship is new in many communities and they need a jumpstart to gain the right knowledge and connections to move forward.

The best way to discover, learn, and explore entrepreneurship is through a hands-on approach and meeting others that are building technology and can explain by showing. JumpStart Weekends are designed to be a comfortable space to gather curious individuals and introduce them to tools and methods they can use to explore their ideas and get instant feedback and mentorship, all packaged over a weekend.

Although it's in our mission to address the impacts of climate change, entrepreneurship is for everyone. We want to increase access to entrepreneurship, and provide the tools and knowledge to everyone so that we are all part of the solution. So no prior knowledge of ClimateTech is required, all you need is an idea and the curiosity to know more and explore in a weekend of fun, we encourage you to apply!

Mar 14, 2024
#social_beer (Portland Startups Slack IRL)

It's another opportunity to meet the folks from the Portland Startups Slack in real life!

Mar 26, 2024

This month we are back at Taborspace. It's been nearly 5 years since we held a meetup in this space so we decided to come back.

We will do our best to provide some signage so people can identify the group more easily. We've heard you and know that it's a bit awkward to ask, "Are you here for the meetup!" when there's nothing to identify the group.

As always, be there thinking about ways you can help your fellow founders. No selling, no solicitations, just good conversations!

See you there! Josh & Mark

About As a business owner, you are faced with many challenges. You're forced to make decisions every day that could make or break your business. is a way to network with other entrepreneurs to allow free-flowing information with the intent to collaborate and help each other. So often we're challenged and there's very little we can do to express our challenges with the people we work with or the people we care about. Think of as your own personal support group for business owners. We're all here to help!

Apr 10, 2024
Founders Roundtable and Happy Hour Networking
K&L Gates 1 SW Columbia Street

If you are a B2B Founder, this event is for you. Feeling isolated or alone? Hear from other Founders (from Seed to Series C) and gain valuable insights, strategies, thoughts, and concerns during these times of economic uncertainty. This will be a no holds barred, authentic, open-conversation in a roundtable format.

​​Followed immediately with an audience Q&A.

Sponsored by K&L Gates, J.P. Morgan, Mucker Capital and LeadrPro

​Founder Roundtable Participants

Darius Monsef, Brave Care (Series B, $25MM) Mat Ellis, Sixty AI (Seed, $3.5MM) Fahti Khosrow, Ceek Women’s Health (Seed, $3.7MM) Henry Shapiro, (Seed, $13.4MM raised) Amina Moreau, (undisclosed) Jelani Memory, A Kids Co (Series A, $8MM)

plus special guests...

​​To nominate a founder, email [email protected]

Moderated by Chris Sheng: Advisor at Mucker Capital, CEO at LeadrPro, and Host of PodSaas

We'll cover such relevant topics as:

​​founder war stories ​raising capital growth during a recession ​culture and teams during times of uncertainty ​what's in store for 2024

About the companies:

Radious is an online marketplace that transforms houses, apartments, and other residential properties into collaborative workspaces that companies rent by the day. Brave Care is Walk-in Pediatric Urgent Care Sixty AI highlights what needs your attention and magically manages the rest. is an AI-powered smart calendar assistant used by over 37,000 companies across the globe, empowering individuals, teams, and enterprises to automatically align their time to their most important priorities. Ceek Women's Health has created the first speculum designed with the patient in mind. A Kids Co is a new kind of kids media company that is working to empower a generation of kids through diverse storytelling.

Apr 15, 2024
Portland's Surveillance Inventory Draft

In February of last year, Portland's City Council passed a surveillance policy resolution to increase transparency and accountability in the use of surveillance technologies in Portland. As part of the resolution, Smart City PDX has been tasked with designing and implementing a citywide inventory of surveillance technologies owned or used by City Bureaus. During the summer, Smart City PDX and the Office of Equity and Human Rights held a series of public events and released a survey to gather input from local communities to help determine what information should be included in the inventory.

After analyzing the public comments, Smart City PDX recently released a draft version of the surveillance technologies inventory specification, which is available here:

At this month's meeting, Hector Dominguez, Open Data Coordinator at Smart City PDX, within Portland's Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, will join us to discuss the draft surveillance technology inventory specification and to share details of how you can still give input into the inventory.

Come to the meeting, and learn about Portland's surveillance inventory, and bring your questions!

This event is co-hosted by PDX Privacy and Portland's Techno-activism 3rd Mondays. Please RSVP via the Meetup page or by sending an email to [email protected].

Speaker bio:

Hector Dominguez is the Open Data Coordinator at the City of Portland. In 2009, Portland became the first city in the United States to adopt an Open Data Resolution to encourage the expansion of the technological community by promoting open data and partnerships between City government and the public, private and nonprofit sectors, academia, and labor.

By attending this TA3M meeting, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct:

{short} Code of Conduct Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays is dedicated to providing an informative and positive experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed.

Our events are intended to educate and share information related to technology and activism, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Audio and video recording are not permitted at meetings without prior approval.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Portland's TA3M. Please report any incidents to the event organizer.

Apr 18, 2024
Portland Startups Slack #social_beer

Meet folks from the Portland Startups Slack IRL

Aug 29, 2024
Portland Python User Group meetup

RSVP on meetup dot com

Event Agenda:

There will be a main talk between 30 minutes to 1 hour followed by optional lighting talks. Pizza will be provided by New Relic.

Main Talk: Notes from the blue team by Elaine Laguerta

Hi! I'm a blue-team security engineer. I try to make it easier for devs to build software while balancing safety and security. In this talk I'll rant about some things I think you should know. What we won't talk about: the OWASP Top 10, how to do SQL injection, which hash functions are the most secure. I'll provide a list of links to answer questions like these! What we will talk about: A basic checklist for secure development, what new devs should learn, how experienced devs can stay up-to-date, and why a healthy team culture should be a core part of your security posture.

Lightning Talks: Lightning talks are talks up to 5 minutes in length on any topic that might interest other Python people.

Oct 4, 2024
hacklandia - 48 hours to build cool sh*t!
through Portland State University Business Accelerator

Save the date because the first hacklandia happens this October at the old Portland State University Business Accelerator/new westside UpStart Collective location! You will have the opportunity to come to build an idea you have been thinking about or join a team that will be formed to create over 48 hours.

RSVP here:

Space is limited to 150 RSVPs so don't wait. This event will fill up fast!

Jan 14
2025 Kickoff: Portland startup community gathering
The Evergreen

A gathering designed to help the Portland startup community start 2025 off on the right foot — with the connections people need

When it comes to community, we're only as strong as our weakest connection. That's why we want to start the year off by getting you connected to the Portland startup community or by strengthening those connections you already have.

We're hoping you can join us for a casual gathering of people and organizations from across the startup community.

Meet the folks who are collaborating to pull this whole thing off:

  • AI Portland We are a gathering of enthusiasts, professionals, and the AI-curious from all walks of life, committed to fostering an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome to explore, learn, and innovate. Whether you're taking your first steps into the world of AI or you're a seasoned professional looking to push the boundaries of what's possible, AI Portland offers a space to collaborate, share knowledge, and drive positive change. Join us in our journey to unlock the potential of AI and discover its impact on our lives, our communities, and the world.
  • Better Portland Our network gets you a foot in the door and then some. We connect businesses, non-profits, and organizations into a like-spirited collective with events, content, and a business-meets-social networking kind of culture. Best of all, everyone’s influence and expertise is a shared commodity. Welcome to business done better.
  • Built Oregon looks to leverage Oregon’s deep legacy of product craftsmanship and innovation to create broad-based and equitable opportunities for entrepreneurs in consumer products. Ultimately, our vision is a thriving, world-leading consumer products ecosystem across Oregon - One in which we help founders redefine success by placing the highest value on the people in their company and the communities where they reside.
  • Latino Founders is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to fostering the growth and success of underserved businesses in the State of Oregon. Our mission is to provide support, resources, and opportunities to empower underrepresented entrepreneurs and contribute to the overall economic development of the State of Oregon.
  • Metro Region Innovation Hub Our mission is to foster and grow innovative businesses by providing regional entrepreneurs from all sectors, backgrounds, and business stages with accessible paths to regional resources in networking, coaching, education, and capital access. We open up this accessibility through one-to-one guided navigation of existing regional resources and supporting programs that fill gaps in existing regional resources.
  • North Bank Innovations is where big ideas in Southwest Washington stop gathering dust and start shaking things up. We're building a startup scene that’s less about buzzwords and more about real connections, hands-on help, and events that don’t feel like networking marathons. Our goal? To give founders the boost (and occasional reality check) they need to turn bright ideas into businesses that actually move the needle – for them and the local economy. Let’s grow some game-changers and make this region a magnet for innovation, one ambitious startup at a time.
  • Oregon Entrepreneurs Network builds and strengthens Oregon and Southwest Washington’s early-stage entrepreneurs through the provision of education, guidance, connections, and financial opportunities, to impel increasing economic impact throughout the region.
  • PIE With its origins in a conversation between Wieden+Kennedy, the largest privately held creative advertising agency in the world, and the Portland, Oregon, startup community, the Portland Incubator Experiment — known more commonly as PIE — has become an ongoing experiment designed to enable established organizations — corporations, government, and educational institutions, among others — to more effectively collaborate with startup communities in mutually beneficial ways.
  • Prosper Portland We are the economic and urban development agency for the city of Portland. We focus on building an equitable economy by carrying out a comprehensive range of economic development programs that support small business, improve access to workforce training, and create jobs for Portland residents.
  • Rose City Techies is founded on non-traditional and creative perspectives, offering a fresh approach to the tech and startup scene. We welcome all tech centric perspectives - UX designers, developers, founders, digital marketers, product managers, graphic designers, students, career switchers, or whatever tech role you’re in! Come join—you can sit with us.
  • Silicon Florist For more than 17 years, Rick Turoczy been writing Silicon Florist, a blog designed to capture and document the stories coming out of the Portland, Oregon, startup community. And sometimes, elsewhere — if those stories could have interest to the community.
  • TiE Oregon is dedicated to empowering early-stage entrepreneurs with education, mentorship, and access to angel investment. We also offer first-time angel investors a supportive community of seasoned investors and educational workshops to enhance their knowledge. Focused on marginalized populations, we foster a pipeline of inventors, entrepreneurs, and investors creating a continuous ecosystem of support and give-back.
  • Vanport Studio We are dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs with innovative resources and a supportive community to build and scale impactful businesses. We champion innovation, inclusivity, and integrity, ensuring each venture we support embodies excellence and impactful collaboration. Our commitment to these principles fosters lasting relationships and drives meaningful change in the communities we serve.

Interested in joining this collaboration? Just let us know! The more the merrier.

Feb 11
Startup founders: Where are they now…?

Remember that amazing founder you saw on stage a few years ago? Where are they now? We want you to know.

That's why Built Oregon, Pitch Black, PIE, and Vanport Studio are partnering to celebrate Black founders from our programs by learning more about the journeys of our alums since we last saw them on stage — even if that journey no longer involves startups.

Join us for an evening of fireside chats hosted by Stephen Green, founder of Pitch Black and Vanport Studio, as we all get up to date on the latest and greatest from founders in our community.

Graciously hosted by Instrument, a longtime supporter, sponsor, and host for Pitch Black and current home of Vanport Studio.

PLEASE NOTE: Space is limited. Only registered attendees will be admitted.

Mar 11
Startup founders: Where are they now…?

Remember that amazing founder you saw on stage a few years ago? Where are they now? We want you to know.

That's why Built Oregon, Pitch Black, Pitch Latino, PIE, and Vanport Studio are partnering to celebrate women founders from our programs by learning more about the journeys of our alums since we last saw them on stage — even if that journey no longer involves startups.

Join us for an evening of fireside chats hosted by PIE mentor and community organizer Cami Kaos as we all get up to date on the latest and greatest from founders in our community.

Thanks to Prosper Portland for sponsoring.

PLEASE NOTE: Space is limited. Only registered attendees will be admitted.
