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Viewing 0 current events matching “django” by Date.

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Viewing 218 past events matching “django” by Date.

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Jul 22, 2008
Python BoF and Django Drinkup!
Jax Bar (CLOSED)

Tuesday, July 22, 7pm, Jax Bar: Python BoF and Django Drinkup!

Join local and visiting Pythonistas and Djangonauts for a casual meetup on the rooftop patio at Jax.

It's easy and free to get to from the Convention Center on the MAX -
directions are [1]. We'll be getting started in between 6 and 7.

[1] Jax Bar ( ) is located at 826 SW 2nd Avenue .
To get there from the Convention Center, take any MAX train downtown
and get off at Morrison/SW 3rd Avenue, then walk a tiny bit south and
you're there. Jax is on the east (river) side of the street on 2nd in
between Yamhill and Taylor. Yamhill is one block south of Morrison.
For a map and Street View, see

Aug 22, 2008
Django Sprint
Vidoop [out of business]

We'll be holding a Django development sprint at Vidoop in Portland, Oregon on August 22, 2008 from 9am to 6pm.

This sprint will be focused on cleaning up rc1 and getting either an rc2 out or a 1.0 final. More details will be posted here and announced on django-dev as we get closer to the time of the sprint. For a full roadmap see VersionOneRoadmap#schedule.

Sponsorship This sprint is sponsored by Vidoop. There will also be a sponsored afterparty.

What's a sprint? How do I participate Anybody, anywhere around the world, can participate and contribute. We'll be gathering in person in Portland, but if you can't make it you can also help out in IRC.

Attendees If you plan to participate in the sprint, please add your name to the roster. We have space for around 50 attendees, so if things fill up we might have to cap attendance.

If you're coming from out of town and need help with travel arrangements please contact michael -dot- richardson -at- vidoop -dot- com.

Sep 9, 2008
Python: Django on Jython, Eggs
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

Hi everyone,

Our September Python meeting is next week and we have a great meeting in store, including a special guest speaker!

First up, our own Brett will be show us how to produce Python eggs and publish them to the Python Package Index (aka the Cheeseshop).

Then Leo Soto, a Jython GSoC hacker, will be presenting his DjangoCon 2008 talk "Django on Jython". In Leo's own words:

"Django is the most popular Python web framework, and have managed to go through the hard steps of making a high quality 1.0 release. The Jython project has awaken on the last years after a dark period, and is in the road of its 2.5 release. This scenario presents the cool opportunity of exploring the use of a modern Python web framework on top of the Java infrastructure.

I will talk on how to use Django under Jython, the common pitfalls on this setup, and start some discussion about what can take the Python (and Django) community from the JVM, and what advantages Django development on top of Jython propose for Java projects."

Also we'll get some news from DjangoCon (this weekend, 9/6 and 9/7), have some chats, surprise door prizes and maybe more- stay tuned! And after we'll head to either the Green Dragon patio or Produce Row.

Some pre-meeting links:

Brett & Eggs: brett at

Leo & Django on Jython:

See you there!

Cheers, Jason

Oct 4, 2008
Reservation System Code Sprint
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

Starting at the Calagator Documentation Sprint, we will plan out how to build a separate reservation system for Calagator. This will be an entirely new-code project to build a system to maintain reservations for calagator events. Discussion to be had as to whether to store data in calagator and use this as a frontend, store data in the new reservation system and provide an API for Calagator to use to save reservations, or something completely different.

This will probably be written in Python+Django.

May 5, 2009
PDX Django Lunch
Galleria Downtown Shopping Office Plaza

UPDATE: djangopony writes: Heading to Portland for a magical django lunch with @igalko and crew. ^_^ --

The weekly lunch for people that work with or just enjoy talking about Django.

This week, instead of Deschutes, we're all heading to the food carts at SW 10th Ave & SW Alder St, and then meeting inside the Galleria mall right next door. The entrance is on SW 10th Ave, next to the Made in Oregon store. The mall has tables that are usually empty, so we should have room (hopefully!). Feel free to bring a bag lunch instead, as well.

We'll plan to meet at 12:45 inside the Galleria to give time to grab food from a cart.

PDX Django: PDX Django IRC: #pdxdjango on

May 19, 2009
Django Lunch
Galleria Downtown Shopping Office Plaza

Let's meet again and chat about Django and whatever else comes up. Same place as last place -- near the awesome food carts at SW 10th & SW Alder, then we'll meet and eat inside the Galleria, where there are always empty tables. The entrance is on SW 10th Ave, next to the Made in Oregon store. The mall has tables that are usually empty, so we should have room (hopefully!). Feel free to bring a bag lunch instead, as well.

PDX Django: PDX Django IRC: #pdxdjango on

Jun 23, 2009
PDX Django Lunch
O'Bryant Square

The "whenever we feel like it" lunch meetup for people that work with Django or just enjoy chatting or learning about it. The meetup is completely informal, with no presentations or speakers.

This week the weather should be good, so instead of inside the Galleria we're meeting nearby at O'Bryant Square, on the corner of SW 9th Ave and SW Washington St. Grab food from the carts nearby or bring a bag lunch.

See you there!,+97205&sll=45.521248,-122.680088&sspn=0.001898,0.004807&ie=UTF8&ll=45.521526,-122.679911&spn=0.001898,0.004807&t=h&z=18

Jul 26, 2009
Urban Edibles Development Meeting (Django/python)

Join us Sunday to continue discussion and work on the new Urban Edibles website. Since our last meeting we have outlined our Django models and started a Mercurial repository on Google Code:

Please come if your are interested on collaborating on any level, or join our mailing list:

Jul 28, 2009
PDX Django Lunch
Deschutes Brewery

The "whenever we feel like it" lunch meetup for people that work with Django or just enjoy chatting or learning about it. The meetup is completely informal, with no presentations or speakers.

This week the weather is completely insane so meeting outside is totally out of the question, so we're back to our original haunt at the Deschutes Brewery in the Pearl. Since we'll need a table, please RSVP by 10 AM Tuesday on the pdxdjango Google Group or by messaging robotadam on (You can use their web client if you don't have one handy: ). I'll see about getting a table large enough for all of us, but if we get bigger than 8 or so we might have to split up.

Aug 25, 2009
PDX Django
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

PDX Django (a user group devoted to Django, the Python web framework) is having their first event that doesn't entirely revolve around beer or lunch. We'll have a few presentations and discussions.

Sep 8, 2009
through DoubleTree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Portland - Lloyd Center

DjangoCon is a Django conference that aims to bring together the community and provide a wide range of sessions, panels, lightning talks and showcases of Django usage within various businesses.

DjangoCon will be held at the DoubleTree Green Hotel in Portland, Oregon.

Conference days: September 8th - 10th.

Sprint Days: September 11th - 12th.
Oct 21, 2009
PDX Django
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

PDX Django (a user group devoted to Django, the Python web framework) is having it's second meeting. The content is still evolving; check the mailing list for updates.

Nov 18, 2009
PDX Django
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

PDX Django (a user group devoted to Django, the Python web framework) is having another meeting.

This month Joshua Drake will walk us through 10 things you can do to tune PostgreSQL for your web app. Here's his description:

  • I am a Django Developer
  • I know exactly snot about being a DBA
  • What are the 10 best bang for the buck parameters I can change to make PostgreSQL go zip and how do I decide what to change those parameters to?

Adam Lowry will warm up with a report about an experiment Brett Carter and I did using SQLAlchemy's connection pool with Django, and how it affects per-request latency.

Feb 17, 2010
PDX Django February Meeting
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

Despite missing December and January, February's PDX Django meeting looks like a great one. We have one short and one medium talk scheduled -- if you'd like to do a 5 minute or so talk on a tool, problem, or feature, why not let us know?

It's also the day before PyCon starts, so we might just chat about what looks interesting there.

The talks:

  • Dermot Maty on a problem he had with Proxy Models, and how he solved it

  • Michael Richardson will be previewing a talk he's giving at DjangoSki. Here's the summary from their talks page:

"Michael is a cofounder at Urban Airship where he spends his day working on a RESTful API to deliver notifications and in-app content to mobile devices. His talk, "RESTful APIs with Django and Piston," pulls from Urban Airship's experience and goes through creating an API in Django with Piston along with pitfalls you may experience along the way.

Michael was also the developer behind the massive Django-powered meat conglomerate until it was sold earlier this year. Bac'n did not, sadly, have an API."

The meeting will be at 7pm at PIE, 1227 NW Davis St (directly opposite the North Face store -- look for the big brown armchairs in the window.

Mar 17, 2010
PDX Django March Meeting
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

March's PDX Django meeting will be a bit informal.

Adam Lowry will show a little bit of Celery, the distributed task processor, which is used to easily write and run offline tasks to be run outside the web request.

In addition there will surely be discussion and beverage.

May 19, 2010
PDX Django May Meeting
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

Our next meeting is Wednesday, May 19th, at the usual place & time: 7pm at PIE (1227 NW Davis St). This week we'll hear from Lennon Day-Reynolds about his in-house model migration library, and from Jeff "rozwell" Kistler about fromagerie [1], his private package index reusable app. In addition, we're putting together a few lightning talks covering some of the things new in Django 1.2 [2].

So far we've got Chris McDonald on what's new in the feed class, myself on the new CSRF protection system, and Dermot Maty on Multi-DB. We've got room for a couple more, so why not add your name to the list?


[1] [2]

Jul 21, 2010
PDX Django/OSCON Python/Django/Emerging Languages Camp/Meetup/BOF/Drinkup

It's the third Wednesday of the month, so it's time for PDX Django! It's also OSCON, which means there are lots of visitors. So instead of a normal meeting, we're having a special PDX Django/OSCON Python/Django/Meetup/BOF/Drinkup.

Same time and place (mostly) as usual:

Wednesday, May 21st, 7 PM 1227 NW Davis St (across from the North Face store, look for the big leather chairs in the window). We'll either be downstairs in PIE, or upstairs in the Urban Airship offices.

There will be beverage.

Edit: The fine folks from the Emerging Languages Camp will also be joining us!

Sep 6, 2010
North Portland Coders' Night - Welcome DjangoCon!
Lucky Labrador Overlook Tap Room

Come hang out, drink beer, and write code every Monday night.

The meetings are extremely informal, and everyone is welcome, including DjangoCon attendees!

The Lucky Lab in North Portland is close to the MAX Yellow line, and several bus lines.

Sep 7, 2010
through DoubleTree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Portland - Lloyd Center

Django is an open source web application framework, written in Python, which follows the model-view-controller architectural pattern.

DjangoCon US is the main US event for the Django community to come together. It will primarily consist of two tracks of talks over three days. Additionally there will be room for open sessions, lightning talks sessions, and a development sprint after the conference.

Sep 14, 2010
Portland Python User Group: Dinner Social
Deschutes Brewery

End of summer vacations, DjangoCon, back to school, new jobs- most of us seem to have been busy-busy this last month. Our usual "presentations & beer" style meeting didn't come together this time. In its stead, please behold the introduction of the first* PDXPython Dinner Social!

Please RSVP and join us at the DESCHUTES BREWERY at 6:30, Tuesday September 14th, where we will enjoy the promise of large tables, a varied menu for the hungry, a wide range of beverages, and spirited discussion of the Pythonic pursuits that are keeping us so busy.

I hope to see you all there!

Sep 6, 2011
DjangoCon US 2011
through Hilton Portland and Executive Tower

DjangoCon US is the premier event for users and developers of the most popular Python web framework in the world. Three days of talks, followed by two (or more!) days of sprinting. What more could a web geek want?

Jun 7, 2012
PLUG: The Ganeti Virtualization Management System
PSU Maseeh Engineering Building

Lance Albertson of the Oregon State University Open Source Lab will give an introduction to the Ganeti Virtualization Management System.

Ganeti is a robust cluster virtualization management software tool. It’s built on top of existing virtualization technologies such as Xen and KVM and other Open Source software. Its integration with various technologies such as DRBD and LVM results in a cheaper High Availability infrastructure and linear scaling.

This hands-on tutorial will cover a basic overview of Ganeti, the step-by-step install & setup of a single-node and multi-node Ganeti cluster, operating the cluster, and some best practices of Ganeti. Finally, deploying and using a web-based management tool called Ganeti Web Manager.

If you want to participate on the hands-on portion of the talk, feel free to clone his vagrant-ganeti repo on github ( prior to the meeting. We'll try and have the box images available on USB drives at the meeting but its always great to have everything setup prior to the meeting and not saturate the wifi.

Lance is the Associate Director of Operations for the Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSL) and a Gentoo Linux Developer. He joined the Gentoo Linux project in 2003 and have been involved in managing their infrastructure and maintaining about a dozen or so packages in portage. Lance directs all of the hosting and development activities that the OSL provides for the open source community including projects such as, Drupal, Apache Software Foundation, and many many more. Lance has been at the OSL since 2007.

Jul 13, 2013
PyLadies Workshop: Intro to Django w/ Kenneth Love
AppFog HQ

This workshop is a somewhat dense guided run through the first three chapters of Getting Started with Django, the video web series from Kenneth Love (and funded by the wonderful Python community last year on Kickstarter!). We'll cover creating a project with an eye to maintainability and reusability (are those even words?!), testing that project, and even deploying it to Heroku.

Before the event: please do the Django tutorial in your own time to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts. If you would like help and/or would rather do this in a social setting, come to the Saturday Hack Day July 6th!

More details forthcoming!


  • Please RSVP via Meetup (see website link).
  • This is a women-only event.
Aug 8, 2013
Django Meetup & Lightning Talks
New Relic

New this month!!

Come socialize with your fellow Django developers. Pizza and drinks will start at 6 pm (thanks to New Relic) followed by lighting talks around 6:30 pm.

We'll be discussing what's new in Django 1.5 and 1.6, plus whatever you bring to present. 5 - 15 minute lightning talks are welcome, signup at the event.

See you there!

Mar 3, 2014
Monday Python Flying Circus (Python Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild at NedSpace on 5th

Join us for an evening of Python!

Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others.

Special Breakout Session: Python documentation by Steve Holden

Steve will present how to look up Python features and techniques both through the Python interpreter and on the web. If there's time he will also talk about news groups and mailing lists.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, build or share.

Aug 27, 2014
PDX Python Presentation Night
Urban Airship Inc

Come join us for Pythonic talks!

All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced.

This month:

  • Development of fast responding websites with Django, Angular.js and REST by Hannes Hapke

  • Reverse Q&A with Rob Bednark

Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage.

RSVP at Meetup

Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome!

Sep 24, 2014
PDX Python Presentation Night
Urban Airship Inc

Come join us for Pythonic talks!

All levels are welcome! Talk levels vary from beginner to advanced.

This month:

  • Omnibus Database Machine: How to NoSQL in Postgres with Django by Aleck Landgraf and Gavin McQuillan

And pizza from Building Energy!

Join us afterward at Rogue on NW 14th & Flanders to continue the discussion over a beverage.

RSVP at Meetup

Join us on our mailing list and in #pdxpython on Freenode. All are welcome!

Sep 29, 2014
All levels Python, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, CSS, Jquery and Djano peer mentoring
PDX Code Guild

Bring your laptop, your questions and/or knowledge to share. Once most everyone has arrived, we do introductions where each attendee tells what they are working on, what languages they can help with and what they want help with.

It's a friendly and chill group.

Oct 9, 2014
Party with PDX Code Guild
PDX Code Guild

The best kind of party happens when you, members of the Portland tech community, advisors, staff, graduates, students, a delta blues musician, a photo booth, food and drinks are all together at PDX Code Guild.

RSVP Here:

Let's make it happen. Join us!

After a long year of hard work and help from the Portland Tech Community, we have completed our beta testing of our bootcamp and have obtained a career school license!

Join us for drinks, hors d'oeuvres, delta blues & slide guitar from Adam Scramstad, student project demos, and a photo booth.

If you've been curious about our bootcamp, this will be a fun way to fine out more. PDX Code Guild staff, instructors, students, advisors and graduates will be here to share beverages and answer any questions.

Feb 2, 2015
Startup Week - PDX Code Guild Open House Party
PDX Code Guild

Join PDX Code Guild for Startup Week Open House Party!

We’ll have refreshments, live acoustic blues, student demos, and hacking.

2626 SW Corbett Ave Portland OR 97201 (next door to the Portland State University Business Accelerator)

PDX Code Guild harnesses the power of code to empower career-seekers, entrepreneurs and startups through a trio of services that include bootcamps for career-seekers and startup founders and a consulting team that turns ideas into exceptional software.

PDX Code Guild Bootcamps are immersive hands-on developer training programs. Students build their portfolio and receive individualized attention. Small class sizes and intensive instruction ensure students get the maximum results in the shortest amount of time.

PDX Code Guild serves the Portland Tech community by:

Providing technical skills training to help fill the need for talent in Portland's growing tech industry. Empowering entrepreneurs with technical leadership skills so they can be more successful at launching a startup, and making founding a tech startup available to a more diverse group. Providing high-quality, low-cost software development for startups, non-profits & small businesses. Keep this number in case you need directions: (541) 602-6215

Mar 9, 2015
Coder Bootcamp Open House - PDX Code Guild
PDX Code Guild

Considering a career in technology?

Come check out PDX Code Guild, meet instructors and staff, tour the school, and ask questions about the bootcamps.

Chat about programming languages, how to learn code, what the industry is like and more.

Drop in any time between 4:00pm and 6:00pm.

Free parking, close to public transit, bicycle friendly.

Bring a laptop and stay after for Monday Python.

Light refreshments

May 21, 2015
RefreshPDX - Hello Web App: Learn How to Build a Web App with Python Django

Join us for an afternoon workshop on 21 May 2015...

Have you ever wanted to build something from scratch that other people could use? There are tons of tutorials and instructions for writing your first website using HTML and CSS, but building something that interacts with the user — a full, complete web application — might feel unachievable and out of reach. Not so!

This workshop will walk you through creating a basic web app using Python and Django, from ideation to deployment. Set up your first web product with a database, registration and login forms, and perhaps get on the path to a fun side-project or future startup. Tailored for designers and non-programmers and taught by a designer.

What We'll Cover Installation of Python Django, and deploying your local web app. Setting up static files and templates to make it look like a real website. Creating a database schema. Setting up registration, login, and password recovery pages. Deployment on Heroku (if time allows).

Who Should Attend This workshop is for those who are comfortable with HTML CSS and want to learn how to build a web app with Django.

What You Should Know Experience with HTML and CSS is highly recommended. Very basic knowledge of programming concepts encouraged (variables/loops/etc — easy resources will be given before the workshop).

What to Bring A laptop with your favorite text editor. If possible, a Mac or Linux system.

What to Expect A half-day of workshop learning! Coffee, Tea, and Snacks are provided by Refresh Portland! A copy (digital or physical) of Tracy's new book for each attendee! Other things that warrant an exclamation mark!

The workshop will begin at 1pm and end at 5pm. After the workshop is over, everyone who wants to join us will head to a nearby establishment for drink (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) on Refresh Portland.

About Tracy Osborn Tracy Osborn is a designer, developer, and entreprenerd living in the Bay Area of California. She's the author of Hello Web App, teaching beginner web app development. Building websites since she was twelve, she always felt an affinity to computers, the internet, and what it brings us.

Tracy graduated with a BFA in Art Design with a concentration in Graphic Design from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, and worked as a web designer for five years before teaching herself programming and launching her first startup, WeddingLovely. She's also an avid outdoorswoman and would love to go on a hike with you.

The Venue, Idealist Thanks to Idealist for hosting us this month! Idealist is located at 209 SW Oak, Suite 101, Portland, OR, 97204.

Come on in the front door and go straight back, then left to the meeting room.

Jan 9, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School. More Directions below.

Jan 16, 2017
***CANCELED*** Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jan 23, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jan 30, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 6, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 13, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 20, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 27, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 6, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 13, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 20, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 27, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 3, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 8, 2017
Hack Oregon Spring Buildathon
Hidden Venue

Spring Buildathon!

Guidelines for Guest Contributors

What is it?

Believe it or not, Hack Oregon actually doesn’t really do a lot of Hackathons. We form specialized teams to build software and open data stories for important themes in Oregon, and work and iterate incrementally over months to create a product.

The "Buildathon" is the one day where we open up our project teams for guest and current contributors that want to be part of the magic and build something amazing, but might not have the time to participate in our months-long project season.

What’s the goal?

The Buildathon is a production sprint. We’ve laid the groundwork to do research, visualizations, and data storytelling quickly, and we need your help to bring our projects to the next level. We’ll get to work shoring up and finalizing our projects with some cross-team and outsider help. We’re going to use our lifelines and help each other close those blocked github issues and fine-tune designs.

Be prepared to make friends and be an instant part of our Hack Oregon family!

How can I get involved?

By joining our sprint, you’ll be placed with a team that needs extra hands on deck in your particular skill set. We’re working toward our public demo day at OMSI on May 1st, where you can proudly present alongside your team.


  • Team T-Shirt

  • All Day Food

  • Ticket to sold out Demo Day

  • Profound Glory

Submit your information here and we’ll reach out to match you with a team and link to reserve your ticket.

Below you’ll find a list of skills and roles we’re looking for at the Buildathon, along with this year’s five project themes.

Technical skills we’re looking for the Buildathon:

  • Front End Developers (we use React.js)

  • Data Visualization Developers (we use React.js/D3.js)

  • API Developers (we use Django)

  • Database Programmers (we use PostgreSQL)

  • UX/UI Designers

  • DevOps Engineers (we use AWS, Docker, Travis.CI)

  • Content Writers / Copywriters

  • Data Scientists (we use Python)

  • Multimedia Developers (Photography, Motion Graphics, Animation, Videography)

  • Visual Designers (Graphic Design, Illustration)

Project Teams


MVP: We’re highlighting the City of Portland’s budget data in a neutral manner so that users can quickly and efficiently understand its components, view basic spending trends and dive deeper into bureau-level budgets.

Stretch Goals: We’ll organize more sophisticated granular views, and applied analysis of deltas and outcomes of programs.


MVP: We’re creating a new system organize and model the efficiency of road construction and capital infrastructure planning.

Stretch goals: Expand into usage and impact of Portland’s biking and transit ecosystem through the lense of multi-modal transportation patterns.

Emergency Response

MVP: We are collaborating with Portland Fire and Rescue to take data relating to their emergency calls and build interesting dashboards, visualizations, and simulations.

Stretch goals: Understand more about how emergency response patterns vary by unique aspects of neighborhood demographics.


MVP: We’re exploring how the city and its neighborhoods have changed over time, from the perspective of 12 representative households.

Stretch Goals: We’ll work with raw data from the voter registration to explore change of address as a vector, which may indicate displacement trends.


MVP: We’re expanding the perception around the definitions of homelessness in Portland and the moment in time where people experience homelessness.

Stretch goals: Capture a fuller picture of children in Multnomah County who hang in the balance food security and housing security.

Apr 10, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 17, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 24, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

May 1, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

May 8, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

May 15, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

May 22, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

May 29, 2017
Canceled tonight for the holiday! Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2626 SW Corbett Ave, two buildings down from the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jun 12, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jun 19, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jun 26, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jul 10, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jul 17, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Aug 3, 2017
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild Office Hours
PDX Code Guild

Weekly office hours! Meet with the Founder of PDX Code Guild; bring questions about learning to code, changing careers, coder bootcamps, or chat about technology, hiking, and Portland. Open to the public.

Aug 7, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Aug 14, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Aug 21, 2017
Edit - Cancelled for Eclipse - See you next Week! Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Aug 28, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Sep 11, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome.

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Sep 19, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Sep 25, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 2, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 9, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 11, 2017
Hacktoberfest PDX
New Relic

If you're looking for a way to contribute to open source, but maybe you aren't sure how to get started, then this is the meetup for you!

We'll go over finding ways to contribute to open source, and getting you from 0 to 4 by the end of the month!

Finish 4 pull requests and you'll get a t-shirt via Hacktoberfest!

Hacktoberfest is open to everyone in our global community! Pull requests can be made in any GitHub-hosted repositories/projects. You can sign up anytime between October 1 and October 31.


To get a shirt, you must make four pull requests between October 1–31 in any timezone. Pull requests can be to any public repo on GitHub, not just the ones we’ve highlighted. The pull request must contain commits you made yourself. Pull requests reported by maintainers as spam or that are automated will be marked as invalid and won’t count towards the shirt.

Oct 14, 2017
Django Girls PDX
NXT Industries Lab

Django girls a workshop aimed at total beginners, that helps attendees built a blog using Python and Django in order to learn about web development. Open to women and non-binary people :)

Apply Today!

Oct 16, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 23, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 30, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Nov 20, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
through PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Nov 27, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Dec 4, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Dec 11, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Dec 18, 2017
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jan 8, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jan 15, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jan 22, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jan 29, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 5, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 12, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 19, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 26, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 5, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 12, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 19, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 26, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 2, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 9, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 16, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 23, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 30, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

May 7, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

May 23, 2018
Django Girls Portland Workshop
OpenHaus Portland

Django Girls PDX, its a free one day workshop aimed at Women and Non-Binary Folk, to introduce them to code via Django and python in a friendly environment.



Jun 4, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jun 11, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jun 18, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jun 25, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jul 2, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jul 9, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jul 16, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jul 23, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jul 30, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Aug 6, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Aug 13, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Sep 24, 2018
Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 1, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 4, 2018
Portland Programmer Network - Frontend Peer Mentoring
PDX Code Guild

Join us for an evening of frontend programming! Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541)[masked]

Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and more. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor.

This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Oct 8, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 15, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 22, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 29, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Nov 5, 2018
Programmer Peer Mentoring Night
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Nov 8, 2018
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Frontend Peer Mentoring
PDX Code Guild

Join us for an evening of frontend programming! Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build. Save this phone number in case you need directions. (541)[masked]

Come to learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. We cover HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and more. Our event is for all levels from beginner to advanced. Come to learn and/or to mentor.

This week we will do introductions and then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Nov 19, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Nov 26, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Dec 3, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Dec 10, 2018
Demo Night! Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

During 20 minutes of tonight's meeting, we will see two demos of full-stack python web apps. The demos will take approximately 20 minutes, and there will be an opportunity to ask questions about the code and process of building the apps.

Beer, soda, snacks and pizza will be served.

Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Dec 17, 2018
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jan 7, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jan 14, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jan 21, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jan 28, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 4, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 11, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 18, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 25, 2019
Portland Programmer Network - PDX Code Guild - Monday Python Flying Circus (Programmer Peer Mentoring Night)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541)[masked] We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, in the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 18, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 25, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 1, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 8, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 15, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 22, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 29, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jun 24, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jul 1, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jul 8, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jul 15, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jul 29, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Sep 9, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Sep 16, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Sep 23, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Sep 30, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 7, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

PDX Code Guild October Info Night
PDX Code Guild

Please register on eventbrite!

PDX Code Guild is hosting an info night for those who are curious or want to learn more about our program. Meet with our director, instructor, graduate or current students to get a better understanding of the program and to have any of your questions answered!

All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served.

Parking is free! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

For more information please check out our website:

Follow us on social media for any updates: @pdxcodeguild

Oct 14, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 16, 2019
[Programming 101] Nov 5th - Nov 14th
PDX Code Guild

Transform Your Career

Whether you’re seeking a job in tech or preparing to launch your own business, PDX Code Guild will give you the skills you need to achieve your goals.

Creating incredible projects starts with learning the fundamentals of programming languages. By the end of this 2-week course, you’ll be writing your first python programs and have a basic understanding of various data types. This is the perfect opportunity for those preparing to start the Full Stack Bootcamp, or those considering applying for the program.

About the Course Location: PDX Code Guild campus: 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, Portland, OR 97201 Start date: October 22nd Cost: $15.00 Class Dates: Tues, Wed, Thurs: October 22nd, 23rd, 24th Mon, Tues, Wed: Oct 28th, 29th, 30th (No class on Thurs 10/31) Time: 6:30-9:30pm

What to bring: Bring your laptop pre-loaded with the following programs: Python 3.6 or 3.7 ( Atom (

What to expect in terms of workload: Most students can get everything done in class. There may be a small amount of homework for those newer to the concepts taught, but plenty of support to help you through it!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Do I need my own laptop? A: Yes, you will need to provide your own laptop.

Q: I won't be able to attend all of the classes. Should I still register? A: Since there are only 6 classes, missing one could cause you to get behind in the material. If you have questions about this we’re happy to answer on a case by case basis by emailing [email protected].

Q: The dates offered don’t fit my schedule, will there be more classes offered in the future? A: Yes, we’re regularly posting new class dates. Typically we offer 2 start dates per month.

Q: I registered for the class but can’t find the confirmation email. A: Feel free to email [email protected] and we’ll confirm the order came through properly.

Contact Info: Please feel free to contact us with questions and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can! Phone: (503) 444-8836 E-mail: [email protected]

[Programming 101] Nov 3rd - Dec 12th
PDX Code Guild

Transform Your Career

Whether you’re seeking a job in tech or preparing to launch your own business, PDX Code Guild will give you the skills you need to achieve your goals.

Creating incredible projects starts with learning the fundamentals of programming languages. By the end of this 2-week course, you’ll be writing your first python programs and have a basic understanding of various data types. This is the perfect opportunity for those preparing to start the Full Stack Bootcamp, or those considering applying for the program.

About the Course Location: PDX Code Guild campus: 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, Portland, OR 97201 Start date: October 22nd Cost: $15.00 Class Dates: Tues, Wed, Thurs: October 22nd, 23rd, 24th Mon, Tues, Wed: Oct 28th, 29th, 30th (No class on Thurs 10/31) Time: 6:30-9:30pm

What to bring: Bring your laptop pre-loaded with the following programs: Python 3.6 or 3.7 ( Atom (

What to expect in terms of workload: Most students can get everything done in class. There may be a small amount of homework for those newer to the concepts taught, but plenty of support to help you through it!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Do I need my own laptop? A: Yes, you will need to provide your own laptop.

Q: I won't be able to attend all of the classes. Should I still register? A: Since there are only 6 classes, missing one could cause you to get behind in the material. If you have questions about this we’re happy to answer on a case by case basis by emailing [email protected].

Q: The dates offered don’t fit my schedule, will there be more classes offered in the future? A: Yes, we’re regularly posting new class dates. Typically we offer 2 start dates per month.

Q: I registered for the class but can’t find the confirmation email. A: Feel free to email [email protected] and we’ll confirm the order came through properly.

Contact Info: Please feel free to contact us with questions and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can! Phone: (503) 444-8836 E-mail: [email protected]

Oct 21, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 22, 2019
[Programming 101] Oct 22nd - Oct 30th
PDX Code Guild

Transform Your Career

Whether you’re seeking a job in tech or preparing to launch your own business, PDX Code Guild will give you the skills you need to achieve your goals.

Creating incredible projects starts with learning the fundamentals of programming languages. By the end of this 2-week course, you’ll be writing your first python programs and have a basic understanding of various data types. This is the perfect opportunity for those preparing to start the Full Stack Bootcamp, or those considering applying for the program.

About the Course Location: PDX Code Guild campus: 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, Portland, OR 97201 Start date: October 22nd Cost: $15.00 Class Dates: Tues, Wed, Thurs: October 22nd, 23rd, 24th Mon, Tues, Wed: Oct 28th, 29th, 30th (No class on Thurs 10/31) Time: 6:30-9:30pm

What to bring: Bring your laptop pre-loaded with the following programs: Python 3.6 or 3.7 ( Atom (

What to expect in terms of workload: Most students can get everything done in class. There may be a small amount of homework for those newer to the concepts taught, but plenty of support to help you through it!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Do I need my own laptop? A: Yes, you will need to provide your own laptop.

Q: I won't be able to attend all of the classes. Should I still register? A: Since there are only 6 classes, missing one could cause you to get behind in the material. If you have questions about this we’re happy to answer on a case by case basis by emailing [email protected].

Q: The dates offered don’t fit my schedule, will there be more classes offered in the future? A: Yes, we’re regularly posting new class dates. Typically we offer 2 start dates per month.

Q: I registered for the class but can’t find the confirmation email. A: Feel free to email [email protected] and we’ll confirm the order came through properly.

Contact Info: Please feel free to contact us with questions and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can! Phone: (503) 444-8836 E-mail: [email protected]

Oct 28, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Nov 4, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

PDX Code Guild November Info Night
PDX Code Guild

PDX Code Guild is hosting an info night for those who are curious or want to learn more about our program. Meet with our director, instructor, graduate or current students to get a better understanding of the program and to have any of your questions answered!

All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served.

For more information please check out our website:

Follow us on social media for any updates: @pdxcodeguild

Nov 13, 2019
PDX Code Guild November Info Night
PDX Code Guild

PDX Code Guild is hosting an info night for those who are curious or want to learn more about our program. Meet with our director, instructor, graduate or current students to get a better understanding of the program and to have any of your questions answered!

All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served.

For more information please check out our website:

Follow us on social media for any updates: @pdxcodeguild

Nov 18, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Dec 2, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Dec 9, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Dec 16, 2019
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jan 6, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jan 13, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jan 20, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

PDX Code Guild January Info Night
PDX Code Guild

Please register on eventbrite!

PDX Code Guild is hosting an info night for those who are curious or want to learn more about our program. Meet with our director, instructor, graduate or current students to get a better understanding of the program and to have any of your questions answered!

All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served.

Parking is free! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

For more information please check out our website:

Follow us on social media for any updates: @pdxcodeguild

Jan 27, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 3, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 5, 2020
Student Capstone Demo Day
PDX Code Guild, Mt. Hood

Join us for our graduating cohort's presentations of their full-stack web application.


The Capstone is a full-stack application that touches on every major technology we cover at PDX Code Guild: Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Django.

A Capstone provides both a practical application of web development concepts and skills and is the perfect start to a professional development portfolio!

Date: February 5, 2020

Time: 12:50 PM - 4:00 PM

Location: PDX CODE GUILD, 2828 SW Corbett Ave, Portland, OR 97201

Mt Hood, RM #204

Feb 10, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 17, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Feb 24, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 2, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 9, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 16, 2020
REMOTE ONLY! ZOOM LINK TO BE POSTED BEFORE MEETING! Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!


Zoom link:

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 23, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

NOTE - We are conducting the meetup remotely using Zoom and are discontinuing in-person meetings until further notice.

Zoom meeting:

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Mar 30, 2020
REMOTE: Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
REMOTE - PDX Code Guild

While the covid-19 shelter-in-place order is active the meetup will be remote via Zoom.

Zoom Meeting ID: 505-404-923

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome!

Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome!

This week we will do introductions at 6:00 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 6, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
REMOTE - PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 13, 2020
REMOTE: Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
Zoom Meeting ID: 505-404-923

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Apr 20, 2020
REMOTE: Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

May 4, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

May 11, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

PDX Code Guild May Info Night
PDX Code Guild

PDX Code Guild is hosting an info night for those who are curious or want to learn more about our program. Meet with our director, instructor, graduate or current students to get a better understanding of the program and to have any of your questions answered!

All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served.

For more information please check out our website:

Follow us on social media for any updates: @pdxcodeguild

May 18, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jun 1, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jun 8, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jun 15, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Jun 22, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Jun 29, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Jul 6, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Jul 13, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jul 20, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Jul 27, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Aug 3, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Aug 10, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Aug 17, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Aug 24, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Aug 31, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Sep 14, 2020
Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Sep 21, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Sep 28, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 5, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 12, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 19, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Oct 26, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Nov 9, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Nov 16, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Nov 30, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Dec 7, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Dec 14, 2020
[REMOTE] Open Source Peer Mentoring (Monday Python, for Python JavaScript, Django, React and all open source)
PDX Code Guild

RSVP on Meetup to receive the Zoom link!

We normally have 12- 24 attendees - some people register on Meetup, others show up every week or see the event on Calagator. All are welcome. Pizza and beverages are served. Parking is free!

Bring your laptop. Learn and/or share your existing knowledge with others. This group focuses on Python, Django, JavaScript, jQuery, SQL, CSS and HTML. Other languages are welcome.

This week we will do introductions at 6:20 then pair up mentors and learners and/or work on projects.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

This event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programming, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Free parking! Save this number in case you need help finding us: (541) 602-6215 We are at 2828 SW Corbett Ave #208, inside the Portland State Business Accelerator, and near the International School.

Dec 17, 2020
How to Build a Single-Page Todo List with Django and Vue
PDX Code Guild

Learn how to build a todo list as a single page application (SPA) from scratch using Django, Vue, Axios, and Bootstrap. No prior knowledge is required, but basic knowledge of these four libraries will help clarify things. Django: Vue: Axios: Bootstrap: (only 3 links allowed in description ;), check out the meetup page for more) Presented by PDX Code Guild Instructor Matthew Cooper

May 18, 2023
PDXPUG MeetUp: Django and Postgres
PDX Code Guild

Getting started with Django is a delight. However, as your application grows, that sqlite database you start with can become a limitation. We are going to look at how to wire up a new Django project to Postgres, and we will talk about some of the neat features in Postgres and Django that you can utilize including JSON, UDFs/procs, and extensions to name a few.

Hopefully you can pick a few ideas, or even share your own with the group. This talk is for all levels of experience from “I just heard about Django” to “We run production Django”, from “oh Postgres, that’s the elephant one right?” to “Ask me anything about Postgres”.

We will also have zoom link available closer to the presentation date if you want to attend remotely. Sign up on MeetUp for this notification:
