Viewing 1 current event matching “functional programming” by Date.
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Mar 20
Portland Has Skill: Table Recursion. Code Review: Tensort with Kyle Beechly – Kiln Portland This is a monthly Haskell-related hangout for Haskellers, Functional Programmers, and nerds of all sorts! We're starting a new Code Review segment, where someone gets to share a project, go through the code, and receive critique from the room! Lyle kicked us off last month with an impromptu review of his natural deduction proof verifier. This month we'll be reviewing my own Tensort! Location is Kiln Portland in the Cactus Room. We should be visible from the front door, or text the phone number on the front door and we will let you in! There are also many food carts nearby for more dining options. All are welcome! |
Viewing 202 past events matching “functional programming” by Date.
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Aug 19, 2008
Galois Tech Talk: Adventures in Foreign Function Interfaces – Galois, Inc Title: Adventures in Foreign Function Interfaces Speaker: Joel Stanley
Date: Tuesday, August 19th, 10.30am Location: Galois, Inc.
About the Galois Tech Talks. |
Sep 2, 2008
Galois Tech Talk: GpuGen: Bringing the Power of GPUs into the Haskell World – Galois, Inc Title: GpuGen: Bringing the Power of GPUs into the Haskell World Speaker: Sean Lee
Date: Tuesday, September 2nd.
Location: Galois, Inc.
Abstract: For the last decade, the performance of GPUs has out-grown CPUs, and their programmability has also improved to the level where they can be used fo general-purpose computations. Nonetheless, GPU programming is still limited only to those who understand the hardware architecture and the parallel processing. This is because the current GPU programming systems are based on the specialized parallel processing model, and require low-level attention in many aspects such as thread launching and synchronization. The need for a programming system which provides a high-level abstraction layer on top of the GPU programming systems without losing the performance gain arises to facilitate the use of GPUs. Instead of writing a programming system from the scratch, the development of a Haskell extension has been chosen as the ideal approach, since the Haskell community has already accumulated a significant amount of research and resources for Nested Data Parallelism, which could be adopted to provide a high-level abstraction on GPU programming and even to broaden the applicability of GPU programming. In addition, the Foreign Function Interface of Haskell is sufficient to be the communication medium to the GPU. GpuGen is what connects these two dots: GPUs and Haskell. It compiles the collective data operations such as scan, fold, map, etc, which incur most computation cost, to the GPU. The design of the system, the structure of the GpuGen compiler, and the current development status are to be discussed in the talk. Biographical details: Sean Lee is a PhD candidate at the UNSW, Sydney, working in the Programming Languages & Systems Group. This summer he's been interning at Nvidia in Santa Clara, working on programming GPUs with Haskell. About the Galois Tech Talks. Galois ( has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to [email protected] is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. |
Sep 9, 2008
Galois Tech Talk: Pretty-Printing a Really Long Formula (or, "What a Mathematician Could Learn from Haskell") – Galois, Inc TITLE: Pretty-Printing a Really Long Formula (or, "What a Mathematician Could Learn from Haskell") SPEAKER: Lee Pike, R&D Engineering, Galois, Inc. DATE: Tuesday, September 9th. 10.30am LOCATION: ABSTRACT: To the typical engineer or evaluator, mathematics can be scary, logic can be scarier, and really long specifications can simply be overwhelming. This talk is about the problem of the visual presentation of formal specifications clearly and concisely. We take as our initial inspiration Leslie Lamport's brief paper, "How to Write a Long Formula" and "How to Write a Proof" in which he proposes methods for writing the long and tedious formulas and proofs that appear in formal specification and verification. I will describe the problem and present one particular solution, as implemented in a simple pretty-printer I've written (in Haskell), that uses indentation and labels to more easily visually parse long formulas. Ultimately, I propose a "HOL Normal Form" for presenting specifications, much like BNF is used for presenting language definitions. BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS: ABOUT THE GALOIS TECH TALKS. Galois ( has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to [email protected] is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. |
Sep 15, 2008
Galois Tech Talks: Left-fold enumerators -- Towards a safe, expressive and efficient I/O interface for Haskell – Galois, Inc Title: Left-fold enumerators
Speaker: Johan Tibell
Date: Monday, September 15th.
Location: Galois, Inc.
About the Galois Tech Talks.
Sep 16, 2008
Galois Tech Talk: Theorem Proving for Verification – Galois, Inc Title: Theorem Proving for Verification Speaker: John Harrison
Date: Tuesday, September 16th.
Location: Galois, Inc.
Biographical details:
About the Galois Tech Talks. |
Oct 2, 2008
Galois Tech: Advanced Modeling, Design and Verification using High-Level Synthesis – Galois, Inc Title: Bluespec: Advanced Modeling, Design and Verification using High-Level Synthesis Speaker: Rishiyur Nikhil CTO, Bluespec, Inc. Date: Thursday, October 2nd. 10.30am Location: Galois, Inc., 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300, (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) ABSTRACT: Over the past few years, several projects in major companies have been adopting BSV (Bluespec SystemVerilog) as their next-generation tool of choice for IP design, modeling (for both architecture exploration and early software development), and verification enviroments. The reason for choosing BSV is its unique combination of: (1) excellent computation model for expressing complex concurrency and communication, based on atomic transactions and atomic transactional inter-module methods (2) very high level of abstraction and parameterization (principally inspired by Haskell) (3) full synthesizability, enabling execution on FPGAs, obtaining better performance (3 to 4 orders of magnitude) and scalability than software simulation at comparable levels of detail. In this presentation, I will provide a brief technical overview of BSV (points 1-3 above), and describe several customer projects using BSV. I will also briefly contrast BSV with other approaches to High Level Synthesis (particularly those based on C/C++/SystemC). BIOGRAPHY: Rishiyur S. Nikhil is co-founder and CTO of Bluespec, Inc., which develops tools that dramatically improve correctness, productivity, reuse and maintainability in the design, modeling and verification of digital designs (ASICs and FPGAs). The core technologies consist of a language, BSV (Bluespec SystemVerilog), which enables very abstract source descriptions based on scalable atomic transactions and extreme parameterization, and tools for high-quality synthesis of BSV into RTL. Earlier, from 2000 to 2003, he led a team inside Sandburst Corp. (later acquired by Broadcom) developing Bluespec technology and contributing to 10Gb/s enterprise network chip models, designs and design tools. From 1991 to 2000 he was at Cambridge Research Laboratory (DEC/Compaq), including one and a half years as Acting Director. From 1984 to 1991 he was a professor of Computer Science and Engineering at MIT. He has led research teams, published widely, and holds several patents in functional programming, dataflow and multithreaded architectures, parallel processing, compiling, and EDA. He is a member of ACM and IFIP WG 2.8 on Functional Programming, and a Senior Member of IEEE. He received his Ph.D. and M.S.E.E. in Computer and Information Sciences from the Univ. of Pennsylvania, and his B.Tech in EE from IIT Kanpur. ABOUT THE GALOIS TECH TALKS: Galois ( has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to [email protected] is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. |
Oct 7, 2008
Galois Tech Talk: The Future of Cabal (Haskell package management) – Galois, Inc Duncan Coutts, from Well-Typed (, will be giving a tech talk tomorrow about the technical direction of Cabal, Haskell package infrastructure, and the problems of managing very large amounts of Haskell code. ... TITLE: The Future of Cabal -- "A language for build systems" and "Constraint solving problems in package deployment" SPEAKER: Duncan Coutts, Well-Typed, LLP DATE: Tuesday, Oct 7, 2008 10.30am LOCATION: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, Oregon ABSTRACT: This will be an informal talk and discussion on two topics:
Build systems are easy to start but hard to get right. We'll take the view of a language designer and look at where our current tools fall down in terms of safety/correctness and expressiveness. We'll then consider some very early ideas about what a build system language should look like and what properties it should have. Currently this takes the form of a design for a build DSL embedded in Haskell.
We are all familiar, at least peripherally, with package systems. Every Linux distribution has a notion of packages and most have high level tools to automate the installation of packages and all their dependencies. What is not immediately obvious is that the problem of resolving a consistent set of dependencies is hard, indeed it is NP-complete. It is possible to encode 3-SAT or Sudoku as a query on a specially crafted package repository. We will look at this problem in a bit more detail and ask if the right approach might be to apply our knowledge about constraint solving rather than the current ad-hoc solvers that most real systems use. My hope is to provoke a discussion about the problem. We can concentrate on one topic or the other depending on peoples interest. ABOUT THE GALOIS TECH TALKS: Galois ( has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to [email protected] is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. |
Oct 13, 2008
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Oct 14, 2008
Galois Tech Talk: Type Correct Changes, A Safe Approach to Version Control Implementation – Galois, Inc Next week's tech talk, a special treat, with Jason Dagit (aka. lispy on haskell) dropping by to talk about using GADTs to clean up darcs' patchtheory implementation. TITLE: Type Correct Changes A Safe Approach to Version Control Implementation speaker: Jason Dagit LOCATION: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300 (3rd floor of the Commonwealth Building) Portland, Oregon ABSTRACT: This will be a talk about Darcs and type safe manipulations of changes: Darcs is based on a data model, known as Patch Theory, that sets it apart from other version control systems. The power of this data model is that it allows Darcs to manage significant complexity with a relatively straightforward user interface. We show that Generalized Algebraic Data Types (GADTs) can be used to express several fundamental invariants and properties derived from Patch Theory. This gives our compiler, GHC, a way to statically enforce our adherence to the essential rules of our data model. Finally, we examine how these techniques can improve the quality of the darcs codebase in practice. PRESENTER: Jason Dagit graduated from Oregon State University with B.S. degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics. He is currently employed at PTV America while completing his Masters degree at Oregon State under co-advisors Dr. David Roundy and Dr. Martin Erwig. During his time in graduate school he has studied both usability and programming languages. He participated in the 2007 Google Summer of Code where he worked under Dr. Roundy to improve Darcs conflict handling. ABOUT THE GALOIS TECH TALKS: Galois ( has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to [email protected] is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. |
Oct 30, 2008
Galois Tech Talk: Slava Pestov on the Factor programming language – Galois, Inc Factor is a programming language which has been in development for a little over 5 years. Factor is influenced by Forth, Lisp, Smalltalk. Factor takes the best ideas from Forth — simplicity, short, succint, code, emphasis on interactive testing, and meta-programming. Factor also brings modern high-level language features such as garbage collection, object orientation and functional programming familiar to users of languages such as Lisp, Smalltalk and Python. Finally, recognizing that no programming language is an island, Factor is portable, ships with a full-featured standard library, deploys stand-alone binaries, and interoperates with C and Objective-C. In this talk, I will give the rationale for Factor’s creation, present an overview of the language, and show how Factor can be used to solve real-world problems with a minimum of fuss. At the same time, I will emphasize Factor’s extensible syntax, meta-programming and reflection capabilities, and show that these features, which are unheard of in the world of mainstream programming languages, make programs easier to write, more robust, and fun. Biography:
. Galois has been holding weekly technical seminars for several years on topics from functional programming, formal methods, compiler and language design, to cryptography, and operating system construction, with talks by many figures from the programming language and formal methods communities. The talks are open and free. If you're planning to attend, dropping a note to is appreciated, but not required. If you're interested in giving a talk, we're always looking for new speakers. |
Dec 8, 2008
Portland Functional Programmers Study Group – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. Jim Blandy will present trace-based just-in-time compilation techniques, how they're being used in his work at Mozilla with the SpiderMonkey JavaScript implementation, and how these can be applied to functional programming languages. Jim is a contributor to GNU Emacs, Guile, GDB, EGLIBC, Mozilla SpiderMonkey, Subversion, and others. |
Feb 9, 2009
Portland Functional Programmers Study Group: Wm Leler's Bertrand constraint language – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. This month, Wm Leler will talk about Constraint Satisfaction Systems and the Bertrand Programming Language. Wm is the creator of Bertrand and the author of the book "Constraint Programming Languages: Their Specification and Generation". Constraint Satisfaction Systems were a hot topic of research in the 80's -- famous constraint systems include Ivan Sutherland's Sketchpad, Alan Borning's ThingLab (built on top of Smalltalk), Guy Steele's constraint language, and James Gosling's Magritte. These systems were used for computer graphics, design, and general numeric problem solving, but most of these solvers were domain specific and thus of limited usefulness. Bertrand is an equational programming system whose purpose is to build constraint satisfaction systems using simple equational rules. Bertrand has an purely declarative semantics and an absurdly simple syntax, yet it is a powerful and expressive language, capable of solving problems in a large number of domains including graphics, word problems, electrical circuits, or -- with the right rules -- virtually any mostly-linear domain. Since this is the Functional Programming Study Group, this talk will cover the underlying equational programming language of Bertrand and ways in which it could be extended to make it more powerful. |
Mar 9, 2009
Portland Functional Programmers Study Group meeting – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Apr 13, 2009
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Apr 30, 2009
ICFP PC Functional Programming Workshop – Portland State University (PSU) - Smith Memorial Center Room: Portland State University, The Vanport Room (rm 338), Smith Memorial Student Union. The building is at Harrison and Broadway; enter via door on Harrison and take stairs to 3rd floor. Content: Series of presentations by distinguished members of the FP community from around the world:
May 11, 2009
Portland Functional Programmers Study Group: OCaml-based automated theorem-proving – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. An OCaml-based automated theorem-proving textbook John Harrison, Intel Corporation My recently published "Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning" ( ) is a textbook on automated theorem proving with the unusual feature that all the techniques described are accompanied by actual OCaml source code ( ) that the reader can use, modify and otherwise experiment with. I believe that this kind of concrete hands-on approach has significant benefits for many fields of mathematics and computer science, and particularly for the area of automated theorem proving. Indeed, the original ML was specifically designed as an implementation and interaction language (hence Meta Language) for a theorem prover. In this talk I'll describe in more detail my rationale for writing the book in this way, provide a survey of the main contents and give a demo of some of the code. John Harrison is a Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation, based in Hillsboro OR, specializing in formal verification, automated theorem proving, floating-point arithmetic and mathematical algorithms. He is also interested in the formalization of mathematics for its general intellectual interest and has formalized numerous classic theorems in his own HOL Light theorem prover (see ). Before joining Intel in 1998, he received his PhD from the University of Cambridge in England, supervised by Mike Gordon. |
May 19, 2009
Portland Java User Group: The Feel of Scala – Oracle (Downtown Campus) This month's topic: The Feel of Scala Scala is a new language for the Java Platform that blends object-oriented and functional programming concepts. This talk will focus on the design choices of Scala, and what they mean for developer productivity. The talk will highlight what it means to program in a functional style, and show you how Scala facilitates a hybrid of functional and imperative programming styles. The talk will also explore how Scala compares to dynamic languages such as Ruby and Python. And you'll see examples of real, production Scala code that will illustrate what it feels like to program in Scala. Speaker: Bill Venners Bill Venners is president of Artima, Inc., publisher of Artima Developer ( He is author of the book, Inside the Java Virtual Machine, a programmer-oriented survey of the Java platform's architecture and internals. His popular columns in JavaWorld magazine covered Java internals, object-oriented design, and Jini. Active in the Jini Community since its inception, Bill led the Jini Community's ServiceUI project, whose ServiceUI API became the de facto standard way to associate user interfaces to Jini services. Bill is also the lead developer and designer of ScalaTest, an open source testing tool for Scala and Java developers, and coauthor with Martin Odersky and Lex Spoon of the book, Programming in Scala. PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't have to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (more often than not, Jax on 2nd). (join our mailing list, linked from the website!) |
Jun 8, 2009
Portland Functional Programming Study Group: F# with Jason Mauer – CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009] A study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. F# Abstract: F# is a typed functional programming language for the .NET Framework, based on OCaml. F# combines functional programming with the runtime support, libraries, tools, and object model of .NET. Understand how F# tackles difficult development issues with ease, such as asynchronous programming and concurrency. Bask in the elegance of succinct, declarative code. Featuring the latest bits from Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 -- don't miss it! Speaker: Jason Mauer is a Senior Developer Evangelist with Microsoft covering the Pacific Northwest. He has been with Microsoft for 8 years, with a background in .NET application development, Web development, and game development with DirectX and XNA. Find him online at or on Twitter as @jasonmauer. |
Jul 13, 2009
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. We're meeting at the Lucky Labrador Brew Pub's event room this month, I'll post a sign on the door to guide you once there. Please reply on the mailing list if you'd like to make a presentation or want to suggest a discussion topic for the meeting. Possible talk and discussion ideas: * Exploring Lisp, Scheme or Clojure * Comparing Haskell Platform and OCaml BatteriesIncluded * Review and discuss some FP code, e.g. Kestrel, or some package in Cabal, etc * ...your great idea here! See you soon! |
Aug 10, 2009
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. Please reply on the pdxfunc mailing list if you'd like to make a presentation or want to suggest a discussion topic for the meeting. Possible talk and discussion ideas: * Exploring Lisp, Scheme or Clojure * Comparing Haskell Platform and OCaml BatteriesIncluded * Review and discuss some FP code, e.g. Kestrel, or some package in Cabal, etc * ...your great idea here! See you soon! |
Sep 14, 2009
Portland Functional Programming Study Group: Slate and more – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. VENUE The meeting will be in the events room. If you enter through the venue's Hawthorne entrance, this room will be on your right. CONTENT * Brian Rice will talk about the functional aspects of his Slate programming language. * ...and other great talks and open discussions at the meeting. |
Oct 12, 2009
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – NedSpace Old Town Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs. |
Nov 9, 2009
Portland Functional Programming Study Group: Designing, visualizing and benchmarking data structures in Haskell – NedSpace Old Town Title: Designing, visualizing and benchmarking data structures in Haskell Abstract: Understanding how functional languages represent data structures is key to writing efficient programs in such languages. There are a number of new tools in the Haskell ecosystem for understanding what the compiler is doing: vacuum - for visualizing the heap, criterion - for statistically sound benchmarking, and powerful new type system features enabling new kinds of library design. This talk will introduce these tools, and we'll look at how they impact the way we develop new data structures in Haskell. Bio: Don is an Australian open source hacker, and engineer at Galois, Inc, in Portland, where he works on assurance in critical systems. Don is co-author of the book, Real World Haskell (, and the XMonad window manager. He enjoys cycling and hoppy beer. GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs. |
Dec 14, 2009
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – NedSpace Old Town DISCUSSION TOPICS: * "Haskell Binary Parsing Showdown: Data.Serialize VS Data.Binary" by Trevor Elliott and Don Stewart. These two packages represent two ends of the spectrum for efficient parsing of binary, structured data in Haskell. The authors of both packages will show down describing the design and implementation, the benefits and the downsides. * "Control.Monad.Random" by Julian Blake Kongslie * "Linux Kernel Modules with Haskell" by Thomas DuBuisson * "Command-line argument/option parsing" by Bart Massey * "Unchecked unsafeCoerce and alternatives" by Thomas DuBuisson and Bart Massey ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: Space for the meeting is kindly provided by NedSpace, a co-working space for startups, innovative technology companies, non-profits, artists and social entrepreneurs. |
Dec 15, 2009
Galois Tech Talk: Beautiful Differentiation – Galois, Inc The December 15th Galois Tech Talk will be delivered by John Launchbury. He will present Conal Elliott’s 2009 ICFP paper entitled Beautiful Differentiation for those of us who were not able to attend this wonderful talk in-person. |
Jan 11, 2010
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Roots Organic Brewing [Out of business. *Sigh*] ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: You can enter the event space through the glass doors on 7th that are close to the intersection with Clay, or through the front door and just look for signs to the event space. There will be pdxfunc signs on both. PRESENTATIONS
The site provides a way to find, track and read serialized content (e.g., web comics). It's implemented entirely in Haskell and demonstrates functional web application development, crawling, scraping and distributed architecture. Serialist uses interesting graph algorithms to add and step through content lazily. Work on the site also produced useful, reusable Haskell modules: early-finish monad, HTTP Digest implementation, database layer, recursive monadic data structures, fast/lazy character converter, etc. Jamey and Josh will discuss these topics as well as their experiences analyzing and profiling their Haskell code to improve performance and reduce memory consumption.
Feb 2, 2010
Galois Tech Talk: "An Introduction to the Maude Formal Tool Environment" – Galois, Inc Hello, The next Galois Tech Talk will be "An Introduction to the Maude Formal Tool Environment", presented by Joe Hendrix on Tuesday, February 2nd, at 10:30am. For more details, please visit: Hope to see you there! -Iavor |
Feb 8, 2010
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Roots Organic Brewing [Out of business. *Sigh*] ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: You can enter the event space through the glass doors on 7th that are close to the intersection with Clay, or through the front door and just look for signs to the event space. There will be pdxfunc signs on both. |
Mar 8, 2010
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Roots Organic Brewing [Out of business. *Sigh*]
ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: You can enter the event space through the glass doors on 7th that are close to the intersection with Clay, or through the front door and just look for signs to the event space. There will be pdxfunc signs on both. |
Apr 12, 2010
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Portland State University Engineering Building ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: We're meeting in the PSU Engineering Building, 4th floor conference room. Any changes to plan will be listed on a sign taped to the main door. The building is at 1930 SW Fourth, Portland, Oregon 97201. It's on the right side of a large concrete courtyard. Here's a photo of the building: |
May 10, 2010
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Roots Organic Brewing [Out of business. *Sigh*] ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: We're at the Roots Organic Brewing events room this month, at the corner of Clay and SE 7th. The room's entrance is the glass double doors on Clay, there will be a "pdxfunc" sign on them. There's also an interior entrance in the bar, ask the bartender how to get to the events room or look for a "pdxfunc" sign on a pair of solid double doors. |
May 18, 2010
Galois Tech Talk: Developing Good Habits for Bare-Metal Programming – Galois, Inc presenter: Mark Jones abstract: Developers of systems software must often deal with low-level and performance-critical details that are hard to address in high-level programming languages. As a result, much of the systems software that is produced today is written in languages like C and assembly code, without the benefit of more expressive type systems or other features from modern functional programming languages that could help to increase programmer productivity or software quality. In this talk, we present an update on the status of Habit, a dialect of Haskell that we are designing, as part of the HASP project at PSU, to meet the needs of high assurance systems programming. Among other features, Habit provides: mechanisms for fine control over representation of bit-level and memory-based data structures; strong support for both functional and imperative programming; and a flexible type system that allows precise characterization of size and bound information via type level naturals, as well as termination properties resulting from the use of unpointed types. |
May 24, 2010
Galois Tech Talk: The L4.verified Project – Galois, Inc The L4.verified Project Presented by Dr. Gerwin Klein. Last year, the NICTA L4.verifed project produced a formal machine-checked Isabelle/HOL proof that the C code of the seL4 OS microkernel correctly implements its abstract implementation. This talk will give an overview of the proof together with its main implications and assumptions, and will show in which kinds of systems this formally verified kernel can be used for gaining assurance on overall system security. |
Jun 14, 2010
Portland Functional Programming Study Group: "Reinventing the Wheeler" and more – Roots Organic Brewing [Out of business. *Sigh*] PRESENTATIONS
ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: We're at the Roots Organic Brewing events room this month, at the corner of Clay and SE 7th. The room's entrance is the glass double doors on Clay, there will be a "pdxfunc" sign on them. There's also an interior entrance in the bar, ask the bartender how to get to the events room or look for a "pdxfunc" sign on a pair of solid double doors. |
Jun 15, 2010
Galois Tech Talk: Introducing Well-Founded Recursion – Galois, Inc Introducing Well-Founded Recursion Eric Mertens Implementing recursive functions can be tricky when you want to be certain that they eventually terminate. This talk introduces the concept of well-founded recursion as a tool for implementing recursive functions. It implements these concepts in the Agda programming language and demonstrates the technique by implementing a simple version of Quicksort. |
Jul 12, 2010
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Roots Organic Brewing [Out of business. *Sigh*] ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: We're at the Roots Organic Brewing events room this month, at the corner of Clay and SE 7th. The room's entrance is the glass double doors on Clay, there will be a "pdxfunc" sign on them. There's also an interior entrance in the bar, ask the bartender how to get to the events room or look for a "pdxfunc" sign on a pair of solid double doors. |
Aug 9, 2010
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: This meeting will be in the Lucky Lab Brew Pub's events room. If you enter the pub through the front door on Hawthorne, the events room will be on your right on the hallway leading to the main room. There will be a 'pdxfunc' sign on the door. |
Aug 11, 2010
Portland State University Haskell Interest Group [PHIG] – Portland State University FAB, Room 86-09 The PSU Haskell Interest Group is intended to provide a meeting place for PSU students and others who are users and developers of the Haskell programming language. Nothing too structured; brief talks and a chance to meet and discuss. |
Aug 24, 2010
Galois Tech talk: abcBridge: Functional interfaces for AIGs and SAT solving – Galois, Inc abcBridge: Functional interfaces for AIGs and SAT solving Edward Z. Yang SAT solvers are perhaps the most under-utilized high-tech tools that the modern software engineer has at their fingertips. An industrial strength SAT solver can solve most human generated NP-complete problems in time for lunch, and there are many, many practical problem domains which involve NP-complete problems. However, a major roadblock to using a SAT solver in your every day routine is translating your problem into SAT, and then running it on a highly optimized SAT solver, which is probably implemented in C or C++ and not your usual favorite programming language. This talk is about the use, design and implementation of abcBridge, a set of Haskell bindings for ABC, a system for sequential synthesis and verification produced by the Berkeley Logic Synthesis and Verification Group. ABC looks at SAT solving from the following perspective: given two circuits of logic gates (ANDs and NOTs), are they equivalent? ABC is imperative C code: abcBridge provides a pure and type-safe interface for building and manipulating and-inverter graphs. We hope to release abcBridge soon as open source. |
Sep 13, 2010
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: This meeting will be in the Lucky Lab Brew Pub's events room. If you enter the pub through the front door on Hawthorne, the events room will be on your right on the hallway leading to the main room. There will be a 'pdxfunc' sign on the events room door. |
Oct 11, 2010
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Nov 8, 2010
Portland Functional Programming Study Group: Haskell DB & web app abstractions and more – NedSpace Old Town TOPICS: * Jamey Sharp will talk about Haskell database and web application abstractions used in * More... ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Dec 13, 2010
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – NedSpace Old Town ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jan 10, 2011
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – FlightStats ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jan 20, 2011
PDXScala: Octobot distributed queue worker, bridging JRuby and Scala, etc – Simple (old office) PDXScala is the Portland, Oregon based Scala users group. The meeting will be at BankSimple, please use this door -- there will be a "PDXscala" sign on it. PRESENTATIONS * Scott Andreas showing off the Scala port of his Octobot project, which was recently deployed successfully to handle a heavy job processing load at UrbanAirship. * Stephen Judkins will also show off some work he's done to integrate JRuby and Scala. * If you have any topics you'd like to discuss or code you'd like to show off, please bring it along! |
Mar 14, 2011
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – FlightStats ABOUT: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Apr 11, 2011
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – FlightStats ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. ABOUT THE VENUE: The meeting space is kindly provided by FlightStats. The building's doors and elevators will be locked in the evening, so look for a sheet of paper taped to the inside of the door with the phone number to call or text to get in. We'll also try to check if anyone's waiting at 6:50, 7:00 and 7:10pm if you don't have a phone. |
May 9, 2011
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. ABOUT THE VENUE: The group will meet in the Events Room, the large glassed-in room by the main entrance on Hawthorne. There will a "pdxfunc" sign on the door. Feel free to show up early to eat and socialize, we have the room reserved from 6pm on. |
May 19, 2011
PDXScala – Simple (old office) Kender Elford will talk about doing OpenGL programming with Scala, and Leif Warner will do a short talk on using the Spray library, an asynchronous microframework for building full RESTful servlets on top of Akka actors. The meeting will take place at 7PM at the BankSimple offices (aka, the Urban Airship building), which is located at 334 NW 11th (at the intersection of 11th and Flanders). If you have any trouble finding it, feel free to call me at 971-322-9408. If possible, I'll try to make sure we have some pizza there (anyone want to sponsor this month?). Also, I believe we have a free ticket for OpenSource Bridge to give away. |
Jun 13, 2011
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building, Room 155 ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jun 23, 2011
Portland Functional Programming Study Group birds-of-a-feather at Open Source Bridge – Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church) Join us at the Open Source Bridge conference this week for a free birds-of-a-feather session to get together and share stories about our experiences with functional programming languages like Erlang, Haskell, Scala, OCaml, Clojure and others. If you’d like to give a short talk (3-10 minutes), please prepare and mention it at the beginning of the meeting so we can add you to the agenda. We’ll spend the rest of the time on open discussions, which will be awesome. The Portland Functional Programming Study Group and the Portland Scala Users Group meet regularly to discuss these sorts of topics. See and for details. IMPORTANT: If you don’t already have a ticket for the Open Source Bridge conference, you’ll need to either buy one or register for a free “Community Pass” that will let you into the Friday unconference, Hacker Lounge and the evening BoFs: |
Jul 11, 2011
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Portland State University FAB, Room 86-09 ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jul 21, 2011
PDXScala – Simple (old office) This will be a pretty casual meeting, but still worthwhile. Bryan Armstrong said he could speak a bit on the new parallel collections support in Scala 2.9. Thomas Lockney may quickly show off a basic Akka demo, but that's looking iffy at this point. If you have anything else you'd like to come talk about, feel free to do so! If you haven't been to the BankSimple office before, we have a space in the UrbanAirship building. |
Aug 8, 2011
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Collective Agency Downtown ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. VENUE: This space is kindly provided to us by Collective Agency (, which offers affordable meeting and work spaces, and Stumptown Syndicate (, a non-profit supporting technology education and professional development. |
Sep 12, 2011
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Oct 10, 2011
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. This meeting's venue, food and drinks are kindly sponsored by Janrain, providers of hosted user management solutions for social login and sharing, single sign-on and social profile storage. |
Nov 14, 2011
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Dec 7, 2011
PDXScala Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala enthusiasts to talk about all-things Scala related. Whether you're a newcomer or are writing books on the subject, we welcome you. If you're interested in giving a talk or have a talk you'd like someone to give (we'll do our best to find someone qualified), let us know. |
Dec 12, 2011
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jan 9, 2012
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Feb 1, 2012
PDXScala Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala enthusiasts to talk about all-things Scala related. Whether you're a newcomer or are writing books on the subject, we welcome you. If you're interested in giving a talk or have a talk you'd like someone to give (we'll do our best to find someone qualified), let us know. |
Feb 13, 2012
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Mar 7, 2012
PDXScala Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala enthusiasts to talk about all-things Scala related. Whether you're a newcomer or are writing books on the subject, we welcome you. If you're interested in giving a talk or have a talk you'd like someone to give (we'll do our best to find someone qualified), let us know. |
Mar 12, 2012
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Apr 4, 2012
PDXScala Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala enthusiasts to talk about all-things Scala related. Whether you're a newcomer or are writing books on the subject, we welcome you. If you're interested in giving a talk or have a talk you'd like someone to give (we'll do our best to find someone qualified), let us know. Perhaps Thomas and Leif could talk about the things seen at NEScala last month. Check the mailing list for updates/discussion: |
Apr 9, 2012
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
May 2, 2012
PDXScala Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala enthusiasts to talk about all-things Scala related. Whether you're a newcomer or are writing books on the subject, we welcome you. If you're interested in giving a talk or have a talk you'd like someone to give (we'll do our best to find someone qualified), let us know. |
May 14, 2012
Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters PRESENTATIONS:
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jun 11, 2012
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jun 20, 2012
clojerks: Data-driven web applications in ClojureScript – Simple Kevin Lynagh will talk to us about data-driven web applications with ClojureScript: A web page or application is, at its core, just a visual representation of data that people can read, look at, and manipulate. Typically the mapping between the abstract data and elements on the screen is implicit in the code: take some piece of the data, do X here, do Y there; when the user clicks on that thing, modify the page here, and so on. Reasoning about such code is difficult: either control is inverted across many different callbacks with complected concerns, or one must endure a great deal of ceremony with models, controllers, view models, and views/templates to structure an application. Ideally when we build a web application all we should have to do is describe how our application's data should be represented on the DOM. We shouldn't need to worry about callbacks, twiddling the attributes of particular elements, or updating cached state. |
Jul 2, 2012
PDXScala Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala enthusiasts to talk about all-things Scala related. Whether you're a newcomer or are writing books on the subject, we welcome you. If you're interested in giving a talk or have a talk you'd like someone to give (we'll do our best to find someone qualified), let us know. This month, we plan to have presentations and discussions around Akka, actors and futures (both Akka's implementation and others). Come join us if you're interested in these topics or others. |
Jul 9, 2012
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters PRESENTATIONS:
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Aug 13, 2012
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters Talks:
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Aug 30, 2012
Galois Tech Talk: Formal Verification of Monad Transformers – Galois, Inc Presented by Brian Huffman. We present techniques for reasoning about constructor classes that (like the monad class) fix polymorphic operations and assert polymorphic axioms. We do not require a logic with first-class type constructors, first-class polymorphism, or type quantification; instead, we rely on a domain-theoretic model of the type system in a universal domain to provide these features. These ideas are implemented in the Tycon library for the Isabelle theorem prover, which builds on the HOLCF library of domain theory. The Tycon library provides various axiomatic type constructor classes, including functors and monads. It also provides automation for instantiating those classes, and for defining further subclasses. We use the Tycon library to formalize three Haskell monad transformers: the error transformer, the writer transformer, and the resumption transformer. The error and writer transformers do not universally preserve the monad laws; however, we establish datatype invariants for each, showing that they are valid monads when viewed as abstract datatypes. |
Sep 10, 2012
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters PRESENTATIONS:
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. SPONSORS: This meeting's venue, food and drinks are kindly sponsored by Janrain, providers of hosted user management solutions for social login and sharing, single sign-on and social profile storage: |
Oct 8, 2012
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters PRESENTATIONS
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Nov 12, 2012
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters This meeting is pdxfunc's 5 year anniversary. There will be food, drink and cake1. You're welcome to bring other tasty things to share. We'll have utensils, napkins and plates available. PRESENTATIONS
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. 1 The cake is a lie. |
Dec 10, 2012
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters PRESENTATIONS:
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jan 9, 2013
PDXScala Monthly Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group! This month, we plan to have talks on:
We look forward to seeing you there! |
Jan 14, 2013
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters PRESENTATIONS:
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Feb 11, 2013
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters Please note new location: Larger space on the 4th floor this time, not 6th floor. Joe Hurd can give a tutorial-like talk on an optimization technique for functional programs that he calls explicit laziness. And then we can talk about anything else people would like to discuss. ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. λ |
Feb 13, 2013
PDXScala Meeting – Janrain Headquarters Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group! This month we'll have talks on Spray, iteratees as implemented in Play and the new SIP-15 value classes. |
Mar 11, 2013
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Mar 18, 2013
Clojure/West 2013 through Gerding Theater at the Armory Clojure/West is a three day conference about the Clojure and ClojureScript programming languages at the Gerding Theater. There will be keynotes by Rich Hickey (Clojure) and Matthew Flatt (Racket) as well as about 35 talks. View the full sessions list. The conference is $350. Register now! |
Apr 9, 2013
Galois Tech Talk: Introducing HERMIT: A Plugin for Transforming GHC Core Language Programs – Galois, Inc Presented by Andrew Farmer. The importance of reasoning about and refactoring programs is a central tenet of functional programming. Yet our compilers and development toolchains only provide rudimentary support for these tasks, leaving the programmer to do them by hand. This talk introduces HERMIT, a toolkit enabling informal but systematic transformation of Haskell programs from inside the Glasgow Haskell Compiler's optimization pipeline. With HERMIT, users can experiment with optimizations and equational reasoning, while the tedious heavy lifting of performing the actual transformations is done for them. The talk will explore design choices in HERMIT, demonstrate its use on examples, and seek input for further development and case studies. |
Apr 18, 2013
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Igal Rememberance Edition – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub This meeting we've decided to meet at our old haunt, the back room of the SE Lucky Lab, remembering our awesome group organizer Igal, who hosted the group since its inception in 2007, but tragically left us last week. Come talk to others who knew him, members of of functional programming community, share stories, commiserate, have a drink. ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
May 13, 2013
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters Luc Perkins has offered to give a talk "Pandoc: the deep dive." - an exploration of how Pandoc works its magic, and why FP is a good choice for that kind of project. ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jun 10, 2013
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jun 25, 2013
Galois Tech Talk: The Constrained-Monad Problem – Galois, Inc Presented by Neil Sculthorpe. In Haskell, there are many data types that would form monads were it not for the presence of type-class constraints on the operations on that data type. This is a frustrating problem in practice, because there is a considerable amount of support and infrastructure for monads that these data types cannot use. This talk will demonstrate that a monadic computation can be restructured into a normal form such that the standard monad class can be used. The technique is not specific to monads --- it can also be applied to other structures, such as applicative functors. One significant use case for this technique is Domain Specific Languages, where it is often desirable to compile a deep embedding of a computation to some other language, which requires restricting the types that can appear in that computation. |
Jul 2, 2013
Galois tech talk: SMACCMPilot: flying quadcopters using new techniques for embedded programming – Galois, Inc Presented by Pat Hickey. At Galois, we're building critical flight control software using new software methods for embedded systems programming. We will show how we used new domain-specific languages which permit low-level hardware manipulation while still providing guarantees of type and memory safety. The flagship application for these new languages is called SMACCMPilot, a clean slate design of quadcopter flight control software built on open-source hardware. This talk will introduce our new software methods and show how we built SMACCMPilot to be high assurance without sacrificing programmer productivity. |
Jul 8, 2013
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jul 23, 2013
Functional Programming meetup – With OSCON in town this week, bringing to town many from the functional programming community among others, we thought it would be a good idea to hold a casual functional programming meetup. There's no agenda and no talks, but there will be beer and good conversation. We'll be meeting up on the patio at Green Dragon. If you're just visiting and are worried you won't recognize the geeks when you get there (we're usually easy enough to spot), feel free to ping people on the PDXFunc mailing list (!forum/pdxfunc) or on IRC at #pdxfunc. |
Aug 12, 2013
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters This month we're happy to have Carl Howells presenting "A Tale of Two Libraries, or How Recent GHC Features Make Type Hackery Easier Than API Design", stemming from his recent work on a haskell library using many of the new type system features added in GHC 7.4 and 7.6. Topics will include type-level naturals and their reification via singleton types, lifted data types, kind polymorphism, and fiddly GHC details that make all these things slightly less awesome than they should be. Also included will be an object lesson in the dangers of naming and releasing too early. Also, we'll have Lyle Kopnicky talking on "Just-in-Time Compilation in Haskell". See you there! ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Sep 9, 2013
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters
Hope to see you there! ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Oct 14, 2013
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters See the mailing list for details on this month's agenda: ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Oct 19, 2013
PNWScala through Leftbank Annex Come join other Scala fans and aficionados in Portland, Oregon for 2 days of talks and open sessions. The Pacific Northwest Scala Conference is a regional event focusing on short talks about a wide range of Scala-related topics, and will bring together Scala enthusiasts from both the Pacfic Northwest and other areas |
Nov 11, 2013
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters Jake Brownson will be presenting on his project River:
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jan 13, 2014
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters Jim Snow will give a short presentation on some Haskell code he wrote to explore just intonation tuning systems. He uses this to figure out where to to put the frets on some just intonation guitars he's built, among other things. Additionally, whatever other topics people bring up for discussion between now and then are welcome, too! See the mailing list for details on this month's agenda:!forum/pdxfunc ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Feb 10, 2014
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters See the mailing list for details on this month's agenda:!forum/pdxfunc Jake Brownson will report on the experience of implementing both an Akari logic puzzle solver and generator in both Clojure and Haskell. Some discussion will be had, and hopefully he'll get some questions answered. ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Mar 10, 2014
PdxFunc – Rentrak - Downtown Speakers: Jake Brownson, Leif Hope to see you there! ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Apr 14, 2014
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Urban Airship Inc This month Jamey Sharp is presenting his work on the "process calculus" language LOTOS, specically, a compiler written in Haskell.
Also if there's time, Jim Snow will present on his Glome ray tracer written in Haskell:
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Apr 16, 2014
Introduction to Elixir from a Ruby, Python and Javascript perspective – CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building We are the Portland Erlang and Elixir meetup. Matthew Lyon will give an “Intro to Elixir” presentation from and for the perspective of people coming from scripting languages such as Ruby, Python, and Javascript. Elixir is a functional, meta-programming aware language built on top of the Erlang VM. It is a dynamic language with flexible syntax and macro support that leverages Erlang's abilities to build concurrent, distributed and fault-tolerant applications with hot code upgrades. José Valim is the creator of the Elixir programming language. His goals were to enable higher extensibility and productivity in the Erlang VM while keeping compatibility with Erlang's tools and ecosystem. We've also secured a free month subscription to Elixir Sips ( for everyone. Elixir Sips releases two videos every week to help you get started learning Elixir and keeping up with new tools and libraries. Feel free to pass the link along to anyone you know who might be interested. Offer expires May 16th: Mexican food from Los Gorditos will be provided. Vegan and gluten free options available. Email [email protected] if there is something specific you'd like to try from their menu: We look forward to seeing you!
May 12, 2014
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Urban Airship Inc Jim Snow will present on his Glome ray tracer written in Haskell:
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jun 6, 2014
Idris (dependently-typed lang) meetup with Edwin Brady – Lucky Labrador Beer Hall Idris is a dependently typed language that looks pretty much like Haskell with depedent types. Its creator, Edwin Brady will be in town this Friday, and says he can give an impromptu talk or demo on some of his latest work in the language. Come get your copy of the Idris compiler autographed! |
Jun 9, 2014
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Urban Airship Inc ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jun 30, 2014
Haskell Office Hours – Galois, Inc (from the Meetup page, please RSVP there!) Our inaugural meeting will be a full-fledged office hours session! Bring your projects, or just your excitement for learning. We will also be taking feedback on the format of the meetup, the scheduling, and anything else that will help make this a valuable resource for you. If you are not able to attend, let us know if there's anything we can do to help make it work in the future. |
Jul 14, 2014
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Urban Airship Inc "Effects tracking shoot-out": Justin Bailey and Leif Warner will compare two different approaches for tracking effects in pure code proposed by Oleg Kiselyov and Edwin Brady, respectively. Justin will be presenting based off the approach described in Oleg's paper "Extensible Effects -- An Alternative to Monad Transformers" implemented in Haskell, while Leif will be presenting the DSL Edwin implemented in the Idris language. "effects" are usually tracked in languages like Haskell with monads, and often combined with monad transformers. Both of these approaches aim for a more elegant alternative to monad transformers for this. From the intro to Edwin's paper:
And the intro to Oleg's paper: We design and implement a library that solves the long-standing problem of combining effects without imposing restrictions on their interactions (such as static ordering). Effects arise from interactions between a client and an effect handler (interpreter); interactions may vary throughout the program and dynamically adapt to execution conditions. Existing code that relies on monad transformers may be used with our library with minor changes, gaining efficiency over long monad stacks. In addition, our library has greater expressiveness, allowing for practical idioms that are inefficient, cumbersome, or outright impossible with monad transformers. Our alternative to a monad transformer stack is a single monad, for the coroutine-like communication of a client with its handler. Its type reflects possible requests, i.e., possible effects of a computation. To support arbitrary effects and their combinations, requests are values of an extensible union type, which allows adding and, notably, subtracting summands. Extending and, upon handling, shrinking of the union of possible requests is reflected in its type, yielding a type-and-effect system for Haskell. The library is lightweight, generalizing the extensible exception handling to other effects and accurately tracking them in types. ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jul 23, 2014
Erlang meetup / Birds of a Feather – Oregon Convention Center (NOTE: OSCON Birds of a Feather sessions are open to all in the community. You do not need to be registered for the conference to attend.) As part of OSCON Francesco Cesarini will be leading an Erlang Birds of a Feather gathering at the Oregon Convention Center. It's an opportunity to meet and greet other functional programming people and discuss how to get things done in the real world that demands highly available, fault tolerant, never-stop systems in heterogeneous environments. Come prepared to talk and learn! Also in attendance will be Erlang co-creator Robert Virding and other notable Erlang experts. |
Aug 11, 2014
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – See the mailing list for details on this month's agenda:!forum/pdxfunc ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Sep 8, 2014
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Urban Airship Inc See the mailing list for details on this month's agenda:!forum/pdxfunc ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Oct 13, 2014
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Urban Airship Inc This month we get to have David Christiansen, the main developer of Idris after Edwin himself, reprise his presentation from this year's Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages: "Type-Directed Elaboration of Quasiquotations: A High-Level Syntax for Low-Level Reflection." This enables using the user-visible surface syntax of the language for working with compile-time metaprogramming on reflected terms. More information can be found at: ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Oct 21, 2014
Galois tech talk: Functional programming in Swift – Galois, Inc Galois is pleased to host the following tech talk. These talks are open to the interested public–please join us! (There is no need to pre-register for the talk.) abstract: At this year’s WWDC, Apple announced Swift, a new programming language for iOS and OS X development. In this talk, I’d like to give a brief overview of the language, focussing on its ‘functional features’. I’ll try to demonstrate that there are exciting new possibilities for applying functional programming technology to a new platform — like writing an app that computes Fibonacci numbers without using a for-loop. bio: Wouter Swierstra is a lecturer at the University of Utrecht. He has recently written a book, Functional Programming in Swift, together with Chris Eidhof and Florian Kugler. |
Nov 10, 2014
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Rentrak - Downtown See the mailing list for details on this month's agenda:!forum/pdxfunc ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Nov 11, 2014
Portland ReactJS Hang Session – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub We recently started a user group for Portland ReactJS users. I'd like to have an informal meet and greet to get to know the community here and get some input from you all on what you'd like to get from this user group and some of our ideas. We hope to have our first official meeting in January/February 2015. We have a website here (WIP, don't judge :)) and a meetup group at Please Join our meetup group and RSVP if you can so we have an idea of how many people might be attending. |
Nov 14, 2014
PNWScala through Leftbank Annex Come join other Scala fans and aficionados in Portland, Oregon for 2 days of talks and open sessions. The Pacific Northwest Scala Conference is a regional event focusing on short talks about a wide range of Scala-related topics, and will bring together Scala enthusiasts from both the Pacfic Northwest and other areas |
Dec 3, 2014
Learning Erlang made me a better engineer and architect – SnapFlow Nathan Aschbacher throws down on his favorite Erlang topic: Learning Erlang made me a better engineer and architect. Even if you don't think you have a use-case for Erlang, don't have an interest in functional programming, and find reading Prolog inspired syntax directly proportional to your increased consumption of Excedrin... according to Nathan Aschbacher (currently Chief Architect at Snapflow and previously Principal Consulting Architect at Basho) you should learn Erlang anyway. Nathan will be presenting on his path to Erlang and functional programming, his initial disdain, his later begrudging respect, and finally his eventual love and nostalgia for all things Erlang-y. Join us and share in the conversation. |
Dec 7, 2014
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Janrain Headquarters Jake Brownson will be presenting on his project River:
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month. |
Jan 15, 2015
Galois Tech Talk: Dependently typed functional programming in Idris (part 1 of 3) – Galois Inc abstract: Idris is a pure functional language with full dependent types. In this series of tech talks, Idris contributor David Christiansen will provide an introduction to programming in Idris as well as using its development tools. Topics to be covered include the basics of dependent types, embedding DSLs in Idris, Idris’s notion of type providers, a general outline of the implementation strategy, the C FFI, and the effects library. Each talk has an associated set of exercises as well as suggested projects for further learning. Participants are expected to be familiar with functional programming in either Haskell or an ML. bio: David Raymond Christiansen is a Ph.D. student at the IT University of Copenhagen. For the last few months, he has been an intern at Galois, working on verifiable elections and better user interfaces for DSLs. His interests include functional programming languages, domain-specific languages, and environments that make them useful. David has contributed features such as type providers and error reflection to the Idris language as well as significant parts of the Emacs-based IDE. Additionally, he is a co-host of The Type Theory Podcast. |
Jan 21, 2015
Expand your Knowledge with The Erlang Games – Renewable Funding This month Casey Rosenthal will lead us through the first session of his Erlang Games. Both beginners and experts alike will have a chance to match brains against seemingly easy problems and learn new and surprising approaches. Join us and expand your knowledge of Erlang and computing in general! We will be putting hands-on-keyboards for coding. If you don't already have Erlang installed on your favorite geekbox, quick instructions can be found here: Learn more about Casey and his wisdom here: Here's the relevant page on Meetup:
Feb 9, 2015
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Collective Agency Downtown See the mailing list for details on this month's agenda. Attendance is limited at this venue. RSVP via the Meetup group. ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming, based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Lisp, Clojure, Scala, Oz, Agda, Idris, and others. The group meets regularly on the second Monday of the month for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. |
Feb 10, 2015
Portland ReactJS meetup – Greetings fellow Reagents!We are looking forward to our first official ReactJS user group. Dave and Eric from will be sharing some interesting stuff (details below) with us, and we're hoping to have one additional talk. Please let us know if you're interested in speaking/presenting. We'd like to have at least a few lightning talks as well. I have a feeling this will fill up fast, so please RSVP if you would like to attend this event. If you are new to our group, Welcome! If you would like to get more involved or hear what we're talking about, we'd like to invite you to join our google group to join the conversations or start a new one. Also, please take a look at our code of conduct which let's you know what we think "being excellent to each other" should look and feel like. Talks:Notes on the Design of Components (Dave McCabe)Dave will discuss what has learned about designing React components, specifically techniques for promoting simplicity, reuse, statelessness, and separation of concerns, and for dealing with asynchrony. Isomorphic Webpack Hot Module Replacement Boilerplate (Eric O'Connell)
This talk will give the starting point for a very nice dev environment using the webpack Hot Module Replacement feature. It will include a (trivial) Express app that renders the entire React component hierarchy which will then be hydrated on the client. Variations shown will include serving API requests out of the same app, and shared client/server routing. TBD / Lightning talksGet in touch with us if you'd like to share your experiences! |
Feb 25, 2015
The Erlang Games - 2nd Session – CrowdCompass by Cvent The Erlang Games continue! Nathan Aschbacher will lead us through a series of hands-on programming problems that will get your hands dirty in code. Designed to be instructive and entertaining for both the n00b and experienced erlangutang, join us and expand your skills!
Mar 9, 2015
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Collective Agency Downtown See the mailing list for details on this month's agenda. Attendance is limited at this venue. RSVP via the Meetup group. ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming, based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Lisp, Clojure, Scala, Oz, Agda, Idris, and others. The group meets regularly on the second Monday of the month for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. |
Mar 10, 2015
Portland ReactJS Presentation night – Jama Software (New Office) Greetings to all! We're excited to announce our second meeting and presentation night! We already have some great talks lined up from Dave McCabe and Asa Miller. We're hoping to set aside some time for lightning talks as well. Please join the mailing list and let us know if you are interested in presenting or participating in lightning talks. Jama Software will be hosting us at their new office in downtown Portland. Catering will also be provided, more details on that soon. == Proposed Schedule ==Using React with Real-time data from Firebase. (Asa Miller)Asa will discuss setting up real-time communication between desktop and mobile and how to to configure it for communication between components instead of passing props. Notes on the Design of Components. (Dave McCabe)A discussion on what we've learned about designing React components: Techniques for promoting simplicity, reuse, statelessness, and separation of concerns, and for dealing with asynchrony. |
Apr 13, 2015
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Collective Agency Downtown We have some interesting content lined up this month: Robert Dodier, a developer and project administrator on the Maxima project, has offered to give us a talk on it. Maxima is a computer algebra system written in Common Lisp. Also, time permitting, we'll hear about Haskell and Clojure versions of small command-line programs, such as one for parsing and displaying data from a weather API. See the mailing list for details on this month's agenda. Attendance is limited at this venue. RSVP via the Meetup group. ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming, based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Lisp, Clojure, Scala, Oz, Agda, Idris, and others. The group meets regularly on the second Monday of the month for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. |
Apr 14, 2015
Portland ReactJS Presentation night – Jama Software (New Office) Greetings Reagents! We had an awesome meetup at Jama with some great talks. Thanks to everyone that took time from their schedule to come out. We're still looking for some talks from the Portland community. Please let us know if you'd be interested in speaking at this or any future meetings. We have some things brewing for the May meetup that we're excited to share with you next month. Jama Software has graciously offered their event space again for this meeting. Food will also be provided by, please come at 6pm to enjoy some dinner and socializing. Presentations will start promptly at 6:30. == Proposed Schedule == • Observables and React (or, 'Yo dawg, I heard you like reactive programming, so I put some Reactive Extensions in your React so you can react while you React’) - (Ian Irvine) Ian takes us on a tour of JavaScript Observables via RXJS, and explores some potential use cases within the realm of React. • TBA!!! Some members have mentioned wanting to see and hear a talk on a rewrite of an app from [something] to React. Have you done this? You should talk about it! Are you interested in trying this? Try it! Then show us how it went. |
Apr 15, 2015
Portland Erlang / Elixir Meetup – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub Daniel Hedland of CrowdCompass will be leading April's meeting. Learn more about how Unix shells compose simple programs to solve complex tasks and how these processes interact with each other under the hood. We will discuss how Unix processes behave compared with standard Erlang and Elixir processes and how the Erlang VM could be used to emulate common patterns found in the Unix shell. A very basic REPL will be provided to play around with some of these ideas. After the discussion, we will break out into groups to try to re-implement some common Unix commands in your favorite ErlangVM-based language and then use shell composition to solve a set of everyday problems. Questions? [email protected] 503-575-0815 |
Apr 18, 2015
Clojure/West through Gerding Theater at the Armory One of the two largest Clojure conferences held each year in the US, Clojure/West offers two days of training workshops followed by three days of talks. Also there are unsessions happening in the evenings. Follow @clojurewest for updates. |
May 11, 2015
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group – Collective Agency Downtown Hoping to hear about Haskell and Clojure versions of small command-line programs, such as one for parsing and displaying data from a weather API. See the mailing list for details on this month's agenda. Attendance is limited at this venue. RSVP via the Meetup group. ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming, based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Lisp, Clojure, Scala, Oz, Agda, Idris, and others. The group meets regularly on the second Monday of the month for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. |
May 12, 2015
Portland ReactJS Presentation Night – Jama Software (New Office) Hello all! We had an awesome meetup last week at Jama with some great talks. Thanks to everyone that took time from their schedule to come out. In May, we're very excited to announce that Areeb Malik from Facebook's Ads Team will be presenting his talk, "Going Big with React", which will focus on the strengths of a unidirectional data flow architecture in apps with several engineers and megabytes of client-side code. Here is a link to this talk from last year. Areeb will be catering this talk to our React users community here, so please come prepared to ask questions and expect an interesting conversation after his talk. Jama Software has graciously offered their event space again for this meeting. Food will also be provided by, please come at 6pm to enjoy some dinner and socializing. The presentation will start promptly at 6:30. Looking forward to a great meetup! Please RSVP at so we know how many people are coming. Thank you! |
Jun 8, 2015
Functional Programming Study Group – Collective Agency Downtown Levent Erkok will be giving an informal talk on the SBV library that he's been working on for quite some time now (, and a possible brief intro to SAT/SMT solving. |
Jun 17, 2015
10 Billion a Day, 100 Milliseconds Per: Monitoring Real Time Bidding at AdRoll - Portland Erlang / Elixir Meetup – eBay Community Lounge 10 Billion a Day, 100 Milliseconds Per: Monitoring Real Time Bidding at AdRoll Brian Troutwine of Adroll will be joining us tonight. Adroll uses Erlang to power their high-speed, never-stop online advertising services. That's right, 10 billion transactions a day. Brian's talk will provide motivation for the extensive instrumentation of complex computer systems and make the argument that such systems are essential. This talk will provide practical starting points in Erlang projects and maintain a perspective on the human organization around the computer system. Brian will focus on getting started with instrumentation in a systematic way and follow up with the challenge of interpreting and acting on metrics emitted from a production system in a way which does not overwhelm operators’ ability to effectively control or prioritize faults in the system. He’ll use historical examples and case studies from my work to keep the talk anchored in the practical. Talk objectives: Brian hopes to convince the audience of two things: • monitoring and instrumentation is an essential component of any long-lived system and • it's not so hard to get started, after all. He’ll keep a clear-eyed view of what works and is difficult in practice so that the audience can make a reasoned decision after the talk. |
Jul 2, 2015
Clojure PDX Office Hours – Puppet Intersted in learning more about Clojure? Have questions or need help with a set up, library or Clojure/Functional Programming concept? Come by the Office Hours meeting this month. Bring any questions you may have or topics on your mind and we'll see how others can help. |
Jul 15, 2015
Portland Erlang / Elixir Social Hour – Lucky Labrador Brew Pub It's summertime in Portland! Rather than work our brains too hard in the heat, let's just get together, socialize, chat and show off anything we happen to be working on. Meetup with us at the Lucky Lab on SE Hawethorne. Look for the Erlang laptop stickers! We'll get back to having speakers in September. Stay tuned for news about Erlang at OSCON. |
Sep 16, 2015
Erlang/OTP at the Jedi Temple – Househappy If you've heard of Erlang, perhaps you've also seen the acronym "OTP". What the heck is "OTP" and why do the Jedi refer to it as the "magic" that gives Erlang it's reputation for scalability and fault tolerance? Why is it called Erlang/OTP? What gives? How does this relate to Elixir? What should I know about it? Nathan Aschbacher of Visa and Elixir Games PDX has kindly agreed to join us and share his wisdom, give us an overview and also, to levitate R2D2. Our generous hosts this month are HouseHappy. October we followup on this deep topic with Jeff Weiss showing self-healing application magic in Elixir and OTP. Hope to see you there!
Erlang/OTP at the Jedi Temple – Househappy If you've heard of Erlang, perhaps you've also seen the acronym "OTP". What the heck is "OTP" and why do the Jedi refer to it as the "magic" that gives Erlang it's reputation for scalability and fault tolerance? Why is it called Erlang/OTP? What gives? How does this relate to Elixir? What should I know about it? Nathan Aschbacher of Visa and Elixir Games PDX has kindly agreed to join us and share his wisdom, give us an overview and also, to levitate R2D2. Our generous hosts this month are HouseHappy. October we followup on this deep topic with Jeff Weiss showing self-healing application magic in Elixir and OTP. Hope to see you there!
Oct 21, 2015
Chat Bot Deathmatch! - Portland Erlang and Elixir Meetup – Househappy Jeff Wiess will share his presentation from ElixirConf EU and give us a live demo: Chat Bot: A Practical Walkthrough of the powerful Features Elixir/Erlang/OTP Bring your laptop and be ready to help us try and crash Jeff's chat server service. Written in Elixir, a "Ruby-like" flavor of Erlang this demo will show supervision trees, clustering and live code updating. Our generous hosts this month are HouseHappy. |
Dec 3, 2015
Clojure Office Hours - Special Newcomers Edition – Puppet Office hours are a great place to chat with other developers and help or get help with any questions that come up. Everyone is always welcomed regardless of skill or experience. If you curious come on out. This month we'll have a special newcomers focus where we'll start with introductions, have lighting talks, discuss somethings we like about clojure and some things we find confusing and help each other install a dev environment. Curious about Clojure? Have questions about Emacs or Cursive or Vim or Spacemacs or anything else? Come on out and we'll help. |
Jan 7, 2016
Clojure PDX - Ibis: a Journey in Distributed Computation w/ Ryan Spangler – Puppet Recently we at Little Bird had a series of issues trying to get another Clojure distributed computation library working in production. Learning from the frustrations involved in that process clarified exactly what we wanted out of a distributed computation system, and soon after Ibis was born. The goal was to simplify everything and leave the hard problems of synchronization to battle tested libraries that already do it well, namely Zookeeper and Kafka. Built on this solid foundation, Ibis was a natural expression of our intent when designing a distributed system. Providing seamless distribution in the face of adding and removing nodes on the fly, streaming, scheduling and unique tasks, Ibis is already serving us well in production and we consider it a great success. |
Jan 20, 2016
Flying with Phoenix and Elixir – Have you heard of Phoenix? Phoenix is a framework for building HTML5 apps, API backends and distributed systems. Written in Elixir. Seve Salazar of will walk us through creating a simple but real(wish)-world JSON API using Phoenix and deploying it to production as an OTP application. It will cover usage of Ecto, rendering JSON from a controller, integrating with StatsD using Exometer, and finally using edeliver to ship it to production. |
Mar 23, 2016
Elixir Games PDX - Get in the Zone – Puppet We parted ways from the normal format of this meetup last time, and instead of working on the problem stated, we ended up working on trying to get a relatively complex Erlang project (erl-dns) to build using only Elixir's build chain as well as added an Elixir module to the project to ensure that we could attempt to extend the project using only Elixir code. This month we'll continue the games format, but instead of a contrived problem we'll continue down this path of modifying and contributing to an open source project. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. There will also be small desk fodder prizes for the winning team. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to my friend Jeff Weiss and Puppet Labs, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
Apr 20, 2016
VoIP, Kazoo and Erlang – James Aimonetti of will be joining us tonight to talk about how Erlang powers the Kazoo project and Voice-over-IP products all around the world. Kazoo is a scalable, distributed, cloud-based telephony platform that allows you to build powerful telephony applications with a rich set of APIs. Designed to handle anything from large carrier to small countries, the Kazoo infrastructure can do it all. There are no lock-ins and the software is open-source to give you complete freedom. James will be giving us a high level view of the architecture behind Kazoo, both from a platform perspective and from an Erlang perspective. We'll survey some of the code that is of interest, such as the gen_listener behaviour (for AMQP message consumption), the PropEr tests in various modules, the wh_json module for working with Erlang-encoded JSON objects), and more. No telecom experience required! |
Apr 27, 2016
Elixir Games PDX - As With All Things, It's All About the Atoms – Puppet This month we'll be continuing down the path of analyzing and modifying a production-grade open source project. Last month many people who attended were able to discover where in erl-dns our custom zone-file handling code should go. This month we'll drive toward a real replacement implementation to take the next step toward being able to make incremental zone updates and pave the way toward DNS-SD functionality. This month we'll continue the games format, but instead of a contrived problem we'll continue down this path of modifying and contributing to an open source project. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. There will also be small desk fodder prizes for the winning team. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to my friend Jeff Weiss and Puppet Labs, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
May 5, 2016
Lightning talks and office hours – Puppet Our scheduled speaker had to cancel unexpectedly so we'll have lighting talks and office hours. The talks don't need to be formal at all. Just take 5-15 minutes sharing something you've learned or are working on. To get the ball rolling I'll do: "What I've learned about React Native and ClojureScript" So what have you been working on? Don't be shy. Your group needs you. And as for the office hours ... just come with your questions, problems and challenges and we'll try to help. Thanks. Julio |
May 25, 2016
Elixir Games PDX - Many Types of Success, But Only One Success Type – Puppet NOTE: Please RSVP via the website, it helps for food and beverage planning. Last month we had a really varied mix of experience levels in attendance, and so this month we'll cover a subject that will be useful to audiences and participants of all shapes and sizes... Dialyzer & TypeSpecs. Elixir isn't a statically typed language, but thanks to TypeSpecs and Dialyzer we can do static type analysis and avoid whole horrible classes of runtime errors by checking our code at compile-time. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to my friend Jeff Weiss and Puppet Labs, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
May 26, 2016
Erlang On NixOS - Managing And Releasing Erlang Systems In The Cloud – Erlang On NixOS - Managing And Releasing Erlang Systems In The Cloud With A Fully Declarative Package Manager In this talk we will discuss how to manage Erlang dependencies with the Nix package manager and how to use the Nix system to deliver declaratively described images containing an Erlang Release to cloud platforms. Talk objectives: To educate the audiance about the value of using a functional, declarative package management system to deliver functional, declarative systems. Target audience: Developers actively deploying Erlang systems and those interested in deploying Erlang System. About Eric Merritt Co-author of Erlang and OTP in Action, open source contributor, Erlang Engineer. |
Jun 20, 2016
Hacking Web Stuff with F# – Lucky Labrador Tap Room Ok, F#ers, got a special guest coming into town that would like to do some web stuff hacking, and thus... Hacking Web Stuff with F# In this hands on session, we'll have a look at two F# libraries for doing web stuff, both on the server-side and on the client-side. It will be hands-on, so make sure to bring a laptop with F#. For playing with Fable, you'll also need to have node installed! Suave for the server-side Suave is a lightweight web-server for F# that lets you compose web applications or REST services from small, correct, asynchronous web parts. It lets you compose asynchronous web services with just a couple of lines of code. For more information check out or demos like the F# snippes web site. Fable is an F# to JavaScript compiler that lets you use functional-first programming style on the web. It produces modern and clean JavaScript with minimal core library and source maps. It integrates well with modern JavaScript dev tools like node, WebPack and organizes code using ES6 modules. Tomas is a computer scientist, book author and open-source developer. He wrote a popular book called "Real-World Functional Programming" and is a lead developer of several F# open-source libraries, but he also contributed to the design of the F# language as an intern and consultant at Microsoft Research. He is a partner at fsharpWorks ( where he provides trainings and consulting services. Tomas recently submitted his PhD thesis at the University of Cambridge focused on types for understanding context usage in programming languages, but his most recent work also includes two essays that attempt to understand programming through the perspective of philosophy of science. |
Jun 22, 2016
Elixir Games PDX - Every step you take, every proc you break... we'll be watching you. – Puppet Elixir inherits a tremendous suite of debugging, tracing, and monitoring facilities from its Erlang pedigree, where the use case was something shaped like, "Be able to attach to, live trace, muck with, and live zero-down-time upgrade this service running on a thing dangling from a 10m pole in the backwoods of Siberia." In this month's meetup we'll take a look at some of these tools and use them to poke around some running services. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to my friend Jeff Weiss and Puppet, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
Jul 27, 2016
Elixir Games PDX - Exit GenStage Left. – Puppet The Elixir language and standard library is always in a state of diligent improvement, and in accordance with that trend GenStage was recently added. GenStage is a core generic behavior designed to provide a way of coordinating communication between processes with built-in back-pressure. This month we'll take a closer look at what this is, what problems its intended to solve, and exercise the functionality a bit to see how to use it for real-world-shaped problems. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to my friend Jeff Weiss and Puppet, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
Aug 24, 2016
Elixir Games PDX - Plenty of Blame to go Around – Puppet We've looked at Supervision trees in the past, but we've often glossed over how to best use them to your advantage. It's quite easy to accidentally use these fault-tolerance primitives to, somewhat ironically, make your applications less fault-tolerant. This month we'll take a look at design and implementation practices to help make sure you're using these incredible tools to your best advantage. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to my friend Jeff Weiss and Puppet, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
Sep 17, 2016
2-day workshop: Advanced Redux/Async through Epicodus Note: this is a paid event. You can purchase tickets at You've learned React, and are excited about building robust, scalable applications. But at some point your application is going to become too complex for React to handle on its own. How do you effectively manage each component and their states? Enter Redux. Redux has fast become the architecture of choice for building scalable applications with JavaScript and React. It will help you to better organize your application and make state mutations more predictable and transparent. In this advanced workshop, FreeCodeCamp CTO Berkeley Martinez will help you to take your development skills to the next level. What you will learnSaturday - Sunday:
What we will buildWe will apply the principles above as we build a social e-commerce app, complete with:
Your InstructorBerkeley Martinez, CTO of Berkeley is the CTO of, a free online community for learning full-stack web development where students garner real-world experience by engineering solutions for nonprofit companies. He has been programming with React for over two years, and is the author of Redux-Epic, a library built to do better async and server-side rendering in React with RxJS Observables. He is also the co-organizer of the San Francisco-based Meetup group Real World React, which features talks and workshops on using React in real-world, production applications. As an instructor at Real World React, he consults individuals and businesses looking to become experts in React, Redux, and other tools in the ecosystem. Prerequisites
Pre-class Resources
Your OrganizerReal World React is an SF-based organization that features talks, meetups, and workshops on using React & Redux in real-world, production applications. |
Sep 28, 2016
Elixir Games PDX - Architecture: It's Not Just for Skyscrapers – Puppet This month we're going to take a look at the architecture of a couple open source Elixir libraries, talk about them, how they fit with OTP principles that Elixir inherits from the Erlang ecosystem, and devise a strategy for how to bring the existing design into line with a more OTP-y way of doing things. We'll also discuss why that's valuable or desirable and start to iterate on making those changes together. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to my friend Jeff Weiss and Puppet, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
Oct 6, 2016
Talk 1) Game/DEVS by Austin Haas & Talk 2) Spec/Regex by Russell Mull – Puppet We'll have two talks this month. Making Games in Clojure(script) with the DEVS Modeling Formalism In this talk, Austin Haas will discuss why games are difficult to make and how DEVS, a popular simulation modeling formalism, can help. This talk may be relevant to anyone interested in game development, systems theory, actors, agents, or FRP. Regex derivatives: the functional pearl inside core.spec The new spec library in Clojure 1.9 uses an old but elegant method for recognizing sequences. We'll develop an implementation of this algorithm in Clojure. Bio: Russell writes Clojure at Puppet. He's into guitars and separating his functions from his data. |
Oct 26, 2016
Elixir Games PDX - Interproconal Communication Skills – Puppet Elixir and Erlang make tremendous tools for integrating between different kinds of interfaces. In fact there's arguably no better system for quickly constructing reliable and fault-tolerant control planes available today. However, in order to do that in a rich ecosystem of technologies it is a requirement that we be able to interact with and orchestrate various kinds of external processes. So for this meetup session we're going to learn about exactly how to do that. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to our friends at Puppet, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
Nov 1, 2016
Using Ports in Elm – Jaguar Land Rover Tech Incubator So you're using Elm and enjoying all of the benefits it provides with its abstraction of the web platform. But what do you do if you're dealing with a browser API that isn't implemented in Elm yet? Or you need to ship a feature and don't have the time to rewrite that really cool JavaScript library in Elm? Or maybe you want to hook your app up to Firebase or some other database that has a JavaScript SDK? This is where ports come in. Ports allow you to hook up commands and subscriptions to JavaScript code, letting you leverage the entire JavaScript ecosystem, while providing the structure necessary to ensure you aren't introducing runtime exceptions in your Elm code. We'll cover the basics of setting up ports in your Elm code, walk through some common use cases, and hopefully you'll leave the evening ready to bring your JavaScript and Elm knowledge together! Ben Brandt lives in Portland and is a front-end developer at Monk Development. He has recently discovered the joys of using functional programming for building UI's and is trying to use Elm wherever people will let him. |
Nov 30, 2016
Elixir Games PDX - Learning to Love Property Tax – Puppet Many developers are probably familiar with unit-testing, and probably a few even rigorously utilize it, but software validation exists on a spectrum ranging from formal verification to nothing at all. Unit-testing tends to reside a lot closer to the empty abyss side of that spectrum in-practice, so what methods and tools can we use to start inching (centimetering, for the internationally inclined) closer to the other side? To get to a point where we're brimming with confidence about our design and implementation? Property-Based Testing can be the next step on that journey, and this month we'll take a look at one of Elixir's PBT frameworks and use it to validate a bit of code. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to our friends at Puppet, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
Dec 12, 2016
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Functional Discussions – Collective Agency Downtown Website |
Jan 25, 2017
Elixir Games PDX - You're Getting On My Nerves – Puppet Bridging the gap between higher-level application development and embedded device deployments is all the rage these days. As is the case with the much of the rest of the Elixir ecosystem, there's a project to help make such ambitions a lot more friendly and inviting to work with ( This month we'll be taking a look at this project, explore a handful of similar alternative approaches to the same problem, and see if we can get some simple distributed Elixir applications running and communicating as Nerves apps. If you have any of the supported hardware (referenced below), then by all means bring it with you and we'll see if we can get things working on real hardware. All the organizer's embedded SBCs are Odroid C2's, which aren't Nerves-compatible, so we won't be able to supply hardware for the whole group, but for those that don't have hardware to deploy to we can still build QEMU ARM images and run them in an emulated VM environment. Supported Hardware: For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Special thanks to our friends at Puppet, ‘the leader in IT automation’, for hosting us. |
Feb 1, 2017
Portland F# Meetup Group - Organizational Meeting – DAT I need to double-check with the location's availability still, but I'm pretty sure they'll be able to accommodate us. I'll also have an update with instructions on how to enter the building after hours.
At this meetup, we need to identify and empower a new organizational team.
Feb 20, 2017
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 1 and Data Parallelism – Collective Agency Downtown This is the first month of our new format, based on discussion following the survey: The first half will be geared toward beginners, and the second half will be geared toward more advanced material.
For the next several months the beginner material will be a series of lessons in the Haskell programming language. We will be following Brent Yorgey's CIS 194 syllabus ( So bring a laptop, or just follow along. Between months you are encouraged to work on the assignments and we will review them. Lyle will be leading the lecture this month. This month's advanced talk will be delivered by Leif, who will be following up his discussion of data parallelism in Spark (Scala) and Haskell. |
Feb 22, 2017
Elixir Games PDX - Traitorous Protocol Droids – PolySync Technologies, Inc. Similar to traits in other languages, Elixir Protocols are contracts that modules can implement for enabling collections (both sinks and sources) and inspection. We'll take a look at Protocols, how to adhere to them and how to create them. For the newcomers, the "Games" format is designed to create a bit of friendly competition and is accessible for all ranges of experience; beginners and pros alike. If you'd like to take a look at the previous sessions' exercises feel free to check them out here:, some submitted solutions are available on non-master branches. Early in this series we'll be focusing mostly on solving problems in a functional paradigm, and as the series continues over time we'll move more and more toward Elixir's differentiators; Erlang interop, hygienic macros, & OTP patterns. If all that read like gibberish to you, don't worry you don't have to know any of that jargon, and by the time you do everything will already make sense. Because we'll introduce ideas and concepts in a way that will help you understand those things conceptually before you ever need a weird name for them. Food and drinks will be provided. Please make sure you come with a computer to work on and have Elixir pre-installed locally or in a VM and ready to go. Venue Change: Now at PolySync. |
Erlang-Elixir - Moving Complexity Around – Househappy Jesse Cook will lead our exploration tonight. Jesse: A beginner Alchemist who's really enjoying the functional nature of Elixir and the design of the language. Description: Moving complexity around - What's the best way to provide a unified API in front of some of the worst APIs out there? The tools I reached for are Phoenix, Absinthe for GraphQL and a series of adapters. These adapters utilize both polymorphism and metaprogramming, but was this the right way to do it in Elixir? Let's discuss the overall architecture and the nitty gritty details. |
Mar 2, 2017
Clojure Collection Processing in Context w/ Bill Burcham – Puppet Part I: Eager to Process A key innovation in Clojure (versus earlier Lisps) is the abstraction of sequence processing functions away from the list type, to the more general sequence interface. This polymorphic abstraction lets what would otherwise be a large library of functions operating on a single collection type (list), grow in power to operate over more collection types, including maps, sets, vectors, and many others. The clojure.core sequence processing facilities borrow great ideas from earlier Lisps and Haskell too. Conversely, ClojureScript’s collections library can be viewed as a successor to Clojure’s own. By exploring a little bit of this surrounding terrain, we gain a much clearer understanding of Clojure’s elegant and powerful collection processing. In this first 45-minute presentation, we’ll introduce a toy problem and we’ll solve it a few different ways at the REPL. From very basic beginnings, we’ll introduce sequence processing and collection-sequence duality. We’ll progress smoothly to higher-order functions and beyond (I don’t want to ruin the surprise mkay?) Along the way we’ll meet a number of foundational Clojure functions and forms. If you’ve read a Clojure book (mainly the first few chapters) and you’ve written some code, you have everything you need to understand this talk. Intermediate Clojurists, may also come away with some new insights. Bio: Bill Burcham has earned his living for almost three decades now, making software. He’s liked Lisp best for even longer than that. As many have pointed out: Lisp feels like something discovered—not something invented. There is something essential in Lisp. When he’s not engaged in a media fast, Bill can be reached @billburcham |
Mar 13, 2017
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 2 – Collective Agency Morrison This month, Echo will be leading us through Haskell Lesson 2 (Week 2 at! The category theory talk has been rescheduled for April. |
Mar 29, 2017
ClojureScript: I Can't Believe It's JavaScript – eBay Community Lounge There are 6 difficult problems frameworks and libraries try to solve in JavaScript, but never quite get there. Learn how these problems (and more!) are solved by ClojureScript and how it can provide a platform for new solutions. Are you tired of constantly chasing after the next framework? Do you ever feel like frameworks don't solve the hard problems, like callback hell, state management, and correctness checking? Are you looking for something that could make your software radically simpler and let you code better features? ClojureScript could be the answer. In this talk, you'll learn how ClojureScript solves really some tough problems in JavaScript and how it provides a platform for new solutions. Note: This is a special edition meeting at a different time and place than normal |
Apr 10, 2017
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 3 and Category Theory – Collective Agency Downtown This meeting continues our Haskell lesson series with Echo delivering Lesson 3 on Recursion Patterns, Polymorphism, and the Prelude from Brent Yorgey's CIS194 course (
Lyle will give an introduction to category theory, a theory about mathematical structures and their relationships, which has applications in functional programming. The meeting will be at Collective Agency in the Tiffany Center - the same place as the February meeting. The elevator is expected to be restored to operation by then. (UPDATE: Elevator service to the 8th floor has not yet been restored, so you will have to walk from the 4th floor.) Someone will wait in the lobby to let you in as the front doors are locked after 6. The meeting is on the 8th floor. |
May 6, 2017
Programming Languages I've Been Meaning To Try But Haven't Gotten Around To Yet – Simple PLIBMTTBHGATY is a lightly-structured party where people get together and work on a project in a new programming language, either with or just near each other. |
May 8, 2017
Beaverton Haskell Meetup - Write You a Scheme 2.0 - Session 1 – Oregon Technology Buisiness Center (OTBC) Hello!
Thanks to everyone who attended the kickoff meeting for this group. It was a really good turn out and looks like there are a lot of folks excited about learning some Haskell. We have decided at this point to meet on a bi-weekly basis Mondays at 6:30pm. We also have a new venue which has been secured at the OTBC offices thanks to Phil for the referral on that one. We have also decided that we will be going through the online tutorial Write You a Scheme 2.0 as our first project. Each person will choose resources on their own to learn Haskell and we will come together as a group in each meeting to talk about our progress on building a scheme interpreter and our understanding of the code presented. Most likely we will also do some Haskell exercises as a group to help solidify new concepts. To prepare for the next meetup go through the introduction and if you have time, the next section on parsers as well. We'll try to cover as much ground as we have time available. We also have a Slack channel that you can join by clicking the link that was sent out on the mailing list. If you need an invite link let me know and I'll get you connected. |
Jun 19, 2017
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 5 and the 1ML Language – Collective Agency Downtown Join us for another fun-filled evening of learning and discussion!
Tonight, Lyle will present Lesson 5 from Brent Yorgey's CIS 194 lectures:, as well as reviewing the homework from Lesson 4. Then, Matt Rice will talk about the 1ML language, a variant of ML which unifies the main expression/type language with the language of the module system (signatures, structures and functors). He's also been creating his own language derived from it. |
Jul 17, 2017
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 6 and Free Things – Collective Agency Downtown This month, Leif will present Lesson 6 on Lazy Evaluation from Brent Yorgey's CIS 194 lectures.
Then, Rob Norris will talk about free things. Meeting is on the 8th floor of the Tiffany Center. If you arrive before the meeting starts, there will be someone in the lobby to open the front door for you. If not, there will be a sign posted with a phone number for you to call, and someone will come down to let you in. Take the elevator on the right to the 8th floor, and exit to your right. The sign next to the space says Forge Portland. We meet in the large open area there. |
Jul 31, 2017
Beaverton Haskell Meetup - Haskell Projects – Oregon Technology Buisiness Center (OTBC) It's been a while since I've updated the description for this meetup's events. So, the group originally started to learn Haskell from scratch. The group agreed that we would each choose our own learning materials to work from during the week and then come together during the meeting to discuss and work on programming exercises together. Since then we have started working on larger projects in Haskell and are starting to investigate more advanced features of the language. If you have something that you've been working on that you would like to share or you would like to help someone else with their own project then please join us! We're always looking to meet more folks who are interested in the virtues of functional programming. |
Aug 3, 2017
Clojure PDX - Clojure Office Hours – Office hours are a great place to chat with other developers and help or get help with any questions that come up.
Everyone is always welcomed regardless of skill or experience. If you are curious come on out. Curious about Clojure? Have questions about Emacs or Cursive or Vim or Spacemacs or anything else? Come on out and we'll help. |
Aug 14, 2017
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 7 and A* in Elm – Collective Agency Downtown This month, we'll be meeting in a new location! Collective Agency has moved to 511 SW 10th Ave. We'll be meeting in the main area.
Then, Jamon Holmgren will explain his implementation of the A pathfinding algorithm in Elm. A is used in games to calculate the least-cost path for a computer character to move from one spot to another. Elm is a language similar to Haskell (but simpler) that compiles down to JavaScript, used for apps that run in web browsers. |
Sep 11, 2017
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 8 and Vintage BASIC – Collective Agency Downtown Lyle will present Brent Yorgey's CIS 194 Lesson 8 on IO in Haskell.
Then Lyle will present Vintage BASIC, a BASIC interpreter he wrote in Haskell some years ago but has recently revised. |
Oct 9, 2017
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Haskell Lesson 9 (Functors) and Minima (Elm) – Collective Agency Downtown Echo will present Brent Yorgey's CIS 194 Lesson 9 on functors in Haskell.
Brian Ginsburg will give a short presentation on Minima (, a playground for experimenting with minimalist musical patterns, which he wrote in Elm. We will have extra time in this meeting for hands-on learning. You are encouraged to bring a laptop or work together with someone else. You can practice working with functors, hack on Minima, or ask any other questions you might have. |
Oct 18, 2017
Erlang-Elixir Meetup – Househappy Doors open at 6:30. Talks start at 7:00. Pizza, soda and beer provided by Weedmaps. October's meeting will host a set of mini talks, up to 20 minutes each. Talks: • Paul Rogers: EntropyString • Zach: Elixir Bot Server Frog and Toad • Moxley Stratton: Test mocks |
Nov 13, 2017
Portland Functional Programming Study Group - 10th Anniversary Party and New Format Kickoff – Collective Agency Downtown Come celebrate the 10th anniversary of PDX Func! The first meeting was on 11/15/07. There'll be food and drink and cake! We'll also discuss the new format for meetings based on the survey results. We will also go over the Applicative Functor lesson from CIS 193, which will be our final lesson from that track. |
Nov 15, 2017
Erlang-Elixir November Meeting - Multiple Talks – Opal Talks start at 7:00pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. October will host a set of mini talks, up to 20 minutes each. We are requesting proposals for this now. Please send a direct message to Moxley if you're interested. Pizza, soda and beers sponsored by Weedmaps. Talks: • Connor Clay: Testing strategies in Elixir • Daniel Hedlund: DevDocs • Andrew Vy: Elixir + Headless Chrome • Moxley Stratton: Test mocks with "Mox" |
Nov 29, 2017
PDX Functional Progamming - Theory Track - Logic and Proof – Collective Agency Division Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
Dec 4, 2017
PDX Func Practice Track - Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design – Collective Agency Downtown Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
Dec 13, 2017
PDX Functional Progamming - Theory Track - Logic and Proof – Collective Agency Division We'll discuss Chapter 3 and possibly Chapter 4 of Logic and Proof ( Please try to at least read Chapter 3 and do the exercises. Chapter 4 is a stretch goal. At the meeting anyone will be able to present and contribute to the discussion. PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
Dec 18, 2017
PDX Func Practice Track - Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design – Collective Agency Downtown We'll discuss Chapter 3 of Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design. Please read it beforehand. You may wish to try running the code examples from the book. At the meeting anyone will be able to present and contribute to the discussion. PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
Jan 10, 2018
PDX Functional Progamming - Theory Track - Logic and Proof – Collective Agency Division Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
Jan 11, 2018
Portland ReactJS - Portland ReactJs w/ Remote Talks: React + Serverless by David Wells, and more – New Relic • What we'll do
-=== Proposed Schedule ===- David Wells: React + Serverless Developer @ Come learn how to build a robust multi-stage React application backed by a Serverless API, complete with user authentication & protected routes. 💸 Live Stream: -=== Event Details ===- New Relic ( has graciously offered their event space to host our meeting this month. If you are new to the group, welcome! We hope that you find this community a friendly and open one. To new and existing members, please take a look at the code of conduct ( for our group. -=== Other ===- As a reminder, we're on Slack! You can join us here to chat with other Reactivists all talking and helping each other with React! • What to bring • Important to know |
Jan 24, 2018
PDX Functional Progamming - Theory Track - Logic and Proof – Collective Agency Division Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
Feb 5, 2018
PDX Func Practice Track - Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design – Collective Agency Downtown Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
Feb 14, 2018
PDX Functional Progamming - Theory Track - Logic and Proof – Collective Agency Division Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
Feb 19, 2018
PDX Func Practice Track - Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design – Collective Agency Downtown Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
Mar 5, 2018
PDX Func Practice Track - Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design – Collective Agency Downtown Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
Mar 14, 2018
PDX Functional Progamming - Theory Track - Logic and Proof – Collective Agency Division Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
Mar 19, 2018
PDX Func Practice Track - Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design – Collective Agency Downtown Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
Apr 2, 2018
PDX Func Practice Track - Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design – Collective Agency Downtown Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
Apr 11, 2018
PDX Functional Progamming - Theory Track - Logic and Proof – Collective Agency Division Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
Apr 16, 2018
PDX Func Practice Track - Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design – Collective Agency Downtown Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: |
May 3, 2018
Clojure Office Hours and Peer Mentoring – Puppet Office hours are a great place to chat with other developers and help or get help with any questions that come up. Everyone is always welcomed regardless of skill or experience. If you are curious come on out. Curious about Clojure? Have questions about Emacs or Cursive or Vim or Spacemacs or anything else? Come on out and we'll help. |
May 7, 2018
PDX Func Practice Track – Collective Agency Downtown Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: Portland Functional Programming Meetup: |
May 27, 2018
ML4ALL through The Bossanova Ballroom ML4ALL is a two day conference focusing on machine learning, to be held in Portland, Oregon on May 27-29, 2018. The goal of the ML4ALL Conference is to make applied machine learning accessible to the average software developer or enthusiast. We believe that machine learning should be viewed as a core competency for software developers, and will be a pervasive and essential aspect of almost all human-computer interaction in the near future. The ML4ALL community wishes democratize machine learning, highlighting smaller and more mundane use cases, bringing the technology out of the ivory towers of top tier tech companies and universities, and into the hands of everyday developers. |
Jun 4, 2018
PDX Func Practice Track – Collective Agency Downtown Info at PDXFunc is a study/user group exploring functional programming in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers with any level of experience or interest in any functional language, including Haskell, Lisp, OCaml, Scala, Idris, Agda, as well as using functional techniques in not explicitly functional languages. We have two kinds of meetings: theory and practice, that each meet twice a month. Please sign up for the mailing list for more announcements, discussions, meeting notes, etc.: Portland Functional Programming Meetup: |
Jul 18, 2018
Elixir, Erlang User Group – FocusVision Doors open at 6. Talk starts at 6:30. This month, Connor Lay will talk about setting up a basic Continuous Integration pipeline for a new Elixir project. Let me know if that overlaps too much with any of the other topics and I can find something else :) Moxley Stratton will talk about working with Elixir macros, specifically around building a wrapper around Ecto.Schema. Pizza, sodas and beer provided by Weedmaps. |
Nov 1, 2018
Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars Vars w/ Gary Fredericks – Puppet Vars are at the heart of how Clojure code is evaluated, but their primary features are subtle and their secondary features are many and obscure. Understanding Clojure's vars not only clarifies how the language works, but also opens up new ways of making the language do what you want, especially when building development tools. BIO Gary Fredericks is a software engineer who has been making Clojure-themed jokes for nearly ten years. He lives in Chicago and does programming things for DRW. He is writing these words from a playground swing and it is windy and cold. |
Apr 28, 2019
ML4ALL Conference 2019 through The Bossanova Ballroom ML4ALL is a two day conference focusing on machine learning, to be held in Portland, Oregon on April 28-30, 2019. The goal of the ML4ALL Conference is to make applied machine learning accessible to the average software developer or enthusiast. We believe that machine learning should be viewed as a core competency for software developers, and will be a pervasive and essential aspect of almost all human-computer interaction in the near future. The ML4ALL community wishes democratize machine learning, highlighting smaller and more mundane use cases, bringing the technology out of the ivory towers of top tier tech companies and universities, and into the hands of everyday developers. |
Nov 20, 2019
Elixir PDX - Using Ecto.Changeset to persist record associations – Opal Labs This month: Moxley Stratton and Mike Wilding will give a talk on using the Ecto.Changeset module to save associations along with their parent records. Note: the talks start at 6:30pm. Doors open at 6pm. Social time is 6pm-6:30pm. • What we'll do The monthly meeting is the primary event offered by Elixir PDX. It includes presentations given by local and remote Elixir and Erlang presenters. • What to bring Yourself! A laptop sometimes comes in handy. • Important to know Pizza and drinks are typically provided by Weedmaps. |