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Sunday, October 26, 2014 at 3:45pm and last updated
Friday, August 12, 2016 at 5pm.
Branding for Brainiacs
Access Notes
We are upstairs and to the right. Signs will be posted. Call (541) 602-6215 if you need directions.
If you need directions, call sheri (541) 602-6215
Space is limited; RSVP http://bit.ly/1DQml6c
Startups are in the air! The Portland Startup scene is booming, Portland Startup Weekend is weeks away, as is Global Startup Battle..
In celebration of you, the innovators behind the movement, PrestoBox and PDX Code Guild present Branding for Brainiacs.
Startup founders rule. You are ready to reinvent the world with your brilliant idea for a startup. But to get your business off the ground you need to connect with customers. You need a brand.
A brand is what the outside world thinks of you. It’s communicated in everything you do - from how you answer the phone, to the colors on your homepage, to the logo on your door. You need to figure out what you stand for and how that walks and talks.
Your customers may care less about the nuts and bolts of your business than your colors.
Did you know… 92.6% of people say that visual dimension is the #1 influencing factor affecting their purchase decision?
People make a subconscious judgment about a product within 90 seconds of viewing? Up to 90% of that is based on color!
Come to this workshop to learn how to build your brand, including: - How to choose your colors - How to choose your fonts - How to choose your images - How to develop your voice - How to build your logo - How to build your website, business card & other branding elements
Walk away from this workshop with: - Your brand personality - Tools to build your brand and win business - The ability to think like a creative (even if you’re not)
This workshop is presented by PrestoBox, the world’s first automated branding agency. What used to cost thousands of dollars and take months of time now can happen at the snap of your fingers. Have questions about Branding for Brainiacs? Contact sheri@pdxcodeguild.com