Download an iCalendar file or subscribe to a feed of events at this venue.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 9:33pm and last updated
Wednesday, May 22, 2013 at 4:20pm.
Janrain Headquarters
user management platform for the social web
Access Notes
Enter the Dekum building in the middle of the block on the West side of 3rd Avenue, between Washington and Alder. Meetings are in 4th floor basketball court.
Future events happening here
- - No events -
Past events that happened here
WednesdaySep 23 2015Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail Jesse Hallett .
SundayDec 7 2014pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
Jake Brownson will be presenting on his project River:
River is a purely functional reactive system built on top of C++11 with some Ruby metaprogramming. It's reactive in the sense that as inputs to the program change invalidations ripple through a big graph of functions until they hit the outputs which greedily reevaluate the graph. One significant difference from other reactive systems is that there is no notion of time, or sequences of values at the language level. There is no notion of events, or continuous streams of values. It is just a big function that gets reevaluated as the input changes. We can talk about these things using the system, but they aren't first class.
One key idea is to push all of the logical state out of the program itself and just make the outputs a big function of the inputs to the program. One big function.
Inputs to the program can be things like the total console input as a list of characters, a list of clicks the user has made, etc. Outputs of the program are things like "There should be a window on screen" "The window should be called 'Frank'", "The window should have this button on it", etc. When the user clicks a button in the window the inputs change and a new output is calculated. Maybe the window is now called "Bob". Maybe the window no longer is on screen, but there's no state in the program that isn't a function of the inputs.
Interactive Haskell programs work by ultimately evaluating some lazy list of things that doesn't end until the program is terminated. They're always in a state of being partially evaluated until the program ends. In each invalidation cycle the River program is fully evaluated, but the bits of it that are dependent on inputs that could change stay in memory so they can respond to changing inputs. An input list may have been empty the first go around, but now it has an item in it.
I'm building River as the first phase of a larger project, but would be a whole different talk that hopefully I'll be able to do some day when I have something to demo. I'm always happy to rant about it if you ask though :).
If the group is interested I would be showing an AppKit GUI implementation of the logic puzzle Akari running in the system and digging in to how things work a bit (don't worry, I won't show the particularly crazy c++ bits). I'll also show an interactive visualization of the in-memory graph that allows you to navigate it hierarchically which makes a great debugging tool.
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayOct 22 2014Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
On the agenda this month:
Daniel Johnson will talk about his use of postMessage when embedding YouTube and Vimeo.
Brian Mock will talk about writing parsers in JavaScript
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail Luc Perkins ( and Jesse Hallett (
WednesdaySep 24 2014Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
We have two talks on the schedule this month:
- Sean Adkinson will show us webpack, a module bundler. webpack takes modular code, css, and so forth and produces bundled static assets.
- Jim Kogler will follow up on his previous talk on Grunt - this month he will talk about plugins for Gulp, and perhaps also for Broccoli. It will be a confluence of the web's greatest build tools!
Pizza will be provided, thanks to Odyssey Science Innovations.
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail Jesse Hallett (
WednesdayAug 27 2014Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
This month Jesse Hallett will talk about React and the Virtual DOM. React is a library for building HTML views in a less stateful, more functional way than is done with many other frameworks. Under the hood it uses a virtual DOM representation, which makes page updates really fast.
Thanks go to PubNub for sponsoring pizza, and to Janrain for providing meeting space.
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail Jesse Hallett (
WednesdayJun 25 2014Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
There will be two talks at this meeting:
- zuul, multi-framework javascript browser testing, presented by Jon Eisen
- Grunt Basics, an introduction to the powerful build system implemented with NodeJs, presented by Jim Kogler
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail Luc Perkins ( and Jesse Hallett (
WednesdayApr 23 2014Portland JavaScript Admirers' Lightning Talks
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
This is the meeting where we will have LIGHTNING TALKS!
I encourage everyone to give a talk—especially anyone who has not given a talk at a user group meeting before. This is a great opportunity to practice speaking with a bite-size time slot. I (Jesse) have found that giving presentations is a good way to get name/face recognition, which has opened a lot of doors for me. And this will be a context where there will be other people speaking who have also not given a talk before.
Talks will be 5 minute presentations, with or without slides or other visual aids of your choosing. Choose any topic that interests you—so long as it is safe-for-work.
If you would like to give a talk, send an email to Jesse Hallett ( to be added to the list. If you are going to use slides please send a copy to the same address so that we can have everybody's presentations ready to go on one computer. Sign up first and send the slides later if you need time to make the slides. Slots will be first-come, first-served. We have time for 12–14 presentations.
I wanted to include some tips for anyone who has not given a lightning talk before:
Practice! Do your talk out loud a few times in front a friend, mirror, an empty room, or whatever. Time yourself while practicing. You will feel silly doing this. But it is the only way to make sure that you are prepared to get the most use out of your five minutes. That is a very short time slot. Practicing will help you to focus on important points, and will help you to avoid points that you might otherwise stumble over.
Speak slowly, and take pauses while you are speaking. When I am in front of a room full of people, I have a tendency to worry that I am wasting a lot of people's time, which makes me want to rush and to talk too fast. I think that this is a common reaction. You can give a better talk by resisting the temptation to hurry. Pausing between points, or when you need a moment to collect your thoughts, will give your audience opportunity to digest your points. Remember that a pause that feels long and awkward to you probably does not feel that way to your audience.
If you use slides, my suggestion is to use at most 10 slides. That is one slide for every 30 seconds of speaking time. Your slide count is one way to estimate whether you are trying to fit in too much material for the given time.
It is preferable to cover one point well than to go over five points hastily. Think about what the core point of your talk is, and how much you can take out while still conveying that point.
Have some water handy—public speaking tends to lead to cottonmouth.
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail and Jesse Hallett (
WednesdayMar 26 2014Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
We have three talks scheduled for this meeting:
- A demo of WebRTC, presented by Ken Stowell
- Escaping callback hell with generators, presented by Jacob Rothstein
- Mob Programming: what works, what doesn't, presented by Cameron Knight
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail Jesse Hallett (
WednesdayFeb 26 2014Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
We will have two presentations this month:
- Working with Dart, with an intro to Polymer elements, futures, and DOM manipulation, presented by Luc Perkins. GitHub repo for the example DartNote app:
- Ember.js, presented by Tom Dale
I would like to note that Tom Dale is one of the core members of the Ember.js project.
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer.
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail Jesse Hallett (
TuesdayFeb 25 2014PDX Women in IT Happy Hour Networking Event
Janrain is looking forward to hosting PDXWIT's February networking event, offering you a chance to meet some of our employees, enjoy light appetizers and drinks, and celebrate the official unveiling of Janrain's new website and PDXWIT's new logo!
PDX Women in Information Technology exists to celebrate professional women in the Portland-metro area who work with, manage, lead or have an interest in technology. Whether you are developing event-driven, non-blocking applications in node.js or setting technology strategy for a Fortune 500 company–or anything in between–come join us!
@PDXWiIT @janrain
WednesdayFeb 12 2014PDXScala Monthly Meeting
Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group!
This month we’re stoked to have Rob Norris present on zippers, a technique for navigating (and updating) data structures. Sure to be rad and/or mind-blowing, as per usual.
We can try collaboratively taking notes on talk(s) on etherpad.As we've been doing for some months now, the first hour of tonight's meeting will be oriented towards people who are new to Scala. If you have questions you'd like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we'll be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we'll have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics, so if you have something you'd like to talk about or code you'd like to show, come prepared! We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry.
We look forward to see you all there!
MondayFeb 10 2014pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
See the mailing list for details on this month's agenda:!forum/pdxfunc
Jake Brownson will report on the experience of implementing both an Akari logic puzzle solver and generator in both Clojure and Haskell. Some discussion will be had, and hopefully he'll get some questions answered.
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayJan 22 2014Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
This month Randie Bemis will give a talk, Understanding JavaScript Promises. The talk will address:
- What Promises are
- What problems they solve
- How they work under the hood (live code our own Promise object)
- RSVP.js or Q
- Promises/A+ Spec
We will also have a presentation from Luc Perkins on Dart, the programming language from Google. Luc will give us a basic intro to:
- Polymer elements
- futures
- DOM manipulation in Dart
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail Luc Perkins ( and Jesse Hallett (
MondayJan 13 2014pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
Jim Snow will give a short presentation on some Haskell code he wrote to explore just intonation tuning systems. He uses this to figure out where to to put the frets on some just intonation guitars he's built, among other things.
Additionally, whatever other topics people bring up for discussion between now and then are welcome, too!
See the mailing list for details on this month's agenda:!forum/pdxfunc
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayJan 8 2014PDXScala Monthly Meeting
Come join other Scala fans, whether you are a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We will have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you are interested in hearing more about or something you would like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you would like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group!
This month, Susan Potter will be joining us to give a couple of motivating examples of Scalaz usage showing how thinking more functionally can yield less complex code. More details on other talks and possible discussion topics will be coming shortly. If you have a topic you would like to discuss or present on, let us know on the mailing list (!forum/pdxscala) or ping @tlockney on Twitter!
Finally, as usual, the first hour of this meeting will be oriented towards people who are relatively new to Scala. If you have questions you would like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we will be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we will have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics. Pizza will be here at 6, so come early if you are hungry.
We look forward to seeing you all there!
WednesdayDec 11 2013PDXScala Monthly Meeting
Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned old-timer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group!
As we've been doing for some months now, the first hour of tonight's meeting will be oriented towards people who are new to Scala. If you have questions you'd like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we'll be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we'll have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics, so if you have something you'd like to talk about or code you'd like to show, come prepared! We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry.
We look forward to see you all there!
WednesdayNov 13 2013PDXScala Monthly Meeting
Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group!
As we've been doing for some months now, the first hour of tonight's meeting will be oriented towards people who are new to Scala. If you have questions you'd like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we'll be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we'll have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics, so if you have something you'd like to talk about or code you'd like to show, come prepared! We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry.
We look forward to see you all there!
MondayNov 11 2013pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
Jake Brownson will be presenting on his project River:
River is a purely functional reactive system built on top of C++11 with some Ruby metaprogramming. It's reactive in the sense that as inputs to the program change invalidations ripple through a big graph of functions until they hit the outputs which greedily reevaluate the graph. One significant difference from other reactive systems is that there is no notion of time, or sequences of values at the language level. There is no notion of events, or continuous streams of values. It is just a big function that gets reevaluated as the input changes. We can talk about these things using the system, but they aren't first class.
One key idea is to push all of the logical state out of the program itself and just make the outputs a big function of the inputs to the program. One big function.
Inputs to the program can be things like the total console input as a list of characters, a list of clicks the user has made, etc. Outputs of the program are things like "There should be a window on screen" "The window should be called 'Frank'", "The window should have this button on it", etc. When the user clicks a button in the window the inputs change and a new output is calculated. Maybe the window is now called "Bob". Maybe the window no longer is on screen, but there's no state in the program that isn't a function of the inputs.
Interactive Haskell programs work by ultimately evaluating some lazy list of things that doesn't end until the program is terminated. They're always in a state of being partially evaluated until the program ends. In each invalidation cycle the River program is fully evaluated, but the bits of it that are dependent on inputs that could change stay in memory so they can respond to changing inputs. An input list may have been empty the first go around, but now it has an item in it.
I'm building River as the first phase of a larger project, but would be a whole different talk that hopefully I'll be able to do some day when I have something to demo. I'm always happy to rant about it if you ask though :).
If the group is interested I would be showing an AppKit GUI implementation of the logic puzzle Akari running in the system and digging in to how things work a bit (don't worry, I won't show the particularly crazy c++ bits). I'll also show an interactive visualization of the in-memory graph that allows you to navigate it hierarchically which makes a great debugging tool.
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayOct 23 2013Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail
We are still looking for presenters for this meet-up, so please contact me if there's something you'd like to share with us!
MondayOct 14 2013pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
See the mailing list for details on this month's agenda:
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayOct 9 2013PDXScala Monthly Meeting
Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group!
Proposed subjects so far for tonight:
Rob says he's been working on a port of attoparsec (a fast Haskell parser combinator library) that he could demo for a bit.
Leif has been incorporating a writer monad into some RDF->JSON code he's updating to output JSON-LD.
As we've been doing for some months now, the first hour of tonight's meeting will be oriented towards people who are new to Scala. If you have questions you'd like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we'll be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we'll have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics, so if you have something you'd like to talk about or code you'd like to show, come prepared! We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry.
We look forward to see you all there!
WednesdaySep 25 2013Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
This will be a lightning talk meeting! I encourage everyone to give a short presentation - five minutes or less - especially if you have not presented at pdxjs before. The talk can be on anything you want.
Pick a topic and make some slides, if you want to use slides. A five minute talk works well with ten or fewer slides, which gives you 30 seconds per slide. Add your name and a link to your slides (if any) to the signup sheet.
In addition, Kyle Drake will be presenting on Coinpunk, the future of browser cryptography, why he thinks server-side encryption and password hashing is going away, and how to use HTML5/JS/Node to develop secure applications for Bitcoin, a technology Rickard Falkvinge called "the Napster of banking".
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer.
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail
WednesdaySep 11 2013PDXScala Monthly Meeting
- This month, we have Luc Perkins from Janrain giving a talk on the fundamentals of Slick, a popular library for working with SQL databases from Scala. (
Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. This is a great opportunity to share Scala knowledge and meet other practitioners and enthusiasts. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group.
As we've been doing for some months now, the first hour of tonight's meeting will be oriented towards people who are new to Scala. If you have questions you'd like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we'll be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we'll have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics, so if you have something you'd like to talk about or code you'd like to show, come prepared! We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry.
We look forward to see you all there!
MondaySep 9 2013pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
Jim Snow will talk about, a reputation-based collaborative social site he's been working on, written in Haskell with the Yesod framework for the frontend, and acid-state for persistence.
Jesse Hallett will talk about Mori, a library that ports functional data structures from Clojure / ClojureScript to JavaScript.
Hope to see you there!
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayAug 28 2013Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
There will be three presentations this month:
- Create Ajax mocks with a HAR file to simplify testing, presented by Jake Feasel
- Extending Esri Leaflet to build mapping apps, presented by Patrick Arlt
- Haxe and random numbers, presented by Duncan Beevers
If time permits we may also have an exciting lightning talk!
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail
WednesdayAug 14 2013PDXScala Monthly Meeting
Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned old-timer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group!
This month, we're actually planning something a little bit different form even our new format. I (Thomas Lockney) will be giving a quick introduction to Scalatron (, which is a fun way to learn and hone Scala skills in a group environment. The idea is that you build Scala-based "bots" that compete against each other in a common environment. Depending on how the group feels, we can potentially just spend the evening focused on this. But we'll also have time, if people are interested, to explore other topics, as well. We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry.
We look forward to see you all there!
MondayAug 12 2013pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
This month we're happy to have Carl Howells presenting "A Tale of Two Libraries, or How Recent GHC Features Make Type Hackery Easier Than API Design", stemming from his recent work on a haskell library using many of the new type system features added in GHC 7.4 and 7.6. Topics will include type-level naturals and their reification via singleton types, lifted data types, kind polymorphism, and fiddly GHC details that make all these things slightly less awesome than they should be. Also included will be an object lesson in the dangers of naming and releasing too early.
Also, we'll have Lyle Kopnicky talking on "Just-in-Time Compilation in Haskell".
See you there!
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayJul 24 2013Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
On the agenda for this month:
- Client-side A/B Testing with jQuery, presented by Howard Abrams
- Sibilant: a LISP dialect that compiles to JavaScript, presented by Jacob Rothstein
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail
MondayJul 8 2013pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayJun 26 2013Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
On the agenda for this meeting:
- All about GorillaScript, presented by Cameron Knight, the creator of GorillaScript
- Backplane Protocol, presented by Luc Perkins
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail luc (at) janrain (dot) com and hallettj (at) gmail (dot) com.
WednesdayJun 12 2013PDXScala Monthly Meeting
We'll have Tyler Benson from New Relic giving a talk about the recently released support for Play 2. Thomas will also give a bit of a walk through on setting up a new project with SBT oriented for newcomers. As we've been doing for a couple months now, the first hour of tonight's meeting will be oriented towards people who are new to Scala. If you have questions you'd like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we'll be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we'll have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics, so if you have something you'd like to talk about or code you'd like to show, come prepared! We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry.
MondayJun 10 2013pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
ThursdayMay 30 2013Zissou Society for Programming Language Exploration
The Zissou Society for Programming Language Exploration (aka pdxlang) is a general programming language discussion/exploration group. The weird, the offbeat, the little-known, the forgotten programming languages. These are the things we discuss and explore.
Scheduled speakers: Bart Massey talking about M4 and Dave DiNucci talking about ScalPL.
There will be pizza and beer.
WednesdayMay 22 2013Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
We have two talks on the agenda for this meeting:
- Sean Adkinson will demo RequireJS and will provide helpful tips based on his experience with RequireJS.
- Kevin Lynagh will talk about a project that he worked on based on Angular.js + ClojureScript + iOS + data visualization. JS folks may also be interested in an extensible serialization scheme that sits on top of JSON that is used in the app.
We will be raffling off a free pass to Open Source Bridge. You can enter the raffle here.
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail Luc Perkins and Jesse Hallett.
MondayMay 13 2013pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
Luc Perkins has offered to give a talk "Pandoc: the deep dive." - an exploration of how Pandoc works its magic, and why FP is a good choice for that kind of project.
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayMay 8 2013PDXScala Monthly Meeting
Hey folks, it's that time again. We'll have some great beginner friend material courtesy of Rob Norris along with time for general questions and answers for any one who's just getting started with Scala and wants to know how more experienced Scala developers might do things. In addition, Kevin Scaldeferri will be giving a bit of a preview of the material for the talk he'll be giving at Lambdajam ( later this summer, covering "using the cake pattern to bridge the divide between unit testing and functional testing." We'll have pizza and we welcome attendees whether you're deep in the Scala world or just passing by and wanting to see what all this functional programming in the OO world is about.
WednesdayApr 24 2013Portland JavaScript Admirers' Monthly Meeting
The monthly meeting of Portland's first JavaScript and ECMAscript users' group. We host presentations and discussions on everything JavaScript-related - including JavaScript frameworks, node.js, CoffeeScript, and whatever else comes up.
Feel free to join our mailing list at if you too are a JavaScript admirer. Or visit our web site for more information at
If you're interested in making a presentation at this or at a future meet-up, please e-mail
We are still looking for presenters for this meet-up, so please contact me if there's something you'd like to share with us!
WednesdayApr 10 2013PDXScala
Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group!
This month we will be continuing with our new format with the first hour of the meeting (now starting at 6PM) devoted to newcomers to Scala. If you have questions about getting started with Scala, how to set up a project, or advice on libraries, idioms or whatever, come by and join in. In addition, we have a couple very interesting talks lined up for those of you who want to dive a bit deeper:
- Bryan Armstrong will be present the Spray HTTP library.
- Leif Warner will be giving a talk on the Scalaz Stream library (, a Scala derivative of Edward Kmett's Haskell-based "Machines" library (
We'll have pizza available at 6, so if you're planning to join us, come early if you're hungry!
WednesdayMar 13 2013PDXScala Meeting
Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group!
This month we will be starting a new format with the first hour of the meeting (now starting at 6PM) devoted to newcomers to Scala. If you have questions about getting started with Scala, how to set up a project, or advice on libraries, idioms or whatever, come by and join in. In addition, we have three very interesting talks lined up for those of you who want to dive a bit deeper:
- Anthony Dupre will be talking about more Play Framework goodness including Iteratees and Numeratees.
- Rob Norris will be talking about using the free monad to build pure APIs that manipulate mutable objects.
- Leif Warner will be giving a talk on the Scalaz Stream library (, a Scala derivative of Edward Kmett's Haskell-based "Machines" library (
We'll have pizza available at 6, so if you're planning to join us, come early if you're hungry!
MondayMar 11 2013pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayFeb 13 2013PDXScala Meeting
Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group!
This month we'll have talks on Spray, iteratees as implemented in Play and the new SIP-15 value classes.
MondayFeb 11 2013pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
Please note new location: Larger space on the 4th floor this time, not 6th floor.
Joe Hurd can give a tutorial-like talk on an optimization technique for functional programs that he calls explicit laziness. And then we can talk about anything else people would like to discuss.
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
MondayJan 14 2013pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
- Lyle Kopnicky will present the "Scrap Your Boilerplate" library for generic programming in Haskell.
- Bart Massey will talk about his work-in-progress project for Minecraft data management tools in Haskell, assuming he can get downtown given the weather.
- ...and more!
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, OCaml, Erlang, Scala and others, as well as using functional techniques in non-functional languages. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayJan 9 2013PDXScala Monthly Meeting
Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions and a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in hearing more about or something you'd like to give a presentation on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd like to show off or get input on from the rest of the group!
This month, we plan to have talks on:
- Dave Rostron will discuss the new Scala 2.10 reflection library with possible additional material on macros.
- Kevin Scaldeferri will do a walk through of how Gilt Groupe is using SBT to support development of highly-distributed micro-services architecture.
- Bryan Armstrong will be doing a presentation on Spray.
We look forward to seeing you there!
MondayDec 10 2012pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
- Paul deGrandis on Clojure data structures and reducers. Reducers are based on monoids and protocols, and automatically parallelize folding and mapping on sequences/collections.
- Leif Warner on Idris, a general purpose pure functional programming language with dependent types. "Idris is a language perhaps between Haskell and Scala, but with dependent types. For the most part it looks much like Haskell, only types and values share the same namespace. Other features it offers are things like a simple FFI to C, idiom brackets, and extensible syntax."
- ...and much more!
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayDec 5 2012PDXScala Monthly Meeting
Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions, and, a variety of presentations and examples. If you have topics you're interested in talking about or giving a talk on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd either like to show off or get input on.
Planned topics include: the new futures and promises API introduced by SIP-14 in Scala 2.10, phantom types, and an introduction to the Play framework.
MondayNov 12 2012pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
This meeting is pdxfunc's 5 year anniversary. There will be food, drink and cake1. You're welcome to bring other tasty things to share. We'll have utensils, napkins and plates available.
- Bart Massey and Jamey Sharp will talk about the bidirectional superfold, demonstrating the power of lazy programming with Haskell.
- Jesse Hallett will talk about implementing the state monad in JavaScript.
- Echo Nolan will talk about the Haskell "numbers" package.
- ...and much more!
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
1 The cake is a lie.
WednesdayNov 7 2012PDXScala
Come join other Scala fans, whether you're a seasoned oldtimer or complete beginner. We'll have open discussions, and, if anyone steps forward, some focused presentations or examples. If you have topics you're interested in talking about or giving a talk on, please let us know! Also, feel free to bring code you'd either like to show off or get input on.
MondayOct 8 2012pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
- Matt Youell will talk about some of the functional features of C#
- Echo Nolan will talk about functional reactive programming (FRP) and the reactive-banana library for Haskell. More specifically, a series of worked examples in audio synthesis will be explored, showing the expressive power of FRP; hopefully positively answering the questions: "What can FRP do for me?" and "Why should I bother learning yet another abstraction?"
- Lyle Kopnicky will present "SKI School: The Combinator Calculus Demystified", covering the SKI-calculus, Peano and Church numerals, and Iota. Fun math games!
- ...and a lot more!
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
MondaySep 10 2012pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
Lyle Kopnicky will compare and contrast functional reactive programming (FRP) with Max, the visual programming environment for music and video. They exist in the generally distinct worlds of computer science academia and professional production of live music and video. He will also touch on two FRP systems, FrTime and Yampa, as they are very different, but together illustrate the variations on FRP.
Philip Weaver will talk about performance tuning in Haskell. Laziness in Haskell can lead to performance that is very poor and difficult to understand. He will discuss a recent experience where memory consumption in a TLS implementation was about 100x the expected amount, how he used the GHC profiler to diagnose the problem, and how he used mutable variables and low-level GHC primitives to optimize the algorithm.
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
SPONSORS: This meeting's venue, food and drinks are kindly sponsored by Janrain, providers of hosted user management solutions for social login and sharing, single sign-on and social profile storage:
WednesdaySep 5 2012
MondayAug 13 2012pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
- Thomas Lockney will talk about how Scala's Akka fits into the functional programming environment (e.g. using futures to compose interactions with actors), and how actors can be used in Akka to do things usually delegated to external middleware.
- ...and more!
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
MondayJul 9 2012pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
- Lyle Kopnicky will present the design of a DSL for validating JSON structures from Janrain. It's in Ruby, but functional-inspired.
- Nathan Collins will present on a core language for better records in Haskell. These primitives build a record system with a nice surface language syntax that offers benefits over the traditional Haskell records: first-class records, reusable field names, row polymorphism, direct setting/modifying nested fields, extensible records, polymorphic updates, etc.
- ...and more!
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
MondayJul 2 2012PDXScala Meeting
Come join other Scala enthusiasts to talk about all-things Scala related. Whether you're a newcomer or are writing books on the subject, we welcome you. If you're interested in giving a talk or have a talk you'd like someone to give (we'll do our best to find someone qualified), let us know.
This month, we plan to have presentations and discussions around Akka, actors and futures (both Akka's implementation and others). Come join us if you're interested in these topics or others.
MondayJun 11 2012pdxfunc: Portland Functional Programming Study Group
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
MondayMay 14 2012Portland Functional Programming Study Group
- Gregory Benison on applying FP techniques for "real world" problems using C: I would like to present an example from my work in protein biochemistry where ideas from functional programming - namely lazy evaluation and immutable data - were important in approaching a "real world" problem. The program I want to discuss is implemented in C and I believe this to be a good example of how ideas from FP can be useful in almost any language.
- ...and others
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayMay 2 2012PDXScala Meeting
Come join other Scala enthusiasts to talk about all-things Scala related. Whether you're a newcomer or are writing books on the subject, we welcome you. If you're interested in giving a talk or have a talk you'd like someone to give (we'll do our best to find someone qualified), let us know.
MondayApr 9 2012Portland Functional Programming Study Group
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayApr 4 2012PDXScala Meeting
Come join other Scala enthusiasts to talk about all-things Scala related. Whether you're a newcomer or are writing books on the subject, we welcome you. If you're interested in giving a talk or have a talk you'd like someone to give (we'll do our best to find someone qualified), let us know.
Perhaps Thomas and Leif could talk about the things seen at NEScala last month. Check the mailing list for updates/discussion:
MondayMar 12 2012Portland Functional Programming Study Group
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayMar 7 2012PDXScala Meeting
Come join other Scala enthusiasts to talk about all-things Scala related. Whether you're a newcomer or are writing books on the subject, we welcome you. If you're interested in giving a talk or have a talk you'd like someone to give (we'll do our best to find someone qualified), let us know.
MondayFeb 13 2012Portland Functional Programming Study Group
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayFeb 1 2012PDXScala Meeting
Come join other Scala enthusiasts to talk about all-things Scala related. Whether you're a newcomer or are writing books on the subject, we welcome you. If you're interested in giving a talk or have a talk you'd like someone to give (we'll do our best to find someone qualified), let us know.
WednesdayJan 25 2012
MondayJan 9 2012Portland Functional Programming Study Group
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
MondayDec 12 2011Portland Functional Programming Study Group
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayDec 7 2011PDXScala Meeting
Come join other Scala enthusiasts to talk about all-things Scala related. Whether you're a newcomer or are writing books on the subject, we welcome you. If you're interested in giving a talk or have a talk you'd like someone to give (we'll do our best to find someone qualified), let us know.
WednesdayNov 30 2011
MondayNov 14 2011Portland Functional Programming Study Group
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
WednesdayNov 2 2011PDXScala Meeting
Come join other Scala enthusiasts to talk about all-things Scala related. Whether you're a newcomer or are writing books on the subject, we welcome you. If you're interested in giving a talk or have a talk you'd like someone to give (we'll do our best to find someone qualified), let us know.
WednesdayOct 26 2011
MondayOct 10 2011Portland Functional Programming Study Group
ABOUT THE GROUP: Join programmers, researchers and enthusiasts to discuss functional programming. pdxfunc is a study/user group exploring the world of functional programming based in Portland, Oregon. The group welcomes programmers interested in all functional languages, including Haskell, Erlang, OCaml, Scala, and others. The group meets regularly and provides presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. The meetings are usually on the second Monday of the month.
This meeting's venue, food and drinks are kindly sponsored by Janrain, providers of hosted user management solutions for social login and sharing, single sign-on and social profile storage.
TuesdaySep 20 2011
TuesdayAug 16 2011
TuesdayJul 19 2011
ThursdayJun 9 2011Janrain Engage for Android 1.0 workshop
Hello Portland Android Developers!
Janrain is getting ready to release version 1.0 of the brand new Engage for Android library which includes an abstract and easy to implement user authentication component, as well as an extremely simple to use social sharing UI. In anticipation of our upcoming release, we’re hosting a fast track introduction workshop for interested Android application developers.
Who might be interested: Are you an Android app developer? Are you interested in authenticating your users via Google, Facebook and other identity providers? Perhaps you are interested in enabling social sharing - including tweets and wall posts - directly from your app? Save time and effort, and leverage the benefits of our abstract implementation - the Engage for Android library.
What our product does: The Janrain Engage for Android library provides a system to authenticate Android application users with their existing identity accounts - e.g. Google, Facebook, and Twitter. The library also provides a system to enable your users to share information from your application via their social networking accounts (LinkedIn, Yahoo, Twitter, MySpace and Facebook.)
What our event is: Janrain is hosting a coding workshop at our downtown office. If you are interested in adding our library to your Android application, we invite you to come! (Please bring your laptop.)
At this workshop we’ll walk through everything an Android application developer needs to implement authentication and social sharing with the Engage for Android library, including: IDE integration, Android project configuration, build system troubleshooting, Engage application creation and configuration, authentication system design (including Engage token URLs!), and social sharing invocation.
When our event is: Thursday, June 9 2011, starting 5pm.
Where our event is: The Janrain Office @ 519 SW 3rd Ave, Suite 600, Portland, OR 97204.
Please click RSVP to, so we can save you a spot and make sure there is enough food and beer. We are looking forward to a fun filled evening with the Android developer community.
So, please join us for an evening of coding, beer and pizza!
TL;DR: Do you want to authenticate your users or do social sharing ezmode? -> Come to our workshop.
TuesdayMay 17 2011Portland AWS Users Group
Portland Amazon AWS Users Group
Jeff Barr is Amazon's chief web services evangelist and will be speaking about what's new with AWS. We'll have a Q&A afterwards so we can pick Jeff's brain about all of those questions that go unanswered.
WednesdayApr 27 2011
WednesdayMar 23 2011
WednesdayJul 14 2010Lunch 2.0 at JanRain
JanRain will be hosting Lunch 2.0 at their office in downtown Portland on Wednesday, July 14, 2010.
Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
Wondering what Lunch 2.0 is?
Lunch 2.0 is a phenomenon that began in Silicon Valley. You can read about their current events and the history behind Lunch 2.0 at
We imported the concept to Portland in 2007, and you can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 at the Silicon Florist.