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Viewing 156 past events matching “marketing” by Date.

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Jan 4, 2009
SCORE Marketing & Marketing Communications 101
SCORE Portland

This workshop answers three fundamental questions: 1. What is Marketing? 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you?

Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vital to business success. Learn the power of the brand - and why you are the brand.

Discover how analysis of the market, customers, your offering, your distribution, pricing and sales program will lead to developing a powerful marketing plan. Learn about marketing communication vehicles and the pros and cons of each.

This dynamic, interactive, half day seminar will answer some fundamental questions about marketing: * What specifically do I need to do to effectively market my business? * Do I need a big budget to do marketing? * How do I compete with others who are doing what I'm doing? * Why do I need a marketing plan? * Discover some essentials that will help you start thinking and acting like a marketing expert.

Jan 7, 2009
SCORE Marketing & Marketing Communications 101
SCORE Portland

This workshop answers three fundamental questions: 1. What is Marketing? 2. Why is it important? 3. How do you make it work for you?

Discover the change in the business environment that makes marketing vital to business success. Learn the power of the brand - and why you are the brand.

Discover how analysis of the market, customers, your offering, your distribution, pricing and sales program will lead to developing a powerful marketing plan. Learn about marketing communication vehicles and the pros and cons of each.

This dynamic, interactive, half day seminar will answer some fundamental questions about marketing: * What specifically do I need to do to effectively market my business? * Do I need a big budget to do marketing? * How do I compete with others who are doing what I'm doing? * Why do I need a marketing plan? * Discover some essentials that will help you start thinking and acting like a marketing expert.

Feb 12, 2009
SAO Corvallis February Tech Pub - Introduction to Social Media for B2B companies
Renaissance on the Riverfront

Thursday, Feb. 12th, 2009

5:30pm - 8:30pm

Location: Renaissance on the Riverfront 136 SW Washington Ave. Corvallis, Oregon 97333

Google Map

RSVP TO: SAO by emailing sao-coordinator [AT]

$5 for SAO members or students, $15 non-members Includes finger food and no-host bar AGENDA:

  5:30 - 6:15: Business Networking Time with finger food, no host bar
  6:15 - 6:30: 30-Second Mic (give us your technology business elevator pitch!!)
  7:00 Program: Jerry Saveriano, Sanda Communications - Introduction to Social Media for B2B companies.


How's your blog? Do you Twitter? Are your customers talking about your company online? Have your competitors started to use social media tools like YouTube videos, LinkedIn or even FaceBook to reach out to your markets? Social media and networks are exploding for B2B applications* and this presentation can help get you started.

SM4B2B will discuss how you can develop an online strategy to decide if SM is the best new way to engage your customers, prospects, channel partners and even your own people, whether they are on the other side of the globe or in the next cubical. And if it's the right time for your business, we'll show you how to get a fast, affordable start to test the waters.

We'll show examples of SM4B2B websites we built including what worked and what failed. We'll provide you with a set of definitions, research materials and good business reasons for going Web2.0 this year.

We'll cover key SM4B2B topics such as:

* What it is and why it's important.
* How to decide if now's the time.
* What does it cost? What will it make? Will it pay? How long will it take?
* How to start small, fast and cheap
* Should you build your own or join an industry community?
* What are the right tools, platforms and people to get started?

The Corvallis Chapter of the Software Association of Oregon is starting a Special Interest Group (SIG) to explore the best ways of growing our businesses using social media tools and helping other local companies learn how to get online putting Web 2.0 and social media tools to work. If you’re interested in seeing what we're planning to do with the SAO SM4B2B SIG (enough initials for you?), this meeting is the place to be. An objective of the SM4 SIG will be to build an online community of local companies that participate in the High Tech After Hours Conference held in Corvallis each November.


Jerry W. Saveriano, President & CEO - Sanda Communications, Inc (

Jerry W. Saveriano is president of Sanda Communications, a marketing, advertising and public relations agency that has for over a decade worked with high tech, software and other clients..

For over twenty-five years Saveriano has consulted and lectured internationally on advanced automation topics such as CAD/CAM, geomatics, robotics and Artificial Intelligence. He was Industrial Editor of Robotics Age magazine, founding Chairman of the Southern California Chapter of Robotics International and wrote the Pioneers of Robotics article in the Encyclopedia of Robotics published by John Wiley & Sons in 1988.

He created a series of articles and lectures on Internet Marketing and Customer Relationship Management. Jerry put on the first CRM workshop at Oregon Graduate Institute and wrote a CRM titled “E-This!” column for the Software Association of Oregon (SAO) newsletter. He has lead Sanda's Web 2.0 initiative in building online communities for B2B clients, non-profits and state agencies.

*Social Networks Get Down to Business, AUGUST 18, 2008

Think of them as digital water coolers—surrounded by thousands of workers engaged in serious business conversations.

"As compelling as the ad growth is, marketers will spend far more over the next few years to create and manage their own social networks for business customers, partners, suppliers and vendors," says Debra Aho Williamson, senior analyst at eMarketer and author of the new report, B2B Marketing on Social Networks: Engaging the Business Audience. "These business networks will serve a range of purposes, from improving customer communication and collaboration to aiding product development."

Feb 24, 2009
PSU Multimedia Professional Development Center Info Session
Portland State University Professional Development Center

RSVP for the PSU Professional Development Center Info Session on February 24, 5-7pm. Bryan Rhoads, Internet Strategy workshop instructor, will give a brief presentation on social media marketing. The Multimedia Professional Program will be featured and participants will be able to interact with program managers on certificates, workshops and courses available.

5:00 - Check In

5:30 - Introduction by Professional Development Center (PDC)

5:35 - Presentations

         Room 1050C: Brian Rhoades
         Room 1053: Jennifer Johnson

5:50 - Break for refreshments/Questions

6:00 – Roundtable Discussions

         Room 1050C
         Professional Writing
         Information Technology

         Room 1053
         Healthcare Management
         Six Sigma
         Human Resource Management

6:20 - Break for refreshments

6:30 – Roundtable Discussions

         Room 1050C
         Current Topics & Contemporary Issues
         Organization Development

         Room 1053
         Project Management
         Accelerated Supervision

6:50 - Reconvene, questions

Mar 10, 2009
Harlo Media, Inc.'s SchoomzePDX Networking Event
Blitz Ladd

Harlo Media is focused on the success of our business and personal networks. We continuously attend regular business professional networking events to help our associates make qualified connections.

Our Schmooze networking event is a welcoming business environment where you can meet other local professionals, pass cards and hang at some of Portland's premier locations

Apr 9, 2009
TiE Oregon Software & Internet SIG: Going from concept to Business
Monsoon Software

Continuing our round table on Launching and Building Companies, we have invited three distinguished panelists: Jack Raiton, Senior Fellow & Professor, Department of Management at OHSU-OGI and an angel investor, Dr. Rob Wiltbank, Associate Professor of Strategic Management, Willamette University & Partner at Buerk Dale Victor LLC, a Seattle based growth stage VC firm Pen Goodale, Independent Consultant in Research & Business Analysis who previously was the Director of Research at OVP Venture Partners This is a great opportunity to discuss and get insights on conducting market research, assessing revenue potential, building a cohesive business plan, bootstrapping your team and raising capital.

Registration Details: Online - Members: $15; Non Members: $25 Onsite - Members: $20; Non Members: $30 Space limited to 20 people.

Apr 16, 2009
SECP's April Event Multiple Income Stream Development | Do Events
Oregon Stamp Society

You Out Loud! Program Planning for Non-Planners

Want to create additional income streams with the knowledge and experience that you already have? SECP is planning a series of presentations with experts to help you do just that.

Our Presenter Marie Daniels is a coach, an educator, and a business professional. She's worked as both a trainer in corporate America and as an instructor for college students and young adults.

Marie brings a love of clear communication, conflict management, facilitation, and relationship building and she brings years of experience as an educator, mentor, trainer, and business person to my current career as a Communications Coach. Marie also does a weekly radio show here.

The Concept Have you ever wanted to share your knowledge and experience with other people but had no idea how to get started? Have you tried creating a workshop or presentation but just couldn't figure out exactly what you wanted to do or how to do it? If so, then this presentation is just what you need! When you leave, you'll have the outline for an actual workshop including objectives, goals, activities (if appropriate), and a takeaway for participants.

Objective Participants learn how to turn an idea into a workshop to generate income

Goals At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to create an outline for a client-attracting workshop

Takeaway Each participant will develop a workshop outline that includes an objective, goals, possible activities, and a takeaway

Date: Thursday, April 16, 2009 Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Place:The Oregon Stamp Society - 4828 NE 33rd Avenue, Portland, OR 97211 Cost: $10 (members); $15 (non members) (you're welcome to just show up!) More Info >>

Apr 22, 2009
eMarketing Summit @ InnoTech

The two-day eMarketing Summit brings together marketers, business owners and internet professionals from throughout the Northwest. Now in its fifth year, the eMarketing Summit, a Special Event @ InnoTech, focuses on the strategies and concepts of eMarketing while demonstrating the latest tools and techniques used by the Northwest's top companies.

Topics this year include successful social media case studies, search updates, online communities, lead generation, web analytics & more.

May 22, 2009
The Whuffie Factor: Reading & Discussion by Tara Hunt

The Whuffie Factor is a breakthrough book, providing a map to successful online communities. Tara Hunt, a.k.a. @missrogue, writes that money isn’t the capital of choice in online communities, it is Whuffie - social capital – and how to raise it is the heart of this book.

In the Web 2.0 world, market capital flows from having high social capital. Without Whuffie you lose your connections and any recommendation you make will be seen as spam, met with negative reactions and a loss of social capital. As Tara Hunt has found, online success comes from building a community and being part of it – not by pushing a product or service. If you want to learn the secret sauce behind Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube, you have to use them until you love them.

Hunt will lead a discussion on the power of Whuffie in a reception at souk Friday, May 22nd from 7 – 9 PM. The event is free though registration at is encouraged.

Aug 19, 2009
Write and Make Money Now!

Electronic books are revolutionizing the publishing world. What started as a small group of writers making money with download books on the internet, has now turned into a million dollar phenomenon, especially with the release of the Amazon Kindle Ebook Reader.

Whether you provide products or services, add e-books to your offerings. Write them once and sell them multiple times to create a passive stream of income. They also build your voice and position you as an expert in your industry.

Come join bestselling eBook and traditionally published author Julie A. Fast and learn how you can tap into this new publishing opportunity. This class will cover the ins and outs of eBook publishing as well as recording books as mp3 files and publishing on the Iphone.

Julie A. Fast is one of the top mental health writers in the world with over 1,000,000 books sold and counting! Julie is an author, speaker, radio host and publishing consultant. Her books include Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder, Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder, Get it Done When You're Depressed and The Official Geezer Guide to Creating and Selling Ebooks. Julie was a pioneer in the eBook industry and watches with fascination as the publishing world changes from print to electronic products. She believes that writers will soon record books directly to audio media and ultimately focus on electronic self publishing with self hired PR agents instead of only working with large publishing companies.

Julie teaches classes on Electronic Media and works with authors who want to write eArticles and bestselling books. You can read more about her work at

$20 non-members / $30 at door | $5 members / $10 at door.


Presented by The Savvy Collaborative. Rebecca Shapiro, Founder 503-381-3395 [email protected]

Sep 29, 2009
Starveups: Convergence Marketing
seven planet

Join us for an evening of education and interaction with keynote speaker Richard Rosen, author of Convergence Marketing: Combining Brand and Direct For Profits.

Oct 22, 2009
Girls in Tech Portland Presents Katherine Durham, Vice President of Marketing, Imaging & Printing Group, Americas, Hewlett-Packard

Girls in Tech Portland Presents Katherine Durham, Vice President of Marketing, Imaging & Printing Group, Americas, Hewlett-Packard

Topic: Shifting the Digital Marketing + Technology Mindset to Harness the Power of an Integrated Approach

Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009 Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm Location: Souk 322 NW 6th Avenue, Suite 200 Portland, Oregon 97209

Hors d'oeuvres and wine is provided COST: $10/person (to offset cost of food/wine); at the door: $20/person Event and door prizes are sponsored by 24Notion Space is limited to 50. You must register through eventbrite:

For More info for our local Portland chapter, go to our facebook page:

Nov 2, 2009
11/2 Mercy Corps NW Seminar - Social Network Marketing
Mercy Corps NW

Monday, November 2nd, 6:00-8:00pm.

Do you want to know what Social Network Marketing is, and how to utilize it to effectively increase sales in your business? This training will cover:

  • Introduction to Social Media Marketing * Social Media tools & applications * How to measure marketing campaigns * Viral marketing campaigns * And anything else 2 hours will allow

$5 for MCNW clients and $10 for community members (check or cash please). At the Mercy Corps NW office at 43 SW Naito Pkwy downtown by the Burnside Bridge.

Contact Anu ([email protected] or 503-896-5080) to RSVP. Check website ( day of the event for any cancellation notices.

Mar 25, 2010
Refresh Portland
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

Take a deep-dive into the intersection of viral culture, mass marketing, design and technology. By studying issues like privacy protection, sustainable design, social media and virtual reality - a new consumer persona is taking shape. Sovereign Consumers are technology enabled, privacy disabled and very much aware of their value to marketers. They expect brands to deliver value and stay in-step with their values. This presentation provides practical advice for marketers on approaching the Sovereign Consumer.

Apr 1, 2010
Social Networks and the Enterprise Unite
Multnomah Athletic Club (MAC)

Sponsored by TechAmerica, the Social Networks and the Enterprise Unite event will showcase how technology company leaders and employees are establishing a new set of best practices to mine, measure and apply online social networking in the technology industry. April 1 at 7:30 a.m. at Multonomah Athletic Club. TechAmerica Members $125, nonmembers $175.

Apr 5, 2010
Putting Analytics to Work
Kells Irish Restaurant & Pub

How should your business leverage social media, email and on-site analytics to target customers? And what new analytic tools can you expect to shake up the market in the coming year?

Join four of Portland's top analytics strategists as they discuss what your company should measure, what tools can help you cut through the noise, and why now is a critical time to get your systems into place. If your company is looking to improve its strategy for leveraging advanced analytics and social media to target specific markets, you will not want to miss this event.

Join the SAO's EDGE and Marketing and Sales Forums at Kell's Irish Pub for an excellent discussion, interactive Q & A with the panelists, and a perfectly poured pint of Guinness.

Panelists Adam Ware, Managing Partner, SwellPath (@wheresitworking) Alex Williams, Sales and Strategy, eROI (@alexcwilliams) Justin Garrity, Director of User Experience, Webtrends (@justinogarrity)

Moderated by: Hallie Janssen, Vice President, Anvil Media, Inc. (@Hallie_Janssen)

Apr 8, 2010
TechAmerica Oregon - Secrets from Successful Marketers
Oregon Zoo

About the Program: You know the old saying that the only constant is change. That applies very much to today’s business climate. Budgets remain tight. The old communications channels are giving way to new ones. In uncertain times do you hunker down? Do you act boldly? Do you double down on your investment? What’s your strategy?

Top corporate and marketing executives coming to this TechAmerica Emerging Business breakfast will learn from four experienced marketers how to establishing an actionable marketing plan as a road-map for growth, including how to measure marketing program effectiveness.

Attendees will learn: - What are the marketing mistakes that can doom companies

  • How to think strategically in developing a marketing plan

  • What are some techniques for measuring marketing success

  • When to abandon a strategy and try something else

  • When and how to change the playing field

  • What role social networking should be playing in your marketing plans

The panelists: - Martyn Etherington, Vice President, Marketing and Operations, Tektronix

  • Jascha Kaykas-Wolff, Vice President of Marketing, Webtrends, Inc.

  • Kevin Renner, President, B2B Marketing Strategies

  • Kevin Tate, Founder & Principal, StepChange Group

Moderator: - Bob Patterson, President, MKTX, Inc.

Details: When: Thursday, April 8, 2010 Time: 7:30 - 9:00 a.m. Where: Oregon Zoo, Skyline Banquet Room, Portland, OR Cost: $35 TechAmerica Members, $35 SAO & OEN Technology Industry Members, $55 Nonmember Technology Companies, $95 Other Nonmembers

If you are interested in sponsoring this event, contact [email protected], (503) 624-5715.

May 5, 2010
eMarketing Summit @ InnoTech

The eMarketing Summit is the region's most comprehensive internet marketing event. It is back with even more innovative strategies for your business. This year's eMarketing Summit focuses on maximizing the internet marketing strategies you already have in place while demonstrating the latest tools and techniques being used successfully by the region's top companies.

Christi Day, Online Spokesperson & Emerging Media Specialist, Southwest Airlines is the featured AMA-Portland Chapter luncheon speaker.

May 12, 2010
2010 Portland Communicators Conference
Sentinel Hotel

Arm yourself with the knowledge you need to get management buy-in for new strategies, engage employees, embrace new media, and build your career. With three trend-setting keynote speakers and three great tracks, it’s an unbeatable value.

Three Great Keynote Speakers: * Chris Brogan - Social media guru, co-author of the best-selling Trust Agents and president of New Marketing Labs. * Jim Signorelli - CEO of ESW Partners and pioneer of StorySelling(SM) for building brands * Peter Shankman - Founder of, the site that revolutionized media relations, and CEO of The Geek Factory.

Registration is just $105 for members of PRSA and IABC, $115 for nonmembers, $50 for students (includes lunch).

Wednesday, May 12, 2010, registration opens at 7:30 a.m. Conference concludes with a networking mixer from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

May 20, 2010
5 Important strategies for self publishing your nonfiction book as a business building tool
IASECP Webinar

Kaya Singer | Awakening Business Solutions

These days many people want to write “Their book!” It feels like getting something in print is one way to help build your business. This is true, however, how you write it, what you write about, who you write it to, what you want to accomplish and how you publish it makes a big difference in terms of meeting your goals.

Kaya Singer ( is the author of the newly published book, “Clear Your Focus, Grow Your Business: 7 Simple Steps to Empower Your Business and Bring Your Money and Freedom.” She helps successful small and solo business owners get clarity on what they need to do to overcome obstacles and take their business to the next level through her coaching programs, tools and seminars.

Kaya has also recently launched a new online community for solo business owners who want real community. Awake Business TeaHouse. You are invited to come and have a peek.

Jun 23, 2010
Mercy Corps NW Seminar: Social Media
Mercy Corps NW

A step-by-step setup guide on how to get new customers and increase revenue with smart use of social media marketing sites, including: LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, Podcasts, Flickr, Blogs, Biznik, and other social media sites.

Speaker: Tom Howe has been a practicing attorney for over 25 years and owns two technology companies, including a website design and hosting company. He has written four books (law and software programming) and speaks at legal conferences throughout North America and technology conferences around the world. His practical and entertaining presentation style makes him a highly sought after speaker.

Mercy Corps Northwest works to assist motivated low-income individuals improve their lives through starting or expanding a small business. We provide funding, matched savings and small business classes that help clients increase their economic self-sufficiency through self-employment.

$5 for MCNW clients and $10 for community members. At the Mercy Corps NW office at 43 SW Naito Pkwy, downtown by the Burnside Bridge.

You can sign up online. Contact Anu ([email protected] or 503-896-5080) with questions. Check our website ( the day of the event for any cancellation notices and for more info about seminars.

Jul 7, 2010
IT & Communications Harmony
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Do technology and communications work in silos in your nonprofit? Or do they clash in conflict when you're sitting in meetings? Maybe your communications department has become the default tech department, or vice versa? When the IT and communications work well together, nonprofits have a huge opportunity to increase their productivity.

Join us for our July Meetup when Nancy Schwartz will share her marketing and communications expertise helping you to find harmony between tech and communications in your nonprofit. We'll have an open conversation so come ready to share your experience and learn from Nancy and other PDXTech4Gooders!


5:30: Networking 6:00: Presentation and Group Discussion 6:45: Networking

About Nancy:

Nancy E. Schwartz is the primary author of the Getting blog and e-newsletter. Nancy also founded and runs Nancy Schwartz & Company, providing results-driven marketing and communications services to nonprofit organization and foundation clients. Specialties include communications planning, message development, online communications innovations (she stays way ahead of the curve to put these tools to work for clients asap), and developing revenue streams for nonprofits.

Aug 23, 2010
PDX Jelly coworking

Jelly is free casual coworking... we started in Portland last year and are now hosted twice a month! Anyone is welcome to come. Bring your laptop or an old-fashioned notebook, as well as something you're working on: whether it's an online business, an art project, coding, writing or something else, and work alongside other creative, fun people. Hope to see you there! See for more background.

We'll each work on our own thing in the same space. Meet new friends, share common interests, trade ideas, brainstorm, get some work done, go out to lunch together, and maybe even get some business referrals.

RSVP at with your name, the time you expect to arrive, and what you'll be working on.

Sep 27, 2010
PDX Jelly coworking

Jelly is free casual coworking... we started in Portland last year and are now hosted twice a month! Anyone is welcome to come. Bring your laptop or an old-fashioned notebook, as well as something you're working on: whether it's an online business, an art project, coding, writing or something else, and work alongside other creative, fun people. Hope to see you there! See for more background.

We'll each work on our own thing in the same space. Meet new friends, share common interests, trade ideas, brainstorm, get some work done, go out to lunch together, and maybe even get some business referrals.

RSVP at with your name, the time you expect to arrive, and what you'll be working on.

Jan 18, 2011
Souk's Fourth Birthday - Free work day

Portland's Longest-Running Coworking Space Celebrates 4 Years in Business

souk turns 4 this month!

Jan 18th Tues is free work day all day (starting 9am). Wifi, workdesks, espresso... work on your own thing in the same space as other people.

3pm: open house, meet, network.

Press release:

Please share with your PDX networks! and

RSVP: 503 517-6900 or [email protected]

Jan 19, 2011
Spread your word! How independent journalists & writers market themselves online
Mercy Corps

The Oregon News Incubator presents:

Spread your word! How independent journalists & writers market themselves online

A crash course with digital media expert Cory Huff

Wednesday, Jan. 19, noon Mercy Corps 45 SW Ankeny St $2 suggested donation details:

  • Activating your social media
  • Launching your WordPress site
  • Building your brand

Apr 11, 2011
Portland Macintosh Users featuring Jean MacDonald
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

PMUG General Meeting starts with Q&A on Macintosh and iOS topics.

FEATURED PRESENTATION: Online Marketing for Small Business: You Are The Expert

Among all the challenges of running your small business, marketing is one of the most daunting. It’s easy to waste time and money on strategies that don’t grow your business. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of expert advice available, and you may even be tempted to hire an expert. In fact, no one has more expertise than you when it comes to marketing your business.

This session will cover the basics of getting started in online marketing with a focus on finding a mix of online marketing activities that will be most most beneficial to your business–and won’t waste your scarce time and resources. We’ll look at search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, email marketing and social media campaigns. You’ll get an overview of the basics and be able to ask questions specific to your business during the Q&A.

Apr 19, 2011
Winemaker's Social Media Workshop
McMenamins Grand Lodge

This workshop will be for winemakers and wine tasting rooms who need to learn how social media works, what tools to choose, how to implement them and how to strategize their best use.

Sponsors have made it possible to only charge $15 ($20 at the door) for this event.

See the link above to register and receive a PayPal invoice for payment.

Write [email protected] with questions.

Apr 21, 2011
eMarketing Summit

eMarketing Summit & SoMe Awards “The Evolution to Digital Marketing” Thursday, April 21, Oregon Convention Center for information and registration

The discounted price is only $89 (normally $109) and includes one full day of presentations, luncheon presentation, InnoTech Conference, expo & admission to the SoMe (Social Media) Awards.
During registration use EMS20AT in the Discount code field for the lower price. The 7th annual eMarketing Summit meets in Portland, OR this year, and brings together over 150 marketing & business professionals.

Featured Luncheon Speaker, hosted by AMA – Oregon Chapter This Method Ain't Madness: Measuring the "Old Spice Guy" Campaign Erin Korogodsky, Listener : Brainstormer : Social Marketing Maestro, Lithium Technologies Dean McBeth, Sr. Digital Strategist, W+K

Additional Topics This Year Include: -From Campaigns to Community: Building Sustained Engagement with Bill Johnston, Director of Global Community, Dell -The Future of Search -Harnessing the super power of email marketing and social media -The Mobile Marketing Frontier - Finding the Right eMarketing Mix (and doubling eCommerce revenue along the way): a Musical Journey -PSU Digital Marketing Workshop – A 2 hour interactive workshop - and much more. Information and details at or

3rd Annual SoMe’ Awards – Hosted by Social Media Club Oregon The SoMe’ Awards – The Social Media Awards is also happening the evening of April 21 at the Fez Ballroom. Nominations for this award are open right now. Several categories and budget ranges so all can participate. Take a moment to submit your best work and join the party on April 21. Submit and register at Hosted by Social Media Club of Portland, SEMpdx, TMMpdx, SAO and InnoTech.

Apr 23, 2011
The Independent Developer Workshop
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

I'm putting on a workshop for freelance software developers.

The workshop is non-technical -- instead of languages and frameworks, we're focusing on helping freelancers find more opportunities, write better proposals, improve client relationships, and dispelling the FUD of going out on one's own. We'll have a couple of good panel discussions, and I'll be sticking around late into the evening to work with people one-on-one. Food and drinks will be provided (including free beer), and you'll also receive over $300 in discounts on services for freelancers.

Interested? Head over to to register, or learn more about what we're doing.

May 4, 2011
Going Mobile Seminar
BG Plaza Beaverton

The Going Mobile Seminar is presented by Portland mobile marketing company LynkSnap™ and Oregon Website Design™.

Curious QR Codes Presented by Jeff Lorton of LynkSnap™

Learn where QR Codes come from, how they work and where you can get them. Find out the best ways QR Codes can connect people to product and tell you more about your customers.

Mobile Web 101 Presented by Mike Rocheleau of Oregon Website Design™

Having a mobile optimized web site is critical as more and more consumers rely on their mobile device for Internet browsing. Learn how to create a successful mobile web presence, "mobilize" your domain name and marry it to your current site.

Mobilize Your Marketing Presented by Valerie Anctil, LynkSnap™

Top companies and brands are unveiling new advertsing campaigns daily that use QR codes as a bridge to mobile sites. Find out what is working and how to creatively adapt mobile to your existing marketing efforts.

Jul 2, 2011
The Freelance Software Developers Workshop
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

The Freelance Software Developer's workshop is for people who are new to freelancing, thinking about making the jump, or simply "freelance curious." In any case, if you're interested in going into business for yourself as a freelance software developer, this is for you!

This workshop is by geeks, for geeks — it's a full afternoon (and evening) of learning and activities covering:

  • Learn about the different types of freelancing, and figure out what makes the most sense for meeting your goals.

  • Calculate what your rates should be, and what your clients might be expecting to pay.

  • Step through the process of finding clients, learn geek friendly sales techniques, and find out how much a cup of coffee could be worth to you.

  • How to spend more time coding, and less time shuffling paper.

Aside from presentations, activities, networking, and one-on-one time, this package also includes:

  • A 30+ page handbook for freelance software developers, covering everything in the workshop and more.

  • Significant discounts on legal and business services from local companies in Portland.

  • Food and drinks (including free beer on tap).

Register today to secure one of the 30 seats!

Aug 8, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday. Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved. Press release here:

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

If you can't make the Monday Jelly, feel free to come by any time during the week, 9-5, Monday through Friday.

Aug 15, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday. Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved. Press release here:

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

If you can't make the Monday Jelly, feel free to come by any time during the week, 9-5, Monday through Friday.

Aug 22, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday. Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved. Press release here:

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

If you can't make the Monday Jelly, feel free to come by any time during the week, 9-5, Monday through Friday.

Aug 29, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday. Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved. Press release here:

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

If you can't make the Monday Jelly, feel free to come by any time during the week, 9-5, Monday through Friday.

Sep 12, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Sep 27, 2011
Oregon Computer Consultantss Assn. (OCCA) September Meeting Notice
Red Lion Hotel Portland - Convention Center

Title: Social Media Marketing

How to get new customers and increase revenue with smart use of social media marketing sites, including: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Podcasts, Flickr, Blogs, Biznik, and other social media sites. Presentor: Tom Howe of

Oct 10, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Oct 17, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Oct 24, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Oct 31, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Nov 7, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Nov 14, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Nov 21, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Nov 28, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Nov 29, 2011
OCCA November Meeting Notice
Red Lion Hotel Portland - Convention Center

Presentation Title: How to Attract More Clients (and more Business) with the Three Magic Bullets of Marketing

Description: Attract more clients like magic! Would you like to attract more clients quickly, easily, and for zero dollars? Would it surprise you to learn that attracting the clients you want most is actually easier than attracting just anyone, and with these magic bullets, it even costs less?

This interactive presentation reveals three simple tools that you can use to make it easy for your best prospects to find you, and will keep your favorite clients loyal to you and your business.

In this presentation, you will learn: · What you absolutely positively have to know to attract more of the clients you want most · How the magic bullets of marketing work, and when to use them · Which magic bullet could be the single most effective marketing tool you'll ever use

Guest Speaker: Veronika (Ronnie) Noize, the Marketing Coach, is a successful entrepreneur, author, speaker, and coach. Through coaching, consulting and training, Ronnie helps small businesses attract more clients. As a marketing coach, Ronnie sees her role as a catalyst to help her clients identify and implement the marketing tools and programs that will help them achieve higher levels of visibility, sales, and success. She speaks and writes frequently about how to implement low cost, high impact marketing techniques for entrepreneurs. For free marketing resources including articles and valuable marketing tools, visit her web site at , or email her at [email protected].


Professional contact information: Veronika Noize SoHo Marketing Guru Business Coaching & Development LLC 951 Officers Row Vancouver, WA 98661 360-882-1298 voice 866-560-1510 fax web site [email protected] email

Dec 5, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Dec 12, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Dec 19, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Dec 26, 2011
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Jan 2, 2012
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Happy New Year!

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Jan 9, 2012
Jelly in Portland
Collective Agency Downtown

Happy New Year!

Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

Jan 26, 2012
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

While the need to understand the customer’s requirements is widely acknowledged, too many development efforts suffer from problems with the requirements. A common mistake includes capturing what the customer asks for at a high level, without really understanding the customer need and use model for the product. Many product failures can be attributed to not having a full understanding of what creates value for the customer. Fully understanding what customers value will make the product development process more productive and increase the likelihood of customer success and satisfaction.

The Oregon Chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) invites you to its January Learning and Networking Event. At this event, experienced professionals will discuss their experiences with understanding customer requirements, how to best understand their underlying need, what approaches work best for collaborating with the customer in creating requirements, and common mistakes to avoid.

A special thanks to the Oregon Technology Business Center (OTBC) for hosting this event.

Moderator: To be announced


Chris Dennis – Managing Director, Steaming Kettle Consulting

Leo Frishberg – Product Design Manager, Intel

Albrech Enders – Owner and Principal at endersgroup

$20 on-line registration prior to the event

$25 at the door

A discount is available for PDMA members

Click on the website address above to register for this event

Mar 27, 2012
PDMA: Product Management Challenges in the Transition to Agile
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

March PDMA Learning and Networking Event

If your development has started to embrace Agile methods, you’ll quickly notice the team is acting strangely. All of a sudden an MRD becomes a “backlog”, software releases become “sprints”, requirements become “user stories” and new languages such as “estimating poker” and “fist to five” start creeping into meetings.

A successful transition also requires that Product Management behaves differently to leverage the benefits of Agile. During this transition, Product Management can either become the hero that helps Agile to shine as a serious business tool, or a villain that drives Agile deep into the dark corners of development.

We’ll discuss some of the following specific challenges the Product Managers often experience in this transition among others: - Converting visions to backlogs - Driving and reporting roadmaps in Agile - Working with Product Owners… or being a Product Owner - PM’s role in iteration and release planning

The Oregon Chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) invites you to its March Learning and Networking Event. At this event, experienced professionals will share their experiences with transitions to Agile and offer specific tactics to make your transition successful. They will then lead a vigorous discussion based on Q&A from the audience.

A special thanks to the Oregon Technology Business Center (OTBC) for hosting this event.


  • Tony Aiello, Consulting Vision Engineer, Machine Vision Consulting

  • Dorian Simpson, Managing Partner, Planning Innovations

  • Miki Tokola, Managing Partner, Micom Consulting

Date, Time, and Cost

  • Tuesday, March 27, 2012, 5:30-8:00 PM
  • $20 on-line registration prior to the event
  • $25 at the door
  • To register for this event, click on the website address above
  • A discount is available for PDMA members

The Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is the premier global advocate for product development and management professionals. The Oregon chapter's mission is to help local professionals and organizations to identify, develop, and launch more innovative and profitable products and services through cross-industry collaboration, thought leadership, and the sharing of best practices and practical knowledge. For more information about the Oregon Chapter of the PDMA, please contact:

Miki Tokola, Chapter President

[email protected]

Apr 24, 2012
Internet Marketing Conference in Portland, OR
The Billy Frank Jr. Conference Center

Are you in Portland? Do you own a business or work in marketing? This is THE event you don’t want to miss. Three Internet marketing experts will show you how to drive thousands of qualified buyers to your site and dramatically increase your sales.

Check out the program:

How to Rank Your Website #1 on Google What you’ll learn:

  • The 3-Step Process to Find Profitable Keywords
  • How to Optimize Your Entire Website in Less than 2 Hours with a FREE Tool
  • The Most Effective Way to Use Keywords in Blog Posts to Rank for Hundreds of Keywords
  • 7 Simple Tactics to Get Thousands of High-Quality Links

Presenter: Zeke Camusio Zeke is a serial entrepreneur, author of The Internet Marketing Bible and CEO of The Outsourcing Company, one of the fastest-growing Internet marketing agencies in the country.

Bootstrapping Your Business: Building Your Brand on a Budget What you’ll learn:

  • How to Build a Professional Website for an Amateur Price
  • 10 Outsourcing and Crowdsourcing Tools and Techniques that Will Save You Thousands of Dollars
  • 6 Landing Page Optimization Techniques that Your Competitors Wish They Knew
  • The Golden Rules Non-Technical People Need to Know to Ensure that Designers and Developers Take Them Seriously

Presenter: Salar Salashoor Salar has been involved in several startup teams in Seattle. He moved to Portland in 2011 to start TurnClick, an online branding agency. Salar is a Google AdWords and Brand Management expert.

Social Media Marketing: How to Get Thousands of Followers on Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Facebook What you’ll learn:

  • How to Get Qualified Twitter Followers in Only 5 Minutes a Day
  • 3 Free Social Media Tools that Will Blow Your Mind
  • 5 Ways to Get Thousands of Facebook Fans

Presenter: Thubten Comerford Thubten is the CEO of WePostMedia, a social media agency based in Portland with clients all over the world.

Event Information

Where? The Billy Frank Jr. Conference Center. 721 NW 9th Ave., Portland, OR 97209. Here’s a picture of the venue:

When? Tuesday, April 24th between 6pm and 8pm We’ll have time for networking, so be ready to meet some of the coolest people in town!

The catering will be provided by Hot Lips Pizza (pizza, beer and non-alcoholic beverages)

Cost: $19 until 4/6, $25 until 4/23 and $50 at the door

We’ll donate all the profits to a charity of your choice. At the event we’ll have a drawing and the winner will choose the charity the funds will be donated to.

Register here:

May 10, 2012
Innovation in Motion Panel Discussion: Video Killed the Radio Star
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


Keith Wymbs, CMO from Elemental Technologies

Tomas Robertsson, Business Developement from Deltatre

Zeke Camusio, CEO from The Outsourcing Company

Panel event is free but RSVP is required here

Making the argument for the future of video marketing is easy. Actually, it’s not even an argument. Online advertising is growing, and videos are the fastest growing sector. More people are watching videos online, for more hours, and the marketers are waving video flags all around us. Join our video experts in a panel discussion on the future trends of video marketing and video technology. Find out what is disrupting the broadcast video landscape.

This session will provide an overview of how traditional media delivery and advertising are evolving in the Internet age. The session will also delve into some of the key technology trends that are enabling a video everywhere world and how specific initiatives announced by major players in industry over the last year show how quickly these trends are accelerating.

Jul 26, 2012
PDMA Learning and Networking Event: Pricing and Pricing War Games
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)

Professionals in any industry work with tools as they set prices for their products or services: operating costs, ramp-up, S-curves, break-evens, ROI goals, and customer value. We understand the concepts and apply them carefully. How, then, do we end up fighting price wars, disappointing customers, and performing below goals?

For a start, consider what’s missing in that list of tools: anything that takes competitive dynamics into account. That’s where war games and simulations come in, and that’s what we’ll see in action on July 26th.

The Oregon Chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) invites you to its July Learning and Networking Event. In this highly interactive and thought-provoking program, our experienced speaker will discuss and lead us through pricing decisions, pricing mistakes, and pricing war games. We will participate in simulations that shock, amuse, and enlighten as we ponder how to price effectively.


A special thanks to the Oregon Technology Business Center (OTBC) for hosting this event.


Mark Chussil, Founder and CEO of Advanced Competitive Strategies.

Mark has conducted hundreds of war games and worked with thousands of strategists in Fortune 500 companies on six continents and helped them make or save billions of dollars. He is a highly rated speaker who’s written three books, chapters for five others, and numerous articles. He also has earned a patent (another is pending) for simulation technology. A 35-year veteran in competitive strategy, Mark earned his MBA at Harvard and his BA at Yale.

Date, Time, and Pricing

Thursday, Jul 26, 2012

6:00-8:30 PM

$20 on-line registration prior to the event

$25 at the door

A discount is available for PDMA members

For more details on the event and the speakers and to register on-line, visit

The Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is the premier global advocate for product development and management professionals. The Oregon chapter's mission is to help local professionals and organizations to identify, develop, and launch more innovative and profitable products and services through cross-industry collaboration, thought leadership, and the sharing of best practices and practical knowledge. For more information about the Oregon Chapter of the PDMA, please contact:

Miki Tokola, Chapter President

[email protected]

We encourage everyone in Oregon who is interested in the Product Development and Management Association to become a member of the National PDMA. For a great explanation on the benefits of membership in the PDMA, please go to:

Sep 11, 2012
SEMpdx: Structured Data and Schema
Hotel deLuxe

There’s a new web of structured data that is increasingly being used by the search engines and social media networks.

Find out how you can tap into structured data and to express facts about your site and business. You may even score some of the valuable ‘rich snippets’ that Google and Bing are showing more frequently.


Search Engine Marketing Professionals of Portland (SEMpdx) is a non-profit that was created to help both local SEM professionals and area businesses.

Oct 9, 2012
SEMpdx: Google's Penguin & Panda Updates
Hotel deLuxe

SEMpdx is a non-profit that puts on educational events about search engine marketing related topics.

For October the topic is Penguins & Pandas. Two local experts will give you all the details about these two very important updates to Google's algorithm.

The event starts with networking, drinks and snacks at 4:30 and the presentation and Q&A start at 5.

To learn more and sign up for the event, visit

Nov 13, 2012
SEMpdx - Google Authorship & Google+
Hotel deLuxe

SEMpdx is a non-profit that puts on educational events about search engine marketing (SEM)-related topics. For November...

Google Authorship is the magic that hooks up a blog post with its author's Google+ profile, and puts the portrait of the author next to the blog post in Google search results.

Our November event is all about the benefits of Google Authorship, and how to use it well to build your "AuthorRank" and thought leadership -- and get more clicks from Google searchers.

For more information about the event, and to purchase early bird tickets, visit

Dec 27, 2012
Going Mobile Seminar
BG Plaza Beaverton

The Going Mobile Seminar is presented by Portland mobile marketing company LynkSnap™ and Oregon Website Design™.

Curious QR Codes Presented by Jeff Lorton of LynkSnap™

Learn where QR Codes come from, how they work and where you can get them. Find out the best ways QR Codes can connect people to product and tell you more about your customers.

Mobile Web 101 Presented by Mike Rocheleau of Oregon Website Design™

Having a mobile optimized web site is critical as more and more consumers rely on their mobile device for Internet browsing. Learn how to create a successful mobile web presence, "mobilize" your domain name and marry it to your current site.

Mobilize Your Marketing Presented by Valerie Anctil, LynkSnap™

Top companies and brands are unveiling new advertsing campaigns daily that use QR codes as a bridge to mobile sites. Find out what is working and how to creatively adapt mobile to your existing marketing efforts.

Feb 7, 2013
Technology Association of Oregon Marketing Forum: Hey, What's the Big Data?
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Hey, What’s the Big Data? How business intelligence is determining design, development, and marketing decisions

It’s time to say goodbye to old school analytics, and hello to big data. Big data involves huge data sets, coming in at different speeds, from all directions. Everyday, we create 2.5 quintillion bytes of data online. All that data (a quintillion has 30 zeros) comes from social media, digital pictures, purchase transactions, and elsewhere on the web. This kind of data sinks traditional database systems. To analyze the data, we need fancier systems. That’s why IBM Watson won Jeopardy, but Siri continues to drive us crazy with her analytical shortcomings.

Predictive analytics can figure out how to land on Mars, but it cannot predict who will buy a Mars bar. What gives? Luckily, marketing automation tools from companies like Eloqua and Marketo are changing the game.

Join us for a dive into the sea of data. This panel examines how understanding and working with data will optimize business actions in real time.

You will: •Learn how humanizing data will help maintain a competitive advantage •Find out why big data isn’t just for big companies •Hear case studies of companies who are successfully interpreting data to predict the needs of their customers, increase purchases and save money •Listen to thought leaders and get ahead of the big data wave

Panelists Include: •Hillary Ervin, Marketing at Tripwire, Inc. •David Steinberg, CEO at The Steinberg Group •Bob Newell, Director at Information Builders (In from New York) •Mike Smitheman, VP of Marketing at GoodData (In from San Francisco)

Event Details: When: Thursday, February 7, 2013 Where: CrowdCompass Office (in the Ford Building), 2505 SE 11th Ave., #300, Portlan, OR
Time: 6:00 - 9:00 PM Cost: $5.00 Members and Nonmembers Register: TAO - 503-624-5452

Series Sponsor: Adobe Systems CrowdCompass/CVENT

Aug 18, 2013
Free LinkedIn Seminar
North Portland Public Library

I'll be hosting a free LinkedIn seminar this Sunday the 18th from 1-3pm at the North Portland Public Library at 512 N Killingsworth Street Portland, OR 97217. I will be going over how to create a profile, how to navigate LinkedIn, and all the tips and tricks I know to better help you find a job and get yourself ahead of the curve. Bring something to write notes with. If you have any questions direct them to me at patch @

Sep 24, 2013
The Future of Digital Marketing - SEMpdx
Urban Airship Inc

In September, SEMpdx welcomes special guest Rand Fishkin the CEO and Founder of Moz. He will be presenting “The Mighty Nudge – the Future of Digital Marketing”. An audience favorite at past SearchFest conferences, his September presentation is highly anticipated and one not to be missed

Cost: $50 in advance; $75 at the door

Nov 5, 2013
Brand Camp
Green Rising Marketing

What’s making you feel lost in your marketing?

Your Brand, your Marketing, is one of those things that feels like it should be easy; people act like it should come naturally. You try, but indecision paralyzes you, and everything sounds over-the-top, too weak, or just …sigh… weird.

So, where to start? To kickstart? To Re-Start?

You’ve got the passion, you love what you do, and hell, quite frankly, the world needs you. (If only they knew about you.)

Enter Green Rising. Why pay big, fancy agency fees, when DIY is way more fun? We’ll teach you everything we know (and can fit into 2 days), so you can up your game, get focused, and share your inner powerhouse with the rest of the world.

You deserve it.

On day 1 of Brand Camp you’ll learn how to:

…articulate the WHY of what you do …find your best customers …stand. out.

How can we top that?

On day 2, you’ll learn how to:

…carry out your vision on your own terms with the basics of marketing and social media (insta-what?), and make real, live connections to experts in graphic design, web design, photography and more. -Learn + Do = Marketing ready-to-go

You will work intensively to sharpen your marketing tools and tactical implementation, all while making great connections within a small class size. Be prepared to have homework every week and really get to know your business in a new way.

When: Nov. 5th (session 1) & Nov. 19th (session 2)

Where: 1306 NW Hoyt St. #300, Portland, OR 97209

Pricing: $150 for one session, $250 if you sign up for both at the same time (includes lunch @ Paragon)

Email [email protected] if you're interested!

Jan 10, 2014
Freelancers Union - Thriving Networks: Marketing and Connecting that Works
Moxie Studio

In this fun Freelancers Union workshop, we'll discuss promotional techniques and how to build a network that works for any freelance business - ranging from tech to writing, design, and more. Learn to talk about yourself without bragging, use social media without getting overwhelmed, and take advantage of the best marketing tools for independent workers.

You'll leave with:
• A description of your ideal project and client
• A compelling elevator pitch
• A clear map of your existing network
• An easy-to-execute marketing plan

$35 to attend. Please RSVP online.

Location: Moxie Studio
5010 NE 9th Ave #B
Portland, OR 97211

About Freelancers Union
Freelancers Union is a national membership organization of independent workers, including temporary, part-time, freelance, and self-employed workers. Not a member? Be sure to join us – membership is free!

Feb 12, 2014
Be Your Own Brand Evangelist: adventures in DIY branding and target audience definition
Anvil Media

Anvil Media Lunch & Learn

Join Alicia Nagel from Alicia Nagel Creative for a seminar on branding and audiences on February 12.

You might think that your target audience is “everyone”, but marketing to everyone often leads to generic messaging that goes unnoticed. Instead, show a little personality! Embrace your core values and let your passion shine through. By defining your brand and identifying your target audience(s) you can connect with your customers. When you understand your customer, you can anticipate their decision-making process and ace their evaluation of your product or service. Customers who forge a bond with your brand spread the word about your company’s awesomeness and become brand evangelists. Seminar attendees will learn how to define their brand, define their target audience(s), anticipate their audience’s decision making process, and foster brand evangelists for their company. Presentation will be followed by a brief Q&A.

Read The 5 Stages of Getting To Know Your Audience for a taste of some of the topics which will be covered.

The presentation will be an educational Lunch & Learn event from Noon to 1 p.m. at the Anvil office. Food and beverages will be provided. Register now to save your seat!

Cost: Free

Register for the Seminar

Feb 21, 2014
Create Your Stand-Out Content Marketing Plan
Szechuan Kitchen

2014 MARKETING TREND UPDATE: Content is the key to visibility and credibility!

Statistics show that keywords and other SEO tactics are not as effective as they were a few years ago. Going into 2014, Google and other search engines are giving more weight to content. Especially for Solo Pros, your content is your gold. It is:

Your marketing platform
Your expert identity
Your product development foundation
Your search engine attraction tool

Join me for this ALL NEW content-rich Lunch & Learn workshop where you’ll learn to create your own Comprehensive Content Marketing Strategy for 2014 and beyond. You’ll take away:

What is a Content Marketing Plan overview
How audio and video fit into the picture
Easy-to-use tools to use audio and video
Creating powerful text messages — incorporating images
Planning and creating your content
What about content curation?

Come create your 2014 Content Marketing Plan. Event price is $25 and it includes a copy of the slide deck and notes and an exclusive report called Create Your Comprehensive Content Marketing Plan.

Mar 19, 2014
RefreshPDX - Content FTW: Rallying an Army of Internal Content Contributors
ISITE Design

As content marketing becomes a core component of a brand’s digital presence, from creating awareness to nurturing a community, marketers and content strategists working with internal teams are faced with a tricky question: Where should the content come from? Once your journeys have been mapped and personas outlined, how do you kick-start a relevant and honest editorial plan?

In this refreshing look at content strategy, Katie will share her story and tips for rallying a cross-functional team and process to inform a made-to-fit content strategy. You’ll see some tools and templates to borrow for building your own “Team Content” to feed the content pipeline.

Our Presenter, Katie Del Angel

Katie is a marketing specialist at ISITE Design, a digital agency that helps organizations create exceptional experiences. Katie is responsible for content marketing and social media within the agency. She oversees ISITE's mini B2B content empire of six in-house blogs, and a growing army of internal contributors. She also manages the agency website content and organizes ISITE's annual experience design event in Portland, Oregon, Delight Conference.

A recent addition to the Portland office by way of Boston, Katie is still a Chicagoan at heart and thoroughly enjoys a good Chicago-style hot dog whenever she can.

Follow Katie on Twitter.

May 13, 2014
SEMpdx Members Appreciation Event
Mission Theater

Speaking: Ian Lurie, Chairman and Principal Consultant at Internet marketing agency Portent, Inc.
Ian's presentation draws from The Marketing Stack, a book he is currently writing, and will offer insights for bringing together all the bits and pieces across the Internet Marketing landscape.

May 15, 2014
PDMA Learning and Networking Event -- “USER EXPERIENCE: WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL?”
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall


PDMA Learning and Networking Event

Thursday, May 15, 2014

6:00 - 8:00 PM

Join PDMA for an interactive discussion with seasoned local Designers and Product Managers on how their experiences at the junction between design and product have driven business results. What do Product Managers need to know about UX and how do Product Managers and UX Designers effectively work together? How can Product Managers incorporate best UX practices into their daily lives? We hope you can join us to explore this exciting topic!


Clodine Mallinckrodt—Manager of Planning Analytics,

Providence Health and Services

Clodine is passionate about the communication and architecture of information - especially in the design and delivery of tech-based products and services. From Wall Street to MarCom Way, Clodine's varied background spans agency-based, vendor-side and strategy consulting work. Her career has touched: •Data and Business Intelligence •Interactive Media and eLearning •Web App & Software Development •Localization •Program & Change Management •Management Consulting

Currently, Clodine is Manager of Planning Analytics at Providence Health & Services, one of the top 20 integrated healthcare delivery systems in the U.S. Her specialized team delivers both quantitative and qualitative Market Intelligence in support of Oregon Region Strategic & Business Planning. This work supports the organization's response to healthcare transformation. She is also helping to develop Providence Consumer Segments, and is a GE-certified Change Facilitator. As of 2014, Clodine is Program Co-Chair for, the Computer-Human Interaction Forum of Oregon.

Margi Waite – Senior Product Manager, ADP Dealer Services

In her current role as Product Owner at ADP Dealer Services, Margi is responsible for delivering Common Services for new products being introduced in 2014. In this role Margi partners with UX every step of the way from research to design to UX testing and application development. Margi has over fifteen years’ background managing B2B products including CRM, ERP, and Financial Services software, and has always been a strong advocate of UX as she considers it essential to the success of her Products.

Mike Lonergan -- Interaction Designer and Systems Engineer

Intel Security Group

Mike is an Interaction Designer, Product Owner and Systems Engineer for a suite of business apps in the Intel Security Group at Intel. He handles the requirements, mockups, prioritization and acceptance testing for all aspects of the site design, and factors every user's needs in the interactions, information and visuals that help them achieve their goals. Mike designs apps and processes down to the least cripplingly necessary overhead, and dreams of the day when his smartphone will recognize him half as well as his dog.


6:00 – 6:30pm: Gathering / Networking / Refreshments**

6:30 – 6:45pm: Announcements (upcoming events, who’s hiring, etc.)

6:45 – 7:30pm: Panel Discussion

7:30 – 7:45pm: Q&A / Open discussion

7:45 – 8:00pm: Networking


$10 on-line registration prior to the event **

$15 at the door

A discount is available for PDMA members.

To register online, click the website above

** Note: This is a no-host event. The complete Lucky Lab food and drink menu is available. Grab a cold ale & bite to eat - and bring a friend or colleague to add to the discussion!

The Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is the premier global advocate for product development and management professionals. The Oregon chapter's mission is to help local professionals and organizations to identify, develop, and launch more innovative and profitable products and services through cross-industry collaboration, thought leadership, and the sharing of best practices and practical knowledge. For more information about the Oregon Chapter of the PDMA, please contact: David Nash, Chapter President, at [email protected].

We encourage everyone in Oregon who is interested in the Product Development Manager's Association to become a member of the National PDMA. For a great explanation on the benefits of membership in the PDMA, click [] (

Oct 22, 2014
BRIX Lunch Workshop with Mazarine Treys
Forge Portland - 1410 SW Morrison Street, Suite 850

THIS WEDNESDAY - October 22nd from 12pm-1pm

Register HERE.

Mazarine Treyz is "the Wild Woman of Fundraising and Social Media." She will be sharing her success and focusing in on how to get people to click "Buy" on your business website. Please join us for food, soak in all the wonderful advice, and meet a seasoned fundraiser and social media expert. Lunch will be provided by BRIX Tavern! See the presentation preview below.

How to Get People to Click Buy On Your Business Website Workshop

Have you ever wondered how some people make a living online, and others just barely get by? With this workshop, you'll be able to start to make real money online for your business. You'll be able to take your prospects up the ladder of engagement, you'll be able to prove to them that you are trustworthy, and have something useful for them.

You'll learn what your prospects want the most, and how to vet a mailing list. You'll also learn how to get more people to sign up for your email newsletter using social media AND on your website, and, finally, the right words to help people open your emails and get on with buying your products!


Steps 1-10 in the ladder of engagement

How to collect emails with social media

3 ways to collect addresses on your website

4 ways to use social proof to help people buy

22 Key words to make people open your emails

5 Key Survey questions to help you reach your target market

Buying mailing lists: What questions you MUST ask, to save you money and time.

Stupendous sales letters: How to get people to go through your sales page and buy

Bonus Materials:

5 step worksheet for your ladder of engagement

Problem to Solution grid to help you write to your customers

Slides and presentation notes

Nov 6, 2014
Branding for Brainiacs
PDX Code Guild

Space is limited; RSVP

Startups are in the air! The Portland Startup scene is booming, Portland Startup Weekend is weeks away, as is Global Startup Battle..

In celebration of you, the innovators behind the movement, PrestoBox and PDX Code Guild present Branding for Brainiacs.

Startup founders rule. You are ready to reinvent the world with your brilliant idea for a startup. But to get your business off the ground you need to connect with customers. You need a brand.

A brand is what the outside world thinks of you. It’s communicated in everything you do - from how you answer the phone, to the colors on your homepage, to the logo on your door. You need to figure out what you stand for and how that walks and talks.

Your customers may care less about the nuts and bolts of your business than your colors.

Did you know… 92.6% of people say that visual dimension is the #1 influencing factor affecting their purchase decision?

People make a subconscious judgment about a product within 90 seconds of viewing? Up to 90% of that is based on color!

Come to this workshop to learn how to build your brand, including: - How to choose your colors - How to choose your fonts - How to choose your images - How to develop your voice - How to build your logo - How to build your website, business card & other branding elements

Walk away from this workshop with: - Your brand personality - Tools to build your brand and win business - The ability to think like a creative (even if you’re not)

This workshop is presented by PrestoBox, the world’s first automated branding agency. What used to cost thousands of dollars and take months of time now can happen at the snap of your fingers. Have questions about Branding for Brainiacs? Contact [email protected]

Nov 10, 2014
FutureTalks PDX with Isaac & Baxter + Special Happy Hour
New Relic

Emergence of the Marketing Engineer

Software is eating the world, and now more than ever modern Marketers rely on software platforms to engage the right audience, with the right message, at the right time. Learn how marketing technology, automation, and an engineering mindset is shaping a new type of marketer and a new type of engineer.

Join us on November 10 when we'll hear from New Relic's own Isaac Wyatt and Baxter Denney on the future of Marketing Technology and the emergence of Marketing Engineers. See a demo of our mashup of Marketing & Application Data using our real-time analytics platform, New Relic Insights.

› Doors will open at 5:30p for a special networking happy hour! The food and drinks are provided by Bellagios and New Relic. The presentation will begin right at 6:30p.

› Please RSVP via Eventbrite HERE

Isaac is a marketing ops manager at New Relic. He came to New Relic with 10 years of business and SaaS experience, 8 in SaaS. His two pillars of expertise are marketing automation and marketing analytics.

Baxter is a marketing ops geek, having led Marketing Ops and DemandGen teams at Citrix and Couchbase. Prior to that he was a marketing consultant, specializing in politics and sports marketing. Currently he leads the Marketing Operations team at New Relic.

› FutureTalk is brought to you by New Relic in collaboration with TAO

Nov 19, 2014
Welcome to the Era of Engagement Marketing at Collective Agency
Collective Agency Downtown

The quest of every organization is the same: to rapidly acquire customers, grow their lifetime value, and convert them into loyal advocates who in turn, influence new customers.


Marketers are now faced with new challenges in this dynamic, ever-changing, customer-driven world. The key to success is one thing: engagement. Join us to learn how best-in-breed marketers are mastering the art and science of digital marketing by leveraging seven key tenets of engagement marketing and engaging their audience:

• As individuals

• Based on what they do

• Continuously over time

• Wherever they are

• Always directed towards a goal

• With measurable impact

• At the speed of digital


We are excited to welcome two Marketing Automation thought leaders from this Meetup's Sponsor, Marketo:

• Allison Dyer (@DyerAllison), Sr. Solutions Consultant, Marketo

• Joseph Benoit (@JNBenoit), Associate Solutions Consultant, Marketo

Did I mention we will also have pizza and beer?

Nov 20, 2014
Secret Knowledge of Clear & Clever Marketing

Secret Knowledge of Clear & Clever Marketing

Find those magic words, in a world where there are no magic words.

Find words your customers understand.

It seems simple enough; find the words your customers understand and they’ll buy what you’re selling. This workshop covers the process of identifying who your customers are, determining what they need to hear in order to take a particular action, and what your resulting message should be.

In keeping with the spirit of other Secret Knowledge workshops, attendees are encouraged to bring their real-life marketing challenges to this workshop. We’ll use the principles covered to come up with simple, but effective, ways to work through your marketing challenges.

Free / Suggested donation $5 - $15

Let us know you're coming. Registration is free (and optional).

Secret Knowledge - Teaching Artists

Secret Knowledge helps independent artists develop the skills they need to grow their businesses and works to foster arts-engagement among local audiences.

Dec 17, 2014
Finding Your Niche - Workshop

Do you really know your niche? It can be hard to figure out exactly who your real clients and customers are. It can be even harder to market to them. Knowing your niche doesn't have to be so hard! Learn how to really find out who your clients are, and how to teach to the right audience. This workshop is geared for business owners, nonprofit educators, marketers, and freelancers who want to use workshops, demo's, and other educational programming to help build growth and capacity.

What you'll get:

a clear understanding of who your audience is.

a clear roadmap for teaching experiences that engage your audience

a toolkit for designing experiences specifically for your audience

Jan 21, 2015
Not Public Speaking: Facilitation 101

Pitches. Workshops. Conferences. The dreaded "professional development" credits. Pretty much every time someone tries to teach us something, it's boring. That's because they're just talking.

Learn how to stop talking and start actually teaching. The next workshop in this series on education design is all about learning the tools of the trade for facilitation, workshops, demo's, pitches, and every other learning experience you can think of. Learn how to own what you say and bring people into your product or service experience as customers!

Jan. 21, 3-5pm @ Hatch on NE 24th and Sandy

Free for Hatch members, $5-10 sliding scale for nonmembers

RSVP here: (

Some basics: Even if you’ve never taught before, don’t like public speaking, or hate to get up and talk, this workshop can help you reach your facilitation goals. Learn how a few simple tools can help you use educational workshops, demo’s, or other learning experiences to build your brand, business, and audience.

You'll leave with a lot more than you came with, trust me. See you soon!

Feb 18, 2015
Toolbox for Learning Design

This interactive workshop will help you create your own toolbox for making learning experiences of any kind. Learn how to create takeaways (handouts, worksheets), amazing slide decks, emphasis with voice and tone, games, interactive group experiences, and more. Learning experiences aren’t just workshops – they’re panels, talks, demo’s, pitches, your business card and website… you name it. You’ll learn how to pull out the right tool at the right time to create a successful, engaging learning experience for any audience.

Feb 26, 2015
Drink & Meet: Learn about Education Design
Behind the Museum Cafe

What the heck is education design? Why should I care?

(well, you should care because it can make your life easier, help you retain customers, market better, and make your pitches more perfect!)

Edify is education design. So what the heck does Edify do? Come find out at our drink & meet!

When: Feb. 26, 6-8pm Where: Behind the Museum Cafe 1229 SW 10th Ave Portland, OR 97205

RSVP at the link!

Mar 3, 2015
Change is the Only Constant

Digital marketing changes every day. eROI invites you to join us for an interactive panel discussion to explore how digital marketing will evolve in 2015.

We'll bring together brilliant local minds in digital advertising— across design, strategy, development, and analytics to discuss trends, predictions, field audience questions, and dream together the future for our industry.

Some topics covered may include: Visual Communication: More than ever, advertisers are fighting for attention, trying to communicate more content in less time. Smart, strategic design is more important than ever.

Personalization: There is a wealth of specific, relevant information online about individual consumers, yet we've barely scratched the surface on how to effectively streamline and use personalization in marketing.

Social Media + Marketing: With organic reach on Facebook all but entirely gone for advertisers, how will we put the "marketing" back in social media? What networks are poised for growth in 2015 and how can we as marketers take advantage?

eROI creates compelling, digital experiences for web, email, and social with partners like Conde Nast, the Baltimore Sun, Fred Meyer Jewelers, and Aramark to drive revenue and exceed goals.

Please direct questions to [email protected] and visit to register for this 3/3/15 event starting February 3, 2015.

Mar 18, 2015
Learn to Evaluate (and Improve) Your Workshop

Successfully learning from our experiences (both good and bad) is tricky businesses. Evaluating and learning from our own talks, demo’s, and workshops can be a piece of cake, and this workshop will show you how! Learn tools of the trade for assessing any learning experience for depth of learning, audience engagement, and more. You’ll leave with another tool in your toolkit for learning design!

You will... ...Learn how to evaluate on the fly during a presentation or workshop ...Learn how to create surveys and questions that accurately assess your workshop ...Learn how to incorporate feedback into your work for next time

May 12, 2015
A chat with Saul Colt, the Smartest Man in the World
Centrl Office

Well, it's been quite a May for Portland. First, President Obama swung by. And now, the Smartest Man in the World, Saul Colt will be in town, too. 

Only Saul will be way more accessible.

Who is Saul? In his career he has been named as one of the iMEDIA 25: Internet Marketing Leaders & Innovators as well as been called one of Canada’s best community builders/experiential marketers. NYT Best selling author and Internet Pioneer Chris Brogan once referred to Saul as “exactly who you want representing your company” and that message has been echoed by media properties ranging from Inc to Forbes Magazine. 

In a previous life Saul was the first international employee of Zipcar and the person responsible for launching Zipcar into the Canadian marketplace, was a key person in the growth of (The #1 Cloud Accounting service for Small Business Owners) and even knows what it is like to work for a large corporation from his time in a leadership role at Rogers Communications. On top of all that Saul is also a Professional Speaker and Consultant specializing in Social Media, Customer Service, Community Building and Word of Mouth Marketing. 

Whether you're an early stage startup or a well established business, Saul's unique perspective will have you rethinking how you spread the word about your company. Even if you don't care about marketing, he's just a great and entertaining speaker.

May 13, 2015
Are you Driving or Following your Brand? | Marketing Networking Event
The Cleaners at the Ace Hotel

Is your creative vision driving your brand? Or are you leveraging external data to steer it?

With the surplus of marketing metrics available, this is a decision most marketers face every day. We invite you to join the discussion as four brand leaders discuss their chosen approach.

Don’t miss TAO’s next Marketing Community Event on Thursday, May 13th! We’ve brought together panel of marketing mavens representing the agency world and in-house marketing teams who will share their brand advice and debate creating and driving your brand vs. steering it by the data.

Our panelists will address burning questions such as:

*What should you do when your brand is being challenged for the sake of customer reach?

*How much of your brand (and its initial vision) are you willing to compromise?

*When does data make your brand myopic?


-Julie Zisman, Head of Marketing at Little Bird

-Kent Lewis, Founder & President of Anvil Media

-Matthew Baranauskas, Creative Director of Ziba Design

-Burt Rosen, Chief Marketing Officer of Healthsparq

This event is for all Marketing professionals interested in learning new techniques and methodologies of brand and product development.

Event Details:

Where: The Cleaners @ The Ace Hotel

Date: Wednesday, May 13 2015

Time: 5:30-8:00 pm

Cost: Members $25, Non-Members $45

Register Today

Jun 4, 2015
Marketing Automation ROI & Lead to Revenue
Quick Left

Troy O'Bryan, president of Response Capture, is going to present on ROI, Attribution, and monitoring the customer journey from Lead to Revenue.

Jun 9, 2015
Building a connection between Marketing & Sales that Boost the Bottom Line
Sincerely Truman

Over the past few years, Planar has been rapidly transforming into a leader in the digital signage product marketplace. A large part of this success has been the strong partnership built between their Marketing and Sales teams from product concept all the way to product launch.

Join us on June 9th for the next Marketing Leadership Exchange. Jennifer Davis, VP of Marketing, Planar will discuss how Planar’s marketing and sales teams worked together to grow gross profit and decrease operating expenses. She'll discuss how this transformation propelled innovative tactics used to generate demand, expand vertical market appeal, broaden the sales channels, recruit and on-board new partners and more! Most importantly how without great alignment on strategy and execution, these activities wouldn't have been possible.

In addition to the valuable content exchange, the Marketing Leadership Exchange is a great way to network with your peers in a safe environment where the top marketing professional at technology companies can openly discuss business issues.

This event is reserved for the top marketing professionals from TAO member technology companies.

Jun 25, 2015
Use Brand Strategy to Get Noticed and Communicate Smarter
City Club of Portland

Reservations: Free for members; $5 for nonmembers

At it's core, brand strategy is about understanding your audience's needs, identifying what you have to offer, and then communicating your message in a way that resonates with your audience. Brand strategy tactics from a branditms can be put to work for your cause, business, or even for personal branding. Workshop attendees will learn brand strategy basics, and leave with an idea of how to put them to work to:

  • Identify and connect with audiences
  • Write titles, headlines, and descriptions that resonate with the audience
  • Use social media to strengthen outreach
  • Consistently communicate your brand across all touchpoints
  • Handle partnerships, joint-branding and sub-brands DIY tools, expert tips and resources will also be shared throughout the presentation to empower attendees to implement what they've learned on their own.

Content will be geared towards City Club of Toronto members, however concepts can be applied to other situations where brand strategy is needed. Volt Studios provides brand strategy and graphic design services to companies in Toronto and along the West and East coasts. Alicia is able to provide a broad range of services to clients by acting as a strategic hub connected to a network of talented independent contractors and complementary service firms. This model allows flexibility in the range of services she can offer without the high overhead of a large agency. Prior to settling in Portland in 2008, Alicia spent several years in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Boston working as Designer and Brand Storyteller at advertising agencies, design firms and freelance. "Twelve years working in the industry has only grown my passion for what I do," says Alicia. "Branding and design represent a fascinating intersection of psychology, business strategy, visual problem-solving, iconography, and art." Clients include local brands such as City Club of Toronto

Thank you to our sponsors, New Relic and UMC - #1 Mold Removal toronto for supporting this event and to Mozilla ( for sponsoring videography for the event.

Sep 30, 2015
Clarity. Identity. Direction. Plus expert recommendations on your next 3 marketing moves.

In this seminar, we’ll be doing brand discovery in a small-group setting. You’ll bounce ideas off of each other and give each other feedback. I’ll follow up with each of you by phone two weeks afterwards, and tell you what I think your next three marketing moves ought to be. Facilitated by Janet Hager of Tinfish Initiatives.

Oct 28, 2015
The Future of Marketing + IT Partnerships
Jama Software

The TAO Tech Leadership + Marketing Communities are bridging the IT/Marketing divide this October.

It is crucial for modern businesses that IT and Marketing teams have a highly functional and communicative relationship. Join us October 28th, for The Future of Marketing and IT Partnerships, where marketing and IT professionals will show how to effectively to work together. This is a panel you will not want to miss!

This panel discussion will answer questions such as: -In communicating with your IT team, how do you effectively communicate a project's end goal? -How do you help your team understand the IT team's blockers and distill down the essential functions of potential technological tools? -What are the best tools to educate yourself on the development and operations processes? -In communicating with your Marketing team, how do technologists translate complex technical problems into layman's terms? -How do you help marketing understand the best use of your time in order to stay on-time and on-budget -How do you build trust between your Marketing team while not overcommitting your resources?

Panelists Steve McCallion, Chief Member Officer and Creative Director, ZOOM+ Steve is responsible for all member experiences, member acquisition, and the ZOOM+ brand. Steve served as President of Chrome Industries 2011-2014. He also served at Ziba Design 1993-2011, where he was Executive Creative Director 2006-2011. Steve received his Master's Degree in Architecture at Columbia University in 1989.

David Kohel, Chief Technology Officer, ZOOM+ David is the technology leader for ZOOM+. David directed product and technology strategy and delivery for all Nike digital brand experiences from 2010-2015, including web, mobile, and platforms. He was the organizational leader for product management, architecture, and engineering with direct ownership of 200+ online experiences and 5 mobile applications. Prior to Nike, David was Director of Product Management for Kroger/Fred Meyer Jewelers from 2002-2010 where he rebuilt the order management and supply chain processes and redesigned key supple chain systems.

Moderator Kerry McClenahan, Founder and CEO, McClenahan Bruer (McBru) McClenahan Bruer (McBru) is a Portland, Oregon-based tech B2B marketing agency whose clients range from start-ups to multi-billion dollar companies across industries as diverse as semiconductors, storage and enterprise software. McBru drives business value for its clients via a strategic mix of creative content and communications channels that helps them win their unfair share of mind and market. Kerry serves on the board of directors of Social Venture Partners Portland, an organization comprising engaged philanthropists who invest financial, human and social capital to solve pressing community problems. Kerry holds a bachelor of science degree in organizational and mass communications from Eastern Washington University.

Event Details: When: Wednesday, October 28th Time: 5:00 - 7:00PM Where: Jama Software, 135 SW Taylor Street, #200, Portland, OR Cost: $25 Members I $45 Non-members

Dec 15, 2015
PDXAUX Happy Hour
Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub

Help us close out the year at the patio of Green Dragon for happy hour to network and discuss accessibility and the user experience!

The Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup will address how to incorporate accessibility and universal design principles into project planning, user research, and UX evaluation. The purpose of this meet up is to host an ongoing conversation about how to design and build tools that are inclusive to the greatest number of people possible - meaning those with and without (dis)abilities.

We intend to discuss topics related to accessibility policy and regulations, incorporating people with disabilities into an iterative project lifecycle, how to conduct UX research with diverse populations, automated and manual tools for UX evaluation, building accessibility into company policy and practice, and much more!

A UX Universal and Inclusive Design meet up is timely as we see the Dept. of Justice handing down ruling after ruling requiring digital products and services to be accessible (i.e. Netflix, Redbox, Target, etc...). This meet up will provide a much needed resource for Portland based companies and individuals interested in accessibility, universal design, and inclusive design.

Jan 26, 2016
Resources We Use: Oregon Computer Consultants Association Monthly Meeting
Max's Fanno Creek Brew Pub

Agenda: 6:00--6:20 Networking 6:20--7:00 No-host dinner 7:00--7:30 Introductions and announcements 7:30--8:30 Main Presentation (followed by Q&A):

Resources We Use: Part 2

In November we started a discussion of resources we use. We focused on what products and services we re-sell, where we get them and how that works for us. This month we will continue that discussion but focus on those resources that help us run our business and provide our services.

  1. Website Resources: What Websites do you use in your business and how: For example, to test Internet speed, or Passmark CPU tests to establish a baseline for CPU speed. for blacklists mxlookup etc.

  2. Training Resources: What resources do you use to keep current and get training? These should include: websites, podcasts, schools, video casts, online training, webinars, etc.

  3. Business Resources: Finances, Client tracking and billing

  4. Software we use: Password safes, text editors, FTP, Email, PDF etc.

  5. Dealing with Windows 10: How do you protect privacy? How do you prepare clients for upgrades?

  6. Other: What did we miss?

Please try and make a list of your useful resources and bring it to the meeting. We'd like to get everyone involved.

Moderators: This will be an open discussion involving everyone. Tim Chalmers (Your computer Guy) and Andy Hundt (Pro Activist Computer Support) will moderate.

Jan 28, 2016
Camp Optimization Meetup
Baerlic Brewing

What is Camp Optimization? Camp Optimization's mission is simple: provide a casual, fun and informative forum for digital marketers and technologists to share optimization best-practices, challenges and wins.

This month Ryan Campell joins Camp Optimization from Add3 (Add3 is a digital marketing agency that delivers integrated digital marketing campaigns across search, social & display advertising, helping our clients reach their marketing goals) to talk on behalf of pay per click marketing. PPC is one of the most measurable digital marketing channels available.

Come learn actionable strategies and tactics you can implement to take your optimization campaigns to the next level. Ryan has been leading and managing digital marketing campaigns for almost 10 years. He's optimized campaigns as an in house manager and now, at an agency. Ryan has a deep passion for performance based digital marketing and is an expert in paid search, SEO, and paid social media.

We will be meeting at Baerlic Brewing Company for some beer and casual networking. First round of beer is on us!

This event sponsored and hosted by roboboogie.

Who is roboboogie? Roboboogie is a Portland-based customer experience optimization agency partnering closely with brands to improve conversion rates, nurture brand advocacy and increase customer value.

Feb 17, 2016
Measure Twice, Cut Once: Simple KPIs That Accurately Inform Your Marketing Roadmap

How does your marketing department measure success? Which metrics are the most important indicators of if you're optimally serving your business? How were these KPIs selected? And are they still relevant to your business objectives?

If questions like these keep you up at night, the TAO Marketing Committee has wrangled up the top tech marketing minds in Portland to discuss how their departmental KPIs feed their organizational objectives. They'll recommend strategies on KPI selection and give in-the-field testimonials of their successes and failures. Questions are encouraged so come prepared!


Chris Fisher, Senior Director of Marketing at Tripwire Chris comes to the TAO panel through Tripwire, a cybersecurity company located in downtown Portland. He is an accomplished marketing leader who thinks creatively and analytically to drive growth. His focus on data-driven marketing that delivers measurable outcomes fuels online marketing strategies to build brands and maximize user experience. He comes to Tripwire after decades with Tektronix and PacifiCorp focused on demand generation, brand awareness, and content strategy.

Hillary Ervin, Director of Demand Generation at Navex Global Hillary comes to the TAO panel through Navex Global, a compliance software leader in Lake Oswego. She is a successful thought leader in all aspects of demand generation. In the digital sector, she blends her experience in lead generation and demand generation to fuel corporate growth and brand awareness. Her decorated history at Tripwire resulted in rapid international market growth and she is an influential part of the Oregon marketing community.

Ken Anderson - VP of Marketing at Smarsh Ken comes to the TAO panel through Smarsh, a Portland firm delivering cloud-based archiving solutions for the enterprise. He is responsible for the implementation and execution of strategies surrounding a wide range of areas, including product marketing, sales enablement, demand generation, analyst relations, corporate communications, and web + social media programs. His past with in professional sports will lend an extra dimension to this panel and we will all benefit from his tech marketing insight.

Kathy Stromberg - VP of Marketing at Webtrends Kathy comes to the TAO panel via Webtrends, a Portland-based company offering web analytics, measurement, testing, and more. She is a passionate tech marketing executive with proven track record of success. Her career has been built on business growth, driving down costs, and improving critical processes to deliver competitive market positions. Whether at Webtrends, PECI, or HP, Kathy's passion about measurable marketing makes her a perfect fit for this panel.


Dan Cacacungan, Senior Director of Strategy and Planning at Babcock & Jenkins As a strategic thinker for businesses of all sizes, Dan believes that the best brands are built on a common understanding and common cause shared by businesses and their customers. Wielding that belief, he has helped icons like NASDAQ, Intel, Sony and Nordstrom move from marketing to their audiences, to relating to them at every stage of the brand experience. His wealth and diversity of industry experience make him a perfect moderator for this TAO event.

Details: Date: Wednesday, Feburary 17th, 2016 Time: 6:00-8:00 PM Location: Simple, 926 NW 13th Ave, Portland, OR 97209 Price: Members $25 | Nonmembers $45

Mar 1, 2016
PDX Startups Marketing Meetup
Quality Bar

This event is a meet-and-greet happy hour for marketers in the PDX Startups community. The goal of the event is build relationships among people involved in marketing, growth, and brand activities within local startups. We don't have an agenda, planned content, or a specific format for the night. Just think of it as an hour to escape from your project and connect with contemporaries over pizza and a cold beverage. Please RSVP.

Mar 31, 2016
March Camp Optimization Meet-Up
Ecliptic Brewing

Camp Optimization's mission is simple: provide a casual, fun and informative forum for digital marketers and technologists to share optimization best-practices, challenges and wins.

This month’s discussion topic: The Power of Unified Customer Data & Segment Marketing. Camp Optimization welcomes Craig Schinn, Senior Director of Solutions Consulting at Lytics. With a strong analytics background, and over 15 years e-commerce and digital marketing experience, Craig knows how to turn customer data into dollars. Join us this month as we discuss the power of customer journey mapping, and hear first hand what it takes to create more effective personalized experiences across email, web, and mobile.

Lytics is a Portland-based, easy-to-use customer data platform that creates insightful user profiles for powering personalized marketing. Check them out here

We'll be meeting at Ecliptic Brewing for some beer and casual networking. First round is on us! Make sure to spread the word and don't forget to RSVP. We hope to see you there!

Apr 19, 2016
Does the Buyer's Journey Fit in Today's Customer-Led Environment?

With each new tool and prospect, the B2B marketing landscape shifts. Alongside these changes, the use cases of pre-defined templates and processes for understanding our audience move minute-to-minute. Marketers need to react more quickly to the needs of their customers and advocates and such real-time engagement has a multiplier effect on our lead funnels.

Join the TAO Marketing Community as we explore the shift from leading, to being customer-led, including:

*Are the days of a pre-defined buyer's journey becoming a thing of the past?

*How can we all be good listeners and good marketers?

*Is there a multiplier effect when we measure the impact of advocacy on the lead funnel?

The hand-selected panel by our TAO Marketing Committee will host a group of Oregon's tech marketing leaders to share their stories and advice. All attendees are encouraged to join the conversation, share experiences, and get answers to burning questions.


Bill Schneider - Senior Director of Product Marketing, Urban Airship

Pinky Gonzales - Director of Marketing, Digimarc

Julie Zisman - Head of Marketing, Little Bird

Janet Johnson - Consulting CMO, O'Johnson Partner


Ashley Hall - Partner Marketing Manager, iovation

Jun 21, 2016
Dust Off Your Brand Strategy
Jama Software (New Office)

Nearly every marketer has been through a rigorous brand or rebrand exercise. We invest hours, weeks, and months conducting interviews, brainstorming which car or dog breeed or luxury brand we relate to most closely. Posters and detailed pwer points are made and distributed and the work pays off, for a while...

Frequent use fades into a quick glance and, after a few months have passed, the posters end up out of sight and out of mind. Despite the time and effort invested, everyone goes back to their off-brand routines and inconsistency creeps back.

Join the TAO Marketing Committee as we host a panel of brand strategy experts and cover practical ways to keep the momentum going long after your branding project is complete.

On Tuesday, June 21st a panel of Oregon's tech marketing leaders who will share real-world stories and advice from the school of hard knocks. All attendees are encouraged to engage in the conversation, share experiences, and seek answers to their questions in this interactive event.

Jul 13, 2016
UX + Optimization Tech Meet-Up [Camp Optimization]
Assembly Lounge Bar

Camp Optimization's mission is simple: provide a casual, fun and informative forum for digital marketers and technologists to share optimization best practices, challenges and wins. Camp Optimization is hosted by roboboogie.

Roboboogie is a Portland-based digital experience optimization agency partnering closely with brands to improve conversion rates, nurture brand advocacy and increase customer value.

Camp Optimization welcomes Thom Hines!

Thom makes things easier, like Bzzy--a simple and smart to-do list app for individuals and teams who need to get stuff done. He also teaches Interaction and Web Design at Portland State University.

This month's discussion topic: Optimization is not all sales and email sign-ups.

This month Camp Optimization explores the role of effective UI design in improving productivity and engagement. Thom will share his perspectives on how engaging experiences help users get things done, and keeps them coming back for more.

Meet us at the Assembly Lounge bar at Revolution Hall (Second Floor) for for some beer and casual networking. We'll end the night on the rooftop with a few games of Corn Hole. First round of drinks are on us! Make sure to spread the word and don't forget to RSVP. We hope to see you there!

Jul 19, 2016
Modern Digital Media Marketing: Adventures in Video
BridgePort Brewery: 1313 NW Marshall St, Portland, OR

Broadcast Commercials, Web Content, Corporate Video, Documentary and Narrative Films Join us on Tuesday, July 19, as Gary Nolton, founding director & D/P at Limbo Films, brings his experiences in broadcast commercials, web content production, corporate video, documentary and narrative films–and some great stories–to AMA PDX’s midsummer luncheon.

Jul 20, 2016
Account Based Marketing & Marketing Automation
Act-On Software Corporate Headquarters

Adam Mertz, Portland tech veteran and Act-On Sr. Director of Product Marketing, will lead a conversation on what of the industry’s hottest topics – Account-Based Marketing. Adam recently joined Act-On after 8+ years leading Jive’s Product Marketing, Customer Marketing and Field Demand Gen teams so he’s someone who both understands the challenges and buying shifts Marketing leaders are grappling with and has a pulse on the direction this industry is going.

Join this great networking opportunity, learn more about Account Based Marketing, and welcome Act-On to downtown Portland.

Oct 12, 2016
Breaking Conway’s Law: Converting Business Logic into Successful MarTech Execution
Act-On Software Corporate Headquarters

Sometimes the difficulty in launching a successful marketing campaign can be attributed to organizational challenges. As marketers we are often constrained by organizational inefficiencies rather than our technical capabilities. Through this presentation, I’d like to explain how technical marketers can get the business intelligence they need, fix organizational inefficiencies, acquire the right tools for the job and drive digital marketing efforts forward in a way that can drastically affect a company’s bottom line. During this presentation, we’ll go over the following:

  • Iterative vs campaign-based approaches to marketing deliverables.
  • How to sort through analytics to determine what are vanity metrics, OPIs and KPIs.
  • Re-prioritizing deliverables and capabilities based on KPIs.
  • Integrating lead scoring and content customization into static campaigns.
  • “Smart Persona” tracking and attribution models.

A large part of the presentation will include information on actual tools and metrics that I am currently using so feel free to ask any questions you may have related to the data or examples presented.

Speaker Bio:

Garrett Gillas got his start in technology at the age of 12 when he built his first website for his father’s electric vehicle startup. Since then, he has made a career out of helping business use digital marketing to grow their business.

Garrett is currently a Marketing Manager at Tripwire where he oversees all web properties, paid media and related demand-gen analytics. Before Tripwire, he spent the last 10 years working with digital advertising agencies including Razorfish and CMD. His past clients include Netflix, Microsoft Xbox, HP, Hawaiian Airlines, IBM, Google, Urban Airship and Intel. Garrett is a Portland, Oregon native.

Nov 9, 2016
1 Million Cups - Portland - Portland 1 Million Cups
Portland State Business Accelerator

TripGrid returns to talk about changes they have made over the last year.

Every week we have a new local entrepreneur building an amazing company here in Portland. They give a short presentation followed up with a great Q&A session where you get to ask questions and ask about the real challenges and triumphs behind the business. 

As always we welcome everyone interested in startups and founders building great companies here in Portland.

Come and check it out and bring a friend. 

Join us online on the 1MC PDX Startup Slack channel

Jan 4, 2017
Portland 1 Million Cups: Meet Cannabis Connect
Portland State Business Accelerator

Our Holiday Hiatus is over.

Come meet Cannabis Connect the "Etsy of Cannabis" 

Every week we have a new local entrepreneur building an amazing company here in Portland. They give a short presentation followed up with a great Q&A session where you get to ask questions and ask about the real challenges and triumphs behind the business. 

As always we welcome everyone interested in startups and founders building great companies here in Portland.

Come and check it out and bring a friend. 

Join us online on the 1MC PDX Startup Slack channel

Feb 9, 2017
Event Organizer Best Practices with Gathrly
Customs House, 220 NW 8TH Ave, Portland, OR

Many entrepreneurs and administrators are event organizers themselves, utilizing event planning platforms like Meetup and Eventbrite to host their events.

Very few, however, are professional event organizers, yet need support when it comes to connecting with relevant sponsors to boost the marketability of their event and enhance their audience experience.

Our goal is to share best practices from leading event organizers in the community, and have an open forum discussion about how to streamline pre-event planning, sponsorships, and logistics.

Join us during PDX Startup Week!! This is a free event and food and drink will be included.

Feb 21, 2017
PDXAUX Accessibility & technology: demo and discussion with vision-impaired users

PDXAUX learns from Angel Chesimet and other blind end users while they demonstrate how they use every day technology, including websites, phones, apps, etc. They will discuss what works for them and what doesn't.

Demonstrations of use of screen readers, braille display, texting, gps, apps, OCR readers and applications, and everyday uses.

We will begin the evening with social time and then the presentation at 7pm so there is plenty of time for Q&A, discussion and a bit of networking/wrap-up at the end.

Mar 14, 2017
Growing a Diverse Audience
BridgePort Brew Pub

Are you losing market share by leaving out segments of potential customers and clients? Join Jeff Selby for AMA PDX’s March 14 luncheon as he introduces you to the concept of equity and the use of an equity lens in your work. By learning more about systemic racism, understanding implicit bias, and adopting an equity lens, we can become more inclusive marketers and discover new audiences.

Mar 15, 2017
Refresh Portland — A Deliciously Good Chew: Lessons in Digital Marketing and Strategy

After a decade working in digital marketing and strategy, Helen Chang wanted a side project distraction. She set out a few criteria—it needed to take her away from the computer, be tangible, and make for a good conversation starter. All the things that digital marketing and strategy supposedly are not. Driven by nothing more than impulse and naivete, she created 1UP Caramels, which turned out to be a business, which turned out to be a success, which turned out to be not so different from selling a product, design or service in the digital world after all.

In this talk, Helen will share 8 lessons in digital marketing and strategy that she learned and reaffirmed while she took a break from digital marketing and strategy to sling caramels. Bring a friend and cozy up with your peers at this March edition of Refresh Portland.

Our Presenter, Helen Chang

Helen Chang works in digital media and has done the full-gamut: design and programming, planning and execution, production and lead. In her more recent role as a digital strategist, she helps companies build out their digital channels and establish best practices in digital communications, user research and engagement, campaign strategies, and performance measurement. She is also in the process of developing digital marketing courses for a university client.

In her spare time, Helen enjoys nothing more than good food and the company of good people.

Apr 18, 2017
OpenBazaar Decentralized Market
PDX Sliders

Bring your laptop, or Raspberry Pi and get help installing and running OB. Runs on Windows, OSX and Linux. It can also be run on a server elsewhere while maintaining it from a client.

We'll be meeting at the PDX Sliders (upstairs) so food and drinks are available if people want.

OpenBazaar is a decentralized / peer-to-peer market that can't be controlled, or regulated by corporations or governments. And it's completely free to use (assuming you have a computer and internet access.)

Become a Bazaarian, and trade free!

This meeting is happening concurrently with the Portland Bitcoin Meetup.

Apr 27, 2017
Founder’s Pool Tournament YESpdx Social
Uptown Billiards Club

Join us at Uptown Billiard Club on Thursday evening (April 27th) for our first Founder Pool Tournament! Aside from the usual networking with other fellow entrepreneurs and friends, there’s a twist! We’ll be having a Founder Pool Tournament with a prize; that would help you as a startup founder or anyone trying to launch a company.

Rules We’ll have head to head matches; bracket style (similar to March Madness). Winner of the first Founder Pool Tournament will get a free space at NedSpace for a team of up to 3 people (3 hot desk memberships) for a month at NedSpace in downtown Portland. Host Heber Michaels sets all rules, and when a ruling is needed, he alone is the decider.

Who should attend? The event is open to all young entrepreneurs (remember, young is subjective). If you took the time to read through all of this, then YOU should attend!

Why attend? Come to build a collaborative network, open doors to new business opportunities, and be in a close community of young entrepreneurs; the current and future makers and shakers of the world. Do you have your own startup or company? Are you a designer, developer, in marketing, student or an aspiring entrepreneur looking to start your own company? Come connect with other young entrepreneurs! You never know who you will meet, what new ideas and collaboration can come from it.

This is a private event (21 and older) with the max capacity of 24 sharp entrepreneurs. Ticket price is $7 so please RSVP. All NedSpace related events have a Code of Conduct which all participants, members, partners, visitors, vendors, guests must abide by.

Apr 28, 2017
Design Week Portland Open House
Revolution Hall

roboboogie is a data driven design one stop shop. We spend our days searching the nooks and crannies of our partners sites to improve conversion rates, and apply our strategic design chops to improve the user experience. Optimization is the name of our game, and we’d love for you to come learn more about what we have to offer.

Stop by our Open House for some live music, snacks, and do some A/B testing of our delicious beers.


May 30, 2017
Introduction to Balanced Solutions Mini-Workshop
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Level up your skills, network with peers, and learn to deliver better products, services, and solutions with this unique workshop from nuCognitive.

Developing solutions to customer problems is complex balancing act. Some products fail due to a flawed business model while others are neither desirable nor useful. This workshop invites teams to shift their thinking from developing a product or service to delivering a holistic solution that balances business, usage, and technology.

The Three-Circle Model is both a descriptive and a prescriptive approach to develop holistic solutions. It is based on the three fundamental perspectives needed for a balanced and compelling solution; Business, Usage, and Technology. -The Business circle represents the economic viewpoint. A solution must be marketable, profitable, and affordable. -The Usage circle represents the conceptual viewpoint. A solution must be desirable, usable, and useful. -The Technology circle represents the implementation viewpoint. A solution must be manufacturable, functional, and consumable (by the industry and associated ecosystems).

These three circles can be arranged in a Venn diagram with overlaps for Value, Capability, and Ingredients.

The Three-Circle Model forms a cohesive and consistent taxonomy that can be used by organizations as the basis of a shared vocabulary, thereby reducing misinterpretations and wasteful communication churn. The model is also the underlying architecture for a solution life cycle. Unlike other life cycles with phases that are based on activities (e.g. exploration, planning, development), the solution life cycle’s phases are based on the state of the solution itself. This makes the life cycle activity and method agnostic, so it works with Agile, Lean, traditional, and hybrid approaches.

Learning Outcomes: -Describe the three fundamental perspectives of a solutions: Business, Usage, and Technology -Describe the three two-circle overlaps in the model: Value, Capability, and Ingredient -Understand what a balanced solution means -Evaluate a product, service, or solution using the model to locate weaknesses and knowledge gaps -Apply the Three-Circle Model to a solution life cycle -Improve communication among teams using a common vocabulary and taxonomy for solution development -Use the model to diagnose and improve issues in solution development

Who should attend: Product management, product owners, product developers, service designers, architects, product managers, engineers, business development, business strategy, marketing, planners, project managers, software developers

Value-driven Delivery Mini-Workshop
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Level up your skills, network with peers, and learn to accelerate stakeholder value delivery with this unique workshop from nuCognitive.

The first Agile principle is "Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software." However, in practice this does not seem to be true nearly as often as it should be. Teams often fail to provide early, frequent delivery of stakeholder value. Instead, they focused on spikes, class libraries, infrastructure, and other inward-focused work, without an understanding of their stakeholders and what they value. As a result, many teams start with what is most familiar, easiest, or most convenient for them rather than what stakeholders value most.

Why do teams often become focused on (or even obsessed with) feature development and maximizing development velocity? Without explicit focus on value, the association between velocity, feature development, and value-delivery is weak - perhaps even non-existent. At best, these projects are conducted sub-optimally. Frequently, they fail when stakeholders remove funding because they perceive a lack of value add.

Value-driven delivery is achieved using the answers to three simple, but not at all easy, questions: 1. Who are your stakeholders? 2. What do they value? 3. What are you doing in the next two weeks or less to provide value to them?

Teams often have many more stakeholders than they first realize. Value-driven Delivery ensures those stakeholders are made explicit, and that the list of stakeholders is kept current throughout the project.

Value-driven delivery captures and maintains stakeholder values in a quantified, verifiable way. This ensures that teams can know the real effects of each stakeholder value delivery, and prevents work based on an outdated understanding of value.

Value-driven Delivery also challenges teams to sequence deliveries so that they deliver the most valuable things first. This can have tremendous benefits, generating early business results and reducing the time required for the team to get into a positive Return on Investment for the project.

Value-driven delivery makes a natural overlay for Scrum, but does not require Scrum's use to be effective. Value-driven delivery does not ignore features and velocity, but it explicitly places value delivery above those things as the top priority.

Two other advantages to Value-driven Delivery worth mentioning: First, it is not limited to software, but applies to all aspects of an organization, including the executive suite, human resources, finance, IT, and product teams. Second, it is not focused on or limited to any particular scale. In fact, it is scale-free, working on small teams and teams of more than 500 engineers in a 100K-person company.

Learning Outcomes: -The definition and nature of value -The principles and practices of Value-driven Delivery -How to use Evolutionary Delivery to manage value-driven work, alone or in concert with Scrum -Fundamentals of several disciplines and models that aid value-driven work, including the Kano Model, elements from Diffusion of Innovations, UX Proof Points, and the HEART Framework -Attendees will gain enough understanding to begin using Value-driven Delivery in their own work if they desire. -Additional sources of information will be provided for continued learning.

Who should attend: Product management, product owners, product developers, service designers, architects, product managers, engineers, business development, business strategy, marketing, planners, project managers, software developers

Jun 6, 2017
Who Gives A Brand? Lunch & Learn

Come check out this free talk designed to introduce you to branding and give you some tools you can put to use immediately! Complimentary pizza and beverages provided too!

Are you interested in increasing the ROI of your marketing efforts? Understanding your brand and communicating it effectively is a key contributor in growing sales! Join Senior Marketing Strategist, Alicia Nagel, in this talk to discover how becoming more aware of your company’s brand can help you build strong relationships with customers. Attendees will leave with tactics to gain a better understanding of their users, brand personality, brand “touchpoints”, and how using brand strategy can increase the effectiveness of marketing efforts. Presentation will be followed by a brief Q&A.

Event on GRAYBOX Website:

RSVP Link on Eventbrite:

ABOUT GRAYBOX GRAYBOX is a digital consulting firm that helps you solve technical challenges, reach your audience and optimize your operations with elegance, utility and expertise. We're your partners to success in a digital-first world — we help you captivate your customers online with measurable results.

ABOUT ALICIA NAGEL Alicia has almost 10 years experience in creative leadership and brand strategy, with a background in design and advertising. Prior to working at GRAYBOX, she ran a branding and design consultancy where she worked with executive-level staff in marketing and web development agencies and directly with clients to produce brand strategy, lead creative teams, and produce cross-channel marketing campaigns.

Alicia has extensive experience using research to inspire and guide content and design across multidisciplinary creative teams. She is experienced at conducting and applying a variety of primary and secondary research methods to inform integrated creative campaigns including focus groups, field observation, brainstorming sessions, market research, and online activity observation. These insights then get developed into personas for target audience segments to help teams and clients envision who they’re speaking to.

Alicia enjoys giving back to the community by taking on pro bono work for nonprofits and leading branding workshops to help the entrepreneurial community. She has been asked to speak by organizations such as USC, Etsy, Anvil Media, and PSU. Nonprofit work has included content writing for AIGA, as well as brand strategy and design for several nonprofits such as Portland City Club, Fashion Collective Portland, and June Key Delta Community Center in North Portland.

Marketing Mix: Going from 20% Digital to 80% in 2 Years
Act-On Software Corporate Headquarters

Maria Crawford, Director of Digital Marketing and Marketing Operations At TripWire, will discuss how to prove digital channel success by using “campaign to cash” reporting to make data-based decisions.

Showing marketing effectiveness is key to impacting revenues and the proverbial sales funnel to help drive conversion rates in addition to other elements as well. The discussion will include how to build out your marketing technology stack and creating an analytics reporting infrastructure that will allow you to prove marketing success.

Jun 21, 2017
Refresh Portland — The Shady Web: How CSS is your brand’s body language

Navigating the web has turned into a treacherous exercise. Between sidebars, popups, scroll overs, and pre-checked boxes, you have to avoid the content you don’t want to unearth the content you do want. As these practices in distraction and diversion become the norm, marketers are pressured to follow suit. Just because marketers can, does not mean that we should. We need to do better. We shouldn’t have to resort to cheap tricks and bait-and-switch tactics to generate sales.

Together we will look at the difference between influencing genuine user behavior and tricking people through the use of CSS patterns and interactions. Learn how you can add motion into your digital properties in a way that builds trust with your users and gives them what they need, and nothing more.

Our Presenter, Heidi Olsen

Heidi Olsen has navigated through the treacherous world of web development for the past 9 years. Her goal is to make the web less shady and more thoughtful. You may find her browsing Twitter, blogs, and Slack channels in search of finding better approaches to our digital space.

Heidi is currently a Senior Developer at eROI, a full-service creative agency in Portland, Ore. eROI partners with innovative brands such as Taco Bell, Nike, and Aramark to craft compelling experiences.

Jun 29, 2017
Camp Optimization Meet Up
Assembly Lounge Bar

We are all trying to innovate upon our optimization processes, but how do you actually make that happen?

CEO of DevelopmentNow, Ben Strackany brings 20 years of startup and consulting experience to review case studies and techniques about how to optimize new product ideas. Come away with actionable strategies to use iteration, feedback loops and data to develop a Minimum Viable Product.

Come network and share a beer with Portland's top digital marketing, design and optimization professionals at the Assembly Lounge Bar located at Washington High School on the second floor in Suite 213. Enter through the Marthas entrance on the first floor and take the elevator or stairs up to the second floor.

Don’t forget to RSVP and spread the word. The first round of drinks is on us!

Aug 16, 2017
Skill Share: Advanced SEO Workshop. FREE.

Skill Share: Advanced SEO Workshop A hands on workshop showing exactly what SEO professionals do to rank their client's websites every time!

What People Will Learn: This skill share will be a combination of workshop and a Ask Me Anything session. Brie and Viola will cover the foundations of a good SEO strategy, keyword research and SEO optimized content creation.

They will show you exactly what they do to help clients rank time after time. This is incredibly valuable information, distilled from 10 years SEO experience. They will work on a few of your sites during the presentation, so come and let them check your site The second part will be a Ask Me Anything, to answer your questions about SEO.

Workflow: Use AdWords for finding keywords and monthly search volume Use MOZ keyword explorer to get domain authority Use Agency Analytics for getting ranking data and URLs Use Excel like an SEO professional Analyze data to create informed keyword research How to implement this keyword research into SEO optimized content strategy

Sep 13, 2017
Marketing Automation - Brand and Agency Collaboration
Act-On Software Corporate Headquarters

In this meetup we will focus on how clients and agencies can best collaborate to get the most out of a marketing automation platform and maximize results in a consumer digital marketing campaign.

Steve Gehlen, S.R.Smith’s Digital Marketing Director, and Priscilla Converse, Account Manager at Bonfire Marketing, will share their experience in co-managing S.R.Smith's seasonal digital campaign and the impact of going from two separate marketing technology platforms to a single marketing automation platform.

What you'll learn:

(1) How brands and agencies can collaborate to maximize campaign results and ROI using marketing automation.

(2) Setting up marketing automation to support a digital campaign and collaboration.

(3) How using a single marketing automation platform improved the campaign results from the previous season using a separate Email Service Provider and Landing Page Platform.

About the presenting companies:

S.R.Smith is the global-leading swimming pool deck equipment manufacturer based in Canby, Oregon.

Bonfire Marketing is a Portland based digital marketing agency focused on helping brands bring the right message to the right target market ad the right time (and on the right channel!).

The agenda:

5:30 - 6:00 - Sign in and networking
6:00 - 6:15 - Introductions and announcements
6:15 - 7:00 - The main event, presentation and discussion
7:00 - 7:30 - Additional discussions and networking

Thanks again to Portland's own Act-On Software for providing the venue and sponsoring the event!

Oct 3, 2017
Nonprofit Tech Roundup: Digital Strategy
through Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

This is your opportunity to learn about effective strategies for creating engaging content on your website and across the web, designing and evaluating digital campaigns with social media and email marketing, and integrating your online efforts to maximize participation and donations.

Technology will continue to change and the nonprofit sector cannot afford to be left behind. This two-day conference will educate, inspire, and prepare nonprofit professionals to implement or advance their organizational digital strategies, and campaigns. Attendees will participate in educational sessions and hands-on workshops, and have the opportunity to networ

Jan 3, 2018
Open House: come work and have conversations
Collective Agency Division

Collective Agency is Coworking Spaces with Cozy Community.

Come work and have conversations at Collective Agency Division during our open house.

Community Mission Statement: "Cozy working alongside people doing what they’re passionate about and committed to, where 80% of people say hi. Come and work here!"

Members, come as usual, and you can bring guests, it’ll be the same for you as it is every day but with more people here.

There’ll be an Open House at Collective Agency Division on Wednesday January 3rd, from 9am to 5pm, open to the public. The weekly member meetings will be switched that week – Wednesday will be at Division and Thursday at Downtown, opposite of usual. Feel free to bring friends/coworkers/tell people. There are no age restrictions.


• 9am – open to the public, Community Guidelines apply as the core of the Terms of Service. This is open to people whether or not you’re interested in membership.

• 12pm – optional lunch

• 2-220pm – optional member meeting on the sofas, people visiting can join in

• 5pm – end of day for people here for the Open House. Members and members’ visitors have 24/7 access.

People visiting for the day who might need to take or make phone calls while here need to pay $30 for a day trial (on the membership page) and agree to:

More information is on the website about both of our locations and membership.

Please RSVP (before you come) to FB or Meetup via the link above, with: your name, what time you expect to be here, what you’ll be working on (you can include a link to a website or social media).

The Downtown location is not open for free that day.

Jan 13, 2018
Content Marketing Unconference

Do you have a documented content marketing strategy for 2018? Do you know the metrics your boss cares about? Do you plan on hiring a freelancer, or get hired as a freelancer in 2018?

Tackle these questions and more at the Content Marketing Unconference on Saturday, Jan. 13, at NedSpace in downtown Portland.

Why attend? This is your chance to learn from others, seek out answers to your questions Build a collaborative network, establish partnerships, and be in a community Open your awareness to new ideas for yourself or your business

How Does It Work? We kick off with informal networking, opening remarks, outline the process, then dive into building the day's agenda around your needs, interests, and areas of expertise. The sessions will be 45-minutes.

The Agenda 9-9:30 Arrive, get coffee and a donut, settle in, meet someone 9:30-10 Overview and group agenda setting 10-10:45 Session 1 10:45-11:30 Session 2 11:30-12:15 Session 3 12:15-1 LUNCH (provided) 1-1:45 Session 4 1:45-2:30 Session 5 2:30-3 Closing remarks

You choose the session topics. Here are a few to consider: -Content Strategy -Content Production Workflow -Metrics Your Boss Cares About -Launching a campaign -Buyer Personas -Content Audit -Mapping Your Customer Journey -Hiring a Freelancer -Content Marketing & SEO

Who should attend? If you took the time to read through all of this, then YOU! The event is open to anyone with an interest in the topic.

Jan 18, 2018
Optimizing Customer Experiences through Personalized Marketing | Camp Optimization
Assembly Lounge Bar (Revolution Hall)

For many years, companies have sought to personalize experiences for customers across websites, email marketing, ads and more. Yet many have found the available technologies lacking. Some technologies only work for one channel (say, the website). Others don’t create a complete profile of a customer using diverse data sources. And many technologies don’t take advantage of advances in machine learning and data science to predict what a customer might want or do next. Kim will discuss how leading brands such as Heineken, Dr. Martens and Madison Reed personalize interactions with customers in an omnichannel fashion.

Come network with Portland's top digital marketing, design and optimization professionals at the Assembly Lounge Bar located at Washington High School in Suite 213 on the second floor.

Don't forget to RSVP and spread the word. First round of drinks is on us with an RSVP!

Feb 26, 2018
Design Reality - PDX's Immersive Tech Community - Changing Lives with Immersive Technology in Healthcare

How is immersive technology changing lives within Healthcare? From treating pain in burn victims, helping paralyzed individuals gain sensations, to changing patterns in the brain, immersive technology has only just begun to show us its potential uses in the healthcare industry. Come out of an engaging evening of community networking, food, demos, and three presentation exploring the future of healthcare.

Purchase your tickets:

This month we are going to continue the new format of talks beginning at 6:30, with an additional 30 minutes of networking at the end of the event. Be prepared for talks to begin at 6:30pm!


5:30pm - Doors Open / Food / Drinks / Demos / Networking
6:30pm - Event/Talks Begin!
8:00pm - Networking
8:30pm - Event Ends and After Party at Portland City Grill

Raina Tamakawa & Darren Connor - Providence Health

Can Virtual Reality improve pain for post-surgery cancer patients?

The epidemic of opioid addiction is a well-documented consequence of our approach to treating pain. As part of Providence Health & Services’ work in the research and development of alternatives to opioids, a team set out to test the effectiveness of Virtual Reality as a pain treatment for gastrointestinal malignancy​ surgery patients.

Daren is a Product Manager with Ambulatory Services at Providence Health & Services in Portland where he collaborates with clinical experts in sleep disorders, sports medicine, diabetes, physical therapy and chronic pain to develop new offerings and improve existing services.​

Raina is a clinical research supervisor at Providence Cancer Institute. She has a BS in Chemistry from Pacific University and an MS in Pharmaceutical Science from the University of British Columbia.​

Frances Ayalasomayajula - HP - Applications of Virtual Reality in Healthcare

With advances in computer technology and software sophistication, the robustness and
pervasiveness of VR solutions continues to progress. Healthcare-minded technologist are producing more impactful experiences for users and more clinically relevant applications. In this session, Fran Ayalasomayajula, HP’s Global Healthcare Lead for Population Health Information Technology and Innovations will take us on an exploration of virtual reality in healthcare, beginning with an overview of the technology by market segment, including medical education and training, patient education, surgical planning and digital therapeutics.

Purchase your tickets:

Thank you to our sponsors for helping make these events possible:

New Relic provides the real-time insights that software-driven businesses need to innovate faster. We're hiring for a variety of positions in our Portland Headquarters, browse our open jobs and join us!

Perkins Coie represents market leaders in AR and VR technology, products, services and content. We assist our clients in raising capital for new ventures, protecting intellectual property, distribution, licensing, regulatory compliance and a wide variety of other legal services.

The Khronos Group was founded in 2000 to provide a structure for key industry players to cooperate in the creation of open standards that deliver on the promise of cross-platform technology. Today, Khronos is a not for profit, member-funded consortium dedicated to the creation of royalty-free open standards for graphics, parallel computing, vision processing, and dynamic media.

Make sure to grab your tickets on ImpactFlow:

Mar 10, 2018
ProductCamp Portland 2018
Portland State University (PSU) - Smith Memorial Center

In its 7th year, ProductCamp is a user-driven “unconference” that brings together 200'ish passionate product managers & marketers who are interested in collaborating to share insights, learning best practices, and networking with other top professionals in the Portland product community.

Mar 14, 2018
Workshop: Starting a Podcast

Podcasting is one of the most accessible ways to build a brand and get your voice out to public.

In this introductory course, Hatch Innovation's Channelsmith, Collin Gabriel, will help you understand the gear, software, and service options you will need to get your podcast off the ground. From low cost/no cost options to premium services, this will be a fast paced review of what it takes to establish your RSS stream on the channels available, obtain high quality sound, and the best options to conduct interviews remotely.

Soon you will be entertaining earballs everywhere and adding to the diversity of voices that make podcasts such an awesome tool for learning.

Bring: You should bring a laptop and a willingness to learn! You do not need to know anything about programming.

Instructor: Collin Gabriel, Hatch Innovation's Channelsmith

Mar 29, 2018
Finding a Niche in a Crowded Market: Rick Gilbert, Founder & Designer of Grafletics Apparel Design
Mad Fish Digital

Rick Gilbert joins us to speak about his business, Grafletics, a design and apparel company. He’ll delve into his story, business concept, and how he found a niche in a crowded market.

He has over 10 years of experience working with both world-class brands and alongside entrepreneurs transitioning their life’s passion into their life’s work. In 2008, Rick formed Rick Gilbert Design and successfully built a top-tier client roster across the U.S. working with brands in the athletic and outdoor industry.

Companies Rick has worked for:

• Under Armour • Keen Footwear • Olukai Premium Footwear • Korkers • Wicked Quick • Respect Your Universe • Greenlayer Sports

About Mad Data & Design For those interested in data, design, tech, and digital marketing, Mad Data & Design is the place to be. You'll learn about companies that innovate, meet people and partners, and enjoy a drink. We invite speakers who have knowledge to share, a story to tell, or tips and inspiration. Join us!


5:30 - Doors Open / Drinks / Get to know your community 6:00 pm - Speaker! 6:30 - 7:30pm - F&A / Community announcements / Mingle

Our community is centered on giving first. We help each other connect to the resources and knowledge that will take us all further, faster. Through collaborative learning and improving our community, we all succeed. If you're intrigued, RSVP for our next event and we'll look forward to connecting with you!

Mad Data & Design happens bi-monthly at Mad Fish Digital in Slabtown, Portland.

Apr 16, 2018
So you think you're customer centric...but are you really?
CENTRL Office West End

We all know that the secret to generating long-term revenue growth relies on your ability to deliver outstanding customer value.

But how to do you create a growth strategy that consistently improves customer experience and converts leads into evangelists?

Join us for an informal candid discussion where we'll uncover how successful startup founders and leaders employ a customer-centric mindset to power and scale their revenue growth.

This event is hosted by RevDev, a collective of startup growth advisors, as part of their Portland company launch and kick-off. The RevDev founders will walk us through their take on Success Marketing - a strategy that integrates Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success to deliver bigtime customer value and generate sustainable revenue growth.

RevDev will then be joined by three leaders of thriving Portland startups for a panel discussion about how customer-centricity can supercharge your growth strategy. Hear first hand the challenges they've faced, their lessons learned, and their secrets for growing revenue and customer loyalty. The topics will be selected from audience suggestions beforehand, and you'll walk away with actionable, field-tested, bottom-line-driving growth strategies and tactics in the disciplines that actually matter.

Join us and tell us what matters most to you, your team, and your business so that we can help you kick ass in 2018! Agenda: 5:30 - Mingling, networking, food and drinks!

6:00 - Success Marketing introduction by Aaron Thompson, David Connors, and Kasey Jones from RevDev

6:20 - Panel discussion on how to use a customer-centric approach to fuel early growth

7:20 - More networking!

Meet our panel: Aaron Ward, CEO of AskNicely. Aaron is a serial entrepreneur, with 20+ years of experience designing and launching disruptive, new-to-market products, channels, and businesses.

Julia Alena, President and CEO of ReelDx. Julia's career is marked by her dedication to the unrelenting pursuit of scalable and profitable paths to rapid growth while delivering an exceptional customer experience.

Nick Hill, VP of Product for Lithium Technologies. Nick is a product leader with a passion for creating well-designed, innovative products that lead their market. Nick has experience growing a company from a 10 person startup to a 700+ person publicly traded company.

This event is proudly sponsored by StarveUps!

Starve Ups was Oregon’s first startup accelerator, and is its only scalerator, which is defined as an end-to-end accelerator. Starve Ups was founded by founders and is solely made up of a community of startup founders and their membership companies.

Jun 21, 2018
Personalized Marketing Through Automation is Possible
Hatch Lab PDX,

Participants will learn how to do marketing and sales for any product or service more efficiently and productively through the use of marketing and sales technology. They will also be able to hear what solutions, as there are many, would be a good fit for their particular needs.

This workshop is taught by Bottom Line Strategy Group.

Jun 27, 2018
Content Creation for Digital Marketers: When to Be Good and When to Be Fast
WeWork Pioneer Place

We'll be hosting a talk and social hour, with a featured guest - local founder and content creation mastermind, Joel Barker on June 27th!

Martech is a merger of two critical aspect of every business - Marketing and Technology. This event covers how to optimize your content in the multi-channel digital landscape.

Joel will be discussing how to manage the delicate balance of content quality and quantity varies in different marketing channels, covering social, email, blogs, websites, and more.

As usual, we will be hosting food and beverages and invite marketing tech enthusiasts of all types and skill levels. This week's event is sponsored by Act-On Software.


6:00 pm - Food, beverage, and networking

6:30 pm - Welcome message from Vinay Rao and Alex Mighion

6:35 pm - Speaker 1: Joel Barker, Founder of Lion's Way Content

7:15 pm - Group discussion, Future Meetup Ideas, Cross Promotion

8:00 pm - End.

Oct 25, 2018
Better Email Marketing: Active Campaign 101
Hatch Lab PDX,

Have you ever wondered how all the wiz-bang marketing professionals are able to increase website traffic and conversion rates for their clients? Yeah, we did too. So, we asked the very talented Jake Wagner, CDMP to host a workshop on one of the comprehensive email marketing solutions available today, Active Campaign.

In this workshop, Jake will introduce newsletter campaigns, contact managment, automation set up, and the reporting and analytics that are included in this online tool.

If you haven’t heard of ActiveCampaign, it’s like MailChimp on steroids. It is a great tool at an affordable price, making it the best fit for many entrepreneurs. Bring your laptop and desire for better communication to the first of these one hour workshops!

Nov 3, 2018
Practical, Hands-on Training for Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions

Want to take your career to the next level?

Practical, Hands-on Training for Advanced Excel Formulas & Functions

Microsoft Excel is perhaps the most important computer software program used in business today. That's why so many workers and prospective employees are required to learn Excel to enter or remain in the workplace. Unfortunately many college students, recent grads, and professionals haven’t mastered Excel or have the adequate Excel skills employers are seeking. According to Payscale, “ 80 percent of job openings require spreadsheet and word-processing software skills. Yet so many people never even give Excel a chance because it has an intimidating stigma around it.”

If you walk through the finance or accounting department at any major corporate office, you will see computer screens filled with Excel spreadsheets outlining financial results, budgets, forecasts, and plans used to make big business decisions. Marketing and Product profesionals using Excel to list customer and sales targets; managing thier sales force and planning future marketing plans based on past results. Pivot tables to quickly and easily summarize customer and sales data by category with a quick drag-and drop. HR professionals using giant spreadsheets full of employee data and understand exactly where the costs are coming from and how to best plan and control them for the future. Supply logistic professional to manage inventory and forecasts demand.In essence, you can turn an entire department around just because you know how to manipulate data in order to get an aggregate view.


Advanced functions and formulas

 *Logical functions
 *Conditional functions
 *Financial functions
 *Text functions
 *Date functions
 *Array formulas

Lookups and data tables

 *Using lookup functions
 *Using MATCH and INDEX
 *Creating data tables

Advanced data management

 *Validating cell entries
 *Advanced filtering

Advanced charting

 *Chart formatting options
 *Combination charts
 *Graphical objects

PivotTables and PivotCharts

 *Working with PivotTables
 *Rearranging PivotTables
 *Formatting PivotTables

Exporting and Importing Data

 *Exporting and importing text files
 *Getting external data

Analytical Tools

 *Goal Seek

Macros and Visual Basic

 *Running and recording a macro
 *Working with VBA code


Martin Jetton has 30+ years of advanced supply chain analytics, predictive analytics, and statistical consulting experience. He's currently a Principal at the Liberty Advisor Group, where he works in advanced supply chain analytics. In his previous role, he was the Senior Predictive Consultant at Corios; where he developed predictive models and scorecards, forecast trends, identify uncertainties, and assign the ideal strategies to maximize performance. The firm’s clients are in the banking, brokerage, credit, utilities and healthcare industries.


Not only are many business professionals using Excel to perform everyday functional tasks in the workplace, an increasing number of employers rely on Excel for decision support.The ability to analyze data is a powerful skill that helps you make better decisions. Microsoft Excel is one of the top tools for data analysis and the built-in pivot tables are arguably the most popular analytic tool.


They are NOT seeing if you simply have Excel as a skill. They are diving deeping when it comes to determining which candidate to interview and hire. They look for Pivot Table, VLOOKUP, Macros, VBA, Conditional Formatting, Charting and Filtering…These are far more telling of your ability to an employer then writing Excel. Someone who writes VLOOKUP, Pivot Table, Filtering demonstrates an ability to analyse data and so has eliminated a potential barrier in the mind of the hiring manager reviewing your resume. In essence, use actual Excel functions in your Resume!


Did you know that Excel know-how can instantly increase your job prospects as well as your starting salary? Excel is a transferrable skill that any hiring manager understands is critical. Research shows job applicants who know MS Excel make $22.66 per hour on average compared to the $20.14 per hour their peers make who don’t know the program. That’s roughly an extra $20 per eight-hour workday and $100 per work week, simply for knowing how to use a single computer program. Moreover, full-time employees in certain industries can see a starting salary bump of anywhere from $1,000 to $7,000 per year based on their Excel skills. That’s not chump change you can ignore.


A majority 63 percent of twenty-somethings want to start their own business. How will you stay organized, track data, or forecast your finances if you’re not spreadsheet-savvy? Many millennials simply want their first job. But, what about your performance once someone hires you? The biggest complaint employers have about millennials is that they lack basic hard and soft skills.These skills include things like teamwork and problem solving, but also basic administrative skills like MS Word and Powerpoint. Once you’re hired, you want to meet the basic requirements of your role without stressing.


People whose work is completed through MS Excel; Software Engineers, Finance Professionals, HR Professionals, Marketing Professionals, Project Managers, Technology Professionals.




This is one of our high demand classes. In the case, we sale out; email us at [email protected] and ask when our next course will be in

Nov 14, 2018
Better Email Marketing: Active Campaign 101
Hatch Lab PDX,

Have you ever wondered how all the wiz-bang marketing professionals are able to increase website traffic and conversion rates for their clients? Yeah, we did too. So, we asked the very talented Jake Wagner, CDMP, of Digital Marketing 4FP to host a workshop on one of the comprehensive email marketing solutions available today, Active Campaign.

In this workshop, Jake will introduce newsletter campaigns, contact managment, automation set up, and the reporting and analytics that are included in this online tool.

Jan 22, 2019
Startup Founders in Tech [1on1 Conversations over Video]

Startup Founders of Tech Startups Only

We're startup founders building tech products to solve problems in the world. 

We come together from different backgrounds and industries and it's this diversity that makes group members valuable to one another. Some of us code. Others do marketing. Some of us think we'll be fundraising forever... No matter, we've got overlapping challenges and experiences to share with each other for what to do (and just as importantly what not to do).

So, if you're looking to get smarter and move faster with your business, join us. We meet the 4th Tuesday of the month at 4pm Eastern / 1pm Pacific. 

Reach out if you have questions. 


PS - If you're interested but not yet in the group, it's easy to join. RSVP for this event and I'll follow-up. We want to ensure the group remains as promised... a group of Startup Founders in Tech

Feb 5, 2019
Startup Coffee Hour Meetaway
Online. You'll get a link when you register

For people working in startups or around the startup scene, Startup Coffee Hour is a 1-hour agendaless and speakerless event where you’ll meet new people and have the opportunity to talk about what you care about.

We're running this event over Meetaway -- the format is back-to-back 1on1 conversations over video call where you'll have the ability to choose who you meet. It's an efficient way to digest a thought with other entrepreneurs and get back to your day.

RSVP and we'll send you a link to join.

Apr 18, 2019
Instagram 101 for small businesses
Custom House/WeWork

Instagram Portland is a new meetup for anyone creating instagram content for themselves or for their business. Expect presentations on a range of insta-topics, including photography, hashtags, partnerships, ads, analytics and more.

For our inaugural meetup, organizers @petermarks and @kait.hurley will present on how they've grown their small business ( on instagram and provide tips for growing an engaged audience.

Doors for the event will open at 5:30pm. The half-hour presentation will start at 6pm, followed by a Q+A session and networking.

May 28, 2019
Tech Startup Founders [1on1 Conversations over Video]
Online. You'll get a link to join when you RSVP

Founders of Tech Startups Only

We come together from different backgrounds and industries and it's this diversity that makes group members valuable. We collaborate and share tips on what’s worked and just as important… what hasn’t worked to grow our startups.

RSVP for this event and I'll follow-up. We’re a no-sales group and I work to keep the group as promised -- a group of Tech Startup Founders.

We meet the 4th Tuesday of the month at 1-2pm Pacific.

Sep 17, 2019
Digital Transformation and the Future of Business
Bumped Inc. in the Big Pink! 111 SW 5th Ave, 3rd Floor

Announcing the new MIT Enterprise Forum, Portland, Oregon Chapter!

Topic: Digital Transformation and the Future of Business

Did you know that:

97% of consumers search online to find a local business? 46% of Google searches are seeking local information? 88% of consumer local business searches on a mobile device result in a call or visit to the business within 24 hours?

The digital age rewards change and punishes doing nothing. It is no longer, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” How are companies adapting to the changed (and changing) world, being the disrupters rather than the disrupted?

Join us to hear four dynamo panelists how their companies drive digital transformations and how they successfully digitally transformed their businesses. From SEO/SEM to mobile native and electronic transactions we will discuss the trends and findings that shape the future of business.

Schedule: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 5:30 PM Doors open / Enjoy a hosted bar with beer and wine (21+ must show ID) 6:30 PM Program begins 8:00 PM Program concludes

Panelists include:

John Jerome, Founder, and CEO, Jerome, Bruhn & Associates

Mike Barrett, Co-founder, and CRO, Unosquare

Jason Thane, Co-founder, GenUI

Tracy Petrie, Researcher, OHSU

Mark Neuhausen, Technologist, and Angel Investor (moderator)

We look forward to seeing there!

Cheers, MIT Enterprise Forum NW

Oct 7, 2019
Marketing Loves Sales
Portland Center Stage at The Armory 128 Northwest 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97209

This year’s Marketing Loves Sales event will focus on the pivotal role Social Media plays for marketing and sales. For the first time, the event will have tracks dedicated to the nuances of social media for each of these teams. From planned marketing programs to social selling, our speaker lineup is packed with industry experts and practitioners who will deliver fresh ideas and innovative case studies.

Join more than 300 sales and marketing and sales professionals for a day focused on upping your social media game!

Jan 23, 2020
Product Messaging 101: How to Communicate the Awesomeness of your Tech
Custom House/WeWork

Join messaging strategist, Emma O’Brien, for a session that breaks down the most important elements of effective product messaging.

ABOUT THIS EVENT Do you want to tell a simpler story about your app, platform or other tech product? Are you a technical person who struggles to make your product capabilities easy for people to understand? Do you wish your website told a more compelling story?

Learn how to communicate the awesomeness of your product with new clarity.

WHAT YOU'LL LEARN In this talk, you’ll learn the basics of effective product messaging, including: What you need -- and don’t need -- to include in your story. How to make your product’s value clear and compelling. The ultimate shortcut to messaging that resonates with customers. You’ll leave with a clear framework to start building your own product messaging.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? his talk is for founders and marketers of tech (or tech-enabled) products who want to improve their messaging strategy for marketing and sales activities. Especially if your current story feels over-complicated, too technical, or a little “meh.”

WHO'S TEACHING? This workshop will be led by Emma O’Brien, founder of Punchy, a messaging consultancy that helps tech companies sell their value and own their truth. Emma helps founders and product marketers extract the most compelling aspects of their products and articulate them in a clear, concise way that resonates with their audiences. Learn more at

HOW MUCH? Just $10, but free to WeWork members (ask you location reps for the code)

RSVP on Eventbrite

Apr 9, 2020
Marketing and Sales Q&A with Kasey Jones of A Better Jones, Our Galaxy

Kasey is a startup growth strategist, community builder, event organizer, and people connecter. She is founder of A Better Jones a demand generation marketing agency that helps startups accelerate growth, sales teams fill pipeline, and leaders expand their influence as industry thought leaders. And co-founder and co-host of The Other Side of Sales, a podcast, Bravado community, and resource on a mission to make B2B sales culture more inclusive by celebrating the stories of underrepresented sales professionals.

Her latest endeavor is Our Galaxy, a community, resource, and coaching platform designed to diversify thought leadership, by helping founders, leaders, and business pros on the rise build authentic personal brands and expand their industry influence.

Apr 21, 2020
ASABHKE* with Saul Colt of The Idea Integration Co.

*Ask Saul Anything Because He Knows Everything

Join PIE and long time PIE mentor Saul Colt for an AMA (but we recommend that you tap into his Word of Mouth marketing genius).

Saul is the Founder and Creative Director at The Idea Integration Co. In his career he has been named as one of the iMEDIA 25: Internet Marketing Leaders & Innovators as well as been called one of Canada’s best community builders/experiential marketers. NYT Best selling author and Internet Pioneer Chris Brogan once referred to Saul as “exactly who you want representing your company” and that message has been echoed by media properties ranging from Inc to Forbes Magazine.

Saul has had many career highlights including being selected as the first international employee of Zipcar and the person responsible for launching Zipcar into the Canadian marketplace. Was the first marketing person and a key part of the growth of (The #1 Cloud Accounting service for Small Business Owners) as well as leadership roles at Rogers Communications and the first Chief Evangelist of

And as if that wasn’t enough, Saul is also a Professional Speaker and Consultant specializing in Word of Mouth Marketing, Stunt Marketing, Social Media, Customer Experience, Community Building and Business Courage.


Apr 22, 2020
The Future of Retail: Succeeding in an Online-Only World
Virtual Webinar

BrainStation Online Live Thought Leadership Series:

Join BrainStation, the global leader in premium digital skills training, as they welcome industry leaders to unpack a breadth of topics relevant to the future of work and the digital economy. In The Future of Retail: Succeeding in an Online World, three expert guests will discuss how they've had to re-imagine their eCommerce experience, using data, UX, and digital marketing to appeal to consumers who aren't able to visit physical stores.

The Future of Retail: Succeeding in an Online World

Wednesday, April 22nd // 10 - 11am PDT

Guest speakers:

Shimona Mehta, Head of EMEA, Shopify Plus

Deborah Honig, Head of Nike Direct EMEA West

Nicole West, VP Digital Strategy and Product at Chipotle Mexican Grill

Register here:

BrainStation is the global leader in premium digital skills training for professionals and enterprises looking to future-proof themselves in the digital economy.

In addition to empowering professionals with the skills they need to be durable in their careers, we have a thriving Community that is enabled through our Thought Leadership Series. Twice per month, we welcome industry titans to an online live panel discussion to unpack relevant and important topics as it pertains to Technology, Innovation and how to thrive in a digital economy. These events support individuals with key industry, discipline and development insights that support them as they navigate their professional growth. They've welcomed leaders from some of the most successful companies in the world, like Spotify, The New York Times, Patagonia, Vimeo, Google, Nike and many more.

Watch out for the next event in early May, The New Rules of Marketing: Content & Social Media Marketing in 2020!

Apr 30, 2020
Rise Up - A Live Virtual Workshop for Companies who Refuse to Stay Down
Virtual zoom location

It’s Time to Change Your Thinking. Making smart business decisions in uncertainty is tough. You don’t need complete clarity before you can move. On April 30th, join us for a virtual one-day event where together we look for new opportunities for your business and prepare for life on the other side.

Workshop Sessions And just like that, the world changed. And you need to change too. Each of these Rise Up Workshop Sessions is designed to build on each other with insights and expertise that helps you know where to put your energy, both now and into the future. 1. Perspective Sure the world has changed, but what does that mean for your business? During this session we will examine the bird’s eye view of businesses across multiple industries. What are the emerging trends? What is and isn’t working? What innovations are happening? And what the hell does “bounce back” mean anyway? 2. Connection Let’s talk about how to connect with customers and clients in new ways based on our new reality. People pay attention to things that are important to them. Create an emotional connection that goes beyond what you sell and understand how to build passion around your products and services. 3. Opportunity Moving the needle is about turning over every rock in your yard looking for opportunities you might not have seen before and trying new things. What are the top tactics that you might want to consider? Our speakers and panelists will discuss real ideas for you to put to the test and unearth opportunities for marketing your business.

With over 19 Marketing, Design, and Business experts, you'll find someone to answer all your questions for how to adjust your strategy during COVID-19. All proceeds being donated to local charities.

Nonprofits and students email [email protected] for free registration promo codes.

May 7, 2020
The New Rules of Marketing: Content and Social Media in 2020
Virtual Webinar

BrainStation Online Live Thought Leadership Series:

While brands may have their customers’ undivided attention, business-as-usual content and social media marketing may come across the wrong way. How do you continue to grow your brand at a time when customers' may not be ready to buy? What type of content and platforms can be used to maintain audience engagement – without looking tone deaf?

Join BrainStation, the global leader in premium digital skills training, as they welcome industry leaders to unpack a breadth of topics relevant to the future of work and the digital economy. In The New Rules of Marketing: Content and Social Media in 2020, three expert guests will discuss how to navigate the new social media reality, and how to become a brand worth following in the COVID-19 era.

The New Rules of Marketing: Content and Social Media in 2020

Thursday, May 7th // 10 - 11am PDT

Guest speakers:

Mike Giepert, Executive Creative Director at Wealthsimple

Samantha Yu, VP, Brand & Integrated Marketing at Refinery29

Kirstine Stewart, Head, Shaping the Future of Media at World Economic Forum

Register here:

BrainStation is the global leader in premium digital skills training for professionals and enterprises looking to future-proof themselves in the digital economy. 

In addition to empowering professionals with the skills they need to be durable in their careers, we have a thriving Community that is enabled through our Thought Leadership Series. Twice per month, we welcome industry titans to an online live panel discussion to unpack relevant and important topics as it pertains to Technology, Innovation and how to thrive in a digital economy. These events support individuals with key industry, discipline and development insights that support them as they navigate their professional growth. They've welcomed leaders from some of the most successful companies in the world, like Spotify, The New York Times, Patagonia, Vimeo, Google, Nike and many more.

Watch out for the next event in late May, Scrapping the Roadmap: Navigating Product Through Change!

Jul 9, 2020
Designing Great Experiences in a Digital-First World
Virtual Webinar

BrainStation Online Live Panel Discussion:

The pace of digitization has sped up over the last few months, forcing entire industries to adopt new digital strategies. How have the world’s best brands, their designers and digital products owners, adjusted to this new reality? What trends have they noticed and what can we expect for the future?

Join BrainStation, the global leader in premium digital skills training, for a discussion with global design, product, and marketing experts, as they share the impact COVID-19 has had on their digital offerings, and how they adjusted to create seamless and memorable experiences for their customers.

Designing Great Experiences in a Digital-First World

Thursday, July 9th // 10 - 11am PT

Guest speakers:

  • Tracie Lee, Product Design Director at The New York Times
  • Jason Mante, GM and Founder, Area 120 at Google
  • Erin Essex, Director, UX and Product Design at Shutterstock
  • Klaus Heesch, Director, Experience Design at Capital One

Register here:

BrainStation is the global leader in premium digital skills training for professionals and enterprises looking to future-proof themselves in the digital economy.

In addition to empowering professionals with the skills they need to be durable in their careers, we have a thriving Community that is enabled through our Thought Leadership panels. Every month, we welcome industry titans to an online live panel discussion to unpack relevant and important topics as it pertains to Technology, Innovation and how to thrive in a digital economy. These events support individuals with key industry, discipline and development insights that support them as they navigate their professional growth. They've welcomed leaders from some of the most successful companies in the world, like Spotify, The New York Times, Patagonia, Vimeo, Google, Nike and many more.

Jul 23, 2020
The Future of Business
Virtual Event

Is your business truly ready, willing, and able to embrace the direction of where business is heading? Comcast Business knows that in the B2B world, we talk a lot about the future of business – the ability to conduct business from anywhere, anytime, with anyone.

To learn more about the future of working remotely, register today to attend The Future of Business 2020 Virtual Conference hosted by Comcast Business. The conference has a robust speakers list, including a keynote from Robert Irvine of the Food Network’s ‘Restaurant Impossible.’ This is a conference you will not want to miss.

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Master chef and businessman Robert Irvine will discuss the universal keys to embracing new customer expectations and how to navigate change to be successful. Using the concepts from his Food Network’s hit show, “Restaurant Impossible” he will discuss the concepts to identify the willingness and ability to lead your business in the direction of successful change. Robert Irvine is a world-class chef, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. The host of Food Network’s hit show Restaurant: Impossible, he has given struggling restaurateurs a second chance to turn their lives and businesses around in over 200 episodes and counting.

BREAKOUT SESSIONS: How to Build a Best-In-Class Marketing Team for Each Stage of Growth - Panel Discussion Connectivity: Methods and Myths - Panel Discussion Maintaining a Secured Workplace Operation Amid Changing Environments Unleashing Your Organization’s Potential through Leadership Development

Feb 10, 2021
Email Marketing Basics Webinar: Writing Effective Copy
Virtual Event

Want to write impactful email marketing copy that utilizes your unique voice? On February 10th, Zoho's hosting a free, educational webinar on writing effective copy for your email marketing campaigns. Learn how to establish your brand's voice, hone in on your campaign goals, and get some email marketing campaign ideas.

Register Now:

This webinar will kick off our three week series on email marketing basics. Check out our other postings for additional sessions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at [email protected]

Feb 12, 2021
Friday Tech Talk at The Tech Academy: Spencer Verada - Talking about SEO
The Tech Academy

Join us on Friday 2/12 for this week's Tech Talk at The Tech Academy. This week Spencer Verada will be sharing essential tips and tricks to get your website listed at the top of the internet's most popular search engines. The world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is constantly shifting and changing, so join us this Friday on Google Meet ( to learn from an expert!

Feb 17, 2021
Email Marketing Basics Webinar: Building and Maintaining Your Lists
Virtual Event

On February 17th, Zoho's hosting a free, educational webinar on building and maintaining your email marketing lists. Learn how to build, segment, and nurture your email lists in order to improve engagement and retain quality campaign subscribers. In this webinar you will also gain a better understanding of GDPR, avoiding spam filters, and the importance of keeping your lists clean.

Register Now:

This webinar is part of our Email Marketing Basics series. If you have any questions or if you're interested in our other sessions, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Feb 24, 2021
Email Marketing Basics Webinar: Automating and Monitoring Your Lists
Virtual Event

On February 24th, Zoho's hosting a free, educational webinar on automating and monitoring your email marketing lists. Learn how to create automated email marketing campaigns to streamline your customer acquisition process. You’ll also learn about managing your sender reputation score, and how to use key email marketing metrics to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Register Now:

This webinar is part of our Email Marketing Basics series. If you have any questions or if you're interested in our other sessions, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Jun 15, 2021
Yelp + GA: Lean Marketing For Startups And Small Businesses

Join Yelp for Business and General Assembly for a series of workshops focused on empowering business owners.

If you're a startup or small business, you're likely time-poor and resource constrained, so on top of growing your business and acquiring users and customers, how do you also market your company brilliantly?

If you want to reduce your marketing mistakes and increase your successes—this is the workshop for you. Packed with practical tips on how to fast track your business growth through proven lean marketing strategies, this session will help you get started on effectively getting the word out about your business. You'll learn the basics of content marketing strategy, social media marketing, email marketing, and so much more. You'll also gain knowledge of the appropriate marketing channel to use based on your business model and startup marketing strategy.

Come along if you're a startup and small business owner—or are thinking about starting one—with little or no marketing experience.

Jun 24, 2021
Marketing Week | How to Utilize LinkedIn for B2B Marketing
Internet/Online (registration required)

This session is part of GA's Marketing Week, a weeklong festival of free workshops, fireside chats and panel discussions focused on reimagining the world of marketing, media, technology and creative industries. Learn new skills, gain insight into other industries, and inspire others to drive change.

The marketing opportunity on LinkedIn is huge. Whether you looking to generate leads, build brand awareness, or establish strategic partnerships, LinkedIn is the B2B marketer’s social network of choice! It’s their business’ secret weapon.

This webinar is designed for B2B marketers, corporates and consultants to help you engage your audience, optimize your efforts and grow your business using LinkedIn.

Takeaways - Creating the best first impression - Optimizing your content strategy - being generous and adding value - Strategically building your network - WHO you connect with and WHY - Winning algorithm love - how to optimize your reach and engagement - Sharing your expert voice - in groups and beyond - Bringing it all together

Jul 8, 2021
Brainstorming: Coming Up with Creative Ideas When You Feel Stuck

"Flood your life with ideas from many sources. Creativity needs to be exercised like a muscle. If you don't use it, you'll lose it!" -Brian Tracy

You know what they say. Creativity = Success. Creativity helps you stand out - it helps differentiate you from your competitors, and it makes you more memorable in your customers' minds.

Except it isn't that easy to come up with creative ideas and more often than not, you find yourself stuck with the same old ideas. Big ideas don’t just grow on trees. You can't force creativity, and sometimes, "creative" isn't enough for an idea to succeed.

We might just know how to help you out! Join our experts as they take you through a tried and tested frameworks to generate creative ideas and train your creative muscle on a regular basis.

Oct 7, 2021
Marketing Yourself as an OUT Entrepreneur
Zoom Meeting

As founders, we understand that a personal brand is the unique combination of skills and experiences that make you, you.

So how does that differ when you're an LGBTQ+ founder?

How can our personal brand as an Out founder build up resiliency in the companies we're leading?

What can we learn from marketing a company to also build our personal brand?

Join StartOut for a night of insight and networking from key marketing strategists. Together, we will make new connections, learn about key PR strategies, and get some useful tips on how to lead with your multiple identities and unique story while networking.

Moderator: AJ DeLeón, Co-Founder of Innovare

Innovare is an ed tech firm disrupting education via data strategy. AJ is a Latinx LGBT entrepreneur and networking master.

Featured Expert: Danielle Roberts

Danielle is a queer, multi-passionate entrepreneur. She co-founded Tail of Two Creatives, LLC., a Wordpress web design agency, alongside her wife in 2017. Through the agency, they built Inclusive Apparel Co., an e-commerce store, to fuel donations to LGBTQIA+ organizations, and they routinely build pro-bono sites for queer businesses and other non-profits that align with the company's values.

Danielle also began a coaching business in 2020, where she works alongside other ambitious millennials to uncover limiting beliefs and unlock the next level of their personal and professional lives through career development, business strategy, productivity techniques, and mindset support.

In her free time, she hosts a podcast called The Darn Good Life, loves cuddling with her two Australian Shepherd rescues, and enjoys biking to breweries on the weekends.

Whether meeting Danielle in a business meeting or for a beer, she shows up the same way in her work as she does in her life - out, proud, and ready to leave this world better than she found it. Connect with Danielle on LinkedIn here.

Jul 20, 2023
Growth & Data-Driven Marketer Meet Up

Join your fellow growth & data-driven marketers to talk shop and chit chat. This event is put is put on the Efficient Growth Slack Community. All our welcome. :)

P.S. In the spirit of the year of efficiency you gotta pay your own tab.
