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Viewing 0 current events matching “techno-activism” by Date.

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Viewing 19 past events matching “techno-activism” by Date.

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Jun 17, 2013
Techno-Activism 3rd Monday: Portland's First!

RSVP to this FREE event on eventbrite

What is it?

This is the first Techno-Activism 3rd Monday event for Portland, Oregon! Read more about techno-activism 3rd mondays.

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.

Who's hosting?

The Privly Foundation will organize this and future TA3M Portland events. Puppet Labs is generously providing space. Gliph is providing free refreshments for attendees.

Event Description

We'll be chatting with James Vasile. James directs the Open Internet Tools Project, which supports development of anti-censorship and anti-surveillance tools. He is a partner at Open Tech Strategies, which advises organizations and businesses as they navigate the open-source world. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Software Freedom Law Center, where he acts as a strategic advisor on a range of free software efforts.

James has helped boot up a number of free software organizations, including the FreedomBox Foundation, Open Source Matters, and the Software Freedom Conservancy. His FreedomBox work has been recognized by an Innovation Award at Contact Summit 2011, as well as an Ashoka ChangeMaker’s award for Citizen’s Media.

You can learn more about James at

Jul 15, 2013
Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday

Note: This event is free but please RSVP at

What is it?

This is the second Techno-Activism 3rd Monday event for Portland, Oregon! Read more about techno-activism 3rd mondays.

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.

Who's hosting?

The Privly Foundation will organize this and future TA3M Portland events. Puppet Labs is generously providing space.

Event Description

We're excited to have Kees Cook chat with us this month. He will most likely be talking about digital surveillance and physical privacy. A little more about him: Kees Cook has been working with Free Software since 1994, and has been a Debian Developer since 2007. He is currently employed by Google to work on Chrome OS Security. From 2006 through 2011 he worked for Canonical as the Ubuntu Security Team's Tech Lead, and remains on the Ubuntu Technical Board. Before that, he worked at OSDL where he helped admin the mirrors at, and sometimes hacked on Inkscape. He has written various utilities including GOPchop and Sendpage, and contributes randomly to other projects including fun chunks of code in Wine, MPlayer, OpenSSH,and Wireshark. He's been spending most of his time lately focused on security features in the Linux Kernel.

Aug 19, 2013
Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday

This event is free, but please RSVP:

What is it?

This is the third Techno-Activism 3rd Monday event for Portland, Oregon! Read more about techno-activism 3rd mondays.

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.

Who's hosting?

The Privly Foundation will organize this and future TA3M Portland events. Puppet Labs is generously providing space. The folks at OpenITP are providing refreshments.

Event Description

Steve Mancini will be speaking with us about "The impact of disruptive innovation and privacy on your average hair stylist". A bit about him: After spending way too many years and dollars pursuing college degrees, Steve Mancini eventually had to enter the real world. A trek from the East coast to the West coast landed him a job in large corporation out in the burbs and after a decade+ of working there he has learned a thing or two about computer security, hacking, forensics, and incident response. He’s worn many hats and titles; his current is Harbinger of Doom (no really, it is on his business card).

Demo time! After the talk/Q&A, we will reserve time for folks to demo their favorite security/privacy tech tool. If you would like to be be a demoer, please let us know at [email protected], and we will work you into the schedule.


If you're interested in this event, you might also be interested in the PDXTech4Good meetup.

Sep 16, 2013
Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday

This event is free, but please RSVP:

What is it?

This is the third Techno-Activism 3rd Monday event for Portland, Oregon! Read more about techno-activism 3rd mondays.

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.

Who's hosting?

The Privly Foundation will organize this and future TA3M Portland events. Puppet Labs is generously providing space. The folks at OpenITP are providing refreshments.

Event Description

Current Events - Research something that happened in the last month that is of interest to TA3M folk, then email [email protected] to be put on the schedule. These should be very short but informative updates.

  • Did we find out that all web cryptography is broken? -- Sean McGregor

Talk by Steve Wyshywaniuk! - Steve is co-founder of Small World News, an organization dedicated to helping people around the world tell better stories through media. For the last seven years he has worked in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, as well as remotely with teams in Libya and Mexico to create content for international audiences. He has a life long passion for using technology as well as a formal education in film and media arts.

Steve will be sharing his experience of what works and fails from a technological and social perspective, and how he and his colleagues are putting their efforts into StoryMaker, an open source android app so that anybody can learn how to create great content.

Demo time! After the talk/Q&A, we will reserve time for folks to demo their favorite security/privacy tech tool. If you would like to be be a demoer, please let us know at [email protected], and we will work you into the schedule.


If you're interested in this event, you might also be interested in the PDXTech4Good meetup.

Oct 21, 2013
Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

This event is free, but please RSVP:

What is it?

This is the Techno-Activism 3rd Monday event for Portland, Oregon! Read more about techno-activism 3rd mondays.

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.

Who's hosting?

The Privly Foundation will organize this and future TA3M Portland events. We will host the event at Lucky Lab SE. The folks at OpenITP are providing refreshments.

Event Description

Current Events - Research something that happened in the last month that is of interest to TA3M folks, then email [email protected] to be put on the schedule. These should be very short but informative updates.

Chat! This meeting will be more informal, and a time to chat about the current events related to Techno-Activism, and ideas for future meetings.

Next month - We will be at our usual location in Puppet Labs with Logan Kleier from Portland's government, to talk about the intersection of technology and policy.


If you're interested in this event, you might also be interested in the PDXTech4Good meetup.

Nov 18, 2013
(CANCELLED) Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday

Due to an emergency, our speaker for this evening cannot make the event. Since so many events are happening in Portland this evening, we recommend you look at the other events on Calagator

This event is free, but please RSVP:

Event Description

Talk by Logan Kleier Talk by Logan Kleier - Logan is the chief information security and privacy officer for the City of Portland. Prior to this role, he worked in the private sector in a variety of product management and marketing roles for software and telecommunications companies. He has a Bachelors of Arts in history and political science and a Masters in public policy from Georgetown University.

The presentation presents a framework to aid government decision makers in the publication of various data sets. While government data is generally presumed to be a public record, this presentation will talk about use cases where it is not as well as grey areas where the law and public sentiment differ on notions of what government data is and isn't private.

What is it?

This is the fifth Techno-Activism 3rd Monday event for Portland, Oregon! Read more about techno-activism 3rd mondays.

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.

Who's hosting?

The Privly Foundation will organize this and future TA3M Portland events. Puppet Labs is generously providing space.


If you're interested in this event, you might also be interested in the PDXTech4Good meetup.

Jan 20, 2014
Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday
Flux - Plastic Fantastics

This event is free, but please RSVP on Eventbrite (linked above)

Event Description

We plan to do a hands-on meetup, where you will get to learn how to use the internet anonymously using Tor, VPN, etc.

Have a preference about what you want to learn? Want to lead a group in teaching a method? Email us a [email protected] and we'll add you to the agenda.

What should I bring?

  • A willingness to learn or to teach
  • A laptop. If you don't have one, let us know and we can try to scrounge up an extra one for you.
  • A current news story that you want to discuss with the group related to privacy/security/surveillance/censorship (optional)

What is it?

This is the Techno-Activism 3rd Monday event for Portland, Oregon! Read more about techno-activism 3rd mondays.

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.

Who's hosting?

Flux has generously offered to host this month's meetup. Be sure to read their code of conduct (below) before coming to the event. This will ensure that everyone has a great, safe time. The Privly Foundation will organize this and future TA3M Portland events. There will be light refreshments provided.

Flux's Code of Conduct

  1. We are present, awake, and sober.
  2. We listen non-judgmentally to ourselves and to everyone else.
  3. We make mistakes: everything that happens in this space is part of a learning experience.
  4. We speak only out of and about our personal experience and understanding.
  5. When faced with a choice between being curious and being defensive, we choose to be curious.
  6. We clean up after ourselves.
  7. We make things here and consume things elsewhere.
  8. We spend some of our free time here, not most or all of it.
  9. We treat one another as the other would like to be treated. If we don’t know how, we ask.
  10. We respect each others’ personal space and possessions. Specifically, we check in before touching someone or their belongings.
  11. We respect each others’ consent and boundaries. Yes means yes, no means no, maybe means no, and silence is not consent. We accept “no”s without arguing, and say “yes” when we mean yes.
  12. We respect chosen names, pronouns, and genders. If we don’t know how, we ask.
  13. We act from an assumption of mutual respect and good will. We clarify misunderstandings and apologize for harm caused. We assume ignorance and not malice.
  14. We watch out for each other to maintain a respectful and safe community. If we don’t know how, we ask. 15.When people’s conduct falls short of these agreements, we speak with them one-on-one. If matters don’t improve, we address the issue in a small group. If matters still don’t improve after three discussions, we might ask you to leave the space. As a last resort, we may vote to dissolve your membership.

Upcoming Privacy Retreat

Are you passionate about privacy-enhancing technologies? Join us for a Privacy Technology Retreat Februrary 7-10th in Southern Oregon. For more information, please see our latest blog post.


If you're interested in this event, you might also be interested in the PDXTech4Good meetup.

Feb 17, 2014
Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday

This event is free, but please RSVP on Eventbrite (linked above)

Event Description

Encryption can be easy! In this meet up we will teach you the basics of encrypting your content, then we will concentrate on making it easy for you to use crypto with **your** environment. Once we help you through the hard part, you'll be able to encrypt messages at home safely without frustration. This is a hands-on meetup with PGP.

Have a preference about what you want to learn? Want to lead a group in teaching a method? Email us a [email protected] and we'll add you to the agenda.

What should I bring?

  • A willingness to learn or to teach
  • A laptop. If you don't have one, let us know and we can try to scrounge up an extra one for you.
  • A current news story that you want to discuss with the group related to privacy/security/surveillance/censorship (optional)

What is it?

This is the Techno-Activism 3rd Monday event for Portland, Oregon! Read more about techno-activism 3rd mondays.

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.

Who's hosting?

Mozilla has generously offered to host and pay for catering. The Privly Foundation organizes the event. Nicholas Restaurant will be providing party platters of hummus, meat grape leaves, and more!

Code of Conduct

Please review our code of conduct before attending the event to ensure a safe and welcoming time for all.


If you're interested in this event, you might also be interested in the PDXTech4Good meetup.

Mar 17, 2014
Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday
Galois, Inc

This event is free, but please RSVP on Eventbrite (will be linked above)

Event Description

Introducing TA3M Drink and Draw! We are planning a fun hands-on meetup. You will get to work with a team to discuss privacy, security, anti-surveillance, and anti-censorship topics and communicate your ideas through doodling! Each discussion group will work together to create a hand-drawn poster related to TA3M topics. This is a time to network with other individuals interested in these topics, and provides a fun way to express your ideas and concerns. We will do our very best to make sure beverages of all sorts (alcoholic and not) are available to get those creative juices flowing.

After the Drink and Draw session, we invite attendees to join us for social time at a nearby bar/restaurant.

Have a preference about what you want to learn? Want to lead a group in teaching a method? Email us a [email protected] and we'll add you to the agenda.

What is it?

This is the Techno-Activism 3rd Monday event for Portland, Oregon! Read more about techno-activism 3rd mondays.

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.

Who's hosting?

The Privly Foundation organizes the event. Galois is generously providing space for the event.

Code of Conduct

Please review our code of conduct before attending the event to ensure a safe and welcoming time for all.


If you're interested in this event, you might also be interested in the PDXTech4Good meetup.

Apr 21, 2014
See us next month! Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday

We will probably not have an April TA3M, but come see us in May! If you have suggestions about a speaker for our May event please email us at [email protected].

May 19, 2014
Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday
Flux - Plastic Fantastics

This event is free, but please RSVP on Eventbrite (linked above)

Using Metadata to Compromise Privacy: An Interactive Presentation

You've probably heard that your daily interactions over the web leave "metadata" that is used for advertising, law enforcement, and intelligence activities. In this presentation we will show what metadata is and what it can do by building case files from publicly available information. What types of things can you learn about yourself or others from metadata? Come find out.

This session will be lead by a Machine Learning PhD student from Oregon State University, which is the area of computer science responsible for programmatically processing metadata.

What should I bring?

  • A willingness to learn or to teach
  • A laptop
  • (optional) A current news story that you want to discuss with the group related to privacy/security/surveillance/censorship
  • Flux accepts donations so consider bringing a few bucks to show your appreciation for their support of this and future events.

What is it?

This is the Techno-Activism 3rd Monday event for Portland, Oregon! From their website, "Techno-Activism Third Mondays (TA3M) is an informal meetup designed to connect software creators and activists who are interested in censorship, surveillance, and open technology. Currently, TA3M are held in various cities throughout the world, with many more launching in the near future."

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.

Who's hosting?

Flux is generously providing space for the event.

The Privly Foundation will organize this and future TA3M Portland events.

Code of Conduct

Please read Flux's Code of Conduct: to ensure a safe space for all.


If you're interested in this event, you might also be interested in the PDXTech4Good meetup.

PDX TA3M on TA3M Wiki

Jun 16, 2014
Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday
Flux - Plastic Fantastics

This event is free, but please RSVP on Eventbrite (linked above)

Event Description

This month's topic is: User Experience and Privacy Software: An Interactive Workshop

Join us to make privacy software better. We believe that privacy software should be usable for the general public, and to start the effort, we need your help!

The goal of User Experience (UX) it is to make products as usable as possible for people. In this workshop, you'll learn about UX, download privacy software, and learn how to critically analyze the user experience to make it better. We hope to file some bug reports/feature requests to projects, and make a positive impact on their usability!

This is your chance to get a sneak-peek of an Open Source Bridge talk and meet other folks who will be attending Open Source Bridge.

This session will be lead by Jen Davidson, a Human-Computer Interaction PhD candidate from Oregon State University, and Sean McGregor, founder of The Privly Foundation and Machine Learning PhD student from Oregon State University.

What should I bring?

  • A willingness to learn or to teach
  • A laptop
  • (optional) A current news story that you want to discuss with the group related to privacy/security/surveillance/censorship
  • Flux accepts donations so consider bringing a few bucks to show your appreciation for their support of this and future events.

What is it?

This is the Techno-Activism 3rd Monday event for Portland, Oregon! From their website, "Techno-Activism Third Mondays (TA3M) is an informal meetup designed to connect software creators and activists who are interested in censorship, surveillance, and open technology. Currently, TA3M are held in various cities throughout the world, with many more launching in the near future."

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.

Who's hosting?

Flux is generously providing space for the event.

The Privly Foundation will organize this and future TA3M Portland events.

Code of Conduct

Please read Flux's Code of Conduct: to ensure a safe space for all.


If you're interested in this event, you might also be interested in the PDXTech4Good meetup.

PDX TA3M on TA3M Wiki

Jul 22, 2014
Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday: OSCON BoF
Oregon Convention Center

Note: This TA3M is on Tuesday to coincide with the OSCON Birds of a Feather sessions. You can register for a free (save $20) Expo pass by entering the code "FOSSFTW" here.

Event Description

This month's topic is: Leading in Technological Activism

Techno-Activism Third Mondays (TA3M) is an informal meetup designed to connect software creators and activists who are interested in censorship, surveillance, and open technology. Currently, TA3M are held in 16 cities throughout the world, with many more launching in the near the future.

One year into the TA3M movement, we will be discussing the successes and failures from around the world.

Note: TA3Ms traditionally take place on the 3rd Monday of every month, but conflicts with OSCON events necessitate meeting later in the week.

This session will be lead by Jen Davidson, a Human-Computer Interaction researcher @Intel, and Sean McGregor, founder of The Privly Foundation and Machine Learning PhD student from Oregon State University.

What is it?

This is the Techno-Activism 3rd Monday event for Portland, Oregon! Read more about techno-activism 3rd mondays.

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.

Who's hosting?

This month's TA3M is hosted at the Oregon Convention Center by O'Reilly's Open Source Convention.

The Privly Foundation will organize this and future TA3M Portland events.


If you're interested in this event, you might also be interested in the PDXTech4Good meetup.

Sep 15, 2014
Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday: FOIA Party

There is a Form for That: Learn what the Government Thinks it Knows About You

Ever wonder what travel information the Department of Homeland Security maintains on you? There is a form for that. Want to know if you have an FBI file? There is a form for that. Want to know if law enforcement is setting up cell phone tracking towers in your area? There is a form for that.

In this interactive session of TA3M we supply attendees with an easy way to send requests to state and federal agencies for personal and public information.

For an example of the power of these requests, see these Ars Technica articles:

Come fill forms and then speculate on what you will find out!

We'll be bringing in a representative from to help facilitate the public records requests and providing all the necessary pieces for requesting your own personal data.

What is it?

This is the Techno-Activism 3rd Monday event for Portland, Oregon! Read more about techno-activism 3rd mondays.

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.

Who's hosting?

The Privly Foundation will organize this and future TA3M Portland events.


If you're interested in this event, you might also be interested in the PDXTech4Good meetup.

Oct 20, 2014
Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday: Being Mindful on the Web

Being Mindful on the Web: Protecting Yourself and Your Organization

A special hands-on event as part of National Cyber Security Awareness Month in October. Portland Techno-Activism Third Mondays and PDXTech4Good are teaming up to provide a hands-on workshop about how nonprofits and activists can keep themselves safe online.

This will be a hands-on workshop, so bring your laptop if you can!

Sean McGregor will give an interactive presentation on what it takes to maintain personal privacy online.

You will learn what the government and companies know about web users and how this data can be used. First you'll become an investigator using private data, then Sean will teach you a few simple ways to protect yourself (and others) in the future.


Sean McGregor is a PhD student in machine learning and the lead developer of the project.

Hosted by: Portland Techno-Activism Third Mondays and PDXTech4Good

Sponsored by: The Privly Foundation, TechSoup and Microsoft


This event is free but please RSVP on Eventbrite.

Nov 17, 2014
Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday: Movie Night!
Living Room Theaters

This event is FREE but please be sure to RSVP on Eventbrite to reserve your ticket:

Join Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday for a movie night!

What movie? Citizenfour: - the documentary thriller about government surveillance and Edward Snowden.

When? Monday November 17th. Meet at Living Room Theater at 6:30pm and look for the TA3M group. Movie starts at 6:40pm.

How much? FREE for the first 20 people to RSVP. 20 tickets have been generously donated to make this event possible. If you are not one of the first 20 people to RSVP, you can purchase tickets at the Living Room Theater box office at their regular rate.

After the movie, we'll go to a nearby location (TBA) for some no-host drinks & food to discuss what we thought about the movie.

Host: Portland Techno-Activism Third Mondays

Twitter: Event hashtag: #ta3m ; @Privly @TechnoActivism

Jan 19, 2015
*Corvallis* Techno-Activism 3rd Monday: New Year, New Privacy Laws
Kelley Engineering Center (OSU)

This event is FREE but please be sure to RSVP on Eventbrite:

New Year, New Privacy Laws

NOTE ABOUT LOCATION: ROOM TBA. Normally we host this TA3M in Portland. This time it will be hosted in Corvallis. Can't make it down to Corvallis? Skype in! Contact [email protected] for details on how to Skype in.

This month's TA3M is perfect for concerned citizens and those who are interested in tech and/or privacy policy and how policy impacts our rights as citizens.

We'll start with a discussion about current events related to privacy, security, and surveillance. Then we'll dive into a review of new 2015 laws on the same topics and how they may impact your life.

All are welcome! Event is free of charge.

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.

Who's hosting?

The Privly Foundation will organize this and future TA3M Portland events.

Twitter: @Prvily @TechnoActivism

Event hashtag: #ta3m

Feb 16, 2015
Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Monday: The Battle for Protecting Data

Event is free, but please RSVP:

The Battle of Protecting Data

Join us this month for a talk and lively discussion on "The Battle of Protecting Data". With the changing world of enterprise computing ("Bring your own device", mobile, SaaS), the corporate world is having to re-think how they do security.


Bill Giard is a Principal Engineer in Intel's IT organization and is responsible for helping to lead IT's software delivery across multiple client platforms. Bill joined Intel in 1996 with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and has over 20 years of IT experience.

Hosted by: Portland Techno-Activism Third Mondays. Refreshments provided.

Sponsored by: The Privly Foundation, and hosted at Mozilla

Who should come?

Anyone interested in techno-activism. We invite coders, geeks, artists, and anyone else. No technical experience required.


Event hashtag: #ta3m

Event organizers: @Privly, @TechnoActivism

Venue host: @MozPDX

Code of Conduct

Attendees are expected to read and abide by Privly's Code of Conduct

Sep 17, 2018
Newsroom Security in the US and Abroad
Northwest Academy

In the past decade, media organizations and newsrooms have become high value targets for digital attacks. Whether it is governments purchasing spyware to illegally surveil reporters in the diaspora, like the government of Ethiopia has been caught doing twice, or information campaigns to discredit news sources, newsrooms have become targets of government 'cyber warfare'.

Norman Shamas will lead a conversation on some of the current threats and the state of security in newsrooms in the US and around the globe (primary focus on South Africa) followed by a conversation on a new training guide for US-based newsrooms([1]), which Norman helped write.

This month's TA3M will be interactive and an open discussion. If you are interested in walking through any of the modules during the meeting, please post a comment in the discussion or send the organizer a message through Meetup.


Schedule: 6:00 PM: Doors 6:10 PM: Introductions and news 6:15 PM: Presentation 7:15 PM: Q&A 7:30 PM: Wrap up and networking

Speaker bio:

Norman Shamas is an activist and educator whose work focuses on human-centered information and digital security and privacy.

By attending this TA3M meeting, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct:

{short} Code of Conduct Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays is dedicated to providing an informative and positive experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, socioeconomic status, caste, or creed.

Our events are intended to educate and share information related to technology and activism, and anyone who is there for this purpose is welcome. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form.

Audio and video recording are not permitted at meetings without prior approval.

Our Code of Conduct ( applies to all events run by Portland's TA3M. Please report any incidents to the event organizer.
