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PSU Smith Memorial Student Union

1825 Southwest Broadway
Portland, OR 97201, US (map)

Future events happening here

  • Thursday
    Jul 31 2025
    FOSSY 2025
    PSU Smith Memorial Student Union

    FOSSY (Free and Open Source Software Yearly) is focused on the creation and impact of free and open source software, uplifting contributors of all experience.

    Taking place in Portland, OR, we hope FOSSY will be a community focused event that invites local community, as well as the wider internet and global communites we have formed over the years. Whether you are a long time contributing member of a free software project, a recent graduate of a coding bootcamp or university, or just have an interest in the possibilies that free and open source software bring, FOSSY will have something for you.

    With around ten tracks with talks over four days, for community building, development and legal and licensing issues, the conference will provide ample learning and networking opportunities for contributors of all levels of experience. There will be hands on workshops, lightning talks and traditional 50 minute talks.


Past events that happened here

  • Thursday
    Aug 1 2024
    FOSSY - Free and Open Source Software Yearly
    PSU Smith Memorial Student Union

    FOSSY (Free and Open Source Yearly) is a 4-day conference addressing many of the most pressing issues faced by individuals who feel trapped and mistreated by the software and devices permeating society. Over fifty exceptionally qualified speakers will talk about the ethical, legal, social, and technological aspects of how we get to a better world, where computers actually serve and empower the people who use them. Attendees of all experience levels, including those completely new to free and open source software, will find sessions of interest. Registration is on a sliding scale, and includes breakfast,refreshments, and a social event to meet and network with speakers and other attendees.

    Put on by Software Freedom Conservancy, a nonprofit organization centered around ethical technology. Our mission is to ensure the right to repair, improve and reinstall software. We promote and defend these rights through fostering free and open source software (FOSS) projects, driving initiatives that actively make technology more inclusive, and advancing policy strategies that defend FOSS (such as copyleft).

  • Friday
    Oct 6 2023
    BSidesPDX 2023 - Computer Security Conference
    PSU Smith Memorial Student Union

    We're looking forward to seeing you at BSidesPDX on Friday October 6th, 2023 for our annual conference. Registration is free through September 15th!

    BSides Portland is a tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) organization founded with the mission to cultivate the Pacific Northwest information security and hacking community by creating local inclusive opportunities for learning, networking, collaboration, and teaching.

  • Friday
    Oct 7 2022
    BSidesPDX 2022 - Computer Security Conference

    We're looking forward to seeing you at BSidesPDX on Friday October 7, 2022 for our tenth annual conference. Registration is free through September 30th!

    BSides Portland is a tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) organization founded with the mission to cultivate the Pacific Northwest information security and hacking community by creating local inclusive opportunities for learning, networking, collaboration, and teaching.

    As this is an indoor event, we are requiring that all participants of BSidesPDX wear a mask while inside of conference spaces for the entirety of the event, except when you are 1) actively eating or drinking; or 2) a presenter actively giving your talk/workshop. Masks must be worn completely over both your mouth and nose.

  • Saturday
    Mar 2 2019
    ProductCamp Portland

    ProductCamp Portland is a peer-driven “unconference” that brings together 300'ish passionate Product Managers & Product Marketers to collaborate & share insights, and network with other top professionals in the Portland product community.

    The education, personal development, and networking, alone, are priceless. We're also going to feed you breakfast, lunch, and even throw in an after party. This is the best $10 you will ever invest in your professional development

  • Thursday
    Jun 28 2018
    Documentary Screening: Closing the Loop - A Film About the Circular Economy Revolution

    Join us for a screening of this inspiring film about the future of business, and how business can change the future of our planet. Created by author, filmmaker, and professor, Dr. Wayne Visser, this film takes an optimistic viewpoint to climate change and innovative solutions. Date and Time: June 28, 2018 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

    Location: PSU: Smith Memorial Student Union: Parkway North 1825 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201

    Cost: $5

    Going “circular” refers to the necessary change from our current take-make-waste linear economy to a borrow-use-return circular economy (sometimes also referred to as the zero-waste or cradle-to-cradle economy).

    The key takeaway message from Closing the Loop is that moving to a circular economy is not only essential and urgent, but also entirely possible, if we take inspiration from the pioneers, such as those featured in the film, and scale up similar business models, product innovations and customer solutions around the world.

    It will not be easy – and there is no “one size fits all” approach, as the varied experiences across three continents show – but the circular economy revolution is imperative. As presenter Dr Visser puts it:

    “If we don’t solve this one problem [i.e. moving from a linear to a circular economy], everything else we do, no matter how well-intentioned it is, will be like shifting deck chairs on the Titanic.”

    “After years spent working on sustainability, I am convinced that we are on the cusp of a major revolution – nothing short of the next industrial revolution. The time for fear-mongering and demonising companies has past. Now is the time for innovative solutions and positive action. This is nowhere more true than in the do-or-die challenge of creating a circular economy.”

    “We still have much work to do, but our task could not be more clear. So get inspired and, to quote Gandhi – a sustainability luminary before his time – be the change you want to see in the world.”

    Stay afterward for a brief discussion about the circular economy and how you can apply these powerful principles to your life and business.

    For more information about the film, you can visit www.ClosingtheLoopFilm.com.

    Event is co-sponsored by Consious Capitalism Portland and MonicaBourgeau.com.
