ERROR: Couldn't find all Calagator::Sources with 'id': (996334461, {:include=>[:events, :venues]}) (found 1 results, but was looking for 2)
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Jelly in Portland

Collective Agency Downtown
511 SW 10th Ave, Suite 1108
Portland, OR 97205, US (map)

Access Notes

We're on the 11th floor, come on up. Non-members park bikes outside the building. Paid car parking is connected to the building, and a SmartPark is two blocks away near Target. Located on SW 10th and Washington, between Target and Powell's, on the big block of food carts. We're on the Streetcar line, a block from the Red and Blue MAX lines, and a 5-minute walk from the Green, Yellow, Orange lines.



Jelly in Portland continues, every Monday (and really every Mon-Fri, 9-5). Come and work here! Alongside others. Bring friends.

Open to people who are friendly and doing some kind of work they care about, no matter what kind of work it is. Most people are usually working on website-related work or writing, or having conversations.

Look at the homepage of the website and see who we are and how you'd like to be involved.

Info on Jelly coworking:

Logistics: Wi-fi, Stumptown coffee, beautiful workplace, indoor bike parking available upstairs. On the Yellow and Green MAX lines.

Expect to get as much work done as you want to, and to ask and give advice as much as you and others want to. "What are you working on?" and "What do you think of this?" (while showing a screen) are favorite questions.

