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Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at 1:53pm.
Viewpoint Tech Center
Located by the east landing of the Hawthorne Bridge, accessible by several bus lines, streetcar, and the Eastbank Esplanade.
Access Notes
The main door is on Water Ave.
Future events happening here
- - No events -
Past events that happened here
TuesdayMar 21 2023PDXWIT Presents: March Happy Hour
Registration is required to attend this event. Please register at:
This month, join PDXWIT and Viewpoint for a happy hour event focused on what it means to normalize technology. You’ll hear from:
Yoana Molina Marcial, founder of Guerreras Latinas, on why she created an organization focused on educating her community.
Juan Muro, JR, Executive Director of Free Geek, on how accessible and affordable technology is.
Natalie Ruiz, CEO of AnswerConnect and PDXWIT Board Member, on her career trajectory from a temp at a small start-up to becoming its CEO.
As with all of our happy hours, you’ll have the opportunity to network with other PDXWIT members, as well as with recruiters and hiring managers looking for tech talent like you!
5:20: Doors Open
5:35: Welcome, Introductions, Announcements
5:45: Lightning Speakers
6:00: Networking
7:00 Event Ends
Please note: all attendees will be required to show proof of a COVID vaccination or a negative COVID test within 48 hours of the event start.
PDXWIT is building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.
Q: Will masks be required in indoor spaces? Will masks be required outside? Will hand sanitizer be provided and plentiful?
A: Masks are optional and our host will provide hand sanitizer. We will ask all attendees to show proof of vaccination OR have a negative COVID test within 48 hours of the event.
Event FAQ
Q: What is the in-person event capacity?
A: 200
Q: Will there be gender neutral restrooms?
A: Yes
Q: Is the space ADA accessible?
A: Yes
Q: Will there be food and drink at this event?
A: Yes and will include vegan and gluten free options.
Q: What is the parking situation?
A: Parking is free at the time of the event. There are two lots attendees can use. At the Rec Center building 1510 S Water Avenue (across the street from the event site). There is also some minimal parking at the site itself in the Tech Center building parking lot at 1515 S Water Avenue. There is also free G Parking on the street in the area at that time.
Q: Is there any special information that might help me find the entrance?
A: Entrance will be easy to spot off the street. Upon arrival please note that the doors will be locked. However, a staff member will be nearby to let you into the building and direct you on where to check-in for the event.
Q: Is there secured bike parking?
A: Yes, secured bike parking is available upon request. Street bike parking is also available around the building.
Q: Should I consider using public transportation?
A: Yes, it can be a good option if you don't mind walking a bit. The Max Orange Line stops 0.5 miles away from the venue. Alternatively the 9-Powell Blvd bus line also stops by at OMSI/SE Water which is a 0.5 miles away from the venue.
Q: Can I bring my dog?
A: Sadly, no.
Q: Are exit signs clearly marked?
A: Yes
TuesdayFeb 20 2018PDX Women in Tech (PDXWIT) February Happy Hour Networking Event
Registration through Eventbrite [] is required to gain entry to this event
The words we use matter, and we at PDXWIT have decided to be more intentional about our use of language to ensure everyone feels included and safe. Join us on this journey at Viewpoint where we dedicate the event to Inclusive Language. Our topic of conversation will start with the question “how can language be more inclusive in your work environment?”
While the event is primarily intended for networking, we will have a short segment at 5:30 to share important announcements and showcase women in our community.
Introduction to Viewpoint, including what they do and what job opportunities are available.
Pamela Cournoyer, Executive Leadership Coach at Powerful & True, Leadership Mastery will talk to us about getting along at work to create an inclusive culture.
Paige Berry, Software Engineer at New Relic will tell us the The Practice of Positivity: how to be open-minded, thoughtful and caring.
During the event, we’ll have more to do than free-form networking:
An Activity Table where people can get creative. This is a fantastic way to meet others if large groups are not your thing. If you have trouble finding it, look for Meg Aul, our Event Activities Director.
Table Topics to help break the ice.
A section for job seekers and those hiring, to ensure people get connected.
4:30 p.m. - Doors open/Networking
5:30 p.m. - Introductions, Announcements + Lightning Speakers
6:30 p.m. - Event ends
Event FAQ:
Q: Will there be gender neutral restrooms?
A: Yes
Q: Is the space ADA accessible?
A: Yes
Q: Will there be food and drink at this event?
A: Yes
Q: What is the parking situation?
A: Parking available, after 4pm, at the REC building located at 1515 SE Water Ave., (on the river side)
Q: Is there secured bike parking?
A: No
Q: Should I consider using public transportation?
A: Yes
PDXWIT is a community-based non-profit organization. Our purpose is to strengthen the Portland women in tech community by offering educational programs, partnerships, mentorships, resources and opportunities. We are unifying a supportive environment for current and potential women in tech, all of whom are committed to helping each other. Our goal is to bring together and empower women in tech and to encourage others to pursue tech careers. This is our step towards reducing the gender imbalance in the industry and addressing the current negative effects of that imbalance on women.
Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.
WednesdayNov 15 2017Getting buy-in for Xamarin development: A developer’s pitch
Vlad Predovic will be presenting on his experience introducing the Xamarin platform to an enterprise setting, and the precautions, obstacles, and lessons that were encountered in the process.
WednesdaySep 20 2017Introduction to Prism - Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group
Prism is a framework for building loosely coupled, maintainable, and testable XAML applications in WPF, Windows 10 UWP, and Xamarin Forms. We will walk through a Xamarin.Forms example and talk about the features of this useful framework.
As always bring any mobile development ideas, discussion topic or issues so we can discuss them as a group.
WednesdayJul 19 2017Exploring React Native - Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group
Let's explore React Native as a cross-platform tool kit for developing apps. We will talk about what React Native is, how it's used and go through a simple example of an app built with it.
WednesdayJul 12 2017PDX PowerShell User Group
Guest Speakers: Michael Greene and Friends (Mark Gray and Joey Aiello) from Microsoft.
Michael Greene is the Microsoft Principal Program Manager, Azure Configuration and Automation Management System / PowerShell Language. Michael also co-authored the The Release Pipeline Model
Twitter - @migreene
Michael walk through a CI Pipeline Lab session (So bring your laptops!). This will setup a pipeline, using PowerShell, to help automate tasks. This can be applied to PowerShell modules, or anything really, that needs automation applied to it
WednesdayJun 21 2017Firebase Realtime Database
We will talk about and demo a Xamarin app using Firebase Realtime Database:
SaturdayJun 10 2017Xamarin Dev Day
Get a free hands-on learning experience with your local developer community to explore mobile development through sessions on Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms, and Azure Services. Put new knowledge into practice by building a Xamarin.Forms application in the afternoon in a hands-on lab!
Join your local Xamarin community at the Portland Mobile .NET Developers developer group that meets regularly covering Xamarin, Azure, and other mobile topics. Be sure to check out the Xamarin Dev Days website to see all the upcoming events around the world.
Time Topic
9:00am Registration & Breakfast Served
9:30am - 10:10am Intro to Xamarin (Ivan Bondy)
10:20am - 11:00am Xamarin Forms (Heath Hodgert)
11:10am - 11:50am Xamarin + Azure (Ryan Niebur)
12:00pm - 1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm - 3:30pm Xamarin Hands on Lab
1:00pm - 2:00pm Breakout: The Business Case for Xamarin (Curtis Shipley)
2:00pm - 3:00pm Breakout: Session TBD
3:30pm Wrap up, Raffle Items
4:00pm Drinks/Reception
Organizers & Xamarin Experts
Ivan Bondy - Solution Architect & Microsoft Certified Solution Master at Microsoft @ivanbondy
Heath Hodgert – Mobile Architect at Viewpoint Construction Software @wheathh
Ryan Niebur - Software Development Engineer at Viewpoint Construction Software
Curtis Shipley - Founder of Salty Dog Technology
Joe Dunn – Community Engagement at Marquam @joe_xbox
Local User Group:
Portland Azure User Group - PAzUG
Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group
Portland Dot NET User Group – PADNUG
Event Sponsors:
Viewpoint Construction Software
Salty Dog Technologies
For more information, please follow the Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group.
WednesdayApr 19 2017Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group: Comparing Cross Platform Development with Xamarin, Cordova and RubyMotion
Ryan Niebur will walk through building an example application with three different technologies. We will compare building a cross platform Android/iOS application in C# (Xamarin), JavaScript (Cordova) and Ruby (RubyMotion), and we will explore the similarities and differences. For consistency, each of these applications will be a front-end to the same API running in Azure.
WednesdayJan 18 2017Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group - MiniHack
This month we will do a simple programming challenge involving a specific set of APIs starting with a basic app.
Complete 1 of the following mini-hack challenges to win a Xamarin Code Monkey:
• Microsoft Cognitive Services
How to prepare: (see detailed instructions on our website linked above)
1. Preconfigure your personal machines with Xamarin and Azure - BEFORE EVENT!
2. Run a FILE->NEW project to complete your installation.
3. Don’t have Azure? Create your free Azure account today!
WednesdayOct 19 2016Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group - Mvvm Framework Lightning Talks
Our team will share our recent comparisons of frameworks!
WednesdaySep 21 2016Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group - Automated Acceptance Tests using SpecFlow and Xamarin.UITest
Ryan will present what he learned about using SpecFlow from Alexandra Marin’s talk at .NET Fringe, “Mobile testing for grown ups”, for anybody who missed it!
Here is the description of Alexandra Marin’s “Mobile testing for grown ups” talk:
"If you’re anything like me, coming on to a new project is terrifying: unknown domain, indecipherable (yes, I had autocorrect rewrite that word) tests and general panic. And I love unit tests as much as the next face-deep-in-code 24/7 developer, but that’s a limited way of testing your app and we can do better.
So let’s take a swing at turning specifications into concrete, executable and easy-to-repeat behavior. The result is powerful UI acceptance testing by performing common behaviors like pressing buttons, making swipe gestures and entering text. Oh, and did I mention you can automate all this?"
Doors Open at 6:00, Talk Begins at 6:30. Viewpoint is providing Pizza and Soda!
WednesdayJun 22 2016Learn about Reactive Libraries!
Using Michael Stanis' talk "Why You Should Be Building Better Mobile Apps with Reactive Programming" as a springboard, we will walk through the principles of Reactive .NET extensions and how they can be used in mobile apps.
We will be ordering pizza! Mmmmm pizza...
WednesdayMay 18 2016Xamarin Evolve 2016 Highlights - Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group
This time we will present highlights from the Xamarin Evolve conference ( You won't want to miss this!
WednesdayApr 20 2016Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group - Hacking social
We're getting together to chat about mobile, and get hands on. We'll have activities at all levels, from getting started for the first time, to bring-your-own-projects, to a group project we started in November or other projects of choice. Bring your selves and bring your sleeves (rolled up!)
Doors are open at 6.
WednesdayFeb 17 2016Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group - Hacking Social
We moved our meeting to the third Wednesday to avoid conflict with PDX iOS!
We're getting together to chat about mobile and get hands on. We'll have activities at all levels, from getting started for the first time, to bring-your-own-projects, to a group project we started in November or other projects of choice.
WednesdayJan 13 2016Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group - Hacking social
It's a new year, make it the year you dive into mobile, or take it to the next level!
We're getting together to chat about mobile, and get hands on. We'll have activities at all levels, from getting started for the first time, to bring-your-own-projects, to a group project we started in November or other projects of choice. Bring your selves and bring your sleeves (rolled up!)
Doors are open at 6.
WednesdayDec 9 2015Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group - All Things Xamarin 2015
It’s coming up on the end of 2015, and a lot has happened in the world of Xamarin development.
The folks at Xamarin want to make sure that no one has missed anything important, so we are hosting an end-of-year user group event to celebrate the highlights.
Xamarin we’ll help sponsor this event with some cool giveaways, including swag and even a comp subscription for one lucky attendee at each event.
Also we will continue to build the thing we started a month earlier.
Doors are open at 6, with a rolling start around 6:30.
WednesdayNov 11 2015Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group - Let's build something!
Our next meeting is going to be a hands on open lab accommodating multiple levels of experience. All projects and ideas are welcome, and we'll group up around common interests.
Doors are open at 6, with a rolling start around 6:30.
WednesdayOct 14 2015Lean Coffee
Join us for Lean Coffee at Viewpoint Construction Software. Viewpoint is located at the east landing of the Hawthorne Bridge, at 1510 SE Water Ave. Come to the Tech Center on the eastern side of Water Ave.
Lean Coffee is a simple, efficient, and fun way to discuss open ended topics in a small group. We’ll tend to focus on agile software development, but welcome any and all topics of interest. Porltand Lean Coffee is always an open, free community event. Some notes from past discussions are available on
For more on Lean Coffee, check out
SaturdayOct 3 2015Xamarin Dev Day
Xamarin Dev Days provide attendees with an intense, hands-on learning experience. Spend the morning exploring mobile development with sessions from Xamarin, our technology partners, and members of your local developer community, then roll up your sleeves for an afternoon dedicated to diving into code.
For a taste of the Xamarin community be sure to join your local Portland Mobile .NET Developers Group that meets regularly covering Xamarin and other Mobile topics! Be sure to check the Dev Days website as we will be adding more events soon.
You must register on the website to attend.
WednesdaySep 23 2015Lean Coffee
Join us for Lean Coffee at Viewpoint Construction Software on Wednesday, August 5 at 7:30am. Viewpoint is located at the east landing of the Hawthorne Bridge, at 1510 SE Water Ave. Come to the Tech Center on the eastern side of Water Ave.
Lean Coffee is a simple, efficient, and fun way to discuss open ended topics in a small group. We’ll tend to focus on agile software development, but welcome any and all topics of interest. Porltand Lean Coffee is always an open, free community event. Some notes from past discussions are available on
For more on Lean Coffee, check out
WednesdaySep 9 2015Configuration and Initialization (First Meeting!) - Portland .NET Mobile Developers Group
It's our first group meeting! We will spend some time getting to know each other, getting a feel for the group's experience, and forging ideas for what to discuss over the next few Meetups. Come prepared with your ideas and questions!
WednesdaySep 2 2015Lean Coffee
Join us for Lean Coffee at Viewpoint Construction Software on Wednesday, August 5 at 7:30am. Viewpoint is located at the east landing of the Hawthorne Bridge, at 1510 SE Water Ave. Come to the Tech Center on the eastern side of Water Ave.
Lean Coffee is a simple, efficient, and fun way to discuss open ended topics in a small group. We’ll tend to focus on agile software development, but welcome any and all topics of interest. Porltand Lean Coffee is always an open, free community event. Some notes from past discussions are available on
For more on Lean Coffee, check out
WednesdayAug 5 2015Lean Coffee
Join us for Lean Coffee at Viewpoint Construction Software on Wednesday, August 5 at 7:30am. Viewpoint is located at the east landing of the Hawthorne Bridge, at 1510 SE Water Ave. Come to the Tech Center on the eastern side of Water Ave.
Lean Coffee is a simple, efficient, and fun way to discuss open ended topics in a small group. We’ll tend to focus on agile software development, but welcome any and all topics of interest. Porltand Lean Coffee is always an open, free community event. Some notes from past discussions are available on
For more on Lean Coffee, check out