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New Tech Society - March Happy Hour

Thirsty Lion
71 Sw 2nd Ave
Portland, Oregon 97204, US (map)



The New Tech Society was founded to bring together a diverse group of individuals; technologists from a variety of disciplines and industries within the Portland community. We meet one night each month to make new connections, exchange ideas and enjoy each other's company.

(RSVP here: http://linkd.in/xmZYA6)

If you have a need--be it solving a technical problem, finding a new job, hiring a new employee, promoting a product, service or event, or just making new friends, please join us.

This month, we will be compiling a "haves and wants" matrix, so we can help make meaningful introductions at our event. Feel free to email us about what you have to offer or need to find so we can add it to our list. We'll release it to the group before the happy hour.

Please bring your friends. The vibe is low-key, casual and fun; be yourself. It is our tradition to offer a free drink to the first 10 people to arrive.

RSVP: http://linkd.in/xmZYA6

See you there! -The NTS Crew

