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Friday, October 2, 2020 at 10:47am and last updated
Monday, October 5, 2020 at 7:03pm.
PDXWIT Presents: Pitch Forward: Pitch to investors and take your company forward
Registration through Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MiH9o1JDSOG08EoS-a_tbQ is required to gain entry to this virtual event
Entrepreneurs, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjQ-YLMwFhM_xAsc2E-O0cQzIUv1gviae6KspvpyzHcLsvwQ/viewform to tell us about your company. We’ll get in touch with you to review. We have a limit of slots so sign up today!
Join Oregon Venture Fund and PDXWIT for our 2nd annual pitch event.
Calling all entrepreneurs! Are you in the process of growing your business and ready for the next phase of talking with investors? Keep your momentum going by pitching your vision and the progress of your product development and customer discovery. Oregon Venture Fund investors will weigh in with constructive feedback and connections. Ninety percent of OVF investors have started or run a business at some point in their career, and this is a great way to get feedback from these local entrepreneurs and tech leaders.
Agenda: 5:00 PDXWIT and OVF welcome and introductions 5:05 Entrepreneur pitches (5 minutes each + 1 min questions) 6:00 Investors and community connect directly with entrepreneurs 6:30 Event ends
OVF Investors: Please sign up to provide constructive feedback and connections for local entrepreneurs.
Community Members: Come observe these inspiring entrepreneurs as they share their brilliant ideas. Hopefully you will leave inspired to present at the next pitch event!
Purpose: PDXWIT encourages women, non-binary and underrepresented people to join and stay in tech.
Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.