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Thesis: An Elixir/Phoenix CMS

727 NE 24th Ave
Portland, OR 97232, US (map)

Househappy's office is at the corner of NE 24th and Irving. If driving, feel free to park in the parking lot.



For the longest time, content management systems have been dominated by PHP projects like WordPress, Drupal, and the like. But for those of us who want to build a Phoenix website, our only recourse has been to build some sort of admin and implement content management from scratch.

Thesis provides an easily bolted on content editing system to your Phoenix website and provides a great developer and user experience. It works with your existing authentication system and database and is only a few lines of code to implement on your site.

Jamon Holmgren created Thesis originally for Rails and then recreated it for Phoenix along with Yulian Glukhenko. He’ll talk about what Thesis is and give a demo of implementing it onto an existing Phoenix website.

Doors open at 6:30, and the talk starts around 7. Pizza and drinks provided by Househappy

