Viewing 0 current events matching “hackathon” by Date.

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Viewing 146 past events matching “hackathon” by Date.

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Jul 9, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

Planned projects include

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch.

PS Its not a Perl only thing.

Jul 16, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

Planned projects include

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or work on your own thing and kibitz with other programmers. We'll have plenty of power strips.

We'll be in the back left corner (if you're facing the bar) where the power outlets are.

PS Its not a Perl only thing.

Jul 23, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or work on your own thing and kibitz with other programmers. We'll have plenty of power strips.

We'll be in the back left corner (if you're facing the bar) where the power outlets are.

PS Its not a Perl only thing.

Jul 30, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or work on your own thing and kibitz with other programmers. We'll have plenty of power strips.

We'll be in the back left corner (if you're facing the bar) where the power outlets are.

PS Its not a Perl only thing.

Sep 25, 2009
HacPDX: Portland Haskell Hackathon
through Portland State University FAB, Room 86-09

HacPDX is an opportunity to join Portland Haskell hackers in building and improving Hackage libraries and tools. If you've never been, Hackathons are typically not only a good opportunity for experienced devs to work together but also a great way for newcomers to get involved in the community.

Visit this website for complete details:

Dec 3, 2009
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Jan 31, 2010
Silverlight Hackathon - Install Clinic

The Install Clinic has moved to Stumptown

Stuart Celarier is running an Install Clinic at Stumptown starting at 10am. After the clinic, it is a short walk to Souk where we'll be starting the main event at 1pm.

The Install Clinic is an opportunity to drop in, grab a cup of coffee, and Prepare Your System for the Hackathon. Depending on what software you have to install, and the speed of your laptop, it can take some time for the installs to run. You might want to do those installations at home, but if you're like me, these things can sometimes get put off to the last minute. Well, here is your formal last minute to get ready.

It's also an opportunity to schmooze, and if you get set up early you can help others or even try your hand at some impromptu Silverlight hacking.

I am working to get installation media onto CDs or USB drives so we're not all trying to download off the Internets.

As with any install, I'd highly recommend that you ensure that your system backup is current and valid before getting started. 'Nuf said.

Silverlight Hackathon

Silverlight Hackathon - Sunday Jan 31st 1pm-5:55pm Event Sponsors: IT Motives, Get It Right, Souk

We've got a great place to hang out, and the Silverlight Hackathon is a go! Meet us downtown at Souk, and we're going to have a great day of working on Silverlight. We've had some great project suggestions, and we'll break down into groups and work on projects that we find fun. Are you new to Silverlight? This is a great chance to get started. We've already had several people offer to help beginners out.

RSVPs not necessary Still, if you have 5 seconds, let us know you're coming by clicking on this poll: Hackathon RSVP Poll

FAQ/Wiki Want to know how to prepare your system for Silverlight? Want to arrange a project? Go to the Hackathon Wiki

Where? Souk downtown (,+Portland,+OR&ie=UTF8&om=1&hq=&hnear=322+NW+6th+Ave,+Portland,+Multnomah,+Oregon+97209&ll=45.525532,-122.676194&spn=0.010809,0.028818&z=16&iwloc=A ). It's super close to all kinds of Bus/Max stops, and there's a easy Smart Park close. Since it's Sunday, I expect there will even be street parking options.

Souk's direction page: Public Transportation souk is located on the Max Green Line/Yellow Line (China Town Stop) and the bus route. The nearby streetcar also accesses souk a few blocks away. Consult for more information. By Bike Bike lockers are within a couple blocks, and U bike racks are available on souk's block. By Car Zipcar's closest spot is at Flanders and 4th. The closest garage is on Everett at 5 th one block away. Smartpark has garages within a few blocks at Naito and NW Davis and at Station Place (at the westside foot of the Broadway Bridge). Additionally, there are several outdoor lots within a few blocks of souk.

What do I need? A laptop capable of running Dev Studio/Silverlight:

What can I do to help? Burn some CD/DVDs. We need SL3 Tools + Blend/Dev Express, SL 4 Tools and Blend/Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. Bring a (labelled) extension cord/power strip Bring a projector (please let us know if you can do this)

Portland Silverlight User Group Sponsors Platinum Sponsors: Vertigo Software Location Sponsors: Webtrends

Mar 15, 2010
pdxruby: Ruby fixtures alternatives exploration and dinner
Market Street Pub

Join a few Ruby programmers for dinner to explore alternatives to fixtures for use in tests.

We'd like to co-present our findings at the next pdxruby meeting.

Libraries we'd like to explore include factory_girl, machinist, and others:

We can use existing open source Ruby software to experiment with, by making a branch, trying out the library, and requesting a merge if we like the changes. Apps we can contribute to include , and

Apr 22, 2010
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come do strange things with computers amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer. Look for the row of geeks with computers in the back of the main room.

All programming languages welcome. Come work on your own projects, work on others participants' projects, get advice, have fun, etc.

You're encouraged to bring a computer, but can team up with others that brought one too.

Afterwards, the group descends on the 12th and Hawthorne foodcart pod for additional nourishment.

Also, many people meet up at the pub during the same time as the hackathon to play boardgames they bring which you're welcomed to play.

PDX Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Do stuff with a computer, while drinking.

Sep 25, 2010
WhereCampPDX: CivicApps Hacking and Pizza Night
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

Come hang out at PIE and work on software using Portland open data!

Oct 3, 2010
Open Government Hackathon
NedSpace Old Town

Join us after CyborgCamp Portland on Sunday, October 3rd, for an 8-hour hackathon to see who can build the best open government application in just one day!

Participation is free and open to anyone, we just ask that you register in advance so we know how many individuals or teams we need to accommodate.


  • 8:30am - Breakfast and coffee
  • 12:00pm - Lunch
  • 5:30pm - Teams and individuals demo their apps
  • 6:30pm - Prizes awarded

Who should attend?

Ruby, Python, PHP, web developers, coders and anyone who has a passion to code, hack or kluge applications that will free (or otherwise enhance) the accessibility and usefulness of government-shared data.

Although the sprint takes place On Oct 3rd after CyborgCamp Portland, you don't have to be attending the conference to join us!


NedSpace Old Town, 117 NW 5th between Couch and Davis.

Backspace is right downstairs, Davis Street Tavern is right next door, there's a parking lot across the street, and it's right on the MAX line.

What's going to happen?

There will be organizers on-site to help get things rolling. At 5:30pm, each app will be evaluated by the Hackathon Partners and prizes will be awarded to those teams or individuals that develop the best applications in the 8 hour. Participants need not show up right at 8:30am, but those who do will have the most time to code!

Hackathon Partners

Partners are companies and organizations that provide tools or services that can enhance open government apps. They're also providing the prizes and will be choosing the winners.

  • Tropo - Tropo is a powerful yet simple API that adds Voice, SMS, Twitter, and IM support to the programming languages you already know.
  • Geoloqi - A secure, real-time mobile and web platform for location sharing.
Jan 6, 2011
PDX Weekly Hackathon
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us for a weekly hackathon at the Lucky Lab.

You can bring your own project, work collaboratively with others or just watch.

PS Its not a Perl only thing.

Feb 26, 2011
Portland Python Sprint

The Portland Python Users Group is hosting a sprint February 26 at the headquarters of Urban Airship. The space has room for at least 40 people, but be sure to sign up here!

The group plans to spend some time on Fabric's multiprocessing branch, even including a look into a Python 3 port. Eric Holscher, one of the organizers of the sprint, plans to focus on Django features for 1.4, including forms improvements.

Flatland and Alfajor will also get some love and might see some Python 3 work as well. Last, but certainly not least, co-organizer Dan Colish plans to hack on PyPy, from 2.7 compatibility to benchmarking and testing on the platform. Join any of them or bring your own projects -- it's a day of hacking, fun, food, and friends.

On top of all of the third-party projects, they may spend some time on core development topics such as Python 3 features, doc and code bug fixing, and writing new tests. For those interested in starting on core development, we wrote a guide just for you: Beginners Guide to Python Core Development.

If you're interested in joining their sprint, don't forget to sign up. If you have questions, contact Dan and Eric.

Mar 31, 2011
PDX Open Source GIS Unconference Day One
through Portland State University (PSU) - Smith Memorial Center

Tickets here:

This is a free Open Source Geospatial Unconference put on by the Portland OSGeo User Group. The unconference takes place the day after the GIS in Action conference and is registration is free (though we request you sign up for a ticket here to assist us in planning). The unconference will begin with registration at 9:00am and end at 5:00pm. Coffee, tea, and water will be provided, however participants are on their own for lunch (there are numerous dining options within close proximity).

The unconference will take place in PSU's Smith Memorial Student Union building, on the third floor, in rooms 327, 328, 329, 333, and 338. Registration in room 338 (the VanPort room). Maps of PSU Smith Memorial Student Union are available here.

This is a participant-driven event! If you've never been to an unconference before (Portland's WhereCamp is an excellent example), the format and sessions are determined on the day of the unconference by the people attending. No idea is too big or too small.

A hackathon is planned for Friday so check the wiki as plans materialize for this.

Please feel free to contact the PDX OS GIS User Group (Google group) with any questions.

More info here:

Apr 1, 2011
PDX-OSGEO Hackathon/Japan Crisis Camp

A continuation of the Open Source GIS Unconference on Tuesday. GIS developers can come and do some coding or write documentation for whatever projects they dream up. Meanwhile, we will also be hosting a Crisis Camp where anyone can come and help update a map of Japan in the wake of the Sendai disaster. We will provide training to anyone who is new to Open Street Map editing.

PDX11 Civic Hackathon and Unconference
Portland State University Engineering Building

Teaser for the April 1-2 PDX11 event and hackathon. More details soon!

Selena Deckelmann ([email protected]) is organizing.

We will be having an evening meetup with beer and short presentations from the PDX11 groups. This will be an opportunity to meet, discuss plans for Saturday's hackathon, hear from leaders in the PDX11 community and have a beer.

Official event page is:

We are currently seeking sponsors for help with food and drink.

Also, so that we can plan for food and drink, please RSVP at:


Apr 2, 2011
PDX11 Civic Hackathon and Unconference
Portland State University Engineering Building

Agenda currently is:

9:30am Introductions and unconference planning 10am-4pm Hacking and unconference sessions 4pm - Wrapup session 5pm -> ? Evening hacking and party

Selena Deckelmann ([email protected]) is organizing.

The event will be in the Engineering Building at PSU, and open to the public.

We will have 5-6 rooms in the engineering building reserved, plus the atrium.

One room will be devoted to a Civic Hackathon. Below is the Etherpad for helping organize it and posting projects to hack on:

Tropo is sponsoring lunch.

We are currently seeking sponsors for help with morning coffee, afternoon coffee and evening snacks.

May 1, 2011
Portland GeoIQ JavaScript Hack Day
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

Some of the GeoIQ Engineering Team is in town for JSConf. We've just recently revamped our API docs and added some new features. We thought it would be fun to show off what you can do with our JavaScript API and what we've been doing with Node.js and Raphael. Come join Chris, Derek and Kate at PIE and check it out at PIE. We'll be providing food.

May 22, 2011
CivicApps Hackathon - Mobile Apps for Education
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

Come build apps for education with us! In partnership with the City of Portland and the Mayor’s Office, we’re honored to announce a CivicApps Hackathon dedicated exclusively to making mobile applications for education. There will be time in the morning for ideas and presentations from educators involved with the city, and brainstorming sessions and hacking in the afternoon.

Register for the event here:

Come build apps for education with us!

In partnership with the City of Portland and the Mayor’s Office, we’re honored to announce a CivicApps Hackathon dedicated exclusively to making mobile applications for education. There will be time in the morning for ideas and presentations from educators involved with the city, and brainstorming sessions and hacking in the afternoon.

Presenters and Judges

*Skip Newberry, Economic Development Policy Advisor to Portland Mayor Sam Adams

*Kali Ladd, Education Strategies Director for Portland Mayor Sam Adams

*Sarah Singer,Project Director, High School System Design Initiative, Portland Public Schools

*Karen Gray, Parkrose School District Superintendent

*Matt Kinshella, Communications Director for @211info

Who should come?

Anyone with an interest in changing education through technology. This includes educators, concerned citizens, mobile developers, graphic and UX designers, and students. Teams will have a chance to present their projects at 6:30pm and will be judged by members of the City of Portland, Education District and local tech leaders. The three top projects will be automatically entered into the Webvisionary Awards in the Mobile Category.

CivicApps will be kindly sponsoring lunch, and we are looking for sponsors for breakfast and refreshments. Please contact @caseorganic or @wv2011 to find out how you can support the event!


10:00-10:30Am – Doors Open, Breakfast, Coffee and Networking

10:30-11:15Am – Presentations from the city and education department on the current state of education, education technology, and what’s missing from education today.

11:15-11:30Am – Presentation of project ideas from attendees.

11:30-12:15Pm – Breakout discussion groups on project ideas and education topics.

12:15-1:15PM – Lunch, discussion and networking

1:15-6:00Pm – Project work and development begins in teams or as individuals.

6:00Pm – Project wrap-up and presentation preparation. Judges and audience arrives for judging and presentations. Beer is served.

6:30-7:30Pm – 5 minute presentations and judging.

7:30Pm – Event wrap-up, feedback and cleanup.

CivicApps will be kindly sponsoring lunch, and we are looking for sponsors for breakfast and refreshments. Please contact @caseorganic or @wv2011 to find out how you can support the event!

Don't forget to register so we can provide food!

Jun 4, 2011
PDX11 Civic Hackathon
PSU Fourth Avenue Building Room FAB 10, Harrison Street Entrance

This hackathon is dedicated to civic projects that folks in the Portland area would like to work on together.

Participation is open to all. Feel free to add your project to our etherpad, and link to a repo.

A short list of projects, bugs to fix or tasks that you'd like to work on would also be helpful.

We've got the confirmation back for the FAB10 classroom for Saturday, June 4 from 8:30AM-5:30PM.

Attendees should be able to enter FAB on Harrison Street (right on the Portland Streetcar line), as the door will be unlocked for the day.

We will have wireless accounts to hand out.

Jul 9, 2011
PDX11 Mentoring Hackathon & Kickoff
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

Goal: Community development of a website to help Portland's growing tech community find Mentors and share knowledge.

Inspired by Calagator and

This is our kickoff and initial hackathon. We hope to have a basic mentor/mentee matching website working by the end of the day.

The Portland Development Commission will be providing food & drinks!

All skill levels welcome, and also people who are passionate about technical mentoring and knowledge sharing.

Join the Google group to share ideas and coordinate development:

Also, there's a pilot program so Mentors and Mentees can start connecting right now:

Thank you to Puppet Labs for hosting this event!

Jul 22, 2011
through Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building (FAB)

HacPDX-II is an opportunity to join Portland Haskell hackers in building and improving Hackage libraries and tools. The project you hack on can be anything and need-not be pre-existing or general community tools.

Oct 23, 2011
Hackathon @ SPLASH 2011
Hilton Portland and Executive Tower

Come spend a day learning about, and hacking on, big data and cloud computing technologies. This is a full-content participatory event, 9 hours of pure hacking fun! Bring yourself and your laptop, and, maybe, a friend or two. We'll provide food and beverages throughout the day. Come prepared with an idea, and get even more out of it: a chance for your team to be placed in the hall of fame as one the 3 best hacks of the day!

Register before September 23rd to take advantage of discounted fees. You don't need to register for the main SPLASH conference in order to participate in the Hackathon, but you may consider doing so for a chance to hear Ivan Sutherland (Turing Award winner), Brendan Eich (Mozilla) and much, much more!

Portland area developers groups: contact [email protected] for instructions on how your members can register with the same discount as ACM members.

Platforms and computing time for the Hackathon kindly provided by Amazon AWS.

Big Data Hackathon at SPLASH/OOPSLA with Amazon Web Services
Hilton Portland and Executive Tower

Hackathons are participatory event. You don't show up to watch or to hang out; you show up to lead or to join a team of other developers to imagine, create, and build something cool and useful in the course of a single day. This may sound impossibly ambitious. It is not. You can get a lot done when you can ignore your inbox and simply focus on the task at hand. The ability to tap in to high-level services certainly helps, as does the fact that everyone shows up expecting to work.

More information and Sign up instructions:

Dec 14, 2011
Holiday Party! Introducing Maasive Cloud Services for Mobile
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

ELC Technologies would like to invite you and a guest to a holiday party celebrating the upcoming launch of our cloud service solution, Maasive. Join us for FREE beer, FREE pizza, live demos on mobile programming with Maasive, and the chance to take home a hoodie at the end of the night!

Maasive is a mobile development platform unlike any other. We've developed an easy way for you to add cloud functionality to your iOS, Android and Windows Phone applications, including native object storage, push alerts, analytics and other services. Compared to other frameworks Maasive is easy to use and more flexible even across multiple platforms. And it's backed by ELC's unique history developing robust, scalable cloud based mobile apps for Fortune 500 companies.

Maasive is free during the beta period, and we're looking for YOUR feedback to help us make it even more reliable and easy to use. Come chat with us during the party and we'll set you up with your own account and show you how to integrate Maasive in your application. In the meantime, if you want to see how easy it is to get started check out this three minute screencast:

The party starts at 6pm December 14th, at Lucky Lab Brew Pub on 1945 NW Quimby Street. Hope to see you there!

P.S.- If anyone is interested in trying Maasive but can't attend, just send an email to [email protected] and I'll make sure you're set up with a user account and the SDK.

Feb 11, 2012
nodePDX 2012
through NedSpace

nodePDX is a free two day Node.js conference for the Portland/Pacific Northwest Javascript community. All node, all day. Oh yeah.

Apr 14, 2012
PDX Cloud Foundry Hackathon
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

We will be having a hackathon of up to 50 people at Puppet Labs!

Coffee, beer and pizza will be present to optimize for maximum hacking throughput.

Have a web app that you want to run in the cloud? Want to learn more about polyglot Platform-as-as-service? Come on by.

Cloud Foundry had a huge code push to Github a few days ago with many changes and improvements, including a public Gerrit instance at where you can participate directly in the mainline development. Github is used purely as a mirror:

There are many forks of Cloud Foundry. How many will survive? Which will merge back? The story has yet to be written.

Much love to our sponsors!

Puppet Labs:

Tier 3:

Apr 21, 2012
Wikipedia Edit-a-thon
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

Come learn to work with wikis!

Pete Forsyth and Selena Deckelmann will show you the ropes. We'll have some topics to suggest, mainly on women and technology, and Portland, and Oregon. But please bring your own ideas, too!

May 19, 2012
Nike Materials Index Hackathon
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

Nike MSI is one of many approaches to evaluate the environmental sustainability of materials and the suppliers that produce them. We have created this forum to capture feedback and new ideas from users and reviewers.

We hope that releasing this framework and data will jumpstart a rich conversation within the footwear and apparel industry. Please participate with questions and comments regarding the value of our approach, ways to improve and build upon Nike MSI, data to populate new materials and a wider variety of supply chains, and the development of a centrally managed, open-source center of excellence that provides access to all.

Nike Materials Sustainability Index

Sep 8, 2012
MFNW+PDX Music Hack Day
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

Join the Spotify, Rumblefish, Twilio, MapQuest, Mozilla and your fellow hackers at Puppet Labs for a day of visualizations, data analysis, and general hacking via a number of awesome APIs.

Open to the public, the MusicFestNW (MFNW) and Portland Digital eXperience (PDX) Music Hack Day is designed to celebrate the confluence of music and technology by bringing the community together for a little hacking around music.

Nov 3, 2012
CodeDay Portland
through Cloudability

An intense, 24-hour hackathon where students can team up to create innovative new apps and games. At the end of the 24 hour session, students will present what they built to a panel of judges.

CodeDay Portland welcomes student developers of any level. Whether you have been coding since you were in a diaper or you have nothing more than an interest in the field, CodeDay Portland is an event for you.

Schedule will be posted to the website as the event nears.

Buy tickets at Eventbrite:

Jan 15, 2013
Cleanweb PDX Meetup: Monthly Hack, Eat & Drink
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

At this monthly meeting, we get together, talk about app ideas for one or two industry (such as sporting apparel, commercial building, food, water, etc). These are the local industry that can use some help to identify solutions to reduce carbon footprint and lessen any negative environmental impact to local residents.

Our goal is to brainstorm innovative ideas utilizing information technology by leveraging the mobile and social web.

Of course, creative juice often comes after a glass of nice brew. That's how drink is involved in this. If you not a drinker, the Pub serves good food of you to hack & eat.

We are not really building an app at the meeting (but if you would like to crank out an app in 90 mins, that would be awesome too). And what are we doing with these ideas? You'll have to come to find out.

For those who won't be able to make it in person you can join via G+ Hangout. Please let me know in advance.

Thanks and hope to see you on the 15th!

Feb 25, 2013
ApacheCon NA Hackathon
Hilton Portland and Executive Tower

Everyone is welcome to attend the hackathon! Whether you're coming to the conference or just local, whether you're an existing committer or not, whether you're a coder or a writer or a designer or a tester, you'll all have a chance to get involved!

Apr 13, 2013
Coders With Kids
Cafe au Play, SE Portland

We are an informal group of coders with kids! If you love to code and are also a parent we'd love to meet you and hack together. We use Ruby and JavaScript, but are open to all languages. My 3-year old boy will be attending, and we love Cafe au Play! If you are a parent and want to hack with other parents please attend this new family friendly event.

Apr 24, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

May 1, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

I'll be at Railsconf events that evening, so there won't be a sign, but feel free to come anyway.

May 8, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

May 15, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

May 17, 2013
Cleanweb Hackathon = (Cleantech + IT) + Charrette + Some Good Company
through Earth Advantage

This hackathon is different than is a two day charrette to bring together developers, designers and innovators building web or mobile apps to solve environmental issues and enjoy a few good company.

Here is the scoop about the hackathon.

Prizes First place: $1500 and three 50% off the admission to the NEXT Startup Weekend Second place: $500 and two 50% off the admission to Tech for Change

Friday, 5/17 (optional but recommended) Kick-Off Party: Good food and beer will be there for you plus some good companies. An opportunity to scout teammates and networking & social

Saturday, 5/18 Commissioner Fish will speak. Bill Weihl, Sustainability Guru at Facebook will make cameo appearance via video conferencing. API, datasets and project ideas will be presented.

Sunday, 5/19 It is your time to shine. The final presentation will start at 3:30 and the prizes will be given out to the top two teams.

Breakfast and lunch are on us. Thanks to Chipotle!

See you all there!

(Postponed) Esri Geo Hackathon!
through TBD - Portland

UPDATE: Due to several people on our team being out of town, we've had to postpone this event until later this year. We'll be sure to add it to calagator when we pick a new date!

We're throwing a big hackathon to showcase a bunch of new Esri tools! Come be some of the first to check out new and improved documentation, user interface and new SDKs and APIs for Esri's core technology.

New to Esri? Basically, you can do anything add any kind of geo-functionality any product or app you're working on. From maps and data, geocoding and routing, demographic data and more, you'll be able to check out and test work from Esri R&D Center Portland and Esri HQ in Redlands!

There will be plenty of free food and drink, and networking kickoff the night before. Teams will have Friday night until 6pm Sunday to build apps using Esri technology. We'll have sample code on Github and a ton of example projects. There will also be plenty of Esri devs on site to help out.

Who should attend?

Feel free to participate if you're a designer or developer, college student, professional, high school student or someone just interested in geo. Keep in mind that this is a developer hackathon, so you should arrive with at least some knowledge of HTML/CSS so that you can contribute to a team. If you don't know HTML/CSS but are a skilled graphic designer, we need you too! Think of it as a playground for trying new things out.

What kind of prizes will there be?

Prizes will be announced soon, but suffice it to say they will likely be interesting objects that fly through the air. Also, free conference tickets and Esri software credits for runner ups.

May 19, 2013
Hackathon for Social Good, 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209

Join web and mobile experts on Sun., May 19th at the Portland Hackathon for Social Good. Hackathons are events when programmers and designers meet to work collaboratively to build programs and applications.

The day will begin with short presentations by educators and non-profit organizations, followed by informational sessions on building sites and web applications to help benefit non-profit organizations: The Dalai Lama Center, Dress for Success, Habitat for Humanity (Re)Store and Compassion & Choices.

Register online at

May 22, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with other participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Jun 1, 2013
Oregon Day of Civic Hacking - Portland, Oregon
Thetus Corporation

"The White House wants you to hack for a better America. Today it announced the National Day Of Civic Hacking on June 1-2 where many government agencies will liberate data for citizens across the U.S. to use to build tech that helps their communities. Twenty-seven cities have planned events where hackers will have access to data from The Department of Labor, The Census Bureau, and even NASA’s space stats.

The National Day Of Civic Hacking is a joint project from the U.S. government, Code For America, Random Hacks Of Kindness, and Eric Schmidt’s early-stage venture fund Innovation Endeavors. Part of a growing initiative to increase government transparency and civic engagement,..."


Jun 7, 2013
Developer Workshop: Windows 8 enterprise apps, consumer apps, and games
Microsoft Portland Office (Pearl District)

From enterprise LOB apps, to consumer apps, to games, Windows 8 development has something for everyone. Come hear Microsoft's Matt Harrington and Jeremy Foster, and Telerik's Chris Sells, tell you all you need to know.

Attendees will receive a free license to Telerik's RadControls for Windows 8. Thanks, Telerik!

The opportunity is NOW! Don’t miss another chance to get in on the next great marketplace! Get your competitive juices flowing and participate in this fun and FREE Windows 8 App Factor event.

Friday, June 7: Workshop at Microsoft's Portland office. A day of content on how to build a Windows 8 app. Form teams or code alone, and build your app over the next 2 weeks.

Saturday, June 22: Hackathon presentations, done online. Details will be announced at the June 7 event.

Register today at the registration site. More information is on


  • Windows 8 in the Enterprise (Chris Sells)
  • Windows Ecosystem Opportunity
  • Windows Development Overview for .NET Devs
  • Developing Windows Store Apps with VS2012 and HTML5
  • Visual Studio 2012 Application Templates (C# and JS)
  • Creating Games with Scirra Construct2
  • Creating Games with Unity
  • Application Starter Kits
  • Creating Cross-Platform Apps with Xamarin
  • Backending your Application with the Cloud (Azure Mobile Services)
  • Advertising and Monetization Best Practices
  • Best Practices for Creating Re-usable .NET Code
  • Store Setup and Submission

We'll cover what you need to know from idea to store submission. Well show you how to either create an application from scratch or use a beautiful sample to get started. Once you discover your app potential, your team can hack for two weeks building the app of your dreams. You can even get free consulting from Microsoft staff via Skype.

Don't worry if you don't yet have Windows 8. We'll give you a trial version which has all the tools you'll need. You can install this in a VM on a Mac or PC as long as you have 25 GB of free space.

On Saturday, June 22, we’ll host Windows 8 App Factor Compete online, and provide you with an opportunity to show off your app and hard work to the world and potentially win. Prizes include Surface RT slates, Beats by Dr. Dre headphones, and Jawbone Jamboxes. More details will be provided at the event on June 7.

More information to be provided on rules and eligibility for online or in-person submission at the first event. Find out what amazing apps are coming out of your community! Watch and see which developers truly have the Windows 8 App Factor!

Jun 19, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Jun 26, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Jun 30, 2013
Hackathon - Activst Event Calendar at Engine Yard
Engine Yard

The dream: The "Craig's List" of Activism & Civic Engagement, or.... Calagator + more features + more functions, focused on activism and available in every city every where. Because it should be.

Come tech types, come biz dev, come social media types, come change-makers!

Help create the site that will make your life easier, further your favorite causes, and impact the world!

One source for all the documentary screenings, protests, political debates, historical tours, and various geek events, in every city. A tool that empowers everybody to create change in their world. A tool for organizations to reach beyond their choir, discover new allies on issues and further their causes.

The event calendar is open source, forked from the Calagator code-base, in Ruby on Rails.

Yes, of course food and beer! Please RSVP

Jul 3, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers.

All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Jul 6, 2013
CodeDay Portland II
through Puppet

Pitch ideas, form teams, and build something amazing in 24 hours.

What should I bring? Bring anything that you think will make yourself productive. You definitely need a laptop, but anything beyond that is up to you!

Are we expected to sleep? The venue will be open overnight, but you can choose to sleep or keep working overnight! Please bring a pillow or sleeping bag if you feel that will make you more comfortable.

Are there any age requirements? No, the event is open to all currently enrolled students.

What languages can we use? There are no restrictions to what tools you can use (other than a few intended to prevent cheating, check the rules). If you use a language which few people know, you will have more difficulty getting help.

Some languages which are commonly used:

C#/XNA Java C++ Javascript Objective C Construct PHP Python Corona Will there be food? Yep! We'll provide lunch and dinner on Saturday, a midnight snack, and breakfast on Sunday. The cost of food is included in your ticket.

Can I go even if I don't know anything? Of course! Part of the fun of a hackathon is figuring out things as you go along. We'll also have some great workshops that you can attend. Or just hang out and have fun!

How big are the teams? We suggest 3-6 people per team. 8 is the absolute max. You can be a team of 1.

Can I be on multiple teams? Yes.

Do I need a group to attend? We'll be forming teams at the event, so you don't need to know anyone beforehand. Just show up!

Is it possible to make an app or game in such a short time? Yes! We're constantly amazed by the results of CodeDay events! Check out S.S. Halfling, and Running Blind, both games led by students at Redmond HS in Washington.

Are there any more official rules? Check out The Official Rules.

How can I contact you? Just email [email protected]

Jul 10, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Jul 17, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Jul 24, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Jul 26, 2013
HTML5 Tizen workshop and hack
through Urban Airship Inc

Join us after OSCON for an HTML5 workshop and hackathon designed to introduce the new open-source Tizen OS for mobile. Are you a developer with a passion for mobile? Have an HTML5 app you’d like to port? Don’t have an app yet, but want to make one using HTML5 for Tizen? This hack’s for you!

We'll kick off with a short training session on Friday, July 26th at 6pm, followed by an informal pitch session by devs and hacking. Technical support and developer devices will be available for those who participate in the competition. Food and drinks are provided and there's $2k in cash prizes. Come pitch an app idea or bring an existing HTML5 app to port.

For more information, full schedule and to RSVP please visit Note: We won't be staying overnight at the venue but will go on until late on Friday and come back on Saturday morning.

Tizen HTML 5 Workshop and Hack
through Urban Airship Inc

Are you a developer with a passion for mobile? Have an HTML5 app you’d like to port? Don’t have an app yet, but want to make one using HTML5 for Tizen, a new open-source mobile OS brought to you by the Linux Foundation? This hack’s for you!

Join BeMyApp for a Tizen HTML5 hack. We’ll have the SDK, support and leadership you need, and we’ll be awarding cash prizes (one $1000 prize and two $500 prizes) for the best apps created and/or ported during the hack.

*Please note that YOU will retain ownership copyright on all of your code and ideas.

Jul 31, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Aug 7, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, give advice, have fun, etc.

Aug 14, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Aug 21, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Aug 28, 2013
SW Portland Hack-A-Thon
Lucky Labrador Public House

Meet and hack with other SW Portland hackers. All programming languages and skill levels welcome. Come work on your own projects, pair with others participants, get advice, have fun, etc.

Sep 6, 2013
through OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)

TechFestNW (formerly known as PDXconf) is designed to celebrate interesting people who are passionate about technology. Who are building a better world. And who value craft over commodity.

The event takes place in conjunction with MusicFestNW, one of the largest independent music festivals in the US. Last year, MFNW attracted acts from up-and-coming artists to bands like Passion Pit, Dinosaur Jr, Silversun Pickups, and Girl Talk. While the inaugural tech event featured speakers from Flipboard, Betaworks, Walmart Labs, GigaOM, Shazam, and Spotify---as well as local favorites like Draplin Design Co, LAIKA, Chirpify, Simple, and Nike.

TFNW will take place September 6-8, 2013, with speakers the 6th and 7th and a hackathon on the 8th. Tech takes place during the day. And music takes place during the night. Creating a true festival atmosphere.

Sep 14, 2013
ChickTech Problem-Storming for Nonprofits
Thetus Corporation

NOTE: This is now a 1 day event. We hope you can join us.

Let's use our skills to make our community a better place for women and girls!

Are you a woman interested in brainstorming and creating solutions for a nonprofit? Well, we have the event for you! We're bringing in nonprofits who are focused on women and girls (or issues that women and girls encounter) who have something that they've been struggling with...and our goal is to have a viable solution for each of them by the end of the weekend!

Do I have the skills to attend?

  • Are you a women who is 15 years of age or older?
  • Are you a programmer?
  • Are you an interface designer?
  • Are you a manager?
  • Are you a teacher (either officially or not)?
  • Do you have experience with psychology?
  • Are you an artist?
  • Are you passionate about helping non-profits?

If you answered yes to any of those, then yes! You should. We are looking to have teams of women with diverse backgrounds. If you are under 15, let us know and we will see if we can work something out.

Why should I attend?

  • Altruism. Community-Mindedness. You'd like to help the local community with your skills.
  • Learn from your group members. You'll be on a diverse team of women. We are sure that you'll learn a lot from each other!
  • Learn about the non-profits. Portland has a great nonprofit community and this event will help you get in touch with some of them.
  • Help fundraise for ChickTech K-12 events. By paying for your participation, you are not only getting this experience (and food for days!), you are also helping to make our K-12 events free for participants. Thank you in advance for your support!
  • Childcare is provided.
  • Delicious food is provided. Eat up!

What are we doing, exactly?

You will be in a group of women working on a project for a local nonprofit. The projects are listed below under the Nonprofits section.

Each project will have a tech component, but we're looking to create a team with diverse skills to address the needs of the nonprofit. Each group will have a ChickTech or Thetus volunteer to help out. Each group will have a representative from the nonprofit to answer any questions. At the end of the weekend, we want to have a viable solution for the non-profit.

Can men attend?

YES! We are looking for supportive techie guys to help provide childcare for the event in order to break yet another stereotype. We are hoping to have some fun, hands-on activities for the kids too, depending on ages and age ranges.

Can I attend for free?

YES! We are offering a sliding scale because we do not want cost to be a barrier for anyone to attend. If you can afford any of the cost options, please help us out! This will help us cover the costs of this event. Any extra money goes to funding our K-12 programs to ensure that they remain free for participants.

Event Schedule

Friday: 6:30p - 9p, hors d'oeuvres, choose projects, meet teams! Saturday: 9:30a - 5:30p, breakfast, work with teams, lunch, more work! Sunday: 9:30a - 5:30p, breakfast, work, lunch, work, present (not the noun, the verb)!

Help us by spreading the word!

Tweet: "Let's help nonprofits in #pdx! Join me for @ChickTechOrg's Nonprofit Problem Storming Event! Learn more:" Facebook: "Let's help nonprofits in #pdx! Join me for @ChickTech's Nonprofit Problem Storming Event! Learn more:"

Nonprofits and Projects

Below are the nonprofits who are involved with this event. If you have one of any of the skills listed on any of the projects, consider attending this event to help out our nonprofit community.

My Sister's House

My Sister's House is a home for women with children who have suffered domestic violence/and or abuse and need a safe environment to create new lives.
Problem: Need complete website and branding overhaul! Skills needed (including but not limited to): website design, website development, user experience, branding, artists

Oregon Tradeswomen

Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc. (OTI) is dedicated to promoting success for women in the trades through education, leadership and mentorship. Problem: Need help with communications throughout the organization! Especially around email, calendars, etc. Skills needed (including but not limited to): experience with nonprofits, organizational skills, management, software/website development

Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington serves members throughout Oregon, and Clark and Skamania Counties in Washington; they currently serve 24,000 girl and adult members. Problem: Need help creating a training strategy that works for the adult volunteers in the organization, especially with regards to online and blended methods. Skills needed (including but not limited to): education, pyschology, web service development, training experience, evaluation experience, web design


Betties360's mission is to inspire confidence, well-being, and community in girls through action sports, outdoor adventure, and life-skill education. Problem: Need help with publicity and general getting the word out to more people! Possibly a creative marketing campaign? Skills needed (including but not limited to): nonprofit fundraising, marketing, social media experience, branding experience, designers, artists is an in-progress web platform aiming to provide on-going community engagement and fundraising for all manner of creative projects (software, music/art, research, educational resources, and more) where results are released freely with no proprietary restrictions on access, modification, or sharing. Problem: We need help introducing the system to creative projects and to patrons; maybe an infographic or a game? Skills needed (including but not limited to): nonprofit fundraising, marketing, designer, game development, user experience designer

Lilka, Inc

[Note: Lilka is not a nonprofit, but their mission is to help nonprofits work together better, which we think is worth supporting! Plus, it's a women-founded tech startup, which is awesome.] Lilka, Inc is creating a project coordination tool for nonprofit organizations to help them coordinate both internal projects and projects between nonprofits who want to work together.
Problem: We're at the stage where we're fleshing out our ideas, and we would love some help integrating the functionality of Asana and Google Docs/Drive as a first step. This tool will be used to coordinate NPOs in both everyday situations and emergencies where cooperation between NPOs will save lives. Skills needed (including but not limited to): Front end web design, user interface design, business, project management, back-end programming, nonprofit experience, graphic design

If you know of other nonprofits who would like to participate email us at [email protected]. If you would like to get more information on volunteering for this event, also email us at [email protected]. ChickTech's fiscal sponsor is TechStart, a registered 501(c)(3).

Oct 23, 2013
Developers & Cleantech Networking Happy Hour
Thetus Corporation

Developers, designers and cleantech professionals! This is a networking event you don’t want to miss. You will learn about the Cleanweb Initiative and the movement in Portland.

This event also connects PSU-TAO Cleanweb Hack participants as well as tech and cleantech industry professionals.

The networking provides opportunities for the hackathon participants to discuss project ideas, scout out team members and learn hackathon 101 basics. It will also serve as a platform to open dialogue that connects cleantech and tech industry in Portland.

This is free networking event. There will be food, drink and good conversations!

Oct 26, 2013
PSU-TAO Cleanweb Hack (updated)
PSU Maseeh Engineering Building

If you haven't already signed up for the Hack tomorrow at PSU, we hope some details included here will entice you. To prepare our participants for a fun and productive day, below are details and resources for the Hack.

Goals: To generate ideas are innovative to solving environmental and sustainability, social equity issues through utilization of software and mobile apps. Don’t forget to have some fun.

Idea Generation: To start, you should ask the following questions: 1) What issues you and your team would like to tackle? (ie. carbon emissions reduction by buildings or vehicles, solar potential identifier, change of personal habits, e-waste tracking, etc.) 2) What do other similar applications exist on the market? Sometimes, building on existing apps can resolve a more refined product. 3) What is the marketability? Is it scalable?

The best project ideas are one that you are passionate about, and have some components of competition and linkage to social media.

Finding Data: While you are brainstorming ideas, you should also consider data availability as well. It is not the end of the world if you don’t have data sets or APIs to mock up a prototype. Simply build your own datasets, even if just a few that are enough for you to test out your product.

See the Cleanweb Hack resource guide for APIs, data sets, sample projects and project ideas. (

Judging Criteria: At the end of day, your prototype will be scored on these criteria: 1) Impact on resource and sustainability issues 2) Design and usability of prototype 3) Feasibility and marketability 4) Good use of datasets and APIs

Prizes: 1st Place - $500, 2nd Place - $250

Bragging right is priceless.

Our judges are looking forward to your innovations!

Winston Saunders, Director of Data Center Security Initiatives at Intel Chris Harder, Division Manager at the Portland Development Commission (PDC) Skip Newberry, President at the Technology Association of Oregon (TAO)

Questions? Ask us on Twitter (@cleanwebPDX), Facebook or via email [email protected]

There will be food, drink and good companies. Come out to have some fun!

What is Cleanweb? Cleanweb is a meme, a movement, a market that individuals/organizations are leveraging information technologies to address the world's critical resource challenges. This web of technologies can optimize how we use resources across the way we live, work, and play. It creates the biggest impact and economic opportunity of our time.

Read the Docs Hackathon

We will gather and hack on Read the Docs all day. If you've never contributed before, this is a good chance since both of the main maintainers (one of which is the original author) will be there.

Read the Docs is written in Python but we could also use front end help in the form of design input and css/javascript.

There will be pizza, snacks, drinks and beer provided by Mozilla to fuel folks.

If you want to get started ahead of time, the install instructions for the project are available here:

Oct 30, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Nov 7, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Nov 8, 2013
Intro to Android GUI Programming
Portland State University Fourth Avenue Building (FAB) Room FAB 86-01

This will be an introduction to Android Programming using Eclipse and Java with the Android SDK.

This is the first event in a series of Android programming talks which will inevitably lead to the production of a classic board game, such as Sorry!

All skill levels are welcome, and no prior Android Experience is necessary.

About the Speaker: Sean Walsh is the Chairman of the Association for Computing Machinery at Portland State University. Sean has extensive experience with User Interface design and undergraduate Artificial Intelligence programming. He is finishing his undergraduate degree in Computer Science, while concurrently taking graduate classes toward a Masters of Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence track.

Nov 14, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night - Topic: Interview questions
NedSpace on 5th

Topic: Learn what interviewers are looking for, what sorts of questions they ask, and what they are looking for in your responses.

This is a topic learning night. Come and learn, ask questions, and become a better software developer.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Nov 21, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Dec 5, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night - Topic TBD
NedSpace on 5th

We will have a talk on a topic to be determined.

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Dec 12, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Dec 19, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Jan 2, 2014
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Jan 9, 2014
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Jan 10, 2014
MapCamp Portland Hackathon!
through ISITE Design

Announcing MapCamp! A 2-day event for mapping enthusiasts in Portland, Oregon.

What is it? A two-day series of presentations and a hackathon at ISITE Design that rewards teams and individuals that make the best use of Portland city data. We'll be providing food, drink, entertainment and some other surprises.

Have a dataset, tool or app to demo? Let us know and we'll include you in Saturday morning's lightning talk lineup!

Why is this going to be awesome?

  • Competitive hackathon with fun prizes in a bunch of categories
  • Talks on interesting new tech/tools/apps from Esri and others
  • Fun surprises!
  • The cozy, conveniently-located confines of ISITE Design and the TiE Pearl Incubator
  • Also, tamales and beer.
Jan 16, 2014
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Jan 23, 2014
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Feb 24, 2014
Rentrak Hackathon
Rentrak - Downtown

The Rentrak Hackathon is a gathering of laptops and laughter. Classically, we all sit in a square and type words onto a keyboard that then get turned into a "computerized program". It's a good chance to work on your personal projects, learn what your peers are up to (computer-wise), figure out what the best programming language is, and/or say the words "I don't have anything to work on" or "I forgot my laptop". This event is very informal, and there is no specific project we'll be focusing our efforts on.

Food and refreshments are served. RSVPing to [email protected] is appreciated, but not required.

Come check out Rentrak's new downtown office. Everyone is welcome to join us!

Feb 28, 2014
Little Oregon Laboratory Hackathon
through CrowdCompass office in the Ford Building

Sponsored and hosted by CrowdCompass by Cvent, you’ll have 48 uninterrupted hours to build the coolest, most effective tool you can dream up. The only rule? Keep it mobile.

This is our first-ever hackathon, and we’re pumped to be gathering Portland’s top talent together for a weekend of innovation and camaraderie. We’ll keep you satisfied with local food, coffee and beverages so you can focus on the task at hand.

Space is limited; please follow the link and register in advance so we know how many pancakes to flip.

Mar 24, 2014
Rentrak Hackathon
Rentrak - Downtown

The Rentrak Hackathon is a gathering of laptops and laughter. Classically, we all sit in a square and type words onto a keyboard that then get turned into a "computerized program". It's a good chance to work on your personal projects, learn what your peers are up to (computer-wise), figure out what the best programming language is, and/or say the words "I don't have anything to work on" or "I forgot my laptop". This event is very informal, and there is no specific project we'll be focusing our efforts on.

Food and refreshments are served. RSVPing to [email protected] is appreciated, but not required.

Come check out Rentrak's new downtown office. Everyone is welcome to join us!

Apr 28, 2014
Rentrak Hackathon
Rentrak - Downtown

The Rentrak Hackathon is a gathering of laptops and laughter. Classically, we all sit in a square and type words onto a keyboard that then get turned into a "computerized program". It's a good chance to work on your personal projects, learn what your peers are up to (computer-wise), figure out what the best programming language is, and/or say the words "I don't have anything to work on" or "I forgot my laptop". This event is very informal, and there is no specific project we'll be focusing our efforts on.

Food and refreshments are served. RSVPing to [email protected] is appreciated, but not required.

Come check out Rentrak's new downtown office. Everyone is welcome to join us!

May 9, 2014
AT&T Art+Tech Hackathon - Seattle
through Ratio HQ

Love building apps? Seattle, just a 3 hr drive away? Come explore the intersection of art, technology, and nature at the first Art & Technology hackathon for Bees in Seattle! In this 24-hour event, we'll join creative artists with developers and beekeepers to create new interactive artworks that matter. The goal of the weekend is to create artwork related to Flight Path Bee Project that will hopefully be considered for our very own Seatac Airport!

Show off your skills, get some great networking in, be fed, and possibly win some prizes too.

(comment: does some want to start a calagator for Seattle?

May 30, 2014
National Day of Civic Hacking Kick-off Party

The National Day of Civic Hacking is a nationwide event to build innovative civic projects and a lasting community that is passionate about finding technological solutions to shared problems in our communities.

Portland is hosting two Civic Hack-a-thons in celebration of this national day. Join us for a joint kick-off event to celebrate, get inspired, and hear more about each hack-a-thon. There’s all kinds of dreaming, creating, and hacking you can be part of!

Kick-off Party Details:

Date: Friday, May 30th
Location: Epicodus, Time: 6pm - 9pm
Please RSVP:

Aug 10, 2014
Calagator Code Sprint
New Relic

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from Open Source Bridge:

Also check out the current issues in our tracker:

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Aug 23, 2014
Calagator Code Sprint
Elemental Technologies

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from Open Source Bridge:

Also check out the current issues in our tracker:

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Oct 18, 2014
Calagator Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from Open Source Bridge:

Also check out the current issues in our tracker:

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Oct 25, 2014
Product Hunt Portland Meetup + Hackathon
through Ford Food and Drink (SE 11th and Division)

RSVP + join fellow Portlanders (whether you live here or are passing through) for a brief weekend of making something awesome.

We'll be kicking off at Ford Food and Drink, though don't expect to find us holed up there all day and night as we'll be breaking into teams before the hackathon proper kicks off at 1pm. [Check the event site for full schedule.] Come by at 10:30 for social hour to meet your fellow dreamers, developers and designers followed by pitches - after which we'll break out into teams and get to making.

The top 3 winners world-wide get interviews with 500 Startups, Techstars, and office hours with YC partner and founder of Reddit, Alexis Ohanian! On top of that, the grand prize winner will win a chance to get in front of Andreessen Horowitz to discuss your startup or product!

Nov 8, 2014
Avenues to Advocacy Hackathon
Esri Portland R&D Center

The Community Cycling Center with Code for Portland is building a tool to make transportation advocacy accessible to people from all backgrounds - dewonkifying the wonkery of city budgets, citizen reporting, and community meetings. The hackathon will involve updating and implementing the key features of the Avenues to Advocacy civic engagement tool - anyone that's interested in transportation planning, biking, walking, map technology, government data, or increasing access to transportation advocacy is welcome to join. (No tech experience necessary, there's roles for everyone.) Snacks, coffee, and lunch provided with ticket. Tickets are free, just RSVP using the eventbrite link.

Calagator Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from Open Source Bridge:

Also check out the current issues in our tracker:

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Nov 24, 2014
Rentrak Hackathon
Rentrak - Downtown

The Rentrak Hackathon is a gathering of laptops and laughter. Classically, we all sit in a square and type words onto a keyboard that then get turned into a "computerized program". It's a good chance to work on your personal projects, learn what your peers are up to (computer-wise), figure out what the best programming language is, and/or say the words "I don't have anything to work on" or "I forgot my laptop". This event is very informal, and there is no specific project we'll be focusing our efforts on.

Food and refreshments are served. RSVPing to [email protected] is appreciated, but not required.

Come check out Rentrak's new downtown office. Everyone is welcome to join us!

Dec 5, 2014
Intel® IoT Hackathon: Transportation - PDX
through ADX

You're from the City of Roses and Transportation Awareness and, geez, do you have ideas about how to improve things!! Here's a chance to hack solutions to your biggest transportation problems using the latest connected hardware from Intel -- the Intel® IoT Hackathon: Transportation!

Exceptional projects will be awarded great prizes after judging on Sunday 12/7. Attendees also are eligible for other prizes throughout the event.

Friday, 12/5 5:30pm-10pm: Intro, teams, ideas
Saturday, 12/6 8am-10pm: Hack
Sunday, 12/7 8am-2pm: Finish, Present, Awards

ADX - 417 Southeast 11th Ave, Portland, OR 97214

To Register:

*There are only 50 spots available, reserve your spot before it’s too late!!!
**Intel IoT Developer Kit provided to all registered attendees

Dec 6, 2014
Calagator Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from Open Source Bridge:

Also check out the current issues in our tracker:

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

(What we ended up doing.)

Jan 3, 2015
Calagator Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from the Calagator project wiki (, or check out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Jan 31, 2015
Sports Hack Day
through DevelopmentNow -

How would you like to spend Superbowl weekend building applications that change the way people follow sports and interact with their favorite teams and fellow fans?

We're gathering developers, data crunchers and sports fans from across the Pacific northwest to converge on Portland to hack on sports themed projects. We will wrap things up early on Sunday and then set-up for an (optional) group viewing of the Superbowl!

Feb 4, 2015
PDX Startup Week: Where Are Your Wearables Hackfest
Quick Left

Get amped - does more than hosting. We're hosting our first Quick Left hackfest in Portland with them! And what better week than Portland Startup Week to do so! 

Aided by the increased processing speed of chips, capacity of batteries and precision of sensor technologies, devices are becoming smaller, faster and more feature heavy than ever before. Where is the power of wearables going? We're bringing it in hackfest form to Portland, OR! Register now for our hackfest Feb 4th and find out (or make it happen).

With the Quick Left wearable hackfest, we want take wearable data beyond the miles you pedal or calories burned. We want wearables to be useful in your daily life. According to technology research and advisory company Gartner, by 2020, developed world life expectancy will increase by 0.5 years due to widespread adoption of wireless health monitoring technology. Business leaders must examine the impact of increased wellness on insurance and employee costs as a competitive factor. Inspire innovation to affect this trend at our hackfest. If you've got ideas on what to do with health and exercise data (for humans, your pets or....), you'll want to get your hack on at Quick Left!

Wednesday, February 4th, doors open at 6pm, hacking begins at 6:30 Free beer and food provided by our awesome sponsors Teams formed night of Hack for 3 hrs (no previous feature design or code written, please) Winners will be chosen by our sponsors (hint, hint)

Thanks to our sponsor, Sparkfun, for supplying Lily Pad Design Kits. And Fitbit is giving away a Fitbit Flex wristband to the winning team and more sponsors to be announced shortly! Still need more convincing to join our hackfests? See three year's worth of Quick Left hackfests we've hosted here!

Feb 6, 2015
[CANCELED] Little Oregon Laboratory Hackathon
through CrowdCompass by Cvent

Sponsored and hosted by CrowdCompass by Cvent, you’ll have 48 uninterrupted hours to build the coolest, most effective tool you can dream up. The only rule? Keep it mobile.

Join CrowdCompass for our annual hackathon in our brand new office! We’re pumped to be gathering Portland’s top talent together for a weekend of innovation and camaraderie. We’ll keep you satisfied with local food, coffee and beverages so you can focus on the task at hand. Cost to participate is $50.

Space is limited; please follow the link and register in advance so we know how many pancakes to flip.

Feb 7, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

Catch up on the current status with these notes from the Calagator project wiki (, or check out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Feb 8, 2015
[CANCELED] Little Oregon Laboratory Demo Day
Block 300

Come and see the results of a 48 hour hackathon focused on the intersection of design and development.

1:30 - 2:00

Meet and greet. Come have a drink and say hello to the developers and designers who spent the weekend bringing their mobile innovations to life!

2:00 - 3:30

Demo time! See for yourself what gets created when mobile development and mobile design come together.

3:30 - 4:30

Awards! Prizes! Stuff that participants win! Meet the winners in real time!

"Hey wait a second... I want to participate in the entire hackathon weekend!"

"No problem - sign up for the entire hackathon at"

Feb 20, 2015
Meet+Hack with the creator of the Wake Programming Language
Ava's Roasteria

Come and bring your laptop, grab coffee, and meet Mike Fairhurst, creator of the Wake programming language.

Learn about, write in, or guide the design of the Wake programming language at an informal hack night.

While hanging out, we'll go over - features we want to add to the language - problems we're trying to solve - prioritizing next steps to code up - talk about what we want from a standard library

Brave coders can spend some time working on the compiler (written in C++), while eager ones can try writing things in Wake to provide valuable feedback. Either way, work directly with Mike as questions come up to ensure its smooth sailing!

Feb 21, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Mar 7, 2015
Hackster Hardware Weekend
through Portland State Business Accelerator Mt. Hood room

Ready to hack the future of hardware?

The Hackster Hardware Weekend is a celebration of makers, open source hardware and the Hackster community across America. From Seattle to NYC and everything in between, we are hitting the road driving an original DeLorean DMC 12 to run the coolest Hackathon & Meetup series of the year, with loads of free hardware kits, amazing speakers, software freebies and great people.

Best yet, you also get to hack our Time Machine. Update our DeLorean with the latest sensors, electronics, radios and data service. Make Doc Emmet Brown proud and #HackToTheFuture!

What will you build with the DeLorean? Share your ideas on the DeLorean hacks page.

Mar 14, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint - rescheduled from March 7th
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Mar 21, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Apr 4, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Apr 18, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

May 1, 2015
Portland Startup Weekend B2B
through Centrl Office

Startup Weekend B2B is a 54 hour event where developers, designers, marketers and other startup enthusiasts come together to pitch their business-to-business startup ideas, form teams, build products, and launch their revenue generating startup.

May 16, 2015
Calagator & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Jun 6, 2015
Calagator Documentation & Open Source Bridge Code Sprint
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Come hack on Calagator, the open source calendar aggregator, and Open Source Bridge, Stumptown Syndicate's open source conference.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code bases.

SPECIAL: For this code sprint, Calagator contributors will be focusing on documentation.

Catch up on the current status by checking out our open issues ( to find something you'd like to work on!

Calagator is a Ruby/Rails web app.

Nov 7, 2015
Boys & Girls Club App-a-thon
Blazers Boys & Girls Club

Boys & Girls Clubs of Portland will be providing a free Saturday App-a-thon event on November 7, 2015. The goal of the event is to engage youth who otherwise would not have exposure to computer science. This event will provide attendees with an opportunity to learn, explore, and create with computers. We are looking for volunteers to lead and facilitate small teams of youth aged 9-14.

Dec 5, 2015
HackPDX Winter 2015 Hackathon @ Airbnb Portland
Airbnb Portland

We're back! Join us for the Winter 2015 Hackathon at Airbnb Portland! The theme is education, but feel free to hack on something PDX related or anything at all.

There will be food for everyone and prizes for the best hacks, so come with a team, make one here, or fly solo to gain everlasting fame as the creator of the next Instagram for IOT BigData SoMoLo Toasters.

Please RSVP on Eventbrite if you're planning on attending; space is limited and you must be on the list to get in!

May 15, 2016
StartupBus 2016: Portland stop
DeskHub Portland

Equal parts hackathon, road trip and global community, StartupBus is a life accelerator that skyrockets you to your greatest potential. It’s an initiation into a community of over a thousand people who are on the same journey to greatness, on and off the bus.

Will StartupBus be uncomfortable? Yes, comfort and growth don’t coexist. Will you have to fight off ravenous, battery starved techies to charge your devices? Yep. Will there be consistent Internet? Yeah… probably not.

Will it be the single greatest adventure of your personal and professional life? Ab-so-effing-lutely.

One more question, but only you have the answer.

Are you crazy enough to jump on a bus conceive, build and launch a startup with a group strangers in 72 hours?

Jun 4, 2016
Alexa Skill Building 101

On Saturday June 4th we bring you the first ever + Amazon Alexa workshop!

Liz Myers, who is a Developer Evangelist at Amazon, will be teaching Alexa Skill Building 101 starting at noon. In this talk, intended for software and hardware developers interested in voice control, home automation, and personal assistant technology, we will walk through the development of a new Alexa skill and incorporate it into a consumer-facing device.

The talk will be followed by lunch and an afternoon of hacking. Finish off the day with dinner and incredible prizes sponsored by Amazon.

Alexa is the speech and personal assistant technology behind Amazon Echo. Today you can use Alexa to listen to music, play games, check traffic and weather, control your household devices such as Philips Hue and Belkin WeMo, and lots more. Alexa offers a full-featured set of APIs and SDKs that you can use to teach her new skills and add her into devices and applications of your own.

Worried that your just a beginner and not much of a coder? Don t be! This Hackathon will be suitable for beginners and pros alike. We have examples and tutorials that will get you up to speed with creating your own amazing voice activated Alexa “Skills” for the Echo – come learn and make new nerdy coder friends! Any experience with JavasScript or Python will be a plus but we have a repository of examples you can simply modify to make your own publishable Alexa Skill. Drop in, bring your laptops, your friends, and plenty of time to hack some uber code and hear what Echo has to say.

Oct 22, 2016
DevelopmentNow Little Hackathon of Horrors
DevelopmentNow Offices

At DevelopmentNow, we like learning how to use and program new technology, and the ability to write skills for Amazon's Alexa assistant is pretty exciting. We're hosting a free workshop and hackathon at our offices, during which we'll learn together to write a new Alexa skill, and demonstrate it, in an hour!

Because this will be late October, and because we also like the spooky atmosphere of that time of year, we're going to focus on thinking of skills with a Halloween bent. Given time and interest, we may even be able to put together a decision-tree narration of a haunted house. We're also eager to hear your own ideas and see what all the participants come up with together.

What's the planned schedule?

Our office doors will open at 10 am, and we'll officially kick off the session at 11. We'll share quickstart documents to everyone in attendance, and have a couple of our in-house developers with Alexa experience roaming the place to help figure things out. At 4 pm, we'll wrap up and take turns showing off what we've built.

What are my transport/parking options?

Parking around the east side of the Burnside Bridge is limited, but generally viable on weekends. We're also very close to the MLK and Burnside stop for the A Loop of the Portland Streetcar, or a block from the nearest bus stop on the 19 or 20. We have indoor bike parking as well.

What should I bring to the event?

Please bring a laptop and a willingness to learn! You don't need previous experience. We'll provide power, wifi, workspace, food, cooperative instruction, and our Echo for testing.

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

[email protected]

You said there will be food?

Yes! We'll provide coffee and pastries when the office doors open at 10, and order Sizzle Pie around 2 pm for our hard-working participants.

Nov 4, 2016
We Code Hackathon for Women & Friends
through Puppet

Nike and Puppet are collaborating to host the 2nd We Code Hackathon for women and friends. Web designers and developers of all levels are invited to work on a fun project in small teams at this creative and collaborative coding event. You’ll have an opportunity to meet and work with other talented people, develop your skills, and create new applications. T-shirts, prizes, and great food from local restaurants will be provided.

Learn more and RSVP at:

Feb 6, 2017
Design Week Website Hackathon at FINE

Design Week Portland is launching its full website in mid-February, and we're calling all coders to help get it ready to go live! We'll be launching the schedule, sweeping for content, squashing bugs, cleaning up code, writing tests and maybe even doing some progressive enhancement. Whether you're a junior developer or a seasoned senior, we'd love to have you involved. There will be pizza. There will be beverages. There will be code. Join us at FINE for an evening of hacking.

Coders beware: this seems less like a hackathon and more like a "we said we'd do this but don't have the resources, so come do it for us and we'll take the credit". Don't forget your time is worth $$ and the people putting this on are likely getting free tickets to DWP from your hard work!

Feb 8, 2017
Hack the Dot: PDX Startup Week

A Hack the Dot is a two-hour hackathon where coding school students, junior developers, experienced developers, marketers, designers and curious web people come together to build ideas around a domain name. Our events are meant to be a quick and fun way to build a humorous (and functional) product quickly while meeting people in your tech/startup community.

There will be pizza. And beer.

What to Bring / How to Prepare: • Bring your laptop (fully charged). Bring your charger just in case. • Install the Atom text editor. Go here: • Setup a account

How does it work? Step 1: Attendees are broken up into random teams and assigned spirit animals to guide their efforts. Step 2: The teams are provided with the same undisclosed domain name by, arbitrary and often hilarious. Step 3: Teams have just two hours to come up with a functioning site inspired by that domain. The team builds the most creative and fun idea for the domain wins.

Participants will be judged on four criteria: (1) functionality, (2) design, (3) humor, and (4) creative domain name interpretation.

What do you get at the event? FOOD! SWAG! FRIENDS!

How much does it cost? It’s FREE!

Questions? Send them to HacktheDot at

Apr 8, 2017
Hack Oregon Spring Buildathon
Hidden Venue

Spring Buildathon!

Guidelines for Guest Contributors

What is it?

Believe it or not, Hack Oregon actually doesn’t really do a lot of Hackathons. We form specialized teams to build software and open data stories for important themes in Oregon, and work and iterate incrementally over months to create a product.

The "Buildathon" is the one day where we open up our project teams for guest and current contributors that want to be part of the magic and build something amazing, but might not have the time to participate in our months-long project season.

What’s the goal?

The Buildathon is a production sprint. We’ve laid the groundwork to do research, visualizations, and data storytelling quickly, and we need your help to bring our projects to the next level. We’ll get to work shoring up and finalizing our projects with some cross-team and outsider help. We’re going to use our lifelines and help each other close those blocked github issues and fine-tune designs.

Be prepared to make friends and be an instant part of our Hack Oregon family!

How can I get involved?

By joining our sprint, you’ll be placed with a team that needs extra hands on deck in your particular skill set. We’re working toward our public demo day at OMSI on May 1st, where you can proudly present alongside your team.


  • Team T-Shirt

  • All Day Food

  • Ticket to sold out Demo Day

  • Profound Glory

Submit your information here and we’ll reach out to match you with a team and link to reserve your ticket.

Below you’ll find a list of skills and roles we’re looking for at the Buildathon, along with this year’s five project themes.

Technical skills we’re looking for the Buildathon:

  • Front End Developers (we use React.js)

  • Data Visualization Developers (we use React.js/D3.js)

  • API Developers (we use Django)

  • Database Programmers (we use PostgreSQL)

  • UX/UI Designers

  • DevOps Engineers (we use AWS, Docker, Travis.CI)

  • Content Writers / Copywriters

  • Data Scientists (we use Python)

  • Multimedia Developers (Photography, Motion Graphics, Animation, Videography)

  • Visual Designers (Graphic Design, Illustration)

Project Teams


MVP: We’re highlighting the City of Portland’s budget data in a neutral manner so that users can quickly and efficiently understand its components, view basic spending trends and dive deeper into bureau-level budgets.

Stretch Goals: We’ll organize more sophisticated granular views, and applied analysis of deltas and outcomes of programs.


MVP: We’re creating a new system organize and model the efficiency of road construction and capital infrastructure planning.

Stretch goals: Expand into usage and impact of Portland’s biking and transit ecosystem through the lense of multi-modal transportation patterns.

Emergency Response

MVP: We are collaborating with Portland Fire and Rescue to take data relating to their emergency calls and build interesting dashboards, visualizations, and simulations.

Stretch goals: Understand more about how emergency response patterns vary by unique aspects of neighborhood demographics.


MVP: We’re exploring how the city and its neighborhoods have changed over time, from the perspective of 12 representative households.

Stretch Goals: We’ll work with raw data from the voter registration to explore change of address as a vector, which may indicate displacement trends.


MVP: We’re expanding the perception around the definitions of homelessness in Portland and the moment in time where people experience homelessness.

Stretch goals: Capture a fuller picture of children in Multnomah County who hang in the balance food security and housing security.

May 30, 2017
Open Source Bridge Volunteer Meetup
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Open Source Bridge is in just a few weeks — June 20-23. Come find out about volunteering positions, including Session Monitor, Hacker Lounge volunteer, Logistics assistant, Party volunteer, and more! Working just 8 hours (spread over 4 days of conference and load-in day) gets you a free ticket.

Open source Bridge is the best regional open source tech conference around! A language-agnostic conference created by developers, designers, hardware hackers, and community leaders for the greater tech industry, OSBridge focuses on the intersection of activism, tech, and culture. Students and those looking for internships and work are always welcome — we have a job board on-site to connect you with companies looking to fill positions.

Jun 2, 2017
Startup Weekend Vancouver
through Colab Coworking

Learn, Network, Startup In just 54 hours, you will experience the highs, lows, fun, and pressure that make up life at a startup. As you learn how to create a real company, you'll meet the very best mentors, investors, co-founders, and sponsors who are ready to help you get started. Your community is here to help you — find an event today!

Jun 19, 2017
Volunteer Orientation #1 for Open Source Bridge volunteers
The Eliot Center (Buchan Building)

If you volunteer for 8 hours, you'll get a free ticket to Open Source Bridge! Come to orientation to get details! And sign up for your shift hours at

OSBridge organizers will show you around the facility, go through roles and some conference best practices, and teach you how to respond to a Code of Conduct report.

Volunteer Orientation #2 for Open Source Bridge volunteers
The Eliot Center (Buchan Building)

If you volunteer for 8 hours, you'll get a free ticket to Open Source Bridge! Come to orientation to get details! And sign up for your shift hours at

OSBridge organizers will show you around the facility, go through roles and some conference best practices, and teach you how to respond to a Code of Conduct report.

Jun 20, 2017
Organizing Community Events 101
The Eliot Center

Looking to engage or recruit donors, volunteers, ambassadors, or community partners in person? Want tips on how to make things run more smoothly? Get potential advocates excited to come to your community event.

Join us as Melissa Chavez (core organizer of many nonprofit events over the years, including tech conferences Open Source Bridge, PNSQC, PyDX, and Portland VegFest) shares tools, and how to plan community events.

Jul 21, 2017
Digital Construction Summit
White Stag Block (University of Oregon)

9 AM Doors Open – Coffee 9:30 AM Welcome Greg Howes, Lead Organizer – AEC Hackathon Portland Damon Hernandez, Founder and Executive Director, AEC Hackathon Innovation and the Technology Industry in Oregon Skip Newberry, President and CEO, Technology Association of Oregon Senator Merkley, Senator for Oregon – invited. 10:00 AM Keynote 1: The Future of Design and Making Greg Fallon, Autodesk VP of Simulation 10:50 AM Keynote 2: Renewing the Built Environment with Hackathons and Startups, Collaborative Open Data-Driven Ecosystems for the Built Environment – Connecting Innovators in Oregon, Finland and the world. Teemu Lehtinen, Aalto University, Finland, and Stanford. Chief Digital Officer of the Finnish KIRA-digi project; Digital Transformation within the Real Estate and Construction sectors in Finland. Teemu is the local lead for the AEC Hackathons in Finland and has organized 3 AEC Hackathons and numerous related events. 11.30AM COFFEE 11:45 AM Oregon Cleantech, Advanced Wood Products and Startups Johanna Brickman, Director of Collaborative Innovation, OregonBest 12:00 PM Future Trends Shaping AEC Randall Newton, Consilia Vektor 12.20PM LUNCH 1:00 PM Making Oregon a leader in Digital Construction, Timber Technologies and Immersive Design Greg Howes, Lead Organizer AEC Hackathon Portland, CutMyTimber, IDEAbuilder, Digital Fabrication Network. 1:10 PM Framework, the tallest contemporary wood building in the US – technology’s role in its development Thomas Robinson, Founding Principal, Lever Architecture 1:40 PM The Cutting-Edge in integrating technologies in Design, Manufacturing and Building. Stefan Schneider, Founder and President, CutMyTimber 2:00 PM Spanning Architecture and Manufacturing to produce Digitally-fabricated Timber Nancy Cheng, University of Oregon Department of Architecture, School of Design 2:20 PM R & D from Studio and Applied Research Perspectives Iain Macdonald, Associate Director, TallWood Design Institute at OSU and Judith Sheine, Head of Department of Architecture at University of Oregon 3PM COFFEE 3:20PM Robotics and Digital Fabrication in Architecture – Future Vision Andrew Tsay Jacobs, Perkins and Will – invited 3:45PM Construction, Technology and Innovation Dale Stenning, Operations Manager, Hoffman Construction 4:10PM The Exciting Future of Technology and Timber Manufacturing in Oregon Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici 4:20 PM Merged Reality with Intel Rick Blacker, Developer Evangelist, Intel Corporation – invited 4:40PM BEER AND WINE RECEPTION 6 PM AEC Hackathon PDX Begins!

29th AEC Hackathon
through White Stag Block (University of Oregon)

AEC Hackathon Portland: Agenda and Registration (we are adding more speakers). Friday, July 21st starting at 6 pm - July 23rd at 6 pm,
White Stag Building at University of Oregon.

The Portland VR Meetup Group is hosting a follow up event on Monday, July 24th from 5:30 - 8:30 PM focused on "Disrupting the $30 Trillion AEC Industry with VR/AR"

Aug 10, 2017
Science Hack Day Portland Meet & Greet: Potluck in the Park
Laurelhurst Park

All are welcome to gather in Laurelhurst Park to meet other Science Hack Day attendees and organizers.

We will brainstorm projects and build DIY eclipse viewers for the upcoming solar eclipse.

Optional: bring food/drink to share and a small donation for materials

To find Picnic Area A, see the park map here:

Please RSVP so we can get an idea of how much materials to order:

Sep 9, 2017
Science Hack Day Portland 2017
through PSU Maseeh Engineering Building

A weekend making fun science projects.

Designers, students, engineers, programmers, scientists, artists, and science-enthusiasts! Excited about making weird, silly or serious things with science? Anyone who is excited about making things with science are welcome to attend. No experience in science or hacking is necessary - just an insatiable curiosity.

Wifi, 3D printers, and basic electronic prototyping equipment (soldering irons, Arduinos, etc) will be available. For more demanding projects we can help facilitate access to specific tools for your prototype.

All skill levels, ages, and backgrounds are welcome. Children must be accompanied by at least one adult.

You don't need a team, project, or idea to attend. Just show up and we will help you find an interesting project to work on!

To find out more, come to our meetup on Aug 10 at Laurelhurst Park!

Admission: FREE


Dec 1, 2017
We Code for Good Hackathon for Women & Friends
through Puppet

Join us for the We Code for Good Hackathon for Women and Friends on December 1-2! This is the 3rd We Code hackathon hosted by Nike and Puppet, and we’re excited to partner with non-profits and help them address challenges with technical solutions. Details about the non-profits we will be working with will be shared soon.

Web designers and software developers of all levels are invited to work on a fun project in small teams at this creative and collaborative coding event. You will have an opportunity to meet and work with other talented people, develop your skills, and help non-profits. T-shirts, prizes, and great food will be provided.

Apr 6, 2018
Startup Weekend Vancouver 2018
through CoLab Coworking - The Collective

Your idea in 54 hours

Do you have an idea you'd like to pursue or a problem you'd like to solve but don't know where to start or who to start with?

Techstars Startup Weekend is the place to look for a team, create a prototype of your idea, validate your business idea, and receive feedback from experienced entrepreneurs, all in one weekend.

What do you need to bring?

Lots of energy! You'll pitch your own idea or listen to others, then vote on the most interesting ideas and form teams with diverse skill sets. You can come with friends, but you’ll get the full experience if you participate in separate teams. Remember, it’s all about the team.

Your idea should be something you have not previously worked on. The idea you pitch and the problem you set out to solve can span social, educational, financial, environmental, or other issues. Over the course of the weekend, you'll be challenged to create a prototype of your MVP, or minimum viable product, that fits the needs of your target customer. You'll get feedback, iterate, and likely pivot your approach entirely! Important: You cannot have worked previously on your idea.

Techstars Startup Weekend is a full weekend-long experience. Your ticket includes: 7 full (and delicious) meals over the course of the weekend Benefits and discounts from our global partners One-on-one time with amazing mentors A new network of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs eager, like you, to change the world. All the internet and coffee you can consume.

Watch the video below to see what you can expect, and if you’re feeling inspired click on the “Buy Ticket” button now!

Still have questions, feel free to reach us at “[email protected]”.

May 17, 2018
Access to Justice Hackathon: Improving access to justice through technology
through White Stag Building, 70 NW Couch St, Portland, OR 97209

The MBA is partnering with the Technology Association of Oregon to host a hackathon focused on improving access to justice and services for self-represented litigants and the homeless.

WHAT IS A HACKATHON? A hackathon is an event at which a large number of people meet to engage in a collaborative endeavor, splitting into teams and brainstorming new solutions to existing problems.

COLLABORATE AND TAKE ACTION: This is a 2 day event. Will we kick off the event on Thursday May 17th with an introduction to the problems being worked on, networking, and team building. Friday May 18th, teams will work on the solutions to the problems before presenting their solution to a panel of legal and technical judges.

The hackathon will focus on improving accessibility and efficiency for access to homeless shelters and support services, pro bono volunteerism, and the new courthouse. There will be four problems teams can choose to work on:

  1. Working with LASO to identify ways to harness technology to connect lawyers to pro bono opportunities;
  2. Partnering with Transition Projects, Inc. to brainstorm about how an app or website can make it easier for homeless and people in transition can find shelter beds, meals, and other support services;
  3. Working with a representative of the Multnomah County Courts to develop technology that helps self-represented litigants navigate the courthouse and legal system;
  4. Partnering with a representative of the Multnomah County Courts to develop technology to assist those without limited or no financial resources in understanding where they need to be (and when) for court appearances, and assisting those individuals with transportation options and directions.

WHO CAN ATTEND: This event is open to the general public! If you work in legal, are a developer, are a designer, work with the homeless population or have a desire to help, this event is for you! Know someone who is? Share this event with them. Space is limited, so register today.

REGISTER TO PARTICIPATE/ASK QUESTIONS: Register to attend for free. Please send an email to [email protected] to RSVP

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE: Thank you to event sponsors Barran Liebman and University of Oregon. Additional sponsor opportunities available - please see sponsor form for details.

For more information, contact the MBA at 503.222.3275 or [email protected].

Jun 7, 2018
Hack the Dot

Hack the Dot is a two-hour hackathon where code school students, working developers, marketing and design professionals, and anyone else interested in the Web come together to build ideas. Use your skills in web development, storytelling, and creative ideation to build a humorous (maybe even functional!) product quickly, while meeting people in your tech/startup community.

How does it work?

At a domain-driven hackathon, all of the teams are given a single premium domain name at the beginning of the event. All teams then have two hours to come up with a product inspired by that domain, fueled by food and beverage. Whichever team builds the most creative and funny idea for the domain wins!

Prizes include the premium domain name itself, plus swag from our sponsors!

Do I need to bring a team?

Nope! Teams are formed randomly at the beginning.

Sep 21, 2018
Hack the Dot!

Hack the Dot is a hackathon where code school students, working developers, marketing and design professionals, and anyone else interested in the Web come together to build ideas. Use your skills in web development, storytelling, and creative ideation to build a humorous (maybe even functional!) product, while meeting people in your tech/startup community. This quarter we're teaming up with pdxFLIT and Puppet Labs. Join us!

How does it work?

At a domain-driven hackathon, all of the teams are given a single premium domain name at the beginning of the event. All teams then have two hours to come up with a product inspired by that domain, fueled by food and beverage. Whichever team builds and pitches the most creative and funny idea for the domain wins!

Prizes include the premium domain name itself, plus swag from our sponsors!


6:00 - Meet with teams, get food and drink

6:15 - MC introductions, reveal the night's domain name!

6:30 - Start hacking!

8:30 - Stop hacking, team presentations

9:15 - End presentations, announce winner

Do I need to bring a team?

Nope! Teams are formed randomly at the beginning.

Do you have a Code of Conduct for this event?

We sure do! Make sure you read and agree before signing up!

Oct 27, 2018
pdxFLIT Spooktacular Hackathon & Costume Party
Alchemy Code Lab



Ghosts, goblins, and ghouls, oh my! pdxFLIT is celebrating Halloween with a spooky hackathon powered by Gatsby and Netlify! Join us on October 27th at Alchemy Code Lab for a terrifyingly good time. You'll have the afternoon to put together a spooky ensemble that could help you win a variety of amazing prizes! Join us in your best Halloween costume for a chance to win bonus prizes and other goodies!

This hackathon is made possible by our awesome sponsors. They'll be helping us out with food, drinks, and fantastic prizes. This event will begin at noon and will feature light snacks until catering comes around dinnertime. There will be a variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages served as well. Be sure to stick around for the costume party after the hacking ends to celebrate Halloween in style!

Already have a team or have someone you want to work with? Great! Just make sure each team member registers and specifies who you want to work with. Each team must consist of 6-7 people. Coming alone? That is also great! We will put you in a team. As always, pdxFLIT events are open to all abilities and skill levels. Regardless of whether you're a seasoned developer, a budding programmer, or a designer/product manager/etc., there's a space for you!

pdxFLIT has a code of conduct that we ask all attendees to abide by. We strive to create a safe space for those who come to our events and inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. You can view our full code of conduct here:

If you have any questions about the event, the pdxFLIT code of conduct, or any other aspects of this Meetup, please contact Katie or Masen via email or Twitter. Please pdxFLIT on Meetup for more information.

Nov 3, 2018
Alchemy's JAMStack Hackathon PDX Edition!
through Alchemy Code Lab

Free Code Camp is hosting a JAMStack Hackathon in San Fransisco, and we can participate together in Portland! It's a two-day event on Saturday & Sunday, November 3 & 4 from 9AM to 9PM.

Come hang out and participate in the online version of the hackathon in person with teams we'll help you build in downtown Portland at Alchemy Code Lab! ACL lead instructor, mJordan, and Free Code Camp Portland Organizers / awesome developers, Brigette, Kenny, and Daniel will be ready to hack and help. Jason from Gatsby will also be popping in to help and provide some swag!

The online hackathon teams will compete for their own set of prizes. They can interact with the judges, mentors, and other hackathon teams through the chat room and the live stream of the event on the freeCodeCamp YouTube channel.

HOW TO SIGN UP (4 Steps to Officially Participate): 1. RSVP to our MeetUp

  1. Check out the official event page:

  2. Build and deploy a JAMStack app by following the included instructions. If you need help, feel free to reach out to [email protected] or join the Free Code Camp Portland slack group [] and reach out!

  3. Once your hello world app is live, apply for a free online ticket here:

*You can still participate without signing up for the online hackathon ticket, but you won’t be eligible for the official prizes.

SHOULD YOU SIGN UP? YES! Any skill level should feel welcome to come hang out and learn! Hackathons are a great way to meet new people and learn new skills. Some experience with HTML/CSS/JavaScript would be helpful, but there are always plenty of ways for people to contribute even if you don’t know any code coming in.

EVENT DETAILS: The main hackathon is from 9am to 9pm on both Saturday and Sunday. The space here will be available for the same hours.

Food carts are just a few blocks away when you need a midday break, and there will be some food provided...stay tuned!

WAIT, WAIT…. WHAT ACTUALLY IS THE JAMStack? The JAMstack is a simple way of building web apps. JAM stands for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup (HTML and CSS).

If you've built some of the projects in the freeCodeCamp curriculum, you've already been using the JAMstack.

The main difference between the JAMstack and other web development stacks like LAMP and MEAN is this: instead of using a web server back end, you use APIs.

JAMStack Hackathon PDX Edition!
through Alchemy Code Lab

Free Code Camp is hosting a JAMStack Hackathon in San Fransisco, and we can participate together in Portland! It's a two-day event on Saturday & Sunday, November 3 & 4 from 9AM to 9PM.

Come hang out and participate in the online version of the hackathon in person with teams we'll help you build in downtown Portland at Alchemy Code Lab! ACL lead instructor, mJordan, and Free Code Camp Portland Organizers / awesome developers, Brigette, Kenny, and Daniel will be ready to hack and help. Jason from Gatsby will also be popping in to help and provide some swag!

The online hackathon teams will compete for their own set of prizes. They can interact with the judges, mentors, and other hackathon teams through the chat room and the live stream of the event on the freeCodeCamp YouTube channel.

HOW TO SIGN UP (4 Steps to Officially Participate): 1. RSVP to our MeetUp

  1. Check out the official event page:

  2. Build and deploy a JAMStack app by following the included instructions. If you need help, feel free to reach out to [email protected] or join the Free Code Camp Portland slack group [] and reach out!

  3. Once your hello world app is live, apply for a free online ticket here:

*You can still participate without signing up for the online hackathon ticket, but you won’t be eligible for the official prizes.

SHOULD YOU SIGN UP? YES! Any skill level should feel welcome to come hang out and learn! Hackathons are a great way to meet new people and learn new skills. Some experience with HTML/CSS/JavaScript would be helpful, but there are always plenty of ways for people to contribute even if you don’t know any code coming in.

EVENT DETAILS: The main hackathon is from 9am to 9pm on both Saturday and Sunday. The space here will be available for the same hours.

Food carts are just a few blocks away when you need a midday break, and there will be some food provided...stay tuned!

WAIT, WAIT…. WHAT ACTUALLY IS THE JAMStack? The JAMstack is a simple way of building web apps. JAM stands for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup (HTML and CSS).

If you've built some of the projects in the freeCodeCamp curriculum, you've already been using the JAMstack.

The main difference between the JAMstack and other web development stacks like LAMP and MEAN is this: instead of using a web server back end, you use APIs.

Jan 11, 2019
We Code Hackathon for Women and Friends
through Puppet

Join us for the We Code Hackathon for Women and Friends!

This is the 4th Annual Hackathon hosted by Nike and Puppet and we're excited to help our non-profit partners address challenges with technical solutions.

Web designers and software developers of all levels are invited to work on a fun project in small teams at this creative and collaborative coding event. You will have an opportunity to meet and work with other talented people, develop your skills, and help non-profits. T-shirts, prizes, and great food will be provided.

EVENT DETAILS When: January 11-12


Feb 14, 2019
ISSA Portland Annual Hackathon

Calling all hackers! Join ISSA Portland on Thursday, February 14th at Salesforce in Hillsboro for our annual half-day Hackathon! We're teaming up with Security Innovation to provide an immersive, hands-on experience with challenges for hackers of all skill levels.

Amazon gift cards awarded for...

  • Highest score - $100
  • Runner up - $50
  • Hardest vulnerability found - $50
  • First vulnerability found - $25

Event cost $10-$30, morning pastries/coffee and lunch included and catered by Salesforce (great food, good variety, vegan and gluten free options available). Open to members and non-members of ISSA. Questions? Email secretary[at]

Register on Eventbrite:

Apr 19, 2019
PDX Blockchain Week
through multiple venues
  • Kickoff Friday April 19, with the start of a week-long Blockchain Hackathon
  • Several events throughout Portland area
  • Commence Friday, April 26, with showcase of completed Blockchain projects.
May 17, 2019
Wacom Inkathon
through Wacom Experience Center

Join the Wacom Inkathon to build new or existing apps that unlock digital ink for your users. Wacom is calling on developers, designers and all other hackers to build great apps that enable digital ink for their users.

Integrate the Wacom's digital ink solution, the WILL SDK, into an existing app OR a new application to compete for the $15,000+ prizepool. The three challenge tracks are: Ink for Education, Extended Reality (VR/AR), and Blank Canvas (open challenge, not category-specific).

Dec 1, 2021
PDXWIT celebrates Kiva Hackathon Winners + Participants

PDXWIT joined Kiva to put on a virtual 6-week hackathon for social good. Over 200 participants came together to create solutions that provide financial access across the globe.

Let’s celebrate the hard work of all our participants and watch the winning hackathon videos!

We will have ASL interpretation and closed captioning throughout. Please get in touch with any additional accessibility needs you may have.

All are welcome. Hope to see you there!

Agenda: 12:00 p.m. - Event opens 12:03 p.m. - Introductions + Announcements 12:10 p.m. - Winning videos 12:45 p.m. - Event ends Purpose:

We are building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging.

Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our mission are welcome.

Mar 3, 2023
Portland Open Data Day 2023 Disco Tech
through Portland Building

To the civic tech community, data analysts, open software developers, designers, advocates, community, and local organizations working on data, local residents and all those interested in civic data.

This event is an opportunity to engage with local residents to explore the City’s neighborhood data and other City of Portland open datasets and maps. This Disco Tech will include workshops and tables to help people to learn about data from zero to subject matter experts.

"DiscoTech" is short for "Discovering Technology." It is a term coined by the Detroit Digital Justice Coalition which defines a replicable model for a multimedia, mobile neighborhood workshop fair. DiscoTechs are designed so that participants learn more about the impact and possibilities of technology within our communities.

The purpose of this event is to create a space for local residents and organizations to explore Portland neighborhoods data and other city open datasets. You can explore developing apps or spreadsheets to facilitate data visualization. Or, do your own data exploration and analysis, enhance the city data with other datasets; Or, dig deeper and explore metadata and link information underneath.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn, propose ideas and projects to others, join a team or individually, and develop their own analysis and apps that may contribute to our larger Portland Community. Multicultural, socially responsible, and projects in languages other than English are encouraged.

The Smart City PDX program team members are committed to dismantling barriers derived from systemic discrimination that have reduced the voice of marginal communities in Portland. We base our approach on digital rights and equity principles like Targeted Universalism and the Smart City PDX Priorities Framework to build local policy that promotes equity and fairness.

We want this event to become a collaborative space, rather than something competitive. So, we won’t be offering prizes or awards; however, we will be able to incentivize community participation.

Projects will have the opportunity to be featured in the Smart City PDX site.

Be creative! Learn! Explore!

Nov 13, 2023
Dorkbot: November Edition
CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace

Dorkbot PDX invites tech enthusiasts to a unique meetup at CTRLH - PDX Hackerspace. This event is a convergence of a hackathon and a social gathering, tailored for makers, electronic artists, programmers, and anyone interested in the intersection of technology and creativity.

  • Bring and Showcase: Gadgets, code, or electronic artworks.
  • Platform for Sharing: Exchange ideas and get feedback from Portland's tech community.

For more details and to RSVP, check out our Meetup page event link.

Learn more about us at

Oct 4, 2024
hacklandia - 48 hours to build cool sh*t!
through Portland State University Business Accelerator

Save the date because the first hacklandia happens this October at the old Portland State University Business Accelerator/new westside UpStart Collective location! You will have the opportunity to come to build an idea you have been thinking about or join a team that will be formed to create over 48 hours.

RSVP here:

Space is limited to 150 RSVPs so don't wait. This event will fill up fast!

Feb 28
Hacklab Kick-Off! First Hackathon of 2025

We are kicking off our first hackathon at Rontoms and would love for you to join us! Come for drinks and connect with other folks in the tech community. This first event will be for forming groups to create a brand new product or service. We are happy to help organize groups for you if you would like. Coding ability not required. This is all about coming up with a fun idea and presenting it to the group.

This first event is for forming groups only

A second event will be scheduled a month later, where all groups can present their fun new product or service.
