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Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

1945 NW Quimby
Portland, OR 97209, US (map)
(503) 517-4352
Public WiFi

Lucky Labrador Beer Hall (1945 NW Quimby) is located in an old Freightliner Trucking warehouse in the final frontier of inner Northwest Portland. With it's wide open feel and the pub resident five ton crane hovering above the tables, the Lab makes for a very casual place to hang out for a pint. Serving bento, sandwiches, salads, and other pub fare, our pub is a great place to chill out by yourself or congregate with a group of friends, family, or associates.

Future events happening here

  • - No events -

Past events that happened here

  • Thursday
    Jan 23 2025
    2025 Kick-Off Party: re:Invent Recap, tech talk, & more

    Join the Portland ASW User Group's Kick-Off Part at Lucky Labs in NW on Thursday, January 23rd from 6-9 pm.

    Location: Private room at Lucky Labs NW! Food: Pizza & Salads provided! Drinks: Drink ticket provided!

    Agenda: Networking & Food/Drinks AWS User Group Updates for 2025 w/ Emily Soward, AI Security & Privacy Technology Leader @ AWS re:Invent Recap w/ Andrew Kalik Director, Data Engineering @ NBCUniversal Tech Talk & Group Discussion w/ TBD Next event: Tech Talk?!

    We are excited to be back for 2025! If you or someone you know would like to give a tech talk or presentation at any point in the coming year, please reach out to us.

    Join our slack channel: https://join.slack.com/t/awsportlandusergroup/shared_invite/zt-2x5s7rxp3-Rizg87INFOQZjZzCZRxlDQ

  • Wednesday
    Nov 20 2024
    AWS Cloud Happy Hour: BYOB (Buy Your Own Beverage) at Lucky Lab NW

    Please join AWS User Group for a Buy Your Own Beverage (BYOB) happy hour with AWS User Group at Lucky Labs in NW Portland.

    This is a no-programming networking social event for AWS Users to mingle and talk about all things cloud. Meet with your fellow cloud folks to discuss cloud security, cloud opportunities, cloud best practices, tips, tricks, and battle stories.

    Can't wait to cheers our beers in person! See you there!!

  • Wednesday
    Oct 16 2024
    AWS Cloud Happy Hour: BYOB (Buy Your Own Beverage) at Lucky Lab NW

    Please join AWS User Group for a Buy Your Own Beverage (BYOB) happy hour with AWS User Group at Lucky Labs in NW Portland.

    This is a no-programming networking social event for AWS Users to mingle and talk about all things cloud. Meet with your fellow cloud folks to discuss cloud security, cloud opportunities, cloud best practices, tips, tricks, and battle stories.

    Can't wait to cheers our beers in person! See you there!!

  • Wednesday
    Sep 18 2024
    AWS Cloud Happy Hour: BYOB (Buy Your Own Beverage) at Lucky Lab NW

    Please join AWS User Group for a Buy Your Own Beverage (BYOB) happy hour with AWS User Group at Lucky Labs in NW Portland.

    This is a no-programming networking social event for AWS Users to mingle and talk about all things cloud. Meet with your fellow cloud folks to discuss cloud security, cloud opportunities, cloud best practices, tips, tricks, and battle stories.

    Can't wait to cheers our beers in person! See you there!!

  • Wednesday
    Aug 21 2024
    AWS Cloud Happy Hour: BYOB (Buy Your Own Beverage) at Lucky Lab NW

    Please join AWS User Group for a Buy Your Own Beverage (BYOB) happy hour with AWS User Group at Lucky Labs in NW Portland.

    This is a no-programming networking social event for AWS Users to mingle and talk about all things cloud. Meet with your fellow cloud folks to discuss cloud security, cloud opportunities, cloud best practices, tips, tricks, and battle stories.

    Can't wait to cheers our beers in person! See you there!!

  • Wednesday
    Oct 26 2022
    Personal Telco Project Monthly Meeting

    Regular monthly meeting agenda, followed by social hour

  • Wednesday
    Feb 12 2020
    Picking the Right Incubator, Accelerator, or Co-Working Space

    Quick, what’s the difference between an incubator and an accelerator? How can each one help you? And how are they different from a co-working space? Our panel of experts will break it all down for you. They’ll discuss how to pick the right program based on your start-up stage, how to “win” the application, and more.

    You’ll learn

    • Key differences between an incubator, an accelerator, and a co-working space
    • What support you should expect from each
    • How to capitalize on what they offer to build your business
  • Wednesday
    Jan 22 2020
    FOSS Beering

    On occasion, we have a meet up of FOSS software developers from the low level like the kernel to user space and various others. Join us for fun conversations over beverages and pub food. All are welcome!

  • Wednesday
    Aug 7 2019
    BikeLoudPDX Mapping/Reporting Hack Night

    Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle, nearlykilled.me, etc.)

  • Wednesday
    Jul 17 2019
    PDX Tableau User Group (TUG)

    The Portland Tableau User Group is meeting to discuss everyone's favorite data visualiization tool. Past meetings have focused on chart and table design, data cleaning, and (Tableau) server management.

    Meeting organized by InterWorks | www.interworks.com Meetings sponsored by Snowflake | www.snowflake.com

  • Thursday
    Jun 20 2019
    TENPDX - The Engineering Network June Happy Hour

    This is an event for Engineers to get together over free food and drink after work and connect with other Engineering Professionals. If you consider yourself an Engineer in any field or discipline-please come.

    Each Engineer that arrives before 6pm will receive one ticket for the Door Prize drawing. Food and drink will be available throughout the event.

    4:30pm - Networking 6:00pm - Introduction by Host/Door Prize Drawing 6:10pm - Networking 7:00pm - Event ends

    Please join the TENPDX LinkedIn group to stay up-to-date on group details and posts. https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12186406/

    If you are new to networking, don’t be shy, please come to a TENPDX event and say hi to Ann Jones, the Event Organizer of TENPDX and she will gladly help you make some introductions and get the ball rolling. You will be a networking pro in no time!!!

    *There will be Gluten Free food and drinks available. Please email the Event Organizer when you RSVP if you need a Gluten Free option so that enough will be provided at the event.

    *This event is for Engineers and Sponsor Partners only! If you are not an Engineer and would like to attend the event, please reach out to Ann Jones, the Event Organizer for more on information on how to partner.

  • Wednesday
    Jun 12 2019
    OEN PubTalk: From Concept to Company—Idea Yesterday, Product Today, Company Tomorrow

    We see you. You’ve got that big idea bubbling. Some days it’s all you can think about. It’s the product or service the world really needs and you’re the one who can make it a reality. But what does it take to mold your brilliant idea into a company? What are the steps you take along the way—and where are you likely to trip?

    Join us for our June PubTalk and hear from entrepreneurs who have started their journey where you are now, and they’ve turned their ideas from concepts to products and built companies around those products.

    Isn’t it time to stop dreaming and build something? Come to our June PubTalk and find the inspiration you’ve been looking to put your idea into action.

    DETAILS The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections. The program will be preceded by time for casual networking. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m.

    Hashtag: #oenpubtalk

    Cost: $15 for OEN members; $25 for non-members. We take walk-ins if space allows, but prices will be $20 for OEN members and $35 for non-members at the door. Beer, wine, and soda will be available for purchase. Sorry, no refunds.

    Not yet an OEN member? Join today and you can get a free pass to our next PubTalk!

  • Wednesday
    Feb 13 2019
    OEN PubTalk: Funding Your Food & Beverage or Consumer Products Company

    Getting funding for your startup is tough—and it’s even harder for food and beverage companies and consumer products companies. Join us on February 13 for an overview of funding options and hear from entrepreneurs like you who have been through this journey.

  • Wednesday
    Jan 23 2019
    VENG - Networking for Engineers January Meetup

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Happy 2019, VENG!

    We are having a Meetup on Wednesday, January 23rd at the Lucky Labrador Beer Hall in NW Portland. Please join us for some pizza, beer and an informal networking event to kick off the new year! RSVP to the Meetup link above

    Agenda: 5:30 – 6:00PM – Please plan to arrive during this time 6:00- 7:15PM – Short announcement and networking 7:15- 7:30PM – Wrap up and depart on your schedule *Pizza and beer will be provided.

    Learn what's going on in the Portland job market and connect with other like-minded engineering professionals. Want to share, learn, or give advice on career transitions, the latest technology or engineering issues of the day? Then we hope to see you there!

    Cheers, Deb & the VENG Team

  • Wednesday
    Jan 16 2019
    OEN PubTalk: Mainstreaming Cannabis

    Do you have a growing Cannabis business? Are you curious about the Cannabis industry? Our January PubTalk will cover a high-level review of business issues all entrepreneurs should be aware of, including sales & marketing, fundraising, finance and accounting, and more, all through the lens of the cannabis industry. Register today and get tips on growing your cannabis business.

  • Wednesday
    Nov 28 2018
    Code for PDX, the local group of Code for America

    Code for PDX works on pro-bono projects for local government and nonprofits.

    We are both experts and learners, joining together to make our city better for everyone.

    All skill levels and disciplines are welcome!


  • Wednesday
    Nov 7 2018
    Code for PDX – the Portland brigade of Code for America

    Code for PDX works on pro-bono projects for local government and nonprofits.

    We are both experts and learners, joining together to make our city better for everyone.

    All skill levels and disciplines are welcome!

  • Wednesday
    Oct 24 2018
    Code for PDX – the Portland brigade of Code for America

    Code for PDX works on pro-bono projects for local government and nonprofits.

    What do you want to contribute and what do you want to learn?

    We are both experts and learners, joining together to make our city better for everyone.

    We welcome all skill levels and disciplines!

  • Wednesday
    Oct 10 2018
    Code for PDX — Inaugural Work Party

    Code for PDX is the Portland chapter of Code for America. Designers, developers, and people like you all, both experts and learners, coming together to make our city better for everyone.

    For the public good, to be as representative of Portland as possible, please check out the current projects to see if they’re of interest, and ask your friends to consider this opportunity to work and learn together.

  • Saturday
    Jun 23 2018
    PDXKBC - Portland (Mechanical) Keyboard Club


    Who: Clickers, clackers, collectors, creators, me, YOU, everybody of all ages!

    What: Portland, OR Keyboard Club (PDXKBC) Meetup

    When: Saturday, June 23rd, 6-9pm

    Where: Lucky Lab Beer Hall (1945 NW Quimby St, Portland, OR 97209) [Minors are allowed until 10PM]

    Why: MECHANICAL KEYBOARDS! And beer. And beers. And tasty sandwiches

    How: Tri-Met Line 77 Stop ID 7130, Car (plenty of parking), bike, or walk!

    Topics to discuss Fixed several month or longer schedule. Rental of the Private room at Hawthorn.

    We hope you can make it!

  • Thursday
    May 31 2018
    Code for Portland

    First official meeting of Code for Portland, a Code for America Brigade. We will be discussing the organization, possible projects, as well as having a general meet and greet. We welcome all skill levels and disciplines, no coding experience is necessary!

    Code for Portland is a "brigade" or local chapter of Code for America focused on improving the lives of people in Portland. We will work with local government to fix local services, utilize open data to improve citizen knowledge, and work to the betterment of all. We are just getting started so there are plenty of opportunities to use your skills. Even if you are not a tech type we can still have opportunities for you to contribute. So come by and become part of a movement to improve our community.

    Code for Portland is here to help you too. We are both experts and learners, joining together to make our city better for everyone.

  • Wednesday
    Apr 11 2018
    Speed Networking!

    Entrepreneurs are often told to “network” their way to investors, mentors, and business partners. But this can be scary if you’re not comfortable, don’t know where to start, or what to say. We’re here to help—our Speed Networking PubTalk is back by popular demand! Join us to practice building your social capital game.

    Register now: http://bit.ly/oen-networking

  • Wednesday
    Mar 14 2018
    OEN PubTalk: PitchFest 2018!

    Our PubTalk PitchFest is on! Featuring 25 one-minute pitches, our PitchFest will introduce you to exciting new ideas from up-and-coming entrepreneurs. One lucky winner, determined by an audience vote, will walk away with $1,000 in cash and a two-night stay at a Vacasa property.

    Interested in pitching? Sign up for our Pitch Perfect Seminar on Thursday, March 1. We will select 25 seminar participants to proceed to our PitchFest.

    Register here: http://bit.ly/pitchfest-2018

  • Tuesday
    Feb 20 2018
    OEN PubTalk: Speed Networking!

    Entrepreneurs are often told to “network” their way to investors, mentors, and business partners. But this can be scary if you’re not comfortable, don’t know where to start, or what to say. We’re here to help—our Speed Networking PubTalk is back by popular demand! Join us to practice building your social capital game.

    Register now: http://bit.ly/oen-networking

  • Wednesday
    Jan 17 2018
    Personal Telco Project Weekly Meeting with Municipal Fiber discussion

    Another weekly meeting. There will be more people outraged over inaction on a Public Option for Internet (and, really, any telecommunications) by our City Council. At least, I hope so. I know I am.

  • Thursday
    Jan 11 2018
    PDXDrones - PDXDrones Meetup

    Let's get this party started! Thanks to our new strategic sponsor Skyward, PDXDrones is back in the air starting with our November meetup.

    Come on down to meet others in the Drone community in Portland. Our members include everyone from hobbyists to drone CEOs. This is your opportunity to meet others in the local Drone community, show off your most recent projects, and discover what other amazing projects are lifting off here in Portland.

  • Wednesday
    Jan 10 2018
    OEN PubTalk: Crowdfunding Your Startup

    Everyone knows about Kickstarter, but it’s only one of many ways to crowdfund your startup. At our January PubTalk, we’ll explore a range of crowdfunding opportunities, including regulation crowdfunding, community public offerings, Regulation A+, crowd lending, and more.

    Entrepreneurs who have taken advantage of crowdfunding options will share their experiences so that you can decide whether crowdfunding is right for you.

    Learn more and register: http://www.oen.org/pubtalk

  • Monday
    Nov 20 2017
    Intel® VNF Next Virtual Conference Meet Up

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    The Out of the Box Meet up group would like to invite you to learn about VNF next platform optimizationand the latest Intel® Xeon® Scalable architecture. Join us for this great opportunity to gain valuable insights and network with other developers.

    Muthaiah Venkatachalam, Director of System Architecture at Intel, will give an overview of the Intel® 5G Mobile Trial Platform.

    Registration will open at 5:30pm. Join us for food, fun and networking.

    To help us with planning this event, please take a moment and register on https://www.eventbrite.com/e/intel-vnf-next-virtual-conference-watch-party-pdx-tickets-39785565698...and you'll get entered in the raffle of an Amazon Kindle!

  • Tuesday
    Oct 24 2017
    Drupal Brewpal Happy Hour

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Come join the Portland Drupal community and chat about all the good things from last week's BADCamp! I'll be there around 6:30pm.

    On the fourth Tuesday of each month, we get together to chat, work on projects, ask questions of our fellow Drupalers, and have a pint.

    Brewpal takes place around 5-6pm at the Lucky Lab in NW Portland (1945 NW Quimby St, Portland, OR 97209). We meet, work on our projects, and ask questions of our neighbors with no formal agenda.

    These meetups are for ALL levels of Drupal users. Come with your laptop, a project to work on and some questions. We'll learn a bit from each other and get some work done while having a beer! And, if you're not into beer, they have some solid food options.

  • Wednesday
    Oct 11 2017
    Innovations in Healthcare - OEN PubTalk

    Sick of the healthcare status quo? Join us to learn about what’s going on in bioscience and healthcare right here in Portland. Enjoy some pizza, buy a beer, and meet entrepreneurs who are at the front lines of healthcare innovation—from inventing life-saving medical products, to eliminating physician burnout, to improving patient care with customizable software.

    The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections. As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m. and the panel discussion will kick off around 6 p.m.

    Learn more and register: http://bit.ly/pubtalk-oct

  • Wednesday
    Sep 13 2017
    Big Data - What's the Big Idea?

    You’ve heard of big data. But if you’re like most of us, you’re not sure you totally get it. Join us for our September PubTalk, where panelists will share real-life examples of how businesses are using big data, what insights they are gaining that previous datasets couldn’t reveal, and what potential is still left untapped.

    The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections.

    Held the second Wednesday of every month, OEN PubTalks are what the name implies — an hour of networking followed by a talk on a specified theme. And yes, they take place at a pub. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m. and the program will begin at 6 p.m.

    Our PubTalks usually kick off with a short pitch from an OEN member, followed by audience Q&A. We’ll be serving free appetizers and pizza; beer, wine, or other beverages are available for purchase.

    Learn more and register: http://bit.ly/pubtalk-bigdata

  • Wednesday
    Jun 14 2017
    OEN PubTalk: Beyond Angels – Startup Funders Pitch to YOU

    Much ado is made about angel investment and venture capital, but the truth of the matter is that the majority of businesses get their funding elsewhere. Before you start chasing down angel investors, take some time to understand the full funding landscape, from community public offerings to crowdfunding to small business loans.

    At our June PubTalk, funders will pitch to YOU to provide an overview of who their target market is and how they stack up to their competition.

    The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections. As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza.

    Learn more and register: http://bit.ly/pubtalk-june

  • Thursday
    Jun 8 2017
    Running Elasticsearch on Azure

    Deploying to Azure has never been easier with the inception and continual improvement of Azure Resource Management (ARM) templates. At Elastic, we've had an ARM template in the Azure Marketplace for quite a while, able to deploy an unlimited size Elasticsearch cluster in a variety of topologies, and including a Kibana UI visualisation web frontend in addition to plugins for security, monitoring and alerting. We will share our experience developing ARM templates, and how we brought them to the Azure marketplace.


  • Tuesday
    May 30 2017
    Value-driven Delivery Mini-Workshop

    Level up your skills, network with peers, and learn to accelerate stakeholder value delivery with this unique workshop from nuCognitive.

    The first Agile principle is "Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software." However, in practice this does not seem to be true nearly as often as it should be. Teams often fail to provide early, frequent delivery of stakeholder value. Instead, they focused on spikes, class libraries, infrastructure, and other inward-focused work, without an understanding of their stakeholders and what they value. As a result, many teams start with what is most familiar, easiest, or most convenient for them rather than what stakeholders value most.

    Why do teams often become focused on (or even obsessed with) feature development and maximizing development velocity? Without explicit focus on value, the association between velocity, feature development, and value-delivery is weak - perhaps even non-existent. At best, these projects are conducted sub-optimally. Frequently, they fail when stakeholders remove funding because they perceive a lack of value add.

    Value-driven delivery is achieved using the answers to three simple, but not at all easy, questions: 1. Who are your stakeholders? 2. What do they value? 3. What are you doing in the next two weeks or less to provide value to them?

    Teams often have many more stakeholders than they first realize. Value-driven Delivery ensures those stakeholders are made explicit, and that the list of stakeholders is kept current throughout the project.

    Value-driven delivery captures and maintains stakeholder values in a quantified, verifiable way. This ensures that teams can know the real effects of each stakeholder value delivery, and prevents work based on an outdated understanding of value.

    Value-driven Delivery also challenges teams to sequence deliveries so that they deliver the most valuable things first. This can have tremendous benefits, generating early business results and reducing the time required for the team to get into a positive Return on Investment for the project.

    Value-driven delivery makes a natural overlay for Scrum, but does not require Scrum's use to be effective. Value-driven delivery does not ignore features and velocity, but it explicitly places value delivery above those things as the top priority.

    Two other advantages to Value-driven Delivery worth mentioning: First, it is not limited to software, but applies to all aspects of an organization, including the executive suite, human resources, finance, IT, and product teams. Second, it is not focused on or limited to any particular scale. In fact, it is scale-free, working on small teams and teams of more than 500 engineers in a 100K-person company.

    Learning Outcomes: -The definition and nature of value -The principles and practices of Value-driven Delivery -How to use Evolutionary Delivery to manage value-driven work, alone or in concert with Scrum -Fundamentals of several disciplines and models that aid value-driven work, including the Kano Model, elements from Diffusion of Innovations, UX Proof Points, and the HEART Framework -Attendees will gain enough understanding to begin using Value-driven Delivery in their own work if they desire. -Additional sources of information will be provided for continued learning.

    Who should attend: Product management, product owners, product developers, service designers, architects, product managers, engineers, business development, business strategy, marketing, planners, project managers, software developers

  • Introduction to Balanced Solutions Mini-Workshop

    Level up your skills, network with peers, and learn to deliver better products, services, and solutions with this unique workshop from nuCognitive.

    Developing solutions to customer problems is complex balancing act. Some products fail due to a flawed business model while others are neither desirable nor useful. This workshop invites teams to shift their thinking from developing a product or service to delivering a holistic solution that balances business, usage, and technology.

    The Three-Circle Model is both a descriptive and a prescriptive approach to develop holistic solutions. It is based on the three fundamental perspectives needed for a balanced and compelling solution; Business, Usage, and Technology. -The Business circle represents the economic viewpoint. A solution must be marketable, profitable, and affordable. -The Usage circle represents the conceptual viewpoint. A solution must be desirable, usable, and useful. -The Technology circle represents the implementation viewpoint. A solution must be manufacturable, functional, and consumable (by the industry and associated ecosystems).

    These three circles can be arranged in a Venn diagram with overlaps for Value, Capability, and Ingredients.

    The Three-Circle Model forms a cohesive and consistent taxonomy that can be used by organizations as the basis of a shared vocabulary, thereby reducing misinterpretations and wasteful communication churn. The model is also the underlying architecture for a solution life cycle. Unlike other life cycles with phases that are based on activities (e.g. exploration, planning, development), the solution life cycle’s phases are based on the state of the solution itself. This makes the life cycle activity and method agnostic, so it works with Agile, Lean, traditional, and hybrid approaches.

    Learning Outcomes: -Describe the three fundamental perspectives of a solutions: Business, Usage, and Technology -Describe the three two-circle overlaps in the model: Value, Capability, and Ingredient -Understand what a balanced solution means -Evaluate a product, service, or solution using the model to locate weaknesses and knowledge gaps -Apply the Three-Circle Model to a solution life cycle -Improve communication among teams using a common vocabulary and taxonomy for solution development -Use the model to diagnose and improve issues in solution development

    Who should attend: Product management, product owners, product developers, service designers, architects, product managers, engineers, business development, business strategy, marketing, planners, project managers, software developers

  • Wednesday
    May 10 2017
    OEN PubTalk: Why B a B Corp? How to Use Business as a Force for Good

    If you see triple when you look at your bottom line, you’re not alone. You’re part of a growing movement of entrepreneurs and business people who are prioritizing more than profit. Should you make it official and become a B Corp? At our May PubTalk, held in partnership with Portland State University School of Business Administration, panelists from companies that have taken the leap will discuss the benefits and challenges of B Corp certification.

    Learn more and register: http://bit.ly/pubtalk-bcorp

  • Wednesday
    Apr 12 2017
    OEN PubTalk: Can Portland Be the Next Hub for Artificial Intelligence?

    There’s a lot more to Artificial Intelligence than self-driving cars. At our April PubTalk, local AI experts will talk about what AI entrepreneurs are working on right here in Portland. They will discuss the opportunities and barriers when it comes to making Portland the next AI hub, including where AI is headed in the next 3-5 years and some of the possibilities they see in the industry based on current technology.

    The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections.

    Held the second Wednesday of every month, OEN PubTalks are what the name implies — an hour of networking followed by a talk on a specified theme. And yes, they take place at a pub.

    Our PubTalks usually kick off with a short pitch from an OEN member, followed by audience Q&A. As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m.

    Learn more and register at: http://bit.ly/pubtalkai

  • Wednesday
    Mar 8 2017
    OEN PubTalk: Opportunities in Cannabis

    It’s been two years since Oregon legalized recreational cannabis. What have we learned? What opportunities and challenges face the industry today? Where the industry is headed given the recent state and national elections? Join us at our March PubTalk to learn about the state of this budding industry from a diverse spectrum of entrepreneurs.

    The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections. Held the second Wednesday of every month, OEN PubTalks are what the name implies — an hour of networking followed by a talk on a specified theme. And yes, they take place at a pub.

    Our PubTalks usually kick off with a short pitch from an OEN member, followed by audience Q&A. As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m.

    Hashtag: #oenpubtalk

    Cost: $10 for OEN members; $25 for non-members.

    Register at: http://bit.ly/mar-pubtalk

  • Wednesday
    Feb 8 2017
    OEN PitchFest!

    Our PubTalk PitchFest is on! Featuring one-minute pitches from applicants to our OEN Angel Oregon Program, our PitchFest will introduce you to exciting new ideas from up-and-coming Oregon entrepreneurs.

    The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections.

    As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m.

    Register here: http://bit.ly/oenpitchfest-2017

  • Wednesday
    Jan 25 2017
    IEEE Young Professionals Evening Lecture Series-The Importance of Soft Skills in the Workplace

    Come join the IEEE Oregon Section and IEEE Young Professionals for our first Evening Lecture Series!

    Lucky Lab will be serving us a delicious pizza and salad buffet-so come hungry! The registration fee covers the cost of food for this event.

    Past Section Chair John Prodhosky will be enlightening us on the Importance of Soft Skills in the Workplace, and his experiences with improving his career by working on these skills. Come to gain valuable insights into the workplace, meet and network with fellow engineers, and connect with IEEE!

    Fee: $10 for IEEE Members

    $20 for non-members


    6:00pm: Doors open, social hour begins

    6:30pm: Pizza and salad buffet begins

    7:00pm: Lecture begins

    7:45pm: Q&A, networking

  • IEEE Young Professionals Evening Lecture Series-The Importance of Soft Skills in the Workplace

    Note-please register on our website at https://meetings.vtools.ieee.org/m/43048

    Come join the IEEE Oregon Section and IEEE Young Professionals for our first Evening Lecture Series!

    Lucky Lab will be serving us a delicious pizza and salad buffet-so come hungry! The registration fee covers the cost of food for this event.

    Past Section Chair John Prodhosky will be enlightening us on the Importance of Soft Skills in the Workplace, and his experiences with improving his career by working on these skills. Come to gain valuable insights into the workplace, meet and network with fellow engineers, and connect with IEEE!

    Fee: $5 for IEEE Members

    $10 for non-members


    6:00pm: Doors open, social hour begins

    6:30pm: Pizza and salad buffet begins

    7:00pm: Lecture begins

    7:45pm: Q&A, networking

  • Wednesday
    Jan 11 2017
    OEN PubTalk: A Budding Industry – Opportunities in Cannabis

    It’s been two years since Oregon legalized recreational cannabis. What have we learned? What opportunities and challenges face the industry today? Where the industry is headed given the recent state and national elections?

    Join as at our January PubTalk to learn about the state of this budding industry from a diverse spectrum of entrepreneurs.

    The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections.Held the second Wednesday of every month, OEN PubTalks are what the name implies — an hour of networking followed by a talk on a specified theme. And yes, they take place at a pub.

    Our PubTalks usually kick off with a short pitch from an OEN member, followed by audience Q&A. As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza. Register at: http://bit.ly/janpubtalk

  • Wednesday
    Nov 9 2016
    Speed Networking!

    Entrepreneurs are often told to “network” their way to investors, mentors, and business partners. But this can be scary if you’re not comfortable, don’t know where to start or what to say. Come get some practice building your social capital game.

    Do successful networkers have a secret? Do the top networkers talk differently? Have different body language? Respond in different ways depending on the conversation starter? We want to help you better understand what it means to be a successful networker.


    The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections.

    For our November PubTalk, we have partnered with a local research team, the Science of People who will be running a little experiment on networking behavior. They will ask you to fill-out a little pre and post survey as your enter and exit the event and will be observing during the event. We will share the results for you in a few months! (If you would like to opt-out, no problem! Just let us know at the door.)

    Hashtag: #oenpubtalk

    Cost: $10 for OEN members; $20 for non-members. Register at: https://www.oen.org/calendar-events/pubtalk-nov-2016/

  • Wednesday
    Oct 12 2016
    OEN PubTalk: What’s the Thing with the Internet of Things?

    By now, we’ve all heard of the Internet of Things, but what does it really mean? What’s at stake, and what are the biggest opportunities and risks? Join us for our October PubTalk to learn about the scope and future of IoT. Our October PubTalk is in partnership with Thing PDX.

    The OEN PubTalk™ is our flagship monthly happy hour — a perfect starting point for new community members and a great place for established members to make new connections.

    As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m. Our PubTalks usually kick off with a short pitch from an OEN member, followed by audience Q&A.

    Panelists for our October PubTalk include: Frank D’Andrea, Amazon.com; Scé Pike, IOTAS; Surj Patel, Rigado; and Vera Sell, Senrio.

  • Wednesday
    Jun 8 2016
    OEN PubTalk: What the BLEEP is Lean?

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    You’ve heard of the lean process, but are you fuzzy on the details? Curious if you can apply it to your startup? Although lean is often linked to manufacturing, it’s really about how ideas, people, energy, information, materials, and cash flow through an organization. At our June PubTalk, four panelists from diverse industries will discuss how the lean process has impacted their company culture, including the benefits and potential pitfalls.

    Panelists linclude: - Alvin Elbert, A.R.E. Manufacturing - John Grant, Agile Attorney Network - Ken Tomita, Grovemade - Yesenia Gallardo, Poda Foods

  • Wednesday
    May 11 2016
    OEN PubTalk: The Daily Juggle – Stories from Mompreneurs

    Spreadsheets and sippy cups, pitches and potties, term sheets and tantrums… managing a startup can be all-consuming, so how the heck do you do it when you also have a family to manage? On the heels of Mother’s Day, hear from moms in the trenches who are learning to master the ‘Daily Juggle.’ They will share their challenges, their victories, and their tips for those who dare to try to ‘have it all.’

  • Friday
    Feb 19 2016
    Snowdrift.coop meetup

    Snowdrift.coop casual chat, hang-out, open to all supporters, volunteers, curious folks, and guests. At this meetup, we'll be visit with new Community Director William "Salt" Hale who is coming down from Seattle.

    Snowdrift.coop is a non-profit community platform building a new sustainable patronage system for public goods (particularly free/libre/open works). We welcome volunteers in all areas including non-technical general design, organizing, and co-op structure issues. On the technical side, the site uses the Yesod web framework written in Haskell alongside basic HTML/CSS/JavaScript.

    We have a strong Portland foundation with one of the co-founders, the lead developer, and several active volunteers and supporters in the area.

  • Thursday
    Feb 11 2016
    OEN PubTalk: Intentions Are Worthless – An Honest Conversation About Inclusion in Oregon’s Startup Community

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Inclusion has become a popular buzzword these days. But what does it really mean, why is it important, and what can we actually do about it? Our February PubTalk will cut through the jargon and vague “good intentions,” bringing uncomfortable truths about our startup community’s implicit biases to light. Attendees will walk away with a list of concrete actions they can take today to help ensure that all Oregon entrepreneurs have access to the support and resources they need to thrive.

    Our all-star panel will feature Stephen Green of Elevate Capital (moderator), Paige Hendrix Buckner of ClientJoy, Tory Campbell of Felton & Mary’s Artisan Foods, Dwayne Johnson of ScaleUp Partners, and Grace Andrews of Puppet Labs and Lurabel.

    As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m.

    Cost: $10 for OEN members; $20 for non-members. We do take walk-ins but prefer that you register online: http://bit.ly/feb-2016-pubtalk

  • Thursday
    Nov 12 2015
    PDXDrones Meetup

    Let's get this party started! Thanks to our new strategic sponsor Skyward, PDXDrones is back in the air starting with our November meetup.

    Come on down to meet others in the Drone community in Portland. Our members include everyone from hobbyists to drone CEOs. This is your opportunity to meet others in the local Drone community, show off your most recent projects, and discover what other amazing projects are lifting off here in Portland.

  • Wednesday
    Oct 14 2015
    Cooperative Workspaces Trending in PDX
    pizza beer

    Sick of working out of coffee shops but can't afford your own workspace?

    We love coffee shops, but let's face it: launching a startup while competing for electrical outlets and trying to block out the din of coffee grinders is not always ideal. Access to a quiet conference room and your very own electrical outlet are just two benefits of a coworking space. Learn about the other benefits, including what's available here in Portland, at our upcoming PubTalk!

    Join us for FREE pizza, drinks and a fantastic networking experience + panel.

    Date: 10/14 Time: 5:15-7:00pm Cost: Members: $10

          Non-Members: $20 

    (walk-ins welcome!)

  • Thursday
    Sep 10 2015
    PDXDrones Meetup

    Let's get this party started! Thanks to our new strategic sponsor Skyward, PDXDrones is back in the air starting with our November meetup.

    Come on down to meet others in the Drone community in Portland. Our members include everyone from hobbyists to drone CEOs. This is your opportunity to meet others in the local Drone community, show off your most recent projects, and discover what other amazing projects are lifting off here in Portland.

  • Monday
    Jul 20 2015
    PIGSquad Drink 'n Draw & XO Kickstarter Launch Party!

    Join the Portland Indie Game Squad and Jumpdrive Studios in an evening of playing locally-made games and sketching your favorites! Game developers will be setting up their games for anyone to play while we've invited artists to come draw "fan art" of the games on display. • Any developers are welcome to come set up their projects; • any artists (or non-artists!) are welcome to make game-inspired drawings; • anyone is welcome to come hang out, play games, and have fun!

    This Drink n’ Draw is special in that we’re teaming up with Jumpdrive Studios, which will be launching XO on Kickstarter on July 20th. They've been supporting PIGSquad by sponsoring game jams, donating their time and energy to help with events, and some of the team met at PIGSquad meetups :D

    BONUS: They’re doing something special just for PIGSquad members - for those of you who back the project in the first 48 hours, you get a free Enemy Carrier poster! Here’s how it works: 1.) Back XO on Kickstarter (any tier) within the first 48 hours 2.) Leave a comment in the XO Kickstarter campaign and mention PIGSquad (you must be a backer to leave a comment) 3.) Come out to the Drink ’n Draw / XO Kickstarter Launch Party, show us your comment, and pick up your free poster!

    More comments in our campaign will help drive XO to the top of the listings, spread awareness for PIGSquad, and you get something that’s only available to early backers in the area… everyone wins! We’ll be around with a laptop so we can look through the comments section for you. And if you can’t make it out that night or become a backer on Tuesday, we’ll bring them to other upcoming events throughout the summer.

    Play, drink, draw – that's the gist!

    For artists, I will have super super basic paper/pencil/coloring supplies on site if you want to use them. If you are interested in showcasing a game and I haven't already spoken with you, please comment on this event and I can share more details about setup. In-progress games are welcome.

    The listed event time is only recommended; feel free to come earlier or stay later if you'd like. The venue is listed as 21 and over, but no one IDs unless you ask for an alcoholic drink. Message an admin here or e-mail us at [email protected] if you have any questions!

  • Thursday
    May 14 2015
    PDXDrones Meetup

    Let's get this party started! Thanks to our new strategic sponsor Skyward, PDXDrones is back in the air starting with our November meetup.

    Come on down to meet others in the Drone community in Portland. Our members include everyone from hobbyists to drone CEOs. This is your opportunity to meet others in the local Drone community, show off your most recent projects, and discover what other amazing projects are lifting off here in Portland.

  • Wednesday
    May 13 2015
    OEN PubTalk: Get in the Game – The Future of the Oregon Gaming Industry

    Whether or not you’re into gaming, you can’t deny the industry’s economic impact here in Oregon. Between 2009 and 2012, it contributed over $111 million to the state’s economy.

    So, where is this growing industry headed? Join us at our May PubTalk to get your game on and learn about the future of gaming here in Oregon.

    Learn more and register: http://www.oen.org/blog/may-2015-pubtalk/

  • Wednesday
    Apr 8 2015
    OEN PubTalk: How to Win Investors and Keep Them Loving You

    An ideal investor-entrepreneur relationship is not merely transactional. Taking on investors is a long-term commitment that, like any relationship, requires a foundation of communication, trust, and shared values and goals.

    So, how do you not only win over investors, but keep them loving you? Join us at our April PubTalk to hear about the love story between Sseko Designs and Skyline Capital.

    As always, the program will be preceded by time for networking and will include free appetizers and pizza. Registration begins at 5:15 p.m. The program will kick off around 6:00 p.m. with five-minute pitches from Jennifer Pereau of Rawdacious Desserts and Reggie Senegal of SnapLaces. We’ll then proceed to our panel and will wrap up at 7:00 p.m., including time for audience Q&A.

    Cost: $10 for OEN members; $20 for non-members

    Register at: http://www.oen.org/blog/april-2015-pubtalk/

  • Monday
    Mar 16 2015
    Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays: Privacy Day Happy Hour

    Privacy Day is on March 16th down in Salem. You can learn more about it here: http://aclu-or.org/privacyday. We encourage you all to attend, if you can!

    Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays is having a no-host evening happy hour so folks who went can share their experiences, and for folks who didn't go to learn about Privacy Day and hear about how things went. It'll also be a time to talk amongst ourselves and privacy-related events and policies that impact our lives.

    What is Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays?

    Techno-Activism Third Mondays (TA3M) is an informal meetup designed to connect software creators and activists who are interested in censorship, surveillance, and open technology. This is an international meetup and happens in over 20 cities around the world.

    Portland's TA3M does meetups on all of the above topics (and more!). The format varies from month to month. Sometimes we have fantastic speakers, sometimes we do lightning talks, and sometimes we do hands-on workshops. It all depends on what our meetup attendees are interested in hearing about, and what we have time to plan. Have a suggestion for a topic? Let us know!

    Code of Conduct

    As with all of our events, there is a code of conduct. Please read it here: https://www.privly.org/content/code-conduct. All attendees are expected to abide by this code of conduct.

  • Thursday
    Mar 12 2015
    PDXDrones Meetup

    Let's get this party started! Thanks to our new strategic sponsor Skyward, PDXDrones is back in the air starting with our November meetup.

    Come on down to meet others in the Drone community in Portland. Our members include everyone from hobbyists to drone CEOs. This is your opportunity to meet others in the local Drone community, show off your most recent projects, and discover what other amazing projects are lifting off here in Portland.

  • Wednesday
    Mar 11 2015
    OEN PubTalk: Is Brick and Mortar Retail Dying or Evolving?

    It’s projected that within the next 15-20 years, half of America’s malls will shut down. JCPenney, Macy’s, and Sears are among the many retail giants that have recently announced fresh rounds of closures and layoffs.

    So is brick-and-mortar retail dying? Though e-commerce platforms are increasingly vital in today’s retail marketplace, not everyone is quick to discount good ol’ fashioned brick-and-mortar stores. Join us at our March PubTalk to learn how startup companies are leveraging online and offline retail experiences to create more demand.

  • Wednesday
    Feb 11 2015
    OEN PubTalk: How to Grow Your Startup by 16,000 Percent in Three Years

    Ever wonder what it takes to make Inc. 5000‘s list of the 10 fastest-growing private companies in America? Cliff Johnson, COO and co-founder of Vacasa, is here to tell you. Of course, there’s no “secret sauce,” but Cliff will share the challenges, successes, and lessons learned in the six years since co-founding this wildly popular vacation rental startup.

  • Tuesday
    Jan 13 2015
    PDXEdTech with speaker Chris Rosso, Nike's EdTech Captain

    Fellow EdTechsters,

    With great excitement, our next main speaker will be Chris Rosso, Global Manager of Instructional Design and Learning Platforms, NIKE, Inc. The talk will focus on scaling adult learning on a global network and whether the traditional LMS will play a role in the future.

    It's free!

    Special thanks to Coursetto https://coursetto.com for organizing.

  • Thursday
    Dec 11 2014
    PDXDrones Meetup

    Let's get this party started! Thanks to our new strategic sponsor Skyward, PDXDrones is back in the air starting with our November meetup.

    Come on down to meet others in the Drone community in Portland. Our members include everyone from hobbyists to drone CEOs. This is your opportunity to meet others in the local Drone community, show off your most recent projects, and discover what other amazing projects are lifting off here in Portland.

  • Tuesday
    Nov 25 2014
    November Portland Area Game Development Interest Group / IGDA Meeting

    We're getting together this Tuesday the 25th (tomorrow) to drink some beer and eat some pizza, and talk games.

    Come out to the Lucky Lab Pub in NW (1945 NW Quimby) at 7:00pm and meet some fellow game devs.

    This month some of us met with an advocacy group in Portland (ProspectPDX) to talk about state assistance with the Oregon game industry.

    We can discuss the details of that meeting and everything else game-dev related (or not).

    Hope to see you there!

  • Wednesday
    Nov 19 2014
    GIS Day

    Featuring abundant free refreshments, a keynote speech by Erin Aigner of Second Story (formerly of The New York Times), geo-trivia with awesome prizes (the Society for Conservation GIS donated 10 GIS books!), and an optional round of speed networking.

    See the flyer, http://wiki.osgeo.org/images/9/96/PDX_OSGeo_GIS_DAY_Flyer.pdf!

    Made possible by the generous support of PCC, PDX-OSGeo, the OR-URISA Young Professionals, the PSU ASPRS Student Chapter, DOGAMI, the Society for Conservation GIS, and Esri PDX.

  • Thursday
    Nov 13 2014
    PDXDrones Meetup CANCELLED

    -- Cancelled due to weather --

    Let's get this party started! Thanks to our new strategic sponsor Skyward, PDXDrones is back in the air starting with our November meetup.

    Come on down to meet others in the Drone community in Portland. Our members include everyone from hobbyists to drone CEOs. This is your opportunity to meet others in the local Drone community, show off your most recent projects, and discover what other amazing projects are lifting off here in Portland.

  • Tuesday
    Oct 28 2014

    On the fourth Tuesday of each month, we get together to work on projects, ask questions of our fellow Drupalers and have a pint.

    These meetups are for ALL levels of Drupal users. Come with your laptop, a project to work on and some questions. We'll learn a bit from each other and get some work done while having a beer!

    Check out the official Portland Drupal Users Group site at http://groups.drupal.org/portland. The site has more information about local Drupal meetups, events and opportunities.


  • Portland Code School - Happy Hour!

    Join us to learn about the different programs that PCS has to offer – from the JavaScript immersion class to Data Visualization and Front End Development, to an iOS Primer coming this fall.

    The Lucky Lab on Quimby has a HUGE space, free WiFi and great beer.

    Your first drink is on us (alcohol or not)!

    (I'll have a small PCS sign and most likely some kind of board game.)

  • Tuesday
    Oct 21 2014
    Portland Code School - Happy Hour!

    Join us to learn about the different programs that PCS has to offer – from the JavaScript immersion class to Data Visualization and Front End Development, to an iOS Primer coming this fall.

    The Lucky Lab on Quimby has a HUGE space, free WiFi and great beer.

    Your first drink is on us (alcohol or not)!

    (I'll have a small PCS sign and most likely some kind of board game.)

  • Tuesday
    Oct 7 2014
    Portland Code School - Happy Hour (and Open House)

    Join us to learn about the different programs that PCS has to offer – from the JavaScript immersion class to the iOS Development class starting in November.

    The Lucky Lab on Quimby has a HUGE space, free WiFi and great beer.

    Your first drink is on us (alcohol or not)!

    (I'll have a small PCS sign and most likely some kind of board game.)

    At 6pm, join us in our classroom just 3 blocks from the Lucky Lab (1771 NW Pettygrove) for an OPEN HOUSE. Meet students and staff, and meet others who are interested in joining Portland's tech community.

  • Tuesday
    Sep 30 2014
    Portland Code School - Happy Hour!

    Join us to learn about the different programs that PCS has to offer – from the JavaScript immersion class to Data Visualization and Front End Development, to an iOS Primer coming this fall.

    The Lucky Lab on Quimby has a HUGE space, free WiFi and great beer.

    Your first drink is on us (alcohol or not)!

    (I'll have a small PCS sign and most likely some kind of board game.)

  • Tuesday
    Sep 23 2014
    NW Education Cluster & PDX EdTech Meetup

    Join us for the first meeting of the school year as the Northwest Education Cluster meets for a networking event held in conjunction with the Portland EdTech Meetup group for informal discussions on topics of common interests in education. Featured this month are presentations from Switchboard and Cel.ly, recent ventures that got their start here in Portland.

    Clarity Innovations is sponsoring this event because we believe in fostering relationships and synergies within the education and training industries to make it a driving force of the Northwest economy. Enjoy free pizza and beer as you network and mingle with peers to celebrate the Back-to-School season!

  • Portland Code School - Happy Hour!

    Join us to learn about the different programs that PCS has to offer – from the JavaScript immersion class to Data Visualization and Front End Development, to an iOS Primer coming this fall.

    The Lucky Lab on Quimby has a HUGE space, free WiFi and great beer.

    Your first drink is on us (alcohol or not)!

    (I'll have a small PCS sign and most likely some kind of board game.)

  • Tuesday
    Sep 16 2014
    Portland Code School - Happy Hour!

    Join us to learn about the different programs that PCS has to offer – from the JavaScript immersion class to Data Visualization and Front End Development, to an iOS Primer coming this fall.

    The Lucky Lab on Quimby has a HUGE space, free WiFi and great beer.

    Your first drink is on us (alcohol or not)!

    (I'll have a small PCS sign and most likely some kind of board game.)

  • Thursday
    Jul 17 2014
    An Evening with MongoDB Portland

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    An Evening with MongoDB Portland is a free evening event in Portland, dedicated to the open source, document database MongoDB. An Evening with MongoDB Portland is an opportunity to explore MongoDB and its use cases.


    Walk away with immediately applicable skills Learn new techniques for scaling your infrastructure Network with fellow technologists in your local community and MongoDB engineers

  • Tuesday
    Jun 24 2014
    Portland Code School Happy Hour

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Interested in being a web developer? Come and learn more about how Portland Code School can give you the skills you want with the support you need. Discover what our accelerated learning programs can do for you!

    At this event, you can talk with the staff, meet current and past students, and introduce yourself to other prospective students. Ask a server where we’re sitting, or look for our “Portland Code School” sign. We’ll socialize while we eat, drink, and otherwise be merry!

    If you sign up for the Web Development Primer class at this event, you'll receive a $100 discount!

  • Thursday
    Jun 19 2014
    PDX Speech and Language Processing Happy Hour

    PDX Speech and Language Processing Happy Hour is an informal gathering of individuals working in computational linguistics, speech, and natural language processing in the Portland metro area. No talks, just socializing, but shop talk encouraged. Some folks will be around 7-10, so drop in as your schedule permits. At the Lucky Labrador Beer Hall.

  • Tuesday
    Jun 17 2014
    Portland Code School Happy Hour

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Interested in being a web developer? Come and learn more about how Portland Code School can give you the skills you want with the support you need. Discover what our accelerated learning programs can do for you!

    At this event, you can talk with the staff, meet current and past students, and introduce yourself to other prospective students. Ask a server where we’re sitting, or look for our “Portland Code School” sign. We’ll socialize while we eat, drink, and otherwise be merry!

    If you sign up for the Web Development Primer class at this event, you'll receive a $100 discount!

  • Friday
    Jun 6 2014
    Idris (dependently-typed lang) meetup with Edwin Brady

    Idris is a dependently typed language that looks pretty much like Haskell with depedent types.

    Its creator, Edwin Brady will be in town this Friday, and says he can give an impromptu talk or demo on some of his latest work in the language.

    Come get your copy of the Idris compiler autographed!

  • Thursday
    May 15 2014
    PDMA Learning and Networking Event -- “USER EXPERIENCE: WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL?”


    PDMA Learning and Networking Event

    Thursday, May 15, 2014

    6:00 - 8:00 PM

    Join PDMA for an interactive discussion with seasoned local Designers and Product Managers on how their experiences at the junction between design and product have driven business results. What do Product Managers need to know about UX and how do Product Managers and UX Designers effectively work together? How can Product Managers incorporate best UX practices into their daily lives? We hope you can join us to explore this exciting topic!


    Clodine Mallinckrodt—Manager of Planning Analytics,

    Providence Health and Services

    Clodine is passionate about the communication and architecture of information - especially in the design and delivery of tech-based products and services. From Wall Street to MarCom Way, Clodine's varied background spans agency-based, vendor-side and strategy consulting work. Her career has touched: •Data and Business Intelligence •Interactive Media and eLearning •Web App & Software Development •Localization •Program & Change Management •Management Consulting

    Currently, Clodine is Manager of Planning Analytics at Providence Health & Services, one of the top 20 integrated healthcare delivery systems in the U.S. Her specialized team delivers both quantitative and qualitative Market Intelligence in support of Oregon Region Strategic & Business Planning. This work supports the organization's response to healthcare transformation. She is also helping to develop Providence Consumer Segments, and is a GE-certified Change Facilitator. As of 2014, Clodine is Program Co-Chair for CHIFOO.org, the Computer-Human Interaction Forum of Oregon.

    Margi Waite – Senior Product Manager, ADP Dealer Services

    In her current role as Product Owner at ADP Dealer Services, Margi is responsible for delivering Common Services for new products being introduced in 2014. In this role Margi partners with UX every step of the way from research to design to UX testing and application development. Margi has over fifteen years’ background managing B2B products including CRM, ERP, and Financial Services software, and has always been a strong advocate of UX as she considers it essential to the success of her Products.

    Mike Lonergan -- Interaction Designer and Systems Engineer

    Intel Security Group

    Mike is an Interaction Designer, Product Owner and Systems Engineer for a suite of business apps in the Intel Security Group at Intel. He handles the requirements, mockups, prioritization and acceptance testing for all aspects of the site design, and factors every user's needs in the interactions, information and visuals that help them achieve their goals. Mike designs apps and processes down to the least cripplingly necessary overhead, and dreams of the day when his smartphone will recognize him half as well as his dog.


    6:00 – 6:30pm: Gathering / Networking / Refreshments**

    6:30 – 6:45pm: Announcements (upcoming events, who’s hiring, etc.)

    6:45 – 7:30pm: Panel Discussion

    7:30 – 7:45pm: Q&A / Open discussion

    7:45 – 8:00pm: Networking


    $10 on-line registration prior to the event **

    $15 at the door

    A discount is available for PDMA members.

    To register online, click the website above

    ** Note: This is a no-host event. The complete Lucky Lab food and drink menu is available. Grab a cold ale & bite to eat - and bring a friend or colleague to add to the discussion!

    The Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) is the premier global advocate for product development and management professionals. The Oregon chapter's mission is to help local professionals and organizations to identify, develop, and launch more innovative and profitable products and services through cross-industry collaboration, thought leadership, and the sharing of best practices and practical knowledge. For more information about the Oregon Chapter of the PDMA, please contact: David Nash, Chapter President, at [email protected].

    We encourage everyone in Oregon who is interested in the Product Development Manager's Association to become a member of the National PDMA. For a great explanation on the benefits of membership in the PDMA, click [] (http://www.pdma.org/p/cm/ld/fid=171).

  • Monday
    May 12 2014
    PDX IOS music meetup first meeting

    Well, you have to start somewhere. . .

    We have no agenda to start with but I will have both my iPad, iPhone, Novation Launchkey 25, and some cans. I also have over 70 (I almost wish I had not counted them) IOS music apps, not that I'm an expert or even useful in most of them. Most notable in the missing category is Cubasis, just waiting for it to go on sale again.

  • Thursday
    Apr 24 2014
    April PAGDIG/IGDA Meeting

    Stop by this month's PDX game developer get-together and check out what the community is thinking about and what they are working on. Eat pizza and enjoy beverages while doing so.

    Stuck on anything? Need advice or a sounding board or a playtest? We shall provide these things to the best of our ability while stuffing our faces.

  • Wednesday
    Apr 9 2014
    OEN PubTalk: Sustainable Game Changers

    When we think sustainable, we tend to think artisan, handcrafted, small. But some sustainable business models are eminently scalable. Hear from founders of sustainable startups who are aiming not to just minimize their own impact on the planet, but also to transform major industries.


    • Brad Swift, Portland Bee Balm
    • Franklin Jones, B-Line Sustainable Urban Delivery
    • Justin Yuen, FMYI

    Moderator: Bill Campbell

  • Thursday
    Mar 27 2014
    March PAGDIG/IGDA Meeting

    Let’s have an informal hangout and catch up on what everyone has been up to now that GDC is over. Bring your game development questions and get some answers. Grab some food and drink while you’re at it too.

  • Wednesday
    Mar 12 2014
    PDX Mobile Workgroup Online Android Class

    We are meeting for the next to last week of the 8 week online Android class:


    For more details about this week's meeting, visit our Google Group.


    And look for this week's posting...

    NOTE: This is not our usual location!

    1945 NW Quimby St Portland, OR (503) 517-4352

  • Wednesday
    Feb 12 2014
    OEN PubTalk(TM) Starting a Business in a Crowded Sector

    It seems that almost everyone these days is brewing beer, developing an app, or scrambling to invent the next big wearable tech device. Come to our February PubTalk to learn how entrepreneurs in these popular sectors have assessed their market, differentiated themselves from their competition, and defined success. They're not crazy, and neither are you, but you all face shared challenges. Our panelists are here to help!

    Panelists: Justin Fay, Brewmaster/Owner at Base Camp Brewing Dave Howell, CEO at Avatron Tyler Phillipi, CMO and Co-Founder at OnTheGo Platforms

    Moderator: Jim Cahill

  • Wednesday
    Jan 29 2014
    PDX Ruby Lunch
    ruby rails

    Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

  • Thursday
    Jan 9 2014
    Will My Fundraising Efforts Get Me in Trouble with the SEC?

    What does the JOBS Act mean for companies trying to raise money today? In this panel discussion, three local lawyers will walk you through newly enacted and not-yet-enacted rules regarding general solicitation and crowdfunding. Learn what's changed, what's still up in the air, and what you need to know to legally access capital now and moving forward.

  • Tuesday
    Nov 26 2013
    Brewpal: informal Drupal meet-up

    Swing on by Lucky Lab around 5pm until whenever for all things Drupal. We meet, work on our projects, and ask questions of our neighbors with no formal agenda. See you there!

  • Thursday
    Nov 21 2013
    PDMA Learning and Networking Event: Gerry Langeler and the Success Matrix

    Your Oregon Chapter of the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) - the folks who bring you ProductCamp Portland - invites you to its November Learning and Networking Event with featured speaker Gerry Langeler.

    Product and business success in general has three fundamental elements - Vision, Process and Output. Unfortunately, not everyone is equally skilled in all three areas. Gerry started forming a model to describe eight “characters” around the presence or absence of those attributes during his time at Mentor Graphics and has been refining it over the years. He will offer an overview of this model at our event. By understanding Gerry’s “Success Matrix”, you will have a better understanding of why some individuals and product teams flourish while others struggle. You will also be able to apply this model to your individual professional growth and career advancement.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to meet and learn from one of the most successful and experienced high-tech executives in Portland. We will also preview our exciting program for 1H 2014, including ProductCamp Portland 3.0.

    Our Presenter - Gerry Langeler

    Gerry Langeler currently serves as Managing Director and Partner of OVP Venture Partners and focuses on investments in the digital energy, software, imaging and digital biology sectors.

    Prior to joining OVP in 1992, Gerry was co-founder of Mentor Graphics Corporation (NASDAQ: MENT) in Portland, OR in 1981. There he served as President, and over eleven years helped lead Mentor through its IPO to over $400M in worldwide sales and over $1B in market capitalization. He began his technology career at Tektronix. Langeler received the Lifetime Achievement award from the Oregon Entrepreneurs Network in 2011.

    Date: Thursday, November 21, 2013


    5:30– 6:00pm Gathering / Networking / Refreshments**

    6:00 – 6:15pm Announcements (upcoming events, who’s hiring, etc.)

    6:15 – 7:00pm The Success Matrix

    7:00 – 7:30pm Q&A / Open discussion

    7:30 – 8:00pm Networking


    $10 on-line registration prior to the event **

    $15 at the door

    A discount is available for PDMA members.

    To register online, go to http://www.pdma.org/p/cm/ld/fid=1022

    ** Note: This is a no-host event. The complete Lucky Lab food and drink menu is available. Grab a cold ale & bite to eat - and bring a friend or colleague to add to the discussion.

  • Thursday
    Nov 14 2013
    Lucky Labrador Brewing Company
    beer free

    The Tech Hero Tour is coming to Portland!

    Carpathia is recognizing and celebrating the heroes of the digital age from coast to coast! Come meet other Tech Heroes and share stories of the new app you just built, the recent 3:00am emergency phone call you jumped out of bed to take, or the software glitch you single-handedly fixed! In between high-fives, enjoy free drinks, food and in true event tradition, we'll have a raffle. By attending the event, you'll be automatically entered to win a JAMBOX® and the chance to win an all new PlayStation® 4!

  • Wednesday
    Nov 13 2013
    Tech Hero Tour

    The Tech Hero Tour is coming to Portland!

    Carpathia is recognizing and celebrating the heroes of the digital age from coast to coast! Come meet other Tech Heroes and share stories of the new app you just built, the recent 3:00am emergency phone call you jumped out of bed to take, or the software glitch you single-handedly fixed! In between high-fives, enjoy free drinks, food and in true event tradition, we'll have a raffle. By attending the event, you'll be automatically entered to win a JAMBOX® and the chance to win an all new PlayStation® 4!

  • Wednesday
    Oct 30 2013
    PDX Ruby Lunch
    ruby rails

    Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

  • Tuesday
    Oct 22 2013
    Brewpal: informal Drupal meet-up

    Swing on by Lucky Lab around 5pm until whenever for all things Drupal. We meet, work on our projects, and ask questions of our neighbors with no formal agenda. See you there!

  • Monday
    Sep 30 2013
    Android Enthusiasts Meeting

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    A casual pub gathering for Android enthusiasts to talk about new developments in the Android operating system and devices.

  • Thursday
    Sep 26 2013
    PDX Mobile Workgroup

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Visit the group site for details. See the entry under Thursday Sept 26th

  • Tuesday
    Sep 24 2013
    Brewpal: informal Drupal meet-up

    Swing on by Lucky Lab around 5pm until whenever for all things Drupal. We meet, work on our projects, and ask questions of our neighbors with no formal agenda. See you there!

  • Monday
    Sep 23 2013
    PDX Mobile Workgroup

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Come join us for a workgroup session. Aside from the normal workgroup we will discuss January's Android Course.

    Visit group site for details:


  • Thursday
    Sep 5 2013
    PDX Mobile Workgroup

    Come join other mobile engineers to work on personal projects. Details are available at:


    Location may change last minute, so check group site for last minute updates.

    Beginners are Welcome to attend.

  • Thursday
    Aug 29 2013
    August PAGDIG/IGDA Game Development Meetup

    Local meetup of PDX's pro/indie/hobbyist game development scene. Hooray Portland game devs! Stop on by, get some food and drink, see what everyone is working on, and talk to your fellow game developers.

  • Wednesday
    Aug 28 2013
    PDX Ruby Lunch
    ruby rails

    Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

  • Tuesday
    Aug 27 2013

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

    While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

  • Brewpal: informal Drupal meet-up

    Swing on by Lucky Lab around 5pm until whenever for all things Drupal. We meet, work on our projects, and ask questions of our neighbors with no formal agenda. See you there!

  • Wednesday
    Aug 7 2013
    Linux Kernel Meetup - Lunch

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Local Linux kernel developers meetup.

  • Wednesday
    Jul 31 2013
    PDX Ruby Lunch
    ruby rails

    Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

  • Thursday
    Jul 25 2013
    PDX Mobile Workgroup

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Welcome to the PDX Mobile Workgroup

    If you develop software or hardware for mobile devices but work alone, then this group is for you. Come join us and get involved with others doing similar work. Share ideas, get help, and have some fun while getting realistic encouragement.

    The group is informal and beginners are welcome. Visit our Google Group page to learn more.

  • Wednesday
    Jul 24 2013
    IEEE Oregon Section--Sustainable IT Meetup

    IEEE welcomes all those interested in all aspects of environmentally sustainable information technology:

    Tech professionals
    Tech enthusiasts

    Meet others with similar interests and technical knowledge, and learn more about IEEE’s sustainable ICT programs:

    Power consumption of the internet and minimizing power usage
    Green wireless communications
    Cloud computing networks and energy efficiency
    Technical aspects of alternative energy solutions
    Electromagnetic pollution
    Examining the lifecycle of devices from manufacturing to repair, recycling, and disposal

    What to expect:

    Networking with other leaders in the sustainable IT community
    The sharing of ideas and connection with new contacts
    Food, beverages and fun!

    Space is limited. Reserve your spot!
    Register today.

  • Tuesday
    Jul 23 2013
    Brewpal: informal Drupal meet-up

    Swing on by Lucky Lab around 5pm until whenever for all things Drupal. We meet, work on our projects, and ask questions of our neighbors with no formal agenda. See you there!

  • Thursday
    Jul 11 2013
    PDX Mobile Workgroup

    Portland Mobile Workgroup

    If you enjoy creating software for mobile devices or are just considering getting started, come join us for an informal workgroup. All levels of experience are invited. Beginners are encouraged to attend.

    The meetings are informal and people are free to come and go as suits them. The meeting times are only a suggestion. If you are new to mobile development or have questions, come as early as you can.

    Meetings are only held if 2 or more people are attending with an RSVP. This means you must RSVP or check the message board or risk showing up alone. Do not RSVP with a "maybe". If you do RSVP, please show. You are always welcome to just drop in without an RSVP if you are unsure you can make it until the last minute.

    To RSVP or see current meeting status, visit: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/pdx-mobile-workgroup

    If you want to RSVP, look for the day of the meeting in the postings and place a note or contact the group's admin by email.

    When: Thursday July 11th, 2013, 5-8 pm Where: Lucky Lab Beer Hall (http://luckylab.com/) Address: 1945 NW Quimby St., Portland, OR 97209

    Note: Powerstrips are always needed.

  • Wednesday
    Jul 3 2013
    Linux Kernel Beering - Evening
    beer linux

    Monthly get-together for people who hack on the Linux kernel.

    Odd Months: Beering/Food at 6:30pm

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall, 1945 Northwest Quimby Street, Portland, OR

  • Tuesday
    Jun 25 2013
    CryptoParty Portland

    CryptoParty is a grassroots global endeavour to introduce the basics of practical cryptography such as the Tor anonymity network, key signing parties, TrueCrypt, Linux, and virtual private networks to the general public.

    This is a free skill-sharing event with other Cryptography and Privacy technology experts, working along side and sharing information with people new to Crypto and Privacy.

    Everyone is welcome regardless of experience, bring a Laptop if you have one, if not, bring a USB thumbdrive, a pen and a pad of paper.

    If you want to learn about how to encrypt your files and communicate securely, this is the event to come to!

    Look for the people with laptops.

  • Brewpal

    Swing on by Lucky Lab around 5pm until whenever for all things Drupal. We meet, work on our projects, and ask questions of our neighbors with no formal agenda. See you there!

  • Wednesday
    Jun 5 2013
    Linux Kernel Beering - Lunch
    beer linux

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Monthly get-together for people who hack on the Linux kernel.

    Even Months: Lunch at 12:30pm

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall, 1945 Northwest Quimby Street, Portland, OR

  • Wednesday
    May 29 2013
    Celluloid / Sidekiq hackfest

    Join committers from the Celluloid and Sidekiq projects to discuss and hack on the newest technologies in Ruby, multi-threading and concurrency.

  • Wednesday
    May 1 2013
    Linux Kernel Beering - Evening
    beer linux

    Monthly get-together for people who hack on the Linux kernel.

    Odd Months: Beering/Food at 6:30pm

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall, 1945 Northwest Quimby Street, Portland, OR

  • Tuesday
    Apr 30 2013
    MongoDB Portland 2013

    An Evening with MongoDB Portland



    • 6:30-7:00pm: Networking ( A salad and pizza buffet will be out)
    • 7:00-7:10pm: Welcome and Introduction
    • 7:10-7:15pm: Sponsorship (Dice)
    • 7:15-7:45pm: Building Your First App with MongoDB: Tyler Brock
    • 7:45-8:15pm: Schema Design: Emily Stolfo
    • 8:15-9:00pm: MongoDB at Gilt Groupe: Sean Sullivan

    RSVP: http://mongodbportland-2013.eventbrite.com/

  • Monday
    Apr 22 2013

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    The April 2013 meeting for Android Enthusiasts. This is a casual setting to chat with other local android developers, fans, and other interested folk.

  • Wednesday
    Apr 3 2013
    Linux Kernel Beering - Lunch

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Monthly get-together for people who hack on the Linux kernel.

    Even Months: Lunch at 12:30pm

  • Wednesday
    Mar 6 2013
    Linux Kernel Beering - Evening

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Monthly get-together for people who hack on the Linux kernel.

    Odd Months: Beering/Food at 6:30pm

  • Thursday
    Feb 28 2013
    Mobile Weekly Workgroup

    Welcome to the PDX Mobile Workgroup.

    Beginners are encouraged to join.

    We welcome Software and Hardware Engineers working on Android, iOS, and all other mobile platforms.

    Working on projects by yourself can be difficult because don't get the feedback or interaction you get in an office environment. Online sites such as stackoverflow.com are great resources for answering well defined questions, but don't have the benefits of personal interactions. When you are part of a community you get to know others with similar interests, get an immediate response to hard to describe problems, bounce ideas off of others, and learn by example.

    The in person Weekly Workgroup is the main reason the group exists. It is designed to fill the void for engineers who would otherwise work on their projects in relative isolation from other engineers. This website is mostly used for discussion about meetings but posting questions about mobile development is good too.

    The group is informal. Attendees stop by at various times after work and stay as long as they like.

    For more information visit our website and show up for our next meeting.

  • Wednesday
    Feb 13 2013
    MongoDB User Group - First Meetup!

    Ahoy everyone! This shindig is going to be the first ever Meetup of the Portland MongoDB User Group. This event is going to be entirely about socializing, getting to know each other, and enjoying some savory spirits! In the future, I like to have a healthy mix of socializing, hands on coding, lectures and anything else you folks throw my way!

  • Thursday
    Jan 31 2013
    January Portland Area Game Developer Interest Group Meeting

    Hello all. It's PAGDIG time again! In a scant couple days at that. The next meetup will be this Thursday, January 31st 7pm at the "old" location: the Lucky Lab at 1945 NW Quimby, as the usual space is rented out this month.

    The theme of this month's meetup is What Are We All Working On. Bring by and show off whatever you're currently working on that's game related: demos of any form and polish level, recent game jam entries, paper prototypes too! Even if you don't have something to show, come by, grab some pizza and beverages and get inspired by what your local dev and indie community is making.

    We've had some cool stuff happen for PAGDIG peoples over the last couple months: Harold/Twyngo's game Amazing Ants came out. Also, two attendee games have made the Pax East Indie Showcase: John/Clutchplay's Little Chomp and Jared/PagodaWest's Major Magnet! That's a 2/7th of the entries lock down for Portland devs. Check it out at http://east.paxsite.com/peis. Nicely done all.

    Hope to see you all Thursday!

  • Monday
    Dec 10 2012
    ChickTech Monthly Meeting

    We'll be discussing two questions: 1. Could we create ChickTech chapters in the schools to grow the movement in each high school and strengthen our connection with them?
    2. What would that look like and who can we partner with to support it?

  • Monday
    Nov 12 2012
    Android Enthusiasts Meetup

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    November Monthly Meetup for Android Enthusiasts of all types.

  • Thursday
    Nov 1 2012
    Portland Game for Change: Planning Meeting

    We'll be discussing several matters including:

    1) An overview of our plans and volunteer needs.

    2) A development schedule to complete the game summit prototype for Donate Life Northwest

    3) Upcoming events: John Wilkes would like to offer some workshops in programming including C Sharp and a presentation by Donna Davis Nov 14, an Ethnography of Digital Social Capital in 3D online worlds.

    4) Pixel Arts' educational group to development a game camp.

    5) Supporting the OGPC with mentors and coaches.

    If you would like to add an item to the agenda, pelase reply on our website. We welcome new collaborations and alignments.

  • Monday
    Oct 8 2012
    Android Enthusiasts Meetup

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    October Monthly Meetup for Android Enthusiasts of all types.

  • Thursday
    Sep 27 2012
    Games 4 Change PDX: Planning Meeting

    We have secured two venues to have regular meetings on Wednesday and Thursdays. if you have an item for the agenda, please let me know. Our current agenda is:

    1. Select a regular week to have meetups each month.

    2. Return to visioning goals and plan a calendar of events.

    3. Enroll volunteers for talks, events, and so forth.

    4. Planning for an October Game Summit to create games for NGOs and NPOs.

    Agenda will be followed by announcements and mingling with PAGDIG and PIGSquad.

  • September Portland Area Game Developer's Interest Group: Roundtable + Meetup

    Hello all! It's PAGDIG time this week, Thursday 9/27 at 7pm at the Quimby Lucky Lab.

    It's a special night, as we will have Pigsquad and Games for Change joining us all in the same venue. There will be good food, good drinks and the good company of Portland's game developers! Bring stuff to work on and share, or just stop by to talk.

    The roundtable discussion topic this week:

    Staying Productive and Inspired: How Creative People Get Work Done

    Anyone who does creative work (art, design, programming, music) knows there's a fine balance we have to maintain, splitting time between finding inspiration and buckling down and getting things done. When does looking for inspiration become detrimental distraction? When does working for hours on end become hazardous and counterproductive?

    Let's all talk about how we deal with this in our daily work: how we stay focused, how we stay excited, how we budget our time and attention

    See ya all there!

  • Portland Indie Game Squad Art/Code Night

    Let's all get together and work on our projects!

    Feel free to bring your laptop, drawing tablet, paper, prototypes, etc. to work on some game code, art, reviews, or anything in between in the company of fellow local game devs and enthusiasts! Be open to giving or receiving feedback as well, as everyone will be curious as to what everyone else is working on!

    The listed time restriction is only recommended; feel free to come earlier or stay later if you'd like. The venue is listed as 21 and over, but no one IDs unless you ask for an alcoholic drink.

    Games For Change PDX and PAGDIG will also be having get-togethers at the same time and place!

    E-mail us at [email protected] if you have any questions!

  • Thursday
    Aug 30 2012
    August Portland Area Game Developer's Interest Group: Roundtable + Meetup

    Stop on by and check out Portland's local game development scene.

    We will start things off with an informal round-table discussion. This month's subject: Design Challenges and Triumphs. What kind of design challenges have we conquered while making games, be it a challenge in programming, art, level building, making music, etc? How did you figure out the solution? Bring a story from your own experience to share with the group, or just hang out and be part of the discussion.

    The usual hanging out with beverages and pizza follows, of course.

  • Tuesday
    Aug 28 2012

    Brewpal takes place on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 5pm at the Lucky Lab on 1945 NW Quimby. We meet, work on our projects, and ask questions of our neighbors with no formal agenda.

    No need to RSVP, the meetings are open to all.

    We're also on IRC in #drupal-pdx on freenode.net

  • Monday
    Aug 13 2012
    Android Enthusiasts Meetup

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    August Monthly Meetup for Android Enthusiasts of all types.

  • Thursday
    Aug 2 2012
    Portland Indie Game Squad Art/Code Night

    Join PIGSquad in an evening of getting together and working on our projects!

    Feel free to bring your laptop, drawing tablet, paper, prototypes, etc. to work on some game code, art, reviews, or anything in between in the company of fellow local game devs and enthusiasts! Be open to giving or receiving feedback as well, as everyone will be curious as to what everyone else is working on!

    The listed time restriction is only recommended; feel free to come earlier or stay later if you'd like. The venue is listed as 21 and over, but no one IDs unless you ask for an alcoholic drink.

    E-mail us at [email protected] if you have any questions!

  • Thursday
    Jul 26 2012
    Portland Area Game Developer Interest Group Meeting

    It's PAGDIG time again! This Thursday the 26th at 7pm, stop by the Quimby Lucky Lab at 1945 NW Quimby St and talk about all things game-development related over tasty pizza and beverages. If you've got a project you've been working on, bring it by to show off and get some free playtesting.

  • Monday
    Jul 9 2012
    Android Enthusiasts Meetup

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    July Monthly Meetup for Android Enthusiasts of all types.

    Lots of exciting annoucements at Google I/O.

  • Tuesday
    May 22 2012
    Brewpal: informal Drupal meet-up

    What is this event? It's an informal meetup each month to work on our own individual Drupal projects in the company of other Drupalers. The idea is that you can work on your own project, ask a question to your neighbor if you're stuck, chat with others about your brilliant Drupal start-up idea, and then take a beer break whenever you want.

    If you are bringing your laptop, don't forget to charge it ahead of time (since Lucky Lab's power outlets are minimal).

    Here are the details:

    Time: 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.

    Lucky Lab Beer Hall 1945 NW Quimby St. Portland, OR 97209 (Yes, they have wifi.)

    So get ready to pack up your laptop and see you soon!

  • Wednesday
    Apr 25 2012
    Portland Augmented Reality Advocates - Getting together for real

    I want to get people together and start building some momentum. We are a small group right now so I want to see if we can just crowd around the end of a pub table, shoot some darts, drink some beer and eat some Pizza and talk about what we see in AR and where we each want to take it.

    Lucky Lab in the Pearl is a great wide open spot we can meet and if the group grows enough they have a meeting room we can rent out.

    So please spread the word and bring along anyone who you know into AR, Design, App programming or just wants a beer in the earlymidweek.


    Dave Barcos

  • Monday
    Apr 9 2012
    Android Enthusiasts Meetup

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    April Monthly Meetup for Android Enthusiasts of all types.

  • Wednesday
    Mar 28 2012
    Portland Augmented Reality Advocates - Getting together for real

    I want to get people together and start building some momentum. We are a small group right now so I want to see if we can just crowd around the end of a pub table, shoot some darts, drink some beer and eat some Pizza and talk about what we see in AR and where we each want to take it.

    Lucky Lab in the Pearl is a great wide open spot we can meet and if the group grows enough they have a meeting room we can rent out.

    So please spread the word and bring along anyone who you know into AR, Design, App programming or just wants a beer in the earlymidweek.


    Dave Barcos

  • Thursday
    Feb 16 2012
    Portland Indie Game Squad Art/Code Night

    PIGSquad is a community of game developers and enthusiasts based in Portland, Oregon, providing events, jams, networking opportunities, etc. to creative minds everywhere!

    Bring your laptop, drawing tablet, paper, etc. to work on some game code, art, reviews, or anything in between in the company of fellow local game devs and enthusiasts! Be open to giving or receiving feedback, as well, as everyone will be curious as to what everyone else is working on!

    E-mail us at pigsquad at gmail dot com if you have any questions!

  • Thursday
    Jan 19 2012
    pdx-Se: Intro to Test Automation Using Selenium

    The Portland Oregon Selenium Users Group will be hosting: Intro to Test Automation Using Selenium

    Presented by Andy Doan Software Engineer in Test @ Cambia Health Solutions.

    In January, We’ll hear from Andy Doan who will give a general overview and demo the suite of Selenium tools.

    6:00-6:30 Network/Meet & Greet 6:30-7:30 Presentation


    • Flavors of Selenium o Selenium 1/RC o Selenium 2/WebDriver o Selenium IDE

    •Why WebDriver?

    • How WebDriver Works

    • (Demo) Selenium IDE o Record a script o Playback o Export to WebDriver

    • (Demo) How to write a test script in Java o Other Languages (c#, ruby)

    • What’s next? Advanced Usage and Frameworks o JUnit vs. TestNG o Page Objects o Advanced Frameworks

    • What else can Selenium do? Mobile Automation o (Demo) AndriodDriver o IPhoneDriver o NativeDriver

    • I have too many tests! Scalability o Grid 2/Selenium Server

    • (Demo) Sauce OnDemand

    About the Speaker: Andy Doan is a software engineer and has been specializing in test automation frameworks for the past 2 years. He is a recent speaker on test automation at Software Association of Oregon events as well as IBM’s Innovate 2011 conference.

  • Monday
    Jan 16 2012
    Android Weekly Workgroup

    Android Weekly Workgroup

    (503) 244-2537


    Previous Locations: 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR 97214 1945 NW Quimby St Portland, OR 97209 7675 SW Capitol Hwy Portland, OR 97219 18880 Southwest Martinazzi Avenue, Tualatin, OR 97062

    Come and work on your personal Android software development projects in a workgroup. Share what your doing, ask questions, help others. All skill levels, including beginners, are welcome to attend.

    Confirmation of attendance is suggested but not required. If no one shows by 6:30 pm, the meeting will be automatically canceled unless otherwise noted on the website. Please check the group's website for last minute updates.


    6:00 - 6:30: Arrival, Meet and Greet 6:30 - 9:00: Coding

    web: http://groups.google.com/group/pdx-android-workgroup

    email: [email protected]

    Discussion topics may be pre-suggested on the group's site, but the main focus of the meeting is coding personal projects.

  • Thursday
    Jan 12 2012
    January PAGDIG/IDGA Meet Up

    The Portland Area Game Development Interest Group (PAGDIG) is back after holiday break, with a meetup Thursday 1/12 at 7pm at the Quimby Lucky Lab, located at 1945 NW Quimby St. It's almost Global Game Jam time, so we should talk about that. Stop on by, get some food and drink, see what everyone is working on, and talk to your fellow game developers. All are welcome!

  • Tuesday
    Jan 10 2012

    NSCoder, getting together for iOS and Mac Development help.

  • Thursday
    Dec 15 2011
    Portland Oregon Selenium Users Group - Inaugural Meeting

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Be part of the pdx Selenium inaugural meeting!

    Come enjoy some beers, meet fellow developers & testers and help mold the future of the Portland Selenium user group.


    Meet & Greets

    Discuss Future:

    • Topics
    • Speakers
    • Venues
    • Frequency of meetups
    • Sponsors
    • Goals
    • etc...

    We hope to see you there!

  • Wednesday
    Dec 14 2011
    Holiday Party! Introducing Maasive Cloud Services for Mobile
    beer pizza

    ELC Technologies would like to invite you and a guest to a holiday party celebrating the upcoming launch of our cloud service solution, Maasive. Join us for FREE beer, FREE pizza, live demos on mobile programming with Maasive, and the chance to take home a hoodie at the end of the night!

    Maasive is a mobile development platform unlike any other. We've developed an easy way for you to add cloud functionality to your iOS, Android and Windows Phone applications, including native object storage, push alerts, analytics and other services. Compared to other frameworks Maasive is easy to use and more flexible even across multiple platforms. And it's backed by ELC's unique history developing robust, scalable cloud based mobile apps for Fortune 500 companies.

    Maasive is free during the beta period, and we're looking for YOUR feedback to help us make it even more reliable and easy to use. Come chat with us during the party and we'll set you up with your own account and show you how to integrate Maasive in your application. In the meantime, if you want to see how easy it is to get started check out this three minute screencast: http://vimeo.com/28125533

    The party starts at 6pm December 14th, at Lucky Lab Brew Pub on 1945 NW Quimby Street. Hope to see you there!

    P.S.- If anyone is interested in trying Maasive but can't attend, just send an email to [email protected] and I'll make sure you're set up with a user account and the SDK.

  • Thursday
    Dec 1 2011
    Eclipse 10th Birthday Party - CANCELLED

    The Eclipse open source community is celebrating 10 years since it was launched. Join us for the party, see some Eclipse demos, eat cake and meet other Eclipse users

    See http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_November_2011/Portland "Sorry, but we are canceling, since we didn't have enough people signed up."

  • Tuesday
    Nov 29 2011

    Local objective-c / mac / iOS developers get together to help each other code.

  • Thursday
    Nov 17 2011
    November Portland Area Game Devleoper Interest Group (PAGDIG/IGDA) Meetup

    Portland's monthly get-together of game developers and game development enthusiasts. Warm up with some pizza and drinks and talk about the ins and outs of creating games with your fellow game making type peoples. All are welcome.

  • Thursday
    Oct 20 2011
    October Portland Game Developer Interest Group/IGDA Meeting

    It is about that time again: the next PAGDIG/IGDA meeting will be next Thursday 10/20 at 7pm at the Quimby Lucky Lab, located at 1945 NW Quimby St. Come on by and fill your stomach with nourishing warm pizza products and perhaps a beverage or two, as we all get together and talk about all things game dev related. It shall be good times. See you soon!

  • Thursday
    Sep 22 2011
    September Portland Game Developer Interest Group / IGDA Meeting

    Hello local game developers, developers, enthusiasts, and other assorted great people. The rain has returned, and so has the time for the next PAGDIG/IGDA meeting, this Thursday 9/22 at 7pm at the Quimby Lucky Lab, located at 1945 NW Quimby St. Stop by, say hi, have a slice and/or beverage, and talk all things game development.

    See you there!

  • Monday
    Sep 12 2011
    AndroidPDX Enthusiasts Monthly Meetup

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    The monthly meetup for September.


    Google's purchase of Motorola Mobile

  • Thursday
    Aug 25 2011
    August Portland Area Game Developer Interest Group (PAGDIG/IGDA) Meetup

    Come on by and hang out with interesting people and talk about game development while stuffing your face with pizza and/or beer. PAX is coming up soon, so I'm sure there will be plenty to talk about. See you all there!

  • Wednesday
    May 18 2011
    Freelance Software Developers Meetup

    Are you a freelance software developer, or interested in freelancing? Join us to talk shop and meet others!

    Presentation: Freelancing and Open Source, by Peat Bakke. This is an informal and (slightly) abridged version of the presentation for Linuxfest NW, Webvisions 2011, and Open Source Bridge.

    Recreation: Beer, nerding, socializing, etc.

    The presentation will start shortly after 6:00.

  • Tuesday
    Mar 1 2011
  • Wednesday
    Feb 9 2011
    Personal Telco Project Weekly Meeting

    We are preparing to redeploy the first of our SkyPilots in a real network. The initial install is scheduled for this Saturday, February 12 adjacent to Arbor Lodge Park. This weekly will mostly center on preparation and planning for the install. We need warm bodies to help on Saturday, and coming early to help plan would help too. See you there!

  • Friday
    Jan 7 2011
  • Monday
    Nov 8 2010
    Mobile Development with Eclipse

    An evening about Mobile Development with Eclipse. There will be three presentations covering Android, Blackberry and iPad development:

    • Android Development with Eclipse</li
    • BlackBerry Application Development Options
    • iPad development with Eclipse (using Java)
    There will also be free pizza and beers.

    The event is scheduled for this Monday, Nov 8th at 6pm at the Lucky Labrador Beer Hall, 1945 NW Quimby (map).

    Please RSVP on the wiki.

  • Thursday
    Oct 28 2010
    Portland Area Game Developer Interest Group

    Hello all, it’s that special time again. The next PADGIG Meetup will be Thursday 10/28 at 7pm at the Quimby Lucky Lab at 1945 NW Quimby St.

    Come grab some pizza and beer and hang out talking about all things related to game development. This includes some cool local news like Ngmoco/Stumptown’s recent acquisition :D

    See you there!

  • Tuesday
    Oct 26 2010
    Brewpal: informal Drupal meet-up

    What is this event? It's an informal meetup each month to work on our own individual Drupal projects in the company of other Drupalers. The idea is that you can work on your own project, ask a question to your neighbor if you're stuck, chat with others about your brilliant Drupal start-up idea, and then take a beer break whenever you want.

    If you are bringing your laptop, don't forget to charge it ahead of time (since Lucky Lab's power outlets are minimal).

    Here are the details:

    Time: 5:00 - 9:00 p.m.

    Lucky Lab Beer Hall 1945 NW Quimby St. Portland, OR 97209 (Yes, they have wifi.)

    So get ready to pack up your laptop and see you soon!

  • Thursday
    Jan 21 2010
    PAGDIG Meetup (Portland Area Game Developer Interest Group)b

    Hello all PAGDIG people. I hope you all had a great holiday season.

    This month’s PAGDIG meeting will be held at the west side Lucky Lab at 1945 NW Quimby St. on Thursday 1/21 at 7pm.

    We have a couple topics that have come up on the mailing list that we can discuss on the agenda: Getting awareness of the game industry going for the Portland Economic Development Plan Global Game Jam

    Also, we’ll have the usual talk about all things game dev related. Come grab some pizza and drinks with us!

    See you all there

  • Monday
    Jul 20 2009
    Eight Steps to a Successful Career Transition

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    In today’s challenging job market, you need tools, not rhetoric, to help you plot your course of action. Take that first step on Monday, July 20, by attending an OEN & CareersPDX no-host happy hour/workshop.

    The happy hour/workshop will be presented by nationally recognized career strategist, author and founder of VocationVacations®, Brian Kurth; and professional career and life coach, Will Wiebe.

    Whether you are looking for a new job, a totally new career or thinking of starting your own business, these experts will offer specific, practical strategies to help you: • Explore, discover and pursue that “great job” or start the dream business • Address your fears • Create an action plan • Find a mentor in your desired career(s) • Test-drive a new job or career • Create a professional brand • Network • Establish thresholds A career transition doesn’t happen over night. But by following this proven step-by-step process, you can discover, pursue and attain career fulfillment and personal satisfaction.

    Registration: No Cost

  • Wednesday
    Jun 17 2009

    Instantiations and The Eclipse Foundation will co-host a pizza and salad buffet, including beverages. Come see what’s cool in Eclipse development, and network with your local Eclipse community!

    Here are the official details and where to sign up:

    Event Sponsors: Eclipse Foundation / Instantiations

    Event Title: Eclipse DemoCamps Galileo 2009/Portland

    Date: June 17, 2009

    Time: 7pm – 9pm (Presenters set up at 6pm)

    Location: Lucky Lab Beer Hall, 1945 NW Quimby, Portland

    Cost: Complimentary; attendance is limited

    Registration: To register, add your name as presenter or attendee to this wiki: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_Galileo_2009/Portland

    Feel free to pass this along to your colleagues, and be sure to sign up on the wiki if you would like to attend or present!

    We look forward to seeing you there.

  • Thursday
    Apr 16 2009
    PAGDIG Meetup

    PAGDIG stands for Portland Area Game Developers Interest Group. It is the local IGDA chapter for Portland, OR. The group has been dormant for a while but is currently in the early stages of revitalization.

    Anyone from an individual enthusiast working on flash games in their spare time up to EA-sized studios are welcome to participate.

    We have several goals: * To meet like-minded developers in the area. We want to be a forum where we can meet other developers and enthusiasts. * To be a social/networking forum more than having structured meeting topics. We want to be a place you can meet like minded developers and discuss your work. There’s a strong focus on indies, which should be unsurprising for Portland. * To serve as the area IGDA chapter. There is not a huge game developer presence in Portland, overshadowed as we are by nearby Seattle, but we feel there are more than enough people in the area who would like to meet up and keep in contact. * To consume vast quantities of pizza and/or beer.

  • Monday
    Apr 13 2009
    Dorkbot PDX

    regular meeting.

  • Monday
    Mar 16 2009
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Monday
    Mar 2 2009
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Tuesday
    Feb 24 2009
    Tech MeetUp: Diagnose Your Website's Issues

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Does your site scream out, "I haven't changed my image since 1995!" Or maybe, your pages are plagued by lengthy copy that just keeps going and going… Perhaps your web presence just doesn't really reflect all the great work your organization does.

    Get at the heart of web issues and head in an effective direction to achieve your website goals. At this meetup, we'll delve into website hang-ups and problem-solve cures for the "common" website. Fodder for website problem-solving could include: - browser compatibility - unique identity and online presence - easy navigation - web-optimized images - color scheme and text/background contrast - title tags - any other number of web issues that get under your skin

    Leading the discussion at this month's joint NTEN 501Tech Club and Net Squared MeetUp will be Eve Simon, Creative Director at Beaconfire Consulting. Eve brings 14 years of online visual design, user experience and creative management in both the corporate and nonprofit sectors.

    With Eve leading the discussion, we'll delve into the web design process. And if you’re game, we'll jump into a discussion on the inherent or perceived conflict between IA and Design. Understand why Eve might tell you, "A wireframe is not a coloring book."

  • Monday
    Feb 16 2009
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Monday
    Feb 2 2009
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Tuesday
    Jan 27 2009
    Tech Strategy 2009: More for Less

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    If one of your New Year's resolutions is to use technology to work smarter, look no further! We are working off a fabulous brainstorming session that occurred last November to bring you topics relevant to your work and give you a chance to network with your peers.

    This meeting will be talking overall tech strategy. Do you have a technology plan in place? What types of things should you be thinking of? We're going to take a look at the big picture and help you see what ways you can be using technology to make your nonprofit's work more efficient.

    This will be a joint meetup with the Nonprofit Technology Network's, Portland 501 Tech Club. Speaker details are still being finalized but be sure it will be some great local tech talent!

  • Monday
    Jan 19 2009
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Monday
    Jan 5 2009
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Monday
    Dec 22 2008
    [CANCELLED] DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Cancelled due to our resistors being frozen to our transistors.

  • Monday
    Dec 8 2008
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Monday
    Nov 24 2008
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Wednesday
    Nov 19 2008
    PDX 501 Tech Club/Net Tuesday: Nonprofit Tech Extravaganza

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    Join us to talk nonprofit technology and how 2 organizations working for your better good want to collaborate to create more useful events for you in 2009.

    The idea is to provide a fuller, more in-depth series of events. Our main goal is to provide a two monthly meetups that directly relate to each other, providing introductory information and hands-on engagement. But we want to see if that aligns with your goals!

    We're going to dedicate our November meetup to a party of sorts to help us determine what it is you would like to know and learn... and how much you're willing to learn.

    Come for this pre-holiday party with food, fun, good folks and conversation!

    Email questions to Anna at [email protected]. Hope you can make it!


    Portland Net Tuesday at http://netsquared.meetup.com/13/

    Net Squared, a product of Tech Soup, works to spur responsible adoption of social web tools by social benefit organizations. There's a whole new generation of online tools available ? tools that make it easier than ever before to collaborate, share information and mobilize support. These tools include blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, podcasting, and more. Some people describe them as "Web 2.0"; we call them the social web, because their power comes from the relationships they enable.

    Portland 501 Tech Club - http://groups.nten.org/group.htm?mode=gvb&igid=5273

    The 501 Tech Club is a monthly gathering of people working on or interested in nonprofit technology in the Portland, OR Area. Our meetings are opportunities for anyone interested in helping nonprofits use technology to get together and talk shop in a fun, informal setting, and our name refers to the fact that most of us work primarily with and for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.

  • Monday
    Nov 10 2008
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Monday
    Oct 27 2008
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Monday
    Oct 13 2008
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Monday
    Sep 29 2008
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Monday
    Sep 15 2008
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Thursday
    Sep 4 2008
    Maps 2.0, Google Earth, and GPS: What's New, What Works

    HumaniNet will present a status report on our Maps 2.0 initiative, which is exploring ready-to-use Web-based mapping tools for humanitarian and nonprofit organizations.

    Dylan Myers, a digital mapping specialist at Google Maps, will also be there to answer your questions on the ever-expanding toolkit of Google Maps and Google Earth. Dylan was a key member of a Mercy Corps team that conducted a GIS (geospatial information systems) project in Indonesia following the 2004 tsunami.

    Conversation ad networking begin at 5 p.m. At 6 p.m., Gregg Swanson and Matt Blair of HumaniNet will briefly discuss the initial findings of the research, which is based on interviews with aid and relief managers in Afghanistan, Sudan, Singapore, London, and – not least - Portland.

    Among the topics: some notes from Matt on emerging Web 2.0 social mapping services, including the promise and pitfalls of 'crowd-sourced' geospatial data.

    Following Q&A, you can meet Dylan, see demos, exchange ideas, practiceyour “geo-geek speak,” and learn more about what online maps can do for your project or organization.

    The 501 Tech Club event is co-sponsored by NTEN.

  • Monday
    Sep 1 2008
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Monday
    Aug 18 2008
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Thursday
    Jul 17 2008
    OLPC and Beer Meetup

    Hey you, yeah you with the OLPC, your fellow OLPCers are having a meetup on Thursday evening at Lucky Labrador Brew Hall in NW Portland. You should come on out, meet your fellow OLPCers and mesh. Earlier this year, Wayan of OLPCNews came to town to talk about the OLPC and we had a great time meeting others who were supporters of the technology and the vision.

    For those of you wondering what I’m talking about, the OLPC stands for One Laptop Per Child. Last Christmas they ran a special called Buy One, Get one which allowed you to buy an OLPC (pictured left) for a child somewhere in the world and you would get your own. Once it hit the geek market in America, the possibilities have been endless. I was amazed at how cool this little guy was and how simple it was to use. Too bad my sausage fingers couldn’t navigate the keyboard. Oh well, I’m no child either.

    Come on down to Lucky Lab Thursday night and check them out yourself. The OLPCers are a good bunch and love to talk technology.

    OLPC Meetup Lucky Labrador Beer hall, NW 20th/Quimby 6pm

  • Monday
    Jul 14 2008
    Humaninet Project Launch

    Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

    You are invited to join the HumaniNet team on Monday, July 14, at the Lucky Lab NW (19th & Quimby) for an informal update and roundtable on the Maps 2.0 initiative and related projects with Google Earth/Maps, GPS, and GIS in general.

    If you know of someone interested in these technologies, or any tech topic that might apply to the humanitarian space, please invite them too.

    Following a team meeting at 5:15, we'll start with a short presentation at 5:45, followed by networking, socializing, and tech conversation.

    Hope to see you there! (sorry for the short notice)

    Gregg Swanson Executive Director, HumaniNet mobile 503-957-2960 [email protected] www.humaninet.org

  • Wednesday
    Jul 9 2008
    Substance Summit

    [Full details at http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/834270/ ] The first in a series of conversations with the Portland creative community to help each other understand how we can be more inclusive, collaborative and effective. We have been inspired by Portland's creative technology community (Legion of Tech and Silicon Florist to name a few) to help facilitate an environment where we share ideas and create a place that draws the best talent and the best clients to Portland to get the best creative work possible. This is the first of many conversations. We don't expect to solve the world's problems, let alone ours, over one beer (or two, or three...). But if we're going to start, it might as well be here and now. Location is the Lucky Lab NW Beer Hall

  • Monday
    Jul 7 2008
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Come join us for an evening of socializing, talking about odd hacks and poking around with other people toys. Bring things for show and tell if you like, or just bring a willingness to share your interests. We'll be the kids with all the coolest stuff on the table. Hope to see you there.

  • Monday
    Apr 28 2008
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    You know you've been sitting there thinking "why don't those two weeks go by faster? I NEED my DorkbotPDX fix, now!"

    Well, I'm here to tell you that your wait is nearly over. In just 4 days time you can satisfy that need to hang out and socialize (a frightening concent, I know) with other freaks and geeks. Of course, I know there's a lot of newcomers out there, so don't be afraid -- we don't bite (well, Don might, but I'll leave that one for you to find out).

    Bring your toys, your ideas and most of all your ability to have fun. We take all kinds and we don't turn anyone away.

    * When: Monday, April 28th, 7pm<br />
    * Where: Lucky Lab NW (not SE!)<br />
    * Who: Dorkbot PDX and *you*<br />
  • Monday
    Apr 14 2008
    DorkbotPDX Meeting

    Ok, sorry if this spiel sounds familiar... I'm going on fumes at the moment and just wanted to get this out:

    It's time again to break out the breadboards, shine up the solder joints and light up the LEDs with your good friends in DorkbotPDX. We'll be meeting once again to mull over strange ideas (involving electricity, of course), hash out plans for world domination and, as always, drink beer. Come join us, bring along a project if you have one and can fit it in your preferred mode of transport, and make yourself known to your fellow Portland dorks.

    • When: Monday, April 14th, 7pm
    • Where: Lucky Lab NW (not SE!)
    • Who: Dorkbot PDX and *you*

    See you on Monday. Whoever is there first gets to make a grab for the outlets! ;~)

  • Monday
    Mar 31 2008
  • Tuesday
    Oct 2 2007