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Tuesday, July 20, 2010 at 6am and last updated
Sunday, March 6, 2011 at 12:11am.
Future events happening here
- - No events -
Past events that happened here
FridayFeb 28 2025Hacklab Kick-Off! First Hackathon of 2025–
RontomsWe are kicking off our first hackathon at Rontoms and would love for you to join us! Come for drinks and connect with other folks in the tech community. This first event will be for forming groups to create a brand new product or service. We are happy to help organize groups for you if you would like. Coding ability not required. This is all about coming up with a fun idea and presenting it to the group.
This first event is for forming groups only
A second event will be scheduled a month later, where all groups can present their fun new product or service.
WednesdayAug 21 2024
TuesdayAug 13 2024Hello Tech Umbrella, Goodbye PDEX (Portland UX Design Hub)–
Rontomshe Portland tech scene is thriving with many great communities looking to collaborate. As PDEX closes out their meetup, let's celebrate their journey and look forward to the future.
We invite you to join in for a Happy Hour at Rontoms featuring:
PDEX: Portland Product, Design, and Engineering Rose City Techies AI Skills for Nonprofit Leaders Tech Fleet Portland UX Design Hub Our collective goal is to provide a backbone for tech in Portland, and we're excited to continue the conversation as a community of groups, under the Portland "Tech Umbrella."
Let's come together to connect, share, and build the future of our tech community. See you there!
✅ Pro Tips:
Look for our Portland UX Design Hub table, including book stack for UX Book Club Inspiration. Have your LinkedIn QR code ready, business card, and contact details to swap. Feel free to come and go as your schedule and/or social battery allows.
TuesdayJan 30 2024PDX Web & Design - Monthly Happy Hour–
RontomsIf you're like me, you spend WAYYYY too much time in front of a computer. I think it would be great to have a monthly get together at a bar or pub to just get to know each other, have a brew, and yes, talk about the business. Real human interaction, in other words. Repeats the last Tuesday of every month.
Starting September 24th we will be changing venues to Romtoms, on the east side of the bridge at Burnside and 6th St. We hope there will be more room and it will be easier to find the rest of us. We look forward to seeing everyone.
If you can't find us inside look for us out in the back we may be enjoying the sunshine and the beautiful open patio.
TuesdayDec 30 2014PDX Web & Design Happy Hour–
RontomsIf you're like me, you spend WAYYYY too much time in front of a computer. I think it would be great to have a monthly get together at a bar or pub to just get to know each other, have a brew, and yes, talk about the business. Real human interaction, in other words. Repeats the last Tuesday of every month.
Starting September 24th we will be changing venues to Romtoms, on the east side of the bridge at Burnside and 6th St. We hope there will be more room and it will be easier to find the rest of us. We look forward to seeing everyone.
If you can't find us inside look for us out in the back we may be enjoying the sunshine and the beautiful open patio.
TuesdayOct 28 2014Monthly Happy Hour
If you're like me, you spend WAYYYY too much time in front of a computer. I think it would be great to have a monthly get together at a bar or pub to just get to know each other, have a brew, and yes, talk about the business. Real human interaction, in other words. Repeats the last Tuesday of every month.
Starting September 24th we will be changing venues to Romtoms, on the east side of the bridge at Burnside and 6th St. We hope there will be more room and it will be easier to find the rest of us. We look forward to seeing everyone.
If you can't find us inside look for us out in the back we may be enjoying the sunshine and the beautiful open patio.
TuesdaySep 30 2014Monthly Happy Hour
If you're like me, you spend WAYYYY too much time in front of a computer. I think it would be great to have a monthly get together at a bar or pub to just get to know each other, have a brew, and yes, talk about the business. Real human interaction, in other words. Repeats the last Tuesday of every month.
Starting September 24th we will be changing venues to Romtoms, on the east side of the bridge at Burnside and 6th St. We hope there will be more room and it will be easier to find the rest of us. We look forward to seeing everyone.
If you can't find us inside look for us out in the back we may be enjoying the sunshine and the beautiful open patio.
WednesdayApr 9 2014Hack Oregon: Post-Hackathon Beerpatioathon–
RontomsHave a great time at the Hackathon and want to keep hanging out?
Missed the Hackathon and want to know more about our visualization projects?
Come to Rom Toms Wednesday and we'll have a few beers, unpack our progress from Saturday, and brainstorm next steps.
Looks like it will be a beautiful warm evening on the patio.
See you soon,
ThursdaySep 26 2013ORURISA Young Professionals Happy Hour–
RontomsJoin the ORURISA Young Professionals for a casual happy hour at Rontoms. Get your map talk on, have a beer, and enjoy the last night before WhereCampPDX!
The ORURISA Young Professionals are a special interest group of the Oregon chapter of URISA, a professional organization for those in the GIS and geospatial fields. We are dedicated to providing skill building and career development opportunities for GIS and geography students, low-level employees, and anyone who wants to learn something new!
If you're unfamiliar with our organization and you're involved in location/spatial/geography/GIS/mapping projects in Oregon or SW Washington, check us out! We'll be outside if it's nice out and inside if it's raining. We'll have a globe on the table, so keep an eye out for that. See you there!
TuesdaySep 24 2013Portland UX (+ Web and Design) Happy Hour–
RontomsFor September, UX Happy Hour is teaming up with the PDX Web & Design Meetup group ( for one big happy mix of people who make the internets a more awesome place!
SundayJul 24 2011
ThursdayJul 21 2011WhereCampPDX Planning Meeting–
RontomsCome help plan this year's WhereCampPDX!
WhereCampPDX is an annual, free unconference on geography and technology.
ThursdayFeb 24 2011WikiLeaks Think & Drink–
RontomsWikiLeaks Think & Drink A happy-hour conversation series sponsored by Oregon Humanities Thursday, February 24, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. rontoms, 600 E. Burnside, Portland Free and open to the public, 21 and over
The winter 2011 Think & Drink brings together Aaron Bady, dubbed “The Unknown Blogger Who Changed WikiLeaks Coverage” by Atlantic Monthly, and Peter Laufer, University of Oregon journalism professor, who will talk about the implications of WikiLeaks on government secrecy and journalism.
The happy-hour series, which sparks provocative conversations about big ideas, is sponsored by Oregon Humanities.
Aaron Bady was featured in Atlantic Monthly for his November 29 post, “Julian Assange and the Computer Conspiracy; ‘To destroy this invisible government.’”
Peter Laufer is James N. Wallace Chair in Journalism at the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication.
Oregon Humanities connects Oregonians to ideas that change lives and transform communities. More information about our programs and publications can be found at Oregon Humanities is an independent, nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities and a partner of the Oregon Cultural Trust.
Oregon Humanities 813 SW Alder Street, Suite 702 • Portland, OR 97205 • (503) 241-0543 •
ThursdayDec 16 2010IDSA Oregon / IxDA Portland: Holiday Social–
RontomsJoin us for a holiday social with IxDA Portland and IDSA Oregon!
We'll be partying, reflecting on design, and gathering ideas for future 3by10 topics or speakers. We'll also have a holiday prize raffle drawing.
When: Thursday, December 16th Time: 6pm – 9pm Where: rontoms, 600 E. Burnside, Portland What: Social and networking event (no-host bar)
We look forward to seeing you there!
IxDA Portland is the local chapter of the Interaction Design Association (
WednesdayDec 15 2010GitHub Meetup–
RontomsJoin us on Wednesday, December 15th for a meetup in beautiful (albeit damp) Portland OR. Among other things, we will be celebrating what is forecasted to be the day of the 500,000th user signup on GitHub! We love each and every one of you as if you were a beautiful snowflake and would love to show it.
TuesdayDec 14 2010IxDA Portland: Monthly Event–
RontomsJoin us for our monthly event! More details to come ...
IxDA Portland is the local chapter of the Interaction Design Association (
TuesdayJul 20 2010IxDA Portland: Monthly Meetup–
RontomsJoin us for a meet-up on the back deck at rontoms for an open forum. What new programs or event types should we offer in the coming year? Our single agenda item is “what do you want your IxDA chapter do for you?"
What do you think about:
- . Mentor speed dating
- . Presentations from Portland companies on their perspective of the role of IxD/UX
- . Joint presentation with "UX Show and Tell"
. Upcoming Interaction11 conference: pitches for talks are due in 3 weeks; any ideas? Suggestions? What would you want to learn?
Note: no-host bar (bring your own cash)
IxDA Portland is the local chapter of the Interaction Design Association (
WednesdaySep 9 2009GitHub Meetup: Portland–
RontomsWhether you use Python, Ruby, Clojure, or good ol’ C, we want to see you at the GitHub Meetup in Portland tomorrow, September 9th at 7pm at Rontoms.
It’s a short, free bus ride (or a short walk) from the Dobuletree (google map). Come mingle with other DVCSers and drink one down in honor of the Octocat.
See you there! (Look for the guy in the Fork You shirt.)