Viewing 0 current events matching “hack” by Event Name.
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Viewing 382 past events matching “hack” by Event Name.
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Jun 28, 2012
[CANCELED] PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Due to OpenSource Bridge ( this week most of us will be downtown Thursday. Now I will not stop anyone from enjoying a nice beer, just know that there will not likely be a bunch of us around this week. Feel free to venture on over to Bridge , SEPoCoNI ( or just catch up with us next week.
Feb 7, 2014
CANCELED - Startup Weekend Access through Portland Development Commission Use discount code " calagator "for a 25% discount. Startup Weekend focused on making entrepreneurship more accessible to everyone. Our mission is to create an environment where anyone can innovate together. We're focusing on accessibility to provide better access for people with disabilities and fluid collaboration amongst every participant. An appropriate accessible environment with the necessary auxiliary aids support services will be provided! Startup Weekend’s a 54-hour event where aspiring entrepreneurs, developers, designers, marketers, product managers, and entrepreneurs of all abilities come together to share startup ideas, form teams, build products, and launch startups. Essentially, it’s a crash course in entrepreneurship that lets you experience what it’s really like to build and launch a startup. Whether you have an idea for a new mobile app that will make your life easier or just want to learn more about entrepreneurship, we encourage you to attend. Why? The statistics are clear, people with disabilities are not only less likely to be employed, but also less likely to pursue entrepreneurship. We hope that Startup Weekend Access will ignite your entrepreneurial spark! |
Nov 26, 2013
CANCELLED Hack+Help Session CANCELLED – New Relic Just this week - sorry everyone, too many people are out of town for the holidays and I think we all could use a Tuesday off! :) |
Feb 6, 2014
Cancelled: CLO-HÄCK – Puppet Clojure hack night at Puppet! Show up at 5.30 if you want to form a team for a focused Dojo session, or later if you want to hack on your .emacs. Closed: Puppet is reportedly closing at 3pm today due to snow. |
May 8, 2019
csv,conf,v4 through Eliot Center, Portland, Oregon Description csv,conf,v4 is a community driven data conference. Its an event thats not literally about CSV file format, but rather about what CSV represents in regards to our wider community ideals (data interoperability, hackability, simplicity, etc.). Keeping with previous csv conferences, we have put together a heavily curated program that maintains an unconference feel. This will include quick, rapid fire, 20-minute presentations hand selected by the program committee. Talks will be about a range of data-related topics from a diverse range of speakers. Our focus this year is connecting key areas of open science, data journalism, and open government with the wider data software/tools community. Register Here: Registration Fees. We are a non-profit, community-run conference. Ticket sales pay for catering/venue costs and travel support for speakers/attendees. While csv,conf prides itself on hosting all that are interested, we appreciate registrants choosing the highest teir you or your institution can afford. Honor system. Note: All fees are charged in US dollars. csv,conf,v4 is about bringing a diverse group together to discuss data topics. There are a limited number of travel awards and comp registrations available for those unable to pay. Please contact an organizer for more information. |
Oct 20, 2018
Data Privacy – Free Geek Join us for an important online safety workshop. Have you ever wondered what Cambridge Analytica is or why it matters? Or what does a company (like facebook or fitbit) do with your data? Where does it go? Who owns it? In this class we will discuss the importance of Data Privacy. We all need this information. Everyone is welcome. Come learn with Free Geek! |
Mar 16, 2019
Data Privacy – Free Geek Join us for an important online safety workshop. Have you ever wondered what Cambridge Analytica is or why it matters? Or what does a company (like facebook or fitbit) do with your data? Where does it go? Who owns it? In this class we will discuss the importance of Data Privacy. We all need this information. Everyone is welcome. Come learn with Free Geek! |
Feb 6, 2017
Design Week Website Hackathon at FINE – FINE Design Week Portland is launching its full website in mid-February, and we're calling all coders to help get it ready to go live! We'll be launching the schedule, sweeping for content, squashing bugs, cleaning up code, writing tests and maybe even doing some progressive enhancement. Whether you're a junior developer or a seasoned senior, we'd love to have you involved. There will be pizza. There will be beverages. There will be code. Join us at FINE for an evening of hacking. Coders beware: this seems less like a hackathon and more like a "we said we'd do this but don't have the resources, so come do it for us and we'll take the credit". Don't forget your time is worth $$ and the people putting this on are likely getting free tickets to DWP from your hard work! |
Oct 20, 2018
Digital Privacy Primer – Free Geek Join us for an important online safety workshop. Learn how digital privacy works (or doesn't!) and learn how to get started with password managers, encrypted communication, email and mobile privacy tools, and more. We all need this information. Everyone is welcome. Come learn with Free Geek! |
Dec 15, 2018
Digital Privacy Primer – Free Geek Join us for an important online safety workshop. Learn how digital privacy works (or doesn't!) and learn how to get started with password managers, encrypted communication, email and mobile privacy tools, and more. We all need this information. Everyone is welcome. Come learn with Free Geek! |
Dec 3, 2013
Docker Hackday #7 – New Relic PDX venue for the global docker hack day. 10:30am PST: Docker 101 online session with Nick Stinemates 6:00pm PST: Lightning talks |
Apr 13, 2022
Elixir Hack, Help, or Get Help – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub The Portland Elixir/BEAM group is getting back together in the physical world for the first time since the start of the pandemic. Hack and Help Night ExpectationsHack and help nights are you opportunity to meet other people interested in Elixir or other BEAM-based languages in the real world. You can be a total newbie or just have interest in some of the ideas it brings. Some free food and drink will be provided courtesy of sponsors. You should try to attend if you: Are new to Elixir and want to see what it's all about. Need help with something you're working on or an idea you have. You like listening and helping others, or just want to motivate people. Want access to some hardware, electronics and sensors to play around with Nerves on. Want to discuss the latest happenings in the community. Need somewhere away from home to work on a project. Just want something social to do. We're still trying to lock in the venue for the in-person events and venues may change over time, as might the rules regarding masking depending on peoples' comfort level. For the most part, the mask rules will follow the same restrictions as the venue and will evolve based on current trends of the virus and feedback from the community. If you're interacting with or sitting next to someone, and they would prefer for you to also be masked while nearby, please be considerate of their request. Future Meeting CadenceWe'll be switching to the following format moving forward: Last Tuesday of the month remains a virtual-only event, combining both the Portland and Seattle groups and anybody else who would like to join us virtually. This event has been mostly a "demos on demand" during the pandemic but will start to move back toward a 50/50 split with a pre-announced presentation for part of the event. If you have something you'd like to talk about, let the event coordinator know (see Event Coordinator Contact below). Future event dates will be: Apr 26, May 31, Jun 28, and Jul 26. Two weeks before the meeting on the last Tuesday (third from last Tuesday), will be an in-person hack and help night in Seattle. Future event dates will be: Apr 12, May 17, Jun 14, and Jul 12. The following night after the Seattle hack night will be an in-person hack and help night in Portland. Future event dates will be: Apr 13, May 18, Jun 15, and Jul 13. SponsorshipIf you or a company you work for would like to host an event, or sponsor food, beverages or venue costs, please let me know! (see Event Coordinator Contact below). Event Coordinator Contact
May 18, 2022
Elixir Hack, Help, or Get Help – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub The Portland Elixir/BEAM group is getting back together in the physical world. Hack and Help Night ExpectationsHack and help nights are you opportunity to meet other people interested in Elixir or other BEAM-based languages in the real world. You can be a total newbie or just have interest in some of the ideas it brings. Some free food and drink will be provided courtesy of sponsors. You should try to attend if you: Are new to Elixir and want to see what it's all about. Need help with something you're working on or an idea you have. You like listening and helping others, or just want to motivate people. Want access to some hardware, electronics and sensors to play around with Nerves on. Want to discuss the latest happenings in the community. Need somewhere away from home to work on a project. Just want something social to do. We're still trying to lock in the venue for the in-person events and venues may change over time, as might the rules regarding masking depending on peoples' comfort level. For the most part, the mask rules will follow the same restrictions as the venue and will evolve based on current trends of the virus and feedback from the community. If you're interacting with or sitting next to someone, and they would prefer for you to also be masked while nearby, please be considerate of their request. Future Meeting CadenceWe'll be switching to the following format moving forward: Last Tuesday of the month remains a virtual-only event, combining both the Portland and Seattle groups and anybody else who would like to join us virtually. This event has been mostly a "demos on demand" during the pandemic but will start to move back toward a 50/50 split with a pre-announced presentation for part of the event. If you have something you'd like to talk about, let the event coordinator know (see Event Coordinator Contact below). Future event dates will be: Apr 26, May 31, Jun 28, and Jul 26. Two weeks before the meeting on the last Tuesday (third from last Tuesday), will be an in-person hack and help night in Seattle. Future event dates will be: Apr 12, May 17, Jun 14, and Jul 12. The following night after the Seattle hack night will be an in-person hack and help night in Portland. Future event dates will be: Apr 13, May 18, Jun 15, and Jul 13. SponsorshipIf you or a company you work for would like to host an event, or sponsor food, beverages or venue costs, please let me know! (see Event Coordinator Contact below). Event Coordinator Contact
Jun 15, 2022
Elixir Hack, Help, or Get Help – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub The Portland Elixir/BEAM group is getting back together in the physical world. Hack and Help Night ExpectationsHack and help nights are you opportunity to meet other people interested in Elixir or other BEAM-based languages in the real world. You can be a total newbie or just have interest in some of the ideas it brings. Some free food and drink will be provided courtesy of sponsors. You should try to attend if you: Are new to Elixir and want to see what it's all about. Need help with something you're working on or an idea you have. You like listening and helping others, or just want to motivate people. Want access to some hardware, electronics and sensors to play around with Nerves on. Want to discuss the latest happenings in the community. Need somewhere away from home to work on a project. Just want something social to do. We're still trying to lock in the venue for the in-person events and venues may change over time, as might the rules regarding masking depending on peoples' comfort level. For the most part, the mask rules will follow the same restrictions as the venue and will evolve based on current trends of the virus and feedback from the community. If you're interacting with or sitting next to someone, and they would prefer for you to also be masked while nearby, please be considerate of their request. Future Meeting CadenceWe'll be switching to the following format moving forward: Last Tuesday of the month remains a virtual-only event, combining both the Portland and Seattle groups and anybody else who would like to join us virtually. This event has been mostly a "demos on demand" during the pandemic but will start to move back toward a 50/50 split with a pre-announced presentation for part of the event. If you have something you'd like to talk about, let the event coordinator know (see Event Coordinator Contact below). Future event dates will be: Jun 28, Jul 26, Aug 30, and Sep 27. Two weeks before the meeting on the last Tuesday (third from last Tuesday), will be an in-person hack and help night in Seattle. Future event dates will be: Jun 14, Jul 12, Aug 16, and Sep 13. The following night after the Seattle hack night will be an in-person hack and help night in Portland. Future event dates will be: Jun 15, Jul 13, Aug 17, and Sep 14. SponsorshipIf you or a company you work for would like to host an event, or sponsor food, beverages or venue costs, please let me know! (see Event Coordinator Contact below). Event Coordinator Contact
Aug 18, 2022
Elixir Hack, Help, or Get Help – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub The Portland Elixir/BEAM group is getting back together in the physical world. Hack and Help Night ExpectationsHack and help nights are you opportunity to meet other people interested in Elixir or other BEAM-based languages in the real world. You can be a total newbie or just have interest in some of the ideas it brings. Some free food and drink will be provided courtesy of sponsors. You should try to attend if you: Are new to Elixir and want to see what it's all about. Need help with something you're working on or an idea you have. You like listening and helping others, or just want to motivate people. Want access to some hardware, electronics and sensors to play around with Nerves on. Want to discuss the latest happenings in the community. Need somewhere away from home to work on a project. Just want something social to do. We're still trying to lock in the venue for the in-person events and venues may change over time, as might the rules regarding masking depending on peoples' comfort level. For the most part, the mask rules will follow the same restrictions as the venue and will evolve based on current trends of the virus and feedback from the community. If you're interacting with or sitting next to someone, and they would prefer for you to also be masked while nearby, please be considerate of their request. SponsorshipIf you or a company you work for would like to host an event, or sponsor food, beverages or venue costs, please let me know! (see Event Coordinator Contact below). Event Coordinator Contact
Sep 15, 2022
Elixir Hack, Help, or Get Help – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub The Portland Elixir/BEAM group is getting back together in the physical world. Hack and Help Night ExpectationsHack and help nights are you opportunity to meet other people interested in Elixir or other BEAM-based languages in the real world. You can be a total newbie or just have interest in some of the ideas it brings. Some free food and drink will be provided courtesy of sponsors. You should try to attend if you: Are new to Elixir and want to see what it's all about. Need help with something you're working on or an idea you have. You like listening and helping others, or just want to motivate people. Want access to some hardware, electronics and sensors to play around with Nerves on. Want to discuss the latest happenings in the community. Need somewhere away from home to work on a project. Just want something social to do. We're still trying to lock in the venue for the in-person events and venues may change over time, as might the rules regarding masking depending on peoples' comfort level. For the most part, the mask rules will follow the same restrictions as the venue and will evolve based on current trends of the virus and feedback from the community. If you're interacting with or sitting next to someone, and they would prefer for you to also be masked while nearby, please be considerate of their request. SponsorshipIf you or a company you work for would like to host an event, or sponsor food, beverages or venue costs, please let me know! (see Event Coordinator Contact below). Event Coordinator Contact
Sep 23, 2017
Equifax Q&A for the Layperson: What it means and What you can do – PASCAL On September 7th, 2017 Equifax Inc., one of the largest three credit intelligence corporations in the world announced that it had been compromised from Mid-may through July of 2017. This breach resulted in the loss of information, including Social Security numbers, birth dates, addresses and driver's license numbers, for about 143 million people. Join us Saturday, September 23rd for a free discussion regarding how this breach could affect you or your business, and what steps to take to limit the damage long term and protect your identity. We will field questions for a large portion of the event with the intent of better informing the community.
Jun 12, 2017
GeoDev HackerLab – Esri PDX R&D Center Once again, we are hosting a HackerLab event in Portland, OR! This will be a four-hour, hands-on, strategically guided lab aimed at people new to JavaScript to introduce Esri Leaflet, which makes it a pleasure to drop ArcGIS services into most everyone’s favorite Open Source web mapping library. The tutorials will be led by John Gravois, who loves making maps for the web. He will give you time to play in between the tutorials. Snacks will be there for you to munch on. This is a BYOM, BYOI, BYOA, and BYOD event: bring your own machine (seriously, we don't have any extras), ideas, apps and data. Yeah. Oh and here is a list of the required materials:
HackerLab Agenda: 12:30PM - 4:30PM - HackerLab (We get started promptly at 12:30!) WE REPEAT: Bring your own machine! We will not have any extras for use. NOTE: There is also a GeoDev Meetup happening in the evening at the R&D Office as well, and everyone is welcome to attend. RSVP to the meetup here: |
Oct 22, 2013
Hack + Help Session – New Relic Bring your projects and your desire to learn! This is the place to get help from a mentor, join a peer study group, find an awesome learning project, and to level-up! We started out in Ruby, but we've been working with JS and Python groups and it's been so awesome, we decided to broaden the field. All languages welcome - check in for updates about featured mentors in different specializations each week we meet. |
Oct 29, 2013
Hack + Help Session – New Relic Bring your projects and your desire to learn! This is the place to get help from a mentor, join a peer study group, find an awesome learning project, and to level-up! We started out in Ruby, but we've been working with JS and Python groups and it's been so awesome, we decided to broaden the field. All languages welcome - check in for updates about featured mentors in different specializations each week we meet. |
Nov 8, 2014
Hack day with uncontext. – Instrument Let's get together again and made some art! After the success of the TUIO Jams, we're going to try the same format for a different project. uncontext., for the uninitiated, is a community art project that creates streams of constantly changing data that is publicly accessible. When you create something that uses the data as it streams live, it will move and update to the same heartbeat that is moving and updating every other creation using the data. So at the end of the day, we'll have a series of experiments and projects that are all pulsing to the same beat. I'll even be releasing a new data stream at this event! When you attend, you can create in any way that makes sense to you:
The space is, as always, provided by the ineffable Instrument. We'll have coffee and lunch will be provided by the wonderful team at Codepen, as well as some swag both from sponsors and also generated and printed at the event! If you want a quick intro to uncontext., here's a video of a 15 minute introduction presentation crammed into 5 minutes from a couple months ago. Send John Brown a message if you have any questions! |
Feb 8, 2017
Hack the Dot: PDX Startup Week – Vacasa A Hack the Dot is a two-hour hackathon where coding school students, junior developers, experienced developers, marketers, designers and curious web people come together to build ideas around a domain name. Our events are meant to be a quick and fun way to build a humorous (and functional) product quickly while meeting people in your tech/startup community. There will be pizza. And beer. What to Bring / How to Prepare: • Bring your laptop (fully charged). Bring your charger just in case. • Install the Atom text editor. Go here: • Setup a account How does it work? Step 1: Attendees are broken up into random teams and assigned spirit animals to guide their efforts. Step 2: The teams are provided with the same undisclosed domain name by, arbitrary and often hilarious. Step 3: Teams have just two hours to come up with a functioning site inspired by that domain. The team builds the most creative and fun idea for the domain wins. Participants will be judged on four criteria: (1) functionality, (2) design, (3) humor, and (4) creative domain name interpretation. What do you get at the event? FOOD! SWAG! FRIENDS! How much does it cost? It’s FREE! Questions? Send them to HacktheDot at |
Jul 2, 2014
Hack the People Mentor Night - July Meetup is FULL – New Relic Tonight's Presentation: Evaluating Technologies - FULL Please RSVP via the group's Meetup page [use the above link] as there are a limited number of particpants. Welcome members of Hack The People Portland! We are a group of makers, hackers, coders, programmers, and technologists that want to contribute to the tech community by providing a place to learn from others. ALL ARE WELCOME, regardless of skill level, gender, ethnicity, religion, or any other demographic category. Our meetups are intimate events designed to help create relationships between junior and senior people in various tech fields. Hack The People is looking for both mentees and mentors to attend our events. The events will focus around lightning talks about your projects and goals. Here is what you can expect at this meetup:
During our lightning discussion, you will get to talk about a project you are working on, a personal goal, social/cultural issues you are experiencing, or other things of importance to you. Everyone in the group will have the opportunity to offer you an insight, a resource, a contact, or other things a good mentor might offer. And you in turn will get to offer assistance to others. Everyone is here to help one another, and ALL skill levels are welcome! We will meet afterward at Bailey's to network and get to know each other more while enjoying a drink. Please be punctual as we start on time and move through each portion in a timely manner. This event has a limited number of seats, so don't miss out and make sure to reserve your spot! Learn more about us at! Next Meetup Date: August 6th with Presenter Howard Abrams |
Nov 12, 2013
Hack+Help Session – New Relic Bring your projects and your desire to learn! This is the place to get help from a mentor, join a peer study group, find an awesome learning project, and to level-up! We started out in Ruby, but we've been working with JS and Python groups and it's been so awesome, we decided to broaden the field. All languages welcome - check in for updates about featured mentors in different specializations each week we meet. |
Dec 10, 2013
Hack+Help Session (Cancelled in favor of Winter Coder Social) – New Relic NOTE: Cancelled in favor of the awesome Winter Code Social. Please go there! It's amazing! ==== Bring your projects and your desire to learn! This is the place to get help from a mentor, join a peer study group, find an awesome learning project, and to level-up! We started out in Ruby, but we've been working with JS and Python groups and it's been so awesome, we decided to broaden the field. All languages welcome - check in for updates about featured mentors in different specializations each week we meet. |
Jun 30, 2013
Hackathon - Activst Event Calendar at Engine Yard – Engine Yard The dream: The "Craig's List" of Activism & Civic Engagement, or.... Calagator + more features + more functions, focused on activism and available in every city every where. Because it should be. Come tech types, come biz dev, come social media types, come change-makers! Help create the site that will make your life easier, further your favorite causes, and impact the world! One source for all the documentary screenings, protests, political debates, historical tours, and various geek events, in every city. A tool that empowers everybody to create change in their world. A tool for organizations to reach beyond their choir, discover new allies on issues and further their causes. The event calendar is open source, forked from the Calagator code-base, in Ruby on Rails. Yes, of course food and beer! Please RSVP |
Apr 24, 2019
Hackboat (Hackers on a Boat!) – Portland Spirit Dock FAQ: WTF is an unconference? There will be talks, but no formal CFP. Registrants will be asked for potential speaking topics, and we will likely set up some voting mechanism closer to the event to decide which speaking topics will get time on the mic. Does this cost money? Yes, $100 for a regular ticket, and premium tickets up to $500. Will there be a free hat? Yes, free hat! (for paying attendees only) What hours will the boat be cruising? Time on the water has not been 100% finalized, but will likely be around 11am-3pm, with a couple hours docked on both ends where you can hang out on the boat. How do I get on the boat? The boat will be docked by the Salmon Street Springs fountain on the Portland waterfront. Food? Lunch buffet provided. Drinks? There will be a bar. Internet? There will be internet, but it will be boat internet. Is this an infinitely sized boat? No, there will a limit of 100 people on this boat. How much money are you making from this? Ticket costs are structured to just almost cover costs. No one is making money from any of this. Can I register with my 31337 h4x0r alias? Sorry, due to strict boat law, your legal name will need to match the boat manifest. Are you sure this is a good idea? Too late to back out now. We have the boat, so it's happening either way. This FAQ is boring, is there a better one I can read? The official boat FAQ can be found here: |
Dec 5, 2015
HackPDX Winter 2015 Hackathon @ Airbnb Portland – Airbnb Portland We're back! Join us for the Winter 2015 Hackathon at Airbnb Portland! The theme is education, but feel free to hack on something PDX related or anything at all. There will be food for everyone and prizes for the best hacks, so come with a team, make one here, or fly solo to gain everlasting fame as the creator of the next Instagram for IOT BigData SoMoLo Toasters. Please RSVP on Eventbrite if you're planning on attending; space is limited and you must be on the list to get in! |
Aug 2, 2012
Inform 7 Interest Group Hacking at PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join other text adventure enthusiasts to explore Inform 7. |
Dec 5, 2014
Intel® IoT Hackathon: Transportation - PDX through ADX You're from the City of Roses and Transportation Awareness and, geez, do you have ideas about how to improve things!! Here's a chance to hack solutions to your biggest transportation problems using the latest connected hardware from Intel -- the Intel® IoT Hackathon: Transportation! Exceptional projects will be awarded great prizes after judging on Sunday 12/7. Attendees also are eligible for other prizes throughout the event. Schedule: Location: To Register: *There are only 50 spots available, reserve your spot before it’s too late!!! |
Sep 29, 2013
MaptimePDX! – Flux - Plastic Fantastics Come join your fellow geo nerds for some map hacking, geographic learning, beer drinking, and conversation having! MaptimePDX is a brand new, map-focused hack and learn event, modeled after the hugely successful weekly San Francisco meetup, MaptimeSF. At our first hack day, we will be working through an exercise to edit and contribute to collaborative geographic datasets using GitHub and There will also be a table for folks to come and hack on and talk about their own projects with others! This inaugural MaptimePDX event is being held in conjunction with WhereCampPDX 6, an unconference for all things geospatial. Beginners especially welcome! Bring a laptop if you can. See you there! |
Sep 8, 2012
MFNW+PDX Music Hack Day – Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office) Join the Spotify, Rumblefish, Twilio, MapQuest, Mozilla and your fellow hackers at Puppet Labs for a day of visualizations, data analysis, and general hacking via a number of awesome APIs. Open to the public, the MusicFestNW (MFNW) and Portland Digital eXperience (PDX) Music Hack Day is designed to celebrate the confluence of music and technology by bringing the community together for a little hacking around music. |
Apr 18, 2017
OpenBazaar Decentralized Market – PDX Sliders Bring your laptop, or Raspberry Pi and get help installing and running OB. Runs on Windows, OSX and Linux. It can also be run on a server elsewhere while maintaining it from a client. We'll be meeting at the PDX Sliders (upstairs) so food and drinks are available if people want. OpenBazaar is a decentralized / peer-to-peer market that can't be controlled, or regulated by corporations or governments. And it's completely free to use (assuming you have a computer and internet access.) Become a Bazaarian, and trade free! This meeting is happening concurrently with the Portland Bitcoin Meetup. |
Dec 3, 2014
PDX Exploit Workshop – CTRL-H Hey everybody. Got a bug you just can't land? Is there a recent CVE you've been eyeballing seductively? Just want to brush up on your appsec? PDX Exploit Workshop |
Sep 17, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with your computer amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. |
Sep 24, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun. |
Oct 1, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun. |
Oct 8, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun. |
Oct 15, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun. |
Oct 22, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. There will be some folks working on euler_bench (, but there is no requirement on what you wish to work on. In short we do stuff with a computer, while drinking, and we would love to have you join in the fun. |
Oct 29, 2009
PDX Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with your computer amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. |
Feb 4, 2015
PDX Startup Week: Where Are Your Wearables Hackfest – Quick Left Get amped - does more than hosting. We're hosting our first Quick Left hackfest in Portland with them! And what better week than Portland Startup Week to do so! Aided by the increased processing speed of chips, capacity of batteries and precision of sensor technologies, devices are becoming smaller, faster and more feature heavy than ever before. Where is the power of wearables going? We're bringing it in hackfest form to Portland, OR! Register now for our hackfest Feb 4th and find out (or make it happen). With the Quick Left wearable hackfest, we want take wearable data beyond the miles you pedal or calories burned. We want wearables to be useful in your daily life. According to technology research and advisory company Gartner, by 2020, developed world life expectancy will increase by 0.5 years due to widespread adoption of wireless health monitoring technology. Business leaders must examine the impact of increased wellness on insurance and employee costs as a competitive factor. Inspire innovation to affect this trend at our hackfest. If you've got ideas on what to do with health and exercise data (for humans, your pets or....), you'll want to get your hack on at Quick Left! Wednesday, February 4th, doors open at 6pm, hacking begins at 6:30 Free beer and food provided by our awesome sponsors Teams formed night of Hack for 3 hrs (no previous feature design or code written, please) Winners will be chosen by our sponsors (hint, hint) Thanks to our sponsor, Sparkfun, for supplying Lily Pad Design Kits. And Fitbit is giving away a Fitbit Flex wristband to the winning team and more sponsors to be announced shortly! Still need more convincing to join our hackfests? See three year's worth of Quick Left hackfests we've hosted here! |
Aug 6, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. |
Aug 13, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. |
Aug 20, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. |
Aug 27, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. |
Sep 3, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab. You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch. |
Nov 5, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. |
Nov 12, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. |
Nov 19, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. |
Dec 3, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. |
Dec 17, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon through Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. for up to the minute shenanigan news |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. |
Jan 7, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 14, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 28, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 4, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 11, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 18, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 25, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 4, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 11, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 18, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 25, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 1, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 8, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 15, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 22, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 29, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub !!! TONIGHT WE RAFFLE OFF ONE FREE TICKET TO OPEN SOURCE BRIDGE !!! {small print} you have to be there to collect {/small print} If by some strange chance you have not heard of open source bridge you can get all the info you need, as well as all the confirmed speakers on the website: Other then that, come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 6, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 13, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 20, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 27, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 10, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 17, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 24, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 1, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 8, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 15, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 22, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 29, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 5, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 12, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 19, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 26, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 2, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 9, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 16, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 23, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 30, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 7, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 14, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 21, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 28, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 4, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 11, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 18, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 2, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 9, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 16, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 23, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 30, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 13, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 20, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 27, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. Special guest liquid refreshment provider: Emma Email Marketing (We hear they're hiring.) |
Feb 3, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 10, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 17, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 24, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 3, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 10, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 17, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 24, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 31, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 7, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 14, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 21, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 28, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 5, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 12, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 19, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 26, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 2, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 9, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 16, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 23, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 30, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 7, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 14, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 21, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 28, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 4, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 11, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 18, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 25, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 1, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 8, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 15, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 22, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 29, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 6, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 13, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 20, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 27, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 3, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 10, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 17, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 1, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 8, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 15, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 22, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 29, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 5, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 12, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 19, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 26, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 2, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 9, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 16, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 23, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 1, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 8, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 15, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 22, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 29, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 5, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 12, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 19, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 26, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 3, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 10, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 17, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 24, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 31, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 7, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 14, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 21, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 5, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 12, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 19, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 26, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 2, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 9, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 16, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 23, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 30, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 6, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 13, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 20, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 27, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 4, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 11, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 18, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 25, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 1, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 8, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 15, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 29, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 6, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 13, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 20, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 27, 2012
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 3, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 10, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 17, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 24, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 31, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 7, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 14, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 21, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Feb 28, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 7, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 14, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Mar 21, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 4, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 11, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 18, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Apr 25, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 2, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 9, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 16, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 23, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 30, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 6, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 13, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 27, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 11, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 18, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jul 25, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 8, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 15, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 22, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Aug 29, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 5, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 12, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 19, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Sep 26, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Oct 31, 2013
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 22, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
May 29, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 5, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jun 12, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 6, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 13, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Nov 20, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 4, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 11, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 18, 2014
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Jan 8, 2015
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play. |
Dec 10, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment. |
Jun 3, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon [TBD] – Portland Art Museum NOTE: We may end up having this hackathon at Open Source Bridge in it's hacker lounge, in one of the open-to-the-public evening community sessions, or at a pub closer to it. We'll update this when we decide on something. Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too. |
Feb 9, 2011
| Portland Perl Mongers – Free Geek The plan is to have a series of Lighting talks around the topic of "Worst Useful Hack". Though our only scheduled speaker has come down with the sick so it might just end up being social hour... though if you have any ideas you would like to share please feel free to bring them up on the mailing list or on irc. Mailing List info: IRC info: on irc.perl.orgMore info on the wiki: |
Apr 13, 2011
| Portland Perl Mongers – Free Geek topic: Mock::Quick speaker: Chad 'Exodist' Granum Mock::Quick: (CPAN, Github) Is a modern mocking library taking advantage of modern Perl interface design. Topics include: * Quickly throwing together a minimum object to shove somewhere * Mocking a quick, but strict object * Takeover an already loaded class redefining and restoring specific methods * Generate a mocked class that prevents the real one from loading * Anonymous package mocking for a reusable mock * Collecting usage data * Brief overview of internals (the more you know! -=* Mailing List info: IRC info: on irc.perl.orgMore info on the wiki: |
Apr 30, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help at RailsConf! – Oregon Convention Center Let's take our weekly Hack + Help session to RailsConf! We can show RailsConf attendees how awesome Portland's Ruby community is. What we do: This is an informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Jan 29, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Feb 12, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Feb 26, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Mar 12, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Mar 26, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Apr 9, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Apr 23, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as old bitter veterans. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
May 14, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
May 28, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Jun 11, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Jun 25, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Jul 9, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Jul 23, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Jul 30, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Aug 13, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Aug 27, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Sep 10, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Sep 24, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Oct 8, 2013
Pdx.rb: Hack + Help Session – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby as well as experienced programmers. Bring your laptop and your desire to learn. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we will encourage newbies to self-teach during these sessions so you should have a great place to hack in peace. |
Jul 9, 2011
PDX11 Mentoring Hackathon & Kickoff – Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office) Goal: Community development of a website to help Portland's growing tech community find Mentors and share knowledge. Inspired by Calagator and This is our kickoff and initial hackathon. We hope to have a basic mentor/mentee matching website working by the end of the day. The Portland Development Commission will be providing food & drinks! All skill levels welcome, and also people who are passionate about technical mentoring and knowledge sharing. Join the Google group to share ideas and coordinate development: Also, there's a pilot program so Mentors and Mentees can start connecting right now: Thank you to Puppet Labs for hosting this event! |
Aug 13, 2014
PDXGo Project/Hack Night! – Urban Airship Inc August PDXGo Project Night!Every month for the next few months we'll be having hack nights at Urban Airship paired with PDXPython's hack night. This is mainly due to discovering how many people are actually interested in Go and social hacking. If numbers are steady and large enough, I'll try to organize our own space, however I know not everyone in the Go community is interested in hack nights, so until the numbers are repeatedly high enough to warrant our own space, PDXPython is happy to host us! All skill and interest levels welcome! If you have questions on a project or part of the GoTour feel free to bring them, there will probably be someone who can help! Please RSVP!Helps organize seating! WhenWednesday August 13th 2014 WhereUrban Airship Upstairs Lounge Follow the PDXPython signs to Urban Airships comfy lounge, we will be towards the back of the room, look for the PDXGO signs and a Gopher plushie. I'll try and arrange some circular seating for people to convene around. As for etiquette, it's necessary to note that this is PDXPython's hack night, so please respect the Pythonistas and their Code of Conduct (Be nice, don't be a jerk) and everything will be great. :) |
Sep 10, 2014
PDXGo Project/Hack Night! – Urban Airship Inc August PDXGo Project Night!Every month for the next few months we'll be having hack nights at Urban Airship paired with PDXPython's hack night. This is mainly due to discovering how many people are actually interested in Go and social hacking. If numbers are steady and large enough, I'll try to organize our own space, however I know not everyone in the Go community is interested in hack nights, so until the numbers are repeatedly high enough to warrant our own space, PDXPython is happy to host us! All skill and interest levels welcome! If you have questions on a project or part of the GoTour feel free to bring them, there will probably be someone who can help! Please RSVP!Helps organize seating! WhenWednesday August 13th 2014 WhereUrban Airship Upstairs Lounge Follow the PDXPython signs to Urban Airships comfy lounge, we will be towards the back of the room, look for the PDXGO signs and a Gopher plushie. I'll try and arrange some circular seating for people to convene around. As for etiquette, it's necessary to note that this is PDXPython's hack night, so please respect the Pythonistas and their Code of Conduct (Be nice, don't be a jerk) and everything will be great. :) |
Jun 18, 2015
PDXNode Hack Night – New Relic Come hack, share your projects, work on nodeschool workshoppers. 29th floor |
Jul 25, 2019
PDXNode NodeBots Day and Robot Talent Show – CTRL-H Hackerspace You are invited to a Robot Talent Show in celebration of NodeBots day. PDXNode and Ctrl-H are joining forces to blink those LED's and whirr those motors. Come join a team and build a small robotics project to impress your friends. Orientation and teams at 6:30. Robot Talent Show at 9:00. Welcome to a special edition of PDXNode Hack Night! To learn more about International NodeBots Day, visit the official website: |
Jan 30, 2020
PDXNode – Hack Night! 💻 – CTRL-H Welcome to the PDXNode Hack Night! What is a PDXNode Hack Night? PDXNode Hack Nights are your opportunity to enjoy a low-pressure JavaScript-centric environment where you shouldn't feel like you're supposed to do anything. First and foremost–just come and enjoy yourself. The night is yours: hang, hack, learn, or do whatever you’re interested in doing. 🙌 Depending on the size and interests of our attending group, we have various paths the night could go, and may or may not attempt some of the following: Map Ctrl-H into Hackerspace Regions The hackerspace will be mapped into 'regions', and you can feel free to gravitate towards whichever one suits your interest! • A place for beginners who want to get going with node for the first time. • A place for people who want to work on their own projects (eg. projects you want to do outside of work, but need to find the time). • A place for people to just hang out and connect. • A place for people to work on projects in groups! 'Unconference'-style Team Hacks For team-hackers, we'll have a board up and sticky-notes available available at the beginning of the night. Anyone can feel free to write the name and/or description of something they'd like to hack on with other people–and others who're interested can feel free to go to that region and join in! End of Night Show and Tell There will be a list available to write your name, or team's name down on to give a quick show and tell of your projects at the end of the night. We're pumped to see what you've been working on! Some general stuff to remember: Help is available! There will be seasoned Nodesters ready and available to help anyone with questions or advice in any of the hack-zones: beginners, solo, and group projects. Feel free to reach out and ask at any time throughout the evening. Do what you want to do Above all, we hope for this to be an easy-going event for people to do what they want to do with the time we have. Make the time awesome, it's yours. 😎 Code of Conduct PDXNode continues to abide by its Code of Conduct, and we ask everyone to commit to keeping to it in order for all of us to have a safe, fun, and amazing time. Wahoo! See you then! 🎉🎉 💻 🎉🎉 |
Sep 6, 2013
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's (5th and Couch in between backspace and someday) from around 7pm to midnight. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Oct 4, 2013
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's (5th and Couch in between backspace and someday) from around 7pm to midnight. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Nov 1, 2013
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's (5th and Couch in between backspace and someday) from around 7pm to midnight. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Jan 3, 2014
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's (5th and Couch in between backspace and someday) from around 7pm to midnight. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Feb 7, 2014
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Mar 7, 2014
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Apr 4, 2014
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
May 2, 2014
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Jun 6, 2014
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Jul 5, 2014
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant This meeting was moved from Friday to Saturday because of the holiday! Don't show up on Friday night! Go enjoy the fireworks instead. PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Nov 7, 2014
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Oct 2, 2015
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Nov 6, 2015
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Dec 4, 2015
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Jul 5, 2019
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Sep 6, 2019
Portland 2600 – Theo's Restaurant PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Apr 7, 2023
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
May 5, 2023
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Jun 2, 2023
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Jul 7, 2023
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Aug 4, 2023
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Sep 1, 2023
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Oct 6, 2023
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Nov 3, 2023
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Dec 1, 2023
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Jan 5, 2024
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Feb 2, 2024
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Mar 1, 2024
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Apr 5, 2024
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
May 3, 2024
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Jun 7, 2024
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Jul 5, 2024
Portland 2600 – Sizzle Pie (East Burnside) PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas. |
Aug 23, 2013
Portland Code School Graduation Ceremony – On Friday the 23rd, our students are hosting a graduation celebration and we'd love to invite all our friends and community members! Festivities will begin at 5pm and will continue until the bar's tequila runs out (or until we get tired, or run off to do something crazy). If you're not able to attend, but would like to celebrate anyways, please send a tweet and I'll buy them a drink for you. This event is open invite. Please invite your colleagues and bring your friends. |
Apr 26, 2013
Portland Code School Graduation Drinkup – Blitz Ladd This friday our students are graduating and we'd like them to graduate, Idiocracy-style ("mooor beeeer!"). At 6pm I would be heartened if the supporters of the code school would descend on the graduates en masse for drinks and a formal welcoming to the developer community. If you're able to join us please do! If not, I'm sure they will understand and I will try to buy them a drink for you. :) This event is open invite. Please invite your colleagues and bring your friends. There will be stickers and tantalizing folding puzzles. Sincerest apologies for the late notice, it's been a crazy last week! |
Apr 3, 2013
Portland Go Users Group – Urban Airship Inc The first meeting of the Portland Go Users group. Brad Fitzpatrick of livejournal, memcached, and most recently Go fame will present a talk on the upcoming v1.1 release, with a general Q&A, followed by time for socializing and hacking on Go projects. Beer and space graciously provided by Urban Airship. |
Jun 12, 2013
Portland Go Users Group – Cloudability Portland Go users will share, discuss, and hack. Space and beer graciously provided by Cloudability. |
Jun 19, 2019
Portland Python Monthly Project + Study Night – Alchemy Code Lab 30 Northwest 10th Avenue Portland, OR 97209 Details Let's get together to build cool stuff! Pythonistas will both be available to lend a hand. Bring your computer and your Python projects and come hack with us from 6:30-9pm on third Wednesdays! Special thanks to Alchemy Code Lab for providing the space! Never written Python before? No problem. There will be Pythonistas at the ready to mentor beginners. Anyone at any level of Python experience is welcome and invited to join us! **Note: Please RSVP if you're planning to come so we can set up the right number of tables and chairs. :) |
Oct 18, 2011
Portland Ruby Brigade: Beginners' Meeting – Renewable Funding Informal meeting targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Answer questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! Relevant mailing lists: |
Nov 15, 2011
Portland Ruby Brigade: Beginners' Meeting – Renewable Funding Informal meeting targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Answer questions. Hack. We'll try a different format this time: as you arrive, you can write a topic of interest on the whiteboard. We'll talk a little bit about what the topics are, then split up into small groups to take advantage of the way our office space is laid out. (We even have a few free desks if some people want to pair.) Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! Relevant mailing lists: |
Jan 21, 2014
Portland Startup Weekend Happy Hour – Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub Join us for a fun evening and:
This event is open to anyone who is interested in Startup Weekend Snacks will be served If you have any questions, email [email protected] |
Nov 9, 2015
Portland Startup Weekend Happy Hour – Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub Join us for our traditional pre-event!
This event is open to anyone who is interested in Startup Weekend. Snacks are on us. If you have any questions, email [email protected] |
Apr 10, 2014
Portland Startup Weekend Pre-Party – Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub Portland Startup Weekend April (PDXSW) is fast approaching! Help us kick things off with a pre-party! Join us at the Green Dragon Barrel Room on Thursay April 10, 2014, 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM (PDT). We’ll provide snacks and share some startup weekend-style fun. Get ahead of the game by beginning your networking early, getting feedback on your pitch idea, and hearing tips on how to get the most out of your Portland Startup weekend experience.
For more information about Portland Startup Weekend, visit |
Dec 11, 2014
Portland Women who Tech, Code, and Hack: Holiday Event – West Cafe RSVP REQUIRED: Portland Women who Tech, Code and Hack Holiday Party What: Come enjoy a snack and drink and celebrate the holidays with other Portland women in technology! Network, learn about all the groups serving women in computing and technology in PDX, and hatch fun plans for future collaborations! Join with us: ChickTech Code Scouts Girl Develop It PDX Lesbians who Tech PDX PDX Women in Tech Pyladies PDX Women who Code Women who Hack event contact: Jenny Stoffel ([email protected]) |
Aug 23, 2011
Ruby Beginners Meetup – Collective Agency Downtown Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby and those interested in helping them. Come by to ask questions. Answer questions. Hack. This is a bonus beginners' meetup, specifically aimed at the then-to-be-alumni of the Intro to Programming workshop on the 19th and 20th. |
Oct 15, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list. |
Jul 19, 2011
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. |
Aug 16, 2011
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – Blitz Ladd Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. |
Sep 20, 2011
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – Blitz Ladd Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! |
Dec 20, 2011
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – Blitz Ladd Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! |
Jan 17, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – Blitz Ladd Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! |
Feb 21, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – Blitz Ladd Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! |
Mar 20, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! |
Apr 17, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! |
May 15, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! |
Jun 19, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! |
Jul 17, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! |
Aug 21, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! |
Sep 18, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! |
Oct 16, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! |
Nov 20, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! |
Dec 18, 2012
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! |
Feb 19, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Back at CrowdCompass this month! Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list. |
Mar 19, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list. |
Apr 16, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list. |
May 21, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list. |
Jun 18, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church) This month we're meeting at the Eliot Center during Open Source Bridge in room B202/203. Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list. |
Jul 16, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list. |
Aug 20, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list. |
Sep 17, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list. |
Nov 19, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby – New Relic Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! If you have a question or a topic you'd like discussed at the meeting, feel free to post to the mailing list. |
Jan 15, 2013
Ruby Beginners Meetup, aka Ruby Newbie Brewby [DIFFERENT VENUE!] – Engine Yard Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby. Bring questions. Drink $beverage. Hack. Experienced Rubyists welcome; we want you to share your expertise! For this month we'll be meeting at Engine Yard downtown. |
Sep 9, 2017
Science Hack Day Portland 2017 through PSU Maseeh Engineering Building A weekend making fun science projects. Designers, students, engineers, programmers, scientists, artists, and science-enthusiasts! Excited about making weird, silly or serious things with science? Anyone who is excited about making things with science are welcome to attend. No experience in science or hacking is necessary - just an insatiable curiosity. Wifi, 3D printers, and basic electronic prototyping equipment (soldering irons, Arduinos, etc) will be available. For more demanding projects we can help facilitate access to specific tools for your prototype. All skill levels, ages, and backgrounds are welcome. Children must be accompanied by at least one adult. You don't need a team, project, or idea to attend. Just show up and we will help you find an interesting project to work on! To find out more, come to our meetup on Aug 10 at Laurelhurst Park! Admission: FREE |
Aug 10, 2017
Science Hack Day Portland Meet & Greet: Potluck in the Park – Laurelhurst Park All are welcome to gather in Laurelhurst Park to meet other Science Hack Day attendees and organizers. We will brainstorm projects and build DIY eclipse viewers for the upcoming solar eclipse. Optional: bring food/drink to share and a small donation for materials To find Picnic Area A, see the park map here: Please RSVP so we can get an idea of how much materials to order: |
Feb 13, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House We are trying to setup a semi-regular meetup of SW Portland hackers. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Feb 27, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. It's a new meetup and so far it's just been a couple of us, but we're hoping to grow. Bring a friend. |
Mar 6, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc. It's a new meetup and so far it's just been a couple of us, but we're hoping to grow. Bring a friend. |
Mar 13, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. It's a new meetup and so far it's just been a couple of us, but we're hoping to grow. Bring a friend. |
Mar 20, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Mar 27, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Apr 3, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Apr 10, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Apr 17, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Apr 24, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
May 1, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. I'll be at Railsconf events that evening, so there won't be a sign, but feel free to come anyway. |
May 8, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
May 15, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
May 22, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with other participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Jun 19, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Jun 26, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Jul 3, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Jul 10, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Jul 17, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Jul 24, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Jul 31, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Aug 7, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, give advice, have fun, etc. |
Aug 14, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Aug 21, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Aug 28, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon – Lucky Labrador Public House Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc. |
Jul 26, 2013
Tizen HTML 5 Workshop and Hack through Urban Airship Inc Are you a developer with a passion for mobile? Have an HTML5 app you’d like to port? Don’t have an app yet, but want to make one using HTML5 for Tizen, a new open-source mobile OS brought to you by the Linux Foundation? This hack’s for you! Join BeMyApp for a Tizen HTML5 hack. We’ll have the SDK, support and leadership you need, and we’ll be awarding cash prizes (one $1000 prize and two $500 prizes) for the best apps created and/or ported during the hack. *Please note that YOU will retain ownership copyright on all of your code and ideas. |
Aug 20, 2014
Women Who Code - Intro to JavaScript and Hack Night – PDX Code Guild We will be meeting up for a hack night and some intro to JavaScript for anyone who is looking to get into programing. Food will be provided. Please bring your own laptop or tablet if you would like to come to the JavaScript class. Come for some good company and bring a project to work on. We'll be here to bounce ideas off each other and continue to work out what we would like to run as a community. For those of your interested in getting started in programming, feel free to check out the resources below. Bring your questions and confusion and we'll help you clear things up! JavaScript Getting Started Resources: |
Jan 21, 2010
wsf57get – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Website |