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ThursdayMar 11 2010March SAO Corvallis Tech Pub: Increasing Your Business Through Social Media: What's Important and Why You Should Care
Thursday, March 11th, 2010
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Renaissance on the Riverfront 136 SW Washington Ave. Corvallis, Oregon 97333
Google Map
RSVP TO: SAO by emailing sao-coordinator [AT] or on the Willamette Innovators Network
$5 for SAO members or students, and $15 for non-members
Includes finger food and no-host bar
5:30 - 6:15: Business Networking Time with finger food, no host bar
6:15 - 6:25: 30-Second Mic (give us your technology business elevator pitch!!)
6:45 Program: PANEL - Increasing Your Business Through Social Media: What's Important and Why You Should Care
Social Media Panel -- Increasing Your Business Through Social Media: What's Important and Why You Should Care
Social Media is here. Facebook has 300 million members. Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world. Twitter is approaching 50 million tweets a day.
Companies large and small are embracing social media to help get the word out, connect with customers, and provide another way to reach customer service. Comcast is turning its image around largely due to its Twitter account for customer support (@ComcastCares). This year Pepsi decided not to air any Super Bowl ads in favor of their Social Media campaigns. A Portland food-cart, Whiffies, does nearly all of its marketing on Twitter and is expanding to Seattle.
Are your Social Media efforts floundering? Don't know where to start? Feeling overwhelmed with all of the information? Come learn about how you can do things better, smarter, or just get started.
Join us for a night of networking and to get your social media questions answered.
Loyan Roylance, ProWorksLoyan is a 9 year web professional. As the Director of Marketing at ProWorks Corporation, Loyan helps businesses match marketing, sales and service objectives with useful technologies and web tools to create new opportunities. He is an user and evangelist of the social web, social networks and social media from a personal and business perspective. Aside from various business client projects, a few social-web projects that Loyan is associated with include the Willamette Innovators Network (, Social Media for Business ( and the emerging Corvallis Social Media Brigade ( Loyan is a regular user of many established social media tools and networks and enjoys exploring new and emerging ones.
Tony Jones, IntelTony Jones currently leads consumer product research for Intel, his work guides the company on future product development and informs on current customer trends. Previous to this Tony lead social media analytics for Intel, working with a team of social media marketing professionals he provided customer insights through the monitoring of social media conversations that were use to provide feedback on current products, programs and marketing efforts. Previous to his work at Intel Tony spent 5 years at HP leading consumer market research for inkjet printing supplies.
Ryan Lewis, Bonfire MarketingBonfire Marketing LLC is a consulting firm dedicated to developing unique connections between companies and customers. Our system allows businesses to easily tune into social media for marketing opportunities and communication crucial for customer loyalty. Bonfire also consults businesses on the proper methods and social norms associated with a quickly developing delicate form of marketing.
SAO CORVALLIS:Tech Brew Pubs are a monthly event organized by the Software Association of Oregon, Corvallis Chapter ( To join our Email Announcement List: TO ADD or REMOVE yourself from the [email protected] mailing list, please go to This list is used to send chapter announcements and NON-commercial items of general chapter interest to local SAO members and others interested in the chapter.
We encourage you to join and support the Software Association of Oregon ( The state SAO office sends out a newsletter and a monthly calendar. If you are interested in receiving these please sign up here
SAO EUGENE:The Eugene SAO Chapter also has an announcement email list ([email protected]) which you can join at
ThursdayFeb 11 2010SAO Corvallis Febuary Tech Pub: Co-Working in Oregon
Thursday, Febuary 11th, 2010
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Renaissance on the Riverfront 136 SW Washington Ave. Corvallis, Oregon 97333
$5 for SAO members or students, and $15 for non-members
Includes finger food and no-host bar
5:30 - 6:15: Business Networking Time with finger food, no host bar 6:15 - 6:25: 30-Second Mic (give us your technology business elevator pitch!!) 6:45 Program: Co-Working in Oregon
Co-working is a growing movement around the United States and across the world. As more people work from home or work while they are traveling or are in the midst of a rapid startup cycle, they find that they can be more effective and more productive by gathering together to work. Starting with projects like the Hat Factory in San Francisco, co-working sites have bloomed. There are several co-working facilities in the Nortwest, some which are expanding to multiple cities and some that focus on specific audiences or markets. The February SAO meeting will be a panel discussion by three Oregon co-working entrepreneurs: Jeff Jimmerson from Madison Avenue Collective in Corvallis, Josh Friedman from Ned Space in Portland and Rick Turoczy from Portland Innovation Experiment.
Jeff Jimerson, founder of the Madison Ave. Collective (
Madison Ave. Collective (the MAC) is a shared office and studio space located in downtown Corvallis, 72 steps west of Starbucks on the corner of 5th street and—you guessed it—Madison Ave. After three months of heavy remodeling, Jeff opened the space on 08/08/08 with a "nice people wanted" Craigslist ad.
Today, twelve creative and tech professionals call the MAC home for their respective small businesses.
Rick Turoczy, founder of Silicon Florist (
Rick Turoczy has been working in high-tech marketing communications jobs in the Portland area for the past 15 years. Out of pure dumb luck, he happened to sit up in bed at 2 AM one night in August 2007 with the inspiration to start Silicon Florist, a blog about Portland startups in the Web, Mobile, and Open Source scenes.
Since then, he’s chatted with The Oregonian a bunch of times, appeared on local television and radio, made a brief appearance on the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, garnered bylines in The New York Times, spoken at numerous events, been selected as a runner up for the Portland Business Journal’s “40 under 40,” launched a startup incubator with the help of Wieden+Kennedy, and co-produced a groundbreaking Web-based telethon called 30 hour day.
All because of a blog. Weird.
Josh Friedman, co-founder of NedSpace (
Josh Friedman is the co-founder of NedSpace, a provider of co-working facilities for entrepreneurs and startups. NedSpace is designed to be the place where entrepreneurs go to build and grow their businesses. Along with his business partner Mark Grimes, NedSpace has itself grown quickly into two locations from its launch in early 2009. The goal is to open 10 more locations throughout the US in 2010, and eventually to have a NedSpace in every city with a startup ecosystem.
Josh serves on the Board of Starve Ups, a Portland-based entrepreneurial organization and the Oregon Entrepreneurs Forum Advisory Board. He holds a B.S. degree in speech communication from Oregon State University. Aside from helping entrepreneurs grow their companies, you might find him rock climbing, skiing, cycling, brewing beer or generally causing trouble along with his dog Ace.
ThursdayJan 14 2010January SAO Corvallis Tech Pub - A New Scale for Nuclear Power
A New Scale for Nuclear Power
The Corvallis Chapter of the Software Association of Oregon begins 2010 with presentation from NuScale Power, a local nuclear technology start-up that leveraged technology transferred from Oregon State University to create a revolutionary model for modular nuclear reactors. Kent Welter, a Principal Engineer at NuScale, will give an overview of the technology and describe how NuScale has shaped the future nuclear energy.
The world needs clean, reliable ways to generate electricity. The United States is expected to need 300 gigawatts of new capacity – that’s 150 times the capacity of Hoover Dam – by 2030. Developing nations can only grow as fast as they can power their economies. Global demand for new electric capacity will outpace the U.S. by tenfold in the same period.
Electric companies and government leaders are looking for ways to ensure their citizens have reliable, affordable supplies of electricity. They worry about the volatility of fossil fuel prices and the effects of green house gases.
NuScale Power is providing one of many answers to this problem. NuScale has developed a small nuclear power system that is safe, modular and scalable. The technology was borne of research by leading nuclear scientists with the support of the U.S. government. The design of the NuScale power plant builds on hundreds of combined years of operating experience with commercial light water reactors along with extensive research and laboratory testing of advanced safety systems.
Meeting future demand for electricity requires that we use what we have more efficiently. We must also look to new technologies using wind, solar and wave power and use proven technologies such as nuclear power to meet the needs of future generations.
Join us in for a night of networking and showcase with local technology leaders and entrepreneurs.
5:30 - 6:15: Business Networking Time with finger food, no host bar 6:15 - 6:25: 30-Second Mic (give us your technology business elevator pitch!!) 6:45 Program: NuScale: A New Scale for Nuclear Power
$5 for SAO members or students, and $15 for non-members
RSVP TO: SAO by emailing sao-coordinator [AT] or on the Willamette Innovators Network
Includes finger food and no-host bar Ticket Info: $5 for SAO members or students, and $15 for non-members
ThursdayFeb 12 2009SAO Corvallis February Tech Pub - Introduction to Social Media for B2B companies
Thursday, Feb. 12th, 2009
5:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Renaissance on the Riverfront 136 SW Washington Ave. Corvallis, Oregon 97333
Google Map
RSVP TO: SAO by emailing sao-coordinator [AT]
$5 for SAO members or students, $15 non-members Includes finger food and no-host bar AGENDA:
5:30 - 6:15: Business Networking Time with finger food, no host bar 6:15 - 6:30: 30-Second Mic (give us your technology business elevator pitch!!) 7:00 Program: Jerry Saveriano, Sanda Communications - Introduction to Social Media for B2B companies.
How's your blog? Do you Twitter? Are your customers talking about your company online? Have your competitors started to use social media tools like YouTube videos, LinkedIn or even FaceBook to reach out to your markets? Social media and networks are exploding for B2B applications* and this presentation can help get you started.
SM4B2B will discuss how you can develop an online strategy to decide if SM is the best new way to engage your customers, prospects, channel partners and even your own people, whether they are on the other side of the globe or in the next cubical. And if it's the right time for your business, we'll show you how to get a fast, affordable start to test the waters.
We'll show examples of SM4B2B websites we built including what worked and what failed. We'll provide you with a set of definitions, research materials and good business reasons for going Web2.0 this year.
We'll cover key SM4B2B topics such as:
* What it is and why it's important. * How to decide if now's the time. * What does it cost? What will it make? Will it pay? How long will it take? * How to start small, fast and cheap * Should you build your own or join an industry community? * What are the right tools, platforms and people to get started?
The Corvallis Chapter of the Software Association of Oregon is starting a Special Interest Group (SIG) to explore the best ways of growing our businesses using social media tools and helping other local companies learn how to get online putting Web 2.0 and social media tools to work. If you’re interested in seeing what we're planning to do with the SAO SM4B2B SIG (enough initials for you?), this meeting is the place to be. An objective of the SM4 SIG will be to build an online community of local companies that participate in the High Tech After Hours Conference held in Corvallis each November.
Jerry W. Saveriano, President & CEO - Sanda Communications, Inc (
Jerry W. Saveriano is president of Sanda Communications, a marketing, advertising and public relations agency that has for over a decade worked with high tech, software and other clients..
For over twenty-five years Saveriano has consulted and lectured internationally on advanced automation topics such as CAD/CAM, geomatics, robotics and Artificial Intelligence. He was Industrial Editor of Robotics Age magazine, founding Chairman of the Southern California Chapter of Robotics International and wrote the Pioneers of Robotics article in the Encyclopedia of Robotics published by John Wiley & Sons in 1988.
He created a series of articles and lectures on Internet Marketing and Customer Relationship Management. Jerry put on the first CRM workshop at Oregon Graduate Institute and wrote a CRM titled “E-This!” column for the Software Association of Oregon (SAO) newsletter. He has lead Sanda's Web 2.0 initiative in building online communities for B2B clients, non-profits and state agencies.
*Social Networks Get Down to Business, AUGUST 18, 2008
Think of them as digital water coolers—surrounded by thousands of workers engaged in serious business conversations.
"As compelling as the ad growth is, marketers will spend far more over the next few years to create and manage their own social networks for business customers, partners, suppliers and vendors," says Debra Aho Williamson, senior analyst at eMarketer and author of the new report, B2B Marketing on Social Networks: Engaging the Business Audience. "These business networks will serve a range of purposes, from improving customer communication and collaboration to aiding product development."
ThursdayJan 8 2009SAO Corvallis - January Tech Pub: Josh Bancroft
5:30 - 6:15: Business Networking Time with finger food, no host bar 6:15 - 6:30: 30-Second Mic (give us your technology business elevator pitch!!) 7:00 Program: Josh Bancroft - Innovative Social media, the Edge Case at Intel.
Josh Bancroft is a longtime blogger, podcaster, Tweeter, and general internet community geek. For over a decade, he's been fascinated with the way communities form and interact on the Internet. At Intel, he provides innovative community building ideas and "future thinking" direction for Intel Software Network, the company's online developer community. He loves to speak, teach, and mentor, and generally share all the cool stuff that he plays with. Josh's home on the web is, and you can follow him on Twitter at
Come see how a company as large as Intel uses social networking, podcasting, blogging, and social marketing to build community!
ThursdayOct 9 2008SAO October Tech Pub - Dawn Foster
Thursday, Oct 9th, 2008
5:30pm - 8:30pm<br /><br /> Location: Renaissance on the Riverfront<br />
136 SW Washington Ave.
1000 NE Circle Blvd
Corvallis, Oregon 97333<a href=",+Corvallis,+OR+97333&ie=UTF8&z=15&ll=44.560815,-123.261237&spn=0.01428,0.043001&om=1&iwloc=addr" rel="nofollow"><img src="" border="0" /><br />Google Map</a></b><br /><br /> <br /><br /><br /> <b>RSVP TO:</b> SAO by emailing <a><a href="mailto:[email protected]" rel="nofollow">[email protected]</a><br /> <br /><br /> FREE this month for SAO members or students, and non-members<br /><br /> <i>Includes finger food and no-host bar</i><br /><br /> <b>AGENDA: </b><br /> <ul><br /> 5:30 - 6:15: Business Networking Time with finger food, no host bar<br /><br /> 6:15 - 6:30: 30-Second Mic (give us your technology business elevator pitch!!)<br /><br /> 7:00 Program: Dawn Foster - Online Commuities and Marketing<br /><br /><br /> </ul><br /> <br /><br /> <b>PROGRAM:</b><br /><br /> <p></p>
Dawn Foster, Fast Wonder Consulting (
<p><br /> Dawn M. Foster provides <a href="" rel="nofollow">consulting services</a> for companies wanting to engage with online communities through various social media technologies including discussion forums, blogs, wikis, podcasts, and more. She is also the community evangelist for <a href="" rel="nofollow">Shizzow</a>, a new Portland startup. She has more than 13 years of experience in technology and software with expertise in open source software, web 2.0, social media, blogging, and community building.<br /> </p> <p><br /> Dawn is the author of the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Fast Wonder Blog</a> and is currently working on a book for O’Reilly Media about the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Art of Community</a>. She organizes a monthly <a href="" rel="nofollow">Portland BarCamp Meetup</a> event for local technology employees, is an organizer for the <a href="" rel="nofollow">Portland BarCamp</a> event, and helps organize <a href="" rel="nofollow">Ignite Portland</a>. She is a co-founder and Chair of <a href="" rel="nofollow">Legion of Tech</a>.<br /> </p> <p><br /> Previously, Dawn worked at Jive Software, Compiere, Intel, and a Midwestern manufacturing company in positions ranging from Unix system administrator to market researcher to open source strategist. She holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Kent State University and a master’s degree in business administration from Ashland University.<br /> </p><br /><br />