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Big Data Hackathon at SPLASH/OOPSLA with Amazon Web Services

Hilton Portland and Executive Tower
921 SW Sixth Avenue
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)

Hilton Portland & Executive Tower. Other information will be sent via email after signup.



Hackathons are participatory event. You don't show up to watch or to hang out; you show up to lead or to join a team of other developers to imagine, create, and build something cool and useful in the course of a single day. This may sound impossibly ambitious. It is not. You can get a lot done when you can ignore your inbox and simply focus on the task at hand. The ability to tap in to high-level services certainly helps, as does the fact that everyone shows up expecting to work.

More information and Sign up instructions: http://aws.typepad.com/aws/2011/09/big-data-hackathon-at-splashoopsla-portland-october-2011.html

