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Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 5:12pm.
pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group - Igal Rememberance Edition
This meeting we've decided to meet at our old haunt, the back room of the SE Lucky Lab, remembering our awesome group organizer Igal, who hosted the group since its inception in 2007, but tragically left us last week. Come talk to others who knew him, members of of functional programming community, share stories, commiserate, have a drink.
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.