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Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 10:34am.
PDXOSGeo February Meetup
Please join us this Wednesday to hear from Richard Greenwood of Greenwood Mapping who will share insights from his 30-year career, starting as a land surveyor and evolving into a GIS professional specializing in open-source solutions. He has developed and supported more than a dozen County-focused MapServers in Idaho and Wyoming. These online maps are powered by his custom web mapping platform, built on MapServer, OpenLayers, and PostGIS. The maps provide public access to geographic data and legal documents, and are essential tools supporting county tax assessors, treasurers, and clerks in their daily work.
We'll have time for a little show and tell right after so bring your apps or works-in-progress and meet other geo-folk :)
Wednesday 2/19 6:30pm | Hot Lips Pizza @ the Natural Capital Center 721 NW 9th Ave, Portland OR
Please let us know if you'd like to join via Zoom and we can set that up.