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MaptimePDX Hack Night

Esri R&D Center (aka Geoloqi HQ)

This venue is no longer open for business.

920 SW 3rd Ave #400
Portland, Oregon 97204, US (map)

Access Notes

Esri has moved! http://calagator.org/venues/202394387



Hey map nerds, geo geeks, and the spatially curious: MaptimePDX is having a November meetup, and we want you to come hack with us!

MaptimePDX is a monthly/bi-weekly hack and learn event for the geographically inclined. November's event will be a hack night! Come out and work on your map project, or work on one of the exercises we will have for you to do. If you're brand new to maps and code, we will also have a group of people working on building their first web maps, with lots of people there to help!

Beginners are very welcome and encouraged to attend! Please bring a laptop if you can. If you're at all interested in casual mentoring at the event (a.k.a. answering questions or sharing what you do), please shoot us a message on Twitter.

We all use maps every day. Let's learn how to make them even better... together.

