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PDXWIT Presents: BIPOC in Tech: Reclaiming the Outdoors


Registration through Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMofuypqjsjGtLme-rED9_sa8LXmXDnGXJ5 is required to gain entry to this virtual event

Join us for a special summer edition of our BIPOC in Tech event series. We will explore how leveraging technology can help reduce the barriers BIPOC folks face when it comes to the outdoors.

The outdoors can offer a place of peace, joy, or even a simple moment to step away from our computers and unplug. From your window, it can seem so accessible, yet forests, mountain tops, and swimming holes are often lacking diversity. We are here to help change that! Whether it’s for walking around in your neighborhood park, gardening, fishing, hiking, rock climbing, cycling, etc., share your favorite apps or tech that help you get outside, stay safe, and reclaim the spirit of our ancestors.

The presentation portion of this event is open to everyone, but please be aware that the perspectives and needs of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) will be centered. After the presentation portion, white allies in attendance will be asked to leave in order to create dedicated, small breakout spaces for BIPOC attendees.

We will have ASL interpretation and live closed captioning during the event and available for breakout rooms.

