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Collaborative Context

OTBC (Oregon Technology Business Center)
8305 Southwest Creekside Place
Beaverton, Oregon 97008, US (map)
Public WiFi

2nd floor, Suite C



How Do You Set a Collaborative Context? Encourage Pervasive Leadership

Why do we think collaboration is so hard, so complex? Well, one reason is that it’s largely antithetical to how we have been enculturated for generations. At the same time, it’s increasingly important for business survival and has long been important for personal happiness. February’s SPIN talk looks at what is needed to speed up and optimize opportunities for collaboration on project teams and in organizations from a leadership perspective. We’ll discuss what it means to have a “dialogic mindset” to “presence” leadership in the organization and discuss a model that leaders all across, up, and down the organization can use to foster collaboration. Principles around freedom and accountability as well as deep democracy will be covered and related to the workplace.

While this topic does not present a panacea for dysfunctional organizations it will provide attendees with new thinking and action-base tools for fostering collaboration wherever they lead. Come prepared to participate. While she respects “tourists” this speaker draws out audience interaction. Leadership is a conversation, not a presentation.


Jean Richardson has been a software development professional since 1989, She is experienced in project management, writing, training, public speaking, and requirements and business analysis. During her career, she has designed and implemented a number of communications programs, managed dozens of projects, helped to assemble and led large and small co-located and distributed teams, led process improvement initiatives, and led professional development and education efforts for software developers in all specialties.

As a businessperson, she is firmly aware of the value, as well as the cost, of customer intimacy. She cautions fellow software professionals against too strictly applying the adage “it’s just business,” because business is done by human beings. She has learned that basic human issues are at the root of most business problems and most customer/vendor, employer/employee, or client/consultant disputes. Jean believes that if we ignore this fact we dehumanize ourselves and imperil our society.

Her experience and career path have spanned both traditional and agile methods, frameworks, and cultural perspectives. The Agile leadership model she espouses, Pervasive Leadership, is designed to help leaders set a collaborative context while still meeting their own stewardship responsibilities to the organization.

Jean teaches courses in Effective Conflict Engagement, Collaboration for Cross-Functional Teams, Setting Collaborative Context, Working Together When You Can’t Be Face-to-Face, and Facilitative Leadership.

As a consultant, her client list boasts a wide range of businesses including ADP, Chrome Systems, Intel, Daimler Chrysler, Kryptiq Corporation, Mentor Graphics, Oregon State Department of Human Services, Portland General Electric, The Regence Group/Cambia Health Solutions, and Tripwire. EPHT GEORGE, a project Jean led for the Public Health Division of Oregon State Department of Human Services, won the Project Management Institute 2009 Project of the Year Award for the Portland Chapter.

A Special Treat from PNSQC

Plan on coming early! In collaboration with the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference (PNSQC) the SPIN meeting will have pizza and pop provided by PNSQC beginning at 5:30 pm.

PNSQC is the Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference, a group of volunteers interested in Software Quality. The Mission of the PNSQC is to enable knowledge exchange to produce higher quality software. As a non-profit, it seeks to promote software quality by providing education and opportunities for information exchange within the software community.

Thanks also to OTBC

We want to thank OTBC (http://www.otbc.org/) for providing the space for this talk

How to Register

This is a FREE lecture sponsored by the Rose City SPIN. But you can help us plan food and drinks by registering at: http://rosecityspin-feb.eventbrite.com

Rose City SPIN

The Rose City Software Process Improvement Network (SPIN) is a monthly forum for networking, mutual support, and promotion of effective software practices. We exchange practical experiences, ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and war stories about the technical, business, and human facets of software process improvement. The Rose City SPIN serves the software development community of the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Whether you work for a large company or a small one, corporate or self-employed, industrial or academic setting, you are welcome at the Rose City SPIN.

