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Viewing 51 past events matching “accessibility” by Date.

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Jul 14, 2011
PDXW&D: Accessibility on the Web

Accessibility on the web is an important, but often overlooked topic in web design and development. Making your website accessible and usable by people who are sight, hearing, or in other ways physically impaired can be a huge help to a large class of internet users. You may have done a little accessibility feature for ADA compliance, but beyond that, it's just the right thing to do, and isn't as difficult as you might think if you focus on accessibility from the start. We'll cover all sorts of accessibility, including designing for screen readers.

You won't want to miss this huge and interesting topic, and we're lucky to have two expert speakers on the topic: Winslow Parker and Lorelle VanFossen.

Winslow Parker is the Lead Adaptive Technology Specialist at the Oregon Commission for the Blind. Worked as adaptive technology trainer for 17 years. He's also worked in medical social work, pastoring and mental health fields. Winslow has been legally blind since age 20, and totally blind since age 50 (now 65). Married son and daughter; 2.1 grandchildren. He's been a Portland resident for 35 years, Oregon 37 years; also lived in Michigan, NYC and SanDiego. Bachelor’s degree in Theology; AA degree Mt Hood Community college in Computer Applications. He claims to spend way too much time using a computer and web (whatever!), and very much appreciates interest in making web pages accessible.

Lorelle VanFossen [bio coming soon]

Oct 17, 2014
CrowdSource Summit: A conference for emerging web professionals
through Red Lion Hotel on the River, Jantzen Beach

CrowdSource Summit, presented by the Higher Education Web Professionals Association, is a new conference for college and university students who want to explore the many possibilities that "working on the Web" encompasses.

We'll focus on the multidisciplinary nature of Web work, moving beyond the tools and the technology to look at the human side of creating online experiences. We'll look at the WHY.

Strong speakers

Session topics include accessibility, usability, user experience, mobile interfaces, content strategy and how the web is being used to conquer the digital divide.


Registration is only $50 and includes a t-shirt, a keynote, several really amazing sessions, and great networking opportunities. There are hotel rooms available to make attending the Saturday sessions easier!

Discounts available

Group discounts are available; email [email protected] for details.

Nov 13, 2014
***CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER***: UX Book Club PDX is talking about A Web For Everyone by Sarah Horton and Whitney Quesenbery


Come along and join us to talk about A Web For Everyone by Sarah Horton and Whitney Quesenbery, which is a very useful book on accessibility and universal design. Additionally, we're going to be joined by Whitney on Skype to discuss creating digital content for everyone, including people with disabilities. Accessibility is a huge subject, and one that is frequently overlooked by designers and developers, even though there are laws covering the rights of people (for example, employees and members of the public) to be able to access information.

Come along with any of your team to discuss the important topic of accessibility and how it's not something you tack on at the end of a project, but something that can improve the usability of a product for everyone.

For information on where to buy the book, and a limited-time 30% discount code, see the post in our Google Group.

If you haven't finished reading the book, please still come along and join in the conversation.

Mar 3, 2015
UX Book Club PDX is talking about A Web For Everyone by Sarah Horton and Whitney Quesenbery

Come along and join us to talk about A Web For Everyone by Sarah Horton and Whitney Quesenbery, which is a very useful book on accessibility and universal design. Additionally, we're going to be joined by Whitney on Skype to discuss creating digital content for everyone, including people with disabilities. Accessibility is a huge subject, and one that is frequently overlooked by designers and developers, even though there are laws covering the rights of people (for example, employees and members of the public) to be able to access information.

Come along with any of your team to discuss the important topic of accessibility and how it's not something you tack on at the end of a project, but something that can improve the usability of a product for everyone.

If you haven't finished reading the book, please still come along and join in the conversation.

Aug 4, 2015
Building the Accessibility Roadmap

I know, I know. Accessibility seems like a thing that we should do... but it's sometimes uncomfortable to talk about and it feels like there aren't that many people who need it anyway... right?

Wrong. About 1 in 5 Americans reports that they have some kind of disability - from hearing impairment, vision impairment, mobility issues to mental disabilities and more. What does this mean for you and your company? It means that if you're not creating sites, services, and products with this group of people in mind, you're letting go of a multi-billion dollar market share. It also means that you're missing opportunities to be innovative leaders in your space. It also - finally - means that you're about to be breaking the law. Did you know that companies like Target and Netflix have been successfully (and expensively) sued for failure to create and maintain accessible sites? Well, they have. And we don't want that for you.

We're putting on a seriously hands-on workshop to help people from all ends of all companies think about this topic. Building the Accessibility Roadmap is a hands-on workshop. It is not a panel, or a lecture, or a networking schmooze event. You will leave with a real plan that you can implement. If you, your department, or company is ready to start thinking about the "accessibility question" - whether because it's the right thing to do or because it's the law - this workshop is designed to take you through our proprietary tool and roadmap system that points the way forward. You'll leave with actionable tasks, not just ideas or theory.

When: Tues. Aug 4th at 6-8:30pm Where: 52 LTD Who: Anyone interested in learning more about actionable accessibility

If you're ready to start planning AND doing, this workshop is for you. We'll cover a bit about the law, but the workshop is really geared toward helping you develop a real plan and approach for creating your company's accessibility roadmap.

Oct 12, 2015
a11y Working Group: Gitbook Part II

Didn't make it to part I? That is ok - come along anyway! At our September meetup, we started our open-source accessibility planning guide, using Gitbooks. We defined the goal of the book as a concise guide for decision-makers in companies making software applications. We roughed out chapters and each took one (see book for details on page one of each chapter).

Our first milestone will be a chapter draft from each of us by the November meetup, when we will work on it more. Gitbooks enables anyone to write and design lovely books with as much public collaboration as they wish.

Oct 26, 2015
PDXAUX Guest Presenter: Gian Wild on Mobile Accessibility

Join us at Puppet Labs for a presentation by Gian Wild on how to make your mobile sites accessible. You want to make sure your desktop site is fully accessible but now it is perhaps more important to make sure your mobile site or responsive web site is fully accessible to people with with disabilities. Many people with disabilities prefer using a mobile device to the desktop. WCAG2 was written before mobile devices were ubiquitous, and there are some accessibility issues unique to the mobile format, such as lack of keyboard, lack of mouse hover and reduced screen size. Gian will be talking about the most common problems and how you can avoid them.

More about Gian Wild:

Gian Wild is the CEO of AccessibilityOz an Australian company that is expanding into the U.S. Market. Gian has worked in the accessibility industry since 1998 and consulted on the development of the first Level AAA accessible web site in Australia. She ran the accessibility consultancy PurpleTop from 2000 to 2005 and built the accessibility tool, PurpleCop. Gian Wild spent seven years on the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group and contributed to the W3C Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group and the W3C Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines Working Group. She spent six years contributing to the development of WCAG2. In addition to her accessibility work, Gian is often asked to judge the accessibility aspect of web awards, having previously judged the Web Directions McFarlane Award, been the Accessibility Judge for FullCodePress (build a web site in a day) twice and has been the Accessibility Judge for the Australian Web Awards three years running.

Soft drinks provided by Puppet Labs.

The Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup will address how to incorporate accessibility and universal design principles into project planning, user research, and UX evaluation. The purpose of this meet up is to host an ongoing conversation about how to design and build tools that are inclusive to the greatest number of people possible - meaning those with and without (dis)abilities.

We intend to discuss topics related to accessibility policy and regulations, incorporating people with disabilities into an iterative project lifecycle, how to conduct UX research with diverse populations, automated and manual tools for UX evaluation, building accessibility into company policy and practice, and much more!

A UX Universal and Inclusive Design meet up is timely as we see the Dept. of Justice handing down ruling after ruling requiring digital products and services to be accessible (i.e. Netflix, Redbox, Target, etc...). This meet up will provide a much needed resource for Portland based companies and individuals interested in accessibility, universal design, and inclusive design.

Oct 27, 2015
eBay Tech Tuesdays: "Music + Tech + Accessibility = Love"
eBay Community Lounge

October's Tech Tuesday will be incorporating three of our favorite things: music, tech, and accessibility, into one evening – and we are so excited.

October's Tech Tuesday will be incorporating three of my favorite things: music, tech, and accessibility, into one evening – and we are so excited!

We recently had the pleasure of being introduced to Myles de Bastion, Founder and Executive Director of CymaSpace. CymaSpace is a non-profit technology incubator and performance venue in SE Portland that’s using cymatic technology to do some very cool stuff with the performing arts and accessibility.

Cymatics is the science of wave phenomena (especially sound wave phenomena) and their visual and tactile representations.

We found Myles to be incredibly inspiring and motivational, and were absolutely thrilled when he agreed to participate in this month’s Meetup. He’ll be sharing his personal experience with hearing impairment, the motivations and passions behind CymaSpace, and the technologies being developed there.

There will be demos of CymaSpace’s hardware and software technologies during Myles’ presentation. The demos will include an acoustic singer/songwriter performing original songs, accompanied by a Certified Deaf Interpreter performing interpretive ASL, and a musical duo playing various instruments to demonstrate a full range of sonic frequencies translated into light.

If we’re lucky, there will be some other cool demo surprises as well.

This event is all-ages and with ASL interpreters for both the verbal presentation and demos, it is designed to be fully accessible to the Deaf community. As always, our Meetup is open to the public, so please spread the word.

As usual, doors open at 5:45pm and the presentation starts at 6:30pm. We expect this one will run a little longer than usual, though, ending closer to 8:15ish.

More about CymaSpace:

CymaSpace’s mission is to make the performing arts more accessible and inclusive to Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities by supporting research and development of new and emerging cymatic technology, hosting workshops and forums, and supporting an in-house team of tech innovators.

CymaSpace also presents live performing arts events enhanced by specialized equipment and installations which translate audio information into sight (light) and touch (vibration).

RSVP now and we'll see you on the 27th!

Dec 15, 2015
PDXAUX Happy Hour
Green Dragon Bistro & Brew Pub

Help us close out the year at the patio of Green Dragon for happy hour to network and discuss accessibility and the user experience!

The Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup will address how to incorporate accessibility and universal design principles into project planning, user research, and UX evaluation. The purpose of this meet up is to host an ongoing conversation about how to design and build tools that are inclusive to the greatest number of people possible - meaning those with and without (dis)abilities.

We intend to discuss topics related to accessibility policy and regulations, incorporating people with disabilities into an iterative project lifecycle, how to conduct UX research with diverse populations, automated and manual tools for UX evaluation, building accessibility into company policy and practice, and much more!

A UX Universal and Inclusive Design meet up is timely as we see the Dept. of Justice handing down ruling after ruling requiring digital products and services to be accessible (i.e. Netflix, Redbox, Target, etc...). This meet up will provide a much needed resource for Portland based companies and individuals interested in accessibility, universal design, and inclusive design.

Feb 21, 2017
PDXAUX Accessibility & technology: demo and discussion with vision-impaired users

PDXAUX learns from Angel Chesimet and other blind end users while they demonstrate how they use every day technology, including websites, phones, apps, etc. They will discuss what works for them and what doesn't.

Demonstrations of use of screen readers, braille display, texting, gps, apps, OCR readers and applications, and everyday uses.

We will begin the evening with social time and then the presentation at 7pm so there is plenty of time for Q&A, discussion and a bit of networking/wrap-up at the end.

Apr 11, 2017
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup - Accessibility for Developers with Joe & Bruce

Let's follow the life cycle of an accessibility bug. Joe Watkins will guide us on a developer-oriented exploration of how these bugs hatch, mature, multiply, and — most importantly — how these pesky critters can be squashed. Come join in the moderated Q&A.

We will begin the evening with social time and then the presentation at 6:30 so there is plenty of time for Q&A, discussion and a bit of networking/wrap-up at the end.

Presenter: Joe Watkins is an Accessibility Consultant with Simply Accessible. Joe has a passion for the web and working with others to make it more usable for everyone.

Moderator: Bruce Elgort is an instructor in the web development program at Clark College. He emphasizes accessibility from day 1 in all of his classes. Bruce is also a low vision user who himself relies on accessibility with his day-to-day activities.

Jun 13, 2017
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDXAUX) - Collaborate with us on our open source project!

We’re having a work sprint with accessibility in mind. Come share your knowledge!

We are compiling a guide to help ourselves and others bring websites and web and mobile apps to an accessible state. We will have fun and interactive exercises, plus some individual tasks for people to work on.

How will the session work?

Bring a laptop, log in to the gitbook, and add a chapter!

Pick a topic you know and share tips,

Tell a story about your experiences - good and bad - with bringing accessibility to the products you work on, or pick an aspect of implementing accessibility that has puzzled you (like, accessible alert colors), do a little research online and share your results!

What this is:

Shared perspectives, stories and tips from all parts of an organization - UX, development, product and others

What this is not:

A replacement for WCAG AA guidelines

Aug 15, 2017
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDXAUX) - Plain Language & Accessibility with Whitney & Katney

Plain Language is important for content creators, but it applies to UXers and developers, as well. At first glance, Plain Language is about making content more accessible to people with traumatic brain injury, cognitive impairments, dyslexia, etc. But Plain Language is about more than reaching people with medical disabilities. 

Plain Language is about getting your message through to people who aren’t good readers, people who need glasses but don’t have them for a variety of reasons, rushed readers who are skimming content on their mobile phones, etc. Committing to Plain Language means you are writing so that everybody has a fighting chance! 

Tonight we are joined remotely by national speaker, Whitney Quesenbery, and in person with Portland expert, Katney Bair, as they share their expertise. Join us and learn techniques for how to clarify your writing! 


• 6:00 gather/networking

• 6:30 presentation begins

• Katney will start us off by looking at what is Plain Language, exploring the business side and the numbers.

• Whitney will share her experience including usability testing with Plain Language. 

• 8:00 presentations wrap-up, time for Q&A and conversation

• 8-8:30 closing/networking

Katney Bair

Katney is the principal consultant at Pretty Plain, a communications company specializing in public information. Pretty Plain's communication services combine copywriting, graphic design and project management. Clients include government agencies, medical centers, health insurance companies, small businesses, public schools, universities and non-profit organizations. Katney’s deep experience in all areas of marketing and communications, along with her Plain Writing expertise, help her craft clear messaging that effectively reaches different groups across different platforms. 

Whitney Quesenbery

Whitney has written three books - A Web for Everyone, Storytelling for User Experience, and Global UX - to help practitioners keep users in mind throughout the creative process.  Whitney’s work in Plain Language started with the guide to the first LaserJet 4 and has continued through projects at organizations like the National Cancer Institute and The Open University in the UK. Now, most of her work aims to help voters understand how to participate in democracy from options for voting to making decisions about ballot choices. Maybe the right to understand is a civil right!

CrowdCompass is our event host, review their accessibility information and let us know if you have questions! 

Oct 11, 2017
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDXAUX) - Accessible Technology in Higher Education
CrowdCompass by Cvent

Millions of individuals interface daily with colleges and universities throughout the Northwest region, as students, employees, and members of the public. Thousands of these individuals have disabilities that impact the tools and methods they use for accessing websites and information technologies.

How are colleges and universities in Portland and throughout the Northwest region handling this challenge? What strategies are they employing internally and through procurement to ensure their websites and information technologies are accessible? What can the rest of us learn from higher education's examples?

At the October meetup, we will explore these questions including strategies for getting buy-in. Terrill Thompson from University of Washington, Kaela Parks from Portland Community College, Emiluz Lopez from CollegeNET and Gabriel Merrell from University of Oregon will share their strategies, stories and experiences in an informal conversation about IT accessibility in higher ed.

CrowdCompass is our event host. They are graciously providing refreshments for this event! Review their accessibility information and let us know if you have questions.


• 6:00 gather/networking

• 6:30 panelists share their experience

• 8:00 time for Q&A and conversation

• 8-8:30 closing/networking

Our panelists:

Terrill Thompson - University of Washington

Kaela Parks - Portland Community College

Emiluz Lopez - CollegeNET

Gabriel Merrell - Oregon State University

See our Meetup page for bios on all of our presenters.

Dec 5, 2017
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDXAUX) - End of Season Happy Hour & Brainstorm Session
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Join us at the Lucky Labrador Brew Pub on Hawthorne where we will gather to share our accessibility successes and challenges of the year and to brainstorm what kinds of topics the group is interested to see presented in 2018. 

Are you interested in helping keep our group going? We have grown a lot over the past couple years and could use your help in 2018 to help us coordinate behind the scenes. Please introduce yourself if you are interested in helping out!

Jan 9, 2018
Inclusivity in Design Thinking Workshop - Portland Community Design Thinkers / Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup
WeWork Custom House

In this hands-on workshop, you’ll practice using design thinking methods to empathize with a wider group of users, and develop solutions that work better for everyone. Universal design is an approach where a primary requirement of any design is that all its users can access it, regardless of any physical or cognitive impairment they may have. It's also known as 'inclusive' or 'accessible' design. We’ll start with a short overview of how universal design can combined with design thinking to quickly deliver valuable insights during the design process. This will be an easy, fun, and very interactive introduction to combining universal design and design thinking methods!

Light refreshments will be provided.

Portland Community Design Thinkers and Portland Accessibility and User Experience are excited to partner to bring you this meetup. This event will be limited to 40 participants - if your plans change, please update your RSVP.

We look forward to having you join us in our first meetup of the new year!

Mar 6, 2018
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDXAUX) - Why everybody hates forms

More and more UX designers are looking to inclusive design solutions as the foundation for their accessibility strategy. A ubiquitous screen UI component is the form. Yet, far too often, using forms is a frustrating experience, for users at any point on the ability spectrum.

Join us for an in-depth look at form design to help you better understand the issues with forms in general, and the extra hurdles they represent when examined from an accessibility viewpoint.

Our guest speaker, Gerry Gaffney, leads Information & Design, a usability consultancy in Melbourne Australia. He runs the User Experience podcast (, and is co-author with Caroline Jarrett of "Forms That Work."

Doors open at 5:30 for networking and snacks.
We'll begin Gerry's presentation at 6PM.

Mar 7, 2018
Digital Undergrounds: Tools for Radicals and Futurists
People's Food Co-op

We hear a lot about the entrepreneurs, engineers, and companies that shape the digital landscape. But what about the communities that radicalize and transform the world, enacting power from below, using digital technology?

With a series of guest speakers and artists from Portland’s tech and creative scene, we will examine:

  • The question of digital globalization and the emergence of tech in Africa, Latin America, and in indigenous communities.
  • What it means to be an engineer: How do gender, race, and place affect who is recognized as such, and who is not?
  • The relationship of Black aesthetics, girl culture, and the global arts to the digital world, which draws heavily from this creativity in form and content.
  • Ways to advocate for distributing digital resources to marginalized groups in the Portland area and beyond.

Instructor: Ali Colleen Neff, Ph.D. is a digital anthropologist, UX researcher, and the founder of CultureEncode, a center for advocacy and consulting for digital diversity.

Learn more and sign up here:

May 6, 2018
Creating Digital Spaces Everyone Can Access (PUGS x UX Night School)
SE Uplift

This workshop provides an introduction to digital accessibility standards and practices and gives participants hands-on experience with assessing, testing, and implementing accessibility practices in the physical and digital realm.

We’ll start this workshop by talking about what accessibility entails: why it matters, and who is excluded when we don't adapt our online and physical spaces to account for varying ability levels. Then, we'll explore the business case for developing accessible technology. Isn't your business (your art project, your retail store) going to be more successful if everyone, regardless of their ability, can access and enjoy it?

Next, we’ll dive into the technical details with a straightforward overview of the latest accessibility standards (the new 2018 Revised 508 Standards, the first major update since 2001, and the W3 WCAG standards). Then, we’ll work in small groups to practice hands-on accessibility testing. Finally, we’ll reconvene, share our progress and findings, and develop plans for implementing accessible development in our day-to-day work.

Instructor: Amelia Abreu is a design researcher and the founder of UX Night School. She's worked with clients like Nike, Mozilla, Microsoft, and Intel. Before entering the industry, she did graduate research in Human Computer Interaction at the University of Washington.

May 8, 2018
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Fringe Accessibility Techniques (That Probably Shouldn't Be)

Join us to hear noted accessibility expert, Adrian Roselli, who will share his techniques for making web and mobile interfaces accessible.

This talk is a must-hear for developers and designers who care about enabling access to the interfaces they build to the widest spectrum of user abilities.

Adrian Roselli is a popular, erudite and entertaining speaker. If you've never heard him present, don't miss this chance!

We'll have snacks and networking at 5:30, talk at 6PM, with Q&A to follow.

Adrian Roselli has been developing accessible, effective user interfaces for the Web since 1993, as well as interfaces for multimedia and software applications. With a focus on standards and accessibility, Adrian ensures software and web-based applications can be utilized by users with varying levels of ability on a wide array of platforms.

Mr. Roselli served as an invited expert in the W3C HTML Working Group, the standards body responsible for developing HTML. He is now a full member of Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group, Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group, HTML Accessibility Task Force, and Web Platform Working Group (formerly the HTML Working Group).

Jul 10, 2018
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup - PDX A11y UX Social
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Time to chat about your favorite accessibility topics, meet new people and discuss what you'd like to learn about and do at next year's meetups!

A Housekeeping Update from Eliza:

PDXA11yUX started a fundraising effort last year and so far we have been able to raise $462.55 from members plus $500 in sponsorship funds from AccessibilityOz­. This was enough for us to open our own bank account and get serious about forming a partnership with CHIFOO. Now that is set, all contributions will be tax-deductible. Woohoo!

Next we will launch a sponsorship campaign will support sign language interpreters or CART at more of our events in the future. We are always open to ideas and suggestions for cash sponsors as well as volunteers who may like to work with Eliza on fundraising.

Please be in touch!

Sep 6, 2018
Affect Conf 2018
through University of Oregon Portland

Affect ("effect") is a 2-day conference featuring stories from multiply marginalized activists, creators, and technologists working towards systemic change. To pair words with action, we also partner with local nonprofits to create projects that attendees can dive into.

This year's topics:
The Future Is Accessible, Annie Segarra (keynote)

The Personal is Political #BeingBlackandMuslim, Aïdah Aliyah Rasheed

By and for Us: How Marginalized Communities Are Redesigning Sex Ed Online, Cameron Glover

Consensual Software: Prioritizing User Trust and Safety, Danielle Leong

Queering Mental Health: An Analysis on the Criminalization of Black People and Mental Health, Da’Shaun Harrison

Activism Is Not Accessible: How To Include Disabled and Chronically Ill Folks in Your Movement, Diane Murray

We the Dreamers, Heldáy de la Cruz

How Gabby Antonio is Smashing the Imperialist, White Supremacist, Capitalist Patriarchy, Luann Algoso

Patterns of Digital Gentrification, Lynn Cyrin

Is Wakanda Accessible? And Other Questions from the Intersection of Black Womanhood and Disability., Mallory Thomas

Grassroots Organizing Strategies for Healing Our Black Trans, Nonbinary & Queer Bodies, Neesha Powell-Twagirumukiza

Sep 11, 2018
Write the Docs PDX - Joint meetup with the Portland Accessibility and User Experience group
Jama Software (New office)

We'd like to welcome Portland Accessibility and User Experience group (@pdxa11yux) as we host a joint meetup/workshop for writing more inclusively.

We’ll share inclusivity guidelines and tips, then break into groups and apply and share what we’ve learned. Together, we’ll uncover solutions to make your writing more inclusive. Please bring any burning accessibility comments or questions and any samples of relevant work you'd be willing to share and discuss.

Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Writing for Inclusivity: A Co-Meetup with Write The Docs PDX
Jama Software (New office)

When you write microcopy or technical documentation, clarity and concision are top of mind. Adding inclusivity as another requirement will help you write better copy for all your readers.

Join us on September 11th for a co-meetup with Write the Docs PDX! We’ll share inclusivity guidelines and tips, and try them out in a group activity, using examples of your own works-in-progress! Together, we’ll find solutions to make your writing more inclusive.

Please bring work-in-progress from one of your current projects for the group activity.

Light refreshment provided. RSVP requested!

Nov 13, 2018
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Universal Design for Learning with Samantha Johns

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an environment-focused, sustainable lens to review interactions with students within campus and remove barriers.

In this session we'll discuss:

  • What is the need currently experienced by post-secondary education in matters of inclusion?
  • The changing landscape of access and inclusion in Higher Education.
  • how to encourage our own practice to recognize these areas of ‘tension’ in current approaches to access.
  • Explore o the definition and intentions of Universal Design for Learning.
  • Reflect on how UDL might meet the ‘needs’ being experienced in Higher Education for a rapid change in access practices.

Our Speaker: Samantha John is the Accessible Media Coordinator in the Office of Academic Innovation at Portland State University. She created a faculty professional development program that includes peer review of syllabi and course activities that incorporate UDL and accessibility publishing conventions. She also developed the UDL Media Lab at PSU where students with disabilities work to identify barriers in curriculum.

Samantha's passion for inclusion and diversity drive her study and presentation of UDL and universal access related issues in higher education.

Dec 13, 2018
PDXHCD Human-centered Community Gathering
Rogue Eastside Pub & Pilot Brewery

We're finishing out 2018 having collectively presented roughly 85 human-centered events. Let's celebrate with a Human-centered Community Gathering!

We’ll be joining Portland’s human-centered groups who are passionate about HCD principles and how they can change the way we work and live. You can RSVP with one of the groups listed below or the Count Me In button, here. This is an informal event so signing up is more about getting you a reminder in your email when you need it.

You’ll have an opportunity to:

  • Share insights with folks across the many fields that intersect in HCD in Portland
  • Shape this community by giving feedback on a few ideas we have been working on for 2019 on how to bring the human-centered communities closer together.

Some of the groups that will be there include:

  • Design Thinking For Social Impact
  • OpenIDEO - Portland Chapter
  • PDX Design Research Group
  • Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup
  • Portland Community Design Thinkers
  • Service Design PDX

We support introverts, extroverts, and everyone in-between at this event. Don’t be shy, or do — either way, join the fun and help shape our community!

This event is sponsored by PDXHCD. Want to know more about the human centered disciplines in Portland? Take a look at the event calendar at

Jan 14, 2019
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Learn and share: accessibility office hours and open forum

Come together for an evening of accessibility sharing and learning! We'd like to hear from you, whether you consider yourself a novice or an expert. Bring your questions, projects, and ideas to discuss as a group. We'll break into small groups if needed to cover different topics.

Mar 11, 2019
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Mindful Design: Accessibility for Mental Health

Apparently, you can download inner peace. There are countless applications that can put meditation in the palm of your hand, and allow a guru to live in your pocket. How is the technology that is supposed to balance us throwing the rest of our life into imbalance?

Enter mindfulness. A tenet of Eastern philosophies for centuries, now it’s a comprehensive inclusion in the therapeutic arsenals of therapist’s, psychologist’s, and psychiatrist’s toolkits.

Using mindfulness allows for awareness of the present moment through attention and non-judgement. But now, mindfulness can be used as an accommodation. This talk will show how people with disabilities fuse with technology and vice versa. This can be done as a great boon for a person’s mental health and wellness. Mindfulness is essentially vigilance before acting. It prevents against impulsive actions, and is a discipline of thought. It’s like taking that extra step before you buy junk food at grocery store while you’re hungry and asking, do I need this? But being mindful in technology design means a focus on the design that works for the person in the moment. Our presentation will focus on how accessible design can accommodate mental health disabilities. Instead of impulsively choosing accommodating or try to fit a square peg in a round hole, it’s changing a way of thought. This presentation will be focused around user empowerment, but also be a call to action for developers. Through case studies that we will present with actual data and use feedback, we’ll argue that being aware is crucial for technology, especially accessibility.

About Sharon Rosenblatt
Sharon Rosenblatt is an accessibility professional working to improve the overall experience by a user with disabilities. She has been a part of the Accessibility Partners team for the over eight years, and specializes in document remediation and web compliance testing. Her efforts have enabled developers and manufacturers to see the tremendous potential that accessibility has not just for users with disabilities, but of all abilities.

She is a strong advocate for abolishing the stigma of mental health and researching accomodations in the workplace to support a mental health diagnosis. With her enthusiasm highlighted in several publications like The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Fast Company, Information Week, CNN,, and more, Sharon enjoys participating in the constant dialogue between accessibility and innovation.

May 9, 2019
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Hands-on (or hands-free) with assistive technology at Community Vision's AT Lab
Community Vision Inc

Even for digital products and services, there is still always some kind of physical interaction. Whether it's by keyboard, touchscreen, voice, or something else, people choose a way to interact that works for them in their unique situation.

The Community Vision Assistive Technology (AT) Lab is a collaborative education and resource center that is open to the public. The Lab demonstrates a wide variety of AT, from Braille readers and browser extensions to voice-controlled lights and adaptive video game controllers. Community Vision will be hosting us for the night to learn about these tools and explore them firsthand.

5:30pm: Arrive and network
5:45pm: Introduction and guided tour
6:00pm: Open exploration of the lab, with AT Lab staff available for questions
6:30pm: Post-event socializing at a nearby location (TBA)

About Community Vision:
Community Vision's mission is to make Oregon a place where people with disabilities can live, work, and thrive in the communities of their choice. Community Vision takes a person-centered approach in providing quality supports tailored to the unique needs and wishes of each individual and family. Learn more at

Jul 9, 2019
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Summer Social
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

It's summer, so we're taking a break from presentations to have a casual accessibility social. Come out to chat about your favorite accessibility topics, meet new people, and discuss what you'd like to learn at future events.

Sep 9, 2019
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Accessibility testing with Natalia Voegele

Ever wonder about how to use and test all of the different accessibility tools and devices? Natalia Voegele will tell us all about her personal story, and how & why she got started with accessibility testing. She’ll give us a sample of different tools, from Android and iOS devices to Braille displays and Chromebooks. Learn about some of the common problems encountered while testing and what to do about them. We’ll also have some time for questions and hands-on work.

About the speaker, in her own words: I am Natalia Voegele. An ambitious, strong, 36-year-old woman who happens to be blind. I have always loved technology. In addition to working, passions of mine include mental health, the environment, reading, traveling, singing, cooking, baking and spending time with those I love. I am in the process of writing a book about my life and creating an album. Connect at

Note: If you have any accommodation requests, please contact us in advance of the event to discuss.

Nov 12, 2019
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Updating brand standards at scale with Francis Storr

Francis Storr ( will be sharing some of his accessibility knowledge with us. Full details coming soon!

Doors open at 5:30pm for socializing & snacks; presentation begins at 6:00pm.

Venue accessibility and accommodation requests:

Please review the accessibility information of the venue and let us know if you have questions! If you have any accommodation requests, please contact us in advance of the event to discuss.

Dec 11, 2019
HCD Holiday/2019 Wrap Party
WeWork - Custom House

We're finishing out 2019 having collectively presented roughly 85 human-centered events. Let's celebrate with a Human-centered Community Gathering!

Join Portland’s human-centered groups who are passionate about HCD principles and how they can change the way we work and live.

You’ll have an opportunity to: Meet and share insights with folks across the many fields that intersect in HCD in Portland

Shape this community by giving feedback on a few ideas we have been working on for 2020 on how to bring the human-centered communities closer together.

Some of the groups that will be there include:

  • OpenIDEO - Portland Chapter
  • PDX Design Research Group
  • Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup
  • Portland Community Design Thinkers
  • Service Design PDX
  • UX Book Club

Other Good Stuff

We'll be setting up until 5:30 or so. Doors open around 5:45.

The entrance on 7th Ave is ADA-compliant. If you have any accommodation requests, please email [email protected] in advance of the event to discuss.

We support introverts, extroverts, and everyone in-between at this event. Don’t be shy, or do - either way, join the fun and help shape our community!

This event is sponsored by Studio VO, Concrete, and WeWork Labs Portland. Thanks, y'all!

Want to know more about the human-centered disciplines in Portland? You're in the right place.

Jan 16, 2020
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) and Portland UX Writers - Accessible Microcopy

There’s a lot that goes into writing good microcopy for accessibility: Identifying what needs it, writing for something spoken aloud versus read silently, and finding a champion to help you develop it.

Join Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX, for a co-meetup with Portland UX Writers ( Kate Knappett and Josh Hetrick will share guidelines and tips and try them out in a group activity. Together, we’ll find solutions to make your writing more accessible and help you become an accessibility champion on your team.


  • 6:00-6:15 Networking, topic post-its, job opportunities, food, and drinks
  • 6:15-6:30 Presentation
  • 6:30-7:00 Panel Q&A and group activity
  • 7:00-7:30 Wrap-up

Food and drinks provided by Cvent, our host for the event. Attendance is capped and IDs required.

Venue accessibility and accommodation requests:

Please review the accessibility information of the venue and let us know if you have questions! If you have any accommodation requests, please contact us in advance of the event to discuss.

May 20, 2020
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Accessibility conferences recap

Springtime brings many annual events, including accessibility conferences! Even these days, events are still happening. Join us to hear about three recent events: CSUN Conference, HXD Conference, and AccessU. We'll have hosted presenters talking about their experiences, and will open the floor for others who attended to share their learnings as well.

Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking.

Online/call-in meeting info will be announced on Meetup.


  • 5:45–6:00pm Networking
  • 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements
  • 6:15-7:00pm Presentations
  • 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion
  • 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up

Accommodation requests: If you have any accommodation requests, please contact us in advance of the event to discuss.

Oct 13, 2020
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Senses Working Overtime: Equivalent experiences in data viz for accessibility

Curious about how to make rich data visualizations accessible? Doug Schepers will share some of his work on how to create equivalent data viz experiences.

Images, charts, and diagrams are an important part of the web, but often hide critical information from people with disabilities of vision, cognition, and others. But there are many ways to provide inclusive affordances that use other senses, especially hearing and touch, to convey complex information. This talk will explore some of the challenges and different methods to overcome them using advanced techniques like text equivalents, sonification, haptics and tactiles, and more.

Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking.

Online/call-in meeting info will be announced on Meetup.


  • 5:45–6:00pm Networking
  • 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements
  • 6:15-7:00pm Presentations
  • 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion
  • 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up

Accommodation requests:

If you have any accommodation requests, please contact us in advance of the event to discuss.

About the presenter:

Doug Schepers is the founder and director of Fizz Studio, an accessible data visualization startup in Chapel Hill, NC, USA. He develop his ideas and early prototypes for accessible charts while working with the accessibility community at W3C. As a developer who defined Web technologies and standards at W3C for a decade, he launched or worked on fundamental projects such as SVG (and the Accessible SVG Task Force), WebApps, Web Audio API, Touch Events and Pointer Events, Web Annotations, and many other technologies, as well as starting the W3C developer relations program. He believes in positive social change through building communities and interoperable open technology.

Mar 16, 2021
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Put the Law in your Pocket: Accessibility as a Human Right

Curious about what's happening in the digital accessibility legal space? Wonder why accessibility is even a legal issue to begin with? Lainey Feingold will bring us up-to-date about accessibility as a civil right and how advocates are using the law in the United States to advance disability inclusion by eliminating digital barriers. Come learn about pending accessibility lawsuits, what courts say about digital accessibility, and what strategies are available to advocates besides the confrontation and expense of a lawsuit. We'll also talk about the importance of avoiding fear when thinking about the law and what to expect from the Biden/Harris administration in the digital accessibility legal space. Plenty of time for questions and conversation.

Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking.


  • 5:45–6:00pm Networking
  • 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements
  • 6:15–7:00pm Presentation
  • 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion
  • 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up

About the presenter:

Lainey Feingold is a disability rights lawyer, an international speaker, and the author of Structured Negotiation, A Winning Alternative to Lawsuits. Structured Negotiation has a twenty-five year track record in resolving complex accessible technology claims without the expense and conflict of traditional litigation. Lainey has worked in the digital accessibility space since 1995 and helped negotiate the first web accessibility agreement in the United States in 2000. She also serves as the accessibility subject matter resource for Disability:IN, the leading business disability global inclusion non-profit organization. Lainey has spoken to #a11y and #UX meetups across the United States and in Toronto and is excited to join us in Portland! More about Lainey’s work on her website or follow her on Twitter.

May 11, 2021
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Whole-to-Part versus Part-to-Whole: How Sighted and Blind Web Navigation Differs

When loading a web page, a sighted page visitor can take in almost all information at a glance and home in on what they want to explore — a whole-to-part approach. A blind screen reader user, on the other hand, must reverse the process and gather bits of information through page exploration to create the full picture — a part-to-whole approach. If sighted design stakeholders are not mindful of the differences in these strategies, they may disregard helpful bits of information that allow the most efficient exploration and understanding for blind visitors. Using parallels from pedestrian navigation such as the importance of “landmarks” and “boundaries,” our presenter Dr. Michele A. Williams will help create common ground between sighted and blind communities to ensure blind screen reader users are best accommodated in Web and other digital design.

Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking.


  • 5:45–6:00pm Networking
  • 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements
  • 6:15–7:00pm Presentation
  • 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion
  • 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up

About the presenter:

Dr. Michele A. Williams has 15 years of academic and industrial experience in UX, accessibility, and technology. She is passionate about ensuring people with disabilities are not excluded from technology. Her well-rounded experience includes training, design consultation, field research with people with disabilities, and code remediation for building WCAG-compliant technology.

Dr. Williams holds a B.S. in Computer Science, Masters of Software Engineering with a concentration in Human-Computer Interaction, and PhD in Human-Centered Computing with a focus on accessibility. Along with industry project contributions, her research and designs have resulted in several cited publications, international presentations, and a patent application (see LinkedIn for more details).

Coupling her passion with her expertise, she now offers consulting services including accessibility training for UX professionals and key stakeholders, and project advising including research facilitation and design consultation. Contact her for a consultation experience tailored to your needs. More about Dr. Williams' work on her website or follow her on Twitter.

May 20, 2021
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Global Accessibility Awareness Day 10th Anniversary in Partnership with A11yBay

Join the Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup to celebrate the 10th Global Accessibility Awareness Day in partnership with the A11yBay community and many other partner Meetups!

May 20 marks the 10th Global Accessibility Awareness Day and we will be sharing our excitement by partnering with sister Meetup groups around the world. Our goal is to make this the largest Meetup on accessibility and inclusive design!


We'll open with word from A11yBay and a special guest appearance of GAAD Co-Founders Joe Devon and Jennison Asuncion. They will have an exciting announcement to make. We then will turn to our speakers. We have three confirmed now, with more to come.

Terri Rodriguez-Hong recently published "What it's like having a hidden disability in Silicon Valley" in Fast Company. She'll join us to reflect on the article and to have a discussion about her journey.

Deque System's Carie Fisher will present The Future of Accessibility is a "Choose Your Own Adventure" Book. The question Carie will address is: do designers and developers really think they can build an accessible experience for all - even though there are endless combinations of browsers, ATs, settings, and user preferences?

Our other confirmed speaker is Marc B.D. Greenberg. Robots are entering the public space and our lives more and more. In one form or another—from Roomba to Aibo and home, sidewalk, and in-store robots—they are getting designed and released into our lives and spaces. What accessibility considerations should be made and how can we get in front of that?


(subject to tweaking as May 20 grows near!)

  • 4:30 – 4:45 pm PT – Welcome from A11yBay and GAAD Co-Founders
  • 4:45 – 5:15 pm PT – Terri Rodriguez-Hong "Reflections and Discussion on What it's like having a hidden disability in Silicon Valley"
  • 5:15 – 5:55 pm PT – Carie Fisher's talk: "The Future of Accessibility is a 'Choose Your Own Adventure' Book"
  • 5:55 – 6:15 pm PT – Marc B.D. Greenberg's talk: "Robots and Accessibility"
  • 6:15 – 6:30 pm PT – Talk to be announced
  • 6:30 – 6:45 pm PT – Optional zoom break-out room socializing


• This is an online event and will happen through Zoom:

The Zoom URL will be published on this event page a few days before the meetup and shared via email (sent through meetup messages) with people who RSVP via the meetup site.

Check to make sure your email settings are enabled to receive "event updates from organizers" in your account settings or you may not receive the message.

• How socializing in zoom break out rooms will work:

We’ll use the zoom breakout rooms feature to give folks an opportunity to network and chat with others in small group conversations with randomized participants.

If you do not feel comfortable making conversation with other people during this meetup, we'll pause briefly after the main talk content so you can log off. Those who want to chat can just stay on the zoom!

• Zoom tips for controlling closed captions and screen reader alerts:

More details on our Meetup event page.

Sep 27, 2021
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Grass Roots Accessibility — How inclusive design is like starting a garden

How can employees at any level help companies embrace inclusive design? How can existing employees drive an organization towards more inclusive hiring?

At a young age, Janna realized that not everyone can access the world in the same way. Both through her own experience on and off crutches and her experience with a mixed hearing/deaf theater troupe, she gained a passion for making life accessible for all. This talk will focus on how to grow, and nurture, the practice of inclusion in your organization.


  • 5:45–6:00pm Networking
  • 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements
  • 6:15–7:00pm Presentation
  • 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion
  • 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up

About the presenter:

Currently a Manager of User Experience Research at Hinge Health, Janna C. Kimel has practiced design research for over 15 years. Her current role ensures that the organization's experiences are seamless and help participants build healthy habits for a pain free life. In her past 2 roles, she has also led employee ERGs focused on accessibility. Janna has focused on health technology and wearables over the course of her career. She has run her own small consultancy and has worked at Intel, Microsoft to Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield and Dexcom.

She has published and presented on accessibility, behavior change, user research and wearable technology. She is a ramblin' wreck with a master's degree in industrial design from Georgia Tech.

Jul 26, 2023
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) — Summer Social in the Park
Laurelhurst Park

Hello fellow PDXers! We have been dormant for a while, and want to gather for some networking and socializing this summer.

Join us on July 26th for a gathering at Laurelhurst Park, Picnic Area D near the intersection of SE Ankeny St & SE Cesar Chavez Blvd.

We'll provide some light snacks & beverages, but BYO is also encouraged.

A few rules from Portland Parks and Rec:

  • No smoking
  • Beer/wine only, no other alcohol
  • Clean up after ourselves

Accessibility Notes


  • Street parking
  • Paved pathway to play area
  • 250 feet to play area

Play Area

  • Engineered mulch surface
  • Ramp into play area

Play Equipment

  • Transfer station
  • Sensory play elements
  • Adapted high-back swing
  • Ramp onto play structure

Other Amenities

  • Accessible restroom
  • Accessible picnic table
Aug 20, 2023
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) — August Accessibility Happy Hour

Join us for a casual summer-end accessibility social. Chat about your favorite accessibility topics, meet new people, and discuss what you'd like to learn at future events.

Food and drinks are available to purchase from a variety of food carts. This event is no-host (each participant pays for their own food/drinks), but there's no obligation to buy something to attend.

Seating area and restrooms are wheelchair accessible, via side/rear entrance. Location is accessible by public transit from multiple nearby bus lines, there is bike parking out front, and street parking is available nearby.

See or call (503) 231-4333 for more details about Hinterland.

Sep 19, 2023
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Accessibility maturity models

As an accessibility professional, do you ever feel like you’re swimming against the tide as you try to make your company’s offerings more accessible? If so, you’re probably aware that the organization could be “better” with respect to accessibility, but you may have trouble identifying just what it would take to make real progress. Accessibility maturity models can help by providing objective assessment criteria and concrete steps for leveling up. In this talk, we’ll cover what is a maturity model, how they’ve been applied to accessibility, and strategies for getting started with your first assessment.

Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking.


  • 5:45–6:00pm Networking
  • 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements
  • 6:15–7:00pm Presentation
  • 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion
  • 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up

About the presenter

Andrew Hedges is a co-founder of Assistiv Labs, providers of a platform that simplifies manual testing of websites with assistive technologies. He is a longtime web developer having started building websites professionally in 1998. Soon thereafter he discovered this thing called accessibility and has been advocating for it ever since. Most recently, he led the design system team at Zapier where he was a major contributor to the company’s accessibility guild, including helping initiate Zapier’s first self-assessment of their digital accessibility maturity.

Accommodation requests

If you have any accommodation requests, please contact us in advance of the event to discuss.

Special thanks

Thank you to Assistiv Labs for providing tonight's Zoom hosting!

Oct 5, 2023
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Hands-on (or hands-free) with assistive technology at Community Vision's AT Lab
Community Vision Inc

Even for digital products and services, there is still always some kind of physical interaction. Whether it's by keyboard, touchscreen, voice, or something else, people choose a way to interact that works for them in their unique situation.

The Community Vision Assistive Technology (AT) Lab is a collaborative education and resource center that is open to the public. The Lab demonstrates a wide variety of AT, from communication devices and browser extensions to voice-controlled lights and adaptive video game controllers. Community Vision will be hosting us for the night to learn about these tools and explore them firsthand.

Note: The event is capped at 25 attendees; please RSVP on Meetup. Be sure you can attend in person; if your plans change, please remove yourself from attendance.


  • 5:30pm: Arrive and network
  • 5:45pm: Introduction and guided tour
  • 6:00pm: Open exploration of the lab, with AT Lab staff available for questions
  • 6:30pm: Post-event socializing at a nearby location (TBD)

About Community Vision

Community Vision's mission is to make Oregon a place where people with disabilities can live, work, and thrive in the communities of their choice. Community Vision takes a person-centered approach in providing quality supports tailored to the unique needs and wishes of each individual and family. Learn more at

Accommodation requests

If you have any accommodation requests, please contact us in advance of the event to discuss.

Dec 13, 2023
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) — Accessibility Winter Social
Victoria Bar

Join us for a casual year-end accessibility social. Chat about your favorite accessibility topics, meet new people, and discuss what you'd like to learn at events in the new year.

Food and drinks are available to purchase. This event is no-host (each participant pays for their own food/drinks), but there's no obligation to buy something to attend.

Location is wheelchair accessible, near public transit, and there is street parking for bikes and cars available nearby.

See or email [email protected] for more details about Victoria Bar.

Jun 20, 2024
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) — Summer Social in the Park
Laurelhurst Park

Hello fellow a11y PDXers!

Join us for a social gathering on Thursday, June 20th, at Laurelhurst Park, Picnic Area D, near SE Ankeny St and SE Cesar Chavez Blvd.

This is an opportunity to network, reconnect with old friends, or make new ones! Previous experience or accessibility knowledge is not required, but curiosity is welcomed. We'll provide some light snacks & beverages, but BYO is also encouraged.

A few rules from Portland Parks and Rec:

  • No smoking
  • Beer/wine only, no other alcohol
  • Clean up after ourselves

Accessibility Notes


  • Street parking
  • Paved pathway to play area
  • 250 feet to play area

Play Area

  • Engineered mulch surface
  • Ramp into play area

Play Equipment

  • Transfer station
  • Sensory play elements
  • Adapted high-back swing
  • Ramp onto play structure

Other Amenities

  • Accessible restroom
  • Accessible picnic table
Jun 27, 2024
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Design and Research Careers through a neurodiverse lens

Many neurodivergent professionals work in the fields of accessibility and user experience. Yan Vishnepolsky joins us today to discuss his career as a neurodiverse user researcher. He will talk about aspects like living abroad as a UX professional, launching a podcast, and the benefits and challenges of being neurodiverse in design tech.

Event begins at 6:00pm; join early starting at 5:45pm for networking.


  • 5:45–6:00pm Networking
  • 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements
  • 6:15–7:00pm Presentation
  • 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion
  • 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up

About the presenter

Yan's family knew from an early age that he was neurodiverse. As such, he attended BOCES Gifted Special Education, a program in upstate New York for neurodivergent children, throughout most of his school years. A couple of years after college, he launched a UX agency in India and lived there for nine years. While in India, Yan learned Hindi and Indian culture, teaching him firsthand the impact of different perspectives. Also in India, he met his wife, an Iranian expat studying as a pharmacist. After marriage, Yan moved back to the US, where he pursued a career specific to user research. In the last few years, Yan has been particularly interested in the impact of AI on the future of user research work (and vice versa). Last year, he started speaking publicly about the impact of neurodiversity on his career.

Accommodation requests

If you have any accommodation requests, please contact us in advance of the event to discuss.

Sep 24, 2024
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) — September Accessibility Social

Join us for a casual end-of-summer/beginning-of-fall accessibility social. Chat about your favorite accessibility topics, meet new people, and discuss what you'd like to learn at future events.

Food and drinks are available to purchase from a variety of food carts. This event is no-host (each participant pays for their own food/drinks), but there's no obligation to buy something to attend.

Seating area and restrooms are wheelchair accessible, via side/rear entrance. Location is accessible by public transit from multiple nearby bus lines, there is bike parking out front, and street parking is available nearby.

See or call (503) 231-4333 for more details about Hinterland.

Oct 22, 2024
[Cancelled] Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Virtual Event: Oregon and the DOJ Title II Rule with Adam McBride-Smith

Cancelled Sorry, due to unforeseen events this event is cancelled. We hope you can join us for our events in November and December!

Adam McBride-Smith will present on state-level initiatives around the country to meet the DOJ’s new ADA Title II rule, including ongoing efforts in Oregon.

About the presenter

Adam McBride-Smith is a Certified Professional in Web Accessibility (CPWA), a Accessible Document Special-ist (ADS), and a JAWS Certified tester. He has worked as a digital accessibility and UX consultant for several organizations, including Community Vision, Clackamas: Health Housing and Human Services, and the City of Portland.

He is currently the Digital Accessibility Strategist at Oregon Health Authority and a member of the state’s Electronic Portal Advisory Board and the Multistate Digital Accessibility Collaborative. He also teaches a class on Digital Accessibility at Portland State University.

Dec 10, 2024
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) — Accessibility Winter Social
Victoria Bar

Join us for a casual year-end accessibility social. Chat about your favorite accessibility topics, meet new people, and discuss what you'd like to learn at events in the new year.

Food and drinks are available to purchase. This event is no-host (each participant pays for their own food/drinks), but there's no obligation to buy something to attend.

Location is wheelchair accessible, near public transit, and there is street parking for bikes and cars available nearby.

See or email [email protected] for more details about Victoria Bar.

Jan 21
Portland Accessibility and User Experience Meetup (PDX A11Y UX) - Virtual Event: Nicolas Steenhout – ARIA 101


The event begins at 6 pm; join early, starting at 5:45 pm for networking.

  • 5:45–6:00pm Networking
  • 6:00–6:15pm Introductions & announcements
  • 6:15–7:00pm Presentation
  • 7:00–7:30pm Q&A and discussion
  • 7:30–7:45pm Wrap up

About the presenter

Nic Steenhout has been an accessibility trainer and troubleshooter for over 25 years. He’s worked on three continents, collaborating with various organizations, from local governments to large corporations, focusing on web accessibility and digital inclusion. Known for his pragmatic, down-to-Earth approach, Nic helps his clients navigate complex accessibility challenges. When he is not off on a birdwatching adventure, you can find him speaking at events or leading workshops.

Accommodation requests

If you have any accommodation requests, don't hesitate to get in touch with us before the event to discuss.
