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pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group

Janrain Headquarters
519 SW 3rd Ave. Suite 200
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)
Public WiFi

Access Notes

Enter the Dekum building in the middle of the block on the West side of 3rd Avenue, between Washington and Alder. Meetings are in 4th floor basketball court.

In the 4th floor basketball court.



This month we're happy to have Carl Howells presenting "A Tale of Two Libraries, or How Recent GHC Features Make Type Hackery Easier Than API Design", stemming from his recent work on a haskell library using many of the new type system features added in GHC 7.4 and 7.6. Topics will include type-level naturals and their reification via singleton types, lifted data types, kind polymorphism, and fiddly GHC details that make all these things slightly less awesome than they should be. Also included will be an object lesson in the dangers of naming and releasing too early.

Also, we'll have Lyle Kopnicky talking on "Just-in-Time Compilation in Haskell".

See you there!

ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.

