Viewing 2 current events matching “information security” by Date.

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Apr 29
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Please follow us on Bluesky ( or Mastodon ([email protected]) for any last minute updates.

COVID-19 Precautions:

  • We meet outside under a covered patio area to reduce transmission risk.
    • There are overhead heaters if it's cold, but dress comfortably!
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!

You can also find us on and Smoke Signal (AT Protocol).

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Mar 25
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Please follow us on Bluesky ( or Mastodon ([email protected]) for any last minute updates.

COVID-19 Precautions:

  • We meet outside under a covered patio area to reduce transmission risk.
    • There are overhead heaters if it's cold, but dress comfortably!
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!

You can also find us on and Smoke Signal (AT Protocol).

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out


Viewing 156 past events matching “information security” by Date.

Sort By: Date Event Name, Location , Default
Aug 27, 2013
Lucky Labrador Beer Hall

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Sep 6, 2013
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's (5th and Couch in between backspace and someday) from around 7pm to midnight. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Sep 24, 2013
Madison's Grill (Closed)

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Oct 4, 2013
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's (5th and Couch in between backspace and someday) from around 7pm to midnight. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Oct 29, 2013
Madison's Grill (Closed)

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Nov 1, 2013
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's (5th and Couch in between backspace and someday) from around 7pm to midnight. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Nov 26, 2013
Madison's Grill (Closed)

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Jan 3, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's (5th and Couch in between backspace and someday) from around 7pm to midnight. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jan 28, 2014
Madison's Grill (Closed)

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

Feb 7, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Feb 25, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

Mar 7, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Mar 25, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

Apr 4, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Apr 29, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

May 2, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

May 27, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

Jun 6, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jun 24, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal meetup of like-minded security professionals to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

Jul 5, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

This meeting was moved from Friday to Saturday because of the holiday!

Don't show up on Friday night! Go enjoy the fireworks instead.

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jul 29, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on, Facebook, & Google+. Invite your friends!

Aug 26, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Oct 28, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Oct 29, 2014
Bringing a Secure Cloud to Your Enterprise
Online Webinar

The Cloud’s business model allows your organization to leverage existing infrastructure and platform investments for greater convenience, but developing a secure Cloud strategy involves numerous considerations and planning. Join us for this free webinar on October 29th, 2014 at 11am PT where we we will explore Microsoft Azure and Cloud Security.

Nov 7, 2014
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Nov 25, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience are folks experienced with information security in a professional capacity.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Dec 30, 2014
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jan 27, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Feb 24, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Mar 31, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Apr 28, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

May 26, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jun 30, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jul 28, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Aug 25, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Sep 29, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Oct 2, 2015
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Oct 16, 2015
BSidesPDX Security Conference
through Oregon Convention Center

BSides PDX is a gathering of the most interesting infosec minds in Portland and the Pacific Northwest! Our passion about all things security has driven attendance from other parts of the country. Our goal is to provide an open environment for the InfoSec community to engage in conversations, learn from each other and promote knowledge sharing and collaboration. The Portland and greater Northwest information security community spans a broad spectrum of participation from CISOs, Fortune 100 company security experts, small business system admins, to independent security researchers.

BSidesPDX 2015 is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, October 16th and 17th.

Register Now!! :

To get involved, join the BSidesPDX mailing list :!forum/bsidespdx

Oct 27, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Nov 6, 2015
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Nov 24, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Dec 4, 2015
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Dec 29, 2015
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jan 26, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Feb 23, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Mar 29, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Apr 26, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

May 31, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jun 28, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jul 26, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Aug 30, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Sep 27, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Oct 14, 2016
Security BSides Portland
through Oregon Convention Center

Security BSides Portland is the 6th annual BSides event in Portland!

This year we're excited to have Oregon's own tech- and security-savvy Senator Ron Wyden delivering a keynote, plus an amazing lineup of 27 speakers and 9 moderators, 5 hands-on workshops, and several other contests and activities.


The event is FREE, but register ahead of time to guarantee space: We have PCB badges, T-shirts (including women's sizes!), and bags to give away, but we will be giving them to donors first.

BSides PDX is a gathering of the most interesting infosec minds in Portland and the Pacific Northwest! Our passion about all things security has driven attendance from other parts of the country. Our goal is to provide an open environment for the InfoSec community to engage in conversations, learn from each other and promote knowledge sharing and collaboration. The Portland and greater Northwest information security community spans a broad spectrum of participation from CISOs, Fortune 100 company security experts, small business system admins, to independent security researchers.

Oct 25, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Nov 29, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Dec 27, 2016
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jan 31, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Feb 28, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates & point your IRC client to #rainsec on freenode.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Mar 28, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Apr 5, 2017
Data Privacy PDX - Data Privacy for Activists (Encore)
SEIU Local 503

ENCORE WORKSHOP - For those of you who couldn't make the first workshop, here is your chance.  We will be doing this at a new location and time to make it available to more people.

Data privacy is important to everyone, but is felt even more keenly by those who advocate for causes.  Here in Portland, everyone has something they are passionate about, and we often spend our time and energy supporting a good cause.  With privacy concerns being very real for many participants in these causes, organizers must be prepared to provide better privacy protections for the communications and data that are related to their efforts.

This workshop is to introduce foundational data privacy strategies and teach easy solutions for helping activists protect the privacy of those they engage with and themselves.

Greg Stromire will be hosting the workshop.  Topics will include:

• Environment For Privacy:  Why is Privacy Essential;  Privacy, Security, & Anonymity;  Privacy Law

•  Privacy for Communications:  Messaging;  Email;  Voice

• Securing Your Devices:  Mobile Devices;  Personal Computers

• Protected Internet Use:  HTTPS;  Using VPNs;  Best Practices Online

• Data Storage for Private Data:  Encrypted Portable Devices;  Cloud Storage;  Individual Files

This special 2-hour Data Privacy PDX workshop is free to attend and light refreshments will be provided.

Name Tags - We will provide name tags because it helps people feel more comfortable striking up conversations, but please feel free to use your online handle, first name only, or skip the name tag if you are more comfortable. 

Apr 11, 2017
Data Privacy PDX - Data Privacy - Is It Law? w/ Darin Sands

Everyone knows that intrusion of privacy is a problem, but how much do you know about whether it is legal?  The question of privacy in US law is complicated, but luckily, we will be having Darin Sands of Lane Powell coming to help us all learn the basics.  Darin specializes in data privacy, so bring you're questions about the law on data breaches or online privacy requirements.

Snacks will be provided.

Speaker Bio: Darin Sands is a lawyer with Lane Powell whose practice includes a focus on data security and privacy. Darin represents clients on matters including data breach and privacy litigation.  He currently represents numerous companies in ongoing data breach litigation and data breach response preparation efforts. He also frequently counsels clients on privacy-related legal challenges.  Darin graduated from Harvard Law in 2004, and he has his Yellow Belt in Legal Lean Sigma and Project Management.  He is the Co-chair of the Firm’s Privacy and Data Security Practice Group, and he splits his time between Lane Powell’s Portland and Seattle offices.

Location: CrowdCompass has graciously offered to host this meetup!  (Thanks to our member Joseph for arranging that!)  They are located at 308 Southwest 2nd Avenue, Suite 200, Portland, OR.

Apr 25, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

May 30, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jun 27, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Aug 1, 2017
Vancouver Digital Security Meetup - Digital Security / forensics in the public sector
Coffee Revolution

What are some areas of strength, and concern in the public sector? 

Aug 29, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Sep 26, 2017
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Oct 20, 2017
Security BSides Portland
through Oregon Convention Center

Security BSides Portland 2017 is the 7th annual BSidesPDX!

The event is FREE, but register ahead of time to guarantee space: We have PCB badges, T-shirts (including women's sizes!), and bags to give away, but we will be giving them to donors first.

BSides PDX is a gathering of the most interesting infosec minds in Portland and the Pacific Northwest! Our passion about all things security has driven attendance from other parts of the country. Our goal is to provide an open environment for the InfoSec community to engage in conversations, learn from each other and promote knowledge sharing and collaboration. The Portland and greater Northwest information security community spans a broad spectrum of participation from CISOs, Fortune 100 company security experts, small business system admins, to independent security researchers.

Nov 28, 2017
Local Celebrity

This is our first meetup at our new venue - see this post.

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Dec 26, 2017
Local Celebrity

This is our first meetup at our new venue - see this post.

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jan 30, 2018
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

We are returning to Lucky Lab SE for the January meetup

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Mar 27, 2018
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Apr 24, 2018
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

May 5, 2018
Plaid CTF 2018 Party
through PASCAL

PASCAL is hosting a CTF Party for Plaid CTF 2018 May 5-6, and you're invited, so mark your calendars!

Come work with (or not with) others to complete the challenges in PPP's 2018 CTF, which is one of the prequalifying events for Defcon CTF at Defcon 26.

We'll have some snacks available, some comfy seating, and some internet, but you are welcome to bring any or all of your own as well.

More details to come!

May 29, 2018
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Jun 26, 2018
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

While this is a public event open to any interested parties, our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec for updates.

This event is also on Invite your friends!

Sep 20, 2018
ISSA Portland: DNS’s role in Securing Your Network
Columbia Square building

When it comes to your business, your network is the gateway to the world. Unfortunately, protecting your network from evolving threats is more difficult than ever. Device proliferation, BYOD, Internet of Things, virtualization, hybrid cloud adoption—all are crucial trends that enhance business performance. But they also add complexity and increase the attack surface. DNS is an essential component of network connectivity, but it has emerged as the number one threat vector for malware command and control, DDoS attacks, and data exfiltration. Even as your network modernizes and gains valuable new capabilities, threats multiply exponentially. During this session, learn more about DNS, threats to DNS infrastructure, and different methods to address these threats.

Speaker bio:

Kevin Zettel is a security-focused Technical Marketing Engineer who works with Infoblox to lock down the DNS and secure it for enterprises. Kevin knows that security is the center focus of companies and believes that without security, industries will unquestionably fall apart. Kevin has worked with the Infoblox Security Ecosystem to manage many security vendors such as McAfee, Cisco, ServiceNow, Aruba, and many others. He knows the security landscape and sees the necessity and demand that businesses have to secure their capital. With a degree from Central Washington University and an education in programming, Kevin has the technical know how to get secured.

PDX Veterans in Technology - September Networking Event
Jama Software

Join us for our monthly professional networking event. Our keynote speaker is Alex Vasquez, Information Security Project Manager at Viewpoint.

This is a great opportunity to build real connections with experienced technologists in Portland. PDX Veterans in Technology is a non-profit dedicated to assisting active-duty, reservist, and returning veterans with reintegration into the local tech community. Our organization is committed to helping create, advance, and maximize the careers of current veterans in technology within the Portland, Oregon and surrounding areas. These networking events are open to the public as well.

5:30pm - Event kick off, catering served

6:00pm - Group announcements, job opportunities

6:15pm - Keynote speaker

7:00pm - More networking

7:30pm - Event ends

Sep 25, 2018
RainSec - RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

While we use for the convenience of our members, most communication happens over the mailing list (!forum/rainsec).

Follow @PDXRainSec for last minute updates.

Oct 30, 2018
RainSec - RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

While we use for the convenience of our members, most communication happens over the mailing list (!forum/rainsec).

Follow @PDXRainSec for last minute updates.

Nov 27, 2018
RainSec - RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

While we use for the convenience of our members, most communication happens over the mailing list (!forum/rainsec).

Follow @PDXRainSec for last minute updates.

Dec 26, 2018
RainSec - RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

While we use for the convenience of our members, most communication happens over the mailing list (!forum/rainsec).

Follow @PDXRainSec for last minute updates.

Apr 30, 2019
RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

While we use for the convenience of our members, most communication happens over the mailing list (!forum/rainsec).

Follow @PDXRainSec for last minute updates.

May 28, 2019
RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

While we use for the convenience of our members, most communication happens over the mailing list (!forum/rainsec).

Follow @PDXRainSec for last minute updates.

Jul 5, 2019
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jul 30, 2019
RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Aug 27, 2019
RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Sep 6, 2019
Portland 2600
Theo's Restaurant

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month at Theo's. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Sep 24, 2019
RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Oct 25, 2019
BSides PDX 2019
through Oregon Convention Center

BSides PDX is a gathering of the most interesting infosec minds in Portland and the Pacific Northwest! Our passion about all things security has driven attendance from other parts of the country. Our goal is to provide an open environment for the InfoSec community to engage in conversations, learn from each other and promote knowledge sharing and collaboration. The Portland and greater Northwest information security community spans a broad spectrum of participation from CISOs, Fortune 100 company security experts, small business system admins, to independent security researcher.

Oct 29, 2019
RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Nov 26, 2019
RainSec - Portland Information Security Professionals
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting. Preferably while drinking just enough to forget our day jobs.

This is a public event open to any interested parties, however our target audience is experienced information security professionals.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Dec 30, 2019
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

Note: We usually meet on the last Tuesday of the month, however we've shifted this meeting to prevent conflicts with New Years Eve plans.

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

Jan 28, 2020
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

Feb 25, 2020
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Mar 31, 2020
[Canceled] RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

March meeting has been canceled, we are exploring options for a virtual meetup in April.

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Apr 28, 2020
[Virtual] RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Online (Portland)

URL: - Password: hunter2.

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Sep 28, 2021
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because the Delta variant of COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • Masks are required to be worn over the mouth and nose while in the venue, except when eating or drinking.
  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Oct 26, 2021
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because the Delta variant of COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • Masks are required to be worn over the mouth and nose while in the venue, except when eating or drinking.
  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Nov 30, 2021
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because the Delta variant of COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • Masks are required to be worn over the mouth and nose while in the venue, except when eating or drinking.
  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jan 18, 2022
**TUESDAY** The Digital Defense Fund and information security in abortion access

NOTE: this meeting is on the 3rd TUESDAY because of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday on Monday!

The 2020s have seen new and complex challenges for those fighting for reproductive freedom. In September of last year, the Texas legislature passed one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the nation, prohibiting all procedures after 6 weeks, without exceptions for rape or incest. But SB8 goes further, giving citizens with no connection to the woman the right to sue in civil court any person who aids her in seeking an abortion. As Planned Parenthood states, this means that “private citizens can sue other Texans for having or aiding in the procurement of an abortion — they can sue anyone from the person who drives the patient to the clinic to the doctor who performs the abortion.” ( As the EFF predicts, “The result will be a chilling effect on speech and a litigation cudgel that will be used to silence those who seek to give women truthful information about their reproductive options.”

Since 2017, the Digital Defense Fund has brought engineers and organizers together to provide security and technology support for the abortion access movement. Kate Bertash, Director of the DDF, will speak during our January event about the critical work the DDF does to create "a future where technology and innovation support secure, autonomous reproductive decisions, free from stigma.”

Speaker bio:

Kate Bertash (she/her) is Director of the Digital Defense Fund, a team providing technology and security resources and front-line support to the American abortion access movement. She brings together a background in nonprofit fundraising and technology, and left startup life after co-organizing the Abortion Access Hackathons and Debug Politics Hackathons. In her free time she helps organize the Crypto and Privacy Village at DEFCON, designs fabrics, and is working on building a science research and education center here in the Pacific Northwest.

Related links: Her Twitter handle is @KateRoseBee.

{short} Code of Conduct

Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays is dedicated to providing an informative and positive experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed.

Our events are intended to educate and share information related to technology and activism, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Audio and video recording are not permitted at meetings without prior approval.

Our Code of Conduct

( applies to all events run by Portland's TA3M. Please report any incidents to the event organizer.

Mar 29, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because the Delta variant of COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Apr 26, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

May 31, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Aug 2, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

Due to the excessive heat warning in Portland, this meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday August 2nd

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Aug 30, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Sep 27, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Oct 7, 2022
BSidesPDX 2022 - Computer Security Conference
PSU Smith Memorial Student Union

We're looking forward to seeing you at BSidesPDX on Friday October 7, 2022 for our tenth annual conference. Registration is free through September 30th!

BSides Portland is a tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) organization founded with the mission to cultivate the Pacific Northwest information security and hacking community by creating local inclusive opportunities for learning, networking, collaboration, and teaching.

As this is an indoor event, we are requiring that all participants of BSidesPDX wear a mask while inside of conference spaces for the entirety of the event, except when you are 1) actively eating or drinking; or 2) a presenter actively giving your talk/workshop. Masks must be worn completely over both your mouth and nose.

Oct 25, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Nov 29, 2022
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jan 3, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

We miss all of you, and we look forward to seeing you as soon as it is safe for you to attend.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jan 31, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Feb 28, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Mar 28, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Apr 7, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Apr 25, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

May 5, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

May 30, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jun 2, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jun 27, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jul 7, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jul 25, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Aug 4, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Aug 29, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Sep 1, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Sep 26, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Oct 6, 2023
BSidesPDX 2023 - Computer Security Conference
through PSU Smith Memorial Student Union

We're looking forward to seeing you at BSidesPDX on Friday October 6th, 2023 for our annual conference. Registration is free through September 15th!

BSides Portland is a tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) organization founded with the mission to cultivate the Pacific Northwest information security and hacking community by creating local inclusive opportunities for learning, networking, collaboration, and teaching.

Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Oct 30, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

The October meetup has been rescheduled from our usual last Tuesday (October 31st) to last Monday (October 30th) to prevent conflicts any attendee Halloween plans.

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Nov 3, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Nov 16, 2023
Cloud and AI: Secure Every Second at the Speed of Cloud
Level Beer (Level 1)

Join Defy Security and Sysdig for an event at Level One Beer on Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 4:00pm.

Join us for a funfilled and educational evening to discuss how Cloud and AI could impact your business needs.

Space is limited, so register to reserve your spot now!

Please reach out to Ken Robertson ([email protected]) with any questions.

Nov 28, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Dec 1, 2023
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Dec 26, 2023
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jan 5, 2024
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jan 30, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Feb 2, 2024
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Feb 27, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Mar 1, 2024
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Mar 26, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Apr 5, 2024
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Apr 30, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

May 3, 2024
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

May 28, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jun 7, 2024
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jun 25, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jul 5, 2024
Portland 2600
Sizzle Pie (East Burnside)

PDX2600 is a monthly open forum for hackers in Portland Oregon. It happens on the first Friday of every month. There are no memberships, no leaders, and no real structure. Only the free exchange of ideas.

Jul 30, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (50-60 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Aug 27, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Sep 24, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Oct 25, 2024
BSides PDX Security & Hacking Conference
through Portland State University (PSU) - Smith Memorial Center

BSidesPDX 2024 is an information security and hacking conference bringing together top local talent to learn, share, and hack. Over 35 sessions and events will be held in downtown Portland. Registration is open now online for General Admission and Workshop Registration opens Wednesday 10/16.


DAY OF REGISTRATION: - In Person Registration on Third Floor, Room 338 beginning at 8:30am on 10/25. See website for more details.

ABOUT BSIDES PDX BSides Portland is a tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) organization founded with the mission to cultivate the Pacific Northwest information security and hacking community by creating local inclusive opportunities for learning, networking, collaboration, and teaching.

Oct 29, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Nov 26, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Dec 30, 2024
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

PLEASE NOTE: The December 2024 meetup deviates from our normal "last Tuesday" schedule, to avoid falling on New Years Eve. It is taking place a day before on Monday December 30th, at the usual time and place.

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Follow @PDXRainSec on Twitter for last minute updates.

Because COVID-19 still presents significant risk to some members of our community, we ask that you observe the following and make your own risk assessment decision regarding your attendance:

  • If outdoor seating is available and weather permits, we will be outside.
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!
  • If you are not vaccinated, stay home!
  • If you are otherwise considered high risk for COVID, please stay home until you feel it is safe to gather in large groups (20-40 people). We don't want to be the cause of anyone's illness or death.

You can also find us on and Google Groups.

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Jan 28
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Please follow us on Bluesky ( or Mastodon ([email protected]) for any last minute updates.

COVID-19 Precautions:

  • We meet outside under a covered patio area to reduce transmission risk.
    • There are overhead heaters if it's cold, but dress comfortably!
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!

You can also find us on and Smoke Signal (AT Protocol).

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out

Feb 25
RainSec - PDX Information Security Meetup
Lucky Lab Brew Pub

RainSec is an informal group of like-minded security professionals who meet to network and discuss topics of interest in a non-work, non-vendor setting.

While our target audience is experienced information security professionals, this is a public event open to any interested parties. If you have a friend or colleague who might benefit, please pass an invite along.

Please follow us on Bluesky ( or Mastodon ([email protected]) for any last minute updates.

COVID-19 Precautions:

  • We meet outside under a covered patio area to reduce transmission risk.
    • There are overhead heaters if it's cold, but dress comfortably!
  • If you are feeling sick, stay home!
  • If you've had a recent COVID exposure, stay home!

You can also find us on and Smoke Signal (AT Protocol).

If you're looking for more security-focused community meetups in the Portland area, check out
