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Viewing 0 current events matching “ruby on rails” by Date.

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Viewing 205 past events matching “ruby on rails” by Date.

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May 4, 2009
RailsConf 2009
through Las Vegas Hilton

Happening May 4-7, 2009 at the Las Vegas Hilton, RailsConf is the official event for the Ruby on Rails community. If you're passionate about Rails and what it helps you achieve—or are curious about how Rails can help you create web frameworks better and faster—RailsConf is the place to be.

May 5, 2010
WikiWednesday - The Power of Naming in wikis and Wagn with John Abbe

This WikiWednesday we'll hear John Abbe, a key designer of the structured wiki Wagn (, talk about the importance of naming in your community. Cited by Joshua Schachter as clarifying his thoughts in developing, John will cover concepts of ontology useful for all participatory online spaces, not just wikis.

We'll be reviewing the history and background of the WikiNames concept (, and the further space for creating meaning opened up by Wagn's "plus cards". Other probable forays include Pattern Languages ( , including a pattern language of group process under development.

As always, WikiWednesday is open to everyone. Come at 5:30 for drinks/snacks and the discussion will start at 6:15.

RSVP on Upcoming: or at the PDXwikiWed wiki:

Oct 30, 2010
Calagator Code Sprint - Halloween Edition
NedSpace Old Town

Come make Calagator more awesomer.

May 3, 2011
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Robert Half Technology, 2nd Floor Conference Room

PRESENTATIONS: * Markus Roberts will present yet another delightful Ruby hangman puzzle. * Ezra Zygmuntowicz will talk about VMWare CloudFoundary and its implementation, a platform-as-a-service he's been working on that's written entirely in Ruby. * Eric Redmond will present "The Holy Grail of Databases", an overview of many database and their support for Ruby and Rails. * Kyle Drake will talk about developing concurrent web applications using EventMachine, EM-Synchrony, and his new Sinatra::Synchrony.

GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.

VENUE: 2nd floor conference room, 222 SW Columbia St., Portland OR 97201. The building entrance is on SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue. The door may be locked, but there's a guard on site that will let you in and you can use the doorbell to summon them. Ask the guard nicely to let you up to the 2nd floor conference room, the elevators require them to use a key card. When you get to the 2nd floor, just follow the "pdxruby" signs. This meeting space is kindly offered to us by Robert Half Technology, a company that provides IT staffing services and positions:

Jun 4, 2011
PDX11 Civic Hackathon
PSU Fourth Avenue Building Room FAB 10, Harrison Street Entrance

This hackathon is dedicated to civic projects that folks in the Portland area would like to work on together.

Participation is open to all. Feel free to add your project to our etherpad, and link to a repo.

A short list of projects, bugs to fix or tasks that you'd like to work on would also be helpful.

We've got the confirmation back for the FAB10 classroom for Saturday, June 4 from 8:30AM-5:30PM.

Attendees should be able to enter FAB on Harrison Street (right on the Portland Streetcar line), as the door will be unlocked for the day.

We will have wireless accounts to hand out.

Jun 7, 2011
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Robert Half Technology, 2nd Floor Conference Room

PRESENTATIONS: * Ezra Zygmuntowicz will give a deep technical talk about the Cloud Foundry system he's been working on at VMWare. It's an open source Platform-as-a-Service that plays well with different hosting platforms, frameworks and services. It's written entirely in Ruby and uses bleeding edge features of 1.9, fibers, EventMachine, etc. He'll walk us through the bits and pieces -- no "marketecture", only architecture and deep tech. * Brian Ford will talk about the new Rubinius 2.0 -- * Markus Roberts will present another delightful Ruby hangman puzzle

GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.

Jun 22, 2011
Portland Ruby Brigade birds-of-a-feather at Open Source Bridge
Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

The Ruby programming language continues to be popular for web development and other uses in Portland and beyond. Come talk about what you’re working on, and find out what other people are using Ruby for.

If you'd like to give a short talk (3-10 minutes), please prepare and mention it at the beginning of the meeting so we can add you to the agenda. We'll spend the rest of the time on open discussions, which will be awesome.

The Portland Ruby Brigade (pdxruby) meets regularly to discuss these topics. See for details.

IMPORTANT: If you don’t already have a ticket for the Open Source Bridge conference, you’ll need to either buy one or register for a free “Community Pass” that will let you into the Friday unconference, Hacker Lounge and the evening BoFs:

Jul 5, 2011
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Robert Half Technology, 2nd Floor Conference Room

GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.

VENUE: The building entrance is on SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue. The door may be locked, but there's a guard on site that will let you in and you can use the doorbell to summon them. Ask the guard nicely to let you up to the 2nd floor conference room, the elevators require them to use a key card. When you get to the 2nd floor, just follow the "pdxruby" signs. This meeting space is kindly offered to us by Robert Half Technology, a company that provides IT staffing services and positions:

Aug 2, 2011
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Robert Half Technology, 2nd Floor Conference Room

TALKS * Markus Roberts will present a brand new Ruby Hangman puzzle * Sam Livingston-Gray will give an overview of things he learned at the recent Cascadia Ruby Conference * Igal Koshevoy will talk about the Bundler dependency management tool, and strategies for dynamic dependency injection, deploying, versioning, etc. * Update from the recent Ruby on Rails 3.1 hackfest * ...and much more!

GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.

Aug 23, 2011
Ruby Beginners Meetup
Collective Agency Downtown

Informal meetup targeted at newcomers to Ruby and those interested in helping them. Come by to ask questions. Answer questions. Hack.

This is a bonus beginners' meetup, specifically aimed at the then-to-be-alumni of the Intro to Programming workshop on the 19th and 20th.

Sep 6, 2011
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Robert Half Technology, 2nd Floor Conference Room

PRESENTATIONS: * Markus Roberts will amaze and horrify you with his latest Ruby hangman puzzle. * Koichi Sasada -- creator of YARV, the official Ruby 1.9 implementation -- will talk about new and exciting Ruby 1.9.3 features and his recent work on improving MRI. * Milind S. Pandit will talk about deploying a Ruby on Rails 3.1 app to Heroku, along with overviews of Heroku and the Rails-based Toto blog engine. • Tim Felgentreff will talk about debugger tooling for MagLev. • Jesse Cooke will talk about Lorentz, a Redis data store clone written on top of the MagLev Ruby interpreter. * Igal Koshevoy will give an overview and demo of using Vagrant for quickly and easily providing consistent development environments for your apps.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses.

Oct 4, 2011
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Robert Half Technology, 2nd Floor Conference Room

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

  • Markus Roberts will amaze and horrify the masses again with his latest Ruby hangman puzzle.
  • Jesse Cooke will present Lorentz, a Redis data store clone he's written for the MagLev Ruby interpreter.
  • Tim Felgentreff will share his further adventures in writing a Smalltalk-style Ruby debugger for MagLev.
  • Igal Koshevoy will give an overview of using Vagrant to quickly and easily provide consistent development environments for your apps.
  • Igal Koshevoy will talk about pragmatic metaprogramming and demonstrate code from Citizenry ( that demonstrates how to create reusable functionality and eliminate duplicate code.
  • We'll also discuss interesting stuff brought up at the recent RubyConf.
  • ...and other awesome Ruby-related discussion!
Nov 1, 2011
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Robert Half Technology, 2nd Floor Conference Room

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

Dec 6, 2011
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Robert Half Technology, 2nd Floor Conference Room

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

Jan 3, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Robert Half Technology, 2nd Floor Conference Room

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

Feb 7, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Robert Half Technology, 2nd Floor Conference Room

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

Mar 6, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Robert Half Technology, 2nd Floor Conference Room

10gen: Intro to MongoDB and Schema Design

One of the challenges that comes with moving to MongoDB is figuring how to best model your data. While most developers have internalized the rules of thumb for designing schemas for RDBMSs, these rules don't always apply to MongoDB. The simple fact that documents can represent rich, schema-free data structures means that we have a lot of viable alternatives to the standard, normalized, relational model. Not only that, MongoDB has several unique features, such as atomic updates and indexed array keys, that greatly influence the kinds of schemas that make sense. Understandably, this begets good questions:

  • Are foreign keys permissible, or is it better to represent one-to- many relations withing a single document?
  • Are join tables necessary, or is there another technique for building out many-to-many relationships?
  • What level of denormalization is appropriate?
  • How do my data modeling decisions affect the efficiency of updates and queries?

In this session, we'll answer these questions and more, provide a number of data modeling rules of thumb, and discuss the tradeoffs of various data modeling strategies.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

Apr 3, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting (NEW VENUE)
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

VENUE: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

May 1, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting [NEW VENUE!]
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

VENUE: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

Jun 5, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: Riak, UNIX IPC, Marmoset Patching and more
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


  • Markus Roberts: Hangman Ruby puzzle featuring Marmoset Patching
  • Casey Rosenthal: Overview and use of Riak, a NoSQL database with a focus on availability, fault-tolerance and scaling
  • Jon Guymon: UNIX IPC with Ruby, a report from the trenches at New Relic
  • ...and more

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

VENUE: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

Jul 3, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: Concurrency in Ruby; Installing and managing Ruby interpreters; etc
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


  • Matthew Boeh will present "Concurrency in Ruby": The history of concurrency in Ruby. Current options and how the current Ruby implementations differ. The tradeoffs between evented and threaded approaches to I/O. What Rubyists can learn from other languages.
  • Nic Benders and Igal Koshevoy will present "Installing and Managing Ruby Interpreters": rvm and rbenv + ruby-build; deploying with Chef and Puppet; provisioning with cloud-init and other options.
  • ...and more!

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

VENUE: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

Aug 7, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

The Portland Ruby Brigade has been meeting up for 10 years! We'll have cake, drinks and some curious presentations. Our friends at Crowd Compass are sponsoring a catered dinner by Nicholas. You're welcome to bring desserts or other yummy things to share.


  • Markus Roberts will share a 10th anniversary-themed Ruby puzzle
  • Rogelio J. Samour on "I know Kung Fu! (or neo4j on Rails without jRuby)" details
  • Igal Koshevoy on travis-ci, a easy-to-use, free, open source continuous integration system that's great for open source Ruby projects
  • Phil Tomson and Igal Koshevoy will present a timeline of pdxruby history and talk about major events in the group's history.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

VENUE: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

Sep 4, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Elemental Technologies


  • Jacob Helwig and Markus Roberts: Ruby hangman puzzle
  • Igal Koshevoy on using the factory_girl and database_cleaner gems to make integration testing with database records easier, clearer, faster and properly isolated.
  • ...and a lot of discussions on various Ruby-related topics

IMPORTANT: Help us prepare enough food and drink for you by (1) going to this Plancast page and clicking the "count me in" link on right side, and (2) tell us which pizza you want.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

ABOUT THE SPONSOR: The venue, food and refreshments are provided by Elemental Technologies, a Portland, Oregon software company that specializes in massively parallel processing solutions for video encoding, decoding and transcoding of video over IP networks. For more information, visit

Oct 2, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


  • Lyle Kopnicky of Janrain will present the design, testing/specification, and implementation of a sophisticated DSL for validating JSON structures using a functional programming-inspired approach.
  • Alex Kira will present "Concurrency with JRuby and the JVM", which will cover actors using the Akka library in JRuby in some detail, along with some patterns of use and techniques to help manage concurrency including java.util.concurrent, Futures, and software transactional memory.
  • Lightning talks:
    • Jesse Cooke: Rails generators that generate generators
    • Ben Cullen-Kerney: Acceptance testing command line applications with Aruba/Cucumber
  • ...and much more!

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

SPONSOR: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

Nov 6, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


  • Sam Livingston-Gray will give a brief (15 minutes or less) review of the "Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby" book, and give away at least two copies to those in attendance. (At least one copy will go to a first-time attendee!)
  • Kyle Drake will give a presentation on Celluloid, an actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby.
  • Various folks will provide highlights from the recent RubyConf 2012.
  • ...and lots more!

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

SPONSOR: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

Nov 7, 2012
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the first Wednesday of the month.

Dec 4, 2012
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


  • Markus Roberts will present a Celluloid-centric conundrum.
  • Matthew Boeh will give an overview to Celluloid, a "concurrent object oriented programming framework for Ruby which lets you build multithreaded programs out of concurrent objects just as easily as you build sequential programs out of regular objects" and its new features.
  • Robb Shecter will talk about optimizing Ruby on Rails applications, and how these techniques have been used on his WebLaws and OregonLaws sites. Additional support on the performance topic will also be provided by members of the NewRelic team.
  • ...and lots more!

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby, libraries, tools and techniques. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday".

SPONSOR: This venue is kindly provided by CrowdCompass, "the ultimate mobile app provider for conferences":

Dec 26, 2012
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the first Wednesday of the month.

Jan 8, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Note about the date: Yes, this meeting really is on the 8th because otherwise it would be on New Year's. Normally meetings are on the first Tuesday of a month.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Jan 30, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Feb 5, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


  • Markus Roberts: hangman - "It was a quiet night. The API was RESTful, but the developers weren't."
  • Ed Phillips will give a short talk on design principles within Rails: "For reasons of pragmatism and economy, I'll focus on test design. My current conscious thought on these principles has been reinvigorated by Sandi Metz, so I'll lean heavily on her work, as well as on Avdi's from Objects on Rails."
  • Lennon Day-Reynolds, now working at Twitter, will present "Ruby programming in the large". He'll talk about issues related to having hundreds of engineers working in a very small number of Ruby/Rails repositories, and what has and hasn't worked. He'll touch on process and culture, as well as architectural and technical solutions.

  • ...and lots of great group discussions on Ruby-related topics.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Feb 27, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Mar 5, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Mar 27, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Apr 2, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: Performance, "Get Your Ass to 1.9", "Hacking Cognition", and more!
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building


  • Markus Roberts: Ruby Hangman:!topic/pdxruby/OeaZCq4JHUM

  • David Celis and Ben Weintraub will talk about interesting performance issues.

  • Nic Benders from New Relic, "Get Your Ass to 1.9": Ruby 1.9 has been out for four years, everyone is telling you that it's great, but you've got this one production app (or maybe twelve) that is just sooo complicated and it looks like such a hassle to convert.... No more excuses people, it's 2013, let's get this thing done! I gave a version of this at Ruby on Ales last month, but we ran out of time and couldn't do questions. Since PDX Ruby is less formal, I am going to do it shorter, but with Q&A as we go. So bring your pointy sticks and lets have some fun.

  • Jonan Scheffler, "Hacking Cognition": This presentation will offer you some immediately actionable steps to improve your cognitive ability and be more efficient with your programming studies. You’ll learn techniques mnemonists use to memorize random pages of binary digits, how your brain physically changes as you learn something new and how simple changes in your daily routine can have a deep impact on your work.

  • ...and lots of great group discussions on Ruby-related topics.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Apr 24, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

May 7, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
Elemental Technologies

Thanks to Elemental for providing the space, and pizza & beer!


  • We'll have a short time at the beginning of the meeting to share some stories about Igal, then can continue at the after-meeting-beer.
  • Markus Roberts, Ruby Hangman for Martes, Seite de Mayo
  • Bill Den Beste, Reprise, Inc.: Generating Business Documents with Prawn
  • Reid Beels: Generating Business Documents with PDFKit
  • ...and lots of great group discussions on Ruby-related topics.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

May 29, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Jun 4, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Thanks to CrowdCompass for hosting Ruby meetings every Tuesday!


  • Kerri Miller: You Can't Miss What You Can't Measure
    Adrift at sea, a GPS device will report your precise latitude and longitude, but if you don't know what those numbers mean, you're just as lost as before. Similarly, there are many tools that offer a wide variety of metrics about your code, but other than making you feel good, what are you supposed to do with this knowledge? Let's answer that question by exploring what the numbers mean, how static code analysis can add value to your development process, and how it can help us chart the unexplored seas of legacy code.
  • Markus Roberts: Ruby MRH (Most Recent Hangman)
  • Jonan Scheffler will talk about Ruby's singleton/eigen/metaclass.
  • David Celis and Ben Weintraub talk about interesting performance issues.
  • ...and lots of great group discussions on Ruby-related topics.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Jun 26, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Jul 2, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: Fluent Refactoring, performance issues, Ruby Hangman and more!
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Thanks to CrowdCompass for hosting Ruby meetings every Tuesday!


  • Markus Roberts: Ruby Hangman
  • David Celis and Ben Weintraub talk about interesting performance issues.
  • Sam Livingston-Gray: Fluent Refactoring

Fluency is "what you can say without having to think about how to say it." Refactoring is a language that describes ways you can make your code better. I want to inspire you to learn more of that language, so you can make your code better without having to think about it.

I'll walk through the process of reworking a 50-line controller action that resists comprehension, let alone refactoring. We'll discover how to tease apart some fiendishly intertwined code, embrace duplication, use dirty tricks to our advantage, and uncover responsibilities that weren't obvious when we started.

NOTE TO PDX.rb: I'll be giving this talk at Lone Star Ruby Conf in a few weeks. This will be a full run-through of the work in progress—slides may be incomplete, points may be muddled, jokes may not be quite as funny as they should be, and (time permitting) I'll ask you for feedback and suggestions at the end.

This presentation will be given without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Listen at your own risk. ;>

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Jul 31, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Aug 6, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Thanks to CrowdCompass for hosting Ruby meetings every Tuesday!

11 year anniversary meeting!


  • Markus Roberts: Ruby Hangman
  • Jonan Scheffler will talk about metaprogramming in Ruby as it relates to eigenclasses and manipulating singleton objects and their methods.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Aug 28, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Sep 3, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Thanks to CrowdCompass for hosting Ruby meetings every Tuesday!


  • Markus Roberts Ruby Hangman
  • Lightning Talks:
  • -> Kerri Miller
  • -> You?

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Sep 25, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
BridgePort Brew Pub

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Oct 1, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Thanks to CrowdCompass for hosting Ruby meetings every Tuesday!


  • Markus Roberts: Ruby Hangman
  • David Celis and Ben Weintraub talk about interesting performance issues.
  • Robb Shecter: Code management from the organization's perspective Moved to November meeting

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Oct 30, 2013
PDX Ruby Lunch
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Nov 5, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic


We'll have pizza, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


BEER & SNACKS at 9pm

After presentations we'll have more socializing time with beer & snacks.


Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 28th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the tool booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." Go in there, and ride on up to the 28th floor. You'll easily find the bike parking.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Dec 3, 2013
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

Our Nov & Dec 2013 meetings will be at New Relic instead of our usual location, CrowdCompass


We'll have pizza, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


BEER & SNACKS at 9pm

After presentations we'll have more socializing/pirating time with beer & snacks.


Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 28th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 28th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Jan 7, 2014
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic


We'll have pizza, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


BEER & SNACKS at 9pm

After presentations we'll have more socializing time with beer & snacks.


Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 28th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 28th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Jan 29, 2014
PDX Ruby Lunch
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Get together for lunch and talk Ruby, or something else! For those that have a hard time making it to the pdxrb meeting, and those that like to eat and talk about Ruby at the same time. We'll be holding this on the last Wednesday of the month.

Feb 4, 2014
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting: Yehuda Katz talking about Rust
New Relic

We'll have pizza starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


  • Markus Roberts: Ruby hangman
  • Yehuda Katz will talk about his Rust work

After presentations we'll have more socializing time with beer & snacks.


Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 28th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 28th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Mar 4, 2014
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


After presentations we'll have more socializing time with beer & snacks.


Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 28th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 28th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Apr 1, 2014
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza, snacks & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


  • Markus Roberts: Ruby hangman
  • David Celis: Benchmarking
    Covering the basics of benchmarking in Ruby, application to HTTP load testing, and some gotchas along the way.
  • Jason Clark: Make an Event of It!
    Are your controllers jumbled with seemingly unrelated steps? Does testing any bit of application logic require fixtures and setup helpers a mile long?
    Evented patterns create a vocabulary of what happens in your system, and a way to separate code triggering events from code that responds to them. That helps tame the sprawl by setting clean boundaries, simplifying tests, and keeping your dependencies isolated.
    This talk reveals the power of events and what's already in Rails to help you.
  • Chuck Lauer Vose: Building kick-ass internal education programs (for large and small budgets)
    There are not enough senior programmers in the world to satisfy the needs of our organizations; but educating your own developers is crazy expensive and hard, right?
    It turns out there lots of effective, low-cost, low commitment ways to inject education into your organization, I'll show you some of the low commitment ways to engage your peers, how to evaluate your needs, how to measure your progress, and how to plan for future ed needs.

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 28th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 28th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

May 5, 2014
SEI Architecture Technology User Network (SATURN) Conference
through Portland Marriott (Downtown)

The SEI Architecture Technology User Network (SATURN) Conference is the largest conference in North America dedicated to software architecture.

In 2014, the SATURN Conference will celebrate its 10th year. Each year, SATURN attracts an international audience of practicing software architects, industry thought leaders, developers, technical managers, and researchers to share ideas, insights, and experience about effective architecture-centric practices for developing and maintaining software-intensive systems.

May 6, 2014
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


  • Markus Roberts: Ruby hangman
  • Raffle for OS Bridge ticket, enter here:
  • Sam Livingston-Gray:
    Cognitive Shortcuts: Models, Visualizations, Metaphors, and Other Lies

    Experienced developers tend to build up a library of creative problem-solving tools: rubber ducks, code smells, anthropomorphizing code, &c. These tools map abstract problems into forms our brains are good at solving. But our brains are also good at lying to us. We'll talk about some of these tools, when to use them (or not), and how their biases can lead us astray.
    “A change in perspective is worth 80 IQ points.” -Alan Kay
    New developers very welcome: we don't teach this in school!

After presentations we'll have more socializing time with beer & snacks.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 28th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 28th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

May 28, 2014
Ruby Lunch
TILT Pearl District

Eat lunch and chat about all things Ruby.

Jun 3, 2014
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


  • Markus Roberts - Thinking Outside The Framework (~45 min)
  • Lightning Talks:
  • Rico Jones - Programmatically Testing Routes in a Rails App
  • Jonan Scheffler - The Lifecycle of a Web Request
  • Michael Kaiser-Nyman - How to use Active Record without Rails
  • Jason Clark - Get Your Shoes (Back) On!

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 28th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 28th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Jul 1, 2014
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

MEETING ON THE 29th FLOOR THIS MONTH! New Relic's new meeting space is ready, so we're meeting one floor up from our usual meeting space.

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


  • Markus Roberts: "Thinking Outside the Framework"
  • Dale Hollocher: "Blogging for idiots: how to write a blog that is helpful for idiots" lightning talk
  • Maureen Dugan: "Anna Kournikova was a great tennis player; Lessons in TDD and Pairing"
  • Brent Miller: "Style guides: where designers and engineers meet"

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Aug 5, 2014
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


  • Markus Roberts: "Thinking Outside the Framework"
  • Brent Miller: "Interfaces change
 your brain”
  • Jason Clark: Shoes hackathon

Jason will give an intro to the Shoes codebase, then folks can hack and answer questions together.

Try to have the following installed in advance. Jason can help if you have problems with these during the hack, but otherwise it'll save a lot of hacking time.

  • A recent 1.7.x JRuby installed (this is the big one)
  • Clone of
  • bundle install on JRuby from the shoes4 source directory
  • Try running bin/shoes samples/simple-face.rb from the shoes4 directory and should see an app launch.

You're welcome to hack on non-Shoes stuff too. If anyone would like to lead a different hack session, let us know!

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Aug 10, 2014
Calagator Code Sprint
New Relic

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from Open Source Bridge:

Also check out the current issues in our tracker:

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Aug 23, 2014
Calagator Code Sprint
Elemental Technologies

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from Open Source Bridge:

Also check out the current issues in our tracker:

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Sep 2, 2014
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


  • Markus Roberts: "Thinking Outside the Framework"
  • Michael Kaiser-Nyman: "How to build an internship program"
  • Jason Clark: "Spelunking in Ruby"
  • Carter Rabasa: "Fun with WebRTC, Web Audio, Sinatra & Twilio"

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Oct 7, 2014
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


  • Markus Roberts: "Thinking Outside the Framework"
  • William Hertling: "Formatting a book with Ruby, HTML+CSS, & PrinceXML"

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Oct 18, 2014
Calagator Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from Open Source Bridge:

Also check out the current issues in our tracker:

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Nov 4, 2014
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


  • Amy Pivo: RailsBridge Portland introduction
  • Markus Roberts: a little hangman-esque puzzle
  • Ben Orenstein (host of the Giant Robots podcast, other talks: Refactoring from Good to Great, How to Talk to Developers): "Live-coding Flappy Bird in ClojureScript"
  • Jason Clark: "Get Your Shoes (Back) On!" Years ago the enigmatic Rubyist _why created Shoes, a tiny GUI toolkit for writing fun, simple applications in Ruby. Shoes served as the foundation for Hackety Hack, a programming environment specially designed to be accessible to kids. In the wake of _why's departure, many people assumed Shoes was finished as well. Such is not the case! Shoes has continued to evolve and grow, and the latest revision (Shoes4) builds off the cross-platform strengths of JRuby and SWT. If you've ever wanted to write a desktop app as easily as you write a web page, Shoes is for you. If you've ever wanted to get involved in a welcoming, accessible open source project, we'll show you how to hack on Shoes. Get your Shoes on, and let's build something awesome!

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Nov 8, 2014
Calagator Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from Open Source Bridge:

Also check out the current issues in our tracker:

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Dec 2, 2014
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


Mike Perham: Tribute to Ezra Zygmuntowicz

Davy Stevenson: Benchmarking Ruby

Testing is firmly ingrained in our culture, and many of us rely on a network of services to test, evaluate and profile our code. But what about benchmarking?

Learn tips and tricks about how to approach benchmarking and the variety of gems that are available. Learn about tools to help determine algorithmic complexity of your code, as well as how this information can help you make development choices. Learn how to properly set up your benchmarking experiments to ensure that the results you receive are accurate. More importantly, discover that benchmarking can be both fun and easy.

Markus Roberts: Thinking Outside the Framework

Jonan Scheffler: Sauron: DIY Home Security with Ruby!

This is the story of how I built an all-seeing eye with Ruby, and how I use it to defend the sanctity of my suburban home. Using a Raspberry Pi and some homemade motion detection software I've developed a home security system that can send me notifications on my phone and photograph intruders. It uses perceptual hashes to detect image changes and archives anything unusual. I can even set a custom alerting threshold and graph disturbances over time. If you've ever had the desire to be an evil wizard with a glowing fireball of an eye this talk is perfect for you. Come play with Sauron.

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Dec 6, 2014
Calagator Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from Open Source Bridge:

Also check out the current issues in our tracker:

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

(What we ended up doing.)

Jan 3, 2015
Calagator Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from the Calagator project wiki (, or check out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Jan 6, 2015
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


Casey Rosenthal & Nathan Aschbacher: Ruby and Elixir

A narrative about choosing the right tool for the right job.

Chris Dillon: Arduino Cat Faucet

A retrospective look at an automatic cat watering creation backed by a Rails app. Metrics, hardware hacking and fun-won insight.

  • Building a sensor and collecting data about a cat's drinking habits
  • Problem solving
  • Metrics and graphing with the fnordmetrics gem

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Feb 3, 2015
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


David Celis & Ben Weintraub:

def_delegator :@wiggle, :enterprise_ready? As the Wiggles application moves to be enterprise ready, performance becomes a big concern.

Jamon Holmgren: RubyMotion and ProMotion

I'm the owner of ClearSight, a Rails + RubyMotion (iOS & Android) design/development shop in Vancouver, WA. We do a lot of RubyMotion here at ClearSight and created one of the most popular RubyMotion gems, ProMotion, as well as MotionKit and several other iOS-specific open source gems. The talk goes into RubyMotion basics (briefly) and then our current iOS gem stack. The demo is building a small app with ProMotion and shows how easy it is to get started with RubyMotion-iOS.

Chris Dillon: Dream - music video in Ruby

A show-and-tell animation followed by a dive into the Gamebox gem, pixel art, music production (light on this). How to create parallax scenes and other visualization things.

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Feb 7, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from the Calagator project wiki (, or check out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Feb 21, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Mar 3, 2015
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


Community retrospective

We're going to take 30 min to discuss the group and the mailing list and how we participate together.

Samuel Giddins: Using Ruby in a Non-Ruby World

Ruby is an incredible language that we all love to code in. But it's also a language that lends itself to being used in other ecosystems, in other 'worlds'. Ruby is an incredibly useful tool for building DSLs that look more like data than code. It's also a very portable language with a strong, standardized toolchain that makes it a go-to choice for client-side tooling. I'm going to walk through the ways in which we, as rubyists, can build systems that cooperate with a non-Ruby environment.

Ruby Jobs Storytime

5 min talks about people's experiences looking for and finding jobs (and conversely from the hiring side, experiences looking for and hiring engineers for their teams). These talks would probably not need slides, just a person willing to provide their experience. The types of things people could talk about include:

  • A new developer’s experience trying to get their first programming job
  • A seasoned developer’s tips and tricks for finding and getting a great job
  • A story about how someone got their job in a non-traditional way
  • Information from a hiring manager or engineer involved in hiring about what they look for
  • Any other type of story in the same vein

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Mar 14, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint - rescheduled from March 7th
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Mar 21, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Apr 4, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Apr 7, 2015
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


Mike Perham: Using Background Jobs with Sidekiq and Rails

You know how to make a controller and view in Ruby on Rails. But what's a background job? How do I use them to make my website as fast as possible? This talk will introduce the notion of background jobs, why you might want to use them and show how to integrate Sidekiq with your Rails app to make background jobs easy!

Lightning Talks

Jonan will be hosting an hour long lightning talk session. There will be a whiteboard to sign up on arrival (first come first serve). The theme is Pokemon so make sure you wear a costume and put Pokemon in all your slides and maybe write a quick song about Pokemon and your love of them. Alternatively just show up and speak.

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Apr 18, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

May 5, 2015
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


Paul Jungwirth: SQL in Rails

Tips and tricks from basic to advanced for non-trivial SQL queries in a Rails environment.

Justin Burris: Living and programming in Singapore

Ever thought about working abroad? Located in south east Asia, Singapore provides an excellent place to call home and explore a new part of the planet. This talk aims to give you a starting point for learning about the excellent ruby/development community in the area and will provide you with what you need to know before emigrating.

Lightning Talks

Jonan will host a lightning talk session. There will be a whiteboard to sign up on arrival (first come first serve). The unofficial theme is classic video games.

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

May 16, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Jun 2, 2015
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.

Open Source Bridge Raffle


Chase Douglas: Metasecurity - Beyond Patching Vulnerabilities

Rails comes with many powerful security protections out of the box, but no code is perfect. This talk will highlight a new approach to web app security, one focusing on a higher level of abstraction than current techniques. We will take a look at current security processes and tools and some common vulnerabilities still found in many Rails apps. Then we will investigate novel ways to protect against these vulnerabilities.

Evan Carmi: Reverse Engineering - Finding the hidden API

A survey of techniques to debug and reverse engineer services that you may be trying to connect with but don't have an API (like iCloud) or don't have a well documented API (like the rest of the internet).

Lightning Talks

Jonan will host a lightning talk session. There will be a whiteboard to sign up on arrival (first come first serve).

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Jun 6, 2015
Calagator Documentation & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

SPECIAL: For this code sprint, Calagator contributors will be focusing on documentation.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Jul 7, 2015
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


John Hyland: Be Awesome By Being Boring

Lightning Talks

Jonan will host a lightning talk session. There will be a whiteboard to sign up on arrival (first come first serve).

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Aug 4, 2015
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

🎉 13th anniversary meeting 🎉

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


Aaron Patterson aka tenderlove

Godfrey Chan: Dropping down to The Metal™

As much as we love Ruby, when you need to be really close to the metal, you have no choice but to use JavaScript. This is why I developed the javascript gem to help you harness the raw power of your machines. In this talk, we will examine the Ruby tricks and black magic hidden behind this ludicrous invention. Along the way, we will learn about how Ruby internally deal with variable lookups, method calls, scoping and bindings. Together, we will push the limits of the Ruby language, taking it to places Matz never ever envisioned!

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Sep 1, 2015
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


Jason Clark: Testing the Multiverse

It’s a basic principle of testing that minimizing dependencies will make you happier, faster, and more productive. But what happens when you can’t? If your code plugs into or extends another gem, comfortable isolation might be out of the question. Stubbing and careful design can carry you a ways, but eventually you need to actually test your code against those gems you’re building on. Luckily, there are ways to reduce this pain. We’ll dig deep on creating a simple environment to check your work against multiple dependencies. We’ll see patterns that help avoid pulling your hair out when those dependencies change. We’ll even search around the raw edges, examining how to verify what your code does when it lands in an environment you haven’t tested. There’s a multitude of gems out there to build on. Let’s see how we can test with them!

Emily Bookstein: So You Want Diversity in Tech? (Or, How to create lasting social change with tech money).

The conversation around diversity in tech is gaining momentum -- but we need to deepen our understanding of the problem if we really want to address the issue. Let's break down tech's gender and racial diversity problem using "5 Whys," a form of Root Cause Analysis. I'll also propose an actionable and concrete way that we as tech workers can help address the root causes of tech's lack of diversity.

Lightning Talks ⚡️

There will be a whiteboard to sign up on arrival (first come first serve).

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Oct 6, 2015
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


Dana Scheider: How and Why to Love Cucumber

Cucumber is a powerful and enjoyable tool to use when it is incorporated effectively into your test suite. This talk explains what Cucumber and the rich ecosystem surrounding it have to offer, and why it isn’t really as clunky or awkward as a lot of developers think.

Tim Krajcar - kenny_g.rb: Making Ruby Write Smooth Jazz

For too long, computers have been shut out of the red-hot music-to-listen-to-while-relaxing-in-the-bathtub genre. Today, that all changes. Our smooth-jazz-as-a-service startup is primed to disrupt this stale industry. In this talk we'll introduce the basic protocols of digital music and take a whirlwind tour of musical harmonic theory. We'll survey some Ruby tools that make noise and we'll dig deep into using Ruby to generate beautiful piano music with audience-selected chords. It will all culminate in a showdown between man and machine to decide the fate of the musical universe as our program battles a real live musician.

Lightning Talks ⚡️

There will be a whiteboard to sign up on arrival (first come first serve).

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Nov 3, 2015
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


Brent Miller - How does New Relic build software? A biological approach to architecture

When building resilient, fault-tolerant, scalable systems, we focus quite a bit on the particular technologies involved. Can it scale horizontally? Is Samza better than Storm? Is this library thread-safe? It turns out that, even though those questions matter to the stability of the system, they don’t matter as much as the people building the system. Humans choose the stack, write the code, and write the bugs, too. They create the weird edge cases that cause the system to fall over at the worst time.

At New Relic we’ve taken an unusual approach to building software: we draw heavily from biological metaphors like mutation and natural selection, and focus on a human-centric approach to define our architecture. Rather than trust a few armchair architects to make the decisions, we put the power in the hands of the teams wrestling with the code. We have many strategies to ensure cohesiveness across the architecture and scalability for the business, the engineering organization, and the software, but it takes a little leap of faith and a lot of trust to move to a process like ours.

I’ll share how our process works, and how we manage the growth without going off the rails, while increasing system stability

Jason Clark - Peeking into Ruby: Tracing Running Code

Your Ruby app is in production, but something isn’t quite right. It worked locally, it passed CI… why’s the running app acting weird?

If this sounds familiar, you’re in luck. Multiple tools exist for grappling with a running Ruby app. This talk will introduce a variety of tools and techniques for peeking into what your Ruby app is doing. From Ruby-level method tracing using rbtrace, all the way down to watching kernel syscalls with strace, you can see what your app is doing, and I’ll show you how.

Don’t let your production system go unwatched!

Lightning Talks ⚡️

There will be a whiteboard to sign up on arrival (first come first serve).

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Dec 1, 2015
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


Jason Clark - GDB: A Gentle Intro

We love Ruby’s elegance, simplicity, and flexibility. But our favorite language perches atop a world of native code. When that other world intrudes on your peaceful Ruby, GDB, the venerable GNU debugger, is the tool to turn to.

We’ll examine setting up Ruby to work with GDB. We’ll learn the fundamental commands, and soon you’ll be debugging with ease. We’ll even peer deep into Ruby object internals and face down crashes, deadlocks, and bugs.

Whether you’re writing a native gem, hacking the Ruby VM, or just want a glimpse of the layers below, this talk is for you!

Lightning Talks ⚡️

There will be a whiteboard to sign up on arrival (first come first serve).

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Jan 5, 2016
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


Sam Livingston-Gray: Cucumbers Have Layers: A Love Story

Cucumber sucks. Features are hard to write and constantly break when the UI changes. Step definitions are annoying to create and a freaking nightmare to maintain. And Cucumber suites take for-EVER to run, because you have to wait for a web browser.

Except... [almost] none of that is actually true.

After years of making awful messes with Cucumber, I finally found a way to use it that worked well, and a project I couldn't have done without it. I'd like to show you one way to use Cucumber that can be elegant, powerful, expressive, and—believe it or not—fast.

Nick Urban

A talk about refactoring, tech debt, and why beautiful code is good business.

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Jan 11, 2016
Test Ruby PDX Monthly Meeting
Renew Financial

Conversation and peer mentoring starting at 6, presentations at 7. For more information, follow @TestRubyPDX on Twitter or join the #testrubypdx Slack channel (under PDX.rb).


Bernerd Schaefer: Refactor Your Feature Specs!

expect(page).to have_css(".active"). It's clear what this line does, but what is it really testing? And why? Together we'll take some real-life feature specs and refactor them so the intent of the spec shines through.

Feb 2, 2016
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


Making the Most of the lib Directory in a Rails App - Brett Chalupa

Where does code goes that does not cleanly fit within the MVC structure that Rails suggests? Does one create a new folder within the app directory and introduce a new concept to the app? The vendor directory?! Should it go in a gem? When the conventions of Rails do not cover a concept or approach, it is difficult to know where to put classes and modules.

Over the years, I have been putting more code in the lib directory. It allows for more object oriented code composition, faster tests, and a clear path for extraction into gems. Working in a directory with nothing but a "tasks" directory can be a bit daunting at first, but soon enough it will start to feel like home.

In this talk, I want to show the benefits of putting code in the lib directory, when to put code in lib, how to test code in lib, how to configure a Rails application to use the lib directory, and common pitfalls to watch out for. There will be plenty of examples, open source code to reference, and hopefully other folks sharing their experiences with the lib directory.

Designing by Contract: Using Types to Write Safer Code by Thomas Reynolds

Contracts.ruby is a library which allows Ruby code to be type-checked at runtime. By simply providing a type for input parameters and output values, you can drastically reduce common, and hard to track, Ruby bugs. We will discuss types in a simple, pragmatic and non-academic way as well as looking at code samples from Middleman v4 which is entirely covered by contracts.

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Mar 1, 2016
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


Automation for Mobile Devices with Calabash by Shannon Atkinson

Using Calabash for automation for both iOS and Android applications can be frustrating and difficult. This talk will focus around using a Cucumber/Ruby/Calabash to formulate a single GIT repo for testing both iOS and Android apps with the same test cases.

Embracing --api by Mitch Lloyd

It's hard to beat the productivity of Rails in the hands of an experienced developer. But what happens when user expectations drag your server-rendered application into the tortured hellscape of client-side JavaScript?

JavaScript creeps into your once beautiful code base: a typeahead search field, a client-side validation, an AJAX-powered star rating widget. This pathogen has no unit tests and causes the number of bugs and Selenium tests to grow.

In this talk I'll explore why companies that resist client-side rendering still ship 350KB of gzipped JavaScript to their users. With examples I'll argue that there is a better way: separating your API from your client code. This approach that I once reserved for "highly interactive" applications, I now consider "a matter of course". For the majority of applications it leads to faster development, simpler architecture, and more flexible approaches for building and deploying UI. After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Mar 14, 2016
Test Ruby PDX Monthly Meeting
Renew Financial

Portland's testing user group for Ruby developers! Conversation and peer mentoring starting at 6, presentations at 7. For more information, follow @TestRubyPDX on Twitter or join the #testrubypdx Slack channel (under the pdxruby team).

How and Why to Test Rake Tasks - Brett Chalupa

Testing classes and modules is essential to writing well tested Ruby code. However, testing Rake tasks is not as straight-forward. In this talk, you will learn how and why it is valuable to test Rake tasks. This talk will go over testing regular ole Rake tasks and Rake tasks in a Rails app. Before you know it, you will be writing Rake tasks in a test-driven manner, hooray!

Apr 5, 2016
Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 29th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 29th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Apr 11, 2016
Test Ruby PDX Monthly Meeting
Renew Financial

Portland's testing user group for Ruby developers! Conversation and peer mentoring starting at 6, presentations at 7. For more information, follow @TestRubyPDX on Twitter or join the #testrubypdx Slack channel (under the pdxruby team).

Paul Baker - Golden Thorns: Lessons from the Gilded Rose Kata

The Gilded Rose Kata is a fairly well known kata that utilizes a "golden master testing" strategy to provide safety while the developer refactors a messy legacy code base in order to add new features. I will walk through my take on the kata and then review some lessons that I have learned as a sr. developer working with legacy code and where this pattern can be helpful.

Jun 13, 2016
Test Ruby PDX Monthly Meeting
Renew Financial

Portland's testing user group for Ruby developers! Conversation and peer mentoring starting at 6, presentations at 7. For more information, follow @TestRubyPDX on Twitter or join the #TestRubyPDX Slack channel (under the pdxruby team). We are still looking for speakers, so if you're interested, visit for details and suggested topics!

Aug 8, 2016
Test Ruby PDX Monthly Meeting
Renew Financial

Portland's testing user group for Ruby developers! Conversation and peer mentoring starting at 6, presentations at 7. For more information, follow @TestRubyPDX on Twitter or join the #testrubypdx Slack channel (under the pdxruby team). We are still looking for speakers, so if you're interested, visit for details and suggested topics!

Jan 28, 2017
AR + VR Project Showcases @ WSU Vancouver
WSU Vancouver Campus

Our first Networking Night of 2017 is a Saturday dedicated to AR and VR Project Showcases at the Creative Media & Digital Culture Center (CMDC) at Washington State University in Vancouver (WSUV)

The Creative Media & Digital Culture (CMDC) program teaches students to conceptualize applications of digital technologies and to think critically about digital media and the ways humans interact and engage with them.

On Jan. 28th, CMDC alumnae and current students will be showcasing AR, VR, 2D & 3D animations, websites, and a transmedia educational game environment that have been created for their own research or local community and cultural organizations. Experience and learn further about the creative and critical approaches CMDC students have used when working with digital technology.  

Saturday's Program

1:00pm – 1:30pm – Doors Open
1:30pm – 3:00pm – Welcome + Projects
3:00pm – 4:00pm – Mingle 


CMDC alumnae and current students. Join us for project showcases featuring AR, VR, 2D & 3D animations, websites, and a transmedia educational game environment. 

About the Venue

This is the first event we are organizing in the state of Washington. The event will be held on the beautiful campus of WSU Vancouver and we hope you will make the trip.

Who Should Attend?

Anyone is welcome to attend, as long as you support our mission and agree to follow our Code of Conduct.

About the CMDC 

The Creative Media & Digital Culture (CMDC) program offers a major and a formal minor leading to the Bachelor of Arts Degree (B.A.) in Digital Technology and Culture (DTC) at Washington State University Vancouver.  It teaches students to conceptualize, in both research and practice, applications of digital technologies and to think critically about digital media and the ways humans interact and engage with them.

The CMDC program focuses on six areas of study within the field of digital media: 1) web & mobile design & development, 2) 2 & 3D animation for simulation and visualization, 3) digital publishing, 4) physical computing, 5) social media / SEO for digital marketing, and most recently 6) game studies & design.  With over 250 students in the CMDC, it is now recognized as one of five Signature Programs on the WSUV campus.  

Mar 6, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Algorithms Study Night

Come join us for the first ever Algorithms Study Night March 6th at Code Fellows! We will be working on two problems, an easier starter problem, and then a more complicated one. Any and all skill levels are welcome. At the beginning of the meetup, we will post the questions on the slack channel, and after the meetup, we will post some of the solutions. Use our Slack Invite form if you would like to join Women Who Code, Portland Slack.

This event will repeat first Monday of each month.

{short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

About Women Who Code Portland

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it.

In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

Mar 7, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Web Security at Mozilla

Mozilla is partnering up with Women Who Code Portland to host us during their Developer Roadshow series. The goal is to introduce technologies for the web that make it work. The night's program includes two talks on Web Security at Mozilla.

Find out more about developer news and upcoming Roadshow events by signing up here


6:00 - 6:30 - Doors Open
6:30 - 6:40 - Intros from WWCode Portland and Mozilla
6:40 - 7:30 - Web Security at Mozilla
7:30 - 8:00 - Networking 


Selena Deckelmann, head of Security Engineering for Firefox, will present a brief overview of her team's work and do a deep dive into recent work on integrating Tor patches into Firefox. Through a collaboration with Tor Project engineers and a team of Mozilla engineers spread around the globe, we've integrated 100+ patches into Firefox, and are working on many more. These patches are privacy-enhancing on multiple fronts, using features only available in Firefox.

Michael Van Kleeck, Mozilla's Enterprise Solutions Architect, will talk about Mozilla's Identity and Access Management project, which is enabling Mozilla staff to seamlessly collaborate with community volunteers while at the same time keeping Mozilla and its mission safe. Using this as an example, Michael will introduce some of the technologies used, such as OIDC, OAuth 2.0, SAML, and LDAP.

{short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

About Women Who Code Portland

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it.

In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

Mar 8, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ Simple: International Women's Day

Join us on March 8th as we celebrate International Women's Day at Simple. 


6:00pm - 6:30pm – Doors Open + Networking
6:30pm - 6:45pm – Welcome 
6:45pm - 7:45pm – Panel
7:45pm - 8:30pm – Networking  



About Simple 

Simple offers online banking with superhuman customer service and tools to help you easily budget and save, right inside your account. 

Who Should Attend?

Anyone is welcome to attend, as long as you support our mission and agree to follow our Code of Conduct.

{short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

Mar 28, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Workshop: Command Line 101

This  workshop is for people who are completely new to the Command Line. We are going to cover the basic commands and concepts along with a few intermediate level network commands. 

We are going to offer more advanced level CLI, App Security and Open Source contribution classes in the future. This workshop will serve as a good foundation for those courses.


This workshop is designed for MacOS and Linux users. All of the commands should work with Windows PowerShell as well. Please ensure that your Windows machine has the latest version of PowerShell. 

About the instructor 

Richa Khandelwal has been writing code for the last 8 years. She is passionate about backend architecture and Machine Learning. She is an Technical Lead at Nike and a Lead for Women Who Code, Portland chapter. 

{short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

About Women Who Code Portland 

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

Mar 29, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Workshop: Unity 101

This Unity 101 workshop is for developers who are completely new to the Unity game engine. You'll get a basic familiarity with Unity's interface as well as learning the basic workflow of creating games in Unity. We'll then use those concepts to create a simple game.

Although C# is the language used for Unity, we only require that you have some coding experience (in any language) so you can follow along with the basic ideas. We'll be writing some very simple C# code in the workshop, but you will have all the code in digital form beforehand in case some copy/paste is needed.

By the end of the workshop, you should feel comfortable enough with Unity that you can start learning more on your own. You'll know enough about the Unity workflow that you'll have some idea of how to ask the right questions about what you don't know, and where to look for answers.

Thank you Oregon Story Board and DevelopmentNow for sponsoring this event!


If you run into any problems or have questions with the following steps, feel free to message Dylan via Twitter or the Slack for Women Who Code Portland (@mboffin on both). He'll be happy to help get whatever you're running into sorted out before the workshop, so you arrive ready to go.

1) Install the latest version of Unity:

2) Go here and create a Unity ID:

3) Download the .zip files found in this Google Drive folder: (No Google sign-in required!)

About the Instructors:

Dylan Bennett works in the field of education, teaching students programming and doing IT work. He runs the Portland Unity user group, UnityPDX, and is an officer for the Portland Indie Game Squad (PIGSquad). 

By day, Mo Cohen does functional programming at New Relic. By later day, she is building a point-and-click adventure game called Queer Quest ( And by night time, she's eating Nutella out of the jar.

{short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

About Women Who Code Portland

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

Apr 4, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ Vacasa

Join us on April 4th for our Networking Night @ Vacasa in the Pearl. This month, the women of Vacasa will join us to discuss this month's theme - Transitioning the Stack: the Role of Women in a High-Growth Tech Organization. 

As a tech-enabled Services company, Vacasa must be constantly delivering to meet the expectations of many stakeholders. How do you balance the urgency of daily operations with the long term vision of creating a tech platform at sustains high growth? The women at Vacasa will speak about the opportunities and challenges for women in this environment.


6:00pm - 6:30pm – Doors Open + Networking
6:30pm - 7:45pm – Welcome + Speakers
7:45pm - 8:30pm – Networking  

Who Should Attend?

Anyone is welcome to attend, as long as you support our mission and agree to follow our Code of Conduct.

{short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

About Vacasa

The team at Vacasa has made it their mission to make the world of vacation rentals a simple, stress-free experience for both owners and guests.

For more info:

Careers page:

About Women Who Code Portland

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

May 11, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ Second Story - "Make It Happen: Improvising, Collaborating, Prototyping"

On Thursday, May 11th, Second Story will host Women Who Code Portland’s monthly Networking Night in their new design studio.

Second Story is a network of experiential design studios working across the cultural and brand landscapes to elevate the art of storytelling. They build stories you can step inside of.

The theme for the night is Make It Happen: Improvising, Collaborating, Prototyping. The format of the night is an “around the world”; after the welcome, we will break into 3 smaller groups and each smaller group will attend every session offered. The night will be centered around how the team at Second Story works collaboratively, how they create prototypes that help them push the boundaries, and the leadership styles that make it all possible. 

We hope you’ll join us. Second Story is absolutely thrilled to host us in their new studio!


6:00 - 6:30pm – Doors Open + Networking

6:30 - 7:40pm – Welcome + Around the World Sessions

7:40 - 8:00pm – Networking   

Session #1 - Improvising To Become Better Collaborators

Second Story is a highly collaborative studio making work that none of them could possibly produce on their own. Needless to say they have to be excellent listeners and collaborators. So that means they have to practice. Laura Allcorn, Creative Lead and Sr. Experience Designer, will lead a brief improvisation workshop that helps you brush up on our listening and collaboration skills. If the thought of this makes you nervous, please know this isn’t a performance and trying to be funny will be frowned upon.

Session #2 - Getting Real Fast

Prototyping is a necessity at Second Story. Their project teams will share how they prototype and why they do it. You’ll get a behind the scenes look at examples from projects with major museums and brands. Along the way they’ll share key learnings and show you how they evolved the experiences created.

Session #3 - Exposing Unconscious Bias

Kelsey Snook, Creative Director, will facilitate a discussion about women in leadership roles. She will share the Second Story approach to tackling unconscious bias with their Make Some Room campaign, an effort to increase inclusivity in the tech and creative fields.

About Second Story

Second Story is a network of experiential design studios working across the cultural and brand landscapes to elevate the art of storytelling. They build stories you can step inside of.

For more info:

About Women Who Code Portland

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

{short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

Jun 6, 2017
Portland Ruby Brigade - Monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


After presentations we'll have more socializing time. 

Check Calagator for more info.

Jun 12, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - 3rd Anniversary Celebration @ New Relic

Please RSVP on Eventbrite:

We are so thrilled to announce that on June 12th, we will be celebrating our 3rd Anniversary at New Relic! We are so thrilled to announce that on Monday, June 12th, we will be celebrating our 3rd Anniversary at New Relic! This is going to be a great event, as we are celebrating 3 years in Portland, 2000+ members, 200+ events, 10+ leaders, and so many wonderful memories! Thank you to New Relic, InVision, Nike, and Hackbright Academy for sponsoring.

The theme for the night is "Rising Up in Engineering Leadership" and we have four distinguished speakers speaking about their careers and how to succeed and thrive in the tech industry as a woman. 

Our Panelists: 

• April Leonard - Engineering Manager, New Relic

• Dana Lawson - VP of Engineering at InVisionApp Inc

• Meena Arunachalam - Principal Engineer, Intel

• Sue Hayes - Sr. Director, Commerce Core Platform Engineering at Nike

• Moderator: Vaidehi Joshi - Staff Engineer at Tilde, Inc

Giveaways + Food

As a thank you to our wonderful members, we will have awesome giveaways for the first 100 people, so be sure to arrive on time! InVision and Nike have sponsored Women Who Code Portland coffee mugs and t-shirts and we will be serving food, drinks, and cupcakes, courtesy of New Relic and Hackbright Academy.


5:30-6:00 - Doors open & Networking
6:00-6:30 - Introduction from Women Who Code Portland + Sponsor Intros
6:30-7:30 - Panel: “Rising Up in Engineering Leadership”
7:30-8:30 - Networking

Speaker Bios: 

Dana Lawson is the Vice President of Engineering at InVision, where she is responsible for leading the platform engineering group, covering DevOps, site reliability, and data services. She has nearly 20 years of experience as a systems engineer and has technical skills spanning multiple disciplines. Throughout her career, Dana has led many different teams and worn many hats, from an individual contributor creating mobile applications to leading multiple teams that managed large scale backend big data and infrastructure. With a background in fine arts, she brings her creative vision to the engineering team at InVision, where technology meets design.

April Leonard is a Portland native and longtime Java engineer, who recently dabbled in Ruby, JavaScript, and Kotlin. She has experience building many enterprise applications including an adaptive test engine and a custom shopping cart servicing millions of customers. She delights in solving problems, finding efficiencies, and learning new things and is enjoying her new role as a Software Engineering Manager. Her favorites things are laughing, outdoor activities, gardening, and spending time with her family.

Meena Arunachalam is a Principal Engineer in Systems Technologies and Optimizations in Software Services Group at Intel Corporation and she leads system-level performance and power analyses in Machine Learning/Deep Learning and High Performance Computing segments for Xeon, Xeon Phi and FPGA products and architectures. Her areas of expertise are workload optimization, cache and memory hierarchies, and characterization, architectures and projections modeling and energy efficiency benchmarking. Meena joined Intel as a college graduate 18 years ago. She holds a Ph.D in Computer Science. She is a passionate advocate and mentor for women and underrepresented minorities in the areas of Science and Engineering both in industry and academia. She was the WIN (Women in Intel) Conference Chair in 2015 and is the Mentorship Committee Chair of the Women in Big Data West Coast Region.

Sue Hayes is currently a Senior Director in the Nike Digital Engineering organization, responsible for the development of the Commerce Core capabilities that power Nike’s eCommerce stack and the brick-and-mortar stores. She has been with Nike for 20 years and she has managed software development teams across Nike’s enterprise. Sue graduated from Carroll University with Bachelor of Science degrees in Mathematics and Psychology and she earned an MBA from the University of Colorado. As a person with a lifelong passion for running, the offer to become a technology leader at Nike was a perfect fit!

Our moderator, Vaidehi Joshi,  is a Staff Engineer at Tilde, where she works on Skylight. She enjoys building and breaking code, but loves creating empathetic engineering teams a whole lot more. In her spare time, she runs basecs, a weekly writing series that explores the fundamentals of computer science.

Sponsors + Sponsor Tables

New Relic - New Relic's digital intelligence platform lets developers, ops, and tech teams measure and monitor the performance of their applications and infrastructure.

InVision - The world's best companies use InVision to design the products you love.

Nike - Experience sports, training, shopping and everything else that's new at Nike from any country in the world.

Hackbright Academy - Hackbright Academy is the leading software engineering school for women founded in San Francisco in 2012.

Our sponsors will have a booth during the events, where you can speak to representatives from those companies. 

{short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

About Women Who Code Portland

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

Jul 6, 2017
Portland Ruby Brigade - Monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


After presentations we'll have more socializing time. 

Check Calagator for more info.

Jul 13, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ Wieden+Kennedy - Intro to VR & Wearable Tech

RSVP through Eventbrite here:

Our July Networking Night will be hosted by the W+K Lodge, a design engineering group that exists to shake up the way creativity works with technology at Wieden+Kennedy. This month's theme is Intro to VR & Wearable Tech and we have a fantastic program lined up!

We are thrilled to invite you to a fun evening of virtual reality experiences, wearable tech, and food + drinks! There will be a series of workshops including an Intro to VR Development, a Live Art Demo of Google’s Tilt Brush app, and a Build Your Own LED Bracelet Wearable. And if you like donuts, there will also be a Donut Photo booth!


5:30 - 6:00 pm: Networking + Drinks + Donut Photobooth

6:00 - 6:10pm: Intro from Women Who Code + from Wieden+Kennedy

6:10 - 6:30pm: Welcome from Lodge Women Engineers + Lodge demos

6:30 - 7:30pm: 3 Workshops

1. Intro to VR Workshop - A guided workshop on how to build your first very own VR app. The tutorial will be documented on video so that attendees can re-watch at home. A learning package will be prepared for attendees, where they can download online and get started.

2. No Paper - A demo room of painting in VR using Tilt Brush

3. How to make your own LED jewelry & Soft Circuits - We will have a station where you can make your own LED bracelets and how to sew your own soft circuits

7:30 - 8:00pm: More Networking + Closing Remarks

About W+K Lodge

W+K Lodge is a design engineering group that exists to shake up the way creativity works with technology. It is a team of curious-minded experts in machine learning, interaction design, real-time graphics and other emergent parts of tech. The Lodge was founded by independent, privately held global creative company Wieden+Kennedy.

They help their clients thrive in a meaningful impact on the future for the future, evolve organizations in a rapid product and support people by uncovering latent needs, behaviors and brands, and interactive experiences that transform the future, evolve organizations and grow. Read more here.

They are a team of 25 designers, engineers and strategists who work on projects ranging from mobile apps, VR, platforms, installations, robotics, fabrication, electronics and more.

About Women Who Code Portland

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

{short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

#FullStackPDX : Code Critique

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Aug 1, 2017
Portland Ruby Brigade - 15th Anniversary, with cupcakes!
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations. THERE WILL ALSO BE CUPCAKES. This month's meeting is on the 27th floor.


Main Presentation by Ruby Hero Coraline Ada Ehmke: "Metaphors are Similes. Similes Are Like Metaphors."

Making a special trip from her hometown of Chicago, Coraline is our very special 15th anniversary guest! She'll be giving us a special treat: her well-received keynote from Rubyfuza! Here's the abstract:

Language matters more than you think. And the more you think, the more you need language. This talk explores the connections between language and problem solving, how the metaphors that we use can expand or constrain our thinking, and how it all relates to our identities as software developers and as human beings. Along the way we'll learn about linguistics, category theory, Russian colors, gigantic bridges in France, and how to pronounce the word "lacuna". And you'll definitely have some things to think about. Hopefully, in new ways.

Thanks to New Relic for providing the venue and beer, pizza & snacks this month! And EXTRA SPECIAL thanks to New Relic for sponsoring Coraline's trip to come hang out with us!

ARRIVING BY BIKE? Cyclists are welcome to park their bikes in the New Relic office. Bikes are not allowed in the building lobby, however, and must use the freight elevator. To get your bike up to the 5th floor, enter the building's parking lot by going down the ramp at 5th and Pine. Go past the booth -- no need to pick up a ticket -- and turn right. Go straight until you almost run into the elevator lobby, then go right again. On the back side of the elevator block you'll see a beat up pair of double doors marked "freight elevator." You can get up by buzzing in with the intercom, and saying you're here for New Relic. Ride on up to the 27th floor, you'll easily find the bike parking.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Aug 2, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - DevOps Study Night: Intro to Docker

DevOps Study Night to learn about Docker


A quick introduction to Docker, which might be helpful if you’re wondering what Docker is and why it’s garnered so much attention.

Hands on lab

Please note that the venue has changed. This month we will be at vevo (

Thank You vevo!!!


Want to join our Slack team?

Fill out this form to request an invite to Women Who Code Slack team: (

Dev Ops Study Nights go on every 1st Wednesday of the month.

Our Github repository for links to resources: ( It's pretty bare right now but we hope to be adding stuff to it in the coming months.

By coming to the DevOps Study Night, you are agreeing to follow our Code of Conduct ( (aka be a good human).

Aug 3, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Workshop: Intro to the Command Line
ThinkShout, Inc.

This workshop is the first in our four part "Beginner's Guide to Open Source" series. 

This workshop is for people who are completely new to the Command Line. We are going to cover the basic commands and concepts with exercises.

This workshop is designed for MacOS and Linux users. All of the commands should work with Windows PowerShell as well. Please ensure that your Windows machine has the latest version of PowerShell.

Bring: Your laptop and a power charger.

Key Takeaways: 

• Understanding of bash and PowerShell. 

• Ability to use basic command line prompts.


5:30-6:00 - Doors open 
6:00-7:45 - Introduction to the Command Line 
7:45-8:00 - Pack up + Clean up

Who Should Attend? 

Anyone is welcome to attend, as long as you support our mission and agree to follow our Code of Conduct.

{short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

Vancouver Ruby - Hack night/office hours Office

Join us every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month to hang out, talk web development, and work on whatever strikes your fancy. 

You don't need to have a project to attend, but if you do, feel free to bring it along to get help from the group or just get a few extra coding hours logged.

The event is hosted at Hint's office on Main street in uptown. On occasion, drinks will also be provided by Hint.

Aug 7, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Algorithms Study Night

Come join us for Algorithms Study Night at Code Fellows! We will be working on two problems, an easier starter problem, and then a more complicated one. Any and all skill levels are welcome. At the beginning of the meetup, we will post the questions on the slack channel, and after the meetup, we will post some of the solutions. Use our Slack Invite form if you would like to join Women Who Code, Portland Slack.

This event will repeat first Monday of each month.

{short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

About Women Who Code Portland

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

Aug 10, 2017
#FullStackPDX : Code Critique

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Sep 5, 2017
Portland Ruby Brigade - Monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


After presentations we'll have more socializing time. 

Check Calagator for more info.

Sep 21, 2017
#FullStackPDX : Critique

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Sep 26, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ AWS Portland

***** NOTE: Please RSVP on Eventbrite. Everyone will need to be registered on Eventbrite to attend the attend. *****

Women Who Code Portland is thrilled to announce that our September Networking Night is being hosted by AWS Elemental, at their new office in downtown Portland! AWS Elemental is an Amazon Web Services company that combines deep video expertise with the power and scale of the cloud to provide nimble, flexible software-based video processing and delivery solutions.

The event will be focused around the theme: Customer Obsession - The Art of Working Backwards. Speakers will demonstrate how they use their company's leadership principle, “Customer Obsession,” with their internal customers: their employees.

This month, we are featuring a tech talk from AWS Training and Certification, a demo from AWS Elemental and two distinguished Amazonians sharing their experiences at the company.


5:30 – 6:15 - Doors Open + Networking

6:15 – 6:30 - Intro from Women Who Code & AWS Elemental

6:30 - 6:45 - Demo from AWS Elemental

6:45 - 7:00 - Tech Talk from AWS Training and Certification

7:00 - 7:20 - Two distinguished Amazonians will speak about their experience at Amazon with Q&A from attendees

8:20 – 8:30 - More Networking + Closing Remarks

About AWS Elemental

AWS Elemental solutions give video providers the power to quickly, easily and economically deploy and scale workflows and focus on what matters: transforming ideas into compelling content that captivates viewers.

About AWS

In 2006, Amazon Web Services (AWS) began offering IT infrastructure services to businesses in the form of web services -- now commonly known as cloud computing. Today, Amazon Web Services provides a highly reliable, scalable, low-cost infrastructure platform in the cloud that powers hundreds of thousands of businesses in 190 countries around the world. With data center locations in the U.S., Europe, Brazil, Singapore, Japan, and Australia, customers across all industries are taking advantage of agile, low cost, flexible and secure AWS technology platform.

About Women Who Code Portland

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

Our {short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

Sep 30, 2017
Operation Code - Open Source Development

We want to be crystal clear from the get-go: EVERYBODY IS WELCOME! We serve veterans, but we have many active members who are not prior-service members.


We're going to begin monthly meetings at NedSpace!

Topics of discussion for 9/30/2017:

1) Open Source story-sharing.

2) Hacktoberfest and what we can do as an organization to better prepare for an influx of open source contributors.

3) Trouble points for new developers.

4) Moving Forward: How can the Portland Chapter of Operation Code better support you?


We're a nonprofit devoted to helping the military community learn software development, enter the tech industry, and code the future! Help us deploy the future.


Oct 3, 2017
Portland Ruby Brigade - Senior Rubyists AMA
New Relic

Senior Rubyists AMA (tech, careers, "people stuff", whatever)

In lieu of a formal presentation, this month we're having a panel of senior Rubyists available to answer your questions! What kind of questions, you ask? GREAT QUESTION! This is an "Ask Me Anything" session, so as long as you stay within the bounds of our Code of Conduct, you can ask us... well, anything! OO design, job hunting etiquette, stupid Ruby tricks, Japanese calligraphy, gaming, baking, 3D printing... anything! (We may not actually be able to answer baking questions, though.)

The AMA starts right after the 7pm announcements and ends when we run out of questions or panelists!

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.

AMA 7pm-9pm

After presentations we'll have more socializing time. 

Check Calagator for more info.

Oct 19, 2017
#FullStackPDX : October : Critique

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Oct 25, 2017
Women Who Code PDX - JavaScript Study Night
Metal Toad

Women Who Code Portland

var studyNight = {

what: 'A night for studying JavaScript and all its wonders. Come work on a project, do some exercises or tutorials, pair program, or absorb by osmosis.',

when: '5:30-8pm, on the 4th Wednesday each month',

where: 'Metal Toad',

who: 'Anyone so long as you agree to follow our Code of Conduct.',

attendees: []



Come study at JavaScript Study Night! Bring a project, a problem to debug, or follow along with a walkthrough. 

You can also take a look at our github repository for links to other exercises and resources:

By coming to JS Study Night, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct.

{short} Code of Conduct
Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

Nov 6, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Algorithms Study Night
Alchemy Code Lab

Come join us for Algorithms Study Night at Code Fellows! We will be working on two problems, an easier starter problem, and then a more complicated one. Any and all skill levels are welcome. At the beginning of the meetup, we will post the questions on the slack channel, and after the meetup, we will post some of the solutions. Use our Slack Invite form if you would like to join Women Who Code, Portland Slack.

This event will repeat first Monday of each month.

{short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

About Women Who Code Portland

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it.

In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

Nov 7, 2017
Portland Ruby Brigade - Monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations. After presentations we'll have more socializing time.


Pragmatic Microservices, by Randy Shoup, VPE @ Stitch Fix

If you are considering, or in the process of, moving to microservices, you probably want to come to this event. Randy Shoup, a 25-year tech veteran in Silicon Valley, will share his insights into whether and when an organization should consider migrating to microservices and how to do that successfully, referencing examples from Google, eBay, Stitch Fix, as well as many smaller organizations he has worked with.

The Talk

One of the most powerful trends in software today is building large systems out of composable microservices. Many large-scale web companies have migrated over time to this architecture – and for good reason. But, as with any powerful technique, microservices come with their own brand of tradeoffs, and it is important to be aware of them before deciding whether they are appropriate in any particular case. They are not for every scale of problem, for every stage of company, or for every team.

This session takes a pragmatic approach to microservices, and compares them to the alternatives at different stages of company evolution. Using examples from Google, eBay, and Stitch Fix, as well as from smaller organizations, it makes practical suggestions about whether, when, and how an organization should consider adopting a microservices architecture. Assuming microservices are the appropriate choice, it outlines an experience-based, incremental approach to making a successful re-architecture to microservices.

Dana Scheider

Dana Scheider will speak about executive dysfunction, a set of cognitive/psychological conditions that affect the brain's planning and organization functions. These conditions affect a lot of neurodivergent folks and a lot of people who have them don't even know what they are. The talk discusses what executive dysfunction is and how to deal with these conditions as an affected individual or someone who has to work with one.

Nov 16, 2017
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ CDK Global
CDK Global, Inc

This month's networking night is a partnership between ChickTech and Women Who Code - we're delighted to bring our two communities together.

Our November Networking Night will be hosted by CDK Global, the largest global provider of integrated IT and digital marketing solutions to the automotive retail industry. This month's theme is Growing Technically and Professionally, and we have a fantastic speaker panel lined up!

We are thrilled to invite you to a fun evening of talks from experienced technical women, networking, and food + drinks. This month, we are featuring a five talks from five CDK software engineers, each of whom have diverse background and different seniority levels. Together, the engineers will create a framework for becoming a stronger technical team member, from breaking into the industry to developing a more advanced skill set on the job. Come enjoy conversations, Q&A session and the company of fellow software engineers.

5:00 - 6:00pm: Networking + Drinks
6:00 - 6:15pm: Intro from ChickTech + Women Who Code 
6:15 - 6:30pm: Welcome from CDK Global
6:30 - 7:30pm: Growing Technically and Professionally: Five talks from the female engineers of CDK
7:30 - 8:00pm: Networking + Closing Remarks

Speakers and Topics:

Danielle Hubbard (Software Engineer III): Angular Debugging
In this talk, Danielle Hubbard will review common issues that developers face in AngularJS apps and how to fix (and prevent) them. She'll also cover Angular and JavaScript development tips, such as how to debug in the console.

Carrie Eremenis (Software Engineer IV): #TheirCDKSummer
Senior engineer Claire Eremenis speaks about the CDK Summer Internship program, where CDK helped launch the technology career of college students. She'll provide advice on gaining your own internship, and how to enhance your own professional bio through summer intern mentorship.

Claire Mears (Software Engineer I): Growing as a New Team Member
When you are new to a team, taking risks and self-growth can be difficult. This talk explores how to find that balance and become a strong member of a new team.

Shivani Wanjara (Software Engineer II): Culture and Diversity at CDK
CDK prides itself on creating a diverse team and a learning culture. This talk explore how to create an open and friendly culture, where engineers feel comfortable asking questions and junior engineers are encouraged to work with seniors and learn from them. 

Mahija Daliparthi (Software Engineer I): Starting your Career as a Software Engineer
Landing a job as a software engineer can be difficult. Mahjia Daliparthi shares her own personal story of becoming an engineer, busting myths about computer science and coding, and providing tactics that have helped her so far. This talk will cover learning how to learn fast, how best to spend free time at work, and becoming a sponge - absorb and absorb!

About CDK Global
CDK Global is the largest global provider of integrated information technology and digital marketing solutions to the automotive retail industry. We provide auto dealer software for truck, motorcycle, marine and RV from advertising to the sale, finance & insurance and service & parts of a vehicle.

About ChickTech
ChickTech is a multi-generational j/nonprofit dedicated to retaining women in the technology workforce and increasing the number of women and girls pursuing technology-based careers. In Portland, we lead technology events for middle school girls, high school girls, and career level folks! Join us for future ChickTech Portland career events including technical classessocial events, and our signature conference ACT-W (achieving career advancement for technical women. 

About Women Who Code Portland
Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

{short} Code of Conduct
Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.

Nov 22, 2017
#FullStackPDX : November : Critique : Happy Thanksgiving

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Dec 21, 2017
#FullstackPDX : December : Annual Charity Drive : Merry Christmas

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Jan 2, 2018
Portland Ruby Brigade - BUSINESS MEETING
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the meeting. After the meeting we'll have more socializing time.

Business Meeting 7pm-9pm

In lieu of presentations, we'll have a business meeting to discuss the future of PDX.rb. Come prepared to volunteer to keep this group going!

Jan 11, 2018
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Preparing for Technical Interview
The Tech Academy

Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub. 

Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search.  

This installment on Thursday, January 11 at 6.p.m. will cover:

Preparing and tips for the Technical Interview

Food & Beverages:

The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. 

• 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Meet and greet (Networking + pizza and beverages)

• 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation

• 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements

• 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing

Resources for Tech Job Seekers:

David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment.

Jan 25, 2018
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Maximizing Your LinkedIn 1/25
The Tech Academy

Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub. 

Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search.  

This installment on Thursday, January 25 at 6.p.m. will cover:

Maximizing LinkedIn for your job search

Food & Beverages:

The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. 

• 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Meet and greet (Networking + pizza and beverages)

• 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation

• 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements

• 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Soft Skills interview mini-workshop for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop, practice soft skill interviewing

Resources for Tech Job Seekers:

David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment.

Feb 8, 2018
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Soft Skills Interviewing 2/8
The Tech Academy

Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub. 

Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search.  

This installment on Thursday, February 8 at 6.p.m. will cover:

Preparing for Soft Skill Interviews

Food & Beverages:

The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. 

• 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Meet and greet (Networking + pizza and beverages)

• 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation

• 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements

• 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing

Resources for Tech Job Seekers:

David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment.

Feb 15, 2018
#FullStackPDX : February : Critique : 2018 KICK OFF

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Feb 22, 2018
Code Oregon - The Tech Academy presents Code Oregon Careers: Maximizing Your GitHub 8/22
The Tech Academy

Code Oregon Careers is a collaboration between Code Oregon and The Tech Academy to help software developers prepare themselves for the job search in the software industry. This is a four part series focusing on Soft Skills Interviews, Technical Interviews, LinkedIn and GitHub. 

Whether you are an experienced developer back on the job search or a brand new junior developer looking for your first opportunity, join us to learn some valuable skills to help you in your job search.  

This installment on Thursday, February 22 at 6.p.m. will cover:

Maximizing Your GitHub for the Job Search

Food & Beverages:

The Tech Academy will be providing free pizza and beverages. Please RSVP to help us ensure we have enough food for everyone. If later on you are unable to make the event, please change your RSVP status to help us avoid wasting food. 

• 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Meet and greet (Networking + pizza and beverages)

• 6:30 p.m. Code Oregon Careers presentation

• 7:30 p.m. Q & A and announcements

• 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Practice Soft Skills interview inteviewing for anyone that what's to stay after the initial presentation to develop and practice soft skill interviewing

Resources for Tech Job Seekers:

David Duncan with Code Oregon (a partnership with WorkSource Oregon and WorkSystems) has developed to help job seekers in the tech industry. To schedule a resume review and/or join his list to receive customized job leads, send a resume to [masked] or [masked] to schedule an appointment.

Mar 22, 2018
#FullStackPDX : March : Critique

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Mar 23, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - IoT Hackathon 2018
through Puppet

Our IoT Hackathon is coming back the weekend of March 23-25, 2018! For the full event description is available on Eventbrite.

This event is geared towards women but we also welcome everyone who supports our mission of inspiring women to excel in technology careers. The goal of the hackathon is to gain new programming skills, have fun, and work in teams to build sustainability solutions. This year's theme is Sustainable Futures.

We welcome your expertise at this event, whether you are a developer, designer, product manager, project manager, data scientist, business analyst, or marketing professional. You will be working in teams of 4-6 to come up with the next great IoT solution. This hackathon is geared towards all skill levels. If this is your first hackathon, you will fit right in! If you are a seasoned professional ready to lead a dedicated team, this event is also for you!

The event cost is $25 for all hackathon participants and they include food throughout the weekend, WWCode swag, giveaways, and prizes for the winners. We have scholarships available for anyone who is a student, under-employed, or in need of financial assistance. Please visit the full event post on Eventbrite for more information.

Apr 19, 2018
#FullStackPDX : April : Critique

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

May 1, 2018
Portland Ruby Brigade - Monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations. Also, be sure to give yourself a few minutes to sign-in as a visitor at New Relic.

PRESENTATIONS 6:30pm-8:30pm

  • Chris Krailo - Level Up; everything you should know outside of coding
  • Jared White - Stimulus JS, Webpack, & Rails

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

May 29, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys with Crystal Martin
Online Webinar

Women Who Code Portland and LaunchCode are thrilled to present a cross-country online series focused on women in tech exchanging stories, building connections, and supporting each other in their careers. The series will be called "Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys" and it will take place the last Tuesday of the month.

Each session will feature a conversation with a woman in a senior tech role. Our speakers will talk openly about their current role, their journey, and what their day-to-day work lives are like. We will alternate speakers from the Portland and St Louis communities.

Link to join the Zoom event:


4:00 – 4:05 PM – Intro from Women Who Code Portland and LaunchCode
4:05 – 4:25 PM – Crystal shares her tech journey
4:25 – 4:45 PM – Q&A from the audience


Crystal is a Salesforce Development Consultant at Slalom, a Co-Organizer of Strange Loop Conference, and diversity in tech/business advocate. As a Detroit Public Schools graduate, Crystal is passionate about equal access to education at all levels. She came to St. Louis as a 2010 Teach For America Corps Member and taught middle school math in St. Louis Public Schools for four years. After her time in the classroom, she wanted to explore a career that would allow her to bring together her love for creativity, science, and community and technology was just that! Crystal likes to call herself a “developing developer”, she’s a lifetime learner and is currently digging into JavaScript and Salesforce and fighting the patriarchy and imposter syndrome one key stroke at a time. She holds a B.S. in Nutritional Sciences from Michigan State University and an M.Ed. in Secondary Education from the University of Missouri-St. Louis, which goes to show, college degrees matter, but they really don’t.


By dialing in to this event, you agree to our Code of Conduct. Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed.

May 31, 2018
#FullStackPDX : May : Critique

Who are we? We are entrepreneurs, full stack engineers, hackers, continuous learners, but above all, we are a group that loves to work hard and play harder. We organize a variety of content types, and the organizing team believes in delivering the best value for time invested in our events. Companies have launched, founders paired, code taken apart, lessons learned, and more. We are not the typical meetup where a teacher like presenter stands in front of the class and delivers their message. We are a full hands on interactive experience and meetings are successful from the cumulative knowledge and expertise of all members.

Join us for something different.

Join us to learn.

Let’s have fun building our dreams.

Register for our events and buy your ticket on

Jun 5, 2018
Portland Ruby Brigade - Monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations. Also, be sure to give yourself a few minutes to sign-in as a visitor at New Relic.

PRESENTATIONS 6:30pm-8:30pm

  • Andrew Accuardi giving a Rubyist perspective over the first 300 hours of full-time Elixir dev
  • Brian “Brixen” Shirai giving a lightning talk on microservices
  • Dana Scheider with a lightning talk overview of her new project InView

After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Jun 6, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - DevOps Study Night: Scripting & Automation

Welcome to our DevOps Study Night!

This month's theme: Scripting and Automation

Throughout 2018, the WWC PDX study nights will weave through an introductory overview of systems administration. This month, we'll take a look at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), two of the main providers of cloud infrastructure services.

The DevOps Study Nights occur on the first Wednesday of each month.

Come prepared with:
* Laptop/Computer

For the demo/workshop, we'll be working in Google Cloud Platform, so you'll want to sign up for an account (it's free!):


Fill out this form to request an invite:



Our Github repository for links to resources: . It's lightweight right now but we will add to it in the coming months.


By coming to the DevOps Study Night, you are agreeing to follow our Code of Conduct: (aka be a good human).


Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form (

Jun 13, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - JavaScript Study Night
Act-On Software

var studyNight = {

what: 'A night for studying JavaScript and all its wonders. Come work on a project, do some exercises or tutorials, pair program, or absorb by osmosis.',

when: '5:30-8pm, on the 2nd Wednesday each month',

where: 'Act On Software',

who: 'Anyone so long as you agree to follow our Code of Conduct.',

attendees: []





Come study at JavaScript Study Night! Bring a project, a problem to debug, or follow along with a walkthrough. You can also take a look at our github repository for links to other exercises and resources:

Thanks to Act-On for sponsoring and hosting us!

Act-On Software is a marketing automation software company that empowers marketers to do the best work of their careers. Their company headquarters is located in Portland, OR, in the Bank of America building. They are currently hiring for several engineering and customer support (tiers 1, 2, and 3) roles. Please visit their careers page for more information on their open positions:


By coming to JS Study Night, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

{short} Code of Conduct
Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form (

Jun 18, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - 4th Anniversary Celebration

On Monday, June 18th, Women Who Code Portland will be celebrating 4 years in Portland! 🥂 Join us for our 4th Anniversary Celebration, an evening of networking, great talks, giveaways, and delicious food and drinks, hosted by New Relic.

The theme and the speakers will be announced in the next few weeks leading up to the event! Stay tuned!

For security reasons, all attendees are required to RSVP on Eventbrite:


5:30 - 6:00 - Doors open & Networking Activity
6:00 - 6:30 - Welcome from Women Who Code Portland + Sponsors
6:30 - 7:30 - Distinguished Panel
7:30 - 8:30 - Networking


As a thank you to our wonderful members, we will have an awesome Women Who Code t-shirt to give away to our first 100 attendees and we will be raffling conference tickets and other cool prizes to all attendees.


Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form (


Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it. In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

For security reasons, all attendees are required to RSVP on Eventbrite:

Jun 21, 2018
#FullStackPDX : June : Critique
WeWork Custom House

Just like fight club, if this is your first night attending, you have to present.

Discussing your startup, recent project, code reviews, business ideas, etc. are all applicable. There is not a required length of time to present. This can be a live prototype or even a set of powerpoint slides. You do not have to know how to code to present your dream, and we are HERE TO HELP you. Presentations are meant to be collaborative, not the traditional meetup style where a presenter talks like a teacher for a very long time and saves questions for the end. We use a timer and the group dynamic works to collaboratively prevent cross talk and side conversations. So bring your computer, fun spirit and desire to learn, and let's have fun.

Signups through are required and seats are limited, so buy your tickets early because we usually sell out. We are self funded, and 100% of the revenue received is put back into the meetup costs. We will have top shelf pizza from Crown PDX ( so come HUNGRY for dinner!!

Doors open at 6pm and we kick off on time. We start consuming the pizza at 6pm as well. After the concert of presentations we will walk over to Bailey's Taproom ( to continue the evening.

Location: WeWork Customs House : Room 1C : When you check in ask for CP Handheld, they are our sponsor. The room is right to the left as you walk in.

Jul 3, 2018
Portland Ruby Brigade - Monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner.

Special Note! No presentations this month, instead:

6:00-6:30 - Hack & Help.

6:30-7:30 - Business Meeting to decide the Speaker Organizer for the next 6ish months.

7:30ish-8 - Socializing and Coding afterwards

8ish - ? - Bailey’s Taproom

Bring your laptop!

Presentations are returning in August.

Jul 18, 2018
Rejected Oscon Talks : Charity Drive and Critique : A collaboration between #FullStackPDX and the neo4j Team!
WeWork Custom House

This month we have lined up a super special event!!!!! ————————————————————————

When the neo4j team reached out to us to setup an event during OSCON we jumped all over this. Not only will we be having the presentations you are all used to, but we will be welcoming a number of talks that did not make the cut for the OSCON conference. On top of this, 100% of the ticket proceeds will be donated to Planned Parenthood

Just like fight club, if this is your first night attending, you have to present.

We have all heard the pitch before, and we make no exceptions to this rule. Since this meetup is in the larger space we will have a projector you can hook up to, or just use the sound of your voice. What should you present? Well, we do not spec that.

Discussing your startup, recent project, code reviews, business ideas, etc. are all applicable. There is not a required length of time to present. This can be a live prototype or even a set of powerpoint slides. You do not have to know how to code to present your dream, and we are HERE TO HELP you. Presentations are meant to be collaborative, not the traditional meetup style where a presenter talks like a teacher for a very long time and saves questions for the end. We use a timer and the group dynamic works to collaboratively prevent cross talk and side conversations.

So bring your fun spirit, desire to learn, passion to help others, and let's have fun.


Signups through are required and seats are limited, so buy your tickets early because we usually sell out. We are self funded, and 100% of the revenue received is put back into the meetup costs. We will have top shelf pizza from Crown PDX ( so come HUNGRY for dinner!!

Doors open at 6pm and we kick off on time. We start consuming the pizza at 6pm as well. After the concert of presentations we will walk over to Bailey's Taproom ( to continue the evening.


Location: WeWork Customs House : Community : When you check in ask for CP Handheld, they are our sponsor. The room is right to the left as you walk in.

Aug 7, 2018
Portland Ruby Brigade - Monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner.

PANEL 6:30-8/8:30

Ruby in Portland 2018 Retrospective and 2019 Forecast

  • Michael Smith - Principal Engineer @ Puppet Labs
  • Zach Davis - Chief Technologist @ Cast Iron Coding
  • Lauren Voswinkel - Senior Software Engineer @ New Relic
  • Reid Beels - CTO @ The Dyrt

After the panel please join us at Bailey's Taproom on 213 SW Broadway (3 minute walk) for casual socializing and networking.

Aug 8, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - DevOps Study Night: SysAdmin Series August

Welcome to our DevOps Study Night!

Throughout the year, the WWCode Portland DevOps Study Nights will weave through an introductory overview of systems administration. This month, we will take a look at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), two of the main providers of cloud infrastructure services.

The DevOps Study Nights take place on the first Wednesday of each month.

This month Stacy will speak and guide us through on high level conversation on Server Security.

Come prepared with:
* Laptop/Computer

For the demo/workshop, we will be working in Google Cloud Platform, so you will want to sign up for an account (it's free!):

About our Speaker:
Stacy is a Senior Security Automation Engineer at Randstad at Nike. She is passionate about fostering a grounding in security, testing, and development best practices. Anyone can learn these skills when they put their mind to it. She likes to foster that mindset in the people she mentors.

She has developed microservices, automation, orchestration and monoliths. She enjoys posing the question "what is devops?" and the ensuing discussion. No two answers are the same.

She enjoys reading man pages for fun, singing in the Aurora Chorus, and running about 20 miles a week.

Thank you vevo for hosting and sponsoring our DevOps study night.


- Join our Slack community here:
- Follow our GitHub repository with links to resources:



By coming to our DevOps Study Night, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

Aug 16, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ Mozilla: Women in InfoSec

*** Please sign up via Eventbrite for this event: ***

Join Women Who Code Portland on Thursday, August 16th for a Networking Night @ Mozilla, with Women in InfoSec as the theme. This event will feature a panel of distinguished and experienced women from the security field. Our panelists will discuss how they initially landed in InfoSec, what the different roles are, and how someone could enter this field. According to the Women's Society of Cyberjutsu (WSC), only 11% of the world's information security workforce are women. With this event, we are aiming to expose more women to the opportunities in InfoSec and hopefully encourage some of our attendees to apply for roles in InfoSec.

Our distinguished panel will feature:

Joan Pepin - Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), Auth0
LJ Johnson - Sr. Director, Information Security, Nike
Miki Demeter - Security Researcher, Intel
Moderator: Ann Wallace - Technical Cloud Consultant, Google


5:30 – 6:00 PM – Doors Open + Networking
6:00 – 6:15 PM – Welcome from WWCode Portland and Mozilla
6:15 – 7:15 PM – Panel: Women in InfoSec + Q&A from the audience
7:15 - 8:00 PM – Networking + Closing Remarks


Joan Pepin is the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Auth0. As CISO, Joan is responsible for the holistic security and compliance of Auth0's platform, products, and corporate environment. She brings 20 years of experience to the role, with a career that has spanned a wide variety of industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, defense, ISPs, and MSSPs.

LJ Johnson is a well-known security industry leader within the local Portland community. For the past 20 years, LJ has held several roles within Nike’s Information Security organization as well as holding leadership positions in Business Operations, Organizational Change Management, Global Supply Chain, Application Development and eCommerce. Having a holistic background in both business operations and technology delivery has allowed LJ to deliver security solutions and services with real business results.

Miki Demeter is a Security Researcher at Intel. Her career has encompassed everything from firmware to the application space. In the last eight years, Miki has focused on security as the Security Champion for the Open Source Technology Center @ Intel. In her current position as a Security Researcher, she works on Secure Development Lifecycle governance and as a Product Security Expert for Open Source Software. Miki strives to instill a security first attitude in products, by working with developers to make informed choices when using Open Source.

More information on the speakers is available on the Eventbrite page.

🙅🏼‍♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼‍♀️

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

Please sign up via Eventbrite for this event:

Aug 21, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Design + Product Study Night
Lithium Technologies


Hey! This is the Design + Product Study Night.

We are folks that work in the product space, want to develop new skills related to product development, or are looking for our first job in product.

You don't need to be a product designer or manager, or have any experience to come. Only interest and a willingness to help others is required!


• 5-10 minute lightning talk
• Independent work time
• Continued discussion on the lightning talk topic


• Friendliness & empathy
• Willingness to learn
• Willingness to teach others
• Interest in product design or product management.


• Build a richer community around product thinking and product design in Portland.
• Develop your skills in this space.
• Meet like-minded people doing similar work.
• Build side projects.
• Career development in product and design.


- Meet the rest of our community on Slack:
- Follow our GitHub repository with links to resources:
- The D+PSN will take place every 3rd Tuesday of the month at Lithium Technologies.


By coming to our Design + Product Study Night, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

Aug 23, 2018
#FullStackPDX : August : Critique
WeWork Custom House

Just like fight club, if this is your first night attending, you have to present.

Discussing your startup, recent project, code reviews, business ideas, etc. are all applicable. There is not a required length of time to present. This can be a live prototype or even a set of powerpoint slides. You do not have to know how to code to present your dream, and we are HERE TO HELP you. Presentations are meant to be collaborative, not the traditional meetup style where a presenter talks like a teacher for a very long time and saves questions for the end. We use a timer and the group dynamic works to collaboratively prevent cross talk and side conversations. So bring your computer, fun spirit and desire to learn, and let's have fun.

Signups through are required and seats are limited, so buy your tickets early because we usually sell out. We are self funded, and 100% of the revenue received is put back into the meetup costs. We will have top shelf pizza from Crown PDX ( so come HUNGRY for dinner!!

Doors open at 6pm and we kick off on time. We start consuming the pizza at 6pm as well. After the concert of presentations we will walk over to Bailey's Taproom ( to continue the evening.

Location: WeWork Customs House : Room 1C : When you check in ask for CP Handheld, they are our sponsor. The room is right to the left as you walk in.

Aug 28, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys with Ann Wallace
Online Webinar

Women Who Code Portland and LaunchCode are thrilled to present a cross-country online series focused on women in tech exchanging stories, building connections, and supporting each other in their careers. The series will be called "Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys" and it will take place the last Tuesday of the month.

Each session will feature a conversation with a woman in a senior tech role. Our speakers will talk openly about their current role, their journey, and what their day-to-day work lives are like. We will alternate speakers from the Portland and St Louis communities.

Link to join the Zoom event:


4:00 – 4:05 PM – Intro from Women Who Code Portland and LaunchCode
4:05 – 4:25 PM – Ann shares her tech journey
4:25 – 4:45 PM – Q&A from the audience


Ann Wallace is a Technical Cloud Consultant at Google focusing on kubernetes, security and SRE. Before Google, Ann spent 14 years at Nike in various engineering and architecture roles. CloudNOW named her one of the top 10 Women in Cloud in 2015. When not working, Ann can be found traveling and ultra-trail running.

🙅🏼‍♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼‍♀️

By dialing in to this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

Sep 15, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Workshop: Building High-Performance Modern Websites with Gatsby

Women Who Code Portland and Gatsby are partnering up to present a workshop on how to build blazing-fast websites with Gatsby.js. Our instructor for the day will be Jason Lengstorf, a Developer Advocate with Gatsby. The goal of this workshop is to get you started with Gatsby.

Thank you Gatsby and Alchemy Code Lab for helping us organize this event.


Attendees will need:
- Their own computer
- Node.js (required version 6 or later) with npm
- Basic knowledge of the terminal (ability to open it, run commands that will be written on the slides)
- Permission to install global commands (this can be a blocker for people with restricted work computers)
- A code editor (VS Code is recommended)

Recommended, but not necessary:
- Some experience with JavaScript


Jason Lengstorf is a developer advocate, occasional designer, and frequent speaker. He’s passionate about building tools, systems, and training materials to create high-performance teams and apps. He later encourages those teams to use their newfound free time to go outside and be people and stuff. He lives in Portland, Oregon.


10:00 AM – 10:30 AM – Doors open
10:30 AM – 10:45 AM – Welcome from WWCode Portland, Gatsby, and Alchemy Code Lab
10:45 AM – 11:00 AM – Instructor and Attendee introductions
11:00 AM – 11:25 AM – Introduction to Gatsby
11:25 AM – 12:15 PM – Tutorial Part 1: Introduction to Gatsby basics
12:15 PM – 1:00 PM – LUNCH
1:00 PM – 1:15 PM – Tutorial Part 2: Introduction to using CSS in Gatsby
1:15 PM – 1:30 PM – Tutorial Part 3: Building nested layouts in Gatsby
1:30 PM – 2:00 PM – Tutorial Part 4: Querying for data in a blog
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM – BREAK
2:30 PM – 3:15 PM – Tutorial Part 5: Source plugins and rendering queried data
3:15 PM – 4:00 PM – Q&A, Next Steps, and Closing Remarks
4:00 PM – End of Workshop


The cost of this workshop is $10. This includes the cost of lunch and snacks.

If you are a student, under-employed, and/or in need of financial assistance, we a few full scholarships available for this event. Please submit an application here:

There are no refunds for this event.

🙅🏼‍♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼‍♀️

By dialing in to this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

Sep 20, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ Intel: Women Who Open Source
McMenamins' Cornelius Pass Roadhouse

Please RSVP on Eventbrite:

Our September Networking Night will be hosted by the women within the Open Source Technology Center at Intel. The theme of the night is ✨ Women Who Open Source ✨. Join us for lightning talks on Open Source, Artificial Intelligence, Chrome, Data Center and Cloud Environment, and Security, and dinner at McMenamins.

Our distinguished speakers are all women from the Intel Open Source Technology Center and they are:
- Kelly Hammond -- Director of Clear Linux Stacks and Performance Engineering
- Kristen Accardi -- Security Architect
- Margarita Maroto -- Chrome OS Engineering Director
- Monica Ene-Pietrosanu -- Software Engineering Director of Datacenter Solutions & Languages Optimization


6:00 - 6:30 PM – Doors Open + Networking
6:30 - 6:45 PM – Welcome from Women at OTC, Intel and WWCode Portland
6:45 - 7:45 PM – Lighting Talks: Women at Open Source Technology Center, Intel + Q&A from the audience
7:45 - 8:30 PM – Networking + Closing Remarks


Kelly Hammond -- What does it mean to be open source, and why should software developers want to work in open source?

Kristen Accardi -- Micro-architectural side channel attacks are here to stay. What can we do inside the operating system to defend against them?

Margarita Maroto -- Chromebooks have evolved into premium devices with advanced features and high adoption.

Monica Ene-Pietrosanu -- Cloud computing, containers, runtime languages, and software orchestration.

More information about each talk and speaker is available on the Eventbrite page.

🙅🏼‍♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼‍♀️

By attending this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

Please RSVP on Eventbrite:

Sep 25, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys with Kathi Kellenberger
Online Webinar

Women Who Code Portland and LaunchCode are thrilled to present a cross-country online series focused on women in tech exchanging stories, building connections, and supporting each other in their careers. The series will be called "Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys" and it will take place the last Tuesday of the month.

Each session will feature a conversation with a woman in a senior tech role. Our speakers will talk openly about their current role, their journey, and what their day-to-day work lives are like. We will alternate speakers from the Portland and St Louis communities.

Link to join the Zoom event:


4:00 – 4:05 PM – Intro from WWCode Portland and LaunchCode
4:05 – 4:25 PM – Kathi shares her tech journey
4:25 – 4:45 PM – Q&A from the audience


Kathi Kellenberger has been involved with technology for over twenty years, with most of that time focused on SQL Server and the Microsoft Data Platform. She has written several books, articles and courses on SQL Server topics and loves to present at conferences around the world. She is co-leader of the Women in Technology Virtual Chapter for the PASS organization and an instructor in the LaunchCode CoderGirl program. She is currently editor of Redgate's online technical journal, Simple Talk.

🙅🏼‍♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼‍♀️

By dialing in to this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

Sep 27, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Open Source Study Night: Security
Planet Argon

Open Source Study Night is specifically designed for people who would like to start contributing to open source, or have open source work that they'd like to do with others.

This month's theme: Security and Open Source. This month's study night will feature a presentation by Michaela "Miki" Demeter, Security Researcher at Intel!

When looking at open source packages, how do you decide what to incorporate and what to leave behind? Ultimately, your goal is to minimize your company and your teams' exposure to risk. “Minimizing risk” doesn't mean analyzing every line of code, but does involve evaluating a project's community. Can you trust them to do work at the quality that you can feel comfortable with in your releases? Are they doing proactive security work and fixing bugs quickly?

Miki has worked for the Open Source Technology Center at Intel for 5 years, and is an expert on open source communities. You'll walk away with a better understanding of how to choose open source libraries for your projects.

Come prepared with:
IDE of your choice
* Git/GitHub or GitLab. If you don't know git, we'll teach you!

Thanks to our sponsor, Planet Argon, for hosting this event.

🙅🏼‍♀️ CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼‍♀️

By attending this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

#FullStackPDX : September : Critique
WeWork Custom House

Just like fight club, if this is your first night attending, you have to present.

Discussing your startup, recent project, code reviews, business ideas, etc. are all applicable. There is not a required length of time to present. This can be a live prototype or even a set of powerpoint slides. You do not have to know how to code to present your dream, and we are HERE TO HELP you. Presentations are meant to be collaborative, not the traditional meetup style where a presenter talks like a teacher for a very long time and saves questions for the end. We use a timer and the group dynamic works to collaboratively prevent cross talk and side conversations. So bring your computer, fun spirit and desire to learn, and let's have fun.

Signups through are required and seats are limited, so buy your tickets early because we usually sell out. We are self funded, and 100% of the revenue received is put back into the meetup costs. We will have top shelf pizza from Crown PDX ( so come HUNGRY for dinner!!

Doors open at 6pm and we kick off on time. After the concert of presentations we will walk over to Bailey's Taproom ( to continue the evening.

Location: WeWork Customs House : Room 1C : When you check in ask for CP Handheld, they are our sponsor. The room is right to the left as you walk in.

Oct 1, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Algorithms Study Night

Come join us for Algorithms Study Night at Alchemy Code Lab! This month we're not going have a topic with specified problems. You can bring a problem to work on, or we can help you find one once you get there. All skill levels are welcome. Please join the join Women Who Code Portland Slack community with this invite form (

This event will repeat the first Monday of each month.

{short} Code of Conduct

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form (

About Women Who Code Portland

Women Who Code is a global nonprofit dedicated to inspire women to excel in technology careers. We connect amazing women with other like-minded individuals around the globe who unite under one simple notion--the world of technology is better with women in it.

In Portland, we organize monthly study nights, workshops, and networking nights, as well as hackathons and social events.

Oct 2, 2018
Portland Ruby Brigade - Monthly meeting
New Relic - 111 SW 5th Ave #2700, Portland, OR 97204 (27th floor)

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Check Calagator ( for more info.

This month we will have a presentation by Maggie Dreyer about Puppet's use of JRuby and Jason Dinsmore on: Who? What? When? Human readable audit reporting for PaperTrail.

Oct 3, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - DevOps Study Night: Security and Compliance

Welcome to our DevOps Study Night!

Throughout the year, the WWCode Portland DevOps Study Nights will weave through an introductory overview of systems administration. This month, we will take a look at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), two of the main providers of cloud infrastructure services.

The DevOps Study Nights take place on the first Wednesday of each month. For October, the topic will be managing security and compliance regulations.

- 6PM to 7PM - Presentation about considerations regarding security and compliance for data. Why do we need to protect our servers, and how can we do it to meet our needs? Certificates versus SSH versus passwords. Encryption!
- 7PM - 8PM - We'll spin up a server and connect to it using a password, SSH, and a certificate.

Thank you vevo for hosting and sponsoring our DevOps study night.


- Join our Slack community here:
- Follow our GitHub repository with links to resources:



By coming to our DevOps Study Night, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

Oct 4, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Alexa’s Got Skills: Intro to Voice Technology

Women Who Code Portland is pleased to announce an Intro to Voice Technology, in partnership with Women in Voice. This talk & hands-on workshop will be lead by Joan Palmiter Bajorek, the Founder of Women in Voice.

The topics that will be covered during this session are:
- How do Alexa, Ok Google, and Siri work (voice assistants)?
- Why is voice taking off right now? Is that related to artificial intelligence?
- What does it take to build my own Alexa skills and Google actions?
- Why does this matter in the big scheme of things?

This talk is for a general audience, but we will also explore technical topics of natural language processing, machine learning, and neural networks. No coding experience required.

We will live-stream this event: link TBA.


5:30-5:45 - Arrive, check in, networking
5:45-5:55 - Welcome from WWCode Portland and Mozilla
5:55-6:25 - Intro to Voice Talk
6:25-6:45 - Question and Discussion
6:45-7:40 - Hands on Workshop
7:40-7:45 - Closing


Joan Palmiter Bajorek is the Founder of Women in Voice ( She is a Speech Technologist and PhD Candidate at the University of Arizona. Exploring speech recognition and virtual reality in educational technology, i.e. Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, she is the Principal Investigator of an international team in collaboration with the startup ImmerseMe. Her research has been published by Cambridge University Press, The Linguist List, The FLT Mag, and Issues and Trends in Educational Technology. As a public speaker, she has recently spoken at VOICE Summit by Amazon Alexa, UX@UA, iSpace Tech Talks, American Association of Applied Linguistics, R-Ladies, Rosetta Stone, Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium, and the podcasts “This Week in Voice,” “The Vocal Fries,” and “Voice & Beyond.” She holds an MA in Linguistics from the University of California, Davis and undergraduate degrees from the University of Washington.

🙅🏼‍♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼‍♀️

By attending this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

Oct 7, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Cupcakes & Math: Hacktoberfest
Posies Cafe

Inspired by Stephanie Hurlburt's cupcakes and math meetup in Seattle, we've started a cupcakes and math club here in PDX.

As a special treat this month, we'll be focusing on submitting PRs for Hacktoberfest, in addition to our usual math discussion! Come celebrate open source and and make your first PRs toward Digital Ocean's hacktoberfest event. Learn more about Hacktoberfest here:

Come join us:
Location: Posie's Cafe
Time: 11:30am - 2:00pm

Commitment: Have fun. There's no need to show up regularly, on time or stay the whole time. It's a chill, "drop in whenever you feel like you need some math in your life" event.

What To Bring: Bring a math textbook you want to do problems from (or a laptop with online learning materials). If you don't feel comfortable working with math, that's fine. Bring a program that's giving you trouble, or a computation-related side project.

What Will Happen: You'll sharpen your math skills while eating cute pastries next to other ladies doing the same thing. We can work quietly, ask for help from others or talk about a cool thing you just learned.

(Copy & Idea Inspiration: Stephanie Hurlburt)
(Photo Credit: Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash)

🙅🏼‍♀️ CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼‍♀️

By attending this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Event Specific: This is a physical and psychologically safe place. People of all skill levels are welcome, and beginners will be treated with kindness and respect. Anyone who identifies as female or non-binary is welcome; there will be no discrimination, harassment or comments that make others feel unwelcome. If you feel uncomfortable at any point, please email me @ [masked] or pull me aside during the meetup.

Oct 10, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - JavaScript Study Night - Vue Basics
Act-On Software

JavaScript Study Night is a space and time for all people interested in learning JavaScript to study, practice, and learn! We start with reading through code for about an hour - in pairs, groups, or alone if you prefer. Why? Because reading code is just as important as writing it. Afterwards, you’ll have time to self-study, so bring a project or browse our GitHub repo for exercises, ideas, and resources:



5:30-5:45 :: arrive, settle in, grab food, mingle
5:45-6:00 :: welcome, explain code reading exercise
6:00-7:00 :: practice reading code
7:00-8:00 :: self-study


Thanks to Act-On for sponsoring and hosting us!

Act-On Software is a marketing automation software company that empowers marketers to do the best work of their careers. Visit their careers page for more information on current open positions:


By coming to our JavaScript, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

Oct 16, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Design + Product Study Night
Lithium Technologies


Hey! This is the Design + Product Study Night.

We are folks that work in the product space, want to develop new skills related to product development, or are looking for our first job in product.

You don't need to be a product designer or manager, or have any experience to come. Only interest and a willingness to help others is required!


• 5-10 minute lightning talk
• Independent work time
• Continued discussion on the lightning talk topic


• Friendliness & empathy
• Willingness to learn
• Willingness to teach others
• Interest in product design or product management.


• Build a richer community around product thinking and product design in Portland.
• Develop your skills in this space.
• Meet like-minded people doing similar work.
• Build side projects.
• Career development in product and design.


- Meet the rest of our community on Slack:
- Follow our GitHub repository with links to resources:
- The D+PSN will take place every 3rd Tuesday of the month at Lithium Technologies.


By coming to our Design + Product Study Night, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

Oct 18, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - Open Source Study Night: Hacktoberfest!

Hacktoberfest! Let's celebrate open source over food, drinks, learning, and great company. Commit your first PR to an open source project, or submit new PRs to win prizes.

What's Hacktoberfest?

Hacktoberfest — brought to you by DigitalOcean in partnership with GitHub and Twilio — is a month-long celebration of open source software. Maintainers are invited to guide would-be contributors towards issues that will help move the project forward, and contributors get the opportunity to give back to both projects they like, and ones they've just discovered. No contribution is too small—bug fixes and documentation updates are valid ways of participating.

Can't make it to this event? Hacktoberfest is virtual and open to participants from around the globe. Connect with other Hacktoberfest participants by using the hashtag, #hacktoberfest. Sign up to participate today:

Rules and Prizes

First sign up on the Hacktoberfest site. If you open up five pull requests between October 1 and October 31, you'll win a free, limited edition Hacktoberfest T-shirt. (Pull requests do not have to be merged and accepted; as long as they've been opened between the very start of October 1 and the very end of October 31, they count towards a free T-shirt.)

We'll also be raffling off prizes to participants at this event - come ready to win swag!

Come prepared with:
IDE of your choice - we like Visual Studio Code
* Git/GitHub or GitLab. If you don't know git, we'll teach you!

🙅🏼‍♀️ CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼‍♀️

By attending this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

Oct 25, 2018
#FullStackPDX : October : Critique
WeWork Custom House

Just like fight club, if this is your first night attending, you have to present.

Discussing your startup, recent project, code reviews, business ideas, etc. are all applicable. There is not a required length of time to present. This can be a live prototype or even a set of powerpoint slides. You do not have to know how to code to present your dream, and we are HERE TO HELP you. Presentations are meant to be collaborative, not the traditional meetup style where a presenter talks like a teacher for a very long time and saves questions for the end. We use a timer and the group dynamic works to collaboratively prevent cross talk and side conversations. So bring your computer, fun spirit and desire to learn, and let's have fun.

Signups through are required and seats are limited, so buy your tickets early because we usually sell out. We are self funded, and 100% of the revenue received is put back into the meetup costs. We will have top shelf pizza from Crown PDX ( so come HUNGRY for dinner!!

Doors open at 6pm and we kick off on time. After the concert of presentations we will walk over to Bailey's Taproom ( to continue the evening.

Location: WeWork Customs House : Room 1C : When you check in ask for CP Handheld, they are our sponsor. The room is right to the left as you walk in.

Nov 8, 2018
Women Who Code Portland - IoT Series: Circuits 101

Get to grips with the basics of electronics. In this self-guided workshop, you will learn how to use the fundamental building blocks that create circuits, such as leds, jumper wires, bread board, resistors, batteries, switches, buttons, sensors and more!


5:30-5:45 - Arrive, check in, and food
5:45-6:00 - Welcome from WWCode Portland and Mozilla
6:00-7:30 - Circuits 101
7:30-8:00 - Closing


Andrew Chalkley (@chalkers) is a Full-Stack Software Architect at eBay, Co-Host of That Maker Show, project lead of thingsSDK and technical writer at He's been dabbling in electronics since 2012, given classes and lectures around the United States including at the Rochester Institute of Technology.

David Wang (@planetbeing) is a co-founder of Corellium, a startup working on the virtualization of mobile devices and leveraging that technology for security research. Previously, David has created hardware and software for a home automation hub called Solace. He has also contributed to Homebridge and authored plugins for it. He continues to be a home automation enthusiast, and works to either cajole or reverse engineer every single device in his house into joining a coherent system.

🙅🏼‍♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼‍♀️

By attending this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

Nov 29, 2018
#FullStackPDX : November : Critique
WeWork Custom House

Just like fight club, if this is your first night attending, you have to present.

Discussing your startup, recent project, code reviews, business ideas, etc. are all applicable. There is not a required length of time to present. This can be a live prototype or even a set of powerpoint slides. You do not have to know how to code to present your dream, and we are HERE TO HELP you. Presentations are meant to be collaborative, not the traditional meetup style where a presenter talks like a teacher for a very long time and saves questions for the end. We use a timer and the group dynamic works to collaboratively prevent cross talk and side conversations. So bring your computer, fun spirit and desire to learn, and let's have fun.

Signups through are required and seats are limited, so buy your tickets early because we usually sell out. We are self funded, and 100% of the revenue received is put back into the meetup costs. We will have top shelf pizza from Crown PDX ( so come HUNGRY for dinner!!

Doors open at 6pm and we kick off on time. After the concert of presentations we will walk over to Bailey's Taproom ( to continue the evening.

Location: WeWork Customs House : Room 1C : When you check in ask for CP Handheld, they are our sponsor. The room is right to the left as you walk in.

Dec 4, 2018
Portland Ruby Brigade - Monthly meeting
New Relic

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


After presentations we'll have more socializing time.

Dec 17, 2018
#FullStackPDX : December 2018 Christmas Charity Drive 4 Portland Rescue Mission
WeWork Custom House

Just like the last 3 years, our final meetup of the year is always based on a charity drive. This year we have selected the Portland Rescue Mission All ticket proceeds will be donating to this business bringing both value and impact to our local community.

Just like fight club, if this is your first night attending, you have to present.

Discussing your startup, recent project, code reviews, business ideas, etc. are all applicable. There is not a required length of time to present. This can be a live prototype or even a set of powerpoint slides. You do not have to know how to code to present your dream, and we are HERE TO HELP you. Presentations are meant to be collaborative, not the traditional meetup style where a presenter talks like a teacher for a very long time and saves questions for the end. We use a timer and the group dynamic works to collaboratively prevent cross talk and side conversations. So bring your computer, fun spirit and desire to learn, and let's have fun.

Signups through are required and seats are limited, so buy your tickets early because we usually sell out. We are self funded, and 100% of the revenue received is put back into the meetup costs. We will have top shelf pizza from Crown PDX ( so come HUNGRY for dinner!!

Doors open at 6pm and we kick off on time. After the concert of presentations we will walk over to Bailey's Taproom ( to continue the evening.

Location: WeWork Customs House : Room 1C : When you check in ask for CP Handheld, they are our sponsor. The room is right to the left as you walk in.

Jan 11, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Lunch & Learn
Work & Co

Starting in 2019, WWCode Portland is partnering with Work & Co to start a new lunchtime event series called “Lunch & Learn.”

We will be meeting in a conference room to eat and learn about what members of our community are working on. We are asking 2-3 members to speak about their work or side projects for 5 minutes, focusing on the stack, tools, frameworks, and libraries used to build that project. No slides necessary. Our speakers will demo the project, dig into the code and design that made it happen, and answer questions about their project.

This event will take place from 12-1pm on Friday, Jan. 11th. This is a short event, so please arrive on time!


12:00-12:20 - Check-in + Grab food
12:20-12:30 - Intros from WWCode + Work & Co
12:30-12:40 - Project #1 + Q&A
12:40-12:50 - Project #2 + Q&A
12:50-1:00 - Wrap-Up


- Project #1: Voice Memos app by Caterina Paun. This React app takes in voice input through speech recognition and uses speech synthesis for voice output.
- Project #2: Portfolio Redesign by mJordan Levine. This portfolio project is meant to be a blend of art (custom created illustrations), design (animations), and code (Gatsby) to show off both sides of mJordan’s skill set.

About Women Who Code

We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome.

About our Host

Work & Co ( is a technology and design company that creates the digital experiences people love using every day. With 270 people in offices across the United States, Brazil and Europe, Work & Co defines and launches core products for Apple, YouTube, Planned Parenthood, Lyft and more.

Code of Conduct

WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form:

Jan 16, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - JavaScript Study Night - Web Speech API
Act-On Software

This month's topic will focus around web speech APIs from guest speaker Caterina Paun.

The Web Speech API allows you to incorporate voice within your web apps. With this free API, you can take in voice input through speech recognition and/or you can use speech synthesis to output voice. During this session, we will go over how you can take advantage of this API and build voice applications.

Caterina is a developer and designer focusing on voice technologies. She is currently an Instructor at Portland State University and the Senior Director of Women Who Code Portland.

Hope to see you there!


Join Our Movement

- Join our Slack community here:
- Follow our GitHub repository with links to resources:

About Women Who Code

We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome.

About our Host

Act-On Software is a marketing automation software company that empowers marketers to do the best work of their careers. Their company headquarters are located in Portland, OR, in the Bank of America building. They are currently hiring for several engineering and customer support (tiers 1, 2, and 3) roles. Please visit their careers page for more information on their open positions:

Code of Conduct

WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form:

Jan 29, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Design Study Night: Building Your Portfolio
moovel North America - Portland

Welcome to our Design Study Nights! Throughout the year, we will cover various design topics in these events.

In January, our theme for the Design Study Night is: Building Your Portfolio. We will have one speaker describe the process of doing a portfolio redesign and what projects to include. Then, we will have two hiring managers speak about what they are looking for in your portfolios.

The Design Study Nights take place on the second Wednesday of every other month. They will alternate with our brand-new CSS Study Nights.


5:30-5:45 - Check-in + Grab food
5:45-6:00 - Welcome from WWCode Portland + Moovel
6:00-6:30 - Case Study of a Portfolio Redesign Project - mJordan Levine
6:30-7:00 - What a Hiring Manager Looks for in a Portfolio - Shannon Hauff (Director of Product Design, moovel) and Mike Shaw (Senior Talent & Engagement Partner, moovel)
7:00-7:30 - Group Activity + Closing Remarks

About Women Who Code

We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome.

About our Host

moovel N.A. LLC, a part of moovel Group GmbH, enables seamless multimodal experiences and connected transit commerce through mobile applications. moovel is the leading North American provider of mobile ticketing applications that allow riders to book and pay for public transit tickets via their smartphone. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Daimler AG, moovel’s vision is a world without traffic jams and our mission is to help transform cities by providing sustainable mobility solutions. For more info:

Code of Conduct

WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form:

Feb 21, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - IoT Series: An Approach to Decentralized and Privatized IoT

Come learn about Mozilla’s Project Things initiative. It is an open source implementation aimed at promoting a decentralized, and W3C-standardized, Web of Things framework for managing IoT device data. Mozilla’s implementation puts people first, protecting user privacy and security, while promoting industry interoperability.


5:30-5:45 - Arrive, check in, and food
5:45-6:00 - Welcome from WWCode Portland and Mozilla
6:00-7:30 - An Approach to Decentralized and Privatized IoT
7:30-8:00 - Closing


Attendees will learn how to set up a private IoT gateway, and how to to program MCU hardware by following an online tutorial, that takes advantage of open source “webthing” libraries. Attendees will be lent a developer board that they can program during the workshop, and continue to learn from later by referring to an online tutorial. Prototyping hardware is generally low cost, and readily available.


No prior developer skills are necessary. Bring a laptop (any OS). Ideally pre-install the MicroBlocks application, downloadable here:

About our Speaker

Kathy Giori is a Senior Staff Evangelist at Mozilla, promoting "Project Things," an open source Web of Things implementation which embodies Mozilla's values around privacy, security, and interoperability. In previous roles at, Qualcomm Atheros, and other startups, she has been promoting the benefits of open hardware and software, and finds that bridging open communities with industry drives faster innovation. She received her bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Minnesota, and her master’s in EE from Stanford.

About Women Who Code

We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome.

Code of Conduct

WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form: an incident report form (

Feb 28, 2019
#FullStackPDX : February : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Mar 5, 2019
Portland Ruby Brigade - Monthly meeting
Bailey's Taproom

No formal meeting or speakers tonight. Change of Venue.

Come for the Social Hour over at:

Bailey's Tap Room 213 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97205

We are looking for presenters for our upcoming meetings. Talk to an organizer if you have a talk that you would like to give at a future Ruby meetup!!!

Mar 26, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys with Marion Marschalek
Online Webinar

Women Who Code Portland and LaunchCode are thrilled to present a cross-country online series focused on women in tech exchanging stories, building connections, and supporting each other in their careers. The series will be called "Tech Stories: Women Sharing Their Journeys" and it will take place the fourth Tuesday of the month.

Each session will feature a conversation with a woman in a senior tech role. Our speakers will talk openly about their current role, their journey, and what their day-to-day work lives are like. We will alternate speakers from the Portland and St Louis communities.

Link to join the Zoom event:


4:00 – 4:05 PM – Intros from WWCode Portland and LaunchCode
4:05 – 4:25 PM – Marion shares her tech journey
4:25 – 4:45 PM – Q&A from the audience

Our Speaker

Marion Marschalek is a former Malware Analyst and Reverse Engineer who recently started work at Intel in order to conquer the field of low level security research, where she nowadays spends an unusual amount of time looking at compiler source code. She has spoken at all the conferences and such, and seen all the things, and keeps eagerly seeking more wisdom. She is proud member of the Blackhat review board family, and has been mentioned by Forbes in their 30under30 list for technologists in Europe in 2016. Also, she runs a series of free reverse engineering bootcamps for women titled BlackHoodie, because the world needs more researcherettes.

About Women Who Code

We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome.

Code of Conduct

WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form:

Women Who Code Portland - Design Study Night: Design 101 with InVision Studio
moovel North America - Portland

Using good design is important when we want to convey our ideas or start building a new product. But it can be difficult to grasp the basics of design and find the right design tool. This workshop walks through basic designing, animating and prototyping tips using InVision Studio ( as our design tool.

Prior to the workshop, please download InVision Studio here:


5:30-5:45 - Check-in + Grab food
5:45-6:00 - Welcome from WWCode Portland + Moovel
6:00-7:00 - Design 101 with InVision Studio
7:00-7:30 - Closing Remarks

About our Speaker

Keeley Hammond is a senior software engineer at InVision, and a member of the InVision Studio engineering team.

About Women Who Code

We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome.

About our Host

moovel N.A. LLC, a part of moovel Group GmbH, enables seamless multimodal experiences and connected transit commerce through mobile applications. moovel is the leading North American provider of mobile ticketing applications that allow riders to book and pay for public transit tickets via their smartphone. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Daimler AG, moovel’s vision is a world without traffic jams and our mission is to help transform cities by providing sustainable mobility solutions. For more info:

Code of Conduct

WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form:

Mar 28, 2019
#FullStackPDX : March : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Apr 3, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Security Study Night: Capture the Flag (CTF) 101

In 2019, Women Who Code Portland is debuting a new event series focused on learning more about the security field. Welcome to our Security Study Nights!

Our first Security Study Night will be a Capture the Flag (CTF) 101. What is Capture the Flag and why do security professionals play it? The short answer is that it allows them to hone their skills and have fun. There is an entire subculture that exists around CTFs. So if you want to learn how to think like a hacker, adapt your skills and learn on the fly, come to our CTF 101 Study Night to see what it is all about. You will get a chance to capture your first flag.


6:00-6:15 - Check-in + Grab food
6:15-6:20 - Welcome from WWCode Portland + Vevo
6:20-7:40 - Capture the Flag (CTF) 101
7:40-8:00 - Closing Remarks

About our Speakers

Miki Demeter is a Security Researcher at Intel. Stacy Watts is a Senior MSS Platform Engineer at BlueVoyant.

About Women Who Code

We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome.

Code of Conduct

WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form: MSS Platform Engineer, BlueVoyant

Apr 25, 2019
#FullStackPDX : April : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

May 8, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - JavaScript Study Night
Act-On Software

var studyNight = {

what: 'A night for studying JavaScript and all its wonders. Come work on a project, do some exercises or tutorials, pair program, or absorb by osmosis.',

when: '5:30-8pm, on the 2nd Wednesday of each month',

where: 'Act-On Software',

who: 'Anyone so long as you agree to follow our Code of Conduct.',

attendees: []





Come study at JavaScript Study Night! Bring a project, a problem to debug, or follow along with a walkthrough. You can also take a look at our github repository for links to other exercises and resources:

Thanks to Act-On for sponsoring and hosting us!

Act-On Software is a marketing automation software company that empowers marketers to do the best work of their careers. Their company headquarters are located in Portland, OR, in the Bank of America building. They are currently hiring for several engineering and customer support (tiers 1, 2, and 3) roles. Please visit their careers page for more information on their open positions:


By coming to JS Study Night, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

May 16, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Networking Night @ Slalom: How to Own Your Professional Development
Slalom Consulting

Our May Networking Night will be held at Slalom Consulting! We will be enjoying a lovely view from Slalom's Fox Tower office, and chatting with the women of Slalom about "How to Own Your Professional Development." Please join us for a night of community, networking, and career empowerment!

5:30 - 6:15: Doors Open + Networking
6:15 - 6:30: Welcome from WWCode Portland and Slalom
6:30 - 7:30: Panel and Q+A
7:30 - 8:30: Networking + Closing Remarks

Abby Hazlett: Data & Analytics Consultant

Dara Wilson: Data & Analytics Consultant

Melissa Miller: Data & Analytics Solution Principal

Kristin Flewelling: Salesforce Consultant

Slalom is a modern consulting firm focused on strategy, technology, and business transformation. In 27 cities across the US, UK, and Canada, Slalom's teams have autonomy to move fast and do what's right. They're backed by seven regional innovation hubs, a global culture of collaboration, and partnerships with the world's top technology providers. Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Seattle, Slalom has organically grown to over 6,500 employees. Slalom was named one of Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 and is regularly recognized by employees as a best place to work.

🙅🏼‍♀️CODE OF CONDUCT 🙅🏼‍♀️
By attending this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

May 18, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Software Engineering Interview Preparation

Please RSVP on Eventbrite:

Women Who Code Portland is hosting a Software Engineering Interview Preparation Workshop. This event is geared towards helping women prepare for technical interviews, but we welcome everyone who supports our mission of inspiring women to excel in technology careers and follows our code of conduct. The goal of the workshop is to provide people with the opportunity to gain experience with a technical interview format.

This workshop is broken into two sections:
- Interview Best Practices
- Mock Interviews & Whiteboarding

In the morning, we'll cover an introduction to solving algorithms. Participants will have the chance to see common interview algorithms, and approach how to solve them under pressure.

In the afternoon, we will break into groups for mock interviews. This will help participants get a feel for what a technical interview might be like. Whiteboarding can be much different than writing on paper, especially in front of others. Participants will have the chance to practice answers to common questions, thinking out loud while solving a problem and practice techniques for how to move forward when stumped.


9:30 - Doors Open
10:00 - Introductions, interview prep, and algorithm practice
12:00 - Lunch
1:00 - Break into groups for mock interviews
4:30 - Finish


The event cost is $10 for participants and includes lunch.
Scholarships: If you are a student, under-employed, or in need of financial assistance, we have full scholarships available for this event. Please submit an application at

There will be no refunds for this event. If you cannot attend, you can email us to transfer the ticket to another attendee, or we can add it to our scholarship pool.


By coming to this event, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct (

Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form (

Please RSVP on Eventbrite:

May 28, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Design Study Night: Design 101 with InVision Studio
moovel North America - Portland

Using good design is important when we want to convey our ideas or start building a new product. But it can be difficult to grasp the basics of design and find the right design tool. This workshop walks through basic designing, animating and prototyping tips using InVision Studio ( as our design tool.

Prior to the workshop, please download InVision Studio here:


5:30-5:45 - Check-in + Grab food
5:45-6:00 - Welcome from WWCode Portland + Moovel
6:00-7:00 - Design 101 with InVision Studio
7:00-7:30 - Closing Remarks

About our Speaker

Keeley Hammond is a senior software engineer at InVision, and a member of the InVision Studio engineering team.

About Women Who Code

We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome.

About our Host

moovel N.A. LLC, a part of moovel Group GmbH, enables seamless multimodal experiences and connected transit commerce through mobile applications. moovel is the leading North American provider of mobile ticketing applications that allow riders to book and pay for public transit tickets via their smartphone. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Daimler AG, moovel’s vision is a world without traffic jams and our mission is to help transform cities by providing sustainable mobility solutions. For more info:

Code of Conduct

WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form:

May 30, 2019
#FullStackPDX : May : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Jun 17, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - 5th Anniversary Celebration: Leading with Intent
New Relic

It's hard to believe, but Women Who Code Portland is closing in on five years in Portland. We are so thrilled to celebrate this incredible milestone with you. Join us on Monday, June 17th at New Relic for our 5th Anniversary Celebration, an evening of networking, inspiring speakers, giveaways, and delicious food and drinks.

The theme of the event is "Leading with Intent." It is what we as an organization have aimed to do over the last five years. It's also a theme embodied by our speakers. Our five panelists are all very successful women in engineering, design, and security; and they have also spent their time giving back to others, by creating communities that helped other women and underrepresented minorities enter and stay in the tech industry.

Please make sure to RSVP on Eventbrite to help us expedite checkin:


5:30 - 6:15 - Doors open + Networking Activity
6:15 - 6:30 - Welcome + A Look Back at Five Years of Women Who Code Portland
6:30 - 7:30 - Panel: Leading with Intent
7:30 - 8:30 - Networking + Prizes

Panel Details

- Erica Stanley ( - Engineering Manager at Salesloft, Founder of WWCode Atlanta

- Steph Nguyen ( - VP of Product & Design at Flashfood, Director of WWCode Toronto

- Vaidehi Joshi ( - Engineer at Tilde, Creator of basecs and baseds, co-host of the Base.cs Podcast

- Amber Milavec ( - Senior Principal Technical Architect at Nike, creator of We Code Hackathon for Women and Friends

- Miki Demeter ( - Security Researcher at Intel, Evangelist with WWCode Portland, Staff for the Diana Initiative, TrevorChat Crisis Counselor

- Moderator: Caterina Paun ( - Senior Director and co-founder of WWCode Portland

Giveaways + Prizes

As a thank you to our wonderful members, we will have a Women Who Code t-shirt as a giveaway to our first 100 attendees and we will be raffling conference tickets for everyone who completes the networking activity.

Special Thanks

Thank you to our sponsors, New Relic ( and top rated mold removal in toronto for supporting this event and to Mozilla ( for sponsoring videography for the event.

Illustrations for the event were create by Ren Stein (

About Women Who Code

We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome.

Code of Conduct

WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form:

Please make sure to RSVP on Eventbrite to help us expedite checkin:

Jun 27, 2019
#FullStackPDX : June : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Jul 12, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Lunch & Learn
Work & Co

Starting in 2019, WWCode Portland is partnering with Work & Co to start a new lunchtime event series called “Lunch & Learn.”

We will be meeting in a conference room to eat and learn about what members of our community are working on. We are asking two members to speak about their work or side projects for 5 minutes, focusing on the stack, tools, frameworks, and libraries used to build that project. No slides necessary. Our speakers will demo the project, dig into the code and design that made it happen, and answer questions about their project.

This event will take place from 12-1pm on Friday, April 5th. This is a short event, so please arrive on time!


12:00-12:20 - Check-in + Grab food
12:20-12:30 - Intros from WWCode + Work & Co
12:30-12:40 - Project #1 + Q&A
12:40-12:50 - Project #2 + Q&A
12:50-1:00 - Wrap-Up



About Women Who Code

We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome.

About our Host

Work & Co ( is a technology and design company that creates the digital experiences people love using every day. With 270 people in offices across the United States, Brazil and Europe, Work & Co defines and launches core products for Apple, YouTube, Planned Parenthood, Lyft and more.

Code of Conduct

WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form:

Jul 25, 2019
#FullStackPDX : July : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Jul 30, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - Design Study Night: Craft Your Personal Brand
moovel North America - Portland

🎨 Craft Your Personal Brand

Do you know how to capture the attention of your audience and make yourself stand out from the competition? Whether you are a soloprenuer, moonlighter, or full-time employee, diving into the world of branding can be the key factor that gives you the clarity, focus, confidence, verbal and visual cohesiveness that delivers an unforgettable impact on others. Attend this session with Kate Mueller to discover the process of building your brand along with the best practices for designing and developing your visual identity system. Participants will be guided through a worksheet to jump start their own branding discovery process.

⏰ Agenda

5:30-5:45 - Check-in + Grab food
5:45-6:00 - Welcome from WWCode Portland + Moovel
6:00-7:00 - Personal Branding
7:00-7:30 - Closing Remarks

👩🏽 About our Speaker

Kate Mueller is a Portland-based Senior Graphic Designer with 16 years experience in the worlds of marketing and graphic design. She currently works as a Senior Designer at Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices. She also helps others define and focus their businesses through her own company, Gilded Branding ( Kate holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design and Advertising from Iowa State University.

👩🏽‍💻 About Women Who Code

We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. Join our Slack community here:

🏢 About our Host

moovel North America (becoming REACH NOW), a part of moovel Group, offers cities, public transit agencies and customers seamless access to multimodal transportation options through simple smartphone applications. A pioneer in Mobility-as-a-Service and the leading North American provider of mobile ticketing solutions for public transit, moovel NA (becoming REACH NOW) provides a next-generation mobile platform that streamlines the operations for transit agencies, and simplifies the travel experience for riders.

📃 Code of Conduct

WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form:

❓ Event + Venue Q&A

Q: Is the space ADA accessible?
A: Yes.

Q: Will there be gender neutral restrooms?
A: Yes, there is a gender neutral bathroom.

Q: Will there be food and drinks at this event?
A: We will have pizza (with vegetarian and vegan options available).

Q: What is the easiest way to get to the venue?
A. Public transportation. REACH NOW is located by the Old Town stop for the MAX Blue/Red line and the Couch stop for the MAX Green/Yellow line. There is street parking ($2/hr) and various parking lots within a block or two. There is bike storage inside the building.

Q: How do I enter the building?
A: The entrance is on 4th between Davis and Everett. Someone from REACH NOW will be in the lobby starting at 5:15pm to greet people.

Aug 29, 2019
#FullStackPDX : August : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Sep 3, 2019
Portland Ruby Brigade - End of Summer Ruby Social
The Dyrt

We'll have pizza starting at 6pm, more details to come...

Thanks to The Dyrt for providing the rooftop venue this month!

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Sep 26, 2019
#FullStackPDX : September : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Oct 1, 2019
Introducing Ruby on Rails 6 - PDX Ruby Brigade
The Dyrt

Rails 6 is officially released! We will round up the major new features coming your way. It is an exciting release due to some big features coming upstream from the Basecamp and GitHub projects. Amongst the many minor updates, useful tweaks and bug fixes, Rails 6 will ship with two completely new frameworks: ActionText and ActionMailbox, and two big scalable-by-default features: parallel testing and multiple database support.

We'll have pizza & beer starting at 6pm, so stop by early if you want to have dinner and socialize before the presentations.


ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Oct 4, 2019
Women Who Code Portland - IoT Hackathon 2019
through Zapproved, Inc

🤖 Our IoT Hackathon is back the weekend of Oct. 4 - Oct. 6! This year's theme is Sustainable Homes.

➡️➡️ RSVP on Eventbrite: ⬅️⬅️

This event is geared towards women but we also welcome everyone who supports our mission of inspiring women to excel in technology careers. The goal of the IoT Hackathon is to gain new programming skills, have fun, and work in teams to build sustainable solutions.

We welcome your expertise at this event, whether you are a developer, designer, product manager, project manager, data scientist, business analyst, or marketing professional. You will be working in teams of 4-6 to come up with the next great IoT solution. This hackathon is geared towards all skill levels. If this is your first hackathon, you will fit right in! If you are a seasoned professional ready to lead a dedicated team, this event is also for you!

We will kick things off with a Sponsors Fair on Friday evening. This will be your opportunity to meet our sponsoring tech companies and learn more about them. We will get started with a welcome and IoT tech talks at 7:30pm, before assigning teams at 9pm. On Sunday, presentations will start at 3:30pm. We will have several mentors available throughout the weekend to answer questions and help you debug. Finally, we will be providing food, drinks, and snacks throughout the event, so please join us!

🎟 Event Cost

Early Bird: $20 (ends Sep. 1st)
Regular: $30 (ends Sep. 30th)
Late Bird: $40 (ends Oct. 4th)

The event cost is for all hackathon participants; price of admission includes one Microsoft Azure Sphere hardware kit per participant, food throughout the weekend, the official long-sleeve shirt, swag, giveaways, and prizes for the winners.

➡️➡️ Buy your ticket(s) on Eventbrite: ⬅️⬅️

⏰ Agenda


6:00 - Doors Open + Dinner + Sponsors Fair
7:30 - Welcome from Women Who Code Portland
7:45 - IoT Tech Talks
9:00 - Team Announcements
9:30 - Go home and rest


9:00 - Doors Open + Coffee + Bagels
9:30 - Hacking begins
12:00 - Lunch
1:00 - Hacking continues
6:00 - Dinner
9:00 - Go home and rest


[Note: Due to the Portland Marathon, we will have a late start on Sunday. The marathon will shut down multiple roads in downtown Portland on Sunday morning, including some near Zapproved.]
1:00 - Doors Open + Lunch
2:30 - Submissions Due
3:30 - Presentations Begin
6:00 - Winners Announced + Closing Remarks

🙌 Sponsors

Thank you to Zapproved for hosting this event and to Microsoft Azure Sphere and Intel Open Source for sponsoring.

👩🏽‍💻 About Women Who Code

We are a global nonprofit dedicated to inspiring women to excel in technology careers. Our events offer study groups, technical workshops, hackathons, networking events, panel discussions, lightning talks, and social events featuring influential tech industry experts, innovators, and investors. We help you build the skills you need to raise your professional profile and achieve greater career success. Current and aspiring coders are welcome. Join our Slack community here:

📃 Code of Conduct

WWCode is an inclusive community, dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste or creed. Our events are intended to inspire women to excel in technology careers, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. We do not tolerate harassment of members in any form.

Our Code of Conduct applies to all WWCode events and online communities. Read the full version at:

If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to one of our volunteers or submit an incident report form:

Oct 24, 2019
#FullStackPDX : October : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Nov 5, 2019
Ruby Programmer Certification Study Group - PDX Ruby Brigade
Planet Argon

If you are interested in getting a Ruby Certification or just mentoring others, come on out!!!

This event will focus on preparing attendees to take the Silver certification exam. This is a basic skill-level certification of knowledge on the background, grammar, classes, objects, and standard libraries of Ruby.

We are going to use a version of "EduScrum" to work through the subject issues each person needs to know for the exam. After an introduction, we will break out into groups and create a study plan to get each member of the the group up.

There will be pizza!

The Ruby Association Certified Ruby Programmer examinations are intended for engineers who design, develop, and/or operate Ruby-based systems, consultants who make Ruby-based system proposals, and instructors who teach Ruby. Those who are certified are recognized for their skills as Ruby engineers and as having high levels of Ruby-based system development capabilities. Those who pass the examination are certified by the Ruby Association as a Ruby Association Certified Ruby Programmer.

ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!

Nov 14, 2019
#FullStackPDX : November : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Dec 12, 2019
#FullStackPDX : December : Critique
AltSource HQ

Tickets can be purchased at

Jan 7, 2020
Ruby Tuesday - PDX Ruby Brigade
Planet Argon

Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting.

Come out and meet our new Ruby coordinator, Jonan! He is going to talk about current issues with the Ruby organizations and their efforts. There will also be a talk from a member of the Planet Argon team!

This month's meeting is sponsored by Planet Argon. We will have pizza and drinks starting at 6. See you there!


ABOUT THE GROUP: The Portland Ruby Brigade, also known as pdxruby and pdx.rb, is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland, Oregon area. The group welcomes all programmers interested in the language and its implementations, tools, libraries and frameworks, such as Ruby on Rails. The group has been meeting since August 2002 for presentations, demos and discussions. Every month 35-75 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for Ruby. If you'd like to present or have a topic you'd like discussed, please post to the mailing list. The group usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month, "Ruby Tuesday" -- see you there!
