Viewing 3 current events matching “infosec” by Date.

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Apr 29
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Please follow us on Bluesky ( or Mastodon ([email protected]) for any last minute updates.

COVID-19 Precautions:

  • We meet outside under a covered patio area to reduce transmission risk.
    • There are overhead heaters if it's cold, but dress comfortably!
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!

You can also find us on and Smoke Signal (AT Protocol).

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Mar 25
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Please follow us on Bluesky ( or Mastodon ([email protected]) for any last minute updates.

COVID-19 Precautions:

  • We meet outside under a covered patio area to reduce transmission risk.
    • There are overhead heaters if it's cold, but dress comfortably!
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!

You can also find us on and Smoke Signal (AT Protocol).

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Feb 25
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Please follow us on Bluesky ( or Mastodon ([email protected]) for any last minute updates.

COVID-19 Precautions:

  • We meet outside under a covered patio area to reduce transmission risk.
    • There are overhead heaters if it's cold, but dress comfortably!
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!

You can also find us on and Smoke Signal (AT Protocol).

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out


Viewing 174 past events matching “infosec” by Date.

Sort By: Date Event Name, Location , Default
Aug 27, 2013
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Sep 6, 2013
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's (5th and Couch in between backspace and someday) from around 7pm to midnight. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Sep 24, 2013
Madison's Grill (Closed)

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Oct 4, 2013
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's (5th and Couch in between backspace and someday) from around 7pm to midnight. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Oct 29, 2013
Madison's Grill (Closed)

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Nov 1, 2013
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's (5th and Couch in between backspace and someday) from around 7pm to midnight. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Nov 26, 2013
Madison's Grill (Closed)

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Jan 3, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's (5th and Couch in between backspace and someday) from around 7pm to midnight. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jan 28, 2014
Madison's Grill (Closed)

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

Feb 7, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Feb 25, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

Mar 7, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Mar 25, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

Apr 4, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Apr 21, 2014
FutureTalk with Gene Kim
New Relic

DevOps Patterns Distilled:

Implementing The Needed Practices In Four Practical Steps

Organizations employing DevOps practices such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Etsy and Twitter are routinely deploying code into production hundreds, or even thousands, of times per day, while providing world-class availability, reliability and security. In contrast, most organizations struggle to do releases more than every nine months.

The authors of the upcoming “DevOps Cookbook” have been studying high performing organizations since 1999, and we capture and codify how these high-performing organizations achieve this fast flow of work through Product Management and Development, through QA and Infosec, and into IT Operations. By doing so, other organizations can now replicate the extraordinary culture and outcomes enabling their organization to scale and win in the marketplace.

The goal of the DevOps Cookbook is to help accelerate DevOps adoption, increase the success of DevOps initiatives, and lower the activation energy required for DevOps transformations to start and finish.

This is the 6th event in a series of free monthly FutureTalks from disruptive Developers, innovative Technologists and world-changing Creatives. Networking begins at 5:30, with free food and drinks. The presentation will begin right at 6p.

Please join and RSVP via our new Meetup group HERE

Gene is a multiple award winning CTO, researcher and author. He was founder and CTO of Tripwire for 13 years. He has written three books, including “The Visible Ops Handbook” and “The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win." Gene is a huge fan of IT operations, and how it can enable developers to maximize throughput of features from “code complete” to “in production,” without causing chaos and disruption to the IT environment. He has worked with some of the top Internet companies on improving deployment flow and increasing the rigor around IT operational processes. In 2007, ComputerWorld added Gene to the “40 Innovative IT People Under The Age Of 40” list, and was given the Outstanding Alumnus Award by the Department of Computer Sciences at Purdue University for achievement and leadership in the profession.

› FutureTalk is brought to you by New Relic in collaboration with TAO

Apr 29, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

May 2, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

May 27, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

Jun 6, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jun 24, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

Jul 5, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

This meeting was moved from Friday to Saturday because of the holiday!

Don't show up on Friday night! Go enjoy the fireworks instead.

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jul 29, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on, Facebook, & Google+. Invite your friends!

Aug 26, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Sep 18, 2014
ISSA Portland Chapter - September 2014 Luncheon

Please join ISSA Portland for our monthly chapter meeting luncheon on the topic of: Breaches are inevitable – what can you do to prepare?

Please register online using the URL below to attend the event. Online sales will end 09/16/2014 at 10pm after which you will need to pay at the door. Seating is limited, so sign up today.

When: Thursday, September 18, 2014 - Doors open at 11:30AM. The event will end at 1:00PM. Lunch will be provided.

Breaches are inevitable. You can implement strong security controls but breaches are a matter of when, not if it happens. The faster you respond to a breach of personally identifiable or sensitive information, the lower the operational, financial, or reputational impact to your organization. If your organization stores information such as social security numbers, driver’s license numbers and financial information, you need to be in a position to respond and notify because it’s sound business practice and it’s the law in the State of Oregon. The purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview of the regulatory requirements when it comes to breach notification and provide tools you can use in your own organizations to quickly respond to breaches when they occur, especially when you are required to notify your customers of such a breach.

This presentation is intended for security professionals, compliance officers, chief privacy officers and legal counsel who are or may be responsible for responding to security incidents that involves the unsecure breach of personally identifiable, protected, or sensitive information.

Chris Apgar, CISSP, CEO and President of Apgar & Associates, LLC, is a nationally recognized information security, privacy and electronic health information exchange expert. He has over 16 years of experience assisting health care organizations comply with HIPAA, HITECH and other privacy and security laws. Mr. Apgar has assisted healthcare, utilities and financial organizations implement privacy and security safeguards to protect against organizational harm and harm to consumers. Mr. Apgar served as a member of the Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange Board of Directors for eight years. He currently is a member of the Oregon Prescription Drug Monitoring Advisory Commission. Mr. Apgar has been a Certified Information Systems Security Professional since 2002 and is a senior member of the Information Systems Security Association.

The chapter meeting is subsidized by chapter memberships and sponsors. There is a nominal fee of $10 (member) or $25 (non-member) for preregistered attendees. Walk in attendee’s are welcome but will be charged $30 cash at the door. If you wish to become a member, please visit

CPEs: The chapter maintains proof of attendance for members but it is the member’s responsibility to ensure that these CPE's are credited to their respective accounts. This luncheon will offer 1 CPE per hour of attendance.

Chapter Sponsors ISSA Portland would like to thank our program sponsors, who help make high quality programs like this possible.

Platinum Sponsor: Rapid7 Gold Sponsor: IBM Silver Sponsor: Sword & Shield Enterprise Security Silver Sponsor: Zscaler

Oct 3, 2014

BSides PDX is a gathering of the most interesting infosec minds in Portland and the Pacific Northwest! Our passion about all things security has driven attendance from other parts of the country. Our goal is to provide an open environment for the infosec community to engage in conversations, learn from each other and promote knowledge sharing and collaboration. The Portland and greater Northwest information security community spans a broad spectrum of participation from CISOs, Fortune 100 company security experts, small business system admins, to independent security researchers.

Oct 16, 2014
ISSA Portland Chapter October 2014 Luncheon - Threat Intelligence

Please join Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) Portland for our monthly chapter meeting luncheon on the topic of: Is Threat Intelligence Making Us Stupid?

Please register online using the URL below to attend the event. Online sales will end 10/14/2014 at 4pm after which you will need to pay at the door. Seating is limited, so sign up today.

When: Thursday, October 16, 2014 - Doors open at 11:30AM. The event will end at 1:00PM. Lunch will be provided.

Con-Way 2055 Northwest Savier Street Portland, OR 97209

Con-way's reception desk is located at west end (closest to 21st Ave.) of the AdTech II building, best accessed by turning into the entrance located on 21st Ave; the main entrance to the building is on Savier Street on the west side of the building. This entrance is manned by a security guard and you will be asked to sign in. Con-way has asked that guests park in the two lots to the East of NW 20th Avenue between NW Raleigh and NW Thurman. Please do not park in spaces that are marked with names other than Con-way since these spaces are leased. The best option is the lot on the NE corner of NW Raleigh and NW 20th.

Presentation: Too many threats not enough time? This is the challenge for security professionals today, as we become inundated with data generated security devices, sensors, applications and remote feeds we can easily become numb to what our data is trying to tell us and often end up ignoring critical warning signs of compromise. This presentation will attempt to put some method to our madness and explain how to apply threat intelligence tools and data so that it is more than just speeds and feeds, but a legitimate resource and ally against increasingly well-resourced and cunning adversaries.

Presenter: Ken Westin of Tripwire is a security analyst and "creative technologist" with 14 years’ experience building and breaking things through the use/misuse of technology. His technology exploits and endeavors have been featured in Forbes, Good Morning America, Dateline, New York Times, The Economist and has won awards from MIT, CTIA, Oregon Technology Awards, SXSW, Entrepreneur and named in Portland Business Journal's 2013 "40 Under 40". He has worked with law enforcement and journalists utilizing various technologies to unveil organized crime rings, recover stolen cars, even a carjacking amongst other crimes.

The chapter meeting is subsidized by chapter memberships and sponsors. There is a nominal fee of $10 (member) or $25 (non-member) for preregistered attendees. Walk in attendee’s are welcome but will be charged $30 cash at the door.

If you wish to become a member, please visit

CPEs: The chapter maintains proof of attendance for members but it is the member’s responsibility to ensure that these CPE's are credited to their respective accounts. This luncheon will offer 1 CPE per hour of attendance.

Chapter Sponsors ISSA Portland would like to thank our program sponsors, who help make high quality programs like this possible.

Gold Sponsor: IBM Silver Sponsor: Zscaler

Oct 28, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Nov 7, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Nov 20, 2014
ISSA Portland Chapter November 2014 Symposium - Advanced Malware
Widmer Brothers Gasthaus

Presentations: Beating Cybercriminals: Preventing Compromise in the Face of Advanced Attacks

Cybercriminals combine social engineering techniques with ongoing application vulnerabilities to install advanced malware on both customer devices to compromise financial accounts and employee devices to compromise corporate networks. Advanced malware effectively bypasses authentication technologies and readily evades anti-virus applications. New endpoint solutions have emerged that have some merit, typically with a narrow focus on a single threat vector, but none have proven effective at stopping dynamic threats, and most of these approaches come with a very high operational cost. A new approach to cybercrime protection and preventing compromise is desperately needed.

This presentation will provide an overview of: · The methods cybercriminals use to successfully install advanced malware on endpoint devices · The most recent fraud cybercrime developments and compromise techniques uncovered by Trusteer research · New approaches available to mitigate the increase risk from endpoint devices · Case studies of actual cybercrime prevention results · Demonstration of preventing different advanced attack scenarios

Presented by Christopher Beier - Sr. Product Marketing Manager for IBM/Trusteer. Christopher brings impressive security DNA through his almost 20 years’ experience working for both Symantec, and McAfee. Christopher has deep knowledge and experience in the financial services and online banking security with 5 years as a technical product manager at Fiserv. He is also a 12 year US Navy veteran where he applied IT administration skills to the US submarine corp. Christopher presented on advanced malware issues at Black Hat USA 2014.

Staying Ahead of the Malware Curve Over the last five years the threat curve for dealing with advanced attackers and malware has changed significantly. Keeping ahead of signature updates used to be the battleground, but the escalating arms race has moved on to staying ahead of whitelisting, reputational, and dynamic analysis capabilities—and the people we truly care about keeping out of networks are gaining traction once again. Worse still, these capabilities are moving down the threat curve at an accelerating pace, meaning anyone has the potential to acquire these capabilities. Many in our ranks have given up on keeping our adversaries out of our ranks and instead focused on rapid detection. Though no silver bullet exists in our toolbox, there are new solutions that flip the economics to our favor.

This presentation will provide an overview of: · The methods cybercriminals use to successfully install advanced malware on endpoint devices · Insight into the evolution of malware attacks, focusing on the new techniques in use today · Discussion of cutting edge malware delivery platforms · Demonstration of commodity exploit kits (Blackhole) · Discussion around endpoint application isolation techniques · Demonstration of commodity exploit prevention leveraging non-persistent desktop browsing

Presented by Darrin Mourer - Sr. Solution Architect with Invincea specializing in advanced threat prevention, detection, and forensics. He has been involved in the information security space for over 15 years in both information security officer and vendor roles. He has held various certifications including CISSP, CISA, SANS, and ITIL. Previous to Invincea, Darrin spent over 10 years in various sr. level security roles at Symantec.

Panel Discussion – Key Advanced Malware Countermeasures

Following the two presentations, ISSA Portland will provide lunch followed by a moderated panel discussion on key advanced malware countermeasures and practical implementation concepts. The panel will consist of:

Christopher Beier - IBM Darrin Mourer – Invincea *Additional local Security Expert Panelists being confirmed

The chapter meeting is subsidized by chapter memberships and sponsors. There is a nominal fee of $10 (member) or $25 (non-member) for preregistered attendees. Walk in attendee’s are welcome but will be charged $30 cash at the door.

If you wish to become a member, please visit

CPEs: The chapter maintains proof of attendance for members but it is the member’s responsibility to ensure that these CPE's are credited to their respective accounts. This luncheon will offer 1 CPE per hour of attendance.

Chapter Sponsors ISSA Portland would like to thank our program sponsors, who help make high quality programs like this possible.

Gold Sponsor: IBM Silver Sponsor: Zscaler

Nov 25, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Dec 11, 2014
ISSA Portland Holiday Party 2014

Presentation: “Combating the Insider Threat” Malicious attacks are up 87% over last year and insider threats still remain as the leading cause of Data Breaches and IT sabotage. The threat is real, enough so that Federal agencies and Federal systems integrators were required by Executive Order #13587 to implement an “Insider Threat Detection and Prevention Program” by the end of 2013. Yet traditional Defense-in-depth methods fall flat to address the ever-present risk inherent to unstructured data management. Come learn what industry trends as well as recent research from the FBI can teach us about securing our security “soft center”.

Mr. Terry Boedeker, CISSP Solutions Engineer, Varonis Systems

Terry Boedeker has over 15 years of experience in Information Technology ranging from software development, technical writing, managed services and data center operations, to business continuity program management, and information security. He proudly served in the United States Marines from 2003 to 2007, and graduated summe cum laude from DeVry University in 2012, earning a B.S. in Networks & Communications Management. He joined Varonis Systems in 2013, and maintains the Certified Information Systems Security Professional certification from (ISC)2. For more details, visit

CPEs: The chapter maintains proof of attendance for members but it is the member’s responsibility to ensure that these CPE's are credited to their respective accounts. This event will offer 1 CPE per hourof attendance.

Chapter Sponsors ISSA Portland would like to thank our sponsors, who help make high quality programs like this possible. Gold Sponsor: IBM Silver Sponsor: Zscaler

Dec 30, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jan 27, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Feb 17, 2015
ISSA Portland February 2015 Symposium - BYOD
Tiger Woods Center, Nike campus, Beaverton, OR

Two presentations on BYOD strategy, followed by a panel discussion.

Speaker 1 "BYOD Policy, Trust Continuum, and Enforcement Technologies"

In 2015, nearly every organization has had to take a position on where they stand with BYOD. Some IT leaders fully embrace it, others are still pretending it does not exist. While others have defined a "Trust Continuum" granting access in trade for control. Such a innovative approach is impossible without accompanying "Trust Continuum" technical controls to enforce the administrative policy. This presentation will cover from policy to technical enforcement of trust.

Collin Miller “Secure Mobility: IT Strategy for the Mobile Enterprise,” delivers a clear assessment of the state of mobile security today paired with an insightful look into what the future holds. He shares vetted strategies for implementing BYOD and packs his talk with practical information about available tools for mobile device and application management.

Collin Miller has spent more than a decade thinking about, designing and implementing secure IT infrastructures, especially those incorporating BYOD and mobile device management policies. He is a strategic planner, highly skilled and certified in technologies that touch nearly every part of the enterprise. Currently, Collin focuses his attention and energy on mobile device security and management, DLP, remote access and authentication, next-gen firewalls and SIEM.

Feb 24, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Mar 31, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Apr 28, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

May 26, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jun 30, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jul 28, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Aug 25, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Sep 29, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Oct 2, 2015
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Oct 16, 2015
BSidesPDX Security Conference
through Oregon Convention Center

BSides PDX is a gathering of the most interesting infosec minds in Portland and the Pacific Northwest! Our passion about all things security has driven attendance from other parts of the country. Our goal is to provide an open environment for the InfoSec community to engage in conversations, learn from each other and promote knowledge sharing and collaboration. The Portland and greater Northwest information security community spans a broad spectrum of participation from CISOs, Fortune 100 company security experts, small business system admins, to independent security researchers.

BSidesPDX 2015 is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, October 16th and 17th.

Register Now!! :

To get involved, join the BSidesPDX mailing list :!forum/bsidespdx

Oct 27, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Nov 6, 2015
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Nov 24, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Dec 4, 2015
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Dec 29, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jan 26, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Feb 23, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Mar 29, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Apr 26, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

May 31, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jun 28, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jul 26, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Aug 30, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Sep 27, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Oct 14, 2016
Security BSides Portland
through Oregon Convention Center

Security BSides Portland is the 6th annual BSides event in Portland!

This year we're excited to have Oregon's own tech- and security-savvy Senator Ron Wyden delivering a keynote, plus an amazing lineup of 27 speakers and 9 moderators, 5 hands-on workshops, and several other contests and activities.


The event is FREE, but register ahead of time to guarantee space: We have PCB badges, T-shirts (including women's sizes!), and bags to give away, but we will be giving them to donors first.

BSides PDX is a gathering of the most interesting infosec minds in Portland and the Pacific Northwest! Our passion about all things security has driven attendance from other parts of the country. Our goal is to provide an open environment for the InfoSec community to engage in conversations, learn from each other and promote knowledge sharing and collaboration. The Portland and greater Northwest information security community spans a broad spectrum of participation from CISOs, Fortune 100 company security experts, small business system admins, to independent security researchers.

Oct 25, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Nov 29, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Dec 27, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jan 31, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Feb 28, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Mar 28, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Apr 25, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

May 30, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jun 27, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Aug 29, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Sep 26, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Oct 20, 2017
Security BSides Portland
through Oregon Convention Center

Security BSides Portland 2017 is the 7th annual BSidesPDX!

The event is FREE, but register ahead of time to guarantee space: We have PCB badges, T-shirts (including women's sizes!), and bags to give away, but we will be giving them to donors first.

BSides PDX is a gathering of the most interesting infosec minds in Portland and the Pacific Northwest! Our passion about all things security has driven attendance from other parts of the country. Our goal is to provide an open environment for the InfoSec community to engage in conversations, learn from each other and promote knowledge sharing and collaboration. The Portland and greater Northwest information security community spans a broad spectrum of participation from CISOs, Fortune 100 company security experts, small business system admins, to independent security researchers.

Nov 24, 2017
Hacksgiving @ PASCAL

PASCAL will be hosting the very first annual post-thanksgiving potluck event at the hackerspace this year. There will be good food, board/yard/video games, and great company. So if you've run out of Black Friday sales and are looking to meet up with your computer friends and possibly make some new ones, look no further than Hacksgiving!

Hacksgiving will be a family friendly event. Everyone is welcome and invited. RSVP on meetup.

• What to bring?

-Potluck food item. (Leftovers are always great!)

-Beverages. (Whatever you like. BYOB.)

-A way to heat or cool your items if needed. (crockpots, hot plates, and anything else that works well indoors.)

• Important to know

We will be providing plates, utensils, cups, a few chafing dishes, and ice. If you are bringing something homemade, please have the recipe or ingredients list handy so we can label allergens accordingly.

Nov 28, 2017
Local Celebrity

This is our first meetup at our new venue - see this post.

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Dec 26, 2017
Local Celebrity

This is our first meetup at our new venue - see this post.

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jan 30, 2018
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

We are returning to Lucky Lab SE for the January meetup

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Mar 27, 2018
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Apr 24, 2018
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

May 5, 2018
Plaid CTF 2018 Party
through PASCAL

PASCAL is hosting a CTF Party for Plaid CTF 2018 May 5-6, and you're invited, so mark your calendars!

Come work with (or not with) others to complete the challenges in PPP's 2018 CTF, which is one of the prequalifying events for Defcon CTF at Defcon 26.

We'll have some snacks available, some comfy seating, and some internet, but you are welcome to bring any or all of your own as well.

More details to come!

May 29, 2018
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jun 26, 2018
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Sep 20, 2018
ISSA Portland: DNS’s role in Securing Your Network
Columbia Square building

When it comes to your business, your network is the gateway to the world. Unfortunately, protecting your network from evolving threats is more difficult than ever. Device proliferation, BYOD, Internet of Things, virtualization, hybrid cloud adoption—all are crucial trends that enhance business performance. But they also add complexity and increase the attack surface. DNS is an essential component of network connectivity, but it has emerged as the number one threat vector for malware command and control, DDoS attacks, and data exfiltration. Even as your network modernizes and gains valuable new capabilities, threats multiply exponentially. During this session, learn more about DNS, threats to DNS infrastructure, and different methods to address these threats.

Speaker bio:

Kevin Zettel is a security-focused Technical Marketing Engineer who works with Infoblox to lock down the DNS and secure it for enterprises. Kevin knows that security is the center focus of companies and believes that without security, industries will unquestionably fall apart. Kevin has worked with the Infoblox Security Ecosystem to manage many security vendors such as McAfee, Cisco, ServiceNow, Aruba, and many others. He knows the security landscape and sees the necessity and demand that businesses have to secure their capital. With a degree from Central Washington University and an education in programming, Kevin has the technical know how to get secured.

Sep 25, 2018
RainSec - RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

While we use for the convenience of our members, most communication happens over the mailing list (!forum/rainsec).

Follow @PDXRainSec for last minute updates.

Oct 30, 2018
RainSec - RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

While we use for the convenience of our members, most communication happens over the mailing list (!forum/rainsec).

Follow @PDXRainSec for last minute updates.

Nov 27, 2018
RainSec - RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

While we use for the convenience of our members, most communication happens over the mailing list (!forum/rainsec).

Follow @PDXRainSec for last minute updates.

Dec 26, 2018
RainSec - RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

While we use for the convenience of our members, most communication happens over the mailing list (!forum/rainsec).

Follow @PDXRainSec for last minute updates.

Apr 24, 2019
Hackboat (Hackers on a Boat!)
Portland Spirit Dock


WTF is an unconference? There will be talks, but no formal CFP. Registrants will be asked for potential speaking topics, and we will likely set up some voting mechanism closer to the event to decide which speaking topics will get time on the mic.

Does this cost money? Yes, $100 for a regular ticket, and premium tickets up to $500.

Will there be a free hat? Yes, free hat! (for paying attendees only)

What hours will the boat be cruising? Time on the water has not been 100% finalized, but will likely be around 11am-3pm, with a couple hours docked on both ends where you can hang out on the boat.

How do I get on the boat? The boat will be docked by the Salmon Street Springs fountain on the Portland waterfront.

Food? Lunch buffet provided.

Drinks? There will be a bar.

Internet? There will be internet, but it will be boat internet.

Is this an infinitely sized boat? No, there will a limit of 100 people on this boat.

How much money are you making from this? Ticket costs are structured to just almost cover costs. No one is making money from any of this.

Can I register with my 31337 h4x0r alias? Sorry, due to strict boat law, your legal name will need to match the boat manifest.

Are you sure this is a good idea? Too late to back out now. We have the boat, so it's happening either way.

This FAQ is boring, is there a better one I can read? The official boat FAQ can be found here:

Apr 30, 2019
RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

While we use for the convenience of our members, most communication happens over the mailing list (!forum/rainsec).

Follow @PDXRainSec for last minute updates.

May 28, 2019
RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

While we use for the convenience of our members, most communication happens over the mailing list (!forum/rainsec).

Follow @PDXRainSec for last minute updates.

Jul 5, 2019
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jul 30, 2019
RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Aug 13, 2019
Portland OWASP: Using Graph Theory to Understand Security with Tim Morgan

Using Graph Theory to Understand Security

Information security is hard. It must be, because we keep getting hacked. One aspect that makes it so difficult is the level of complexity that exists in even a modestly-sized digital infrastructure. Humans can consider only so many security relationships, trust boundaries, and attack scenarios at once. This complexity makes it hard to decide where to focus our defensive resources and we're regularly led astray by the latest shiny tool or security advisory. Remarkably, our adversaries actually have a similar challenge: once a digital intruder gains a foothold in an environment that is completely new to them, how do they know what next steps they should take to efficiently achieve their goal? The environments they attack are not only complex, they are also unexplored landscapes that must be mapped out.

This is where graph theory can lend a hand. Several open source tools, such as BloodHound and Infection Monkey, provide intruders (whether that be your friendly neighborhood pentester or your adversaries) with easy ways to map out infrastructures and identify the quickest path to your crown jewels. While this is certainly alarming, we can also use these tools ourselves to find out what our infrastructures look like in the eyes of an attacker.

In this talk, Tim will provide a brief introduction to graph theory, show some demos of the free tools that use it, and discuss how he is using these techniques to build automated threat models "at scale" to make defenders' lives easier.

Speaker: Timothy Morgan

After earning his computer science degrees (B.S., Harvey Mudd College and M.S., Northeastern University) and spending a short time as a software developer, Tim began his career in application security and vulnerability research. In his work as a consultant over the past 14 years, Tim has led projects as varied as application pentests, incident response, digital forensics, secure software development training, phishing exercises, and breach simulations. Tim has also presented his independent research on Windows registry forensics, XML external entities attacks, web application timing attacks, and practical application cryptanalysis at conferences such as DFRWS, OWASP's AppSec USA, BSidesPDX, and BlackHat USA.

For the past three years Tim has been building an innovative new risk-based vulnerability management product (DeepSurface) that helps his customers gain a much deeper understanding of the complex relationships present in their digital infrastructures. Visit to learn more about Tim's latest R&D effort.

Aug 27, 2019
RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Sep 6, 2019
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Sep 24, 2019
RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Oct 25, 2019
BSides PDX 2019
through Oregon Convention Center

BSides PDX is a gathering of the most interesting infosec minds in Portland and the Pacific Northwest! Our passion about all things security has driven attendance from other parts of the country. Our goal is to provide an open environment for the InfoSec community to engage in conversations, learn from each other and promote knowledge sharing and collaboration. The Portland and greater Northwest information security community spans a broad spectrum of participation from CISOs, Fortune 100 company security experts, small business system admins, to independent security researcher.

Oct 29, 2019
RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Nov 12, 2019
Portland OWASP Chapter Meeting: Overcoming Your Greatest InfoSec Adversary: You!

Tips on formulating complete sentences without acronyms, learning to pretend you aren't the smartest person in the room, choosing the right animations for your PowerPoint presentations, and more! Let's be honest, you probably didn't get into info-sec because of your love for public speaking, your mastery of written and verbal communication, or your highly-tuned social skills! Regardless, these things are key to your success or failure in info-sec. Dare to join me for a frank if somewhat tongue-in-cheek conversation regarding strategies for simplifying complex conversations, recognizing and overcoming common communication obstacles, translating leet-speak to business language and creating effective visual presentations.

Speaker: Patterson Cake

Patterson has been in information technology for over 20 years, focusing on security for the past several years in offensive, defensive and leadership roles. He is the founder of Haven Information Security, an instructor for SANS, and the Principal Cybersecurity Engineer for PeaceHealth.

Nov 26, 2019
RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Dec 10, 2019
Portland OWASP Chapter Meeting: So You Want to Teach Security? Bully for You!
Autodesk Inc

This talk focuses on building a security curriculum and teaching it, whether individually, at the workplace or in academia. Start with the following question: Am I the right person to do it? A novice can be downright dangerous, while an expert who can't teach as useful as a waterproof teabag. Security education is the first line of defense, but who trains the trainers? Are students getting their money's worth? What differentiates your training from others? Join the speaker to share life lessons, funny anecdotes, and useful advice on lecturing, "curriculuming", and critiquing. Learn what it means to containerize a syllabus, deploy labs in a continuous integration-like environment using open source tools and why markdown is a better tool than PowerPoint for creating new content. Consider security textbooks as obsolete, "office hours" mandatory, and the impact of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). There will be a test at the end of the talk.

Speaker: John L. Whiteman

John is a product security expert and instructor at Intel in Oregon. He's also a part-time adjunct instructor teaching cybersecurity at the University of Portland. In a past life, John was a shipboard and classroom instructor in the United States Navy, training hundreds of sailors in the dark arts of passive sonar and torpedo countermeasure systems (in case the former didn't pan out). He also did a stint as a news director for a small radio station in Colorado. John has an M.S. in Computer Science from Georgia Tech and a B.A. in Asian Studies from the University of Maryland UC. He holds CISSP, CCSP and CEH security certifications. John blogs and loves to podcast for the OWASP chapter in Portland.

Dec 30, 2019
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

Note: We usually meet on the last Tuesday of the month, however we've shifted this meeting to prevent conflicts with New Years Eve plans.

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

Jan 7, 2020
Portland OWASP Study Night: Burp Suite Basics with Sophia Anderson
Ctrl-H / PDX Hackerspace

Happy New Year! Welcome to our second ever OWASP PDX study night. Our January topic will be "Burp Suite Basics" presented by Sophia Anderson. Sophia is a security consultant for NetSPI performing web application penetration tests for Fortune 500 clients to discover vulnerabilities. Sorry no pizza unless you want to bring :).

Study Nights are smaller, bitesize, digestible, skill building mini lectures or workshops for those interested in learning new skills, tools, tricks, or new CTF challenges. It’s also meant for members to practice communication skills and teamwork in a supportive environment.

Study Nights meet the first Tuesday of each month at the ^H hackerspace in North Portland. Doors will be at 7pm, event will start at 7:30pm and wrap up by 8:30. Please bring your computer with Burp Suite installed and preferred note taking mechanisms.

Seating is limited


Jan 13, 2020
Portland OWASP Chapter Meeting - Introduction to Burp Suite with Ryan Krause

Burp Suite is an integrated platform for performing security testing of web applications. Its various tools work seamlessly together to support the entire testing process, from initial mapping and analysis of an application’s attack surface, through to finding and exploiting security vulnerabilities. Burp gives you full control, letting you combine advanced manual techniques with state-of-the-art automation, to make your work faster, more effective, and more fun.

The speaker covers the basics of the tool along with real-world experiences and techniques that can help you as a pen tester.

Speaker: Ryan Krause

Ryan is a penetration tester based in the Portland, Oregon area. He has worked in various areas of the security field for the past 11 years for companies such as HP, eEye Digital Security/BeyondTrust, and Comcast with a primary focus on application security and development. He is currently a consultant at NetSPI where he performs web and network penetration tests and assists clients with reducing their overall security exposure.

Jan 28, 2020
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

Feb 11, 2020
Portland OWASP Chapter Meeting: CMD+CTRL Web Application Cyber Range

Want to test your skills in identifying web app vulnerabilities? Join OWASP Portland and Security Innovation as members compete in CMD+CTRL, a web application cyber range where players exploit their way through hundreds of vulnerabilities that lurk in business applications today. Success means learning quickly that attack and defense is all about thinking on your feet.

For each vulnerability you uncover, you are awarded points. Climb the interactive leaderboard for a chance to win fantastic prizes! CMD+CTRL is ideal for development teams to train and develop skills, but anyone involved in keeping your organization’s data secure can play - from developers and managers and even CISOs.

All you need is your laptop and your inner evil-doer.

Register early to reserve your spot and get a sneak peek at our cheat sheets and FAQs!

Feb 18, 2020
Portland OWASP Study Night: Intro to Threat Modeling with Ray and Zak

Threat modeling is a vital skill for security hats of all colors, as well as for product designers, managers and developers. Ray is a Life Coach and Conspiracy Theorist. He does AppSec in his non-spare time for money. Zak is an Application Security Engineer with many years of development experience.

Bring your own dinner/snacks. No provided pizza.

Study Nights are smaller, bitesize, digestible, skill building mini lectures or workshops for those interested in learning new skills, tools, tricks, or new CTF challenges. It’s also meant for members to practice communication skills and teamwork in a supportive environment.

Study Nights meet the first Tuesday of each month at the ^H hackerspace in North Portland. Doors will be at 7pm, event will start at 7:30pm and wrap up by 8:30. Please bring your computer with Burp Suite installed and preferred note taking mechanisms.

Seating is limited


Feb 25, 2020
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Mar 3, 2020
Exploring OWASP Juice Shop (with Burp Suite)

In this class, we’ll be exploring how to find the vulnerabilities in OWASP Juice Shop with Burp Suite (and maybe some other security tools if we get some time). You’ll learn to set up the environment to play with in your own time. As well as learning to practically apply the different features of Burp Suite and when it is and isn’t the most optimal tool. This will help you to reproduce security vulnerabilities or help find them for bug bounty programs.

Bio: Jordan is an Application Security Engineer at New Relic and a graduate from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in computer science. She’s Champion ranked in Rocket League and does yoga in her free time.

Seating is limited


OWASP Juice Shop:

Burp Suite CE:

Mar 18, 2020
Portland OWASP - Kendra Ash - Security Mixer!
New Relic

Join us for a night of networking and discussion about security. Kendra will kick it off with a short talk about how to make friends with your developers through automation. Then we will split up into groups and allow people to discuss cloud security, application security, devops and jobs.

Bio: Kendra Ash (@securelykash) is a security engineer at Vacasa, actively building out an application security program by leveraging guidance from her network and incorporating industry standards. She is also actively involved with the Portland OWASP chapter.


Mar 31, 2020
[Canceled] RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

March meeting has been canceled, we are exploring options for a virtual meetup in April.

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Apr 21, 2020
Portland OWASP Training Night (Virtual) - Learn 10 Things About Wireshark

In this class, we'll briefly go over the 10 things that I would like to show anyone using wireshark. There are no prerequisites for this presentation. If you would like to follow along please install the most recent 3.x version of Wireshark. Example packet captures will be provided.

Kevan Vanhoff is a Network Security Engineer living in Portland, Oregon.


Apr 28, 2020
[Virtual] RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Online (Portland)

URL: - Password: hunter2.

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Jun 9, 2020
Portland, Oregon OWASP Study Night (Virtual) - Detect Complex Code Patterns Using Semantic Grep
Virtual Meeting


Abstract: We’ll discuss a program analysis tool we’re developing called Semgrep. It's a multilingual semantic tool for writing security and correctness queries on source code (for Python, Java, Go, C, and JS) with a simple “grep-like” interface. The original author, Yoann Padioleau, worked on Semgrep’s predecessor, Coccinelle, for Linux kernel refactoring, and later developed Semgrep while at Facebook. He’s now full time with us at r2c.

Semgrep is a free open-source program analysis toolkit that finds bugs using custom analysis we’ve written and OSS code checks. Semgrep is ideal for security researchers, product security engineers, and developers who want to find complex code patterns without extensive knowledge of ASTs or advanced program analysis concepts.

Speaker bio: Clint Gibler (@clintgibler) is the Head of Security Research for r2c, a small startup working on giving security tools directly to developers. Previously, Clint was a Research Director at NCC Group, a global security consulting firm, where he helped companies implement security automation and DevSecOps best practices as well as performed penetration tests for companies ranging from large enterprises to new startups.Clint has previously spoken at conferences including BlackHat USA, AppSec USA/EU/Cali, BSidesSF, and DevSecCon Seattle/London/Tel Aviv/Singapore. Clint holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Davis.Want to keep up with security research? Check out tl;dr sec, Clint’s newsletter that contains summaries of artisanally curated, top talks and useful security links and resources from around the web.


Jul 16, 2020
Portland OWASP Study Night - Secure Code Warrior Tournament Study Session

Topic - Secure Code Warrior Tournament Study Session. We'll cover how to register for our upcoming tournament, cover the game rules, navigate through the menus and do a few practice challenges. Let's be new to this together! This meeting will also be recorded and posted to the PDX OWASP YouTube channel.

Host: Samuel Lemly


Jul 21, 2020
OWASP Portland, Oregon - Secure Coding Tournament (Virtual)
through Virtual

Secure Code Warrior is going to be hosting a July virtual tournament for our OWASP Portland, Oregon chapter. It's free!

Improve your secure coding skills by joining the OWASP Portland Secure Coding tournament on July 21st 8:00AM PDT through July 24th 8:00PM PDT. The tournament allows you to compete against the other participants in a series of vulnerable code challenges that ask you to identify a problem, locate insecure code, and fix a vulnerability.

All challenges are based on the OWASP Top 10, and players can choose to compete in a range of software languages including Java EE, Java Spring, C# MVC, C# WebForms, Go, Ruby on Rails, Python Django & Flask, Scala Play, Node.JS, React, and both iOS and Android development languages.

Throughout the tournament, players earn points and watch as they climb to the top of the leaderboard. Prizes will be awarded to the top finishers! First place will receive a hoodie, and lots of bragging rights!

Tournament times: July 21- July 24th 8:00 AM 9:00 PM

Practice times: July 14th - July 21st 8:00 AM


Sep 16, 2020
PDX OWASP - Cloud Security Lunch and Learn with Ashish Patel

Summary of the Talk: Automate The CloudSec Things - How to automate your response to security incidents within the public cloud space using your current security stack and AWS Lambda.

Speaker's Bio: Ashish Patel is a security engineer on the Box Infrastructure Security team. He usually lives in the realm of cloud security and automating security related tasks that scale across multiple clouds & attack surfaces.


Nov 18, 2020
PDX OWASP - Automate OWASP ZAP Lunch and Learn with Roop Kaur
Online via Zoom

Overview: Use OWASP ZAP to detect web application vulnerabilities in a CI/CD pipeline; for this, how we automate ZAP with existing automation scripts.

Speaker: Roop Kaur, an engineer at Zapproved


May 19, 2021
Application Security -- The Framework, Processes and Tools to Secure Your Apps



Traditionally, breaches that make the news are about stealing data and that data being resold for financial gains. Think Target, Ashley Madison, Marriott and so many more. Recently a spotlight was put on supply chain security via the SolarWinds breach and how that affected many companies. The adversaries were able to inject malicious code into applications that have a lot or rights and are widely deployed in many organizations, small and large alike.

We will discuss the framework, your SDLC (SDL, SSDLC, etc.) – Secure Development Lifecycle – to lay out how you are going to develop and secure your applications. Customers care about this. Once you have your SDLC, you need to define your processes, select your tools, integrate them into your SDLC and finally automate those tools. This is not a short process and often multiple iterations are necessary to get to a good place. The goal of this presentation is to make you aware of a variety of tools that are out there, the various steps along the way of your SDLC you need to take and how to complete each of these steps.


Derek Hill has over 25 years of experience in Information Security and Information Technology. He is currently the Director of AppSec engineering at ForgeRock, an Identity and Access management company, based in Vancouver, WA. He is responsible for implementing and improving the company’s product security on a continual basis. He works closely with software engineers and security engineers in multiple countries to ensure the ForgeRock products are developed securely and tested in all phases of the development lifecycle. In addition to his full time job, Derek is also a SANS community instructor teaching Security Leadership and CISSP prep courses.

Prior to his current position, Derek held Information Security, IT management and technical roles at both large and small companies. In each role, he consistently focused on managing high-performing teams, delivering efficient solutions and providing excellent services to a variety of stakeholders, maximizing uptime and security. Derek also has significant experience in cloud technologies, responsible for moving, securing and maintaining them in various cloud environments through their lifecycle.

Jun 29, 2021
OWASP PDX: My Journey to Becoming a CISSP : Study Tips and Life-lessons with Sarba Roy

Sarba is currently the Product Security Consultant at Umpqua Bank where she is collaborating and acting as a security advisor to the Product teams when new digital technologies and/or business needs are identified. She is also the Membership Chair for the Women In Cybersecurity(WiCyS) Oregon Affiliate, the Chapter Lead for Infosec Girls - Oregon and the Founding member of WomenH2H, a global community for women leaders and changemakers. She is also a passionate volunteer and advocate for women’s empowerment, education equity while being a writer and mentor at heart, dedicated to helping individuals and organizations become more compassionate, curious and cybersmart.


Sep 23, 2021
OWASP PDX - InfoSec Panel Discussion

Let's talk InfoSec!



Cassie Clark: Passionate about bringing humans into security. She develops awareness programs focused on behavior change, user enablement, and culture. As Security Awareness Lead Engineer at Brex, she built and leads security awareness for employees and customers. Prior to Brex, she built the security awareness function at Cruise and focused on security engagement at Salesforce. She holds a Master’s degree in Women’s Studies and can often be seen holding a cup of coffee.

Traci Esteve: As Director of Technology Governance and Risk for The Standard in Portland, Oregon, Traci Esteve is committed to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and processing resources. She began her career as a developer and infrastructure engineer. This led to her rise to a premier technical architect at Accenture and to expanding the practice in Asia and Europe. Her journey includes staying home to raise her two sons and serving as an advisor to organizations to increase profitability, maximize customer value, and effectively meet regulatory requirements. She has a BS in Applied Science, MBA certification from Miami University, and a certification in Cybersecurity Risk Management from Harvard University. Traci enjoys cooking with her family, drawing, hiking, and encouraging high-school students to believe in themselves.

Sep 28, 2021
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because the Delta variant of COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • Masks are required to be worn over the mouth and nose while in the venue, except when eating or drinking.
  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Oct 26, 2021
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because the Delta variant of COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • Masks are required to be worn over the mouth and nose while in the venue, except when eating or drinking.
  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Nov 30, 2021
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because the Delta variant of COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • Masks are required to be worn over the mouth and nose while in the venue, except when eating or drinking.
  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Mar 29, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because the Delta variant of COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Apr 26, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

May 31, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Aug 2, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

Due to the excessive heat warning in Portland, this meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday August 2nd

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Aug 30, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Sep 27, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Oct 7, 2022
BSidesPDX 2022 - Computer Security Conference
PSU Smith Memorial Student Union

We're looking forward to seeing you at BSidesPDX on Friday October 7, 2022 for our tenth annual conference. Registration is free through September 30th!

BSides Portland is a tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) organization founded with the mission to cultivate the Pacific Northwest information security and hacking community by creating local inclusive opportunities for learning, networking, collaboration, and teaching.

As this is an indoor event, we are requiring that all participants of BSidesPDX wear a mask while inside of conference spaces for the entirety of the event, except when you are 1) actively eating or drinking; or 2) a presenter actively giving your talk/workshop. Masks must be worn completely over both your mouth and nose.

Oct 25, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Nov 29, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jan 3, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jan 31, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Feb 28, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Mar 28, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Apr 7, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Apr 25, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

May 5, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

May 30, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jun 2, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jun 27, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jul 7, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jul 25, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Aug 4, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Aug 29, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Sep 1, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Sep 26, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Oct 6, 2023
BSidesPDX 2023 - Computer Security Conference
through PSU Smith Memorial Student Union

We're looking forward to seeing you at BSidesPDX on Friday October 6th, 2023 for our annual conference. Registration is free through September 15th!

BSides Portland is a tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) organization founded with the mission to cultivate the Pacific Northwest information security and hacking community by creating local inclusive opportunities for learning, networking, collaboration, and teaching.

Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Oct 30, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

The October meetup has been rescheduled from our usual last Tuesday (October 31st) to last Monday (October 30th) to prevent conflicts any attendee Halloween plans.

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Nov 3, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Nov 28, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Dec 1, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Dec 26, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jan 5, 2024
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jan 30, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Feb 2, 2024
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Feb 27, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Mar 1, 2024
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Mar 26, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Apr 5, 2024
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Apr 30, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

May 3, 2024
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

May 28, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jun 7, 2024
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jun 25, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jul 5, 2024
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jul 30, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (50-60 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Aug 27, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Sep 24, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Oct 29, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Nov 26, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Dec 30, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

PLEASE NOTE: The December 2024 meetup deviates from our normal "last Tuesday" schedule, to avoid falling on New Years Eve. It is taking place a day before on Monday December 30th, at the usual time and place.

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jan 28
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Please follow us on Bluesky ( or Mastodon ([email protected]) for any last minute updates.

COVID-19 Precautions:

  • We meet outside under a covered patio area to reduce transmission risk.
    • There are overhead heaters if it's cold, but dress comfortably!
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!

You can also find us on and Smoke Signal (AT Protocol).

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out
