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Change #78

update Calagator::Event 1250457690 Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th Roll back

description <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" align="right" src="" alt="" /></a>serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" src="" alt="" /></a> <br><br><br><br> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p>
locked nil false
Change #77

update Calagator::Event 1250457691 Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th Roll back

description <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" align="right" src="" alt="" /></a>serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" src="" alt="" /></a> <br><br><br><br> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p>
locked nil false
Change #76

update Calagator::Event 1250457689 Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th Roll back

description <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" src="" alt="" /></a> <br><br><br><br> <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" src="" alt="" /></a> <br><br><br><br> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p>
locked nil false
Change #75

update Calagator::Event 1250457689 Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th Roll back

description <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" src="" alt="" /></a> <br> <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" src="" alt="" /></a> <br><br><br><br> <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Change #74

update Calagator::Event 1250457689 Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th Roll back

description <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" src="" alt="" /></a> <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" src="" alt="" /></a> <br> <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Change #73

update Calagator::Event 1250457689 Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th Roll back

description <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" align="right" src="" alt="" /></a> <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" src="" alt="" /></a> <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Change #72

update Calagator::Event 1250457689 Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th Roll back

description <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" align="right" src="" alt="" /></a><p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" align="right" src="" alt="" /></a> <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Change #71

update Calagator::Event 1250457689 Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th Roll back

description <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" align="right" src="" alt="" /></a>serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" align="right" src="" alt="" /></a><p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Change #70

create Calagator::Event 1250457691 Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th Roll back

description nil <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" align="right" src="" alt="" /></a>serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p>
end_time nil 2009-10-28 21:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457691
start_time nil 2009-10-28 19:00:00 -0700
title nil Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th
url nil
venue_id nil 202391134
Change #69

create Calagator::Event 1250457690 Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th Roll back

description nil <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" align="right" src="" alt="" /></a>serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p>
end_time nil 2009-11-18 21:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250457690
start_time nil 2009-11-18 19:00:00 -0800
title nil Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th
url nil
venue_id nil 202391134
Change #68

create Calagator::Event 1250457689 Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th Roll back

description nil <p>The Crash Course seeks to help you understand the nature of some extremely <a href=""><img width="355" height="444" align="right" src="" alt="" /></a>serious challenges and risks to our economy and your future prosperity. Chris Martenson weaves together a number of seemingly disparate topics into a single story, discussing the Economy, Energy, and the Environment... For it is where these fields overlap and intersect that the greatest story of any generation will get told.</p> <p>Chris Martenson is an author and obsessive financial observer who has made profound changes in his lifestyle because of what he sees coming. He runs a popular website devoted to advancing awareness of the Three&ldquo;E&rsquo;s&quot;--the Economy, Energy and the Environment, although most of the focus is on tracking the economy. <br /> <br /> Chris is not an economist. He is trained as a scientist, having completed both a Ph.D. and a post-doctoral program in Neurotoxicology at Duke University. Chris&rsquo;s extensive scientific training guides how he thinks. He gathers data, develops hypotheses, and continually seeks to accept or reject them based on the evidence at hand. He lets the data tell the story. <br /> <br /> In addition, Chris has a solid business background, with an MBA in Finance from Cornell with ten years experience in corporate finance and strategic consulting, becoming an executive of a Fortune 300 company. <br /> <br /> The main body of Chris' work, The Crash Course, is a dynamic web-based video presentation, bringing together the threads of the &ldquo;Three E&rsquo;s,&rdquo; and explaining why and how the next 20 years will be completely unlike the last 20.</p> <h2>Shown in Three Parts</h2> <p>All 20 sections take 3 hours and 23 minutes to watch in full, with chapters are between 3 and 20 minutes in length.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>To allow for plenty of time for discussion we will be showing this DVD in three parts, on the following days. Please note that we will be flexible in how far we get each night, but the dates listed below are not going to change.</p> <h3><a href="">September 30th</a></h3> <blockquote> 1. <a href="">Three Beliefs</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; (1:46 minutes) <br /> 2. <a href="">The Three &quot;E&quot;s</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (1:38 minutes) <br /> 3. <a href="">Exponential Growth</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (6:20 minutes) <br /> 4. <a href="">Compounding is the Problem</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:06 minutes) <br /> 5. <a href="">Growth vs. Prosperity</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:40 minutes) <br /> 6. <a href="">What is Money?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (5:55 minutes) <br /> 7. <a href="">Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (4:19 minutes) <br /> 8. <a href="">The Fed - Money Creation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:13 minutes) <br /> 9. <a href="">A Brief History of US Money</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (7:14 minutes) <br /> 10. <a href="">Inflation</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (11:48 minutes) <br /> 11. <a href="">How Much Is A Trillion?</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (3:28 minutes) <br /> 12. <a href="">Debt</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:32 minutes) <br /> 13. <a href="">A National Failure To Save</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; (12:06 minutes)&nbsp; </blockquote> <h3><a href="">October 28th</a></h3> <blockquote>14. <a href="">Assets &amp; Demographics</a> (13:41 minutes) <br /> 15. <a href="">Bubbles</a> (14:10 minutes) <br /> 16. <a href="">Fuzzy Numbers</a> (15:52 minutes) <br /> 17a. <a href="">Part A: Peak Oil</a> (17:52 minutes) <br /> 17b. <a href="">Part B: Energy Budgeting</a> (12:15 minutes) <br /> 17c. <a href="">Part C: Energy And The Economy</a> &nbsp; (7:05 minutes)<o:p></o:p> </blockquote> <h3><a href="">November 18th</a></h3> <blockquote>18. <a href="">Environmental Data</a>&nbsp; (16:22 minutes) <br /> 19. <a href="">Future Shock</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;(8:02 minutes) <br /> 20. <a href="">What Should I Do?</a>&nbsp; (19:48 minutes) </blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p>
end_time nil 2009-09-30 21:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457689
start_time nil 2009-09-30 19:00:00 -0700
title nil Free showing of "The Crash Course" in three parts Sept. 30th, Oct 28th & Nov 18th
url nil
venue_id nil 202391134
Change #67

update Calagator::Venue 202391698 Anywhere you please! Roll back

address nil
description nil
email nil
locality nil
postal_code nil
region nil
street_address nil
telephone nil
url nil
Change #66

update Calagator::Event 1250457688 Software Freedom Day 2009 Roll back

description Get out and celebrate international Software Freedom Day! You name the way, you name the place! Get out and celebrate international Software Freedom Day! You name the way, you name the place!
locked nil false
venue_id 202391697 nil
Change #65

create Calagator::Venue 202391698 Anywhere you please! Roll back

id nil 202391698
title nil Anywhere you please!
Change #64

update Calagator::Event 1250457688 Software Freedom Day 2009 Roll back

end_time nil 2009-09-19 11:59:00 -0700
start_time 2009-09-18 00:00:00 -0700 2009-09-19 08:00:00 -0700
Change #63

update Calagator::Venue 202391698 Anywhere you please Roll back

Change #62

create Calagator::Event 1250457688 Software Freedom Day 2009 Roll back

description nil Get out and celebrate international Software Freedom Day! You name the way, you name the place!
id nil 1250457688
start_time nil 2009-09-18 00:00:00 -0700
title nil Software Freedom Day 2009
url nil
venue_id nil 202391697
Change #61

create Calagator::Venue 202391698 Anywhere you please Roll back

id nil 202391697
title nil Anywhere you please
Change #60

create Calagator::Event 1250457687 Next PAGDIG Meetup : Thu 9/24 7pm @ Lucky Lab West Side Roll back

description nil [by: dsal]
end_time nil 2009-09-24 22:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457687
source_id nil 996333797
start_time nil 2009-09-24 19:00:00 -0700
title nil Next PAGDIG Meetup : Thu 9/24 7pm @ Lucky Lab West Side
url nil
Change #59

create Calagator::Event 1250457686 Pre-Funk With Your Fellow WordCampers at Beer and Blog Roll back

description nil <a href=""><img class="alignright size-full wp-image-429" title="2009 WordCamp Portland" src="" alt="2009 WordCamp Portland" width="125" height="125" /></a>Very soon — this Saturday and Sunday, to be exact — a mass of bloggers will pack the conference rooms of <a href="">Webtrends</a> for the 2009 <a href="">WordCamp </a><a href="">Portland</a>. This is a fun and informative couple of days stuffed with opportunities to learn tasty tidbits about the popular open source web site software <a href="">WordPress</a>. Perhaps you've heard of this WordPress thing? It's a free and mighty powerful content management system that makes hosting your own blog a snap. And with two solid days of <a href="">learning such things</a> as how to be your podcast’s dom and not its sub, how to build (and how NOT to build) a WP plugin, and how to make your blog load efficiently, you know it's going to be where all the cool kids are. Tickets have been sold out for weeks (great job <a href="">Aaron</a>, <a href="">Betsy</a> and <a href="">Dale</a>!!) but if you were lucky enough to get your name on the <a href="">attendees list</a> I congratulate you on your good fortune! Last year I didn't get around to buying my WordCamp ticket before it was too late, and it was torturous seeing my twitter stream inundated with remarks of camp joviality, WordPress "Ah-ha!" moments, and links to flickr images of the smiling faces of my fellow bloggers. (OK, fine. I'll admit it. I simmered in silent resentment at some of the more active tweeters at last year's WordCamp Portland. But all is forgiven now. Mostly.) Whether or not you've got yourself a ticket, please join Beer and Blog in extending a warm welcome to several WordPress speakers (and many attendees) for beers and conversation the day before the camp starting bell rings. We'll be at the Green Dragon. I'll be there, too, trying not to rub salt in the wounds of the ticketless. I feel your pain...and I'll be thinking about the pain Ill be inflicting while I drown my twitter stream in bragging, gleefull tweets with the excessive use of the #<a href="">wcpdx</a> tag. You're welcome.
end_time nil 2009-09-18 18:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457686
start_time nil 2009-09-18 16:00:00 -0700
title nil Pre-Funk With Your Fellow WordCampers at Beer and Blog
url nil
Change #58

update Calagator::Event 1250457654 WhereCampPDX 2009: Opening Night Roll back

description WhereCamp PDX is an free, open unconference for all geo-technology enthusiasts. Join us for our opening night party to mingle and discuss topics for Saturday. VENUE: The entrance to the party will at the corner of 11th & SE Division, look for the signs. WhereCamp PDX is a free unconference focusing on all things geographical. This informal meeting of minds welcomes all geo-locative enthusiasts, anyone who asks “where am I” or feels the need to “know their place”. We're kicking off the weekend with an opening party at Gallery Homeland to mingle with other geo geeks discuss session ideas for Saturday's unconference. VENUE: The entrance to the party will at the corner of 11th & SE Division, look for the signs.
end_time 2009-10-02 22:00:00 -0700 2009-10-02 21:00:00 -0700
Change #57

create Calagator::Event 1250457685 Mobile Portland -- SMS, MMS & Short Codes Roll back

description nil --Placeholder Description. More details soon.-- On September 25th, iPhone users will finally have access to MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) allowing users to send and receive photos, video, and audio files. Often overlooked in the United States, SMS and MMS huge businesses. In 2007, SMS/MMS accounted for $100 billion in revenue worldwide. That is more than Hollywood box office receipts, dvd sales and rentals, video game industry revenue, and music industry revenue all combined. How will usage of the iPhone change with this capability? How can businesses utilize SMS and MMS as part of their marketing efforts? How can developers incorporate SMS or MMS in their applications? We'll explore the opportunities and challenges associated with SMS, MMS and short codes. Please RSVP. Photo credits: Short-messaging Luke Skywalker Biden Text Message Announcement
end_time nil 2009-09-28 18:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457685
source_id nil 996333796
start_time nil 2009-09-28 18:00:00 -0700
title nil Mobile Portland -- SMS, MMS & Short Codes
url nil
venue_id nil 202389972
Change #56

create Calagator::Event 1250457684 Portland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug) Roll back

description nil The Portland Data Plumbing Group (aka pdpug) gives us a place to talk about RSS feed hacking, Yahoo Pipes, Dapper, and other related technologies. We have monthly meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month at the Oracle office in downtown Portland from 6pm-7:30pm. Agenda: 6:00 - 6:30: Networking and introductions 6:30 - 7:15: Marcus Estes on Pubsubhubbub ( 7:15 - 7:30: Wrap up and suggestions for next month's topic Please use the tag #pdpug for Twitter messages, blog posts, pictures, etc. You can also join our discussions about Yahoo Pipes and other plumbing topics on our Google Group:
end_time nil 2009-09-22 19:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250457684
source_id nil 996333795
start_time nil 2009-09-22 18:00:00 -0700
title nil Portland Data Plumbing User Group (pdpug)
url nil
venue_id nil 202390558
Change #55

create Calagator::Event 1250457683 PDX Hackathon Roll back

description nil Come do strange things with your computer amongst others whilst drinking fine Portland beer.
end_time nil 2009-09-17 23:59:00 -0700
id nil 1250457683
start_time nil 2009-09-17 19:00:00 -0700
title nil PDX Hackathon
venue_id nil 202390282
Change #54

update Calagator::Event 1250457636 Linux Fund 10th Anniversary Party Roll back

end_time 2009-09-22 23:59:00 -0700 nil
Change #53

create Calagator::Event 1250457682 Digital Journalism Social Hour Roll back

description nil <a href="">Digital Journalism Portland</a> and <a href="">Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter</a> have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry.
end_time nil 2009-10-29 21:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457682
start_time nil 2009-10-29 19:00:00 -0700
title nil Digital Journalism Social Hour
url nil
venue_id nil 202390282
Change #52

update Calagator::Event 1250457681 Digital Journalism Portland/SPJ Oregon/SW Washington Social Hour Roll back

locked nil false
title Digital Journalism Portland/SPJ Oregon/SW Washington Social Hour Digital Journalism Social Hour
Change #51

update Calagator::Event 1250457681 Digital Journalism Portland/SPJ Oregon/SW Washington Social Hour Roll back

description <a href=""><Digital Journalism Portland</a> and <a href=""><Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter</a> have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry. <a href="">Digital Journalism Portland</a> and <a href="">Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter</a> have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry.
Change #50

create Calagator::Event 1250457681 Digital Journalism Portland/SPJ Oregon/SW Washington Social Hour Roll back

description nil <a href=""><Digital Journalism Portland</a> and <a href=""><Society of Professional Journalists Oregon and SW Washington Chapter</a> have teamed up to create an informal social hour that showcases local, innovative digital journalism projects. Come hang out with your peers, have a drink and learn about the people who are changing our industry.
end_time nil 2009-09-24 21:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457681
start_time nil 2009-09-24 19:00:00 -0700
title nil Digital Journalism Portland/SPJ Oregon/SW Washington Social Hour
venue_id nil 202390282
Change #49

update Calagator::Event 1250457649 Lunch 2.0 at Elemental Technologies Roll back

description Elemental Technologies is our host for the 22nd iteration of Portland Lunch 2.0. Thanks to Davy Stevenson ( @davystevenson ) for spreading the love to a new venue. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks. Elemental Technologies is our host for the 22nd iteration of Portland Lunch 2.0. Thanks to Davy Stevenson ( @davystevenson ) for spreading the love to a new venue. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
locked nil false
Change #48

update Calagator::Event 1250457600 SAOpdx: ConnectPDX Roll back

description SAO ConnectPDX is a new kind of networking, relaxed, open, and the kind that fosters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're usually a frantic business card swap, with shallow connections. ConnectPDX is different. We provide a low key environment, in a fun space, where meeting people comes naturally. We encourage professionals from different industries to attend, so everyone's networks can expand. Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent! Blitz (Pearl) is open to minors until 9pm. Where to park: If you're lucky, you can get metered street parking, but if you want a cheap garage, use Smart Park. There is no registration for this event - just show up! SAO ConnectPDX is a new kind of networking, relaxed, open, and the kind that fosters real connections. You've been to enough networking events to know that they're usually a frantic business card swap, with shallow connections. ConnectPDX is different. We provide a low key environment, in a fun space, where meeting people comes naturally. We encourage professionals from different industries to attend, so everyone's networks can expand. Free registration + great happy hour + great PDX connections = time well spent! Blitz (Pearl) is open to minors until 9pm. Where to park: If you're lucky, you can get metered street parking, but if you want a cheap garage, use Smart Park. There is no registration for this event - just show up!
locked nil false
Change #47

create Calagator::Event 1250457680 Portland Werewolf - December Gathering Roll back

description nil Come play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details ( If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.
end_time nil 2009-12-09 18:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250457680
source_id nil 996333794
start_time nil 2009-12-09 18:00:00 -0800
title nil Portland Werewolf - December Gathering
url nil
venue_id nil 202390282
Change #46

create Calagator::Event 1250457679 Portland Werewolf - November Gathering Roll back

description nil Come play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details ( If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.
end_time nil 2009-11-11 18:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250457679
source_id nil 996333793
start_time nil 2009-11-11 18:00:00 -0800
title nil Portland Werewolf - November Gathering
url nil
venue_id nil 202390282
Change #45

create Calagator::Event 1250457678 Portland Werewolf - October Gathering Roll back

description nil Come play at our monthly game of werewolf at the Lucky Lab on Hawthorne. Check out the site for details ( If you are planning on coming and want to play please respond with "attending". That way we know who is coming and you are guaranteed to play. Ticket Info: Donations appreciated, for the room rental.
end_time nil 2009-10-14 18:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457678
source_id nil 996333792
start_time nil 2009-10-14 18:00:00 -0700
title nil Portland Werewolf - October Gathering
url nil
venue_id nil 202390282
Change #44

update Calagator::Venue 202390595 MercyCorps Northwest Roll back

closed nil false
duplicate_of_id nil 202391696
events_count nil 0
wifi nil false
Change #43

update Calagator::Event 1250455805 Marketing with web 2.0, Part II: Social networks Roll back

locked nil false
venue_id 202390595 202391696
Change #42

update Calagator::Event 1250455739 Marketing with web 2.0: Connect and share to build community Roll back

locked nil false
venue_id 202390595 202391696
Change #41

destroy Calagator::Venue 202391692 The Cleaners at the Ace Hotel Roll back

Change #40

update Calagator::Venue 202391015 Location TBD Roll back

access_notes nil
address nil
closed nil true
country United States US
description nil
email nil
events_count nil 75
id 202391644 202391015
latitude 45.5118 45.53
longitude -122.676 -122.6882
postal_code nil 97209
source_id 996333753 996333375
street_address tbd 1636 NW Lovejoy Street
telephone nil
title Location TBD OpenSourcery
url nil
wifi nil true
Change #39

update Calagator::Venue 202391696 Mercy Corps NW Roll back

address nil 43 SW Naito Pkwy, Portland OR 97204
closed nil false
country nil US
description nil Mercy Corps Northwest helps low-income individuals in Oregon and Washington to improve their lives through small business and self-employment.
email nil [email protected]
events_count nil 16
latitude nil 45.5226
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.6703
postal_code nil 97204
region nil OR
street_address nil 43 SW Naito Pkwy
telephone nil 503-896-5070
url nil
wifi nil false
Change #38

create Calagator::Event 1250457677 9/21 Mercy Corps NW Seminar - Writing for the Internet Roll back

description nil Write it Rich! Real-world Writing Tips for Reluctant Writers Are you writing for the internet? Find out how to resonate with an invisible audience in this 1-hour workshop. Susan Rich, owner of RichWriting Inc., shows you how to organize thoughts and pick a key message. Together you’ll discuss what makes good content—do’s and don’ts to capture your market’s attention. Susan Rich is a business writer, editor, and writing consultant with 20+ years of experience. $5 for MCNW clients and $10 for community members (cash or check) with all proceeds going to MCNW programs. Held in our brand new and improved classroom space at 43 SW Naito in downtown Portland. Please contact Anu at [email protected] or 503-896-5080 to RSVP.
end_time nil 2009-09-21 19:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457677
start_time nil 2009-09-21 18:00:00 -0700
title nil 9/21 Mercy Corps NW Seminar - Writing for the Internet
url nil
venue_id nil 202391696
Change #37

create Calagator::Venue 202391696 Mercy Corps NW Roll back

id nil 202391696
title nil Mercy Corps NW
Change #36

update Calagator::Event 1250456240 Portland Java User Group: Grid Packet Computing for Java Roll back

description This month's topic: Grid Packet Computing for Java (GPC4J) GPC4J is a computing paradigm that breaks a partitionable problem into GridPackets, which are routed, processed and re-assembled into the solution to the original problem. This presentation will cover the use of the system and design of the project's web application. The application is built using REST (Jersey), Maven, Hibernate, JPA, MySQL and GlassFish. ---------- Speaker: Lyle Harris Lyle Harris is a Software Engineer working in World Wide Operations at Sun Microsystems, where he develops internal Java applications for automation and customer-facing web applications. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: ). (join our mailing list, linked from the website!) *** ATTENTION: For this month's meeting only, we will be meeting in the Jefferson room on the southeast end of the upper lobby. We will not be in the usual 8th-floor conference room! *** This month's topic: Grid Packet Computing for Java (GPC4J) GPC4J is a computing paradigm that breaks a partitionable problem into GridPackets, which are routed, processed and re-assembled into the solution to the original problem. This presentation will cover the use of the system and design of the project's web application. The application is built using REST (Jersey), Maven, Hibernate, JPA, MySQL and GlassFish. ---------- Speaker: Lyle Harris Lyle Harris is a Software Engineer working in World Wide Operations at Sun Microsystems, where he develops internal Java applications for automation and customer-facing web applications. ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: ). (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
locked nil false
title Portland Java User Group: Grid Packet Computing for Java Portland Java User Group: Grid Packet Computing for Java (MOVED - see description!)
Change #35

create Calagator::Event 1250457676 SAOpdx: Poker Night Roll back

description nil Bring your friends, or come make new ones! We always have a great time, so even if you're the world's worst or the world's best poker player, it's going to be time well spent. Onsite Payment We accept credit card and cash onsite. Sorry, no checks. Who can play Anyone over 21 the law allows. Any industry, any skill level, and you don't have to be an SAO member to play. Substitutions Substitutions are allowed if made by noon, day of play (close of online registration). You must contact Stephanie El-Hajj to make your substitution. Substitutions are not allowed onsite. Time Registration opens at 5:30. Grab what you need from the bar downstairs and join us upstairs. Play starts at 6:00pm sharp. If you're registered but arrive after 6:00pm, your seat might be given to a walk-in! Play to win - some games last til 10:00pm. Rebuys A maximum of three (3) rebuys are allowed. Rebuys are $25 each and can only be purchased once ALL of your chips are gone. We do not allow chip add-ons. Rebuys are not added to the prize pot. Prize Payout (Minimum Guarantee)* 1st Place - $300 2nd Place - $150 3rd Place - $50 4th-10th Place - Bragging Rights Small Print *Final payout is based on total buyins. Winners will be awarded Visa Gift Cards. We will not have prizes night-of. Poker winners will be notified when the Cards are available for pickup at the SAO Office. Thank you to our volunteer dealers - Poker Night wouldn't be possible without your help! Poker Night Sponsors: Edgelink, Intel, ViaWest, WebTrends.
end_time nil 2009-09-23 17:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250457676
source_id nil 996333791
start_time nil 2009-09-23 17:30:00 -0700
title nil SAOpdx: Poker Night
url nil
venue_id nil 202391475
Change #34

destroy Calagator::Event 1250457594 SAOpdx: Poker Night Roll back

Change #33

create Calagator::Event 1250457675 IxDA Portland: Meetup / Design Practice Roll back

description nil Join us for a design practice session! We will start with a description of the design problem followed by work in small groups on design ideation and solution sketches. At the end, the small groups will present their ideas and sketches back to the rest of the meeting attendees. This is a casual, non-sponsored workshop. Feel free to bring your own snacks or dinner. IxDA Portland is the local chapter of the Interaction Design Association (
end_time nil 2009-09-15 20:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457675
source_id nil 996333790
start_time nil 2009-09-15 18:00:00 -0700
title nil IxDA Portland: Meetup / Design Practice
url nil
venue_id nil 202389972
Change #32

update Calagator::Event 1250457674 CEO Roundtable - Go to Market Strategies: Reaching your customers with limited resources Roll back

description <a href="">Paul Gulick</a>, formerly of Clarity Visual Systems and Planar, will lead a lively discussion that will help entrepreneurs drive their organization's success. Come share your challenges, observations and successes with other CEOs of emerging businesses. We will discuss the challenges of developing sales strategies and options you can employ to reach customers with limited resources. Open only to CEOs or Presidents of currently operating companies that have employees. Boxed lunch will be served. This program is limited to 12 participants, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Date and Time:Wednesday November 18, 11:30 am - 1:00pm Location: Iron Stone Bank Conference Room 309 SW Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Registration: OEN Members - $46, Non Members - $80 <a href="">Paul Gulick</a>, formerly of Clarity Visual Systems and Planar, will lead a lively discussion that will help entrepreneurs drive their organization's success. Come share your challenges, observations and successes with other CEOs of emerging businesses. We will discuss the challenges of developing sales strategies and options you can employ to reach customers with limited resources. Open only to CEOs or Presidents of currently operating companies that have employees. Boxed lunch will be served. This program is limited to 12 participants, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Date and Time:Wednesday November 18, 11:30 am - 1:00pm Location: Iron Stone Bank Conference Room 309 SW Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Registration: OEN Members - $46, Non Members - $80
end_time 2009-09-14 16:00:00 -0700 2009-11-18 13:00:00 -0800
locked nil false
start_time 2009-09-14 15:00:00 -0700 2009-11-18 11:30:00 -0800
Change #31

create Calagator::Event 1250457674 CEO Roundtable - Go to Market Strategies: Reaching your customers with limited resources Roll back

description nil <a href="">Paul Gulick</a>, formerly of Clarity Visual Systems and Planar, will lead a lively discussion that will help entrepreneurs drive their organization's success. Come share your challenges, observations and successes with other CEOs of emerging businesses. We will discuss the challenges of developing sales strategies and options you can employ to reach customers with limited resources. Open only to CEOs or Presidents of currently operating companies that have employees. Boxed lunch will be served. This program is limited to 12 participants, and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Date and Time:Wednesday November 18, 11:30 am - 1:00pm Location: Iron Stone Bank Conference Room 309 SW Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Registration: OEN Members - $46, Non Members - $80
end_time nil 2009-09-14 16:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457674
start_time nil 2009-09-14 15:00:00 -0700
title nil CEO Roundtable - Go to Market Strategies: Reaching your customers with limited resources
url nil
venue_id nil 202390835
Change #30

create Calagator::Event 1250457673 OEN Workshop: Social Media with Ryan Lewis Roll back

description nil How do I get my company up to speed with this new social media thing? What is a Tweet? Why should I care? In this class we will train how to make your company a social media marketing machine with little extra effort. We will cut through the mysteries and arm your company with simple strategies to succeed. With traditional media audiences rapidly declining, this class is a must for business owners. Speaker: Ryan Lewis Ryan Lewis is considered a leader in the social media marketing field. He has built marketing campaigns for small businesses, individuals; all the way to fortune 500 companies and teaches classes on the best practices for businesses to interact online. His work has increased revenue, optimized inter-office communication, and built positive branding initiatives for businesses across the U.S. <i>Date and Time: Thursday, Novembers 5, 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Location: Ater Wynne 1331 NW Lovejoy Portland, OR 97209 Registration: OEN Members $30, Non Members - $125(Includes one year membership and workshop fee is waived)</i> To Learn More Visit:
end_time nil 2009-11-05 15:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250457673
start_time nil 2009-11-05 14:00:00 -0800
title nil OEN Workshop: Social Media with Ryan Lewis
url nil
venue_id nil 202391317
Change #29

update Calagator::Event 1250456243 Portland Java User Group Roll back

description This month&#39;s topic: TBD<br /><br /> ----------<br /><br /> PJUG meetings start with eat+meet+greet time (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then some time for Q&amp;A, discussion, and sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :)<br /><br /> It is not necessary to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise; go ahead and just show up!<br /><br /> Many people also go for drinks afterward, at a location decided on the fly (more often than not, Jax on 2nd).<br /><br /> Twitter: @pjug<br /> Web:<br /> (feel free to join our mailing list, linked from the website!)<br /> &nbsp; This month's topic: TBD ---------- PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't *have* to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, the Market Street Pub at 10th and Market: ). (join our mailing list, linked from the website!)
end_time 2009-12-15 20:00:00 -0800 2009-12-15 20:30:00 -0800