Viewing 1 current event matching “robotics” by Date.

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Mar 26
Rose City Robotics Collaborative
Metro Region Innovation Hub

Event Details: ​​​Lightning Talk Speakers:

  • ​​Rober Topple, Founder & CEO Electron Robotics
  • Joseph Cole, Founder & CTO Rose City Robotics
  • Spencer Lindsay, Founder E-tribe
  • Erin Galiger, Director North American Markets at ROCSYS

​​What is the Rose City Robotics Collaborative?: A collaborative community of robotics entrepreneurs, scientists, machine learning experts, tinkerers, and fellow enthusiasts united to establish the PNW as the premier U.S. hub for robotics innovation.

​​Why join Collaborative meetings?: To meet with fellow robotics innovators to exchange ideas, spark new partnerships, and explore opportunities to launch the next big breakthroughs in robotics technology.

​​Who can join?: Any PNW locals actively involved in developing, deploying, or advancing robotics technology across various sectors.

​​How to stay up to date on Collaborative activities?: Join our newsletter and our LinkedIn page.

​​Thank you to our generous sponsors: ​Metro Region Innovation Hub: The hub for business innovation in the Portland metro region.

UpStart Collective: a community-driven collaboration space for founders.

​Portland State University Business Accelerator: supports and serves the entrepreneur ecosystem and local startups from their early stage through growth.

Location Metro Region Innovation Hub 2130 SW 5th Ave, Portland, OR 97201, USA


Viewing 331 past events matching “robotics” by Date.

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Feb 7, 2009
Portland Area Robotics Society Meeting

We are an Oregon non-profit formed to help those interested in robots. Our monthly meetings are open to the public. Everyone is welcome.

The PARTS yahoo group is a lively forum for public interchange on robotics. Check it out and join the group.

Whether online or in person, we offer an active group of people building robots who are willing to help out anyone who also wants to learn about and build robots.

Upcoming Meeting - February 7, 2009

  1. Continued discussion of club direction
  2. Show & Tell (bring your works in progress and interesting tidbits)
  3. OSU Robotics group aerial robotics demo
  4. Tabletop challenge for line maze in preparation for March
  5. Apres-bot at HotLips Pizza
May 9, 2009
Arduino Cult Induction at TechShop
TechShop Portland [closed]

OpenTechSpace, TechShop, and Tempus Dictum will present an “Arduino Cult Induction” Workshop at TechShop on Saturday, May 9 2009, from 1 to 5 pm.

In this workshop, you will build a complete and functional Arduino-compatible micro-controller (Dorkboard), and will upload and run a program on it. The Arduino development environment is very popular with artists and other creative people, and can be built and programmed even if you have little hardware or software experience.

Jun 22, 2009
Saturday Academy's Engineering: Electronics, Robotics & Programming for 9th-12th grade students
through Tualatin High School

Engineering: Electronics, Robotics & Programming

Experience some of the many exciting projects that engineers work on as you explore the fields of electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering.

You will design, code, and debug computer programs, create computer games, design and simulate basic digital and analog electrical circuits, build and program lego robots, and custom build a computer from the motherboard up. Learn to think through and solve problems using professional methods and communication tools, just as engineers do in the workplace.

Instructor: Stephanie Viaene

Stephanie Viaene, with a BS in mathematics and an MS in Interdisciplinary Mathematics from the University of Oregon, has taught mathematics and computer programming, web design, and tech support at the junior high and high school level. In 2007 she was awarded the Technology Teacher of the Year award from the Software Association of Oregon.

Instructor: Jill Hubbard

Jill Hubbard teaches pre-engineering classes at Tualatin High School. She has a masters in education and a bachelor's in computer engineering. Before teaching, she was an engineer at Intel Corporation.

Oct 11, 2009
Build Your Own Microcontroller Workshop
TechShop Portland [closed]

OpenTechSpace, TechShop, and Tempus Dictum present an “Arduino Cult Induction” Workshop at TechShop on Sunday, October 11 2009, from 1 to 5 pm.

The cost of the workshop is $35, and includes all the parts you will need.

In this workshop, you will build a complete and functional Arduino-compatible micro-controller (Dorkboard), and will upload and run a program on it. The Arduino development environment is very popular with artists and other creative people, and can be built and programmed even if you have little hardware or software experience.

More information at

Dec 13, 2011
Robotics in Portland -at- Portland PC Users Group
Gateway Elks Lodge

Robotics enthusiasts a Portland Robotics will present an overview of Robotics learning, building and competitions. Some hardware will be shown.

Students welcomed with an adult. Begins 7:15pm Public invited, just sign in at the door. No charge. This is the monthly meeting of the Portland PC Users Group. Venue by special arrangement with Gateway Elks Lodge.

Jan 4, 2013
BYTE ME 2013 - Annual Exposition of Technological Art
AFRU Gallery

We here at AFRU are gearing up for Byte Me! 2013. It was a great show last year and we hope to make it bigger and better for this year. If you are not familiar with Byte Me! it is our annual exposition of technical art. So, what is ‘Technical Art’ exactly? For the context of Byte Me we are defining it as artwork whose inspiration, medium, design or execution would be prohibitively difficult if not impossible to realize without the aid of or direct incorporation of technology. The goal of this show is to not only exhibit a narrow but emergent sub section of artwork but also to foster a larger and tighter community of geeky-artists and artistic-nerds.

Nov 5, 2013
Robots and Robotic Development
Modern Edge, Inc., 2114 Southeast 9th Avenue, Portland, OR

A tour of robots around the world. We can also touch on the major areas of Ai and discuss what the group wants to focus on. Until we have underwriting, we are asking for donations of $5 per meeting. Depending on the venue and turn-out, non-alcoholic drinks will be provided.

May 3, 2014
Portland Area Robotic Society (PARTS)
PSU Fourth Avenue Building Harrison Street Entrance

Monthly meeting.
Topic: "Beyond hobby quadcopters - what's happening with flying robots" by Greg Peek

Jun 7, 2014
Portland Area Robotics Society (PARTS) Monthly Meeting
PSU Fourth Avenue Building Harrison Street Entrance

Meeting topics:

"Report on Robotics and Fabrication Technology from MakerFaire San Mateo"

Show and Tell: Bring your robotics projects to show off or ask for help.

Tabletop robot navigation contest.

Jul 14, 2014
Girls Get IT! (Innovative Technology) Camp Level 1
Hillsboro High School, Hillsboro, Oregon

The Girls Get IT! (Innovative Technology) all-girls day camps will once again be offered at Hillsboro High School this summer. Girls entering grades 7-12 are invited to participate and can register by visiting The camps have hands-on activities with projects covering from programming and robotics to soldering and science. The campers take home projects from a 3D Printer and laser cutter in the extensive technology labs at Hillsboro High School.

The level one camp will take place July 14th -18th and the level two camp will take place July 21st - 25th; both camps run from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Registration of just $40 covers the cost of camp, snacks everyday, and a t-shirt! Sign up today!

Jul 21, 2014
Girls Get IT! (Innovative Technology) Camp Level 2
Hillsboro High School, Hillsboro, Oregon

The Girls Get IT! (Innovative Technology) all-girls day camps will once again be offered at Hillsboro High School this summer. Girls entering grades 7-12 are invited to participate and can register by visiting The camps have hands-on activities with projects covering from programming and robotics to soldering and science. The campers take home projects from a 3D Printer and laser cutter in the extensive technology labs at Hillsboro High School.

The level one camp will take place July 14 -18 and the level two camp will take place July 21 - 25; both camps run from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Registration of just $40 covers the cost of camp, snacks everyday, and a t-shirt! Sign up today!

Oct 13, 2014
FutureTalks PDX with Arun Gupta (Doubleheader!)
New Relic

This month we are all in for a double dose of awesome! Our special guest will be Arun Gupta (founding member of the Java EE team at Sun Microsystems and director of developer advocacy at Red Hat in San Francisco). He will give not one, but 2 talks:


So your kid is interested in programming, robotics, engineering?

Devoxx4Kids is a worldwide initiative that introduces programming, robotics, and engineering to kids at an early age. This is achieved by organizing events where children can develop computer games, program robots and also have an introduction to electronics. This effort won Duke’s Choice Awards at JavaOne 2013. This session will share how Devoxx4Kids is engaging kids at an early age and teaching them computing concepts using Scratch, Greenfoot, Minecraft, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, NAO, Tynker. The session will show a path that can be followed by parents to keep their kids engaged and build, instead of just play games. The attendees will learn best practices to organize similar workshops in their local setting. Tips on opening a local US chapter and how to build attendee base will be shared.

Continuous Integration using Java EE 7

Techniques such as automated testing, continuous integration and continuous deployment allow software to be developed to a high standard and easily packaged and deployed to test environments, resulting in the ability to rapidly, reliably and repeatedly push out enhancements and bug fixes to customers at low risk and with minimal manual overhead. What container-agnostic tools are available for testing, continuous integration and deployment of a Java EE 7 application?

This talk will provide a quick overview of Arquillian and how it helps in testing across multiple containers. Separate approaches for greenfield and brownfield applications will be shown. Configuring Jenkins for Continuous Integration will be shown. Setting up multiple WildFly containers on OpenShift for testing and production will be shown in detail. At the end of this session, attendees would have converted their development environment to leverage the power of Jenkins, Arquillian, and OpenShift to setup an automated Continuous Delivery pipeline.

Doors will open at 5:30, and the presentation will begin right at 6p. The food and drinks are provided by Bellagios and New Relic.

Please RSVP via Eventbrite HERE

*Arun Gupta is Director of Developer Advocacy at Red Hat and focuses on JBoss Middleware. As a founding member of the Java EE team at Sun Microsystems, he spread the love for technology all around the world. At Oracle, he led a cross-functional team to drive the global launch of the Java EE 7 platform through strategy, planning, and execution of content, marketing campaigns, and program. After authoring ~1400 blogs at on different Java technologies, he continues to promote Red Hat technologies and products at

Arun has extensive speaking experience in ~40 countries on myriad topics and is a JavaOne Rockstar. He also founded the Devoxx4Kids chapter in the USA and continues to promoting technology education amongst kids. An author of a best-selling book, an avid runner, a globe trotter, a Java Champion, JUG leader, he is easily accessible at @arungupta.*

› FutureTalk is brought to you by New Relic in collaboration with TAO

Jan 9, 2016
Portland Area Robotics Society (PARTS) Monthly Meeting
PSU Fourth Avenue Building Harrison Street Entrance

"Designing a Laser Range Finder" presented by Joe Grand

The Parallax Laser Range Finder (LRF) module is a low cost, open source hardware device that uses laser light to measure the distance to a targeted object up to 8 feet away (http://www.grandideastud It incorporates a Propeller multicore microcontroller, OmniVision OVM7690 640x480 CMOS CameraCube, and Arima 635nm APC Laser Diode.

In this presentation, Joe Grand will provide a behind-the-scenes look at his experiences designing the module and discuss its operational details. He'll also have some demos of the LRF module in action.

Jun 14, 2016
Portland Java User Group (PJUG)
New Relic

The future of robotics

Robots have been in our minds for ages. Our imagination has been fed by science fiction, movies, books. But where are the robots to be seen today? You might wonder.

At Aldebaran, we’ve been making robots for the last 10 years. Programmable humanoid robots. Social robots. Robots that don’t focus on performance but rather on interacting with people. We get the feeling they are the ultimate interface. But what are they useful for? How do they work? And more importantly: why should you pay attention to them?

In this presentation, we'll invite Pepper on stage to do some demos, we’ll discuss software, hardware, sensors and emotions, we’ll share our vision about the future of robotics, and as much as we can, we’ll try to answer all the questions you have about this new species that will soon take over the world.


Nicolas Rigaud joined Aldebaran four years ago as a community manager, after spending 9 years in the media industry.

He is now developers advocate and manages relations with external developer communities. He’s strongly convinced that robots will change our lives in the years to come, and keep spreading the word all over the world. He's been talking at a range of events around the world (JavaOne, Devoxx, JFokus) and was awarded JavaOne RockStar in 2015.

Nov 10, 2016
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Nov 17, 2016
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Dec 1, 2016
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Dec 15, 2016
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Dec 21, 2016
CryptoParty PDX!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

This week's Exploit Workshop is a bit different...


Why CryptoParty?

Privacy is the space in which ideas are developed, to retreat into whenever you want. This space is not only physical but digital as well. This is a right guaranteed by the 4th amendment of the U.S. Constitution. We've begun hosting cryptoparties here in Portland as a service to educate the general public about how they can better protect their privacy now and for the future.

What is a CryptoParty? CryptoParties are open for everyone but especially for people without prior knowledge that didn't dare attend yet, for free and most of all fun.

CryptoParty is a decentralized movement with events happening all over the world. The goal is to pass on knowledge about protecting yourself in the digital space. This can include encrypted communication, preventing being tracked while browsing the web and general security advice for computers and smartphones.

To try the programs and apps at the CryptoParty bring your laptop or smartphone.

CryptoParty is a grassroots global endeavour to introduce the basics of practical cryptography such as the Tor anonymity network, key signing parties, TrueCrypt, Linux, and virtual private networks to the general public.

This is a free skill-sharing event with other Cryptography and Privacy technology experts, working along side and sharing information with people new to Crypto and Privacy.

Everyone is welcome regardless of experience, bring a Laptop if you have one, if not, bring a USB thumbdrive, a pen and a pad of paper.

If you want to learn about how to encrypt your files and communicate securely, this is the event to come to!

Look for the people with laptops.

Get in contact If you want to help plan the event, or just join in on the fun you can contact us by emailing cryptoparty (AT) pdxhs (DOT) org

Dec 22, 2016
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Dec 29, 2016
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jan 5, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jan 12, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jan 19, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jan 26, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Feb 6, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Feb 9, 2017
CANCELED - CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House - CANCELED
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Sorry everyone, tonight's open house is canceled. However, the member hosted Stitch Social is still happening in the main space.

Feb 13, 2017
Robot Operating System (ROS) Development - Overview Intel’s RealSense Depth Sensors
Axiom Electronics

Dave Shinsel will provide an overview of available depth sensors, and a deep-dive on Intel’s RealSense depth sensors, including a new sensor that adds visual SLAM capability. He will discuss how these sensors work in conjunction with Computer Vision technologies for various robotics applications, including object avoidance, person interaction, object recognition and localization, and SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping). Further the talk will cover how to access these capabilities via their ROS wrappers.

Dave Shinsel is the Lead Robotics Architect in Intel’s Perceptual Computing Group. He has an extensive background in all levels of robotics, with particular focus on vision and sensing technologies. Prior to this role, Dave was the Director of the Intel® RealSense SDK, created and led the Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers, and led development of the graphics drivers for the Apple MacBook* Air. In his “spare time,” Dave has been building robots for fifteen years. He has received a "Backyard Genius Award" from Popular Mechanics magazine, won a number of robot competitions, and competed on TV in the Syfy Channel’s Robot Combat League, where he and his daughter (also an engineer at Intel) won the $100,000 grand prize with their 7 foot, 9 inches tall, fighting robot, "Crash." Dave is well known in the Maker community for his sophisticated 4 foot tall humanoid robot, Loki.

Feb 16, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Feb 20, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Feb 23, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Mar 2, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Mar 6, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Mar 9, 2017
Autodesk hits Hedron Makerspace - What's new in Fusion 360 API and CAD/CAM Scripting
Hedron Makerspace

Interested in Design and Robotics? Want to learn more about 3D modeling, CNC wood carving, 3D printing, laser engraving, or welding? Hedron is thrilled to host a few software gurus at Autodesk in March's meetup. Come out and get a download from one of the best in his field, Brian Ekins. Brian will talk about how coding is related to CAD, 3D modeling, and machining. Below is the transcript written by Mike Aubrey from the Fusion 360 Meetup group.

"Let's meetup Thursday March 9th, 6:30 PM at Hedron Makerspace. To kick things off, Jesse with Hedron will be showing off the space...[]...we’ll be featuring local fusion user (and Autodesk API guru) Brian Ekins and his super fun Fusion scripts that let you do interesting things in CAM that are otherwise difficult. Then, we’ve got Keqing Song with the Fusion product team on-deck to finish out the evening with a whole lot of what’s up and coming in Fusion. See you soon!

Bring your laptop. Bring your appetite - we’ve got the food. Bring your curiosity. Whether you’re looking to explore the neighborhood, see an interesting Fusion project, or get glimpse of what’s coming in the future come join us Thursday March 9th at Hedron Makerspace!."


CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Mar 16, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Mar 20, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Mar 23, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Mar 30, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Apr 3, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Apr 6, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Apr 13, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Apr 17, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Apr 20, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Apr 27, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

May 1, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

May 4, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

May 11, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

May 15, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

May 18, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

May 25, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

May 29, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Jun 1, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jun 15, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jun 26, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Jul 6, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jul 10, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Jul 13, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jul 20, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jul 24, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Jul 27, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Aug 7, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Aug 10, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Aug 17, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Aug 21, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Aug 24, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Aug 29, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Intro to Machine Learning
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

This session will be an ML course for the beginner.  My favorite two entry-level models are decision trees and k-means, so we'll use those to begin wrapping our minds around words like supervised and unsupervised learning, information, and data models.

The code that powers the visuals I'll use is written in Python.  So while some background in coding (specifically Python) would help, those without coding experience will still get a lot from the talk.

I would like to have this event be done regularly, but obviously depends on interest.

Aug 31, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Sep 4, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Sep 7, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Sep 14, 2017
Ziba Auditorium

Join us for a special evening with Daniel Wilson, author of the New York Times bestselling Robopocalypse and its sequel Robogenesis, as well as seven other books.

Daniel, who earned a PhD in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University, as well as Masters degrees in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics will be reading from his most recent novel, The Clockwork Dynasty.

After the reading, Daniel will be joined by Todd Greco, Ziba’s Director of Interactive Design, in a conversation exploring where science, technology and design overlap, and the future of machines. We look forward to audience engagement in this conversation. Daniel will be available for a book signing following the speaking program.

The Clockwork Dynasty imagines a history in which humanlike court automatons secretly served the great empires of antiquity. Centuries later, the same machines are running out of power. As the modern-day survivors cannibalize each other for energy, a human scientist will risk her life to find the origin of the machine race, and the key to saving it.

Doors at 5:30pm, show starts promptly at 6pm. Pizza & drinks to follow.

CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Sep 18, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Sep 21, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Sep 28, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Oct 2, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Oct 5, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Oct 12, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Oct 16, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Oct 19, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Oct 26, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Oct 30, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Nov 1, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Nov 2, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Nov 8, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Nov 9, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Nov 13, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Nov 15, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Nov 16, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Nov 22, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Nov 27, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Nov 29, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Dec 6, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Dec 7, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Dec 11, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Dec 13, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Dec 14, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Dec 20, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Dec 21, 2017
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jan 3, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Jan 4, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jan 8, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Jan 10, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Jan 11, 2018
PDXDrones - PDXDrones Meetup
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Let's get this party started! Thanks to our new strategic sponsor Skyward, PDXDrones is back in the air starting with our November meetup.

Come on down to meet others in the Drone community in Portland. Our members include everyone from hobbyists to drone CEOs. This is your opportunity to meet others in the local Drone community, show off your most recent projects, and discover what other amazing projects are lifting off here in Portland.

CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jan 12, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Maker Hangout Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Every Second Friday is Maker Hangout Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Jan 17, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Jan 18, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jan 22, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Jan 24, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Jan 25, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jan 26, 2018
"Best Day Ever" Day Camp
The TEK Center

Do everything you enjoy all in one day! Minecraft, LEGO, Sproutball, Robotics! Come join us for a fun day of learning and playing in a safe environment with a staff to student ratio of 1:10. For students in grades K-6 with younger and older kids separated into different groups. Drop off and pick up your students anytime throughout the day for the same price!!

Cost: $50

Time: 7:45AM - 5:30PM

For: Kindergarten - 6th Grade

(January 26 & 29)

Jan 31, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Feb 1, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Feb 5, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity. 

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time. 

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance. 

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Feb 7, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Feb 8, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer. 

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Feb 9, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Maker Hangout Night!

Every Second Friday is Maker Hangout Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Feb 14, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Feb 15, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Feb 19, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Feb 21, 2018
CANCELLED - CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
Feb 22, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Feb 28, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Mar 1, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Mar 5, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Mar 7, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Mar 8, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Mar 9, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Maker Hangout Night!

Every Second Friday is Maker Hangout Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Mar 14, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Mar 15, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Mar 19, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Mar 21, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Mar 22, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Mar 28, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Mar 29, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Apr 2, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Apr 4, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Apr 5, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Apr 7, 2018
PDX Raspberry Pi and Arduino Meetup
Oregon City - Location provided upon RSVP

This event is for Raspberry Pi/Arduino/Microcontroller enthusiasts to meet, do show-and-tell, mentor, learn and build. We welcome people of all backgrounds and levels, and will help new users get started. Instead of a "pot luck" we have a "parts luck" where you are encouraged to exchange project parts with others.

• What to bring Computer. Raspberry Pi and/or Arduinos if you have them. Projects that you want to share. Items for the "parts luck" swap bin.

• Important to know The shop where this is held only has space heaters - so please dress warmly on colder days. On very cold days, we will forego building and have a social in a heated space, if we can't find an alternative spot.

Apr 11, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Apr 12, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Apr 13, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Apr 16, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Apr 18, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Apr 19, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Apr 25, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Apr 26, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Apr 30, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

May 2, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

May 3, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

May 9, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

May 10, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

May 14, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

May 16, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

May 17, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

May 18, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

May 23, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

May 24, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

May 28, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

May 30, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

May 31, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jun 6, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Jun 7, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jun 8, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

This Friday's Open Hack Night is a little different. We hope you all can join us!


Wild Me is a Portland non-profit that uses artificial intelligence to study endangered species. Right now, they’re performing a country-wide census of Grevy’s zebras and reticulated giraffes in Kenya called the Great Grevy’s Rally using nothing but photographs:

Hundreds of Kenyan tourists, biologists, and citizen scientists helped by taking all of these photos, but now their A.I. needs our help. They are teaching the A.I. to better identify zebras and giraffes in photos through a nice web interface where humans look at pretty pictures and match animals. Every decision we make will either make the population estimate go up or down, directly influencing the count! We'll see lots of original photos of African wildlife, genuinely help with conservation and science in Kenya, and maybe learn a thing or two about machine learning, computer vision, and convolutional neural nets in the process.

For your scientific contributions, there will be pizza!

If you want to join us in training A.I. for wildlife conservation — or if you just want to look at lots of pictures of zebras and giraffes while eating pizza — please bring a device that can connect to WiFi and run a Chrome or Safari web browser. Wild Me's non-profit staff will be here to hang out, participate, and guide us along.


Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Jun 25, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Jun 27, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Jun 28, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jul 5, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jul 9, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Jul 11, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Jul 12, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jul 13, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Jul 18, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Jul 19, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jul 23, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Jul 25, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Jul 26, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Aug 1, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Aug 2, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Aug 6, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Aug 8, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Aug 9, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Aug 10, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Aug 15, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Aug 16, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Aug 20, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Aug 22, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

Aug 23, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Aug 29, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Aug 30, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Sep 3, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Sep 5, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Sep 6, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Sep 12, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Sep 13, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Sep 14, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Sep 19, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Sep 20, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Sep 26, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Sep 27, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Oct 1, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Oct 3, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Oct 4, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Oct 6, 2018
PDX Raspberry Pi and Arduino Meetup - Raspberry Pi and Arduino Meet-up
Mitch's Shop (Location provided on RSVP)

This is a group of Raspberry Pi and Arduino Enthusiasts who meet to collaborate on projects, make progress on their builds, teach and learn.
Suggested donation is $2-5 to defray the costs of (Note - Apple Maps does not know how to get to this location - please use Google Maps or Waze).

Oct 8, 2018
Robot Operating System (ROS) Development - 3D PRINTING – MATERIALS AND PRINTING PROCESS IN 2018
Axiom Electronics

In this talk, Tom Sommerville will discuss various materials available across a selection of 3D Printing technologies, their properties, and some of the considerations when selecting the materials for a task. He will also discuss the various printer technologies that are readily accessible (either consumer level printers, or through services such as Quickparts, ProtoLabs, and Shapeways, to name a few), suggesting pros and cons for each technology when applied to a typical project.

Oct 10, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Oct 11, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Oct 12, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Oct 15, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Oct 17, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Oct 18, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Oct 24, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Oct 25, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Oct 29, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Oct 31, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Nov 1, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Nov 7, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Nov 8, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Nov 9, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Nov 14, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Nov 15, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Nov 21, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Nov 26, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Nov 28, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Nov 29, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Dec 5, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Dec 6, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Dec 10, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend.

Dec 12, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Dec 13, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Dec 19, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Dec 20, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Dec 26, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Dec 27, 2018
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jan 2, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Jan 3, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jan 7, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Jan 9, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Jan 10, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jan 11, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Jan 16, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Jan 17, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jan 21, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Jan 23, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Jan 24, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jan 30, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Jan 31, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Feb 4, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Feb 6, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec?

PDX Exploit Workshop

All are welcome. See you there!

Feb 7, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Feb 8, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Feb 13, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

See you there!

Feb 14, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Feb 18, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot PDX
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Feb 20, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

See you there!

Feb 21, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Feb 27, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

See you there!

Feb 28, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Mar 4, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Mar 6, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Mar 7, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Mar 8, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Mar 13, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Mar 14, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Mar 18, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot PDX
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Mar 20, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Mar 21, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Mar 27, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Mar 28, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Apr 1, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Apr 3, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Apr 4, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Apr 7, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - 101 Intro to Ableton Live -- All are Welcome! Bring Questions or Just Show Up.
Ctrl-H / PDX Hackerspace

This class is meant to give each participant a decent introduction to Ableton Live. Class takes place in the crafts room @ Ctrl-H This is a 101 class, so no previous experience is necessary. Intended audience is anyone interested in using their computer for making music. But I'm happy to adjust the class to participants need or take more in depth questions after the introduction during Q&A.

I've been using Ableton Live since version 3 in 2003, and have produced 43 albums of "music"? using it.

Bring your own computer with Ableton Live installed, or download the 30-day trial copy at:

Class is open to anyone and always free to attend.

Thanks to Ctrl-H for hosting, to find out more about the hackerspace go to

Apr 10, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Apr 11, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Apr 12, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Apr 15, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot PDX
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Apr 17, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Apr 18, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Apr 24, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Apr 25, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

May 1, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

May 2, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

May 3, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Patch-up at Latch-up
Ctrl-H / PDX Hackerspace

More info here:

Instead of RSVPing on Meetup, you can fill out this short form here:

All are welcome. See you there!

May 6, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

May 8, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

May 9, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

May 10, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

May 12, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - 101 Intro to Ableton Live -- All are Welcome! Bring Questions or Just Show Up.
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

This class is meant to give each participant a decent introduction to Ableton Live. Class takes place in the crafts room @ Ctrl-H This is a 101 class, so no previous experience is necessary. Intended audience is anyone interested in using their computer for making music. I'm happy to adjust the class to participants needs or take more in depth questions after the introduction during the Q&A.

I've trained as a sound engineer with the guy who engineered Michael Jackson's Thriller album. I've been using Ableton Live since version 3 in 2003, and have produced 43 albums of "music"? using it.

Bring your own computer with Ableton Live installed, or download the 30-day trial copy at:

Class is open to anyone and always free to attend.

Thanks to Ctrl-H for hosting, to find out more about the hackerspace go to

May 15, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

May 16, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

May 18, 2019
Digital Design Workshop - Hands-on Workshop: Embedded Device to AWS IoT Analytics

Hello Digital Designers,

I'm holding a Workshop on May 18th teaching Embedded Device to AWS cloud connectivity and Analytics. The event is listed on Eventbrite as I'm charging a nominal fee to cover the meeting space rental and snacks. Limited spaces (20).

To register go to:

Do not sign up on this page, Sign up on the Eventbrite page.


May 20, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot PDX

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

May 22, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

May 23, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

May 29, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

May 30, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jun 3, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Jun 5, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Jun 6, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jun 12, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Jun 13, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jun 14, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Jul 10, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Jul 11, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jul 12, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Jul 15, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot PDX
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Jul 17, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Jul 18, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jul 24, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Jul 25, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Jul 31, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Aug 1, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Aug 3, 2019
Portland Area Robotics Society (PARTS) Monthly Meeting
PSU Fourth Avenue Building Harrison Street Entrance

Speaker: Scott Dixon Topic: How to bring up a new PCB design

After a new PCB design has been assembled, it is time to test and debug it. This is often called "board bringup" and it is something which is seldom explicitly taught. There are a number of things which can be done, both in the initial design stage and during the bring up process to make it easier to get a new design tested and running.

Aug 5, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Aug 7, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Aug 8, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Aug 9, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Open Hack Night!
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Every Second Friday is Open Hack Night here at ^H. Come hangout with us at the most happening (and productive) place in town! Hackerspace activities encompass Hardware, Software, Crafting/Textiles, all the Realities (Real, Virtual and Augmented), Infosec, Audio/Video, Cryptocurrencies, Gaming, you name it - if it's technology then it's in scope. Our Hackerspace is a place where people with an interest in computing or technology can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, and knowledge. There is plenty of table space, bandwidth and 3D printers (for those looking to try that out). Bring your ideas, works in progress, or something to show off. We'll see you there!

Aug 14, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Aug 15, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Aug 19, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot PDX

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Aug 21, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Aug 22, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Aug 28, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - PDX Exploit Workshop

Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your APPSEC or OPSEC? Do none of the above questions make any sense, but you're interested in computer security?

PDX Exploit Workshop is the longest running security meetup in Portland (10 years!). It's an open, self driven event for people interested in computer security. Whether you're a novice or career professional, all are welcome. It's always a good time to learn about security!

We spend this dedicated time each week researching and exploring topics of software and hardware security as well as working on personal and group projects. Occasionally we have presentations on our findings. Bring a willingness to learn, a curiosity about security, and/or a specific area of interest to share with others.

This group meets in the PDX Hackerspace mainspace which has comfy seating, deluxe wifi (thanks Kyle!), Club Mate soda in the snack shack, and hackable LED displays to play around with.

p.s. This event is open to everyone! No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Aug 29, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - CTRL-H Open House

Thursdays are open house night here at CTRL-H. Jon and Melinda are available during this time to give guided tours, answer questions and show you all that the hackerspace has to offer.

We don't have an opening ceremony or any formal meeting. This is a time for you to eavesdrop on other peoples projects and get support on a project that you may need help with. Bring your laptop, projects, inventions, your technical toys and your broken microwave to CTRL-H and hack with friends.

Sep 2, 2019
CTRL-H - PDX Hackerspace - Dorkbot Meetup

Part hackathon, part geek social, these biweekly meetings are a time for you to come join others for insight, inspiration or just insanity.

Bring your toys for others to see, or come see what others have been painstakingly chipping away at in their spare time.

Whether it's code or chips, hacking of all sorts is encouraged. But we also like to hear your crazy ideas, so please come join us and bring your willingness to share your brilliance.

p.s. This event is open to everyone, dork or robot. No ^H membership is required to attend. All are welcome. That means you!

Oct 2, 2019
NW Electronics Design & Manufacturing Expo
Tektronix Conference Center ( Building 38 )

The Electronics Manufacturing Association ( is hosting its 19th Annual NEDME (NW Electronics Design & Manufacturing Expo) to support Oregon/SW WA electronics & design and their supply chains. There will be tech sessions led by experts in electronics, design, manufacturing and business throughout the day, exhibitors, lunch, networking and many opportunities to obtain information about the industry.

There are a few spots open for exhibitors if you are in electronics or manufacturing and attendee registration is now open. Attendance is $5 or 3 cans of non-perishable food. 100% of attendance proceeds is donated to the Oregon Food Bank. The EMA will also reimburse TriMet tickets.

There is a student discount. Must provide student ID at the door. The EMA is a nonprofit industry association that represents the Oregon and SW WA electronics and design community.

Mar 22, 2022
Hardware Happy Hour (3H) Portland

Hardware Happy Hour is an informal way to socialize, show off your projects, and talk about the world of hardware.

We welcome anyone interested in any kind of hardware from beginner to expert: Arduino DIYers, engineers, hardware start up founders, e-textile experimenters, LED-curious folks, 3D printing enthusiasts or robotics geeks.

If you're working on something even vaguely related please do bring it along. No presentations, no pitch decks, just projects and conversation. Join us and nerd out about electronics!

Venue to be announced, but it will be somewhere Northeast with covered outdoor seating and a vaccine requirement.

COVID-19 safety measures COVID 19 vaccination required Event will be outdoors

Feb 4, 2024
Portland Area Robotics Society Montly Meeting
Ctrl-H / PDX Hackerspace

Our regular monthly meeting will feature a talk on "Inverse Kinematics: Numerical, Sampling-based, Analytical,and Geometric Solvers" by Val Novytskyy.

Jan 12
Portland Area Robotics Society (PARTS) Monthly Meeting
Ctrl-H / PDX Hackerspace

Join us for our next Portland Area RoboTics Society (PARTS) meeting on January 12th, where longtime robotics enthusiast Dave Shinsel will present the hardware and software design challenges behind his latest ROS-based robot, EB-6. Standing two feet tall, EB-6 is designed to interact with kids using ChatGPT for conversational AI and advanced vision processing.
