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Friday, February 21, 2014 at 1:10pm and last updated
Friday, February 21, 2014 at 1:12pm.
Anna Bannanas Cafe, St Johns
Great consistent coffee. What a great place to watch people, drink coffee, or even a beer, pretend to work on your laptop, or just relax. When Wikipedia defines coffee houses, Anna Bannanas is what they are describing. 7 days a week, comfy chairs, friendly people, great coffee, food and beer.
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Past events that happened here
TuesdayJul 29 2014Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations
Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations, MapTimeStJohns, Tue, July 29, 7:30pm to 9:00pm, Anna Bannanas coffee shop, 8716 N Lombard St, Portland. Let's get together and map :) (We meet in the back room)
In June, we worked on creating a basic static map of floods with custom icons showing the size of the floods (a proportional symbol flood map). We went through a demo for using a slider to add amimation to a map... using the flood data it would allow users to see where and when the floods appeared.
In July, I'll bring a completed example of a proportional symbol animated slider flood map that we will review. In addition, we will add one or two other techniques for developing spatio-temporal web visualizations (in leaflet and open layers). Then we will begin using Postgresql/postgis to setup spatial databases, populate them and perform spatial analysis operations.One of our long term goals will be to eventually use data from a spatial database in dynamic spatio-temporal visualizations.
In July, bring your computer. If you have time prior to the meeting, load postgresql/postgis version 9.1 or later onto your computer.
Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations, MapTimeStJohns, Tue, July 29, 7:30pm to 9:00pm, Anna Bannanas coffee shop, 8716 N Lombard St, Portland. 97203
TuesdayJun 24 2014Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations
This month at MaptimeStJohns, we will begin programming a basic web spatio-temporal visualization, bring a computer if you have one. Ill bring the js library files for leaflet and the various plugins we will be using. If you have a temporal dataset, bring it... Ill have a couple of datasets to choose from though. Our goal will be for everyone to create at least one temporal point visualizations. An example would be the point locations of where floods occurred with the location, size of flood and date of flood event. With this data we could create a temporal proportional symbol map. The user will be able to click on the locations for specific locations and also use a slider to see when and where floods occurred over time. Let's create some cool web map visualizations!
TuesdayApr 29 2014Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations at MaptimeStJohns
LET'S GET TOGETHER AND MAP AT MAPTIMESTJOHNS! Tuesday, April 29th, Anna Bannana's StJohns (8716 N. Lombard, Portland, OR,back room) from 7:30pm to 9pm.
This month at MaptimeStJohns, we will review some web spatio-temporal visualizations, using open layers, leaflet, weave and other open source software.
ThursdayMar 20 2014MaptimeStJohns
Tonight at MaptimeStJohns, we will review some compiled leaflet maps using several of the leaflet pluggins. We will go through some live custom examples using humangeo's dvf pluggin, we will use postgis and output geojson, geocsv and topojson to add to our leaflet maps, and also discuss some temporal mapping tools.
Bring your laptop with leaflet installed and a webserver available. Have a server scripting language such as php or python and postgressql/postgis installed. If you don't have a laptop, come anyway and you will be able to see these tools in action, as well as receive any materials handed out at the meetup. Bring a flash drive so you can take a copy of the data home.
ThursdayFeb 20 2014MapTimeStJohns
MaptimePDX Late night GeoGeek get together. Map hacking, editing OSM, learning OS geo software, and other mapping things. Maptime_StJohns, a get together for maps enthusiasts. 3rd Thursdays from 7:30 to 9pm Let's Map