Viewing 0 current events matching “gis” by Event Name.

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Viewing 178 past events matching “gis” by Event Name.

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May 26, 2010
(Canceled) PDX Open Source Geospatial User Group

Meeting agenda: - Meeting is canceled due to following so closely on the heels of our GIS unconference at Portland State Uni.

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.]

OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209 [Or, if you prefer: 45.529986, -122.688206]

Mar 1, 2011
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall Website
Sep 21, 2017
Building Maps That Work - with Sarah from Tableau
Standard Insurance Center Auditorium

DAMA welcomes Sarah Battersby, Senior Research Scientist at Tableau Software to Portland on Thursday, September 21st. She will be presenting "Cartograpghic Licence and Building Maps That Work".

Also Included: Continental Breakfast and Networking with other Data Professionals!

Registration at:

We live in a data rich world and many of the data that we encounter have a geographic link, such as a point coordinate, an address, a state, or country name. Maps are a key part of understanding geographically linked data and utilizing it in decision making. In designing maps, virtually anyone with a computer and an internet connection can be a cartographer – regardless of knowledge of principles of spatial data or visual and cartographic communication best practices. The good news about this democratization of cartography is that everyone is empowered to explore their own data with maps. The bad news is that anyone can make a map. While many map authoring tools help guide the design, it is still easy to unintentionally (or occasionally intentionally) mislead readers. The variant of the truth that we find in maps is largely driven by choices that the cartographer makes in the data collection, cleaning, analysis, and visualization process. In this presentation I consider issues of how the map designer and reader perceive mapped data and where “noise” can creep into the communication to distort the intended message.

Through the presentation, we will explore a number of data and visualization challenges that citizen (and professional) cartographers wrestle with every day. Fortunately some of the big challenges in cartography have solutions – if you know where to look. Unfortunately, some also fall in the damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t category – but you had better have the critical understanding skills needed to consider the implications either way. No map is perfect, but some are much better than others. In this talk we will look at good and bad examples, the problems and solutions, and discuss about pathways to success and enlightenment through better mapping. Or, at least we can just try to learn to stop worrying and love maps.

The presentation will be colored with a psycho-geographic perspective garnered from way too many years teaching cartography and GIS fundamentals to unsuspecting college youths, and my more recent years at a software company designing a product to help people make better decisions without requiring years of cartographic study.

About the Speaker:

Sarah Battersby is a research scientist at Tableau Software. Her primary area of focus is cartography, with an emphasis on cognition. Her work emphasizes how we can help people visualize and use spatial information more effectively. Her research has covered a variety of areas, including perception in dynamic map displays, geospatial technologies and spatial thinking abilities, and the impact of map projection on spatial cognition. She works closely with the maps development team.

Sarah earned her PhD in Geography in 2006 from the University of California at Santa Barbara. She is a member of the International Cartographic Association Commission on Map Projections, and is a Past President (2015 – 2016) of the Cartography and Geographic Information Society – a society composed of educators, researchers and practitioners involved in the design, creation, use and dissemination of geographic information.

Sarah is a member of the National Geospatial Advisory Committee, a Federal Advisory Committee sponsored by the Department of the Interior under the Federal Advisory Committee Act.

About DAMA Portland

The Portland Metro Chapter of the Data Administration Management Association has been serving the Portland data community since 1984. We are a not-for-profit, vendor independent, professional association dedicated to advancing the concepts and practices of enterprise information and data resource management.

Our primary purpose is to promote the understanding, development and practice of managing data, information and knowledge resources as key enterprise assets.

The DAMA Portland Chapter is dedicated to delivering thought provoking data-centric presentations that will make you more successful in your job. Please join me, the rest of the DAMA board, and other fellow lovers of data at this regular chapter meeting in downtown Portland.

Thanks for your support of local Data Education, we look forward to seeing you there!

Feb 9, 2015
Code4Lib 2015 Preconference
Hilton Portland and Executive Tower

Code4Lib 2015 is a loosely-structured conference that provides people working at the intersection of libraries/archives/museums/cultural heritage and technology with a chance to share ideas, be inspired, and forge collaborations.

Preconferences are 1-day or a 1/2-day events and workshops that will occur on Monday, February 9, 2015.

Preconference details can be found at:

Register for full day or half day preconference through Registration for preconferences uses the same form as conference registration, but you DO NOT need to register for the main conference to attend a preconference.

Please show your interest in particular preconferences by adding your name to the list on the wiki page linked above.

For more information about the Code4Lib community, please visit

May 24, 2017
Community Empowerment Through Mapping
Free Geek

Come learn how to find public data sets and collect spatial data in and with your community!

In the first half of the class, you will learn how to use Google Earth Pro, a free data mapping tool, as well as a few basic functions using the data analysis tool QGIS. We will also touch on methods and ethics in community data collection and display. The second half of the class will be a workshop for your ideas, so please come to class prepared with a community project idea which you are working on, or would like to work on using mapping tools.

Goal of class: By the end of this class, students will be able to: -create map surveys, create map objects (points, lines, polygons) on -visualize and add detail to inputs in Google Earth Pro -add data layers to a map, perform spatial join, and modify data table in QGIS -They will know where to find public data sets, and how to make their own -They will also be briefed on community data collection practices, and honest and ethical data collection and distribution. -In workshop, we will provide some ideas on what data sets and data analysis tools would help them work on their project.

Jan 22, 2010
CrisisCamp Portland: public planning meeting, bring your own lunch
NedSpace Old Town

Help us plan this weekend's CrisisCampPDX. Bring your lunch to NedSpace and look for the "CrisisCampPDX" sign inside. You don't need to be there the entire time, come to as much of it as you can. You can get take-out lunch at nearby restaurants, like in Chinatown or the foodcarts at 10th and SW Alder.

More about CrisisCampPDX: - RSVP for the free event: - Follow the global effort: @CrisisCamp - Follow Portland effort: @CrisisCampPDX - Join Portland mailing list:

Mar 19, 2011
CrisisCamp Strategy Session and OSM Editing for Sendai, Japan
Coalition Brewing

While there are many CrisisCamps around the globe for the Japanese relief effort, we will be having a small strategy session this Saturday to plan for a larger CrisisCamp track at the PDXOSGIS Unconference and Hackathon at the end of March. Some things we'll need to discuss are data sources, taxonomy (OSM presets for humanitarian relief), and coordination. There will be some editing so bring a laptop and be familiar with OSM (plenty of videos). 2724 SE Ankeny, Portland, OR, 97214

Feb 11, 2010
CrisisCampPDX & OpenStreetMap, Lunch Meetup: Lessons Learned from #cchaiti
Galleria Downtown Shopping Office Plaza

This meetup is intended to bring folks up to speed on what has been done for the OpenStreetMap mapping effort for CrisisCampPDX and other cities. We'll also have plenty of time to cover other OSM topics and future events.

May 1, 2013
Esri Dev Meet Up - Helping to Keep Portland on the Edge
Portland City Grill

In coordination with the Oregon and Southwest Washington URISA GIS in Action conference, we will be hosting an Esri Dev Meet Up on Wednesday, May 1st. Food and beverages will be provided at the meet up.

The Esri Dev Meet Up is a social gathering for developers to discuss geospatial technologies, complementary third-party tools, and development platforms (e.g., Silverlight, Java, Flex, JavaScript) that are supported by Esri. Presentations run the gamut of our community: from Web development to mobile location development for iOS, Android and Windows Phone 7 to automating tasks with Python.

Developers of all levels of expertise are welcome, from seasoned GIS professionals to those new to geospatial development.

Meetup Schedule:

*6:00 - 7:00 PM Registration and Social (Appetizers and Beverages served)

*7:00 - 7:30 PM Keynote Speaker

Jim Walter - Real World Experiences Creating Intelligent Mobile Devices Through Contextual Awareness and Persistent Location

*7:30 - 8:30 PM Lightning talks

Theresa Valentine from the USDA Forest Service "GeoNIS: Automating the Process of Integrating Spatial Data for 26 Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites, and Making Data Available via Map and Image Services"

Paul Ferro is a GIS Analyst for DOGAMI. He will be presenting "Tips, Tricks, and Scripts for Planning Your Migration to ArcGIS Server 10.1." It will cover how to mine and archive 10 Web service properties for a 10.1 deployment and use Python to stage 10.1 service definitions in advance.

Dana Maher is a Mobile Application Developer who works on Web and mobile applications, primarily relating to Emergency Management, Urban Planning, and Operational Support will present "Architecting a Mobile Common Operating Picture for Emergency Management." She will cover the architecture of an app that pulls from a disparate group of spatial data sources and formats to provide a common operating picture for Oregon emergency management.

*8:30 - 9:30 PM Raffle, Networking and Social.

Follow us on Twitter: @Al_Laframboise and @AmyNiessen

Nov 11, 2015
Esri GeoDev Meetup
Imperial Restaurant

This event is a social gathering for developers to discuss the latest in mapping, geo technology, geo services, web and mobile mapping apps, app design, cloud solutions, map data or anything else related to solving real-world "geo" problems.

Developers of all levels of expertise are welcome, from seasoned GIS professionals to those new to geospatial development. At these meet ups, you can:

• Meet cool people. Duh, we're there.

• Show us what you got by demo'ing your application or framework.

• Make a name for yourself in presenting an cool new/interesting concept or idea.

• Impress someone by sharing your experiences.

• If you're sharp with your GIS and developer trivia, you can win some cool Esri swag

• Make BFFs for life - connect with other developers!

Here's what's on the agenda:

5:30 - 6:30 PM Registration and Social (Appetizers and Beverages served)

6:30 - 7:30 PM Intro

7:30 - 8:30 PM Lightning talks

8:30 - 9:30 PM Raffle, Networking and Social. Two great prizes:

  • A voucher for 1000 Service Credits for your ArcGIS Online Developer Subscription

  • DevSummit Registration

May 7, 2014
Esri R&D Center Brand New Office Party!
Esri Portland R&D Center

Come Celebrate our new Office!

After Portland startup Geoloqi joined Esri in 2012, our office has grown from 6 to 20 people and our current space didn't fit everyone! This year, we found an awesome new space downtown and moved into a new, permanent location. Now that we're all settled into our new space, we'd love to invite you to join us in celebrating growth, community and all things geo! We'll have Legos, toys, and even a custom-built Settler's of Catan board for you to play! Feel free to bring other board games if you'd like.


RSVP on EventBrite so we can make sure we have enough drinks and light snacks (gluten free) for everyone! We are using Eventbrite to track RSVPs, if you know you are coming please reserve a ticket! In addition to celebrating Esri R&D Center Portland's new office, we will be celebrating Geoloqi's 4th year anniversary, as well as both Amber Case's and Patrick Arlt's birthday!

Who is invited?

The entire Portland tech community is invited, as well as friends and family of the Esri R&D Center team!

We have all of you to thank for helping us get where we are today. Special thanks to TiE, PIE, PSF, PDC for funding us, providing mentorship and being patient with our crazy vision this entire time. It's been 4 years since Geoloqi started, and almost 2 since we've been a part of Esri!

In town for Write the Docs, Monitorama or Webvisions? Feel free to join us as well!

RSVP on Eventbrite.

Sep 8, 2014
FOSS4G (Workshops)
Portland State University

Full descriptions are on the FOSS4G Workshops page. Check the Registration Page for availability.

Morning Sessions:

  • An Introduction to OpenStreetMap
  • Better Planning In Case of Disaster: Introduction to Impact Modelling with InaSAFE
  • Building Standards Compliant Geospatial Web Application – The Quick and Easy MapMint Way
  • Create a mobile GIS app using FOSS tools
  • Creating Interactive Online Maps with CartoDB
  • Let’s talk about your geostack
  • OpenLayers 3 – First Contact
  • Python Flask, MongoDB, and Leaflet for quick and fun mapping applications
  • SpatioTemporal data handling with GeoServer: an introduction with examples for MetOc and Remote Sensing data for WMS and WCS
  • Web mapping with OGC services and GeoServer: an introduction

Afternoon Sessions

  • Building Apps with OpenLayers
  • Deploying INSPIRE Geoportals with GET SDI Portal
  • Deploying Web Processing Services using ZOO-Project – Examples of Python based WPS using PgRouting
  • Developing Android Native Mobile Applications with mobile map tools
  • Enterprise class deplyoment for GeoServer and GeoWebcache:optimizing performances and robustness
  • Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis with PySAL
  • Introduction to high availability clusters with GeoServer and GeoWebCache
  • Introduction to InaSAFE development
  • Introduction to PostGIS

All Day Sessions:

  • An introduction to QGIS
Sep 9, 2014
FOSS4G (Workshops)
Portland State University

Full descriptions are on the FOSS4G Workshops page. Check the Registration Page for availability.

Morning Sessions:

  • Becoming a QGIS Developer
  • Bringing together SQL, CartoCSS and Javascript to tell stories with data using CartoDB
  • FOSS4G routing with pgRouting, OpenStreetMap road data and OpenLayers
  • GeoTools DataStore Workshop
  • Introduction to GeoServer
  • Spatio-temporal data handling and visualization in GRASS GIS
  • The Accidental DBA
  • TileMill Fundamentals
  • Versioning Spatial Data with GeoGit

Afternoon Sessions

  • A Standard GeoSpatial Stack in The Cloud – look ma, no installs
  • GeoNetwork for dummies, or how to setup and use an SDI in 3 hours
  • GeoNode: From novice to master
  • GeoServer Cartography and Styling
  • GeoWebCache in Production
  • Getting started with Oskari – Modular map application framework
  • HOT Activations: OpenStreetMap for Disaster Response
  • Leaflet and Mapbox JavaScript API Fundamentals
  • PostGIS 3D
  • QGIS for Analysts
  • QGIS Plugin Development with PyQt4 and PyQGIS
  • Replicating PostGIS

All Day Sessions:

  • From data to maps and services with MapStore, GeoServer GeoNetwork and CKAN
  • OGC services with GeoServer: from journeyman to master
Aug 12, 2013
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line is: 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

Sep 9, 2013
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line is: 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

Nov 18, 2013
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line is: 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

Dec 3, 2013
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is usually: 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

Dec 17, 2013
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is usually: 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

Jan 14, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is usually: 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

Jan 28, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

Feb 11, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

Feb 25, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

Mar 11, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

Mar 25, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

Apr 8, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

Apr 22, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

May 6, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

May 20, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1 971-998-1350, PIN 9000.

Join the mailing list at

Jun 3, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1 (510) 500-8006, PIN 89474

Join the mailing list at

Jun 17, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1 (510) 500-8006, PIN 89474

Updated number: +1-510-350-3753, PIN 43905

Join the mailing list at

Jul 1, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

This meeting is telephone conference only. The conference line info is: +1-510-350-3753, PIN 43905

Join the mailing list at

Jul 15, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1-510-350-3753, PIN 43905

Join the mailing list at

Jul 29, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1-510-350-3753, PIN 43905

Join the mailing list at

Aug 7, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1-510-350-3753, PIN 43905

Join the mailing list at

Aug 12, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

Join the mailing list at

Aug 19, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1-510-350-3753, PIN 43905

Join the mailing list at

Aug 26, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1-510-350-3753, PIN 43905

Join the mailing list at

Sep 2, 2014
FOSS4G 2014 Planning Meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is to come help plan the conference. All who might be interested are welcome.

For those unable to physically attend there will be a video and/or telephone conference available. The conference line info is: +1-510-350-3753, PIN 43905

Join the mailing list at

Dec 2, 2013
FOSS4G 2014 Press Release and promotional material brainstorm
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Portland will be hosting the international FOSS4G (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial) conference in September, 2014. This meeting is get the promotional material moving along. All who might be interested are welcome.

Rough Agenda:

  • Keep brainstorming and refining ideas
  • Write press releases
  • Identify and contact potential media outlets
  • Decide on video details (i.e. who has a camera, who can film, format, video editing ideas, etc)
  • Sign up for videos (world's smallest park, bridges, bikes, rivers, boats, going to work, etc). At least, film all PDX-OSGeo'ers who regularly bike to work or around PDX.
  • Add more here...

For those who can't attend in person, #osgeo-pdx on freenode irc (available on webclient as well,

Join the mailing list at

May 21, 2014
GeoDev Meetup
Portland City Grill

Developers and geo enthusiasts are invited to discuss geospatial technology and development, learn from each other, and socialize on us (Esri).

At GeoDev Meetups, you can demonstrate your application/framework, present an interesting concept or idea, share your experiences, and connect with other developers.

5:30–6:30 p.m. — Registration and Social (appetizers and beverages served)

6:30–7:30 p.m. — Keynote Presentation

7:30–8:30 p.m. — Lightning Talks*

8:30–9:30 p.m. — Networking and Raffle (1000 Service Credits for your ArcGIS Online Developer Subscription + a DevSummit registration)

Please RSVP

*Submit a topic for a 5-minute lightning talk when you RSVP

Dec 5, 2018
GeoDev Meetup (Mobile!)
Esri PDX R&D Center

This event is a social gathering for developers to discuss the latest in mapping, geo technology, geo services, web and mobile mapping apps, app design, cloud solutions, map data or anything else related to solving real-world "geo" problems. Developers of all levels of expertise are welcome, from seasoned GIS professionals to those new to geospatial development.

Join us on Wednesday, December 5th for a Mobile-themed meetup. That means the intro, keynote, and lighting talks will all be focused on usages of mobile within the context of GIS. Food and beverages will be provided at the meetup.

Have you built a cool geospatial mobile app recently that you'd like to show off? Submit a lightning talk! We'd love to see it!

Find out more details and RSVP on our Meetup page.

Sep 26, 2018
GeoDev Meetup - Portland, OR
Esri R&D Center

The Esri GeoDev Meetup is back again, but this time we're trying something new! We have listened to your feedback and we are introducing themed meetups!

Join us on Wednesday, September 26th for a Python-themed meetup. That means the intro, keynote, and lighting talks will all be focused on usages of Python within the context of GIS. Food and beverages will be provided at the meetup.

This event is a social gathering for developers to discuss the latest in mapping, geo technology, geo services, web and mobile mapping apps, app design, cloud solutions, map data or anything else related to solving real-world "geo" problems.

Developers of all levels of expertise are welcome, from seasoned GIS professionals to those new to geospatial development.

Have you built a cool Python app recently that you'd like to show off? Submit a lightning talk! We'd love to see it!

Dec 4, 2019
GeoDev Meetup - Portland, OR
Esri R&D Center

Join us for our final GeoDev Meetup of 2019! This free event is a great opportunity to gather with other developers within the community and share what we're working on together! We're looking for lightning talk speakers and would love to hear what you have been developing! Contact [email protected] should you be interested in giving a five-minute lightning talk!

Apr 3, 2019
GeoDev Meetup Group - Oregon - Esri GeoDev Meetup - R&D Office (Biking!)
Esri Portland R&D Center

The Esri GeoDev Meetup is back again, and this time it is organized around a theme of biking! That means the intro, keynote, and lightning talks will all be focused on usages of GIS development within the context of biking and cycling.

Join us on Wednesday, April 3rd for this biking-themed meetup. Food and beverages will be provided.

This event is a social gathering for developers to discuss the latest in mapping, geo technology, geo services, web and mobile mapping apps, app design, map data or anything else related to solving real-world "geo/biking" problems.

Developers of all levels of expertise are welcome, from seasoned GIS professionals to those new to geospatial development.

Have you done research around or built a cool biking app recently that you'd like to show off? Submit a lightning talk! We'd love to see it!

• Meet fellow PDX techies.

• Show us what you got by demoing your application or framework.

• Make a name for yourself in presenting a cool new/interesting concept or idea.

• Impress others by sharing your experiences.

• Make BFFs for life by connecting with other developers!

• Win some cool Esri swag! (Mike and Eli are already hard at work conjuring up their best bike trivia.)

Here's what's on the agenda:

5:30 - 6:30 PM Registration and Social (Pizza and Beverages served)

6:30 - 7:30 PM Intro, Demo, and Keynote address

- Matthew Hampton of Portland Metro, "The History of Bike There! – Tyvek to Today"
- Christopher Moravec of Dymaptic, "AI Cycling Navigation: The Data and Beyond"

7:30 - 8:00 PM Lightning talks

8:00 - 8:30 PM Giveaway, Networking, and Social

A voucher for 1000 Service Credits will be given to everyone in attendance for their ArcGIS Online Developer Subscription

- There will be one giveaway of a DevSummit Registration for 2020.

Follow us on Twitter: @esrigeodev (

Apr 21, 2011
Bailey's Taproom

Just another spontaneous geonerd pub crawl. We'll start from Baileys and crawl from there. Follow us on Geoloqi for locations.

Nov 19, 2014
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Featuring abundant free refreshments, a keynote speech by Erin Aigner of Second Story (formerly of The New York Times), geo-trivia with awesome prizes (the Society for Conservation GIS donated 10 GIS books!), and an optional round of speed networking.

See the flyer,!

Made possible by the generous support of PCC, PDX-OSGeo, the OR-URISA Young Professionals, the PSU ASPRS Student Chapter, DOGAMI, the Society for Conservation GIS, and Esri PDX.

Feb 4, 2010
GIS Happy Hour

Meet and talk with real life land managers at the Green Dragon this Thursday to discuss how augmented reality can aid their field work.

Green Dragon is kid friendly in the bistro section after 4pm. So much beer too.

Might head over to the hackfest afterwards --

Jul 14, 2008
Humaninet Project Launch
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

You are invited to join the HumaniNet team on Monday, July 14, at the Lucky Lab NW (19th & Quimby) for an informal update and roundtable on the Maps 2.0 initiative and related projects with Google Earth/Maps, GPS, and GIS in general.

If you know of someone interested in these technologies, or any tech topic that might apply to the humanitarian space, please invite them too.

Following a team meeting at 5:15, we'll start with a short presentation at 5:45, followed by networking, socializing, and tech conversation.

Hope to see you there! (sorry for the short notice)

Gregg Swanson Executive Director, HumaniNet mobile 503-957-2960 [email protected]

Sep 24, 2010
Kool Apps 2010: Open Data and Open Source Geospatial
Portland State University (PSU) - Smith Memorial Center

CLICK HERE to register for free on EventBrite

Oregon/SW Washington URISA ( presents:


This all day event is free to the public. It is co-sponsored by the PDX-Open Source GIS users group, a special interest group of OR-URISA.

This event is coordinated with WhereCampPDX, and attendees are encouraged to attend both events!

Attendees should plan on bringing a laptop to participate in the hands-on portion and a three-hour walk-thru of selected open source GIS applications.

Agenda: * 9am - 11am : OpenStreetMap - Presented by Cloudmade * 11am - Noon : The Open Source GIS stack - Presented by PDX-OSGIS * Noon - 1pm: Lunch on your own * 1pm -3pm : The Open Source GIS stack * 3pm - 5pm : Invited demos of projects solved with open source gis tools.

Beverages and light snacks provided by OR-URISA

This event takes place at Portland State University, in the Smith Center's VanPort Room (#338). Registration is free but space is limited to 72 participants.

Please feel free to post any questions to the PDX-OSGIS user group!

Sep 4, 2008
Maps 2.0, Google Earth, and GPS: What's New, What Works
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

HumaniNet will present a status report on our Maps 2.0 initiative, which is exploring ready-to-use Web-based mapping tools for humanitarian and nonprofit organizations.

Dylan Myers, a digital mapping specialist at Google Maps, will also be there to answer your questions on the ever-expanding toolkit of Google Maps and Google Earth. Dylan was a key member of a Mercy Corps team that conducted a GIS (geospatial information systems) project in Indonesia following the 2004 tsunami.

Conversation ad networking begin at 5 p.m. At 6 p.m., Gregg Swanson and Matt Blair of HumaniNet will briefly discuss the initial findings of the research, which is based on interviews with aid and relief managers in Afghanistan, Sudan, Singapore, London, and – not least - Portland.

Among the topics: some notes from Matt on emerging Web 2.0 social mapping services, including the promise and pitfalls of 'crowd-sourced' geospatial data.

Following Q&A, you can meet Dylan, see demos, exchange ideas, practiceyour “geo-geek speak,” and learn more about what online maps can do for your project or organization.

The 501 Tech Club event is co-sponsored by NTEN.

Mar 5, 2014
Esri R&D Center (aka Geoloqi HQ)

It's March Mapness!

Welcome to MaptimePDX, a monthly hack and learn meetup for map nerds, geo-geeks, and the spatially inclined. Beginners are very welcome!

Our goal is to be inclusive no matter your tech level, so bring your questions, geoprojects, and mapping curiosities. If you want to get hands-on, we'd also encourage bringing a laptop.

If you have any questions about the group or have something you'd like to show/teach send us a message on Twitter @MaptimePDX.

Apr 2, 2014
Urban Airship Inc

We are meeting at Urban Airship this time while Esri gets settled in to their NEW office building (congrats!).

We have a couple quick demos and pres-itos lined up so bring your ideas, projects, and apps to share or hack on.

May 14, 2014
Esri Portland R&D Center

It's time for the May Maptime! Mayptime!

Same Map-time, new Map-place.

Note that we're meeting at the NEW Esri R&D Center office off SW 6th Ave this time around.


  • State of the Map (SOTM) Recap
  • The State of Maptime
  • Develop list of tools and libraries and what they're good at
  • Develop best "recipes" for webmaps
  • Overview of using PostGIS with QGIS
  • Mapping Reed Canyon in OSM
  • Intro to Tilemill 2
  • General map hacking time

Let us know if you have something you'd like to teach, ask, show, or hack:


Welcome to MaptimePDX, a monthly hack and learn meetup for map nerds, geo-geeks, and the spatially inclined. Beginners are very welcome!

Our goal is to be inclusive no matter your tech level, so bring your questions, geoprojects, and mapping curiosities. We also highly encourage bringing a laptop so you can get hands-on!

Jun 9, 2014
Esri Portland R&D Center

Welcome to MaptimePDX, a monthly hack and learn meetup for map nerds, geo-geeks, and the spatially inclined. Beginners are very welcome!

Our goal is to be inclusive no matter your tech level, so bring your questions, geoprojects, and mapping curiosities. We also highly encourage bringing a laptop so you can get hands-on!


  • Tillmill 101 - writing CartoCSS, mustache templating, using your own data, and previews of TM2, the next iteration of TileMill.

Let us know if you have something you'd like to teach, ask, show, or hack:

Jul 3, 2014
Esri Portland R&D Center

Welcome to MaptimePDX, a monthly hack and learn meetup for map nerds, geo-geeks, and the spatially inclined. Beginners are very welcome!

Our goal is to be inclusive no matter your tech level, so bring your questions, geoprojects, and mapping curiosities. We also highly encourage bringing a laptop so you can get hands-on!


We have a little project for the FOSS4G 2014 website to hack on! They want to map out some entertainment options (restaurants, bars, other POIs) for a Portland guide and are looking for some assistance.

Some of the Esri PDX folks may do some presentation practice runs in preparation for the Esri UC as well.

Let us know if you have something you'd like to teach, ask, show, or hack:

Aug 5, 2014
Esri Portland R&D Center

Welcome to MaptimePDX, a monthly hack and learn meetup for map nerds, geo-geeks, and the spatially inclined. Beginners are very welcome!

Our goal is to be inclusive no matter your tech level, so bring your questions, geoprojects, and mapping curiosities. We also highly encourage bringing a laptop so you can get hands-on!


  • Lyzi Diamond will lead a Map Basics session
  • Show and Tell - Show us your cool maps and mapping apps!

Let us know if you have something you'd like to teach, ask, show, or hack:

Oct 2, 2014
Esri Portland R&D Center

Welcome to MaptimePDX, a monthly hack and learn meetup for map nerds, geo-geeks, and the spatially inclined. Beginners are very welcome!

Our goal is to be inclusive no matter your tech level, so bring your questions, geoprojects, and mapping curiosities. We also highly encourage bringing a laptop so you can get hands-on!


  • Post-FOSS4G BoF discussion
  • Mapbox Studio
  • Impostor Syndrome

Let us know if you have something you'd like to teach, ask, show, or hack:

Nov 6, 2014
Esri Portland R&D Center

Welcome to MaptimePDX, a monthly hack and learn meetup for map nerds, geo-geeks, and the spatially inclined. Beginners are very welcome!

Our goal is to be inclusive no matter your tech level, so bring your questions, geoprojects, and mapping curiosities. We also highly encourage bringing a laptop so you can get hands-on!


  • MaptimeHQ has been migrated to a new website!
  • Community Cycling Center transportation advocacy app

Let us know if you have something you'd like to teach, ask, show, or hack:

Dec 4, 2014
Esri Portland R&D Center

Welcome to MaptimePDX, a monthly hack and learn meetup for map nerds, geo-geeks, and the spatially inclined. Beginners are very welcome!

Our goal is to be inclusive no matter your tech level, so bring your questions, geoprojects, and mapping curiosities. We also highly encourage bringing a laptop so you can get hands-on!


Please fill out our feedback survey to help us make MaptimePDX even better!

  • Feedback Survey results - Matt Sayler
  • (database service for rapid application development) - Benji Smith

Let us know if you have something you'd like to teach, ask, show, or hack:

Feb 5, 2015
Esri Portland R&D Center

Welcome to MaptimePDX, a monthly hack and learn meetup for map nerds, geo-geeks, and the spatially inclined. Beginners are very welcome!

Our goal is to be inclusive no matter your tech level, so bring your questions, geoprojects, and mapping curiosities. We also highly encourage bringing a laptop so you can get hands-on!


  • Intro Git
  • HTML Basics
  • CSS Basics

We recommend you install a text editor with syntax highlighting. Sublime Text and Notepad++ are two popular choices (of many).

Let us know if you have something you'd like to teach, ask, show, or hack:

Mar 5, 2015
Esri Portland R&D Center

Welcome to MaptimePDX, a monthly hack and learn meetup for map nerds, geo-geeks, and the spatially inclined. Beginners are very welcome!

Our goal is to be inclusive no matter your tech level, so bring your questions, geoprojects, and mapping curiosities. We also highly encourage bringing a laptop so you can get hands-on!


  • Using Github pages

Let us know if you have something you'd like to teach, ask, show, or hack:

Apr 2, 2015
Esri Portland R&D Center

Welcome to MaptimePDX, a monthly hack and learn meetup for map nerds, geo-geeks, and the spatially inclined. Beginners are very welcome!

Our goal is to be inclusive no matter your tech level, so bring your questions, geoprojects, and mapping curiosities. We also highly encourage bringing a laptop so you can get hands-on!

Register Here

I think we're going to do a Q&A session. We want to try and keep this one a little shorter so people can go to the Deviant Cartography exhibit (just a few blocks away):

May 14, 2015
Esri Portland R&D Center

This month's topic is Cartographic Design Principles.

Learn more & register here!

Welcome to MaptimePDX, a monthly hack and learn meetup for map nerds, geo-geeks, and the spatially inclined. Beginners are very welcome!

Our goal is to be inclusive no matter your tech level, so bring your questions, geoprojects, and mapping curiosities. We also highly encourage bringing a laptop so you can get hands-on!

Jan 29, 2019
MaptimePDX // the Bike Edition!

Maptime is back! And it’s all about bikes 🚴‍♂️💨. We’re connecting the bike community with mappers, developers, and designers. For the first part of our meeting, we'll have guest speakers:

Matthew Hamtpon (Metro) will talk about the history of the Bike There! map and what's happening at Metro related to bikes and infrastructure.

Momoko Saunder (Biketown) will present on some of the tools they use for visualizing data on maps and how they use them to improve operations.

Rafa Gutierrez (Mapbox) will showcase recent cycling applications built with Mapbox tools.

As usual, there will be time to hack on projects in the second half and share whatever challenges you're working on. Maptime is a time for learning and asking questions. We welcome newcomers and anyone wanting to teach or learn. Have an app or cool idea to share? Get in touch or just join us Tuesday Jan 29, 6-7:30p at CNTRL East 329 NE Couch St, Portland. We'll have some pizza & snacks so be sure to RSVP. BYOB.

Mar 7, 2014
MaptimePDX Friday MorningNOMNOM
Kenny & Zuke's Delicatessen

Last minute plug for a geo breakfast. Come hangout, drink coffee, and eat yummy K&Z grub with other geonerds. Just look for the mappy people.

Nov 13, 2013
MaptimePDX Hack Night
Esri R&D Center (aka Geoloqi HQ)

Hey map nerds, geo geeks, and the spatially curious: MaptimePDX is having a November meetup, and we want you to come hack with us!

MaptimePDX is a monthly/bi-weekly hack and learn event for the geographically inclined. November's event will be a hack night! Come out and work on your map project, or work on one of the exercises we will have for you to do. If you're brand new to maps and code, we will also have a group of people working on building their first web maps, with lots of people there to help!

Beginners are very welcome and encouraged to attend! Please bring a laptop if you can. If you're at all interested in casual mentoring at the event (a.k.a. answering questions or sharing what you do), please shoot us a message on Twitter.

We all use maps every day. Let's learn how to make them even better... together.

Feb 5, 2014
MaptimePDX! Hacknight
Esri R&D Center (aka Geoloqi HQ)

Welcome to MaptimePDX, a monthly hack and learn meetup for map nerds, geo-geeks, and the spatially inclined. Beginners very welcome. The best maps are made together. :)

woodcut map

Mar 20, 2014
Anna Bannanas Cafe, St Johns

Tonight at MaptimeStJohns, we will review some compiled leaflet maps using several of the leaflet pluggins. We will go through some live custom examples using humangeo's dvf pluggin, we will use postgis and output geojson, geocsv and topojson to add to our leaflet maps, and also discuss some temporal mapping tools.

Bring your laptop with leaflet installed and a webserver available. Have a server scripting language such as php or python and postgressql/postgis installed. If you don't have a laptop, come anyway and you will be able to see these tools in action, as well as receive any materials handed out at the meetup. Bring a flash drive so you can take a copy of the data home.


May 1, 2015
Nepal Earthquake HOTOSM Mapathon
Esri Portland R&D Center

Calling all mappers! There will be a group at the Esri Portland office this Friday evening helping with the Humanitarian OSM mapping efforts for the Nepal earthquake crisis.

Prior experience mapping, particularly in OpenStreetMap, is highly recommended and you will need your own laptop. Beginners are welcome to come, but we may have you run through some tutorials to get up to speed rather than work on the Nepal data.

Thank you Esri Portland for providing space!

Jan 12, 2010
Nonprofit Mapping Showcase
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Start 2010 off with PDXTech4Good, a good map, and a cold beer!

NPOs and NGOs are using modern mapping technologies for a variety of purposes and projects from tracking endangered species to visualizing inter-agency response to an earthquake in Indonesia. PDXTech4Good will feature a "showcase" of nonprofit and community projects that use online mapping and GIS (geographic information systems). We'll hear how organizations are using maps and GIS to gather information from their community, improve service and program delivery and effectiveness, and tell stories about themselves and their community members.

PDXTech4Good Meeting: 5:30 - 7:30p

......................................................................................................................... And prior to the meeting, we'll have a special workshop with mapping expert Jim Craner and Humaninet.

Time: 3:00 - 5:00p Place: TACS Office, 1001 SE Water Ave, Suite 490, Portland OR 97214

At this workshop, we'll take a deeper dive into mapping strategy and how you can integrate mapping and help use GIS technology to further your mission and cause. This will be divided into 2 groups: Beginner and Intermediate. More details to come but please RSVP if you're interested in getting those details. .........................................................................................................................

NPO/NGO Online Mapping Workshop
TACS Conference Room

NPOs and NGOs are using modern mapping technologies for a variety of purposes and projects from tracking endangered species to visualizing inter-agency response to an earthquake in Indonesia.

Join PDXTech4Good at a special workshop with mapping expert Jim Craner and Humaninet.

At this workshop, we'll take a deeper dive into mapping strategy and how you can integrate mapping and help use GIS technology to further your mission and cause. This will be divided into 2 groups: Beginner and Intermediate. More details to come but please RSVP if you're interested in getting those details.

......................................................................................................................... And after the workshop, kick off 2010 with PDXTech4Good, a cold beer, and more maps!

PDXTech4Good will feature a "showcase" of nonprofit and community projects that use online mapping and GIS (geographic information systems). We'll hear how organizations are using maps and GIS to gather information from their community, improve service and program delivery and effectiveness, and tell stories about themselves and their community members.

PDXTech4Good Meeting: 5:30 - 7:30p Location: Lucky Labrador Brew Pub 915 SE Hawthorne Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97214 .........................................................................................................................

Jul 22, 2008
Open Street Map Mapping Party
  • When: 22 July 2pm
  • Where: 635 NE Going Street @ 7th
  • After: Retire to local bar (TBA)
  • Contact Steve (650) 995 6329

We run mapping parties which are events where anyone can come along, we lend a GPS and show you how to go out and do some mapping and get the data in to openstreetmap. We have one coming up in Denver 19/20 July. They are informal events with no explicit time commitment and often a social element / beer afterward.

Click the link for more details.

About OpenStreetMap:

OpenStreetMap creates and provides free geographic data such as street maps to anyone who wants them. The project was started because most maps you think of as free actually have legal or technical restrictions on their use, holding back people from using them in creative, productive, or unexpected ways.

Jun 24, 2009
OpenSpatialPDX (user group)

The next meeting of the OpenSpatialPDX will be happening June 24 at OpenSourcery!

The agenda:

  • Desktop GIS Smackdown (uDig versus Quantum versus GRASS etc)

  • Open Source Bridge report

  • Update on state initiative put forward by Dean Anderson from Polk County to replace various desktop and web-based tools with OS solution.

Hope to see you all there.

Apr 20, 2013
OpenStreetMap edit-a-thon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come join us for the second #editathon event of 2013, a weekend of mapping on April 20-21. All over the United States, we will be improving OpenStreetMap starting at 12 noon Eastern going until 6PM Pacific.

In Portland, we'll meet at noon on April 20th. At 1:00pm, we'll have a brief presentation introducing OpenStreetMap and the tools for editing it.

Then we'll start editing, either on your own or on one of our to-be-determined targets.

Mar 29, 2011
through Portland State University

This is the Nineteenth annual conference hosted by the Columbia Region of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), the Oregon-Southwest Washington Chapter of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA) and Portland State University (PSU). Each year, ASPRS and URISA collaborate to hold this informational conference on current issues in the Geospatial Information Community. The Portland State University Geology Department will join us again this year to host the conference at the PSU campus. Last year’s conference at PSU was a great success. Join us again this year for what will be another successful opportunity to meet colleagues in the geospatial industries and organizations, to learn about emerging topics and recent advances in GIS applications and to discuss our problems and solutions together. This event features a one-fee, two day format, packed with information presented in concurrently running workshops and sessions on both days. There will be three tracks each day consisting of panel discussions debating hot topics, traditional sessions with 2-3 presentations per session and technical workshops providing in-depth discussion of issues and training in applications most relevant to the geospatial community.

On-site registration opens at 7:30AM on Tuesday, March 29th and will remain open through 11:00AM on Wednesday March 30th

The conference opens at 8:30AM on Tuesday with an opening address by Jim Geringer, former Governor of Wyoming and will be followed by concurrent sessions and workshops . The Annual Vendor Social will be held Tuesday evening from 5:00PM to 7:00PM. The conference will continue on Wednesday beginning at 8:30AM with concurrent sessions and workshops followed by a closing session.

Conference Highlights: The Exhibit Hall will open on Tuesday at 8:00AM and remain open until Wednesday at 2:00PM. The hall will feature as many as 20 vendors in GIS related technology and services. This is an opportunity to see and discuss the latest advances in the industry.
The Vendor Social will be held on Tuesday evening from 5:00PM to 7:00PM in the Exhibit Hall. Join your peers in a more relaxed atmosphere with music, food and beverages. You will also find two free drink tickets in your registration packet.

The Poster Session will be held during the Vender Social. Ballots for the People’s Choice are included in your registration packet. Please take it to the Exhibit Hall and vote

Early Registration (until March 21st) Regular: $195.00 Student or Unemployed: $35.00 On-Site and Late Registrations

Regular: $225.00 Student or Unemployed: $45.00 One Day: $125 Half-Price registration discount for presenters (discount applicable to primary presenter only).

Vendor Social The Vendor Social will be held on Tuesday evening from 5:00PM to 7:00PM in the Exhibit Hall. Join your peers in a more relaxed atmosphere with music, food and beverages. Music will be provided by the Cleveland Jazz Combo You will also find two free drink tickets in your registration packet. Open Source GIS (Un)-Conference

Thursday and Friday, March 31 & April 1 (more information will be posted, as available.)

Sep 26, 2013
ORURISA Young Professionals Happy Hour

Join the ORURISA Young Professionals for a casual happy hour at Rontoms. Get your map talk on, have a beer, and enjoy the last night before WhereCampPDX!

The ORURISA Young Professionals are a special interest group of the Oregon chapter of URISA, a professional organization for those in the GIS and geospatial fields. We are dedicated to providing skill building and career development opportunities for GIS and geography students, low-level employees, and anyone who wants to learn something new!

If you're unfamiliar with our organization and you're involved in location/spatial/geography/GIS/mapping projects in Oregon or SW Washington, check us out! We'll be outside if it's nice out and inside if it's raining. We'll have a globe on the table, so keep an eye out for that. See you there!

Oct 15, 2014
OSGeo-PDX monthly meeting
Portland State University Cramer Hall - room 69

Monthly meeting of the open source GIS group PDX-OSGeo.

Discussion of all things spatial and open source.

Jan 21, 2015
OSGeo-PDX monthly meeting
Portland State University Cramer Hall - room 409

Monthly meeting of the open source GIS group PDX-OSGeo.

Discussion of all things spatial and open source. Tonight's guest is Dave Mangold, who will speak to us about how to create great cartographic products using QGIS and Inkscape.

Attendees of FOSS4G will remember the excellent map that Dave produced for the printed program [1].

From Dave's Description of his map:

This map was created entirely from freely available data and open-source software. Data were obtained as shapefile downloads from METRO RLIS. These shapefiles were then loaded into a PostGIS database as spatial tables. The initial map was created in QGIS. This map was then saved in a vector format and finished in InkScape, where label adjustment and creation, feature layering, and annotation were accomplished. On the map, if you look closely at the southern portion of Naito Street (right edge of left panel), you will see a hidden tribute to the free and open-source resources used.


May 20, 2015
OSGeo-PDX monthly meeting
Portland State University Cramer Hall - room 409

Monthly meeting of the open source GIS group PDX-OSGeo.

Feb 18, 2015
OSGeo-PDX monthly meeting - CartoCSS and UTFGrids for collaborative mapping
Portland State University Cramer Hall - room 409

Monthly meeting of the open source GIS group PDX-OSGeo.

Discussion of all things spatial and open source. Tonight's guest is Nick Martinelli who will speak to us about using CartoCSS and UTFGrids for collaborative mapping.

From Nick's Description of the project:

Warning, this talk is about cartographers designing and building web applications. Tasked with making a mapping application for internal business use, we reached out for open source tools that could be combined to produce a platform for collaborative mapping and data sharing. We used tools like Mapbox.js, windshaft, mapnik, and PostGIS to build a web based application that allows its users to create, filter, edit, and share interactive maps and data with teams or individuals. The presentation will take you through the challenges of building on FOSS, and the importance of small group collaborative mapping. Highlights will be our efforts to use great, but occasionally sparsely documented FOSS code and tools, and the sometimes challenging chore of making them play nice together. Also, discussion of why we feel collaborative editing and creation of dynamic maps is an important future focus for web mapping applications. Last, the product we ended up with, and continue to develop for private use opens up the conversation about how to best give back to the FOSS community from the private sector.

Mar 18, 2015
OSGeo-PDX monthly meeting - Mapbox GL for JavaScript
Portland State University Cramer Hall - room 409

Monthly meeting of the open source GIS group PDX-OSGeo.

Discussion of all things spatial and open source. Tonight's guest is Justin Miller who will speak to us about Mapbox GL for JavaScript, "which despite being in active development, is totally usable for certain projects". The particular project he built out is a travel choropleth map with dynamic interaction-based styling, all rendered as vectors in the browser.

Read more about Justin's project here:

Apr 15, 2015
OSGeo-PDX monthly meeting - SpiderOSM (
Portland State University Cramer Hall - 4th floor

Monthly meeting of the open source GIS group PDX-OSGeo.

Discussion of all things spatial and open source. Tonight's guest is Katie Urey who will speak to us about SpiderOSM. Street conflation is a long time difficult problem and this is a project that looks very useful. The project gives Portland lots of attention as well.

SpiderOSM is an open source python package for matching segments in one path network, e.g., streets and trails, to corresponding segments in another, based on geography and network connectivity. This allows joining together attribute data from separate sources. Importantly authoritative jurisdictional data can be correlated with the rich, crowd-sourced, user editable and extensible, Open Street Maps data. Multifactor match scoring, allows data to be joined only for high confidence matches.

The initial version of the matcher was coded in early 2014 specifically to combine Open Street Map data with Portland Oregon area jurisdictional data (RLIS) to facilitate pedestrian infrastructure analysis and planning. Since then the code has been refactored into a generally useful python package that installs, via pip, and works on all three major platforms: Mac OSX, Linux and Windows. The code is stable and mature, with version 1.0 just around the corner.

The developer, Michael Arnold, is now focusing on developing applications, and finding users and collaborators. On going projects where help would be very welcome include:

  1. The Portland Area Mismatched Name Survery (looking at name mismatches between OSM and RLIS identified by SpiderOSM.) Some folks at TriMet and others at PDOT have begun this project, but there is ALOT to be done!

  2. A QGIS Plug-in for spiderOSM. Ryan Peterson has recently begun this project, and would welcome help.

  3. Help getting the word out: publicizing spiderOSM online and at appropriate events. Alternately, advice and encouragement in this process. :)

Another opportunity, not yet begun: looking for someone interested in developing an ESRI Plug-in for spiderOSM.

Read more about SpiderOSM

Nov 15, 2014
OSM Hackathon for Portland Building Imports
Urban Airship Inc

Urban Airship graciously opens its doors this Saturday for a half day #OSM Portland building import hackathon. Come write docs, work on conflation scripts, and help do some testing. All skill levels and background welcome.

10 AM - 4 PM Urban Airship 1417 NW Everett St #300 Portland, OR 97209

Jan 27, 2010
PDX Open Source Geospatial User Group

Monthly gathering of the Portland Open Source GIS user group. All are welcome to learn and share.

Parking is limited, but mass-transit is ample.

This month we're discussing the upcoming GIS in Action conference that has moved to a new venue at Portland State University. There are opportunities to present there.

Tentatively, there will be an introduction to GeoDjango along with some application demos. We'll then adjourn to a local boozery around 8 for more co-conspiring.

You can find out more and sign up for announcements by joining the google group pdx-osgis.

Feb 24, 2010
PDX Open Source Geospatial User Group

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.]

OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209 [Or, if you prefer: 45.529986, -122.688206]

Meeting agenda: - upcoming GIS conference planning update - finally ESRI geodatabase support with OGR, if you have an ESRI license :( - CitizenReports, who's the new kid on the block. someone demo this open source or not! - What's the word on the street folks, let's hear some geo gossip from around town. - Tim can pull out an app to do some show and tell with.

Mar 24, 2010
PDX Open Source Geospatial User Group

Meeting agenda: - upcoming GIS In Action conference. map smackdown volunteers needed. (20 mins) - upcoming OS Bridge conference, free pass, talk submissions (15 mins) - Tim can demo the new MarineMap tool (Google Earth based web application). (20 mins) - short 5 minute demos of something you've been working on or learned about. Could be like a forum if you're seeking information.

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.]

OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209 [Or, if you prefer: 45.529986, -122.688206]

Apr 21, 2010
PDX Open Source Geospatial User Group

Meeting agenda: - TBD

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.]

OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209 [Or, if you prefer: 45.529986, -122.688206]

Jun 23, 2010
PDX Open Source Geospatial User Group

Meeting agenda: - TBD

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.]

OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209 [Or, if you prefer: 45.529986, -122.688206]

Jan 26, 2011
PDX Open Source Geospatial User Group

Meeting agenda: - TBD

Hey everyone, The January gathering of the open source GIS group is on for 6:30-8pm at Open Sourcery on Jan. 26. Hope you all had a great holiday. The meeting is byob but we usually wander to a nearby watering hole afterwards.

  • MapBox - creating custom maps in the cloud. Sara is bringing someone involved with its development to show some things off. I've been interested in their mb-tiles standard and tools for supporting offline maps for a while.

  • GeoNode - version 1.0 of this platform is out from the OpenGeo folks and it's starting to pick up steam. An intriguing blend of Geoserver, GeoNetwork, GeoExt and OpenLayers with a thick layer of Django to hold it all together. A legitimate open-source SDI solution is evolving...

  • Becoming an official OSGEO chapter, the quest continues

  • FOSS4G 2011 in Denver. Sep 12-16. You're going right? Call for presentations opens in Feb!

OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209 [Or, if you prefer: 45.529986, -122.688206]

Mar 23, 2011
PDX Open Source GIS Meeting

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.] If our meetings are canceled or changed we will post this in Discussions, so please check there for the most recent information and activity.

This week: covering number of topics related to the PDX OSGEO Unconference next week.

Sep 28, 2011
PDX Open Source GIS Meeting

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:00-7:30 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.] If our meetings are canceled or changed we will post this in Discussions, so please check there for the most recent information and activity.

Beer at nearby pub to follow.

This week: Jonathan Karon (fightingmonk) is coming to present his OSBridge 2011 session "How Python Saved 263 Lives, and Our Sanity" –

Oct 26, 2011
PDX Open Source GIS Meeting

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.] If our meetings are canceled or changed we will post this in Discussions, so please check there for the most recent information and activity.

Beer at nearby pub to follow.

This week: Lev Tyspin from ThinkShout ( is coming to talk about some Drupal mapping work they've done.

Jan 25, 2012
PDX Open Source GIS Meeting
Collective Agency Downtown

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month at the Collective Agency in NW Portland (Old Town). No need to RSVP, all are welcome - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers.

Beer at nearby pub to follow.

This week: Share-one-thing. It's been a long hiatus so no official agenda. Just bring something you've been working on or ideas you would like to share.

Feb 22, 2012
PDX Open Source GIS Meeting
Collective Agency Downtown

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month at the Collective Agency in NW Portland (Old Town). No need to RSVP, all are welcome - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers.

Beer at nearby pub to follow, probably Pints.

This week:

  • Gift for OpenSourcery. If you were able to enjoy our old meeting space with them consider bringing a contribution of $5 or more.
  • Share your projects - UTFGrid support for openlayers, spatial surveys on the windows tablet
  • GIS in Action conference talk proposals. Give your talk or let's brainstorm for them. Do we want to do an unconference day?
Mar 28, 2012
PDX Open Source GIS Meeting
Collective Agency Downtown

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month at the Collective Agency in NW Portland (Old Town). No need to RSVP, all are welcome - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers.

Beer at nearby pub to follow, probably Pints.

This month:

  • Share your projects!
  • Additional agenda TBD
Apr 25, 2012
PDX Open Source GIS Meeting
Collective Agency Downtown

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month at the Collective Agency in NW Portland (Old Town). No need to RSVP, all are welcome - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. Beer at nearby pub to follow, probably Pints.

Two talks this month, jam-packed with mapping goodness:

When Google Maps Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade - Wm Leler - @wmleler

Google Maps has long been the choice for embedding maps on your website, or building map mashups. But Google's recent announcement that they will start charging for maps (or including ads on maps) has people looking at other options. As an added bonus, many of the alternative solutions have significant advantages over Google Maps. If you are a website owner with an embedded simple map, this talk will show you how you can dump Google Maps and switch over to other solutions in minutes (both free and paid). If you are a web designer, you'll see how you can customize maps so they will look the way you want them to look, not the way Google wants them to look. If you are a programmer building map-based webapps, you'll see how open source mapping APIs like Leaflet and Modest Maps make it faster and easier to build map mashups and have them work the way you want.

Bio - Wm is a principal engineer at Flightstats, where he draws lots of airplanes, airports, weather, and other things on maps, and a Fellow at the Banff Centre for the Arts, where he has worked with some amazing artists on web-based, virtual reality, and location-based mobile projects

MapBox - Justin Miller - @incanus77.

Justin is all things iOS for the MapBox team. He'll be joining us again to show us what MapBox has been up to lately (and they've been busy) including their strategy in the Google Maps space, their new iOS SDK, MapBox streets layer, custom styled maps, what Artem from Mapnik is doing now that he's joined the team and what they're doing with open source in general. Something for everyone and a great follow-up to Wm's talk.

Bio - Justin brings a wealth of mobile application development experience to MapBox. He has expertise in client-side programming on the Mac, iPhone, and iPad, as well as server-side programming and administration on UNIX platforms.

May 23, 2012
PDX Open Source GIS Meeting
Collective Agency Downtown

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month at the Collective Agency in NW Portland (Old Town). No need to RSVP, all are welcome - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. Beer at nearby pub to follow, probably Pints.

This month: CartoDB Hack Session

this month we don't have a talk lined up so we thought we would shake things up a little bit and do a little hack session as a group with one of the newer kids on the block, CartoDB. It's data management, map styling/publishing and an API for vector/raster spatial queries all rolled into one without needing to muck with server management. A researchers dream and built on open source goodness. What's that you say you're not a software developer? Perfect because you don't need to be to get started. We can roll up our sleeves and work together, ask lots of silly questions and learn lots of new things.

They offer a free account and tutorial to get started. Should be fun, see you tomorrow.

Jun 20, 2012
PDX Open Source GIS Meeting
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Distributed version control systems have quickly become the dominant means of code collaboration in the open source community.

Darrell Fuhriman will be giving a quick overview on version control, specifically git and give examples of how projects use git and github to manage their code. Want a head start? Check out for some great reference guides and tutorials.

Updates on WhereCamp, NACIS, and other geoconferences, and regular OSGeo business to follow.

Jul 18, 2012
PDX Open Source GIS Meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

We meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month at several locations usually in NW Portland (Old Town). No need to RSVP, all are welcome - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. Beer at nearby pub to follow, probably Pints.

This month: Geo-evening of beer and hacking on the terrace

This month is casual fun in the sun and we'll see where it goes. OSCON attendees are welcome to join us and tell tales of mapping adventures. If it's too sunny up on the terrace we can grab tables down on the back patio.

Should be fun, see you tomorrow.

Aug 15, 2012
PDX Open Source GIS Meeting
Renewable Funding

We meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month at several locations. No need to RSVP, all are welcome - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. Beer at nearby pub to follow.

This month: Fun QGIS Geotagged Photos Desktop Demo and discussion

Eli L Adam will present a short desktop demo. It features fun stuff with GPS, Geotagged photos, and QGIS. Ogr2ogr, GPSBabel, and GpsPrune also can play an optional minor role.

See you there (Renewable Funding, notice new location)

Apr 17, 2010
PDX Open Source GIS Unconference
PSU Urban Plaza

[Day two of] Hosted by the Portland Open Source GIS Users Group, this "unconference" will follow a 2-day traditional GIS conference, GIS In Action(GIA), which will also include some open source tracks--mostly concentrated on Thursday.

Please register in advance at the website!

(Changed date because it wasn't showing on the Saturday schedule.)

Mar 31, 2011
PDX Open Source GIS Unconference Day One
through Portland State University (PSU) - Smith Memorial Center

Tickets here:

This is a free Open Source Geospatial Unconference put on by the Portland OSGeo User Group. The unconference takes place the day after the GIS in Action conference and is registration is free (though we request you sign up for a ticket here to assist us in planning). The unconference will begin with registration at 9:00am and end at 5:00pm. Coffee, tea, and water will be provided, however participants are on their own for lunch (there are numerous dining options within close proximity).

The unconference will take place in PSU's Smith Memorial Student Union building, on the third floor, in rooms 327, 328, 329, 333, and 338. Registration in room 338 (the VanPort room). Maps of PSU Smith Memorial Student Union are available here.

This is a participant-driven event! If you've never been to an unconference before (Portland's WhereCamp is an excellent example), the format and sessions are determined on the day of the unconference by the people attending. No idea is too big or too small.

A hackathon is planned for Friday so check the wiki as plans materialize for this.

Please feel free to contact the PDX OS GIS User Group (Google group) with any questions.

More info here:

Mar 25, 2009
PDX Open Source GIS User Group

The second meeting of the newly re-grouped Portland Open Source GIS user group.

Parking is limited, but mass-transit is ample.

We'll have some software demonstrations, chat about upcoming conferences, schedule future talks/events and whatever else we can think up. We'll adjourn to a local boozery around 8 for more co-conspiring.

You can find out more and sign up for announcements by joining the google group

May 20, 2009
PDX Open Source GIS User Group

The [not] first meeting of the newly re-grouped Portland Open Source GIS user group.

Parking is limited, but mass-transit is ample.

We'll have some type of software demonstration, discussion about group structure and preferences, and then adjourn to a local boozery around 8 for more co-conspiring.

You can find out more and sign up for announcements by joining the google group pdx-osgis.

Sep 26, 2012
PDX OSGEO meeting

Portland Open Source Geospatial Software group

Oct 17, 2012
PDX OSGEO meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland Open Source Geospatial Software group

Agenda available here

Jan 16, 2013
PDX OSGEO meeting

Portland Open Source Geospatial Software group meeting

Agenda: Jeremy's emergency mapping app, GIS in Action (GIA) open source tracks -- open source unconference on the Thursday after GIA, Wm's flight tracker demo

If you arrive after 6pm, call 503-577-4247 and someone will let you in. Please try to arrive before 6pm!

Apr 17, 2013
PDX OSGEO meeting
Renewable Funding

Portland Open Source Geospatial Software group

Agenda available here

Aug 21, 2013
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This months agenda:

Our mailing list is here:

FYI, we won the bid to host FOSS4G in Portland in 2014 so expect an update and much patting on the back! Expect lots of opportunity to volunteer and make this conference a great one!

Sep 18, 2013
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This months agenda:

Our mailing list is here:

FYI, we won the bid to host FOSS4G in Portland in 2014 so expect an update and much patting on the back! Expect lots of opportunity to volunteer and make this conference a great one!

Oct 16, 2013
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Renewable Funding
October 17, 6-8pm
Renewable Funding
400 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 902
Portland, OR 97204 USA
If you arrive after 6pm, please buzz the security guard, who will open the doors and let you up to the 9th floor.
The office is through the double doors immediately to the left after exiting the elevators. 
Jan 15, 2014
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Renewable Funding
Renewable Funding
400 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 902
Portland, OR 97204 USA
If you arrive after 6pm, please buzz the security guard, who will open the doors and let you up to the 9th floor.
The office is through the double doors immediately to the left after exiting the elevators. 
Mar 19, 2014
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month's agenda:

Our mailing list is here:

Jun 18, 2014
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

Matt & Tim are going to talk about some things, but mostly we're gonna have us some geobeers and be geo-awesome.

Our mailing list is here:

Sep 21, 2016
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month's agenda: we'll be recapping summer events such as the State of the Map, happenings in Bonn, and the recent Symposium by the Sea. Did you do any cool geo-projects over the summer that you want to share? Bring them along!

Our mailing list is here:

Jan 18, 2017
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Our first meeting of 2017 is scheduled for Wednesday January 18th at Ecotrust. Special guests this month are Robert Eriksen and Aaron Evans of Paidtogo, a startup with a goal to incentivize alternative commuting. Here's more about their app:

Paidtogo is an app and web based platform that empowers governments, businesses and other organizations to incentivize commuters to take alternative forms of transportation. With this platform we can track, verify and pay commuters by the mile to walk, bike, take public transportation and carpool.

As always, there will be pizza. Bring your own geo-topics are welcome, as are bring your own geo-beverages.

Our mailing list is here:

Mar 15, 2017
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month's agenda: exciting happenings in geodata, Special guest Max Ogden will be on hand to tell us all about Data Refuge, Data silos, and project Svalbard. Read more about that work in the New York Times [1] and bring your own geo-show and tell. Plus schedule updates for summer events: FOSS4G, State of the Map US, and more!


Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

May 17, 2017
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month's agenda: exciting happenings in geodata, Special guest Arty Rodriguez (ODFW Oregon Conservation Strategy GIS Analyst) and Ryan Hodges (Ecotrust Senior Software Developer who will be talking to us about the Compass mapping application and the website developed for Oregon Fish and Wildlife. More from Arty and Ryan is included below. In addition, bring your own geo-show and tell, and come ready to hear about schedule updates for summer events: Pedalpalooza, FOSS4G, State of the Map US, and more!

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Sep 20, 2017
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month's agenda: exciting happenings in geodata, a recap of summer events and FOSS4G highlights. Special guest Ricardo Morin will talk about "Highlighting Oregon’s WildLands" (HOWL), a recap of his presentation in Boston. More information at Ricardo's blog here: and in the full abstract below [1].

In addition, bring your own geo-show and tell, and come ready to share info on any fall geo-happenings that are on the horizon!

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:


[1] HOWL: 3D/4D mapping and visualization of Oregon’s wildlands

The HOWL (Highlighting Oregon's WildLands) project aims to create an interactive 3D/4D mapping and visualization tool for presenting spatio-temporal information relevant to the preservation of wilderness and wildlife protection in Oregon. HOWL will be available to conservation advocates (e.g., Oregon Wild) and the general public, to improve dissemination, understanding and interpretation of multiple publicly available data sources. Candidate data sets include boundaries of current and proposed wilderness areas, wild and scenic river areas, national forests and other public lands, wildfire events, wildlife migrations, deforestation history, and satellite imagery, to name a few.

HOWL is a web application being built using CesiumJS, a powerful open source 3D mapping and visualization library, which enables incorporating not only realistic terrain modeling, but also volumetric symbols to build interactive 3D thematic maps. In addition, HOWL will leverage the temporal visualization capabilities of CesiumJS to add the 4th dimension, thus enabling dynamic playback of related past and/or predicted events. Visualizations examples include wildfire history in old growth forest areas, wildlife migration records, and deforestation chronicles.

This presentation dives into details of building HOWL by leveraging open source front-end components (e.g., CesiumJS, jQuery, Bootstrap), back-end tools (e.g., MapShaper, toGeoJson, TopoJSON, node.js) and workflows for data acquisition, transformation, and integration. The presentation addresses key design decisions, technical challenges and future developments.

Oct 18, 2017
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month's agenda: exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents. Special guest Emmor Nile will talk about "Using OpenStreetMap in a cross cultural context; experiences of working with OSM Africa". Emmor lived in Ethiopia for 10 months in 2016/17 and volunteered in a variety of OSM projects while there.

In addition, bring your own geo-show and tell, and come ready to share info on any fall geo-happenings that are on the horizon!

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Dec 13, 2017
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month's agenda: exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents. Special guests David Pollard and Ryan Hodges from Ecotrust will be showing off a couple of cool new tools:

  • Hoonah Stewards: a land and resource management tool where tribes can record their activities and landowners can manage in ways that have lessened negative impact on tribal use.

  • Traditional Ethnographic Knowledge Database (TEKDB): a database exploring and revealing the connection between cultural and natural resources.

In addition, bring your own geo-show and tell, and come ready to share info on any upcoming geo-happenings that are on the horizon!

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Jan 17, 2018
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month's agenda: exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell. We'll be plotting geospeakers and topics for 2018, so bring your nominations and ideas!

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Feb 21, 2018
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month's agenda: exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell.

Special guest Rafa Guttierez will be doing a "State of Mapbox tools", covering:

  • Mapbox Studio - new export and print features
  • A run down of all the APIs
  • Showcase of recently built applications
  • State of open source tools and libraries

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Mar 21, 2018
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month's agenda: exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell.

Special guest special guest is Dave Percy, from PSU Geology. Percy will be talking about "Web mapping with QGIS2Web":

Qgis2Web is a plugin for QGIS, desktop GIS software, that converts map data into a Leaflet app running in the browser. This demo will show how to create a simple online map with multiple raster layers and one vector layer that has image popups.This particular application is unusual in that it is a thin-section of rock approximately 24x46 mm with embedded electron microscopy images.

Percy is PSU Geology department's GIS Geek for the last 20 years, and helped form PDX-OSGeo way back in 2006, so come on out and enjoy some pizza, learn about QGIS, and get your monthly OSGeo fix.

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Apr 18, 2018
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month's agenda: exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell.

This month our special topic is "Tools for telling stories with Data and Maps". We'll cover a wide range of tools for making charts, tours, interactive graphics, timelines, (and of course maps!), and methods and tools for wrapping all these items up into stories built for the web. It'll be a whirlwind tour and cover options from tons of different free and open sources, so if this if this is your sort of thing, don't miss it!

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

May 16, 2018
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month's agenda: exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell.

This month our special guest is Nicholas Chun, manager of the Oregon Population Forecast Program (OPFP). The OPFP produces regularly updated, coordinated population forecasts for Oregon counties and cities to assist them with their long term land use planning strategies. In addition to his primary role, Nick regularly create demographic profiles for customized areas using census data. Most of his data extraction and manipulation is done in R studio because of its flexibility and diverse number of packages. Among other things, Nick will be demonstrating how to use R to grab census data from the official APIs and produce basic choropleth maps. Bring your questions and come prepared to learn!

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Sep 19, 2018
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month's agenda: exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell.

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Oct 17, 2018
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month's agenda: Special guest Rafa Gutierrez will be coming by to tell us all about a bunch of new tools out from Mapbox, such as Unity and Vision SDKs, updates to GL JS, and Studio. Rumor is our special guest may even bring a special guest!

We'll also cover the usual exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell.

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Dec 12, 2018
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

We'll cover the usual exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell.

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Jan 16, 2019
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

We'll cover the usual exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell.

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Mar 20, 2019
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

We'll cover the usual exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell. This month we will cover the new Trimet trip planner and many other interesting topics:

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Apr 17, 2019
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

We'll cover the usual exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell.

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

May 15, 2019
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month our special guest will be Gareth Baldrica-Franklin, who will be giving us a tour of the Atlas of the Pacific Northwest, an interactive educational product served entirely with open source tools such as Chart.js, D3, Topojson, Leaflet, QGIS, and Geoserver. We'll also try to cover some of the usual exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell.

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Jun 19, 2019
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

We have a couple of really interesting topics this month:

  • We'll check out "Mapping Inequality" [1], a project out of University of Richmond, University of Maryland, Virginia Tech and John Hopkins. The project uses Leaflet and CartoDB to display georeferenced maps and redlining data from in the late 30's - with a focus on redlining and abrasive, unfiltered racist language that has directly influenced the formation of neighborhoods today.

  • We also have a very cool spatial analysis presentation from Kevin that will show how he used PostGIS, QGIS and Geopy to calculate the most remote locations in Oregon and Washington, along the lines of what Project Remote [2] has been doing for the whole lower 48. Kevin's project also used Leaflet, MapboxGL JS and Turf for visualization.

We'll also cover the latest happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell, so if you see something interesting in your geo-travels be sure to bring it along to share!

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Sep 18, 2019
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

State of the Map US 2019 just concluded last week, so we will cover some of those highlights, as well as some from FOSS4G 2019. Please also feel free to bring your summer projects and tell us how they went.

We'll also cover the latest happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell, so if you see something interesting in your geo-travels be sure to bring it along to share!

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Oct 23, 2019
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

This month our special guest is Jackson Voelkel, a Health Data Analyst on Kaiser Permanente’s GIS Team as well as an Adjunct Professor of Geography at Portland State University. He focuses on developing infrastructure for and performing advanced spatial analytics across healthcare, environment, urban planning, utilities, and econometrics. Jack will be joining us to talk about all this PostGIS (and Postgres), so come ready with all your favorite spatial database questions.

We'll also cover the latest happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell, so if you see something interesting in your geo-travels be sure to bring it along to share!

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Dec 11, 2019
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

We'll cover the usual exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell.

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Jan 15, 2020
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

Our theme this month will be QGIS awesomeness. We'll cover the usual exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell.

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Feb 19, 2020
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Ecotrust (Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center)

Monthly meeting of the Portland open source GIS group. Projects big and small are usually presented monthly along with rousing conversation and discussion. All are welcome, no need to RSVP - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers so bring your ideas and questions!

Our theme this month will be OpenDronemap and final planning for our session at GIS in Action. We'll also cover the usual exciting happenings in geodata, upcoming geoevents and bring your own geo-show and tell.

As always, there will be pizza! And BYOB is always welcome.

Our mailing list is here drop us a line with any questions:

Jul 17, 2013
PDX OSGeo Monthly meeting
Renewable Funding
 July 17th, 6-8pm
Renewable Funding
400 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 902
Portland, OR 97204 USA
If you arrive after 6pm, please buzz the security guard, who will open the doors and let you up to the 9th floor.
The office is through the double doors immediately to the left after exiting the elevators. 
May 15, 2013
PDX OSGeo Monthly Meeting: UrbanFootprint for Scenario Planning

At the May monthly PDX OSGeo meeting, the current agenda includes:

If you arrive after 6pm, call 503-577-4247 and someone will let you in. Please try to arrive before 6pm!

Apr 1, 2011
PDX-OSGEO Hackathon/Japan Crisis Camp

A continuation of the Open Source GIS Unconference on Tuesday. GIS developers can come and do some coding or write documentation for whatever projects they dream up. Meanwhile, we will also be hosting a Crisis Camp where anyone can come and help update a map of Japan in the wake of the Sendai disaster. We will provide training to anyone who is new to Open Street Map editing.

Oct 23, 2024
PDXOSGeo October Meetup

PDXOSGeo is covering a number of topics this month, including a debrief on the NACIS Annual meeting, a lightning round of map demos, GIS Day planning, and a brief workshop on OpenStreetMap's Tasking Manager to learn how you can get involved in disaster relief mapping. Join us Wednesday 10/23 6:30pm | Hot Lips Pizza @ the Natural Capital Center 721 NW 9th Ave, Portland OR.

Aug 15, 2019
PDXPUG August Meetup: PostGIS
PSU Business Accelerator

Jackson will discuss the basics of GIS, and the current environment in which enterprise spatial analytics are performed. Considering the many pitfalls of this current system, he will discuss how FOSS tools – especially PostgreSQL/PostGIS – are vitally important for modern spatial analytics. In addition to the PostGIS extension, Jackson will talk about network routing using the PgRouting extension and the interface between R and PostgreSQL. This talk will act more as a showcase of GIS and “spatial SQL” within PostgreSQL than it will nitty-gritty database development.

Jackson Voelkel is a Health Data Analyst on Kaiser Permanente’s GIS Team as well as an Adjunct Professor of Geography at Portland State University. He focuses on developing infrastructure for and performing advanced spatial analytics across healthcare, environment, urban planning, utilities, and econometrics. He teaches courses on advanced spatial analytics in R as well as spatial database design with PostgreSQL/PostGIS.

Sep 23, 2009
Portland Open Source Geospatial User Group

Monthly meeting of the Portland area open source geospatial user group.

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.]

OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209 [Or, if you prefer: 45.529986, -122.688206]

Oct 28, 2009
Portland Open Source Geospatial User Group

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.]

OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209 [Or, if you prefer: 45.529986, -122.688206]

October meeting agenda: GIS in Action 2010 coordination and more TBA

Oct 21, 2010
Portland R User Group Meeting
OHSU Center for Health & Healing

OHSU Center for Health & Healing Room 3171 (Conference Room 1A) (location details at end)


Main talk: "Spatial Analysis with R" Ben Stabler

Lightning talk: "R Therapy" Everyone

Social hour (following talks): Le Hana Japanese Bar & Grill 3500 SW River Parkway


Talk descriptions:

"Spatial Analysis with R"

Ben will share some recent work he did using R for spatial data visualization. He will discuss how to read shapefiles and rasters into R, how to join and process data related to those shapes, and how to generate dynamic animated map products.

"R Therapy"

Do you have a problem that you are trying to solve with R that you just can't get to work? A model you can't seem to specify? A graph you can't tweak? A dataset you can't tame? An interface you can't bridge? A bug you can't trap? Well, try some group theRapy.

Bring your laptop, problem, and/or dataset and we will try to tackle the problems you are having as a group. If there are multiple problems, we can break into smaller groups. Don't have any current unresolved problems of your own? Then maybe you can help someone else, or at least learn from their problems before they are yours.


Speaker bios:

Ben Stabler is a Supervising Modeler at Parsons Brinckerhoff. Parsons Brinckerhoff "provides strategic consulting, planning, engineering, and program and construction management services to both public and private sector clients ... in multiple market sectors, including transportation, power, buildings/facilities, water/wastewater, environmental, and urban/community development."


Location information:

OHSU's Center for Health & Healing South Waterfront district 3303 SW Bond Avenue Between Moody Ave. and Bond Ave., Whitaker St. and Gibbs St. At the base of the Portland Aerial Tram Streetcar stops: SW Moody & Gibbs (coming from downtown) OHSU Commons (heading to downtown) On-street parking available Bicycle parking around Gibbs and Bond near base of Tram

Room 3171 (Conference Room 1A) Take elevator to the 3rd floor, follow signs to the Conference Center

Le Hana 3500 SW River Parkway Corner of River Parkway and Curry Street One block south and one block east of the Center for Health & Healing

Jul 15, 2009
Potluck / 20 Minute Neighborhoods and Emergency Response
St. Francis Church Dining Hall

The evening will start with a potluck to which neighborhood groups are especially invited. Then Jeremy O'Leary will be showing how the 20 minute walkable neighborhood model works well with a variety of emergency response scenarios. The presentation will be based on the term project for his recently completed GIS graduate certificate.

Jun 24, 2014
Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations
Anna Bannanas Cafe, St Johns

This month at MaptimeStJohns, we will begin programming a basic web spatio-temporal visualization, bring a computer if you have one. Ill bring the js library files for leaflet and the various plugins we will be using. If you have a temporal dataset, bring it... Ill have a couple of datasets to choose from though. Our goal will be for everyone to create at least one temporal point visualizations. An example would be the point locations of where floods occurred with the location, size of flood and date of flood event. With this data we could create a temporal proportional symbol map. The user will be able to click on the locations for specific locations and also use a slider to see when and where floods occurred over time. Let's create some cool web map visualizations!

May 27, 2015
Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations
Anna Bananas, St Johns

Programming OS Web Spatio-temporal Mapping Visiualizations: Tues, May 27, 7:00pm, Anna Bananas St Johns, 8716 N. Lombard, Portland, Oregon (back room). This month we will continue to work with OpenStreetMap data, editing in JOSM and downloading data to qgis and making a desktop map. We will then begin the process adding the data to a web visualization.

Dec 30, 2014
Programming OS Web Spatio-temporal Mapping Visiualizations
Anna Bananas, St Johns

Programming OS Web Spatio-temporal Mapping Visiualizations: Tues, Dec 30, 7:00pm, Anna Bananas St Johns, 8716 N. Lombard, Portland, Oregon (back room). This month we will work with OpenStreetMap Data. We will use JOSM to edit OSM data and learn to download OSM data for use in our web visualizations.

NOTE: we have a new time ... we will begin at 7pm and go to 9pm. If you are late, come anyway. We will be in the back room mapping away :)

Sep 27, 2013
WhereCamp Opening Party
Temboo / NXT Studios

Come meet fellow geo enthusiasts and get excited for Saturday's unconference sessions at WhereCamp!

Oct 17, 2008
WhereCamp PDX

"Society is being transformed by new maps and new mapping technology. Our mission is to help create a free forum for people to talk about, present, explore, and learn about projects that involve place."

What is WhereCamp PDX?

WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical and cartographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks "where am I" or feels the need to "know their place".

We share a vision of a fully transparent world where data is geographically relevant and just in time.

An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation - this event is free and it is driven by the participants.

What kinds of people and topics will be discussed?

This event is community driven and is what you make it. It provide cross pollination between many different kinds of folks from all walks of life. Topics may include remote sensing, geoinformatics, forestry and agriculture, food chain transparency, civil engineering, emergency disaster relief, urban planning, local search, context awareness, place hacking, social cartography, citizen journalism, locative gaming, psychogeography, locative art, and beyond. Expect to participate in conversations on the nature of place as described in pixels, with rays, on paper, and by social practice!

Jul 2, 2009
WhereCamp PDX Kick-off Meeting
Produce Row Cafe

We're going to have our first WhereCamp PDX planning meeting next week, July 2nd, 7pm at Produce Row (out on the patio). This is just a general brainstorming meeting to start things off, so bring your ideas.

If you can't come, join the discussion on our mailing list:

Nov 18, 2008
WhereCamp PDX Meetup
White Eagle Saloon

The big event is over, but that doesn't mean the WhereCamp fun has to end. Join us for a casual evening of geo-geekery over beer.

Aug 20, 2009
WhereCamp PDX Planning Meeting
Produce Row Cafe

Come help us plan this year's WhereCamp PDX! Planning meetings occur weekly leading up to the event in late-September/early-October.

WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks "where am I" or feels the need to "know their place".

We need help with all aspects of planning the event, from recruiting attendees, to finding sponsors, to ordering food and other on-site needs. This is a great time to step in and see how you can help.

Aug 6, 2009
WhereCamp Planning Meeting
Produce Row Cafe

Help us plan this year's WhereCamp PDX.

Jul 30, 2009
WhereCamp Planning Meeting [POSTPONED]
Produce Row Cafe

Postponed due to heat wave. We'll meet next week, same time, same place.

Planning meeting for WhereCamp PDX, which will take place in September. Help us create this year's event.

Oct 3, 2009
WhereCampPDX 2009: Dinner Hackfest
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

IMPORTANT: You must RSVP and pay for the Saturday dinner if you want to eat, but you're welcomed to hack with us even if you don't buy dinner.

WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks "where am I" or feels the need to "know their place".

Bring your laptop and a project to work on if you have one, or come and see what other people are doing. Hint: Friday and Saturday both have ample opportunities to scout out hacking ideas.

Oct 4, 2009
WhereCampPDX 2009: Game Day

WhereCamp is a free, open unconference for all geo-technology enthusiasts.

The game day is a chance to get out around town, and try out different locative and urban games and activities. Last year we did Pac-Manhattan, Cruel 2B Kind, and a disaster preparedness mapping activity. Check our website for details on this year's game schedule.

If you'd like to host an activity in connection with the event, please contact us via the mailing list:

We will base at Backspace, and games will issue forth from there.

Oct 2, 2009
WhereCampPDX 2009: Opening Party
Gallery Homeland

IMPORTANT: Please RSVP for the Opening Party so we can plan accordingly.

WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks "where am I" or feels the need to "know their place".

We're kicking off the weekend with an opening party at Gallery Homeland to mingle with other geo geeks discuss session ideas for Saturday's unconference.

VENUE: The entrance to the party will at the corner of 11th & SE Division, look for the signs.

Oct 3, 2009
WhereCampPDX 2009: Sessions
Metro Regional Center

IMPORTANT: Please add yourself as an attendee for the unconference so we can plan accordingly.

WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”.

An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation – this event is free and it is driven by the participants.

Sep 25, 2010
WhereCampPDX 2010
Metro Regional Center

Please RSVP at

WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”.

An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation – this event is free and it is driven by the participants.

Oct 8, 2011
WhereCampPDX 2011
Metro Regional Center

WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”.

An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation – this event is free and it is driven by the participants.

WhereCampPDX 2011 Hackathon
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

After the unconference sessions, join us for pizza and hacking on geo-technology projects.

Oct 12, 2012
WhereCampPDX 5 Kickoff Party
Esri R&D Center (aka Geoloqi HQ)

IMPORTANT: Please register for FREE at

Join us for the Fifth Annual WhereCampPDX Kickoff Party this Friday at Geoloqi HQ. Beers and banter will be provided. With the growing numbers of geonerds this weekend, we're hoping to acquire more space just downstairs at either Lotus Room or Nedspace. Watch this space for details.

WhereCampPDX is a free, volunteer-created unconference for anyone interested in geography and technology. This year’s event will be happening October 12th-14th, with a full day of unconference sessions at Metro Regional Center on the 13th.

An unconference is a conference planned by the participants. We convene together, plan sessions, and break-out into the proposed session discussions and activities. This gives everyone an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most, and talk about emerging topics that are still new and exploratory. We value open participation, providing access to new voices, and lowering barriers to participation. As a result, the event is driven by the interests and talents of the participants.

To attend, you'll need to be signed up at by the party time!

Oct 13, 2012
WhereCampPDX 5 Unconference Day
Metro Regional Center

IMPORTANT: Please register for FREE at

WhereCampPDX is a free, volunteer-created unconference for anyone interested in geography and technology. This year’s event will be happening October 12th-14th, with a full day of unconference sessions at Metro Regional Center on the 13th.

An unconference is a conference planned by the participants. We convene together, plan sessions, and break-out into the proposed session discussions and activities. This gives everyone an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most, and talk about emerging topics that are still new and exploratory. We value open participation, providing access to new voices, and lowering barriers to participation. As a result, the event is driven by the interests and talents of the participants.

Sep 28, 2013
WhereCampPDX 6
Metro Regional Center

Portland's favorite annual geography unconference is back again! Stay tuned for more details.

Sep 13, 2014
WhereCampPDX 7
Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Portland's favorite annual geography unconference is back again!

What's a WhereCamp?

WhereCamps are unconferences that aim to connect geo-enthusiasts, developers, social place hackers, artists, activists, grad students, geographers, earth scientists and anybody else who wants to "know their place".

Popular topics include social cartography, software and hardware, context awareness, mobile experimentation, humanitarian mapping efforts, food webs and local food transparency, transit, psychogeography, geo games, paper maps, and place hacking.

WhereCampPDX + FOSS4G

This year's WhereCampPDX is being held in conjunction with FOSS4G, the largest global gathering focused on open source geospatial software.

Jul 15, 2010
WhereCampPDX Meeting & Geo- Happy Hour
Produce Row Cafe

Come help plan this year's WhereCampPDX, an unconference for geographic technology! Show up early or stay late to chat with your fellow geo-geeks. The planning meeting will start at 7pm and run until we're out of business to discuss (last week it only took half an hour).

Jul 22, 2010
WhereCampPDX Meeting & Geo- Happy Hour
Produce Row Cafe

Come help plan this year's WhereCampPDX, an unconference for geography and technology! Show up early or stay late to chat with your fellow geo-geeks. The planning meeting will start at 7pm and run until we're out of business to discuss.

Jul 29, 2010
WhereCampPDX Meeting & Geo- Happy Hour
Produce Row Cafe

Come help plan this year's WhereCampPDX, an unconference for geography and technology! Show up early or stay late to chat with your fellow geo-geeks. The planning meeting will start at 7pm and run until we're out of business to discuss.

Aug 5, 2010
WhereCampPDX Meeting & Geo- Happy Hour
Produce Row Cafe

Come help plan this year's WhereCampPDX, an unconference for geography and technology! Show up early or stay late to chat with your fellow geo-geeks. The planning meeting will start at 7pm and run until we're out of business to discuss.

Aug 12, 2010
WhereCampPDX Meeting & Geo- Happy Hour
Produce Row Cafe

Come help plan this year's WhereCampPDX, an unconference for geography and technology! Show up early or stay late to chat with your fellow geo-geeks. The planning meeting will start at 7pm and run until we're out of business to discuss.

Sep 12, 2012
WhereCampPDX Planning Meeting
Esri R&D Center (aka Geoloqi HQ)

Join us in planning this year's WhereCampPDX, happening October 12th-14th.

WhereCampPDX is an annual unconference for all things related to geography, cartography, and how we interact with the world. Past topics have include strange maps, open source GIS tools, and geo-locative games.

We need your help to make this event happen! Please join us Wednesday to find out about volunteering, sponsoring, or otherwise participating in making this year's WhereCampPDX awesome.

Oct 4, 2012
WhereCampPDX Planning Meeting
Lotus Card Room & Cafe

Join us in planning this year's WhereCampPDX, happening October 12th-14th.

This week we're meeting at the Lotus Room to check out the banquet room space as possible overflow for next week's kick-off party.

About the event:

WhereCampPDX is an annual unconference for all things related to geography, cartography, and how we interact with the world. Past topics have include strange maps, open source GIS tools, and geo-locative games.

We need your help to make this event happen! Please join us Wednesday to find out about volunteering, sponsoring, or otherwise participating in making this year's WhereCampPDX awesome.

Oct 1, 2009
WhereCampPDX Planning Meeting (last one!)
Produce Row Cafe

Help us plan this year's WhereCamp PDX, it's starting this Friday! We're looking for volunteers and suggestions.

Sep 30, 2009
Women in GIS Happy Hour
Produce Row Cafe

Women In GIS (WIGIS) is a network of people sharing ideas, experiences, and resources to promote geographic inquiry and support women working in GIS and related fields. WIGIS is a Special Interest Group of the Oregon and Southwest Washington Chapter of URISA.

Several WIGIS members (including a local social media guru) have been brainstorming about new directions for WIGIS that include expanding our network, opening channels of information, and more actively encouraging participation from all members. We're thinking Twitter, Facebook, a wiki page perhaps.

We invite you to join us for Happy Hour on September 30, where we hope to continue discussions in this vein. Please come if you want to bounce around ideas, learn more about social media, or just get to know other local folks who share an interest in GIS. All are welcome.

  • Marcelle Caturia, Sarah Beecroft, Christina Friedle, Justin Houk, Molly Vogt