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Simple (old office)

This venue is no longer open for business.

334 NW 11th
Portland, OR 97209, US (map)

Future events happening here

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Past events that happened here

  • Thursday
    Jul 21 2011

    This will be a pretty casual meeting, but still worthwhile. Bryan Armstrong said he could speak a bit on the new parallel collections support in Scala 2.9. Thomas Lockney may quickly show off a basic Akka demo, but that's looking iffy at this point. If you have anything else you'd like to come talk about, feel free to do so!

    If you haven't been to the BankSimple office before, we have a space in the UrbanAirship building.

  • Thursday
    May 19 2011

    Kender Elford will talk about doing OpenGL programming with Scala, and Leif Warner will do a short talk on using the Spray library, an asynchronous microframework for building full RESTful servlets on top of Akka actors. The meeting will take place at 7PM at the BankSimple offices (aka, the Urban Airship building), which is located at 334 NW 11th (at the intersection of 11th and Flanders). If you have any trouble finding it, feel free to call me at 971-322-9408. If possible, I'll try to make sure we have some pizza there (anyone want to sponsor this month?). Also, I believe we have a free ticket for OpenSource Bridge to give away.

  • Thursday
    Mar 17 2011

    It's time, once again, for another chance to meet up with fellow Scala developers and enthusiasts (or even the Scala-curious -- you're welcome, too). We'll be meeting this month at the BankSimple offices, located at 334 NW 11th at 7PM this Thursday, March 17th.

    I'll give a brief talk about our experiences building Scala code on top of a Clojure framework and some of the trials and tribulations involved in doing so, and Bryan Armstrong will be talk about "Getting back to deterministic resource release by reimplementing 'disposable' semantics and conditionally verifying client code compliance via phantom reference tracking."

    Of course, there will also be time for open discussion and questions, possibly even a brief ad-hoc presentation if someone has something they really want to show off.

  • Thursday
    Jan 20 2011
    PDXScala: Octobot distributed queue worker, bridging JRuby and Scala, etc

    PDXScala is the Portland, Oregon based Scala users group.

    The meeting will be at BankSimple, please use this door -- there will be a "PDXscala" sign on it.

    PRESENTATIONS * Scott Andreas showing off the Scala port of his Octobot project, which was recently deployed successfully to handle a heavy job processing load at UrbanAirship. * Stephen Judkins will also show off some work he's done to integrate JRuby and Scala. * If you have any topics you'd like to discuss or code you'd like to show off, please bring it along!
