ERROR: Couldn't find all Calagator::Sources with 'id': (996337139, {:include=>[:events, :venues]}) (found 1 results, but was looking for 2)
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PDXScala Monthly Meeting

Janrain Headquarters
519 SW 3rd Ave. Suite 200
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)
Public WiFi

Access Notes

Enter the Dekum building in the middle of the block on the West side of 3rd Avenue, between Washington and Alder. Meetings are in 4th floor basketball court.



We'll have Tyler Benson from New Relic giving a talk about the recently released support for Play 2. Thomas will also give a bit of a walk through on setting up a new project with SBT oriented for newcomers. As we've been doing for a couple months now, the first hour of tonight's meeting will be oriented towards people who are new to Scala. If you have questions you'd like to ask about general usage, specific libraries, or overall understanding of the ecosystem, we'll be here to help you find your way. For everyone else, we'll have plenty of extra time tonight for any other discussions and topics, so if you have something you'd like to talk about or code you'd like to show, come prepared! We'll have pizza here at 6, so come early if you're hungry.

