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Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at 8:26pm.
Exploring OWASP Juice Shop (with Burp Suite)
Access Notes
If you arrive and have a hard time finding someone, head over to ctrlh.org/irc and ask. Someone there should be able to help.
In this class, we’ll be exploring how to find the vulnerabilities in OWASP Juice Shop with Burp Suite (and maybe some other security tools if we get some time). You’ll learn to set up the environment to play with in your own time. As well as learning to practically apply the different features of Burp Suite and when it is and isn’t the most optimal tool. This will help you to reproduce security vulnerabilities or help find them for bug bounty programs.
Bio: Jordan is an Application Security Engineer at New Relic and a graduate from the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in computer science. She’s Champion ranked in Rocket League and does yoga in her free time.
Seating is limited
RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/OWASP-Portland-Chapter/events/269026936/
OWASP Juice Shop: https://owasp.org/www-project-juice-shop/
Burp Suite CE: https://portswigger.net/burp/releases/professional-community-2020-1?requestededition=community