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Viewing 67 past events matching “collaboration” by Location.

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Nov 9, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Now That’s Risky Business – Selling UX To The Security Techies
1st Floor Conference Room- Big Pink (Us Bancorp Tower), 111 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, OR 97204

CHIFOO presents "Now That’s Risky Business – Selling UX To The Security Techies" with Andrew Sweany, Tripwire!

Software for tech savvy system admins and security analysts doesn’t need to be easy to use, right? Wrong. Providing good software to the folks keeping our data safe is much more important than one click shoe shopping.

About the Speaker

Andrew (@andrewsweany) began as a Human Factors Engineer at Intel in 2000 and since that time has completed countless user research activities on a huge range of products (software, hardware, web/desk, tablet, & mobile) across the entire life cycle (from emerging concepts to well established enterprise and consumer products).

Come join CHIFOO for our eleventh and final speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Nov 4, 2009

This WikiWednesday we'll be getting our hands dirty working on the newly formed Portland civic wiki at

Come by for wiki-style fun, food, drink, and with any burning wiki questions you might have too.

Dec 9, 2009
PDX WaveWednesday

People using or curious about Google Wave meet the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM at the AboutUs offices.

The idea is that we can record ideas for topics and discussions throughout the month - if you have a question, tip, or trick, make a note and we can chat about it in December.

Introductions 5:30 - 6:00pm (ish) Note the cell number below for late arrivals. Field Guide (we demo favorite finds) *Heal Thyself (problems? solutions?)

We break into two groups - beginners and advanced - beginners start in conference room with projector and half hour into mtg, advanced at couch with projector.

You can see the RSVP and agenda at PDX WaveWednesday 09Dec2009

~Snacks provided~

Location details: AboutUs 107 SE Washington Suite 520. That’s the Oat Mill Building in Portland (big mustard-colored thumb ticking up in skyline at base of Stark)

(Enter on the Stark side and use the north elevator. If you have an issue getting into the building, call Mark at 503-890-3279 to let you in.)

Jan 6, 2010
Wiki Wednesday (tentatively canceled this month)

People of all levels of interest around Wikis - expert to curious - are welcome to this open house of Wiki on the first Wednesday of each month.

Note that the doors of the Oat Mill Building, where AboutUs is located, are locked at promptly at 5:30, so look for a note on the north-side door with a phone number to call if you are locked out.

Discussion is informal and takes a collaborative flair. It’s a good place to meet people from all walks of life, who make wikis, are in communities that use them, can help you figure out what a wiki can do for you, and for you to discover wikis in general.

The atmosphere encourages just hanging out to chat and generally cavort with a group of like-minded about open sources and community. It’s a monthly celebration of wiki in Portland, the birthplace of the wiki.

~ Yes, there will be snacks provided ~

Portland wiki planning and development can be found at the Portland wiki page .

Portland wiki conference planning and development can be found at the (surprise:

Portland Wiki Conference page.

If you're not located near Portland, there are several other Wiki Wednesdays

( around the globe you can attend.

Jan 13, 2010
PDX WaveWednesday

People using or curious about Google Wave meet the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM at the AboutUs offices. Laptops encouraged. Secure wireless provide

The idea is that we can record ideas for topics and discussions throughout the month - if you have a question, tip, or trick, make a note and we can chat about it in December.

Introductions 5:30 - 6:00pm (ish) Note the cell number below for late arrivals. Field Guide (we demo favorite finds) *Heal Thyself (problems? solutions?)

We break into two groups - beginners and advanced - beginners start in conference room with projector and half hour into mtg, advanced at couch with projector.

You can see the RSVP and agenda at PDX WaveWednesday 09Dec2009

~Snacks provided~

Location details: AboutUs 107 SE Washington Suite 520. That’s the Oat Mill Building in Portland (big mustard-colored thumb ticking up in skyline at base of Stark)

(Enter on the Stark side and use the north elevator. If you have an issue getting into the building, call Mark at 503-890-3279 to let you in.)

Apr 9, 2019
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!
Act-On Software

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet

2) A group discussion of management topics. Topics will be selected by the group during the Meetup.

We look forward to seeing you there!

NOTE: We are meeting at a new location! Thanks Act-On for hosting us!

Location Details:


121 SW Morrison Ave, 16th Floor

Portland, OR 97204

If arriving after 6, please use the door on the East side of the building

There is an intercom, security has been notified about the event and will let people in

Mention the Software Engineering Manager Meetup and/or Act-On Meetup

May 21, 2019
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!
Act-On Software

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet

2) A group discussion of management topics. Topics will be selected by the group during the Meetup.

We look forward to seeing you there!

NOTE: We are meeting at a new location! Thanks Act-On for hosting us!

Location Details:


121 SW Morrison Ave, 16th Floor

Portland, OR 97204

If arriving after 6, please use the door on the East side of the building

There is an intercom, security has been notified about the event and will let people in.

Mention the Software Engineering Manager Meetup and/or Act-On Meetup.

NOTE: After 6:30pm security may no longer be available to let people in. Please message us through Slack or Meetup if you think you'll arrive after 6:30 and we can send someone down to let you in!

Jun 11, 2019
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!
Act-On Software

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet

2) A group discussion of management topics. Topics will be selected by the group during the Meetup.

We look forward to seeing you there!

NOTE: We are meeting at a new location! Thanks Act-On for hosting us!

Location Details:


121 SW Morrison Ave, 16th Floor

Portland, OR 97204

If arriving after 6, please use the door on the East side of the building

There is an intercom, security has been notified about the event and will let people in.

Mention the Software Engineering Manager Meetup and/or Act-On Meetup.

NOTE: After 6:30pm security may no longer be available to let people in. Please message us through Slack or Meetup if you think you'll arrive after 6:30 and we can send someone down to let you in!

Aug 20, 2019
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!
Act-On Software

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet

2) A group discussion of management topics. Topics will be selected by the group during the Meetup.

We look forward to seeing you there!

NOTE: We are meeting at a new location! Thanks Act-On for hosting us!

Location Details:


121 SW Morrison Ave, 16th Floor

Portland, OR 97204

If arriving after 6, please use the door on the East side of the building

There is an intercom, security has been notified about the event and will let people in.

Mention the Software Engineering Manager Meetup and/or Act-On Meetup.

NOTE: After 6:30pm security may no longer be available to let people in. Please message us through Slack or Meetup if you think you'll arrive after 6:30 and we can send someone down to let you in!

Aug 2, 2017
CHIFOO Event: CHIFOO Annual Bowling Party
AMF Pro 300 Lanes aka Powell Bowl

CHIFOO presents our Annual Bowling Party!

Come join us for the annual CHI-Bowl and enjoy some indoor sports. Dig out your bowling shirt and come bowl a few games, or just hang out and socialize with your friends and colleagues. Families are welcome, too! And very special prizes will be awarded. You need not bowl to win!

Don't be a turkey get some turkeys. Don’t forget your socks and lucky bowling ball!

Cost CHIFOO members get in free. Non-members or guests get the full bowling package for just $10, and bring the kids—your entire family can bowl for $20! It’s a heck of a deal.

Come join CHIFOO on September 6th for our eighth speaker event next month for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Jul 19, 2010
Portland Wiki: Monday Meet

Every Monday night, local wiki enthusiasts of all stripes get together to talk wiki and work on, a resource for and by Portland citizens.

In addition to directly editing Portland Wiki, we often discuss issues related to other wiki communities and activities at the Portland WikiWednesday (first Wednesday of every month).

This event is casual, so come on down, have a beer, and talk wiki with us!

Read more:

Oct 11, 2016
Ladies' Night 8
Bonfire Marketing

Tickets will be available Tuesday, October 4th at 4pm.

If you're a designer, architect, researcher, developer, photographer, copywriter, videographer, producer, strategist, or want to be any of these things... you're invited to the 8th Ladies' Night.

Join us for food, drinks, lively conversation and DJ Listen Lady. Visit our site for more details or to view our Code of Conduct. Make sure to bring any professional clothing or shoes you can spare to donate to Dress for Success.

About Bonfire Marketing

Bonfire Marketing is an experienced digital marketing agency in Portland, Oregon. Our core specialties include marketing research, SEO, content and strategy development, digital marketing management, design, social media marketing, and digital advertising. We're built to illuminate your brand and spark the conversation.

About Ladies' Night

Established in 2014, Ladies’ Night is a quarterly happy hour for the digitally-minded women, committed to conversation, collaboration, and community.

Oct 22, 2015
Coffee w/ Co-Founders XVI
Breken Kitchen

We're back after taking September off. Since then we've grown to over 700 members! THANK YOU FOR BEING A PART OF THIS INCREDIBLE ECOSYSTEM!

We're going to be on the NW side of town this month. We hope to see you all there.

If you have never been to one of these, it's very simple. Come, have a cup of coffee, and talk to fellow Entrepreneurs about what they're working on. Bring lots of business cards and be ready to talk to people about your challenges, wins, or anything you want to cover.

See you all there!

Oct 18, 2017
Jira in Action: Software Development & Project Management
CENTRL East Side Location

Two Jira users walk into a bar... What do they find? Each other and a whole lot of ways to use Jira to solve problems. This month two local users will share how they use Jira and other products to collaborate and manage internal projects from technical to business. Come to learn from their successes, failures, and everything in between. Ask questions and collaborate; our hope is that you'll walk away with answers to your burning challenges, or at least feel like you have a local Bat-line to call for help.

We'll also report out on the latest from Atlassian, including announcements from Summit in San Jose. If you attended, we'd love for you to share your most-memorable moment and what you learned.

Event Details:

Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Time: 5:30-7 PM PDT

Location: Centrl Office Eastside - 329 NE Couch St, Portland, OR 97232

Other things and things: Food and social lubricant provided, cheers!

Apr 21, 2016
Lightning Talks
Collective Agency Downtown

Members and people here free share what you’re working on or thinking about. What will you share, and what’s something you want to learn by sharing? Comment below, thanks.

Each talk is 5-8 minutes (2 to 10 minutes sometimes). Afterwards, mingling and feedback and conversations.

Fun, inspiring/energizing, informal, learning, skill-sharing, supportive, is the goal. We’ll meet on the sofas in the big loft room.

If you're not a member, RSVP for free days.

Jan 15, 2019
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet (food and beverages provided by Cvent)

2) A group discussion of management topics. Topics will be selected by the group during the Meetup.

We look forward to seeing you there!

NOTE: We are meeting at a new location! Thanks Cvent for hosting us!

Location Details:


308 SW 2nd Ave #200

Portland, OR 97204

Feb 12, 2019
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet

2) A group discussion of management topics. Topics will be selected by the group during the Meetup.

We look forward to seeing you there!

NOTE: We are meeting at a new location! Thanks Cvent for hosting us!

Location Details:


308 SW 2nd Ave #200

Portland, OR 97204

Mar 12, 2019
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet

2) A group discussion of management topics. Topics will be selected by the group during the Meetup.

We look forward to seeing you there!

NOTE: We are meeting at a new location! Thanks Cvent for hosting us!

Location Details:


308 SW 2nd Ave #200

Portland, OR 97204

Oct 22, 2015
Forge October Happy Hour
Forge Portland

Register here for free beer!

Fall has arrived and it's time to celebrate - register now for Forge's October Happy Hour! Beginning at 5pm, Forge Portland coworking space will be filled with musical notes from Brutha Bob arranged by Portland Radio Project and beer provided by Hopworks Urban Brewery, a local certified B Corp. Forge Portland is again excited to host the Portland creative & entrepeneur community for a couple of hours of drinks, live music, and the opportunity to connect with inspiring people. Members of Forge Portland will be in attendance, so for those of you who are members, or would like to be, this is an especially great opportunity to meet awesome people doing awesome things in Portland!

We need a headcount for drinks and snacks, so be sure to register!

See you soon, Forge Portland

Dec 16, 2015
Building Your Business Workshop
Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce

BYB is the Chamber's monthly startup and small business workshop/lunch. This month attendees will learn strategies for collaborating with another business or organization. We welcome The Streets of Tanasbourne and Downtown Summa community & business organizers to present on identifying opportunities, approaching another business, establishing boundaries and setting expectations. These effective collaboration techniques enable businesses to increase brand exposure and client bases.

BYB is an awesome way for new and small businesses to get out there and meet fellow entrepreneurs in the community. We start with networking & lunch at 11:30 followed by a interactive presentation and Q&A. This is a fun experience and you learn useful skills. This month we will also have a raffle courtesy of The Hilton Garden Inn and holiday treats.

Cost: $10 members; $15 non-members. Lunch included.

To register visit our Chamber website calendar or copy and paste this link:

Jan 20, 2016
Building Your Business Workshop
Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce

"Business Networking as a Marketing Tool"

Learn: How to identify relevant events, manage & find the time to network, and showcase yourself effectively at networking events.

Featuring Julie Ames, Hillsboro Chamber & Ron White, BESThq

Building Your Business Workshop is the Chamber’s signature small business skill development class. BYB’s casual format allows attendees to contribute, offer insight and share their business. Workshop includes Qdoba lunch, raffle item donated by Downtown Hillsboro business McNally's Taproom, and networking.

Early registration ends on Monday, January 18th. Questions? Contact [email protected]. To register, visit

January’s workshop is proudly sponsored by Darcey Edwards of Welcome Home Realty.

Oct 21, 2010
Online Community Managers PDX MeetUp
Hopworks Urban Brewery

Current or aspiring managers of Online Communities are invited to join us for a discussion of the "art" and the "science" of what it takes to get online communities started and keep them going--logistically, technically, philosophically. We tend to concentrate on business / enterprise communities, technology communities, and other such "Communities of Practice" where members get together around a common paradigm and similar objectives.

This is the first time at this new we're trying it out. We hope to have a "Mezzanine-level" table at HopWorks...

See you there! Ann Marcus Group Organizer

Online Community Managers PDX MeetUp
Hopworks Urban Brewery

Current or aspiring managers of Online Communities are invited to join us for a discussion of the "art" and the "science" of what it takes to get online communities started and keep them going--logistically, technically, philosophically. We tend to concentrate on business / enterprise communities, technology communities, and other such "Communities of Practice" where members get together around a common paradigm and similar objectives. If collaboration is of interest to you...we'd like to include you.

This is the first time at this new we're trying it out. We hope to have a "Mezzanine-level" table at HopWorks...Please RSVP to ideagoddess at gmail dot com.

See you there! (Look for a red balloon!) Ann Marcus Group Organizer

Mar 7, 2013
OSBridge Proposal Workshop (with PDX Weekly Hackathon)
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Members of the Open Source Bridge planning committee will be on hand to encourage and help people work on their speaker proposal submissions. Come with questions about tracks or previous content and we'll answer them.

Mar 21, 2013
OSBridge Proposal Workshop 2 (with PDX Weekly Hackathon)
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

We're holding a get together to help people work on their Open Source Bridge speaker proposals. Come join us and we can help answer any questions you have about tracks, past topics, or the conference in general.

Mar 29, 2011
Collaborating for Change: Tools for Teamwork- PDXTech4Good Meetup
Mercy Corps Action Center

In this presentation, Justin Yuen of the highly successful collaboration site, For My Innovation, will talk about the importance of teamwork and address some best practices that lead to achieving great results. With FMYI as a backdrop, Justin will demonstrate how a team can utilize tools to track contacts, share resources, and manage projects, with a focus on organizations that strive to affect positive change.

Come network with other tech-savvy PDXers and gain valuable knowledge at this FREE, fun event. For more info or to RSVP:

Sep 9, 2010
SAOpdx: Collaboration in Social Media featuring Richard Boly of the US Department of State
Multnomah Athletic Club (MAC)

Presented by the Software Association of Oregon's Marketing + Sales Forum & Social Media Club PDX

You are invited to join us for an exceptional keynote presentation followed by a Q&A session with a full panel of local collaboration and social media experts.

Agenda 5:30pm Registration opens, networking 6:15pm Program begins (welcome) 6:20pm Keynote with Richard Boly 6:45pm Panel Q&A 7:30pm Program ends

KEYNOTE: Embracing Social Media at the U.S. State Department: If the Oldest Federal Agency Can, Why Can’t You? The State Department is the oldest executive agency in the United States. Cold war secrecy created a need-to-know culture that impeded unofficial information sharing. State’s diplomatic corps is selected for risk aversion and trained to obtain many clearances and authorizations before officially transmitting information internally.

Then the end of the Cold War was followed by the East Africa embassy bombings and 9/11. The paradigm shifted. The lack of information sharing and collaboration meant that puzzle pieces remain scattered and threats were unidentified. In this shift, the State Department’s office of eDiplomacy was born.

Come find out how State Department has embraced lightweight social media tools behind the firewall to move from a need-to-know culture to need-to-share one.

Meet Richard Boly, Director of eDiplomacy, US Department of State Richard Boly is a career U.S. diplomat and currently the Director of the Office of eDiplomacy, an applied technology think tank for the United States Department of State. Previously, he was a National Security Affairs Fellow the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he launched the Global Entrepreneurship Program. He recently served in U.S. Embassy, Rome, where he developed and ran a program to promote entrepreneurship in Italy. Other embassy assignments include the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Paraguay. Richard is the most junior diplomat to win the Cobb Award for commercial diplomacy.

In a prior life, Richard was the first Presidential Management Fellow with the Inter-American Foundation, was a consultant with the Inter-American Development Bank, and founded and ran a shrimp hatchery in coastal Ecuador. He is a graduate of Stanford University and the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at UCSD.

Q&A Session Panelists Deb Bryant, GOSCON Director, Oregon State University Open Source Lab Rami Kassab, CEO, Typethink Skip Newberry, Economic Development Policy Advisor, Office of Mayor, City of Portland Stuart Cohen, CEO, Collaborative Software Institute Richard Boly, Director, Office of eDiplomacy at U.S. Department of State

Sponsors: Social Media Club of Portland, tw telecom, Webtrends

Mar 5, 2011
PortlandWiki Barnraising
Multnomah County Central Library

An event to celebrate PortlandWiki and Portland, learn about online community-building, gather participation in PortlandWiki, and have fun!

Food and drinks provided.

Apr 26, 2024
Founders, Professionals, & Remote Workers: Game Night!

This is super casual - We're hosting a game night for founders, professionals, remote workers, and everyone else to get together for a night of gaming!

Bring your card games, board games & table sets, consoles, or whatever else floats your boat. and snacks & drinks (for yourself or to share!)

Let's build friendships & network outside of the usual networking events & socials.

Perfect for introverted types who are looking to make friends while given something to do.

All are welcome.

RSVP on meetup to be sent after-hours building access info, 24 hours before the event:

See y'all soooooon.

Jan 18, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Innovating from Within: Activating Creative Resiliency and Change Agency in Teams
New Relic

Please note that this first meeting will be meeting on the fifth floor!

CHIFOO presents "Innovating from Within: Activating Creative Resiliency and Change Agency in Teams" with Patricia Colley, Creative Catalysts Consulting | Matt Smith, Actor!

How do you drive innovation from within the ranks, when innovation processes aren’t well established, or don’t have a clear executive champion? Join us will we bring you a set of collaborative approaches and techniques you can start using right away to inspire your teams to engage more creatively.

About the Speakers Patricia Colley From an early age, Patricia had a natural sense of wonder about the world, a passion for the craft of creativity, and an affinity for deep collaborative play. This playful mindset and teamwork has lead her to be Lead UX Designer at CDK Global, an improv actor and a consultant with Creative Catalysts.

Matt Smith Matt Smith is a true improv legend. As a founding member of Seattle Improv, Matt has decades of performance, writing and teaching experience. He delivers practical, usable improv-theory based trainings for Agile, team building team building, change management, stress management, conflict resolution, and group creativity.

Come join CHIFOO for our first speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Please Note: This first meeting will be held on the fifth floor of the US Bancorp Building aka "Big Pink".

Feb 1, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Embrace The Chaos
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Embrace The Chaos: Client Workshops and Getting the Insights You Seek" with Alicia Nagel, Alicia Nagel Creative, LLC!

Engage the client in disruptive and engaging workshops early in website development process to elicit input from key stakeholders who might not otherwise be able to verbalize it. Learn about workshop tools to engage clients to define user personas, develop a wish-list of website features, and define voice for content.

About the Speaker

Alicia (@AliciaNagelCrtv) brings over a decade of experience in marketing strategy and branding. She creates content and makes sure the marketing for her clients is strategically crafted to meet their business goals.

She currently enjoys living in NoPo and takes any chance she can get to visit the many gardens we have within the city.

Come join CHIFOO for our second speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Mar 1, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Inclusion Before Diversity: Creating a Culture of Learning and Encouraging Getting it Wrong
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Inclusion Before Diversity: Creating a Culture of Learning and Encouraging Getting it Wrong" with Ivana McConnell, Senior UI/UX Designer at!

Why tech companies should focus on achieving inclusion first, attending to employees’ specific self-care needs in order to create a platform for diversity to flourish, and better software made. People are chaotic, and product design has to account for them— this is challenging, and often solved by doing research and testing.

About the Speaker Ivana (@IvanaMcConnell) was born in Sarajevo to a civil engineer-turned-translator and a UN Logistics Officer-turned-software engineer. She arrived in Vancouver via Croatia, Scotland, and Toronto, and has previously made a living as a rock climbing instructor and video game tester. These days she’s a senior UX designer at, and is most interested in the intersections of technology, identity, and data.

Come join CHIFOO for our third speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Apr 5, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Bottom Up Security: Doing Your Part to Secure The Future
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Bottom Up Security: Doing Your Part to Secure The Future" with Chris Berg, Firemaple Industries!

Everyday we hear more about another big hack. First Target, then the DNC, then the NSA. Secure software and infrastructure seems impossible, so what can we do? Come to this session to learn how to make security more accessible by making it part of the software and product development process.

About the Speaker

Christopher Berg (@thechrisberg) is a consultant who has spent over 16 years supporting enterprise and startup software development teams as an engineer, architect, instructor, and advisor. He provides guidance to cross-functional teams to bridge the gap from financial success to mature product with security, architecture, and process improvement instruction and implementation.

Come join CHIFOO for our fourth speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

May 3, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Caring Technologies Designing For Trust And Care
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Caring Technologies Designing For Trust And Care" with Amelia Abreu, UX Night School!

Technology has the potential to shape the way that we give and receive care and the conditions in which the work of care is done. Yet, can we automate the crucial tasks of caring, and is it in our own interest to do so? How can we design services, along with products and systems, to support care?

About the Speaker

Amelia Abreu (@ameliaabreu) is a Portland-based design researcher, writer, and the founder of UX Night School. She's worked with teams at organizations like Nike, Intel, Mozilla and Microsoft, along with agencies, startups, and cultural institutions. She is a frequent conference speaker, the daughter of two schoolteachers, and generally geeky about how people learn (among other things). Her writing on culture and technology has been featured in the New Inquiry, Motherboard, The Hairpin and the BBC.

Come join CHIFOO for our fifth speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Jun 7, 2017
CHIFOO Event: How To Get Buy In And Be On The Same Page
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "How To Get Buy In And Be On The Same Page" with Mary Shaw, UX Consultant!

Getting buy-in from project stakeholders is often the most critical piece of the design puzzle. Learn how to successfully collaborate with your stakeholders so everyone is on the same page from the start.

About the Speaker

Mary Shaw (@maryshaw) is a seasoned UX consultant with 20 years of client-facing experience working with Fortune 500 companies, mid-sized businesses and startups. Mary helps clients get more customers and qualified leads by designing digital products that intentionally communicate who the product is for, what they get, and what's next. Mary has worked on a variety of UX design projects for clients including Coca-Cola, Weight Watchers, Unilever, Starbucks, and Conair Corporation.

Come join CHIFOO for our sixth speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Jul 12, 2017
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the first-ever PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!
New Relic

Please join us for the first-ever PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This first meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet (food and beverages provided by New Relic)

2) A discussion about how we should organize the Meetup moving forward, including topics we'd like to cover, format, timing, and location

We look forward to seeing you there!

Location Details:

New Relic

111 SW 5th Ave,

5th Floor

Portland, OR 97204

CHIFOO Event: Storytelling Versus Specifications: The Politics Of Introducing New Design In A Large Organization
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Storytelling Versus Specifications: The Politics Of Introducing New Design In A Large Organization" with Colin Bay, Thug Design | Dwayne King, Pinpoint. | Chris Tobias, Technology Association of Oregon!

Innovation is all the rage today. But how do you actually get your crazy, life changing ideas turned into real products when you work for a large, complex organization? Check out our panel of seasoned troublemakers to learn how you too can become a force for change within a large team and still keep your job.

About the Speakers

Colin Bay, Thug DesignColin Bay, Thug Design

Colin Bay is Chief Research Officer for Thug Design, a user research and design agency in NW Portland. He has been working in user experience since before it was ever called that, from WordPerfect to Intel to Thug, and some companies in between. HThug works chiefly with companies in the Fortune 100, along with a variety of smaller, up-and-coming clients.

Dwayne King, Pinpoint.Dwayne King, Pinpoint.

Dwayne (@dwayne_king) has led strategic teams for over 15 years, always asking them for less; Less complexity, less ego, less whiz-bang, and less copycat thinking. Leaving more room for elegant, useful design and emergent strategies that bring something new into the world.

Chris Tobias, TAO & GE HealthcareChris Tobias, Technology Association of Oregon

Chris currently serves as Lead Systems Integrator for GE Healthcare leading software projects for the Sochi and Rio Olympics, electronic prescribing, patient records and next generation cloud healthcare software. He is also Chairman of the Technology Association of Oregon’s Digital Health Community which hosts Oregon’s largest health technology innovation events and forums.

Come join CHIFOO for our seventh speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Sep 6, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Launching An Innovation Team
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Launching An Innovation Team" with Erik Goodfriend, Humanity Innovation Labs!

The journey from product ideation to launch is full of challenges. Those challenges need a team able to combine the right resources, tools and insight with product strategy, design thinking, and business model design.

About the Speakers

Erik Goodfriend (@egoodfriend) combines product strategy, design thinking, and business model innovation to help organization’s realize their strategic goals. He leads business and commercialization strategy at Humanity Innovation Labs, developing scalable wearable systems that shift the healthcare paradigm from provider driven to consumer directed. Erik also works as a product development manager at Providence Health Plan, developing insurance products that incentivize positive health decisions by consumers and cost effective care delivery by providers.

Come join CHIFOO for our ninth speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Sep 20, 2017
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!
New Relic

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet (food and beverages provided by New Relic)

2) A group discussion of management topics. Topics will be selected by the group during the Meetup.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Location Details:

New Relic

111 SW 5th Ave,

5th Floor

Portland, OR 97204

Oct 4, 2017
CHIFOO Event: Coding is for Coders: Why Designers Should Learn Business and What You Can Do About It
New Relic

CHIFOO presents "Coding is for Coders: Why Designers Should Learn Business and What You Can Do About It" with Patrick Neeman, icertis!

Most designers may have heard something like, "learn to code like your life depends on it.” While empathy for the engineering process is important, and that mythical designer / coder may exist, in general, this advice is misguided. Bad for you, bad for your team, bad for your organization, and most importantly, bad for your career.

In this talk, Patrick will explain why you should not learn to code and instead focus on learning the in’s an out’s of business. He’ll cover:

• Why learning about business is a good idea for any user experience professional

• Why most businesses secretly want designers to learn business

• What aspects of business are important to user experience

• How you can take action to learn it in your organization

• Where you can apply what you have learned to your current job, and your future jobs

About the Speaker

Patrick Neeman (@usabilitycounts) (mostly) in Seattle, Washington. He is currently Sr. Director of User Experience at icertis. He was Director of Product Design at Apptio, and Director of User Experience at Jobvite. After a complete redesign of the application, Jobvite received a Webby award for employment, and the Deloitte What Works award.

Come join CHIFOO for our tenth speaker event for 2017's theme "Thriving in Chaos: Strategies for Good Design".

Oct 18, 2017
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!
New Relic

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet (food and beverages provided by New Relic)

2) A panel discussion featuring local tech leaders and hosted by Lindsay Culver. We'll be covering many of the topics (e.g. hiring, being a great manager, building great teams) that we've been talking about over the past few months in the Meetup.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Location Details:

New Relic

111 SW 5th Ave,

5th Floor

Portland, OR 97204

Nov 15, 2017
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!
New Relic

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet (food and beverages provided by New Relic)

2) A group discussion of management topics. Britt will facilitate a fishbowl dialog (see, e.g. Topics will be selected by the group during the Meetup.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Location Details:

New Relic

111 SW 5th Ave,

5th Floor

Portland, OR 


Jan 17, 2018
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!
New Relic

• What we'll do
As mentioned in the last Meetup, we'll be skipping December due to the holidays. I hope everyone has a great New Year!

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet (food and beverages provided by New Relic)

2) A presentation about his team's approach to shipping software by New Relic Engineering Manager Andrew Ettinger.

We look forward to seeing you there!

• What to bring

• Important to know

Feb 21, 2018
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!
New Relic

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet (food and beverages provided by New Relic)

2) A group discussion of management topics. Topics will be selected by the group during the Meetup.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Location Details:

New Relic

111 SW 5th Ave,

27th Floor

Portland, OR 97204

Mar 21, 2018
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!
New Relic

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet (food and beverages provided by New Relic)

2) A talk by New Relic's Andrew Ettinger: “Why estimate? Practical “No Estimates” project management in a dynamic environment.”

Abstract: No Estimates sounds crazy, but the reality actually isn’t so bad. My team at New Relic has been practicing a version of “No Estimates” alongside a variety of Agile techniques for about 8 months, and we’ve developed a solid track record of software delivery using it. We’ll take a look at how No Estimates works in an estimated world, how you really can track progress and commitments, and what that means to your team, your stakeholders, and your product delivery process. We’ll also take a look at projects that fit this model well, ones that don’t, and potential pitfalls we’ve encountered so far.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Location Details:

New Relic

111 SW 5th Ave,

27th Floor

Portland, OR 97204

Jun 20, 2018
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!
New Relic

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet (food and beverages provided by New Relic)

2) New Relic employees Brent Miller and Honey Darling will present "Team Health Assessments" — an organizational practice New Relic recently started as part of our commitment to continual reinvention which will help us understand how teams work and how product is built at New Relic.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Location Details:

New Relic

111 SW 5th Ave,

27th Floor

Portland, OR 97204

Jul 18, 2018
PDX Engineering Managers - PDX Engineering Managers: People Ops Panel Discussion
New Relic

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet (food and beverages provided by New Relic)

2) We will be hosting a panel discussion with People Ops leaders! The theme will be discussing how Engineering Managers can partner effectively with the HR team in their organization.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Location Details:

New Relic

111 SW 5th Ave,

27th Floor

Portland, OR 97204

Aug 15, 2018
PDX Engineering Managers - Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup!
New Relic

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet (food and beverages provided by New Relic)

2) A group discussion of management topics. Topics will be selected by the group during the Meetup.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Location Details:

New Relic

111 SW 5th Ave,

27th Floor

Portland, OR 97204

Sep 19, 2018
PDX Engineering Managers - PDX Eng Mgrs Talk: The Need to Belong: The Neuroscience of Inclusion
New Relic

Please join us for the next PDX Engineering Managers Meetup! We'll be meeting to discuss the craft of software and operations management, shipping software, and building great teams!

This meeting will have two parts:

1) Informal meet and greet (food and beverages provided by New Relic)

2) A talk by New Relic's Rachel Etnire! Title: "The Need to Belong: The Neuroscience of Inclusion".

What happens to our brains when we’re rejected in social situations or made to feel less than? Surprisingly, the neuroscience behind these reactions is similar to that of our early ancestors - but their survival was at stake. Most of the threats that our brains now face involve inclusion ( or lack of) in our workplace. In this talk I will address diversity and inclusion, with a focus on inclusivity and the neuroscience behind it.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Location Details:

New Relic

111 SW 5th Ave,

27th Floor

Portland, OR 97204

Aug 27, 2008
Collaboration: Working Toward a Shared Win
NW Natural

Learn how to build long term relationships with your stakeholders and peers while enjoying a midsummer BBQ and a beautiful view of Portland from the 4th floor patio of the NW Natural building.

What to Expect

Learn to Identify Stakeholders

Learn the importance of trust

Learn the 5 Questions of Collaboration

Speaker: Dave Weber, CIO, NW Natural

Series Sponsors: ATSI Group, CSG Professional Services, EasyStreet , Online Business Systems, Stoel Rives, LLP.

Cost: $20 for members $60 for non members

Mar 23, 2021
Python Pyrates Project Investment App Presentation

Two months ago, we launched the first cohort of the Python Pirates Project. Four participants were chosen from a pool of applicants and tasked with building a web application that investors could use to track equities of their choosing.

The project’s goal was to expose teams to Agile methodology and simulate what it is like to work on a development team. In addition to learning valuable technical skills, participants also experienced pair programming and learned how to submit pull requests, participate in daily standups, and manage their time effectively to ensure their code’s timely delivery.

Join us as Matthias, Xuehong, Jessica, and Matt present their finished product. The presentation will include design choices, engineering challenges, and an overview of the code itself. The repo will be available for you to clone so that you can follow along as they introduce you to Pyrate Stocks!

Feb 12, 2013
Collaborative Context
OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)


How Do You Set a Collaborative Context? Encourage Pervasive Leadership

Why do we think collaboration is so hard, so complex? Well, one reason is that it’s largely antithetical to how we have been enculturated for generations. At the same time, it’s increasingly important for business survival and has long been important for personal happiness. February’s SPIN talk looks at what is needed to speed up and optimize opportunities for collaboration on project teams and in organizations from a leadership perspective. We’ll discuss what it means to have a “dialogic mindset” to “presence” leadership in the organization and discuss a model that leaders all across, up, and down the organization can use to foster collaboration. Principles around freedom and accountability as well as deep democracy will be covered and related to the workplace.

While this topic does not present a panacea for dysfunctional organizations it will provide attendees with new thinking and action-base tools for fostering collaboration wherever they lead. Come prepared to participate. While she respects “tourists” this speaker draws out audience interaction. Leadership is a conversation, not a presentation.


Jean Richardson has been a software development professional since 1989, She is experienced in project management, writing, training, public speaking, and requirements and business analysis. During her career, she has designed and implemented a number of communications programs, managed dozens of projects, helped to assemble and led large and small co-located and distributed teams, led process improvement initiatives, and led professional development and education efforts for software developers in all specialties.

As a businessperson, she is firmly aware of the value, as well as the cost, of customer intimacy. She cautions fellow software professionals against too strictly applying the adage “it’s just business,” because business is done by human beings. She has learned that basic human issues are at the root of most business problems and most customer/vendor, employer/employee, or client/consultant disputes. Jean believes that if we ignore this fact we dehumanize ourselves and imperil our society.

Her experience and career path have spanned both traditional and agile methods, frameworks, and cultural perspectives. The Agile leadership model she espouses, Pervasive Leadership, is designed to help leaders set a collaborative context while still meeting their own stewardship responsibilities to the organization.

Jean teaches courses in Effective Conflict Engagement, Collaboration for Cross-Functional Teams, Setting Collaborative Context, Working Together When You Can’t Be Face-to-Face, and Facilitative Leadership.

As a consultant, her client list boasts a wide range of businesses including ADP, Chrome Systems, Intel, Daimler Chrysler, Kryptiq Corporation, Mentor Graphics, Oregon State Department of Human Services, Portland General Electric, The Regence Group/Cambia Health Solutions, and Tripwire. EPHT GEORGE, a project Jean led for the Public Health Division of Oregon State Department of Human Services, won the Project Management Institute 2009 Project of the Year Award for the Portland Chapter.

A Special Treat from PNSQC

Plan on coming early! In collaboration with the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference (PNSQC) the SPIN meeting will have pizza and pop provided by PNSQC beginning at 5:30 pm.

PNSQC is the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference, a group of volunteers interested in Software Quality. The Mission of the PNSQC is to enable knowledge exchange to produce higher quality software. As a non-profit, it seeks to promote software quality by providing education and opportunities for information exchange within the software community.

Thanks also to OTBC

We want to thank OTBC ( for providing the space for this talk

How to Register

This is a FREE lecture sponsored by the Rose City SPIN. But you can help us plan food and drinks by registering at:

Rose City SPIN

The Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) is a monthly forum for networking, mutual support, and promotion of effective software practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and human facets of software process improvement. The Rose City SPIN serves the software development community of the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Whether you work for a large company or a small one, corporate or self-employed, industrial or academic setting, you are welcome at the Rose City SPIN.

Feb 21, 2013
PortlandWiki Revival
Pearl Whole Foods Annex

We're starting up a regular PortlandWiki meetup again, so join us!

Did you know Portland has a city-specific wiki that anyone can contribute to? We want your help and knowledge!

No experience with Wikipedia or any other wiki is necessary to join the meetup, and everyone is welcome.

Apr 15, 2018
Lessons from the Jazz Ensemble: Designing for collaboration and innovation with a narrated performance by the Mel Brown Septet
Photon Studio

The Future of Work is collaborative and improvisational. Traditional, top-down chains of command and career competition are the ways of the past. Status is increasingly based on knowledge, contribution, and level of connection, not just position and power.

During this experience you will learn how to design your own framework and collaborative leadership practices to become a future-oriented leader and team member.

Join us for this unique event, presented by The PEAK Fleet, with a special, storytelling set by the Mel Brown Septet. A Portland jazz icon since 1973, Mel, alongside his bandmates, will demonstrate how to create a culture that sustains successful improvisational and collaborative groups.

A Design Week Portland event, including refreshments, special art installation, and other activities.

Tickets: $15, available at:

Premier Sponsor: United Tile

Sponsor: Pacific Northwest College of Art - Collaborative Design MFA/Design Systems MA

May 18, 2011
Jim McCarthy on The Core Protocols
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

Great software comes from getting your team’s best ideas into the product. Jim McCarthy, who led the legendary turnaround of the Visual C++ group at Microsoft, left Microsoft in 1996 to create a team dynamics laboratory to figure out how to always create a create a high performance team.

The McCarthy lab has focused extensively on this challenge, and has produced 11 rich, precise protocols (called the Core) for making unanimous decisions, supporting quality thinking, strengthening design iterations, and incorporating feedback, emotions, nobility, and passion into products.

Learn about these protocols in this motivating, challenging talk. In just a few minutes, you can pick up the fundamentals of an entirely new class of tool.

• Do you notice too much discussion and arguing and would prefer the best ideas would just get implemented now? –Learn about the Decider Protocol which guarantees unanimous team decisions with accountability and moves the team forward with a bias toward action.

• Do you accept that it is vitally important that you get the opinions of others about the quality of work products but notice that it is consistently painful to give and receive feedback? – Learn about the Perfection Protocol which solves all the problems associated with criticism.

• Do you notice that dumb things consistently happen on your team and everyone seems to lack self-awareness to some degree, including you? – Learn about the Core Commitments which provide a team constitution about commitment and accountability to the team. And learn about the Personal Alignment Protocol which allows each team member to address self-awareness around courage, integrity, passion and other virtuous behaviors.

This event is free and is at our new location, Puppet Labs. It begins at 6:30 pm with pizza, sponsored by PNSQC (Many thanks to both Puppet Labs and PNSQC for supporting agile in Portland).

The program starts at 7:00 pm.

After the program you're invited to join us for a no-host gathering at a nearby brewpub for further discussion.

May 22, 2010
Research Club Nerd Night
Research Club

You are cordially invited to the Research Club Nerd Night at the new Research Club location on May 22 at 5pm!

Research Club has just moved into its first dedicated location after nearly a year of hosting discussions, salon-style dinners, events, and the popular Research Club Brunch. Located in the heart of the central-eastside industrial district, we’re sharing a 660 square-foot space with Grand Detour, Portland’s new center for experimental documentary and new media.

What We are Offering

A large portion of the Research Club community comes from the local tech scene. A few collaborations have already grown out of meetings at Research Club brunch, but we would like to learn how to better serve this (large) portion of our community. The first half of Nerd Night will be a discussion of ways in which the new space and the other efforts of Research Club can contribute to the things that interest you.

What We are Asking -- It’s all well and good to have a new home in meatspace, but if we’re really going to reach people we need a better home online. Ním, the founder of Research Club, will be presenting a proposal for the Research Club Network, an explanation of why it matters, and a call to join the development team.

Afterwards: Stay after for refreshments and a chance to mingle with the artsy folks who will be arriving for the Art Department Orientation. (Feel free to stay for that too.)

215 E Morrison, Suite 2020 5:00 -- discussion of space use 6:00 -- Research Club Network proposal

7:00 refreshments served, opportunity to mingle with the artsy folk coming for the Research Club Art Department Orientation 7:30 -- Art Department Orientation 8:00 -- late: discussion and local pub-crawl

For more information and/or to RSVP, please check out our Facebook event! Hope to see you there.

Research Club Nerd Night!

Jun 10, 2009
The Art of Agile Delivery (training)
through Sentinel Hotel

Learn everything you need to know about agile delivery in this three-day course. We use an innovative course structure that allows you to do real agile software development in cross-functional teams. Using two instructors and splitting the group as appropriate, we ensure that programmers get plenty of technical depth without boring everyone else.

You'll learn:

  • Eliminating bugs
  • Incremental requirements
  • Working with stakeholders
  • Customer tests and acceptance test-driven development
  • Test-driven development
  • Refactoring
  • Code management
  • Continuous integration
  • Exploratory testing
  • Pairing
  • Incremental design and risk-driven architecture
  • Cross-functional collaboration

Programmers, testers, on-site customers, business analysts, project managers, product managers, ScrumMasters, coaches, team leads, and anyone else on an agile team will benefit from this course.


After completing this course, you will be prepared to:

  • Work in a cross-functional team with on-site customers, testers, and programmers
  • Understand and accommodate diverse stakeholder opinions
  • Build and ship complete increments of software in one-week iterations
  • Create nearly bug-free code using test-driven development, refactoring, and exploratory testing
  • Prevent build failures with continuous integration
  • Build technical infrastructure incrementally alongside features


"I don't know how they pulled off the [class project], but going through four iterations brought the concepts home. Also I was a programmer wanting to learn about the project development side. Diana's four-quadrant diagrams (about stakeholders) were enlightening as was Jim's [incremental design] box diagrams and analogy of TDD to double-entry bookkeeping. Thank you!!" --Steve Tamura, Developer

"Extremely educational--lots of new material. Well organized." --Dave Goldman, Senior Developer, Inspiration Software

"They were great. They were funny, understanding, and answered questions well." --Ven Cohen, Programmer/Technical Lead, ISI

Apr 18, 2013
PortlandWiki Revival Meetup
Three Friends Coffee House

We're going to be editing and adding to the PortlandWiki, so come on down and join us!

The PortlandWiki contributors need your help documenting more of the unique locales, people, art, businesses, organizations, parks, and any other memorable things you can think of that keep Portland weird.

May 17, 2013
PortlandWiki Revival
Three Friends Coffee House

We're meeting to work on articles for PortlandWiki! Come join us to learn more, suggest ideas, work on stump articles, and talk about the history of Portland.

Sep 6, 2013
PortlandWiki Revival
Three Friends Coffee House

Come wiki it up with other documentarians of Portland.

Jul 20, 2010
Online Community Managers PDX MeetUp
Vino Vixens

Online Community Manager PDX Group MeetUp

We discuss how to create and maintain grass-roots and business sponsored online communities with or without a face-to-face meeting component. You are encouraged to bring ideas and challenges to discuss. Be a community manager now or interested in the field.

Free - Casual space. You can purchase wine, beer, soft drinks. Snacks provided, donations welcome.

We meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Contact ideagoddess at gmail dot com for more info.

Aug 17, 2010
Online Community Managers PDX MeetUp
Vino Vixens

We discuss Community creating, maintenance, management issues and solutions. Tell stories, ask for advice, etc.


Drinks: Vino Vixens sells wine by the bottle or glass and also have beer and non-alcoholic beverages.

Food: I usually pick up some snacks from TJ's (donation not required but happily accepted). You can also bring (commercially prepared) something to share as well.

WiFi: Yes

Please RSVP to:

Ann Marcus [email protected]

Jun 22, 2023
From Silos to Synergy: An Anthropologist's Journey in Bridging Methodologies for Collaborative Design

Portland Design Thinkers is excited to announce an evening with Todd Harple - From Silos to Synergy: An Anthropologist's Journey in Bridging Methodologies for Collaborative Design

Over the course of two decades, Todd has adapted his toolkit of methods to suit the audiences, challenges, resources, and desired outcomes of specific projects. With experience and time, he moved from rejecting Design Thinking to embracing it, to relegating elements of it to a part of a multi- (or anti-disciplinary) collaborative toolkit. This talk will illustrate with examples from Todd's work in consumer electronics, fashion, fitness, health and sports how his approach to collaborative design has evolved.

Sep 7, 2023
Virtual Improv Shenanigans for Design Thinkers

Ignite your design thinking with a twist of spontaneity in a "Virtual Improv Shenanigans for Design Thinkers" session brought to you by Portland Design Thinkers.

Join us for an electrifying online experience where creativity meets unpredictability. Led by seasoned improviser and consultant, Kat Kojic of Hello Gorgeous, this session blends laughter and innovative challenges to enhance your adaptability, ideation, and collaboration skills. Get ready to break free from the ordinary, improvise with fellow designers, and fuel your imagination in unexpected ways!

5 pm (NOTE, this event will start earlier than many of our events)

Aug 22, 2024
Co-Create Solutions: Tapping into Your Most Valuable Resource - Your People

Portland Design Thinkers is excited to announce our next event with Line Mørkbak, Co-Create Solutions: Tapping into Your Most Valuable Resource - Your People

In this engaging and practical talk, we will explore how to harness the collective intelligence of your organization. Learn how to foster collaboration across teams and silos, enabling the co-creation of innovative solutions that would otherwise be impossible. By looking at Open Space Technology, LEAN Coffee, and a few of the Liberating Structures. Through these co-creative practices, we will try our self-organization to uncover hidden pockets of knowledge from individuals at all levels.

Co-creation builds advocacy among all participants and encourages pushing beyond the familiar, avoiding the pitfalls of mere consensus. Join us to discover how to truly tap into your most valuable resource: your people.

Jul 18, 2017
Portland Atlassian User Group
Wacom Experience Center

The Portland, OR Atlassian User Group is back with new group leads. We'll host our first event to re-invigorate the community, introduce new people, and brainstorm topics and speakers for future events. This is a meet and greet event so come prepared to laugh while enjoying drinks and light snacks. Get to know each other through activities, and bring business cards to enter to win prizes in giveaways.

Bring your great ideas; influence the next event. We want to know: what you're interested in, what you feel comfortable presenting about, and what you're dying to learn. We'll gather topics, speaker, and date suggestions for our next get-together.

Location: The event will be hosted by Wacom at their Experience Center (1455 NW Irving St., Suite 110, Portland, or 97209) on July 18, 5 PM PDT.

Register Online

Feb 21, 2018
Sketch and Diagram: Using Lucidchart in Jira and Confluence
Wacom Experience Center

Joseph will be present on how to enhance your Confluence and JIRA experiences through visual communication with Lucidchart. Sharing best practices and use cases, he'll show how powerful visualizing systems and processes can be for your organizations.

Lunch provided and drinks provided. Register online to reserve regular or vegetarian lunch.

Bring a notebook and pen to take notes, business cards to help you connect, and good questions for Joe.