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Viewing 73 past events matching “pdxdevops” by Location.

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Aug 19, 2013
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting

This meeting will take a look at Ansible and make some comparisons to the Puppet, Chef and Salt.

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: Twitter: @pdxdevops

Sep 16, 2013
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting

This meeting will be an open discussion about getting started with devops, best practices, tricks, tips and pitfalls. We'll cover everything from early stage devops (bash scripts) through automated automation (tag-driven provisioning) and (container|zone|root-jail)-oriented deployments. Bring your anecdotes and war stories.

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: Twitter: @pdxdevops

Dec 17, 2012
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting (NEW VENUE)
Elemental Technologies

Come by as early as 6:30pm to get a head start on socializing and eating.


  • "Where to keep configuration data?" Talk discussing the various ways to store the data used as parameters for your configurations and their pros/cons. Sample code will be for Chef, but Puppet equivalents of most of these alternatives will be mentioned.
  • ...and a lot more!

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations. The group meets regularly to share practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation, configuration management, and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

ABOUT THE SPONSOR: The venue, food and refreshments are provided by Elemental Technologies, a Portland, Oregon software company that specializes in massively parallel processing solutions for video encoding, decoding and transcoding of video over IP networks. For more information, visit

Feb 25, 2013
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Elemental Technologies

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Mar 18, 2013
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Elemental Technologies

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Apr 15, 2013
[POSTPONED to 4-22] pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Elemental Technologies Website
May 20, 2013
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Elemental Technologies

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Jul 22, 2013
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Elemental Technologies

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Jun 21, 2011
DevOps, Cloud, Automation and more! birds-of-a-feather session at Open Source Bridge
Eliot Center (First Unitarian Church)

Join us at Open Source Bridge for lightning talks and discussions on exciting topics in devops best practices, cloud infrastructures (e.g. VMware Cloud Foundry, Rackspace Cloud, Amazon Web Services, openstack, etc), and tools (e.g. Puppet, Chef, etc).

This BoF will be a great way to meet fellow practitioners and experts building the tools and platforms of the future. You’ll be able to find out what cool things others are doing and share your ideas.

If you’d like to give a short talk, 3-15 minutes, please prepare and mention it at the beginning of the meeting so we can add you to the agenda. We’ll spend the rest of the time in open discussions, which will be awesome.

Expect to meet engineers from Puppet Labs, VMware, RackSpace Cloud, openstack and other organizations in this industry. There will also be swag, like books and t-shirts.

The Portland DevOps User Group and the Portland AWS User Group meet regularly to discuss these sorts of topics, see and for details.

IMPORTANT: If you don’t already have a ticket for the Open Source Bridge conference, you’ll need to either buy one or register for a free “Community Pass” that will let you into the Friday unconference, Hacker Lounge and the evening BoFs:

Oct 21, 2013
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Jama Software

Please join us on October 21 at Jama Software for a talk about Docker by CPUsage CTO and co-founder, Matt Wallington.

Docker has been a hot topic in devops circles recent months and Matt will be imparting his experiences using it as well as some demonstrations of the tool itself. I look forward to seeing everyone there!

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: Twitter: @pdxdevops

Dec 16, 2013
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Jama South

Please join us on December 16 at Jama Software to discuss Go for System Administration with Kelsey Hightower.

Created just 4 years ago, Go has been gaining traction in many areas from core system services like DNS and CDN, devops applications like Packer and Docker, and continues to stretch further into web applications and general processing utilities. Kelsey will be discussing the benefits he has realized by using Go as an admin's tool. I look forward to seeing everyone there!

Kelsey is the Director of Software Engineering at Monsoon Commerce, co-editor of the Golang Newsletter and recently gained committer status to Packer.

This month our meeting is sponsored by Volt Workforce Solutions. Many thanks to Volt for supplying the pizza and to Jama for hosting the event!

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: Twitter: @pdxdevops

Jan 20, 2014
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Jama South

Please join us on January 20th at Jama South for an exciting night of devops!

  • Presentation: Vagrant 101 with Jama's own Rich Howard.
  • Lightning Talk 1: Provisioning LXC Containers using Packer with Kelsey Hightower.

About the Speakers

A seasoned veteran of devops, Rich will lead an introduction into the magical realm of Vagrant including networking, multi-VM setup and provisioning. I look forward to seeing everyone there!

Kelsey is the Director of Engineering at Monsoon Commerce with over 10 years of experience in making IT problems disappear using the power of unix, programming, and empathy.

Spencer is a Linux and application administrator with UTI Worldwide. He has been using Linux and Puppet for years. Spencer is co-authored (with William Van Hevelingen and Ben Kero) the second edition of Pro Puppet by James Turnbull and Jeff McCune.

About the Tech

Vagrant is free and open-source software for creating and configuring virtual development environments. Although it started as a wrapper around VirtualBox with configuration management integration with Chef and Puppet, later versions have come to support AWS and VMWare as well as various means of provisioning and configuring the boxes including Ansible and Salt.

Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.

This month our meeting is sponsored by Volt Workforce Solutions. Many thanks to Volt for supplying the pizza and to Jama for hosting the event!!

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: Twitter: @pdxdevops

Feb 24, 2014
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Jama South

Please join us on February 24th at Jama South for an exciting night of devops!

  • CoreOS and etcd with Brandon Philips (CTO, CoreOS)

This month our meeting is sponsored by Volt Workforce Solutions. Many thanks to Volt for supplying the pizza and to Jama for hosting the event!!

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: Twitter: @pdxdevops

Mar 17, 2014
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Jama South

Please join us on February 24th at Jama South for an exciting night of devops!

  • Graphite demo with William Van Hevelingen
  • Managing ZFS via ReST with Spencer Krum.

This month our meeting is sponsored by Volt Workforce Solutions. Many thanks to Volt for supplying the pizza and to Jama for hosting the event!!

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: Twitter: @pdxdevops

Apr 21, 2014
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Jama South

Please join us on April 14th at Jama South for an exciting night of devops!

  • ZenOSS with Michael Whities

This month our meeting is sponsored by Volt Workforce Solutions. Many thanks to Volt for supplying the pizza and to Jama for hosting the event!!

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: Twitter: @pdxdevops

May 19, 2014
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Jama South

Please join us at Jama South for an exciting night of devops!

  • Nick Chappel from NetXPosure will take us for a ride through installing and configuring logstash.
  • Rakesh Komulwad from HCL operations will show how to use logstash to track latency in an application.
  • Following presentations, we'll have a review of Monitorama and discuss the state of monitoring.

This month our meeting is sponsored by Volt Workforce Solutions. Many thanks to Volt for supplying the pizza and to Jama for hosting the event!!

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: Twitter: @pdxdevops

Feb 23, 2015
New Relic

Clark Boylan from the OpenStack Foundation will talk about a jenkins automation tool written in python called jenkins-job-builder or jjb.

Bio: Currently an Infrastructure Engineer at the OpenStack Foundation, Clark is a core member of OpenStack's infrastructure team where he helps build and run OpenStack's developer tools. When not tending to the robot test army, Clark can often be found brewing beer and smoking brisket in his brother's back yard.

Abstract: Continuous integration is great, it provides up to the minute news onyour silly mistakes. Thankfully it is relatively easy to start runningtests continuously. Install a Jenkins server, configure some jobs, then watch the little red balls turn green. Unfortunately the "configure some jobs" step can get complicated when it becomes "configure a useful number jobs".

To fix this problem we have developed a tool called Jenkins Job Builder (JJB) which uses a simple, easy to read language built on yaml to configure jobs. It supports templating, macros, and best of all you can edit your jobs in a text editor. Since jobs are stored in human readable text files you can also track all of your jobs in your favorite version control system. I will run us through installation, configuration, and job building with JJB and have us all free of the Jenkins web UI for job configuration.

Casey Bisson from Joyent will present on what SmartOS can do with containers:

Title: Scaling Docker deployments from laptop to cloud

Abstract: Docker on a laptop is easy, but Docker in the cloud is hard. What makes that transition so hard, and what can we do about it? How does this challenge affect the hosting infrastructure and application design? Casey will share lessons learned so far and further questions uncovered in Joyent’s work to build support for Docker in public and private cloud environments (including the open source and

Bio: Casey Bisson has done time as a systems engineer, software engineer, writer, librarian, open source founder, information architect, and director of engineering for Gigaom prior to joining Joyent as the product manager leading development of SmartDataCenter for container-optimized on-premises and hybrid clouds. He may be color blind, but he compensates with a wardrobe of clashing patterns.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Mar 16, 2015
New Relic

We have a speaker and a half for this meeting with a focus on windows.

Aaron Jensen: Aaron discovered programming over 14 years ago, and has never looked back. He specializes in making developer-focused tools and automating everything he can. He's spent most of his career working with Microsoft technologies, but did run his own OS X server for several years, so knows Perl, PHP, and Ruby on Rails exist. For almost 7 years he has worked for WebMD Health Services. He is currently obsessed with PowerShell and weeps whenever he sees a batch script or someone using cmd.exe. His open-source project Carbon, a PowerShell module for automating the configuration of Windows servers and workstations, has been downloaded over 2,000 times, probably by the same person. He loves chocolate, movies, video games, table-top games, TV, books, and using movie quotes in situations only he understands. He hates yard work, taking out the garbage, owning a house, and his therapist, but probably not in that order. He lives in Beaverton with his wife, two kids and the money he is saving for his children's future therapy bills. You can watch him remain silent on Twitter @splatteredbits.

Topic: Piloting DSC at WebMD Health Services

In Q2 2014, we piloted Desired State Configuration at WebMD Health Services. Come learn about our DSC authoring platform and patterns, security, how we use DSC to configure applications on developer computers, configuration deployment, and lessons learned."

Nick Chappel (who everyone should know at this point) may also be giving a brief talk on building windows flavored vagrant machines.

New Relic is continuing to host us and Volt is continuing to provide pizza. Gluten Free options will be available. Contact Spencer if you have any specific requests.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Apr 20, 2015
New Relic

Scott Schneider from Puppet Labs will talk about vmpooler. Why they built vmpooler and what it's used for (both individual developer use and speedy acceptance-testing).

Greg Haynes will talk about diskimage-builder, a project that started off as a tool for openstack deployments and has since become a highly efficient general purpose image building utility.

New Relic is continuing to host us and Volt is continuing to provide pizza. Gluten Free options will be available. Contact Spencer if you have any specific requests.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

May 18, 2015
New Relic

LeanCoffee with Justin Reed

This month we will be changing the format up a bit and Justin will be helping us all experience Lean Coffee

New Relic is continuing to host us and Volt is continuing to provide pizza. Gluten Free options will be available. Contact Spencer if you have any specific requests.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Jun 29, 2015
PdxDevOps - Stream Processing with Heka
New Relic

Join us for an overview of data stream processing, with Nicholas Chappell and Jonathan Owens from New Relic, and Nathan Williams from Treehouse giving an overview of stream processing needs inside their organizations, and how they use Heka, a general stream processing tool from Mozilla.

Hashicorp has donated a ticket to hashiconf that we will be raffling off.

New Relic is continuing to host us and Volt is continuing to provide pizza. Gluten Free options will be available. Contact Spencer if you have any specific requests.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Aug 17, 2015
PdxDevOps - Docker Docker Docker
New Relic

Join us for the August meeting of PdxDevOps.

We have something for everyone tonight with one talk focused on beginners and one talk focused on experts.

Sean Kane from New Relic will be giving his 2014 Velocity talk "Docker in Production" (expert level).

Rex Addiscentis ‏will be giving a general introduction to DevOps, followed by a demo/tutorial of simple application deployment with Docker on AWS. (beginner level). For more information, see!topic/pdxdevops/1q3XaQawJnI

New Relic is continuing to host us and Volt is continuing to provide pizza. Gluten Free options will be available. Contact Spencer if you have any specific requests.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Oct 22, 2015
New Relic

Join us for the October meeting of PdxDevOps.


1) Celebrate Ansible's successful acquisition

2) Daniel Drier will talk about a puppet autosigning gem he created.

3) Ken Eshelby will talk about a metrics API inside OpenNMS (backed by Cassandra)

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Nov 19, 2015
New Relic

Join us for the November meeting of PdxDevOps.


1) Overview of jive's Collins+xCAT automated provisioning w/ Devon Peters

2) Kubernetes for Sysadmins: Why is Kubernetes awesome for System Administrators? Because you get to sleep all night and go home on time w/ Elson Rodriguez, @elsonrodriguez

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Jan 25, 2016
New Relic

Join us for the November meeting of PdxDevOps.


1) Overview of Nix and NixOS by Corbin Simpson (Acquia)

Nix is a package manager designed to perfectly isolate dependencies and yield reproducible builds. The NixOS Linux distro is built on top of Nix. We'll look at how Nix relates to the modern devops environment and how it can simplify continuous integration and configuration management.

2) A short talk on building services with gRPC and Kubernetes by Kelsey Hightower (Google)

Kubernetes is a scheduler framework for deploying docker containers at scale. It is based on production-proven code that has lived inside Google for years.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Feb 24, 2016
New Relic

Join us for the Feburary meeting of PdxDevOps.


1) Overview of Nix and NixOS by Corbin Simpson (Acquia) (second try)

Nix is a package manager designed to perfectly isolate dependencies and yield reproducible builds. The NixOS Linux distro is built on top of Nix. We'll look at how Nix relates to the modern devops environment and how it can simplify continuous integration and configuration management.

2) "Creating Efficient Docker Images" by Isaac Stefanek

Docker can do many great things for the continuous integration and delivery process. One of the benefits that can be achieved using Docker is speeding up build and deploy times. Creating Docker files that maximize this benefit can take some work, especially if you are dealing with a bloated technology stack. We'll take a look at some common best practices that will have your Docker builds running at warp speed. The examples will be focused on building NodeJS applications, but many of the concepts will be universal for any Dockerized app.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Apr 18, 2016
New Relic

Join us for the April meeting of PdxDevOps.


1) Carl Hall, Cloudability

Deployment as a Feature

From single service deployment across a few instances to several services in multiple environments over hundreds of instances. We'll take a look at the evolution of a deployment process that has followed the growth of Cloudability over its 5 year history. I'll talk about the tools we've chosen, decisions we've worked through and the automation that drives it all.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

May 16, 2016
New Relic

Join us for the April meeting of PdxDevOps.


Colin Hom from CoreOS

Colin will showcase how CoreOS deploys production Kubernetes clusters on AWS and the open-source tooling around this process. Kube-aws built around the idea of "cluster artifacts" and is designed to be secure, auditable and reproducible. A simple templating system is leveraged to generate cluster configuration as a set of declarative configuration templates that can be version controlled, audited and re-deployed. Since the entirety of the provisioning is by AWS CloudFormation and cloud-init, there’s no need for external configuration management tools on your end. Batteries included!

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Jun 20, 2016
New Relic

Join us for the June meeting of PdxDevOps.


Speaker: Chris Roberts

Topic: SparkleFormation and orchestration APIs

Summary: SparkleFormation is a Ruby based DSL to programmatically build templates for cloud orchestration APIs. It even has a companion CLI tool for interacting with remote providers. This talk will give a brief history on how SparkleFormation came into existence, its evolution to becoming the library and application it is today, and an overview of the things possible with SparkleFormation. Once a common foundation has been laid, we'll dive in a bit deeper to examine some non-trivial use cases touching on nesting, graphing, planning, cross provider support/interactions (AWS CFN isn't the only rodeo in town), integrating Serverspec via callbacks, and how sparkle packs can delegate infrastructure composition across teams. If there's still time and interest after all this, we can touch on why CFN is currently the best orchestration API, why CFN sucks, what's great and horrible about other orchestration APIs, why you should have an "infrastructure repository", the absurdity of humans composing documents in serialization formats, and anything else people want to talk about.

Speaker: Eric Maxwell

Summary: Eric will take us through chef's new offering: Habitat. Habitat is written in rust. Habitat is a new approach to automation that focuses on the application instead of the infrastructure it runs on. With Habitat, the apps you build, deploy, and manage behave consistently in any runtime — metal, VMs, containers, and PaaS. You'll spend less time on the environment and more time building features.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Jul 18, 2016
New Relic

Join us for the July meeting of PdxDevOps.


Speaker: Jason Yee

Topic: Data-driven Post-mortems

Henry Ford once said, “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” So how can we learn the most from system failures? This session will move beyond “blameless” post-mortems & show how we can use data to avoid & mitigate future failures.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Oct 17, 2016
New Relic

Join us for the October meeting of PdxDevOps.


Speaker: Morgan Rhodes, Puppet. "Organic, Free Range Automation: A Release Engineering Story" Morgan works as a release engineer at Puppet. She'll discuss issues arising from organic tooling growth and methods to address those.

Speaker: Matt Greensmith, Cozy. "Ops at Small Shops" Matt keeps the lights on at Cozy, a 20-person property management SaaS startup. He'll discuss the finer points of effective ops practices for small organizations.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Jan 23, 2017
New Relic

Join us for the next meeting of PdxDevOps.


Speaker: Dan Bode, Intel:

Infrastructure-as-a-Service-as-Code: At Intel, we want to provide our development teams access to the compute resources they need with as little friction as possible. We do this by providing a self-service platform that integrates with their existing version control systems and communication channels. This talk will focus on the requirements and design of our self-service infrastructure solution.

Speaker: Emily Slocombe, SurveyMonkey: Ansible+MySQL at SurveyMonkey. Emily is on the OSDB team at SurveyMonkey. She'll be discussing the joys, pains, and finer points of managing MySQL (and some Cassandra) with Ansible.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Feb 27, 2017
New Relic

Join us for the Feb meeting of PdxDevOps.



Name: E. Dunham ( Topic: Automating more of the things

One aspect of DevOps is that one person can accomplish multiple peoples' worth of work by delegating tasks to other people or systems. I'll introduce you to some of the systems that the Rust and Servo developers delegate community management tasks to, and show you how they can be useful in more conventional settings.

edunham is the "DevOps Engineer" for Mozilla Research.

Jesse Dearing (

Topic: Failure and RCAs: A Love Story
I love failure! I don't love to bathe in the tears of engineers but I love understanding how the systems that run our world fail. Everything from a failed hardware component to a human mistake. I love reading RCAs like murder mysteries. I will cover failure, how to learn from it, and preventing it. I will cover tools, processes, and techniques for reviewing and learning from failure without making people cry.

Jesse Dearing is a Lead Site Reliability Engineer at InVisionApp where he wrangles databases and builds tools to manage them. Jesse likes to learn how languages connect to other systems. Jesse likes making everything a Bash one-liner and is his own chaos monkey as a result. When he's not picking apart systems and automating them, he enjoys riding bikes, reading, and spending time with family.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Mar 20, 2017
New Relic

Join us for the October meeting of PdxDevOps.



Alice Goldfuss

Denver Freeman-- For the last 9 years he’s been partnering with hiring managers and he’ll be showing us tips and insight useful for those entertaining new job opportunities in technology. Tips which include: resume buzz words & working with a recruiter to first-level screening through salary negotiations.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Apr 17, 2017
New Relic

Join us for the October meeting of PdxDevOps.


Speakers: TBH

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

May 15, 2017
New Relic

Join us for the May meeting of PdxDevOps.

Agenda: In a special hour-long format, VM will talk about how to handle failure and relate it to the modern ops landscape. Come prepared for a great discussion. Food provided!

Speakers: @vmbrasseur

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Jun 19, 2017
New Relic

Join us for the October meeting of PdxDevOps.


Speakers: TBH

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Aug 28, 2017
New Relic


Disposable Infrastructure: you only build me up to tear me down

Paige will introduce the idea of disposable infrastructure, the tools she and her team chose to use for provisioning (Terraform) and configuration management (Ansible) and a walk through of solution they built.

(As seen at DevOpsDays Portland 2017!)

Speaker bio:

Paige Bernier is passionate about efficiency and building great systems that work. Outside of tech she loves all things crafty and cute. Please send her your best cat photos.

TBD (topic: reliable backups)

Speaker bio:

Rachel Kelly is a Devops Engineer for a small healthcare tech company in town and would argue versus the folks that like to say "mleh, devops engineers don't exist!" Her first love is Python and she chaired PyDX, a local Python conference, for a couple years, and was also part of the organizing team for PDX PyLadies for several years. Recently, she's "recovering" from having taught intro to programming at Portland State for a term. If you want to keep up with what Rachel's doing, please give a follow to @wholemilk on Twitter, which is where she mostly lives, these days.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Oct 25, 2017
New Relic

Join us for our monthly gathering to discuss everything from incident response to cross-team collaboration to automation frameworks. Food provided. Please RSVP!

Please note the new location!


Containers: A Guide for the Perplexed

Orchestration, overlay network, docker, container runtimes, OCI, images, namespaces, overlayFS, pods, routes … and you thought development using containers was supposed to be easier! Instead it’s just confusing.

Kubernetes geek Josh Berkus will step you through the various layers of the new container “stacks”, explaining the concepts and requirements behind each component without hype or branding. You’ll learn how containers are different from VMs, what they’re good for, and what other bits of supporting infrastructure you’ll end up using with them.

Josh Berkus works for Red Hat where he juggles containers, Kubernetes, and immutable OS implementations. He is also a long-time PostgreSQL contributor, and messes around with Ansible, Go, Python, and various big data tools. He lives in the NE.

Writing CLI Applications in Go

Automation is fun. Especially when what you’re automating was hard to do the first time and you really don’t ever want to it by hand again. And doubly so if you want to spare someone else that pain and/or time sink.

This talk will cover what Go is, why you should be adding it to your proverbial toolbelt, and we’ll go through a concrete example of using Go to write a CLI application.

Steven “mrxinu” Klassen has been writing code in one form or another for the last 20 years. For the last 10, he's been working as a SolarWinds consultant, most recently for a company based in Austin, TX called Loop1. For his customers he provides the glue to get SolarWinds talking to other products and vice versa. But, above all, he loves to help make complicated concepts easier to understand.

His latest passion is the Go programming language. He started using it in October 2016 and has been using it to write everything from quick CLI applications to complicated services. This zest for the language is what prompted the talk.

When he’s not writing code he’s playing PC games and spending time with his wife Kayla and their fur babies - two dogs & two cats.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Jul 17, 2017
New Relic, 5th floor

Join us for the July meeting of PdxDevOps.

JobOps: Landing the Right DevOps Role for You

The types of DevOps teams and the work found within them are as diverse as the varying definitions of "DevOps" itself. This presents a tricky two-way challenge for both candidates and hiring managers. In this talk, you'll gain insight into what DevOps hiring managers are hoping to understand when they read your resume and cover letter, how to paint a clear picture of your experience and skillset throughout the interview process, and just as importantly--how to discern the unique DevOps flavor of the team you're applying for, to determine if it's truly a good fit for you, too.

Kate Taggart has managed a variety of engineering teams spanning the breadth of the dev-to-ops spectrum. Currently an engineering manager at HashiCorp, Kate has also previously managed teams at New Relic and Simple. When it comes to organizational hiring practices, Kate is a vocal advocate for increased transparency, quantitative metrics, and continual self-reflection and improvement.

Tools Don't Matter

Have you ever watched a super inspiring conference talk about some uber tool that was going to solve all of your problems? Have you ever tried to apply those tools/techniques to your environment only to run into a million corner cases and ultimately, failure? Do words like "enterprise", "compliance", and "legacy" stand between you and all that stuff those talks made look so easy?

In "Tools Don't Matter", we're going to get to the root cause of "these tools can never work for my use cases" syndrome. The goal is to equip you with a skill set to evaluate and apply whatever tools and process successfully in your organization (yes, even "legacy" environments). Our case study is an organization that went from ~1 feature release a year in Q1, to >100 feature releases in Q4 of the same year, all while keeping an almost identical tool chain.

Mark is an R&D engineer for the Curse MCN team @ Twitch/Amazon. Prior to Twitch, he worked in SRE roles at Hightail, Blizzard Entertainment, and Dell.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Sep 27, 2017
New Relic, Floor 27

Join us for our monthly gathering to discuss everything from incident response to cross-team collaboration to automation frameworks. Food provided. Please RSVP!

Please note the new location!


Lasso by Benjamin Foote

Lasso is an SSO solution for nginx using the auth_request module. An nginx reverse proxy can be configured to require OAuth login for any website or web application. Most OAuth providers are supported including Google and Github. Lasso replaces that "one crappy password" that is found at many orgs. The response time for Lasso validation is less than 1ms when run on the same host. Lasso is offered under the MIT license. Support is available on the #lasso freenode irc channel. Ben would be more than happy to help you install Lasso.

Benjamin Foote is a Systems Engineer and Linux nerd with 20 years experience. By day (and sometimes night) Ben helps Meedan to build great tools for journalists including the fact checking tool Check and the social media language translation tool Bridge. Ben proudly serves as the current Board President of Umbrella which acts as fiscal sponsor to projects such as Shift, Better Block PDX, Disaster Relief Trials, Futel and the PDX World Naked Bike Ride. Other life accomplishments and past antics include hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, hiking most of the Continental Divide Trail, curating On Gallery devoted to interactive art and technology based arts, founding an Ultimate Frisbee league for beginners, training lifeguards and teaching preschool (by far the most difficult job Ben has ever had).

Benjamin Foote Systems Engineer bnfinet on github @bnf

Devops with Public Clouds by Andy Chan

Cloud and DevOps could mean different things to different people. This talk is centered on best practices selecting cloud compute friendly workloads -- bursting to the cloud to meet peak demands while keeping source data local. What DevOps folks are leveraging the cloud currently and the trends going forward

I am currently an alliance systems engineer at Avere System providing public clouds with High-Performance Computing solutions. Prior to Avere, I was with Mentor Graphics supporting some of the heaviest software engineering R&D workloads in the electronic design automation space (8,000 to 20,000 cores)
I received my BA from Oregon State and my MBA from Marylhurst.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Apr 22, 2013
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

This meeting was rescheduled from 4-15.

Currently lined up to speak are:

  • Aaron Bento: Using AWS Cloudformation & Chef
  • Spencer Krum: Zero to Root
Aug 16, 2010
pdxdevops: First meeting of the Portland DevOps user group

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing.

The plan for this meeting is: * Short talks (1 to 15 minutes each) by attendees discussing their devops projects, experiences and challenges * Discuss how we should define "devops" and its scope for this group * Discuss what we'd like to talk about at future meetings * Discuss how we'd like to manage the group * Discuss time/dates we'd like to meet in the future

Venue, food and drinks are all sponsored by Puppet Labs.

Website: Twitter: @pdxdevops

Dec 20, 2010
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

PRESENTATIONS: * Cody Herriges: "Introduction to Puppet Types and Providers" -- A talk about the conceptual design, gotchas and best-practices for creating these important automation building blocks. * Igal Koshevoy: "Puppet Enterprise" -- A talk about the new Puppet Enterprise product and some lessons from building it.

GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Jan 17, 2011
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Mar 21, 2011
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Apr 18, 2011
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

May 16, 2011
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

Presentations: * Corey Osman will give a presentation on OpenNMS and other SNMP management tools. * Igal Koshevoy will give an introduction to the Chef configuration management tool; how to use its resources, third-party cookbooks, and the chef-solo toolset; how to write cookbooks, definitions, lightweight resources/providers, and roles. He's been building out a comprehensive multi-site configuration and plans to open source most of the code and tools soon, and thus has plenty of real code he can show.

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Jun 20, 2011
pdxdevops [Cancelled this month, go to the Open Source Bridge birds-of-a-feather session instead]
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

UPDATE: We're not meeting this month. Instead, please join us at the Open Source Bridge birds-of-a-feather session. The schedule hasn't been finalized yet, but it'll be sometime on June 21-24.

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Jul 18, 2011
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps -- Virtualized dev environments with Vagrant, and more
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

TOPICS: * Igal Koshevoy will talk about using Vagrant to manage virtualized development environments. Using this open source tool, you'll be able to give developers fully configured virtual machines containing all the services, libraries and dependencies they need to get started immediately. These virtual machines are provisioned using Chef, Puppet or shell, letting you give devs the same stack as the one you're using for your production environment.

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Aug 15, 2011
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Sep 19, 2011
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Oct 17, 2011
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)


Corey Osman will present his experiences with SSDs (Solid-State Drives), fast memory-based storage:

  • types of SSD
  • how much it cost
  • how it differs from traditional storage
  • filesystem bottlenecks
  • latency
  • SSD vendors
  • usage with oracle
  • benchmarking
  • life expectancy
  • raid and SSD
  • how to persuade your boss into buying one
  • enterprise vs consumer grade
  • power usage

Jacob Helwig will talk about his recent experiences with Puppet, Ubuntu CloudInit and AWS to provision groups of servers.

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Nov 21, 2011
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Dec 19, 2011
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Jan 16, 2012
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Feb 20, 2012
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

Jonathan "Duke" Leto will be talking about Cloud Foundry

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Mar 19, 2012
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Apr 16, 2012
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

May 21, 2012
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)


  • Igal Koshevoy: Including system migrations inside configuration management recipes, e.g. rearranging directories. Pros and cons for whether this should even be done and tips to reduce headaches later. There will also be group discussion since it's a common enough need, there are many ways to do this, and it'd be good to hear how others deal with this.

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Jun 18, 2012
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting: To package or not to package?
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)


Michael Stahnke of Puppet Labs will give a presentation on "Packaging". He'll talk about the correct way to create custom packages of software and incorporate them into your devops workflow so you can more effectively isolate changes and improve the repeatability of your configurations.

Igal Koshevoy will present "A Barbarian's Guide to Avoiding Packaging", a short talk on abusing your configuration system. Although not "correct", this approach can save time, simplify workflow, and minimize infrastructure needed compared to building custom packages in certain cases.

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Jul 16, 2012
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

Welcome OSCON attendees!

We'll focus this month's meeting on lightning talks and discussions, allowing us to cover many interesting devops topics in a conversational way -- we're very good at this sort of thing, e.g. see notes from a similar meeting. If you have a talk, please get in touch on the mailing list or in person at the beginning of the meeting.

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Aug 20, 2012
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)


  • William Van Hevelingen and Spencer will talk about automating their Samba DFS root servers as discrete resources using Puppet and Hiera.
  • Corey Osman will talk about his IPMI library for Ruby and accompanying Puppet module. IPMI is an interface for managing computers, e.g. changing BIOS, rebooting, etc.
  • Adam Gandelman of Canonical's OpenStack team will talk about using Jenkins/Hudson continuous integration to do pre-commit and post-commit tests, and seek out advice on doing this better.

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Sep 17, 2012
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Oct 15, 2012
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Nov 19, 2012
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs on NW Park (old office)

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Sep 20, 2010
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs, 2nd floor meeting room [OLD LOCATION, NO LONGER IN USE]

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Igal Koshevoy will present "Devops case study: Open Source Bridge", describing his work on creating and maintaining reliable, vendor-neutral infrastructure for a regional open source conference running many custom apps. He'll discuss architecture, provisioning, automation, development, deployment, monitoring, migrations and disaster recovery. He will also give a walkthrough the AutomateIt recipes that setup and manage the servers (available as open source at, with more of a focus on explaining how these are structured rather than on the tool, so you can more easily reuse the ideas with your favorite automation tool.

Other presentations, lightning talks and discussion topics will also be covered.

Oct 18, 2010
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs, 2nd floor meeting room [OLD LOCATION, NO LONGER IN USE]

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Nov 15, 2010
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Puppet Labs, 2nd floor meeting room [OLD LOCATION, NO LONGER IN USE]

TOPICS: * "Top 10 Things To Setup On Your New Or Existing Servers" presentation by Igal Koshevoy, followed by group discussion * "What do you wish you could automate?" question and answer discussion * Open discussions

GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

VENUE: Enter the building at 122 NW 3rd Avenue (picture at, there will be a "pdxdevops" sign on the door, and go up to the 2nd floor conference room. You can arrive as early as 6:30pm to get a head start on eating, drinking and socializing.

SPONSOR: The venue, food and drink are kindly provided by Puppet Labs, creators of the Puppet open source data center automation and configuration management framework.

Sep 21, 2015
PdxDevOps - Socialize!
Rock Bottom Brewery

Join us for the September meeting of PdxDevOps.

For this months meeting we'll be meeting at the bar to socialize and discuss devops. Automaconf just finished up, with hashiconf and puppetconf right around the corner. So there are no shortages of neat talks to see. We can spend this month sharing stories and ideas less formally.

Rock Bottom Brewery: An easy turn off I-5 across the Morrison Bridge, or a few pedal revolutions off the Waterfront Bike Trail, Rock Bottom Portland sits in the middle of downtown.

pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us!

Jan 21, 2013
[Canceled] pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
TBD - Portland

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Feb 18, 2013
[RESCHEDULED to 2/25] pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
TBD - Portland

NOTE: This meeting has been rescheduled to 2/25!

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: && Twitter: @pdxdevops

Nov 18, 2013
pdxdevops: Portland DevOps user group meeting
Tonkon Torp LLP

Please join us on November 18 for a talk about Vagrant & Packer by Sean Kane.

Vagrant is a tool for building complete development environments using virtual machines. Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.

ABOUT THE GROUP: pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month. Website: Twitter: @pdxdevops
