
Changes feed

Show: All | Calagator::Events | Calagator::Sources | Calagator::Venues

Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #576

update Calagator::Venue 202391781 Buffalo Gap, 6835 S.W. Macadam Avenue, Portland Oregon Roll back

closed nil false
duplicate_of_id nil 202391782
events_count nil 0
wifi nil false
Change #575

update Calagator::Venue 202391780 Bravo Portland Conference Room @ 630 B Avenue Suite 205, Lake Oswego, Oregon US Roll back

closed nil false
duplicate_of_id nil 202391621
events_count nil 0
wifi nil false
Change #574

update Calagator::Event 1250457832 How to Take Your Networking to the next level Roll back

locked nil false
venue_id 202391780 202391621
Change #573

update Calagator::Event 1250457842 Gorge Angel Conference Roll back

description Join us for a fun evening where you will get to hear from past recipients of Gorge Angel investments, other successful local entrepreneurs, and Angel Investors. Hosted hors D’ oeuvres (Thanks to NW Natural, the food is on us!) No Host Wine Mt. Hood Winery, 1930 Hwy 35, Hood River October 27, 2009 5:30-7:30 PM RSVP: Nick.Kraemer "at", 541-387-7012 Join us for a fun evening where you will get to hear from past recipients of Gorge Angel investments, other successful local entrepreneurs, and Angel Investors. Hosted hors D’ oeuvres (Thanks to NW Natural, the food is on us!) No Host Wine Mt. Hood Winery, 1930 Hwy 35, Hood River October 27, 2009 5:30-7:30 PM RSVP: Nick.Kraemer "at", 541-387-7012
end_time 2009-10-27 11:00:00 -0700 2009-10-27 19:30:00 -0700
locked nil false
start_time 2009-10-27 10:00:00 -0700 2009-10-27 17:30:00 -0700
Change #572

update Calagator::Venue 202391785 Mt. Hood Winery Roll back

address nil 1930 Hwy 35, Hood River, Oregon
closed nil false
country nil US
description nil
email nil
events_count nil 1
latitude nil 45.6004
locality nil Hood River
longitude nil -121.6285
region nil Oregon
street_address nil 1930 Hwy 35
telephone nil
url nil
wifi nil false
Change #571

create Calagator::Event 1250457842 Gorge Angel Conference Roll back

description nil Join us for a fun evening where you will get to hear from past recipients of Gorge Angel investments, other successful local entrepreneurs, and Angel Investors. Hosted hors D’ oeuvres (Thanks to NW Natural, the food is on us!) No Host Wine Mt. Hood Winery, 1930 Hwy 35, Hood River October 27, 2009 5:30-7:30 PM RSVP: Nick.Kraemer "at", 541-387-7012
end_time nil 2009-10-27 11:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457842
start_time nil 2009-10-27 10:00:00 -0700
title nil Gorge Angel Conference
venue_id nil 202391785
Change #570

create Calagator::Venue 202391785 Mt. Hood Winery Roll back

id nil 202391785
title nil Mt. Hood Winery
Change #569

destroy Calagator::Venue 202391784 utissarrime Roll back

Change #568

destroy Calagator::Event 1250457841 tadalafil Roll back

Change #567

create Calagator::Event 1250457841 tadalafil Roll back

description nil <a href=>tadalafil</a> <a href="">tadalafil</a>
end_time nil 2009-10-08 07:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457841
start_time nil 2009-10-08 06:00:00 -0700
title nil tadalafil
url nil
venue_id nil 202391784
Change #566

create Calagator::Venue 202391784 utissarrime Roll back

id nil 202391784
title nil utissarrime
Change #565

update Calagator::Event 1250457840 Lean, an "Operating System" for Your Business (ABPMP) Roll back

description Lean is not just yet another initiative it is a way of doing business. Done correctly lean provides an "operating system" for your business. Chris Scherer from OMEP will give an overview of Lean with a quick demo and a local case study. He will describe leans impact on business both in the "office" and on the manufacturing floor. Come spend an interactive and informative evening and learn how lean can help you make your business more sustainable by reducing waste and non value added activities. Chris Scherer: Chris is Chief Financial Officer for the Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership (OMEP) and also carries an active caseload of OMEP clients. In 2002, Chris developed OMEP’s Lean Office and Accounting practice and has extensive experience conducting value stream mapping workshops in manufacturing, non-manufacturing and service settings. Prior to joining OMEP, Chris served as principal for CS Projects, LLC, a consulting practice focused on the development of public-private partnerships. He also held positions of responsibility with the Portland Development Commission (Director of Finance and Information Services) and KPMG Peat Marwick (Manager). Association of Business Process Management Professionals ( The Association of Business Process Management Professionals is a non-profit, vendor independent professional organization dedicated to the advancement of business process management concepts and its practices. ABPMP is practitioner-oriented and practitioner-led. The mission of the ABPMP is to engage in activities that promote the practice of business process management, has developed a Common Body of Knowledge in this field, and to contribute to the advancement and skill development of professionals who work in this discipline. Cost: Free, but please RSVP so that we can have enough light snacks for everyone. Please RSVP: Linked-in ( Hosted by: University of Oregon Applied Information Management Masters Degree Program. Presented by ABPMP. Association of Business Process Management Professionals Lean is not just yet another initiative it is a way of doing business. Done correctly lean provides an "operating system" for your business. Chris Scherer from OMEP will give an overview of Lean with a quick demo and a local case study. He will describe leans impact on business both in the "office" and on the manufacturing floor. Come spend an interactive and informative evening and learn how lean can help you make your business more sustainable by reducing waste and non value added activities. Chris Scherer: Chris is Chief Financial Officer for the Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership (OMEP) and also carries an active caseload of OMEP clients. In 2002, Chris developed OMEP’s Lean Office and Accounting practice and has extensive experience conducting value stream mapping workshops in manufacturing, non-manufacturing and service settings. Prior to joining OMEP, Chris served as principal for CS Projects, LLC, a consulting practice focused on the development of public-private partnerships. He also held positions of responsibility with the Portland Development Commission (Director of Finance and Information Services) and KPMG Peat Marwick (Manager). Association of Business Process Management Professionals ( The Association of Business Process Management Professionals is a non-profit, vendor independent professional organization dedicated to the advancement of business process management concepts and its practices. ABPMP is practitioner-oriented and practitioner-led. The mission of the ABPMP is to engage in activities that promote the practice of business process management, has developed a Common Body of Knowledge in this field, and to contribute to the advancement and skill development of professionals who work in this discipline. Cost: Free, but please RSVP so that we can have enough light snacks for everyone. Please RSVP: Linked-in ( Hosted by: University of Oregon Applied Information Management Masters Degree Program. Presented by ABPMP. Association of Business Process Management Professionals:
locked nil false
Change #564

update Calagator::Event 1250457840 Lean, an "Operating System" for Your Business (ABPMP) Roll back

description Lean is not just yet another initiative it is a way of doing business. Done correctly lean provides an "operating system" for your business. Chris Scherer from OMEP will give an overview of Lean with a quick demo and a local case study. He will describe leans impact on business both in the "office" and on the manufacturing floor. Come spend an interactive and informative evening and learn how lean can help you make your business more sustainable by reducing waste and non value added activities. Chris Scherer: Chris is Chief Financial Officer for the Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership (OMEP) and also carries an active caseload of OMEP clients. In 2002, Chris developed OMEP’s Lean Office and Accounting practice and has extensive experience conducting value stream mapping workshops in manufacturing, non-manufacturing and service settings. Prior to joining OMEP, Chris served as principal for CS Projects, LLC, a consulting practice focused on the development of public-private partnerships. He also held positions of responsibility with the Portland Development Commission (Director of Finance and Information Services) and KPMG Peat Marwick (Manager). Association of Business Process Management Professionals ( The Association of Business Process Management Professionals is a non-profit, vendor independent professional organization dedicated to the advancement of business process management concepts and its practices. ABPMP is practitioner-oriented and practitioner-led. The mission of the ABPMP is to engage in activities that promote the practice of business process management, has developed a Common Body of Knowledge in this field, and to contribute to the advancement and skill development of professionals who work in this discipline. Cost: Free, but please RSVP so that we can have enough light snacks for everyone. Please RSVP: Linked-in ( Hosted by: University of Oregon Applied Information Management Masters Degree Program. Presented by ABPMP. Association of Business Process Management Professionals Lean is not just yet another initiative it is a way of doing business. Done correctly lean provides an "operating system" for your business. Chris Scherer from OMEP will give an overview of Lean with a quick demo and a local case study. He will describe leans impact on business both in the "office" and on the manufacturing floor. Come spend an interactive and informative evening and learn how lean can help you make your business more sustainable by reducing waste and non value added activities. Chris Scherer: Chris is Chief Financial Officer for the Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership (OMEP) and also carries an active caseload of OMEP clients. In 2002, Chris developed OMEP’s Lean Office and Accounting practice and has extensive experience conducting value stream mapping workshops in manufacturing, non-manufacturing and service settings. Prior to joining OMEP, Chris served as principal for CS Projects, LLC, a consulting practice focused on the development of public-private partnerships. He also held positions of responsibility with the Portland Development Commission (Director of Finance and Information Services) and KPMG Peat Marwick (Manager). Association of Business Process Management Professionals ( The Association of Business Process Management Professionals is a non-profit, vendor independent professional organization dedicated to the advancement of business process management concepts and its practices. ABPMP is practitioner-oriented and practitioner-led. The mission of the ABPMP is to engage in activities that promote the practice of business process management, has developed a Common Body of Knowledge in this field, and to contribute to the advancement and skill development of professionals who work in this discipline. Cost: Free, but please RSVP so that we can have enough light snacks for everyone. Please RSVP: Linked-in ( Hosted by: University of Oregon Applied Information Management Masters Degree Program. Presented by ABPMP. Association of Business Process Management Professionals
Change #563

create Calagator::Event 1250457840 Lean, an "Operating System" for Your Business (ABPMP) Roll back

description nil Lean is not just yet another initiative it is a way of doing business. Done correctly lean provides an "operating system" for your business. Chris Scherer from OMEP will give an overview of Lean with a quick demo and a local case study. He will describe leans impact on business both in the "office" and on the manufacturing floor. Come spend an interactive and informative evening and learn how lean can help you make your business more sustainable by reducing waste and non value added activities. Chris Scherer: Chris is Chief Financial Officer for the Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership (OMEP) and also carries an active caseload of OMEP clients. In 2002, Chris developed OMEP’s Lean Office and Accounting practice and has extensive experience conducting value stream mapping workshops in manufacturing, non-manufacturing and service settings. Prior to joining OMEP, Chris served as principal for CS Projects, LLC, a consulting practice focused on the development of public-private partnerships. He also held positions of responsibility with the Portland Development Commission (Director of Finance and Information Services) and KPMG Peat Marwick (Manager). Association of Business Process Management Professionals ( The Association of Business Process Management Professionals is a non-profit, vendor independent professional organization dedicated to the advancement of business process management concepts and its practices. ABPMP is practitioner-oriented and practitioner-led. The mission of the ABPMP is to engage in activities that promote the practice of business process management, has developed a Common Body of Knowledge in this field, and to contribute to the advancement and skill development of professionals who work in this discipline. Cost: Free, but please RSVP so that we can have enough light snacks for everyone. Please RSVP: Linked-in ( Hosted by: University of Oregon Applied Information Management Masters Degree Program. Presented by ABPMP. Association of Business Process Management Professionals
end_time nil 2009-11-19 19:30:00 -0800
id nil 1250457840
start_time nil 2009-11-19 17:30:00 -0800
title nil Lean, an "Operating System" for Your Business (ABPMP)
url nil
venue_id nil 202391320
Change #562

create Calagator::Event 1250457839 Search Engine Marketing Tips and Tactics – a free event Roll back

description nil Join Colleen Wright of the Search Engine Academy of Oregon and get some search engine marketing tips and tactics that you can implement immediately at this free seminar. You will learn: *The difference between on-page and off-page factors and how to take advantage of them *Usability Tips that will keep your visitors on your site *What tools you can use to help determine the best course of action for optimizing your website *Why it is important to understand search and where search is heading in the future *Basic Actionable steps to implement immediately While introducing these marketing nuggets, she will also give you a brief overview of what you will learn in the "Ultimate SEO Mastery Workshop" coming in July. If you have been thinking about taking the class or just want information on SEO basics, this is one hour you don't want to miss. Register for this free event at
end_time nil 2009-11-18 17:30:00 -0800
id nil 1250457839
start_time nil 2009-11-18 16:00:00 -0800
title nil Search Engine Marketing Tips and Tactics – a free event
url nil
venue_id nil 202390519
Change #561

update Calagator::Event 1250457838 10/14 Mercy Corps NW Seminar - How to Make a Great Presentation Roll back

description It's time to come out from behind your desk and meet your audience. In this hands-on workshop, learn 10 essential tips for making powerful presentations, whether it's to a client, your staff, or an auditorium of potential investors. Discover how to give presentations that serve your audience and present your message with confidence and ease. Topics include how to: -Structure the content of a presentation -Use clear language that avoids jargon and paints pictures -Manage nerves and anxiety -Handle inevitable mishaps with ease -Rehearse like a pro It's time to come out from behind your desk and meet your audience. In this hands-on workshop, learn 10 essential tips for making powerful presentations, whether it's to a client, your staff, or an auditorium of potential investors. Discover how to give presentations that serve your audience and present your message with confidence and ease. Topics include how to: -Structure the content of a presentation -Use clear language that avoids jargon and paints pictures -Manage nerves and anxiety -Handle inevitable mishaps with ease -Rehearse like a pro Ticket Info: $5 for MCNW clients and $10 for community members (check/cash. All proceeds benefit Mercy Corps Northwest programs. Contact Anu ([email protected] or 503-896-5080) to RSVP. Check website ( day of the event for any cancellation notices.
locked nil false
Change #560

create Calagator::Event 1250457838 10/14 Mercy Corps NW Seminar - How to Make a Great Presentation Roll back

description nil It's time to come out from behind your desk and meet your audience. In this hands-on workshop, learn 10 essential tips for making powerful presentations, whether it's to a client, your staff, or an auditorium of potential investors. Discover how to give presentations that serve your audience and present your message with confidence and ease. Topics include how to: -Structure the content of a presentation -Use clear language that avoids jargon and paints pictures -Manage nerves and anxiety -Handle inevitable mishaps with ease -Rehearse like a pro
end_time nil 2009-10-14 20:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457838
start_time nil 2009-10-14 18:00:00 -0700
title nil 10/14 Mercy Corps NW Seminar - How to Make a Great Presentation
url nil
venue_id nil 202391696
Change #559

update Calagator::Event 1250457340 EsoZone Portland 2009 Roll back

description EsoZone is a free "unconference" dedicated to the occulture, outsider art, and life outside the confines of consensus reality. Possible topics include: <blockquote> <li>Outsider Art</li> <li>Discordia</li> <li>SubGenius</li> <li>The Occult</li> <li>Satanism</li> <li>Conspiracy Analysis</li> <li>Life Extension</li> <li>Intelligence Enhancement</li> <li>Space Migration</li> <li>Psychedelic Futurism</li> <li>Conciousness Expansion</li> <li>R/evolutionary Living</li> <li>Renegade Metaphysics</li> <li>Radical Psychotherapy</li> <li>Aliens</li> <li>NeoShamanism</li> <li>Temporary Autonomous Zones</li> <li>Body Modification</li> <li>Alternative Sexuality</li> <li>Fringe Culture</li> <li>Human-Dolphin Communication</li> <li>DIY Media</li> <li>Cybernetics and Systems Theory</li> <li>Pranks</li> <li>Atheism</li> <li>Zen</li> <li>Martial Arts</li> <li>Recession Hacking</li> </blockquote> What is an "unconference"? An event with an agenda set ad-hoc in real time by its participants. At Esozone, anything can happen. Check out the web site for more information and updates, and/or help plan the event in the forums. Follow <a href="">@esozone</a> for updates <a href="">RSVP at Upcoming</a> EsoZone is a free "unconference" dedicated to the occulture, outsider art, and life outside the confines of consensus reality. Possible topics include: <blockquote> <li>Outsider Art</li> <li>Discordia</li> <li>SubGenius</li> <li>The Occult</li> <li>Satanism</li> <li>Conspiracy Analysis</li> <li>Life Extension</li> <li>Intelligence Enhancement</li> <li>Space Migration</li> <li>Psychedelic Futurism</li> <li>Conciousness Expansion</li> <li>R/evolutionary Living</li> <li>Renegade Metaphysics</li> <li>Radical Psychotherapy</li> <li>Aliens</li> <li>NeoShamanism</li> <li>Temporary Autonomous Zones</li> <li>Body Modification</li> <li>Alternative Sexuality</li> <li>Fringe Culture</li> <li>Human-Dolphin Communication</li> <li>DIY Media</li> <li>Cybernetics and Systems Theory</li> <li>Pranks</li> <li>Atheism</li> <li>Zen</li> <li>Martial Arts</li> <li>Recession Hacking</li> </blockquote> What is an "unconference"? An event with an agenda set ad-hoc in real time by its participants. At Esozone, anything can happen. Check out the web site for more information and updates, and/or help plan the event in the forums. Follow <a href="">@esozone</a> for updates <a href="">RSVP at Upcoming</a>
locked nil false
title EsoZone Portland 2009 EsoZone: Mutant Unconference
Change #558

create Calagator::Event 1250457837 Portland Open Source Geospatial User Group Roll back

description nil We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month from 6:30-8:00 PM at OpenSourcery in NW Portland. No need to RSVP, all are welcome- our group ranges from the geo-curious to the überhackers. [Please arrive no more than 10 minutes early, as the developers at OpenSourcery are working up until the meeting time.] OpenSourcery 1636 NW Lovejoy St. Portland, OR 97209 [Or, if you prefer: 45.529986, -122.688206] October meeting agenda: GIS in Action 2010 coordination and more TBA
end_time nil 2009-10-28 20:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457837
start_time nil 2009-10-28 18:30:00 -0700
title nil Portland Open Source Geospatial User Group
url nil
venue_id nil 202391015
Change #557

update Calagator::Event 1250457648 Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting Roll back

description <i>The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.</i> PRESENTATIONS 1. "Ruby, Parser Generators, and External DSLs", Luke Kanies Using Puppet's Parser as an example, we'll talk about using Parser Generators like YACC and ANTLR to create complete external DSLs - why you would, why you wouldn't, and what's different about them. We'll even delve into some of the more complicated bits like abstract syntax trees. Luke Kanies has been publishing and speaking on his work in Unix administration since 1997. He has focused on tool development since 2001, developing and publishing multiple simple sysadmin tools and contributing to established products like Cfengine. He founded Reductive Labs in 2005 as a response to the stagnation in sysadmin tools, to be a vehicle for changing the way we interact with and manage our computers. He founded and is the project lead for Puppet, an open-source automation framework written in Ruby, and he is always researching and developing new ways to make it easier to talk to computers on your terms. He has presented on Puppet and other tools around the world, including at OSCON, LISA,, and 2. "MapProjection, a geographical projection library for Ruby", Duncan Beevers Duncan is a wrangler of many technologies, primarily Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and ActionScript these days at Kongregate. 3. We're looking for more talks, suggest yours on the mailing list today!Propose your great talk idea today! <i>The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.</i> PRESENTATIONS 1. "Ruby, Parser Generators, and External DSLs", Luke Kanies Using Puppet's Parser as an example, we'll talk about using Parser Generators like YACC and ANTLR to create complete external DSLs - why you would, why you wouldn't, and what's different about them. We'll even delve into some of the more complicated bits like abstract syntax trees. Luke Kanies has been publishing and speaking on his work in Unix administration since 1997. He has focused on tool development since 2001, developing and publishing multiple simple sysadmin tools and contributing to established products like Cfengine. He founded Reductive Labs in 2005 as a response to the stagnation in sysadmin tools, to be a vehicle for changing the way we interact with and manage our computers. He founded and is the project lead for Puppet, an open-source automation framework written in Ruby, and he is always researching and developing new ways to make it easier to talk to computers on your terms. He has presented on Puppet and other tools around the world, including at OSCON, LISA,, and 2. "MapProjection, a geographical projection library for Ruby", Duncan Beevers Duncan is a wrangler of many technologies, primarily Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and ActionScript these days at Kongregate. 3. We're looking for more talks, suggest yours on the mailing list today!
locked nil false
Change #556

create Calagator::Event 1250457836 Portland Ten Field Trip: Sales Training Roll back

description nil Our friends Scott & Al at the Olsen Group are doing sales trainings hosted by the Beaverton Chamber, free for members, $5 for attendees. Twice a month on Wednesday mornings for the next 3 months. They're early in the morning (7:30 am), but if you need a jumpstart on sales skills/efforts, it can't hurt. We're going to MAX up there tomorrow to check it out, and if anyone would like to join us, meet at Old Town NedSpace (117 NW 5th) tomorrow at 6:40 am. We'll take the 6:53 am Blue Line MAX.,+Portland,+OR+97209&daddr=12655+SW+Center+Street,+Suite+140+Beaverton,+Oregon+97005&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&dirflg=r&date=10%2F07%2F09&time=7:30am&ttype=arr&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=&tline=&sll=45.501534,-122.728271&sspn=0.108043,0.215263&ie=UTF8&ll=45.502016,-122.752647&spn=0.108042,0.215263&z=12&start=0 I suspect we'll have sales-entrenched conversations both on the MAX ride there and back as well, so if you need some creative inspiration on all things revenue, please feel free to come along.
end_time nil 2009-10-07 07:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250457836
source_id nil 996333833
start_time nil 2009-10-07 07:30:00 -0700
title nil Portland Ten Field Trip: Sales Training
url nil
venue_id nil 202391783
Change #555

create Calagator::Venue 202391783 The Business Center @ 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 300, Beaverton, Oregon 97006 US Roll back

id nil 202391783
source_id nil 996333833
title nil The Business Center @ 12725 SW Millikan Way, Suite 300, Beaverton, Oregon 97006 US
Change #554

create Calagator::Event 1250457835 Galois Talk: Constructing a Universal Domain for reasoning about Haskell Datatypes Roll back

description nil The next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: * Date: Tuesday, October 13th, 2009 * Title: Constructing A Universal Domain for Reasoning About Haskell Datatypes * Speaker: Brian Huffman * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300; Portland, OR 97204 For details (including an abstract and speaker bio), please see our blog post: An RSVP is not required; but feel free to drop a line to [email protected] if you've any questions or comments. Levent Erkok
end_time nil 2009-10-13 11:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250457835
start_time nil 2009-10-13 10:30:00 -0700
title nil Galois Talk: Constructing a Universal Domain for reasoning about Haskell Datatypes
url nil
venue_id nil 202390439
Change #553

update Calagator::Venue 202391782 Buffalo Gap, Roll back

address nil
closed nil false
country nil US
description nil
email nil
events_count nil 2
latitude nil 45.4747
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.672
postal_code nil 97219
region nil OR
street_address nil 6835 S.W. Macadam Avenue,
telephone nil
url nil
wifi nil false
Change #552

update Calagator::Event 1250457834 ABPMP Round Table Roll back

description Cost: Free, please buy coffee/ breakfast Interested: please e-mail: [email protected] Are you looking for other professionals who are implementing or working on business process projects? Are you interested in business process and need help getting started? Are you interested in sharing and learning best practices? Do you want real on the ground practical advice or can you give others help? ABPMP (Association of Business Process Management Professionals) is building a community of practice in Portland. Come join us for our first un-roundtable. We will start with introductions and topic selection followed by a group discussion. The meeting will be moderated by a BPM professional. Cost: Free, please buy coffee/ breakfast Interested: please e-mail: [email protected] Are you looking for other professionals who are implementing or working on business process projects? Are you interested in business process and need help getting started? Are you interested in sharing and learning best practices? Do you want real on the ground practical advice or can you give others help? ABPMP (Association of Business Process Management Professionals) is building a community of practice in Portland. Come join us for our first un-roundtable. We will start with introductions and topic selection followed by a group discussion. The meeting will be moderated by a BPM professional.
locked nil false
venue_id 202391781 202391782
Change #551

create Calagator::Venue 202391782 Buffalo Gap, Roll back

id nil 202391782
title nil Buffalo Gap,
Change #550

update Calagator::Venue 202391782 Buffalo Gap, 6835 S.W. Macadam Avenue, Portland Oregon Roll back

address nil
closed nil false
country nil US
description nil
email nil
events_count nil 3
id 202391781 202391782
latitude nil 45.4747
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.672
postal_code nil 97219
region nil OR
street_address nil 6835 S.W. Macadam Avenue,
telephone nil
title Buffalo Gap, 6835 S.W. Macadam Avenue, Portland Oregon Buffalo Gap,
url nil
wifi nil false
Change #549

create Calagator::Event 1250457834 ABPMP Round Table Roll back

description nil Cost: Free, please buy coffee/ breakfast Interested: please e-mail: [email protected] Are you looking for other professionals who are implementing or working on business process projects? Are you interested in business process and need help getting started? Are you interested in sharing and learning best practices? Do you want real on the ground practical advice or can you give others help? ABPMP (Association of Business Process Management Professionals) is building a community of practice in Portland. Come join us for our first un-roundtable. We will start with introductions and topic selection followed by a group discussion. The meeting will be moderated by a BPM professional.
end_time nil 2009-10-20 08:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250457834
start_time nil 2009-10-20 07:30:00 -0700
title nil ABPMP Round Table
url nil
venue_id nil 202391781
Change #548

create Calagator::Venue 202391782 Buffalo Gap, 6835 S.W. Macadam Avenue, Portland Oregon Roll back

id nil 202391781
title nil Buffalo Gap, 6835 S.W. Macadam Avenue, Portland Oregon
Change #547

create Calagator::Event 1250457833 Demystifying Social Media Tools and Techniques Roll back

description nil Let's take the mystery out of social media! Dawn Foster will demystify some of the social media tools that are all the buzz. She'll talk about guiding principles & strategy for participation. Tools to be touched on: * Twitter * Facebook * LinkedIn * FriendFeed * Blogging Monitoring your organization in the social media world is essential to your strategy. The following will be discussed: * RSS * Monitoring Twitter * Yahoo Pipes We'll break out into smaller groups based on tools after Dawn's presentation to talk specific strategy and tactics to getting set-up to successful use. Schedule: 5:30-6:00p Networking 6:00-6:30p Presentation 6:30-7:30p Tool breakout sessions Hope you can join us! Dawn Foster is a Portland-based Consultant, Community Manager, Event Organizer, Blogger, Podcaster, Vegan, and Technology Enthusiast. Dawn Foster is the Senior Executive and Practice Manager of the Olliance Group Online Community Practice. The Online Community Practice is focused on helping companies derive business value from building and participating in online communities. Dawn has more than 13 years of experience in business and technology with expertise in strategic planning, management, community building, community management, open source software, market research, social media, and RSS. See CONNECT ONLINE:</p><p>Portland 501 Tech Club at <a href=""></a></p><p> Connect with us on FaceBook at <a href="">PDXTech4Good</a></p><p>Questions? Please email Anna at [email protected] or Donna at [email protected].
end_time nil 2009-10-13 19:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250457833
start_time nil 2009-10-13 17:30:00 -0700
title nil Demystifying Social Media Tools and Techniques
venue_id nil 202390282
Change #546

update Calagator::Event 1250457759 Galois Tech Talk: Roll Your Own Test Bed for Embedded Real-Time Protocols: A Haskell Experience Roll back

description The next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: * Date: Tuesday, October 6th, 2009 * Title: Roll Your Own Test Bed for Embedded Real-Time Protocols: A Haskell Experience * Speaker: Lee Pike * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300; Portland, OR 97204 For details (including an abstract and speaker bio), please see our blog post: An RSVP is not required; but feel free to drop a line to [email protected] if you've any questions or comments. Levent Erkok The next talk in the Galois Tech Seminar series: * Date: Tuesday, October 6th, 2009 * Title: Roll Your Own Test Bed for Embedded Real-Time Protocols: A Haskell Experience * Speaker: Lee Pike * Time: 10:30am - 11:30am * Location: Galois, Inc. 421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300; Portland, OR 97204 For details (including an abstract and speaker bio), please see our blog post: Abstract: We present by example a new application domain for functional languages: emulators for embedded real-time protocols. As a case-study, we implement a simple emulator for the Biphase Mark Protocol, a physical-layer network protocol in Haskell. The surprising result is that a pure functional language with no built-in notion of time is extremely well-suited for constructing such emulators. Furthermore, we use Haskell’s property-checker QuickCheck to automatically generate real-time parameters for simulation. We also describe a novel use of QuickCheck as a probability calculator for reliability analysis. Bio: Lee Pike is a member of the technical staff at Galois. Previously, he was a research scientist with the NASA Langley Formal Methods Group, primarily involved in the SPIDER project. His research interests include applying formal methods to safety-critical and security-critical applications, with a focus on industrial-scale endeavors. An RSVP is not required; but feel free to drop a line to [email protected] if you've any questions or comments. Levent Erkok
locked nil false
Change #545

update Calagator::Event 1250457648 Portland Ruby Brigade monthly meeting Roll back

description <i>The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.</i> PRESENTATIONS 1. "Ruby, Parser Generators, and External DSLs", Luke Kanies Using Puppet's Parser as an example, we'll talk about using Parser Generators like YACC and ANTLR to create complete external DSLs - why you would, why you wouldn't, and what's different about them. We'll even delve into some of the more complicated bits like abstract syntax trees. Luke Kanies has been publishing and speaking on his work in Unix administration since 1997. He has focused on tool development since 2001, developing and publishing multiple simple sysadmin tools and contributing to established products like Cfengine. He founded Reductive Labs in 2005 as a response to the stagnation in sysadmin tools, to be a vehicle for changing the way we interact with and manage our computers. He founded and is the project lead for Puppet, an open-source automation framework written in Ruby, and he is always researching and developing new ways to make it easier to talk to computers on your terms. He has presented on Puppet and other tools around the world, including at OSCON, LISA,, and 2. We're looking for more talks, suggest yours on the mailing list today!Propose your great talk idea today! <i>The Portland Ruby Brigade is a user group for Ruby programmers in the Portland Oregon, area. Join other developers for presentations and discussions about Ruby and its uses. VENUE: This meeting’s space is kindly provided by Robert Half Technology at their 2nd Floor Conference Room. Enter the KOIN Tower from SW Columbia between 2nd and 3rd Avenue, take the back elevators to the 2nd floor, and then follow the pdxruby signs.</i> PRESENTATIONS 1. "Ruby, Parser Generators, and External DSLs", Luke Kanies Using Puppet's Parser as an example, we'll talk about using Parser Generators like YACC and ANTLR to create complete external DSLs - why you would, why you wouldn't, and what's different about them. We'll even delve into some of the more complicated bits like abstract syntax trees. Luke Kanies has been publishing and speaking on his work in Unix administration since 1997. He has focused on tool development since 2001, developing and publishing multiple simple sysadmin tools and contributing to established products like Cfengine. He founded Reductive Labs in 2005 as a response to the stagnation in sysadmin tools, to be a vehicle for changing the way we interact with and manage our computers. He founded and is the project lead for Puppet, an open-source automation framework written in Ruby, and he is always researching and developing new ways to make it easier to talk to computers on your terms. He has presented on Puppet and other tools around the world, including at OSCON, LISA,, and 2. "MapProjection, a geographical projection library for Ruby", Duncan Beevers Duncan is a wrangler of many technologies, primarily Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, and ActionScript these days at Kongregate. 3. We're looking for more talks, suggest yours on the mailing list today!Propose your great talk idea today!
Change #544

create Calagator::Event 1250457832 How to Take Your Networking to the next level Roll back

description nil Do you ever wonder why some people seem to be really connected, always giving and getting referrals, an expert at what they provide, and effortlessly attract more clients, while also building stronger relationships with everyone they network with? What are they doing that you aren't doing? Believe it or not, they probably are only doing a couple of things differently than you do, but what makes it EASY for them to do it is cultivating a certain mindset about networking that allows them to become problem solvers. How you help others when you network impacts how often they will think of you and whether they will work with you. If you're only thinking of yourself, this will become apparent to others quickly. If you turn your thinking from me to we, you will excite your network with how you help them, and create a we-focused network, where everyone collaborates to succeed! Here's How: * What: How to Take your networking to the next level * When: 3 hours 2-5pm PST, November 5th * Where:Bravo Conference Room 630 B Avenue Suite 205 Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034 * How much: Not much at all! Just $65 gets you my attention, guidance, and support, as we work on taking your in-person networking to the next level. You WILL walk away from this workshop knowing how to become a problem solver for others, as well as how to turn your thinking and networking from me into we, so that you make a positive, powerful, and memorable impression on your network. As an Extra Bonus, you will get: Your own copy of my Social Media Etiquette Tips for your Networking Success E-book All this, for $65. What a deal!
end_time nil 2009-11-05 17:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250457832
source_id nil 996333832
start_time nil 2009-11-05 14:00:00 -0800
title nil How to Take Your Networking to the next level
url nil
venue_id nil 202391780
Change #543

create Calagator::Venue 202391621 Bravo Publications Roll back

country nil United States
events_count nil 4
id nil 202391621
latitude nil 45.4214
locality nil Lake Oswego
longitude nil -122.671
postal_code nil 97034
region nil Oregon
source_id nil 996333726
street_address nil 630 B Avenue
telephone nil 503.675.1380
title nil Bravo Publications
Change #542

create Calagator::Event 1250457831 Eight Steps to a Successful Social Media Marketing Plan Roll back

description nil Eight Steps to a Successful Social Media Marketing Plan This is a 12 Week Webinar for Business Owners who are great at what they do, but feel overwhelmed when it comes to Social Media Marketing If you're like most business owners you're frustrated by social media technology and having to fit it into your already busy schedule. Additionally having to learn how to market yourself on social media can be intimidating because it also involves learning the correct social media etiquette as well as the tools. You feel discouraged because you know social media is becoming more important for marketing a business but don't how to use the technology or you do know how to use it, but wonder why no one ever responds to your posts. Why isn't social media getting clients in your doors? The three magic reason you might be stuck! Notice if any of these fit you. 1. You feel intimidated by the technology and don't know where to start. You're getting lots of invites to social networking sites and you don't know what to do with them or what sites to be on. You've also been told you need to integrate blogs, radio, and other social media into how you promote yourself, but you feel scattered and unsure of where to start. 2. Your social media marketing plan is lame, or you don't have one. You are on some social media sites, but nothing you do seems to work and you don't have a clear goal in how to integrate social media into your marketing. It can feel like throwing a dart and hoping that you hit the bullseye, but you're spending a lot of time and money on your marketing and not getting the clients you want from it. Poor planning equals poor results. 3. Your doubt about social media's effectiveness for your business sabotages you. You've become convinced that social media doesn't work for promoting your business and you feel it's a waste of time, but you also wonder why your fellow business owners or colleagues are getting business from using social media sites. Your attitude is holding you back from capitalizing on social media. Can you relate to any of the above? I could and still do sometimes. You might have a wonderful product or be an excellent service provider, but if you don't understand social media, you could be missing out on lots of people who could use what you have to offer. The first step is to admit this so that you can fix it, learn new skills, and move on. What can you do to get unstuck with social media and move forward? 1. Get clear on what social media technology you need and learn it. Begin to make the mental shift away from an overwhelmed, over-worked self-employed person to a business owner who recognizes what resources s/he needs from social media, and then learn how to automate those resources, so your only spending as much as time as needed on social media. 2. Accept that you either don't have a marketing plan for your social media presence, or that the existing one is lame. You can easily learn the eight simple steps to setting up a social media marketing plan that works. You were able to master the skills of your profession or trade, so you can master the technology and marketing for social media. 3. Let go of being negative about social media. Social media is here to stay. Become empowered and unstoppable in your use of it. Decide to do whatever it takes to learn and integrate it into your business. A change in attitude can provide the right push toward bringing you success with social media. How does the Eight Steps to a successful Social Media Marketing Plan webinar work? We meet twelve times over four months and will go through the 8 steps to a success social media marketing plan. You'll work on setting up your social media presence and gradually develop a successful social media marketing plan. You'll be part of a powerful group of entrepreneurs who own businesses, just like you, who want to get unstuck with social media. You'll learn the technology AND the marketing together. The sessions will be a very focused combination of teaching, sharing, feedback, and support. At the end, everyone will have a completed social media marketing plan and presence to take into 2010! Begins October 30th and ends January 22nd (no class December 25th and January 1st) We meet Fridays 11:30-1 PST on the phone and website. Every class will be recorded, but you can call in from anywhere and access the website from any place with an internet connection. This seminar includes: * Training on the technology for the social media sites. You'll learn how to optimize and automate your social media presence. * The Social Media Marketing Plan handbook. * One individual 30 minute coaching call with me. * 12 group sessions over four months. * Seminar Discussion Blog where you can share information and ask question with each other. * Feedback from other professional, motivated business owners. You know you need help with your social media marketing presence, and you are also smart enough to know that all successful people get help! With a social media marketing plan developed through my seminar you will get: * A powerful social media marketing plan that puts you in touch with the audience you want to reach. * An understanding of how social media marketing works. * Training on the technology, with a focus on automating it, so that it works for you, without you having to work on it all the time. * Focused language you can use on your website and to engage your audience. * How to use social media marketing to funnel people to your services and products. Think about it. With your new training and skills, you'll be getting more clients, and it will only cost one client to pay for this course! But Wait! **Save $51 dollars off the top and do one easy payment and get the whole seminar for only $399!! Or choose three easy monthly payments of only $150. Your choice. Sign-up now while there is still space. As soon as you register you will be directed to a link with a sign-up form. Fill out the sign-up form and then you will get my letter with all the details of the webinar, including a beginning questionnaire to help you start the process of creating your social media marketing plan.256
end_time nil 2009-10-30 11:30:00 -0700
id nil 1250457831
source_id nil 996333831
start_time nil 2009-10-30 11:30:00 -0700
title nil Eight Steps to a Successful Social Media Marketing Plan
url nil
venue_id nil 202391779
Change #541

create Calagator::Venue 202391779 Imagine Your Reality Webinar @ home or office, Portland, Oregon US Roll back

id nil 202391779
source_id nil 996333831
title nil Imagine Your Reality Webinar @ home or office, Portland, Oregon US
Change #540

create Calagator::Event 1250457830 Social Networking for Business 101 Roll back

description nil Already have your social networking profiles setup and optimized to market your professional identity? GREAT! Then PLEASE forward this message to your colleagues who are overwhelmed by invites to social networking sites and have only the bare bones of a profile set up on the sites they are on. But if you want to leverage your social networking profiles on Linkedin, Twitter, and Facebook, and other social networking sites to market your business, this message is for YOU: Join us on Monday October 26th, 2009 at 1pm for a special 4 hour class on how to set-up and optimize your social networking profiles, where you will learn the following: * How to claim your personalized url for Linkedin and Facebook, and why it's important to do it. * How to optimize your social networking profiles for search results and as a way to market your business. * How to connect your social networks to each other. * The key to developing effective connections on different social networking sites. And that's not all! Social Networking for Business also teaches you how to write profiles that get you noticed. You'll learn how to: * Organize your thoughts, pick a key message * Use current events to keep your status updates relevant. * Write DREAMY, attention-grabbing copy Social Networking for Business: One half day delivers killer writing and optimized social networking profiles! In just 4 hours you'll learn the basics of social networking: How to set up and use your profile to market your business, AND write memorable content that gets you noticed. But Wait!! That's not all! You'll also get: * The Write it Rich Workbook to help you write dreamy copy * The Five Tips to Manage Your Social Media Free E-book * A free half hour audio seminar on Social Bookmarking and how to use it to market it your business.256256
end_time nil 2009-10-26 17:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457830
source_id nil 996333830
start_time nil 2009-10-26 13:00:00 -0700
title nil Social Networking for Business 101
url nil
venue_id nil 202391778
Change #539

create Calagator::Venue 202391778 Days Inn Gresham @ 24124 S.E. Stark Street, Gresham, Oregon 97030 US Roll back

id nil 202391778
source_id nil 996333830
title nil Days Inn Gresham @ 24124 S.E. Stark Street, Gresham, Oregon 97030 US
Change #538

create Calagator::Event 1250457829 OTBC: How to Value Price your Product or Service Roll back

description nil You've defined, sized and segmented your market. You've validated the market to verify that your product or service does serve an unfilled need in the market, and customers are willing to buy it. But how much will they pay? Many companies, large and small, set prices by making an "educated guess" based on gut feel and experience. But there's a better way to price: price your product according to the value your customers perceive. How do you value price? At this seminar, OTBC executive director Steve Morris will explain how you can use analytical techniques to gain a much better understanding of how customers value your product or service, and how much they are willing to pay. Who should attend: any entrepreneur or small business owner who needs to develop a strategy and a plan for launching or growing their business.
end_time nil 2009-11-18 17:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250457829
start_time nil 2009-11-18 16:00:00 -0800
title nil OTBC: How to Value Price your Product or Service
url nil
venue_id nil 202390750
Change #537

create Calagator::Event 1250457828 OTBC: How to Validate your Market Roll back

description nil Your product or service makes sense to you - but will it be compelling to your target customers? Entrepreneurs and small business owners often go with their gut feel - but that can be misleading. Not all of your target customers think the way you do! How do you make sure that the demand is there, before you spend a lot of time and money developing and deploying a product or service? Validating the market first decreases your risk, and gives you a much better understanding of how to approach your market with the most effective messaging and marketing. OTBC executive director Steve Morris will take you step by step through the process of validating your market, so you can be more confident that you are addressing an unmet need, and that customers will actually be willing to pay. Who should attend: any entrepreneur or small business owner who needs to develop a strategy and a plan for launching or growing their business.
end_time nil 2009-11-11 17:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250457828
start_time nil 2009-11-11 16:00:00 -0800
title nil OTBC: How to Validate your Market
url nil
venue_id nil 202390750
Change #536

destroy Calagator::Event 1250457749 TechAmerica IP Workshop: The Patent System – An In-depth Primer Roll back

Change #535

update Calagator::Event 1250457825 IP Workshop: The Patent System – An In-depth Primer Roll back

locked nil false
title IP Workshop: The Patent System – An In-depth Primer TechAmerica IP Workshop: The Patent System – An In-depth Primer
Change #534

update Calagator::Event 1250457827 OTBC: How to Define, Size and Segment a Market Roll back

end_time 2009-10-05 10:00:00 -0700 2009-10-28 17:00:00 -0700
start_time 2009-10-05 09:00:00 -0700 2009-10-28 16:00:00 -0700
Change #533

create Calagator::Event 1250457827 OTBC: How to Define, Size and Segment a Market Roll back

description nil If you're either starting a company or revisiting your business strategy, defining your market and figuring out how big it is are important first steps. A clear market definition focuses your effort. Sizing the market tells you how big your opportunity is, which is important preparation for building a budget and a forecast -- and it tells you something about what sources of financing might be possible. Understanding your market's segments is the first step in deciding which segment makes the most sense to target. Defining, sizing, and segmenting your market is the first step in putting together a company strategy and a business plan. At this seminar, OTBC executive director Steve Morris will walk you through the process. Who should attend: any entrepreneur or small business owner who needs to develop a strategy and a plan for launching or growing their business.
end_time nil 2009-10-05 10:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457827
start_time nil 2009-10-05 09:00:00 -0700
title nil OTBC: How to Define, Size and Segment a Market
url nil
venue_id nil 202390750
Change #532

update Calagator::Event 1250457749 TechAmerica: Patents - an In Depth Primer Roll back

title TechAmerica: Patents - an In Depth Primer TechAmerica IP Workshop: The Patent System – An In-depth Primer
Change #531

update Calagator::Event 1250457824 CFO Forum: Shifting Gears – Balancing the CFO’s Role in an Economic Uptick Roll back

description After spending the last year on defense, companies must be able to quickly shift gears and get back on offense - how quickly and what are the tripping-points for spending? Special guests, Scott Gibson, Chairman of the Board, RadiSys Corporation and Brian Bronson, Chief Financial Officer, RadiSys Corporation will share how they are altering plans to take advantage of the economic uptick. Discussion Points: - Dealing with pressure from the Board to stay ahead and be ready to EMERGE NOW - How to emerge responsibly without spending too much (for private companies - risking your opportunity to be an IPO candidate) - What to spend money on - hiring, marketing, development - How to manage your team - employee retention, moral - Strategic Planning with uncertainty What expectations does the Board currently hold for the CFO Thank you KPMG LLP for sponsoring this event! After spending the last year on defense, companies must be able to quickly shift gears and get back on offense - how quickly and what are the tripping-points for spending? Special guests, Scott Gibson, Chairman of the Board, RadiSys Corporation and Brian Bronson, Chief Financial Officer, RadiSys Corporation will share how they are altering plans to take advantage of the economic uptick. Discussion Points: - Dealing with pressure from the Board to stay ahead and be ready to EMERGE NOW - How to emerge responsibly without spending too much (for private companies - risking your opportunity to be an IPO candidate) - What to spend money on - hiring, marketing, development - How to manage your team - employee retention, moral - Strategic Planning with uncertainty What expectations does the Board currently hold for the CFO Thank you KPMG LLP for sponsoring this event!
locked nil false
title CFO Forum: Shifting Gears – Balancing the CFO’s Role in an Economic Uptick TechAmerica CFO Forum: Shifting Gears – Balancing the CFO’s Role in an Economic Uptick
Change #530

create Calagator::Event 1250457826 OTBC: How to Write a Business Plan Roll back

description nil Yes, you've seen outlines for a business plan. But how do you actually sit down and write one? The answer is: you don't. Not as the first step, at least. First, you have a fair amount of homework to do. Homework such as defining your target market; sizing and segmenting that market; developing a competitive strategy; validating that your service or product fills an unmet need; value pricing your product. And the list goes on. In this seminar, OTBC Executive Director Steve Morris will review the different objectives you might have for writing a business plan, and the homework you need to do before you write the plan - and then will review what goes into the plan. You'll leave with a detailed action plan for preparing to write a business plan -- and with an outline of what should be in the plan. The good news: once you've done your homework, writing a business plan isn't that difficult! Who should attend: any entrepreneur or small business owner who needs to develop a strategy and a plan for launching or growing their business.
end_time nil 2009-10-21 17:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457826
start_time nil 2009-10-21 16:00:00 -0700
title nil OTBC: How to Write a Business Plan
url nil
venue_id nil 202390750
Change #529

update Calagator::Event 1250457823 CTO & Engineering Executive Forum: Reinvention and the Role of the Engineering Executive Roll back

title CTO & Engineering Executive Forum: Reinvention and the Role of the Engineering Executive TechAmerica: CTO & Engineering Executive Forum: Reinvention and the Role of the Engineering Executive
Change #528

create Calagator::Event 1250457825 IP Workshop: The Patent System – An In-depth Primer Roll back

description nil TechAmerica's Technology and IP Committee presents a workshop on patent basics. This 4-hour workshop will describe, in depth, the entire patent system, from its reason for existence to how to create strong patents as valuable corporate assets. During the first hour of the workshop you will learn: - Why the US has an intellectual property system - How patents relate to other forms of intellectual property - How patents are used both offensively and defensively In addition, three small-group sessions will provide access, in a non-threatening, teaching environment, to industry veterans who will answer questions specific to your industry or business. SMALL GROUP BREAK-OUT SESSIONS: Steps to take before filing a patent application (led by Matthew Rabdau, Tektronix and Thaine Allison, MTI, Inc.) - When and how to document inventions - How to decide whether a patent application should be filed - How to work with inside or outside patent counsel How to draft a patent application (led by Jim Stewart, Ater Wynne LLP and Rick Boyd, Ater Wynne LLP) - How to develop an application that will ultimately issue as a patent - Why are claims so hard to read (and how to read them) How to successfully navigate an application through the Patent Office (led by Kevin Ross, Marger Johnson & McCollom PC and Joe Makuch, Marger Johnson & McCollom PC) - How examiners use "Prior Art" - How to best respond to Patent Office rejections - How to prosecute a patent that will withstand an invalidity attack Finally, participants will take home a packet of valuable materials specific to developing an in-house patent system. Who shoud attend: - Engineers new to the patent system - Engineering managers - Managers having IP responsibility - VCs who seek in-depth knowledge about the patent system - Small business owners and entrepreneurs Thank you Marger Johnson & McCollom PC for sponsoring this event.
end_time nil 2009-10-28 12:00:00 -0700
id nil 1250457825
start_time nil 2009-10-28 07:30:00 -0700
title nil IP Workshop: The Patent System – An In-depth Primer
url nil
venue_id nil 202390052
Change #527

update Calagator::Venue 202391777 The Heathman Hotel Roll back

address nil
country nil US
description nil
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latitude nil 45.5169
locality nil Portland
longitude nil -122.6812
postal_code nil 97205
region nil OR
street_address nil 1001 SW Broadway
telephone nil
url nil