Viewing 0 current events matching “mapping” by Location.

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Viewing 63 past events matching “mapping” by Location.

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Dec 30, 2014
Programming OS Web Spatio-temporal Mapping Visiualizations
Anna Bananas, St Johns

Programming OS Web Spatio-temporal Mapping Visiualizations: Tues, Dec 30, 7:00pm, Anna Bananas St Johns, 8716 N. Lombard, Portland, Oregon (back room). This month we will work with OpenStreetMap Data. We will use JOSM to edit OSM data and learn to download OSM data for use in our web visualizations.

NOTE: we have a new time ... we will begin at 7pm and go to 9pm. If you are late, come anyway. We will be in the back room mapping away :)

Jan 27, 2015
Programming Web Spatio-temporal Mapping Visiualizations
Anna Bananas, St Johns

Programming OS Web Spatio-temporal Mapping Visiualizations: Tues, Dec 30, 7:00pm, Anna Bananas St Johns, 8716 N. Lombard, Portland, Oregon (back room). This month we will continue to work with OpenStreetMap data and JOSM. We will edit OSM data and learn to download OSM data for use in our web visualizations.

May 27, 2015
Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations
Anna Bananas, St Johns

Programming OS Web Spatio-temporal Mapping Visiualizations: Tues, May 27, 7:00pm, Anna Bananas St Johns, 8716 N. Lombard, Portland, Oregon (back room). This month we will continue to work with OpenStreetMap data, editing in JOSM and downloading data to qgis and making a desktop map. We will then begin the process adding the data to a web visualization.

Mar 20, 2014
Anna Bannanas Cafe, St Johns

Tonight at MaptimeStJohns, we will review some compiled leaflet maps using several of the leaflet pluggins. We will go through some live custom examples using humangeo's dvf pluggin, we will use postgis and output geojson, geocsv and topojson to add to our leaflet maps, and also discuss some temporal mapping tools.

Bring your laptop with leaflet installed and a webserver available. Have a server scripting language such as php or python and postgressql/postgis installed. If you don't have a laptop, come anyway and you will be able to see these tools in action, as well as receive any materials handed out at the meetup. Bring a flash drive so you can take a copy of the data home.


Jun 24, 2014
Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations
Anna Bannanas Cafe, St Johns

This month at MaptimeStJohns, we will begin programming a basic web spatio-temporal visualization, bring a computer if you have one. Ill bring the js library files for leaflet and the various plugins we will be using. If you have a temporal dataset, bring it... Ill have a couple of datasets to choose from though. Our goal will be for everyone to create at least one temporal point visualizations. An example would be the point locations of where floods occurred with the location, size of flood and date of flood event. With this data we could create a temporal proportional symbol map. The user will be able to click on the locations for specific locations and also use a slider to see when and where floods occurred over time. Let's create some cool web map visualizations!

Jul 29, 2014
Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations
Anna Bannanas Cafe, St Johns

Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations, MapTimeStJohns, Tue, July 29, 7:30pm to 9:00pm, Anna Bannanas coffee shop, 8716 N Lombard St, Portland. Let's get together and map :) (We meet in the back room)

In June, we worked on creating a basic static map of floods with custom icons showing the size of the floods (a proportional symbol flood map). We went through a demo for using a slider to add amimation to a map... using the flood data it would allow users to see where and when the floods appeared.

In July, I'll bring a completed example of a proportional symbol animated slider flood map that we will review. In addition, we will add one or two other techniques for developing spatio-temporal web visualizations (in leaflet and open layers). Then we will begin using Postgresql/postgis to setup spatial databases, populate them and perform spatial analysis operations.One of our long term goals will be to eventually use data from a spatial database in dynamic spatio-temporal visualizations.

In July, bring your computer. If you have time prior to the meeting, load postgresql/postgis version 9.1 or later onto your computer.

Programming Open Source Web Spatio-Temporal Mapping Visualizations, MapTimeStJohns, Tue, July 29, 7:30pm to 9:00pm, Anna Bannanas coffee shop, 8716 N Lombard St, Portland. 97203

Mar 19, 2011
CrisisCamp Strategy Session and OSM Editing for Sendai, Japan
Coalition Brewing

While there are many CrisisCamps around the globe for the Japanese relief effort, we will be having a small strategy session this Saturday to plan for a larger CrisisCamp track at the PDXOSGIS Unconference and Hackathon at the end of March. Some things we'll need to discuss are data sources, taxonomy (OSM presets for humanitarian relief), and coordination. There will be some editing so bring a laptop and be familiar with OSM (plenty of videos). 2724 SE Ankeny, Portland, OR, 97214

Sep 19, 2013
Cityscope presents Detour/Dérive
Dealers Supply Parcel 1 North

Six participants will present their findings from Detour/Dérive, an urban experiment presented by Project Cityscope, the non-profit organization of Works Partnership Architecture. The participants have engaged in separate walks by choosing a bus line to ride and getting off at a stop or stops they find intriguing. The task was to walk, document/record, and reflect within a 24-hour period. The aim of this project is to explore, project, and/or (mis)interpret narratives of the city that do not occur to us as critical to the urban landscape.

Apr 3, 2019
GeoDev Meetup Group - Oregon - Esri GeoDev Meetup - R&D Office (Biking!)
Esri Portland R&D Center

The Esri GeoDev Meetup is back again, and this time it is organized around a theme of biking! That means the intro, keynote, and lightning talks will all be focused on usages of GIS development within the context of biking and cycling.

Join us on Wednesday, April 3rd for this biking-themed meetup. Food and beverages will be provided.

This event is a social gathering for developers to discuss the latest in mapping, geo technology, geo services, web and mobile mapping apps, app design, map data or anything else related to solving real-world "geo/biking" problems.

Developers of all levels of expertise are welcome, from seasoned GIS professionals to those new to geospatial development.

Have you done research around or built a cool biking app recently that you'd like to show off? Submit a lightning talk! We'd love to see it!

• Meet fellow PDX techies.

• Show us what you got by demoing your application or framework.

• Make a name for yourself in presenting a cool new/interesting concept or idea.

• Impress others by sharing your experiences.

• Make BFFs for life by connecting with other developers!

• Win some cool Esri swag! (Mike and Eli are already hard at work conjuring up their best bike trivia.)

Here's what's on the agenda:

5:30 - 6:30 PM Registration and Social (Pizza and Beverages served)

6:30 - 7:30 PM Intro, Demo, and Keynote address

- Matthew Hampton of Portland Metro, "The History of Bike There! – Tyvek to Today"
- Christopher Moravec of Dymaptic, "AI Cycling Navigation: The Data and Beyond"

7:30 - 8:00 PM Lightning talks

8:00 - 8:30 PM Giveaway, Networking, and Social

A voucher for 1000 Service Credits will be given to everyone in attendance for their ArcGIS Online Developer Subscription

- There will be one giveaway of a DevSummit Registration for 2020.

Follow us on Twitter: @esrigeodev (

Oct 12, 2012
WhereCampPDX 5 Kickoff Party
Esri R&D Center (aka Geoloqi HQ)

IMPORTANT: Please register for FREE at

Join us for the Fifth Annual WhereCampPDX Kickoff Party this Friday at Geoloqi HQ. Beers and banter will be provided. With the growing numbers of geonerds this weekend, we're hoping to acquire more space just downstairs at either Lotus Room or Nedspace. Watch this space for details.

WhereCampPDX is a free, volunteer-created unconference for anyone interested in geography and technology. This year’s event will be happening October 12th-14th, with a full day of unconference sessions at Metro Regional Center on the 13th.

An unconference is a conference planned by the participants. We convene together, plan sessions, and break-out into the proposed session discussions and activities. This gives everyone an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most, and talk about emerging topics that are still new and exploratory. We value open participation, providing access to new voices, and lowering barriers to participation. As a result, the event is driven by the interests and talents of the participants.

To attend, you'll need to be signed up at by the party time!

May 24, 2017
Community Empowerment Through Mapping
Free Geek

Come learn how to find public data sets and collect spatial data in and with your community!

In the first half of the class, you will learn how to use Google Earth Pro, a free data mapping tool, as well as a few basic functions using the data analysis tool QGIS. We will also touch on methods and ethics in community data collection and display. The second half of the class will be a workshop for your ideas, so please come to class prepared with a community project idea which you are working on, or would like to work on using mapping tools.

Goal of class: By the end of this class, students will be able to: -create map surveys, create map objects (points, lines, polygons) on -visualize and add detail to inputs in Google Earth Pro -add data layers to a map, perform spatial join, and modify data table in QGIS -They will know where to find public data sets, and how to make their own -They will also be briefed on community data collection practices, and honest and ethical data collection and distribution. -In workshop, we will provide some ideas on what data sets and data analysis tools would help them work on their project.

Feb 11, 2010
CrisisCampPDX & OpenStreetMap, Lunch Meetup: Lessons Learned from #cchaiti
Galleria Downtown Shopping Office Plaza

This meetup is intended to bring folks up to speed on what has been done for the OpenStreetMap mapping effort for CrisisCampPDX and other cities. We'll also have plenty of time to cover other OSM topics and future events.

Aug 7, 2019
BikeLoudPDX Mapping/Reporting Hack Night
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.)

Oct 3, 2019
BikeLoudPDX Mapping/Reporting Hack Night SE
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.) Look for some "activists" with computers or just shout "did anyone here report a pothole?"

Dec 5, 2019
BikeLoudPDX Mapping/Reporting Hack Night SE
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.) Look for some "activists" with computers or just shout "did anyone here report a pothole?"

Jan 2, 2020
BikeLoudPDX Mapping/Reporting Hack Night SE
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.) Look for some "activists" with computers or just shout "did anyone here report a pothole?"

Feb 6, 2020
BikeLoudPDX Mapping/Reporting Hack Night
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.)

Oct 1, 2019
BikeLoudPDX Mapping/Reporting Hack Night SW
Lucky Labrador Public House

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.) Look for some "activists" with computers or just shout "did anyone here report a pothole?"

Oct 9, 2019
BikeLoudPDX Mapping/Reporting Hack Night N
Lucky Labrador Tap Room

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.) Look for some "activists" with computers or just shout "did anyone here report a pothole?" Joint meeting with Portland Perl Mongers.

Oct 3, 2009
WhereCampPDX 2009: Sessions
Metro Regional Center

IMPORTANT: Please add yourself as an attendee for the unconference so we can plan accordingly.

WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”.

An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation – this event is free and it is driven by the participants.

Sep 25, 2010
WhereCampPDX 2010
Metro Regional Center

Please RSVP at

WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”.

An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation – this event is free and it is driven by the participants.

Oct 8, 2011
WhereCampPDX 2011
Metro Regional Center

WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”.

An unconference is a conference planned by the participants, we all convene together, plan sessions, and have break-outs into sessions. This gives everybody an opportunity to bring to the table the things that interest them the most and lets us talk about new topics that are still new and exploratory. Part of what is important to hearing new voices and getting new ideas is lowering barriers to participation – this event is free and it is driven by the participants.

Jul 14, 2022
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night - pdxreporter ride
on your bike

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month. (on bikes for pedalpalooza)


  • ride bikes to problem spots/intersections
  • report the issues in a constructive way
  • share tech + info

Users of all modes of transportation are welcome to participate / contact ewilhelm at pobox dot com or bikeloudpdx with questions or to arrange for a meetup if you're unable to join the start or have other mobility concerns with the ride.

Aug 11, 2022
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night - pdxreporter ride
on your bike

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month. (on bikes for pedalpalooza)


  • ride bikes to problem spots/intersections
  • report the issues in a constructive way
  • share tech + info meeting at the South end of the Blumenauer Bridge this month.

Users of all modes of transportation are welcome to participate / contact ewilhelm at pobox dot com or bikeloudpdx with questions or to arrange for a meetup if you're unable to join the start or have other mobility concerns with the ride.

Jun 8, 2023
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night - crash analysis ride
on your bike

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month. (on bikes for pedalpalooza)


  • ride bikes to problem spots/intersections
  • report the issues in a constructive way
  • share tech + info meeting at Broken Elevator Piazza on S Moody across from the bike valet / tram.

Users of all modes of transportation are welcome to participate / contact ewilhelm at pobox dot com or bikeloudpdx with questions or to arrange for a meetup if you're unable to join the start or have other mobility concerns with the ride. BikeLoud volunteers work to help the city reach our Climate Action goal of making 25% of trips by bike with a safe network for all ages and abilities.

Jul 13, 2023
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night - crash analysis ride
on your bike

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month. (on bikes for pedalpalooza)


  • ride bikes to problem spots/intersections
  • report the issues in a constructive way
  • share tech + info meet in the shade on the NW corner of SE 7th & Morrison.

Users of all modes of transportation are welcome to participate / contact ewilhelm at pobox dot com or bikeloudpdx with questions or to arrange for a meetup if you're unable to join the start or have other mobility concerns with the ride. BikeLoud volunteers work to help the city reach our Climate Action goal of making 25% of trips by bike with a safe network for all ages and abilities.

Aug 10, 2023
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night - crash analysis ride
on your bike

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month. (on bikes for pedalpalooza)


  • ride bikes to problem spots/intersections
  • report the issues in a constructive way
  • share tech + info meet at 16th & SE Clinton

Users of all modes of transportation are welcome to participate / contact ewilhelm at pobox dot com or bikeloudpdx with questions or to arrange for a meetup if you're unable to join the start or have other mobility concerns with the ride. BikeLoud volunteers work to help the city reach our Climate Action goal of making 25% of trips by bike with a safe network for all ages and abilities.

Sep 14, 2023
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night - crash analysis ride
on your bike

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month. (on bikes for pedalpalooza, and oops it's still summer until November? we'll see!)


  • ride bikes to problem spots/intersections
  • report the issues in a constructive way
  • share tech + info meet at SE 11th & Hawthorne

Users of all modes of transportation are welcome to participate / contact ewilhelm at pobox dot com or bikeloudpdx with questions or to arrange for a meetup if you're unable to join the start or have other mobility concerns with the ride. BikeLoud volunteers work to help the city reach our Climate Action goal of making 25% of trips by bike with a safe network for all ages and abilities.

May 21, 2020
BikeLoudPDX Mapping/Reporting Hack Night

Slow Streets Brainstorming 6-7pm

Maps + Data presentation, etc 7-8pm

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.)

Jun 11, 2020
BikeLoudPDX Mapping/Reporting Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.)

Jul 2, 2020
BikeLoudPDX Mapping/Reporting Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.)

Jul 9, 2020
BikeLoudPDX Mapping/Reporting Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.)

Sep 3, 2020
BikeLoudPDX Data/Mapping/Reporting Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.)

This month's topic is police traffic stops and related data.

stops data

2020 q1 /police/article/760977

2020 q2 /police/article/765015

traffic dashboard ("Download Open Data" link)

Nov 5, 2020
BikeLoudPDX Data/Mapping/Reporting Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.)

This month's topics include pdxreporter, openstreetmap, and other tools.

Dec 3, 2020
BikeLoudPDX Data/Mapping/Reporting Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.)

This month we'll be looking at jurisdictional boundaries and election results throughout the metro area. Bikeway connections to Beaverton, Lake Oswego, Gresham, etc all go through county and ODOT jurisdictions, leaving disjoint maintenance schemes, besides bike lanes that end at city limits. How are things changing and what can we do to engage regionally with people who want to ride and build a wider grassroots network?

Jan 7, 2021
BikeLoudPDX Data/Mapping/Reporting Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.)

This month we'll be looking at how to enable bikeway audits and organize BikeLoud subgroups around neighborhoods and/or bike routes. How can we use maps and tech to help connect people who ride on a segment with experienced activists?

Feb 4, 2021
BikeLoudPDX Data/Mapping/Reporting Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. We'll look at pdxreporter, 823-safe data, and other public data (orcycle,, etc.)

This month we'll continue looking at how to enable bikeway audits and organize BikeLoud subgroups around neighborhoods and/or bike routes. How can we use maps and tech to help connect people who ride on a segment with experienced activists?

Mar 24, 2021
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks.

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Apr 1, 2021
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks.

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Oct 7, 2021
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks.

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Nov 10, 2021
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks.

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Feb 10, 2022
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks.

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Mar 10, 2022
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.

March Agenda:

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Apr 14, 2022
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.

April Agenda:

  • video cameras and software for on-bike videos
  • new 311 system / pdxreporter issues
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

May 12, 2022
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


  • new 311 system / pdxreporter issues
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Oct 13, 2022
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


  • Wayfinding Report
  • Bicycle Node Network
  • pedestrian crash map
  • How will charter reform impact bike lane maintenance / pdxreporter vs calling your commissioner?
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Nov 10, 2022
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


  • Wayfinding Report Update?
  • pedestrian crash map
  • pdxreporter / storm drain data
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Dec 8, 2022
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


  • Wayfinding Report update?
  • PBOT's speed and traffic count data maps
  • pdxreporter / storm drain data
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Jan 12, 2023
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


  • Wayfinding Report update?
  • pdxreporter / fallen trees / storm cleanup data and policy
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Feb 9, 2023
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


  • snowplow and street sweeping maps
  • pdxreporter / 311 updates
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Mar 9, 2023
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


  • snowplow and street sweeping maps
  • pdxreporter / 311 updates
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Apr 13, 2023
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


  • Bike Bill lawsuit location research
  • pdxreporter / 311 open data
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

May 11, 2023
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


  • Bike crash report analysis tools
  • pdxreporter / 311 open data
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Nov 9, 2023
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates and open data / open government / open code folks to work on collaborative mapping and resolution of transportation safety issues. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


  • google map corrections, openstreetmap
  • Bike crash report analysis tools
  • pdxreporter / 311 open data
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Jan 11, 2024
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates to share tech info and work together toward a complete and sustainable bike transportation network for Portland. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


  • Traffic count + speed monitoring device presentation
  • Bike crash report analysis tools
  • pdxreporter / 311 open data
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Feb 8, 2024
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates to share tech info and work together toward a complete and sustainable bike transportation network for Portland. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


  • bike routing and map apps and APIs
  • pdxreporter / 311 open data
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Mar 14, 2024
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates to share tech info and work together toward a complete and sustainable bike transportation network for Portland. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


  • bike routing and map apps and APIs
  • pdxreporter / 311 open data
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Apr 11, 2024
BikeLoudPDX Hack Night

Join grassroots bicycle transportation advocates to share tech info and work together toward a complete and sustainable bike transportation network for Portland. Everyone is welcome whether you have years of programming / tech experience or just a few pictures of dirty bike lanes and broken sidewalks. Recurring meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month.


  • PBOT's maps of signs and traffic signals + striping
  • pdxreporter / 311 open data
  • whatever else folks are working on or asking about

This is an informal work session and hangout, discussion/questions and sharing tech knowledge to collaboratively build political power for safe streets and a complete bike transportation network that works for all people of all ages and abilities.

Jan 27, 2010
PDX Open Source Geospatial User Group

Monthly gathering of the Portland Open Source GIS user group. All are welcome to learn and share.

Parking is limited, but mass-transit is ample.

This month we're discussing the upcoming GIS in Action conference that has moved to a new venue at Portland State University. There are opportunities to present there.

Tentatively, there will be an introduction to GeoDjango along with some application demos. We'll then adjourn to a local boozery around 8 for more co-conspiring.

You can find out more and sign up for announcements by joining the google group pdx-osgis.

Oct 3, 2009
WhereCampPDX 2009: Dinner Hackfest
PIE: Portland Incubator Experiment

IMPORTANT: You must RSVP and pay for the Saturday dinner if you want to eat, but you're welcomed to hack with us even if you don't buy dinner.

WhereCampPDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks "where am I" or feels the need to "know their place".

Bring your laptop and a project to work on if you have one, or come and see what other people are doing. Hint: Friday and Saturday both have ample opportunities to scout out hacking ideas.

Jul 22, 2008
Open Street Map Mapping Party
  • When: 22 July 2pm
  • Where: 635 NE Going Street @ 7th
  • After: Retire to local bar (TBA)
  • Contact Steve (650) 995 6329

We run mapping parties which are events where anyone can come along, we lend a GPS and show you how to go out and do some mapping and get the data in to openstreetmap. We have one coming up in Denver 19/20 July. They are informal events with no explicit time commitment and often a social element / beer afterward.

Click the link for more details.

About OpenStreetMap:

OpenStreetMap creates and provides free geographic data such as street maps to anyone who wants them. The project was started because most maps you think of as free actually have legal or technical restrictions on their use, holding back people from using them in creative, productive, or unexpected ways.

Sep 27, 2013
WhereCamp Opening Party
Temboo / NXT Studios

Come meet fellow geo enthusiasts and get excited for Saturday's unconference sessions at WhereCamp!

Nov 18, 2008
WhereCamp PDX Meetup
White Eagle Saloon

The big event is over, but that doesn't mean the WhereCamp fun has to end. Join us for a casual evening of geo-geekery over beer.
