Viewing 0 current events matching “c#” by Event Name.

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Viewing 83 past events matching “c#” by Event Name.

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Jun 17, 2010
A Very Special PADNUG Event
Microsoft Portland

A Special Event hosted by the Portland Area .NET Users Group. This venue may change and more details are coming.

Oct 13, 2011
discover-e Legal, LLC

The group is kicking off again talking on all sorts of dev topics, come join us for discussion, presentation, and impromptu developer bits.

Jul 9, 2017
C# Study Group and Career Help at Epicodus

Join us for code as we help each other progress our careers and learn C#.

If you need help getting into the building and no one is there, post a message on the meetup or in Slack.


10:00 AM Start

10:20 AM Introductions

2:00 PM Leaving

Nov 10, 2012
Code with the Experts (XAML/C#)
Ambridge Event Center


Are you excited to try your hand at building a Windows 8 App?

Join us on November 10 for "Code with the Experts" and make your dream a reality! Visit with Windows 8 experts and enjoy great food, awesome conversation, and wonderful prizes!

We want to invite you, your friends, co-workers, and any other developers to this special event. It is the perfect time to get started on your Windows 8 App. Don't worry if you don't yet have an idea for an App - we can brainstorm with you or match you with an idea for a Windows 8 App. Additionally, if you would like to work with someone on a project we will be ready to pair you with other developers. Bring your storyboard, your ideas, and your thinking cap!

We'll spend the morning with the experts enpaneled to answer your questions. After the provided lunch, we'll spend the afternoon coding solo or in pairs.

We'll also have door and raffle prizes. Most exciting is a special surprise for all developers who are working towards publishing a Windows 8 App. All this AND we'll have the experts to help guide you through some of your challenges and roadblocks.

Bring your laptop loaded with Windows 8 and Visual Studio Express ready to code or use one of our preloaded "Windows 8 To Go" USB sticks. (Limited number available)

All attendees will receive a raffle ticket to win some cool prizes. For every guest you bring to this Code with the Expert event, you will receive an extra entry to the raffle!

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Meet the XAML/C# experts:

Stuart Celarier | Principal Consultant, Neudesic Microsoft Regional Director Microsoft MVP

Rich Claussen | Lead Software Engineer, Welch Allyn President, Portland Area .NET Users Group

Chris Sells | VP of the Developer Tools Division, Telerik Author

Kelly White | President, Silvertail Software

Build it with help from the experts. Register today.

Dec 4, 2012
December PADNUG Party and Windows Phone - Monetization with In-App Purchases
Intel Hawthorn Farms 3 (HF3) Campus

As we normally do in December, we will be having a little bit of EXTRA fun for the meeting!

First, we will be having a much broader food choice than our normal pizza! We'll have a selection of pastas and salads to make your mouth water. Don't worry, though - we'll have a few token pizzas for the die-hards among us :).

Second, Kelly White will be presenting "WinPhone 8 In-App Purchases". This is the critical monetization mechanism for developers today on mobile devices. Windows Phone 8 adds comprehensive support that opens a new world of opportunity to developers. He'll discuss this feature in depth during this session, including demos for implementation and testing!

Third - and I'm really excited about this - our swag pile this month includes a BRAND NEW MICROSOFT SURFACE!!! Seriously!

Finally, we’ll wrap up our evening with After Words at the new BJs Restaurant and Brewhouse at the corner of Cornell and Cornelius Pass Road.

Do NOT miss out on this meeting!

WHERE: Intel Hawthorn Farms 3 (HF3) 5200 NE Elam Young Pkwy Hillsboro, OR 97124 Map:

WHEN: Tuesday 12/04/2012 6:00 p.m. Italian Buffet 6:30 p.m. Presentation ~8:30 p.m. After Words at BJs Restaurant and Brewhouse

As usual, thanks go out to our Premium Sponsors that help make these meetings possible:

azad, inc. Technology Consulting | Engineering | Project Management

Cinetopia Why watch a movie in coach when you can see it in first class?

CompuCom The leading IT outsourcing specialist

EnGn A Generator Group Company

Infragistics Design / Develop / Experience

jenkon New World. New Solution.

Microsoft Helping you realize your full potential

New Relic A new kind of app performance management solution from a new kind of company

OrcsWeb Remarkable Service. Remarkable Support.

O'Reilly Spreading the knowledge of innovators.

pluralsight Hardcore developer training

TEKsystems People you can trust. Results you can count on.

Telerik Deliver more than expected

VanderHouwen & Associates, Inc. VHA specializes in the placement of Software Developers.

Vircon, Inc. Technical Solutions That Mean Business

Mar 8, 2017
I want to work for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with Sam McCurdy (JetReports)
Forge Portland

This month, we will host Sam McCurdy, VP of engineering at JetReports. We might actually try something slightly different and have a panel of members from JetReports leadership to answer your questions this time! So definitely join us and bring along your "tech-curious" friends with you. If you are ready to learn what's out there (I know there's a lot of choice out there) in the tech world and want to explore options peripherally, this is the meetup for you... and has been for the last 2+ years. jetReports has a number of unique things going for them and I can't wait to dig into some of those aspects on March 8th.

For more details checkout the meetup page @

Jun 13, 2018
Inaugural Hardware Hackers Portland Meetup - Hacking appliances and prototyping connected things with Netduino and Xamarin.
PSU Business Accelerator

The hardware revolution is just beginning. Nest, Ring, Mellow; these are just the tip of the iceberg. Advances in hardware and software have opened a new world of connected possibilities that extends beyond just the consumer and into the industrial and commercial IoT world. And if you can develop apps, you can build hardware!

Howdy folks, Bryan Costanich here, and I'm super excited to announce the very first Hardware Hackers Portland meetup. Come and get inspired to build your own connected things as I walk through hacking household appliances into connected things that you can control with your phone using Netduino and Xamarin. Come learn how Netudino.Foundation (http://Netduino.Foundation) makes creating connected things in C# a piece of cake, with a massive library of peripheral drivers for sensors, LCDs, etc., and a handrolled API that makes building smart hardware a plug and play experience.

Much thanks to PSU Business Accelerator for graciously hosting us! You can find us in the Mt. Hood Room, and find directions here:

Mar 5, 2013
March PADNUG - Mobile First Responsive Design by Jason Grigsby
Intel Hawthorn Farms 3 (HF3) Campus

Mobile first and responsive web design aren’t simply two great tastes that go great together. No they represent much more than that. Mobile first responsive web design is the responsible way to build responsive designs.

Mobile first responsive web design is the best way to build something that is both responsive from a layout AND a performance perspective.

But if mobile first is the right way to do responsive design, then why are so few people doing it? In this presentation, we’ll dig into why mobile first responsive design matters and the five techniques necessary to make it work.

Jason Grigsby was one of the project leads on the Obama iPhone Application and helped design the user interface for the Wall Street Journal’s Blackberry application. He founded and organizes Mobile Portland, a local mobile development user group. Jason built his first web page in 1995. He has spent the last 11 years building web sites professionally before being bitten by the mobile bug prompting him to throw caution to the wind and start a new company focused on mobile and web development. He blogs at ( and can be found on Twitter as @grigs (

WHERE: Intel Hawthorne Farms 3 (HF3) 5200 NE Elam Young Pkwy Hillsboro, OR 97124 Map:

WHEN: Tuesday 03/05/2013 6:00 p.m. Pizza 6:30 p.m. Presentation ~8:30 p.m. After Words at Morgy's Pub

As usual, thanks go out to our Premium Sponsors that help make these meetings possible:

azad, inc. Technology Consulting | Engineering | Project Management

Cinetopia Why watch a movie in coach when you can see it in first class?

Infragistics Design / Develop / Experience

ISITE Design a digital agency

Jenkon Transforming the Sales Organization

Microsoft Helping you realize your full potential

New Relic A developer's best friend

O'Reilly Spreading the knowledge of innovators.

Pluralsight Hardcore developer training

TEKsystems People you can trust. Results you can count on.

Telerik Deliver more than expected

VanderHouwen & Associates, Inc. VHA specializes in the placement of Software Developers.

Vircon, Inc. Technical Solutions That Mean Business

Jul 17, 2018
PADNUG - Ask the Experts About... Differences in JS Frameworks with James Churchill
SoftSource Consulting

James Churchill will walk us through an exercise to learn how React, Angular, and Vue differ in coding style. *Come prepared to code!* :) Ask the Experts is an opportunity to bring your issues to the table and get help from industry experts! Each month we will have a different expertise available. Bring your laptop, your ideas, your own expertise and join us for this great new event!

Aug 7, 2018
PADNUG - Damola 'D' Omotosho: Startup .NET: Stories From the Field!
Intel Hawthorn Farms 3 (HF3) Campus


Aug 1, 2017
PADNUG - Donovan Brown and Dave Harrison: DevOps Pipeline in One Hour!
Intel Hawthorn Farms 3 (HF3) Campus

Donovan Brown – the Principal DevOps Program Manager from Microsoft - will be repeating his bravura VS Live performance with a no-slide extravaganza. We’ll be building out four – yes four! - DevOps pipelines from scratch in 1 hour. ASP.NET, ASP.NET core, Node.js, and Java to both Docker and Azure App Service. Crazy, crazy stuff – you’ll never get a better start to finish view of building out DevOps in practice for your release management pipeline! Donovan has an active and highly followed blogsite at Donovan is a very heavy hitter at MSFT in DevOps on a worldwide scale – and has a solid national rep of being a very engaging, knowledgeable, and entertaining presenter.

Nov 6, 2018
PADNUG - Erik Howard: Machine Learning for Non Data Scientists!
Intel Hawthorn Farms 3 (HF3) Campus

Simple, plain-English explanations accompanied by math, code, and real-world examples. Learn about Erik at:

Jul 11, 2017
PADNUG - Kirk Davis and Paul Fryer: Building .NET Serverless Applications with AWS!
Intel Hawthorn Farms 3 (HF3) Campus

A serverless approach to computing is one where services required to run a system are managed and automated. Developers don’t need to worry about running server instances and you pay only for the time code is actually executing, instead of servers hosted by the hour. Learn how to build .NET based serverless applications with Amazon Web Services (AWS). We’ll build an ASP.NET Core API and deploy it to AWS’s function as a service, Lambda and API Gateway. Then we'll deploy a single page application (SPA) with AngularJS using AWS’s storage service, S3 and content delivery network, CloudFront. This entire serverless application will be built, deployed and ready to serve at scale during the demo.

Jul 24, 2018
PADNUG - Portland Geek Dinner - EASTSIDE!
Grand Central Restaurant & Bowling Lounge

Be There and Be Square!

Feel free to bring your bowling shoes :)!

Geek and Nerd dinners are a great way to get to know your peers in the industry in an informal setting. We always have great food, beverages, and conversation!

Sep 25, 2018
PADNUG - Portland Geek Dinner - EASTSIDE!
Grand Central Restaurant & Bowling Lounge

Be There and Be Square!

Feel free to bring your bowling shoes :)!

Geek and Nerd dinners are a great way to get to know your peers in the industry in an informal setting. We always have great food, beverages, and conversation!

Jul 10, 2018
PADNUG - Portland Geek Dinner - WESTSIDE!
Thirsty Lion Pub and Grill

Be There and Be Square!

Geek and Nerd dinners are a great way to get to know your peers in the industry in an informal setting. We always have great food, beverages, and conversation!

We'll look to the RSVPs on here to guide our reservation. Please let us know you are coming!

Aug 14, 2018
PADNUG - Portland Geek Dinner - WESTSIDE!
Thirsty Lion Pub and Grill

Be There and Be Square!

Geek and Nerd dinners are a great way to get to know your peers in the industry in an informal setting. We always have great food, beverages, and conversation!

We'll look to the RSVPs on here to guide our reservation. Please let us know you are coming!

Dec 6, 2018
PADNUG - Scott Hanselman and the Annual PADNUG Party!!
Intel Corporation, JFCC Auditorium

Yes folks... we're meeting a couple of days late this year. We do, however, have our usual venue! JOIN US!

Dec 5, 2017
PADNUG - Scott Hanselman's Annual Intro to the Latest in Microsoft Dev!
Intel Jones Farm Campus (JFCC Auditorium)

Each December, PADNUG endeavors to put on an event that goes above and beyond the normal. This year is no exception:

We've got Scott Hanselman showing the latest in Microsoft's development tools! We have food catered by Qdoba! We will have some amazing swag to give away! How can you not be at this event??

Dec 10, 2013
PADNUG - Walt Ritscher on WPF
Intel Jones Farm Conference Center (JFCC)
  • The outstanding Walt Ritscher presenting!
  • Qdoba Oregon is catering the event!
  • Sponsored After Words at the NEW Thirsty Lion Pub & Grill - Tanasbourne!
  • Giving away a Xbox One Day One Edition!!!

Pure AWESOME! NOTE: We're meeting in a different venue than normal

Presentation: WPF is the go-to UI tool for building stunning, interactive Windows desktop application. Sure, HTML 5 and Windows Store Apps (aka Metro) get most of the publicity nowadays, but corporate developers across the world are quietly building impressive LOB apps with WPF.

Microsoft implemented a lot of new features in WPF 4.5. Join Walt for an information packed session showcasing many of these improved features. Topics include the new Visual Studio 2013 XAML editor enhancements, threading and collection changes. Live Shaping of bound data, weak events, and data-binding improvements.


6:00 p.m. Qdoba Burrito Bar
6:30 p.m. Business and Intro
7:00 p.m. Presentation
8:15 p.m. Swag drawing including the Xbox One
8:45 p.m. After Words at the new Tanasbourne Thirsty Lion
- Brought to you by I.T. Motives, TEKsystems, and VanderHouwen & Associates

Thanks to our Premium Sponsors that help make our meetings possible:

azad Technology Partners | Technology Consulting - Engineering - Project Management | Committed to Your Success

Cinetopia | Why watch a movie in coach when you can see it in first class?

Infragistics | Design / Develop / Experience

ISITE Design | a digital agency

Microsoft | Helping you realize your full potential

New Relic RPM | A developer's best friend

O'Reilly Media | Spreading the knowledge of innovators.

ServerLogic | We're Passionate About IT!

TEKsystems | People you can trust. Results you can count on.

Telerik | Deliver more than expected

VanderHouwen & Associates, Inc.| VHA specializes in the placement of Software Developers

Welch Allyn | Experience what a career should feel like.

Aug 3, 2010
PADNUG August Meeting
Portland Art Museum

Details to follow, but do you really need to know anything else? I mean really - Karl Shifflett! If you have any interest at all in WPF, I'd show up for this one.

See Karl's blog at

Jul 6, 2010
PADNUG July Meeting
Intel Ronler Acres RA1 Auditorium

WHEN: Tuesday 07/06/2010 6:00 p.m. Pizza (by Ascentium) 6:30 p.m. Presentation ~8:30 p.m. After Words at Cornelius Pass Roadhouse

Chris Goldfarb Chris Goldfarb is a dev for the Intel Information Technology group, and has been writing software for 14 years. .NET has been Chris' main focus since the pre-beta bits were released, and has both developed applications and trained others on the framework. Chris has presented software engineering topics at technical conferences such as the Microsoft Professional Developer's Conference, Intel Developers Group and the Portland Area .NET User Group, which he founded.

He has held positions as board member of the Intel e-Business Group .NET Taskforce and the Technical Infrastructure committee of the International .NET Association (INETA). Chris is Microsoft Certified in .NET and has been Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Visual C# for 4 years.

Prior to joining Intel in January 2001, he engineered mission-critical applications for the United States Air Force, United States Strategic Command. Primarily using Java, C++, and Ada, these applications included early-warning, ballistic missile flight path, and nuclear readiness assessment systems.

MEF?!? Another 3-char acronym out of Microsoft? What is it and why should you care? How does it help deliver extensible applications? How is it different than traditional IoC containers, and what are some scenarios where you would use one over the other, or even both at once? How do you use MEF, and what are some potentials gotchas and considerations for implementation?

In this session learn all this and more. In fact, since nothing beats writing code to learn, bring a laptop with VS2010 RTM installed and help me build a composite application in real-time!

While you are at it, consider visiting our Premium Sponsors that make these meetings possible:

Ascentium - Microsoft - ORCS Web - O'Reilly - Robert Half Technology -

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Nov 6, 2012
PADNUG November Meeting - Highlights from //build/
Intel Hawthorn Farms 3 (HF3) Campus

Please join us Tuesday night for the PADNUG November meet-up!

Despite some civic event going on this coming Tuesday, we've got some of your favorite presenters coming to bring you highlights from the //build/ Conference!

WHERE: Intel Hawthorne Farms 3 (HF3) 5200 NE Elam Young Pkwy Hillsboro, OR 97124 Map:

WHEN: Tuesday 11/06/2012 6:00 p.m. Pizza 6:30 p.m. Presentation ~8:30 p.m. After Words at On the Border Mexican Grill

WHO: Stuart Celarier Darren Freimuth MJ Johnson Chris Sells Kelly White

TOPIC: //build/ is happening RIGHT NOW and not everyone in the group went :(. So, what we can do is bring several of the folks that are going to //build/ in to the meeting and get everything out of their brains that we can!

We'll start with each panelist giving a brief description of what he found that was 'cool'. Then, we will open up the floor to questions and interaction with the audience! I fully expect some demos, too!

This should be a great lead-in to our "Code with the Experts" event on Saturday, November 10! It was a great event in Redmond so sign up to attend here in Portland:

As usual, thanks go out to our Premium Sponsors that help make these meetings possible:

azad, inc. Technology Consulting | Engineering | Project Management

Cinetopia Why watch a movie in coach when you can see it in first class?

CompuCom The leading IT outsourcing specialist

EnGn A Generator Group Company

Infragistics Design / Develop / Experience

jenkon New World. New Solution.

Microsoft Helping you realize your full potential

OrcsWeb Remarkable Service. Remarkable Support.

O'Reilly Spreading the knowledge of innovators.

pluralsight Hardcore developer training

TEKsystems People you can trust. Results you can count on.

Telerik Deliver more than expected

VanderHouwen & Associates, Inc. VHA specializes in the placement of Software Developers.

Vircon, Inc. Technical Solutions That Mean Business

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Cheers, Rich (Jesse is at //build/ :)) PADNUG President

Sep 6, 2011
PADNUG: Asynchronous Programming Futures for .NET (C# 5 / VB 11)
Intel Ronler Acres RA1 Auditorium

This session will take a peek into the future and examine some of the features proposed for C# 5.0. This includes studying async methods which are part of C# 5.0 and build on the PFx Task library. We will also briefly look at the PFx Task libraries to gain the necessary background for working with the new language features. Note that Visual Basic 11 will also have these identical features so in essence we'll be covering VB 11 as well.

Presented by Michael Kennedy.

PADNUG: Asynchronous Programming Futures for .NET (C# 5 / VB 11)
Intel Ronler Acres RA1 Auditorium

Please join us Tuesday night for the PADNUG September meet-up!

Michael Kennedy will be presenting on asynchronous programming futures for .NET: This session will take a peek into the future and examine some of the features proposed for C# 5.0. This includes studying async methods which are part of C# 5.0 and build on the PFx Task library. We will also briefly look at the PFx Task libraries to gain the necessary background for working with the new language features. Note that Visual Basic 11 will also have these identical features so in essence we'll be covering VB 11 as well.

WHERE: Intel Ronler Acres RA1 Auditorium 2501 NW 229th Avenue Hillsboro, OR 97124 Map:

WHEN: Tuesday 9/6/2011 6:00 p.m. Pizza 6:30 p.m. Presentation ~8:30 p.m. After Words at On the Border Mexican Grill

WHO: Michael is an instructor for DevelopMentor, a .NET enthusiast, an agile pioneer, an entrepreneur, a father of three girls, a husband, a student, and a teacher. His blog is at

TOPIC: This session will take a peek into the future and examine some of the features proposed for C# 5.0. This includes studying async methods which are part of C# 5.0 and build on the PFx Task library. We will also briefly look at the PFx Task libraries to gain the necessary background for working with the new language features. Note that Visual Basic 11 will also have these identical features so in essence we'll be covering VB 11 as well.

Thanks to our Premium Sponsors that make these meetings possible:

azad - Cinetopia - Infragistics - Microsoft - O'Reilly -

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Cheers, Jesse PADNUG Outreach Coordinator

Oct 30, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Nov 7, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Nov 21, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Dec 12, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Dec 19, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Jan 2, 2014
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Jan 9, 2014
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Jan 16, 2014
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Jan 23, 2014
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night
NedSpace on 5th

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Dec 5, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night - Topic TBD
NedSpace on 5th

We will have a talk on a topic to be determined.

Come and learn software development!

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Nov 14, 2013
PDX Code Guild Open Learning Night - Topic: Interview questions
NedSpace on 5th

Topic: Learn what interviewers are looking for, what sorts of questions they ask, and what they are looking for in your responses.

This is a topic learning night. Come and learn, ask questions, and become a better software developer.

Set aside one night a week to become a better developer, pick up new skills, and get help with your projects and learning. We'll have mentors on hand and a community of other learners to meet and work with.

Learn to build things: Build websites with HTML, CSS, and Javascript Dive in to the back end with Python and Django, Ruby on Rails or others Develop desktop programs in C#, Python, C and many other languages.

Whatever language or technology you want to learn we can help!

Our event is beginner friendly, we can help get you started with programing, support your online learning, or just talk about where you are at and what comes next.

Bring your laptop, and something you want to learn, try, or build.

Jan 19, 2012
Portland ALT.NET 2012 January Meetup!
Collective Agency Downtown

Again, we'll be meeting for technical discussion and a lot more. So far, this is what is on the agenda. We'll start this meetup off with a presentation on Git, pair programming, and code katas and koans with .NET. The presentation will cover what these things are, how they're implemented, and what the best usage and benefit of each is. TDD/BDD Pair

Programming Session! Ever wanted to pair program? Wanted to learn about ping pong style, promiscuous pair programming or some other style? Well after the presentation, for those interested bring a laptop with Visual Studio 2010 with the latest services packs and MVC tools and we'll be stepping through exactly what these techniques are and how they're implemented with the .NET stack (and a few open source components too).

Nov 15, 2011
Portland ALT.NET Lightning Presentations, Hack Session, and More
discover-e Legal, LLC

We'll have a few lightning talks on Visual Studio .NET 2010 & AWS (Amazon Web Services) Toolkit, utilizing CouchDB for data processing & testing, and more! Following that we'll touch on some mixed environment topics (Ruby on Rails + ASP.NET MVC w/ SQL Server) along with some.

We'll end the evening with a round at Bailey's (or other democratically elected establishment) with the distinctive possibility of some TDD, BDD, or hackery of some sort.

Note: There is also an invites... ...and for final location directions please see the meetup invite. Thanks!

on here:

on here:

on here:

Nov 17, 2011
Portland ALT.NET Lightning Presentations, Hack Session, and More
discover-e Legal, LLC

We'll have a few lightning talks on Visual Studio .NET 2010 & AWS (Amazon Web Services) Toolkit, utilizing CouchDB for data processing & testing, and more! Following that we'll touch on some mixed environment topics (Ruby on Rails + ASP.NET MVC w/ SQL Server) along with some.

We'll end the evening with a round at Bailey's (or other democratically elected establishment) with the distinctive possibility of some TDD, BDD, or hackery of some sort.

Note: There is also an invites... ...and for final location directions please see the meetup invite. Thanks!

on here:

on here:

on here:

May 15, 2012
Portland DotNetNuke User Group
RiverEast Center

Network with other DNN users. Q&A, demos, pizza.

Jan 11, 2016
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Oregon Story Board

Our speaker for the January 2016 Meetup will be Garin Gardiner, Fusion 360 Product Manager, from Autodesk. Garin's work on Fusion 360 for HoloLens was recently featured in the video Partner Spotlight with Microsoft. Garin will share his insights into building software for HoloLens.

Please eat dinner before attending. There will be no food service at the meetup.

May 9, 2016
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Oregon Story Board Website
Jun 6, 2016
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Oregon Story Board

A Portland-based gathering of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs for Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Holographic.

Jul 18, 2016
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Oregon Story Board

A Portland-based gathering of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs for Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Holographic.

Aug 15, 2016
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Oregon Story Board

A Portland-based gathering of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs for Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Holographic.

Sep 12, 2016
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Oregon Story Board

A Portland-based gathering of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs for Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Holographic.

Oct 10, 2016
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Oregon Story Board

A Portland-based gathering of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs for Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Holographic.

Nov 14, 2016
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Oregon Story Board

A Portland-based gathering of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs for Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Holographic.

Dec 12, 2016
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Oregon Story Board

A Portland-based gathering of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs for Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Holographic.

Jan 9, 2017
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Oregon Story Board

A Portland-based gathering of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs for Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Holographic.

Feb 13, 2017
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Oregon Story Board

A Portland-based gathering of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs for Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Holographic.

Apr 10, 2017
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Oregon Story Board

A Portland-based gathering of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs for Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Mixed Reality.

May 15, 2017
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Oregon Story Board

A Portland-based gathering of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs for Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Mixed Reality.

Jun 12, 2017
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)

A Portland-based gathering of developers, designers, and entrepreneurs for Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Mixed Reality.

Jul 17, 2017
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)

NOTE: As of June 2017, we have moved the monthly meetup to the Pacific Northwest College of Art just a few blocks from OSB. Thank you to Oregon Story Board for being a fantastic host for the past 1.5 years! We greatly appreciate it.

July 2017 Agenda:

  • Overview of HoloLens news and announcements

  • Other Presentation(s) TBD - if you have any ideas for speakers, please email [email protected]

  • Open Mic / Q & A

  • Networking

Aug 14, 2017
Portland HoloLens Meetup
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)

NOTE: As of June 2017, we have moved the monthly meetup to the Pacific Northwest College of Art just a few blocks from OSB. Thank you to Oregon Story Board for being a fantastic host for the past 1.5 years! We greatly appreciate it.

August 2017 Agenda:

  • Overview of HoloLens news and announcements

  • Other Presentation(s) TBD - if you have any ideas for speakers, please email [email protected]

  • Open Mic / Q & A

  • Networking

Dec 9, 2015
Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group - All Things Xamarin 2015
Viewpoint Tech Center

It’s coming up on the end of 2015, and a lot has happened in the world of Xamarin development.

The folks at Xamarin want to make sure that no one has missed anything important, so we are hosting an end-of-year user group event to celebrate the highlights.

Xamarin we’ll help sponsor this event with some cool giveaways, including swag and even a comp subscription for one lucky attendee at each event.

Also we will continue to build the thing we started a month earlier.

Doors are open at 6, with a rolling start around 6:30.

Jan 13, 2016
Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group - Hacking social
Viewpoint Tech Center

It's a new year, make it the year you dive into mobile, or take it to the next level!

We're getting together to chat about mobile, and get hands on. We'll have activities at all levels, from getting started for the first time, to bring-your-own-projects, to a group project we started in November or other projects of choice. Bring your selves and bring your sleeves (rolled up!)

Doors are open at 6.

Apr 20, 2016
Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group - Hacking social
Viewpoint Tech Center

We're getting together to chat about mobile, and get hands on. We'll have activities at all levels, from getting started for the first time, to bring-your-own-projects, to a group project we started in November or other projects of choice. Bring your selves and bring your sleeves (rolled up!)

Doors are open at 6.

Nov 11, 2015
Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group - Let's build something!
Viewpoint Tech Center

Our next meeting is going to be a hands on open lab accommodating multiple levels of experience. All projects and ideas are welcome, and we'll group up around common interests.

Doors are open at 6, with a rolling start around 6:30.

Dec 16, 2014
Portland Nerd (Geek) Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

Sep 17, 2013
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

Oct 15, 2013
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

Nov 19, 2013
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

Dec 17, 2013
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

Jan 21, 2014
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

Feb 18, 2014
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

Mar 18, 2014
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

Apr 15, 2014
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

May 20, 2014
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

Jun 17, 2014
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

Jul 15, 2014
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

Aug 19, 2014
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

Sep 16, 2014
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

Oct 21, 2014
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

Nov 18, 2014
Portland Nerd Dinner
Washington Square Mall food court

It's Nerd Dinner time again! We'll gather at Washington Square Mall in the food court. Be There and Be Square!

May 3, 2014
Portland Windows Phone Day
ISITE Design

Get FREE training and expert help to build and publish your apps for Windows devices.

Are you finally ready to start developing for mobile devices? Perhaps you're interested in learning what's new in Windows Phone 8.1 and how to build universal apps that can be published in both the Windows and Windows Phone Stores? The Portland Windows Phone Day will help you get your app closer to completion and get that much closer to putting the app in the store. In fact we expect many developers will have their application already uploaded to the store by the end of the day.

While previous events have focused around "learning" to build for Windows and Windows Phone, the focus of this event is geared towards doing the work and helping you "publish" your apps. Whether you’re a first-time developer, or a seasoned pro who wants to take advantage of new features in Windows Phone 8.1, this event is for you.


8:30 am: Registration/Check-in
9:00 am: Welcome and overview of DVLUP. Info on prizes.
9:30 am: App Studio walk through - create an app before lunch.
10:00 am: Hack/Create apps
12:30 pm: Lunch, sponsored by TEK Systems
1:30 pm: Advance talk on Windows Phone development.
2:00 pm: Hacking continues
5:30 pm: Dinner, sponsored by DVLUP.
8:00 pm: Giveaways, goodbyes and hacking continues at home.

All day: Experts available on hand to help out with any Windows Phone related questions you may have.


  • Everyone who works on an app on the day of the event will receive $50 AdDuplex credit to help get their app in front of mass audiences.
  • Everyone who works on an app on the day of the event will be entered into a raffle to win a surprise!
  • Everyone who creates a new Windows Phone or Windows 8 app in a rolling 30 day period can enter to win up to $1,000 every month at
  • Everyone who updates an existing app or uploads a new app to the Windows Phone store within 3 weeks of the event (May-3 to May-24) and submits to a challenge in DVLUP by May-28 will be entered into a raffle to win one of the following:
    • Nokia Lumia Hero device of their choice.
    • AdDuplex credit worth $1,000

Space is limited so be sure to REGISTER NOW!

Sep 22, 2012
The .NET Rocks! Visual Studio 2012 Launch Road Trip!
Intel Ronler Acres RA1 Auditorium

.NET Rocks is coming to Portland! Get your tickets NOW!!! Saturday, September 22 from 1:00pm to 5:00pm Intel Ronler Acres RA1 Auditorium

Please Sign Up At

Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell are taking the show on tour and we are one of the first stops!

Here in Portland, we will be having special guest ROCK STARS Chris Sells and Scott Hanselman recording a live .NET Rocks show with Carl and Richard.

Following that, Richard and Carl will each do a presentation around building modern applications on the Windows platform. Carl leans toward development and client-side technology and Richard leans toward DevOps and server-side technology.

Qdoba will be catering the event for us thanks to a generous donation by Telerik! *

Finally, after the event, we will retire to a local haunt for some beverages and further conversation!

This is going to be a blast!

If you are interested in more details or other stops the tour will be making, visit the NET Rocks site.

Don't forget to tweet about the event! Use the #dnrRoadTrip hashtag.

* Food will be served near the beginning of the event

Thanks to: .NET Rocks Visual Studio 2012 Launch Road Trip



Jun 4, 2013
Turn Your Mobile and Web Apps Up to 11 with Windows Azure Mobile Services
Intel Hawthorne Farms Building 3 (HF3), Auditorium

Join Kirill Gavrylyuk of Microsoft to see how they've extended the Windows Azure cloud platform to provide a new service that makes it incredibly easy for mobile apps on all the major platforms, including iOS and Android, to leverage the power of Windows Azure. Kirill will explain just how easy it is to add structured storage, authentication, push notifications and more to your apps and how Windows Azure takes the pain and cost out of managing and operating a your backend services. There'll even be a live demonstration so you can see for yourself how easy it is for any type of business to connect their apps with Mobile Services.

WHEN: 6:00 p.m. Pizza 6:30 p.m. Presentation ~8:30 p.m. After Words at Morgy's Pub

As usual, thanks go out to our Premium Sponsors that help make these meetings possible:

azad, inc. Technology Consulting | Engineering | Project Management

Cinetopia Why watch a movie in coach when you can see it in first class?

Infragistics Design / Develop / Experience

ISITE Design a digital agency

Jenkon Transforming the Sales Organization

Microsoft Helping you realize your full potential

New Relic A developer's best friend

Omnibility Helping organizations of all sizes manage their critical relationships

O'Reilly Spreading the knowledge of innovators.

Pluralsight Hardcore developer training

ServerLogic We're Passionate About IT!

TEKsystems People you can trust. Results you can count on.

Telerik Deliver more than expected

VanderHouwen & Associates, Inc. VHA specializes in the placement of Software Developers.

Vircon, Inc. Technical Solutions That Mean Business

Oct 13, 2012
Windows 8 Code with the Experts
Ambridge Event Center

Come join our panel of XAML/C# experts as you code your Windows 8 app and get it ready for the Windows Store. The Panel can answer questions and help with your specific scenarios. Learn from your peers and from the local Windows 8 experts near you.

Check out some of the Microsoft and community experts that will be on hand to help and answer your questions

Meet the XAML/C# experts:

Rich Claussen Lead Software Engineer Welch Allyn Portland Area .NET UG

Chris Sells VP of the Developer Tools Division Telerik

Stuart Celarier Principal Consultant, Neudesic Microsoft Regional Director, Microsoft MVP

Kelly White Kelly White President Silvertail Software

Windows 8 Code with the Experts (XAML/C#)
Ambridge Event Center


Come join our panel of XAML/C# experts as you code your Windows 8 app and get it ready for the Windows Store. The Panel can answer questions and help with your specific scenarios. Learn from your peers and from the local Windows 8 experts near you.

Check out some of the Microsoft and community experts that will be on hand to help and answer your questions.

Meet the XAML/C# experts:

Rich Claussen Lead Software Engineer, Welch Allyn President, Portland Area .NET Users Group

Chris Sells VP of the Developer Tools Division, Telerik

Stuart Celarier Principal Consultant, Neudesic Microsoft Regional Director Microsoft MVP

Kelly White President, Silvertail Software

Oct 11, 2013
Windows Phone Day Camp
Microsoft Portland Office (Pearl District)

We’re having a FREE day of training for Windows Phone Development on October 11, 2013. From 8am to 5pm you’ll learn what it takes to get started, what’s needed for success, what pitfalls to avoid, and what opportunities are available to you. Whether you’re a hobbyist or a seasoned developer, whether you’ve already published apps or are looking to build your first one, what you will learn is guaranteed to inspire. Seating is limited so register now.
