Viewing 0 current events matching “opensource” by Date.

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Viewing 33 past events matching “opensource” by Date.

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Jun 24, 2009
OpenSpatialPDX (user group)

The next meeting of the OpenSpatialPDX will be happening June 24 at OpenSourcery!

The agenda:

  • Desktop GIS Smackdown (uDig versus Quantum versus GRASS etc)

  • Open Source Bridge report

  • Update on state initiative put forward by Dean Anderson from Polk County to replace various desktop and web-based tools with OS solution.

Hope to see you all there.

Jul 17, 2010
Community Leadership Summit 2010

The Community Leadership Summit 2010 brings together community leaders, organizers and managers and the projects and organizations that are interested in growing and empowering a strong community.

The event pulls together the leading minds in community management, relations and online collaboration to discuss, debate and continue to refine the art of building an effective and capable community.

At the heart of Community Leadership Summit 2010 is an open unconference-style event in which everyone who attends is welcome to lead and contribute sessions on any topic that is relevant. These sessions are very much discussion sessions: the participants can interact directly, offer thoughts and experience, and share ideas and questions. These unconference sessions are also augmented with a series of presentations from leaders in the field, panel debates and networking opportunities.

The event is entirely free but requires pre-registration. Go and register here.

Jul 19, 2010

If the first years of OSCON were about opening the minds of big business to the philosophy of open source, are the years ahead about opening the minds of the open source community to the possibilities of its future? As open source becomes fully integrated into the corporate environment, OSCON helps to define, maintain, and extend the identity of what it means to be open source.

OSCON focuses on the substance of technology, not the shadow, filtering the information that most merits attention and preparing participants for curves and challenges in the coming year and beyond. OSCON is the place to be inspired and challenged, renew bonds to community, make new connections, and find ways to give back to the open source movement. OSCON has also become one of the most important places to make open source related announcements, and to unveil projects and products.

Open source is a fundamental principle at the core of many established and emerging technologies, driving the future of the computer industry. OSCON explores the open source technologies that are here to stay, what will broaden the foundation, and what will lead the way to unexpected places and innovations.

"For those who have not been to OSCON, it's a great technical conference covering the whole spectrum of open source, including Linux, MySQL, the LAMP stack, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails, middleware, applications, cloud computing, and more. OSCON always has great keynotes, tutorials, and evening Birds-of-a-Feather sessions. As with many conferences, a lot of the meat takes place in hallway conversations and impromptu sessions." - Zack Urlocker, InfoWorld

CloudCamp PDX at OSCON
Oregon Convention Center


CloudCamp is an unconference where early adopters of Cloud Computing technologies exchange ideas. With the rapid change occurring in the industry, we need a place where we can meet to share our experiences, challenges and solutions. At CloudCamp, you are encouraged to share your thoughts in several open discussions, as we strive for the advancement of Cloud Computing. End users, IT professionals and vendors are all encouraged to participate.

OSCON is providing CloudCamp space to run CloudCamp @OSCON during the BOF sessions Monday night. This CloudCamp will be focussed on all-things Open Source and Open Cloud. For Lightning Talks, we invite the community to submit 5 minute talks (please send proposals to All talks must be related to Open Source or Openness.

The agenda for CloudCamp PDX is:

6:30pm Registration & Networking 7:00pm Welcome & Introductions 7:15pm Lightning Talks (5 min. each) 8:00pm Proposals for Open Space 8:15pm Round 1 of Open Space. Proposed sessions: - DevOps GameDay session 9:00pm Round 2 (TBD) 10:00pm (or possibly 9:15pm) Wrap-up

Aug 12, 2010
Java Code to Coast event in Pioneer Courthouse Square
Pioneer Courthouse Square

Java Code to Coast event in Portland Oregon


THURSDAY August 12th 6-9pm

Java developers, architects, programmers, and enthusiasts: get ready for a real adrenaline rush. The Java Road Trip: Code to Coast tour is visiting 20 cities across the United States showcasing Oracle's commitment to everything Java. Heading up the tour are key Java technologists from Oracle, who will be demonstrating the latest Java software, engaging with Java User Group (JUG)members, and meeting with enterprise developers and consumers.

The event will be hosted from 6-9pm at Pioneer Courthouse Square

701 SW 6th Avenue (bordered by SW Yamhill, SW Morrison and SW Broadway) Portland, OR 97205.

This high-tech block party on wheels is your chance to share the spirit of innovation that is the essence of Java.

Speaker: Brent Christian

Brent Christian, a Senior Member of Technical Staff with Oracle, will be doing technology demos for the Portland event. In his 10+ years with Sun, he worked on Client Java technologies which included the AWT and Swing toolkits, as well measuring, analyzing, and improving client performance. He has spent the last few years on the JavaFX graphics team, focusing on the animation system along with performance benchmarking and analysis. Location: The event will be hosted from 6-9pm at Pioneer Courthouse Square

Feb 24, 2011
TiE Oregon: Starting Up - The Open Source Way
Stoel Rives LLP

An Open Source company landing $5million in venture funding from one of the nation's leading venture capital firms?

That's a story in itself. But when you realize it's a Portland firm - Puppet Labs, and that the investment was lead by Kleiner Perkins Caulfield, you will want to hear the story straight from the horse's mouth - CEO Luke Kanies of Puppet Labs, the makers of a leading open source data center automation and configuration management framework.

Joining him to talk about the opportunities and challenges of an open source start-up will be Stuart Cohen, CEO of CSI (Collaborative Software Initiative), a company that introduces a process for companies to collaboratively build software applications.

Open Source has typically been associated with altruism - software that is given away free and is open to modification by users. The concept became a household word when Portlander Linus Torvalds developed the Linux operating system. Now the list of Open Source and Free Software today includes cutting edge solutions to large scale problems in multiple domains. From languages to runtimes, cloud infrastructure to databases, the best solutions are open-sourced. Leading companies are building on top of open-source components, while giving back to the community. But open source is not just about being cost-effective,it is becoming the key to innovation.

How do open source start-ups thrive in this eco-system? Come and learn from the founders of two innovative start-ups!

Register Now: Limited capacity for this event! Event will be on the 19th Floor.

Registration and Cancellation Policy: Registration: Online Registration closes at 12:00 Noon of the day of the event. Cancellation: All Registration Fees are Non-Refundable and No Credit is offered for cancellations.

Speakers Stuart Cohen, CEO, Collaborative Software Initiative Luke Kanies, CEO, Puppet Labs

Contact & Others Lakshmi Jagannathan 503 226 8677

Program Details 02/24/2011 06:00 PM Registration/Networking/Reception 02/24/2011 07:00 PM Panel Discussion 02/24/2011 08:00 PM Q & A

Registration Fees Type Online Onsite Member USD15 USD20 Student USD15 USD20 Guest USD25 USD30

Jul 23, 2011
Community Leadership Summit 2011
through Oregon Convention Center

The Community Leadership Summit 2011 brings together community leaders, organizers and managers and the projects and organizations that are interested in growing and empowering a strong community.

The event pulls together the leading minds in community management, relations and online collaboration to discuss, debate and continue to refine the art of building an effective and capable community.

At the heart of Community Leadership Summit 2010 is an open unconference-style event in which everyone who attends is welcome to lead and contribute sessions on any topic that is relevant. These sessions are very much discussion sessions: the participants can interact directly, offer thoughts and experience, and share ideas and questions. These unconference sessions are also augmented with a series of presentations from leaders in the field, panel debates and networking opportunities.

The event is entirely free but requires pre-registration. Go and register here.

Sep 18, 2011
Citizenry / ePDX Code Sprint
Cloud Seven Cafe

Come help work on Citizenry!

Citizenry is a Ruby on Rails project that powers ePDX, Portland's tech directory, and other similar sites across the country.

Specifically wanting to work on:

  • Setting up a copy of Citizenry on Heroku to find the pitfalls involved, improve documentation, and fix related bugs.
  • Evaluating the possibility of converting the app a Rails engine to make it easier for people in other communities to customize.
  • Allowing people to add multiple links to their profile, including automatic linking to other authorized profiles.
  • Enabling third-party editing of associations (e.g. adding projects to a company)

This is pretty casual, as code sprints go. Basically I'm planning to wander over to Cloud Seven and hack on Citizenry stuff and anyone who wants to join me is welcome. — @reidab

Jan 15, 2013
Portland Java User Group: Apache Drill

This month's topic: Apache Drill

Apache Drill is a new Apache incubator project. Its goal is to provide a distributed system for interactive analysis of large-scale datasets. Inspired by Google's Dremel technology, it aims to process trillions of records in seconds. We will cover the goals of Apache Drill, its use cases and how it relates to Hadoop, MongoDB and other large-scale distributed systems. We'll also talk about details of the architecture, points of extensibility, data flow and our first query languages (DrQL and SQL).

Speaker: Gera Shegalov Gera Shegalov owns Hadoop MapReduce and Hadoop Core components in MapR's Hadoop Distribution. Prior to MapR, he worked at Oracle in Oracle Database High Availability on (Active) Data Guard, and in Oracle Java Platform Group on JMS backend communication and storage. Gera received Masters and PhD in Computer Science from Saarland University in Saarbruecken, Germany. His research focussed on workflow management, temporal databases, as well as application & database recovery.

Feb 21, 2013
PortlandWiki Revival
Pearl Whole Foods Annex

We're starting up a regular PortlandWiki meetup again, so join us!

Did you know Portland has a city-specific wiki that anyone can contribute to? We want your help and knowledge!

No experience with Wikipedia or any other wiki is necessary to join the meetup, and everyone is welcome.

Feb 26, 2013
ApacheCon North America 2013
through Hilton Portland and Executive Tower

ApacheCon NA 2013 Portland, Oregon February 26th – 28th, 2013

First held in 1999 for developers and users of the Apache Server to meet face-to-face, ApacheCon is the official conference, trainings, and expo series of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), and is the public showcase for Apache innovations.

Apache products power over half the Internet, petabytes of data, teraflops of operations, billions of objects, and enhance the lives of countless users and developers. ApacheCon brings developers and users together to explore key issues in building Open Source solutions "The Apache Way". With hundreds of thousands of applications deploying ASF products and code contributions by more than 3,500 Committers from around the world, the Apache community is recognized as among the most robust, successful, and respected in Open Source.

Mar 22, 2013
COPIOUSLabs TechTalk: The Geospatial Open Source Toolbox

About this talk

Ugly, slow, and frustrating maps are a thing of the past! Beautiful visualizations, complex datasets, and rich applications are within your reach when you’re riding with the open source community. This Friday, Reid Parham from COPIOUS will present a talk about PostGIS-backed applications written in Rails and JavaScript.

Speaker: Reid Parham, Senior Software Engineer

About TechTalks

COPIOUS Labs TechTalks series meets every other Friday at 1pm at the COPIOUS offices. Our talks span artificial intelligence, new programming languages and techniques, computational linguistics, geographic data processing, systems and software architecture, augmented reality, network security, and more as proposed to the COPIOUS engineering team.

Mar 25, 2013
DorkbotPDX 0x0A

People doing strange things with Portland!

  • When: March 25th, 2013 - 8pm
  • Where: Backspace (map)
  • Who: All ages -- open to the public
  • Cost: Free!

Self Balancing Robots 101

Glenn Phillips

Glenn Phillips got into the computer business around the era of the Mac Plus. Glenn's last job was the owner of Gorge Networks Inc. a rural Internet provider using fixed wireless and dsl. The business was sold in 2010 and Glenn has been on the Obama plan ever since.

Glenn became interested in the Arduino a couple years ago, but he had no programming experience. At some point in the process Glenn began to control servos and motors from his old RC collection. Computer control of motors was fun, interesting and possibly a job in the future.

Self balancing robots seemed to be the holy grail of motor control! Constant feedback from sensors is processed and translated to power and direction of the motor. Any issue with any component of the system is immediately apparent.

Glenn is also a cheap Yankee so his creations use salvaged parts from electric bikes, scooters, wheelchairs, laser printers and computers.

Glenn's presentation will cover the basics of self balancing robots:

  • Overview of accelerometers and gyroscopes
  • Control software
  • Motor controllers
  • Battery and electric motor selection

The Church of Robotron

Learn about the mutant savior and our efforts to save the last human family.

We will talk about the Chuch of Robotron installation at Toorcamp 2012. It involved many different types of materials, skills, and work. We used microcontrollers, plywood, and cast away junk to create a brand new immersive experience of Robotron 2084. On top of that, we had performance, writing, and art to complete the branding of the Church. We will show what a lot of people working together can accomplish.

We hope to inspire you to take up the two eight ways!


Opendork is you!

An open-mic session for those looking to show off a project, ask a question, solicit help, or incite collaboration.

Apr 14, 2013
OpenShift Origin Community Day sponsored by Red Hat
DoubleTree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Portland - Lloyd Center

OpenShift Origin Community Day & Design Summit Day is coming to Portland on April 14!

Come Meet the OpenShift Origin Makers and come ready to collaborate on building a truly Open Source Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).

Join both Red Hat engineers and OpenShift Origin community members at the first ever OpenShift Origin Community Day.

Here's your chance to take a deep-dive into Red Hat's OpenStack and OpenShift engineering efforts, Hear about DevOps Team's lessons learned including hands-on tutorials on how to deploy OpenShift to OpenStack plus building your own cartridges.

Registration is free!

OpenShift Origin Community Day
DoubleTree Hotel & Executive Meeting Center Portland - Lloyd Center

Heading to the OpenStack Design Summit? Come a day early and join Red Hat engineers and OpenShift Origin community members at the first ever OpenShift Origin Community Day.

Here's your chance to take a deep-dive into Red Hat's OpenStack and OpenShift engineering efforts including hands-on tutorials on how to deploy OpenShift to OpenStack plus building your own cartridges. Of course it's free to attend--lunch and dinner are provided by registering at

Apr 16, 2013
OpenStack Summit Party

OpenStack Summit Party

Puppet Labs

Tuesday, April 16, 2013 from 8:30 PM to 11:00 PM (PDT)

Portland, OR

Apr 17, 2013
OpenStack Summit Victory Party

OpenStack Summit Victory Party

On Wednesday night, Rackspace and RightScale will take over Castaway for a private party open to all OpenStack attendees. You can RSVP here for a VIP guest ticket, which includes transportation to and from the convention center, food, specialty cocktails and an Avatar artist.

Apr 18, 2013
PortlandWiki Revival Meetup
Three Friends Coffee House

We're going to be editing and adding to the PortlandWiki, so come on down and join us!

The PortlandWiki contributors need your help documenting more of the unique locales, people, art, businesses, organizations, parks, and any other memorable things you can think of that keep Portland weird.

Jun 17, 2013
DorkbotPDX 0x0B


  • When: Monday June 17th, 2013 - 8pm
  • Where: Backspace (map)
  • Who: All ages -- open to the public
  • Cost: Free!

The Good Life Lab

presented by Mikey Sklar & Wendy Tremayne

Mikey & Wendy live in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico and have been homesteading there for the last seven years. They produces their own power, fuel, food, water and building materials. Mikey will be explaining how a little bit of embedded hardware can empower anyone to leave their day jobs and focus on the interests. Projects such as grease car temperature displays, irrigation moisture monitors, pulsed LED growlights, using machines to build with trash, fermentation controllers and recovering different battery chemistries.

Mikey is a open hardware developer who has been selling kits and has worked for Adafruit, Hack-a-Day, and Popular Science. This will be his fifth dorkbot presentation.

Blending art, nature, and mechanics

presented by Stephanie Simek

Stephanie will be speaking about some of her recent art projects involving light, sound, and electrical components. She'll talk about her interest with combining disparate materials and pushing the limits of their inherent functional capabilities, like playfully incorporating circuitry with handwriting and the movements of Venus Flytraps. She'll also discuss her newest project, a crystal radio sculpture. Other topics to be covered include: synchronized swimming, the Golden Record, non-Newtonian lovers, and Cab Calloway.

Stephanie Simek has been living in Portland for 6 years, where she has been creating experiments with sound, performance, and sculpture. Throughout the month of June, Place Gallery will be exhibiting her most recent project, Radio Room.



An open-mic session for those looking to show off a project, ask a question, solicit help, or incite collaboration.

Apr 24, 2014
GNOME Happy Hour
Ecliptic Brewing

GNOME recently released 3.12, help us celebrate the release! If you don't know what GNOME is or what Free Software is, come over and find out about one of the most interesting and sometimes controversial free and open source projects out there. The hosts are Sriram Ramkrishna - Director of the GNOME Foundation and Ikey Doherty - who wrote his own desktop based on GNOME technologies.

The GNOME Foundation also runs the popular Outreach Program for Women (

Hope to see you all there. Look for the GNOME trademark :)

Jul 16, 2014
OpenConferenceWare Code Sprint
Ford Food and Drink (SE 11th and Division)

Come hack on OpenConferenceWare, the conference-management system written for Open Source Bridge.

We'll be digging in to open issues, working on some refactoring tasks, and getting new folks acquainted with the code base.

OpenConferenceWare is a Ruby/Rails web app, distributed as a Rails engine.

Oct 17, 2017
Portland Java User Group (PJUG)
New Relic


  • Discuss how we're planning to help PJUG appeal to a broader more diverse audience.
  • Chris Hansen will present his take-aways from JavaOne last month.
  • Sean Sullivan from will present on web application security and Apache Struts.


In September 2017, Equifax announced a major security breach. The breach may have exposed sensitive data for over 100 million US consumers. The breach was due, in part, to a vulnerability in an older release of Apache Struts 2.x

This talk will examine the vulnerabilities from the Apache Struts framework. We will review the underlying Java code and discuss the fixes that were applied by the Apache Struts team.


Sean Sullivan is a Principal Software Engineer at HBC Digital. Sean has been a member of the HBC/Gilt team since 2011.


Feb 5, 2018
Open Source Bridge Planning Meeting
Customs House, 220 NW 8TH Ave, Portland, OR

This year is Open Source Bridge’s 10th anniversary. Want to help plan how we celebrate? Join us at 6 PM on February 5 at Customs House.

We’re especially looking for volunteers to help with:

  • Content (including reading and evaluating speakers’ proposals)
  • Logistics (especially for our party!)
  • Fundraising (including reaching out to potential sponsors)
  • Volunteers (coordinating)

And if there’s anything you know needs to happen at Open Source Bridge this year, come and tell us about it! With your help, we can make Open Source Bridge 10 a festival to remember!

Feb 14, 2018
Portland Apache Kafka® Meetup by Confluent - Stream All Things with Gwen Shapira from Confluent
WeWork - Custom House

Join us for our first Portland Apache Kafka meetup on February 14th from 6:00pm. The agenda and speaker information can be found below. See you there!


6:00pm: Doors open
6:00pm - 6:15pm: Networking, Pizza and Drinks
6:15pm - 7:15pm: Stream All Things - Patterns of Modern Data Integration, Gwen Shapira, Confluent
7:00pm - 7:45pm: Additional Q&A and Networking


Gwen Shapira

Gwen Shapira is a principal data architect at Confluent, where she helps customers achieve success with their Apache Kafka implementation. She has 15 years of experience working with code and customers to build scalable data architectures, integrating relational and big data technologies. Gwen currently specializes in building real-time reliable data-processing pipelines using Apache Kafka. Gwen is an Oracle Ace Director, the coauthor of Hadoop Application Architectures, and a frequent presenter at industry conferences. She is also a committer on Apache Kafka and Apache Sqoop. When Gwen isn’t coding or building data pipelines, you can find her pedaling her bike, exploring the roads and trails of California and beyond.

Stream All Things - Patterns of Modern Data Integration

80% of the time in every project is spent on data integration: Getting the data you want the way you want it. This problem remains challenging despite 40 years of attempts to solve it. We want a reliable, low latency system that can handle varied data from wide range of data management systems. We want a solution that is easy to manage and easy to scale. Is it too much to ask?

In this presentation, we’ll discuss the basic challenges of data integration and introduce design and architecture patterns that are used to tackle these challenges. We will explore how these patterns can be implemented using Apache Kafka and share pragmatic solutions that many engineering organizations used to build fast, scalable and manageable data pipelines.


Special thanks to WeWork Custom House who are hosting us for this event.

Don't forget to join our Community Slack Team (!

If you would like to speak or host our next event please let us know! [masked]

NOTE: We are unable to cater for any attendees under the age of 18. Please do not sign up for this event if you are under 18.

Oct 3, 2018
OWASP Portland 2018 Training Day
World Trade Center

For the third year in a row, the Portland OWASP chapter is proud to host our information security training day! This is be an excellent opportunity for those interested to receive top quality information security and application security training for prices far lower than normally offered. It's also a great chance to network with the local infosec community and meet those who share your interests.

OWASP Portland 2018 Training Day will be October 3, 2018.

Courses Courses will be held in two tracks: four in the morning session, and four in the afternoon session. Each participant can register for one morning course, or one afternoon course, or one of each.

The Portland OWASP chapter is hosting its 3rd annual training day. This will be an excellent opportunity for students to receive quality information security and application security training for next to nothing. It will also be a great chance to network with the local infosec community. For more information, see the main event page.

Courses are held in four tracks: four in the morning session, and four in the afternoon session. Each student can register for one morning course, or one afternoon course, or one of each!

NOTE: If you see that a course is sold out, then it is unlikely we will have any additional seats in that course. You can email ian DOT melven AT OR benny DOT zhao AT OR bhushan DOT Gupta AT to request being added to the waiting list. Please be sure to specify which class(es) you want to be added to the wait list for.

OWASP Portland 2018 Training Day will be October 3, 2018. This year we'll be located at:

World Trade Center Portland 121 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR 97204. Later in the evening, a social mixer will also be held at Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery, just a short walk away:

206 SW Morrison St Portland, OR 97204

Time Activity 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Morning Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM Intro to Hacking Web 3.0 (Mick Ayzenberg)

Introduction to Computer Forensics (Kris Rosenberg)

Intro to Practical Internal Vulnerability Scanning (Patterson Cake)

Incident Handling in Cloud Environment - a primer (Derek Hill)

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch on your own - Meet a new friend and grab a bite!

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Afternoon Registration (for those attending only in the afternoon)

1:30 PM - 5:00 PM Advanced Application Security Testing (Timothy Morgan)

AppSec Testing Beyond Pen Test (Bhushan Gupta)

Applied Physical Attacks on Embedded Systems, Introductory Version (Joe FitzPatrick)

Advanced Custom Network Protocol Fuzzing (Joshua Pereyda)

5:00 PM - 7:30 PM Evening Mixer @ Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery

Want to get news and information on our 2018 Training Day? Subscribe to the Portland OWASP mailing list or follow @PortlandOWASP on Twitter!

Oct 28, 2019
GDG meetup with a Googler
eBay Community Lounge


Will Beebe - Google Cloud Engineer will be talking about CI / CD in 2019. Best practices, and the good / bad / ugly of how our largest customers do this at scale. If we have time we'll be talking about gaps in OSS, and what this means for the future of CI / CD.

Light food will be provided by our generous sponsor - eBay.

Oct 29, 2019
Hacktoberfest Acorns PDX
WeWork Power + Light


It's Hacktoberfest 2019! Let's celebrate open source over food, drinks, and great company! Bring your laptop and power cord.


6:00-6:20P - Sign-in and snag food

6:20-7:00P - Intro ceremonies (house rules, code of conduct, FAQ, and more) and sharing open source projects you're working on (keep it short!)

7:00P-9:30P - Let's open some pull requests!

What's Hacktoberfest?

Hacktoberfest — brought to you by DigitalOcean in partnership with DEV — is a month-long celebration of open source software. Maintainers are invited to guide would-be contributors toward issues that will help move the project forward, and contributors get the opportunity to give back to both projects they like and others they've just discovered. No contribution is too small — bug fixes and documentation updates are valid ways of participating.

Can't make it to this event? Hacktoberfest is virtual and open to participants from around the globe. Sign up to participate today at

Jan 23, 2020
@DAMAPDX January Chapter Meeting: Introduction to Open Source Software in the Enterprise
Standard Insurance Tower Atrium (900 SW 5th)

Join us for an introduction to use of Open Source (OS) software in the enterprise. We will learn:

What is OS software? - Benefits and risks of using OS software - Types of OS licenses, which licenses are business-friendly, and how they apply to various use cases - Basics of OS compliance and risk management in the enterprise - Tools for automating compliance

About the Speaker

Joanna Lee is a tech-focused attorney (and geek at heart) at the law firm of Gesmer Updegrove LLP, where she advises tech companies, open source software foundations, and technology standards consortia.


8:30 – 9:00 – Snacks and warm-up 9:00 – 10:30 – Presentation Standard Insurance Tower Atrium (900 SW 5th, please note Standard Ins. has multiple downtown locations)


Free for members (including ALL employees of corporate members) $15 for non-members $5 for students with valid student ID

Sep 17, 2020
@DAMAPDX Chapter Meeting September 2020: How VPNs Work- The Ins and Outs with Daniel Lenski, PhD, OpenConnect
Zoom Conference

RSVP at for registration info for this online event.

Presented by Daniel Lenski, PhD

Virtual private network (VPN) software creates a connection between peers across a wide-area network (normally, the Internet!) and builds an encrypted tunnel that behaves like a direct connection to the same local, private network. VPNs have become a pervasive feature of modern workplaces, and even more indispensable in this era of COVID-19 and widespread remote work.

The most widely-deployed VPN client and server software in workplace environments — including Cisco AnyConnect, Juniper/Pulse Networks, PAN GlobalProtect, and others — is all proprietary and closed-source. These VPNs differ in idiosyncratic ways, ranging from authentication to security requirements imposed on the client computers. Combined with bugs, missing features, and often mystifyingly vague error reporting, they can be very difficult to use, especially for those who need to access multiple VPNs. Under the hood, however, they all work in extremely similar ways.

The speaker is one of the main developers of OpenConnect, an open-source VPN client which can connect to all of the aforementioned VPNs using a common interface (with several others in development). In this talk, he will explain in detail how modern client-server VPNs work, in terms of authentication, encrypted tunneling, Internet protocol routing, and client roaming. He will illustrate how the operation of a VPN can be reverse-engineered and reimplemented in OpenConnect, using an implementation of PAN GlobalProtect as an example. He’ll show some of the advantages of being able to connect to different VPNs in a consistent and automated way, which can be particularly indispensable for those who work as consultants or vendors to multiple companies using different VPNs. Finally, he’ll discuss some recent and ongoing developments in VPNs and other kinds of remote connectivity software


Daniel Lenski received his PhD in semiconductor physics and has worked at Seagate, Intel, and Amazon Elemental, and he has been using Linux and open-source software since the ’90s. He started modifying and contributing to OpenConnect out of the necessity of interfacing with many different companies’ VPNs while at a semiconductor consulting startup (FPS, now part of Inficon) and has continued developing it as a side project.


Virtual event, RSVP for Zoom registration details


Date – Thursday, Sept. 17th

Time – 8:30 – 10:30am

Apr 29, 2022
Choosing Better Open Source: Lessons From The Real-World with Miki Demeter
The Tech Academy

Miki Demeter will be joining us to discuss open source software on April 29th!

Open source software is code that is designed to be publicly accessible; anyone can see, modify, and distribute the code as they see fit.

This talk will cover open source software and why it's important to look at the software that is put into products.

Miki's current position is as a Security Researcher in the IPAS GO (formerly Security Center of Excellence) working on Secure Development Lifecycle governance and as Product Security Expert for Open Source Software.

She is a TrevorChat Crisis Counselor and is working with outside organizations like Women Who Code, Women of Security, Portland Women in Tech, and the Diana Initiative to help drive diversity and true inclusion while advocating for women in the STEM field.

Join us Friday April 29th at 1pm Pacific Time in our Google Meet Room.

RSVP on MeetUp:

Can't make it live? We will be posting the recording on our Tech Talks playlist on our YouTube Channel:

Oct 23, 2024
PDXOSGeo October Meetup

PDXOSGeo is covering a number of topics this month, including a debrief on the NACIS Annual meeting, a lightning round of map demos, GIS Day planning, and a brief workshop on OpenStreetMap's Tasking Manager to learn how you can get involved in disaster relief mapping. Join us Wednesday 10/23 6:30pm | Hot Lips Pizza @ the Natural Capital Center 721 NW 9th Ave, Portland OR.

Jan 21
Portland Java User Group

Portland Java User Group meetup

RSVP on meetup dot com


Discover the power of OpenRewrite, an open-source framework for automated code transformation. This talk will delve into its inner workings, exploring how it converts source code into Lossless Semantic Trees (LSTs), enabling precise and efficient code analysis and modification.

We'll also explore the world of "recipes"—reusable, composable code transformation templates that simplify complex code refactoring tasks. Learn how to harness the flexibility of OpenRewrite's recipe system to automate custom code transformations, streamline your development workflow, and improve code quality.

Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, this talk will provide a comprehensive introduction to OpenRewrite and its capabilities, empowering you to unlock the full potential of automated code transformation.

Speaker: Tyler Van Gorder

Our speaker is the co-organizer of this meetup group. He is a seasoned Software leader with deep expertise in Platform Engineering and Enterprise software design and development. He has extensive experience with Java and loves sharing this knowledge with our community.

Feb 19
PDXOSGeo February Meetup

Please join us this Wednesday to hear from Richard Greenwood of Greenwood Mapping who will share insights from his 30-year career, starting as a land surveyor and evolving into a GIS professional specializing in open-source solutions. He has developed and supported more than a dozen County-focused MapServers in Idaho and Wyoming. These online maps are powered by his custom web mapping platform, built on MapServer, OpenLayers, and PostGIS. The maps provide public access to geographic data and legal documents, and are essential tools supporting county tax assessors, treasurers, and clerks in their daily work.

We'll have time for a little show and tell right after so bring your apps or works-in-progress and meet other geo-folk :)

Wednesday 2/19 6:30pm | Hot Lips Pizza @ the Natural Capital Center 721 NW 9th Ave, Portland OR

Please let us know if you'd like to join via Zoom and we can set that up.
