Change 49

Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #49

update Calagator::Event 1250457649 Lunch 2.0 at Elemental Technologies Roll back

description Elemental Technologies is our host for the 22nd iteration of Portland Lunch 2.0. Thanks to Davy Stevenson ( @davystevenson ) for spreading the love to a new venue. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks. Elemental Technologies is our host for the 22nd iteration of Portland Lunch 2.0. Thanks to Davy Stevenson ( @davystevenson ) for spreading the love to a new venue. Lunch 2.0 is a Valley phenomenon that you can read about at , and we're putting a PDX stamp on it. You can follow all things Portland Lunch 2.0 an the Silicon Florist . Are you vegan or vegetarian? Please leave a comment so we can plan food accordingly. Thanks.
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