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727 NE 24th Ave
Portland, OR 97232, US (map)

The office for Househappy.com

Future events happening here

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Past events that happened here

  • Wednesday
    Oct 18 2017
    Erlang-Elixir Meetup


    Doors open at 6:30. Talks start at 7:00.

    Pizza, soda and beer provided by Weedmaps.

    October's meeting will host a set of mini talks, up to 20 minutes each.


    • Paul Rogers:


    • Zach:

    Elixir Bot Server Frog and Toad

    • Moxley Stratton:

    Test mocks

  • Wednesday
    Jun 21 2017
    Thesis: An Elixir/Phoenix CMS


    For the longest time, content management systems have been dominated by PHP projects like WordPress, Drupal, and the like. But for those of us who want to build a Phoenix website, our only recourse has been to build some sort of admin and implement content management from scratch.

    Thesis provides an easily bolted on content editing system to your Phoenix website and provides a great developer and user experience. It works with your existing authentication system and database and is only a few lines of code to implement on your site.

    Jamon Holmgren created Thesis originally for Rails and then recreated it for Phoenix along with Yulian Glukhenko. He’ll talk about what Thesis is and give a demo of implementing it onto an existing Phoenix website.

    Doors open at 6:30, and the talk starts around 7. Pizza and drinks provided by Househappy

  • Wednesday
    May 17 2017
    Erlang/Elixir Meetup


    The Secure Remote Password Cryptor (SRPC) addresses mobile app security in a post web-app world. SRPC provides HTTPS quality security without the explicit transfer of trust inherent in using HTTPS with PKI. SRPC is immune to HTTPS Man-in-the-Middle issues and also provides many features out-of-scope for HTTPS.

    SRPC requires a pair of libraries, one on the client device and one on the server. To create an easy way for mobile app developers to try SRPC, I've built a Erlang OTP system that acts as an SRPC tunnel to an "unaltered" HTTP server. The system is comprised of:

    • srpc_lib: Low-level functionality
    • srpc_srv: The SRPC protocol
    • srpc_elli: An Elli layer to expose srpc_srv to an elli app

    There are two optional pieces:

    • srpc_elli_proxy: Proxies request to the "unaltered" HTTP server
    • srpc_elli_lager: Lager module

    Finally, I have a test system for testing the iOS framework (Android is underway):

    • srpc_elli_test: Test implementation

    Presented by Paul Rogers, an independent software engineer with many years of development experience across multiple platforms using a number of different computer languages. He has a Master of Science in Mathematics, which helps him dig into the internals of cryptography, and a Master of Science in Physical Oceanography.

    This will likely be a small talk, with room for additional mini talks.

  • Wednesday
    Mar 15 2017
    Auto-generated docs from the Erlang AST in Kazoo


    The Portland Erlang and Elixir User Group's March meeting

    The age-old trope of developers being lazy and never writing docs has some basis in reality. What can we do to use the code developers write to create documentation and other assets? I'm not talking about annotations or "special" code comments either - the actual code (well, the AST the compiler creates from the code).

    With Kazoo, we have a growing userbase wanting to build their own functionality on top of the platform; yet our docs were lagging, out of date, all over the place, or simply non-existent. Come learn how we are taking docs seriously, jump-started the effort by exploiting patterns in our codebase to auto-generate docs and JSON schemas, and built controls into our CI to hopefully ensure the docs are maintained and up to date.

    Bio: Having worked on Kazoo for 7+ years now, James Aimonetti has made it his mission to bring better docs to Kazoo's open-source and commercial users. He wants to spread the gospel to other developers and hopefully provide some ideas for how you can bring docs into your development culture too!

  • Wednesday
    Feb 22 2017
    Erlang-Elixir - Moving Complexity Around


    Jesse Cook will lead our exploration tonight.

    Jesse: A beginner Alchemist who's really enjoying the functional nature of Elixir and the design of the language.

    Description: Moving complexity around - What's the best way to provide a unified API in front of some of the worst APIs out there? The tools I reached for are Phoenix, Absinthe for GraphQL and a series of adapters. These adapters utilize both polymorphism and metaprogramming, but was this the right way to do it in Elixir? Let's discuss the overall architecture and the nitty gritty details.

  • Wednesday
    Oct 19 2016
    Using Elixir to Synchronize PostgreSQL to Elasticsearch - Portland Erlang/Elixir Meetup


    This month Moxley Stratton from Househappy will present on some of the things they're doing at HouseHappy. In particular how they are using Elixir to synchronize PostgreSQL to Elasticsearch.

    He'll include a discussion on a tool I wrote that lets you write totally dynamic queries for Ecto.

    Pizza and beverages generously provided by our friends at HouseHappy!

    • Steve
  • Wednesday
    Oct 21 2015
    Chat Bot Deathmatch! - Portland Erlang and Elixir Meetup


    Jeff Wiess will share his presentation from ElixirConf EU and give us a live demo:

    Chat Bot: A Practical Walkthrough of the powerful Features Elixir/Erlang/OTP

    Bring your laptop and be ready to help us try and crash Jeff's chat server service.

    Written in Elixir, a "Ruby-like" flavor of Erlang this demo will show supervision trees, clustering and live code updating.

    Our generous hosts this month are HouseHappy.

  • Wednesday
    Sep 16 2015
    Erlang/OTP at the Jedi Temple


    If you've heard of Erlang, perhaps you've also seen the acronym "OTP". What the heck is "OTP" and why do the Jedi refer to it as the "magic" that gives Erlang it's reputation for scalability and fault tolerance?

    Why is it called Erlang/OTP? What gives? How does this relate to Elixir? What should I know about it?

    Nathan Aschbacher of Visa and Elixir Games PDX has kindly agreed to join us and share his wisdom, give us an overview and also, to levitate R2D2.

    Our generous hosts this month are HouseHappy.

    October we followup on this deep topic with Jeff Weiss showing self-healing application magic in Elixir and OTP. Hope to see you there!

    • Steve
  • Erlang/OTP at the Jedi Temple


    If you've heard of Erlang, perhaps you've also seen the acronym "OTP". What the heck is "OTP" and why do the Jedi refer to it as the "magic" that gives Erlang it's reputation for scalability and fault tolerance?

    Why is it called Erlang/OTP? What gives? How does this relate to Elixir? What should I know about it?

    Nathan Aschbacher of Visa and Elixir Games PDX has kindly agreed to join us and share his wisdom, give us an overview and also, to levitate R2D2.

    Our generous hosts this month are HouseHappy.

    October we followup on this deep topic with Jeff Weiss showing self-healing application magic in Elixir and OTP. Hope to see you there!

    • Steve