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PDX Open Source GIS Meeting

Renewable Funding
400 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 902
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)

Renewable Funding is located at 400 SW 6th Ave. on the ninth floor in suite 902.

If you arrive after 6pm, you'll have to go to the North door and buzz the security guard (there are signs to that effect), who will let you in and get you pointed to the right place.



We meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month at several locations. No need to RSVP, all are welcome - our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. Beer at nearby pub to follow.

This month: Fun QGIS Geotagged Photos Desktop Demo and discussion

Eli L Adam will present a short desktop demo. It features fun stuff with GPS, Geotagged photos, and QGIS. Ogr2ogr, GPSBabel, and GpsPrune also can play an optional minor role.

See you there (Renewable Funding, notice new location)

